Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1907, WANT AD SECTION, Page 10, Image 45

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Iallmto Thinks Ordinate Will Do M W.U
u Mait Metting.
Animal Inflicts Tfr lajariea 01
Hatfle WiKclna, but U Caosbt
and Killed fcy a
( I'ollremaa.
"I think It Is neither wins nor necessary
Just now for me to act on the suggestion
tt Drs. icich and Langfeld to call a mass
meeting of citizens In sympathy with me
on the dug- policy," said the mayor, when
asked If he would act on thin suggestion.
No, you gee X have had an ordinance In
troduced In the council to conform with
the decision of Judge Iledlck and I feel
morally certain this ordinance wlir be
panned by the council Tueaday night. If
It In I think It will meet the requirement
of the altuntlon. I know of no reaaon why
It should not pen, t'ntll the method con
templated In thin ordinance fall of afford
Inn the proper relief, I believe I shall not
c;il! any mans meeting to organise citizens
for responsibility of the conduct of the
Don lllte. Voani Woman.
While on the way to her work Satur
day morning All's Hattlo WtgWns, living
at XX) North Thirteenth slreui, was Kt
tacked by a dog belonging to a neighbor
named Shepherd and severely gnawed
about the left ankle. The animal grabbed
at the girl's heels and, getting the lower
leg at the ankle Into his mouth, hung cm
while she screamed for help and triad to
fight him off until its owner came and
took the dg off. The attack occurred
Dear the girl's home.
It in not known whether the animal was
mad. The police were notified and Officer
Wooldrldge was sent to Investigate nnd
reported at noon that he had found an
killed the dog. '
Wooldrldge was sent out by Captain
Mostyn Saturday morning to devote the
day to looking Into the dog situation and
particularly to learn what animals were
bitten by the I'eterson dog which severely
Injured Mall Carrier Powers Friday, l.'p to
noon Saturday Wooldrldge had located
twenty dogs whose owners admitted they
tad been bitten in the wild chase of the
Peterson dog and five of these he said he
ind already shot and would either shoot
ill the rest himself or had arranged for
the owners to do so.
The hend of the Peterson dog, which at
tacked Mall Carrier Powers Friday night,
has been sent to the Pasteur Institute at
Chicago for examination. Officer Woold
rldge removed the animal's head, which
wan forwarded under the directions of
Health Commissioner Connell. Mr. Powers
went to the Institute last night.
case at ST. paul I fszzs&zsxziizi I THE VERY BEST CLOTHES VALUES
Old Bait Crowing Oat at Tom Bloaa
Affair Will Da Araaed
la May.
The United States district attorney has
just received from Uie printer the bricfa
in the cam of Charles Green Rainbow
against 8. M- Toung, sheriff of Thurston
county, for presentation to the circuit
court of appeals. The suit will be argued
at St. Paul early In May. Thomas U.
Sloan Is the attorney for the appellant.
The suit grows out of the arrest and
ejectment of Mr. Sloan from tho Winne
bago Indian reservation agency house last
summer, where he had gone to collect a
claim against some Indians on annuity
pay day. A rule of the Indian department
prohibits collectors from being within one
hundred or more yards of the agency house
during these pay days and Sloan was or
dered removed from the premises by the
Indian police, of which- Charles Green
Rainbow, was one. Mr. Sloan restated the
right of the Indian department to make
any such a' ruling and particularly the
authority of the government to vest th.
Indians with police authorities, holding
that as the Indians were regarded as cltl
sens police authority was vested only
In the state. Mr. Plonn subsequently had
Charles Green Ralnoow arrested for as
sault and the arrest was made by Sheriff
Toung of Thurston county. Rainbow was
subsequently released on writ of habeas
corpus and the suit now at Insua la on
the question of the authority of the Indian
agent to direct policemen appointed hy
him to arrest civilians for alleged viola
tion of agency rules.
J. 1. irandds & oi Bankers
Banlc Founded
A Strong, Successful
by Strong, Successful Business Men
HAW (rills PT
liilM u y lyidS
Each Mason Who Went to Denver
Drlnua Hnrk Soovenlr of
the Trip.
Iter. A. C, Oneheleln of Wew York
Will French at St. Mark's
Lutheran fhnrrh.
Rev. A. C. Gaeheleln, the noted New
Tork evnnsrellst. will conduct a series of
meetings during the coming week at St.
Mark's Lutheran church. Twentieth and
Rurdette streets. Mr. Gaeheleln Is coming
to Omaha from New York especially for
these meetings. He has been In Omaha
before on similar missions and Is well
known as a man with a remarkable knowl
edge of the scriptures and a peculiar fitness
for Interpreting them anci pointing the
way. .
Beginning with Sunday, Mr. Gaebeleln
will speak every afternoon and evening at
St. Mark's church. The afternoon meet
ing will be at 3::i0 o'clock and the evening
at 8. It Is likely the afternoon service
will be particularly for Bible study. Mr.
Gaebeleln will preach each evening.
mr. uaeneiein nas naa remarkable suc
cess In this lino of work In all sections of
this country and Canada, und a large at
tendance Is expected at the series of meet
ings about to open.
Diamonds Mawhlnney & Ryan Co.
16,000 People Have Deposited Their Money in this
Why Shouldn't You Open an Account Now?
On Pass Books and Certificates of Deposits
The Brandeis Bank
Superiority Is Our Standard
9 a. m. till 5 p. m.
Saturdays till 9 p. m.
Helps you toward suc
cess by offering you a
convenient, safe and
sound depository and
paying 4 interest. : :
Arthur D. Brandeis,
Jno. L. Kennedy,
Vice I.'sident.
H. Hugo Brandeis,
Emil Brandeis,
The Nebraska, Masonic delegation which ,
escorted the famous silver Masonic travel
ing trowel from Omaha to Denver re
turned to Omaha Friday evening. Tho
delegation wus royally received at Denver
and formally turned over the trowel to
the Denver committee from Oriental Lodge
No. 87, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.
The Nebraska delegation consisted of
Grand Senior Warden. Worshipful Master
William A. DcBord, Omaha.
Past Musters Senior Warden John It.
Webster, Junior Warden Joseph B. Bran
denburg, Secretary LaForest L. Pratt,
Senior Deacon Herbert Q. lloerner, Omaha.
Past Grand Matters Frank E. Bullard,
North Platte, Neb.; Frank H. Young, Bro
ken Bow, Neb.; Judge Albert W. Crltcs,
Chadron, Neb.; Judge Samuel T. David
son, Tecumseh. Neb., and Rev. Kdwln H.
Jenks, Capitol No. 3, Omaha; Rev. Frank
I Lo vela nil, Capitol No. 8, Omaha; Qeorgo
W. I'luttncr, Capitol No. 3, Omaha; Leonal
R. Copeland, Cupitol No. 3, Omaha, and
William LucaB, Capitol No. 3, Omaha.
Past Masters Char.cs A. Tracey, 8t.
John's No. IS, Omaha; Carl E. Herring,
8t. John's No. 25, Omaha; Jared J. Smith,
Nebraska No. 1, Omaha; Aretes T. Agnew,
Covert No. 11, Omaha.
Worshipful Master ' John Q. Mcllvaln,
Tlatte Valley No. 32, North Platte; R. A.
Mauld, Omaha.
The delegation brought back with It each
a nanasome Fouvenir in the rorm or a
small gold trowel, a replica of th travel
ing trowel, upon which was engraved
"Oriental Ixxle of Denver" and the dHte
of the ceremony of the transfer of the
traveling trowel from the Nebraska to the
Colorado Masonic Jurisdiction. The souve
nirs are quite valuable and are so made
as to be used as watch charms. The pres
entation of the souvenirs was made by
the Colorado Masonic Jurisdiction.
The Price of Teiire.
The terrible Itchlnr nd smarting, Inci
dent to certain skin diseases. Is almost in
stantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's
Salve. jTlce. 3 cents.
A New Department.
The opening of the new halrdressing
parlors on the second floor of the new
Brandeis Store places at the disposal of
Omaha women a thoroughly modern and
beautifully appointed establishment de
voted to hair dressing, manicuring and fac al
treatment. The members of the Brandeis
firm nr confident that it will become an
immensely popular feature of the new
store. The arrangement of the parlors was
planned after a study of the most suc
cessful establishments of like nature In
large eastern cities. A suite of six con
nected rooms all face an expanse of plate
glass windows admitting an abundance of
north light Into each compartment. The
furnishings are all of mahogany and the
style of chairs and tables are of the dainty
boudoir pattern. The equipment Is modern
and up-to-date in every particular. All
rooms are supplied with porcelain shampoo
ing bowls. A hot gas blower Is Installed
for drying hair, together with the com
plete quota of modern appliances for the
masseuse and hairdresser. Glass-topped
bamboo tables are arranged In the manl.
curing room.
Mr. Paul I.letiow, formerly with the well
known concern of H. Bollln on Wabash
avenue, Chicago, Is the expert hair dresser.
The new department, under the manage
ment of H. J. McCarthy, also devotes space
to the display and sale of human hair
10c Cigars for 5c
The majority of the smokers of the
city have investigated our plan of cut
rate cigars, and the fact that oar busi
ness is constantly on the increase,
shows that our methods have proven
satisfactory. It will, pay you to lnves-
tlP'ftTA A. few of our specials:
All 2 for 2Bc cigars, 10c straight.
All 10c Cigars, 3 for 2!ic
0-cent Imperial Crest ( periecioi . oc
$2.50 box of 50
0-cent Imperial Crest (Bouquet) .. 5c
2.50 box of 50
0-cent Flor de Gounod (Perfecto) .5c
$2.50 box of 50
0-cent Countess of Venice (invinci
ble), 5c; $1.25 box of 25.
0-cent El Erecto (Invincible) .... 5c
$1.25 box of 25.
10-cent Club Special 5c
$1.25 box of 25
0-cent Vava 5c
$1.25 box of 25
0-cent La Galinda (clear Havana) .5c
$2.50 box of 50
0-cent Gonzalez (clear Havana).. 5c
$2.50 box 50
.1yers-Dil!on Drug Co.
Oat Bats Cigar Dealers
16th & Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
DIAMONDS Frenzer. IMn and Dodff-
A BlaT 'nrprlse.
When Miss Grace Wing of the Brennan-
I.ove Co. stopped In at the A. Hospe Co,
store and Inquired who won the Kimball
Grand piano In the A. Hospe Co. word
guessing contest, the salesman answered
that a young lady stenographer by the
name of Grace Wing was the winner, she
ill but fainted, and whispered that she was
I the person. It took some time for her to
realize that she was the successful win
ner. This beautiful Grand piano stands
almost at the front door of the A. Hospe
Co. music store and will remain on ex
hibltlon for a few days.
A PopHs Rerltnl.
A rerttsl will be given at First Congre
ratlon'il church by the following pupils of
Miss Fitch and Miss Allen Tuesday even
ing. April 3i): Miss Hazel Cook, Miss Ber
enice Clover. Miss Marlon F-lliabeth Kuhn,
Miss Marlon Stevrns. Miss Haze) Wllenx,
Mr. Fred Jones, Miss Frances Gould, Miss
Oretchen Horst. Miss Kvelvn Hanson, Miss
Stella Slaw, Miss T.eah Jones, Miss Fan
nie llerl k. Miss V.dna Ievy. No admis
sion will be charged.
Announcements, wedding stationery and
railing cards, blank hook and magazine
binding. Thone Doug. 1801. A. I. Root, Inc.
"Ideals Against Idols" Is the topic In
wmcn Mr. J. J. Points will address the
Omaha Philosophical society at its meet
ing Sunday afternoon, April 28. The, meet
ing will open at S o'clock In Patterson
block, Seventeenth and Farnam streets.
Admission free. The public Is Invited.
DIAMONDS in-enser. 16th and Harney.
New Terminal rom,i.
STRING FIELD, 111.. April 27 -The Me
Klnley Interurban system todav oert.A .
license to Incorporate for the construction
or me r.ast m. ivmis terminals of the
Illinois Traction system under the name of
Trl-Clty Traction company. The principal
office Is Champagne, the home of Congress
man McKlnley. the president ef the sys
tem. The capital stock Is 11. W iwi The
roaa is co oe constructed fom Edwards
vi:in to a point on the Mississippi river
nesr enice. wnere me nnc1e Is to be built.
miiu iiuiii ootniiB c uy co r-.asc HI. XU1S.
Have Root print It.
p-d nDAnniiov r-i. n r..r.
UltrHWUVit e WUHllJl. am laoatlon
180S PAR HAM ST.. OMAHA. Ft Douglas 1768
Extracting 3 s-'"""'" We make specialty
Porcelain Fills.. 1 up I 7 f metl and roofl
Crowns 92JH p lVw A plates. Painleaa work U
Bridjj Wrk.2.r,0 up l rVVVVvJ aU operations. Work
Plat. 3.00 np -J II I J gaaranud 10 yer.
mmim nil sjsi
nnd we insist on the mainte
nance of this standard. Only the
best at the price is considered
pood enough for our customers.
That's the reason of the splendid
yearly increase in our Clothing
Sales; that's the reason if once a
customer, you're always a custo
mer at Hayden's. The satisfying
quality of our offering guaran
tees it.
Men's Suits
With style to please the most par
ticular, quality that will surprise
those expecting most, at $10.00
$12.50, $15.00. and $18.00
Cravenette Rain Coats in all best
styles and colors, prices $10.00
to $25.00
Top Coats, $10.00 to. . . .$18.00
Youth Suits in all newest styles,
colors and materials, prices rang
ing, $5, $0.50, $7.50 to. . . .$10
Children's Wash Suits, a com
plete new line now ready for
your inspection, all styles, prices
95c to '.. $3.50
7 i'.li
Copyright 1907 bj
Hart Schafiner Mar
See our Line of Hart, Scaffner & Mark Spring; Suits, ua
equaled values.
IS) JuLy w)q
K s V 1 V. fcVSl
' .iicaurcauou M 0rde, H
Center ,one 2
They are the lightest, most serv
iceable and SO comfortable. I am
having a run on these now and
will put out a large number at
greatly reduced prices. Why not
let me fit you to an eextreinely
comfortable plate? My guarantee
goeg with every one.
$1,000 worth of teeth to select
Room 4, Bnshman Itlk., 16th and
Douglas Hts.
'Phone Douglas 6711. Open Even
ings until 9. Sundays, 10 to 3.
What Sanitary Perfection Means
It means health insurance to everyone in your
household. When we say that Courtney's is con
ducted in a state of absolute cleanliness and sani
tary perfection we mean that all Meats, Fruits and
Vegetables are free from taint, free from dust and
dirt of the street. They are pure when we get
them, and we keep them pure and send them to
you in perfect condition. The splendid equipment
of such a store as Courtney's enables us to insure
perfect cleanliness in a way that no store less for
tunately equipped can possibly offer.
Better Things to Eat for Less Money.
Ask Anyone Who Buys Here.
You'll Like Our Cigars and Prices
-r-- - rf- - r mi n nn ri tr m r
Mr. Smoker, It will pay you to look In our window and ste the clears
and the prices. It has been something over a year now since we commenced
to put Into practice our. system of quick sales and small profits for our
cigar department.
At the present time we control many well known brands for Omaha
and on others own our cigars at such a price that we are actually retailing
them by the single cigar and box for. less than regular Jobbing prices.
tl fcrands of 10c cigars at Be each. ,
44 prnnds ta olgars, three for 10c.
40 brands good 6c cigars at 11.25 to fl.t.S box of 50.
Remember our cigars are In perfect condition, aa we have perfectly ap
pointed humidors as ran he made.
10.000 8eldenberg's After Dinner Cigars, Be each: box of 2t, $1.25.
10,000 Sanchez and Hermanus at onc-thlrd less than regular price.
Pull line of Garcia & Bro. clear Hanava cigars at one-third off regular
If you do not pass our store frequently better buy a BOX or TWO.
Cutters of Drug and Cigar Prices
Our new store at 16th and Harney will be opened about June 1st.
be another good one.
it win
0 V
n h
Private Exchange Con
nects all Departments.
ourfney & Go,
17th and Douglas Sts.
Bee Want Ads Produce Result?
Find a
Every thing yn hav
to Mil la wanted hf
omebody if prica and
quality art right
Bm Want Ad will
tat tfc cmitomM
a, m v i m ,
More ao than ever before . We have
the choicest styles th. best maker
have produced.
We've the conservative, comfort
ably Oxford for the man nf affair,
and the "Dandies" fur the Young
Smart Dressers, who always v. am
sornet hint; swagger.
OirOBDl AT $3.50, 94, TO 98.
Choice leathers In Vlrl. iatent Kid
and i'atent Colt. Arllatio in every
curve. l
lKn't delav In making your selec
tion. 1 ho lines are full, and ta
(in. Ice is particularly guod at III
wi lting.
Til IZOllI
t6th and Douglas Streets
Values in
We have something extraordi
nary to offer you In Misses' and
Children's Shoes. We have just
received a shipment ofSx genuine
welt sole shoes plump kid stock
that Is better for the money
than we have ever offered you be
fore. We guarantee that you cannot
find their equal for the money
anywhere in Omaha.
Children's, slues 5 to 8... 81.50
Children's, sizes 8 4 to 11. 1.75
Misses', sizes 11 to 2.-82.00
Don't fail to take advantage of
this unusual bargain.
The Perfect Been
Commands Attention
Because of Its purity, healthfullness and unsur
passed flavor.
Asxt t FA M I ami
Tho lady with a case or uulu iwi-i i
. - .aot aC nilAata frkl
ways prepared ior uhoa(.v. w
what could be more welcome than a glass
of cool spamllnfl foam-creasted Gold Top.
We will send a case to your home.
JelterBrewingCo. ;
Tel. Ho. 8, South Omaha.
Omaha He adquarter.
Douglas. Tel. Dour.
Co. lUulTs Heaaijuarcers.
K IS M 1 i ij ii b L c-.
1013 Main Street, 'lei. .
Drcxcl Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam St.
rzcxAX. nr
Is carried In Block for you at
$3 and $4
Leather and Workmanship the beat,
call and be fitted at th.
Walk-Over Shoe Store
nui-uver man.
IN felon Moor wejuar
antce you purity.
It la brewed In shining
copper kettlett, aged In
hermetically sealed
tanks, filtered through
white wood pulp, put In
sterilized bottles without
coming In -contact with
the air, then pasteur
Ized by the approved
process. It Is absolute
ly free from the germs
or Impurities that lurk
in water, milk, tea, cof
fee, or other beverage
that's why the most
prominent physicians
recommend it. It's use
promotes good health
and true temperance.
Keep a case of It la
your home.
biora Uwm lng' Co.,
v Omaha. B4
Thirsl Floor, Pixoi Clock
Highest Cradle Dentiitry.