0 bhis. I arena TITE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AFRIL 28, 1007. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET thtrp Dtjclin in Doll Wheat Market Aftar Statmc Opeiinc USUAL SATURDAY LIQUIDATION ENSUES n-vflt Taklag teUt sad Fw Crsamltt meata Over Cevase) De cline, Altkoegh Vrop Co 4 1 1 lews Am Uaaeasugl. OMAHA. Apra t7. 1907. The market had soother wild opening, but the usual fcaiurday liquidation ensued nil prices declined under naavy realizing alee. Corn end out were lu littit deinaud and closed weak, voile toe cicee In wheal was nearly at the low punt for tbe day. Receipts were moderate and there was no change In the condition of crop, but oaUea responded to the sharp rise of yeaterdajr. W heat opened strong and higher on ac count of the continued absence of rain In the southwest, but toe iraln was not held and the market sagged under protll-laklng sales and little support offered. The mar ket was Quiet and dull alter the openm-, as investors preferred to bold oft and local traders sold out Ion lines In tear of rains over Sunday. Blight showers were reported In Missouri, but precipitation was predicted only for Nebraska. Iowa and Mlttsourl. It was believed that damage reports have been exaggerated and that the Kansas crop is only two weeks lata and in fair condi tion to respond well to heavy rains. Sales of 400.100 bushels of wheat at seaboard tor eiport were reported. The Chicago Inter Oosan said: "Cash people who have been bearish on wheat are now talking very friendly. The ad vance In futures and crop damage have forced than Into line. Now that Uie price la up Into the eighties more people are will ing to buy wheat than when It was drag- ftuaT around 7to. There were bids hers rom astern millers yesterday for two car- Eoes of Mo. 8 red at July price, c. I. f., uffalo. Eastern millers have bought 1UQ.UU0 bushels of Ne. 2 red here the lust two days and the steamer Armour loaded It yesterday for Petrelt." Frost was reported in Ohio aod freezing weather In the northern grain belt. Aus tralian wheat shlDrneuta were 488.000 buan- els this week, against 634,0o0 bushels last weea ana l.oue.wu sunhels last year. Indian shipments were b&icOO bushels, aa compared with 60O0G0 bushels last week and atO.Oou pusneis one year ago. Weakneas character ised the close and the undertone was heavy. Strength was shown only In July options, which closed Uc higher. Corn opened Arm and. after a slight reaction, closed slightly higher. Trading Was light on moderate receipts, but 2uO,uO bushels were reported at an board for ex port. All options closed firmer at an ad vance or ,o. Oats were weak and In poor demand, a! though early sale canned an advance of He, but the close waa practically at the Primary wheat receipts were 758,000 bush is ana snipments 649,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 20,600 bushels and eiiipmeni 01 aie.uw pusneis. Corn reoelnt wer ,46''000 bushels and shipments 439.000 receipts or 5,18,000 bushels and shipments of lAtona hn.i. i.. Cleirincei were 81l,00 bushels corn, 4,000 buTheia "a OOU 10 . hivTFF2 2io'4 WfH higher on wheat iiisncr on corn. Bpoomnall estimates th world's shln- k i wheat this week at 1100.000 u.w),ni Dusneig last week v,vw,vu uuaneis last year. Local rang of cptlons: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Lew. close.) Te-y. Wheat May., July., Sept., Corn May.. July., Sept., Oats May. July., Sept.. It J I l 74ViB 74,B I 7B 7W1B 785.B 78B 78B B SB 4Tn 44A 44', B 44B 43 44B 41aBl CHB 41 HB 41SB 4IV.B tlViB I 8S4B 8&B t&HB 74K 76HB 78B 444 B i3B 43HB 41HS raaes Included, ItfclMy; first. l"c; prime llr"l. 1 rt1 4 -. "bea ataily, H'liic. PROVISIONS Short ribs sides line"!. 8 aTSuvbU H' I'"rk. per I'M, fif 16 rs- Lard, per )) lbs.. $fc.TVfc- Bhort clear sides (boxed), 6S.7fti900. The receipts and shipments of floor and grain were: lleceipt. fcnipmerns lour. bbls.. Wheat bu,.. Corn, bu.... Oat a bu Rye, bu Barley, bu.. 26 '& .. fi.io ..212.4"" ..3'? .. 17,Si .. 6.200 43.4" l.i.40 24,300 asked. B bid. Omaha Cask Prloea. . WHEAT No. I hard, 783Ho; Ko. I rmL f720'' No. 4, 0S8o; No. t spring. J.CORN-pNo. X amHo; No. 8, 4SHoi No. 1 40HtfMlMc: no s-rada. xxneSf - Kn v.itn OA1D IV o. I mixed 44H246Q. white, 40Ho; No. 4 white. iKipkta, RT he-No. 1, 42c; No. I, 80c. Carlet Reeelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth ...... BU Ixuia ... 60 48 ..2S5 .. 14 ..H 13tJ 34 lli 1X7 T4 (miCAQO GRAIN AND F&OVZSlOHk SEW YORK GENERAL II ARKBT AsotatUai of the Pay on VarUn Commodities. NEW TOnK Anrll 117. FLOt'rV Re- celpta, 14.866 bbls ; exports, 11.647 bble. Firm, but mIow. MlnDeaota patents, $4.1.0 fet.f.O: Minnesota bakers. I8.40t 3.70: winter patents, $3.6oru 3.90; winter straights, 83.40'u 8.66; winter extrnj li.SO rg.ou; winter, low graiee, t i. i u 'ir i.u. Bye flour, firm: fair to good. ,3.468.0; choice to fancy, $8,869 4.16. LUH.MiiLAl Hrm; nne wnite ana yel low, $1.20; coarse. $1.08 1.10; kiln dried, $2.65 ' 2.75. WHEAT Reoelpta. 17.000 bu.: cxpona. 218,178 bu. Spot market firm; No. i red. 87Tr elevator: No. 2 red. 81Xo r. o. D. afloat; No. 1 northern luluth, o f. o. b. arloat: No. 8 hard winter. lo r. o. D. afloat. Although very atrong and active at the opening today on higher cable and bullish western crop newa, wheat aeon came under the Influence of heavy profit taklnr sales and at the close was only Ho to o net higher. May, t0'd CISC, closed SOTkc: July, IIUI.ic closed tie; September. $2392kc closed i3o; De cember, 4Hfc5c closed 14 Ho. CORN Receipts. 86.000 bu.: exports. 1,060 bu. rtpot market firmer: Mo. J. 40i elevator, and 6$ViC t. o. b. afloat; No. I white, 69c; No. i yellow, 68 So t. e. b. afloat. Option market was up a cent on Amy due to manlsulHtlon. the July clos ing Ho not higher; May, lOSIOo, closed COHc; July, 6ViC, closed 684o. OATS Receipts. 44.600 bu.: exvorta. (.776 bu. rtpot market Arm; mixed oats, 26 to 82 pound, 47 He; natural white, 36 to 83 pounds, 4 9 $f tic ; clipped whlae, 86 to 40 ponrula, 604i 64 He. HAT Steady: ahlDDinaT. 762ISOo: rood to choice, $1.1601 24. mo' -unlet; state common to choice. If 06. 16 17c; 106. 4He4oi I'aalflo coast. 10, 8'allc; 19ot, 6 8a HIDES Dull: Central im.rl'A. tie- Bogota, 24 Ho, 1'KATiiKR Bteady; add, 27HW29C. PROV'lSlONa Beef, steady; family, $14. 00(914. 60: mens. I.504j' 1 0.04: beef ha ma, 84. 0036. 00; paoket, $10.i;O'ail.0O; city extra India mBe, $20.0021.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10H12c; picKioa nanis, jiAirgiizc. Lav a. steady; western prime, $8.S58.16; refined, quiet; continent, $9 25; South Americas, $10.00; compound. $8.268.42H. Pork, steady; family, $18.64 19.00; Bhort olear, $17.00 U 18.60; mess. 317.8613.00. T ALLOW Steady; city ($1 per pack age), 6o; ceuntry (packages free), 6H feHo. RCE Steady; domestlo fair to extra, 2(&'6H; Japan, nominal. BUTTER liany, stronR. steady; extra creamery, 89c; official prices, crftsrmery, oominon to extra, 23&39c; held, common to firsts, 22?87c; state, dairy common to (fancy, 23(&28o; western factory, common to firsts, 2023o; western Imitation creamery extras, 26o; flrata, 23 216. CHEESE yulet; state full cream, col ored and white, amall fancy, 16a; Octo ber, best 14i&14Hc: good to prime, 18 IS He; winter made, best 23 Ho; large Sep tember fanoy, 16o; October, best. 144 14 He; grood to prime. 1213Hc7 Lac.S Firmer; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, brown and mixed, firsts to extra firsts. 17H&lSc; weHtern packed, flrats, northern section, 17ff 17Hc; southern sec tion, 16HW17c; official price flnstH, 14H to 17c: second. 16H416c. POULTRY Alive, quiet; western chick ens, !780o; fowls, 13Hc; turkey's, lie. Dressed, easy; turkeys, 10lS14o; fowls, 10(14Hc. i t. Itnls General Market. ST. LOUIS, April J7. WHT5AT Wmk; traca, jso. I rei. cash, titymo; No 1 hard, 7&(g60c: May, 7TH4?78c; July, CORN Lower; track. No. 2 cash, 50J ii77!rr. ' ci Juiy, a?o; INO, a white, OATS Weak ; track. No. a cash. 42Ho: May, 417o; July, 3Ho: No. 2 white. 4e FTJUR Firm; red winter patents. $3.85 ,oui L1 " Laiiujr uu sraiarnLS, u.axu.qu: 8 BE7D Timothy stead, $3.00G9.79. CORNMHJAL -Stead v. fc.40. BRAN Bteadv: sanked. ,n,t traw eaix ' HAT Dull: tlmothv. X1R ntV7MR Krt- tlli IKON COTTON TIESILIO. BAOOINO 10Hc HEMP TWINli-JlOo. FROVT8IONB Pork. lowert 1rtMln $16.26. Lard, steady; prime steam. $3.42. Dry salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts. $9.87H; dear ribs, $9.76; short clears. $9.76. "wu, iienajr; noxea extra snorts. iu.7&; dea' ribs. $10.75; short clears, ro,87H. POULTRT Weak: ehlckens. lln; snrlnra 20&'Sc: turkeys. U(E12c: ducka IIUa: kmu 9M. BUTTER Weak: creamery, 14031a EGGS-eteady si Uo, case count. Reeelpta bhtproents NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Volie ef Dlisc4 ig Small, but Tan if lemswhat IprTcL BANK STATEMENT IS FAVORABLE Loa4i Market Affected by Bimort ( Heavy shipments e( Gold BOB- PerU day. IS.3M 1110 87 ITeatares of the Trading; smd Closlac Prlees ea Board of Trade, CHICAuO, April 27. The wheat market waa again a reflex of the weather report, although the usual week end proflHaklng held prices In check and the July option closed with a net lose of Ho. The oor market also felt the Influence of profit taking and the close showed only an ao Vance of Ho In resDonse to A prepondera ance of bullish Information. July oat closed a shade lower and previsions with Out material change. The drouth in Kansas continued today te furnish the bulls with encouragement te buy and influenced shorts te cover, but me natural week-end Dront-t&kina was sufficient to prevent an advance. July closing witn a loss tor tne aay oi ho. The market was only slightly Influenoed by reports of cloudy weather In h' sinus and by an ad. vance In Liverpool. July wheal opened HUHo to Hflic higher at 83Wno. There fore the prices showed the attitude of the contending sides, one believing in higher prices on acoount of weather conditions, and the other bellevlnc that the maximum of profit had been reached. The reault of tne combat was that July waa forced down to 63c. The close, with July Ho lower at 8H$3Ho, Indicated a preponderance of selling, but no weakness in the tone. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 6TS.000 bu. Primary receipt were .34. 000 bu., against 2,0u0 bu. for the corres ponding time a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reoorted receipts of to ears, against 1 cars last week and 201 care a year ago. Profit-taking, as In wheat, was the prl mary Impulse aovernlna the corn market. although Texas reported drouth. Oklahoma likewise waa on the bull side, advising that corn waa Doing rapiniy red. July sola be tween 4Ho and 6o&60Hc, and closed Ho higher at 4iHc, despite strenuous prnflt taklns. May closed at 60c. Local receipts were 134 cars, with 8 cars of contract grade. There was an excellent demand for oats, but considerable selling on a forecast of rain kept prices about stationary. July oats sold between 410'41Hc and 42Hc, and closed a shade down at 41fc&411eC. Local receipts were 187 oars. The provision market was very dull and Closed 3W2l6o lower. Julv mirk rtoaeA $).7Vi July lsrd at $8.77H4l. and July rius ai s. i i'e. to. Kstimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, a oars; corn, uu cere; oau, Zctt cars; hog aj"w nama. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Flour, bbls. Whesit, bu. Corn, biu Oata, bu Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. ITes'y "Wheat May July Sept. Deo. Oorn May July Bept. Oata K tVpt. Pork May July Lard May July Sept. RJbe- 8H14 66HuH pOHCfHl 45 HH OH 80H 80S S3 ISi'ATT'l. KVii-'k s-.TaWtTHj 6V m 49 60 6WA 4s) 4Sl4fltifr'4 4 4Hti6u H bI trH 44i Hlnr 41tf 14 0SHj 82H 0 40 I BO KH4Hj I knJ tTHl I 60 8 6 W 44H U 7H I m 6 77H 16 70 15 78 14 7H! 16 CH 47H1 s I KTH 57H S 16 I 86 I 67H 8 8 97H I 40 I 771 I 87H No. 1 Cart otwratlorui were aa fo flows: FLOUR firm: winter eatenta HIM 140; winter straights. $2.(0(!i 36: sprln pat- '. a'T'w; sprinc suauiota, w tAi.So WH83AT No. I eprlnff, Ko. sprln TMrtftc; No. I red. tWtMHe. CORN No, I. iUrao; No. 3 yellow, toUo OA It Iso. 8. vte: No. t white. Cg RT-No. 8. CSHc. bA-RLJtr-Fair to choice malting, m eEEDeV-No. 1 flax. 8114; No. 1 northwest era. U 10. Prime timothy. 84.84. Clover, entrant grmde. tiAtk. On the. Produce exchange today the but ter market we ar I crMtiunaj, runAo talcH AM Skaady; at mark. 8.000 27,00 178,000 77,000 4,001 29,000 T9.0U4 4A006 Kansas Cltr Grain and Pret-rlaiena KANSAS CITY. Aorfl 17 WHP1AT f n v. VU.A. T,.lu TX. . . V mi . . l . i car a. 7otjc; no. i. nav9o; no. 3 red. 7 or; , jtu. a, tajfilK. UUttiNjklay. 44o: July. 4So: Bwtunbw 46 Ho. Cash: No. 3 mixed, 48o; Na 3. 46 Vic; No 2 white. 48o : No. A 4VUo. OATS No. 3 whita, 42H33oi No. I mixed, 43a'42Ho. MAI Steady: choloe tlraothy. r4.26tfW5.ft unoioe prairie, sv nut'iu.OB. RYK Steady: 24i64c BOOS Weak! extra fanoy. 16o: current recelbta new cases Included I1U' uvnui. nana oases, 14c; cases return ed. 1844c somnern, cases mciuaea. uo. 0U-i-rjktv4jreainery. no: oaok nr. 19c Receipts. Bhinnienta Wheat, Mm.m.. 6.O0O 84,0(0 Corn, bu.. .64,000 86,000 Oata, bu.... 13,000 24.000 Kansas City cash prloeaj :4 12 t"0 II 72 12U. 1.200 1U Ultt, 131 li't 7W !2EVt 1K14 l,fi 1 V6 V'4 ' 100 n n MO C4 62S4 1, too 6. W0 62 S 41 409 1,6") 100 14 4 69fc 4(10 1,000 69 'ilMi 11 8,400 1301 U4H 00 41.0 300 KO 2T 60 42H NEW TfORK, AprU 27. There were no discernible operations of linporuuioe in the sluuk market today, allhougu the tone was somewhat Improved. The scanty doaJInts were hugely concentrated as usual latoly In half a dozen Mocks. The bank eu.te uient proved wore lavorable than had been anticipated, and this had some helpful ef fect on stocks, although the prevailing ease of money market detracted from the Im portance attached to the showing of the bank a Loans were reduced to a small extent, marking the subsidence, apparently, of Uie heavy transfer of loans from in terior to New York banking Institutions, which has been forcing an expansion of New York bank loans for several weeks past. The caah Item also showed a small gain In place of the expected decrease. Abroad, the London market waa reported to be affected by the prospect of a further heavy withdrawal of srold for shipment to Pari on Monday. Considerable speculative activity 1 being diverted to the wheat mar ket and strength continued today In that cereal. Some significance was attached to the signs ef strong demand for New York real estate Indicated the course of sales in progress and Inferences were suggested of a large available supply of capital seeking Investment In that field. The bond market, however, has been ap preciably firmer In the last two days. Total sales of bond a pax value, $.'02,000. Number of sales and closing quotations cn stocks were: ialc. Hlcb. Low. Cine. aaarns Expraas Amalaamaiel Ooppar ...... Am. O. m V - Am. C. A F. p(4 Am. Cettiw Oil . ., Aa. Cotton Oil f'c. American Exprniia ..... Am. II. A L. pf4....M Amarlcan lea Am. Llnxead Oil Am. Lluaatd Oil plo. Ain. Liooomotlra .... Am. Locomotive pfd. Am. B. tc K Am. B. A a. pfd . Am. fiucar Rannlna Am. Tobaooo pfd ctfa... Anaronda Mining Co AlAhtaoD AtrhtiioQ pfd Atlantis Coaat Use. altlmora A Ohio al. A Ohio pfd. .......... Bnaoklra Kpld Tr Canadian Pacl&fl ......... Caatral of N. J 'hpnapeake A Ohio........ Chtraio OX. W Chicago A N. W O.. M A St. P... Ohlca(0 T. A T. Chlrago T. A T. pfd C, C A at, Colorado y. A I Colorada A 80 , Colo, ft Bo. lat pfd Colo. A So. Id pfd....... Caoeolldatad Oaa Corn Producta Corn Producu pfd....n... Dataware A Hudaoo. Dal., U A W Denver A H. O D. A R. O. pfd PI it I Here1 Securities Erie Erla lat pfd Erie id pfd General Elfetjio ... Illlnola Central International Paper Int. Paper afd Int. Pump Int. Pump pM. ...... .... Iowa Central ........m Iowa Central pt4 Kanaaa City Bo. . UH K. C. 80. Pf4 ,. .. Laulavllla A N......... alealcaa Central Minn. A St. L, , offered.... M., St. P. A 8. 8. M M., St. P. A 8. S. M. pfd. Mlaaourt Paclflo K. A T M.. K. A T. pfd National Lead N. It. PL of M. pf4 New York Central N. T., O. A W Nortelk A W Norfolk A W. pfd North American PaoUlo Mall Pen&arlvanta People'a Oaa P., C, & A St. U Preaaed staai car. Preened Steel Car pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading lit pfd Reading ad pia ... Republic SUel .. Republto Steal pfd Rock laland Oe Rock laland Co. pfd Rukbar Oooaa pfd , St U A S. F. 24 pfd...... St. Leu 1 1 8. W St. L. 8. W. nfd Soulnara Paclda . 80. PMlfle pfd to. hallwar Bo. Rail war pfd Tenaaaaea 0. A I Taxai A Paclto. T., St. L. A W . T , St. U A W. pfd TJnten Paul Do talon Polflc pfd U. 8, Eipreas U. g. Realty V. A Kuaoer U. S. Rubber pfd. V. A Steel U. S. Steel pfd Va--Carullo Chemloal .... Va.-Cara. Ukam. pfd Waeaate Wabaah pfd Welli-Farso Bipreaa Weatlnsbouaa Kiectrls ..... Weatern Unloe Wheeling A L. B Wlaoonaln Central Wla Central pfd. Mortkara Paclflo Central LeaLher Central Leather pfd Sloaa-ohefneld eUeel Oeaat Northern pfd law Metropalttan Int. Met. pfd Totai aalaa lor tne oar, Americans were Idle. The uncertainty rerardlng the situation In New York re stricted luialneas. Prices moved to frac tionally above parity level and the mar ket cloaed dull with an absence of special Influences. PAHlr, Arrll 27 Prices on the Bouree today were firm and trading was inactive. Rusaian imperial 4 s closed at 74 00 and Russian bonds of 1P04 at 497.00. The private rate of discount was at I 6-16 per cent. BKRLIN. April 17 Prices on the Bourse today were Irrearulnr and trading was limited. Americans were lower. Boston Storke and Boeda. BOSTON, AprU 77-Cnll loans, cent: time loans. fraH per cent. Honing quotations were: Atrhutoa adj. do 4a a!i central 4a... Athlann do pfd Po.ton AV Albanf. Fostna A Mfitna. la.. 41 Atlantlo . Bingham . (1 Cel. A Hi . M4 Centennial ... . a?), Cotper Range . nlr Weat .12 Franklin Boaton Elevated Mltal.le Rnrale ritrhburg afd Mexican CVntral . N. T , N. H A B t'nton Paclflo .... Am. Pnen. Tuba.. Amar. Sugar do pfd Am. T A T , Am. Woolen do pfd F.dleon Rlea trtu. Maea. Rlecula ... do pfd 61 It 8 Mialns..M... t4U Maea. Ooa . J I'. 8. Oil ....104 I nltrd rrnlt If 4 Vuh ..... tlH United g. M.. 4lVVlrterla $k so pre . n w inona U. 8. ateeL. ......... ITS Wolverine 161 do pfd 1014 Nnr'h Butt I'U Aaventars i't rmii ooaimcn jt Allcrael 6AH Nwiada 14 Amtiatmatefl fiscal. v Art eon a. leg Bid. .Ul Mi. Mining ... . li4 Mi. blrm .171 Mohawk .1''. Ment. c. a a... . I4 Old Pnmlnlon ... lJft tecenla .125 Parrot .124 Cjulncr ttn? Bbannon . K T.m.raok .1' Trinity ia t'nlted cyir-par 8ST6 per Ofllclai 1H is NO I"4) in 1 i i4 4 144 .... 14 .... I, 1:. 71 12l 171 107 11 w London Cleslna; Stocks, LONDON, AprU 27-Closlng Quotations on the Stock exchange were: Cone , money ... M7-14M., K. A T. da acooona ... .... r'4 64N. T. Centr.l.. ...... Ill 11 4 Normia m W 7 t' da pfd 14 f4 Ontario A W a 101 PennaTlvanla .. ti 1(H Kind alnea H 1 Heading (V .. 11V4 Southern Railway ... rn .13 ao pra 70 . id 8outhern Pariea MS . 36 Union Facile 14 . 7a ao pin n . 144, O. 8. 8 1 eel II . 6b do pfd 104 . 38 Wnbaah 16 .161 do afd 17 .123 Grand Trunk 11 SILVER Bar, steady, Sd per ounce, MONEY IK. Hi per cent. The rate of discount in tne open msrKei for short bills .Is S per cent; for three months' bills, UVuH1 per cent Anaconda Atchteon da pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. Cheeapeake A Ohio.. Chlcage ut. w C... M. A St. P.... Da Beara D. A R. O do pfd Erie do lat pfd do 2d Pfd Illinois Central ... Loulavllla A N.... 700 let'4 "iuo siii 100 '00 800 1U0 704 24 68 M 2i do 47 $8 '70" 2.4 M 100 HI 1U 200 404 100 00 w 400 400 n M ao 18 l lit U 7B 4S? 2 (0 111 100 37 WO 7 75 e (f 4a iii" 37 74 4,700 100 126 124 K 2 100 u u 13,300 111 110 200 100 400 2k 2K 6.'. 31 10 100 T.200 ""ioo 100 13 u ..... 2.J0 14 l.OuO 2 10 M 400 ft 41.o0 114 1,000 37 4"0 101 100 34 t! 176 1Kb !! 152 134 15 70 16 r 47 13- 191 410 21 16 10 n 45 8TV 14? Me 14 14 W 18 I" X20 11 h0 104 131 76 36 : lis 17 71 10 72 ze 124 K 3 m 111 ti Bl 2 a6 31 46 U 14 lie tl 47 14 w M New York Mlnlna: Stacks. NEW YORK. April 27. Closing quotation) on mlnlngr stocks were: Adams Con. ... Alice Breeca Brunewlck Own. . Comalot'k Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn Pllver eiron Silver Leedvllle ''on. Offered. 10 ....438 .... 20 .... 46 .... II .... W ....163 ....100 .... d Little Chief .... Ontario ......... Ophlr Potoal Savage Sierra Nevada , Small Hopaa ... Standard ... 4 ...47S ...144 ... 14 ... 0 ... 44 ... 10 ... Clearing; Honae Statement NEW YORK, April 27. The statement of the clearing house banks for the week shows that the banks hold $12,846,775 mure than legal reserve requirement This la on Increase of IWlJdO as compared with last week. The staiementi ....$1,123,417,600 .... L100.1S3,300 .... 6o,t;n.ao0 Loans Ieposlts Circulation I,earul tentlors. .......... 5.764,3i0 Hpecie 213,1'J,3"0 Iteaerve 2vt4bu Reserve required 276, 6-16, 826 Surplus 12,846,775 rlx-U. a deposit... a0,K8,9X Increase. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cttl4 lecelpt4 Liehtor Th Lwt W64k Bert Fric64 Egturdty. HOCS WANTED AND PRICES ADVANCE thee Receipts Shew Ue-cre-ase ie Week, with Prices Somewhat Lower Best Desaatad Was for Killers. BOUTTC OMAJTA. April 17, 1107. Receipts were: Cattle. Hon. Sheep. Official Monday .......... 4.f27 4,821 11.461 Official Tuesday 8,;7 4.T41 Official Wednesday 4.2ti3 9.464 4. IX Official Thursday 4,7) lO.HaJ e.064 I'mrial Friday A4o3 l.ooi !,() Omdal Saturday 66 4,b00 441 ..25.911 ....2n,: ....VW,64 ....ai,l ..16,!ki6 ..14,217 4,59S 62.3S6 46. t. 26.0'4 Sl,6."0 ei.644 81.477 64.00S $4.61 64,i:4 53.243 29,634 This week Last week Two weeks ago Three weeks ano , Four weeks ago , Harm week luat year The following: table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: is;. inc. Deo. Cattle ..J.58l 800.9$ 74,611 Hogs 7!M.23 b.9)o 75,632 Sheep 460.801 616,266 44.634 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Oood to choice corn-fee steers $5.SOjre.90 rair xo good corn-fed steers , Common to fair steers Oood to choice fed cows Fair to good cows and heifers , Common to fair oews , Fair to choice stockers A feeders., Fair to good stockers A feeders.... Common te fair stockers , Bulls, stags, eto...... , Veal calves The following table nhoeva the price of hogs ut South Omaha fur tbe last several days, with comparisons: 4fuw.26 4.2&'fr4.7& 4.004ti.00 $.5oy.35 4.6':fqK").00 4.00HJ4.64 , $ 00u4.00 2 7f4.5) 4.0Oij.iJO averago Data 107. 1S0S.13U6. (1904. 11903. 1302. 19ol. AprU 15.. April 14.. April 17.. April 14.. April 19.. April 20.. April 21.. April 22.. April 23.. April 24.. April 23.. April 2U.. April 27... 4 39 I I 5 $11 4 9! 7 14' 4 961 4 03 4 95 5 93 4 99i 6 t 4 97 5 90 6 85 4 ?9 4 M1 5 81 4 4 5 SO 4 99 5 74 4 93 & 78 7 00 6 70 5 72 6 43 4 49 14 891 7 V 6 S.S 6 51 5 23 7 13 4 82HI 6 61 1 2HI 4 801 7 14, 44; 6 27 4 75 8 23, 4 K2 7 101 6 3o 6 33 4 34H 6 42, 4 43, 4 85 4 3y 4 34! 4 33V 4 29 4 31 8 2G 31'n1 2H 5 23 4 87 4 84 6 16 4 75 4 S0 4 t 4 81 4 82 5 3 5 2ffl 4 75! 4 7SI 11 7 07 7 02 7 06' 7 05 De areas e. $1.r.er.3no l.0,200 3i,oo0 2,160,0(0 2.0IH.100 14-i. 900 496,050 641.900 nTtLOft 1.900 133 132 Article Open. Hlg-h. Low. Close. Wheat May July... . Oorn iiay July.., 7-!m'78H'1 7tH 444444 t4 4oH 46Al T2i! T2H 7t,76H&. tH44 4s 44A 4&aAA A asked. B bid. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. April f-WH E AT tJpot, o. 2 red weatern winter, steady. 4s !lV4: No. 1 California, quiet, 4s 44d: futurea strong; May, 4e 7d; July, 6s 4d: Bau- tember. 4s 7d. CORN Spot, firm: American mixed, new. 4s 8d; American mixed, old. 6s 4tdi fu- tures. quiet; Jul-. 4a 84: Uentamber. Aa W . . " nopts in lonaon tracino ooasti. A itu 49 4.8 6s. PhUadelvhla Prodaoa Market. PHILADELPHIA. Anrll IT. ElQf4 Steady, fair demand. Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, l$o at mark; western Crats. free caaea, lo at mark. CHEESE Fair demand, stead v: New York full creams, fancy, 14T14Oi New Tork full creams, fancy, 14 Ho; New York full creams, fair to good, 18 tat 14c Poerla Market. PEORIA. III., April 17. CORN Higher; No. $ yellow, 4e&4wo; No. 8, 48c; No. 4. 4avo; no grade. 409lo. OATB-ingher; No. I white, H44o; No. 8 white, 4o; No. 4 white, 4IVwC. RTF Firm; No. t. 47Hie1wO. V1U3KT On basis of UJ for finished goooe. Mllwaakee Orate Market. MILWAt'KEK. Wis.. April 87. WHEAT No. l northern, n a Sao; no. j northern, llnMc; July, 83 Uc. RTK Ne. 1, 781,78a BARLKy No. i. 776c; sample, 42'f 74c. CORN Ne. t. cash. 48 049); July, aTu Dwlatk Orate Market. DULUTH, Minn.. April 27. WHEAT No. 1 hard, 4c; Ne. 1 northern. 85?c; tso. I nortnern. 4c; uar, ioo; July, 84Sc; September, tto. OATS- April. 4lo. Traaisrf tatesaeat. WASHINGTON. April 27. Today's statement cf the treasury balances In the general fund exclusive or the $160,000,000 goid reaerve, shows: Available cash balance $249,345,056 Sold coin and bullion 103.110.34 old certificates 40,846,714 Experts ss4 Imports. NEW TORK, April 27 Total Imports of peole at the port of New York for the week ending today were $16.4o4 silver and 2.U4 gold. Total exports of specie from the port of New York, week ending today. were vtiu,a auver ana 4j.jow gaia. 1.700 134 134 147,310 eWee. Mew York Money Market vro-TO vnmr Anrll 27. MONEY On call. rwOTitnul: time loana easy: sixty aays. ai per cent; ninety days, 44. per cent; six months, 44 per cent PRIME MJlalUJyA.rs A XXaIU r Jm-T STKHLaINO EXTHAlEr-fHeady. ar-iniii hiiminftfl In Liuiuer!T bill A 4)al'Va 7r,e rlttmAilll. bnd at t4.bAf(&4. sixty day bills, rosiea raifi t-o auu .oi r..rv,-.r.al hill. S4.tS3u24.83W. BIIVKiL r. OO'u. xa.vA.ikMu wii4M4k WHc. . Closing quotations on wnwi vi as follows: . OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and annotations) on Staple and Faney Prodeeex EOG9-Per doi., loHc BUTTER Packing stock. 14S16o; choice to fancy dairy, laVaaOc; creamery. 20626c. LIVE POULTRY llene, 11c; old roosters. 6Vo; turkeys, 12c; ducks, lie; young rooau era, Tfeoo; geese, 6c. rnuii.J. PINEAPPLES Florida, $6.60i34.00 per csute. tiTRAWBERRlEtt Arkansas, jit-quart cane, $4.0044.2&. COCOANU I S Per sack or ioo, 44.W. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS Limonlera, 300 size, $6.50; 360 Size, $6.76; other brands, 60o lees. ORANOEa Mediterranean bweets, 1L0. 174, 200. 214 and 250 sizes, $3.60; 96, 128, 2a8 sizes, $3.25; California Navels, extra fancy; 176, 200, 216, 2u0 sizes, $4.50; tancy, 126 size, $3.50; 150 size, $4 00; choice, large alzee, per box, z. iKaJ ou. BANANAS Per raedium-eLzed bunch. $2.00(2.25; Jumboes, $2.60iti'3.5U, ORAPo) rlt L 11 olzts b4 to o, o. loirji.uo. FIGS California, bulk. 6V.o: 4-crown Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish, 11c; 3-orown Turkish, Sc. DATES ICadaway, 6c; sayera 6c; hal lowls, uo: new stuffed walnut dates, 9-lb. box. $i.ou. NKW V tltitTAB lCSl. BEANS New wax and string, per ham per. Jo.OO. BEETS, TURNIPS AND CARROTS-Per doz. bunches, 4fiS5oo. CAHbAUt; wew Texas, per id-., zw. TOMATOES Florida, 30-lb. crate, $3.50. LEAF LETTUCE Hot house, per do. heads, 45c. UNIONS Red or yellow Colorado, per bu., $1.00; Texas silver skin, per crate, about 45 lbs., -.oo; yellow leuie, per crate, aooui 45 lbs., Cl'CUMHfclKi Per aos., $Lin. PARSLEY Hot house, per dog. bunches. 40c. PIB PLANT oo-lb. boxes. iz.'ui.tt. ASPARAGUS $1.76 per doa. bunches. RADISHES Per doz. bunches, 45c; extra large bunches, 75c per doz. NEW POTATOES r-er ID., no, OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Table slock, per bu, 704jSOc: seed Btock, 9ocfi1.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1.45; NO. I, $1.60. BEEF CUTo. No. 1 ribs, 18c; No. 3 libs, 94c; No. S ribs. c; No. 1 loin, 17c: No. 2 loin, 134c; No. 8 loin, 13c; No. 1 chuck, 6c; No. 2 chuck, 5-Vc; No. 8 chuck, 6VjC; No. 1 round, ic; No. 2 round, 8c; No. 8 round, 7o; No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plate, 3tac No. $ plate, 8c. SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, $5.81: granulated beet. In sauas, $5.21, i.i- i iwr r cn. nuMm. 10. ev. u ivr ia.1 - ainriS No. 80, 2lo per lb.; No. 26. lc per lb.; No. jfJbA&lT tor lio Per 'D-: No- a- 130 Par 1D' iMtndiB CHEESE Block Swiss, liw; Umberger, ! f5 as 'iiii 47 let 38 2 44 141 143 fto l' 70 414 lol 87 101 27 103 14 26 I3I 143 1H4 17 40 133 W 1.19 . A 87 101 28 14c; Young Americas, 17c. NUTS Jaiifornla alnuts, Ij. A rat. is. rag. aa eeupoa U. A te. rag da eoupoa V. A el4 4a. rag a ooupon C. 4. new 4a, rag 4a oaupoa , Am. Tooacae 4s..., railroad Is. 14 alee.. .104 ao aa etra ,.1M s 4a ctfa .11 4 14 eerlee...... iaiu U A N. unl. 4a... ...101 kas, a g ...12 ...isn ... 13 ...KM ... j.,.N 4a.. Mex. Central 4a.... 4e lat Ino Minn. A Bt. L. 4a. ' M . K. T. 4a... la t3 . 1 .101 .101 . . ai . 7 . w4 t4 kJ 44 u- R. B. of at. a ea 82 Y. C. g. Ia 84 J. C. g. is 1M ili. v.nie. in. j; do ti- .. N. 3k w. a. 4a. a ..iot0, a . rta. 4- oii T Fena eonv. le . AfStaaa gea. 4a.. ao adj. a AtlanUo a U 4a. Ckaa. A Onia 4a. ea 4a Brk. R. T. a 4a. Central at Oe. 4a. edo lat luc... LSa'?:: V- !V lUUIng. .7 ' .: .IT?" St. U 1. M. e. ea.101 iXT.Z. a . I T L A 4. K. f. 4V 81 v av- evasho -"I 4I Lav W 4. M . 76 C.. B. O. 4..... KVVu il": 74 u.. n. t, n r. ea.... tj. Pacln(J , , a let 4a ctfa 8a XL, , ? Railwar ta no .. . 77.. Texaa a r. U lit uoio. ana. ea .... eaer gt U A W. uoia. ao. ta ti vuaa r.cHo 4a 102 - -i' V. S. Steel M U . ' Wabaan la Ill Diatlllara Sea 4a... M .io a.D. 4, 47 " s. 1. a pr weatern Md te 74 w -w. u a. ta at Ho-k. Val. 4a h4eW1s. Caatral 4a. 47 japan ea aa lld. Asked. Bank Cleartas;a, OMAHA. April 17. Bank clearings for to day were li.Hu6.0M 71 and for the correspond Ing late last year i.o44.?4.os. Tueeday $ Wednesday .. Thursday .. . Friday Patur day 8.5,554.20 l.ftr,4l1.40 I.0R. 411.84 1.4u5.UMi.72 $1.878. 707.69 2.nl.e4 24 L"14 45.64 L4a6 54 .17 l.b44.9H04 Total $10.4)9.049.4 $.9ti7. 447.64 Increase over the corresponding week last year 4X4bl.eol.ao. Paretga FlaavsiclaL LONDON, April 27. Money continued to be in liberal supply In the marSfct to day. I'lBiounts were firm cn tne weat neas of Paris exchange. Indicating pos sible competition for gold on Monday, Trading on the stock exchange was dull and uninteresting. The selling of consols In order to participate In the new loans caused a sagiflng of gilt edged aecuriiioe generally. Foreigners scarcely moved. Japanese Imperial 4' tUoeel at 101 No. I. soft shell. Uc; No. 1, soft shell, 16c; Brazils, liitllc; pecans, liky'-i-c; filberts, 124c; pea. nuts, raw. 7c; roasted. 8Ac; California al monds. 174c; cocoanuts, $5.00 per 100. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, west ern, 452ioc; Maine, $1.16. Tomatoes, fanry, 8-lb. cans, $1-45; standard, 8-lb. cans, $130. Pineapples, grated, 2-1 b., standard, 12.MJ) 2 30; sliced, 11.767.35; fancy Hawaiian, 'lt lt., $2.75; lV-lb., $1.75. Gallon apples, $2.6"4l 8.00. California apricots, $2.00. I 'ears, $1.75 i2 50. Peaches, $1.7fra2.40; I. C. peaches, $2.0032.50. A'.anka salmon, red, $1.15; fancy Chinook, flat, $2 10; fanck sockeye, flat, $1.96. Sardines, quarter oil, ia three-quarters mustard, $2.75. Sweet potatoes, $l.lua1 25. Sauer kraut. Hoc. Pumpkins, h'Jcio$l.ou. N'ax beans, 2-lb., KJC4J41. uo. LJitia beans, 2-lb, 7b,$1.85. Soaked peas, 8-lb., 00c; early June, K-1W.16; fancy, $1.2S4i1.X5. CALIFOKNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes sre somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous or moving supplies of Immediate grades: quo tations range from t"c to vc ror cauromia fruit and from 8Ho to 6c for Oregon. Ap ricots are practically out of the market and It Is reported thut offerings for prompt shipments are being withdrawn; choice are quoted at Inc. Peaches are unchanged. with fancy yellows quoteoi at rancy Miilr, 14:tc Rulsina are firm; loose Hua-t-tels are quoted at H'Jal seeded raisins, 9'ifll". lUtAN Per ton, iiu.ou. HAY Choice upland, per ton, $10.50; medium, $&5: No. 1 bottom, $00; off grades, $5.ai 60. Rye straw, $7.0o; No. 1 alfalfa. $11.00. F18JI Pickerel, areasen, no: nlke. dressed, 12o; white flh. dressed, winter caught, 13iil5c: trout, 1215c; halibut, 18o; SHlinon, lac; catnsn, i&c; herring, dressed, pan frozen, c: perch, scaled and dreased. Ac; crapples, round, fyfi9c; crapplee. large, fancy, lac; black ha an. 2sc: smelt a sweet ana nne, ijc; eel, ikc; dius fish, 150: red snapper, lie; roe shad, per pair, 4o 60c; frog leifs. bW.'4oc; lobeteis, green, per lb.. 3&c ; lobster, boiled, per lb., 4"'i45c; mackerel. Bpatiuh, per lb., 14c: mackerel. native UiTt-.c per lb.; fresh green turtle meat, !fc lb. CURED FISH Family while fish, per Quarter bbl.. ion lbs. $4 00: Norway mack erel, No. 1, $35.0o; No. 2. $00; hernng. in bbls . ?4 lbs each. Norway. 4k. $11. 00 HIDF-S AND TALLOW Green saked. No. 1, b'c; No. 2, 'c; bull hides, 6c ; green hides. No. L He: No. 2, 7c; hoise, $l.ooi4ii.7b; shceo relts. VMl.X. Tallow. No. L 4c: No. X 3 lie. V'ooL lofflo. Toledo cad Market. TOLEDO. Acrll 87. SEEDS Clover. rash and April. 17. 0; Dvcemtxr, $7 46; , March, $7A0; Ala Ike, 7.t0. TUnothy, 2.80. Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle Hogs. Omaha .....M....$2.5c).00 $6.27VaS.50 Chicago 1.N04j.55 0.05 yHi Kansas City 176'g3.20 6.35 fii.57Vi St. Louis 1.9ocni.50 6.S fe.70 Sioux City. 8.256.70 6.30 &U.40 The ofllclai number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hosts. Sheep. H'r'a. C, M. ft St, P 4 Unkm Paclflo system 2 30 2 8 CAN. W., east...... 2 C. & N. W., weet.... 2G x .. C, 6t P., M. & 0 4 C, B. i Q., west.... 24 .. .. C, R. 1. & P., east.. .. 4 C,, R. I. &. P.. west.. .. 1 .. ,. Illinois Central .. 2 ., .. Chicago G. W .. 2 .. 1 Total receipt i 101 1 4 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle, Kotis. Omaha Packing Co. .... 1,136 Swift and Company. .... .... 1,530 Cudahy Facklnac Co.- 10 1.7ns Armour &. Co 2,472 MoCreary & Carey SI Other buyers .... 14 Totala B7 7.106 CATTLE There was the usual small Sat urday's run of cattle, but the supply In cluded a load of very choice heifers that broueht $6.00. the high price of the week Receipts for the week foot up a little less than 26,000 head, or about 1.000 less than last week, but nearly 12,000 more than for the last week or April, lWJo. The quant of the offerings has been very good al week. Fat cattle started out In good shape with a steady to stronger market on Mon day and Tuesday, but since then the trend of values has been lower, and the cloae is anywhere from 10Q"25c lower than a week aro. Moat of the decline hoe been on the I plain, heavy and unfinished cattle, which nave Deen discriminated against ty ail clauses of buyers. On the other hand, there has been a vltrorous Inquiry both from eastern shippers and local dressed beef men for the fat, light and handy weight beeves and they have been free sellers throughout, the week's decline amounting to only about lotjploo. While the close of the market If rather weak, the trade Is still In very good shape and there Is a well sustained demand for desirable beeves of all kinds. The market for onws and heifers has held up In very good shape, not withstand Ing the slump In fat cattle prices. Re ceipts of butcher stock and cannera have been comparatively light all week, and In addition to the usual good Inquiry from local packers, there have been several out- sion Duyern nere an week with libera orders to nil, and the result Is a strong active trade most of the time. Heavy and common cows are possibly loo lower than they were at the close of last week, but the fat. light and helfery grades are sell ing fully as well as a week ajro. Veal ralves are about 600 lower for the week hut the market for hulls, stags, etc., hag oen steady tnrougnout. Business In stockers and feeders has been of rather small proportion, owing to the fact that receipts of this character have been comparatively limited. There hue been a good demand from all sources for anything that had the welsrht and qitalltv gna prices nave ruio steady tnrouphout On the other hand, the common, llirht and medium welrht stuff has been neajlected from start to finish snd It has been 1m posalble to effect a clearance, even at prloes mat are anout lowing lower for the week Representative aales: HEIFERS. No. At. Pr No. At Ft. v.v WW ev...... in f wj HOGS While there has been a tolerably liberal run of hogs this week, the supplies show a decrease of 2.000 head as compared with last week and of 12.000 head as com pared with the corresponding week last year. Prices have fluctuated within a com paratively narrow range and at the close are perhaps a shade higher than a week ago, although the average for tbe week can Deen snirntiy lower. Today there were nearly 7,000 hogs on sale and all classes of buyers went after them as If they wanted them. Prices av eraged 2H Wc higher than yesterday and It did not take dealers long to effect a clear ance at the advance, lops sold up to $d.50. as against $s46 yesterday, and the bulk of the trading waa at $6.354.40, as against to Ji'ia-oot yesieroa.y. Representative sales: No. At. ah. pr. No. 40 804 40 4 37 TO...'.' Tt lo 10 4 80 te.... C4 813 .. 4 80 or lees on the up and down order, and ' while a soft spot developed In the mlditln of the week, a hardening of values later on enabled sellers to recover a portion of the decline. The demaud from killers was sufficient at all times to take good care of the offerings and even at the drop tn prices the trade was active and satisfactory as oempared with other points, Quotations en wool ad killers: Oood to Choice lambs, U.VXJ 50; fair to good lambs, $7 yiS 00; good to choice yearlings, lamb weights. $"70Ofif7.4r: fair to gond yearllrga, lame weights, $4.f1l,7 0i; gocd to choice yearlings, heavy weights. $s.Vfi7.00; fMr to good yearlings, heavy weight". $" 4 50; good to choloe old wethers. $46047 On : good to choice ewes, $5.85m 40; fair to good ewes, $5 86 06 85; clipped sheep and lambs sell about $1 off from above quotatlona CHICAGO LITE STOCK MARKBT Cattle acid theep Pteady IIoe;s Five Cents fllsrher. CHICAGO, April 17. CATTLR Receipts, BOO head; market steady; beeves $4.25'u66, cows, $1.80U49O; heifers, $2.75'o.40; caivea, $3.5o(U6.60; good to nrinie steers, $5.36(tf5o: poor to medium, $4.8o4iS.30; stockers and feeder. 1hu6 15. . , . HOGS Receipts, 1 000 head; market f-o higher; light, $6.40S.56; mixed, $.40y4.5; heavy, $rt..v(IV0; rough, $h.8ti(4 40; plKM, $6. Of .&); good to choice heavy, $4.50ta.u; bulk of sales, $40B9 . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.500 head; market steady; natives and western, $4 5va.90; yearlings, 7.007.76; lambs, $. (&S.70. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, April 87. CATTLE Re ceipts, 800 head. Including twenty-five southerns: market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, $540dr.2o; fair to rood, $4.7S4i6.60; western fed steers, $4.2&;f 6.75; stockers and fenders, $3.9u6.16; south ern steers, $4.00(36.60; southern cows, $3 00 44.00; native oows. $2.75o4.76; native heif ers, W.tf'oAlO: bulls, $3.UVu14 85; calves, $350 Cv6n Receipts for the week, 44,100 head. HOGS Receipts, $.000 head; market steady; top, $4.fcH; bulk of sales, $4 4C(ii.W; heavy. $4.4646.42: pnokers, $6.406rV50; light, $6.45.6?4: pigs. $o2fvfi6.75; receipts for the week, B3.200 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market nominally steady; lambs, wiMW 80; ewes and yearlings, $6.35Jij.6i); western fed yearlings, $6.0l'a''.5O; western fed sheep, $5.2Va4.0; stockers and feeders, $4.00y00. Receipts for the week, 80,000 bead. eir York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. April 87. BEEVES Re ceipts, 1,168 head; nothing doing; feel ing weak; dressed beef, quiet nt "Wac. Exports. 926 cattle and 7.240 Quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 282 head; none for sale on live weight; market nominally weak; dressed calves, slow; city dresned veals. MiUHo: country dressed beef. BSPHo. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, Z.B7I nea.i; reeling run sieuay: gooa woo i en lambs, $8.26; fair, clipped, $7.00; no strictly prime stock here: sheen, nominal. huos Receipts. 2.872 head: none tor sale: market nominally firm on Buffalo aavicea. r St. I.onla 1.1 ve Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. April 27. C A TTLB Re. celpts, 100 head. Including fifty Texana; market steady; native shipping and expert steers. $6.1(Xj4.60; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.60fcHS.50; steers under 1,000 pounds, $4O0rtr4.70; stockers) and feeders, $8.tg5.tSj cows and heifers, $J.95,g6.76; cannera, $200 ?2.75; bulls, $7.6594.65; calves. $4 OOtS'S OO; Texaa and Indian steers, $2.6&36.60; cowl nd heifers, $I.9rtM.40. HOGS Receipts, 2.000 head: market So higher; pigs and lights, $4.2f'r4.66; packers, $6 266.66; butchers and best heavy, $'xfTJ (0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. So head: market steady; native muttons, 8S.1&04.6O; lambs, $3.75jA.80; culls and bucks, $4.00 6.00. 14,43 hWa.: shipments, 1M.77 aKo. !;. 9M bbls. IM. firm; strained, common to rood. $4.So-u-4W. Meroer In Ohio. OALLirOLIS. (V, AprT, 27-Henry Will lame and his uncle, Ahralinni Miles, farmers reslillng near thla city qnarrelej because of the alleged attentions of W'llU lams to Mrs. Miles Williams hlew Mlts.sr head off his shoulders with a shot gun. Williams was arrested. KK AL. ESTATE TRAMSFK.RS. John T. Flack CYv to Nellie Wlllard. lot L Flack's Sub $ John P. O'Connor to Omaha Oram Terminal, eV, lot IS. block 9, Kountza A iKuth's Add William n Iavls and wife to Frank Franek, lot 18, block S;V!, South Omaha Joseph S. Zlpfel and wife to Herman T. Hokanson, wto ft lot 1, rep I at block 8, Bemls Park Harry W. hitch to Inward Morrison, e ft n55 ft lots ti and 7, block 1. Pope Place Mary Ann MoCausIhh 1 to Alfred Fer man, lots 12 and 13, Mock 2, Fer man'a Sub Gardner 8. Turrill and v, a to V. It. I-oveJoy, lot 12, block u, Patrick's Sd Add Joe A. Crumb et al. to liir -v.n Patter son Bates, lots 7 and block L Wndsor Terrace. Magnus Erlckson to Dnvi.l Brown Meutlply, lots 6 and 6, block 11. Rose H1U - 4.00TJ tot 1X4 i i sot 4.50H lOd 404 Totals ....... ...$15,SI St. Joseph L,lve Stock Market. BT. JOS FPU. Mo.. April 27. CATTLE Reeelpta 857 head; market steady; na tives. $4.40tu.2S: cows and heifers. $3.26rS 6.00; stockers and feeders, $3.5034.60, HOGS Receipts. 6.108 head: market steady to Ko higher; top, $4.(0; bulk cf sales. t4 40$.47H. BHiarjp ami LAM HS Receipts, none; lambs, $8.0Ofi.5S; yearlings, $6.7B7.26t wethers, $6.60dtU75; ewes, $0.0065. Slnax City LI to Stock Market. OTrfcTTV MTT A rt Vt 1 1 gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200 head; mar ket steady; beeves,. $4.5cS6,70; cows, bulls and mixed, $3.2T3-470; stockers and feeders, $4.00(34.70; calves and yearlings, $3.40tfr4.40. HOGS Receipts, 8.800 head; market 6o higher; selling at $6.8034.40; bulk of galea, $6,46&4.3THo. Stock In Sight. Reoelots of live stock at tbe six nrtnolnal western markets yesterday: cattle. ofrs. Bheep. ' How S30 Ma.de $4.000,000 IX THE LATEST ISSUE OF THB Financial & Mining Record PARTIAL X)XTENT8: A $75 Iavectment TluU Made $27 00 O, A $000 lAVtwtmeiit That Mada $150,000. Whore Value Multiply and VTbj. 10 InveatmenU That 11a v Doubled In 13 Months. most valuable publication for IN VESTORS, SPECULATORS and those hwiehlner to Invest safely and profitably. Gives many valuable pointers. How to Make Money Sample Copy of Latest Issue Sent FREE on Bequest, THE FINANCIAL & MINING RECORD 80 East 23d BU New Tork. South Omaha..... Sioux City Kansas City St. Josepk. .............. St. Louis Chicago ... Total reeelpta. mo 800 867 100 000 6,fX . $.800 8.000 .10t 1.000 .000 481 M lAoe ...1.SU 18,708 4V2S1 Cotton Market. NEW TORK, April 17. OOTTOIf Spot closed steady; middling uplanaa, ll.SOo; middling gulf, 11.65c; no sales. ST. LOlIS. April 87. COTTON Steady; middling, lotyo. Sales none; re oelpta, 400 balea; aUlpmanla, 186 bales; stock. 76,761 bales. NkTW ORLEANS, April 87. COTTON Spot market closed steady; sales, 1,(64 bales; low ordinary, ( 16-lto nominal; or dlnary, 7 6-16c nominal; good ordinary, ajac; low middling, t 18-16o; middling, 11 1-1 $c; good middling, 12o; middling fair, 18o nominal; fair, 18 Ho nominal. Reeelpta. 1.(42 bales; stoak, 160.880 bales. LIVERPOOL, April 87. COTTON Ptxit In fair demand, prices seven points higher; American middling fair, 7.54d; goon middling. 7.00d: middling, 6.4fld; low middling, 6.12d; good ordinary, f.46d; or dinary, S.Ogd. The sales of the dnv were 8,000 balea, of which 600 bales for speculation and export and Included 7,100 American. Receipts, 18,004 bales. lnoluoV Lng 14,000 bales American. narar and Molasses. YORK. April 27.-SUOAR Raw. NEW steady; fair refining, 8.2fy(W.ic; centrifugal, bi test 8 73.7t8.70o. Molasses sugar, 8 OOQi 801c. Refined, steady; No. . 4.40o; No 7. 4.a6c: No. fi. 4.30c: No. . 4.26c: No In lib.' IIIPISSIIIG SILVER QUEEH COBALT BULLION COBALT DEVEL'T This week's lotter fully sets forth why these Cobalt stocks re oonnldercd by me the best pnrohase In the present mar ket. It also contains an Inter esting descriptive map of the Hatlve Hirer District. Thla letter Is mailed free upon re quest. SEND FOR IT Orders In Cobalt stocks e Teen ted on the N. T. Curb, Toronto and Cobalt Eixohanges. Quotations fur nished. Inquiries regarding any Cobalt Issues promptly answered. PETER WHITNEY 100 Broadway, Nw York. I WILL BUY 40 German a inn. Cottee 1000 Columbua Cona, le News Srocia Oobalt lou gas Juaa (nes Bae Felipa sua ens. Nadoa 1000 Ploma 1000 0(14. 8 to 4k (Jooaa) (MOCoaa. O. C Ooal 1000 raaa-Wreanlag low rertr-Nlne Cavak loue Alameda adaho) 80W Hanhaftaa Meraoa 4U0 Temaatoae Oeaa, I WILL SELL tet Nar. Ooauaoa. vaalui 1444 Utile Mplaatng leu Luoaala T. T. sL A D. 10M Surer Lex Obbatt lOu Cobalt Oem loot) BllTar Bar Oobalt at Baa Lmls taot OeimaM Bus luo Wellb(taa aflnas tuot Kla Belomoa T. A D. tlanamnea, rraa) loot Oehalt Oestral 1004 Plttabura Jar. Oop tout Faxry Sd. Copper M O. A Traa4weU AMD SUNT OTUIXS. BEND FOB LIST. C. F. OESINCER, DBALSK IN CNUsTBD gBCVRTTIKa, UMt-ll0-U41-laU RaJ BataU Truat Bldg. rhUadelpbla. Pa. Batabllabes 1M. 43...., M 41 at 41 41 111..., W 44 iO M 41... CI... rt 74 IT. . .. :.... .... 40 TV... t II.... 4 VI ... ta 45... t4.... tt.... 71.... 74... II.... 7.... 44.... 1.... 41... 71 ..7 ..14 ..tot .. I ..111 ..JiJ 40 4 lit 140 4 124 140 4 Ilia led 4 II .. 4 It to I Si 121 to IH .n to 1 si 120 40 ..."7 .l7 ...fit .. I' 5 ...114 t: SO ti 0 ..291 ..241 ..87S .141 . 11 ..244 14 ...251 .. .a.t ...211 . . - ,...161 ....Ml ,...II Ut ..141 ....2i4 ,...141 ,...141 .. 4 ...144 ,... ltl t at t i t W t ss t at t 11 1 w 4 14 leO I 16 .. t Kit t I74 t t l " t tf t t7S4 t rvi I rr 4 174 t l"4 t am, 4 rs 4 ti 4 rv, t 7 t 74 t r .. 1 riH ltt 1 11 .. t ii .. t 17 .. 4 IT4 to I ITSt 74.... 71.... TO.... 44 ... 14 , 71 TI T7 T4 71 41 II 14 II TI 1 49 71. T6 Tt tt lit At. ..H4 .2-14 ..ft .HI ..210 .. ..Ml tOO .147 ..226 ..2JT ..221 ..til ..14T ..lit ..hit ..240 .144 ..tit ..m .lul .211 tto II 40 tt 110 to T4.., T4... TI.. 41 . Tt.. TI.. 44... . T6.. II.. 71.. 71.. .. 61.. Tt.. Tt.. Tt., 4.. ....11 ....11 ....tut ....144 ....244 ....SSI ...HO ...146 ...It . ... 140 ....214 ....224 ....14 ... 'l ....Ml ....231 ....tt ....tit Ft. t I7H t 17 I 17 t n t 4 t 40 .. t 40 40 4 40 40 4 40 SO I 40 111) 4 40 .. t 40 40 4 40 .. 4 40 .. 4 40 to t at 160 4 40 tO I 40 120 t 40 te 4 44 .. 4 40 4 t 40 .. t 40 M t 40 .. 4 40 ..4 4 .. 4 4 .. 4 40 .. 4 4 tt t 40 let t 40 4 t 4 4v t 4t 40 t 4 .. t 40 .. t 4 It t 4 .. t 41 .. t 4 .. t 44 ..4 6 ..4 4 SHEEP-Wlth nothing In sight today x- Csvt a couple of loads direct to a looal packer, the sheep market Is quetably un changed from yesterday. The week cluaes with nominal receipts and the total number received fur the six days amounts to about S:,0Ci0 head, as against 63.im In round numbers lor the meek pructdlr.g and ii9.0iw for ths corre sponding week last year. The Mg decrease In receipts from laat week did not pre vent a slight decline In prices. Eastern markets all reported quite a heary break, b'jt here the average decline waa not more than 1'Jdjlic on anything, and on some of the beter grades there has been no special change In tbe advance of three weeks ago. J.U market 01x104 Ut weeJt wit Bware No. 1L 410o; No. 12, 406c; No. Uc, 4.00c; No. 14, 8.S60; confectioners' A, 4.60c; mould A. 5.15c; cut loaf, 6 tW; crushed, 6.60c- fowdered. AleOc; granulated. A8)o; cubes! 06c. MOLABSB8 Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. 87TP130. NEW ORLEANS April TI. BT'OAR-, Steady; open kettle centrifugal. 8HS3T4ic; centrifugal yellow, lVHc; seconds, 80 84 c. MOLASSE3S Quiet ; new syrup, Str7T34c. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, April 27. -OOFT'KK Mar ket for futures opened steady at unchanged prices. In keeping with featureless cables. Trading was very quiet and with hardly any demand In evidence; prices eased off during the session, with the clone steady at a net decline of t-ilO points. Sales were reported of 14.760 baas. Including May at 6.6v;i6.tS0c; Julv. 6 50; Septemher. S.aMifi 45 and March, 6465oc; spot coffee, quiet. Rio, No. 7, 6c; Santns No. 4 io; mild coffee dull; Cordova, 93120. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta. NKW YORK. ADrll 27. KVA-PORATED APPLES Market Is steady to firm. .. ...... k . i. ! .. . ... I . 1 6t Hc; poor to fair, 6 H ifi 6c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRt'IT Prunes. unchanged. IU to ItHc for California. and 6V1&IO0 for Oregon. Peaches eaay; choloe, ll'SHHc; extra choice, 12tfl2c; Tancy, l8Hlc; extra rancy, lSftlOc. Raisins, unchanged: loose muscatel quoted at tl&lOc; seeded ralalns, JVattllo; London layers, .l.tiV 1.65. Metal Market. NEW TORK. April 27METALS-Mar. kets were more or less nominal In the ab sence of London cables and of any Im portant business. Tin was firm at H? 'Jit 42 66. Copper continued quiet, with lake quoted at 34.6ji 26: electrolytic, J24.(0 24.76; casting, 82 7!'u23.X. Leadwas un. changed at 86 Outf. 10; Sfielter, 84 &0(J6k Iron waa steady at recent prices. ST. LOT 'IS, April 17.-Ml-7rAL8 Ieal dull at i '-'vti& U. Srlter, dull at l.5u. MONEY MAP OF COBALT IT 18 FREE Orres at a glanoe tbe laoatlon aal prodaatlon ol all the Mg nuaaa ta tlx Great Canadian tllrar (Jamp. Tbls siap et COBALT la ostnsfled from OeTsmmsot statlatlns sad ether eOclal tata, wbloa stakes It tae awrt eompkt and aomprehaDaiva map ot OOBALT In exlet.nce. BTery InTeator saeda on so aa te Judfe et the ealue or la veal meals dura Write tor a tree eupy tedar. The R. L Dernier Company 812 Security Bldg., Chicago, 111. LY-NEVADA MAP and VIEWS We have Just received a beautiful Birds Eye View map of Ely. showing iho moun tain ranges, mines, railroad, waaun roads, smelters, town sites, etc. Nothing so com plete and comprehensive aa this map has ever been published by any mining com pany. We will send It free for two 2-cent stamps, to pay poetise, with folio of M photos of Ely and surioundlngs. Write or C A. J. CARR. Omaha, Nebs 678 S. t8tb St. BAOAIN Ut BTOCK. w ir. 110IJ. J6C Men. blue jar .... u.h u. a y a.'jiA Mal.aflolt U. & s. 110 . 100 E.a.e at. A I . ' Ito . 1500 Ne. Oueen lte louD atoDareh. li , 41.10 fc.juO Mueconee R-, 40c JoOO Pin Beera, Ho a u.rf nutte. bid .m) Kortr-Klne Crk., 7140 7.m Oierna, tm 0wV Soaora Oilef, tto 7e 30c I'll Indwell Klectrlo, lOe 6m0 Klllf Sol. T. a D.t Kaua Coup. Heta. lutfi rhuns Con., to F.tna. Wia.. 11 Tt Old. Fori une, 4s 4kS Anthonr. lata, 4to 2miu wuiiigion, nr., Ule 70 Alner. Mel., 14o tiiO Hub. Elliott. Ui 2o tlllDln Ameiicail. 4a I l'4 Luianla Tun., tua llout btd. Liuub. Ba., te 'Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, April 27. WOOL Steady; medium grades, combing and clothing. Zi'f 2o; light fine, ailc, Una, lU'l?c, tub washed, 3 it 37 c Mlaaeaptills Grata Market. MINNEAP)IJS. April 27 WHEAT May, 82V-: July, bvc; No. 1 hard, 66Sc; No. I northern, SiSic: No. 2 northern, ftJtc; No. 8 northern, 6uulo. VI WTLIi VAT CASH TOU. lot Amar. Lumber V e Ur.lT. Pneu. TTasa l,.l t'euut Micool 2'. O Old. Com.. Na. too (ltd. Hub ' Black fearl 10 0 Analvada 'i !' r. Am.r. uv0 tSupira Tun., Col. too Pens-Wye. Wt"t4'rri llusineMt ' Kxt-Uangat 13S LaBalle Chicago, XU. Nevada Map Free and particulars of the COMIN'l OREA'P MINE of Bullfrog We made a aiK'eas of hl'l.l.FHOU KEYSTONE; INl.STORd 1'iAOE 400 1E CXMT; the stock will gd blgher. Write NOW. J0BN J. BL'NTE C0 II! Brosdaey, It Y. Oils aad Roils. W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. NEW TORK. April 17. OILS Cottonseed. eaay; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 3V-; prime yellow, 4f.tr. Petroleum, steady; refined New York, 84 an; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 816; Philadelphia and Baltimore, in bulk. 84.70. Turpentine, ewnma. uSHitfktM FirnimSU Tel CouilOU We effsr, subject to sale, 60 sbarea vaion tltoes; Tar as at tnA.