Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1907, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 2, Image 20

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lecent Wart Fros tb Heed of Good
Japanese Officers Picked Off by a
Ma a Hearty a Mil Away
Irrirnt Melnerney'e
Shot at flantlaajo.
That what may ho termed a "marksman
hlp revival" la taking strong hold upon'
tha military bodies of the In I tod States
la apparent to every one who Is at nil In
touch with army and national iruard affairs.
The prophecy lc freely made by General
Drain and othera high In such mattera that
In another five years Cncle Bam, If need
arisen, will be able to put Into the field a
division of sharpshooters.
Thla may mean anywhere from .000 to
111,000 men who are able, each of them,
to kill a crow at 5fi0 yards, a turkey at 1.000,
and a man a mile and a quarter away.
That may sound like pretty "tall" shoot
ing, but It must be remembered that thla
Is an age of long range small arms of won.
derful accuracy, and the nation which falls
to devote tireless care and Inbor to small
arms practice will find Itself very seriously
handicapped In land operations when facing
an enemy that has brought more of Its sol
diers to the standing of expert marksmen.
President Hack the Movement.
President Roosevelt by his stand In such
matters has given a great Impetus to the
work of the army board having charge
of marksmanship and to the various Na
tional guards and civic ass ociations through-
- out the country. From nearly every slnte
In the union come reports of Increased
, Interest and activity In rifle shooting. Sprirrg
practices are already being held. In a num
ber of states hitherto without adequate
ranges or no ranges at all appropriations
have been made for the purchase or long
rental of sites, the erection of modern
targets and shooting lodges and the plac
ing of moving figures.
The Russian-Japanese war Accentuated
the lessons taught by the Spanish-American
and Botith African conflicts as to the de
sirability of better Individual marksman
ship. Both armies In that greater war were
well supplied with ordinary riflemen, but
the Russians were far ahead of the Mik
ado's army In the matter of rifle experts.
This la acknowledged by the Japanese
l themselves, and the death roll of Japanese
officers killed at Ping Tang. I.lHoyang, Port
Arthur and Mukden la evidence of tha Rus-
1 alan superiority In tha respect.
1 Officers Rsneclal Marks.
, At the alege and assault upon Port Arthur
' Japanese officers were picked oft In scores
at long distance, and this despite. the fact
that In a majority of cases they1 were
neither distinguished marks nor uniforms.
This convinced the Japanese that the
enemy was using telescopes In connection
with tha long range rifles and thua were
able to pick out those In authority.
General Ichlnobe was twice shot through
the right shoutder, once at a dlstanoe of
900 yards and again when he hud retired
to more than 1.260 yards. Both bullets
passed entirely through, but the wounds
indicated that the name rifle one of nn
especially small bore hid sent both bul
lets. General Tackagagl, In the same
elge, received a Russian steel bullet In
the neck while he was surveying a battery
of tha coxcomb series from a dlstanoe of
more than 1.460 yards. A few mlnuta
later. In a charge upon the battery, Tacka-
. gagl received simultaneously three bul.ets
' In the breaat.
.Seru'eant Melnerney'e Shot.
J No one ever will know ho much a
single rifle ball at 8nntlago contributed
toward bringing the Spanish-American wr
proportion to the total naautlla, and no
doubt largely to thla fact may be attrib
uted the undue length of the combat and
the many victories of the Iloers over their
antagonists. The British War office does
not furnish figures as to the distances at
which long range firing of small arms be
came effective In the various bsttles. but
the rally News fives thirty-one Instance
where officers were killed or mortally
wounded at distancea tanging from tno to
1.0X) yards, eighteen at between 1,000 and
l.S. sixteen at about l. yards, four at
1.700 yards and three at between L9p and
2, LTD yards.
Colonel Lionel Raymond of the One Hun
dred and Beventy-fourth was mortally
wounded at a distance of nearly a mile
and a half from the nearest Boer rifle
pits at Splon Kop, and Major Fergusn
of the Beaforths watched puffs of smoke
tor five minutes at Krugermlorp while
large calller rifle bails kicked up the dust
at his feet. He was a mile and three-flftha
from the Boer aharpsnootera.
Savings Wortlh Wlhlle
J HERE'S a saving an honest substantial saving in every price quoted in this announcement.
I And the savings are great enough to be worth your while to interest you deeply. f you're famil
JL iar with Furniture nnd Rug values you'll appreciate the imiortance of these offerings. Look else-
I where if you wish it will help us in convincing you that there's not a homefurnishing institution
in Omaha that comes anywhere near equaling our prices try as they may. Study the offerings here men
tionedfigure your savings. You're welcome to all the benefits of our Individual Credit Service.
Rotable Evidence of Progress
Over the Dark Continent.
About fifteen months ago a few head of
the fine woolled sheep of Australia were
Introduced on the high plateau of the Brit
ish East Africa protectorate. This Is prob
ably the first attempt to grow merino sheep
almost directly on the equator. It is said
by the British survey In that region that
the experiment bids fair to be successful.
This simply means that the elevation of
about ,noo feet at which the sheep are liv
ing gives the proper climatic conditions not
otherwise obtainable In that latitude.
It Is an old saying that the unexpected
always harPn ,n Africa. The remark
formerly applied to the unpleasant things
that were constantly occurring- It Is still
used, but It relates new to the realisation
of hones and plans that till recently seemed
visionary and impracticable.
Africa Is the theater now of the greatest
work of reclamation the world ever saw. It
is too near us and too vast to be seen as
yet in proper perspective. Few understand
that the attitude of the world toward Af
rica has completely'changtd In the last Ave
years. There are three rean why the
money and strength of the civilized world
are now being poured out In greater volume
than ever before. They will bring about a
transformation covering the continent.
One Is that the great advance In tropical
hygiene and the studies of scientific men
on the ground have proved that there ar
large and widely distributed areas of the
richest soil and tha finest grailng lands
that are well adapted for occupancy by
white farmers. The next year Of two will
see the Invitation given to the European
peasantry who can ommand a very little
capital to settle In various parts of Africa,
and oondltiona will be made practicable for
thorn during the first years of pioneer
struggle. It la found, too, that the oppor
tunities for developing large plantation en
terprises are Illimitable, and that no other
continent can afford better conditions In
this line as soon as adequate transportation
Is provided. In many regions as large aa
some of the European states the best of soil
is found to a depth of several feet.
It la also found that tbe natives can be
Induced to do their full share in this
work of transformation. Hundreds . of
thousands of them are now In the service
of the whites. They are doing the rough
work of building the roads and railways,
stringing the telegraphs, manning tha
steamboats, burning .the lime, making the
brick, putting up the houses, and con
structing tha furniture from hardwoods
which they make Into lumber. Hundreds of
trade schools, maintained by governmenta
and missionary societies, are scattered
w k GO CARTS &
4 When you make a comparison of prices It la always advisable to
, make a comparison of the foods also. Particularly Is this
Lf advisable when considering a Home Outfit. We have been
offering a four-room outfit at $95.00 AND SELLING Til KM at
that price. Onr's Is a bonl-fide offer. It Is a splendid outfit and a COMPLKTK outfit.
It is made up of handsome, dependable goods and everything is Included for parlor, bed
room, dining room and kitchen, Complete, all ready for housekeeping. Many stores make
similar offers but when "QUALITY and QUANTITY" are considered our prices prove to
be about RO lower than those of any other homefurnishing Institution In Omaha.
CREDIT TERMS: $9.00 Cash, 98.00 MONTHLY. Special prices also one outfits for
three, five, six, seven and eight rooms.
Book of Dirdville Jingles Free
Every child that cuts out the
illustrated Jingles which an
' pear in our Sunday announcements be
tween now and July 1st, saves them and malls them to us at that time, will receive a beau
tiful bound volume of these Blrdvill verses FREE, printed from fine ulatea and beauti
fully Illustrated In colors. We would like to have every child in Omaha get one of these
s In J3 ljrd vlll o
t , --v :'x
I J. 1
I had a grain of Rye
With a friend passing by;
But I'm as soW(hic) as sobier canter1
Nearly Every Price Represents
a Saving to You of One-Half
from the Atlantio to the Indian ocean and
n uiiv 1.... Th. w.Ua- k o . t,An.i 'are turnlna out effective. Jikl'd labor.
certain high officers of the United States ! Hundreds of native Women, whose fathers
army say that In their opinion that one
bullet fired contrary to orders eved hun
dreds, perhaps thousands, of lives.
were cannibals, are busy -with sewing ma
chines, turning out garments for the army
of laborers. The white man thinks and
It was Sergeant Mclnerney of the Ninth j plans; the native, under his guidance,
Infantry who Ared the shot at a distance turns his Ideaa Into concrete form.
of more than 1,500 yards which nearl) The third fact that Is poshing all these
Tomorrow we begin the sale of 1,000 Ruga at prices we wouldn't have believed possible a month ago. The sale Is possible now only because one of the greatest weavers in the east
one of the greatest in the world, In fact, decided to close out In a lump all the ruga he had on hand before starting the loom on next Reason's goods. Since the Hartman concern sella more
ruga than any other otore, combination of stores or syndicate in America, he naturally came ue with the proposition. Tbe great weaver had no time to bother with the remainders, bo he
said, "Out they go at a big, quick loss," and the mill was cleared for further work. A bold move, surely, but that sort of management always wins.
iiJfll 1" addition to the rugs metloned we have marked down nearly (100 from our reK-
Ular stoca; some are remainners or lines not 10 De reoroeren; otners are oi iini'e
couldn't reorder If we would not being made any more and notne are of patterns
that represent odds and enda on which we are willing to take half price In order
to cloae out.
iAM&. u-u -test "... ?-. fca
100 Wilton Vlvet Rugs.
siz9 12 ft. oy rt.. sale price
These Hugs are made from one of the foremost weavers of
AtiKticu, tiut he will not permit us to mention his name be
cause of the low price we quote. The quality of these Hugs
Is most dependable, made of high-grade materials, made with
extra high pile, deep und luxurious. The patterns are of great
beauty, colorings most pleasing and of greatest durability.
Bee these Hugs. -
Credit Terms I 92.00 Caaa, 60o Weekly. '
severed General Unures'e arm from his i
body and gave the supreme command to
General Toral. Sergeant Mclnerney was
the moat advanced soldier of the Ameri
can forces for nearly three hours and it
Was while he held this place that the shot
Waa made which undoubtedly had, tha ef
fect of changing very materially the Span
ish, program. '
i Ha had taken position in a tree. Be
yond, within the breastworks, he noticed
particularly an officer upon a gray horse,
apparently making an Inspection of the en
tire front. Mclnerney though the order
had gone out thut day that no firing should
be Indulged In aimed upon the horseman
and brought him down. Later It waa
learned that Mclnemey'a target waa Gen
eral LJnarea, regarded aa one of Spain's
beat and bravest generala In Cuba. Toral,
who had previously expressed an opinion
favoring an early termination of hostl.ltles.
assumed command. , A few hours later
Santiago capitulated to tha Americana.
Death of General lnton.
An expert Filipino marksman deprived
the United States army of one of Its best
and bravest officers In the Philippines
Oeneral Lam-ton. at San Pedro. The gen
eral, alx foot four, waa an especially good
target, but the bullet traversed the air
nearly a mile before reaching Its lodgment.
On that game day Lieutenant Tate, a vol
unteer officer, burrowing a rifle from an
Infantryman, put three bullets Into an In
surgent running over a hill In the dis
tance. The fugitive felt each time, only to
rise and run again. Tate waa about to fire
a four(h shot when the Filipino fell and
remained quiet When the soldiers csme
upon Ms body It waa found to be that of
a boy of not more than 10 to 11 years of
age, carrying a toy gun. The little fellow
was killed at a distance (afterward paced)
of about 1.525 yards, though to Lieutenant
Tate It looked more, owing no doubt to his
Impression that he was shooting at a man.
When Llacom Waa Killed.
Two sharpshooters In the service of the
Chinese were responsible for the loss of the
Ninth Infantry's gallant commander, Colo
nel Emerson H. Llscom, at the battle of
Tien Tsln. That there were at least twj
experts upon the wall who had the officer
In view la known from the fact that he
waa pierced twice In the same second by
steel bullets from German needle gnins.
The distance between the wall and where
Colonel Llscom stood, alone, waa a little
ever 1.S0O yarda. Aa the Chinese are among
the very poorest of marksmen It la almost
certain the American commander was
killed by foreigners In the Boxer service.
In that eame campaign good marksmen In
tbe ranks of the Chinese were directly re
sponsible for the deaths of Lieutenant
Colonel Igate of the Japanese and Major
Roggiuanta of the Russians. Major Rngg-
manta waa mere than a mile away from
tha Chinese block house at Tangtun when
his pony waa ahot from under him. A
second bullet clipped the air near him, and
ha was about to aek shelter when a third
brought him to the ground. He failed to
keep quiet, however, and waa again
wounded where he lay. Both Colonels La
Points and Igats more than 1.7O0
yarda away from the eyea of the aharp-
abooters wha picked uiem on.
British Uhu la Snath Afrtea.
The roil of British, officers killed and
wounded during the Boer war la remark
able testimony to the efficiency of the
Africanders with the rifle. The number
of officers among the dead and Injure.l
in that struxul waa altogether out of
enterprises forward with tremendous en
ergy Is the mineral weulth, of which new
fields are being constantly discovered.
There are vast coal fields not yet reached
by transportation; the gold of German
Kast Africa, the gold and vaat copper re
sources of the Congo state are still un
touched; the Iron, as widely distributed
aa in any of the continents, la atlll f melted
and wrought only by the native smith.
Africa has been regarded as the poof
sister among the continents. The mere
It Is atudled in detail the mora magnifi
cent Ita resources appear. Native labor
la abundant, and It can be trained and dis
ciplined. The nineteenth century revealed
Africa; the twentieth will open Its splen
did resources for th good of Its Inhab
itants and '.he whole world.
These are the reasons why the railway
from Freetown la now In ' operation K0
miles Inland, the Germans are extending
their trick a half-mils a day from Da res -Salam,
the Congo state has some 1,00) mites
of new track In construction, the Cape
to Cairo line la operating for 1,000 miles
north of Cape Town and will reach the
Congo stata thla year. And theee railroads
are only a part of tha vast enterprises
whose progress la remarkable and that will
aome day. make Africa a potent factor la
the world of affaire. New Tork Sun.
There Is a Saving of at least one-third on overy one of
these Unas on tunny Hugs, one-half,
18 Smyrna Huns, 3(1x18 in .
98 Bmyrriu Hugs. 60x30 In 1.7S '
84 Smyrna Uuks. 7x4 ft 4. 68
74 Brussels Hugs. 27x.r4 In 1.33
86 KuHlimlr Uuks, 12x ft 1S.7S
20 Wilton Velvet Itus. 54x27 In 1.60
21 Axmlnxtt-r Hubs, 54x27 in 1.75
IS Axmlnster Hiikm, 72x30 In S.30
20 Axmln.ster Hugs. 10-6x8-8 ..14.60
25 Ui'viTMihle Art Hquures, size 12x ft 9.60
75 Heveislljle Art Muares, slxe (XU ft 3.80
20 Heversihle Art tu.uures, size 10-6x!t ft 4.85
60 Reversible- Art Squares, size 12x! ft 8.60
mWm-s KIT ' .SiSp
I I r ii a an nn i"' n '
120 Fine Axrnjnster Rugs.
size 12 ft. by 9 ft.. Priced
An Axmlnster Rnr of auch excellent quality positively never
sold in Omaha before at such an amazing low price. This is
a value that will surprise the most experienced rug buyers.
These Rugs are made for long, satisfactory nad- the
beat the weaver knew how and he stands at the head of the
rug weavers of America. We have an extra Jargo assortment
of patterns from which to select.
Credit Terms i (9.50 Cash, SOo Weekly.
20t) Htflh ' Grade Brussels Rugs. Size 10
ft. 6 in., bv 8 ft. 3 In.
255 of these Superior Rugs. Size 12 feat 1 C H C
bv 9 feet. DiD
This special lot of Brussels Rugs Is made without miter seams a pi Int
worthy of your consideration. The materials are of highest grade made of
worsted, aniline dyed they are rugs of the sort that Insures greatest wearing
quality ami will never faile. They are closely woven, firm and durable. You
nee bo many rugs advertised nowadays that are made from printed carpets
that we cannot refrnin from repenting that these Rugs are full woven and
liuve no miter scams. These are rugs of highest character and the price la,
as you'll agree, amazingly low.
Credit Terms I tl.BO Cash, SOo Weekly.
The special offerings In Carpets are too numerous to
mention in full. Here are a few of the many;
35 rolls Heavy Ingrain Carpets, usually sells
at 85c to Goc, yard yic
48 rolls All-Wool Ingrain Carpets, of greatest A?
durability, special, yard
26 rolls Fine Brussels Carpets, your saving
will be 40 per cent, yard VJSt
3 it rolls Kxtru Quality Brussels Carpets, very ftQn
fine, special, yard o.
41 rolls Wilton Velvet Carpets, strictly all- BC
worsted surface, yard W
6t rolls Extra Super Quality Wilton Velvet C
Carpets, yard H"
Experience ol a Ihreivd Business Man
Deprived of Speech for Seven
Discussing aphasia at. the Academy of
Medicine, New Tork. Dr. William H.
Thompson told a story of mental acumen
following loss of apeech which greatly in
terested hla hearera and which waa ac
knowledged to be one of the moat re
markable caaea of ita kind on record.
'A man well known In business," said
rr. Thompson, "came to my office on day
accompanied by his son and lawyer and
asked that I examine him mentally to de
termine whether he waa competent to makrf
a will, 1 was Informed that aeven years
before he lost his speech and since than
had been unable to utter a word. He was
literally word blind. He could not tell when
printing waa upside down. Ha explained
that he had considerable property he
wlahed to dispose of and that he expected
hla will would be contested and be wanted
a statement from me.
"I examined him thoroughly, found he
was mentally acuta and In every way re
sponsible. In fact, my Inquiry developed
the regarkable tact that while he waa word
blind he had developed a remarkable arith
metical knowledge. . He waa an adept In
every aenae. Figures fairly spoke to him.
Since tha time he waa atricken ha had Con
ducted a big buaineaa and had dona It In
auch an aatute way that he had accumu
lated a fortune. He had complete mute
aphasia, but waa Indeed a aharp business
man. I was convinced that hla mental
center for aritmetlo wag separate and dis
tinct. "To test hla acutenesa of Intellect I mis
read two or three words In hla will and ha
Instantly caught ana us and upbraided hla
lawyer. I made out a aertlflcate to the ef
fect that In my opinion he waa perfectly
competent to make a - will. Two months
later thla remaxkabla man waa found e4
In hla bed. and I learned later that the cer
tillcate which I gave him waa tha means of
preventing a will contest."
This Elegant 0 7C
Dresser Only j
Thla Dreaaer la a value
that atiould command your attention. Just no
tice the illustration, then consider the price.
It Is made In golden oak or mahogany finish,
of expert workmanship throughout. Size of
top 40x20 In., size of French bevel mirror
14x10 In. Don't confuse thla elegant Presser
with the offerings of other stores, it's higher
In character and workmanship and worth
double Ita price; 140 other styles of Dressers
on display up to $250, largest line In Omaha.
Handsome Lioi
Curtains, deep cord
overlook stitch.
Special, per S:
pair UJv
Jfottlngham Lacs
Curtains, doubts
corded, overlock
stitoh. beautiful
patterns, "y nz
per pair
Excellent Quality
Lace Curtain a,
heavy lace and Bat
tenberg effects,
special, per I C
pair. . , ''
rine Imitation
Hand Mads Laoe
Oaitains, scrim
ack, Rococo lace
border, very I tie
nan .'
Het Iiaoe Onrtalns,
fine lace effect,
very rich pattern,
superior qualify,
pair A.DJ
Egyptian Madras
Mat Xaee Oartalua,
or great wearing
quality, extra hand
some pat- X "7e
terns, pair.
Bonne Vamme Cur
tains, finest Kgypt
aln Cable Net. full
deep flounce. of
superior ex- X
cellence ''4J
Agents for
Other. rntTLffrV, JlJ J tTfl
It's Economy to Buy a McDougall
Kitchen Cabinet
The McDougalf pays for itself In dollars and cents
within one year. . . s .
It makes a great saving In kitchen supplies. It cuts
kitchen work In two, giving the housewife two to four
hours, more of leisure every day, and enables her to econ
omize In the management of the home.
It s economy, too, to buy the McDougall and nothing
else. The McDougall doesn't warp, fall to 'pieces or col.
lect dirt and vermin. It lasts a lifetime. It isn't tha
lowest in price, but It's the cheapest kind to buy.
The Genuine McDougall Prices (18 to 130.
and Couch
Heavy Tapestry
Onrtalns, heavy
ribbed curtains
with overahot fig
ure. Per 1 LC
Heavy Pap-
stry Curtains, re-
versLble pn'.t.'i'ris,
full lungth and
width, per lit
pair !
Art Tapestry Onr
talns. new patterns
extremely artistic
terials, per X TC
pair y.a.J
Bilk rinlshed Tap
estry Curtains, very
fine, superior ma
lurge sue, C 1C
per pair
mope Tortieres,
fancy ruffled cord,
now design, hand
some color- I QC
Inge, special. .'J
Extra Handsome
K, o p o Portieres,
laree cord, large
tassela, extra fancy
apecfaf 4.50
Couch Covers,
heavy Ho man
striped and Orien
tal patterns, fine
tapestry, of great
or Your
Hark at
Hartman's Iron
Ded Special
This Iron Bed Is one of our exclusive designs, espe
cially made for the great Hartman chain of twenty
two atorea. It is strong and substantial and made or
the best materials throughout. Made with larae size
tubing, large ornamental chills and Joints and steel
Bide lulls; fa full width and enameled In popular col
ors; you may choose from many combinations. Our
special price on this very elegant bed, which la on
sale all this week. Is, aa quoted above.
$5.00 Sanitary Ded
(10.00 Solid Oak Chif
foniers for
Kefrltferator, Soe- f C
$12.00 Velour Couches,
$4.00 Parlor Uuk Rockers
$20.00 Oak Sideboard,
Larue, P
niirror iatie' J
$2.25 Oak or Mahogany
rieo Bet Sogers
Oivea free with a f 100 purchase
ot sold for S8.69. Terms, $1.00
cash, TEo Monthly.
If set Is bought and at aay ttmo
dnrlng a ya purchaser bays 8100
worth of goods from us, we will
credit sost of same to their ao--ount.
$40.00 Steel Ilanges, large
size, six ") 75
holes 0. J
$5.00 large size Reed
$8.00 Solid Oak Extenhion
Tables A Q C
for t,JsJ
$30.00 High Grade Sewing
;r.,,.n:.' 18.75
$12.00 Guaranteed Wauhlng
Machines 7 75
$1.00 Gasoline Stoves,
two burners.
All Deliveries Made
In Plain Unlettered
cial Sale Price.
This Refrigerator is on sale all week. It la
strongly constructed, of great durability and most
economical. It la lined with galvanized iron, has
metal shelves, patent drip cup and other improved
features. A value you cannot possibly duplicate
elsewhere In Omaha.
All aires, best makes, up from
Heynolds' celebrated make. See thla Re- XL 7?
frlgerator, made entirely of metal sw.f
us .I , 11S1 .a nxlUlllswseseaMSjsasw
I n Vv
L 11 l I , u 1 VJtwJi
22 Great Stores Throughout the U. S.
1414-1416-1418 Doudlas Street
U T n.blee.
rEEi t-l. o lffja&r Ji2zJ
Toy Hickory kiZ. ' 171 fx
xriu-nltare, 4 I iV '. ' V
w-,dS2?M( MA
Special ff "C
rotdlnq Reclining Go-Carl
miKiSKru cane .-! - : :
patent wlic-l fast.-ners and brake and lai K
r tlr. a handsome, dependable cart, ti
Thla Handsome Oo-Cart Is of new folding type.
It has full Imported reed bo'ly and dash, cane ba k
m .. i . uua m.rliil'H llt'sai iriiii'ri
rubbf r
. , . I anA llalll.tlnt alrHl
The rultoa, AUwln or atnoa Collapalble Oo.Ort,
strongest and best ciuta f the kind 7.50
Reclining Oo-Carts, reed back, rubber J.25
tire wheels, trim pufn-r
roMlng- m.aclinlna' Oo-Oart, back and seat 2.95
of cane, ilaah In front, runner tire wheels....
roldinf Oo-Oart, ma1 very strong and 1.85
light, rubber tire, steel wheels
salTl.rren ssslfi'-jg
rnXkr' Tin