Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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i i
50c Silk Veilings, 10c
A full line in all colors and
: styles of plain and fancy
veilings, worth regularly 25c, 35c
and 50c yard, at,
' choice
I f In Omaha's Busiest Glove Dept.
We are showing the most complete line,
and in all cases at most reasonable prices.
Ladies' Real Kid Gloves, 12 to 16-button
length, in black, white and all colors, at
$3.50 down to $1.98 and. ........ .$1.50
iCwLUri Ladies' 12-Button Silk Gloves, with double
ISvl finSr tipS' at $2'5 dWn to 1-5 d-1
2ir Im-nnrteA T.isIa m
grays, at $1.50 and 98c
Ladles' Lisle Gloves 12 and 16-bntton lengths
worth to $1.60; on sale Saturday at . .irJ
Lad Ion' Short Silk and Lisle Gloves, at $1.00, 75c and 50
Ladies' Short Silk Gloves, all colors, at $1.50, 98c and GOs?
If so let us save you a neat
sum on your wall aper bin.
We have the goods you want
and the prices you'll appreciate.
'I - rnn rV Great Snip nf Runs
ihis Springs j II H Ul "I w r
filOWDfl.y, APR. 29ft
Watch Sunday Papers for Particulars
and Prices
Jnrt the model to suit your flg
lire, at jnst the price you want to
pay, for we carry complete lines
In all standard makes.
The La CJrecque Illt Corsets for
stout figures merits the highest
praise; prices up from.. 3.00
Lattice ribbon and long hip mod
sis la the. La Grecque, up
from . 31.50
Warner's Kabo, R. ft O., Thomion'a
Glo'- Fitting, etc, In all models,
up . from .91.00
Itust Supporting Corset Cover, up
from 91.00
TSo atlst CoTsets, long; hip models,
with hose tupporters, at 490
Extraordinary Bargains in
Sheet Music
All fhe Liltst Hilt ai 1-3 ctnls
Add one cent per copy postage In
ordering by mall.
"Song My Sweetheart Sang," (big
ballad succene), Tan You Keep a
Secret" vocal), "Moonbeams and
Dreams of lou" (waits aong), "Dea
con Jones" (vocal), "Sweet Potatoes'"
(new ragtime), "Hearts and Mnsks"
(waltzes), "Kep On the Sunny Side"
(vocal), "I Like You, Too" (vocal),
"Good Old I'. S. A." (march song),
"I'll Always Wear Your Image In My
Heart," "Crocodile Isle" (vocal), "It
Anyone Wants to Meet a Jonah Snake
Hands With Me", "Ixve's Garden"
(waltz). "Beautiful Star of Heaven'
6.000 copies, comprising all the
standard favorites In claaaical inuslo,
Including many easy teaching pieces
for piano will be on sale Saturday
ONLY at 2ttc per COPY. Any eleven
copies 2&C.
Everything in Porch
and Lawn Furniture
If you want to oo
a complete lino of
Porch, and Lawn
Furniture and nvo
not- adverse to a
saving m prico,
just see our line be
fore buying.
The abore cut ' shows
our solid cotnfort porch,
wing, which can. be
easily adjusted by the
occupant to any desired ,'
position by unscrewing
lock nuU at aide and giving slight push wltbrthe feet. ;
; Seat is iO Inches' deep, ; back $6 Inches high, leg rest 17
incjies froa'' Beat', to '.li-lncn. foot rest," width between arm
rails 8 Inches, golden- oak finish; price. . ....... .$6.95
Take 'Advantage of Our Perfect Credit System In your
Furniture Purchasee. -
Your Glassware Opportunity
A full carload of Tumblers and Goblets pur
chased direct from the manufacturers at a special
bargain how on sale. .
In Three Great Lots: ,
Y 3c Values
at 5 for 5c
Ik Values
3 for 10c
5c Values
at 2 for 5c
' These and many other special glassware bar
gains on sale Saturday on main floor.
China Department
Brown Baking Dish and Bowl, white lined, fire
proof, 6, 7 and 8-inch size, at, choice. .... . .10.
Decorated Stone Salt Boxes with maple cover,
each . . . . 19
Tea and Coffee Canister to match. . . ..... . .10
Crystal Candlesticks 10
Engraved Pressed Tumblers, six for 25
lOP-piece Decorated Dinner Sets... S4.95
j.w-pux'w i reucu tnma mnner oeis. . . .ii.&u
Another Manufacturer's Stock on Sale Saturday
High Class Waists at one-halt to one thi rd Regular Retail Prices Silk Net and Lace Waists 3.95
Over 700 high grade Waists, secured from one of New York's most prominent manufacturers at a
great bargain fine nets, laces and silks, in cream, ecru or white hundreds of the "jr
"very newest designs that would sell regularly at $8 to $12, in one great lot Satur- IJ
day, to close at, choice '.
Without doubt the very best qualities and styles ever offered in Omaha at so low a price.
Manufacturer's Stock of Chil
dren's and Misses' Coats, $5 to
$7.50 values, in reds, tans,
navies and fancy mixtures, all
sizes, from 6 to 20 years,
for $2.95
200 Stylish Coats, in coverts,
broadcloths and fancy mix
tures, loose, semi-fitting and
tight-fitting styles, $10, $12
and $15 values, Saturday at,
choice, $7.95 down to. .$4.95
$20 Silk Jumper Suits at $12.50
A purchase of over 150 hand
some Jumper Suits, made of
Simond's best taffeta, in blues,
blacks, tans, browns and fan
cies, made to sell at $18 and
$20, in Saturday's sale
for $12.50
Women's $6.00 Silk Underskirts
on sale Saturday $3.95
Women's $2 Heatherbloom Un-
derskirts, on sale Saturday
at 98
$15 and $18 Silk Suits at $7.95
A cleanup of a manufacturer's
entire stock of Silk Suits, man
ufactured to sell at $15 and
$18, all newest styles and col
ors, the very best bargain we
have ever offered, at sale
price $7.95
Handsome Tailor Suits, in eton
and jacket styles, made of fine
Panamas, with pleated skirts,
$15 to $18 values, choice at
only .$8.95
Discount on All Suits at
$35 and Upwards.
$10 and $12 Voile and Panama
Skirts, in plaids, checks,
stripes and plain colors, very
latest styles and colors, choice
Saturday $4.95
From 8 Till O A. M. Children's Ging
ham Dresses 19
From 8:30 Till l):SO A. M. Women's
$1.00 Sateen Underskirts 49
From O T1H 10 A. M. Women's 11.25
Long Kimonos, choice at 59
From 9:80 Till 10:30 A. M. Women's
$1.25 Porcale Wrappers 79
Ladies New Neckwear
A new lino of ladies' Fancy Lact and
Linen Coat Sots, nt $1.25, $1.00, 75c
and 50
Ladies' Lace Chemisettes, $1.00, 75c, 50c
and 25
Ladies' Fancy Embroidered Collars, 50c
and 25tf
Greatest Shirt Sale of the Season
$1.00 Shirts, Saturday, 29c
Over 900 Madras and Percale Shirts,
cleanup of entire surplus stock of a well
known manufacturer, all clean, stylish
patterns, in all sizes, colors and styles;
come in fine madras, percales and cham
brays, worth regularly to $1, sale price,
to close 29
The Celebrated Griffon Brand and Elgin
Union Made Shirts are shown in com
plete assortment of spring styles and
colors, at $2, $1.50 and 98
Men's Silk, Mohair or Silk Mixturo Neg
ligee Shirts, with soft collars; unsur
passed variety, unmatched values, at
$3 down to $1.50 and $1.00
Special Sale of Men's Ties 500 Silk
Four-in-IIand Ties, in very best patterns,, values to 50c,
at, choice . 15
f ; : ;Wt ! ?
!) Ill
1 1 , V- 1 , , ,
; : I j : : ; :
'; ; i k i f
i i : ' : :
. , ; j; , .
' ' !
$1.00 Copyright
Books, 39c
A complete list of titles shows
among tasm.
The Hooeler School Master, Orau
stark, Crar's Spy, (jtuncy Adams
Sawyer, Uy Right of Sword, Sea
Wolf, Voice of the People. Choir
Invisible, The Amateur Cracksman,
Hearts and Maeks, When Knight
hood Was In Flower, Man on the
Box, Brewster's Millions, The Great
Mogul, Puppet Crown, Castle Cra-
neycrow. Gentleman From India,
singular miss wnutn ana
hundreds of others too
numerous to mention.
Sale pries
uiii iiiuin,
Ladies' Hose
Specials for Saturday
Fine lAsle Howe, In gauze, allover
lace and embroidered, 69c and
75c values, at 3 pair for $1.00
Ladles' 50c Lislo Hone, in all col
ors, embroidered, allover lace or
plain, at 25tf
Ladles' 25c Embroidered and
Hose; snap at, pair la Ho
A Complete Una of Children's Pony
. Brand Hoae The moat sattxfactory
stocking over produoed at the price,
per pair SSo
Very Special Bargain Prices
Handsome Sklrta, worth regu
larly to $6, broken lines; to
close, at $2.93
Skirts, worth to $2.60
choice $1.50
Skirts, worth $1.50;
to close .-9S
Gowns, daintily trimmed, regu
lar $1.60 values, at OS
Gowns,' regular 89c values 49
Corset Covers and Drawers,
worth to $1; choice. .. -45
Corset Covers and Drawers,
good assortment, unmatched
bargain 25
Ladles' Knit Vesta and Pants,
vests high neck and long
sleeved, pants lace trimmed;
great bargains, at ..... . 19
Ladies' Knit Vests, low. neck
and sleeveless; great' bargain,
at 12 He, 10c and 5
Boys' Union Salts, short sleeves,
knee length, or long sleeves
ankle length; special at 49
Splendid Millinery Bargains I
Beautiful Dress and Street Kats
rar below actual worth la Saturday's
Dress Kats, worth to $18.00, elegant
designs for spring, new line just
received; choice 010.00
Oar "Distinguished" Hat at 15.00
Is a superb favorite with those
looking for style and quality at a
very moderate price, $6.50 to J8.00
values elsewhere, over J00 to select
from, at, choice 8.00
Trimmed Kats, made to sell at (2.75;
choice 1.39
Child's Leghorn Kats, full trim of
silk mull and long wreathes of
flowers; a special purchase; just 60
In the lot; while they last, at.. 980
Children's Untrimmed Leghorns, con-
ll tlnental shape, 450 values; while
' they laat, at 10o
ITntxlmmed Shapes, in numerous as
sortments, all new goods, worth to
11.89; choice 9o
rrom 8:30 T1U 10130 A. M. Straw
Shapes, worth to 11.26, all colors,
best styles, at, choice B&o
fixnjxjijTjTjaruurirLnjnjnnrrvvy-.-i"i" "i " - . www
Special Ribbon
5 and 6-inch All Silk Taf
feta Ribbons, worth 35c
yard, Saturday at. .15
25c Fancy Printed Warp
Ribbons, in great variety,
Saturday's sale.... 15
25c Silk Taffeta Ribbons, Nos.
60 and 80, on sale .Saturday
at, yard 15
15c to 20c Ribbons, In plain
colors, fancy dot and printed
warp, all colors, yard . . . 7 J
We have exceptionally com
plete lines of black velvet and
colored velvet ribbons, and our
prices mean a savins; of 1 5 to
25 over those quoted else
where. '
16c pure linen handkerchiefs
at 76tf
25c pure linen handkerchiefs
at 15
Great 2l2C and 5c Sale
Round rolls Toilet Paper, So
size S'40
Square pkgs. Toilet Paper, 60
size Ho
Fine Tea Strainers, wooden ,
handle IH
Long handled Wire Toaster,
only SVio
Sc box hardwood Toothpicks,
at 8H0
76 feet braided Picture Wire,
10c value 140
Ec pkg. Polish Wax for Ironing,
at SHo
Fancy Thin Flint Glasses. SVto
txli folding Wire Picture
Hacks Ho
Long handled Metal Mixing
Spoons . ... IHo
Long handled Wooden Mixing
Spoons IHo
Wooden Potato Mashers, worth -
10c, at H
Vegetable Brushes, only..9Ho
Pot Covers, all size to 10-In.,
at iHo
10c Japanned Candlesticks 8He
10c pkg. Dixon's Stove Polish
for SHo
Imperial Tin Oraters, semi
round 8 Ho
Retlnned Pie Plates, Dippers,
Cake Cutters, Pint Measures,
Funnels, etc., worth from 6c
to 10c; choice IHo
These prices are good for
Saturday only.
A few Great Snaps at 5c
15c Wire Tea Strainers Bo
16o hardwood Towel Hollers
for So
Solid steel Frying Puns.... Bo
Long Handled Mnp Sticks.. Bo
Flue Stops, each Bo
Heavy enameled Drinking Cups
or Bastlna
lug Spoons
Heavy Tin Wash Basins.
15c Dover Egg Beaters..
10c "Asbestos Stove Mats
10O Shlnola Shoe Polish
Why pay regular prices. You
fet It here at
5o can for lOo
26c can for ISO
40c can for B9o
76o can fcr 660
Final Clearance of Ihe Great Jewelry Purchase
Saturday will be the last day of the greatest sale of jewelry Omaha has ever known. Every article from the
N. P. Frandsen Jewelry Stock
State Street, Chicago, Jewelry Stock
Thousands of Articles from Our Own Stock
Lines which have been depleted by the past week of unprecedented selling will be renewed from our own
regular stock and special purchases made expressly for this closing sale.
Fine Cut Glass, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Leather
Goods, Umbrellas, Hand Painted China, Glassware, Etc., Etc.
! Even better bargains than we have offered the past week. You know what that means. Buy now for the
future birthday, Christmas and New Year's gifts.' You can save fully 505& to 75 on purchase price. Profit by
this greatest of all great opportunities.
Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegeta
bles and Meats
The Best Goods, the Freshest Goods, Largest Stocks
and Lowest Prices, Always.
t lbs. Best Purs Cans Granulated Sugar 91-00
12 bars best Laundry boap 2fo
10-lb. sacks best white or yellow . Cornmeal lOo
The best hand picked Navy Beans, per lb 2Hc
The best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal, per lb 2 He
Kgg-O-See Ureakfast Food, per pkg 7VC
Toasted Corn Flakes, per pkg So
Shredded Wheat lllscuits, per pkg 90
The Best Soda Crackers, per lb 6o
2-lb. can Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 4 He
2-lb. can fancy Wax, String or Lima Beans 7 Ho
t-lh. can fiolden Pumpkin, Hominy, Squash, Bauer Kraut, Baked
Beans or Apples I He
The best Corn Starch, per pkg 4o
The best Cold Water Starch, per pkg 8 Ha
Boast All Our Own Dally.
Good Rio Coffee, for this sale only, per lb ,12Hc
Fancy Santos Coffee, for this sale only, per lb 16o
Fancy Maracalbo Blend Coffee, for this sale only, per lb 20o
Fancy Poi to Hlco blend Coffee, for this sale only, per lb 20o
Fancy Ankola Blend conee, ror mis saie oniy, per 10 zoc
The Best Tea Slftlngs, for this sale only, per lb 12Ho
Fancy Basket Fired Japan Tea, for this sale only, per lb....2&c
Fancy I'ncolored Japan Tea, for tnis saie oniy, per in,
Fancy tniiong, uunpuwnrr, eyiui, ui ohbii.ii
Breakfast, tor
this sale only, per lb.
Ths best No. 1 new laid Eggs, per dozen 16o
Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 23o
Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per lb iln
F-dam Che ee, each 86o
Snp Sago Cheese, each (Ho
Neufchatel Cheese, each So
Omaha's Greatest Trash Trait and Vsgstabla Market.
2 bunches fresh Leaf I-ettuce gc
2 bunches fresh Radishes , . 5c
l-are Cucumbers, each .'.'.'.be
Fancy Wax or String Beans, lb joe
2 bunrhea fresh Pie Plant 5C
Fresh ripe Tomatoes per lb 12Hc
Large head Lettuce, each 8He
8 bunches fresh Beets loc
8 burches fresh Turnips U0
Fancy Fard Dates, pur lb 7 He
Large Juicy Lemons, per dozen lOc
Highland Navel Oranges, 112 else that retail everywhere for fc
per dozen; our price, per dozen uc
No dealers or Jobbers supplied.
Eaormou Aivanost Art Vada Out of frs
portioi to Balariss.
Sg U TsU. Gcl Process Is C
tlaaea Uomee Ohiui Will
Sea ta k Lo .
. Ksvsl.
Plaregardlng ths economic law of supply
aad demand ' rents have beea increased
trom 10 to 26 per cent in Omaha ou niod
srats siswl bouses within ths last thirty
gays and It is Intimated ths end Is not
reached. Tenants are up In arms over the
sharp and. from their viewpoint, absolutely
Uawammled advance In prices, which has
resulted in mors work for ths moving com
panies Irotn tenants who have refused to
submit to' exorbitant demands from agents
r owner.
Ths increase n rental has been most ap
parent tn houses containing from (our to
Bins, rooms In good residence sections and
the slogan of the owners Is, "Dig up or
While it Is admitted that the demand
(or 'Small cottages has increased to some
extant during tt winter, the present ralss
Iq rentals ts deemed to be solely due to a
disposition to make hay mails ths sun
shines la ths present prosperous condition
regardless of the relation, of rents to the
present value of ths property.
Cottages worth 82,0o0 are now renting for
t par month, or II per cent on the In
reartment Houses conservatively valued at
B.OOO are being rented, or rather rent Is
fcelii asked, at ths rats of He to M per
month, or over SO per. cent Income on ths
Investment. . . .
These rates are out of ail due proportion
to the value of ths property,', as lk plainly
apparent, but ars demanded ' with uni
formity which will, ' according to many
real estate brokers, result In Injury to the
Great Mistake (ays Dodge.
"Such a movement Is a great mlstaka,"
said N. p. Dodge, Jr., Friday morning when
ssked what effect ths exorbitant Increass
demands of property owners would have.
"This la the season when many people ars
vacating their town houses and moving
Into the suburbs or country for the sum
mer, and many houses are being left va
cant. Of course the demand for small cot
tages Is very great, but there are many of
these vacant In all parts of ths city. Cot
tages that were rented In former years for
tlfi are now bringing 818 or 820 per month,
but to Increase renta out of due proportion
to the value, allowing for mors than a fair
Income from ths same, would work to the
great detriment of the city. It would be a
sad mlstaks to Increase renta In most cases
higher than they are at present, which Is
In excess of whst the Income from prop
erty hes been for years, and conservative
Investor would bo wise to go slow In the
matter of raising present rental rates."
Flats as well as houses have been sub
ject to the same rate of Inrreaae In pries
slnos April 1. Apartments In ths Clntah
apartment house at . Park avenue and
Leavenworth street were raised 8S each
last fall and other apartment bouses wars
subjvoted to a similar rise.
Must rented houses srs occupied by per
sons working on salary and ths sharp In
crease la rentals now falls as a severe
blow when salaries havs not been raised
In proportion.
"It looks Ilka ths owners were trying to
kill ths coaling that laid the golden eggs."
said a tenant who had bean for owl t tuuvs
after receiving notice of a 20 per cent In
crease in rent. "They will overreach them
selves in their greediness and havs a whole
lot of vacant houses on their hands, which
will bo a Just reward."
Hot Many People Kboot Bow to
frame, Says Jasees T,
"Ths trouble with most people Is they
trim their trees too close," said James T.
Craig, who knows probably mors about
trees than any other man In Omaha. "I
havs seen dozens of yards In ths city this
spring where the trees have been mutilated
and butchered by the owners In their desire
to trim them so as to make them grow
"There ars few places In Omaha where
you can sea handsome, well shaped, well
developed, well balanced trees. This Is
not boause the wind blows too much In
this country, as some people think. It Is
only because the people do not know how
to trim the trees.
"Ths only reason tor trimming trees at
all is to get them to grow symmetrically
No one trimmed the trees In the forest
primeval, but In a city, where trees grow
In all sorts of places and In conditions of
light and shads. It is necessary.
"Don't lop any limbs off ths trees exoept
such as overbalance. Weigh ths tree, as
It were, with your eye, and If one limb Is
he aging out to ths northeasf or soms other
direction too much, cut It off. It doesn't
matter how much you cut It off. Just so
you use youi Judgment In balancing ths
tree. If this Is dons any tree may be
mads to grow with the beautiful symmetry
of a pins or sprues." -
Now Is the time to make your wants
kuuwn tuivuaU Tke Hwm Wa&t Ad baae.
Advance Gaard Paases Through
Oanaaa oa the Way to Los
Aagrelea Meeting.
Bhvlners from art over the country ars
starting for Los Angeles and ths advance
guard went through Omaha Friday morn
ing. The first through were some of the
leaders from St. Paul and Minneapolis, as
those cities ars after the annual meeting
for next year. The dates of ths meeting
this year are May S to 11.
Members of ths Twin city orders will
pass through Omaha about o'clock next
Tuesday morning, arriving in a special
train over tho Ureat Western and leaving
over the Burlington for Denver, whsrs
they will use the Colorado Midland. On
the train will be representatives of St.
Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis and Aberdeen.
Besides the regular Pullmans and tourists
will be two diners and a club car.
Damascus temple of Rochester left for
the west over the Union Paclflo Friday
afleraon, arriving Friday morning. Mos
lem temple of Detroit, with four or five
standard sleepers, will arrive next Wednes
day at 1:80 In the afternoon and leave over
the Union Pacific at 4 p. m. Tangier tem
pi of Omaha leaves Omaha next Thursday
on ths Overland Limited.
Medlah temple of Chicago, with 160 peo
ple, pass through Omaha oa ths Union Pa.
cine at 8J0 csxt Thursday morning.
A merry party of Shrlners from Roches
ter, N. T.. on the way to attend the con
vention of the order at Los Angeles;
reached Omaha Friday morning In two
apeclal sleeper and Immediately boarded
carriages for a drlva about ths city. There
were about twenty men with their wives.
A tour of ths west and southwest, cov
ering a period of Sj month. Is ths plan of
,th party, aftr a aesnt at the con
vention city, the return to be made south
as far as Mexico City and then home by
way of St. Louis. Aftjr the drive over
the city lunch was eaten at the Millard
hotel and the journey westward resumed at
t:U o'clock-
number had been received prior to ths
announcement Thursday that the trip
would not be curtailed and will bs car
ried out as originally planned.
Kaenbers of Business Men Aaxleas to
Go on Northwest Trad
' Plans for ths great northwest trads ex
cursion of ths Commercial club to be held
In June are being rushed with all possible
speed. Committees worked nearly all night
Thursday revising the Itinerary, so aa to
shorten the time consumed on the trip.
It has been decided to make the trip to
lha Pacific coast stajres, but several minor
towns will not be visited and the time of
(he trip will be reduced from eighteen days
to two weeks.
An advertising subcommittee of the Com
mercial club is considering designs for ths
Itinerary booklet, both for an appropriate
cover and contents. Many elaborate de
signs have been submitted In competition
for the cover and It has been decided to
devote one puge in advertising each of the
firms participating In the excursion.
A photograph of the entire plant or build
ing of each participant represented on the
trade trip Is desired, together with a half
tone photograph of the representative of
the firm.
Now that It has been definitely decided to
make ths complete trip to the coast states
applications fur reservations for the ex
cursion ars being received In great quan
lilies, even from Arms that had previously
declined to participate In such an ex tens! vo
The success of the excursion is assured
from the number of new applications re
ceived, a nearly two-thirds of ths requisite
Herbert Flesher Recovers His Bleyele,
Which Earl Osbora
In ths story published Thursday of ths
theft of a bicycle from a messenger boy
employed by ths Nebraska Clothing com
pany and the arrest of the thief, ths name
f ths thief was substituted for that of
the owner through an error In ths police
records. It was not Karl Osborn who lost
ths wheel, but It was hs who was ar
rested, and It was Herbert Flesher, who
lives with his parents st 815 North Twenty-second
street, who owned It and secured
ths thief's arrest, Instead of being ths
thief himself, as stated.
Ths Osborn boy, ss hs confessed later
to Captain Mostyn when arrested, stois
the wheel In front of the clothing com
pany's store Wednesday afternoon, and ths
next day was riding It down Sherman ave
nue to work when, unknowingly, he passed
young Flesher on ths sidswalk. Ths lat
ter at ones recognised his property and
had ratrolman Aughs srrsst ths Osborn
lad. At first ths boy, who llvss at 18'
North Seventeenth street and formerly
worked for ths Nebraska Clothing com-
pany, said hs bought ths wheel frm -
strange boy for 85 and had so told hi.
mother, but was afterward Induced to con-fees.
Kew Structures Turned Out by Omaha
Shops Meet Satisfaction
of Officials.
Superintendent E. 1 L. West of Chicaga,
Superintendent Stephens and Assistant
Superintendent Lewis of San Francisco of
ths United States Railway Mall service and
Superintendent Thrall of the Ilarrlmaa
railway mall system were in Omaha
Thursday Inspecting the new steel postal
car being built In the Union Paclflo shops.
Ths officials expressed themselves as satis
fied with ths car and recommended a few
minor changes In Its Interior construction
which can be readily made and were
The result of ths visit of these offldila
Is that thirty-six of ths oars are to bo
built aa rapidly as possible and It is thought
that the entire number will be completed
In about ons year. Thsse cars will be put
Into servlcs between Omaha and Portland
and Omaha and Ban Francisco as soon as
they can bs made ready.
The officials left Thursday evening for
their respective homes.
not needed
Ayer's Srpnlla is not a strong drink. As
now mads, thers is not a drop of alcohol la It.
It Is ooo-slcoholic tonic and alteratlvs. Ask
your own doctor about your taking this medi
cine for thin, Impure blood. Follow bis ad
vice every time. He knows. Trust bim.
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