he Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTIOII. Pages 11 to 20. Advortla la THE OMAHA DEC Best i". Vcst VOL. XXXVT NO. 2G9. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, 1907. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. i-TiJ1J Lri.ru liij'u'u LrLn.rij-u-.-.-.-.-.ru'LriJxrLnrririiM-i--- Great Clock Sale We've made a large purchase of clocks from an eastern Better Clothes for Men and Boys These departments are now our own! They are strictly under our personal control: They've had the most gratifying success a success Identical with our Pry Goods Inaugural of six months ago. Every day ever since we opened sales In these new clothing departments have been approximately MORE THAN liOl'WLK what they were on corresponding dates one year apo when greater floor space was utilised for clothes retailing by lessees. It's another proof that qaallty, jlifht prices and personal attention link ad to one name are em phatic winners. If yon hays clothes or habere! aehery needs, see ns. Great Picture SaleSaturday 18x20 Framed Facsimile Landscapes, fruit and game pic tures, a 11.60 value. Saturday special "2S)Q Men's flats, Caps and Furnishings Saturday the 24th Day of Our Ownership manufacturer, whereby we can Bell first class clocks, fully guar antecd, at Less than Half their Actual Value. All Mantel Clocks are 8-day, strike hour and half hour. Cathedral rong values up to $10, your choice 3 98 Alarm Clocks, II value, Saturday special for 89o Large Walnut or Oak Kitchen Clocks at almost the rrlce or a rood Alsrm l lock: -aay, nn "ur "'i- and I 1 half hour, $1.60 values for 1 ijijxnjlJTTiri aeaai a taSaaw eSaaaaaaSasaaasaaa W m W m mf mi m m w 1psjsl Jr ) fA)T) rT) )7 f7 1 1 r)Z7Tn) r)f77n) 7T7 Rousing Pyrography Combination S7 Jkj U J I f f I ' f L rS i S I l CSC J kf LS (J One fine ryrography Outfit (like cuO. 1 Jewel box. 1 work I I C5 fTV JL 1 V I f V S 1 ASyX. i. Si I 2T box. 1 napkin ring, one fi-lneh circle panel. 1 bottle Pyro KSjf lyXJ t rf ( 7 I V V V- - mrJUXJ. yV JL Varnish. In all a 14.00 value If purchased sop- f Q(S im r . arately, Saturday's rousing' combination special. .. .s f i - nfifinnnnnfyiivynrrrri-nirriiiVi'i'i - -i-i-i-i-i-i- y..f Millinery For Salarflay's Selling tut It flTe try "A. T. Onr Line of Five Dollar Hats No milli nery In the west can approach It on the acore of value. These hats are modeled after the leading Fifth avenue styles; materials are mainly of horse hair braid, In white, pink, light blue and cnampagne, trimmed with roses, ribbons and chiffon. Every hat is very charming and beautiful and has a distinctive and l striking Individuality eJaUU at 4 Tuscan Colored Hats Trimmed In brown and burnt shades, with flowers and ribbons; what you'd pay $17.50 for elsewhere. Our price, f A AA Saturday lU.UU A Superb IMsplay of Chlldren'a Chic HaU Every ready-to-wear gtyle la shown. All materials, all shapes and ideas In thought-out, up-to-date chlldren'a headgear. One big lot specially displayed Saturday 91.50 SECOND FLOOK. iU-.-Lr.n--rLnj-L-.n.nj-.rr.ru-i-i- -1-1 - immwiiiww' Men's and Boys' Clothing Wouldn't You Pay $15 for a Mans Suit Like This? It's one of our high class, smart, refined values, and a source of just pride to anyone who wears ting colh ter and markable assortment in swell patterns Buy One of Them and Save $3.00. of just pride to anyone who it. Note the stylish, close-fit Y liar, the keen lapel, the charac- I i individuality. We have a re- j 00 Headquarters for Fine China, Libbey Cut Glass, Lamps and Electroliers 100-piece German China Dinner Sets, best goods, no sec onds, full gold traced, an $18 value, for $12.98 New Bine China Set from Limoges, France; new shape, plain edge, either open stock or in sets; 100 pieces S34.00 To Introduce same, Saturday a discount of 20- ft---''rwTir'j Pretty, Thin Table Tumblers, light weight, beaded, one dozen to a customer, Saturday, each , 3 Welsbach Gas Lights, each complete in box the perfect gas light 75 And Twenty Green Trading Stamps With Each Saturday. New Toilet Seta English and American porcelain, finest of waje. pretty shapes and decorations; prices, up from SjSl.OS 20 OFF SATUKDA I . Be Harney a. Window tot Special Sal Monday Talnes for 490. ' vxrx,rjs i,n rt jiorsj-io n r ri'VTtst"V''iwMi Would you pay more when the very best clothes ad vice we can give you is to see the new Rushmore line for spring everything that's new and stylish in plain and fancy patterns. Trices, $25 to . 1822 Boys' Suils al $5.00 We'll sell you a spring suit for a boy 3 to 16 years, of brown, blue, gray or mixed effects, such as shadow plaids, checks and invisible patterns a suit that you cannot duplicate at any other store for $1.00 more. IaaaassPWaMMBM ws sap h '.J Nn n mi ill . h i i s'u.'a ' - i i r" With Each of These Boys Suits Six Months' Subscripton to "The American Boy" FREE CHILDREN'S DAY-SECOND FLOOR. JACKETS AND COATS 2 to 4 years, made of fine broadcloth and fancy cheviots, In checks and plaids; Saturday $2.t)S 198 and A JACKETS FOR THE SCHOOL GIRL 4 to 14 years, made in box or Prince Chap styles, of covert, broadcloth and fancy mixtures and checks and plaids; Saturday specials, 095 $3.05 and. . . Th Simplicity Wash HaU Made of fine pheer lawn, hand somely trimmed , t JL; In Val. lace, em-v5,A broidery and rib- y ll . Ha 1 (1 1 1 n - lered without gether with ruat-VL. proof clasp s AC (rices, 81.08. r l1 IS and 98c fen Misses- a Juniors' Suits ut" S" ISfStS Mado of fine serRe and English wor- aprlna and summer openinc Bteds, box coat with trimmed siatiirdaT Brlnar mamma notched collar and cuffs, skirt full S)aturaay. pleattd model; colors, blue, brown nd, y0 and checks and atrlpes; Saturdav, replenished. Some prtos 13.75 and $ll.8 features to Interest all. VOILK SK1HTM Made of French voile, full pleated models, taffeta silk drop, regular $15.00 skirt; Saturday for.. 811.75 MEN'S FURNISHINGS The popularity of Our New Men's Furnishing Deportment la unbounded. We're always adding the very latest styles for gentle men's wear, at prices that are right. 3rd Floor DrperieS Floor Golden oak three-panel Screen Frames, filled with silko lines, in green and red, sell for $2, on sale Saturday each 98 Beautiful New Shirt Waist Boxes, covered with cretonne, mattings and burlaps, or the genuine Red Cedar Boxes, Saturday, each, $7.75, $5.50, $3.75, $3 and $2.50 Real Lace Door Panels, full size, 36x64, In new, neat designs, worth up to 11.25, Saturday, each 29 Nottingham Laoe Curtains, full size In neat designs, all new goods, , sell up to $1.75 pair, Saturday, a pair 98 (Nottingham and Arabian Dantelle Curtains that sell up to $5.00, Saturday, pair 83.08 Fine Fit Shoes for Men and The Knox Shoe, nobby, up-to-date high and low cuts, black and tans, styles and lasts designed to fit hard-to-fit feet per pair 4.00 W. L. Douglas $3.50 Shoes, high and low cut pair 2.39 Union Made Shoes for Union Men, box calf, lace pair 1.98 The Fellow Craft Shoe for Men, union-made, all new and up - to - date styles, per pair $4 and FURNITURE - Two carloads furniture direct from the manufacturer, on sale Saturday at prices that defy competition. All Oak Dressers, French plate mirrors, best cabinetwork, finely finished imitation quarter-sawed oak, up from $8.75 Weathered Oak Taborette, top and shelf 11x11 inches, 17 inches , high, well made, strong and durable, Saturday 45 China Closests, up from. $11.50 Pedestal Dining Tables, up from $10.25 Corduroy, Verona and Silk Plu3h Covered Couches $24 kind for $17.25, $20.50 kind for $1-1.50, $15.75 kind for $10.00 Prompt and careful deliveries our specialty. Third Floor. The Worth Boot.. A shoe especially designed for the women who can not wear Oxfords nor bear the un comfortable high laced shoe in warm weather Dou't be uncomfortable Womens Ta.n Pumps (Like Cut) Hand-sewed, gath ered leather bow. regular 45 value, for $4.00 Am Women Saturday We'll Show Some of the New Arrtvals In Shirts They come In exclusive patterns In plain and pleated fronts. In a beautiful variety of colors. $2.50, $1.50 and...' $1.00 GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES Ladles' la-Button Lisle Gloves, all colors; Saturday 89 Ladles' lO-Button Mack Silk Gloves, $225, $1.08 and $1.50 Ladles' 10-Huttou Silk Gloves, tan, champagne, sky pink, green, navy and hello; pair S2.25 Ladles' Chamois Gloves, best quality; pair 81S.7J) Men's fine Cape Spear point, $2.00 value; pair S1.31) Brown Ooze Calf Snede Gibson Tlo- Covered Cuban heels, hand turned, per pair Chocolate Kid Oxfords Champagne trimmed, real nobby, at, per pair $5.00 Chocolate Kid Blucher Cut Med' um weight soles, all sizes, at, per pair $4 lpagno 2.50 Medium 1.98 Ladies' Knit Underwear w- Regardless of cool SergpfMb, ':?z ' Hosiery Regardless of cool weather, we're Bell ing a great deal of Spring and Summer Underwear. We're exclusive agents for the celebrated Forest Mills Hand Trimmed Un derwear, made In all weights and styles. Try a Forest Mills garment and you'll be pleased. Ladles' low nerk, sleeveless vests, tape neck and arms, each, at 20c, 12Vic, lOe and....7o Ladli-B" Crochet trimmed neck and Hhoulder, each, at $1.25. $1.00, 75c, 60c, S5o and 7o Ladles' Silk Vests at S3.00, 11.76. $1.60. $1J6 and trt.00 Ladles' Pants, lace trimmed or tight knee, at $1.00. 75c, 50c, 35c and B60 Lu.11. .a' Union Suits at $2.60, $2.00, $1.D0, $1.0". 76c and 60o ladles' Tart Black "Borson" Hose, 200 value, pair . ...I60 Ladles' Imported all over Lace and Lace Boot, 60o value, at, per pair 890 Children's fast black, light weight, 17o value, pair . .12Ho Boys' medium weight double knee, lo value, pair ...llHo 1 ' - - - mm - -- -- -- -- i-i-ifvf-i-ii-infxj,---,-!!!!! OX PAPER " SALE 50c and 25c Value for 15c Saturday we will place on sale 1BOO large boxes linen and plain finished paper and envelopes, which positively have a retail value up to 00c, only one day blIc at See Window Display 15c HARDWARE AND SPECIAL PRICES ON SCREEN DCORS Good Screen Door, painted green, complete with hinges r.a.7: 38c Extra good Screen Door, nat ural color, hard oil, cora pleta with hlugos, i ir Saturday ". I. ZD Best quality fancy Screen Door, varnished, complete with hinges, 6aturiay , HOUSE FURNISHINGS Jap-A-Lac 1 ' i f , -. . f :s: When ws say we're head quarters It's because we know our sales over-top any body else's. Jap-A-Lac Is the (Teat renovator of every thing In house furnishings. BIXTBZaT YABXXTIX8 A-LX. BIZB. fm 1.50 it- ' Bcwn Window, v t U price, up l i lif t ffpnm an ( . IOC each mm L GOOD HOTTSB FAXBT, per gallon...98o Kent aunllty llouee 1'alnt. gallon, (1.30 Carter s Whiie Lead, lb Vo roll Une of Taznlshee and largest as sortment of Jap-A-X.a. Double Green Trading- Stamps oa ail Paints anA Tarnlsnee, Sale ol LAWN MOWERS Best quality Screen Wire Cloth, double selvage. In small quantity (special price by tha roll), per squara foot Double green trading stamps Saturday. Itultrjr Wire, best quality, full rolls. per 100 squara feet Douhl green trading stamps. 2c r. 60c V. f Vue Best quality Steel Lawn Kakes ...40o And $0 sreen trad ing stamps. Best quality Steel Uarden Hakes at 60e, 45c and. . . .40o And 30 given trad ing slampd. Extra goi.U Carpet Boaters. 20c 15c And 20 green trad ing stamps. All Sizes find Prices Uwl Mowers, all slaee and prices, the genuine raileaelpala Mower. " 7? prlree up from 0raes Catchers Tree WlUs Brery Mower Bold Beturaar. Bnbker BCeee In 5u fi. lenirths piece guaranteed complete with oozxle. ai , s.vv, is. si, la.uu and every lOzxle, 4.50 Fruits and Vegetables FRESH DAILY Pie riant, lb. Cabbage Plauis, doien 8 Tomato Plants, doren g Fresh Cocoanuta, large, ea:h .44 ;T,'4i "Making a Man of Him" The most appropriate gift a father can give his son,' as he passes the ch.-.rnifj line 0 21, is the Stetson fiat 100 different styles to se lect fiem, at $550 Kodaks and Cameras We heartily Invite all inter ested to see our new line of Kodaks, Cameras and photo supplies. Expert advice free to all amateurs. The Fremoette. Easy to operate even by the youngsters, and always very satisfactory In Its work. Our price is cniy 94.60 The Film Fre- mo. This hand somely finished Camera Is show n by us In two sizes &4x4't. our price $9.00 3x6V, our price 11.00 2x3 Doiess el Others at Regular Prices Developing and Finishing la our long- salt. Everything In supplies for the amateur or the artist. The Harvard, a rakish soft hat for the young men, in black J and pearl, at $3.00 "We're positively showing the best $2.00 Derby in Omaha all latest styles $2.00 Meads Meeds Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, lb ..12V$ Fresh Dressed Roosters, pound 7Vz$ Pork Shoulder Koast, pound 8s4 Boiling Beef, 8 lbs.. 25 Hams Hams Hams Your choice of Armour's' Shield or Cudahy'a liet Hams, every ham guar anteed sweet sugar cured nicely trimmed and lean, average weight 8 to 10 pounds, Saturday, j-er pound 15 And 20 Green Tmdiiic Stamps With Each Ham, Breakfast Bacon, nuo and lean, by the 6trip, per pound 141a And 30 Green Trading Stamps "With Each Strip. ! . a fi BKMSKTX'8 BIG GItOCEltV Baturday'a Zilat of Trade Wtnnezs. flease Xaawve Orders Batiy. Pride of Bennett's Flour, sit., 9L80 And 60 Green Trading rltamps. Bennett's Best Coffee, 6 Ids., $1.00 And 76 Green Trading blampe. Teas, all kinds, pound 8o And 60 Green Trading Htantpa. Bennett's Capitol Baking Cuwr, pound can sea And 60 Green Trading Stinips. Bennett's Bargulu Laundry Bonp, bars 86o Jos. Xetley's Yellow Label Tea, lb. can 6fio And 60 Green Trading Stamps. Jos. Tetley's Yellow Label Tea, Vm pound can 30o And 16 Green Trading Stamps. Sour Pickles, quart lOe And 10 Green Trading BUunps. Chow Chow Pickles, quart ISo And 10 Green Trading Btamps. Bmall tiweet Pickles, quart. . .SOo And 10 Green TruJin Stamps. Sweet Tomato Pick- les, quart 80a And to Green Trad ing Ktatnps. Special Offer Flows and Vegetable tteeda, pkg le Jell-o, assorted, I packages BSo And 10 Green Trad ing Klanmo, Patna Rice. in.. 10a And 20 Green Trading oi.mn.rv Fruit Puddlne, 3 packages BSo And 10 Green Trading Btamps. Walton Catsup, bottle 10o And 10 Grenn Trading Stamps Red Cross Cream, can 100 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. BKHT WE HAVE Pineapple, sliced, large can aSo And 20 Green Trading Btajmps. Plllehury's Vltos Breakfast Food. pH.kase iav0 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. TKN 6c pkgs. Gold Uust ISo Bennett's Capitol Gats or Wheal, package loo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. New York Full Cream Cheese, pound SOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps Vlralnla Swiss Cheese, lb 8 So And 20 Green Trading rjtamps. Royal Luncheon Cheeae, Jar...lOe And ( Green Trading 8iampa. Baylea Cider Vinegar quart bot tle ISO And 10 Green Trading rjtamps Beauty Asparagus, can 80o And 20 Green Trading Htampa. Twenty-one pounds Granulated Sugar S1.00 And 20 Green Trading Htamps. Vanilla Wafers, package lOo And 10 Green Trading Htampa. Corn, can Bo Peas, can do Cornstarch, pound ao fnfety Matches, dosen boxes fro Peanut Butter, medium Jar.... SOo And 10 Green Trading tamp. Bay les Bala.l Mustard, jar lOo And 10 Gren Trading tltampa Pickles, asiiorted. S bottles . . . SBo And 10 Green Trading Htempe. SISSBTTI CAB DUB. Chocolate Ben Bone, assorted, lh. Uiz BSo And 1 Green Trading tltampa. Palled Peanuts, pound lOo Fancy Bon Bona boxes, each . lo