1 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, AFHTL 26, 1007. II I i OFFERED FOR RENT Fwralebed noomt-Toalliard. FLICASANT furnished r m In private family; houM la modern. ?' Hrney HU (IS) MJU Mix PTTRKICltK-D rooma; gentlemen preferred. - 201 Douglas. Tel. Dougles 6377. (li)-M4'A Mix FINS room, raa.aona.bla. ft B. 24th A vs. (18) M4Jw Mix EXCELLENT modern room. 'Phone In houae. furnished single 254 Harney St. (ID 611 NICE front room. Bt. with bath. 203S Harney (id) Mim 1 LEA 8 A NT and airy front room, furni-hed, for lady or gentleman. Ml 4 E St. South Omaha. Tel. 504. U6)-Mfio2 27 NEWLY furnished rooma; modern; board If desired. Apply 2621 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Harney (16) M732 17x FTRNiHHhviJ outside rooma; board; rea sonable. Lang Hotel, 13th and Jackson. 1 7ft3 021 FURNISHED rooma, suitable for gentle men, at 2083 Harney 8L (15) Mv 29x NICELY furnished rooma for housekeep ing; bath, gas, hot and cold water. txi9 B. 17th. . (15) M879 26x NICELY rurnlahed rooma, gontlemen pre ferred, lite Leavenworth Ht. 15 841 2x ' A I-ARGB modern room, breakfast prlvl- legea. Ill N. 36th. (15)-"0 Myl . . lafnrnlshed Rooma. CENTRAL, modern, 3 desirable: rooma, bath and halL to good tenant. 220 N. 23d. 05) M46S FOR RENT or 4 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; gaa and bath. 9CKV) Woolworth Ave., or 'phone Harney 4tg. (15) M9U. 27 x THREE-ROOM apartment, modern, close In: light housekeeping. 2114 Chicago. (jo) b.u zdx FOR IH7KT- or 4 rooms, partly furnished. v Tel. Harney 6iz. tioi Msrj Ml Two rooms, 1120 N. 17th 8t. (15) M THREE unfurnished rooms; inrge pantry and cellar; gas ror ugnt and cooking: newly papered; pawed street. 2710 Parker Bt (18)-916 ax HoaeekeepInC Raowts. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 821 B. 19th. (15 M298 Myl6x A prt ana i Flats. 4-ROOM. strictly modern sjpartment; pri vate poroelaln bath, open niokle plumb ing, on aecona noor oi owner reaioenoe, on north aide, to family of two. Price, Aciareaa Lr-iu, lie. (IB) boi at FOR RENT 7-room Tel. Rad 456. flat, modern, fl7 BO. (16) MiH FOR RENT Three-room modern flat, 291 Dounlas. ground floor: rent reasonable. Ulobe Land aV Investment Co., Patteraon Block. (15) MZ5J FOR RENT Lower flat, pnslte nansoomb paxk; Ua 68. 8 nice rooms, op tfii. 'Phone Doug- (15) aw - Houses mA Cottages. OMAHA Tan aV Btoragw Ob., pack, move, store, H. H, goods; storehmiae 1120-i4 N. 19th. Offloa, 1511 Farnam. Tel, Doug. 1559. (IS) bU HOUSES In all parts of the city. R. a Peters Co., Bee Bldg. (15) M4 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest ' prices. Tel. Douglas l&JS. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1211 Farnam. FOR RENT My residence. 4630 Florence boulavard; strlotly modern, hard wood finish, cemented cellar under whole house, , large lawn and shade trees, cement walks; one block to Sherman Ave. car; very choice location. To parties without chil dren I will give lease at $40 per month: - possession given about May 1. Telephone Had 67V9. irilliam I. Kierstead. '.. . . (15) M60 "WE MOVH"FIAN09-MagTraTa Van rd Storage Co. Tel. Dong. -1196. Offloe, 1711 f Webster St. - (15)-618 1011 Pacific rooms, city water, gaa and bath. ! BIRXETT A. TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 4764. (15) M937 to HOUSES In all parts of the city. The U. IT. uavis CO., Bee Bldg. , BEE us when shipping hoasehold goods to large oltiea west; we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Uth Bt. Tel. Doug. 1195. " (1 522 FOR RENT. ' 9-room modern house, new furnace, north part oi city, . CM. BACHMANN. 42 Paxton Block. " (U) 671 BOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. 201 NORTH 8d. new brick. $45. Of M4 TO RENT A modern k-room house, practi cally new, corner 40th and Lafayette Ave. 1 $40 per month. Apply to Dr. lL M. McClanahan. 1312 N. 40th Bt- tU) 438 , '111- 1 1 1 - 1 ' FOR RENT 815 Wofthlngton Place, 10 rooma, modern, very desirable neighbor . hood; house being repaired throughout ' hot water heat, large yard: $50 per month. Apply 10 conrad Xoung. uii Doage at. (16) M&04 1 ROOMS. 2633 80. 7th, (16) 481 tex 1411 N. 126. 2th St, 9-room house and barn; (16) M7W zi FOR RENT Modem brick t-room house; 111 o. tiai hi - 4o. Thomaa Brennan, nuvui 1 new ork ure Biog. ' (15) M8S 17 - FOR RENT (-room house. 1118 Bo. 9th. ' 061-7411 K j MODERN eight-room' houae. No. 4012 Sew ard bt. Inquire R, u Roblson, second noor ware block. Tel. Douk. 671. (u 836 . FOR RENT. Large 8-room houae, 2M4 Harney, water ' O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., lool N. Y. Ufa - (15)-847 28 g-rootn ail moaern noune; rererences re quired, inquire ZZ12 spencer tit. (i6)-4M8 2x litH FARNAM. 11-roum modern brick nous. ; to private family only. Warren 61. lugrs, 3708 Farnaiu. (lis-9 Balldlaga. FOR RENT Gertuanla Hall or Bijou i neater but d Inn. Hit to lsn . Harney; atoraa, officea and theater; on long lea. . n. f. Dodo, & Co.. 171 rarnam. , . (1&)-M12 1311 HARNEY 8T.-1 flcois and basement. WX1JU feat: suitable fur weolesale. Mc- Cague Investment Co.. 1601 DoUve St. . 1504 494 THE eatlre building now occupied by th . Daily News. 4xso feet. 1 Mories and base, nrnt, McCajiie Investmeul to., 1506 Dodge Bt. (15) 498 OiBses. ONK large office room, ground floor. Ed . ward Cirlgbtua Institute Bldg., no 8. mth Su, opposiie city hall. Inquire building (la) 52 ROOM 4. Continental block, and large re ception room, vary suitable for dentist's or doctor's office ; toer windows. Robt. If Bvunelt, Agent, Room U. Continent! Hk. (16j-Ml!) F04t RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall bu'.lduig. 41T N. th St.. &utl Omaha. MH-f to manaser. (15) 134 TWO desirable office rooma fine location. I'nlon block. Apply Robertson Bros.. 114 do. lith St. (la)-rM4:i I FOR RENT BTOIUCd ANl OFFICES IN ' RAMttS BUILDING APPLY TO W. R. HOM AN. . 1617 FARNAM ST. TEL. Dol'OLAS 4, (li) MtiM WHEN yoa writ to advertisers remember u takes but an extra stroke or two ft N the f-n to mention the fact that you saw In ad ta The bee. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) tores. FOR RENT -The boat located corner afore l Omaha, Farnam and lth Hte., Hosrd of Trade Bldg. Bee P. 11. Fhllbln. Be hUti Hotel, (in) wi.r NEW STORE FOR RENT New modern atore, nesting complf-tlon, choice location, op posite public library. SHIMER & CHASE CO., 1A09 Farnam. Doug. 8SC7. (15) M933 27 THREE splendid modern rnnmi on ground floor; rent reaeonaDie. vta rarnam oi. (16) M4 7"9 8. 27th f?t., $9.00 per month. t4 Farnam Ft., $15.00 per month. 20 Farnam Bt., IJ0.O0 per month. N. P. DO DOE CO.. 1714 FARNAM ST. (14) 615 UN RIVALLED chance for druggist In block with grocery ami meat matHet; cen tral, with fixtures; rem mooernte; nest or. chance for good man In beat neighbor hood. Laundry rooma, with 75-horae power boiler to run same. Apply im im. zta hi. (16) M7S0 STORE ROOM, 1103 N. 18th, 20. Bemls, (15) 9M Paxton Blk. VERY choice store room In new building; alao large baaement spare. 1) Howard St.. only $50. Also several cottages and acre tracts. RUSSELL M'KITRICK CO.. 422-33-34 Ramge Bldg., loth and Harney Sts. (16) Mo as OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing!. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing Tel. Red 811. (1G)-M527 6c per foot, 206 N. 17tn Bt. Farnttdre. ID-HAND furniture bought and sold; busi ness on the square. Rosenberg t o.. formerly with Chicago Furn. Co. 103H. 14th. D. oo. (16) MS43 Myu ORIENTAL RUQ8. 136.000 worth at 75c on the dollar, for a few days. 406 8. 15th at. (IB) mxtj js. BARGAIN In roll top desk If taken at once. Douglas m. (IB) Wrt Ptaaos, Organs. Maslcal Iaitrancala. GREAT BARGAINS In slightly used unrleht pianos and used organs. The greatest values ever of fered. Many of these Instrument! would pasa for now, and they are without ex ceptlon most superior to the ordinary used pianos. Terras, $3, 14 or $5 monthly. Kimball, rosewood case f 75 Arlon, cottage upright 100 Checkering, rosewood case 126 Singer, mahogany case 150 Opera piano, oak case 176 von a Hons, caDinet grana Sieger aV Sons, uaod -5 1400 sample piano &0 inoo Ememon. used 8 months io Square pianos and organs, all makes, (15, 9a ana up. MO new plans for rent S3 and up. Expert tuning and repairing on short notice, we alao move and store pianos. Tel. Doug. ltt. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., UU and 13X8 Farnam St. (16)-M718 FOR SALE Good Emerson upright piano, at a sacrince. Apply Z413 Hamilton. (16)-U1 FOR BEST values possible In high grade pianos, bign grade tuning ana repairing, see Bush GerU Piano Co., 5o9 W. O. W Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6374. (liy M777 ADO PIANO Square, $10; 60 cents weekly. Per. field Piano Co,,, lfiu raroam Bt. j L1BJ OHIO. Typewriters aad eTrlnsj Machlaes. ONE Remington typewriter. No. I, In good condition, for sale cheap.- (.ail at uee -office. U6)-29x - M laoellanooas. A FEW Ice boxes for sale at your own price. 107 No. Uth Bt. uu Msa lu FOR SALE First class store fixtures. showcaaea, etc. Globe Land and invest men Co., Room 3, Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb.' (16-M.lii TWO splendid poems for Memorial day programs: 1. "Our Flag s Derenders. J. "Loyal Women From 61 to '66." Have them recited by two young ladles and you will make a "hit." 25 cents each, or both for 50 cents; money order. T. R. Armstrong, Falrbury. Neb. (1S)-M923 Mylx AWNINGS; they're not expensive. Call Doug. 5M and our representative win can. Omaha Tent and awning Co. (16 Mdv4 FEW bargains in Id-hand soda fountains; monthly payments, uerignt, 1&19 rernam. (16)-63 FOR SALE Men's and women's ready-to- wear clothing; new stock just received. One dollar will be credited to your ac count on a purchase of $10 or more If this . advertisement Is presented. Home Credit Clothing Co., 1420 Dodge. (16) M421 Myl Butchers' refrigerators on hand. 1106 Doug. (i) M16B Max Hal.I.'H safes, new, 2d-hand. 1811 Farnam. 06)-531 MY RECIPE for cleaning wall paper coats so per room 10 ciean paper, omu uiiv dollar for recipe. Address V. W. Price, Plattstnouth. Neb. (16) M606 M8x SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on HO lots. Myers-ouiun Drug Co., Omaha. (iS 4UJ Aquarium Mads of Iron, about 1 feet Llgh and I feet long, caving a wioia di 1 10 u mt:iic, has a plate glass front with reflector In rear; would make a handsome ornament for window display or In the home. Call at business otnea of The Bee and ask to see It. (16)-335 COLUMBIA commercial graphophones for dictating; cheap for cash. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. Uth and Harney. (16) M871 26 : FOR SALE All the leading periodicals tiubl ahed. jroreicn publications a ape- clalty. Birthday, wedding and eouvenir poat carda. ttubecrlptione received for all Deriodlcala published. Mall orders will receive prompt attention. SCUL'LTZE BLATTERT. Ka.1ultri and StatlunerS. 1U b. 16th EL (!) 11U ml BHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. best mlxsd paint Shsrruan A MvCounell urug to. , (lii)-6Jil COAL-Nut, good burning, 1 bushels for Rosenblatt. Telephone $1.00 delivered. Douglas 411. (lti)-4U4 GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We furnish estimate If you are going to build, writs tor catalogue. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., Ill g. liin. 'Phune Doug. L U6)-iliai ALMOST NEW baby buggy; cheap. 110 80. &d Bt. Call evenings. (16)-M101 FOR 8ALK Australian Wondei er a grass seed poriectiy naruy in every gr.ms where bluegraaa faila. leapeot, Perfect velvet lawns guaranteed, price. 30 cents per pounds l)r. A. H. Miller, P. O. box 441, Deliver, Colo. (16) MW7 10 FOR SALE Australian Wonder a graas aeed perfectly hardy In evry resHct, grows where bluegraaa faila. 1'eifact Velvet lawns guaranteed, price, 30 cents per pound. lrv A. 11. Miller, P. O box til. Denver, Colo. (II) 611 10 FOR SALE Baas burner, Palace Regal No. 4o. A-l condition. Call evenirma. liio Reea St. (16) 14 2 WANTED To sell, at once, one good Kd lann and Paths moving picture machine and t.'Kti feet of' "Passion Play" and h'ftn grady ooliilc films Addreaa J. E. Hop kins. Grand Island, Neb. Bargain If taken Immediately. (18) 41. 4 2u No Money in Vacant Rooms I M Rent them Advertise in The Dee j tESEESSSSEXil OFFERED FOR SALE Mlscellnseona rontlnned. BUTTER PRESERVATIVE -THE NEW lUfc.A. An Invaluable method to preaerve butter without us ot ice; maaee ranciu ouiicr sweet and doubles the quantity of butter from given quantity of milk. Send me II and I will mail you recipe. Schmidt Boeclalty Co., 'iM bo. Uth 8t.. Omaha, N.b. (1-M10 87x GARDEN and field seeds, fruit packages. bf keepers huppi.es. lounkerman eea Co., Council Bluffs. Ia. (lS)-atS A CLEAN $6,000 stock of general merchan dise at 85 cents on the dolir; fine loca tion; will bear closest Inspection. Owner moving awsy Address, V 78, Bee. (1)-S71 BI-OT machines, all kinds; also silver plat ing and picture machines. J u l, 712 S. 16th. ay-MiiU A30x MILLET SEED. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. (U-M6o3 SNAP Rldpath'a History of the Worli Kno'clopaedla Britannlca, International Encyclopaedia; small monthly payments Webster's Unabridged $10 Dictionary, full leather, onlv V 25. B. B. Roberts. 541 Paxton Bldg., Omaha. (16) MS14 A30 CHOTCF CURRANT PLANTS for sale. B. C, Bmi'h, II' Corby St. (ll 100 Mix TO BUY or sell any business or property call on Ganstad. 403 Bee Bldg. (16) M151 Besley Letter Cabinet Made of walnut snd having two Indexed tiling cases; an ornamental and useful of Hce fixture; at a bargain. See Wright, at The Bee business otnee. 06) 333 HOME-MADE GRAPE WINE, 10 YEARS OLD. $1 PER GALLON. CACKLE Y BROS., OPPOSITE P. O. (16)-341 July 1 WEAR an El Dorado gem. California's newest and most beautiful product, equal to a diamond, at one-twentieth the cost. Book and catalogue for stn'.ip. The El Ixirado Gem Mining Co., S50 Main St., Riverside, Cal. (Ib)-M1M 2tix FOR SALE One lartlis' rawhlde-bound trunk, nlzei 47x23x34 Inches, 7 trays, top compartment divided for hats, etc.; secret drawer; four-bottle rack; suitable for chtffonnler; coat HX; price 850. Address W 99. Bee. (16) M602 TREES, shrubs, roses, aery, 24th and Plnkney. Haxcl Dell Nur Tel. Web. 2260 (1G)-1U Jl A "JKWETT" family Ice box, 85.00 cash. Apply at once, 1522 S. 32d St. (16)-76ti 28x SATURDAY special sale of sample bats, worth froir. $2 to $4 all go at $1. Come early. 808 No. Uth St. (16)-84 27x GO-CART Urea. 25c and up. rence, 2703 Leavenworth St. D. II. Uw- (lfi) 8W 2(i LAWN Mf AVERS sharpened, ewe, 2708 Leavenworth St. D. E. I-nw-(16)-8S9 26 WHEEL, In good condition, coaster brake, good tires, $12. 'Phone Doug. 4140. In qutre 1C1 Wirt St. (lfi) .V5 2Kx PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer, paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17) 738 My 10 LARSON & CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. (17) 637 PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not Ironed. 211 & Uth St. TsL Doug. 26. (lS)-63s OMAHA Stammerers Institute. Ramge Bldg. (18)-4W THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caatoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need: we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N 11th St., for coat of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 41w and wagon will call. (11)-6U W. B. E. Letter received 8 p. m. Thursday. Write again. It s all right. J. I. Heaor, (18) Mnao tox WANTED The addreas of Joseph Thayer. Address Daniel Thayer, care N. Cart- wright, Genoa, Neb. (18) M919 26x PLEATING ALL KINDS. Buttons, Rushing, Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing, only 6o per yard. Send for prloe list ana samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1938. Qitba SEWING machines rented, any make, 75o per week or loo per month. Second hand machines for sale, $6.00 and up. iseorasaa uycie vo., join, ana narney. (18)-639 MASS A OF. Swedish movement. 81S JU-AC0-a'UJ1'Broadway. Rm. 23. Co. Bluff (US) Mini HI JOHN CANE IS IN TOWN! Now Is the time to trim trees, trellises and grape vines; also landscape gardening. Tel. Red 5465. Res. 1101 8. 25th Ave. (18)-M406 A2 PENNELL Millinery Co., 822 N. 16th 8L (18) 671 Juno 21 Ttf A n'NTT7T'Tf treatment and bath. Mme iaaunuivtaljli UaNi 15thi2d n,.ur; (18 961 A WOMAN with large acquaintance In Omaha and vicinity and aome ability aa organizer and promoter of high class en terprises, usually along educational lines, wishes to hear of opening where such qualifications may be used to advantage. Addreas Orgaulaer, Uen. Del. Omaha, Neb. (16) 767 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut L rices; send for free catalogue. Myen 'Ihon Drug Co., Omaha. 08) 641 PRIVATB CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs, Dr. King, 13-'0 N. 14lh bt. Tel. Doug. S..59. 08) 643 FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodman A Co., 1514 Capitol Ave. (18) 11S40 Myll WHEN you write to advertisers, remember it lakea but a few strokes of the pen to slate that you saw the "ad." In The Bea REAL ESTATE city pnoi'Knrv ok ialb. RESIDENCE CLOSE IN. Will sell my new 7-room all modurn house, locatud a little west of Crelghton college. at a price that will sell It. If you are looking for a well built residence, address for particulars, 11 176, cars Bee. (19) MWM 26 FOn SALE 8-room house, southeast cor ner 14th and blondo gta, H.ttou, without barn; all new lr.slde. Bargain. (19) M9b 28x 2448 MANDERSON ST. $4,000 for very attractive 8 room, all modern houae, flrst class condition throughout; fine barn, alone worth !4i0; corner Sot, 60x128 ft.; fronts south, on paved street; cement wxlks. plenty of shade; one of the best locatiora on tbe north side. Price reduced on ac count of owner leaving city. GEORGE CO., 114 FARNAM ST., i Bole Agents. (1D-M967 21 FOR BALE A building, well cash. 6-roAm fine 40-room U-eulte flat located, at a bargain, for cottage, nearly new, II.&11O. nearly new. modern except ( room house. heat. $:SiO. These are bargalna. Globe lain and Inv. Co., Pattvraon Bldg buiaha. Neb. (1) M3J kli 3 lines (tswourd.) 7 times only, rearers: REAL ESTATE CITY fHOI'KHIV MW BALE (Continued.) FOR SALE Good in-room hou-e, barn, large corner lot; hni:se modern except furnace; fine lawn. Hhade and fruit trees; room for two more houses. Price. 8:1,7.-0. Inquire H. E Oatrom. 2.4 No. 2Tth St. (i9)-M979 &x 24TII AND KM MET STS. Sfi.OOO for 8-room all modern house, large grounds, 95x116, on which there Is room to build cottages or flats. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Sole Agents, 1001 N. Y. Life Building. (19) M!41 27 WEST FARNAM VACANT 80x138. On Farnam near 33d. AH specials paid. The best pleco of ground In Omaha for the money on which to build flats. Just think ot It only M per front foot. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Sole Tel. Douglas 2152. Agents. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) 839 25 6-P.OOM COTTAGE. Brand new, all ready for occupancy, five nice large rooma, south front lot, elegant gaa and electric fixtures, fine plumbing, maple floors, located one block from Ames Ave, car line, $1,900; $.150 cash, balunce $Ji per month. C. O. CARLBERO, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red-7497. (19) M850 28 HOUSES FOR BALE Alao fine lots In No. part or city: prices right; easy terma Call Doug. 6639 or Doug. 3709. Office, 8320 N. 24th. O. M. UNDERHILL & CO. (19) 797 Myll A OOOD INVESTMENT. J-room house, close to two car lines, 20 minutes walk from postoffice. Rents for 824. Price, l'.'.; terms. Address W-l&S, cars Bee office. (1?) M912 28 x DESIRABLE HOME CHEAP 13,400 for well-built 2-story, 8-room, all modern house. In flrst-class condition through out, porcelain bath, new American furnace, burns wood, hard or soft coal; full basement, nicely decorated; storm windows and screens all round; good barn, chicken house, cement walks, paved street, full south front lot, 60x 133 ft.; alley In rear; In good neighborhood, near Kountze Place and 24th St- car line. Investigate at once, as this is special low price for quick sale. GEORGE & CO., 1831 FARNAM BT. (19)-M927 24 VACANT 40th & CUMING 160x140, three fine residence lots, $900, $1,100 and $1,200, or all for $8,000. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Building. Tel. Douglas 2152. (19)-M940 28 FOR SALE 1 fine lots, on grade, on 40th Ave. and Plnkney; price, tw) each. William Bcnb ner, 613 North 17th. (19) Mail 28x 2771 BURT ST. -room modern except .furnace. $2,500. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. J 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 0)-S38 28 Big Snap for Quick Sal Lot on 36m and Blondo, et front, 77x 120, $750. Also lots fronting north and south on Blondo, between IMth and 27th, 111 per front toot, rnone uougias aw. BEMiS. Paxton Block. (!9)-Ul NOTICE Snap, corner lot In West Far nam district, lut'iUt feet; asphalt pave ment; price, $3,0uo. Address 414 is. 15 1 h St. (19) 837 yon bal.h Mouse, rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 207 Cuming 8L pries, .,uu. easy terma JOHN F. FLACK, City Savings Bank, 16th and Douglas. P9)-'J1 FOUR-ACRE BARGAIN In Benson, 6 blocks from car line; you can 1 n.uKe a nnstaxe. t rice n.Joo. BURlvETT & TIB HENS, 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 4764. (19) MttM M Cli Williamson Co. u- tB;ioJ.f" (U)--M9o0 INVEST 10c in a riir ride to Benson, get off at Military and Lynn Aves., walk two bloclis south and you will be treated to the finest view, choicest and most sight ly location for a horns to bs found anywhere. Over 40 lots from .which to select, aouth, east, north and west fronts. Prices $360 up snd terms to suit your conven ience n matter how small the payments. Fee them today, then call on us fur further particulars. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO. 432-33-14 Ramge Bldg., Uth and Harney Sts. (l)-844 26 EIX-ROOM house and full lot, 214 Web- ster Bt. An 01a house on the alley can be fixed up, and there Is room for other house; cloae to school and car; an will pay Interi-at on $2.6 0. Price. $2,000. TURKINGTON U2 Bee BMg. (l?)-60 3 MUST BE SOLD 130 Hamilton St., lU-itory house of rooms, large lot. no feet frontage on Hamilton and 60 feet frontase on Charles St.. few steps from Harney car line snd almoat adjoining fieoas Park, only $-'. INVESTIGATE THIS AT ONCE-MUB BC SOLD. BEMIS. 'Phone Douglas 64. Paxton Block. ll)-7ft 45 cents 1 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR 9 A LB (Continued.) Saturday Afternoon Sale ACRES, HALF ACRES QUARTER ACRES And large-sized building lots In Military addition. Just north of Omaha Country club. on our very easy monthly payment plan. We are going to close this addition out at once and will make prices and terms that you cannot afford to miss. Lots are from 1 to 4 blocks from car sod range from $100 to $200 each. Terms, $10.00 cash and $10.00 a month. Quarter $150 each, month. acres, 4 blocks from car, are Terms, $10.00 cash and $6.00 per Half acres, to $350 each, a month. t blocks from car, are $30 Terms, 115.00 cash and $10.00 Acres, 3 blocks from car, are $500 each Terms, $26.00 cash and $10.00 a month. Salesman on the ground from 1 to p. m Come out early and get first choice. Got off car 1 block west ot Krug park and walk north. Hastings & Heydeni 1704 Farnam Bt. AND Garvin Bros. 1604 Farnam St. (19) 963 25 2803 WOOLWORTH AVE. 13,000 will buy this 8-room, all modern house, on paved street, handy to Hanscom Park car line. Terms. 11,600 cash, balance monthly. GEORGE & CO., SOLE AGENTS, 1601 Farnam St. (19)-M968 24 LOOK HERE It you want a lot, home or Investment bargain, we have It at a low price and on your own terma. Neat 6-room cottage, good as new, corner lot, 26m and Sprague, 11,460. Good 6-room cottage, full lot, barn and outbuildings, tine lo cation, near . 43d and Corby, IL2U0. 6-room houae, full lot, east front, close in and welt sit uated, only 11,300. Two fine east front lots on paved street, best location, -on Military Ave., near Patrick . Ave., paving, sewer, perma nent sidswalk, gas and water, all paid. Choice 6-room all modern , cottage, In beat condition, hot water heat, electric light, paved street, cement walks, etc., finest Inside location, near 25th and Davenport, a Bargain at 13,000. Good ' 7-room house, city water, near' 29th and Grant Sts., only $1,060. Very desirable 8-room mod ern dwelling, full lot, south front. Well located, near 29th and Franklin Sts., a rare bur gain at $2,260. Good 12-room modern dwel ling or rooming and board ing apartment, best repair, cloae In. near 1st h and Leaven woVth fits., price $6,60. Russell & McKitrick Co., 432-33-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney Sts. OD-tOI 25 GOOD FOP FLAT 70x120 ft., northeast corner 25th Ave, arid Dewey Ave.; 8-room house on lot, renting for $300 per year; an specials paid. Price (4.600. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Douglas 297. 212 B. 14th St (19) M862 23 DEPOSITS In the Neb. L. A B Aas'n u bettsr than mtgs. 1 N. T. Life. a-Mbi Ml FOR SALE Two modern houses and lar-s nam, one diock norm 01 iiansoom parK; paved str'.et. eaat front, lot 76x160. East ern owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. sjioon; 1 N. V. L. Bldg. y- REAL ESTATE FARM AD RANCH LANDS COR 'Al.fS Iowa. FOR SALE 40-acrs Improved farm, Tay lor county, Iowa, with buildings, $l,No0. J. L Case, Threshing Maoi.lne Co., Ra oioe. Wis. (20) M427 27 Kaasaa. WANTED Agents to represent usvln the sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (20) M420 Nebraska. IMPROVED farms In eastern Nebraska; barpy and Douglas countiea B. J. Over ton, Gretna. Neb. (JOi-MSIl 75 ACRES for rent, I miles from Bellevue. Herman Somrner, 604 B. 10th St., Omaha. (0)-M78 2-x j A OOOD farm, wel Improved, 20 miles west of Omaha, for sale on eaay terma. 1 par rent Interest. If taken In next 30 dava Address Y 244. Bee. (K 41)5 T-cxaa. TEXAS ANT) NEW MEXICO LAND. Have soma rare hargalna in Texas and New Mexico land, $b to $7.60 an acre. Go and see for yourself; low railroad rates. For particulars addreaa ROBERT C. DHUESEDOW, 8uf New York L'fe Bldg., Oiuaha. Neb. (A-417 Mieaeltaaeajajs. 10.000 HOMESTEADS soon to be opened for settlement on .famous Rosebud reser vation. Send 26c for latest and best map, beat and moat reliable Inf urination. A. H. Hull, Secy Clamber of Commerce, Boneateel. 8. D. ' (20) M9o6 My Ix Itemaiuber It only takes a stroke or two of tha pen to mantlou that you saw the ad In The Baa. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm Raaeh La a a. FARM FOR RENT. tiP-acra farm, near Omaha, for rent, 14 per aire, very rich, high rlaas corn land, good houaa; aome alfalfa, W. L. flelby, 44d Bourd of Trade. Phone Douglas 1M0. REAL ESTATE LOANS tl.0O0.00v TO LOAN on bualneaa and real- Ocuce pi open y m Omaha; lowest raiaa; ho delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1. N. 1 X. L.KS. tii)- 19 WANTED City loana and warrants, W. ex Co., 1J Farnam St. (iO 654 rarnain Smith MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. (1) 601 FRIVATE MONEY F. D. TVead. 15 Doug (22)-ot4 UNION LOAN & INVEST. CO. I 310 Be Loans on Real Estate. Bldg. at 4Si and 6 per cent. Phone Doug. 2t"4. LOWEST RATES Bemla, Paxton Block. (22) -550 $500 TO 160.000 TO LOAN st lowest rates: no delay. GARVIN BROS., 1604 farnam. (22)-Ml 70 BUILD1KQ loans on resilience property; 1 per cent: W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. tr-667 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22)-67 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 606 rirst isaticnai isanK mnx (22)-556 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. C2)-M7S5 WANTED Clly loans. R. C. Peters A Co. 1 22) 656 REAL ESTATE WANTED CITY acreag", Postofllce Box near 774. trolley: best price. . IJII-Mf'.ll WANTED TO BORROW WANTED, TO BORROW. Aug. 1 or be fore, 84.000 at 6 per cent for five years; first mortgage Improved city property, chutes locution. Address W lift. Bee, (24) M3M 27 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating s'oea, carpets, llnole- uma office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools: or will buy the fur niiuro of your house mpleta. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The high est prices paid, tail the right man. Tel Doug. 97L (26) i93 Myl7 CASH paid for old bookw Crane-Foye Co., Ill 8. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1321. (25)'-658 FEATHER BEDS WANTED Highest cash prices paid for old feather beds; send postal; will be In the city for one week. Addreas Y 98, care Bee. (26) M506 Ml5x WANTED Waste land Title must be perfect. North Yakima, Wash. In large tracts Addreas Box 2KJ, ()-M6 2Sx BELF-PROPELIJNU 1NVAIJD ROLLING chair, still in good condition. C. Fruddlg, Eustis, Neb. (25 M80e 2ex I WANT to purchase small-grain white rice popcorn crop, lfo. E. M. Apples-ate, Excelsior Springs, Mo. (25! MH63 26 WANTED TO RENT WANTED By ybung man, room with or without ooara, in nice private lamiiy within walking distance of business cen ter. Address D 137, Omaha Bes. (20) 465 26X WANTED Room, with or without board. with reepectablo private family, by re spectable young man, stranger. Address D 171, Bee. (26)-M9i6 27X WANTED To rent furnished hotel In good, live town. Address all communications, flvlng terms, general Information, etc., o Mra George Hansen, Elba, Neb. (261 MSI4 M2x WANTED SITUATIONS DAY WOMEN furnished Telephone Douglas 1U2. free of charge. (27) 659 WANTED Position, by a practical trnffle man of twenty years' experience In traffic, claim and operating departments, with a reliable firm, to look after their railroad Interests, Address Y 92, care Bee. (27) MU02 27x EXPEHIENCED STENOGRAPHER; good references. Addrt-sa V. Bee OflVe, 10 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. (27)-M956 1 SITUATION WANTED-Housekeeper. by strictly respectable middle-aged widow. Widower preferred. Give partlcu'.srs. Addreas Box 71, Roca, Neb. (27)-M746 27X SITUATION WANTED Young man, mar ried: clothing and furnishing salesman; stock msn; wide awake, up to date; de sires a change; more money; correspond ence desired. Lock Box No 28. York, Neb. (27)-M878 Hx LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED bids or proposals will be received at His office of Luther P. Ludden, secretary of the Board of Education of the State Normal school, 1336 D street, Lincoln, Neb., until 13 o'clock noon, April 29, 1907, for the erection and construction of a heating plunt and smoke stack on the grounds of the Etate Normal school at Peru, Nemaha county, Nebraska. All bids must be aecomnanled by a certified check of $600, ag an evidence of good faith on part ot the bidder. Plans are on file at the principal's office. Peru, and with the oec retary at Lincoln. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of tha Board of Education of State Normal school. Luther P. Ludden, secretary, Lincoln. Neb.. April 18. 1907. A19dl0t. NOTICE-SEALED BIDS WILL EE RK oelved on or before 10 o'clock a. in., May t, 1907, at the offloe of the land commis sioner or secretary or me state or Ne braska for the furnishing and erecting of one engine boiler of 125 if. P. capacity and one engine of 11(0 H. P., both of the above at the state penitentiary at Lincoln, Ne braska. Specifications now on file In the Office of the secretery. OEO. C. JUNK1N, Secretsrv of the Board ot Public Lands and Buildings. A26-dl4t SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE relved at office of Treasurer, Battle Moun tain Sanitarium, N. 11. D. V. 9., Hot Springs. South Dakota, until 12 o'clock in.. May 6, 1907. and then opened, for construct ing and Installing one forty-foot, one-hundred-ton track scale. In accordance with Instructions and specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other In formation, may be had upon application to W. A. Tucker, Treasurer. Ap23-26-a0 RAILWAY TIME CARD IN 10 51 STATION TENTH AND HAHCY t'aUa raclge. Lea ve. Overland Limited a 9:61 am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pm Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm California A Ore. Ex.. a 4.25 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...sll:06 pm Fast Mail a 16S am Colorado Special a 7:45 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am Beatrice Local b 8:0o pm Arrlvs. a 1:18 pm a 5:10 pm a Jo pm a 6:lo pm S10 45 pm a 1:00 pm a 7 44 am a 4:50 prn bl!:46 pm Chicago, Rack lalaug A raclfle. EAST. Chicago IJmltad a 8:15 am Iowa Loral a 7:00 am Chicago Mall Iowa Local bl2:05 pm Chicago (Eaatera Ex.). .a 6:06 pm Chicago (Iuwa Lmtd.L.a 1.35 put WEST. Rocky Mountain I.intd a 7:20 am Colo. A Cal. Express a 1:50 pm Okl. A Tessa Expreea..s 4:40 pm Lincoln, Falrbury and Bsllevus a 1:60 pm a 7:10 am a 4 ) pm iN pm b 1:56 pm a 1:36 pm all .26 pin a 9:06 am a 4 :50 pm all. A pm alO 10 am Mlssoarl Paelge K.C. A St. L. Exp a 1:06 am a I 80 am K. C. A Bt. L. Exp all 15 pm a (15 pm Nebraaka Local a l.Oo pin all ara Lea Moines LeoaJ a 4 16 put 4 nntlaaeal Wa hn-sH. PL Iiuls Express a 1.30 pm a 8 1) ant St. IahiIs Local (from Omnuii FViuiTi.) a 8:15 cm aV: pra Ptnlierry I."-l (from Council Fluffs) b 8:00 pm bll: ara thleaxn t;reat Wester. Pt. Taul A Minneapolis.. 8 SO pm 7:1" am Ht. Paul Minneapolis.. 7 46 am 11 SO pm ChlcawD Limited : pm "0 am Chicago Express 7:46 am 1150 pm Chicago Express 1.80 pm 3:30 pm ( hlrasro A Sort have-stern. Cedar Raplils Pass.. Twin city Express.. Chicago Dayllxht ... Chicago Local ptoux City local .... Carroll Local Ploux City local ... Chicago Express ... Fast Mall Fast Mall Twin City Limited.. Overland Limited ,. Norfolk-Ponesteel .. l.lncoln-t'h'tdrnn Dead wood-Lincoln .. Caaper-Shonshonl .. ...a 7:08 am ...a 7:50 sm ,.,a S o am ...all SO am ...a 8 50 pm ...a 4:32 pm a 6:0S pnt al0:00 pm all 15 pm a 1:4 pin a 9 ana a 9:50 ara a I 46 pm ...a 5:60 pm a ,:.io am l:i pm a :: am a 7:' am a SI am a 10 35 am alo .S am a 5 05 pm a 5 n5 pm b 6:06 pm bll:6o pm ...a 8:?S pm ...a 8:28 pm ...a 8:3. pm ...a 7:40 am ...b 7:40 am ...a 3 no pm ...a 1-OD pm ...b 8 on pm ...b 8 03 pm Hastlnirs-wiirerlor .. r remont-Alolon .... (blcaan, Milwaukee M. Panl. Chi. A Colo. Special. ...a 7 :66 am i!H am California ft Ore. Exp.. a 6:45 pm Overland Limited a 8:36 pin 3:10 pm 9:30 am Dt' Moines A Cedar Rapids Local ...b 1:45 am bll:tw pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 8:00 am Minn. A S:. Paul Erp...b 8:00 am Chicago Limited 11 6:00 pm a 1.45 pm a 8:15 pm a 7 :: am a T:30 am Minn. & St. 1'aul Lmtd.a 8:30 tm Bl'HLINUTO ST4TIOX IOTT! at MASOff DarllagtoB. Leave. ..a 4:10 pm ..a 4.10 pin ..a 4:10 pin ..all:10 pm ..a 9: VJ am ..a 8:00 ant Arrive, a 8.80 pig a 3 30 pm a 8.30 pin a 7.10 am a 7:46 pm a 7:45 pm a 9:06 am nl2:01 pm a 7:30 pm bl0.25 am a 8:10 am a 7:10 am a 1:60 pm a 7:26 am a 8 :55 pm a 7:25 pm alO:5S pm all 30 am a 6.45 am a 6:10 pm Denver California. Black HIMs Northwests Special ... Northwest Expiena .. Nebraska Expiess .. Nebniska Local ljncoln Local Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:00 pm Lincoln laical Ft. Crook ,4 Plnttsm'th.b 1:50 pm I'lattsmouth a 7:50 pm Denver Limited Bellevue Pao. June. .a 1 :30 am Chicago tipedul ....a. 7:26 em Chicago F.xpreas a 3:45 pm Chicago Flyer ft pm Iowa Local a 9 15 am Ht. Ixuis Kxpress.., a 4:46 pin Kansas Cilv-St. Joe al0:45 pm Knnnus Clty-:t. Joo a 9:15 nm Kansas Clty-St. Joe a 4:45 pm WEBSTER RTATIOJI-lBth WFB'TKl ChlonRo, St. Panl, Mlaneapolls . Oinnlia. Ijcave. Twin City Passenger... b 6:30 am Arrive, b 9:10 pm all :20 am h :10 am c 6:50 pm Blotix City Passenger... a z.uo pm Emerson Local ,.b 6:16 pm Emerson Local ... Missouri Pacific. Ixioal via Weeping Water .....c 8:45 am .a 8:hS am a 6:6(1 pm .a 1:50 pm all. 20 pm Falls City Local a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, a oauy except Saturday, c Sunday only, e iiauy except Monday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Wrench Line Compagni Gtnirolt Tronsatlantiqra Elgantlc, Eltgant, Fast Leviathans JVettf yorK. Part's 6 Day LA PROVENCE, new twin screw fiver, passen. ger elevator, gymnasium, roof cafe, fhia and the other Twin Screw Steamers havedaily newspap ers, orchestra, wireless system snd msny other Innovations on board,ooth for safety and comfort. Z.a Lorraine ........ IL Brstagns v . Xa Bavole . X.a Torains Xl.a Oaaoogns Lt Proveuoe ..Mar . .May 4 . May .May 16 May 18 .May 33 Itl'Bt'i.'.L Rilra departures. Blpreaa Btaamera i;aa of anlira steamer at cheap aeconil elaas ntaa. Naral oBer' ruan-of-war dlsrlpllna. ComoaorS vpstlbulcd trains. Hara-Prla. IVi hours, where eonaeuient ooDnactiou ara. mid lor all points ea tha Contlnsnl. Per plans, raaarratlons and full Information call an. telephone, or wrlle to tha followlus aentar Harry S Moorea l01 Karnam tu t J, B. Raraolda ICOt Farnam St.; Loula Nwa. oara of 1st Nst'l Bank. W. O. DaTtdaon. 1611 Farnam St. CANADIAN '"EMPRESS" Ling PACIFIC no of the Atlantlo Nothing belter afloat tnan our new ex press st-samers, Empress or Britain ana Empress of Ireland (14,600 tons), Quebec to Liverpool In six days: less than four days at sea. Superior accommodation available. Comfort, elegance and safety. Send foe Illustrated booklet and sailing list. C. IS. ENJAMIW. Oea. Agt B32 S. Clark Street. Chicago, XU. - l j. 1 .. a REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary D. Woodelton nnd husband to John Deere Plow Co., sVi nH lot 4. block 2, Omaha $ 1.710 United Real Estate and Trust Co. to same. sH lot 4. block 205. Omaha 6,260 n. A. Wilcox et al. to City Savings bank, lot 4, block 6, Sub. of lot 13, Bonfleld 1 Commercial Nntlonnl bank to Clara Doll, lot 8. block 8. Summit Place.... 1 Laura A. Smith and husband to Eliza beth Sxucs, lot 7, block 6, Hammond Pla-e, South Omaha So James H. Robertson st al. to Gert rude While, s' lot 8, block 1, Boiile- ' vard Terrace 675 Walter V. Bheely to A. A. Barden. lot 16. block 6. Gramrr.ercy Park T Theresa B. Mitchell and husband to Anna C. McCague, part lot 13, block 4, Campbell s Add. 160 E nest Sweet to same, nS6 feet clot feet lot 14, block 4, Campbells Add 4541 John If. Mason and wife to Conti nental Trust Co.. lot 11 14 and 16. block 1, Blrkhauser and Blunder's Bub 1 Edward A. Mlchal and wife to Brower E Met -ague, w lot 28, block 9, Kountze A Ruth's Add 1,900 Isabella J. Howell to Charles Ladd Thomas, lot 3, block K, Saunders ft Hlmebaugh's Add. - IS VI a rv M Iantrv and husband to lima. RAILROAD TIME CARD ' lot 1, block 118, florence 1 Euphemla Nuckolls et al. to Ahner K. Nuckolls, part nwSi se4 17-15-18 S Thomas Penny and wife to Hastings A Hevden. lots 12 end 13, block 2, Orammercy Park t C. Z. Crenshaw to Alma C. Bolln, lots 8 and 9. Ludwlck Place Alma C. Bolln to Mark C. Case, same 850 FTIIiaheth Iarsen to Christian Larsen, lot 2. block 21, Walnut Hill 800 Iwrence House snd wife to Alfred G. Elllck, lots 23 and 24, block 8. Brown Park. South Omaha 1 John K. Duslln. jr., and wife to Tha Florence Co., lots I and 2. block 4, I .a Veta Place 1,000 L. W. Crampton and wife to sains, lota 3 and 4. block 4, La Veta Place. 800 The Florence Co. to Jennie Rankin McHrlde, lot 4, block 4, La Veta Place 800 Caroline L. Popnleton et al. to Nancy n. Coulter, ety lota 3 and 4, block 17. Poppleton Park 2.000 John W. McDonald, sheriff, to Oeorgs If. Johnson, part 1-16-11 16, (W Blanche G. I'.este and hnsband to Gen eral M. WrlRht. part lots 1 and 4, block T. Lowe's Add 1.760 Ka'le Clark to Sorh!a Mallow, nH lot 8. block 11. E. V. Smith Add.... 2,100 Benjamin Graham to Ira M. Cola, part taxlot 8. sec. 8-15-11 1 Rolert o Fink, county treasurer, to E. R. Hume, lots 4 and 6, block S, Newport Bams to L. W. Bleasig, lot 1, block 1, Pratt's Sub Seme to Continental Trust Pe., lots 2, 8 and 9, block 1. Hoffman Terrace, and other lota .... Same to same, lot 31. block 1. Saun- do's A Hlmebaugh's Add Same to same, lot 7, block 1, Wrst Side, and other lota .... Same to eame, lots I snd I, block 1. Junction View Ttrrsce, and other lots 6me to same, lot 9, block 7, Walnut Hill Fame to same, lot 7, block t. Reed's First Add ... Same to sums, lot 6, block 1, Lincoln Place Same to Alfred G. Elllck. lots Zl snd 24. block 1. Brown Park, South Omaha Eame to Provident Real Estate Co., lot 12, block 1, West Hide, and other Total .116.87)