THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, ATOIL 25. 1007. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA 9 t i X e COUNCIL Office, 10 Ptarl HIIOR MEJTIO. Davis, drugs. Btockert sella carpets. Fine, engravings at Leffert's. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust br. Bee ftchmldt'a elegant new photoa. ' Coatmakers wanted at E. S. Hick a. Plumbing and heating, Illxby & Son. Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone V!. Wood ring Undertaking- company, Tel. 8.H PETERSEN A BCHOENINQ SELL RUU8 Watch repairing, O. Mauthe, 22S West nroadway. DIAMONDS AH AN INVK8TMENT. TALK TO I-EFFEHT ABOUT IT. Free A nice water Jug with each 2 frame order. Alexanders, 333 Hway. High grade watched, wedding und en gagement rings. i!2 West Uroadway, O. tilsuthe. When In need of Ice call the Council muffs Coal and Ice company. Either 'phone 72. The old brick sidewalk In front of the Ity properly on Hryant street i being eplaced with artificial atone. Calico ball given by Ladles of the Maoca litem, Thursday, April 26. Macoabee hall. Whaley'a orchestra. Tlcketa, 2bo. BCDWEIHtR BOTTLED BEER 19 SERVED ONLY AT FlR8T-CLAtS BAKU AND CAFES. L ROHENFEU) CO., Agta. There will be a apeclal meeting this even ing of Harmony cluster, order of the j .intern Btar, for the initiation of candl tiutea. I can furnish A No. 1 diamonds, the clear Jt water color, cut to sharp edges, not 'at and no flaws. A diamond cut to sharp edge gives more reflection than one wltn l!at edges. O. Mauthe. 228 W. Broadway. Perry J. Stepney of Lincoln, Neb., and Ella May Zimmerman of Tecumseli, Neb., yere married yesterday afurnoun In this ilty by Kev. Henry De Long. The groom i a negro while the bride is a white woman. The executive committee of the Commer cial club will tueet thia evening, at which lime It Is expected some action will be .aken looking towards the seltcilon of a uwretary to succeed W. Brooks Heed, who ha resigned to assume the secretaryship of the fc.ugle Life association and who la uenlrous ol entering upon his new duties by May 1. Matting and window shades at Stockerts. Grind Lrvery. . W. and Elmer E. Mlnnlck, proprietors, t2i Bouth Main. Both 'phones 271. Wash Machine Specials. All kinds, from .M to $17.K. Ask to sea the One Minute Washer, price 110. Tha easiest running washer made. J. Zoller Aler. Co., 100-102-106 Broadway. Phone 320. Bay the Jewell gas or gasoline store. They are the safest Petersen & Bchoenlng. Need any lace curtains? Before you buy better come In and see us. We want to surprise you In price and quality. D. W. Keller, 103 S. Main. Greatest Ice tavet on the market the Alack refrigerator. Petersen ft Schoe nlng. For Bale Rope Carpet Co. portieres. Slockert Missouri flak Wood. Chunks and split wood, largo ricks, at II. EO. Brldenstein & Smith, 14th Ave. and h St. Both phones 182 N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night L-6M The latest patterns In carpets, Carpet Co. etockert Here to rttar. We are dally receiving new lots of shoes and are selling them at our usual low prices. Duncan Shoe Co. Petersen ft Bchoenlng sell matting. Marrlaa-e Licenses. , ' Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and residence. Age. Arthur O. Newton, Council Bluffs 21 Theresa K. Casey. Council Bluffs 17 Robert D. Learned. Council Bluffs 2R Christina Kern, Council Bluffs 26 Paul Povlllsh. Council BlufTs 22 Manda Rotlch. Council Bluffs 22 Perry J. Stepney, Lincoln, Neb 37 Ella May Zlnsmaster, Tekamah, Neb.... 25 UEBIG C0MPANYS Extract of licef Hiit by experts coder conditions absolutely clean and hei!thful,frotn the choicest cattle, raised for that purpose on the Company's treat farms tn Sooth America. The most concentrated form of beef goodness. For forty years the first. City Scavenger I haul dead animals. $100 per head. Garbage, ashes, manure and all rub bish; clean vaults and cesspool. All work dons Is guaranteed. Calls promptly attended to. Ind. Phone 1229 Y Hell Red 1873 J. II. 8HERLOCK 1 M Has remodeled his ice cream plant, and has installed new machinery, which has donbled the capacity for the manu facture of ice cream. The new process improves the quality of goods 50 per cent. 5c Ice Cream Bricks on Sale Every Day QUART BRICKS, ALL FLAVORS. Latest flavors in ioe cream, ices, sherbet and punch, applying to the pure food law. Just received a new line of the latest individual moulds. SPECIAL PRICES MADE TO DEALERS. Write for our 1907 prices. Council Bluffs, la. Both 'phones 364. 1 A. A. CLARK a CO. !(1AN MdNFY nil HQRSES' CATTLE and And any Chattel Hornritf at one-half the) nanal rataa. Twenty yearn of saccewsful buatu. Corner Mala and Broadway, Orer American Expreaa. No connection Kith Clark Mortgage Co. Both YfaoMa it. jaro. r. irari.IT, Mgr. BLUFFS fit. TeL 43. DITCH CONTRACT TROUBLES Work on Willow Creek and Boyer Cat-Off ii Hot Satisfactory, CONTRACTORS LAY TROUBLE TO DREDGE Possibility Matter May Be Settled by Present Contractors Turn In a- Work Over to Another Firm to Be Completed. The supervisors of Pottawattamie and Harrison countlr will meet in adjourned Joint session as a drainage beard In this city Suturclay for the purpose of taking some action In regard to the contract of the Western Dredging company of Omaha for the construction of the Willow creek and Boyer cut-off ditches. At the Joint session yesterday In Logan there was con siderable) talk among the supervisors of the two counties of cancelling the contract, but It waa finally decided to postpone ac tion until Saturday. The Western Dredging company has met with all kinds of difficulties since it com menced work on the ditches, forming port of the Pottawattamie-Harrison county drainage district. The principal difficulty. It la claimed by the company, lies with the big dredge which has not done the work expected of it. Yesterday at tho close of the session of the drainage board at Logan, notice of suit by the Western Dredging company was served upon a representative of the Keatherstone Foundry company of Chicago, the manufacturers of the dredge. Messrs. Callahan and Kats of the Wes tern Dredging company statPd to the su pervisors that they would be willing to do anything to meet tha wishes of the Joint board, and requested that the contract be not cancelled, as such action would do the company almost Irreparable Injury. The board 1s anxious. If possible, to avoid such action, as It would result In a long delay In the construction of those ditches which form part of the drainage aystom now being carried out. In the event of the cancellation of the Western Dredging com pany's contract, the board would be com pelled under the law to readvertlse for bids, and this procedure would mean a de lay of several months before the contract could be awarded and work be recom menced. The board signified at the meeting yester day that an assignment of its contract by the Western Dredging company to Pollard, Ooff & Co. of Champaign. 111., who have the contract for the Allen creek ditch, would be entirely satisfactory to It. As Messrs, Callahan and Katx stated they would be willing to do anything the board desired, rather than have the contract annulled, this. It Is said, may possibly set tle the matter at the meeting Saturday. The work under the contract of the Western Dredging company has proceeded not only not satisfactory, but not suffi ciently far. The work, the supervisors and the engineers In charge of construction say. Is not according to specifications, and this is admitted by all concerned to be the fault of the big dredge. The work on the Allen creek ditch, for which Pollard, Ooff ft Co. have the contract. Is most satisfac tory. The amount Involved in the contract of the Western Dredging company, it Is said, exceeds S160,0(X. West End Lots f Tes, we have 200 nloe. high, level' lot, very desirably located, for ail classes of people doing business or employed In either Omaha or Council Bluffs. Contemplated Improvements In the vicin ity will double the values within fifteen months. Buy now and the profit la yours. We can give you a single lot or a block of lots together If desired. Get your friends to Join you and form a new neighborhood of your own choice. A few houses also for sale on the easy payment plan. Prices are right and the terms of pay ment will be mad to suit your purposes. Call and lot us show you. C. C. Clifton Company. 60S Broadway, Co. Bluffs. Both 'phone 751. Reception to Mrs. Ilolllatev. The reception tendered Mrs. Lillian M. Holllster, supreme commander; Miaa Blna M. West, supreme record keeper, and Miss mien L. Mark, state commander for Iowa and Nebraska, Ladles of the Maccabees of the World, by Conrad hive, at the Grand hotel yesterday afternoon, waa a brilliant affair. The distinguished visitors were not only greeted by a large number of the members of the order which they repre sent, but by many women belonging to other fraternal organisations in this city, to whom Invitations had been sent. Sevoral hundred women attended the reception dur ing the afternoon. The large ball room waa handsomely dec orated and the shaded lights gave a very pretty effect. In the recelvelng line were Mrs. Holllster, Mlsa West, Miss Mark and Mrs. Anna Gibson, commander of Conrad UCCI, THE ICE CREAM MAN OHMBBSSBfiaaBSSI hhre. Mrs. Peyton presided at tha piano rinrtna; the rerepttnn, her pterin adding much to the pleasure of the oecaaVm, Prior la Ihe reception forty-five candidates were publicly Initiated, the work being car ried out by twenty-four young women, members of Conrad hive, In white uni form, under the leadership of Captain Myra Cralgmlle, Mrs. Louisa. Luchow, on behalf of Con rad hire, presented Mrs. Holllster with a handsome souvenir spoon- of CVunrll Bluffs, and Miss West with a beautiful hand painted plate. The committee In charge of the reception consisted of Ladles Luchow. Mattlngly, Cole and Preasee. COCXCIt. DISCI'HSES WATER RATES Conference Leads to No Action on the Ordinance. The city council In special session last night discussed at length the ordinance Incorporating the schedule of water rates ns prepared by Expert Klersted. but failed to take any action. The ordinance provides for a minimum rate of 17 and the discussion showed that this was generally favored by the council. Mayor Macrae stated he was and had always been in favor of a minimum rate. "Lots of men would like me to pay their water rant, and. in fact, I and others do pay the water rent for lota of other men. Every one should pay his proportion for the service." Regarding the raise of hydrant rentals from $54 to IfiO by Mr. Klersted, Chairman Wallace of the special water works com mittee explained that this was done by Mr. Klersted to avoid raising the rates to private consumers in order to obtain the necessary Income which the water works company was entitled to. Some of the rates were questioned by some 'of the councllmen, and Manager Hart of the water works company said they probably could be rearranged providing others were raised so as to produce the same aggregate Income. The following are the rates where wate is not furnished through a meter: RESIDENCES. Private residences of Ave rooms or lees,' occupied by one family only....) 7.00 Eeach additional room 75 Water closets, each - 3.) Bath tubs, each 3.l Eeach additional clrset in same house. 1.60 Koch additional bath tub In same house 2.00 The second and each additional wash stand In same house 1.00 Each stationary laundry tub 1.00 Private stable, including washing of carriage One horse 3.00 Two horses 5.00 Each additional horse l.0 Cow 2."0 Each additional cow 1.0U Sprinkling by hose, Including Washing and sprinkling streets, sidewalks, lawns andygardens, l.OuO square feet or less 6. 00 Each additional l.ouO square feet 1.00 Killing private cisterns 1.00 Hotels, lodging cr boarding houses arid tenement house Each room 1.00 Bath tubs $4 50 to 6.00 Water closets in boarding house or tenement 6.00 Water closet In hotel and lodging houses $5.00 to 10.00 Washbasin, one free, all others, each l.oi Vrlnul boRln, self-closing 8.W I'rinal basin, constant How Meter Tenement, over Btore, live rooms or less 7.00 STORES AND BUSINESS HOUSES. Banks, Including one washbasin 10.00 Barber shops, same as store, minimum 10.00 Barber shops, each chnir 2.00 Book bindery, per hand $1.00, minimum 10.00 Cigar manufactory, same as store or meter 10.00 Cigar manufactory, each hand over five 1.00 Livery stable, per stall 1.60 Livery stable, hose for washing, meter or $7.00 to 40.00 Printing office, according to number of presses, not Including bteam or other motor using water ....$10.00 to 40.00 Public baths, per tub 10.00 Public hails .. .$10.00 to 20.00 Photograph galleries 10.00 to 20.00 Restaurants 10.00 to 60.00 Stores, twenty-five feet front or lees. Including water for washing windows . and Bidewalks. for one tenant 10.00 Each additional tenant 7.00 Sprinkling streets In front of stores. for twenty-five feet front 2.50 .10 7.00 Each additional front foot '. CWtces above stores, each Water closets for stores and offices. each 4.60 Steam engine, per nominal horse power of ten hours' run 3.76 Steam boilers, for heating hemes, per each square foot of heating surface, 30 cents, with minimum charge of.... 4.00 Mrs. Macrae Attracts Attention. Mrs. Macrae, wife of Mayor Macrae, who Is in Washington, D. C, whtre she at- tended the national meeting of the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, has, ac- cording to the newspapers of that city, created a most favorable Impression at the nation's capital. This Is what the Wash- tngton Herald has to say: "There are any number of beautiful women attend- ing the sessions. Hundreds of them are dressed exquisitely. Two of the most strik- Ing looking women, perhaps, are Mrs. Don ald Macrae, Jr., of Council Bluffs, la., and Mrs. Alexander Patten, chairman of ths program committee. Mrs. Macrae was attired In a tailored, tan colored suit yes terday, while Mrs. Patten wore black." This la from the Washington Post: "Mrs. Alexander E. Patten of Curwenvllle and Mrs. Donald Macrae, Jrw of Council Uluffa, la., dawned Imposingly on the world of Washington this week as exponents of na tional beauty. Both were delegates to the continental congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and both had unlimited wardrobes with which to en hance their loveliness. Mrs. Patten, who has been state regent from Pennsylvania Is of the regal type. Mrs. Macrae Is mora of th flw-r-iu,. ... v-. were of simple design." F. A. 8PENCER. Plumbing, steam and gas flttlnir, furnace and sheet metal work, galvanised Iron cor nice, skylight, tin roofing, gutter, spouting and repatrlng,Uren and Norfolk furnaces. First-class mechanics In all branches. Both telephones No. 6S0. 158 West Broad way. Council Bluffs, la. Maeeabees sio ta Convention. The dears team of Council Bluffs tent will leave this morning for Des Moines to attend the state convention of the I " the bulhJnga, had about ll.tioo insur-K-mht. r.t th. k... . lance, with a Ions of about $1,X. Tom The team has been selected to put on the work tonight before the state convention. It Is com posed as follows: Captain, Frank Elt?an: H. B. Thom&m T. J Rnlwtrfa .TiMffti flnf ! C. L. Sandall. M. A. 8tacey, R. W. Cosad, L. Jackson, H. P. Reed, A. J. Ruppert. A. M. Flke. J. W. KUbane. Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Preasse are the delegates to the convention of the Lady Maccabees, which meets at the same time In Des Mollies. Investigate the A. Hospe Co. plan ot selling pUnos. It la a system whereby you get the beat possible musical value for the least, money. 2S South Main street. Council Bluffs. Give us your order for that spring car pet. We do the rest sew, lay and fit It right to your room. D. W. Keller, 10J a. Main. Ham Missionary Meetlaa. The j fourth annual meeting of the Woman's Home Missionary society of the Council Bluffs district of the Des Moines Methodist conference will be held In Mis souri Valley Saturday and Sunday next "ach of the Methodist churches of this city will be represented at the meeting. Mrs. A. E. Griffith, wife of the presiding elder. Is Ui oul rsoa Xrotu Council bluff on the program. Three sessions will be held Saturdav. at S-Sft a m , p. m and s p. m The services on Sunday will be at 10:46 a. m., I p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Matters In District Court. The settlement and dismissal of cases on the assignment for yesterday In district court left Judge Wheeler temporarily with out any business on hand and the petit Jury was excused until today. The suit of S. M. Williamson against the Great Western railroad was dismissed and that of H. 8. Jackson against the same rail road waa settled Cut of court, as was the suit of J. W. Bingham against Jacob Stein. The following Juries were drawn yeeter day: Superior court for May and June: Minden, Theodore J. Grepper; Sliver Creek, A. A. Hemlrlx: Rockford, D. B. Hnrker; Gamer. J. R. Albertsnn. John Waltman; Council Ultiffs, C. A. Tlbbotts. C. E. Sackett, Henry Ffchocnlng, fjenige Wlrkham, William Mc Gill. 8. U. Underwood, Ed Clemenson, Hans Clausen, W. F. Plunkett. A. W. Griffith. Avoca district court, May term: Owkland. Frank Collard, 8. S. Palmer, Bert Brown, J. R. Undsay, W. H. Stevens, Asher Hick man: Carson, Al Fenn; Shelby, John Ie: Hancock. Crls Nlcolal; Grlswold, Donald McKlnsle; Avoca, Howard Wilson, O. W. Barton, O. E. Norton, T. I). Neeman, Robert Rockwell; Walnut, Adolph Iebck, W. E. Fraser, Emll Bchmltt, Fred Swingle, C. E. Brown, B. J. Osier; Macedonia, C. EL Denton, James Bolton, Milt Osier. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Res April 24, by the Pottawattamie County Ab stract company of Council Bluffs: Emma M. Groneweg and hunhand to Enest E. Hart (Inc.), lot 3 and sH lot 2. block I, John Johnson's add., w. d.$ 8.134 George W. I'mphrey and wife to W. D. Sloan, n90 feet lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and U, block 5. Hancock. la., w. d 2,000 Morris Pearson and wife to Nels 8or ensen, lot 11, block 14, Mill odd., w. d 1.168 Dills M. ('rummer to LeRoy Crunv mer, lot 19. block 6, Sackett's add., w. d BOO The Council Bluffs Real Estate and Improvement company, lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, block 10, Wright's add., w. d. 600 The Caecade State bank to A. S. Turner, lots 29 and 30, block 10, Wright's add., w. d 126 Benjnmln-Fehr Real Estate company to Everett E. Bewail and Katherine Sewall, lot 23, block 32, Brown's subdlv., w. d 60 National Real Estate and Investment compnnv to J. W. Squire, lot 4, block 33. Bfiyllss & Palmer's add., q. c. d.. 1 Eight transfers, total $ 7.776 The women of the Associated Charities will hold their annual barar Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week In the basement of Hunter's store. They will also sorve luncheon and dlrmer. The proceeds will be devoted to the building fund for the new Creche on East Pierce street. Complete line of Victor base ball goods. Petersen & Schoenlng. Lace curtains. Stockert Carpet Co. Protection for Jnrk gnlpe. County Attorney Hess Is In receipt of a letter from Attorney General Byers with reference to the stale game law and Its application to the Jacksnlpe, over which there has been more cr less local contro versy. The attorney general, while not Inclined to overrule the opinion given by former Attorney General Million, Is In clined to think that the Intent of the legis lature framing the law was to protect the Jacksnlpes. Mr. Byers says In his letter that If he were a game warden he would protect thnt bird and If there were viola tions of the law as Interpreted by County Attorney Hess, he would test it in the court. Where Terse and Lumber Go Together. If you want to buy lumber and buy it Just right, then lt' up to you to C. Hafer. His lumber is the best it stands every test and you get Just what you pay for. The Cat screeches out to all; come on; no place is safer. If you want to get your money's worth follow those that trade at Hafer's. IOWA MAI IS FOUXD DEAI1 Life Insurance Agent nt Fort Pod.tre Apparently Beaten to Death. FORT DODGE, la., April 24. (Special Telegram.) O. H. McCaffery, Fort Dodge agent for the American Independent Life Insurance company of Des Moines, was found dead in an alley on Fifth street at ; 8 o'clock this morning. He had evidently j been murdered. He was found lying face downward In a pile of ashes with his face I buried to the ears. There were more than i a dozen abrasions on his skull, McCaffery was known to have token part in a brawl In the neighborhood and was seen Inst night at 8 o'clock. No money , was found on his person. McCaffery was aged 40 and unmarried. No motive for the crime Is apparent. McCaffery has rela tives at Maquoketa. Runaway Boy la Found. TULSA, I. T., April 24Harry Loupe. IS years old, who has been mlsslna; from Monmouth, la., for three years, was found here tnilav. He was thought at the time to have been kidnaped, but he says he rsn away from home. His father hn spent several thousand dollars trying to find him. lows News Notes. IOWA CITY The faculty of the College of Medicine of the State university Is Is suing Invitations to the third annual meet ing of the medical alumni. Wednesday and Thursday. April ana May l. i MAKSHALLTOWN O. S. Ketcham of Mexico, Mo., former agent of the Oreat Western at Melhourn, la., and John Done gan. section foreman at Melbourne, were arrested t relay for connection with the Hol lenliors defalcation. rilEBTON-Fresh alarm of the dread disease of spinal meningitis was occasioned here by the death of the little 2-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. C.eorge Wallnce. well known residents near this city. This Is the first death from the disease which has occurred In I'nlon county. MOl'LTON A fire early Tuesday morn ing resulted In the following Instes: Dooley meat market, run by Frank M. Dooley, Iohi about $"rio, with $) insurance. Word - 1. 1 ... - tt mlliifA u t . . p-s 1. khnnl tj .1 I with 1X0 ii urance. George Horn, owner Rogers, barn, bm $0, with 1200 Insurance. Ti'.bune office. Hob R. Wilson & Son, publishers, .lob press badly damaged due to tne excitement in trying to gel some or the printing equipment out when It was thought that the building could not be saved. WHEAT FLAKE CELEtTY IF is a very nourishing food; in fact, an article of diet so nutritious in itself, would support life. On it you can feed with profit and with pleasure. Palatable and easy of digestion. a IO cents a package. For sal by all Crr Personal knowledge competitive age and this coi possessor in the iront ranks ot The Well Informed of the World. A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essentia to the achievement ol the highest excellence in any field of human effort A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Function and Knowl edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an .i T l I .1 I : -L.. : l etmcai product wiik-ii iuu uici nun uic aiipiovai vt mo iiium cumicjii iiysiMiis aim gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of J' v rv..i:., i...r. r -n.. itTnAun. f""nn....... '( lUIUWII VcUCLt9 iuiunii lAV.Cllllv njiu luivnu xvliJvsiitll I ; ' Parts and'tias won the valuable patronage of millions of the WeD Informed of the world, who know of their own and best of family laxatives, for This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Pigs and hat attained to world wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Fig and Fliir c& Senna as more fullv desrrinrive) ol the remedv. Siir! but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to tret its beneficial m LOUISVILLE, KY. CRUFFORD WRITES OWN PLEA Hands Oat t Boast for the fuprems Court and Also Cne to His Lawyers. SAYS THEY ABANDDNZD H!M WHEN BROKE Theodore P. ahonts Gives $'J,BK H Year for Scholarships In Drake I'nlveralty Convention of Maccabees, (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. April 24.-Sperial.) In a petition for a rehearing of his case, writ ten by himself. Dr. J. W. Crofford of Lamonl criticises the supreme court for deciding cases without regard to the law and facts and criticises his lawyers ior deserting him after his money was all gone. Dr. Crofford was convicted of murdering Miss Maude Stone by a criminal operation at his sanitarium In Lamonl. He was tried and convicted and the supreme court reversed the case. Then he was tried again and convicted and the Bupreme court af firmed his conviction. Later when Ira Hammond, the man who was alleged t havo been responsible for tho condition of Miss Stone thnt led her to the sani tarium, wiia acquitted of the same charge, Crofford asked the supreme court for a re hearing of his case and this was refused. Crofford's attorneys were Colonel M. L. Temple, recently appointed United States district attorney for southern Iowa, nnd his partner, V. R. McGlnnls. Company MnMcrcil Ont. Adjutant General Thrift has issued an order mustering out the National Ouard company at Atlantic. The action Is taken because of the reports of tho I'nited States Inspection officer recommending the action and reortlng that the efficiency of the company was below standard. Mo Appointment from Clark. Word has been received In this city that Colonel Clark of Cedur Rapids, department commander of the Grand Army of the Re public for Iowa, has been abnent.for some days and has Just returned to his home. It is anticipated that he will now give Immediate consideration to the appoint ment of a person to serve on the hoard authorized by the leglxlature to prepare a roster of Iowa soldiers. The board will consist of the governor, adjutant Kcneral, attorney general, curator of the historical building and one old soldier to be named by the department commander of the Grand Army of the Republic. As soon as this old soldier Is named a meeting of the board will be called to arrange for start ing the work. It Is estimated that It will take three years to complete the task. C.I ft to Drake I'nlverslty.' At the chapel exercises of Drake uni versity today President Hill M. Bell an nounced that Hon. Theodore P. Shonta had t given to the university 12,600 a year in scholarships. The announcement of tho An entire section devoted to sports in THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE i The Bee is the only paper in the West that prints the full hox baseball scores of four baseball leagues, giving all the information dt-ar to news a the followers of the crame, and providing the only tiossible means tilaii j-y for keeping track of what the players are doing. Full reports of Other &11 amateur games are also published by The Pee, together with SlindtXV accurate accounts of all girting events of general interest. paper A clean and reliable paper for the home OF Personal Kngwoedgev is the winning factor in the culminating when of ample character it place its i personal knowledge and from actual use that which no extravagant or unreasonable claims effects, always note, when purchasing the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package, whether you call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup of rigs and Elixir of Senna. ' mm mmmp SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.. U.S.A. LONDON, ENGLAND. gift came to the president today In a letter from Mr. Shonts. The scholarships m-111 be caiiled the Theodore P. Shonts Service Scholarships and will pay the tuition of the laboratory assistants and a large num ber of students. There are to be fifty scholarrhlps paying $250 each per year. In the past It has been the custom of the school to pay the laboratory assistants with- free tuition, but the school was un able to have the number of assistants needed tor the work In the medical and chemistry departments. While In the east President Bell explained the mntter to Mr. Schonts and he now has volunteered to take care of fifty of the scholarships. Evldenees of Mnrtler. The body of Mike Basta, an Austrian coal miner of this city, was found on the Northwestern tracks near the county poor farm north of the city Hate last night. It Is believed there are evidences that he was murdered. The body was run over by a Northwestern train, and It Is believed at about 11 o'clock lost night. Maeeabees In the City. Iowa Knights and Ladles of the Macca bees are holding their triennial meeting In this city. There are SOO or more assembled here and The meetings are being held In the Knlahts of Pythias hall, and the headquarters are at the Savery hotel. One of the principal pieces of business Is to name delegates to the national meeting to be held In Detroit In July. Among those prominently mentioned as delegates are R. E. Cook of Red Oak. J. F. Hall of Ccdnjr Rapids, A. I. Lee, the state commander. Among the ladies Miss Ella Mnrk, the state commander, is prominently mentioned. E. P. Markey, supreme commander. Is ex pected In the city tomorrow The Council Bluffs degree team will demonstrate the work tomorrow, and Friday evening a Joint session will be held at the shrine temple. Governor May Veto Bill. Governor Cummins may decide to veto the bill providing for the sale of land made at Ottumwa, la., from the changing of the iwuuuauuu pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother' Friend so prepares the 6ystein for the coming event that it is ssfoly passed without any danger. Tlii great and wonderful remedy is always appliedextemally.and has carried thousands of women through the trying crisis without suffering. Send for fr book containing lnformatloa of priceless valu lo all sxpeolaitl mol&srs. The Bradfleld Regulator Co., Atlasta. 6a.. contests of SJV" fortunate tTVi it is the first are made. NEW YORK, NY1 course of the Des Moines river. There la a factory on the land and the hill enacted by the legislature provides that the oc cupant of such land shall have the first opportunity for buying It. Governor Cum mins Is Inclined to think that if tho st ite owns the land and It Is to he sold every cltlsen should have an equal rinht to buy It. A similar bill came near losing the state a vast amount of money In the land at Council Bluffs. The bill was repealed before the occupants of the land could take advantage of the law. Now ta the time to make your want known through The Bee Want Ad page. FIRE RECORD. Frelalit Steamer. NEW YORK, April 24. -The harbor fire men had a hard fight today with a Mrs which destroyed the freight steamer Pio neer, causing a loss of $T5,0oo. The Tloneer arrived from Newark with cotton. Jute, red lead, cylinders of oil and carbonic acid gas and carboys of acid. The fire started whll the steamer was lying at Its pier In North river. The noxious fumes and dense smoke made It difficult to approach It. The flames, however, were prevented from spreading to the pier and adjoining property. Park College Dormitory. PARKVILLB, Mo., April 24.-6herwood Hall, a frame dormitory connected with Park college, and a one-story bulidiiiR used as a dining hall, were destroyed by tire to day. The dormitory was occupied by thirty girls, all of whom escaped, saving their personal effects. Other outbuildings were only saved by the efforts of the students and cltlsens. Loss, 1 10,0m. Ivoas at Tonlon. TOULON, France, April 24 The damage done by yesterday's fire to the arsenal .amounts to 1900,000. The Inquiry Is estab lishing the fact that flames liroke out simultaneously In five places. The area of the conflagration Is surrounded by senti nels during tha Investigation. No woman's happi ness can bo complete without children ; it is her nature to lova and want them as much so as it is to love the beautiful and IF Qfitd(dl IFuJdDillldCBS0 b