Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Ehrp AdTie in Wheat ?rioeg Ceu8d by
Continutd Crouth.
Wk' Opening on Reported Ralaa la
Kamii, bat Prices Advaaee aa
Predictions af C oatlanetS
Fair Weather.
, OMAHA, April 23, 1907.
the market, which sagged on account of
rains ri-portrd In Kaunas, but the mark"!
turned strong on the showing that tho
rain were liistifllclent and prices rose
snarply. '1 he wtaltier map wm the cyno
A ira lor all eyes, hs the further course of
W'ie mrkfi will l determined principally
lv wt'Mthtr devi'lnpmentn, A heavy buying
niuvi-iiieni ensii'd aliortly after noon, when
tii' wt-Huier report was published and little
hope was given for precipitation In ttm
tooth western wheat belt.
May hna waa given the moot attention
by traders and July option did not re
spond ua largely aa lld the May crop. The
cash market waa very strong, with good
demand prevalent for all grains at higher
priced. Many reporta of damage were re
ceived, some of green bug damage from
various poinia in Indiana and tin' Miami
valley In Ohio. The buvlnir waa scattered I
and the aouth w?slern niaikels were very ! afloat. The option market waa without
strong. Althougn statistics are bearish 1 tranaactlona. closing partly net higher,
and cables were lower, the weather condi- aa follows: May, 66c; July, bfiVic; Seplem
tlona caused a strong feeling. FUr her, 56c.
weather waa predicted for all nointt with OATH Recelnts. 151.600 bu.: exports. 10,466
the exception of light ahowera In Missouri,
It la conceded that a good, soaking l"Hln In
Karia.ia and (jklahorna would aave a
greater part of the wheat crop, but the
drouth has been unbroken except for light
ahowera The close whs strong, with a net
advance of a in May wheat and fcc In
the July options.
Corn whs strung, but trading was light,
as Intereat Is centered principally In the
wheat market. Uttle news was received
affecting the corn crop, but the market
advanced In sympathy with the strength
shown In wheat. Cables were slightly I
lower, but the close waa steady, an ad- I
Vance of c being made In Mav corn
Oats were active, with a large general
trade, as the weather conditions affecting
wheat have had some similar effect on
the oats crop. May oata opened Kteady at
41Sc bid, and closed steady with slight ad
vancas. Primary wheat receipts were 718,000 btiah
ela and shipments 411, 0"0 busholH, against
receipts last year of 281,000 buHhels and
shipments of 3a mo bushels. Corn recelpta
were 61,0M bushels and shipments "iH.OoO
busheis. against receipts nf a6.(ro bushels
and shipments of 41.1, ni bushels last year
Clearances were l&OiiOO bushels, corn 11.000
bushels, oats, and wheat and flour equal
to ltl.tKO bushels.
Liverpool closed K'ffVid lower on wheat
and unchanged to Vd lower on corn.
An Increaae of 10 buahela In the visi
ble wheat aupply waa reported by Rrad
street's. against an Increaae of Mi.noo hush
els last week nnd a decrease of 12S.0OO bush
els last year.
Local range of rptlons:
Articles.! Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Teg'y.
Wheat I I I
May. .. 774 A I 7"!t4TI
July.v 7S"AI 74M
Sept. . .1 75A 76'aBJ
Corn- I I
May... 44 A I 44X111
July. ..I 43'4A 43 R I
Rept...l 4;Hi 4.1 B!
Oata r I J
May.., 4TK,T)i
July... 4mitl 4H,n
Bept... 34-A V,
44 A
724 n
43 II!
44 A
84 A!
A asked. B bid.
(I in nil a Cash Prices
WHEAT No. 1 hard, 70w87mc; No.
hard, oT'iTnc: No. 4 hard, I9i67c; No.
print, 6520.
CORN No. 8 yellow, 41H04:vto; No.
White. 42c.
OATS No. 3 mixed. 89Hg39 c: No.
White. 3iUi40c.
RYE No. 2, tVc; No. 8. 68ic.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oata
Kanaka City
Minneapolis .
Bt. Louis ....
... 70
... 19
... 82
. .
' reatnres of the Trading; and Closing
iPr' Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, April 23-FTesh reporta of
damage to the growing ciop created
Btret'irth tmlay In the wheat market, the
July delivery closing at a net advance of
S. Corn was up c and oats tc. Provl-
rlona were 2VfiifiC to 7Vtriil0c higher, 1
The market opened weak because of re-
ports of rain ln Kansas. These advices
vere found later to have boon somewhat
ixaggerated. ln addition the weather bu
reau predicted fair weather tonight and
tomorrow for the entire state. Numerous 1
reports were also received from all parts of !
the southwest telling of ravages of ths '
green bug, and these wsre supplemented by
a number of similar reports from Illinois, .
Indiana, Ohio and Michigan, where It waa
claimed the crop is rapidly deteriorating.
These advices caused active buying by
shorts and local bulls and resulted In a
strong market for the remainder of the
day. Indications of an improved demand
for export also strengthened the market.
The market closed strong, with prices
almost at tha top notch. July wheat opened
a shade to V'uHo lower at aoVuaoVic, ad
vanced to glsattielVtO and closed at slVV
Ho. Clearances ot wheat and flour were
equal to ISH.ObO bu. The world's visible
supply, aa shown by Bradatreet's, Increased bu. Primary recelpta were 71ft,0u0
bu., compared with 281.0U) bu. for tha same
day a year ago. Minneapolis, puluth and
Chicago reported receipts of 72 cars,
agalnat 636 cars last week and 246 cars
year ago.
There was very little trading In corn,
but the market waa firm almost all day. A
moderate decline at Liverpool caused a
slightly easier tone at the start, but this
w us soon overcome by the strength of
wheat. A lively demand for the cash grain
helped to strengthen the options. The close
was firm. July corn opened unchanged to
a shade lower at 4hV4j vs,c. sold off to 480
4HV.U and then advanced to 4ho. The does
was at 4So. Local receipts were 297 cars,
with II cars of contract grade.
Oats were weak early ln the day be
cause of free selling by local holders. The
market rallied later on buying by 00m
mtSHton houses and pit traders. The de
mand was based mainly on the strength
of wheat. The close was firm. July oata
opened V4ao lower at 4l'40c., advanced
to 41VkC and oloeed at 41c Local recelpta
were 410 cars.
lrovllous were quiet all day, the feature
of trading being the changing from May
to the more distant futures. The strength
of grain and a 60 advance In the price of
live hogs were the bullish factors. At the
close July pork was up TVu loo at 314 Oa.
Iird was up 2S4i'jo at f H-V Ribs were
ti7ln higher at x.r.'W--7V
Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat,
48 cars; corn, 104 cars; oats, cars; hogs,
ll.otw head,
fhe leading futures ranged aa follows:
Artlcles.1 Open. Hlrh. Low. Cloae. Tes y.
Wheat I
May I77HQSI Tlr
July 81'ii'W
77H 787KiT7!tH
&S MH r sn-VaH
:'H.fc34iaV IC'Vo",
May July
May July
May July
4 "5
41 I 4o'i
8681 H
41 H
16 771 J 15 7!W, 16 T!Ui
15 75 15 75
li 9.'. U uavsl U 9-'Vsl M 0
16 92H
8 65
8 90
8 9-"
8 60
8 rvi
8 H
8 7H 8 70 t 87'
I M i s.'H g M
8 9:sl 8 96 8 9.'
8 70
8 s-.'Vk
I 96
I 57H!
I 76
8 a&
8 S2H! 8 67V
8 62H
a 70 9 To
i tCVl 8 tt
8 ffiVsl
No. 3.
Caah quotations were as follows;
KLOl'H Ey ; winter patenta. 83 lotf
3 4o; straights. 82.9t-ti3; aprlng patents.
It 4 u3.4b. sualghls, iJ uO'u'S.So; bakers. 82.00
WHPIT- No 1 spring. R2iiooc; No. 8.
74xt4c"; No. 2 red, 77Hti7V1c.
f(iriN No. 2, 47c; No. 2 yellow, 48c.
OATS No. 1 43V: No. 3 white, 43Jf44c;
No. 1 white, 4B'4JVC
RYE Na 2, too.
BARLt. Y Kair to choice malting,
SEEDS No. 1 fla. 31 UHl No. 1 north
western. 81 UH. Timothy, prime. 34.23.
Clove-, contrac t grade, $14.75.
PROVISIONS ahort ribs sides (loose),
t JTMja.fco. Mess pork. per bid., 31S oi
16 ftrVev Lard, per I'D lha, 33-67H. Short clear
sides foaedl. 8o-7j9.uu.
The raoaipts and sulptnents of n.Kir and
grain were: Receipts. Shipments
Plour.' bbls lo.l'O 18.l
Wheat, bu 44. 60.IO
Corn, bu S3.) 4W.hi
,-te. bu iVt'w W'l
Rye. bu., . . ;.J
Parley, bu 98,709 16.900
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa firm; creameries 2MjOc;
dairies, 2j2c. lags, steady; at mark,
cases Included.; flrata, lStc; prima
flrata, 16jc. Cheese, ateady; 144tto.
ttwotatfoas af the Day aa Tarlaaa
NEW TORK. April 28 -rTjOTJift-Re-celpta.
23.623 bbla; exports. 11.922 bbla; mar
ket ateady. but quiet; Minnesota
fatente. 841a4.46; winter afrslghts. 13-41
46; Minnesota oak era, SlSltytUO; winter ex
traa, IxSotoSOO: winter patenta, Moy.
Rye flour, firm; fatr to .rood. .66tu4.80;
choice to fancy, M otg-4 IS.
CORNMEAL Firm; fine whlta and yel
low, 81.30; ooarae, Sl-OWul-lO; kiln dried, 12.66
WHEAT Receipts, 29,000 ha.; spot mar
ket firm; No. 8 red, s4c, elevators and 8fcc,
f n. h afloat: Na 1 northern. Duluth.
9440. opening navigation f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 hard winter. 8;o, opening navigation
f. o. b. afloat. Opening firmer on yeeter-
day's late export bualneas, wheat eased ;
off ailghtly owing to weakness In western
markets, but recovered and was firm
for the balance of the day. The late Im-
provement was Influenced by a better cash I
wheat and flour demand, bug stories from j
me soul n weal ana renewea oun puiiivi 1.
Final prices showed V&o net advance.
May, WVi87c, cloaed at 87c; July,
67 ll-IScjtvi 7-16c, closed at 88V4C; September,
Snt9c. cloaed at aVSc.
CORN Recelpta. 1 13.(ar0 bu.; exports,
41.788 bu.; epot market firm; No. I, 67Vc.
elevator, and 66c. f. o. b. afloat; wo. I
white. BT'V- and No. I yellow, 66c, f. o. b.
bu.; spot market steady; mixed oata, 26 to
S3 lbs., 47Vc; natural white, 10 to 11 lbs.,
thVWU)Vc; clipped white, M to 40 lbs., toVrii
HAY Quiet; shipping, 70i0c; good to
choice. (1 INfrl 20.
HOi"3 Bieady ; atate, common to choice,
19i crop, lwol.c: 19t crop, 4WQc; Pacific
coast lwj crop. (I)'llc; lift crop, &a8c.
HI DFiri Steady; Central America, 24c;
liogota, 24c.
1 1 i i 1.11 r vv iu, tt rm .
PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, J14.00
4il4.6i; mediums, W SuftW.uO; beef hams,
U4.fm4i packet, llu.;"1' 11 50. Cut meats.
steady; pickled bellies, I10.312 00; pickled
hams. lll.7tyuilZ.2fi. Lard, market steady;
western prime, $S.8oa!.60; refined, steady;
continent. tf 30; Bouth America, $10.00; com
pourd. 8 Z.'ian.62W. Pork, steady; family,
I18 Wit10; short clear, 17.0oHS,50; mees,
$17.2i ij 18.00.
TA1,IW Easy; city (12 per pka;.). 6
C'kc; country (pkgs. free), iWaAo.
KICB-F1rm; domestic, fair to extra,
2Vu'1c; Japanese, nominal.
WITTER Htrong; street prices, extra
creamery, 33'o34o. Official prices: Cream
ery, common to extra, itfGMSc; held, com
mon to extra, K'y3Vic; state dairy, com
mon to finest, 2&fr02c; renovated, common
to extra, ldCSoj western factory, common
to firsts, HVa23c; western Imitation cream
ery, extras, 28ici firsts. VWZtc.
CHEEBffi Steady : state full cream, colored
and white, small fancy. 16c; October best,
14jl4Hc; good to prime, UfflJHc: winter
made, best, Z3sjc; large September fancy,
16c; October, best, lfaltc; good to prime,
EOOa Steady: state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected white, JOc; choice,
lS-trlSHc; brown and mixed, extra. 18HfJlc;
firsts to extra firsts, 1718c; western stor
age peeked. 16H184o (official price); stor
age packed, lB'alSC.
POULTRT Alive. quiet and steady;
chickens, 9allc; fowls. Va; turkeys, llo.
Dressed, ateady; chickens, 10Qlto; tur
keys, 101814c; fowls. lo14He.
St. I.onls General Market
ST. LOUIS, April 23. WHEAT-Hlgher;
track. No. 2 red cash. 79 4i;Wc: No. 2
; hard, 76(&7sc; May, TH07Vic; July.
I ;'478Vc.
CORN Higher; track. No. I cash, 48 9
I 48Hc; May, 48c; July, 47c; No. 2 white,
; 49 ft 60c.
OATS Steady: track. No. I caan, 4Zc;
May. 41 Vic; July, 88 Vic; No. 2 white,
FTll'R Rtenrlv red winter natenta IS AS
3.86; extra fancy and straight $3.20.66;
clear. $2 .tifrii2.8o.
I BF3 EI iS Timothy, steady: I3.0058.7S.
I COR NMEAL Steady ; 12.40.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 83940,
HAY Dull; timothy, 316.0018.60; prairie,
! PROVISIONS Pork, firm; Jobbing, 318.20.
; LArd. higher; prime steam, m.40. Dry silt
meats, lower: boxed extra shorts. 89.2S:
clear ribs, I9.37V4: short clears, 19.60. Bacon,
lower; boxed extra shorts, $10.L!Vi; short
clears, 10 87Vi.
I'uuuiti L,ower; cnickens. 11c:
I springs, 2028c; turkeys, lieiSVie:
ducks. 12c; geese, 7e,
BUTTER Higher; creamery, 2882Hc
dairy, 22570.
EGGS Steady at 14 Ho.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbla 8.0f0 12.0O0
Wheat, bu 82.000 S9000
Corn, bu ( 77.000 12,0o0
Oats, bu 189.000 101,000
Kasiaa City Orala aad Provisions.
KANSAS CITY. April 23 -WHEA-Unchanged:
May. 71c; July, 73Ho; September,
76"ic Cash: No 2 hanl nVoltVac; No. 8,
bB'aSc; No. 3 red, 76Htf77c; No, 8, 687oo.
CORN lo higher; May, 42,c; July, 43Hc;
September, 44Hc. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 44e;
No. 8, 4SVk4l44o; Na 3 white, 46Vo; No. 3,
OATS Unchanged; No. I white, 42c; No.
I mixed. 4141M,c.
RYE Steady. tWCSJo.
HAT Steady; choice timothy, 314.2&315.00;
cnoice prairie. iiBii.w.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 29a; packing,
FOGS Market Ho lowsr; flrets, 14V.O.
The receipts and shipments of grain
were: Kecetpts, enipmenta
Wheat. DU. 70.000 81.0-10
Corn, bu 26.000 38,000
Oata, bu 3,000 (.000
Kansas City cash prlcea:
I Open. I High. I Lew. Close.
May July
May July ,
Kill 73H
Visible fappry ot Grain.
NEW TORK. April 23 -Soeclal cable and
telegraphlo communications received by
Bradstreet ahow the following ohanges In
available supplies as compared with pre
rlous account. Available supplies: Wheat,
United States, east rock lea Increased 264.0O0
bu. Canada, decreased 1.1M.O0O bu. Total
United States and Canada, decreased 912.0(0
bu. AfUat, for and In Europe, Increased
1.3CO.0UO bu. Total Amerlcavn and European
aupply, Increased I.II.OuO bu
Corn, United States and Canada, de
creased 1.S46.0U0 bu.
Oats. T'nltsd States and Canada, de
creased 19 000 bu.
The leading increase and decreases re
ported this week are:
Pfecreases: Manitoba. 1.909.00O ; Lincoln,
Neb., and vloinlty. 179.000 bu.; Chicago pri
vate elevators, 170,000 bu.; Aberdeen,
000 bu.
Increaae: Milwaukee private elevators,
60.0U0 bu.
Liverpool Orala Market.
LIVERPOOL. April 23. WHEAT Spot,
steady; No. 3 red western winter, 8a, 3d;
No. 1 California, 6a 4d. futures, quiet;
May. s 64d; July. Is Sid-
CORN-8pot, steady; American mixed,
new, 4s 7d; American mixed, old, 5s Hd: fu
turea quiet: May, 4a Vd; July, 4a 7(3, Sep
tember, 4a ITid.
Mllwiakt Grata Market.
No. 1 northern. s7VgS4c; Na I northern.
80!-2Sc; July, emfis-l'ic.
RYE No. 1 TlVtf'Tlc.
BARLEY No. 2. 71VtV972c; Sample, 599
CORN Na 8 cash, 4Vs4ec; July, 4e
Mlaaeapolls Grata Market.
tc; July, KiHc: No. l hard. WHWlHSc;
No. 1 northern. 88VtiaSc; No I northern,
81Wle; No, 3 northern, 78f79o.
KUIL'H-First patents. 4 Su.w4.40; second
patenta 84.144J4 26: first clears. 3S.ua3 6t;
second olsars. 12 .404(4! 50.
BRAN In bulk. 8li.6tAS13.lB.
Pearta Market.
PEORIA. April 2S CORN Firm, No. 3
yellow and No. 8. 47Va; no grada. US-Sac
OATS firm; No. 2 white, 4So4c; No. 8
White. 42v4S4c: Na 4 white. 41J-Uo.
KIEV-ilrm; Na 3. ruKVhC.
Pbllavdelpkl Prelaaa Market.
good demand; firsts, free cases, lac, at
CHEESK Firm, good demand; New York
full creaais, fancy, 14V14c; choice, livc.
Dalatk RraJa Market.
Dt'LTJTH. April 23. WHEAT No. 1
northern, k3Sc; No. 3 northern JUVo; May,
aJV: July. lvSc: Scptetuuer, -
OAXaV-AjyrU. 40o,
7SV8T3V4 78H
C 42H
43V4 4SV
Eracnlttsn Art Mnoh DLppoint4 j thi
SeaotioDtry Tom of Market,
Rlaa la Wheat aa t'aieateaablt
Weather Oaa of (ha C'aaaea
Aaals-nea Rally la laloa
PaclSe Rear Cloae.
NEW TORK, April 23. The speculative
element In the stock market waa greatly
disappointed today over the way In which
prices were turned backwards from their
upward course of yeaterday. The action
today waa accepted as conclusive of the
professional character of yesterday's rise
and of the large proportion of covering
by shorts In the buying which caused It.
The casual encounter between Mr. Hill and
Mr. Harrlman and the fact It gave rise
to no outward anow of hoatlllty aeema to
have been the Drtnclnal bnala foe the most
of yeaterday a buying, which. It will be
remembered, converged largely on the Hill
and Harrlman railroad stocks. This seems
to have been recognised today as rather
an unsubstantial ground on which to base
a renewal of a bull movement in stocks,
although there was a show of excitement
In Union Pacific, late In the day.
Today's reaction did not by any means
wipe out all of yesterday's very aubstan
tlal gains. The movement mjght be bet
ter described simply as a doelstlng from
yesterday's operations for a rise. The
effect Waa to throw the markot hack Inln
the deep neglect which waa so notable
last week. So far aa veaterdnv'a rise an.
due to expectation of Improvement In the
wneai crop news, tnere was ground for the
reaction today In the disappointment of
the hopes of abundant rains In the sec
tions from which complaints have come
or me need of them. The reality of this
need was brought out In the weekly bul
letin of the weather bureau. Its report of
unaeaaonably cold weather and want of
rain In much of the wheat country east
of the Rockies emphasised the effect of
today s report that the expected showers
had proved scarify. There was some re
. J.of ,he tone of apprehension over
the Industrial outlook which haa weighed
recently upon the market. Attention was
attracted by a report of a large reduc
tion In the working force by an Important
western electric equipment company arid
the offered explanation that the demand
J?ro.(1uct wa" falling off on account
or Its high price level. A rise In prlcea
to a level dlacouraglng to consumption,
nere sucn a condition becomes at nil
general, constitutes the central force mak-
l,in wiIl . . . ei' vi Burn s con-
dltion hitherto have been few, but the whole
financial world Is keenly on the alert to
, today. -rong Influence on
speculative sentiment. The principal event
of the day from the money market stand-
Zr tLZm ,tn.8Jr''dU'tlon' wag Pected.
iLli 0.ffl5,lal discount rate of the Imperial
Bank of Qermany from 6 per cent to RV4
S?.o made Th? b5nk 0f. T Nemerlandl
aiao made a further reduction In Its dls-
"."e?' wnlfh wa advanced recentiy
market mo''me,1i of n from that
market to New York. London sent another
consignment of gold to Paris In repayment
ePkr:,V,"".alv"nr" Jhe Pari, dlsunt
or ivr reaction
V ''I'o'iea nrm, but rates re-
kef VenrI,nl0n a,nd ?"""' In this mar
ket there was a further decline in rates
.ZJ?. ,"an Th rly rise In prices
b,T.Tl ,..';!.du.a ? fo.relK" lnnuenceP Tho
with snm. 17 1. "y wn" ln e-ympathy
tTons In f'nt l "traordlnary transac
stock im io ii .P.arJflc' wn,ch ruh'l that
RondiP the highest level of the day.
value II ZV l"Z?,lal a Total '" Par
Snchant'eH 2V.,Vnlte1 Stat bond, were
MtodS w.r.?'e' 'n1 Cl0,ln Quotation.
Adama Bipress
Salea Hi,h. Low. cioaa.
Ain(aniated Copper .. .
Am. c. A r
17 H
Am. C. A r, pfd....
Am. Cotton oil
17 14
Am. Cotton oil ptd
Hoivncms cipraaa
Am. H. u pfd
American Ira
Am. Li.iaod Oil
Am. Llnsead Oil ptd
Am. Locomotive ,,,,
Am, Locomotive pfd....
Am. 8. R
TOO I4H 134, wt 1SH4
iw inatt iiuih
Am. 8. IV R nfd .
Am. Sugar Banning. . . .. .
Am. Tobacco pfd otfa. ...
Anaconda Mining Co
i.U'iV iZO
too 12',
1,4(10 .,S
IO0 M'.t
too im
1.KK) lOfl U.
100 I9.
W 1244
z4 n
Atrhlaoo pfd
Atlantic Coaat Lisa....!.
naltlmora at Ohio
Bal. A Ohio pfd
Orooklra Ranld If
. m
a 11
Canadian Pacific
on '4
1.000 17 146S
Icotral of Nw Jaraav...
Chcaapeaka at Ohio
Chlcaso Ot. W
Ollcaio A N. W
C. M St. P
I, arm 4! 4!
4o isi 1H4
4' iu
I.IUO 1S7VI 16
" 6 ii" 'ii'"
4"0 7244 71
l.l'O S7 U
7' I7V4 r
1"0 i 8v44
t 44 41
100 134 14
400 I'lH 10
100 7, 7H,
700 1S 17
100 47414 47414
1,400 '714 '70!,
I.7IK) I4'4 4V
, 00 MS. 14
700 1414 141'
100 147 1H
'"ioo ii44 io"
l.OiiO 111 11
Chicago T. T
Chlcaso T. A T. pfd
C. C. C. A Bt. L
Colorado F. A I
Colorado A So
Colo. & 80 lat pfd
Colo. A 80. Id pfd
Consolidated uaa
Corn Prodoeta
Corn Producta pfd
Ialawara A Hudion
Dal.. L. A W
Danvar A R. O
D. A R. 0. pfd
Dlatlllara- Sacurltlea ....
Brla lat prd
Rria Id pfd
Gsnera! Elertrtc
llllnola Cantral
International Papar
Int. Papar pfd
Int. Pump
Int. Pump pfd
Iova Cantral ,
Iowa Cantral pfd
Kanaaa City 80
K. C. 80. pfd
Loulavllls A N
Mrilcan Central
Minn. A St. L
M , St. P. A 8. 8.
M , St. P A ft. S
100 134 184
1.7 w 7 74
1.100 87 18
!l tf. 85
1.400 83 II
Mlaaourl PaclAc
M , K. A T
M , K. A T pfd
National Lead
N. R. R. of M. pfd....
New Tork Cantral
N. T.. O. A W
Norfolk A W
Norfolk A W. pfd
North Amsrloan
Putno Mall
Paopla'a Oaa
P , C, C. A Bt. U
Pressed I. C
Praaaad 8. C. pt 1
l.MO 111 111 111
200 74
t"0 tt
... in
... 1,100 13
.'ii " tve 7
fN M
I'O ita
...144,ilW 111
Pullmaa Palace lr. ...
Raadlnf at pfd, offarel
Raadlnf ii pfd, -dlv.
Rapublia Steal ...
Kapubllc Steal ptd
Rock Ialand Co
Bock Ialand Co. pfd....
Rabbar Oooda prd
St. L. A 8 F. Id pfd.
St. L. 8. W
St L. 8. W. pfd
Southern Paclfk
Bi Paciac pfd
Soatharn Railway
go. Railway pfd
Tsnnsaaae C. A I
Talis A Pacific
T., St. L. A W
T.. 8U L. A W. pfd..,
t'nion Paelna
t'nlon Pacific pfd
U. 8. Eipraaa
IJ 8. Realty
rj. 8 Rabbwr
V. 8. Kul.uar pfd
V. 8. Blaal
U. 8. 8lal ptd
Va. -Carolina Cbatnlcal
Va.-cro. Ceem. ptd..
Wabaek pfd
Walla-raw Eipnaa .
Wastlii(kouae gleolrle
Waatara Inlon
Wkealtnf A L
W lauonsia Cantral ....
Wta. Cantral pfd
Northsra Pacific
Cantral Laatn'r
Cantral Laalkar pfd... Stael ..
Oraat Northern pfd....
Int. Matroolltaa
. m-, ra
10 111
4 JO
' " io
.. .111.100 143 1
100 1H
100 , 74
IOO 43
4 103
44 0 38
, 1.100 10
100 ts
K'-Ot 101
17 II
101 101
! 18
14 . 14
160 Ml
14 144
11 K"4
100 14
400 tl
100 140
10 148
tut 13
li'lOO 184 134 (
111O to 8 i
100 17 7
1(0 64 64 13
t.iuo ir 111 im
VX J4 t' ?(
u0 00 tt lu
Total aalaa lor Ua day. Te4,Si akaraa.
Portlga Flaaaelal.
LONDON. April 23.-On the Stock ex
change today the chenpneea of money
gradually exercised a favorable effect on
the different departmenta, transactions
broadened and prices hardened, particularly
in the case of gilt-edged securities. Rut
the market closed with prices below beat
quotations of the day. The reduction of
the discount rate of the Imperial Hank of
Germany assisted ln promoting a cheerful
feeling as well ae in reviving the hepea
that the Bank of England will reduce Its
rats April 35. Copper shares were again
active under the lead of Rio Tinto. though
the latter reacted In the forenoon with
other continental Siclaities on adverse
advices. Americana were cheered by tne
stiength of the New York money at Its
close yeaterdsy. started at weil over parity
and Improved further under the beare
covering Realisations rauaed a setback
ln ths afternoon, but with the favorable
New York opening at-Hd-'-'-until
near the clove of the day, when sell
Itur caused auotliar reacUuu tu.u lue
closed dull. Japanaao Imperial s of 1904
closed at IiUH.
BERLIN, April 3- Prices on tha Bourse
today opened strong and later declined
ailghtly. Americana were the firmest sec
tion upon New Tork advices. The discount
rate of the Imperial Bank of Germany was
reduced today from S to s4 par cent.
FAR1B, April B. Prices on 'the Bourne
today generally were firm on the better
forelm advices. Russisn Imperial 4s closed
at 7. 75 and Russian bonds ot 1904 at 496 00.
Hew Terk Haatr Market.
NEW TORK, April .-MONF7Y-On call,
easy at 2yAi per cent; ruling rats, t per
cent; closing, bid, 1 per cent; offered at
T per cent- Time loans, easy; sixty days,
t'ati'SH per cent; ninety days, 4V8i44 per
cent; six months, i per cent.
per cent. '
actual business. In bankers' bills at
4 8tfi for demand and at 14. RMfrtM 8340 for
sixty-day bills; posted rates, WHaiy&H.M and
4 HVu4 87, commercial bills, M M.
SILVER BAR W; Mexican dollars,
BONP6 Government, ateady: railroad.
Closing quotation on bonds today were
as follows:
C. g. ret. la. Tsg....l"4 Japan a. M sarlas.. M
ao eoapoa 14 lo 4a etfi US
r. 8. U. rg 1?H 4n 4S rtfi II
to eouroa lotsi da Id wrtei
V. I. eld 4a rt....Ht L. N. nl. 4a lint
to csntKMl K'lH Man. a. 4a M4
U. . nw a, rag i-m-i. rantrai 4a to
do enapoa
110 4 -na let mo 11
Tl4Mlnn. St. L. 4a. . St
1 M.. K. T. 4a. n
tt 00 la M4
Am. Tobaoco 4a...
do (a
Atchison gsn. 4a..
1a 1). 4
Atl.ntlo O. U 4a.
Bal. A Ohio 4a...
"N. H. R. of m. e. 4a 81
.... Hit 14. T. C. g. Sa MS
. ...KWN. J. C. (. ta ltX
.... fl Ho. Pacldo ta 101
.... UFA do H 71
Brk. R. T. e. 4a...
'.ntrl of Oa. ta.
do 1st Ine
do Id Ine
do Id ln
..injvfc N. a W. e. 4s
.. 0. 8. U rM. 4a.... t
.. 74 Penn. oon. It t
.. U Poadtng ten. 4a 1
..lot 8. U I. si. e a. 110
(Tim. a Ohio 4Hi
Chlnaao A A. ia.. t"H M. U t I T. fg. 4l II
C, B. A Q n. 4a.... MS St. U 8. W. 0. 4.... 7IUj
C. R. I. aV P. 4a.... 7IH Seaboard A. U 4s.... 734j
do col la II 80. Parlflo 4s Hii
ft. A 8. L. g 4a.. 100
Colo. Ind. Ss. aar. A. 44
Colo. Mid 4a 48
Colo. 80. 4a K)
Oiba (a lot
do 1st 4s rtfs 4
So. Railway Is HH
T.t.i ft P. la Ule
T., St. L. W. 4a.. 0
fnlon Paclfle 4a 101H
U. A R. O. 4a
M.tlllr' 8ec. la....
Erla p. 1. 4a
do xn. 4s
Hocking Vai. 4Ha...
Japan la
aid. Offered.
V 8. Staal Id ta.... MS
4 Wahaih Is U14
I7UJ do dab. B 11
tlHWt.rn Md. 4a 71
W. U B. '4a II
Wla. Caotral 4a 17
Ilnaton Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON. April 23 Call loans, HTr per
cent; time loans. per cent. Official
closing quotations were:
Af-hlsoa adj. 4a II Bingham
do 4a IftUjCal. A Hecla,.
Mn. Cmtral 4a II Cantannlal ....
Atrhlaon ts'a Copper Range .
. HI.
. 10
. US
. 16V.
. 17
. II
. 4V4
. 14
. IS
. MV4
. tt
. I7'4
. 11
. II
. 14
. 10
. 12
. T
. IV.
. II
. 44
do otd " 1aly Wat
! BO,"11 A'nr 146 rrmnmin
Boaton A Mil Ilia 11014 Granbr
Boaton Elevated 141 lala Rovala ....
Fltchburg pfd 110 Maaa. Mining .
Meilcan Central US Michigan
N. T . N. H A H...I77 Mohawk
fnlon PaclBc 142 Mont. C. AC.
Am. Pneu. Tuba I Old Dominion .
Amir. Sugar
. .1J4H Osceola
..W Parrot
. . list Shannon
do pfd . . .
Am. T AT
Am. Woolan
do pfd ...
Edison Eloc. Illu Ill
Maaa. Electric II
do pfd II
Mass. Oaa (I
t'nlted Fruit Ill
Inlted Copper
II V. 8. Mining..
(I V. 8. Oil
Ill man
4SH Victoria
T744 Winona
!7'4 Wolverine
101 North Butte ...
IS Butta Coalition
I'nlted 8. M.
do pfd ....
V. 8. Steal...
do pfd ....
Adventure ...
II Nevada
M'4 Cat A Artiona lit
London CloalaaT Stocks
LONDON, April 28. Closing quotations on
tne rttoCK exenange were;
Consola. money M., K. A T
do account H 11-11 N. T. Central.,..
Anaconda II Norfolk A W
Atchlaoo do pfd
do pfd W Ontario A W
Baltimore A Ohio. ...101 Pennsylvania ....
... I
... 78
... M
... 19
... M
... 4
... 48
... 17
Canadian Pacific .... 1014 nana ninea
Cfces. A Ohio
.. . 4H Reading
... 11 Southern Railway
...14 do pfd
... 24 Southern Pacific .
... 10 Union Pacific ....
... T7 do pfd
... IS U. 8. Steal
... 17 do pfd
... 40 vVabaah
...ISO do prd
...124 Bpanlah 4a
Chicago Ot. W..
C . M. A St. P
Denver A R O..
do ptd
do lat pfd....
do id prd
Illinois Cantral
... II
... II
... 14
Loulavllls A N
BILVER Bar, steady. 304d per ounce.
MONEY lWutt! ier cent.
The rate oi Miscount in the open market
for short bills Is 3 per cent; for three
months bills, 3V4a per cent.
New York Mining: Stocks.
NEW YORK, April 28. Closing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Adama Con 10 Little Chief
.. t
.. II
.. 14
.. 41
.. 15
.... 41
.... ti
.... I
Brunawlck Con. .
Cometock Tunnel
Con. Cal. A Va..
Horn Silver
Iron Silver
Lcadvllle Con. .
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopaa ..
Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, D. C, April 23. Today's
statement of the treasury balances ln the
general fund; exclusive of the 16O,000.0o0
gold reserve, shows: Available cash bal
ance. 8ZoO,155,691; gold coin and bullion, 110",
lu5,3!; gold certificates, 337,061,820.
Bank Clearlnars.
OMAHA, April 23. Bank clearings for to
day were 12.0n8.lM.93 and for the corre
sponding date last year 31,878,707.68.
, Wool Market.
BOSTON, April 23. VAIOL Market con
tinued dt11 and the business of the week
has been confined to small lots. Consumers
have their current requirements well cov
ered and are not disposed to operate against
distant necessities. No great Change is ex
pected until the new clip begins to arrive
In quantity. The market maintains a steady
tone Leading domestio quotations follow:
Indiana and Missouri, combing thre4-elgliths
blood. Situate; combing quarter blood, Sid
33o. Texas, scoured basis, tine, twelve
months, 728)74c; fine, six to eight months,
684t70c; fine, fall clean, 5H(4c. California,
scoured basin, northern choice.
northern good, 6H4i7c; middle county. 3
6rtc: southern, Jtt)43o; fall free, bliiW.
Oregon, scoured basis, eastern No. 1 staple,
73y'7,1o; eastern No. 1 clothing. 6ArJ70c; val
ley No. 1, 604(2c. Territory staple, scoured
basis, tine iuTOc; fine medium, owgTOc;
medium, 6f&6ttc. Territory, ordinary,
acoured basis, fine, 6X(70; fine medium, 6tV
6xo ; medium, 624i4c. Colorado and New
Mexico, spring scoured X ti'cf70c; No 1,
Snc. Georgia, greasy. (tXto-'Hc. Pulled
wools, si'oured basis, extra, 7"ii73c; fine,
624i4s;c; A supers, D3ii8c; B supers. iHtiUK
ST. LCUIS. April 23 WOOL 8teady ;
medium grades combing and clothing. TPif
26c; light tine. 20rr2iC; heavy fine, 16(j17c;
tub washed, 2&S37c.
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. April 23 METALS There
was an advance of tValos In the London tin
tnttrket with spot quoted at tc9 6a, and
futures at 1V7. Locally the market waa
qul.t with S'.iot quoted at 341. fcxftMl. "a
1 ,.pt-er was unchanged ln the London mar
k"t with both spot and futures quoted at
99 if. Lacally the mxrket Wits quiet,
with Luke quoted at $34.M(J5.2S, electrolytic
at 721.75418.75, casting at 22.rf?3.50. Theae
prices are more or leas nominal, some
dealers claim that they are below tho actual
market, while other handlers are said to
be willing to meet the quotations given.
Lead wns unchanged at fiVjilOc ln the local
market, and at 30 In London. Hpelter wa
unchanged at 2S 15s In the London market,
and at $6.t,y75 locally. Iron was 6d higher
In London, with Standard quoted at 56s 6.1,
and Cleveland warrants at 56s 9d. Ixically
the market was unchanged. No. 1 foundry
northern Is quoted at 335.35726.25, No. 3
.foundry northern at V2iS0&.Th. No. 1
foundry southern at 3 0fr6 25, No. 3
foundry southern at IX.oiriioft ).
ST. LOUIS. April M-METAIit-Lead,
steady at 6.c2Vr6.lsS. Speltsr, weak at 3 55.
Cottoa Market.
NEW ORLEANS, April 23.-COTTON -Spot,
cloaed quiet and steady: aalea. 1.150
I bales; low ordinary, 6e. nominal; ordinary.
!(-. nominal; gooa oral nary a l-isc; low
middling, 9Sc; middling. loJlfic; good
middling, 11 13-1 c: middling fair, 12 13-ltc.
nominal; fair, 18 7-16c, nominal; recelpta.
8.0. bales; stock. 172.793 bales.
LIVKRPOOU April 23 4'OTTON Spot,
good business donef prices easier: American
middling fair. 737d; good middling. 83d;
middling, ad; low middling. Id; good
ordinary, t.29d; ordinary. 4.91d. The sales
of the day were 120o0 bales, of which
bales were for speculation and emort and
Included H,aut) bales American Receipts
were (it) bales. Including 17.000 bales
ST. LtiUIS, Mo.. April 33 -COTTON-Mrket
steady; middling, lo'e; salea, 18
bales; receipts, K-9 bales; shipments, 375
bales; stock. 40,04 balea
Whisky Market
PEORIA. April 23 WH IS K T Steady on
basia of 81 2 for high w nes.
ST. LOllfl, April a - WHISKY Steady
oil basis of 3133 for high wines
CHICAGO. April 23.-WHliKY-Sleadv.
CINCINNATI, April 23. WHISK Y Steady
at II J
Moderate Im f Cattle, tat iU Quality
Haa-a Raher tearea l Llajkt Re
ceipts Briag Oat Batte Prteea
ad Brisk Blddlaa; by
SOTTTH OMAHA. April IS. 1807.
Receipt a were: Cattia. Hogs- Sheep.
Official Monday 8.M7 IKO .4ol
Official Tuesday 6,400 10 t.OuO
Two davs thla week 11 W7
Same days last
Same days t weeks ago..ll.3M
Same days I weeks ago.. 4t
Same days 4 weeks ago..
Hams flivi last vear 7 TUH
ins luiiowins tabia snows tne receipu oi
eattle, hogs and saeep at Bouth Omaha for
ine year to aata, compared who iaai yemri
1U7. inn Inc. L'ac.
Cattle IV. 437 2M.S35 U,iu3 ......
Hogs 7KM07 82J.748 M.ttU
Sheep 848, B85 M ix 80,
Good to choice corn-fed steers... .18. 40.TO
fair to good corn-fed ateers
4 Wsifl W
3 2fi'ij4 25
Common to fair ateers
uood to choice fed cows
Fair to good cows and heifers....
Common to fair cows
t air to chotcs stockers St feeders
Pair to good stockers and feeders
4 rXV(p4 40
Common to fair atockers
Mum, stags, etc
Veal calves
The following taDlt showw the average
price of hogs at Boutn Omaha for tha last
sevei-al days, with comparisons:
Date. 190T. 19M.19O5.190l. 11908-11902. 11901.
April ..
April 10..
11.42" 18,4n
16.124 2. Jo
14.44 18.310
8.0M 28.806
12. 7W 80.942
27.674 1 8.41B
4 91 T r 5 91
a 7 26 6 0 ( 87
496 7 22 690 3 91
IW 6 84 8 99
4 81 7 19 04
4 6 7 6 86
4 K9 7 16 6 f 6 03
4 89 7 07 6 91 6 94
7 18 6 95 6 91
490 7 14 699 tSS
4 76 I 87 6 90
4 83 7 10 6 S5
4 80 7 11 6 f
4 811 7 07 6 86l 6 81
4 83 T 02 6 84 6 SO
6 )
I 25
April 11..
6 41
6 33
April 12..
a 4.-
6 44
6 39
6 84
6 SS
April IS..
April 14..
April 15..
April 16..
April 17..
April 18..
April 19..
April 20..
Aorll 21..
6 4b
5 26
6 31
6 43'
6 ?k
6 S2H
6 49
6 61
5 23
6 51
6 28
8 8"H
6 44
6 27
6 34
6 42
6 43
5 23
April 23..
6 3SH
6 33
April 23..
6 34
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha 33.0"SO.6O 36.30(ii6.oO
Chicago 1 85416.70 6.16'(i1.75
Kan ana City lSfVu'.2S 6.25&65
St. Louis 1 9('ra.S0 6.1'Oo.75
Sioux City 3,(u6.86 B.3&aS.42H
The official number ot cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
cattle, riogs. otieep. ii aes
C. M. A Bt. P. Ry.... 8 8
Missouri Pacific Ry.. 3
Union Pacific System 62
1 1
32 14 1
87 4
12 1
8 1
16 6
i i a
120 80 6
C. 6V N. W. Ry. tF.. 11
C. A N. W. Ry. (V).. Hi
C, St. P., M. A O. Ry 88
C. B. A Q. (E) 8
C, B. A y. (W) 40
C, R. 1. A P. Ry. (K7 i
C, R. I. A P. Ry. (W) ..
Illinois Central
Chic. Great Western. 3
Total receipts 860
The disposition of the day s receipts waa
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 1.066 1.3S5 16
6wlft and Company 1.367 1.516 l.ttl
Cudahy Packing Co SW5 2.5x6 1,312
Armour A Co 1,516 8.015
Vansant A Co 8
Lobman A Co 109
Hill A Son 8
F. P. Lewis 17
Huston A Co 13
Hamilton A Rothschild.. 106 4....
L. F. Hubs 1
J. H. Bulla 1
Mike Haggertr 17
J. B. Root A Co 85
T. B. Inghram 7
Sullivan Bros 11
Lehmer Bros 6
Klngan Packing Co 254
Union Dressed Beef Co.. 153
BAB ..,... 32 ..... .....
Other buyers.'..'...'.'..'..'...'.' 3j6 756
Total! 6.898 8,749 5,877
CATTLE There was a moderate run of
cattle today and the quality was very good
as a rule. The two days' supply "has been
rather lighter than for Monday and Tues
day of last week, but considerably heavier
than for tne same two days a year ago.
Tha fat cattle market opened out rather
slow, with packers Inclined to bid lower
on ail out tne good light anu nanny weignt
beeves. It devedopeo later, however, that
there were liberal outside orders tn the
market and this fact, together with tha
vigorous local demand, made trading more
active and strengthened prices as the
morning advanced, so that In some cases
Values were as much as 6410c higher than
yesterday. The heavy cattle were sin
sale throughout, although hardly quotably.
There were only twenty or thirty loads of
cows on the market and the local demand
whs as tfood as It has been any time lately,
while the number of outside orders was
rather larger than usual. The result was
a strong, active market and an early clear
ance. Veal calves were about steady and
the market for bulls, stags, etc, was un
changed. In stockers and feeders the trade waa not
rerv active, as fresh supplies were very
limited. Prices were well sustained for de
sirable offerings of all weights, but as
usual the market was stow and draggy on
the ordinary light weight or off quality
Representative sales:
No. A Pr. No. Av. Pr.
11 IU 4 64 14 1111 i tt
14 4 4 16 It in I 10
11 161 4 40 II 1071 t 10
T8I 4 46 tO 1161 I 36
14 470 4 44 II 1384 I 36
14 131 4 10 11 1411 I tt
t 10O0 4 71 14 IJM I 16
II 147 4 10 14 ltll I a
J 046 4 40 II 1104 I 16
It 1056 4 tO 111 1341 I It
18 177 4 6 II 1173 6 40
II 1041 I 00 11 IRt I 40
787 6 Ot II 1341 I 40
10 1111 I 04 17 HOT I 40
10 lot! I 06 11 1306 I 46
IS 1041 I 10 14 1300 t 46
1 10SO I II 11 T61 I 40
I lilt I 16 14 1481 I 60
11 Ull I 16 II 1441 I 60
11 1171 6 to 40 I486 6 00
11 1111 I 10 10 1481 I 10
II 1166 I 10 101 1341 I 10
It 1171 I 10 14 14411 I 70
I 1C75 6 IS 11 1461 I It
14 1184 I 36
I 180 I 00 11 1141 4 H
I ti I 10 4 i:m 4 36
I 820 I 40 16 141 4 40
14 1.17 I 60 II 1160 4 40
1 looO t 10 10 1068 I 41
1 1076 I 76 80 4 60
I 170 I 10 t Kfl 4 40
1 140 I 10 I f.l 4 66
II ' 1076 4 00 1 lttl 4 40
II 11U 4 10 1 1170 4 06
1 1100 4 10 II 830 4 86
t 1131 4 10 10 ......1230 4 76
lit 4 II 1 1380 4 71
I 1126 4 10 1 1850 4 71
1 800 4 16 4 1137 4 76
II SSI 4 15 1 174 4 71
II 1147 4 16 II 1047 4 71
II 14 I 30 I laoO 4 tt
IT 40! t 16 It tot 4 10
10 177 I 16 1 740 4 66
1 664 I M 1 lot 4 40
47 T10 4 16 I Ill 4 46
It 1-1 4 II 1 181 4 46
tl t l 4 16 IIS I M
fi 881 4 40 11 ttO 4 N
II 631 4 40
1 1110 t 71 1...7 1110 4 II
1 1480 4 00 1 841 4 16
1 1610 4 00 1 474 4 M
1 1440 4 10 1 730 4 60
1 110 4 10 10 176 t 71
1 76 I 00 1 IN I 76
1 IM I II 1 14 4 74
J 110 6 TS t 130 I 71
1 160 I 75 I 171 t 00
11 141 I 70 11 1011 4 Tt
1 440 4 00 II K"7 4 10
I IU07 4 00 11 461 I 00
I 1J0 4 40
M 114 4 16 tt 681 4 75
II IM 4 60 It 171 4 II
HOGS Receipts were rather lighier than
dealers were anticipating both here and at
other points and the market was active
and stronger from start to finish. Light
hogs were mostly pretty close to 6c h'gher
than yeaterday, selling largely at 16 403
6.42, while the heavy hogs were not over
a shade higher and sold largely at 86 S?Hr
4 J7'4. The movement was brisk all fore-
noon and although the cloae waa rather
slow very little of the early advance wis
lost, l ops brought 16 5" as against td
yesterday and the bulk of the trading was
36 HW16 40 as agalnat M SiVa J7Vg yesterday.
Representative sales
av at.
. r
. n4
. tt.6
. m
. ui
I 17
I 17
I 17
t 17
t r
t 17
I 40
4 48
81 .. Ik
lt 40 I 13
10 t 12
13 . 80 I 12
11 44 t r
Ml 40 8 B
1-1 Bu 6 1
lit .. 4 84
86 ..
44 ..
41 ..
14 ..
4 ISO M I M TI IM 80 t 4
i-t tie t tt n t 4o
40 T ... t M II Ml 40 t 40
7 Kl ... I H t IT ... t 40
to rt ... it ii na ..tie
M o4 .... t M so It 4 t 40
M ... t M 14 t4 SO t 40
4S Ml ... t M tt IW S t 40
IS r ... I X V. S!t I 4 a
M V NIK T7..... tit ... 940
tt re I m tt ... i to
40 14 0 I r 11 Ill 48 t 40
ao r ae I n II la ... t 40
at ! 40 t r at ll ... 40
to 148 so 117 TI HI 0 I 40
Tt 1441 10 t 17 84 lit 10 t 45
It M SO 4 17 II ... 8 41
H im 40 i rr M ... I4i
II 110 40 t l' II. lot 40 4 4
Tt M ... t 17 74 Ill 40 I 40
It I"0 ... I 17 II 171 40 4 44
II 181 ... t 17 41 ... t 48
94 t4 10 t 17 71 lot ISO t 41
41 144 ... t 97 ! t 10
M 148 4 t 17 IS 1M ... t W
It HO 100 117 84 1st ... It
in to t 17 is tut ... t to
SHEEP Receipts of cattle thla mornlntj
were not excessive, yet the neat seuers
could do was to secure In the neighborhood
of steady prices on most desirable offerings.
The trade was Just a trifle alow In sym
pathy with reports from eastern markets
and soft spots were noted here and there.
As a rule suitable grades fetched close to
current quotations, while In extreme esses
where the offerings did not exactly stilt
buyers' fancy, prices were quoted a little
Clipped ewes Bold up to 855; clipped
lambs. 87.25: fair Mexican lambs. 38.85, and
wethers. IS So. prices quntahly not much
different from recent atiotatlons.
Quotations on wooled killers: Oood to
choice lambs. 8t.0T8.80; fair to rood lambs.
37.5rt8.00: good to choice yearlings, lamb
welithts. I7.ooff7.75; fair to good yearlings,
lamb weights, 36.5vfi7 00: good to choloe
yearlings, heavy weights. 86 .ofrr7.00; fair
to good yearlings, heavv weights, II iv!
50; good to choice old wethers, 8 5087.00:
good to choice awea iS.SKffcH.fpO: fair tO good
ewes, 36 35"i6.85; clipped sheen and lambs
sen snout 81 ofT from arxive quotations.
Representative sales:
87 western ewes, culls 83
Bin western ewes, shorn 1"9
6 on
5 50
5 66
6 65
8 Ot)
6 00
6 80
6 20
7 25
7 25
7 25
8 50
8 60
228 western ewes, shorn....
217 western ewes, shorn....
233 western wethers, shorn
812 western wethera, shorn
109 weatern shorn wethers.
8ol western shorn wethers.
97 western lambs, shorn..
499 weatern lambs, shorn..
79 western lambs, shorn..
446 weatern lambs
2tiS Colorado lambs
262 Colorado lambs
... 93
Cattle Steady bat Slow Hoars Strong!
to Five Cents Hleher.
CHICAGO. April 2S.-CATTLE-ReoelpU,
8.6HO head; market steady, but slow; com
mon to prime steers, S4.0tXtf6.K6; cows, 83 26
ttc.oo; neirers, xa.wroo.DO; buns, (U.wni.o');
calves, 32.7frfi4.lii; stockers and reeaera,
33.onff 20.
HOGS Receipts . 12.000 head; market
strong to 6c higher; choice to prim heavy,
3"655u6.70: medluniTo good heavy, 3rt.60(if
fJ.Sn; butcher weights, 16 O&iw.iHH: good to
prime mixed, !6ra7H; packing, 86.2"i;
; pigs, 35. 5046.66; bulk of sales, lo.66.4J
8. 70.
SHEET AND LAMBS Receipts. 14 000
head: market for sheep 10c lower; litmlHi
steady; sheep, 84 25(57.75; yearlings, 36.2642
7.7b; lambs, x.76((3.c.
St. Loots Live Stock Market.
celpta. 4.500 head. Including 650 Texans;
111BIACI uraii;, uaiivu ihliiiib nun
steers, 35.2t'rf4v50; dressed beef and butcher
steers. 34.7n4V5.50; steers under 1.0(0 lbs.,
I4.0ou4.66: stockers and feeders. 13 504i6.25:
cows and heifers, 34.0tKQ4.6; stockers and
feeders, 33.604(6.25; cows and heifers, 83.26(0
6.76; canners,; Duns.
calves, I3.00iS7.00; Texas and Indian steers,
lio.Vu6 60. cows and heifers. Il.9mii4.40.
HOGS Receipts. 9.000 hend; market 5o
higher: pigs and lights. I6.2o(o70; packers
Id 3Kuti.75; butchers and best heavy, 36.40(9
8HEBP AND LAMB8-4ReceiptR, 1.600
head; market steady; native muttons, 8S.261J
8 60- lambs, 34.00tg6.26; culls and bucks, H5
Kanaaa City Live Stork Market,
ceipts, 13,000 nead, including sw soutn-
erns: market steady to strong and active
choice export and dressed beef steers, 35 80
I&6.26: fair to good. 36.0lK(f6.75: western ted
steers, 34.50(6.76; stockers and feeders, 34.00
tb.26; southern steers, J.tjUBo-u; souinern
cows, X3.a'oA4i; native cows, iaztkii w;
native heifers, 3.90y6.60; bulls, 33.15uj4.40;
calves. 34.0tS7.00.
HOGS Receipts, 14.000 head; market 6
7Hc lower: bulk of sales, 36 5oi3.65; heavy,
lftOti.66; light. S6.KVu41.rVH.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.000
head; market steady; lambs, 37.0t3S.6O;
ewes and yearlings, 35.25iii6.60; western fed
yearlings, S0.25(gt).dO; western fed sheep,
3o.50uX.40; stockers and feeders, H00tgji.v0.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 4,388 head; market steady; natives,
I4.6tru6.26; cows and heifers, 32.26Uj.26;
stockers and feeders, 83.754H 80.
HOGB Receipts, 0.740 head; market 5
10c higher; top, I6.62Vi; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,015
head; market for lambs steady, sheep
steady to 10c lower; lambs, 8M.00iiii.6t; year
lings, 36.7547.26; wethers, e.60uti.7o; ewes,
Slonx City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITS', la.. April 23.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 2,300 head;
market strong to 60 higher; beeves, l4.f4XU
t.oo; cows, bulls and ' mixed, 13 ry(u.w);
stockers ana teeoers,, ctuves aim
yearlings, tl.lKu4.60.
HOGS Receipts, 8,000 hetid; market Btrong
to 6c higher. Selling at 80.Xy&0.4Vt; bulk of
sales, 6.a,VlrUi.40.
Stock ln Sight.
RecelDts of live stock at the six principal
western markets yesterdsy:
Cattle, tiogs. bnecp
South Omaha
Sioux City ....
Kansas City .
Bt. Joseph ...
St. Louis
Chicago 3,5o0
83,088 43,340 85,618
Coadllloa of Trade and Quotations oa
Staple aad Faney Prodaoe.
EGGS Per dos., 16c.
Ii 17 TTrlR Packing stock, Vc(Vk- choice
to fancy dairy, 2iSc; creamery, 26Sj3ic.
L1V14 POULTH V-Hens, llfcUVic; old
roosters, 60; turkey.'i, 12c; ducks, lie; young
rouslera, 74; 9c; geese, 6c.
PINEAPPLES-Florlda, 38.5066.00 Pr
STRAWBERRIES Choice Texas, 24-quart
cases, tiTJOo; Arkansas, 24-quart, 33.0uul
bushel box, S1.6otp2.60.
APPLES lowa and Missouri Ben uavia.
COCOAM lo-rer sacs ot 11 si,
LEMONS I Jmonlera, 3n) size, 36.23; 360
size, 36 76; other brands. 600 less.
ORANGES Mediterranean sweets, zoo,
150 sixes, 33 50 ; 96, 126, 2H8 sizes, 13.26; Cali
fornia navels, extra fancy, 176. 2-". 216, 260
sizes, 34 26; fancy, 126, 325 to 160 alses. (3.3o;
Choice, large sizes, per box, 32.5ui.75.
BANANAS Per medium sized ouncn,
$2.U04i2.e6; Itimbos. I2.a0'i3.50.
OR APE rill 1 I Bizea 10 w. m.du.
FIGS California, bulk. 6Vic; 6-crown
Turkish, 14c; 4-crowu Turkish, 11c; l-crowu
Turkish. 9c.
DATES Kada way. ,c. layers, 5c; hal
low.s 5c; new stuffed walnut dates. 9-lb.
box. $1.00.
BEANS New wax bcuris. per hamper,
85 &v; new string beans, per hamper, ti.oy.
doz. bunches, 4'ii66c.
CABBAGE New Texss, per lb.. Se.
TOMATOES Florida, 80-lb. crate, 3:1 60.
LEAF LETTUCE Hot house, per dog.
heads, 450.
HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per doi..
31 otsf 1 25.
onions Home grown, per bu.. 75c: red
or yellow Colorado, per bu., 90c; Texas
silver skin, per crate, about 46 I Ha , 12 So;
yellow Texaa, per crate, about 45 lbs., 2.0v;
southern Bermuda, 31 45
CUCUMBERS Per dui., 3150.
PARSLEY Hot houee, per Jos. bunches,
PIE PLANT-50-lb. boxes. 32.2ffJ75.
ABPARAOUS 11.76 per doz. bunches.
NEW POTATOES Per lb., 80.
RADISHES Per dot. bunches. 46c; extra
large bunche.i, 75c doa.
POTATOES Table slock, psr bu., "Oc;
seed stock. TScftil 18).
PAKHMrS-Prr bu.. 76c.
8WKFT ptiTA if -Illinois per largs
bbl.. 85.00: Wisconsin Rurala and Burhuno.
70c per bu.; seed sweet poiui e, per bbl..
12 (JO.
bu. 3165; No. 3.
81 60.
SUGAR Granulated rare In sacks, S3 31;
granulHted beet, in sacas, 36 21.
COFFEE Ron at ad. No. 45. 2oc per lb. 1
No. 30. 2lc tier lb.. No. 26. l&c per lb.; No
it), 15c per lb : No. 21. 18c per lb.
CHEESE Block Swlaa. Vic; llmberger,
14c; Young Americas. 17c.
NUT- Cal'lotu'a walnuts. No. 3, soft
shell, 13c; No. L soft sheTV Met Rraatla
14I.V; peoana, liryi; Alberta, lTHoi pasa.
nuta raw, T4jo; routteit. 8sc: (aJlfomla ii.
morula lTc; Taragotia, IrVro; coooanute.
35.09 per lou.
CAN N FT1 QOO lfj Corn, standard, wsart-
era. 4-3tnc; Maine, 81-1 Tomntoea, 8-lb.
ears. IL46: standard. 3-tb. cans, 1 JO. pine.
apple, grated, Hh., standard, rtttvn 9";
sliced. 81.754J3-- fancy Hawaiian. J-IK,
3175; 1-lb. 81 7. Gallon apples, fsncv,
ItXWftflO. Ollfornla aprloota. 32 00. IVars,
llTMitW. Peaches, fancy. ll.Tc-utO; L. C.
rarhea K.otfx.e0. Alaska salmon, red.
tl.15; fancy Chinook, flat, 31t0; fancy snrk
eve, flat, 31 96. Sardines, quarter oil, V S:
three-t-tiarters mustard, 31-75. Sweet pt'ta-
toee, II iotrl.35. Sauerkraut, 90c. Fun p
klns, 8Oc-tM1.0iX Wax beans, 3-lh., ftcifl .
1.1 ma beans. -lb., TocTj-ll 85. Soaked peas,
3-lh , 90c; early June, I1.0W 15; fancy, 3123
are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings
from second hands, who seem desirous of
moving supplies of Immediate grades: quo
tations range from 8H0 to 9c for Oallfornlix
fruit and from IV40 to nc for Oregon. Ap
ricots are firm and It Is reported that
offerings for prompt shipments are being
withdrawn: choice are ouoted at 1so.
Peaches are unchanged, with fancy yellows
ouoted at ll'v: fancy frtuir. i4'o Retains
sre firm: loose Muscatels art) quoted at
I": seeded raisins. 9V,tnic.
URAN-iw ton. loo.
HAT Choice upland, per ton, 310.30;
medium, 39 00; No. 1 bottom, 38.50: off
grades. 3 t"Mr8.50. Rye straw, 37.00; No. 1
alfalfa. Ill 50.
FISH Pickerel, ore as en, po; rife.
dressed. 12c; whits fish, dressed, winter
caught 13if15o; trout, lajTlSc: halibut, 18c;
salmon. 16c: catnsn, isc; Herring,
dressed, pan frnxen. 6c: perch, scaled nnd
dressed, 80: crapples. round, fl?T9o; erapplee.
large, rsncy, 10c; discs, pass, joo: smelts.
sweet and nne, icj eoi, isc; ntue nsn, ifwv
red snapper, 12c; roe shad, per pair, tJOiff
6O0; frog legs, ,t0tT4nc: lobsters, green, per
lb., 3oc; looster, poiiea, per 10., 40J4005
mackerel. Spanish, per lb., 16c; mackerel,
native, 85c per lb. J fresh green turtle meat,
25c lb. ' .
Cl'REP nsH-mmiir wnue nan, per
quarter bbl., 100 lbs., 34.00: Norway mack
erel, tin. 1, W6.l; 1x0. 1, ts.w; nernng, m
bbls.. Jno lbs each. Norway. 4k, 311.00.
HIDES AND TAXJ.OW Oreen salted.
No. 1, 9c; No. I 8c; bull hides, r); green
hides. No. 1. 8c: No. 3, 7c; horse, L60itl.76t
sheep pelts. fyCif1.2K Tallow, No. L 4Vc
No. z, SV4.C. wool, iwirc.
No, 1 ribs, No. 3 ribs, 8Hc: No. I
ribs, 9c: No. 1 loin. 17V4c; No. 3 loin, 13pi
No. 3 loin, 13c; No. 1 chuck. 6c; No. i
chuck, 5Hc; No. 8 chuck, 5c: No. 1 round.
8c; No. 3 round. 8c; No. 8 round, 7c;
No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 3 plate, JVrc; No. I
plate, 8c.
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK. April 23 COTTFBE Marlte
for futures opened steady at unchanged
prices to an advance of 6 points In response
to steady cahles and a scattering demand
from shorts and trade Interests. Some Wnll
street piMiple appeared to be selling the
later months and trade Interest bought fhe
nearest positions, but trading waa not
more than moderately active nntll near
the close, when there was quite a rush of
this business. Prices remained on about
the Initial basts and closed steady, net un
changed to 6 points higher. Snles were re
ported of 97,600 hags, of which about 40.000
bags were switches. The business In-
eluded May at 5.7ivfre ftfto, July at 6.5'yr 60c,
Bentemher at 6.4"i.Bnc; December at 5.4n
6 50r, March at 8.4.VJiT.55. Snot coffee stendy;
Rio No. 7, 6c; Santos No. 4, 7H". Mild
coffee quiet; Cordova, 9t312o.
Ingar and Molnssea.
NEW TORK. April 23 -SUGAR Raw.
firm; fair refining, S.2f.c; centrifugal, 9tl test,
S 76c; molasexs sugar, 8.04c Refined, stendy;
No. 8, 4.40c; No. 7, 4.35c: No. 8, 480o: No. 9,
4.26c; No. 10. 415c; Na 11, 4.10c; No. 12, 4.05c;
No. 18, 4.00c; No. 14, 3.9fc; confectioners' A,
4.60o; mould A, 5.15c; cut loaf, 6.6O0; crushed,
6.60c; powdered, 4.90c; gTanulatexl, 4.80ci
cubes, 6.05c,
MtLA8SEfl Steady; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, 87fi'48o.
Steady; open kettle centrifugal, SHU'V-;
centrifugal yellow, 34Ho; aeconds, 2i
MOLASSES Quiet; nominal syrup, 30
63 4C.
Oils and Hnaln.
NT5W TORK, April 23.-OIIJ4 Cottonaeed,
dull; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, Sfi4i37c;
prime yellow, 4f3fiMrtc. Petroleum, steady:
refined. New Tork, S8.20; Philadelphia and
Baltimore. 88.15; In bulk, 84.70. Turpentine
steady. Wo!Vic.
ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good,
MJoftHm . .
OIL CITT, April 23 -OILS Credit bal
ances, 31.78. Runs, 15.10J bbls., average
136.270 bbls. Shipments, 209,049 bbls.; aver
age 171,644 bbls.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO, O., April 23. SEEDS Cash
clover. 39.00; April, 38.90; October, 37.30;
December, 37 85; March, 87.40. Alslke, 37-50.
Timothy, 32.15.
The Conservative Savings and Loan
association to Robert M. Londen and
wife, lot 6, block 160. South Omaha.. 3 LOOO
Leu (He C. Rogers and husband to
Christina Landen, w40 ft lot 14, Dav
enport's Sub 8,000
Eugene J. Sullivan and wife to Charlee
Ladd Thomas, lot 3. block 85, Flor
ence 30
Flora A. Dutcher and husband to Wil
liam P. Warren, lots 17 and 18, block
99, Dundeo Place 1,890
F. D. Hill and wife to Flora A.
Dutcher, same 280
Abraham L. Reed et al. to Mary
C. Greene, lot 6 and wl7 ft Jot 5, -block
3, Reed's Fifth Add 9,500
Adaliilde H. Oongdim lo Helen C.
O'Brien. e50 ft lot 7, block i, Cap-
norma t
National Life Insurance Co. to John
A. Wood, lot 4, block 19, E. V.
Bmlths Add . 2.1W
Henry Bolln and wife to Pearl French,
lots 10, 11 and 12, Waverly , 2X1
C. Z. Crenshaw to Pearl French, lota
10. 11 and 12, Waverly..; 10
Carolina L. Poppleton et al. to Alex
ander Monroe, lot 1, block 6, Sul
phur Springs Add 650
Harry M. Christie to John Btepan,
lot 4. block 107, Bouth Omaha 160
Mury F. Bourke to Aaron Wolf, n30
feet lot 4, block 8, Horbach e Sec- .
ond Add U -V 1
John R. Henrle to Hattle M. Crab- .
tree, lot 10, mock , aiyers, xuuu-
nt. AV Tilden's Add 509
Eliza J. Hill to Lottie T. Phelps, w30
ft sSS ft lot 7, block li, l-araer a
Add M
Omaha Mercantile Co. to Mary KL
Brldenbecker, nVt lot 10, couruanot
Place X0
Henry H. Salisbury and wife to Jo
seph F. liottr, lot L block 3, Hill
side Add. No. 1 w
Ellen A. Fraoe to M. Pauline Kluse
mann, lot 7. block F, Saunders A
Hlmebaugh's. Add ill"; J,w"
Emma C. Johnston to Henrietta Fred
ericks, lots L 3 and 8, block 2. BprlngT v
Lake Park Add., So. Omaha 120
Edith Butler to Francis T. Stolten- '
berg, lot 10, block 1, boulevard Ter
rae 660
Balthas Jetter and wife to James Mc
Knery. lot 4, block 8, Drew 8 Hill,
South Omaha ; '
Shlmer & Chase to George J. Morris.
e40 ft. lot 39, block 6, Jerome Park.. 4.3AJ
Same to eitine S2 ft. lot 10. and n20 ft.
lot 11, block 1, Vandercook Terrace.. 1,8M
Tha Omaha Realty Co to William J.
Bellner, tiurt lot I06, Glse's add 80O
Milo M. Uximls and wife to Fannie
Relchenberg, lot 2X. Paulsen's add. .4 6,200
Hannah J, Andrews and husband to
John Helstrom. n44 ft. sSd ft. lot 6,
block 173. Omana. : 3,000
Wentirn Investment Co. to Thomas
Healy, lot 8, Cue's add I,)
Chester W. Stem and wife to V. W.
Carmlchael, lot 10, block 6, Lincoln
John A. Schenk to Th-v HoBse of the
Good Bhepard, lots 7 and 8. Tabor
Alfreil Thomas and wife to same, lots
7 and 8. Tabor Place 1
Florence P. Devi-rell to same, lots 3
and 10. Tabor Place 1
Robert H Olmsted and wife to Flor
ence P. Deverell, lots 9 and 10, Tabor
Place 1
Fanny RelUienherg to Omaha Grain
Terminal. S424 ft lot 21. block 10,
Kountie & Ruth s add 6.500
Triasi Wolf and husband to same, lot
15, blo k 9. Kountze A Ruth's add,.. 6,500
Henrv Hofmelater and wife to ' J. ,
Sumner Fitch. lot 7, block 12,
Kountze A Ruth's add 3.000
Wlill. mi F. Btoecker and wife to
Omaha Grain Terminal, e w'.4 ft.
Iota 1 and 4, block 12, Kountze A
Ruth's add 3,500
Cassel Realty Co. to same, e1 lots
1 and 4, bl'X k 12, Kountze A Ruth s
add 2.500
John Sweeney and wife to same, ex
l-la 2 and 8, block 12. Kountze A
Ruths add tlOO
Mnrv L. Henry et al to aatne. lota 10
and 11. blot k 12. Kountze A Ruth's
add 5,5o0
E. J Robinson to same, lot 23, block
)? Kountze A Ruth'a add 1,800
Reed lies to f ittis L. Wohlford. lot
3 blo k t Replnt Durant Place 3j0
Ellza'icth M. blahan to Ralph R.
Wohlford. lot 3. block 1. Replat
Durant Place 1.900
Gion-'c A. Luce and wife to Hubert
J. Haskell, lot 3, Ure's sub