TTTE OMAIIA DAILY BEEt WEDNESDAY, 'ATOIL 24, 1007. KOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Mr. 0. W. Wattles Entertains tJn'qne Catherine of FutWi Fritnds. ONE EVENT THAT GETS WCMEN CUT Omahl Wrmn'l Cloh Hold nirlhdnj Reception in 1'nrlors of First ( nnxrrtnllnnal Cbureh Tor Jay L'.venioK. The Omaha Woman's club celebrated Its fourteenth ar.nrvcr&iry of the club's orsran liation 'i'tic-sdny evening In tho club ro nis. The hounu and huuie committee hail the dot rations In chars', with Mrs. t'huxles El Black as clinlrmun. irect-dira; th re ception Air. Knns Mills Have an Interesting lecture on forestry In the auillturium room f tho church, following which the com pany went In the ptu-lurs of the club. These had been tAutlfully decorated In red arid white. Calla lilies were tke flowers used snd palms and red candlescompleted these artistic appointments. In the receiving line were Mrs. A. II. Burners, Mrs. Draper Smith, Mrs. W. II. Hancock, Mrs. M. D Cameron, Mrs. J. W. Akin and Mrs. C. II. Cblsm. About S"0 guests were present, t'nlqne' Out-of-town Affair. Mr. O. W. Wattles played host to a unique sntllerlne; a week afro Saturday out at I-oa AfiK' le. Mr. Wattles' father If living there, now 80 years of Be. and dls coverlnK that about a do ion of his former neighbors and associates from the Cjld home at uiiaoen, ia., were aiso in ino vicinity they were Invited to a banquet In honor , of the elder Mr. Wattle . "I never had so much real enjoyment In my life," says Mr. Wnttles, describing the ; affair. "The old fellows came In for a ; little social reunion before they sat down to the table and before they had gotten halfway through the meal they had gotten Into the reminiscent mood. They told nioro : stories about my prowess In boyhood days than I had ever dreamed, and vouched (for the verity of every one of them. They had been told to come In their everyday clothes and they did, and when they were 'through we packed them into a couple of automobiles and drove out to my country place, where I invited them to make them selves at home when It should be finished." Week's End Parties. . In honor of Miss Nel!!a Wood's birthday lilrs. George M. Wood of 2011 South Thirty econd avenue gave a delightful afternoon party Saturday. A variety of games afforded the amusement and prizes were awarded to Miss Marjurle Howland, Miss ' Olenn Way, Miss Delia Cross and Miss Helen Wallwork. Those present were: Miss Kathryn Wallace, Miss Berenice Whitney, Miss Amy Watters, Miss Mildred Merrill, Mlns Helen Wallwork, Miss Hasel Cook, MIsh Glvnn Way, Miss Florence Rhoadcs, Miss Marjorle Howland, Mtss Glenna Peake, Miss Helen Hunter, Miss Bertha Vaughan, Miss Lauretta Ileetham, Nora Miller, Miss Florence Ooodland, Miss Irene Carey, Miss Luclle Wllcott, Miss Carrie Stubbs, Miss Frances Byars, Miss Delia Cross, Miss Florence Frost, Miss Murjorle Quinn, Wins Amy Davis, Miss Helen Peterson, Miss Esther Meyers and Miss JoiniHloii. , 'j Miss June Hart was hostess Suturday af ternoon of a party in celubrstlon of net ' fourth birthday. The rooms were prettily decorated for the occasion with carnations and American Beauty roses. A feature of the afternoon was a large birthday cake lighted by four candles, which was brought In and cut. A varloly of games afforded amusement for the children. Those present were Misses Gladys Porter, Anna Itobert aon, Luclle Rid way, Margaret Hurt, Rose Hurt, Winifred Hart. Fern Furnsley, Mary Brandt, Dorothy Arter, Ethel Bynuni, Haxel Klmmel. Myra Reddan, Maud Farns ley; Masters Clyde Hayes, George Robert son, Kenneth Porter, Teddy Grange, and Tommy Hart, Jr. Wilkinson-Roarers. A wedding of Interest to many Omaha people is that tf Mlns Eva Wilkinson of Kntghtown, Ind., and Mr. John Rogers of Newcastle,. Ind., which was solemnized Tuesday at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Wilkinson Is a sister of Mrs. Frank B. Kennard and during her visits In Omaha haa won for herself a large circle of friends. Personal Gossip. Miss 'May Rothschild will entertain the A. O. T. Bowling club Thursday at the Metropoll an club. i Mrs. Edward del Btrother, who has spent the paat week at the Wise Memorial hos pital owing to a slight Illness, is expected to return to lier home In a day or two. The Monday Bridge club, which was to have met with Mrs. Warren Rogers, waa J A W U VMs . 1 p . " , UULUl w-trs.-t M.i.xas-i-i! ,t ' postponed this week on account of the grand opera. Come and Go Oosalp, Mrs. William F. Martin haa returned from Excelsior Sprlnyn. Mrs. C. E. Crain left Sunday evening for her home In Springfield, O. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clarke, who have bom visiting Mr. and Mra Henry T. Clarke, have returned to their home In Okmulgee, I. T. Mrs. F. A. Brogan will leave Sunday for Emporia, Kan., where she will be the guest of relatives. . Miss Beiriah Sharp has been spending several days In Council Bluffs the guest of friends. Mr. Jack Beaton left Monday evening for Chlesgo, where he will spend ton days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Clancy have re turned from California, where Mrs. Clancy and small daughter Roberta have been spending the winter. Mr. William Karnes of Kansas City is expected Saturday for the opening of the Country club. Modern Scheme for Play. The plan of the Playground Association of America to Install a model playground anc" a complete play exhibit at the James town exposition, and to hold there a play week. In which the leaders of this move ment In this country will gather In con vention, has already met with such favor that the officers of the association are hopeful that they will be able to collect the C.OOO necrwary to carry out their ideas. Dr. Henri S. Curtis, secretary of the asso ciation, G street. Northwest. Wsshlng- ton, D. C, who has charge of raising funds. has announced that tho exposition officials have granted free spnee and free use of convention halls. The model playground which the association hopes to erect at the exposition will embody all the valuable features and apparatus found to be useful in the municipal playgrounds as operated by msny cities of the country. In charge of the playground will bo a number of trained phylcal directors and play leaders, who will carry out dally, with large classes of children and adults and the little vis itors to the exposition, the play programs which are followed in crowded sections of great cities. In addition there will be an extensive play exhibit of photographs, charts, collections of statistics and data about the leading playgrounds of the country, so arranged as to yield ready in formation to visitor. At the play convention to be held In Sep tember, many of the speakers at the as sociation's festival In Chicago, to be held In June, will give Illustrated lectures. The games at Chicago, In which 7,000 school children will take part, will be illustrated at Jamestown by complete moving picture exhibitions in the Convention hall. Of the purposes of the exhibit at the exposition, Dr. Curtis said: "We are aiming to give practical demon strations to municipalities and to Individ uals of the civic, moral and physical value of organised play for children and adults. President Roosevelt has urged the mayors of every city to send official representatives to the play festival In Chicago. The expen sive trip from the south to Chicago, how ever, probably will deter many southern cities from sending representatives. We are, therefore, particularly anxious to show model play apparatus at Jamestown, where It will be accessible to that section, which la becoming greatly Interested In the move ment. Our southern members feel that such a playground In full operation will do much to load titles of the south to set aside land, and Install playgrounds for their citi zens. The exposition also will be more Ac cessible to the east, and a play exhibit here would probably be seen by many who can not go to Chicago. All of this costs money, but I am sure that the friends of the children will not let pass this great op portunlty to prove to hundreds of thousands of people, that It Is the duty of every mu nlclpallty to provide In this way for the happiness jand physical welfare of Its peo ple." School Teacher's Creed. I believe In boys and girls, the men and women of a great tomorrow; that what soever the boy so wet h the man shall reap. I believe In the curse of Ignorance, In the efficacy of schools. In the dignity of teach ing and In the Joy of serving others. I be. lleve In wisdom as revealed In human lives as well as In the pages of a printed book In lessons taught, not so much by precept cis by example; In ability to work with the hands aa well as to think with the head in everything that makes life large and lovely. I believe In beauty In the school room. In daily life and In out-of-doors. I believe In laughter. In love. In faith. In all Ideals and distant hopes that lure us on I believe that every hour of every day we receive a Just reward for all we are and alt we do. I believe in the present nd Its opportunities. In the future and Its prom lses and In the divine Joy of living. Amen Lyctia with .r-i- .- fi "Bt ffifiiiin By permission of Alfred Bartlett, Boston, Mass. Cheerfal THapnsltlnti. A cheerful dlsr-nsltlon Is something to be cultivated and Is one of the desirable at tributes to a lovable character. If you would be cheery do not apjroclir-. with pes slmlsts. either In buplness or home life. Do not stay In their presence any longer than Is absolutely necessnry, as they are bound to reflect part of their despondency on you, but ratner select me society m people who dlsbandon gloom ana nave cheerful, hopeful and helpful tilings to make life brighter. It Is never one's duty to remain enshrouded In gloom because of the despondency of others any more than it is one's duty to go out Into the deep water with one who would make no effort to swim. Boys' Bedroom. Blue and white barred gingham Is one of the materials peculiarly practical and ap propriate for the finishing of a boy's bed room. It gives an air of freshness and cleanness without seeming to be effleml nately dainty. It launders satisfactorily, and its clean blue and white gives a pleas ing sense of immaculateness. Make a spread for the bed with wide ruffles around the sides and at the end. The window seat may be made with a covering of the same easily removable, and if the seat be made with a lid so that the Interior may be used as a catchall it will commend Itself to the boy. Chair and couch cushions should be of the same ruffled material. NO 6905-A MOST ORACEFUL, KIMONO. The kimono Is perhaps more relied upon for negligee wear than any other style of loose garment and Its styles are as numerous as can be Imagined. Here is a kimono made with its yoke and sleeves In one, giving a long graceful shoulder line and a true Japanese stylo. The front and back are gathered full to the yoke so that a pretty sweep is assured. The ki mono may be finished In wrapper or dress ing sack length snd may be developed In any lawn, washable silk or Japanese stuff. For the medium size 8V4 yards of 27-inch material are needed for the wrapper and 34 yards for the dressing sack. No. 6906 Sizes 3J, Cii, 40 and 44 Inches bust measure. The price of this pattern is 10 cents. For the accommodation of The Omaha Bee readers these patterns, which usually retail from 25 to 60 cents, will be fur nished at the nominal price (10 cent), which covers all expenses. In order to get a pat tern enclose 10 cents, giving number end name of pattern wanted and bust measure. As tho patterns are mailed direct from the publishers at New York, It will require about a week's time to fill the order. Ad dress Pattern Department Bee Pub. Co., Omaha, Neb. Wreck on Great Northern ST. PACI Minn., April 23. Twelve per sons were seriously Injured and a dozen or more were more or less badly hurt In the wreck of the Great Northern pasesn ger train No. 4, one mile east of Blaladell, last night. One or two of the Injured may die. The wreck vas caused by a broken rail. The engine did not leave the track, but the baggage, express, mail and smok ing cars and day coach and tourist sleeper were hurled Into the ditch, where they lay n their sides. Every one of these IF" I SEASONABLE FASHIONS. If lite!. in the small of the back ; all of which are indications of an unhealthy condition. Do not drag along at home or in your place of employment until you are obliged to go to the hospital and submit to an examination and possi ble operation. . Build up the feminine system, remove the derangements which have signified themselves by danger signals, and remember that E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, has saved many women from the hospital. Read the letters here published the full consent of the writers, and see how they escaped operations by a faithful reliance on Mrs. Pinkham's advice and consistent treatment with indite Mrs. Perry Oyer, of ML PfeMaot, Iowa, write t Da Mt9. tHiJJutm : " I waa told by my phvsiclan that I had a fibroid tumor and that I would haTe to bo oje rated upon. I wrote to you for aJrioe, which I followed carefully and took Lydia K I'inkhain's V egetabls Compound. I am not only cured of the tumor but other female troubles, and can do all my own work aiter eight years of suffering-." Mia Rose Moore. 307 W. 26Ui St, New York, write t Dear Mr, hinkkmn ; ' Lydia K. I'inkhain's Vegetable Compound has cured me of the very worst form of female trouble and 1 wUh to express to you my deepest gratitude I suffered In tensely for two years so that I waa unable to attend to my duties and was a burden to my family. 1 doctored and doctored with only temporary relief and oonttntly objecting- to an operation which I waa advised to undergo. I decide4 to try Lydia . I'inkhain's Vegetable Compound ; it cured tue of the terrible trouble and I am now in better health than I hare been for many yean." rwmttimm&mtmMmmntlttjmmmtylja, I. rWnWi fegsWt Cmbossi Mors tbt sMaH to ss spsrstU. TWO ORDERS HOLD MEETINGS LfcliH ef alaOCauSel kud EJ1 lrCA5"S Aujauri Etate ConTentisas. FORMER AT WASHINGTON HALL IN NIGHT With Habile Meeting Women Conrlade Their Affairs In Presence f a Very Large Attendance. The center of Interest of the Ladles of tho Maccabees convention prevailed during the aftenwn meeting In the election of the delegate to the supremo hive, which meets in Port Huron, Mich., in June. There were several contestants for the honor, but it finally settled on Mrs. Emma Talbot of hive No. 15 of South Omaha, The remainder of the afternoon session was devoted to an Interesting exemplifica tion and amplification of the work of the order by one of the Omaha teams. Mrs. Holllster presided at the afternoon ses sion, which was continued until a late hour. Following the ceremonial service the grand hive adjourned sine die. Winners of Prises. The public meeting held at Washington hall In the evening was greeted with an overflowing attendance. The attraction was the price contest between the drill teams of Lincoln hive No. 9, Laurel hive No. 19 and Holllster hive No. 21 of Omaha. The Judges of the contest were Battalion Sergeant Major Pagel of the Thirteenth United Stale Infantry, First Sergeant Hayes, Company K, and Sergeant Smith, Company K, Thirteenth Infantry, of Fort Crook. Two prizes were contested for, $10 and to, respectively. Following the prize drill contest fancy drills were given by the team of Knights of the Maccabees from Council Bluffs, which embraced the general Maccabean drill, and tho drill team of South Omaha Knights of the Maccabees gave a very pretty rendition of the flower drill. Following the drills addreanes on the good of the order were delivered by Mrs. Hol llster, grand record keeper; Mrs. Blna M. West and by Supreme Commander Markey of the Knights of the Maccabees. Wednes day afternoon the visiting supreme officers will be enitertalned by the Council Bluffs hives, and Wednesday evening Supreme Commander Markey will be the guest of honor at a reception given by Omaha lodge No. 75. An elaborate program has been prepared for this occasion and the members of the order, with their friends, are In vited. Two Frat,ernnl Conventions. The state conventions of fraternal orders were In session In the Rohrbough building Tuesday, the Ladles of the Maccabees and the Royal Arcanum. The triennial session of the grand hive of the Ladles of the Maccabees of the World convened at 10 a. m. with Supreme Commander Lillian M. Holllster of Detroit presiding. The proceedings were opened by Miss Ella L. Mark, grand commander of Nebraska and supervisory grand com mander for Iowa. About 500 delegates were in attendance. The morning session was devoted to the reception and reference of reports of com mittees and delegates. The address of the grand commander of the state showed the condition of the grand hive to be moat prosperous. She said: Among the states In which the order is established Nebraska stands sixteenth In total membership. The oldest hive. Valley Queen No. 2, was organized uetoner zh, ma. The largest hive In tho state Is Pride of Nebraska No. 1, located at North Platte. Its membership on April 1 was 1$2 members There are now fifty-three hives in gooo standing In Nebraska. Tho membership numbers 2,370, representing a protection oi I1.792.7&0. One thousand, one hundred and twenty eight certificates were written during the term Just pussed, the protection on which amounted to $517,500. During the term forty-one deaths were reported, the claims amounting to $13,000. Forty-two claims we:e paid, the total amount expended In the state of Nebraska alone during the term being $41,921.40. The total pulil In benefits since organiza tion In Nebraska has reached the amount of $10, 071. 40. A partial tabulation of the fraternal work voluntarily done by the subordinate hives of Nebraska shows that this amounts to over $2,). If all hives would look up their recoids In this respect and send complete report the sum would undoubtedly be much larger. Bio; Gain of Members. Miss Blna M. West, ' supreme record keeper, submitted an exhaustive report showing the total membership of the order to be 163,000, a gain of over 16,000 during the last three years. Of this number 24,617 are social and 128,336 benefit members, their protection aggregating $9S.6u0,000. ARCAMMS FJ.i-OT SEW OFFICERS Move tp One Notch the Varlons Men on the Stan. The eleventh annual session of the Grand Council Royal Arcanum of Nebraska opened In Arcanum hall, Rohrbough building, at 10 a. m. Tuesday with all the grand officers present but Grand Regent N. F. Reckard, who la temporarily absent from the city. patients had plenty of warning in iMMt Grand Vic Regent 1L H. Compton pre sided, and closed late In the day. The morning session was devoted wholly to the submission of reports, the reading of the annual report of the grand regent and reference of current matters to tho re spective committees. Representatives were present from all councils in the state. Dep uty Supreme Regent E. A. Barbour of FprliiKfleid, Mo., and Supreme Deputy A. W. Pidnell were among the distinguished members of the order present outside of the regular representatives to the grand council. Advance report of the several officers had been previously furnished the various representatives and the reading of these reports waa dispensed with. Grand Secretary C. A. Grimmel acted as secretary, with George 8. Powell of Omaha as reading clerk. Resolutions were adopted directing the committee on resolutions to prepare appro' prlate resolutions of condolence and re spect on the dosth of the late Supreme Secretary W. O. Robson, expressive of tho sentiment of the Grand council, and in memory of members who have died within the last year. Resolutions were also adopted commending the efficiency of the retiring grand secretary, C. A. Grimmel, and Grand Regent Reckard. The report of the finance committee showed the affairs of the Grand Council to be in excellent shape and that the order had made an encouraging Increase In mem- . borshlp during the past year. Reports were ' made by the representatives of the various ! subordinate councils, all of which were In a more or less prosperous condition, with i every assurance for greater prosperity dur ing the coming year. Tho following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Grand regent, H. H. Compton, Frontier Council No. 942, Cedar Rapids; grand vice I regent, Beman C. Fox, Nebraska Council No. 1155, Lincoln; past grand regent; N. F. Recknrd, I'nlon Pacific Council No. 10i9, I Omaha; grand secretary, George S. Powell, j Union Pacific Council No. 1P9, Omaha; grand treasurer, E A. Parmelee, Pioneer Council No. 118, Omaha; grand orator. H. R. Oerlng, Cass Council No. 1021. Platts mouth; grand chaplain, S. P. Mor ris of Omaha; grand guide, W. P. Mc Devltt, Knoxall Council No. 14fi4. South Omaha; grand warden, J. D. Young, Have lock; grand sentry, S. A. Sanderson, Ne braska City; delegate to supreme council, J. M. Teegarden, Weeping Water; alter nate, N. F. Reckard, Omaha; grand trus- tees, A. S. Pinto, Omaha; H. W. Damon, j Omaha; S. W. Orton, Weeping Water. The new officers were Installed at the close of the afternoon meeting by Deputy 1 Tuesday evening the grand council repre sentatives was entertained by Pioneer council, Omaha. ROGER'S BLUFF TO COME DOWN High Land at nineteenth and I,enven vrorth Streets Will Be I Aid Low. Contracts have been let by Herbert Rog ers of the Milton Rogers & Sons company for grading the lot owned by the Milton Rogers estate at the northwest corner of Nineteenth and Leavenworth streets and for wrecKing the large brick house, form erly the Keeley Institute, on the lot. The lot extends from Nineteenth to Twentieth streets, having a frontage of 3P0 feet on Leavenworth street and Is 300 feet deep. When the grading ts completed the tract will be platted and placed on the market, although It Is probable the lots will be improved by the erection of brick flats and store buildings. Mr. Rogers Is contemplating erecting a row of brick flats on the north half of the lot, fronting on Nineteenth street, .and de voting the entire Leavenworth street front age to brick stores and fiats. The grading- will be completed In about two months, when work will be begun on the brick flats and stores. Crelfvhton Itnlldtna- Larger. An additional story Is to be placed on the new building for the Crelghton School of rharmacy, which Is now under course of construction by P. J. Creeden A Sons, ad Joining the Crelghton Medical School. The new building will be four stories In height Instead, of three as was originally contem plated and the additional story will be used for the pickling rooms for the storage of cadavers for the medical college. Work on the pharmacy building has been delayed because of the Inability of the contractors to secure sufficient brick from the Kansas kilns, but Is now being pushed to completion. The new pharmacy build ing will be ready for occupancy before the fall term of school opens. Work at Happy Hollow. A large gang of workmen under the di rection of Krnest Gibson, who was form erly with the Field club, began work Mon day morning on the new golf course at the Happy Hollow Country club by laying out the fnlr greens. Attention was directed to hole No. 1 of the course and the brush and small trees between holes Nos. 1 and 2 were cleaned out. Tom Bendelow, the golf expert who came from Chicago to lay out the course,, staked out part of the links Tuesday aa well aa the Hospitals in our great cities Three-fourths of the patients Why should this be the case those dragging sensations, pain at wiigate Airs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham.'at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms given, the trouble may be located, and helpful advice sent absolutely free. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VKO ITT AI ILK COMPOUND, irjtMlo from Native Roots and Herbs, complies with all coudltloun of the new Pure Food and Drugrs Law, and 1 so fruarant4ed. Brigmt's of Many Years' Standing, Entirely Cured With Six Bottles of WARMER'S SAFE CURE A TRIAL BOTTLE OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST KIDNEY CURE SENT ABSO LUTELY FREE TO EVERY READER OF THE OMAHA DAILY BEE WHO SUFFERERS FROM KIDNEY, LIVER, BLADDER OR BLOOD DISEASE. h foil a H .0 B RIP HT$D !S EAS tT Eli 1 far. pi:W' In WTS hirVr,, n:"i... re Pill " .al V - r, . 'UNn .."ss.V-i 7m All CO!! P bCftll.ll f MHAiA MtABt QkCOD V" AND fJTHfM CilLA&O L lLulfO nFft.Nf.L0 (MONEY AN 0 LlVtl t -p 'i i 4-oci (SacjJ ctvk tle well Mist using M LHJK FlHt ADU LTS n thln(Monnil. ix r, or niffht tftari ft dnj, taken clntr or Id an eqntvl avmonnt of wtr. or In warm or enid miic Dviora or ftr nt" is to suit tm or tM, If It can- m !. an it mar in aitrme oaa. twiuw in- w doa or htat It moderately "d tk after nieila la warm or coll milk until th tone Of to tomftch ! ImprvM. l itU fll II.HHKN TTnrtfl tmnL am iTKKtnfnl: uo lor to. two tnnnoonfuli warm1 and taVlcAn tn milk. Ke"p bowtlfi omn of liaoea hj fa Ipctlnna: of Children anrlA1ol tr WanMr'a SAKE PUIa only. Dlaoard all Praxa d otbor mwlioin dartuf treatment, WeAf flaiwl or warm ciotai ntr. AOc. Bad S1.0 bottle. yflTl if, Hi b 1b rare CRIAL BOTTLE FREE H mi' .cH- n If'; 3'i .r'-n evn ts ' i . 1 nr nrr flrrnriti m otHTio humwjv vvvieiii. SAKK CURE will cure them a trial bottle will be Bent ABSOLUTELY FRKE, post paid, to any one who will write WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO.. Rochester, N. T. and mention having seen this liberal offer In the Omaha Ially Hee. The genuineness of this offer Is full v 'guaranteed. Our doctors will also send medical booklet containing descriptions of symptoms and treatment of each disease and many convincing testi monials, free, to evi-ry one. jfflllalrllittaaB King Quality Oxfords are so fitted that they cannot slip at the heel, and so cut that they will not chafe the ankle. In fact, they are comfort and beauty personified. Not to wear them this spring is to do your feet an injustice. NM SHOES FOR MEN Uf A The most critical examination of ths most discerning experts fails to reveal a flaw in any part of these elegant shoes. If dealer does uot carry "KLul QUA-LITY", ssud tor Pricd Catalog. ARNOLD SHOE CO,, grounds for the new tennis courts and other outdoor Bports. He probably will complete his work within a few days. Architect J. B. Mason has been awarded the contract for drawing the plans for a new residence for Mrs. Charlotte M. Ilavls. which will be erected this spring on her lot at 112 North Forty-second street. The new house will be of frame, two stories in height and completely modern. Announcements of the Theaters.' They were two ladies. They were com ing from tho Lyric theater last night, where they had been to attend the per formance given by Ruth Grey. "How do you suppose sho did It?" asked the woman with the red hat. "Really, I wish I knew,'" said the one immm W(B(M are sad places to visit lying cm those snow white beds are women and girls. ? Because they have neglected themselves. the left or right of side, nervous mmmm. 1 Disease Causinj; Mitch Suffering Mr. C. M. Dow. The Dslles. Ore., In S letter dated December 25. 1905. com menting on his remarkable recovery from death's door due to kidney dlsesss shjs: "During the latter part of tVo ber I g'"t over a severe case of typhoid fever which left my kidneys In very bud shape. I hail no appetite or ambi tion and begHn to lo.- flesh rapidly. I was tlilrstv. feverish and weak. My brother-in-law advised me to take Warner's Safe Cure, which I did. I tld not feel any radical change until t had taken the second hottlu, when I found 1 was not compelled to get-up so often during the night. I have now finished my fourth bottle and weigh 135 pounds, good, solid flesh. I feel ami look better than 1 have for years and have no further trouble from my kidneys, thanks to your valuable medi cine." Mrs. Snrah E. Runghart Of Des Moines, la., adds her testimony, she savs: "I had been a sufferer of Brlght's disease for about fifteen years and had been growing worse and worse, until about six weeks ago I commenced tak. Ing Warner's Safe Curs, and I am now able to do mv own housework. The doctor who bad been attending me for several years previous told my hus band that 1 would die within a week and that there was nothing that could restore my health, as I was in the worst stages of Hrtght's disease. My husband talked with me and said he believed he knew of a remedy that might help cure me, and so be went anil got a bottle of Warner's BafS Cure, and I noticed after taking one bottle a very decided change for ths tietter. I have now taken six txittloa, and can't say enough words of praise for your wonderful remedy. It Is cer tainly the only remedy that ever helped me. I hope that these words may be of benefit to some one afflicted the same as I have been." CURES KIDNEY DISEASE When the kidneys are diseased tha orte ncld Is not carried off and this causes gout, lumbago, rheumatism of the Joints, rheumatism of the musoles, rheumatism of the heart, rheumatism everywhere. In Uright's disease the bowels are often constipated and' the liver torpid. Warner's Hafo nils quickly relieve this condition, and no 111 after effect I IS is experienced. cflCl WAKNtK'S SAFE CVHK Is put up ill in two sizes and is sold by all drug J!l gists, or direct, at B0 cents and 11.00 It a bottle. Refuse substitutes contaln- miiiaiy ing narmrui drugs wnicn injure inn To convince every sufferer from diseases of the kldnevs. liver, bladder and blood that WARNER'S No. Abingfon, Mass. In brown. "Don't you suppose that gen tleman who walks down the aisle calling out the questions tells her?" "But how docs he know?" "Oh, I never thought of that" Miss Grey will give an extra ladles' matinee Thursday on account of the de mand. W. W. Cole, manager of Krug park, la In New York and haa made an engage ment with Duss, the bandmaster, for two weeks during July next. Halldlugr Permits. The following building permits have been reported: E. K. Woods, 937 North Thirty seventh, S2.500 dwelling; F. B. Lawrence, Thirty-eighth and Chicago, $X,000 dwelling; Paxton & Gallagher company, Nlnith aud Jones, J10.0UO allaratlons and repairs. exhaustion, pain