Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1907, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE OMAHA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY, AFRIL 24, 1007. n n It t S 5 ? 4 t Eurj Item Eitn Special MMMMaMHMHHBHHMI i I peers iiO R ead These Big Eterj Offer Real Bargain g J 5 y Ten Green Tradi Stamps ig Bargains for I j it1 ree Tin ,WEDWg:SDAY Specials in the Basement for Spring-Summer OMAHA WRATH ER PORROAST Wednesday, Fwtr and Cooler. rpvrvn rv n B. I M r RedLeherWednesda c t - Ten Grccrv Trtvdin. Stamps to Each Dook Shown Striped and checked Egyptian Tis sues in lengths suitable for entire dresses, waists and children's wear. This 32-ln. sells at 36c off the bolt very spe cial, yard 6ic Ttir Vinro-nin Bnnnro I Thousands ,t fnest filled with good style Dress Percales In light and dark pat terns all fast colors, yard 6VaC Just received new lot Scotch and Chambray Ginghams. Thousands of our customers have been watt lng for these ginghams, for boys' waists, children's dresses" and skirts, regular ff Drice 12V.G a L yard, sale B nrlce. vard of yards 2C quality Persian and floral pattern 36-ln. Sllko llnes, regular price everywhere Is 12 He yard in remnants, at, yard . . 3c Remnants, black and all colors, plain lawns very special bargains for Wednes- . sip . a ' .cl ' IWTV X ! H oc ji j VJL. a Va Ikr Nate m 5in 21 J Genuine French HjxviloLnd . Co. China RED LETTER DAY BARGAINS Plates, 5 inch, 6'inch and 7inch and Cups and Saucers, values up to 50a Wednesday, each 19c Four Times Green Trading Stamps on all sales in China Wednesday. 9c M I If Special Sale of Boys' Suits Wednesday Ball and Bat tree With Every Boys' Suit nn THK RELIftBLR tree With Every Boys' Suit Hardware- Housefurnishins H'ig Sale Blue and While Enamel Ware M New French Ginghams at 25c Yd. On sale, main Gingham Section pretty new blue and black plaids, fancy checks and striped Ginghams for ladles' and children's summer dresses found only at Drandels, at, yard.. 25c 2 Summery Effects in Women's ; SILK JUMPER SUITS Novelty styles of the most stunning order jumper suits, shirt waist suits and demi-costumes in foul- ards, tuscans, chiffon, taffetas, etc. the favorite colors for spring, at 998.1250.1485-435 M H n Wash Laces The prettiest new patterns of Vals. and Torchons, many match sets, desirable widths, new lots, worth up to 15o Xf C a yard, at...... 2C-JC I Herlin Sauce Pans, Pre serving Kettles, Dish Pans, etc., mottled grey three-in-one Milk Boil ers, pieces worth up to 75c, Wednesday, each 29c roll line of all the best leade and Mixed Paints, Vtrnlibii and Doable On Trading Stamps on all Paints Wednesday. ! : Good Steel Hoe or Rake at 15 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Best quality Steel Rakes at 48c, 45c and...40 And Thirty Green Trad ing Stamps. Mall Boxes 45 And Thirty Green Trad ing Stamps. Scrub Brushes Rice root, palmetto, etc. . . . 10 And Ten Green Trad ing Stamps. Wednesday Big Sale Day in Furniture Section 4 Sanitary Couches nt '. .$3.70 And Fifty Ofwn Trading Stamps. Oak Pressors, up from 98.78 Ouk Chiffoniers, up from. . . .S7.8S 60-ln. Roll Top Peak at $20 And S00 Oreen Trading B tamp a. Porch Swing 15.60 And 100 Green Trading Stamps. Oak Porch Rocker 94.00 And 100 Green Trading Stamps. Go-Cart, rubber tire wheel, leather back and leatherette covered seat folds up like a Jack-knife, Wednesday at $1.89 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. All-steel bicycle gear Go-Cart $4.98 Ana 100 Green Trading Stamps. 3-pleca Suiter weathered oak Settee, Arm Chair and large, comfortable Rocker upholstered In genuine leather, at sae.oo And 400 Green Trading Stamps. Large Rocker, with arms, cobbler seat, for $1.65 And 60 Green Tradlnr R tnmng. - Jl Haw roods daily, stylish, nn- to-dats patterns, prompt de livery, satisfaction guaran teed. Third Floor. Manufacturers' Stock of Ladies' Skirts m-$3.95 J 1 m 1 L - , I Li 1 1.1. I. nil , ! in,, it ! f aMWWMMMflMaWMi I III! I II I ll I isiwi 111 A purchase of over 1,500 Dresfi and "Walking Skirts, a cloan-up of the entire surplus stock of n well known manufacturer, in cluding silks, voiles, panamns, Sicilians, etc., etc, in plain black, white, navy blue, ambers, fancy mixtures, in fact a most complete assortment of all best shades and patterns for spring wear. Come in all sizes, 2'J to ;!S waist measure, 37 to 45 in. length. The greatest 'lot of Skirt bar gains ever offered by any firm in Omaha, $5.00 to $10.00 values Bow Back Kitchen Chairs, each 55c And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. If you're not perfectly satisfied with your bargain aftej purchas ing, we will gladly refund our money. You'll never have a greater saving opportunity. Pictures ti. New Halrdressing ' Depart ment, second floor, new store Bed Letter Bay Bargains In Picture Section. Wire Photograph or Card Holders. at 00 Brass Plated Moulding Hooks.... 160 Photograph frames, glass, mat and back SSo Pyrography Glove and 'Kerchief boxes, pair 880 Pyrography Panels new circle Shane at 3 Bo Yard pictures for dining ropm. . . .790 Three times Green Trading Stamps on Picture Framing, Pyrography and Artist Materials. Linens White Goods yimt Bed Xtter Day in Bew Lo cation Main Aisle, Bear. Double Oreen Trading Stamps on eTcrythlng bonght in this section, in addition to these special reductions. White Kancy Walstlngs, Dotted Swiss, Checked Organdy and Lawn and fig ured Swisses, regular 30o quality, Wednesday, yard lso 44-ln. Cream Table Damask and 62-ln. Bleached Table Damask, regular 40c quality. Red Letter Day, yard.,.. SSo 18 and 24-ln. Square Drawn Work Centerpieces op fitand Covers, worth up t- 40c Red Letter Day, ea., 85o Stationery Ten Green Trading Stamps with each of these: Bennett's Lunch Paper, 50 she'its lOo 20 yards Best Lace Hhelf Paper lOo Three dozen sheets Plain White Shelf Paper 250 125 Sheets fine ruled Note Paper 19o Bottle Carter's Best Writing ink 60 Bottle Carter's Photo Library Paste So Three 1,000-sheet rolls best grade Toilet paper 25c 1 dozen kasterbrook's Steel Pen Points 7o 100 Printed Tissue Paper Napkins 7o Wall Paper Sale Greatest Bargains of the Season We give the people Just what thy want at the price they want to pay. We never depart from this policy. This la the Wall Paper Store for everybody. For bathrooms, the always reliable varnished tile for 15c, 18c and 20c. Prices for same elsewhere 20c, 25c, 80c. For bed rooms floral, stripes and dainty patterns from 15c to 2 V4 c per roll. Prices for same elsewhere 250 to Bo. Papers worth from 2 5c to 1 Oc a roll for parlors, dining rooms and halls, at, per roll. 12 c and 6c. Extra big special 600 rolls left of that famous lc paper. TILE LIKE The Great Colored Var nish makes old floors and woodwork look like new. Puts a new face on furniture. A finish that can't be scratched white Hosiery Gloves Uaderwe'r 4 "tJliWHsrTP'1 You Can't Go Wrong If you take) The RUht Road CHICAGO Great To Chlcado. St. Paul and Minneapolis Ladles' "Burson" Hose, fast black, full seamless, 25o value, pair. . . .15 Ladies' 16-button Lisle Qloves black, white, mode and grey, $1.25 value, pair ...... KHi f!hlldrn Fast RlncV Ladles' 12-buttonfneira Seamless Hose, heavy or light weight, 17c value. pali 12ic Double Green Trading Stamps in Hosiery. Kid Gloves, $3.25 value, pair $2.40 Ladles' 16-button . Kid Gloves, $3.75 value, pair $2.89 Double Green Trading Stamps in Gloves. Ladles' Low Neck Sleeve less, tape neck, 10c value, each 7 Ladles' Low Neck Sleeve . less Vests, tape neck and arm, fancy trim med, 17c value, for 124 Ladles' wide knee Pants, lace trim med, 25c value, pair ...... 10 Double ' Green Trading Stamps in Underwear. HandkTs 1 Fine 'A tof.. ::4' 1 Ladies' Hemstitched Fine Cambric HandkenSji each , mm Ladies' Pure Linen Initial, each ....102 Men's Cambric Initial Hand kerchiefs, each 7 Double Green Trading Stamps in Handkerchiefs. Fall Information from W O. DAVIDSON, F. t DOHERTY, . CITY TICK&T AOtMT. AOINT, ' lilt rAHNAM SrSSCT. FMAmL TT VNIOM tTATIOH, OMAHA. 6 POT, MAIH ST. TM 4V.. COUNCIL BLurrs. liEAt 11FV VOtB LAWN WITH OtB IKON AND WIRE FENCE. I cfj j TreUlses and Arbors for vines, flower guards, '8fiTn ?Tl c'UL'r' setees, vases, tree guards, Idtching posts, suiuuw luuui, Hira i uiiuti suu viiil ilcu icucc i- -4- CHAMPION PENCE COMPANY. 617-41 Sonth 16th Street. Tel. Donflas ISM. Send for Catalogue. Shoes I m And 1 SKoes Women's fine quality Tan Goatskin Oxfords, light soleB, regular $1.75 values, P- ?1.29 .. And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Women's White Canvas Gib son Ties, clean and white, all sires fresh, new goods, $1.75 kind. for... $1.39 And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Women's $3.00 Turn Sole Laced and Button Oxfords, soft, velvet kid, patent tips, Plr $2.29 Fifty Green Trading Stamps. MEN'S IMITATION ALLIGATOR AND VELVET VAMP SLIPPERS, 590 TO $1.00 VALUES, A Q PAIR ......OC And Twenty-five Green Trading Stamps. Women's Man-Tailored Suits for $19.50 Made of fine Chiffon Panama and English Suitings; black, brown, navy blue, russet and tan, mixtures and pin checks and stripes all the most approved styles, regular $25.00 value, Wednesday. . , 19.50 Jewelry at Half Price Two Stocks of High Grade Jewelry Now on Sale at HALF the N. P. Frandsen stock of Omaha, the entire btock c.f a prominent State street, Chicago, jeweler. Cut Glass, Fine China, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware. Leather Goods, Umbrellas, in fact everything shown by a first ilass jeweler. Everything must go in the next few days. The balance of the Chicago stock will be placed on sale "Wednes day, adding greatly to the bargain interest of this greatest of all great jewelry sales. It Misses and Junior Skirl Sale Skirts suitable for small women and misses, and for the school girl, made of panama and fancy suiting, full pleated gored models; Misses' and Junior section, at $4.95, $3.95 and $2.93 NEARLY HALF MILLION A MILE I Cert sf Lacs Cut-Off Th roach Eich B!uffi in City Limits, KARRtMANN IS SAVING TEN MILES kVUl Cost Hiss BtIwmi Tkrre and trmmr Mlllloa Dollars t Kedace DLtaeca This Hsck - Cuit. Between U, 000,000 and t4.O0O.00O to save ten SnUa on distance from Omaha to the Pa- Clflo coast, or between fJOO.Ouu and ftOO.COu a DUle, la what K. 11. llarrlinan la syend- tut within the city of Omaha on his Lane ut-off. photograph of that cut would look like the photo of a Panama canal," said an iiiutreated spectator, as urn stood gas Ins at the immense out of the Union Paclrto on the Ltuie cut-off. Just west of South Omaha. When competed that cut will be ewer one mile Ions and will be eighty elsht feet deep at the deepest point. The dirt Is now one-half out and work has been done on It continuously since the Orst work on the short Una. "What a splendid plaoe for a boulevard. said bis companion, as the two stood and looked In wonder at the nmmraoth under taking. The speaker refurred to a wide sheti la the cut fifty feet from the top tad whloa ram the eatlre dlntaooe so a tatae-vaxd oouid sasUx ba sonaLruot4 troot Forty-nrst street to Plfty-third street along that ledge. "Tea, and It would soon have a cinder roadbed from the cinders spouted out by the giant engines of the Union Pacific, I think. I will have to suggest that scheme." Haadreds View the Seeae. Hundreds of people went Sunday to view the gigantic work the Union Paclrto is do ing to save ten miles of road between Omaha and the west. ' Mr. Harrlman is spending between li,0uO,X.'O and 14,000,000 to save ten miles of travel for his heavy trains. The work la the heaviest ever un dertaken In the west, the one cut above mentioned being 46 feet wide at the top. The fill at the Little Paplo Is 100 feet high above the prairie line and the fill on the lllg Paplo la seventy-Bve feet high and over one mile long, so an Idea can be gained from these figures of the Immense amount of dirt which Is being moved. R. L Huntley, chief engineer of the Union Pacific, who first figured out the cut-off and who has the work In charge, says he figures the line Is scout es per cent complete and that, barring mishap the grading will be complete about Septem ber 1. "We expect to have the track laid by October or November," said Mr. Huntley, "although there Is no certainty as to the time of completing the line because of the bridges which have to he placed, the foun dations of which depend so much on the time of settling of the Immense volumes of dirt which are being plied on the low. lands of the two Paplo. " New Dress Goods Most beautiful collection fine Dress Goods in the latest shades of brown. These shades are very much in vogue at popular prices; light weight, sheer stuffs voiles, batistes, chiffon, panamas, etc., prices, a yard, COiw from $1.00 down. to JUC Wednesday Special Handsome lot fine Novelties, 46 and 54 in. wide, worth up to $1 and $1.25 many elegant pieces worth up to $1.50; all in one lot Wednesday, yard, at. .40 Silks A written guarantee with every yard Black Taffeta Silk we sell. The famous "Cleola" Black Taffeta for wear and quality it's the best. 20-in. Cleola Black Taffeta Silks, Wednesday, yd. 58 (Every yard guaranteed.) Domestics , Double Green Trading Stamps in Domestics Wed nesday. Best Cotton- Challles, yard. . . -4 American Blue Print, jard . . . . 3 15c SllkoUnes, pretty, yard. . . fr Ilandsome new Brown Silks, beautiful leather shades in stripes or check effects, en tirely new, prices, a yard, from $1.50 to 75 Wash Goods 82-la. fine Chambray Ginghams, In blue or tan, worth 15c, now, yard 5 It He Drtss Ginghams, Wednes day, a yard Q Moats fill K&Sts. ll si & Another Day of Great Lace Bargains ' 10c to 20c Linen Laces at 5c A perfect line of all pure linen laces in edges, and insertings, worth regularly 10 to 20c yard, will go on sale Tuesday at one price per yard 5 20c Val. Laces at 5c An immense job lot of fine Val. laces and insertings, worth 10c up to 20c yard; on sale in three lots Tues day at 2Ytf, 3y2$ and 5 JllM 0 CM Mi I il'here'i no huher art than the im provement of food. ' 'Beecher. Bennett's Big Grocery f. jj n you i y, . a us, s 3 a y ,s i. lb. pkg 28e tamps. Bennett s Capitol Corree, lb. pi And Thirty Oreen Trading B Fresh Roasted Coffee. Ib 15c And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. ' B. F. Japan Tea, lb 88c And Thirty Oreen Trading . Stamps. Pears In syrup, can.:' .....15c And Twenty Green Trading . Stamps. Batavla Currants, lb. pkg IZHo And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. OaLaJEA'S 9VMM TOOS OEITU E 9 Order by 'Phone While It Is true, this Nice Weather ought really to come In and see till If you nnd It lnconven'ent to do so, our Splendid Telephone Service 111 make It just as Satisfactory as a j Personal CalL y The following are some Genuine U PS ."-v nn tttt a rnxjf v jsfii POUNDS And Double Gren Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Oats or Wheat, per pkg loo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Castile Toilet Soap, dozen cakes 160 And Ten Oreen Trading . Stamps. Patna Rice, lb lOo And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Mincemeat, I pack ages i!5o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Ulamond 8 Preserves, large jar...Z8o And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps. Thompson's Seedless Raisins, lb..l5o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Ghlrardellls Cocua. H-lb. cii tSo Trj And Twenty Green Prading Stamps. Flower and Vegetable Seeds, pkg. me Red cnapper niucd, oottie in Mow Is the time to maka your wants kaava tLroucb Ik Waat Ad page. Large shipment Morrell's high grade Lard. 8-lb. pall for 42 6-lh. pall for. . . -70 1 -lb. pall for $1.35 Twenty Green Trading Stamps with each pall of Lard. Rex Bacon, by the strip 14 H Twenty Green Trading Stamps with each strip. Rex Hams, average 8 to 10 lbs., every one guaranteed, lb 15 H Thirty Green Trading Bumps with each. And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Red tsnauDer tteiisn. Dome oo And Twenty Green Trading Stampi 1 orn, can B Peas, con - bo m r 5S- i l Tomatoes, can lOo 1 IUmVmI hajim. can. irneda H scult. 5 1 llm And Ten Greu Oo i-) pkgs'.!!!!iso yf? eu Trading I I, (f i mm (Sr-inVfl I RKNNKTT's CANPIKS. II Fruit Tablets, usual prioe 25c, ! Wednesday, lb 12c 1 1, f f f - lrps. lb.' 10o V.. S lion lion Boxes, each 10 il 600 cans Tomatoes, can 10c, dos. 1 1 1 (00 cans Corn, can 6c, dos. .. 55c yders Catsup, per pint bottle.. lBn i iteguiar zoc ana toe v.iuo,. J 100 cans Lima Beans, can Be 200 cans genuine Maine Corn, can, 10c j.! dosen 1 1.1 6 46c slse Schillings Baking Powder 26c Q 16c Macaroni 10c U 48-lb. sack Good Flour ..11.00 i 4S-lb. sack Excellent Flour $1.15 A Bulk Spices (not strictly pure) 5) at so and 7c Q Pretsels, per lb 6c Soda Crackers, per lb. c Fig Newtons, per lb 10r Pancake Flour, per Pkg 8c U Gibson's Anti-Lye Prunes, according to size, at, per lb., 8c, 7c and 6c Ferndell Breakfast Food, S pkgs. 25c 200 cans Soups, can 16c R SPECIALS IN MEAT DEPARTMENT Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, I -lb. palls for 3e 6-lh. nails for ; 6ic Sugar Cured Corn Beef, per Just received a shipment BrlskeU. : 0 per Ib. . .Isc Cj it of Singer's K 'ungues and IsL Donglaa S4T Private Excuaxige connects all Dept. HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA Ladies' Street Pumps GUN METAL CALF, PATENT COLT SKIN TAN RUSSIA CALF, WHITE CANVAS An Addition to The Wardwrobe That Will Please. $3.50 and $4.00 See Display in Window. 9 FRY SHOE CO. in iioiii 16th and Douglas Streets C -PATENTS thst PROTECT Otr 3 isMai Jut Iarur bslMU rir f tct. aiASsps) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. DCLLEVUE COLLEGE COLLf IB i-Usucsl. lllc. ptillowpblcl oourm, AlAUiar A ocr4it4 lil Ktoul to ixuxu. or muy oiU.r collet of s.lsiur. KOKMAL K HM)ly-Blfii l7 a rauix. rrtittctr r.nl4. C0.SbtKVATOl.V-lli.oi t Biuti BlASS, ite, viuua lu.-utloD aaJ urt. OMAHA CoNSCTioN-Slrt. Un. 44 Burltag. Urn raliWAT. Wotr Mcxl.r. DorKlwrUe, A4tM fnaloaat Wsoasuna. tMUaoue, Ms. t A 1 0 V