Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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, r
Office. 10 Pearl
Pavls. flnifn. '
Btoekert nil carpets.
Fine engravings at Leffert's.
Ed Rogers' Tony Taunt beer.
Foe Schmidt's elegant new photos.
Coatmakera wanted at R. 8. Hick's.
1'lumblng and heating, lllxbjr A Son.
For Bile Fresh milk cow. 2 4 Ave. B.
Lwla Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 3.W
Watrh repairing. O. Mauthe. aw Weit
Joppa council. Koyal and Select Masters,
will meet In regular session tnis evening.
Ivanhofl commandery. Knights Templnr,
will meet In regular conclave fins evening.
High grade watches, wedding mid en
gagement rings. 228 West Broadway, O.
Oak Leaf camp. Royal Neighbors of
America, will meet In regular session this
Winner court, Tribe of Ben Hur, will
meet in special session this evening In
hi area bee hall.
Froe A nice water Jug with ach 12
frame order. C. K Alexander, 3S Broad
way, telephone 36.
I can furnish A No. 1 diamonds, the clear,
est water color, cut to snarp edges, not
Hat and no flaws. A diamond cut to sharp
edges gives more reflection than one with
flat adgas. O. Mauthe, 228 W. Broadway.
Leahon B. Dick, son of J. F. Dick. 812
Twentieth avenue, died from spinal nienln-
frlUs, aged 7 months. The funeral will be
leld tins afternoon at 2:80 o clock from
the residence and burial will be In lalrvlew
Curren A. Hough, a merchant of Red
OaK. la., riled yesterday a voluntary pe
tition In bankruptcy, scheduling liabilities
aggregating J2,i.S4. Tha assets, consisting
ot Household furniture and other personal
property, are claimed as exempt.
Bherman Harden has been cited to ap
pear In police court this morning on com
j.lalnt of William WyckofT of Heventeenth
avenue, who charges him with maintaining
a nuisance by keeping a pen of swine close
to complainant s premises and by also per
mitting his chickens to run at large over
complainant's garden.
U M. Hlckok of Cleveland, O., and Isa
bella Morrison of Fort Edward, N. Y., were
married In this city yesterday afternoon
by Ur. Otterbeln O. tttnlth of the First
Congregational church. From Council
Blurts Mr. and Mrs. Hlckok announced
they were going to Seattle, Wash., where
they expected to locate.
Congressman W. I. Smith will be one of
the guests of honor and speakers Satur
day night at the annual observance by
the Grant club of Des Moines of the birth
day anniversary of General Grant. The
principal speaker will be Vice President
Charles W. Fairbanks. Judge K. M. Lan
dis of Chicago, a former member of con
gress, will be tha third guest of honor.
The funeral of Charles Barghausen, who
died Sunday at the Htate asylum at Clar
lnda, will be held Wednesday afternoon at
o'clock from the residence of his brother,
W. H. Barghausen, 221) Harrison street, and
burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery.
leceased was 87 years of age and Is sur
vived by his mother, Mrs. Charles Barg
hausen; a sister, Mrs. Frank Hennings,
and the brother from whose residence tue
funeral will be held.
Hera to Star.
We are dally receiving new lots of shoe
and are selllnc them at our usual low
prices. Duncan Shea Co.
Give us your order for that spring car
pat. Wa do tha rest sew, lay and fit it
right to your room. D. W. Keller, 103 S.
Greatest ice savet on tha market tha
Alaska refrigerator. Petersen Schoe-
Heat Batata Transfers.
Tha following transfers were reported to
Tha Bee, April 22, by tha Pottawattamie
Country Abstract company of Council
C. F. Allison, administrator, to Arthur
C. Lewis, nH sw4 -74-8, p. d $ 4,400
National Life Insurance company to
Painter Knox, lot 14 of Aud'a subdlv.
of sublot 10 In old plat lot 48, w. d.... 1 400
Tha Council Bluffs Savings bank to
Sarah F. Olllett. lot 9 and the n7
feet of lot 8, block 4, Stutsman's 1st
add., w. d 1,400
National Life Insurance company to
Painter Knox. k4s 1, a and J. Aud'a
subdiv. of lot 10 In original plat lot
JS. w. d V250
The Council Bluffs Savings bank to
Harnh F. Olllett, all of lot 8, block 4.
Stutsman's 1st add., except the n7
feet. w. d 1,100
Granite Savings Bank and Trust com
pany to Vlggo Peterson, lot 20, block
8. Barken s add., w. d 900
Frank Pike and wife to Angenoma
Bprlmrer, lot 10, blrck 9, town of
Oakland, la., w. d gno
Seven transfers, total $11,260
i -
Nsad any lace curtains? Before you
buy better corns in and see us. Wa want
to surprise you In price and quality. D.
!W. Keller, 101 8. Main.
Snstkwell Found Onllty.
Arthur Southwell, who after an alterca
tion with Charles Hanking on the outskirts
of the city followed him Into town and
fired three shots from a revolver at him
In Harding's barber shop on West Broad
way, was found guilty last evening by a
Jury In the district court of assault with
Intent to commit greet bodily Injury. He
was Indicted on the charge of assault with
Intent to commit murder and his defense
was temporary or emotional Insanity.
The grandest opportunity ever known
for saving money on high class pianos has
brought many buyers to A. Hospe Co., 29
South Main St., Council Bluffs.
Scavenger Work
I haul dead animals. 11.00 per head.
I Garbage, ashes, manure and all rub-
tdsh; clean vaults and cesspools. All
work done is guaranteed.
Calls promptly attended to.
Ind. Phone 1229 Y Bell Red 1173
Has remodeled his ice cream plant, and has installed new
machinery, which has doubled the capacity for the manu
facture of ice cream. The new process improves the quality
of goods 50 per cent.
5c Ice Cream Bricks on Sale Every Day
Latest flavors in ice cream, ices, sherbet and punch,
applying to the pure food law. Just received a new line
of the latest individual moulds.
"Write for our 1907 prices.
Council Bluffs, la. Both 'phones 364. "
Ft. Tel. 4S.
Accoapuiiei it with Draft of Crdimrcs
liiine tba Water Bates.
daemons Advisability of High Ire-
are Service at the Present Time,
bnt Other Extensions Are
Absolutely Necessary.
At the meeting of the city council last
night the report of W. Klersted of Kansas
City, the expert hydraulic engineer em
ployed by the city, filed his report embra
cing the schedule of water rates on which
he has been working for the Inst week.
Mr. Klersted, who was employed to com
pute the value of the present water works
plant and estimate the cost of a new one,
was brought back here last Monday to as
sist the special water works committee, of
which Councilman Wallace la chairman,
to arrange a schedule of water rates to be
Incorporated In the proposed new franchise
for the Council Bluffs Water Works com
pany. Engineer KlersteoVa Report.
The report follows:
I have the honor to submit a report on a
schedule of water rates governing the
charge which the Council Bluffs Water
Works company may make fur water ser
vice In this city, and In so doing respect
fully ask your consideration or a draft of
an ordinance herewith enclosed embody
ing a schedule of rates In line with my re
port of a short time ago.
The company reports. 2,8X1 flat rate water
consumers, 1.443 metered water consumers.
Axsuming all of these services to be active
and paying services, then under the pro
posed schedule of water rate the estimated
gross Income:
For flat rate consumers $2R.3fiS
For metered consumers 4u,464
For hydrant re ntals at JdO per hydrant
for 2S8 hydrants 17.2S0
Total 131.112
It Is stated, however, that all services
are not active throughout the year and
therefore the estimated flat rate Income Is
not, and will not be In fact, as hlgtv as
estimated. The books show a gross lncdme
for I of flut rate consumers of $3,2H2.
and on Income from miscellaneous sources
of $437. It Is further stated that three hos
pitals receive water without compensation
and It Is computed that the cash value of
the water delivered to the hospitals under
the proposed schedule of rates is $1,17.
Therefore, If deductions are made accord
ingly from the estimated gross Income of
$1,112. the available gross Income would
not then approximate isS.iSi.
A comparison of gross Income with valua
tion computed In line with my report on
valuation, the cost of operation being n
constant quality in each case, Is shown by
the following tabulation:
Valuation. Income. Pr. Ct.
$rtno,on) ss,s:w 14. S
RS.mO 90.S13 14.
(VAOiiO 92.9K8 14. SI
67ii,rX) 93 14.01
700,000 97, iM 13.88
What Income Can Support.
Therefore It Is computed that the gross
income with no deductions for inactive
services for water cain support a total
valuation scarcely in excess of S6.S.0O0; also
that the probable gross Income under the
proposed schedule of water rates of $88,
2M. can support a total valuation of about
The operating expenses of $39,018, as es
timated In my report and as considered
In the above showing, embraces $2,866 for
state and county taxes. If, however, these
taxes should be proportioned upon a valua
tion of IMO.OOO, they would amount to
about $5,126, and the operating expenses
should then be Increased $2,260, or to 141,298.
The gross Income of 188.26S can then sup
port a valuation of about $tii.000; if the
gross Income should reach $91,112 under the
proposed schedule of rates, then, wltn
operating expenses as stated, the valuation
which It could support would not exceed
In view of the fact that these valuations
must embrace the value of extensions In
nonproductive property, at least to a con
siderable degree, It Is apparent that the
value of the present physical property
which can be supported by the present In
come derived from the proposed schedule
of rates cannot depart very much from
The question, therefore, resolves itself
Into one of accomplishing the best results
under the present earning capacity of
the water works property, and In the ac
complishment of this result a little mutual
yielding of demands will no doubt facili
tate an agreement.
New Const motion.
The construction of the reinforcing main
from Glen avenue to the warehouse district
Is a necessity which Is believed the water
company concedes and which It should
speedily carry out.
The estlmuted cost of the high-service
construction is $26,042, and If the Investment
Is made It will yield nothing of Itself In
compensation for the expense of operat
ing the high servlca.
The oost of operating a high-service sta
tion and of supporting the Investment es
timated would amount to about 6V4 cents
per 1,000 gallons on all water consumed
In the high service district, and If pro
vided for In the earnings would necessi
tate the metering of the entire high ser
vice district, and of increasing the pro
posed water rates about 17 per cent, when
applied to the consumers under the high
In view of the fact that at the present
time there are comparatively few con
sumers beyond the reach of water service
It Is suggested that for the present the
several high districts where there Is inade
quate pressure be Independently provided
with high service Insofar as It Is possible
to do so, leaving the complete development
of a high service district to a later date. .
The extension of the pipe lines Into new
territory where there is a demand for
water service should be made as promptly
as possible.
If the water company would agree to
expend now, $50.0CO to KO.00O in the Improve
ments In the three directions named and
therefore follow up the Improvements out
lined In my report In connection with the
water supply works as fast as practicable
to do so there need be no hesitation In
entering Into a new contract based upon
the schedule of water rates herein offered
for your consideration, and recommended
for adoption.
The schedule of water rates, as well as
other matters relating to an adjustment
of this matter have been fully discussed
with, Mr. Hart, the superintendent of the
water company, as well as with members
of your committee, and It Is hoped the
schedule may be found acceptable to both
the city and the water company.
Rates rr ir F.nsrlnrcr.
The schedule of water rates suggesteo. by
Mr. Klersted varied but little from his
former schedule Incorporated In his report
at the time he made a valuation of the
plant. It la practically based on a valua
tion of about $ivm.'ir, his estlmste of the
value of the plant, plus the cost of relnforc
Ing the mains In the business section of the
city, providing for the proposed "high ser
vice" and extensions of the mains In various
portions of the city. To the council, after
the report and schedule had been read,
Mr. Klersted stated that If the company
made the Improvements and extensions
suggested, and this, he understood. It was
prepared to do, the city council need have
no hesitation In entering Into an agreement
with the company on the schedule of rates
as prepared by him. No action was taken
on the report.
Manager Hart of the water works was
not prepared to make any definite state
ment last night, as he had not seen the re
port schedule until shortly before the meet
ing of the council. He said, however, he
believed that In order to bring the matter
to an amicable settlement, his company
probably would accept the schedule of the
city's expert.
Jones' Bond Approved.
Charles M. Nicholson, the appointee of
the newly created Fire and Police commis
sion tor chief of the fire department, did
not make much of a hit with the city COUn
ll 1 -t nlvhl Whn tVl. rr. r, t n- Ulm
bond, furnished by one of the big bonding I
companies, was brought up, a motion by
Councilman Younkerman was seconded by
Councilman Maloney, to approve It, war
amended by Councilman Wallace to defer
action on It. The amendment was voted
down and then the original motion met
with a like fate. R. W. Jones, the present
chief of the department, fared better. He
had also filed a new bond and It was ap
proved, there being only one dissenting
vote, that of Councilman Younkerman.
Even Councilman Maloney voted to ap
prove It. Attorney Stuart of the firm of
Saunders & Stewart addressed the council
on behalf of Chief Jones, while Mr. Nich
olson was represented by Attorney S. B.
An ordinance requiring all inspectors and
collectors of gas, electric light and water
companies to bo garbed In the uniform of a
policeman and to wear a star or a badge
and, further, to be appointed by the city
marshal, was Introduced and after a
second reading sent to the committee of
the whole. The penalty prescribed by the
ordinance Is a fine of not exceeding $100.
An ordinance providing for all sidewalks
on paved streets, after June 1, to be con
structed of artificial stone, was also re
ferred to the committee of tho whole. Dis
cussion of the measure showed that several
of the counciimen considered It entirely
too drastic.
An ordinance providing for the condem
nation of the old City mill, at the corner
of Washington avenue and Bryant street,
was passed under the suspension of the
It wot decided that bids on all curbing
and sewers ordered should be In the hands
of the city clerk by noon of May S.
The annual report of Chief Jones of the
fire department submitted to the council
last night shows that 130 alarms were
responded to during the last year, the
greatest number of any one year In the
history of the city. With the exception of
the destruction of the I'nlon Transfer
company's warehouse on South Main street
last December, the fire loss was not large.
The total loss for the year was $145,447.32,
with $041,475 insurance. The department has
thirty-two men. Including the chief, and
the cost of maintaining It last year was
$23,380, of which $19,633.74 represents salaries.
Chief Jones recommends that new horses
be purchased for the departments, that
engine house No. 3 be repaired and that
a longer ladder be purchased.
The annual report of City Electrician
J. G. Bradley shows that In the recon
struction of the fire and police telegraph '
lines 48,800 feet of old wire was replaced
with copper wire. Fees collected during :
the Vltfl. innnnt.M a tl IKOK n.KIl .1... !
- ....... ....... j.i iiv. iv ,.,iuu. nunc me
expenses amounted to $2,X0.
A Comparison.
Consider the small yard In your home
town, then think of two yards containing
on an average about 30 times as much
stock, then you will Bee why we can make
such a difference In price to you by buying
a straight car of lumber, Instead of a
mixed car as your local dealer must do.
Of course, you are not In the lumber
business and do not realise the advan
tage we have over him, but If you will
mall us an Itemized bill of what you
wish, we will surprise you. C. Hafer
Lumber Co.
Missouri river Ice, pure, solid, the very
best. Service prompt; obliging drivers.
Co. Bluffs Coal and Ice Co. 'Phone 72.
Lace curtains. Btockert Carpet Co.
Poatofllce Contests Settled.
Three postoftice contests In the Ninth
congressional distinct, which have been
pending for some , time and which have
g.ven him more or less trouble, were dis
posed of yesterday by CorvgrtSMinan W. I.
Smith. The contests were at Adair, WouJ
bl ne and Klrknuui.
1 D. Curtis was named for the postofflce
at Adair, where there had been a three
cornered light. The other candidates were
John Fisher and J. B. Blue. Several dele
gations from Adair, representing the vari
ous candidates, have been In Council Bluffs
at different times urging the claims of their
respective candidates.
The contest at Woodbine was also a three
cornered one, the candidates being Bruce
11. Mills, A. J. Shlnn and S. S. Cadwal
lader. Mr. Smith selected Bruce Mills.
A. D. Amea was named fr the office at
Kirkman, tho other candidate being Julius
Schmidt. Jr.
Congressman Smith forwarded his recom
mendations to Washington yesterday morn
ing. West End Lotsf
Yes. we have 200 nice. high, level lots,
try doairably located, for all classes of
ople doing business or employed In either
)maha or Council Bluffa
Contemplated Improvements In tha vldn
ty will double the values within fifteen
months. Buy now and the profit is yours.
Wa can give you a single lot or a block
if lots together If desired.
Get your friends to Join you and form a
lew neighborhood of your own choice,
A few houses also for sale on the easy
uyment plan.
Prices are right and the terms of pay
nent will be made to suit your purposes.
Call and let us show you. C. C. Clifton
'ompany, SM Broadway, Co. Bluffs. Both
phones 751.
Matting and window shades at Stockerts.
Nicholson Allowed to Flic Bond.
On the application of counsel for Charles
Vf. Nicholson, the appotntee of the new
Fire and Police commission for chief of
he fire department. Judge Wheeler In dls
rlct court yesterday modified the order
estralnlng him from Interfering with Chief
ones or attempting to assume the duties
t the office of bead of the department, ao
as to permit Nicholson to file hla bond
with the city council and have same ap
proved. Nicholson has already filed his
Missouri Oak Wood.
Chunks snd split wood, large ricks, at
$159. Brldensteln A Smith, 14th Ave. and
th St. Both phones 182.
Plumbing, steam and gas fitting, furnace
and sheet metal work, galvanised Iron cor
nice, skylight, tin roofing, gutter, spouting
and repairing. Green and Norfolk furnaces.
First-class mechanics In all branchea.
Both telephones No. K0. 158 West Broad
way, Council Bluffs, la.
The latest patterns In carpets. Btockert
Carpet Co.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night Lr4N
tireat Pay for Accidents.
Taul Mueller, the 12-year-old son of Mrs.
Cassa Mueller, 623 Washington avenue,
while riding a bicycle yesterday morning
collided with a delivery wagon belonging
to Louis Chernlss of South Main street.
The boy was knocked from the blcycla
and rendered unoonsclous by the fall. He
waa removed to his home, where he re
mained In a comatose condition for several
hours. It Is feared that his head may be
A southbound Fifth avenue motor struck
a double-seated surrey occupied by four
girls, members of the family of W. O.
Walling of Washington avenue, at tha in
tersection of Pearl street and Willow ave
nue yesterday afternoon. The horses
dashed onto the sidewalk In front of the
Merrlam block, and but for the presence
of mind of Edward Pierce, custodian of
the blocjt, who seized them by the brWIes,
would have plunged down the area way
at the side of the building. The young
women escaped Injury, but were badly
frightened. One of the horses which waa
struck by the motor was hurt, but not
Mrs. Brown and a neighbor of Harrison
street were thrown from a buggy yester
day morning on East Washington avenue,
the horse they were driving running away.
Both women escaped with a few brulsea,
but the rig was demolished before the
horse was caught.
The derailing of a big Omaha motor at
Main street and Fifth avenue yesterday
blocked both the South Main and Fifth
avenue lines for half an hour.
With Machine Specials.
All kinds, from $3.60 to $17.60. Ask to sea
the Ono Mlnuto Washer, price $10. The
easiest running washer made. J. Zoller
Mer. Co., 100-102-106 Broadway. Phone 320.
Buy the Jewell gas or gasoline stove.
They are the safest. Petersen 4 Scboenlng.
Petersen & Schoenlng sell matting.
Marrlnsre Licenses.
Licenses to wed have been Issued to the
following: ,
Name nnd Residence. Age.
EtiKene Fipeman. Council Bluffs 21
Delia Castla. Council Bluffs 24
Charles J. Harris, Iemars, la 2S
11 Lynnc Martin, Council Bluffs..... 23
David Holley, Council Bluffs 33
Nettle Doremus, Council Bluffs SO
O. W. Mowery, Council Bluffs 42
Bossle Knight. Council Bluffs . 25
I M. Hlckok. Cleveland. 0 41
Isabella Morrison, Fort Edward, N. Y.... 38
Grand Ltvery.
J. W. and Elmer E. Mlnnlck, proprietors,
124 South Main. Both 'phonea I7X.
For Pale Rope portlerea. Stockert
Carpet Co.
Io-n-a Neirs Notea.
WOODBINE-Rev. Clint J. W. Trlem,
mayor of Woodbine, has appointed Ed
ward Roundy to he the nlghtwatch to fill
the vacancy caused by the resignation of
Henry Morse.
WOODBINE Rev. NMnde, pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church at this place
for about a year past, and son of Bishop
Nlnde. Is leaving Woodbine to become
pastor of the First church of Providence,
R. I.
PIDNEY-Rev. J. A. Howard, formerly
Sunday school missionary for Fremont
county, but for the lost two years part
owner of the Fremont County Sun, has ac
cepted the pastorate of the Methodist
Episcopal church at Eira, la., and left
Saturday for his new field of labor.
SIDNEY Fred Hill, for the last eight
months loca. editor of the Fremont County
Herald, has taken the position of manager
and local editor of the Hamburg Democrat.
The Democrat Is owned by Hon. W. D.
Jamleson of Shenandoah, publisher of the
Shenandoah World, and State Senator D.
D. Darby succeeds Mr. Hill on the Herald.
CRESCENT Mr. H. A. Terry, perhaps
one of the best posted fruit men In Iowa,
reports that the recent freeze has not
hurt the apple crop at all. He says that
early plums are badly damaged, but tho
late varieties are all right yet; same with
small fruits. Mr. Terry Is of the belief
that the snow was a benefit rather than
a disadvantage. He says this is true, es
pecially as to strawberries.
Wi-'ST I NION While her husband, Sher
iff Culver, was out of town. Mrs. Culver
entered the cell In the city Jail whe-e
nine men were confined and settled a fight
by taking one of the prisoners by the
collar and marching him upstairs to a
separate sell. The man was so astonished
that he meekly did her bidding. The nine
men were all In one cell when the quarrel
started. Mrs. Culver entered without a
weapon when she heard the quarreling
and gave the key to her young son. who
locked her In while she settled the quarrel.
FORT DOME Frank Corey, president
pf the Yetter Savings bank, was found
lying unconscious a mile and a half west
of Rockwell City along the Illinois Central
track. He caught the fast evening train
Sunday night out of Yetter and boarded the
wrong side of a locked vestibule with a
heavy bank book, weighing twenty-five
pounds, under his arm. He was en route
to hla home In this city. The unconscious
man waa discovered shortly after by a
freight crew. He was unconscious all
nlglit, but recovered sufficiently to be
brought home.
Chamberlain's ionah itemed? Aids
5a tare.
Medicines that aid nature are always most
effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
acts on this plan. It allays me cough, re
lieves the lungs, aids expectoration, otxns
the secretions and aids nature In restoring
the system to a healthy condition. Thou
sands have testified to Its superior excel
lence. Macklln Trial Walts.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. April 22.-Pendlng
the arrival of two witnesses from Wash
ington, the Macklln court-martial ad
journed today until the call of Its president.
Persons will never know what
a delicious breakfast food is until
they have eaten
the ideal food for all classes, the
result of years of investigation.
10 cents a package.
For sal by all Grocer
IH flily
wmil J mm j
WMm, vxkxir 'MAY
i YMum
m,itHnn inisii
Stat Esard of Health Takintr Stringent
Ifeasnrei to Stamp Out liieaie.
Number of Soldiers File Claims t'nder
Old Law for Service Rendered at
Outbreak of the Civil
(From a Staff Correspondent. )
DES MOlNKd, April ii iSpeclul.) An
examination and test by the stale bacterio
logical laboiatory at Iowa City has proven
that the caoes at Ankeny, la., In this
county, are genuine Infectious cerebral men
ingitis. One of the three taken sick has
since been reported dead. The three chil
dren are In a farmer'a family and the State
Hoard of Health Is at a loss to understand
how the diauuse could have been traittnnlt
ted to them. A careful Inquiry has been
made and It Is learned that they have not
come In contact with any of the Infected
persons from the southern part of the
state, to which district the disease was
brought from Missouri.
Every precaution la being taken by the
State Board of Health to stamp out the
disease. The cases at Ankeny have been
quarantined rigidly and the one child that
died has been burled without public fu
neral, and every precaution has been taken.
The state board has been advised that the
schools at Centervtlle have been closed,
both on account of the spinal mcninxltbt,
of which there have been twenty caw 9 re
ported, and on account of the measles as
well, which has broken out there.
More Soldiers with Claims.
Three more members of tho First Iowa
cavalry have been discovered who have not
received their pay for Ihe few days' serv
ice Intervening between the time they were
mustered In by the state and the time they
were accepted by the government. The
time waa a little over a month, from Juno
IS. 1861, to July S1, 1B1. The other day
John M. Fife, who has been out of tha
state and who recently became an Inmatw
at the Soldiers' Home at Marshalltown, dis
covered, through a comrade of the same
regiment at the home, that the state had
passed a law In 1&I8 appropriating money
to pay for the Intervening time. His claim
has been allowed and this has led to the
discovery that there were others. Dr. P.
R. CrosKwalt of Tneoma, Wash., who hap
pened to be In Des Moines, heard nf It and
filed hla claim, and two other soldiers of
the regiment at the Mnrshalltown home,
George Kedfern and Inn1el Auston, have
filed claims that seem to be good.
Ta Corf ml. -ton Anynar.
Senator Jackson of Woodbury county and
Representative Orler of Poweshiek county
and other members of the legislature have
met and formed an organisation for the
purpose of studying the question of taxa
tion. Jackson Introduced a bill providing
for a tax commission. The senate defeated
the bill and now It Is proposed by a num
ber of the legislators to do the work any
way In an unofficial manner and lay the
results before the next legislature.
Grrtst Examines the Krolt.
Wesley Greene, secretary of the State
Horticultural society began today to make
an Investigation of tho condition of ths
fruit and finds that from an examination
of one orchard In Tes Moines that the
cherries seem to be the fruit most hurt.
The examination was postponed till the
cold weather was at an end. From the ex
amination today It was discovered that the
pistils are dead, which means that there
will be bloasoms, but no fruit. Examina
tions will be made In other parts nf the
slate at once. Secretary Greene bulltves
nir i I rMrlfrtmM mni in itoiMMaJSMyMiOTMi r i iiiiiii
that the fruit In the southern part of th
state will bo found In the worst condition
Rnd that In the northern purt In the best
condition. He anticipates that the apples
aro uninjured.
Hank I.ootlnnr niasrer.
Reports received today from the Seymour
bank are to the effect that the shortage of
Cashier Ware probably will reach $75,000 In
stead of 40,(10 as nt first thought. The
bank examiner is still nt work, but has
given out that the shortage will reach
$75,000 at least. It is learned that Ware
made heavy loans to personal friends, lif
ts not now under arr.s,t. but is watched.
Notices hnve been posted notifying deposi
tors to bring In their certificates of deposit.
This Is for the purpose of checking over
the accounts. It Is maintained by the of
ficials of the bank that the depositors of
the bank will not lose anything.
Petition Filed Today.
The petition to tho mayor asking for a
vote on the adoption of the commission
form of government for Des Moines was
presented to Mayor Mattern this afternoon.
It contained 6,033 names of voters. There
are about 13,000 voters in the city. The elec
tlon will be called for early In June.
Council 111 iiffs Inebriate.
H. H. Richard's, sentenced at Council
Uluffs to a term In the Inebriate asylum,
got as far as Des Moines, when he re
belled und refused to accompany the officer
any farther. He was locked up In the
Des Moines city Jail for one night. This
morning he was ready to go on to Knox
vllle rather than endure the Des Moines
city Jail any longer.
Organise Ko raker Association.
An association for the purpose of boosting
the Interests of Senator Foraker for presi
dent has been started In Iowa by Hon.
Liston McMillan of Oskaloosa, a fellow
student with Foraker In the Ohio uni
versity. He has published a letter re
ceived from Foraker In which Foraker
states his views on the tariff and other
public questions, claiming that while he
Is a protectionist, he is not opposed to
moderate revision or reciprocity.
Toronto Hack Drivers Idle.
TORONTO, Ont., April !. About 200 car
riage drivers are Idle here today as a re
sult of the employers refusing to grant
their demands for an advance of 3 a
BEE Our Nation's Beverage
autriUvs properties of milk aad lass
A For Health's Sake V
Try any of these brands
or ia bottles wherever you can
That Bart art famous for their
pronounced character. The nourishing prop
erties of malt and the tonic qualities of hop
predominate and a distinct Blatx flavor U
accomplished by original methods.
Omaha Branch 8O2-10 Douglas St.. Cor. 8th St
Phone DougU 1081.
m i ii ii iiii i Mm
week, 26 cents an hour overtime and a
cloned shop. The employers responded by
asking the men to sign contracts stipulating;
their withdrawal from the union and the
acceptance of the present wage of $10 par
week. The men quit In a body.
Men Who Will Itepresent the Empire
at Pence Conference Are
LONDON. April 22. -The British dele
gates to the peace conference at The
Hague are as follows:
Sir Edward Fry, cx-lord Justice of appeal
and a member of the permanent court of
arbitration at The Hague.
Sir Krncst Satow, ex-Hrltlsh minister at
Toklo and I'eklng and a member of the
permanent court of arbitration at The
Ijord Rony, president of the Roynl Asiatic
society and University college, London, and
a member of the privy council. 4
Sir Henry Howard, the Urltlsh minister
at The Hugue.
Naval and military experts will be added
to the delegation later.
Drouth In Porto Rico.
SAN JUAN, P. R.. April 22.-The drouth
is affecting the sugar plantations. No rain
has fallen in the southern districts of tha
Island for six months and the loss Is esti
mated at 40 per cent of the values of tha
crops. Next year's crops will also be af
fected. The establishments dependent on
mountain for power have been
forced to Bhut down owing to lack of
Morocco Would Meuotlate.
TANGIER, April 22 The reply of tho
sultan of Morocco to France's demands for
redress In connection with the murder of
Dr. Mauchamp arrived here today. It la
In the form of a lengthy, confusing docu
ment and It Is said does not accord all tha
French claims, but shows a desire to ne
gotiate. Russian Teacher Shot.
TAMBOV, April 22. Father Slmmeon,
rector of the ecclesiastical seminary hero,
was shot and seriously wounded today. The
seminary was recently closed as the re
sult of political disorders, and It is thought
that the would-be assassin Is an ex-student.
has many of tha
alcohol thaa elder.
lt M V ATar
whether on draught vrSM