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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1907. il! ii The Omaha Daily-Bee. FOI NHLH 1JT EDWARD ROBBWATER. VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR. F.ierd at Omaha poetofflce as Sooond claas matter. TKR118 OF SL'IISCRIPTIOM. . pall Bee. wlthout Sunday), yer...M "illy Hee and Sunday, one year f 2 feunday lie, on rear I Baturd.y Bee. on year OKUVKREO BT CARRIER, pally Bee (Including Sunday). per week..1So pally fcee (without Sunday). per week. .100 Evening (without "tindsy). par week. M T-vnin)t be (with Sunday), per wek....l Aririresa entnplalnta of irregularities In d llvary to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Be Building. , Bouth Omaha city Kail Hulldlng. Council RlurTa 10 Pearl Street. Chlcaao-16. fnlty Building. . New folk IV Horn Ufa Insurance) Bldl. Washington itil Fourteenth Street. CORKEfll'ONDENCE. ommunlratlons relating to news snd I'orlnl matter ahould ba addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Ipartment. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or prxJl order, psysble to The Bea Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of mall accounts Personal check, except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPAN T. STATEMENT or CIRCULATION. Jtate of Nebraska. Douglas County. ss: Charles C. Hosewater, general manager or Tha Be Puhllehlng Company. being duly worn, ssys that the actual number of full nd complete coplea of The Dally, Morning. Evenfnf and "under Bee printed during tha month of Marh, 1907. waa aa follows- t 99.060. II I . 1 39.910 l 33,330 I w 30,800 10 33.930 39,190 tl 33,340 S 39.190 22 3'30 31.970 II 33,690 1 31,888 14 30,450 1 31.960 25.. 34,040 9 31,340 2 33,990 10 90,400 IT 33,960 11 39,370 21 It 31,970 II 34,190 II 99.890 10 33,880 14 89,840 II. 30,800 II 83,80 II 33.980 Total' LOOM 11 30,410 Less unsold and returned coplea. 3,184 Nat Total .8.aT3 Dally average 3S,A3T CHARLES C ROSE WATER, Oeneral Manager. Subscribed In my presenoe and aworn to before ma this lat day of April, If OT. (Seal) M. B. HUNOATB, Notary Publlo. WHEN OCT OP TOWN. 9abaorlbara learlnar tha olty taaa porarlly sknnld kirt Tka Baa mailed to then. Addreaa will ba chanced aa often aa resjaaated. It Is up to the weather man to fix a date for the open-faced car. "This Is a lazy season," Bays the Washington Herald. President out of the city? Nothing In the law prevents finish ing the work of tree planting after Arbor day has passed. One new modern fireproof hotel In reality would be worth more to Omaha than a dozen such hotels on paper. Secretary Taft's friends Insist he la a star In the presidential race and not merely ifr. Roosevelt's understudy. The New York peace congress has adjourned with the exception of Edi tor Stead of London, who is still talk ing. Americans need not mind their own business any more. Editor 6tead of London has undertaken the Job for them. Mr. Cleveland fails to give any sign that he even heard the kind things Mr. Bryan has been Baying about democratic mugwumps. The new chief of police of Chicago lays he is going to make the city a "safe place for country people to visit." Going to quit using gas? Governor Hagerman of New Mexico resigned Just as soon as he found that his successor had been selected and already had his bond ready. t. Colonel Bryan's Job of driving every body who does not agree with him out of the democratic party will cot be aa difficult .as it waa a few years ago. ' Official reports from Jamestown on the eve of the opening of the gates are to tha effect that the exposition build ings are 80 per cent ready. Omaha did better than t,hat. . President Roosevelt says he will not go to Norway to make a Nobel pear prize speech In 1909. Probably ho will send either Taft or Foraker, which ever has an open data about that time. Harry Thaw wants a change of venue for his next 'trial. Second the motion and move the trial be held In one of those West .Virginia towns which does not consider a murder trial of sufficient interest to warrant report ing in the newspapers. Mr. .Carnegie has been decorated as i oominander of the French Legion of 'lonor for his distinguished services in he Interests of universal peace. The 'amous order of merit was founded by Capoleon, who was something of a )ace promoter himself, in his own ay. Former Congressman Wadsworth of northern New York has made a bitter personal attack upon President Roose velt. As Mr. Wadsworth haa spent yiost of his life on the farm he prob ably does not appreciate the risk of playing with matches In a powdpr ma gazine.. Complaints have already been en tered against the hotels In the vicinity of the Jamestown exposition for rais ing their prices to charge all the traf fic will bear. This Is an old story In exposition lore. No exposition was ever pu led off but what the hotel keeperi t 'led to hog It. ftrna tut light. The Oreat Northern railway has thrown something In the nature of a bomb Into the camps of Its rivals by announcing that It has seen the light and will without contest the 2-cent passenger rate law eunited by the Minnesota legislature aa well as tha state laws reducing freight rates. The decision Is significant, in view of the announced intention of other rail roads doing business In Minnesota to apply the court tents to the legislative enactments affecting passenger and freight rate. These lines will prob ably find It to their Interest to follow the example of the Oreat Northern at risk of losing business at competitive points. Reports from other states in which J-cent" fare laws were enacted are equally Indicative that many railway managers are thinking better of their earlier determination to carry the pas senger rate reduction cases into the courts. The legality of the law is beiug tested In Indiana, but the Ohio roads have accepted the legislative measure and are complying with It. While It la too early to determine accurately the effect of these reductions upon the revenues of the companies, the pre liminary reports of earnings for March Indicate that the railways have nearly If not quit equalled former passen ger earnings. Students of transporta tion problems contend that the aboli tion of the free pass and the non profitable excursion rates will come near offsetting the loss In revenues re sulting from lowering the passenger fare from 1 cents to 2 cents a mile. If thla claim Is borne out the railways would have trouble In making a show ing to get the new laws set aside, for which convincing proof that the new rates are not compensatory would be required. It is an established axiom, applicable to transportation affairs as to bargain ing across the counter, that reduced prices beget increased business, and re duced passenger rates must increase business without corresponding de mand for Increased facilities. Such a result will tend to make the revenues from passenger services as great or greater than under the S-cent law, without any material increase of ex penses. It goes without saying that should the railroads generally abandon their threatened attack upon the passenger and freight rate reduction laws they would do much to remove a source of public irritation and to end the agita tion of which the railway managers have bo bitterly complained. SCOPK OF THE LABEL. After all the talk and debate in con gress for a couple of years, the De partment of Agriculture has found It necessary to warn the public that it should not believe everything It reads oa manufacturers' labels. Secretary Wilson promises to commence suit, if necessary, against certain manufactur ers of goods who, taking advantage of the wording of the pure food law, are misleading the buyers and the public into believing that their wares are guaranteed by the federal government. The pure food law requires that man ufacturers of food articles shall file with the government a guaranty of the purity and proper branding of their products. But this Is the guaranty of the manufacturer and not of the gov ernment. The government simply gives the manufacturer a serial num ber, for the purpose of Identification and to fix the responsibility in case of complaints. Many manufacturers have taken advantage of this quasl-lndorse-ment to advertise that "The United States Government , Guarantees the Purity of Our Products" or "Every Bottle Is Guaranteed by the United States Government." Secretary Wil son declares that unless this practice is stopped he will do a little advertis ing for the government by publishing a list of offending manufacturers. The distinction is, of course, plain and the manufacturers resorting to such methods must admit themselves at fault, but it seems a pity that, after such a prolonged campaign of educa tion, the public should not be allowed to place more than Its former faith In labels. cvBTosis worse reforms. Secretary of the Treasury Cortelyou'B announced Intention of Instituting a change in the methods of inspecting the baggage of people entering the ports at New York promises a reform too long neglected. This Inspection is necessary for the detection of persons who may be attempting - to smuggle dutiable goods Into the country from abroad, but the method of the Inspec tion has long been little short of a public scandal. The Inspectors have apparently gone on the theory that every person landing at New York, either a returning American or a for eigner, is an impostor and a cheat and should be treated as such. The passenger Is required to make a declaration before leaving the ship con cerning the character of his baggage and personal effects. This should be sufficient, unless the customs officials have some strong reason for believing that the declaration was false. Under the existing rules, however, the declar ation on shipboard might as well be omitted, as the customs Inspectors In sist upon making an Inspection upon the docks, and this Is frequently con ducted In a manner that Is outrageous, Indecent and sometimes Insulting to the passenger.- The evil has been of such long standing that the press and public In N'ew York seldom notice it. If the Inspection stops at , anything short of personal assault. The ocean traveler will ba profoundly grateful to Secretary Cortelyou If he succeeds in making the inspection of baggage at the New York docks a little less like the administration of the third de gree in a police station sweat box. RCrVhLUAX VITOR1VXITY- The consensus of opinion every where is that Nebraska republicans occupy a vantage point on the polit ical battleground from which they can not soon be dislodged if they but make the most of their advantages. This Is emphasized by a review of the late leg islature by Editor John C. Sprecher of the Schuyler Free Lance, himself for many years one of the most fearless and conscientious leaders of the popu list party and several times honored by his associates with official prefer ment. After enumerating the Impor tant measures placed on the 190? stat ute book, Mr. Sprecher says: The republican pnxty In Nebraska la In excellent condition to come before the peo ple another year and there la no use put ting; up a democratic ticket, aa with proper nominations the atate will be more repub lican than ever, and It should ba. The dem ocratic opportunity In Nebraska la passed. They had a Brand opportunity and proved unfaithful to the trust and simply "fake reformers," who promised profusely and gave nothing In return. The populist party, he goes on to say, was Inspired in good motives, but wrecked by designing schemers, and continues: If there ever was a political element en titled Justly to the term "fake reformers" It waa that demo-populist combine, and yet leader of that outfit today have nerve enough to sit back and aneerlngly refer to tha republicans aa "fuke reformers." We give credit where credit Is due and say that the republicans have done what the popullsta and democrats should hare done years ago, and would If they were anything but a lot of "fake reformer." Considering the source from which these remarks come, they contain more than ordinary significance. We have no doubt but that they represent the real views of the great body of in dependent voters In Nebraska, who honestly enlisted under the reform banner raised by the demo-pop com bine. Most of those on whom party ties sit lightly and who believe that substance is better than shadow, per formance better than promise, will prefer republican leadership, provided only the republicans take no backward steps. A TR VST SCHEME THAT FAILED. Joy of Joys! The Circus trust has yielded to public sentiment. The dazzling free street parade is to be restored. Several years ago the proprietors of three or four big circus attractions of the country formed a combination and then held a conference like a lot of Wall street high financiers to ascer tain it there was not some method by which they could extract more for nothing than had been their custom. Prices had been boosted until the plain 50-cent seats were located about a block and a half from the main car line and the view cut off from the ring by all the paraphernalia used in chang ing the scenes, so It was not jleemed advisable to attempt to screw up the price of admission. After much dis cussion it was determined to abandon the free street pageant. Statisticians showed that several hundred horses were worn out every year pulling the gilded chariots through the streets and that it all entailed an unnecessary ex pense, as the main entrance was turn ing people away at every performance, anyway. After costly experiment the circus managers have learned that the Amer ican public Is wedded to the street parade. The circus without a parade la promptly Bet down as a poor one not worth the time and money required to see it, and the abolition of the pa rade threatened to cure the great American people of their circus fever. The crowds want the parades. They may have decided not to go to the show, but readily agree to take the children down to see the street parade. After standing for hours, rubbering In the direction of the circus grounds, the fanfare of trumpets announce the com ing of the display. Then the mounted policemen clear the streets, the man agers of the show appear In low-necked carriages, the actors and performers on polished thoroughbreds, the closed cages suggest mysterious contents, the marching herds of elephants and camels, the snake charmer with "deadly reptiles of the forest" wrapped around her like a model in a furrier's window, the lion tamer with the fero cious wild beasts of the jungle asleep at his knees, the clowns in the donkey cart, the cowboys and wild men on horseback, and so on down the long line until the steam calliope brings up the rear of the real parade, followed by the drivers of the laundry and de livery wagons and the advertising carts. When the crowds see that they are never satisfied until they have re served seats under the big tent. The Circus trust has learned the les son. That Is the reason the street parade will be a feature of the big show hereafter. Secretary Cortelyou refuses to fol low the precedent establlbhed by for mer secretaries of the treasury and refuses to make frequent trips to New York to study the financial situation. He Bays If the New York bankers want to see hlra they must come to Wash ington. The decision Is wise, and It also saves the secretary considerable railroad fare. The World-Herald historian charges a Nebraska pioneer with having cast his first vote for Governor Burt. This would be startling If true. According to the- chronicles of the day Oovernor Burt wis appointed ' territorial gov- ernor of Nebraska by President Pierce In 1854 and reached Nebraska on his journey from his home in 8outh Caro- j Una on the 6th day of October, badly broken In health, and sank rapidly until he died, on the 18th of October. Governor Tlurt. wag within the con fines of Nebraska Just twelve days and was never voted for here for anything. The people of Lincoln may vote at their coming election on the question of municipal ownership of their local street railway system. The experi ence of Omaha with municipal owner ship of the water works would sug gest that the legislature bo first ap plied to for a law for Immediate com pulsory purchase. This would pro vide Lincoln at once with half a dozen commissioners, drawing salaries for doing nothing, and hang the whole question up In the courts Indefinitely, with lawyers' fees steadily piling up. One of our sensational preachers ap plauds the social evil campaign of the Senior Yellow because it has disclosed to htm that a woman of bad repute had sent her child to his Sunday school and he would not otherwise have known of the "Ignominy of - his mother." This, surely, Is a grave ex hibition of true Christian spirit. Representatives of Nebraska rail roads will have the privilege of wait ing on the State Board of Assessment and on the State Railway commission at the Bame time. People In the neighborhood of the state house will then Imagine that the legislature has reconvened, bringing the lobby in full force with it. "The wealth of men like Rockefeller end Morgan Is like a reservoir into which run little streams from the mountains which of themselves would be of no use to mankind," says one big New York banker, whose advice might be more effective if he had built a little reservoir of his own. Our amiable democratic contem porary annnounces that the congress man from the Fifth Nebraska district will go with the "Junketing" party to Hawaii. The editor of that paper must feel badly that the congressman from the Second Nebraska district has not been Included in the "Junket." Slipped m Cog. Minneapolis Journal. Nebraska's claim to being tha Florida of the west Is slightly strained by sis Inches of tha cold beautiful. La rare Troth In Small Compass. Baltimore American. War will cease when pride, anger, greed, envy, cupidity, Injustice and tyranny are swept out of the human heart and soul. Hard, Weary Climb. . Indianapolis News. Don't thlnk'too harshly of the thermom eter. Remember how hard It is to get up again after you have been thoroughly downed. Ob, Foraret Itt Kansas City Times, Omaha la Just beginning to And out things concerning ex-Benator Thurston of which the rest of the country has been aware a long time. Learn In a; from the Cubans. New York Herald. Our Cuban wards can teach us a thing or two. Down there they arm a base ball umpire with a revolver, and the "fans" are so quiet that one can hear a foul tip In the furthermost "bleachers." Keep Oat of It. Washington Herald. As we understand the sentiment of the country, the Idea Is that the republicans must not hold up the corporations for "slush funds" In the future, and the demo crats must not try to do It any more. Blinking Mht for the Voters. Chicago Inter Ocean. If money Is not to be taken for campaign work from men who have It and are willing to give It who are almost Invari ably men connected In some way, directly or Indirectly, with stock company enter prisethen we shall be obliged to carry on our campaigns without funds and leave the average voter In doubt or darkness as to what tha election Is really about. Roosevelt Lack. New York World. Roosevelt luck Is never exhausted. Now It is Frederick Weyerhauser of Wisconsin who says that President Roosevelt has been "a trifle meddlesome." Mr. Weyer hauser speaks with feeling. He Is the recognised head of the Lumber trust, whose operations In the west have recently landed a large number of distinguished persons of Idaho In the criminal courts. ENFORCING THE SQX'ARK DEAL. A Notable Victory Over Western Coal Land Grabbers. Pittsburg Dispatch. The government has won a notable vlc- I tory In Its proceedings against the western I coal combine, forcing the corporations to diagorge coal lands valued at millions of ' dollars that had been acquired Illegally. Investigation by the Interstate Commerce commission and federal grand Juries made out a case so complete that the Cnlon Pa cific and its subsidiary coal company have agreed to return the Immensely rich coal 1m nds seized In Wyoming and Colorado. I The statute of limitations barred criminal action, but this surrender gives the gov ernment all It could hope from civil pro ceedings. There yet remains cases against several other corporations, but It Is be lieved by Commissioner Prouty that the example set by the submission In this case will be followed. The Importance of this victory can hardly be overestimated. It was charged that the railroads and allied corporations had established a virtual monopoly of the coal deposits of the Intermountaln section through the connivance of politicians and officeholders and general fraudulent prac tices. When Secretary Hltchoock begun his fight for the exposure and punishment of land frauds the task was dishearten Ingly big. Even public sentiment In the west was against him. Uut this threst of a coal monopoly has brought about a re vulsion of sentiment In those states, where It Is now seen the government was fighting the battle of the public. None of the proceedings instituted for the protection of the public domain haa had mora at stake than this, which Involved tha Industrial Independence of a great section that haa only begun to develop Ita resources. Thanks to the government's activity ft 1 now assured a square deal. HITS OF WASHINGTON LIFE. Minor Seenea and Inrldeata sketched on the Spot. "The unknown army has been the sub ject of much controversy In discussing the forces en a aired In the civil war." says Pension Commissioner Warner In the Wash ington lIrM, "but never untM the Vc. Cumber service pension bill became a law wna there a means of determining anything about Its extent. The unknown army has come to be so called largely because Ita members did not apply for pensions. This they did not do on account of various rea sons of delicacy, pride or Indifference, but most of these causes have been removed by the passage of the service law and most of the unknowns those who have never heretofore asked for pensions are coming to the front. "I think everybody will be surprised at the limited number there are of them. Bo far thcro have heen about 2S0.000 applica tions under the new law, but of these only a llttlo over 1 per cent ara In the shnp'e of original applications, or. In other words, applications of the hitherto un known possible pension claimants. Cer tainly, the entire number will not exceed 6.000. The other r5.000 applications are all for Increase and were made by men whose names have been on the rolls In the past." Mr. Warner Is of the opinion that the great bulk of applications on account of the McCumher law has been received. When the law first rent Into effect the applica tions were received In enormous quantities, rs msny as 2fnoo coming In In one day. The number has now fallen to about 4,no a day and Is rapidly diminishing. The re ceipt of eo many applications has occa sioned a corresponding Increase of labor In the office, but by shifting the clerical force to meet the special demands It has not been found necessary to augment the list of employes. The records of the pension office show that 2.XX of the civil war pensioners died In February, but there are still 651488 of them on the pension rolls. Druggists throughout the United 8tates are still in doubt about some provisions of the pure food law. Many Inquiries are reaching the Department of Agriculture concerning tha use of the word "com pound" In names of drug products. There seems to be a general Impression that this word can be applied as a corrective to many mlshranded products. The depart ment haa Just held that In no case can a preparation be named after an Ingredient or drug which Is not present. It Is held that the' word "compound" should not be used In cornectlon with a name which In Itself, or together with representations and designs accompanying the same, would be construed as a form of misbranding under tha act. It la held that If a mixture of drugs Is named after one or mora but not all the medlolnal constituents present In a preparation, the word "compound" can be used In connection with the name, pro vided the active constituent after which the product Is named la present In an amount at least equal to that of any other active medicinal agent present. As an ex ample. It Is pointed out, that If a product Is named after the actual constituent strychnine, the wtrychnlna or one of Its salts should be present In sufficient amount to produce the preponderlng medicinal ef fect of tha preparation. Completed records made by clerks of the senate and house show that the last con gress the Fifty-ninth did more talking than any other In the history of the country- Their researches go back fourteen years, or to tha Fifty-second congress. The latter congress filled 1,620 pages of the Congressional Record with its talk, as against 4,810 for tha Fifty-ninth. In the Fifty-second congress 10.S23 bills were Introduced, but the Fifty-ninth set a new figure with 16,897. The Flfty-seoond eon arress was In session 840 legislative days and passed 898 public and 824 private bills. The Fifty-ninth was In session 227 legis lative days and passed 692 public and 8,248 private acts. Most of the measures known as private acts are for the correction of military reoords or the grant of pensions. No congress ever passed the number of bills that were made Into law as the Fifty ninth. It appears that such a thing as a dishonorable discharge from the army or navy, uncorrected by legislative act. will soon be a positive curiosity. Congress Is not only generous to tha nation's fighting men In the matter of pensions, but It Is also charitable In the matter of expunging from the records anything set down against their conduct. Plain mister is good enough for high officials of the Postoffice department; "gen eral" and like titles ara tabooed. Thla rule followed the grave and long discus sion of the best title for the postmaster general and his four assistants, Mr. Hitch cock, Mr. McCleary, Mr.- Degraw and Mr. Lawshe. To address Mr. Meyer as "post master general" and each one of the as sistants as "assistant postmaster general" was voted a waste of much government time. The title "general" now applied by everyone who has speech with officialdom at the Pastofflce department was voted to be a misnomer. This plain, every day American title of "Mr." was then sug gested and adopted. The "Mr." rule Is to be strictly enforced. The second assistant postmaster general, Mr. McCleary, was the first to obey tha new order of things. "Oeneral," began a caller. "Mlater, If you please," was Mr. Me Cleary's Interruption. "That's ths new or der. We must correct everyone." and soon the title of general In the postal service will be a thing of the past. A special train of thirteen ears pulled by engine 1813 carried New York's Thirteen club to Washington for Its annual banquet on the 15th Inst. Previous to the dinner the membera of the club were received by the president at the White House. The dinner Itself waa an occasion to shock the superstitious, for every tradition of occultism was flouted. Members walked under a ladder In en tering the banquet hall, and, not being able to limit the guests to thirteen, did the next best thing and had 418 to ait down at the table. The black cat, which Is the mascot of the club, presided over the revels, and among the decorations there were three froga In gilded cages In place of canaries. The president of the club Inaugurated the dinner by breaking a looking-glass, and all the other guests were glvea a chance to take a rap at It also. t There were thirteen presiding officers, thirteen courses and thirteen to a table. Those who held seats numbered thirteen were roundly cheered. Each guest wore a badge numbered thirteen, and the manna were of thirteen pagea each. Thirteen au tomobiles met the visitors, who arrived thirteen minutes uit the hour. Thirteen only registered to a page at their hotel. The club Is composed of prom inent newspaper men of New York and professional and scientific men from all over the country. Oreat Teat of Aett-Trasl Law. Buffalo Express. Important as was the government victory In the Standard Oil caae In Chicago, It Is the suit about to ba begun In 81. Louis which is expected to become tha great teat of the anti-trust law. By this action ths government hopes to dissolve altogether the Btandard OU company of New Jaraay and put an and to ths great trust. Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes rolls and muffins. An absolutely pure, cream of tartar powder. OVAL BAKINA OWDra CO.. NfWVOtK. NEDR4SK. PRESS COMMENT. Beatrice Bun: The governor vetoed the bill providing a penalty for neglecting to cut weeds. That wss tne proper iiuiig 10 do. Under the child labor law some farmer might have offended against the law by setting a boy under 16 to cutting weeds. Weeds and loafers are the future crop of Nebraska. Oakdale Sentinel: We were considerably puxsled at the absence of Representative W. O. Fletcher when the vote wss taken on a number of the measures before the legislature. The Elgin Review explains It by stating that Mr. Fletcher Improved th? opportunity by attending a series of med ical lectures. If true It Is hoped the d c tor accomplished more good for himself than he did for his district. Sidney Telegraph: The legislature will go down In the history of the state as a legislature that legislated. From start to finish It was busy attending to the busi ness for which it was chosen, and it at tended to It faithfully and well. It did not do everything to suit everybody no one expected It to but It carried out every pledge of the state convention and parsed a power of good, wholesome laws that were needed and Will do much toward advancing the general Interests of the state. Some lams failed to reach shore that we think should havs been passed, but maybe we are wrong. At any rate we take off our hat and make our most respectful bow to the legislature of 1907. Seward Blade: The people of Seward county, regardless of party, may well feel proud of the records made by their repre sentatives and senator In the late legisla ture. Dr. F. A. Marsh and J. P.' Btolx were sent to Lincoln to carry out well defined reforms and help enact them Into laws which were demanded by the people, and how well they have discharged this trust a glance at their record and votes on Important measures will show. Dr. Marsh was soon recognised as one of the strong members of the house, and both he and Mr. Stols took an active part In shap ing legislation. They were attached to the most Important committees and In that capacity accomplished much work, always being at their posts at committee meetings as well as on the floor of tha house at critical times, and never failed to vote, and vote right, on every bill. Senator Al drleh, by reason of his experience aa an attorney, waa soon regarded as a leader of great capacity In the senate. His fear less aggressiveness on the measures de manded by the people soon won for him the respect of his fellow members, and his work will receive tha commendation which It deserves from his constituents In both Seward and Butler counties. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. Now . watch the mercury rise to Its op portunities. The crop of. straw hats escaped damage by the late frost ., The presence of . six automobiles at a funeral In Chicago establishes the eminence of the deceased. Mr. Schwab Is more than welcome to make as hot a contest as possible In striv ing to outdo Carnegie In charity. . The city of Tacoma puts scenery and sentiment above tainted dollars and has decreed that billboards must go. Eighty-foot whales havs been seen cruis ing off the coast of South Carolina. Sena tor Tillman and his pitchfork are off on a vacation. No more rice or old shoes may "be thrown In Pennsylvania railway stations. Evi dently the company Is bidding for the bri dal trade. Former Congressman Wadsworth of New York let go a few feeling words when a friend was ordered to quit the federal crib and Is In -a mood to take every degree In the Ananias club. Lord Roberts Is the only man alive who has the privilege of wearing two Victoria crosses. One Is that won by himself In the mutiny; the other Is that won by his son, the late Lieutenant Roberts at Colenao. Ex-President Cleveland has evidently abandoned his former summer home on Bustard's bay for his new home In Tarn worth, N. H., where he has spent the last two summers with his family. A new house has been built for htm there. By the death of Edward West Currier of New York City, Yale university comes Into possession of 8100,000. The fund Is to be known as the Nathaniel Currier fund. Its Income to benefit deserving students needing assistance. Leslie M. Shaw In his new office In New York gets around so early In the morning as to make the office boys somewhat un comfortable. He avoids the midday repast at lunching cluba and aeeks a quick-lunch place for sausages, buckwheat cakes and sweet cider. Niagara Falls' mills whose backyards project over the gorge north of the foot bridge an the American side object to the demand of Secretary Taft's scenic com-missk-n for a more shapely appearance of buildings and outlets. The Idea of combin ing sentiment with cold-blooded business Jars Niagara nerve, and that's something of an Innovation. Kansas City should be restrained from abolishing oratlona and essays at hitch school commencements. Reforms may be necessary In some directions, but a live community will find It hard to survive tha loss of tha annual tnriller of the com mencement chairman as he points the finger of Joy at the graduates: "Cltlxens. behold the finished product of our intel lectual foundries!" SHIRT ON'T forget to come in and pet some of thost bargains to-morrow, One Day Only, Tuesday, $1.15 They Sold aa High aa $2.00 Broken lines from tLis season's goods. Plain white, plain blue, polka dots, stripes, etc. Mostly coat style. Browning, B a, WaOOI, Maaafar. iiinnr of civilization. More Satisfactory Llvlasr Possible at Slower Pare, Charles F. Lummla In Out West. Civilisation Is a progressive disease. Its most obvious symptom is that It gets us on the run. With all Its Inventions. It has found no device to put more hours Into the day, nor more years to our span. In the allotted time It has found ten times as many things for us to do most of them. Indeed, needless to be done, but "expected of us." The natural result Is a hurry. We do not really know why we run, nor what we are running to; but everyone else la oa the doubln-qiilrk and we fall Into step. The man beside us drops out with nervous prostration (an Invention almost as new as wireless telegraphy, and quite as neeill, sa. But we lenrn nothing from his fall nor stop to nurse him. We close ranks and chase ahead. Now, ns a matter of fact, there Is no need to hurry. There Is no more to ba done now than there was fifty years sgo, when our gi-.indfut hers never dreamed tliey hadn't time to write their own love let ters. The only thinn we have to do now, as then, Is to live. Tills consists In having enough to ent, enough to wenr, enough to do, enough to love. We can wear but one garb at a time, eat only so much, do only so much, love only so much. Our great trouble Is In the needless multiplication of subheads. The grest majority of our en ergy is expended on flea-bite things which have no blood relation with our neccsxttles. We waste 90 per cent of our time mid forces on activities without which we would be Just as happy, Just aa healthy, just as long lived. Above all. It Is our gait that kills us. It Is not the distance wn go (for that Is still the same short span irre vocably marked out for us), but the pace at which we go It. We are stampeded "buffaloed," as they used to say on tha plains of the blind panic of a herd. It Is not overwork that kills. Probably no one ever did too much work. It Is worry In the work that is deadly. It Is the sand la the Journals, the "hot boxes," the frlo tlon, that spoil untimely so many splendid energies. We have all the time there Is. There's time enough to live. Let's take IL "Don't hurry, don't worry and never stop growing." WHITTLED TO A POINT. "His father, I beJIeve, was a man who won high honors." "He was. There were six automobiles In his funeral procession." Chicago Recordr Heruld. "Don't you agree with the president oa being down on this molly-ooddllng busi ness?" "Well, that depends." "Depends on wnatt" "On Molly." Baltimore American. ' Tve nothing to say against this Hague business," remarked Uncle Allen Sparks: "but big battleships speak a good deal louder than peace congresses. Chloaga Tribune. "And I went to her window and pok4 my face In." "And sher- "Bhe did the same." "She did the sameT" "Yes poked tny face in." Cleveland Leader. "I suppose you have a great many friende?" "I don't know," answered the man who seems popular. "I have never yet tried ta get a note endorsed." Washington 6 tar. "Do you believe old Mlllyuns' yoirnjf widow Is really grieved over his death r "I know she Is. Black Is awfully un becoming to her complexion." Baltimore) American. "How does that fashionable physloiaa manage to get on aa he does?" "Oh, he's such a Jollier." "Is her "He went to the length of telling Chotly Softed that he waa sure Cholly had soma thing on his mind." Baltimore American. The hero had Just taken up the gauntlet for the fair lady. "Juat wait," murmured the benedict; "In another year he'll be taking up the oaxpeU" Thus does real life break in on sweet romance. New York Bun. "If a man had aa arm long enough to touch the sun and burn hla fingers." said the professor, "he would not feel the paia for 5,6!! years." "And for ho wv many thousands of years could he be heard swearing about It, pro fessor?" asked the anxious student In the second row. Judge. A NON-PARTISAN SIGGKSTION. B. E. Klser In the Record-Herald. Ho, Yankee. Porto Rlcan and Texan and Alnsknn, Let's hall the peerless leader, the eloquent Nebrankan; The time haa come for putting all preju dices down, For standing up united, white, red and black and brown; Let Bryan mount the platform and In a grand oration Proceed to hand our Teddy another nom ination. Ho, fiery Tennesseean and brothers of Rhode Island. Ho, men of every lowland and verdant plain and hirhland, The time has cume for casting our polltlos naldo And standing up as brothers with honor and with prlrlo; Let Teddy mount the platform and show the way to Zlon And freedom from oppression by nominat ing Bryan. And when the peerless leader and he that rules, oh, brother. Have won our trust by daring to nominate each other. Let GeorKln's .-i. Tom Watson, step forth to do his turn, To free the lanu from trouble and lasting glory earn By eloquently adjlng another Innovation-. Let Watson shine by giving them both the nomination. SALE Ming & Co I i i A'