Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1907, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. AFRrL 23. 1907. s ? 7 f vaV K(C(QM try- t POINTS ABOUT BUYING MEAT Adrica fro the. Exper.tnos of a Rattan Ttnt'i Steward, MOST ECONOMICAL PARTS CF THE BEEF How to Tell flood Meat Something; About Corned Beef and How to Prepare and Cook It. There Is a restaurant noted among shop per nnil business womni for Its delicious cooking and Its low prices. When ex plaining to a reporter the other day how she managed to get up nice dishes at llttlo expense the atewnrd nave away many se cret of value to housekeeper who wish to make the moat of their materials. "To begin with we never huy the most expensive of 1 never nuV th tenderloin of beef. It Is the tenderest. the most tasteless and the most expensive part of the animal. "Neither a tenderloin nor a sirloin steak Is as Juicy or as nutritious as a round Steak, a chuck steak, or those little tender teaks which a (rood butcher cuts from the flang. A slice of sirloin steak of the proper thickness will weigh from two and a half to four pounds. The trimming away of the fat and bone considerably reduces this weight, so that what meat remains Is very expensive. Now the round steak Is oil meat, without bone or superfluous fat, and consequently economical so far as waste Is concerned, as well a lower In price. "In buying beef a housekeeper should know that backward from the head the price of good beef Increases and that tt decreases downward toward the legs In both quarters. The neck pieces, those that come Immediately behind the ears, make delicious stews when properly cooked and seasoned. "In the upper portion of the foTe quarter are the chuck rtba, which make excellent roasts and steaks. The chuck steak I con sider as good as the sirloin and It sells at about two-thirds the price. "The upper half of the shoulder Is high priced and I seldom buy either the roasts of the stew pieces that are cut from It. The lower half Includes the brisket pieces, cross ribs and plate pieces. These cuts all come within my means, Resides cutting mall steaks from the cross rib piece, we use It for beef a la mode and pot roasting. The other parts I use for stows and also when buying corned beef I select those cuts. Concerning Better Cats. "If a person must have sirloin and at the same time wishes to be economical, then I would advise her to get that cut from the hip below the loin. It contains only a small knuckle bone and sells for much less than the prime ribs. It Is juicy, well flavored and fairly tender, making good steaks, roasts and pot roasts. "Tho chuck parts, while usually from one-half to one-third cheaper than the prime ribs, are equal to them In succu lence and flavor, and some portions are equal to them In all respects, besides hav Ing mors meat In proportion to the bone. 'Bom of the best butchers prefer the beat part of the chuck of a good animal to tho finest sirloin or tenderloin. From poor or Inferior animals tha chuck steaks are not Ceslrable. "For a large family roast I wotild recom mend tho first cut of the loin. It Is called the round bone sirloin and contains little tenderloin, but is excellent and economical. The butcher should take the bone out and tie up tha roast handsomely. By no means hould the bone be left with the butcher. "For a small family roast, weighing from five to ten pounds, I would suggest the small end of the loin. It has the same ad vantages that I hare described In the first cut and should be treated In tho same way. "Many persona have a decided preference (or a brisket roast. I have been told by my head waitress that most of the cus tomers who asked for It are southerners. They want the brisket Itself, that juicy fat that gives the name to the out. "For corning I usually select the pieces I want cured and the butcher does it for me. In picking out pieces to be corned I am careful to see that the fat Is mixed all through the lean. For my purpose I prefer tha plate, navel, brisket, rumps and edge- bones. "While much depends on tha quality of your corned beef, I believe more depends on the cooking. The majority of people seem to think that anybody can cook the New England boiled dinner. There never waa a greater mistake. The materials are Inexpensive, but will not be good unless carefully cooked. "While It Is harder to lodge the quality of salted meats than fresh, one may soon learn to know a good piece of corned beef. While much paler than the fresh. It has a natural color. It should not be slimy nor have a disagreeable odor. If well selected freah beef is corned In fresh brine neither tha brine nor the beef will taste or smell unpleasantly. Jadala Meat. "In Judging meat always remember that any lean animal is Inferior. Good beef should have a fair proportion of fat about the kidneys and overlying the loin and ribs. The lean or muscular portions should be ingrained or marbled with little streaks or dots of fat "If the animal Is in good health, rested and cooled when slaughtered, the suet fat will be firm, white, dry and crumbly. If this fat should be yellow, oily, or fibrous the beef Is inferior, and I would never ad vise buying it. however low the price. "Of course beef may be too fat. The marbled appearance is the best teat, and one will soon learn to' know the desirable amount of fat. "Oood beef should have a dark red color when first cut, changing to brighter red or cherry after a few moments' exposure to the air. A bluish, or. dull, dark red color Indicates poor beef. It should look Juicy, be smooth grained and velvety to the touch and somewhat Arm snd elastic. The bones and sinews should be comparatively mall. ' "Steaks should never be allowed to lie any length of time after being cut and never placed on Ice. The meat should be ripened before cutting and then promptly cooked. "There would be a general exclamation of horror It our customers were told that most of ths steaks eaten in this house are fried. Tea. actually fried. Properly fried nr. 1 ivotaarov ofAlco steak Is Just as good in every way a broiled. "In the first place, you must have the pan piping hot and rub it with a bit of fresh beef suet. Wipe the steak dry. spread It on the pan. and after a couple of seconds turn It. Keep up this turning process, adding extra bits of fresh suet shaved thin, until the steak Is as done as required. "Place In a hot dish, put a few scraps of butter on,the top, then set Into the oven of the stove for two minutes. After that it Is ready to serve. "A beefs heart Is an economical dish when properly cooked. In selecting them those with much clear, lively fat around the top are the best. Calves' hearts are smaller, more tender, but not as Juicy They should be stuffed and roasted or braised. 'For breakfast both tripe and liver are economical. Calf's liver Is as a rule more tender than that of an older animal, though carefully selected and prepared beef liver Is very good eating. When buying care should be taken to see that the color Is yellowlflh red, clear and bright. 'In selecting tripe choose that which Is thick, white and fat. The honeycomb part Is the best. 'Ox talis, as every one knows, make a fine soup. Three Joints will be sufficient for a large tureen and It Is Inexpensive." WOMAN'S PL A 51 IX PROVERB I'arompllmentary Thlnca Said of Het In Many Lanaaaaes. The treatment that womankind receive In the proverbs of various peoples formii the subject of an article by U. P. Floberi In the Paris Qaulols. On the whole, the array Is far from complimentary. Among the Spanish maxims one of thu gentlest Is "Women and mules obey better when caressed than coerced." Another I The man wins much who loses his wife." Here are a few more: Man is tow; woman Is fire and the devil blows the bellows. The tears of women are worth much, though they cost little. The fox is cunning, but tha woman who loves knows far more than he. The proverbs of the Arabs place a very low value on women. Here are some sane pies: The beauty of man is In his spirit; the spirit of woman Is in her beauty. Always consult your wile, but do as you please. When you want to get square with a man. give him a handsome wife; when you want revenge on a woman, give her a handsome husband. The Hindoos Are not much more respect' ful than the Arabs. They say: The coquette is like your shadow; chase her and she flees from you, flee from her and she chases you. Do you want to test the fineness of goldT Use acid. The strength of an oxT Beat It. The nature of a man? Let him talk. The thoughts of a woman? There's no way. Next oomes the cynical Chinaman with a cutting maxim: The tongue of a woman la a dagger and she never lets It grow rusty. The spirit of a woman la of quicksilver and her heart Is of wax. The Persian says: When you go to war, say a prayer; when you go to sea, say two prayera; when you get married, pray all the time. To a question, "What la a woman T" the Turk answers, "A prisoner;" the Albanian. "a slave;' the Bervlan, "a servant," tha Bulgarian, "a companion;" the Qreek, "a queen." The gallant French are among tha most brutal In their folk sayings about women. "Where there are dogsv" they say, "there are fleas; where there la bread, there are mice; where there's a woman, therea the devil." Another current saying fas, "Women and fools never forgive." Also: A woman laughs when aha can and weeps wnen she wins. What the devil can't do. woman accom pllahes. The man who beats his wife Is like a man who beata a bag of flour. AH that's good flies away; what's left is not worth having. Man can rely on the fidelity of his dog to the last breath; of a woman to the next temptation. He who believes his wife deceives himself. He who doubts her is deceived all the same. Man has two good days In his life, the one on which he takes and the one on which he loses a wife. The compiler was unable to find any lan guage In which the proverbs were friendly to women. WAKTS rETVSIONS FOR OLD NClisKS Mrs. Dm of Philadelphia, Will Ask Cona-ress to Care far Volunteers. PHILADELPHIA. April it. Mrs. Clarissa F. Dye, aged 7B years, of this city, presi dent of the Association of Army Nurses of the Civil War, who did herolo work at Gettysburg and on other battlefields during the rebellion, is collecting data from the NO and more surviving female nurses In the United State who saw service on the field of battle and In hospitals during the war with a view of furnishing congress with facts looking to the securing of pensions from the government for these volunteer nurses. "Many of these women today," said Mrs. Dye, "are poor and destitute widows and too old to work. They were volunteer nurses and left their comfortable homes during the time of the civil war to nurse the sick and dying soldiers. Their work was one of love and sympathy and they received no compensation from the govern ment The contract nurses were provided for, receiving a pension of S12 monthly. I plead for the poor, aged women who nursed back to life many a sick and wounded hero of the battlefield. "The government should certainly make provision for them and I believe It will next December when the bill will be brought up." Celebrates Seventh Blrthdny. Mrs. C. L Vance gave a very enjoyable party Friday afternoon at her home, S85t California street. In honor of the seventh birthday of her son, Marston Verne Vance The dining room, where the Uttle folks were seated for supper, waa decorated with ferns and carnations. ' Those present weiv Mlas Ruth Hamilton, MUs Helen Hudson Masters Arthur Eatelle, Howard Brunner Ellison Vlnsonhaler. Russell Funkhouser, James Rooney, Burton Rhoades and Vers Vance. Jape Have Mew nn. TOKIO, April ?2. The new field gun which the Japanese artillery is being armed with has an effective range of about 8,SuO yards. Each gun costs $5,000. Doctors prcscnue very linie, if any. alco hol theto days. They prefer strong tonics and alteratives. This is til in keepins with 1 JL f modem medical sclencs. Il explains why ri(l Ayer's Sarsaparllla is now roads entirely lJL free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. w. km M.M. i We ua f. o. Arse Oe,. oCnU or pfp.r.Doin., agaaa WORl OF THE CLUB WOMEN International Council of Warn an Given Cottage st Jamestown Exposition. PROGRAM ISSULO FOR IOWA BIENNIAL Strong- Features flanned for Conven tion at Oskaloosn Wnrklns Con dltlons of Women and Chil dren Get Attention. Nebraska club women as well as those east of the Missouri will be Interested In the program of the biennial convention of the Iowa Federation to be held at Oka loosa May 14 to 17. One of the largest state federations In the national organi sation, Iowa, is looked to by many others for inspiration and example, and Its bien nial convention Is always conspicuous among state meetings. The following pro gram has been Issued: TUESDAY EVENING, MAT 14. Methodist church, t o'clock. Violin Solo Mrs. Valentine. Address Duties of IMstrtct Chairman, Mrs. Mary Calkins, Chaasell. IHscusaion Shall District Meetings lie Annual or Biennial? Led by Mrs. Jennie I. Berry and Mrs. Marian Stookey. Vocal Solo Delight (Luckstone), Mrs. Mackress. "Possibilities of Rural Clubs." Mrs. W. H. Arney. Marshalltown; Mrs. Roma Woods. Sutherland. WEDNESDAY MORNING, May 16. Methodist church, 9 o'clock. Meeting of the State Federation, Mrs. Scerley, presiding. Invocation. Address of Welcome For the city; for the Woman's club, Mrs. J. C. Williams; for the local biennial board, Mrs. Richard Burke. Response, Mrs. E. L. Johnson, vice president Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs. Fraternal Greetings. Report of Rules and Regulations Com mitteeMrs. Julian Richards, chairman. Report of Credentials Committee Mrs. C. B. Stull, chairman. Report of Officers of Iowa Federation Recording secretary. Mrs. Mary H. S. Johnson; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Gertrude Nash; treasurer, Mrs. B. B. Clark; auditor, Mrs. Maria Bibbs. President's Address Mrs. J. J. Seerley. Address In Memorlam Mrs. Ellen Brown, late vice president, died Decem ber 23, 1K06, Rev. Effle K. Jones, Water loo. Vocal Solo Greeting the Bar (Dudley Buck), Miss Myrtle Ware, Oskaloosa. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. -Mrs. Johnson presiding. 1:15-1:30 Organ recital. Mra Rav. Oska loosa. 1: Reports: Badge committee, Mrs. J. H. Tucker; printing committee, Mrs. Mary H. 8. Johnson; general federation secre tary, Miss Harriet Lake; general federa tion biennial, St. Paul, Mrs. Warren Garst. Piano Solo Nocturne in O (Chopin), Miss riorence E.ngBiron, usKaioosa. EDUCATIONAL SESSION. Committee, Mrs. W. H. Bailey, Mrs. P. J. Montgomery, Mrs. F. S. Robinson. Report of chairman. Paper The Kindergarten as a Basis -of Publlo School Education, Miss Florence Hi. ward. Cedar Falls, state normal. Address Women In Collegiate Adminis tration," Mrs. Philip Moore. St. Louis, vice president General Federation Women's CIUDS. Address The Cost of Establishing and maintaining a Manual Training Depart ment. Prof. T. VV. Else, superintendent Oskaloosa schools. LMstrlct meetings to elect members of nominating committee, a delegate to Gen eral Federation Women's Clubs, biennial 190y and to nominate a district chairman tor laui-iww. WEDNESDAY EVENING. 7:45 Organ recital, Mrs. Ray, Oskaloosa. S:0O a. Moonrlse (Cxlbulka); b. The Lonely Rose (Hermes), Oskaloosa Woman's club chorus, Mrs. Dalrea. director Violin Solo Mrs. Valentine, Oskaloosa. Committee Mrs. James Barryhlll, Mrs. A. J. Berkley, Mrs. H. L. Spencer. Subcommittee on Child Labor Mrs. T. J. Fletcher, Mrs. Maria Purdy Peck, Mrs. John I. Mullany. Reports of chairmen. Address The Working Children and the Shopping Public, Mrs. Florence Kelley, New York. Chorus America. THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 1&. Invocation. 9 O'clock Reading of minutes; business session. 10 O'clock Household economics session. Committee, Mrs. J. W. Cory, Mrs. Warren Garst, Mrs. Giles Morehead. Report of chairman. Address "Training for the Home Maker." Mrs. Alice Fenllng. Peoria, 111., dean do mestic science department, Bradley insti tute. Addreso-Mrs. Margaret J. Blair, Bt Paul, chairman O. F. household economics committee. Address Mr. Wright, Ds Moines. 12:00-1:30 Informal ballot. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. 1:80 Library i salon. rimmltti nr H. J. Howe. Mrs. Charles McNIder, Miss Beanie Sargent Smith. Report of chairman. Address "The Child and Mis Hour," Miss Edna Lyman, Oak Park. 111. 3:00 Music session. Committee, Mrs. Jessie Malory Thayer, Mrs. J. E. Blythe. MIhs Elizabeth Ivlrts. ' ' Recital Madam Alice Myron, contralto. Iowa; William E. Zeuch organist, Chicago. THURSDAY EVENING. 8:30 Reception given by the Oskaloosa woman a club. FRIDAY MORNING. 9:00 Reading of minutes; business ses sion. Report of Reciprocity Committee Mrs Charier Walner. Report of child Study Committee-Mrs. Margaret Sterrrt. 10 :w Address. "Tho Spirit of Federation " Mrs. Frances Everett, vice president Il linois F. G. C, Highland Park. 111. 10:8o Club progiam session. Committee Mrs. H. M. Towner, Mrs H. E. Deemer' Mies Margaret Wright Brown. Report of chairman. Address "Club Study," Mrs. Ella W Peattte. Chicago. ' Address "Altrulslto Work of Iowa Clubs " Miss Gertrude Nash, Audubon Idscusalon. 12:UU-l:3u Formal ballot. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. (Mrs. Johnson presiding.) 1:16 to l:3u Organ recital. Miss Hughes Oskaloosa. ' l:3o "A Practical Talk on Potterv," Mrs Elisabeth Ward. Marengo. Report of his torical Journalist. Miss Kmile HlHCkmore Stapp. AddreHs, Mr. Samuel Strauss New York Globe. Vocal solo, Miss Helen kal back. Obkalooaa. Civic Improvement and f uirauj Brsaiuii, cummiuee, Mrs Thomas Cooke. Mrs. P. M. Husser, Mrs. Jennie H Coolldge. Report of chairman. Address' m I nl"iA,'- ,h." Trees." Mr. Thomas Mills, Colorado. Announcement of new of fleers. FRIDAY EVENING. O'clock Vocal solo, 'Chanson Proven cal (Del Aequa). Mlas Maud Robertson. Valentine; harp, Miss Hughes; pipe oran .y.' Art aesslon; committee. Mrs' Marian McTredway, Mrs. J. P. Whitney Mrs. Parker K. Holbrouk. Report of chair man. Address Music; (a), "Brldil Chorus (Cowen; (b). "Rose Walts (Tetuchlci. Os" ttaloosa Woman's club chorus. Report of resulutlons committee. Presentation of new officers. Adjournment. (lab Motes. April 29 has beep announced the dtte of the awarding of the medal by the IccJ chapter Daughters of the American Rev olution to the high school student writing the best essay on some revolutionary sub ject. A medal is awarded annually by the women, this being a part of their plan for promoting patriotism among young peo ple. The exercises will take place at the high school and General John C. Cowin will make the presentation address. The management of the Jamestown ex position has granted the use of a cottage on the exposition grounds to the Interna tional Council of Women to be used as peace headquarters for women from all parts of the worlfl. Mrs. May Wright Sewell will be In charge of the work. Now Is the time to make your wants anowo through The Ilea Witnt Ad pufo. V VO lLO ERECT FORM 744 IS an excellent model for well developed figures. Its closely Stitched front subdues abdominal prominence snd rounds the figure into graceful lines. Made of white im ported coutil. Trim--ied across top with lace and ribbon. Hose supporters at front and Sizes 19 to 36. Price, $2.00 NUF0RM 403 WILL fit any slen der or average figure. Long above the waist which it de fines very distinctly, showing a perfectly straight line down the front of the figure. Made of white and drab coutil. Trimmed with lace and ribbon. Hose supporters front and sides. Sizes 18 to 30. Price, $1.00 NUF0RW 447 FOR veil develop ed figures, is a reverse gore model. The gore lines run backwards, a construc tion which restrains undue development be low the back. Medium high bust, long hips snd extra long back. Made of an excellent quality of white coutil. elaborately trimmed with lace and ribbon. Hose supporters front and sides. Sizes 1 9 to 30. Price,$3.00 SSS COERLITZ PRAISES CARUSO Oonried Ifanactr Condemns Monkey House Inoidest as Damnable Outraea. NOTHING BUT SCHEMA OF BLACKMAIL Celebrated Tenor Admires Ahmaha, but Sajs It Is .Nothing Like see Beautiful Florence Where His Palace Is. The shrugging of dainty feminine and of heavy masculine shoulders, the Bound of swift, sibilant foreign conversation or of labored speech In broken English, the flashing of diamonds and Jeweled hands these were some of the outward signs which Indicated In the hotels the coming to Omaha of a great leaven of musical talent, the Conrled Opera company. M. Caruso, who recently attained sud denly more popular fame In New York than his voice had ever brought him, oc cupied apartments at the Her Grand. lie carefully inquired the nature of t)ie paper before he consented to talk to a reporter. M. Caruso Is a man of medium helglit, heavy build, with massive face, a small. Jet black moustache and Jet black hair. He wore a double-breasted black suit, white vest, patent leather shoes, gray gaiters. A Jeweled pin was in his tie. llei carried a heavy gold-headed cane. M. Caruso speaks little English. He was Just leaving his apartment. In Ills hand he had a bunch of souvenir postal cards. There must have been seventy-five of them, addressed to all kinds of unheard of pluces. "These to my friends, from A to K,". he explained, tapping the bunch. His secretary, M. Vlafuro, explained that M. Caruso had that morning addressed the cards to those of hla friends In the old country whese names begin with letters from A to K. He does this In every place where he stops. Tomorrow he will send cards to the friends whose names begin with letters, L to Z. Sot Like Dear Florence. "A very nice country Is Ahmaha," aald Caruso, looking sternly out of the window. "But, ah, not so nice like ilorenee," he continued, turning around and looking reverently upward. "Ah, In few weeks 1 I am again in dear Florence in my palace I with my wile." Thereupon be departed for the writing I room and oroered $2 worth of stamps foi his postal cards. M. tioerlitz, Hvlnrlch Conried's right hand man and manager of the pi em nl tour, was seuted before u lable In his apartment with his traveling deak open at his side. Two other foreign looking young men were hurrying about the room executing his orders. M GoeilUi Is lull, with hair a U pompadour, and isnky sandy beard. He wore a black suit and slippers. He smoked a lung black cigar heid by a while celluloid cigar holder. "It is horrible, horrible," declared M Uocrl:lz, gesticulating, lie referred to the life of a member of the grand opera com pany. "Ah. you think y u have a hard life. Try but ihla.llfe and you think you are In ease. Work, work, work from early morning until after midnight. "We have been successful In our tour, visiting Baltimore, Washington, liosion, Chicago, Cinc.nnatl, Bt. Louis and Kansas City. In Knnsns City the financial success was nut great, but the aru.iW success, ah. 1 9 iitW L The W.B.Reduso Corset IS a boon for large women the ideal garment fot over 'devdoped figures requiring special restraint. It not only restrains the tendency to over-fieshinen, but it moulds the over-developed pro portion into those pleating, graceful outlines, hitherto thought to be attainable only by slighter figures. The particular feature of this model is the apron over the abdomea and hips, boned in such a minuet as to give the wearer absolute freedom of movement. Reduso Style 75 O for tall uxU-deottoped figvrtt. Made of a durable supporters front and sides. Siza ReduiO Style 760 for tbort uxll-JevelopeJ figurtt. Made of whke and front and sides. Sizes 24 ON SALE EVERYWHERE WON GARTEN S77-9 Broadway New York It waa splendid. From here we go to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Milwaukee and then to New York. Many of the compeny sail on the Deutschland for the old country on May S. Borne have engagements In London, Paris, Berlin. "No, It Is not a rest, for we are no sooner through with one season till we are already with both feet In the next one. Monkey House Affair Damnable. "Caruso? Ah, he Ib the Jolllest, nicest, most agreeable fellow one could meet. He Is unpretentious, childlike almost. With the great singers we always have trouble. Not so with Caruso. He does what he can. Makes no pretense. Has no peculiarities. He is a great caricaturist and draws hun dreds of pictures Just for his own amuse ment. "That Incident In New York at the mon key house was the most damnable outrage ever penetrated on any man," declared M. Goerlltx. striking the table angrily with his fist. "It was doubly worse, as he was not acquainted with the Institutions of America and with the blackmailing schemes. He knew not enough not to give hla name to the police. He knew he waa Innocent and said openly, 'I am Caruso.' No, he was not guilty. He Is a gentle man." ROOSEVELT LEAGUE LOSES Ntt York J n dire Says Articles of Incorporation Are Kot In Proper Form. NEW YORK, April 22,-The application of Beta Tokakl and others of this city for a certificate of incorporation of the Na tional Roosevelt league was denied tori ay by Justice Blschoff In the supreme court. The principal object of the proposed or ganization was "to aid In securing by all parties and citizens of all parties, Irrespec tive of political affiliations, the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt to succeed himself as president of the L'nlted 8tates." The petition declares that present political parties and a large number of public men, notwithstanding their public professions, are entirely too much attached to govern ing the people for a party and by a party, or of a class for a class and by a class. It was to this latter portion of the pe tition that Justice Blschoff took exception. He took the ground that while these al legations may lie proper subject fur de hate they are not proper when placed In formal articles of Incorporation. He there, fore refused to affix hla signature to the document until the Improper matter shall have been eliminated. VIRGINIA NEGRESS IS KILLED Four White Men Meld at Danville for Murder of a Womn n. DANVILLE. Va.. April 22-Of the six young white men Joe Baugh, Tom Walker, Oscar Neatherby, John B. Talbott, Temple Young and Ieby Weatherford who were arrested early yesterday In a suburb on the charge of having murdered Ellen El liott, a negTeeas about 17 years old, Young and Wealhertord have been released. It be ing shown they were not Implicated. The woman's mutilated body vtss found In a public road, dressed In men's clothes from head to foot. Several negToes are being held as witnesses. The coroner's Jury will make an Investi gation today. The police have been unahle so far to account for the woman's being atllred In men's clothes, unless It was that trousers enabled her to drink at public tars. coun'I in white or drab. Hose 22 to 36. Price, $3. drab coutil. Hose supporters to 36. Price. 83. BROS MTro. TWO SAGES TALK OF DOGS Careful Observer Expatiates on the Man with the Curved Wire. CALLS HIM ONE OF THE NECESSARY EVILS Compares Hlra to the Villain In the Blol-CnrdllnK Drama Enacted at the Theater. "How would you like to be a dog catcher?" asked the Careful Ohserver, as he kicked a piece of restless cheese Into a gutter. He was Interrogating the Oldest Inhabitant, who was at the time trying to keep his left hand from knowing what his right hand was doing. "I could shed red corpuscles for my na tive heath on the rory thenter of war meaning the bloody field of battle or 1 could trim the church for an oyster sup per, under the direction of twenty-five active members of the Ladies' Aid society, but I could not discharge such duties as would entitle me to draw the d'g cntcher'8 pay envelope on Saturday evening. " The Oldest Inhabitant said nil th;t Hbout the red corpuscles, new carpet anj pay en velope. He was speaking his mind. too. Some would say he was expressing his deep-seated convictions. Cithers would say, "I cross my heart and hope to die If It Isn't so," and then indicate the cardiac region with the sign of the cross, s the houso from which Willie was kidnnped was Indicated in the newspapers down at tl.o county seat luBt week. Ills JZyr on Dok Catcher. The Careful Observer bus been wntchlng the dog catcher recently In Omaha, and from the mouths of babes and bnys had heard harsh things alul this collector of unlicensed canines. He has seen Utile chil dren lu such anguish over the lobs of their dogs that their hearts would be in th condition referred to by somo writers as "rent In twain." He has seen the strong arm of the law In the form of a dog catcher come between little chlluren and their dogs. That Is why he asked the Old 'ct Inhabitant if he would care to be the dog catcher. Continuing, the Careful Ob server suld In part: "The dog catcli.-r Is a nen sary evil. Ho Is In the great drama of everyday life akin to the villain In the melodrama. The vil lain In the stage drama gets his pictures on billboards, has train rich s and s ime tlmes breaks bread at the same taule with the vlllalness. The dog catcher leads a dopged life and catches the mischief wnen he meets the gang on the corner. You will note that 'dogged life' an 1 'catr-hus the mischief rhyme with 'do catcher.' The dog catcher rushes down the street and grabs up a little pet ,!og with his rruel wire. The dog ig the pet of a little girl who Is at the time tossing In a de lirium of fever on a sanitary couch. The little girl's father, who travels for a soup factory, neglected to jp-t a license tug for the dog. He loves I. Is daughter, but forgot the tag. From nut window the little girl sees the man take her dog. ( nil fur Mamma, "Pirn calls. '.Mammal' "The dot? Is taken to the pound and held for ransom. The dog catcher, who Is al most buinaa and working fur i.iiu, hoa no Pi W ERECT FORM 720 IS a corset fot average fig tires. Has me dium bust and! long hip. Made of white and drab coutil. Hose supporters on front and sides. Trimmed across top with lace and ribbon. Sizes 1 8 to 30. Price,$1.00 3 NUF0RM 738 IS an excellent model for average figures. Constructed sectionally, making the garment fit at all points, accentuating the slendcrness of tha waist line. Bust moderately high, hips rrVone. Made of ported coutil in - only. Trim med with lace and ribbon. Hose sup porters front and sides. Sizes 1 8 to 30. Price, $2.00 NUFORH 406 v S a splendid corset for me dium figures pleasingly free from any bulky effect common to) previous models of this type. Me dium high bust and deep hip, end ing In an unboned apron extension. Made of white and drab coutil. Hose sup porters front and sides. Trimmed with lace anJ ribbon. Sizes 19 to iO. -3Ha Price. $1.50 sentiments In the premises. He goes about his work like a sausago grinder. "The mother rushes downstairs and telle a kind-hearted man she meets all that haa happened and of the Blck little girl on the sanitary couch. "The kind-hearted man repeats that chestnut about, 'Oh, Justice! what Crimea are committed In thy name!' Then he goes down to the pound and gets the dog out. Five years later his son marries she who was the sick Uttle girl on the sanitary couch. The little dog was killed by a cir cus parade." "Lld the mother thank the kind-hearted man?" nuked the Oldest Inhabitant. Answer: "Yes." t Freeslnn in Texas. HX. PASO. Tex.. April 22.-The tempera ture, here fell to 31 degrees last night and heavy frost covered everything, doing muotl damage to gardens and fruit. It is tha coldest April weather In El Paso's history. Exactly twenty-two yeirs ago the tempera ture got down to freezing. KIRK'S (Their Own Prooeaa) TOILET SOAT It is transparent so clear you can read throunn it. It lathers freely In all kinds ol water. For use in hard water its strong est point. Women say there Is nothing to equal it for washing the hair. Made lrom ths whitest, Surest and best vegeta Ic oils oils that you can eat. It's twice the size and less than one-half the cost ol any brand of real ly good transparent soap. ft CHICAGO Paaaeni. u cl AP IROSE 4