Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Ioot7 rJ .lnV H:r;d lea Take Librt
w th Mr. 1! all's Cuma.
Land Ob to ttae Good la tha F.lstlitb.
knt the Player from "alt Creek
fume Back will Three
LlNCUlJv. April 22. Lincoln got a J to
6 victory from Omaha today In a game
wht rain the playing by both team wu
alternately brilliant and tupld. Tbe locale
ilvnervad to win o far aa hitting la con
cerned, but they spoiled their effort with
the etlclt by taking too deeperate chancel
on the bane line. Zackerf wlldnes and
errora of the men behind lilm were reapon
Ible for moit of Omaha's runa Jones re
lieved Zackert in the seventh, and onoe he
had warmed up the visitor could do little
with Mm. Score:
AH. It
Kptchem. cf 4 1
Kox, 2b
Kenlon, rf 4
Liavlrison, If 4
Thomas, lb 3
OnKnixr, sa 8
Front, jb 2
Zlnrun, o 4
.ackert, P 2
Holmes 1
Harmii 1
Jones, p 1
yo. A. K.
Totals S3 7 13 27 16
AB. R. H.
Reldon. rf 6 0 0
Kranck, 2 11
Autrey, If 3 2 0
Welch, cf 4 0 8
IXilan. lb SOI
Auntln, 3b 2 2 1
White. 2b 2 0 0
Townaend, c 3 0 1
Hall, p 4 0 0
I'O. A. E.
3 2 0
2 0
CVrbrtt. p 2
Totals M
t 14 71 13
MrllalP, rf 4 12 1
Helden, If
Wheeler, lh...
Murphy, rf ...
K.-ddlck. 2b...
Moore, 3b
Vnlusky, c...
Hall, p
Bloux City ...
r.arnea runs, Eloux t lty, a: utnver, i.
Two-baso hits: Weed, Nobllt. Double
plays: Toman to Wheeler; Williams to
Weed to Spies; Granville to Weed to ffptes.
l,eft on hasrs; Blou City, 7; Denver. 4.
Stolen bases: Campbell, Hau'-r. flplea.
Weed, McHsle. Sacrifice hits: W e.-d, Wil
liams, Corbett (2. First base on balls: Off
Hail. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Hauer.
Struck out: By Corbett, 3; by Hall. 1.
Time: 1:46. empires: Brennan and Olf
ford. Attendance: 1,3").
Vo1 raw's Giant Wig C!s asd Ixsitics
Game it ths Enb.
A. K. I
3 0 1 0 0 1
4 0 3 11 1 0
4 0 0 2 2 0
4 0 0 2 4 0
1 ? ' Flaherty weakens in
4 114 3 0
3 0 10 2 1 ' 1
1 "i 24 W 4 B""" OB . ' rUyer
!....!..0 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 6 1 1 glad OI Visitor
0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 ( ,
I viir nwn
"landing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost.
Denver 6 3 2
Bloux City 5 3 2
Lincoln 6 3 2
I Moines 6 3 2
Omaha 5 2 3
Pueblo 6 14
Games today: Omaha at Lincoln, Drnver
at Hioux City, Pueblo at Des Moines.
Philadelphia Wins Mnstatlnjr Match
from Washington.
PHILADliTLrHIA. Pa.. April -Philadelphia
defeated Washington today In a
game marked by heavy hitting on both
sides. Score:
B.H O.A.B.
T 23 11
Totals 28
'Holme batted for Zackert.
Harms batted for Frost.
Frost out, bunted third strike.
Lincoln 0 0 2 0 1 1 0
Omaha 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
3 1
1 0-6
Karned runs: Lincoln, 4; Omaha, 3. Two-
t o o orianlrT, rf ... 4 o I l o
111 Sohlaflr. Sh.. I 1 1 I o
0 S 0 0L. Croaa, lb., t I 0 4 0
t 14 0 1 Andrrwn. If.. 4 S 0 0 0
0 14 0 Aimer, rt.... I I 0 0 0
14 1 iHii kmin, lb. 4 1 It 1 1
10 4 IPerrlne, as... 6 t I i 0
0 10 0 H.ydon, c 10 10 1
0 0 4 tWinur, C....4 110 1
0 0 1 0 Smith, p 1 0 0 0 0
Graham. D. ..I 1 0 1 1
Totals 14 1117 17 JNIII 0 0 0 C 0
.99 U 24 II I
llariaxl. If...
M. :roHB, u.
fVyhold, rt. .
Imvia, lb ...
Murphr. lb.
"brack, c...
Knltu, lb..
lyird, cf
I'lank, p
Dru'rt, p...
Nlll bntted for Smith In fifth.
Phllndelphla 0 1 4 2 0 0 1 0 -8
Washington 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 1 07
Two-base hits: Altlier. Hartsel 121, Davis,
Schreck (2, Knight. Three-base hit. An
derson. Home runs: Altlzor, Graham.
Hits: Off Smith, 8 In four Innings; off
Graham, 8 In four Innlnns; oft Plunk. In
In six and one-third Innings: off Dygnrt,
2 in two and two-thirds Innings. Sacrifice
base hits: Holmes. Ketchem. Sacrifice I hit: fieybold. Stolen bases: M. Cross,
lilts: Ihomas, Autrey, White (2). Stolen imvls, (janley. Double play: M. Cross to
nasp: box, Oagnler, Austin. Double Murphy to Davis. First bi
Pfihv In Ilnvia Kiraf tlHRe on balls:
a: Zackert to Fox to Thomas, Oag- i off Smith, 3; oft Plank. 3; off Dygert, 1.
to box to Thomaa. Struck out: By I First tasc on errors: Washington. 2.
Hit by pitched hall: Uy Dygert, 1.
Struck out: By Smith, 2; fly Plank, 2;
by Graham. 4; By Dygert, 2. Wild pitch:
Smith. Time: 2:20. I'mplre: Evans.
Detroit Defeats Cleveland.
DETROIT, April 22. The home team hud
the better of a hitting contest with Cleve
land today. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. ' D.H.O.A E.
Mrtntyra. If.. 6 1 4 0 0 Hay. cf I 0 i 0 0
Couahlln, lb. 6 10 1 1 Hlnrhman, cf 1 0 1 0 0
Zackert. 2; by Jones. 2; by Hall, 4. First
base on balls: Off Zackert, 4; off Jones,
1; off Hall. 8. Wild pitch: Hall. Hit by
pitched ball: By Zackert, 1: by Hall, 1.
Fussed balls: By Zlnran, 1; by Townsend.
1. Left on bases: Lincoln, 7; Omaha, 6.
First base on errors: Lincoln, 1; Omaha,
Tim: 1:46. Umpire: Haskell. Attend
ance, 1,600.
UOSTON. April 2i-A base on balls, a hit
by a pitched ball and a single in the
ninth Inning gave New York one run and
the game today. Score:
B H O A E.
Shannos. If . . 4 0
Strang, rf. . . . 4 1
!- II n. lb.... I
Heynivur. cf . . 4
breanahan, c. I
M-t,ann, lb., t
I'aulrn, aa 4
torioran, Zb. 4
aialhewson, p 4
0 C Rataa. rf . . 4
0 (1 Tenner, lb. .. 8
1 0 Beautnnnt, ef t
0 tiHraitd, If... 4
1 0Prdwell, aa.. 4
1 It Hllch. 2b.. 4
1 ( Hraln. lb 4
4 Oorndorf, c... I
I lriahertr. p... I
B.H.O.A E.
1 1
1 14
1 I
1 0
1 I
1 I
0 t
1 1
Totals 31 SI 11 1 Totals II 7 17 17 4
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-bit Be hits: Dahlen, Strang. Sacrifice
hits: Tenney, Beaumont. I uble play:
Flaherty to Uriun. First base on balls: Oft
Flaherty, 3: off Mathewson, 1. Hit by
pitched bail: McGann. Struck out: By
Flaherty, 2; by Mathewson, 7. Time: l.'iX
Lnipire: Enutlle.
Chlcaarn Kama Victory.
CHICAGO. April 22. Chicago today
earned the winning run in the ninth Inning
on thret! hits anu two stolen baaes. All the
other scores started on pitchers' wlldness.
Ilelller. Frl.d, tesslr. Tlemeyer. Douttle
play: Nordyke to Tit-merer. Ptruck out:
By WlcJter, 4; by 1.. Wild pitch:
Im Puty. Hits: Off La Roy, 7 In three In
nings; off Dickson. 6 In five Innings. Time:
la'A. I'mplre: Kefln.
Toledo lrfee oa Krrors.
TOLKDO, April M Error lost th gam
for Toledo to Milwaukee, 1 to 1 today.
iHiugherty was a pusile till the seventh.
B.H O A B.
B.H.O.A S.
B. H.. O.A.B.
Pueblo Kaay for Champ.
DEB MOINES. April 22 The Champa took
the aecond from Pueblo todav bv tlmelv
hitting. The game was a good one and Crawford, cf. I t t c omovaii, lb... 5
miner pucnea ms nrst game for the
locals, and though men were frequently
on bases, the Indiana had few chances to
core because of his steady work. In the
ixth Inning three erro.s by O'Leary,
coupled with Melcholra sacrifice and El
werta two-base hit, gave Pueblo two
cores. De Moines scored four In the sec
ond inning on three singles and errors by
Ityan and Melcholr. In the eighth EHwert
let on get away from him and Woodruff's
ingle and a wild throw to aecond brought
In the score. Score:
AB. iR. H. PO. A. E.
Hogrlever, rf 8
Andreas, 2b 8
bciiipge, 3b 4
Dexter, lb 4
Corkhlll, cf 4
Wolf, c 4
Woodruff, If 4
O'Leary, aa 4
MUIer, p 4
1 .
Cobb, rf 4 1 I tl 0 Plica, rf 4 I I
koaaman. lb. 4 1 0 OLajola. lb.... I 1 I
Pchaafrr, lb.. 2 Oat lu'Hrlrn, aa... 4 0 I
fehmldl. 0...4 1 1 I I Bradlry. lb . 4 0 1
O'Laarr, aa.. 4 1 I a OBtrm'ham. If. 4 I 0
Kllllan, p.... 10 0 1 OCIarka. c 4 17
Khoadra, p... 3 0 1
.85 11 17 II I'Wakrnald ..10 0
Totala U 10 24 10 I
Batted for Bay In eighth.
Detroit : 2 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 -
Cleveland 1 01000O11 1
Two-base hit: O'Leary. Sacrifice hit:
Rhoados. Stolen baes: Rosxiiian, Kllllan,
Flitk, Birmingham. Double plays: Rhoades
to Stovall to Clarke; Stovnll to Rhoades.
Left on buses: Detroit, 8; Cleveland. 7.
Bases on balls: Off Kllllan, 1; eft Rhoades,
6. First base on errors: Detroit, 2; Cieve
Blag-la. cf .... 4 1 $ 0 Olluaglna, 2b.. I 1110
Pbacaard. lf..i 1 0 0 OKana. It I 0 4 10
t bulla, rt... 1 1 4 1 vlittii, e( I 0 4 0 0
Minn, lb I Oil Ol.oh-rt, lb ... 4 0111
tjtntilrldl, 1H I ll II ul,.ui-l, lb... 4 4 D 0 0
Hntman, aa...4 12 3 OMIUhrlt, rf..t 0 10 0
Kvrra. :b 4 0 4 OMuwray. aa... 1 0 2 I 0
Horau. c I 1 8 1 I ti. hkl. 0 I 112 0
haulbacb, p.. 0 0 0 0 OHali, P 1 0 0 4 0
rirtster, p...ai0i0
Totala 22 2 12 1
Totala 11 I 27 10 1
Winning run scored with two out.
Chicago 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 13
Cincinnati 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02
Two-b.-u. hit: Stclr.feldt. Hits: tXt
Pfcislcr, t In beveti innings. Sacrifice hits:
Pfetster, Kane. Stolen bases: Slagle (i),
Bhetkaid (. Lobtrt, Mowrey (). Double
plas: Hofntan to Kllng to Moran; Schulte
to Kvers; Hofinan to Kvers; Ganxel (un
abMiKted. left on bases: Chicago, 1; Cin
cinnati, 3. Bases on balls: Off f'felster, 2;
off Hall, 6. First on errors: Chicago, 1.
Hit by pitched ball; Kllng, Moran. Struck
out: By Ptelster, rt; by Hall, i. Time; 2:00.
Linplits: Johnstone und Carpenter.
IMMahurK Beats St. I.ools.
ST. lOt:iS, April 2i The St. Louis Na
tionals were defeated by Pittsburg asiiin
toduy, the score 8 to 2. Druhot, who
started to pitch for St. Louis wus very
wild and was taken out in the third Inning.
McGlyun llnished the game. St. Louia
would have bean chut out hud It not been
for Holly's hit in the ninth inning. Score:
PITTsnt RO. 8T. mils.
B.H.O.A B. B.H. O.A.B.
Andwaon, cf. 4 1 2 0 0 Rally, rf 4 0 1 0 0
Halltnau, rl.. 3 0 0 1 uoHara. n.... a u o
0 0 ttannatt, D.. l a a v
0 0 Baiter, lb.... 4 0 11 2 2
5 0 Urania, 3b. ... I I 1 7 0
2 0 Holly, aa 4 11 10
4 ttliurch, cf 4 0 0 1
0 0 Mataliall, c... I 0 1 0
1 0 Druhot, p.... 0 0 0 1 0
0 OMcGlynn, p.. J 1 0 1 0
(Marks, If ... 4 1 2
Wnicner. lb. . 6 1 II
Ab'tli hio, 2b. 4 1 1
Slipthan, aa. . 6 2 4
Iarh. 3b.... 4 4 1
Clliauii, c 6 1 3
Wlllla, p 4 0 0
glorka, lb.... 0 0 0
Totals M 11 27 14 0 Totala 21 27 20 I
Pittsburg 3 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 08
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
Two bane hit: O'Hara. Three base hit:
Wagner. Hits: Oft Druhot. 1 In two and
one-third Innings; oft McGlynn, 8 in five
and one-half Innings. Sacrifice hits:
Leuch, Willis. Stolen liases: Byrne, Holly,
Totals 84 6 10 27 11
Corhan, sa
Ryan, 2b
Cook, cf
Melcholr, rf 2
... 6
'R H. PO.
McGllviay. lb..
Elwert, 3b
Hlgglns. if
Tonneman, c...
Smith, c
Morgan, p
Totals 86 2 6 24 16 6
Dea Molnea 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 6
Pueblo 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-2
Karned run: Des Moines, 1. Two-base
hits: Klwert (21, Andreas. Bases on balls:
Off Miller, 2; off Morgan, 1. Struck out:
By Miller, 6; by Morgan, 2. Stolen bases:
Bchlpke (2), Andreas, o Leary, McOUvray,
KMweit. Sacrifice hit: Melcholr. Time: l:ao.
I'mplre: Conlhan. Attendance: 8U0.
0 i tlH Jr U tL. i TIT .m,i;i. Lench (2i. Anderson, Hallman. Abbatlechlo.
0 R i Ithoodes. Time: l.oo. Umpire. Doublev plav8. Iach. Ab.tlcchlo and
3 i ... . ....
New lurk win ironi iiosion.
NEW YORK, April 22. The New York
Americans won an uphill game from Bos
ton today. They forced Waiter out of the
box in the sixth inning und won out in
the ninth on a base on balls to Kcefe,
Hoffman's sacrifice and Keeler's single.
B.H.JO. A. K. B.H.O.A.E.
Hoffman, cf.. I
Kaalar. rt. .. f)
Blberfald. sa. 4
William. 2b. I
Conroy. If.. . . 4
Thomaa, e.... 4
Hughea, p.... 1
Klelnow .... 1
Keaia, p 1
Corbett Pussies Qrlsslles.
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. April 22. -Corbett ef
fective pitching beat th Grlzsllea in the
Denver-Sioux City game today by a score
of 6 to 2. Hall was hit hard and ths
JUenver neiciers accorded him wobbly sup- I parent.
pun ni critical times, in tne nrtn errors
by Znlusky and Hall enabled the Sioux to
drive In two runa after the aide should
have been retired. Score:
1111 PulllT.n, cf.. 4 0 4 0 0
10 0 oi'olliua. lb... 4 10 8 0
111 ll tiKlaub. lb . 4 I 7 0 0
Cha.a. lb... 4 111 1 1 Hoay, If 4 i 1 0 1
Laporta, lb.. I Oil 1 Parant, H....4 1000
lit l rarna, id ... a l i l i
110 1 Wanner, aa... 4 0 I 1 I
111 OArmbruatar, o I 1 I 3 0
0 0 0 0 Winter, p.... S 1 0 I 1
0 0 0 OHarna. p 1 0 0 0
Totala 1 ir26 li I
Tout 13 11 27 10 7
One out when winning run was made.
Batted for Hughes In fifth.
New York 0 1 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 S
Boaton 2 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0-7
Two-buse hits: Unglaub, Parent. Three
base hit: Patent, lilts: Off Hughes in
five Innings. 6: off Keefe In four innings, b;
oil Winter in six Innings, 9; oft Harris In
Waaner. 1-eft on bases: St. Louis. 5; Pitts
burg. 11. First base on bulls: Druhot, 4;
McGlynn, 1; Willis. 1. Hit by pitcher:
Druhot. Struck out: By Druhot, 1; by Mc
Glynn, 2. Passed ball: Marshall. Time of
game. 1:55. Umpire, O'Day.
Philadelphia Shuts Out Brooklyn.
BROOKLYN, N. Y.. April 22. The Phila
delphia Nationals again shut out the Brook
lyn team today, 8 to 0. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. U.H.O.A.E
Thomaa, cf... Sit
Olaaaim. Sb. . . S 1 0
Knalw. rf.... 4 1 1
Magrr. If 4 I C
Rrauailrld, lb I 1
Courtney, 3b. I 0 t
Doolln. aa.... 4 t 0
Jacklltath. c. I 1 8
Boarka. p.... 4 0 1
Total! .
0 OCaaey, lb 4 0 I I 1
1 OMalonay, rf.. 4 0 I I 0
0 0 Lumlay. rf. .. 4 I 0 0 1
0 OJordan, lb... I 0 10 0 0
1 OAliai rman, lb. I 0 1 3 0
1 OLaula. sa.... 4 1 I 1 0
0 Batch. II..... I 0 0 0 0
0 0 Hitter, c I 17 10
4 OMrlntyra, p.. 2 0 1 0
Whillna, p... 10 0 10
.34 I 27 10 0
Totala 31 4 27 10 I
...0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 4 S
...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0-O
Robinson, as. 4 I 0 Armbr'atar, rf 4
Or, rf I I 0 J. ( larka. II.. 4 0
M'Cbaanay, If I I I 0 0 Pesinnt. It).. I 1 4 t I
Hatamsn. lb. I t 10 0 I Bmoot, rf 4 1 1 1
t larka, lb.... 4 0 t 1 Pnkomrr. lb. 4 0 I I
Roth, c 1 t 0 OFarbaau. sa . 4 t 4 14
Hemphill, cf. I 1 I 1 OW Clark, lb 4 111 1 1
MoCorm'k, lb 4 4 14 OAbbntt. 0....I 1 11 I 4
Douthorty, pi I I I 0 Weat, p I 1 1
HU 1 0 4
ToUli 34 124 14 I
Totala 34 I 17 14 4
Batted for West In ninth.
Armbruster out. Interference.
Milwaukee 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 "
Toledo '. 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 04
Two-base hits: Bmoot, Barbeau. Sacri
fice hits: West, Hemphill, Roth. Hit with
ball: Green. Double play: Robinson to
McCormlck to Buteinan. Struck out: Py
W'eat, 8; by Dougherty. 4. First base on
balls: Oft West, 3; off Dougherty, 2.
Stolen bases: Armbruster 'i), Abbott,
Clarke, Hemphill. Wild pitch: Dougherty.
Home run: McChesney. Time: 2:r5. Um
pire: Kane.
Kansas tity Shuts Oat Indianapolis.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. April 22. The lo
cals were unable to solve Crutcher a de
livery and lust their first game of the sea
son today, being shut out, 4 to 0, by Kan
sas City. Score:'
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
4 1111 Wllllama. as. 10 17 I
1 OHImea, rf 4 0 0 0 0
0 OCoulter, II.... 4 0 0 0 0
0 (t Carr, lb 4 0 17 0 0
1 Cfielgle. cf 10 10 0
a OKruf. 2b I 1 0 I 1
6 0 Houke. 3b 1 0 1 i 0
1 1 Llv a, tone, e. 1 0 1 S 0
0 H Kallum, p.... I 0 1 t 0
Heather, Red Ball and Combury Mulshed
as named.
Third race seven furlongs: Hugh Mi
Gnwan (PO. Sandy, 11 to 21 won, Silver Sue
(17, Graham, T to 6) second. Head lnre
(112, Keogh, 6 to 1) third. Time: 1:27. Tiirp,
faddy Lynch, lst Fsustus. Magrsne, M
grette arid Sahara finished a runted.
Fourth race, six furlongs, selling;
Rogue (107, Keogh, 8 to 6) won, Napp
W, W. Kelly, 6 to 6) second. King Cole
1. Fischer, 12 to 1) third. Time: 1 It
Johnston n. Treasure Seeker. Jolly Witch,
Nonle Lucille and Ocyrohe finished a
Fifth race, mile and sixteenth, selling:
Corrlgan (110, Sandy, eveni won, Daniel C
1107, Fischer, 20 to 1) second, NaboitHs"rr
(U0, Borel, 12 to 1) third. Time: 0 47.
Cloverland, King of the Mist. Balable. The
Captain, Hippocrates, Iewey, Funnysld.
Susie Christian and Harbor finished as
Sixth rsce. mile: Massa (107, Keogh, 6 to
1) won, Bedford (1"7, Hunter. 18 to sec
ond, Sir Brillar (110, Orsham, 4 to 11 third.
Time: 1:41. Gatewav, Dorado. The Mlssou
rlan and Trojan finished aa named.
Kerwln. rf
I.lDdaay, lb.. I 111
Hill, cf
Hueleman, If.
Kruger. 2b..
Iltirkc, 3b
MHrlda, aa.
Sullivan, c.
Crutcher, p..
Totala 32 7 27 17 1 Totala V I 27 21 I
Kansas City 00020010 14
Iiuil.inapolis 00000000 0-0
Two-base hits: Huelsman, Sullivan. Sac
rifice hit: Lindsay. Stolen bases: Seigle,
Kruger, Hill. Double play: McBrlde to
Kruger to Lindsay. Lett on bases: Kan
sas t lly. 5: luulanapolls, 6. First base on
halls: Off Kelluni, 2; off Crutcher, 6. First
base on errors: Indianapolis, 1; Kansas
City, 1. Struck out: By Kellum, 8; by
Crutcher, 1. Wild pitches: By Kellum. 2.
Time: 1:36. Umpires: Sullivan and Hayes.
Miller Shut Out Distillers
One American Wins International
Bout at British Capital.
IaONDON. April 22 The announcement
of two big International contests attracted
a great crowd to the National Sporting
club today.
The first fight wag between Owen Moran
of Birmingham and Albert Delmont of
Boston, twenty rounds, for the bantam
championship of the world and a purse of
32.0tiO. Moran was a warm favorite In the
betting and proved the winner on points,
but only after the fight had gone the full
twenty round.
The second contest was between Sam
Iangford, an American, and "Tiger" Smith,
a Welch fighter, twenty rounds, for the
middleweight championship of the world
and ft purse of $2,jno. Langford won In
the fourth round. .
Bout Will Be neanmed In Windy t lty
Saturday Maht.
CHICAGO, III.. April 22.-Boxlng la to be
resumed In Chicago again, under certain
restrictions, sfter being under the ban for
over two years. Announcement was made
tonight by the Chicago Athletic association
that the wrestling bouts scheduled for
April 27 had been cancelled and that box
ing bouts would be substituted. When
elected, Mayor Busse stated that he was
In favor of boxing If It could be carried
on under certain restrictions. One of the
chief objections he had to the sport was
the rendering of decisions by the referee.
thus making It possible to wager money
' on the results. The contests at the Chl-
rltciied great ball today, shutting out ths I ca Athletic club Saturday night will be
locals. Score:
O'Neill, rf... C 1 0 0 CNeat
Dundon, lb.. I 1 4 2 0 Stanley, cf
Mertea, If. ... I 1 0 0 0 Braihear, 2b
Freeman, lb.. 4 1 11 1 0 Sullivan, lb.
Grem'ger, 2b. 4 I 1 0 OStovall, rf
Graham, cf... 4 1 6 0 0 Woodruff, If.,
Towne, c i 14 2 OQulnlau, aa..
Oyler. aa I 0 2 1 0 Hughes, c...
Thomaa, p.... 4 10 8 Olmrham. p..
U.H. O.A.B.
lb 4 1 2 1 1
1 I
0 I
0 II
0 I
0 1
1 1
4 1
0 0
Totala M 12 27 0 Totala 21 4 17 17 I
Minneapolis 02000142 0-9
Louisville 0000000O 00
Two-base hit: Graham. Three-base hit:
Gremlnger. Sacrifice hit: Gremlnger.
Stolen bases: Dundon (2), Mertes, O'Neill,
Rrashear. Double plays: Dundon to Free
man, Freeman to Oyler. Lett on bases:
Louisville, 3; Minneapolis. 6. First base on
balls: oft Durham. 3; off Thomas, 1. Hit
by pitched ball: Freeman, Sullivan. Struck
out: By Durham, 1; by Thomas, 3. Balk:
Durham. Time: 1;46. Umpires: Werden
and Kgan.
Standing; of tbe Teams.
Played. Won. Lost
Columbus 6 6
lndlanaolis 5 4
IxuiHvllle 4 3
Toledo 6 8
St. Paul : (I 2
Milwaukee 8 , 2
'lty 3 1
Kansas City
Minneapolis li
Games today: Milwaukee at Toledo, St.
Paul at Columbus, Minneapolis at Louis
ville, Kansas ICty at Indianapolis.
Indians Win at Wahoo,
WAHOO, Neb., April 22. (Special Tele
gram.) The Nebraska Indiana defeated the
locals today. The features of the game
were Crowe work on third and Woita'a
batting. Score:
Nebraska Indians ..0 1000300 04
Wahoo 01000000 23
l.ft on bases: Wahoo, 9; Indians, 10.
Struck out: By Thorgy, 8; by Anderson, 2.
First base on balls: Off Thorgy, 8; off
Anderson, 4. Two-base hit: Tabosheke
schiek. Time: 1:34. Umpire: Oison and
BlggerstafT. Scorer: Koudele. The same
teams play again tomorrow at 2:16.
without decisions.
For the first time this season the Storx
Blues were beaten three straight games.
Last night the Cudahys handed the leaders
a whole bunch of lemons, although the
handicap was responsible for two of the
victories. Anderson carried off the high''
total with IW6 and the top single game with
2tV. Greenleaf led the winners with a 611
total. Tonight's teams are the Met Bros,
and O. D. Ks. Scorea:
Reynold IM
White 167
Remlen 181
Greenleaf 183
Reed 136
Handicap 81
3d. Totnl.
896 1.078
960 2,933
1st. 2d. 3d. Total
Frltscher 176 1S6 156 616
Cochran 179 169 ISO 628
Weber 176 234 147 5f6
Francisco 160 179 178 617
Anderson 188 212 266 666
Totala 878 7 926 2.782
Brooklyn ..
Two-base hits: Thomas, Knabe, Magee.
Hits: Off Mclntyre, 6 In six Innings; off
Whiting, 3 In three Innings. Stolen bases:
Gleason, Jacklltsch, Rltter. Double play:
Muloney to Jordan. First base on balls:
Off Mclntyre. 4; oft Whiting, 3; off Sparks,
Campbell, rf...
ilauer. If
Spies, lb...,'....
Nobllt. cf
Weed. 2b ,.
Williams, a...
Bheehan, e
Granville, 8b...
.... 4
.... 4
.... S
, .. 4
.... I
.... 4
.... 4
R. H. PO, A. E.
1110 0
1 I 1 0 0
1 t 13 0 0
114 3 0
0 1 3 I 1
0 16 0 0
0 114
Way back in
We first began to make
Good old
We made it to good then that
we have never changed it.
It ia the lame pure whiskey,
with the tame tine flavor it hat
had ever
"Since 1857 "
Bottled In Bond
A. Cocienhelmtr & Bros.
BUUkr "Sloe Ml" fttuk-rg
I.wo a?,d e,one"thl,,.1,ll,,n8f! 2! ,tJli:r'"ce 1. First base on errors: Philadelphia, 1.
Hit by pitcher: By Sparks. 1. Struck out:
By Mclntyre, 2; by Whiting, 2; by Sparks,
6. Time: 1:39. Umpires; Rlgler and
Hoffman, Williams, L'nglaub, Huey,
stolen Pases: w llllams, Thomas.
Double plays: Elberfeld to Williams to
Chase, Thomas to Williams to Laporte.
Left on bases: New York, 6; Boston, 8.
hirst base on balls: Off Hughes. 2: off
Winter. 8; off Harris, 2. Struck out: By
Hughes, 2; by Winter, 6; by Harris, 1. Wild
pitch: Hughea. Time: 2:10. Umpires:
Connolly and Hurst.
Standing of th Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
New York 7 6 2 .714
Chicago 9 6 8 .667
Philadelphia 8 5 8 .6.T,
Cleveland 7 4 3 .571
Detroit 8 4 4 .600
Boston 8X6 .376
Washington 7 2 S .2.6
St. Louis 8 8 6 .250
Games today: St. Louie at Detroit.
Chicago at Cleveland, Washington at Phila
delphia, Boston at New York.
Keep Eagle Eye on First Base, Say
"Nick Altrock is one of th hardest pitch
er In th world to beat, because Be
doesn't glvs base runners a chance to
steal on him," saya Frank Belee, the
former manager of the Chicago Cuba. Mr.
Belee, who haa always been one of the
most Interesting talkers on tha national
Same, pointed out In concise manner the
Ig advantage Altrock has over an oppos
ing team.
in the nrst piace, says in veteran
manager, "Altrock has almost perfect con
trol. That means you have got to hit the
ball to gat to first. Secondly, you can t
steal on him, because he watches first
like a hawk and has a wonderful snap
throw to the bass which does not permit
a runner to get more than two steps away
from the base without great danger of
getting caught.
Thsre are aeverai pitcners in tne game
who have more speed and better curves
than Altrock, but who don't win as many
game. Nick more than make up fur his
lack of apeed and curvea by his great field
ing, his accurate control and his atten
tion to men on bases. It hss been the same
for years. Good left-handers who kept
the runner cloa to first were alwaya win
ners. "Against that kind of pitching a team
la at a horrible disadvantage. You cant
teal bases and ths hit-and-run play Is
easily broken up. When th runners are
kept hugging first force plays at second
base occur with greatsr frequency and the
tnneldera are given more time to pull off
double playa.
"When a team can't ateal baaes It Isn't
going to win very often and there are
mighty few runners who can pilfer aecond
en Altrock. Doc While of the Sox la al
most aa good In watching the bases, al
though his throw to first la not as good
as Nick's. Where White shines la In his
deceptive delivery. He deliver the ball
to the bat very often In such a puxzling
manner that the runner on first Is fooled
Into- going pack to that base, expecting a
throw there from the pitcher.
"Not enough pitchers cultivate that
short throw to first. There are several
good left-handers who match first as
closely aa Altrock. but they don't catch
the runners off there because It takes them
too long to throw the ball. If they would
shorten up their throw, base runners
wouldn't dare take sny bigger lead off
them than they do oft Altrock.
Diets slew dab House.
Th director of Diet Athletic club hav
arranged for the formal np.-tvng of the
new club bouse at the psrk Frldav even
ing. My 3. The members sr proud of
thelf naw club bouse, as well a the Im
provements on their grounds, and will cele
brate In a fitting mmn.r The opening
will be an Invitation affulr for Its niiubere
and their friends.
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost.
Philadelphia ....
New York
St. Louis
Games today;
Crelghton Play Misaourl Friday.
The Crelghton university base ball team
will play the University of Missouri team
Friday afternoon on Creigliton campus.
The MIhsoui luns have a record of defeat
ing the University of Kansas team two out I
of three games and won a like series from
the St. Louis university. The Creigliton
boys have been working faithfully, In an
ticipation of a hard battle with the boys
who have to be shown. Coach Cavanaugh
Is hopeful of winning and promises a good
game Friday afternoon. Lanlgan probably
will do the twirling for the Crelghtons.
The game will be called at 3:30.
Fort Omaha Wins.
in an Interesting game played at Fort i Lange Grocery company team by a score
Omnha yesterday, the Omaha Real Estate J of 27 to 10. They will play the Ideals on
Brief and Breesy Sports.
Better be a live one asleep than a dead
awake. There's no hope for the superan
uated dope maker.
It looks like Porkomey and Perrlng on
Toledo are In the same box that are White
and Graham of Omaha.
The way Alonao Stone is not walloping
the ball goes to show that hs can't be
bribed with a mere raise In salary.
The Laurel base ball team Monday de
feated the postofflee boys. 10 to 7. The
game was played at Rivervlew park.
Columbus has a battery Blue and Upp.
Omaha haa had many batteries that blew
up, much to the disgust of loyal rooters.
With the well known firm of Thompson
and Belden on his team. Pa Rourke should
have no misgivings about first-class re
sults. Prairie City Brown outpitched his op-
Jionent again and had to see the other fel
ow pluck the victory because of rotten
work back of him.
Minneapolis may win a game If It gets
Sandow Mertes, but it has several other
stars, ahooting or sizzling, that have not
yet brought victory.
Which would you rather have for your
money, a page of one man's personal opin
ions or four pages of legitimate, up-to-the-minute
sporting news?
The Barkalow Broa. baae ball team won
a hard fought game Sunday from th Mld
Clty Juniors by the score of 7 to S. The
Barkalow team challenges the Columbus
for a game for next Sunday.
The Champions have organized and won
their first game Sunday by defeating the
Philadelphia at Brooklyn. Pittsburg at 8t.
Louis, Cincinnati at Chicago.
Columbus 'Wins from St. Paul by
Henry Hitting.
COLUMBUS, April 22. Columbus pounded
I -a Roy hard and win., 7 to 2. Two catches
of fouls by Frlel and a stop by Hulswltt
were the features of Ct--tumbus' perfect
fielding. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Rellley, II.... t 2 4 0 0 Dunlaary. rf. I 1 1 0 0
all! DKMDKr, ...
10 0 OOeler, If 4
110 0 Pad den. th,.. 4
1 1 0 0 Harteel. 317.. 4
011 CNordjaa. lb.. I
lie 0Tlrmeer, aa. 4
1(10 Eugtlen. o. . . . I
1 M tU Kr. P"-. 1
24 12 17 10 0Crlaa 1
Frlel, lb 4
Jude. rf 8
Oeaalar, cf... 4
Kltim, lb 2
Hulawltt, aa.. 4
Whaler, 2t.. 4
Blua, o
. 4
1 I
2 0
0 I
1 0
0 li
2 4
0 2
0 0
0 0
0 0
Totala SI T 24 14 1
Batted tor Dickatm In ninth.
Columbus 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 1 7
St. Paul 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 08
Stolen bases: Fried (21. Rellley, Oessler.
Sacrifice hit: Kihin. liases on balls: Off
Winecker, 4; off Dickson, 3. Two-base hits:
Koehler, Uelcr, Hartsel. Three-bause lilts:
exchange was beat by the Fort Omaha
team, score 8 to 1. The main features of
the game were a three-base hit bv Ed
wards and the fin work of the Fort Omaha
battery. Score: R.H E
Fort Omaha ...0 2310000 6 6 4
O. R. E. K 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 6 6
Batteries: Exchange, Lyons and Reed;
Fort Omaha, Cass and Halbe.
Twenty-first and Paul
April 28.
streets Sunday,
Corona Win from Diet.
The Coronas opened the season Sunday
by defeating the Diets Association team
at Diets park, 13 to 6. Both pitchers were
hit hard, but Bogatts kept his men well
scattered, while 8chlnd4 was bumped when
hits meant runs. The Coronas were fast
In the field, while the Diets seemed to lack
practice. The Coronas play a double
header with Ideal Hustlers at Council
Bluffs next Sunday. '
New Rivals Open the Season.
Tha New Rivals defeated the Spauldlnga
Sunday In an exciting game by the score
of 4 to 8. Wlsler s home run In the last
half of the ninth Inning with one man on
base, winning the game, was the feature
Sclinelderwind and English both pitched
good ball.
Sloax Falls Defeat Yankton.
YANKTON, S. D.. April 22. (Special Tel
egrairt. ) Sioux Falle college defeated Yank
ton college at baae ball today, by a avore
of 7 to 4.
When you buy Coov you
pay or what you get -Pure
Champagne. When you -buy
foreign makes, you pay (or
champajne, duty and ship
freight that's why Cook 'a
Imperial Extra Dry ia half
the price of foreign makes.
Served Everywhere
Berkeley, 12 to 1, Wlna th Union
Stakes at Aquedoet.
NEW YORK, April 22 Berkeley, at 13
t6 won, won the Union stakes for 3-year-
olds at Aqueduct today. Tleling, played
down from 6 to 1 to a to 6, finished aecond,
and Campaigner third. Two favorites won.
First race, selling, four and a half fur
longs: Kerry (W, Preston, 16 to 6) won,
SlumberlesB CM, Lowe, 15 to D Second, Al
bia titl, flatiaen, 40 to 1) third. Time:
0h:;. Gttiryur, Sweet Taire, Batteisi.y,
Goldfnll. Irish I-ace. Select. F.ivlra Ml,
Bpohn. Pension, Marston, Toplltsky, Alder
man Tim and Band Box also ran.
Second race, steeplechase, selling, about
two miies: Dulcian U. Mclnery, 4 to 6)
won, Tom Cogan (138, Warnke, 9 to 6) sec
ond. Dick Shaw (13u, Rogan, Jo to 1) third.
Time: i H. Arabo and C. li. Campbell
also ran.
Third race, five and a half furlongs:
Athlete ih2. lletmeegy, 6 to ll won, Orphan
Lad I10U. Shillings. 6 to -) second. Dr.
Ga dner il27, Garner, 2 to 6) third. Time:
1 ::"'.,
Fourth race, the Union stakes, selling,
seven furlongs: Berkeley Ilu6, Lowe, 10 to
1) won, Tleling 1 1 10. Garner, 8 to 5) sec
ond. Campaigner (lei, H. Fry, 16 to 1) third.
Time: 1:27. Molesey, Klllothan and Tim
Toole also ran.
Fifth race, selling, seven furlongs: Clnna
(P5. Br'issell. 6 to ?) wn. Clots' eresa tl'n,
B. Smith) second. Trenton Blue (1U7, Beck
man. 8 to ll third. Time: 1:29. Retort,
Modest, Jaclnta and Umbrella also ran.
Sixth race, four and a half furlongs:
Berry llaht (lit. Shilling. 6 to I) won.
Bigot (1'6. Horner, 12 to 1) second. Hands
Around (Kid, Preston, 13 to D third. Time;
SAN FRANCISCO, April 22. Reaulta at
First race, four furlongs, selling: Jack
Paine ilun, C. Williams. 20 to 1) won.
Irish Mike ll'V., Gross, 9 to 2i second. Gage
IMS, Ooodchlld, 12 to 1) third Time: 0 49.
Be Thankful, Slavon, Altalr, Tarahar,
Uncle Sam. Billy Pullman. Mac a 11 and
Mossback finished as named.
Sei'ond race. Futurity course: Comeo nflS,
Gross, 11 to 2) won, Talent. a (117. ajandy.
6u to 11 second. Sycamore 11.. Keoih. 4 to
It third. Tine: 1:11V. Azusa. I'aladlnl.
Fair t'sgol, Caui'jue, fuluselta, livid
Alleged Princess Held.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 22. A woman
named Martha Covallnsky, claiming to be a
princess and a cousin of the czar of Rus
sia, is detained on board the lined Ven
tura awaiting the decision of the Immiirr.
tlon commission as to whether she is a
victim of trochama. If she is. she win
be deported to Australia, from whence ahe
Missouri Mnrderer Respited.
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. April 22-Oov
ernor Folk today granted a respite of slxtv
days to William Spaugh, jr., sentenced to
be nangea ror tne murder or Sherifr Polk
of Iron county. Spaugh was to have been
hanged In Reynolda county, where his case
was tried on change of venue. HI case Is
being argued in the United States supreme
"Trust" Managers Bound Over.
TOLE.DO, O., April 22 Judge Morrl to
day fixed a bond of Ilia) ror each cf the men
Indicted by the grand Jury Saturday for
violations oi tne valentine ami-trust law.
The bonds eover all Indictments returned
against each Individual. The report of the
grand Jury caused a tremendous upheaval
In tne lines oi traae arrectea.
Fatal Fire In Kentucky.
FULTON, Ky.. April 22 -Four children of
Mr. Hodad. a Greek merchant, were ere
mated last night In a fire which destroyed
their home. Mr. and Mrs. Hodad were
badly burned and the latter may not re
Mine Stork Retired.
AUGUSTA, Me., April 22.-The capital
stock of the MipisKing aline company fxiay
was reduced one-half to W.OtiO m0. There
was no opp eltion. The W.t,0uu of stock
retired never had been Issued.
H -ri i rrr g...j.. B
I Vl. .3. et-.A-B. A IJIUUCUII SIC aXliUIH T M
iKrewd judges oi tobacco.
They want th most lot their
money, and k muat be food.
That ia why most of them imoke
Sliced Plug Pips Tobacco
Pbm aroma, easily (isodVd, (ia
this slices), fives a loof, cool,
dclacious imoaa.
Dee ao beta the to pis.
Fecka sis, tin haa, 10.
!v KJ
w"n' Q w' .la' Q W w Q
There is no other part of our physical svstent upon rhich ao much depend
89 upon the blood. The muscles, nerves, "bones, sinews, akin, and other Pr
tiona of the body are BusUiued, developed and enabled to perform their different
duties, because they are supplied with nourishment and healthful properties
through the circulation. In various ways the blood becomes contaminated and
polluted. A sluggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the
avenues of bodily waste, will leave the refuse and waste matter of the body to ,
6our and form uric and other acids, which are absorbed Into the blood and
Rheumatism, or some itching;, disfiguring skin disease is the result. Muddy,
Ballow complexions, eruptions, splotches, pimples, etc., all show that some
humor has taken root in the circulation and rendered it sour and unfit for nour-
li- . , , e.1 l- , .1 ' , . 1 . s .n wl a tha
isuing me Doay. 1 ncre is Bcarrny uiy which cnnnoi uc iin. A
blood. Often the disease-tainted blood of parents is handed down to childreifl
and their lives are a continual battle against disease in some form, usually ot a
ecrofulous nature. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores and Ulcers,
Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood troubles, and until this
vital fluid is purified they cannot be cured. For all blood diseases S. S. S. 19
the best remedy ever put upon the market. This great medicine i9 made of
roots, herbs and barks of recognized blood-purifying and building-up properties.
It goes down into the circulation and removes all poisons, impurities ana
humors, supplies the blood with the healthful properties it need9 and com
pletely cures blood diseases of every kind. t. S. fc. cures Rheumatism, CatarrU,
Scrofula, Skin Diseases, Sores and Ulcers, Contagious Wood Poison, etc.
because it purines the blood. Hook on the blood and medical advice free.
Very low round trip rates to San Francisco and Los
Angeles April 25 to May 18.
Only $50 round trip from Omaha
ri via direct routes; $12.50 additional via Shasta Route and
Fuget Sound.
Liberal stopover privileges, diverse routes and long re
turn limit.
Standard and tourist sleepers daily via Denver with day
light ride through scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City.
Ask for free descriptive folders and make early ar-
l 1 J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent
slllllilll lllll Ul
umuiMWIfl 1502 Farnam Street. Omaha-
H ii i- i i r -1
If you are vitiated with dlseat, ynu
should not procrastinate and Jooparclli
your future health and happlneag by n
lert. Call upon ua at once for a thorough,
aearchlnfr and aclerttlftr physical exam
ination, no that we may he ennhlod to
place at your command every Available
moans within our power to r-Htore you to
health within the briefest possible period
at the least expense.
Wa treat men only and enra promptly,
afely and thorong-hly, BRONCHITIS,
Special Dlaeaaaa and their oompllcatlona.
The Reliable
Specialists of tht
. ' .' -
' j l
Consult Free
Call and Be Examined Free, or Write
OFFICE HOI IIS 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. SUNDAYS 10 to 1 ONLY.
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Permanently Kstablislied in Oninlia. Nebraska.
It II l'J
I 111 to write for our big FltKU UTCkt'Lli catalogue
Cob M B show! nor the moat complete line of hfgh-eraria
BICYCLES, TIKKS and ht NIKIEd at fasltaki
BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world.
or On any kind of terms, until von have received our complete Freu Catav
loajaea lllustratine; and describing every itiud of high-grade and low-grade
bicyclea. old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable LOVf
PKICKS ana wondorfal new off era made possible by selling from factory
direct to rider with no middlemen's protits.
HVf SHIP OH APPRO VA L without a cent deposit. Fay tha Freight and
allow 10 lay a free Irlsvl and make other liberal terms which no other
house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get much veils-
We need a Ulttf Amnt in every town and can offer an opportunity
,1c young men who apply at once,
to nuke money to suitabli
aSU.bU HJNI. I M ih-F UUF TliiFS 9 J ! Y
-e r iOU
BOm&O per pair.
to introauoo
Wo Will Salt
You m Satnplo
Pain for Only
On 01ASS
(cash with oudcs)
Result of ! . Tears experience In tire
making. No danfler from THORNS, CAC
Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can
be vulcanized like sny other tire.
Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual ujs. Over
teventy-fivs Thousand pairs sold last year.
Motto the thick rubber traa4
A" and puncture strips "If
und !," also rim atrip "H"
to prevent rim cutting. This
tire will oatlaat any other
make KOr r, e-LAaXiO
DESCRIPTION I Made In all slzea. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined inside
jih a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctures
iti fa
ven by several layers of thin, specially
without allowinir the sir to escape,
that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice m
y e have hundreds of letters from satined customers statins
I a whole season. Thr, afinhnomnnthki.
am umiimy me, ku""- .(Biiur, vcuig g;iveu dv several layers oi tnin, specially
prepared fabric on the tread. That Holding Back" sensation commonly felt when riding on asphalt
or soft roaila is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from beinsr
...... ...4 ,), tire and th rnrf I k... .11 rTU- , i ,Z7 "
tires is SR 50 per pair, tut for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider
of only t per pair., All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C O D. on arjurov.L
you ao not
we win allow scaan uiaeiouns 01 percent (thereby msktng the price S4.0& uii.rl If
FtLL CASH VtllU OKllhK and enclose thia advertisemenu We will also irmlnn, n u i . 1
) not pay a cent until you have examined and found them eirtctly as represented,
till allow s rash discount of J percent (thereby making the price St.fift per pair) if
, CASH Vtlllt UKUhK and encloae thia advertisement. We !! U, '
plated brasa hand pump and two nasapson metal puncture closera oa full paid orders (these metal
puncture closers to be used in case of intentional kuife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned
t OL'K excuse if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination.
we are perieciiy reusDie ana money sent to ua is as sale as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster
Banker. Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this Paper about us. If you order a pair ol
these tires, you will nud that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look
finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased
that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want yov to send ua a small trial
order at ouce, hence this remarkable tire oSer. '
CO AS 7Xi7 D fi Ifr C baU,;f 'w.l"U,v.rwi, 't P1. ,Prt and repairs, and
V I ,f'T ,''Sn"' everything In the bicycle line are aolj by us at half the usual
trices charged by dealers and repair men. Write for our big StJN UK V catalogue.
nn UfiT W3IT ul u' p- today, no wo tulVu. or BCTifta
bicvele or m rjair of tirea from anwAn ..nil u.. l. . v. .
.... . . ' - TWM KUUW ,11
wouaenui men we are making. It only costs a postal to leara everything. Write it WOW.
EtttablUhtd In Omaha 15 Years.
Frjrrrr consuitstion and Exsmlnstlon.
Writs tor Symptom Blank for Home Treatment.
Dr. Scarlcs'& Scarlcs
N. E. Corner 11th and Doufilas St., OMAHA, U