Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Earn iocs in lebraska thow Laret Tocru
During- Put Tear.
Secretary of State Jaskla Refnses ta
(naatrrild Voirhrri for Claims
After the Warrants Are
iKrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April 22. (Special.) Notwith
standing the howl of the railroads In Ne
braska about being hampered by legisla
tlon, the cross earnings of the Burlington,
according to the report filed today with
L the State Hoard of Assessment, shows an
Increase In the last year over the previous
year of almost 13,000,000 and the net earn
ings are Increased almost The
Burlington managed to eke out only fit.'
196,368.47 during the last year, which, after
deducting the operating expenses, left this
road only l8.4M.gT4.10 to the good. This
means that the road, after paying all ex
penses, including the taxes, carried out of
Nebraska for every mile of road It tins
In this state, main line and branches. the
um of 13,061. and It has 2.6U.23 miles. In
the report the net earnings are considerably
mailer than Is set forth In the above fig
ures, because the company did a little Jug
gling by Including in Its taxes paid In
1907 the sum of S382.M0.44, but as this sum
represents the taxes due during the last
three years when It refused to pay tip
like other taxpayers, the board will not
consider It as chalked up against the earn
ings of this year. One thing the road did
not do this year, and that la it did not
deduct an arbitrary of 4-10 of 1 mill al
lowed lines west of the river. The board.
It is understood, last year refused to take
this Into consideration and It is left out
of ths return this year. The amount de
ducted last year amounted to $1,176,662.75.
This left nt earnings last year of $2,068,
compared with a net earning of 23,061 per
mile this year. The following Is a com
parison of the figures of this year and last:
1807. 1W16.
Gross earnings 219,lfi6,.TJt 47 $
Operating expenses. 10,708.500.37 8,224.049.60
Increase S S,4Mt,ttg.10
Taxes 4H,3S0.9 4t.67 U
Net earnings 7,962,477.11 7,172,430.87
Bark taxes paid In
ltrW 3X2.8M.44
Earnings per mile.
not counting bark
taxes paid 8.061.00
The railroad counted net earnings at
7.67,616 67.
Colfeottna- Freight Hrhednles.
The State Railway commission Is getting
In a lot of freight schedules from various
railroads and expects to be In good shape
' to do business on May 7. when the mem
bers meet with the railroad men and fix
up a schedule of rates to be put Into effect.
Borne of the newspapers have been printing
that Member Clarke la headed for Iowa
to discuss matters with the Iowa com
mission, but this la a mistake. Mr. Clarke
has his hands full here without devoting
any time to the Iowa commission.
Heir Deal on Vouchers.
Secretary of State Junkln will hereafter
sign no vouchers upon which warrants
have already been Issued, but Instead he
will insist on approving vouchers be
fore the warrant Is drawn or he wilt re
fuse to become Jointly responsible with
the auditor. Auditor Searle hereafter will
Issue no warranty upon a voucher signed
with a stamp by the secretary of state,
but will insist that the endorsement of
the secretary shall be written with pen and
ink. Mr. Searle recently had his attention
jmiinu v yJ yiiui rini uiuu wmuii 1119 name
f the eeeeetary-of state had- been 1 ramped
and he promptly nave notioe that he would
s-t'Xtot recognize such a signature in the
future. The secretary of state has ordered
the practice stopped in his office and also
served notice that he would not sign a
voucher after the warrant had been Issued.
' "t has been a custom in the past, probably
llnee Nebraska became a state, for the
Midltor to be a good fellow and get out
the warrants for routine claims before
tie secretary of state signed the voucher,
nerely to help along the fellow who had
Watch Your Thirty Feet
of Bowels I
"TT T7U hva thlry ' ' Intestines!
i What makes food travel
T ' through them?
' - A get ol Musoles that lino tha
walla of these Intestines or Bowels.
When a piece of Food rubs the walls
cf the Intestines these Muscles tighten
behind It, and thus It starts a Muscle-wave
vhloh drives It through the whole length
of the Bowels.
. It should take about 12 hours to do this
properly, so that nutritious parts of the food
may have time to be digested and absorbed.
But, If It takes twice or three tlmbe
thai period the food spoils In passing, and
becomes as poisonous as if It had decayed
Wore being eaten.
Nov, the causa of delay (Constipation)
la simply Weakness, or Laziness of (ha
Want of Exercise, Indoor Employment,
weakens these Bowel-Muscles, just as It
weakens Arra and Leg Muscles.
"Physio" like Salts, Calomel, Jalap,
Phosphate of Soda, Mineral Waters, simply
flush-out the Bowels for the one occasion
They do not remove the Cause of Con
stipation. But this Is dliferentwith Cascarets.
Cascarets act on the Muscles of the
Bowels and Intestines. They act Just as
Cold Water, or Exercise act on a Lazy man.
. They act like exercise.
A Cascaret produces the same 'sort
Natural result that a Six Mile walk In the
country would produce.
The Vest Pocket Box la sold by all
Druggists, at Ten Cents.
Be Tery careful to get the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Co.,
and never sold in bulk. Every tablet
stamped "CCC." tT
Foffffrcf Carts
of continuous success. Printed matter
tent in plain envelope upon request. All
Correspondence strtotly confidential.
Twenty-fifth and Case fits.
Oniaoa, Neb. .
the bin against the state, and on numerous I
occasions It has not been necessary for the
man with the claim to even file with the
voucher receipts for money expended. Sec
retary of State Galuaha was one secretary
who Insisted on the receipts accompanying
the voucher, and on a few occasions he
refused to endorse the claim because of
the absence of the receipts. Occasionally,
however, the warrants have been Issued
without the approval of the secretary of
One voucher filed by J. C. Martin of Cen
tral City for work done for the attorney
general In the milt against the Lumber
Dealers' association, for IOT.46, contains
this notation, written with a lead pencil
and signed "Oalusha." "What about rail
road receipts?" No answer Is written
there, but the warrant was Issued. The
voucher contains these Items:
Eighteen days, myself and stenog
rapher (116) 00
Railroad fare 70.2"
Board, bus hire 5A.00
Telephone and telegraph 3. IS
Received on other voucher....
Balance tM .46
The other voucher merely sets out that
the bill Is for work in the case against the
Adams Lumber company and others, done
under the direction of the attorney gen
eral. I'pon these two vouchers) the name of the
secretary of state has been placed with a
rubber stamp.
Arbor Day Observance.
Inasmuch as the Arbor day proclamation
wsa the flrst ever Issued by Governor
Bheldon, employes at the state house ob
served it faithfully this sfternoon and
most of them witnessed the ball game, and
so did the state officers. Most of the
morning, however, was epent by the offi
cers and employes In the capltol, though
most of the time was devoted to thinking
up excuses to get away during the after
noon. Governor Sheldon was besieged with
visitors during the entire morning.
Sick aesa In Sheldon Family.
Mrs. Sheldon, mother of the governor,
continues very 111 and the governor Is de
voting most of his time to her, coming
back to IJncoln at night, to work prac
tically until train time the next morning,
when he can again go to his mother. Mrs.
Sheldon, the wife of the governor. Is also
ill and Is compelled to remain in her room.
Opinion Law Regarding; Reserves
Rhonld Bo Amended.
FREMONT. Neb.. April 22. Special Tele
gram.) At the bankers' meeting this after
noon the time was occupied by discussions
on timely topics. The question as to
whether the state laws in referenoe to
reserves should be amended was consid
ered and It was the opinion that something
should be done. F. J. Hart of Qresham,
chairman of the committee on banks and
banking at the last session of the legis
lature, had for his topic "Deposit." He
cited a large array of figures showing
that a guarantee fund of one-twelfth of
1 per cent would have paid the loss on the
278 national bank failures during the last
forty years. He favored an accumulation
of a guarantee fund of one-tenth of 1 per
cent, which, he believed, to be sufficient
to prevent panics.
Secretary E. Royse of the banking board
urged the necessity of keeping the legal
reserve well up, especially duilng the next
two yearn.
This evening a banquet was given to the
visitors at which Chancellor Andrews was
the principal speaker.
NORFOLK, Neb., April 22. (Special Tele
gram.) The Northeastern Nebraska Bank
ers' association, group three of the State
association, enjoyed the largest attendance
here today yet known, 161 registering. Nor
folk was chosen as the" place for next
year's meeting, this city's central eo
graphlcal location appealing to the visit
ors. The following officers were elected:
C. A. Randall of Newman Grove, presi
dent; H. A. Cheney of Creighton. vice
president; W. L. Mote of Plalnview, treas
urer; O, D. Butterfleld of Norfolk, secre
tary. Senator Randall and Secretary Hughes
of the State Bankers' association clashed
ovef legislative matters. Senator Randall
referring to Mr. Hughes as a "butter-In."
A resolution regretting Governor Shel
don's veto of Senator Randall's banking
bill, In favor of one fathered by Hughes,
waa lost. The convention commended the
state association for assisting In the fu
neral of asset currency. It was recom
mended that the next state convention
form a mutual bond company, writing de
pository bonds and burglar Insurance.
Cornerstone Is Laid with Appropriate
FREMONT. Neb.. April 23. (Special Tel
egram.) A crowd of several thousand peo
ple witnessed the laying of the corner
stone of Fremont's new 250,0(0 Young Men's
Christian association building this after
noon at 1:30. The firing of a cannon an
nounced the arrival of the designated hour.
J. R. Bader, a member of the executive
committee, to whose efforts the building is
largely due, presided, and music waa fur
nished by the Fremont college band. The
Invocation waa by Dr. Spyker of the Meth
odist Episcopal church. Senator Burkett
delivered a short address, congratulating
the city on so worthy an enterprise and
the opportunities for Improvement it af
forda the boys, a lot of whom sat on the
front scats and listened to him attentively.
The corner-stone was then laid by B. S.
Bi diver, president of the association, and R.
11. Schneider.
The principal address waa by Rev. W.
H. Buss of the Congregational church. He
referred to the building as a precious
foundation atone In ths building of Fre
mont's higher life and closed with a most
eloquent apostrophe to the bulldtr.g. It was
one of the most finished and scholarly pro
ductions ever delivered here
J. P. Bailey, state secretary, spoke briefly,
urging that the building be dedicated free
of debt when completed, and the exercises
closed with the singing of "America." and
the benediction by Rev. J. F. Kroger of the
Salem Lutheran church.
Riley's lajarlea Fatal.
KEARNEY. Neb., April 21 (Special Tel
egram.) Matt Riley, who was Injured
while driving a colt last Monday and who
hss been a sufferer from a dlslocaUd hip
and other Injuries, died last night at the
Windsor hotel, where he had been cared
for. The deceased, who was 72 years old.
bad been a resident of Kearney for over
thirty years and few of the old settlers
were better known than' he. He Is sur
vived by a wife and three daughters. Misses
Anna and Nellie and Mrs. Ed Baker, who
are residents of the city, and two sons,
William and Thomas, who reside In other
parts, and a daughter, Mra McNamara of
Rawlins. Wyo.
roll Break 1 1 Flakt.
BEATRICE, Neb., April 22.-(8peclal Tel
egram.) John Baker, charged with keep
ing a disorderly bouse, in company with
Ross Bates. "Mugs" McConnell. Florence
Mackey, Carl and Charles Fisher and Ed
Hohlmao, were rounded up by the police
at Baker's place In West Beatrice this
afternoon and lodged In Jail. A free-for-all
fight occurred between tht women. The
police were notified and took the entire
party In charge, Florence Mackey, who
halls from Falrbury. was badlv used up
In ths fight
Bee Want Ads produce results.
ft lit ir TDItl 1C tV1 tWT
Court at Grand Island Takes Vacation
j'er Aiuir lay.
Articles of Dress Worn by Rachel
Eagtle Art latrsdncea la Evi
dence by Atorney
for State.
GRAND ISLAND. April 22.- Special. )
Both sides In the case of the state against
John Hamlin for the murder of Rachel
Engle were ready to hold a session today.
Arbor day, but It was agreed that neither
had any rights to waive, and no session
was held, court adjourning to Tuesday
morning at 11 o'clock. The state has so
far put on only three witnesses, two of
whom were Mr. and Mrs. Kent, the step
father and mother of the girl. The third
was Miss Lillian Dunham, who was walk
ing down town with Miss Engle on the
night she was shot, but who did not see
the shooting nor the man who did It, hav
ing been at the moment walking behind
Miss Engle and the shot coming from their
rear and side.
Mr. Kent's testimony was substantially
the same as that given at the coroner's
Inquest. It related the facts of Hamlin
having been his employe, a boarder at his
home, a man of unobjectionable behavior
in every respect previous to the shooting;
Lof his notification on the night of August
I of his stepdaughter being sick, the treat
ment given her and the care and her sub
sequent death on January 14.
Mrs. Kent, the mother of the girl, testi
fied on direct examination that the best of
care was given the daughter during her
long confinement to bed after the shooting.
After the removal of Rnchel Engle from
the hospital to their home a trained nurse
was secured, Mrs. Kent having the other
household duties to look after. This nurse
was almost continually In the home, board
ing there. The unfortunate girl needed
much attention, for the reason that she
was paralyzed from the waist line down,
the line at which the bullet entered, and
none of the organs below the point per
forming their natural functions without
artificial aid. Every attention possible,
however, was given her.
Cross Examination.
Attorney Prince, for the state, here
asked for the production of the dress worn
by the dead girl on the night of the shoot
ing, and it was sent for, the cross-examination
proceeding with the understanding
that the dress could be later produced.
On the cross-examination counsel for
Hamlin made Its first serious attempt to
establish Its line of defense. Mrs. Kent
was asked If upon one other occasion, while
endeavoring to aid the girl, Mrs. Kent had
not broken a catheter during the process
of Its Insertion. She stated that she had
and had .Immediately Informed the doctor
over the 'phone. Attorney Thompson went
Into a lengthy and explicit examination of
the position of the girl and the manner in
which the glass tube about eight Inches In
length was broken. Mrs. Kent declared
that while she was supporting the girl with
one hand and arm and reaching for a ves
sel wlth another there was an Involuntary
Jerking of the limbs, resulting In the break
ing of the tube.
"As a matter of fact, don't you know
that you b.-oke the tube?" finally inquired
Mr. Thompson.
Clothlna- In Evidence.
"I did not." Indignantly replied the wit
ness. Attorney Thompson explained to the wit
ness that while some of his questions
might to her sound Impertinent, they were
not intended In that way. Later the wit
ness testified that the daughter, realizing
the fact that the tube had been broken,
said to her mother that she could not help
It that there had been an Involuntary
movement of the body.
On redirect examination the clothing worn
by the unfortunate girl was Introduced.
As the mother unwrapped the package, a
white shirt waist, showing the rent of the
bullet, a corset cover and a pink striped
skirt, she broke down and wept bitterly.
i The articles of apparel were the state's
first exhibit. Mrs. Kent was thereupon ex
cused from the witness stand.
All the witnesses are excluded from the
court room until they shall have testified.
The court room contains a large number
of spectators at each session.
A sister of Hamlin and her husband are
here from Rock county attending the trial.
Men to Be Taught Proficiency In Use
of the Weapon.
FORT CROOK. Neb.. Arril 22.-(Speclal )
In compliance with recent orders from
the War department the first monthly
contest with the bayonet between the en
listed men at this post will be held here
on Thursday, April 24, commencing at 9
a. m. In t4iese contests the bouts will be
of three minutes duration each, the great
est number of hits to deride the winner
of each bout. Winners of each bout will
compete against each other until the win
ner of the finals Is declared the victor.
Contestants will be pitted agnlnst each
other until the final bout. All cuts, the
use of the butt and all thrusts and lungos
below the waist are prohibited, these con
stituting fouls. The Judges at these con
tests will be Lieutenants Stone. Carleton,
Wueet and Guild.
A recent remark made by Major General
Bell, chief or staff, waa to the effect that
It ta the intention to make the Infantry
proficient with the bayonet as a weapon
and to teach them that they will be called
upon to use it in battle; hence the neces
sity of these contests. The Thirteenth in
fantry band will play a choice program
during the exercises.
Major Charles Byrne returned to the poet
on Sunday evening from Fort Leaven
worth and assumed command of the Third
battalion. Thirtieth Infantry.
First Lieutenant Charles C. Allen, Thir
tieth Infantry, has been granted one
month's leave of absence, which com
menced on April 19, and which he will
spend In Philadelphia, Pa.
Thirty recruits were received from Fort
Sam Houston. Tex., on Saturday, for as
signment to the Thirtieth and forty-five
more are expected this week from Colum
bus. O.. which will bring the regiment up
to Its full strength for foreign service.
A general court-msrtial is now In ses
sion at the post trying the case of Private
Norrls B. Doyle, an alleged deserter from
Troop B. Fifth cavalry. Doyle surrendered
Or. Lyon'i
Tooth Pouifor
Cl&anses and beautifies tht.
teeth and purines the breath
Used by people of refinement
br over a Quarter of a oentury.
Convenient for tourists.
himself to the police force at Couacll
Bluffs on December IT, stating that he
was a deaerter, and waa delivered here on
December 1. The commanding officer of
Troop B, Fifth cavalry, on being com-T"'!rrtr-t4
with etatd that no man by the
name of Doyle bad ever served In the
troop since the civil war. but that a man
named Houseman, bearing the marks and
description as given for Doyle, had de
serted from the troop In Arizona, waa ap
prehended and confined at Fort Leaven
worth, but had escaped from the guard
house at that post before he had been
tried. Doyle positively denies being House
man and also denies now of ever being In
the United States army, although at the
time of his arrest he gave the policeman
that had him In custody the correct names
of the officers and non-commlsstonad offi
cers serving In the troop t the time of
Houseman's desertion. This Is a ease
where the photograph system, recently
adopted, would play Its part had It been
In operation prior to Houseman's desertion.
PaMleana Aaree to Obey Law and
Remonstrances Arc Withdrawn.
WYMORB, Neb., April 22.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The light which has been In prog
ress here against five saloons ended today.
The saloon men agTeed to obey the lawe
regulating the sale of liquors and to re
advertlse and make new application for
licenses. The remonstrances were then
Tropose to Tote Railroad Bonds.
HROKEN BOW, Neb.. April .-( Spe
cial.) The railroad meeting called at West
ervllle last Saturday for the purpose of
encouraging the railroad movement from
Loup City to Broken Bow via Westervllle
was largely attended. The citizens of
Westervllle were very enthusiastic in their
support of the project, promising to vote
precinct bonds to the full extent of the law,
and also took largely of the capital stock
of the company. The subscription books
of the company were left In charge of the
committee appointed by the meeting, who
were given instructions to secure stock
to the amount of II per acre for six miles
on each side of the line. The company
promoting the proposed line is the Broken
Bow A Western Railroad company. The
officers of the company were present and
addressed the meeting.
Marital Troubles Multiply.
DAKOTA CITY, Neb., April 22. -(Special
Telegram.) Mrs. Mary McAllister McNa
mara has filed a petition for divorce from
William C. McNamara. About seven years
ago McNamara's flrst wife secured a di
vorce from him and almost Immediately
McNamara and Mary McAllister were mar
ried. They have three children. McNa
mara at one time was a prominent con
tractor In Sioux City. The girl Is the
i daughter of J. J. McAllister, ex-county at
torney, of Dakota City.
t'nlted Brethren Conference.
OAKDALE. Neb.. April 22. (Special.)
The Ministerial Association of the North
Nebraska conference of the United Breth
ren church has Just concluded a three days'
session here. Rev. L. B. Faslck, the local
pastor, has managed the affairs very suc
cessfully. The . meetings have been well
attended, nearly all the ministers of this
part of Nebraska, Including Rev. Dr.
Sehell of York college, being In attendance.
News of Nebraska.
PLATT8MOUTH Arbor day exercises
were held in the schools today and the
banks snd county offices were closed.
COLUMBUS Doctor L. C. Voss has been
appointed city physician, Dr. Charles H.
Plaats having resigned and moved away.
PLATTBMOUTH Judfre Archer united
in marriage George 1'hllpot and Miss
Myrtle Lammert, both from Custer county,
TEKAMAH A. J. Robinson, aged 70
fears, a retired farmer of this place, waa
ound dead In bed Sunday morning. He
leaves three sons and two daughters.
COLUMBUS Platte county farmers are
through sowing oats snd are putting In
all their time plowing for corn. The snow
has all melted and the plowing Is fine.
TEKAMAH The funeral of John A.
Goodwill, held here yesterday afternoon,
was one of the largest ever attended here.
The Odd Fellows had charge of the ser
vices. STELLA Jake Johnnson, living a few
miles west of town, was helping a neigh
bor unload some large limber for a bam
when one of the pieces fell on his leg,
breaking It.
PLATTSMOl'TH Mrs. William Brown of
Lincoln was visiting her mother in this
city, and waa taken sick and passed away
Sunday. Her mother, Mrs. Petesson, was
quite ill when she arrived to care for her.
TEKAMAH The prospects for a ball
team this year are looking good; the high
school team having fixed up the old ball
park, where the first game of the year
was played this afternoon between the
high school and the remnants of the 1905
SILVER CREEK The Silver Creek
school board elected teacThers as follows:
O. A. Earhardt, late principal of the Green
wood, Neb., schools, principal: Miss Pearl
Simmons, assistant principal; G. W.
Klefer, Intermediate, and Miss Julia Terry,
COLUMBUS During the storm the other
day the barn of Louis Berger south of
here was struck by lightning and burned
to the ground with all its contents, in
cluding wheat, corn and hay. The Insur
ance on the barn will not cover more than
a quarter of the loss.
PLATl'SMOUTH While the cold weather
killed the early cherries, apricots and
peaches, the warm weather is bringing
out the blossoms In abundance on the late
peach trees, and If we have no more freez
ing weather there will be an abundant
peach crop in this vicinity.
COLUMBUS People in the northern part
of Platte county are talking over the
matter of voting 112.000 to the Midland
Central railroad. They claim that it will
shorten the distance to South Omaha forty
five miles, and, being a competing road,
will lower the rates on grain.
AUBURN The body of John Wright, who
died In Omaha Sunday morning under an
operation, arrived here this noon and waa
taken In charge by the Royal Highlanders
lodge of this place and escorted to his
home near Howe, where the services will
be held. Mr. Wright was about 28 years
of age and leaves a young wife and one
NIOBRARA There will be nine gradu
ated from the high school May 81. and riat
urday evening trie class served let cream
and cake, from which they realized Ho,
which will go toward securing the Morning
side college quartet. (-pedal service
were held for the benefit of the claa Sun
day evening at the Methodist Episcopal
STELLA Will Cox of this place, who
h:is been working on the scale gang of the
Miasourl Pacific for several months, was
thrown under the wheels at Leavenworth,
Kan., while Jumping off a moving train.
His feet slipped, throwing him under the
wheels and his left leg was taken off
below the knee. He Is in the railroad hos
pital at Leavenworth.
ANSIJiY Superintendent Harvey M.
Pickering of Broken Bow announced at
the Anoiey High school this morning that
arrangements were completed whereby one
of the Junior normal schools would be
located at Broken Bow and probably would
commence June lo and continue six weeks,
after which the county teachers' Institute
would hold for one week.
NELSON The several churches of this
place held a union meeting at the opera
house last night In the interest of tt.lnesa
sufferers. The principal addrexs was made
by Rev. F. O. Kuaiiwr. a returned mis
sionary, who sooke of some of the rea
sons for suffering In heathen lands and of
the necessity or educating these people.
At the conclusion of the meeting some
thing over IU0 r?i rained for the relief
TABLE ROTK-Mylum L. Purcell. who
Is an employe of the Table Rock Telephone
con pany at Central City, had a narrow
escape yesterday from death by accidental
poisoning, lie Uvea one and a half miles
north of town and was all hitched up
ready to drive to town at 10 a. m.. when
he took a dose of what he supposed to be
a harmless medicine, but through mistake
got hold of a bottle containing belladona,
a deadly poison, of which he took a tea
spoonful. Accompanied by his wife he
got into the bumy and hurriedly drove to
town and by vigorous work on the part
of friends and pbysiclana bis life was
saved. ,
V i
:j Quo of the Important Duties cf Phy
is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur
ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to
the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it Is well
known to physicians and the Well-Informed generally that the California Fir Symp
Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of
its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the
Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc
cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would
enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right
living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but
as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the
proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present
truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won
the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed because
of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well
known to physicians and the Well-Informed of the world to be the best of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always
note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of
Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given
satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout
the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which
is fifty cents per bottle.
T V . 1 1 . ' 1 t 1 . 1 , . t . - "I I ' .1
livery poiwe is soia unaer tne general guarantee oi tne company, niea wim ine 1
Cwrotarv cf A frriMil t n r of Wa cVi i n ort nn TV f tViaf tVia. rnmpflw ia nrif oiiltrat nr l.
misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
Louisville, Ky.
Quaint and Carious Features of Life
In a Rapidly Grow
Ins State.
Ord complnins of an "epidemic" of beg
gars, but does not give names of persona
The economical housewife will turn her
thoughts from peaches and look for the
old recipe her mother used for tomato pre
serve .the yellow kind that was "put up"
without cutting.
The man who prides himself on his
"early" garden will be compelled to forego
the pleasure of cabbave among the early
vegetables, as the "seasonable weather" of
last week prevents transplanting until May.
A Cass county lawyer, "whose time Is not
entirely employed by the railroads," wants
to travel on a pass. If Plattsmouth law
yers are compelled to paj fares the efTl
cscy of the anti-pass law cannot be ques
tioned. The Grand Island Independent recalls
that In the week-ending April 8, 1871, nlnety
flve wolf scalps were registered by the
county commissioners. Farmers were then
paid for killing the animals and the "in
dustry" was In Its Infancy.
An Arcadia man killed a "weasel," which
he found In his chicken house, where It
was feasting on a fowl. He apologized
when he learned that the animal was a
ferret, which had been purchased at a
fancy price by a neighbor.
Trouble for "Central" A Norfolk woman
has developed a new way of getting even.
When the telephone operator makes her
angry she walks back and forth In front
of the 'phone all morning and Intermit
tently lifts up the receiver In order to get
revenge against the central girl. Norfolk
Big Mule at Shelton Talking about
mules, Henry Peck has about the biggest
specimen of the mule family ever seen in
this neck o' woods. He purchased the ani
mal at Grand Island Tuesday and since he
arrived In Shelton be has been the wonder
of all who have seen him. He stands
eighteen hands and one inch high and
looks fully as big as he measures. Shelton
Clipper .
The Editor's Assistant Miss Edna Brew
ster has accepted a position on the Times
force and has engaged to do our fighting,
typesetting, smiling and society stunts.
Walthlll Times.
Ross Hammond Rejoices We are pleased
to report that the rear entrance to women's
dresses is to be abolished and that hence
forth they are to be like good old Orlmes'
coat, "all buttoned down before." The
fixers of fashions have decreed It and the
edicts of these autocrats are obeyed im
plicitly. Gowns, shirt waists, lace waists
and tight-fitting Jackets are going to face
about and this Is glorious news for th
fumbling and long-suffering husband, who
has played the role of ladles' maid when
he wanted to be reading the Thaw trial or
performing some other function of the
higher civilisation. The husband who has
Jabbed at those little loops up and down
the spine of his beloved, muttering Impre
cations the while, will ioyously acclaim
the arrival of the new fashion, so his wife
ran get Into her apparel and hook herself
up without calling for help or inciting any
domestic riots. The buttoned-up front
fashion can't make the trip over from
Paris any too soon to suit the Ancient Or
der of Grouchy Husbands. Fremont Trib
une. Indians In Evidence A good Indian la not
always a dead Indian, but a drunken Indian
comes a long way from being a good In
dian, or, at least, that Is ths opinion
formed by many South Sioux City people
this week. The Burlington trains coming
up from the reservation brough Indians in
crowds of about fifty, who make tracks
for Sioux City, where they take on board
firewater enough to put them In a seml
reaponslhle condition, when they return to
South Sioux City with the Intention of
taking the train home. As their condition
Is seldom bettered during their stay here,
the residents on Lincoln streets and In the
vicinity of the Burlington depot, where In
dian fights are a common occurrence, re
port disgusting sights among the drunken
braves and their squaws as they reel down
the street to the depot. Wednesday after
noon a party of Indiana engaged In a small
riot at the home of Mrs. Brown of Lin
coln street, where portions of ths fence
i were torn down and other damage dona.
the WeU-mformed of the
San Francisco, Cal.
U S. A.
London, England.
An old squaw was left to enjoy her drunken
slumber on the soft growth of new green
grass beside the walk, while the snow
worked busily for several hours to furnish
for her a downy robe of white. At the
towns of Walthlll and Winnebago, down
on the reservation, the problem of caring
for the drunken Indians, each of them
carrying a "llttlo brown Jug" full of "heap
hot firewater," Is getting to be a serious
one. South Sioux City Record.
Stringency In Paris Cnniri Decline
In Demand for Foreign
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., April 2J Kore
klyo Takahaahl, the Japanese financier,
Who has Just completed his mission of
floating loans aggregating 1110,000,000 in
London and Parts 10 redeem the war bonds
of Japan; arrived In San- Francisco on his
way home yesterday.
Talking of his work In London and Paris
last night, Takahanshl said:
"The loans floated tibrond are now mostly
held by London bankers, the stringency
of money In Paris being chiefly responsible
for this fact. Japan will pay 6 per cent
for this money, which will be used In re
deeming the 6 per cent bonds Issued dur
ing the war. No difficulty is now encoun
tered by Japan In raising money. Its
credit has been unquestioned since Its
achievements In the war and foreign capi
tal Is dally pouring Into It In increased
"The I'nlted States bought about IGO.OOO.
000 of the war bonds, but has contributed
little or no capital for Investment In Japan
since. The reason for this Is patent. Men
with money In the I'nlted States can get
bigger returns for It here than anywhere
else and do not hsve to go abroad to seek
Investments. Japan will probably attract
very little American capital while the pres
ent reign of prosperity continues In the
United States. Just now it Is getting most
of Its foreign capital from England and
British Steamer Arrives at Baltimore
with Hole in Side and Stem
BALTIMORE. Md.. April 21. The British
steamship Barnstable, Captain Davidson,
arrived In port this morning from Port
Antonio, Jamaica, with a large hole in its
side and with stern .twisted. It was run
Into at full speed at 10 o'clock yesterday
The Agents
of the Mutual Life
are more than agentt. They deserve unusual con
sideration. They should be welcome everywhere,
because they represent a great Company, doing a great
business, meeting a great need. They stand welUn the
community and know whom they are talking to; they
have studied the subject of insurance and know what
they are talking about. 'The Agents of
The Mutual
Life Insurance
have something good
deserve the attention
realize that their death would cause embarrassment or worse
to their dear ones and who are willing to do longer with
out some things and do longer with some other things in
order to maks "the home folks" safe
The Time to Act is NOW.
For the new forms of policies consult
our nearest agent, or write direct to
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of
mviuin aaa
New York, N. Y.
morning by the steamer Old Point Com
fort, which runs from Cape Charles City,
Va.t to Old Point. Va,
No one was Injured on either vessel and
the Barnstable was able to proceed to Bal
timore, unassisted. Captain Davidson of
the Barnstable could not account for tha
DIAMONDS Frenser, 16th and Dodg.
Fair Today and Tomorrow In New
bnuka and Sooth Dakota Fair
In lows Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON. April 22.-Forecaat of to
weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair
Tuesday and Wednesday.
For Kansas Fair Tuesday, warmer la
south portion; Wednesday, fair.
For Iowa Fair .Tuesday, except showsra
In southeast portion; Wednesday, fair.
For Missouri Showers Tuesday; Wednes
day, fair.
For Colorado Fair and warmer Tues
day; Wednesday, fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA, April !.-Offlnlal record of tem
perature and preclpltaUon, compared with
the col responding day of the last thres
years. lfc7. l!M. 116. lfcrt.
Maximum temperature.... 70 6i 62 71
Minimum temperature 3 i3 43 a)
Mean temperature M 64 62 6i
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .'M
Temperature and precipitation, departures
from the normal at Omaha since March L
and comparison with the last two years;
Normal temperature 61
Excess for the day I
Total excess since March 1. 19u7 St
Normal precipitation 12 Inch
Deficiency for the day .13 Inch
Total rainfall since March 7 1.48 Inches
Deficiency since March 1, 1907.... 2.1 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period lmJ6 23 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period 19U5 63 inch
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State Temp, Max. Rain-
of Weather. 7 p.m. Temp. falL
Bismarck, cloudy 48 48 .0
Cheyenne, cloudy 6h du .oa
Chicago, clear 64 titi .00
liaveinport. pt. cloudy 02 66' .00
Denver, clear 6S 62 .09
Havre, cloudy bi 62 T
Helena, clear 60 64 .00
Huron, cloudy 62 64 .00
Kansas City, raining 68 62 T
North Platte, cloudy 66 70 .00
Omaha, clear 66 70 .OS
Rapid City, clear 68 64 ,0
St. Ixnjta, raining- 60 64 .01
St. Paul, cloudy M 62 .09
Suit Lake City, clear........ 62 66 .00
Valentine, cloudy 66 70 .00
Williston. cloudy M St .
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
to offer. They
of all those who
New York.
mri rtr r svv-f