Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1907, Page 10, Image 11

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Want - ads
Advertisements for the) wtil-i
vein mas will be takes antll 12 m. for
lb ,alni edition ,nl aatll a. m.
for the morulas; and faadny editions.
Cash sanst urompur all orders for
. and .d,rrtl.eml will
he accepted for leaa aaa lO eU for
Ihe 6rat Insertion.
Rata apply to either Tho Dally
innday Dee.
Alnt), moot aim words to llaa.
Combinations of laltlala r nuabera
laaat aa oao word.
lertlon. per line, lO centa. Two
more consecutive laaertloaa, per II".
I centa. F.aeh Insertion made on odd
lays, 10 centa par llao. fl.BO per line
er month.
advertisement la Inaerted nnder any
in. nf tHm nlaiiiaratlail Srlvn helOW.
It will he chanced at tho following
nteai One Insertion, 4 cents per
,la three to sis consecutive '"'
Hons, 3 cents per lino each Insertion!
evn or more consecutive Insertions.
I rents per lino each laaertloa. 9V
)ents per line per month.
Except Agents, Solicitors
Cows. Blrda, Dogs and !
Iloraea and Vehicles,
Poultry and Eggs.
Pianos, Organs and Musical In
struments. Typewriters and iewlng Ma.
Fnrnlahed Rooma.
L'nfnrnlahad Rooms.
If ouaekeeplnar Rooms.
Boarding and Rooms.
Death and Fanoral notices. Cards ol
riianks and Lodgo Motleea, T cents
V lino for on eAltlon, mornlsg or
erenlngi 8 eeata a lino for oach isddl
llonal edlttoa. Snndar. 1 eeata a
Una. No ad taken fov leas thaa 60
Want-ads for Tho Deo may bo left
at any of tho following drag stores
one Is "yonr osrnor druggist" they
re all branch offices of The Bee and
yonr ad will bo inserted Inst as
promptly and oa tho same rates as at
the main office la Tho Boo building,
seventeenth and Fa mam atreetsi
Albach, W. C. 10th and Farnam.
Beranck, 8. A., 140 P. lGth Bt
Becht's Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th Bt
'.prison Pharmacy. Benson, Neb.
Hernia Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming.
Caughlln, C. R., 6lh and Pierce 8t.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave.
Conte, J. U., Set Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
Cermak, Emll, 1264-41 8. 13th St.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4041 Hamilton.
Ehler, F. H., 2802 Leavenworth.
Foster & Arnoldl. 213 N. 26th Bt.
Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florenoe, Neo.
Goldman's Pharmacy, 20th and Lake.
Green' Pharmacy, corner Pars Ave. and
Greenough, O. A., 1026 S. 10th 8:.
Greenough. O. A., 10th nnd Hickory.
Hayden Wm. C. 2920 Farnam St.
Hanscom Park Phar., 1501 B. 2th Ave.
Hoist, John, 624 North 16th St.
Huff, A. I. 1924 Leavenworth Bt.
King. II. 8.. 2:38 Farnam St.
Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th St.
Lathrop. Chaa. If., 1124 N. 24th Bt.
Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave.
Bchaeter'a Cut Price Drug Btora, 16th and
Bohaefer, August, 2631 N. 16th St.
Bchmldt, J. It., 24th and Cuming Sts.
r-'torm rharmacy, ltilh and Martha Sta
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming
Walton Pharmacy, loth and Grace Sts.
Wlrth, O. II.. 40th and Hamilton Sta.
COY U It. April 21. aged 74 yeare.
Funeral eervlce at residence, 2ijl5 North
lih street, at 2 p. m. Tueaduy, April 23.
Inturment at Waterloo, fteb.
KETCHAM Lucllo Marie, daughter of W
T. and May A. h.cti tim (nee Corrtgaji)
Monday morning, April 22, 1W7, agod Is
Funeral Tuesday afternoon it I p. in
from residence, 'Mfi Grant street. Inter
ment Holy Sepukher cemetery. Washing
ton, i. -., papers piuase copy.
. WEDEIjL Charlen W., April 20. 1907, aged
o years 6 months 24 days.
Funeral Tueeduy, April 23. at 2 D. m
from the lute residence. 1128 North Six
teenth street. Interment Forest Lawn
cemetery. Friends Invited.
The following births and deaths were re
ported to the Board of Health during the
iurty-elcht hours ending Monday noon:
lllrtha W. F. Myers, 2707 Cu.nilng, girl;
la wood Rlggs, 2wtt North Twenty. fourth,
boy; Louis J. vjuammen, 12U3 North Twenty
fifth, boy: Joseph Happ, Jr., 822 Bouth Twen
tieth, girl; K. D. Vanhnrn, 2723 Bprague,
girl; George Smith, toll Decatur, girl.
Deaths Baby Dibs. 2021 Pierce; Jens 11
trum, Bt. Joseph's hospital, 19; Frances I
Marshall, 110 Bouth Thirty-third, 85; Herb
ert W. Moore, died at Alexander. N. D.;
Catherine M Shepard. died at Bt. Paul,
Minn., 7V; Victor Johnson, 106 Ohio, (
months; Ruth Smith, 1806 Ohio, 1 month.
The following marriage license has been
Name and Residence. Age.
Fred Genre, Omaha 23
Axidry Bwanson, Omaha 18
Bee that they coma from
1613 UOWAliD
fl MtiGiJ A30
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spa
c tally cf Ore escapes, 'shutters, doois and
satea. U. Andieon. Prop., lui b. luih til.
1 4;
THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and
Leavenworth bis. Tel. Douglas 1387.
0 471
SIGN PAINTING & H. Cole, 1301 Douglas.
U) T4
WALL PAPER cleaned. Douglas 6286.
(D M182
WILSON hangs paper, quick, clean; paper
cleaning a specially. Tel. Webter 2719.
(U-lll Ml
FOR BALE My 23-horse-power Rambler
touring car; cape top, curtains and equip
ment cost $l,6j. liMt model, only ued 2
incntha. Will aell for $U J, C. Huteson,
211 B. 16th St. (2) i7&
1904 Thomas Flyer, 40-II -P., full equlpuieat;
cost $J.7jO. now $1,800.
Ij Pope Toledo, Type T. top and full
equipment; ooat S3.7W, now $1.9u0.
lino, used 50 mllea; ooat $1.&. now II. O.
IX Reo, top and full equipment; cuet $I,H
now $)0.
14 White 8teaar; coat $5.!oo now fino.
laoi Ford. 16-H.-P.! cost 1,150. now 7u0.
Pcpe-Waverly Electrlo runabouta. $400 up.
lbJl Faxnam Bt.
WRITE for Hat of bargains In second-hand
automobiles. Frcdrlckson, 1502 Cap. Ave.
() MU Mil
JR SALE Light touring ear, to-H P.,
rheaja CiU V aVtxJl.ja. toi 30. Dexter,
a A ak Vltaafc. SI mm
lS-HOR-TE rower runabout, two cylinder;
met ll.OOfi; good as new; will exchange
for pair of horses and carriage. Addreee
C I0., care Bee. (2) Mt.21 23
Int In South Omaha for cheap land;
12ioo clear.
Good house In Ft Joseph, Mo., for land,
$4.r; Incumbrance, 11,300; rent, 4 per
Good water power mill for food land or
stock of merchandise; this la the best mill
proposition In the state; 112.000 clear.
Automobile for cheap landi- ll.sno.
Small stock groceries and meat In Omnha,
doing good huetness. for cheap land; $1.2(0.
Stock of groceries end meat In Council
Bluffs, doing s-oo,! business: 12.300. Will
take Council HI"T8 residence ss part pay.
Blacksmith a) op and tools for good cot
tage; n.2'10 clear
A No. 1 newspaper plant for land or
other ptood Income property; r..0OO.
Good vacant property In Omaha, close
In. fur good land In eastern Nebraska or
western Iowa; $18,000 rlear.
1.4H-acre ranch In Pierce county. Ne
braska, (tood Improvements, for good In
come property, $25 per acre; Incumbrance, b per cent per year.
S-room house and lot In Omaha, 1700, for
good lota.
120 acres good land, unimproved, for eot
tage In Omaha or South Omaha or Coun
cil muffs; 110 per acre.
Oood Income property for stock of goods
that la doing a good business, must be In
Omaha. Bouth Omaha or Council Bluffs;
1.i clear.
lhft sores good eastern Nebraska land lor
good Income property anywhere.
otiage in omana ror vacant iots.
If you have property anywhere that you
would like to exchange for aomethlng else,
list It with ua and we will get what you
628 Bee Bldg.
(3) MS1 2S
740 ACRES. Atchison Co.. Mo.. Im
XXt acres. Holt Co., Mo., Improved 26,000
2u0 acres. 60 miles south. Improved;
clear lB.otig
L075 acres. Barber Co.. Kansas. Im
proved; clear 26,876
120 acres, near Crescent, good Im
provements 10.JH0
62o acres, B. K. South Dak.., fine farm.. 42,0e0
J. It. ADKIXfl. Room 4. First National
iiank Bldg., Council Bluffs.
(3)-MS30 25
FOR EXCHANGE Fine onyx and quarter-
as good as new; will exchange for Omaha
property or Nebraska land. Address M K,
care Bee. S) M912
SOME good Omaha property to trade for
I A I I I .. . a u C3
mm ur iiicrviiauuiBv. ajv o. jiiii c-i.
(3) M321 m&
FOR EXCHANGE I have 1907 Franklin
automobile and 1!I06 White steamer, one
of which I will trade for a good piece of
Omaha property or Nebraska land; give
full description of what you have nnd
don't put a fancy prloe on It. Address
M 27, care Bee. (3i 91J
WRITE Townsend Realty Co., Modale,
la., who have farms, wild lands, etc,
for clear town property ana merchandise.
(3J M Aitfx
FOR BALE OR TRADE Mare and coit;
eafa driver for good roadster. Apply at
1812 Pierce St. (3)-M631 27x
R1R EXCHANGE 160 acres near Orchard,
Antelope county, Neb.: price J17.60 per
acre. 320 acres six miles from O'Nell,
Holt county. Neb., Improved; price 120 per
acre. Will exchange either or both of
above farm for merchandise or hardware.
We also have several Income properties In
Omaha to exchange for merchandise, or
hardware. Globe Land and Investment
Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
EXCHANGES If you bave city property,
stocks of goods, farm land or property of
any kind to exchange, write for our cam-
filete list. We have properties and lands
n all parts of the country to exchange.
Our list Is free. Bend for It at once.
Globe Land and Investment Co., Patter
son Bldg., Omaha. Nab. (3.1474
IMPROVED farm In eastern Nebraska, all
level, to trade for drug stock In some
small eastern Nebraska town. Address
F 71, care Bee, South Omaha, Neb.
) M720 28x
120 ACRES, 6 miles from Schell City, Ver
non county, Mo.: 80 acres under cultiva
tion; good building; price, 160 per acre;
Incumbrance, 12.000: will exchange for gen
eral merchandise. Globe Land and Invest
ment Co., Rooms 1 and 1, Patterson blk.,
Omaha. (3 M260
C. J. CANAN, 701 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha,
l.'W.OOrt Highly Improved residence prop
erty In the most desirable residence part
of city, all clear, for a Nebraska ranch.
(3)-M368 M17
WIT. I, EXCHANGE one years' music les
sons on any Instrument for Job printing
or advertising In any locality. Address
A 100. Bee. ()
FURNITURE of 8-room flat. In best loca
tlon In city, to trade for pair of young
horses. Inquire Joe I-evlne Furniture
tore, 304 .no. 16th Bt. Tel. Douglas 771.
(3 M331
ONE OLDS four-passenger, one Glide four
passenger cars, 12-hors power gasoline
engine, ror sale or trade. J. t:. ( leave
land, Storm Lake, la. (3) MSM 24x
1C-HORSE power runabout, two cylinder
cost SI. 000; good as new: will exchange
for pair of horses and carriage. Address
K 142, care Bee. (3) M520 a
WESTERN Nebraska or Kansas land for
Improved property or merchandise. 110
S. 17th St. (3) M728 27
TRADES! TRADES! If you have any
thing that you don't want and will trade
It for something else, write us. We can
match anything. Kelly Investment Co.,
220 Neville Blk., Omaha, Neb.
() M068 27
$100,001) HARDWARE and harness stock,
with $35,00u Bldg., clear; established 12
years; no better paying proposition In
southern Iowa; want farm land.
J. R. ADKINfi, Room 4, First National
Bank Bldg., Council Bluffs.
(3 M828 25
DRY GOODS, shoes and groceries at whole-
sale for horse and buggy. C. H. Eckery,
2228 Locust St (3) M677 23X
FOR BALE First-class blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; 14 to M
received for shoeing and $4 to $8 tor sat
ting tires. Address Y IM, Bee.
WANTED By gent, lady partner with
plenty of ambition and t little money, in
an established buslneas. Will teach you
a business at which you can always make
a guod living. The business will stand a
thorough Investigation. Address ii 107,
care Bee. (4S-M301 23 x
FOR BALK Rooming and boarding house;
best of locations and full of good paying
boarders; must sell on account of sick
ness. 106 4th St., Council Bluffs.
(4J-M379 24
FOR SALE 13.000 cash, drug store, good
pttyer. In the heart of the Gunnison tun
nel irrigation project. Ttie Olathe Phto--inacy.
Olatho. Colo. (4lM367 Z4x
FOR SALE OR LEASE One of the best
hotels In southwest Iowa, new brick
building, furnished. In town of LOOO; only
hotel In town. For particulars address
Denton DeO. Belt. Eax, la.
(4)-Mi56 24x
Your attention, please. Are you looking
for aomethlng good? Ws have the best
side line you ever handled; no selling or
samples; all you do Is recommend. It's a
money maker for you. Address Lock
Box 739, Omaha. Do It now.
(4)-M923 M13
FOR SALE Second-hand store; only one In
town of i,uuu; doing good buslneas; will
sell cheap if sold soon; would consider
part trade. Enterprise, Maryvllle, Mo.
(4)-M2!U 23 X
FOR BALE Barber shop, three chairs,
flue fixtures, good business, good locatiou.
Address 210 Co., Grand June lion. Colo.
(4 M414 26x
FOR SALE First class blacksmith shop In
county seat; big trade and first class op
portunity for the right man. Address
box 16. Breckenxldge, Colo.
(4-M4U 26x
FOR BALE OR RENT 21 -room hotel, good
southern Mlnneaota town. For terms
write John Woolatencroft, Heron Luke,
Minn (4 MiM 2ux
Valuable cJ lands for sale: Emery county,
Utah: will sell 2.5ri0 acres of patented coal
land May th. l'."T. Splendid quality i
coal. For Information addrwie Mark Tut
Ue. County Clerk. CaJUa Dale, 1'tnh.
ku Mali a
ore ads in the BEE....
ADVERTISING man to take charge of big
raying advertising business In large city,
icud-broke. chmnlc ne'er-do-wells, and
lnexperlenrd men, don't bother to an
swer. Ifi.wo a year and up If you can
make good. Address P 194. care H"e.
t4) M!0 29
BARGAIN 14 rooms, furnished. In a 16
room rooming house, full of roomers; best
location In the city, for 1450. First money
down takes It.
(4) MC 25
FOR SALE 14,0110 Jewelry stock; can re
duce to suit buyer, t'enner Kenny .t.,
Pender. Neb. (4) MK12 My8x
Bale, furniture and fixtures in Miropceui
hotel and lunch room; doing I12,(s) busi
ness yearly; located In a town cf 4,iMt;
division point of two railroads; only place
of Its kind in town. H. D. M. 416 E. IJn
coln Bt., Eflthervilio, la. (4) M.V13 2x
FOR SALE My stock of general mer
chandise, In good condition, located In
good live town; will either sell or lease
building; terms reasonable; wish to re
tire from business on account of fall
ing health. For particulars call or write
J. R. Tfoung, Lodge Pole, Neb.
(4) M466 MylX
FOR SALE 13.700 clothing stock; will taJce
160 acres Dakota prairie land as part pay
ment. -Box 124, Wells, Minn.
(4) M413 25x
FOR SALE City bath rooms, fully equip
ped. Electrlc;Turklsh-shower shampoo;
(4J M407 2Dx
MUSIC teachers' local locations bought,
. .. , . II . I , TtnnA ' 1 K 1 1 forn J 1.1
sola. reriiciu mtlV .v., -w .
Omaha. (4)-M163
stock of drugs, located In good Iowa
town of 10,0u0 people; will Invoice about
$i5,000; will consider good land in Bouth
Dakota, Globe Land andjnveetment Co.,
Omaha, Neb. (4J-M418 26
paying abstract business; will consider
good iand as part payment. G'obe Land
and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb.
(4) M417 25
FOR SALE A first class stork of dry
goods and ladles' furnlhlngs; stock, new,
and doing a first class business; Invoice
about $12,000. Address Room 1, Patterson
Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4) M416 25
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V.
Kniest, 707 N. T. L., Omaha. (4)-4M
HALF INTEREST In hardware and Im
plement business for sale; good business;
will require $4,0(0 to handle same. Writs
ox 18, Nelson, Neb. (4) M323
WANTED A good, honest man to handle
stock; liberal commission paid, also large
bonus to Biiccessrul man. Address Mount
Consolidated Mining Co., F. U Mucfar
lane. Bee. Sheridan, Wyo. () M2S3 23
Do You "Wish to Make a Change!
If you have a farm, home, business or
property that you want to sell or ex-
chanEe, write us.
Omaha, Neb.
(4)-564 M7
TO GET In or out of any business write
liiiaretn & wiuiama, oiu, tw.
4)-MC30 M
809 New York Lifo Bldg.,
Omaha. Neb.
BUSINESS CHANCE Invest 11 per week
for 28 weeks or 126 cash and clear $2i0;
absolute safety guaranteed by all banks.
Btoreheat Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal.
(4 M612 J10X
WANTED Young man with $200 cash to
manage branch office of Incorporated real
estate company; exceptional opportunity.
Address E 87, care Omuha Bee.
A LAWYER (not practicing) with special
abllltv as onranlier and promoter of busi
ness enterprises wishes to hear from par
ties needing such services; only high class
enterprises consJderea Aaaresa ir in
terview. General Promoter, Gen. Delivery
Omaha, Neb. (4) 164
HOME BAKERY and confectionery; good
location; well established trade; owner
leaving city, must sell at once. Address
L 160. care Bee. (41-771 30x
CIGARS, news and confectionery store
for sale at 444 North 24th SU. Bouth
Omaha. Call and make offer.
(4)757 28x
FOR SALE Pump and windmill business,
hand boring machine nnd good tools,
mull stork, handle Dempster windmills;
good location. Reason for selling, was
nisaniea ny accioeni. Auurriw n. r. -rn
drews, York, Neb. (4) M775 27
FOR SALE Dry goods and shoes and
gents' furnishing goons; gooo, ciean
stock; invoice about $4,000; outskirts of
city and farm trade, neason ior seuing,
other business. Address H 140. cr ltee.
(4) MSS3 2-tx
rt w Km anva. must sacrifice 200 shnres
Mining stock In mine which has a $50,000
mill already compieieo. ii laaen im
mediately, will take 12 cents a phare.
B. llawver, vi iMiimei oi. ii -o
JflR nrlntlna- office doing a good business;
good reHsons for selling. Addre.s E-154
care Bee. iu !- -
vnn RAT.E Furnlshlnas. Commercial hotel
Alexandria. Neb.: Kood paying business:
only hotel; rates $2; price right; terms
easy. ( ioi
FOR SALE A brick yard with continuous
kiln, complete. Address rtenry Hgner,
Yankton, S. D. (4I-M6W 27x
16-room hotel, built new, newly furnished;
well located. Henry Pleper, Aiimien, ia
(4)-M300 33x
FOR BALE-Flrat-clasa stock of drugs and
fixtures. Will cout-lder land if priced
right. Address Y 87, care of Bee.
(4) M118
For Sale Fine meat market in western
Iowa county seat town. Doing $1-W0 to
$ yearly. Slaughter house and 3 acres
of land goes with this. Price, $1,10.
Might trade for Iowa or Nebraska laud.
'Phone Red 1186.
1614 Harney bU 2d Floor.
(4) 340 23
TO BUY or sell any buslneaa or real ea
tate. call on or write K- G. Uangestad,
403 Bee Bldg. (4 M
WANTED To trade for atock of goods;
have a good farm. Addreas Y 245, lire.
WANT a second-hand automobile; have
some land to trade. Address Y 242, Bee
(4) 47
A OOOD stock of drugs In one of the best
towns In southern Nebraska . for sale
cheap: a rare chance for the riftht man.
Addreas, 415 6th BL, Falrbury, Neb.
(41 M597 30x
Advertising (applies.
PVArFArRFR w? have lhe largest line
Ut.jJ.IliiLUIIV Cf calendars, both DO.
MESTIC and IMPORTED, ever submitted
to the advertising trade. Before placing
your order, we invite your inspection at
our exhibition room, 1218 Harney St.,
v. hero also can be found Advertising
Bupplies and Noveltlea of every discre
tion that will bring results.
(u M324 mi
T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y. 609 Bee Bldg.
(5)-226 Myl4
Bar Iron and Steel.
PENNSYLVANIA Iron and Steel Co.,
Omaha. Retail bar Iron and steel at
wholesale prices. .Prompt delivery. Write
for auoiauonv l Ui U Alt
Under the "Poultry and Eggs" fr sale elasslflcat'on
than in any three other Nebraska dailies combined
DR. ROY, R. 2, luOS Farnam EL Doug. 47.
(S 44
Carpet Cleaning.
6END your carpets to N. A. Christenson A
Bon, 2i c. 2uta 61. rnoue wco. Vrbi).
(5) 109
IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1819 Farnam.
(5) 4n
CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. Mak.
lng over aim reifying ivels- Alio rug
weaving. 16lh and Leav. Tel. Doug. 606.
(6) M961
Cigars and Tobacco.
O. C SIMMONS, 416 So, 15th.
(5) 178 MylS
AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor, 631
South UUtli. xeiepnone lxiugias szd.
(5) M770 AJ0
P. J. CREEDON 4 BONS, general con
tractors. unice ana rectory, 46th and
Dodge. Thones, Har. 2160 and Red 1SW.
( M8
10 oeairice vreamery vu., umina,
(5J M179
Civil Engineers.
L. O. Hicks, surveying, 439 B. Trade, Omaha
(6) 1U Ml
(6) 840
BAILEY & MACH, 3d fl. Paxton. D. 10.
(5 ,8
KOTERA St CO., 1505 Jackson. Phona
Doug. 2007. (5) M134
Fnrs. v
FURS cleaned, stored and repaired. O. E.
Bhukert, 313-315 S. 16th., practical furrier.
(6J M449 M6
HESS & 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam.
(5) 1SJ
L. HENDERSON. 1519 Fara. Tel. D. 1263.
(5 4
J. 11. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000.
J 43J
German Consulate.
OTTO SIEMSSEN, correspondent notary
puonc, mi n. x. Li. tiiag. Tel. v tox
(u)-14 Mil
W. S. HEATON American furnaces; Jn-
ituifc. wi m: ui iiaiii o L. Ul iJuugiti
(5) M79S m22
THE Schlltz, European, 16th and Harney.
ST. JAMBS Rates, $1 and $1.25 per day.
416 S. 13th. (5) 792 M21
House Cleaning.
JOHNSON cleans carpels, washes windows,
scrubs floors. Telfl Douglas 2399.
(5) 186 MylS
MER. Incorporating Co., 42S N. T. U
(6) M979
Jevrelera and IVatchaaakera.
N P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, 2 & 1 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4&7.
Law and Collectlona.
Com'l AdJusUng Ass n., 922 N. Y. I Bldg.
(6 6J0 Mb
A. GOODSON, masseur, treats stiff Joints,
rheumatism, nervuuanee?, 06 Ware Blk.
Tel. Doug. 54. (5)-M168 M5
SHADE treea, shrubs and fruit trees. F. R.
Martin, 18th and Douglas, Tel. D. 7362.
(oe-24 A2S
LARGEST and finest assortment of trees
and shrubs in the city. Crescent Nur
sery. Sales ground, 21st and rarnam.
"Phone Webster 3357. (5j M&iO M7
FAIRBURY NURSERY CO. has shipped to
their sales ground at Benson two car
loads of shade and ornamental trees. We
carry a large assortment of ornamental
shrubs and rose bushes; also a large as
sortment of fruit trees and small fruit.
We have located at Benson to stay. Call
tor it,, j. uolph or P. J. Flynn. Tel,
Benson 3951. (6) 887 Mix
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. U Tel. D. 1664.
(6) 487
Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. 6T70.
(B)-M4S0 M19
DRS. RINGLER, 906 Neville. Tel. Red 6467.
C. B. TRUSSELL. 116 So. 16th St.
FRENCH and artistic photographers. 210
o. inn bi. io iu
JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 5S8t.
10.T 1
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order,
don't full to see our elegant imported line.
Lyngstad 4 Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. ave.
(o 4a8
THB ACORN PRESS Printers of Qaulity,
We make th03e Imitation typewritten let
ters that look like the original. price
right Tel. Doug. SSI. 1218 Harney.
(6J 685May t
8 W ANSON PRINTING CO., high grade
printing at lowest prices, no b. I7tn bt.
ik i. uoug. soon. (d-msb tayii
5u0 BUSINESS cards. $1: 10.00 printed en
velopes. good stock, for $10; other work
at same rales. Get our estimates and sea
our samples of work. Call at room ii.
V. S. Nat l. Bank Bldg., or 'phone Doug-
laa wo. (&) j juyu
Plumbing and Heating.
LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty.
118 N. 15th Bt Tel. Douglaa 1477
(5 M458 A27
T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electrlo
fixtures. 16u7 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743.
(o) M7u6 JullO
School Faralture.
Omaha School Supply Co., 1621 Howard.
(5 226 mil
WHEN you write to advertisera, remember
It takes but a few Btrokes of the pen to
tell that you saw the "ad" In The Bee.
liver Plating.
Omaha Plating Co., 1220 Harney. Doug. 2535.
(5 M1142 M4
Stove Storage.
RTOVFS STORED Hughes. Stove Rep.
D1UL3 Works. Tel. Doug. 7156.
(6 M761 AIM
STOVES stored. A. J. Hayne. hardware,
paints and oils, 24th and Lake. Doug. 8514
l6 MSui AM
Scrap Iroa and Mclal.
WE pay highest prloaa for met.Ua, acrap
Iron and bonea. Returns promptly made.
JL. a. a iwra, vuaoa
The Leading palmist of umahn.
Reveln tiims of and f iture described.
Parlors US 8. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store,
(16) 4
MME9. Been and Mayo. Spiritual mediums.
Seances Tuesday and irlday evinng
Readings dally. 922 N. 16th St. Tel. Red
1085. -6) MS79 A27x
Spring Term Now Open
DurDtuivn a V T , TVunrtiTBrrTWfl
Pill '1,1 ,W...' ' '
Catalog ua Free.
Address U. B. BOTLES, Fres.,
Omaaa, Nob.
Agents and Salealadle.
WANTED Experienced salesladies for
cloak and suit department Q. Frederick
Berger 4 Co., 1017 Farnam SU
(7) M241
SALESLADY In ladies' clonk and suit de
partment; one that can do altering pre
ferred. Rldgley Clothing Co., 1417 Doug
las Bt. (7) 336
Clerical and Office.
WANTED Experienced lady bookkeeper
ior wholesale house. Auaress u-ltt, care
Bee. (7) M742 23
STENOGRAPHER Commission, $00; In
surance. $;"i5.
3 miscellaneous, $40 to $60.
Assistant bookkeeper, $35 to $40.
Also numerous others. Call or write.
i.i-ii rs. x. Lire mug. (7 Aisai si
Factory and Trades,
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Company,
2024 Farnam St. (7) M339
WANTED Good girl for general house-
worn; gouu wages, dm l urs. avb.
(7) M403 25
For factory work; good wages; steady
work. Bemls Omaha Bag Co., 11th SU
viaduct. (7) M461 A27
WANTED Machine girls.
Laundry, 211 S. 11th Bt
City Steam
ay 420
WANTED-At once, 10 or 12 girls for light,
desirable factory work; good pay and
permanent employment. Call mornings at
American Hand Sewed Shoe Co., 12th and
Harney. (7) S30 27
GIRLS for work In bindery. Apply Omaha
iriiuing (o., lutn and f arnam.
WANTED 25 experienced girls to work on
coats and skirts in alteration room; good
wages. 8 Frederick Berger 4 Co . 1117
Farnam tit. (7J-M240
WANTED Experienced forewoman In over
alls fuctory; also 15 girl operators on
overalls; steady employment; union
wages. New State Shirt and Overalls
Mfg. Co., 118H N. Broadway, Oklahoma
City. Okl. (9) M3f9 26x
WANTED Girls to work In enndy factory.
The Voegele 4 Dinning Co., 1316 Joiiew St
Housekeeping and Domestics.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Apply A. S. Peck, care Nebraska Clothing
Co., clothing department. (7 264 22x
WANTED Girl tor general housework;
small family; good wages. Tel. Douglas
6042, 20U8 Dewey Ave. (7) 273
WANTED Cook. 3510 Farnam Bt.
WANTED Girl for genera) housework;
$5; no washing, no housecleaning. Mrs.
H. Hiller, 3i21 Farnam St. (7) 269 22
WANTED Chambermaid, good wages. The
Wickwire Hotel, Hooper, Neb.
(7-M355 24x
WANTED Housekeeper on farm In family
of two; $3 per week. Write Harry Wins
low, Ida Grove, la. (7) M363 24x
WANTED Girl for general housework. 1533
Park Ave. (7) 435
GIRL for general housework; small family,
good wages. 13vl So. 32d St. 'Phone Har
ney 375. (7) 4S4 22x
WANTED Girl for general housework;
must furnish references. 2509 Farnam St.
(7) 4h3 26
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Mrs. John L. Kennedy. Tel. Harney 625.
406 So. 4"th. (71-4S7 22
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; good wages. 1059 Park Ave.
Mrs. Ii. C. Moore. (7) 517 23
WANTED Good competent girl as cook,
northeast corner 33d and Farnam Sts.
(7J-MU39 23
WANTEC-Competent general house girl;
8 in fuinily; wages $5 per week. 1123 S.
82d St. (7i-M660 23
WANTED Girl to do dining room and side
work. Address Commercial Hotel,
Eaton, Colo. (7) M510 27x
WANTED At once, experienced second
girl; must have references. See Mra. J,
E. Baum, 3545 Harney St. (7) 743 23x
WANT ED-fi I rl about 16 years to do light
housework In small family. Applv 2G73
Poppleton Ave. (7) 7S3 24
WANTED Girl for general housework; 1
in family; references required. Mrs. W.
S. Poppleton, 2IH S. 37th St. (7j 790
YOUNG girl wanted to help In housework.
2406 Poppleton. (7 794 28x
McDOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far.
(7 22 mil
HATS trimmed or remodeled, 25c to 75c,
'Phone evenings. Red 5066.
(7)-M479 M19X
FIFTY more ladies and girls to decorate
sofa pillows at home; experience unnec
essary. Call forenoons, 2311 B. llth.
(7j M708 27x
WANTED Two dining room girls; $7.00 a
week; one laundry girl; $iiuo a week,
SchliUik's Restaurant 214 S. loth.
(7 M717 3
Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen.
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country: beat selling proposition ever of
fered ; big value for your customer, big
firent for you. Write today for partlcu
ara and territory. E. R. McClellan, 6ul
Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. (9 834
W A NTEI Traveling salesmen for Iowa,
Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri terri
tory, to handle an easy selling line. Must
be sober and Industrious and furnish good
references. Address J 15s, Bee.
(9-709 7x
BOLICITOKS wanted; prefer those who
have had experience selling views, por
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room ool. Bee Bldg.
WANTED A shoe salesman; must be a
t1rsi-ilis shoe fitter and a good stork
man; references required; a young man.
preferred Sargent s Family Shoe Htortj,
Council Bluffs, la. (9-M832 23
AGENTS through Nebraska to show and
sell ROYAL BUCKLES to farmers and
horse users; redy sellers; big profits. 1115
Famam, Omaha. (j 365 Myl
WANTED By Omaha Arm. wideawake
young men ss traveling salesmen, posi
tion permanent, with good prospects for
advancement. Give past experience and.
reference. Address M 1X1, Bee onVe.
( 77u .
WANTED Toung men to solicit real estate
for ssle or exchsnse throughout Ne
braska. Salary. Call S15 Neville Blk.,
and lialuey. ( M709 mid
t MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay
weekly. C. F. Adamg Co., 1619 Howard.
(9) M9H8 Ml
BOY wanted. Teteraon Broa., 115 So. lth
Bt. (8 279 23
BOT, not afraid of work, to wrap chairs.
Apply 10th and Farnam, Bebee 4 Runyon
Furniture company. (9) M718 23
WANTED Roy. 16 to 18 years old, to learn
the hat trade. 220 8. 14th St., upstnlrs.
(9) M797 26X
Clerical and Office.
City salesman, $75.
Salesman, on salary and commission.
Hundreds of high-grade men holding re
sponsible positions secured through us Is
sufficient evidence that we lose no time
in placing men of ability.
Call at once rr write for complete list of
721-723 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9I-M1C3 23
WANTED Rright young men, 36 to SI
years of age, to become life Insurance se
ll rl tors for the best life Insurance com
pany In tbe country. Apply to John Steel,
238 Bee Bldg. (-M2bl
WANTED An experienced dry goods clerk;
German preferred; give references. Ad
dress Friedhof 4 Co., Columbus, Neb.
(9)-M780 24 X
WANTED A couple of bright, capable
young men for bookkeepers and office as
sistants. Address P 14.. care Bee.
(9 M503 23 X
Factory and Trad.
WANTED Paperhangers and painters;
only experienced help need apply. H.
Borwlck, 211 S. Main St., Co. Bluff".
(8) M811
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Kniest, 707 N. Y. l. Omaha, (91491
WANTED At once, good, sober barber,
married man preferred; i2 guarantee;
stendv Job to right man. R. C. Davis,
Holdrege, Neb. (9)-M408 26x
WANTED A flret-class barber, to take
charge of shop In live Wyoming town.
Address Edmond Burke, Shoshonl, Wyo.
(9) M758 27x
WANTED 8 strong boys, also 2 box nail
ers; day work or piecework; can make
good wages. Omaha
Box Co.. East
() M622 23
WANTED At once, an all around tailor,
$15 per week or piece work. Union wage.
C. R. Danneberg, Grlnnell, la.
(9 M467 26x
MEN wanted to learn barber trade. De
mand for barbers greater than any other
trade. See dally want column. Few
weeks completes. Splendid facilities,
careful Instructions, constnnt practice.
Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1116
Farnam St.. Omaha. (9) M456 26 x
TAILORS WANTED Two coat makers
nt once, $7.00 and up. Wettsteln, Ames,
Ia. (9)-M401 26x
WANTED Experienced picture framer.
Apply Furniture Dept., Hayden Bros.
(9) M698 23
WANTED Boy to learn pattern maker's
trade; state age. Address L 143, care Bee.
(9) M523 23
BUTCHER Wanted a good handy ail
around young man. Fred Blake. Hast
ings, Neb. (9)-M549 26x
EXPERIENCED furniture packers. Apply
10th and Farnam, Bebee 4 Runyon Furni
ture company. (8) M719 23
WANTED Gordon feeder. 1108 Douglas St
(9) 786 28
WANTED Press feeder. Swanson Print
ing Co., 110 8. 17th. (9)-781 28
WANTED First classj . structural Iron
moulders; open shop; nri strike; will pay
$3.50 to $4 per day for first class results.
The A. E. SlKJClhJU Co., Marshalltown, I a.
(9) M8U9 23
WANTED Good, fast barber; married man
preferred. C. S. Leach, Atlantic, la.
(&.) M 807 29x
WANTED Young man aa assistant In
mechanics' tools department In large re
tall general hardware store, In South
Dakota. Address Y 90, care Omaha Bee.
(9) M409 tOx
WANTED Three men with families to
take charge of telephone exchangee In
northern Nebraska and South Dakota;
experienced men preferred. The Inter
state Telephone Co., Stuart Neb.
(9I-M398 24
ENERGETIC young man, over 25 years
old, capable of earning high salary; bond
required. Address In own handwriting,
with stamp and references, H 290, care
Bee. (9 689
WANTED 130 yards of good sodding done.
Inquire at 903 N. Y. Life Bidg- (9J-MU6
to 85, for firemen and bral-.emen on lead
ing railroads; experience unnecessary.
Firemen earn HOO.uO per month, become
engineers, earn $200.00; brakemen earn
$76.00, become conductors, earn $150.00.
Call or write at once for particulars. Na
tional Railway Training Assn. 620 X,
Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb.
(9) MJ4 Ml
EXPERIENCED drivers for furniture
wagon; permanent position. Apply 10th
and Farnam. Bebee 4 Runyon Furniture
company. (9) M720 iS
WANTED Crew managers and solicitors
to drive through country. Best proposi
tion ever offered. Will pay salary or com
mission. Address K 169, Bee.
() 768 tlx
WANTED Man or woman cook at once
In bakery and restaurant. J. J. Lnlk,
Stanton. Neb. (91786 2tsx
WANTED Several responsible drivers: sal
ary will be paid, according to ability, $Ti0
to J.u per montn; must furnish bond and
references. Alamito banltary Dairy Cn.,
W2 Farnam St. ti 72 ?4
WANTED A man and wife for poultry
farm, six miles from Omaha. Only with
experience need apply. Inquire of A. D.
Brandels, before 10 o'clock, at Brandels'
store. (10) MK24 26
WANTED College young man or young
woman to help wash dluhes for board and
wages. t"20 Harney Bt. (10)-M779 24x
Horses and Vehicles.
One brown team, 1.800 lbs., $225.
One bay team, 2.900 lbs., $275.
One big work horse, cheap, $76.
One work horse weighing 1,375 lbs., $125.
One sore-footed farm mare, l.Soo lbs., ITS,
One team 4-year-old colts (brown), $136.
One small driver. $45.
One good family pony and many others to
select from.
A wrlten guarantee with every horse.
Cash or time. 'Buy of reliable people.
Barn, Rear 414 No. llth. Tel. Douglas-l.
CU M477
2 HORSES, weight 1.200 I be each, wagon
and harness, $125; one tesm, weight 2.5uO
lbs.; one team, weight 1,000 lbs.; 2 farm
mares. 2118 Grant Tel. Douglas 8410.
HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and
work horses, bought, sold and exchange!
on commission. Myers, 1716 Jackson, iel
Red Ml (llj-161 My2
LARGE and smaH horses for sale. Also
wagons. Rosenblatt, 1223 Nicholas.
RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at
greatly reduced prices. Johnson at Dan
forth Co., s- w. cor. loth and Jones sts.
PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drive
suigls or double and rlue. 4Jd and Center.
TEAM matched black work mares, $160;
sorrel horse weighing 1.40U pounds, $4
pair drivers, $76 each. 2816 N. 15th Ave.
(11 M30
AGENTS through Neb. to show 4 sell
ROYAL BUCKLES to farmera 4 horaa
uaera. Ready cellar big profits. 1111
t axuaxn, OutaJU. WjmUH All
Iloraea and Vehicles Continued.
WE are not aelllng out at erst, but we are
selling driving wagons, bussies, surrles
and stanhopes cheaper thsn any nth.
firm west cf Chicago. Holmes-Adk'lng
Co., 714 B. 10th St, Omaha.
(1D-S16 Mil
HAY $9 per ton. Wagner, 801 N lfth ft
(11)-M0.S A30X
CARRIAGE and wagon pslntlns lUrrv
Frost. 714 Bo. 14th St. OlI-MiH Ml
TWO good toppy driving horses; also sin.
gle slid double hsrnrss runsbnuts. ton
buggies and surrles, for one or two horses
good as new. Harney Btreet Stables '
$375 WILL BUY an extra fine 7-year-old
driving bay mare, sound; any lady ran
drive; also a new undercut runabout and
good harness. Room 31, Barker Hlk.
(ID M51S 37x
OOOD horse for sale, cheap. 2W4 N 24th St f
an mum 27x
MY standard bred 6-year-old mare, rubber
tired runabout harness, robes, etc, for
sale for $3ii0; cost me $700. At Collins'
stable, 22d and Cuming. (U) M688 23x
Poultry and Eggs.
RHODE ISLAND RED eggs. Martin. 2S01
Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney J 803.
CHAMBERLAIN'B Perfect Chick Feed 1
the only original dry rhlak feed. Vse this
only and save all young chickens. Once
used always used. Stewart a Seed Store.
119 N. 16th St., sole agents for the city.
(U)-MM2 Myl3
TEN THOUSAND Barred Plymouth Rock
eggs for sale; Bradley Bros, sn.l Judge
Nerval stock; $1 per 15, $4 per i"0 Ars
Bros., Blair, Neb. (11) M75n Mux
OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book n
free to all who will write and auk for
It. telling where they saw this ad A
valuable Dook for every poultrvmsn, 3ivm
printed. Address Harris Poultry Co., nR
Center, Neb. (111863 May2Sx
HOMER pigeons; earn
Nebla Co.
em spare time
WHITE P. Rock cockerels and Pens eggs,
llfec each. W. B. Flagg. Atlantic. Ia,
(ID M130 M2x
The extra chick saved by feeding B. 4 H.
IDEAL CHICK FOOD more than pays the
cost of feed. Mfg only by Bunnell 4 Had
lock, 24tb and Belt Line. Omaha.
(1D-M128 A2I
SQUAB book free. Model Squab Co. Doug
6664 (1D-MSU A80
80. $1; 100, $3. A. W. Ruth, Whiting, la.
(1D-M921 A30x
DUSTON'S White Wyandottes, pure bred;
eggs, $1.50 for 15; $5 for 100. Forest Laws
Wyandotte Yards, Florence, Neb. Tele
phone Florence 1082. (ID M406 M6
ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; best
eastern stock, a good color; eggs, $1.76 pel
16. Mrs. James H. llalplne, 4602 Cental
Bt Tel. Harney 8628. (11) M736 MylOx
BUY Barred Plyruth eggs of W. T. Clay,
Council Bluff. Ia., a breeder. 2fi cock'
erels. (11) M258 M15
FOR SALE Plymouth strain Homer pig.
eons, good squab raisers, at 50c per pairl
guaranteed; only a few pair left at thll
price. C. P. Buswell, Merlden, la.
(1D-M286 23X
WHITE Wyandotte scored cockerels, $2.M
White bull terrier female pups, 15. C. W,
Pyers, 1906 Jones St., St Joseph, Mo.
(115-328 Myll
POULTRY AND EGGS for sale. - 4738 N
89th St 'Phone Red 3319. (1D-398 24x
Buy the secret for preaervlng eggs nows
$1.00. Schmidt Specialty Co., 324 S. 18th S(
(1D-433 25x
FOR BALE Domesticated Mallard duel
eggs. $1.60 per setting. W. B. Houstan
G len wood. Ia. (ID M596 28X
SINGLE Comb White Leghorns; good at
the best; eggs, $1.50 per 15. Lundstrnm
1302 N. 26th. (1D-M636 27x
DUCK eggs for setting. E. T. Greeley, 171
a. vtn, near Hickory. (11) M 744 Z7x
Cows, Birds. Dogs and Pets.
FINE canarv blrda: arood alnsera. 2014 K
Jithjlt; (11) M 667 27x
FOUND Lady's watch; write deacrtptlong
to 2913 Franklin Bt. (12) 481 Tlx
LOST A black suitcase containing gray
suit of clothes, with the owner's initials,
D. K. E. Return to 1214 Farnam. Re
ward. D. K, Elllngwood. (12;-M774 28
LOST Child's gold bracelet; name and
aaie engravea insiae. neiurn to i:v i 1'htk
Ave. and reoelve reward. (12) M778 24 x
LOST Ladles' gold watch, black , leather
fob, Sunday afternoon. Reward for re
turn to Miss Eklridge, Nebraska Clothing
Co. (12) -788 23X
LOST On Saturday, April 20 an oval-
shaped square design, hand engraved gold
bracelet In the downtown dlxtrlct. Val
uable to owner on account of keepsake.
Liberal reward for return. 2101 wlrt St
'Phone Douglas 1677. (12) 789 24x
LOST Small gold heart-shaped locket, gold
chatelaine pin, Sunday morning, between
Dodge and Douglas on ll'th St.; reward,
818 N. 24th Bt. (12)-796 23
LOST Gent's gold watch, medium size. El-
in Iliuveilirin-B, unitrru jiaiiovuiii i ai
f T.-, .1 liiu a Olth UI I) n .i ii r
or return tn 1741 8. 29Ui Bt. 'Phone Har
ney 1623. (121787 23
LOST K. P. fob charm. Return to Bea
office, 10 Pearl St, Co. Bluffs, and receive
reward. 02)-M831J
FREE medical and aurgleal treatment at
Crelghton Medloal College, 14th and Dav
enport Bis.; special attention paid to con.
flnement cases: all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167.
Calls answered day or night (13) 12
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nervs
Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman 4
McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
MRS. OARDEL8, private confinement
home; babies cared for. 8724 N. 28th St.
Tel. Red 2210. (13J-220 M3x
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bles adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs. Is,
Tel. 774. (1D-321
DR. PRIES, specialist, dlsesses of women,
SO years' practice In confinement. Office,
614 N. llth; realdence, 2421 Charles, Omaha.
ANY poor lrl ln nMd of a 'fiend call
or write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Horns for Women at 8824 N. 24th
St., Omaha. Neb. (13) M1W
Cash in Any Amount
STEADILY EMPLOYED, without security
or publicity, at the very lowest rates, with
payments to suit your convenience; every
thing strictly confidential.
Reliable Credit Co.
Rooma 8v7-w8 paxton Block.
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advance private money on chattels or aa
ary; eay to get; no red tape, lou get
money same day asked for at small cost
Open evenings till 7. (14 Cos
loaned on furniture, aalary. pianos;
horses, etc.. In any amount; less than
half ratss; perfect privacy. Immediate at
tention; any terms wauled; payment sus
pended when sick or out t,f work. 211
kaibach Blk.. 2o Bouth 16th St.
(14) 407
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modating; all business coiilidentlal. 14
Douglas (14)-6U
MONEY loaned on planoa, furniture, cows;
horses, etc. C. F. Keed. 310 8. 18th.
LOANS Positively lowest ratea, easlsst
payments. STANTON IX) AN CO.. 601 Beg
lilig. 'Phone Duug. M. aV-M