Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1907, Page 9, Image 10
f 1 i.ii.hi ,. . i j TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, ArRTL 2.1. 1007. 9 ( V ) GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET L'arktt Opened 8tronr, Iut Wthr Cn ditiona Csute Slieht leaotitn. FEATURELESS MARKET EXCEPT IN WHEAT Wheat Opened Strong aad Advanced Sllghtl. with loiter Decline on Heported Showers hi! rredlrted Ralas. DMA HA, April 2 11)07. Showers In the louiliwtstmn wheat belt caused an eaaier mantel and little ti suing wu. dune except 1 it wne&i. whlcn npeneu I llrmer o nreoeipt of more diunage stories, but reacted un later realization uaies. fats I opened very strung, but declined in sympa iny with ine general market tone. Fliui nose was apparent alter slight declines were recorded and the clone was active and strong. W titjut was Affected by the large receipts In the northwest and a slight Increase in the visible supply. Ruins were reported In southern Kanatu and Missouri mid crop reports were of a more conservative char acter than those received recently. K" ports of green bus; damage were received iroin northern Kansas, cauHlng a slight ad vance In both May and July wheat, but predicted showers and a generally favor able weather forecast caused prices to esse off c from the top, with profit-taking sales. Navigation on I-ake Superior has opened and several boat shipped from the h(.r river with export wheat. Heeding conditions are In poor shape and re-seeding may be necessary in some sec tions. There was little change In the cash market, with no Kales made for export, and the heavy primary movement con tinues. May w he.n ned strong at the closing prices ut t, , jnlny and advanced c, but reacted 4o. Jeptember wheat rose c from 74c. bid, at the opening and de clined later about Vc. The market closed steady, with a net decline of Vc In May wheat. Trading In corn was of small proportions, as receipts were light and little Interest was manifest. The market whs fairly steady on higher cables, as the export de mand at Seaboard is reported to be ex cellent. The close was firm, with only light recessions from the opening prices. Oats were dull, although receipts were large, but opened at an advance. Later prices were at a lower level and the close was only steady. July options were slightly stronger, liowfver, and closed Ho higher. Primary wheat receipts were 960,000 bush els and shipments 69!t,0"0 buahels. against receipts last year of 669,000 bushels and shipments of 879.000 bushels. Corn receipts were 19,000 bushels and shipments 43,000 bushels, against receipts of 430,000 bushels and shipments of 823,000 bushels last year. Clearances were 312,000 bushels wheat, 128,000 bushels corn, 14,000 bushels oats and wheat and flour equal to 411,000 bushels. Liverpool closed unchanged to hd lower on wheat and 4d higher on corn. World wheat shipments were 12.666.CO0 bushels, against 9,256,000 bushels, and corn shipments were 8.288,000 bushels, against 1. 10.000 bushels last year. The visible wheat supply Increased this week 8I2.0U0 bushels to 61.976,000 bushels, against 43.943,000 bushels lust year. The visible corn supply decreased 860,000 bushels this week to lo,6O3,0u0 bushels, as compared with 7,074,000 bushels last year. The visible supply of oats this week Increased 474,000 bushels to a total of 11,063.000 bushels, as against a supply of 18,190,000 bushels last year. Local range of rptlona: dairy, IT, '.'p. inolmie,!, l."1-,,-l'ic. Cheae, The receipts grmn were: 1 lour, bhls.... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu HtS. bu Rye. bu KgR, stesdy; at mark, onset . I, rats. i:.c: prime fists. steady; 14'ulf.r. and shipments of flour and Kecelpts. Shipments a'") 33. 217,3"' , ... 4,.i i0 liarley, bu 41.WU 690 1.1' 2t.30 1) 1. t.t-0 Articles. Open. I Mlgh. Low. Close. Tey. Wheat I May... 72 B July... 74S Bept... 717U, Corn I May... 44 B July... 4.IV4H Sept... 42',B Oats I May... 41B July... 41 A Bept... 84A 72-JB 714A 71 VA 72 B 74B 731A 7VA 74B 75711 A 76VA 75B 44 B48H44A 44 A 44 B 43V4B 434, A 43A 43V4B 427 B 42A 42A 42 ;t 1B 41MA 414A 4H.B 41VB 41 A 41iB 41 A 34A 34A MA 34B ftEW YORK ORKFRAL MARKET Quotation of tha Day -n Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK, April 21.-FU)1'R Re ceipts. 26,303 bhls ; exports, 20,887 bhls.; mar ket steady, with ltter Inquiry; Minnesota patents. i4.luiM.45; winter straights, $336( J 46; Minnesota bakers, $3.S5i.7o; winter ex tras. Hii3.W; winter patents, $3.8fl-. Bye flour, firm; fair to good, $3.66i,8.80; choice to fancy, $3.86a.4.l5. COHNMEAL Steady ; fine white and yel low, il.ji', coarse, $i.usiil.l0; kiln dried, $2.65 42 75. WH EAT Receipts. 94,000 bu.; exports. 14) bu.; spot market easy; No. I red, etH.c. elevator; No. I red. 844o, f. . 0. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 83V8o- open ing navigation, f. o. b. afloat; No, hard, winter, ssc, opening navigation, f. o. b. atloat. The wheat market was Irregular, on account of complicating crop news, but on the whole; generally easier. The visi ble supply statement wss bearish and with predicted showers in Kansas promoted iate unloading, the close showing Vr.e net loss. May, (v,'gHlc, closed 86'e; July, K7 9-lWflWtc. closed 87c; September, t'Jdi 887e, closed 89c. CORN Receipts. 269.075 bu.; spot market steHdyj No. 2, 67Vc elevator and 660 f. o. b. afloat. Option market was without trans actions, closing He higher to Ha lower. May, closed 6bc; July, stiHc OATS Receipts, 86.. VO bu. ; exports, 14,375 bu. ; spot- market, steady; mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds. 47Hc: natural white, 90 to 35 pounds, 4VtfioHc; clipped white, 46 to 48 pounds, 4SHuMc. HAl-vuirt; shipping, 70?80c; good to choice, tl. 1501. 20. Ilol'S Steady; state, common to choice, ISoS crop. Ifval7c: 1!05 crop, 4HJ9ic; Pacific coast l!i crop, sitfllc; 1!6 crop, 6'y'Ho. HlDiJi-Steady ; Central America, 24Hc; Bogota, 24 c. DEATH Kit-Steady; acid. 27'a'29c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $14.00 fi 1 1 inetiiutns. $! boi lo.oh; beef hams, lU.(f ti XJK packet, $lo.u' 1 1 SO. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, $10.&g'12.00; pickled hams. $11.75o 12.2S. Lard, barely steady; western prime, S.ftVoS.90; refined, steady; continent, $!.2f; Bouth America, $10.00; corn round, $8.37H'liR.B2Vi. Pork, steady; family, J18 oO-.j If : short clear. $17.004iil8.50; mees. $17.!f.'(?18.(i0. 1 alixjw-uuiet; city ( per pxg.), rm B'c; country (pkgs. freel, tiStHO. .ichsieaay ; domestic, fair to exira, 22Hc; Japanese, nominal. ' BUTTER Strong; street prices, extra creamery, 3Si34c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, 25itf38o; held, com mon to extra, 22"j32Ho; state dairy, com mon to finest, 24fiS2c: renovated, common to extra, lo'.'Sc; western factory, common to firsts, 19g23c; western Imitation cream ery, extras, 27i52Sc; firsts, 24&i36c. CHEESE Quiet; state full cream, colored and white, small fancy. 15c; October best, 14til4Hc; good to prims, ljl.lUc; winter made, best, 23Hc; nirge September fancy, 15c; October, best, 14jl4Hc; good to prime, EOCJ3 Steady; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 3Tc; cholco, 19cal9Hc; brown and mixed, extra, 1RHW19C; firsts to extra firsts, 17HW18c; western stor age packed, lSVaiSc (ofllclal price); stor age packed, lStA'alSC. 1'Ol LTRV Alive, nominally unchanged; dressed, firm; western chickens, 10iin4Ho; turkeys. 0gl4c; fowls, 10314Hc. fit. Loals General Market. ST. LOUIS, April 2.-WHBAT-Lower; NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Dj'$ Tramiotioci Iaresly rrofsisiongl, bat Priosi Bits Slitbtlj. ADVANCE BRING OUT FEW OFFERINGS Downward Tendency of Time Money Rates Is Looked Vpon as Good Ken tare Closlnsi Prices Hlahest. NBW TORK. April 22.-Whlle the day s transaclloris on the Stock exchange gm erally were Imllned to be largely in proffs sional hands, advanoes In prices were rec ognised as a reflection of a real Improve nient in sentiment toward the end. The vol ume c-f the dealings was not noticeable and business was unduly congested In a few sieouUitlve favorites In the same way hs for some time past. The manner In whlcu prices i-nne also failed to carry conviction of a resnonxe to demand simply to secuie additional holdings at the best possible terms. The important feature of the mar ket was that the rise, however brought about, Tlid not bring out Important offerings for sale. It Is this condition of the mar ket causes uneasiness to the outstaind nr short intercut, which Is admittedly still large. The bear poaltlon Is based on the prece dent of a slow, sagging tendency of prices after the first relx.-und from suc-h a violent fall us occurred last month. The existence of this persistent short Interest In the mar ket invites attack by an opposing bull party in the speculation as soon as the market 18 freed from actual liquidation on advances. There was little show of ab sorption beyond the narrow professional Impetus In' which Indicated news of events or changes of conditions were give-m little 1 A'rlhnn xn. 4.. rrsnonnihllltv for thft ilnv'a rnnvMiiHt.1 A i l 4r checked business. Consols bsrdened frac tionally, but other flrst-claa securties Scarcely moved. Copper shares were very active and Improved In sympathy with the metal. Americans ruled quietly firm in the forenoon at a shade over parity snd later the receipt of the New York opening prices Infused a little more life Into the tullng, t'nlon Pacific being the most fa vored. After further fractional Improve ment the market closed quietly firm. Jap anese Imperial Re of 14 closed at 101H- PARIS. 22. Prices on the Bourse today opened Arm snd then trading became dull and so remained until the close of the market. Russian Imperial 4s closed at 73n and Russian bonds of l! at 4. BERLIN. April 22 Trading on the Bourse tcxlay was ciulet. with an Irregular ten dencv, but Improved later upon the re relpt nf a reduction In the Imperial Bank of Germany's rate of discount. Americans were firm. Canadian Pacific gained 1H points. A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Prlees. WHEAT No. I hard, 70-'a'71Hc: No. hard, 694iti7c: No. No. hard. WtVlOc: spring. 7'i471Ho CORN No. 3. 4oHc; No. 4, 37Hfii38i)4cj No. S yellow, 40Hc; no grade, iiOiUUiic: No. 1 white, 4Mi'42o. OATS No. 3 mixed, 39V4tf3c: Ko. 1 white, Wfo'lOHc ; No. 4 white, 39H4j40c. RYE No. 2. 60c; No. 3, 68H0. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn, Chlcngi Kansas City Minneapolis , Omaha Lulufh HU Louis ... 47 ..132 ..4W ... 26. ..277 .. 48 234 48 . 29 175 Oats. 345 218 miCAGO GRAIN AST) PROVISIONS the Trading and Closing on Board of Trade. Features of Prlees CHICAGO. April 22. General ralna throughout southern Kansas offxet crop damage reports and caused a weak close today In the wheat market, the final quota tion on the July option being HWo lower. Corn was down He and oats He. Provis ions were up HHftGc. The feeling In the wheat pit was nervous all day, and prices fluctuated with a lc range. At the opening the market was In clined to be weak because of milder weather In the northwest and the else of the world's shipments for the week, the local move ment being 12,6r6,O0O., against 9.2MOno bu. for the same week last year. At the end of the first hour a sharp rally was caused by reports from the southwest of damage to the growing crop. letter prices again declined on prorlt-taklng and some buying for short account and the reports of rains throughout southern Kansas. The market closed weak, with prices near the lowest point. July opened unchanged to .4c higher at KlfJillc. sold bet w. en aUfctTMHc. and closed at BOHIsoSc Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 411. OuO bu. The amount of passage Increased 2,6XX,U0O bu., and the visible supply Increased 812,000. Primary receipts were 9&,(iO bu.. against 6U).(am bu. fnr the same day last year. Min neapollH, Kuluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of mo .are, against 884 cars last " "u i cars a year aso. weather for farm work and of suhHtantlal sonnort rmiiuil sag after a firm oneninff. f ''' cuph houses and IlpmunH u u- t . a The close was eauy. July opened H"iO higher st tsVti-WSc. sold off' to 47V,,Vc S?il0r.-.l.?t 4S''- Ural '"'cIptB were 235 iwi 11 mis ui contract grade. OMeneo. lirm, nut soon veilkend nn baseil uoiin r, r,.f. and southwest. ini track. No. 2 red. cash, TH1Vani'c: No. 1 hsrd, 76'h77Hc; May, 76c; July, 78Ho. CORN Steady; track. No. 1 cash, ftVVQ 4SHc: May, 4&Hc; July, 47Hc; No. $ wTilte, 4l'449H". OATS Lower; trsck. No. $ cash, 41ic; May, 41Vc; July, 3Hc; No. 1 white, 43c. K1XUR Firm; red winter patents, S3. 751 3. 85; extra fancy and straight, $3.204j3.i6; clear. $265(g2. 85. PEEI'S-Tlmothy. steady; $3.00(3175. CfHI.N MEAL Steady ; $2.40. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 93iS4o. HAY Steady; timothy, $16.0018.60; prai rie. $10.0tttfl3.00. IRON COTTON TIES-l.ia BAOOINO 1(H(,C. HEMP TWINE 10c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, $16.60. 1-ard. steady; prime steam. $8.46. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $.62Hi clear ribs, $9.76; short clears, $9.76. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, $10.50; clear ribs, $10.37H: short olear, $10.62H. BUTTER Bteady; creamery, 23631Ho; dairy, &h'Mc. EGOS Iwer, HHc, case count. POULTRY Firm; chickens, lifl2Hc7 spring, ioarJSc; turkeys, UHQUHc; ducks, lie; geese, 7c. Receipts. Shipments. .. 12,000 9,00 .. 48.000 l0 ..176,000 71.00 ..218,000 87,0t3 Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, April 21-WHKAT-Mav, 7'Hc; July, TJc; September, 74W; cash. No. 2 hard, 71V3T6C; No. 3, 69(&r6o; No. i red, 7'iV0rr7c: f'0- 3- SSHOc. giMd effect was caused by the downward tendency of time money rates, which was looked upon as a better Index of the real money situation than the deteriorating con dition of the banks. The large 1oli ex pansion of the last two weeks Is not re garded as due to demand for credits In anything like the proportion of the loan in creviise, as that Is due largrely to the trans fer of loan to the New York hanks which were previously carried by Interior banks and bv trust companies. This condition of New York bank notea Is thus, In reality, a sign of relaxation rather than of stif fening money markets. The same thing Is true of the remittance of funds from Lon don to Paris, which represents a re-pny-ment of Issues formerly issued and prompted by the present ease of money In London. Discounts continued to decline there today, and also In Berlin, where It is reported, apparently with authority, that at this week's meeting of the directors, the Imperial Bank of Oermany will reduce the ofllclal discount rate from the prevailing 6 per cent rate. Account Is taken, neverthe less, of contrlhtitary causes In the expand ing tendency of the New York bank loans. In each at the two weeks past nvndlcate operations were traceable sufficient to ac count for a large proportion ot the loan Increase In each instance. A buoyant market for copper securities In London and an advance In the quotation for the metal there were helpful factors In the day s rise. An Incident regarded an of some algnlllcanca was the sale of a Stock exchange seat at a price higher than, the preceding sale, the, rule being a declining tendency for the seats when- a pn longed period of stagnation In stocks Is believed to be Imminent. International commission nouses asserted that a more favorable at- inuue lowaru American securities on the I part of foreigners was discernible with the I relaxation In money markets abroad. Re- 1 cent crop damage reports apparently were i regarded with some modification of views i In the stock market and the forecasts of (. n . V. ...l. . . . I . 1 . ... ,,, ,,rn naa snme errect on stocks. As a rule the last prices of the day were the highest. ..'"i1 were flrm- Total sales, par value, $1,364,010. United States bonds wore une changed on call. . xvumner of sales and clnalnr nnntmin. were: Bls. High. Low. rinM. wo ew York Money Market. NEW YORK, April 22.-MONET-On rail, easy, lir.' per cent; ruling rate. 2t per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 2 per cent; time loans, steady and dull; sixty days. 3Ho P'r cent; ninety days, 4H per cent; six months, 4'n6 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPEH-a6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 to-!? 4.fri0 for demand and at $4 .MHHi 4.1315 for slxtv-dav Mils; posted rates, $4.83H'r4.M and 4 yHi'4 . commercial dims, s4.-'V siLVf.K-uar, Hc; SnSc. BONDS Government. Arm. Closing quotations on ss follows: ng....l4 Jipan , 14 hMm 1H4 1o ctfi lfttH Hi rtfa K4 do Id wrlei r....lH4 f- A N. unl 4i... ...101V4 'Mn. e. g 4a ....lltudii Ontnl 4t... .Ui)v Di IX Inr . n Mlnn. A St. L. A M . K a T. 4t ... . do 2a . 14 N. R. R. of M. C . 54 N. T. C. f. .. .KK N. J. C. . Is.... . VS N" Pclllo 4s. ... . S.'. do SB N. A W. c. 4... . M o 8. L. rtlg it . 71 Penn. conT. S. . 42 Reading arn. 4a... .1024 St. I. I M U. B rat. ta. do coupon . . U. 8. 2a. rrg. do enupon . r. 8. old 4a. do coupon . . . I 8. new 4a, do coupon . . Am. Tobacro 4a.. do ta Hal a- Ohio 4a no Sa Prk. R. T. c. 4a .. Central of 0. 6a. do lt Ino no 2d inr. do Jd Inc Clio. A Ohio 4Sa. Chicago A A. 24a. r., H. & Q. n. 4a. C, R. I. A P. 4a. do col. 6a ('(-C. A St. L.. 1 4. .1110 Colo. Ind. F.B. aer. A. 64 Mexican dollars, steady; railroad, bonds today were ... s ... HH ... .. .10" ... 94i ... XI ...Jjv, .. rr ... ti ... ', 4a ft ... 3t ...lfJS ...lnit ... 71H ... 1 ... ... n ... T4j 5..110 Colorado Mid. Colo. A So. 4a. rul.a K 1). A R. O. 4a. Iilatlllcra' Bo. Krle p. I. 4a. do prn. 4a.. n Rt. LAB. K. (1 4a. st. L 8 W. c. 4a.. 72t Seaboard A. Ij. 4a 88 Bo. Pacific 4a do la! 4a ctra. .. So. Ilaltwar Ka.. Teaaa A f la. . IOH T., St. t.. A V. . ! 03 t'nlon raciflc 4a . .t4 v. s. bimi id ra. . ;c W'abaah la . 2714 do dch n . an WVatrrn Ml 4a .. Horklng Val. 4Va....l04 W. A L. K. 4a. Japan 6a 27T,Wla C'antral 4a. Bid. -Offered. hi 74 .. 73V, .. 10 .. 9.1 S ..110V ..lit .. . .11014 . . ivt ..112V, . . 0 .. 7! .. tl .. 7 Boston "locks and Bonds. BOSTON. April 22. Call loans, 846 per cent; time loans, fa6 per cent. closing quotations were: At-hlann adj. 4a... do 4a . Central 4a... Atchlaon .. do prd Boaton A Albany.. Boaton A Maina... Bnatnn Elavated .. Fltchhurs ptd Meilcan Central .. N. Y., M. II. A H 91 Blntham .. fnvral. A llacls.. . . 80 OantennlaJ .. Mvv chopper Range .. .. (' Dalr Waat ..236 Franklin .162 Oranbr .142 lala Rnral ..130 Mm Mining .. .. 13', Mlchlxan ,17, Mohawk on stocks CORN May. 41Sc; July. 11Hc; Septem ber, 44Hc; cash. No. 2 mixed, 44c; No. , 43Hc: No. 2 white, ii.'o-tr'He; No. $, 45c. OATS No. 2 white, 46Vac; No. 3 mixed, ". 4lHc RYE Steady, 58(5 62c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $14.26gl5.00; choice prairie, J10.254jll.00. BI TTER Creamery, 2c; packing, 20c. KfJGS 16c. The receipts and shipments of grain were: Receipts, Shipments. Vheat, bu 132.0110 89,000 Corn, bu 148.000 65.000 Oats, bu $3,000 20,000 Kansas City cash prices: Article I Open. Hlgh, Low. Close. Wheat I May 71 Tl m July 73H 73HI 7JH 72B CMay. 41H 41!41fiH HSi July 3Hl $HI 434h;3WHA Improved the absence corn prices Celling was rnmuilsBlon to chle men. Oats selling, which was rain in the west openea a snaoe to He higher at 41-1. ti4i u.. sold off to Mi40c. and closed at u V Ixcal receipts were 344 cam. " Provisions were easy early In the dav but Inter the market became tirm.T on a fair demand from pit traders. Trading was quiet all day. At the close J.ilv n,irk w s. up 2t..fic at$15.(a-olS.'.'. Ird" was Hu" higher at $8.77HyV!i. Ribs were up 2Hc at Esi Imated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat .. cars; corn. 2H2 earn; Oats, 3is cars; hogs' l'.iJ head. ' 1'he leading futures ranged as follows: Ar"' ''-:!-Oyen. I lligh.l Low. Close. Safy. Wheat May July Sept. Doc. Corn- May 7HVi v'Vitt'v MSni"i, 79 I Hi H; 5 7S iTMiTSHI 7KH NOHm'H-iSl 81 821,-'H'uS'S2T1 84 84'(,MHI 84ti' July Sept. Oataa May July S-Pt. p..-k-May July Lard Ma tr Ju,y Kept. Ribs Mar July Sept l48.,4M-, rvHo. !! (i 4 44hI 41iHI 4--HI 47HI 47V " 47T',i 4S 41, Va 4H4' 4JH fu7,i , It 75 lit SO t 62U 8 To $ 7H 8 60 8 t--HI 8 72 HI 15 TS I 15 9:V 8 65 8 so 8 .'H, 8 M 8 711 80 16 75 IS 80 8 6?HI 8 75 I 8 67H j I 8 4o 1 K-'HI 72H. 4T(ff48 4-4j 46 , 44H 414. Ik, 15 TS j 15 T?H 15 iHl 15 87H I Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, April 22 WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 2 red western winter, 6id: I No. 1 California. 6s 6d. Futures, steady; .May. 6s6Hd; July, 6s SHd. 1 CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 4s6Hd. American mixed, old, 4s 6d. Futures, steady; May, 4s 6V4; July, 4s 7d; Sentember. 4s ffHd. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), steady, 2 los 15d. Visible (apply ot Grain. "NEW YORK. April 22. The visible sup ply of grain Saturday, April 20, aa com piled by the New i'ork IT.4 Uce exchange, waa follows: Wheat, 51.87,t"0 bu.; Increase 8i.o00 bu. Corn, 10.3t7,0oo bu.; decrease 85o..X bu. Oats, .!). M bu. , Increase 474..0) bu. Rye, U.Sn:'.1") bu.; Increase 79,v0 bu. Barley, 2,u'ivou0 bu.; decrease 2,vW bu. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 22 WHEAT May, 7Vu'".SlHc; Jo'y- K10; 1 hard, 83Hrf 8.!Sc; No. 1 northern. WHiB-Sc; No. 2 northern. SOH'ftWHc; No. $ northern. 7'6 79c. Fl)UH First patents. M-.aO; second patents. $4.1atr4 2ft; "'"t clears, $3.20tS.&o; second clears, $2.4u'2.&0. BRAN In bulk, $16.boty 16.75. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAl'K EE, April 22-WHRAT-No. 1 northern. Wfij'Mc; No. 2 northern, 8o4jSH5; July, hose, asked. R YE 71Hc BARLEY No. t, 71H73c; sample, sWrie. CuHN-No. $ cash. 4iH"xc; July, 48Vc, asked. 8 tS 8 m i 50 8 7U 8 80 8 ff, 8 75 8 K0 t CH 8 8 75 No. t C,sh quotations were as follows. FLOCK -rsy: winter patents, U lfta $'. straights. $iX); spring intents $; K '; straights, U.iA'irJ 3u. bakers, U ui) WHEAT No. I spring. SiSs&c; No. 1. 74nHc, No. t red. 77H78c. CORN-No. 2. 47Ht47c; No. 2 yallow. 4J-V- OATSt-No. 2, t'Hc: No. t white, 44Hc; No. white, jH-h44Uc HYK No. t. tTV. BARJ.EY Fair to choice malting. 71Hc; No. 1 rUx 11.11V; No 1 north western. $1 18H- Timothy. prime, 4.. Clce", contract grade. $14.75. PROVISIONS tihort ribs sides (Us.sei. $ ; 'ij.46. Mees rk, per bbl , S 15 TVtf I x.H. 1-ird. p-r la) I ha . IXt-V Short clear aides bosdl, $a-V:Hu V7H- cjii the Produue a,hange today the but lr nuaxkait waat firm, craMtiuerlea, iix-, Adarea Ezpraas Amalxamated Copper . Am. C. A r Am. C. A F. ptd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd... Am. Exprasa Am. H. A . pfd Amarlcan lea Am. Linaaed Oil Am. Llnaead Oil pfd.. Am. Locnmottva Am. Locomotlva pfd... Am. 8. A K Am. a. A R. ptd Am. Sugar Refining... Am. Tnbacre pfd ctfa. Anaconda Mining Co.. Au-htaon Ateblaon pfd Atlantlo Coaat Una... Haltlmora A Ohio.... Hal. A Ohio ptd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Had He Central of N. J Chaaapeak A Ohio.... Chlcaso Ot. W Chicago A N. W C, M A St. P Chicago T. A T Chlogo T. A T. pfd.. C, C, C. A St. L. ... Colorado F. A I Colorado A 80 Colo. A So. lat pfd... Colo. A Bo. Id pfd CVnaolldalad Gaa Corn rroducta Corn Produrta pfd Dalawara A Hudaon... Dal.. L. A W Danrar A R. Q D. A R. O. pfd Dlatlllrra' Bacurltlra . Erla Krla lat pfd Erla td ptd General Electric Illlnola Central Intamatlonal Paper .. Int. Papar pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Cantral Iowa Contra! pfd Kanaaa City 80 K. C. 80. pfd Loulavllla A N Mailcan Cantral Minn. A St L. . M., St. P. A 8. M.. St. P. A 8. Mlaaourl Pacific Mlaaourl. K. A T M , K. A T. pfd National Load N. K R. ot M. pfd Naw York Cantral N Y., O. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W. pfd North American Pacific Mall Pennaylvani Paopla'a Oaa P.. C, C. A Bt. U Praaaed BtMl Car Praaatd B C. pfd Pullman Palaca Car Raading Raadlng lat pfd. offered Reading Id p!d Republla Steal Republic Stacl pfd Ro,k laland Co Knctt laland Co. pfd Rubber Goode ptd St. L. A 8. K id pfd.. Bt. Uiula B W 81. L B W. pfd Southern Paclfio Bo. Pacific pfd So. Rallwaf go. Railway pfd Tenneeaee C. A I Teiaa A Pacific T . St. U. A W T, Bt. LAW. pfd... l'nlon Pacific Union Pacific pfd. It. 20 '4 1 1.100 74 ' 100 44 ST.Ool) 1.1 0 100 . 16..X J, 100 I.Xa) 100 , 11. 7,10 . 2,700 13SH m w 13 43H XI 100 10 IIV, 176, MS 17 34 iii4 108 14 IMS 3 42H 4H M liH 1k 0 CDS 174 3. 100. 42 S 41S 4.400 15,100 1554 Ut,', 154H IMS 1.000 4.4'1 I.MO 8-10 (100 710 1,300 ' 1,400 "700 t.ioo 8. on l.'on ino 1,100 300 too 71S 3d', US 5 47' i;S isi,S 'io" ii" MS 54 39 lf0 14A US 71 3(1 S 57 S 474 131 20 1SSH 'iS '70s 2.1 S 54S 811 147 145 14S l.t-0 11S4 21 M . M. pfd. 00 ion too 8.4i 100 too ' ' 'too i.koo 4. 8'i0 1.100 4.400 1.500 4'H) 1.300 "'4''i 300 83.4'0 i'K) pa) I0.t' 10V 3V , 31S 4 S is4 74 17 S 5S 42 S tin" x4 7 -74H 19 ltS 3S 72 S 37 S 3H 3114 35 a.114 ins 21 s 4t 134 744 35 S 5S 41S ii4 IS 75 74 " iS 125 13 7JS 1HS 3S 044 I7S ti 8"4 82 200 2 74 13 2 43 H 107 13oH ma i 124S 2 43S MS 104S 4-.S 17e m 42 1SS 156 13S 3 13 72S 2S 21 S 5S 47 s 133 iO 78 m 478 2S 75 70S 24S 55 s 3.S 14 145S US 74 28 78 lS 8S 25 s 130S 21S 48 104 1334 75 S 7S 4o ; 52 11KV, 3K 7S i6 74S 19 126S t'nlon Pacific 141s Mont C. AO.... . 7S Old Dominion ... .125 Oacaola .186 Parrot .113 Qulncy . 29S Shannon . 14 Tamarack .t0 Trinity . It t nlted Copper .. 58 V 8. Mining.... 1H 1'. 8. Oil lllltah 44 Victoria 274 Winona 3S Wolverine 101S North Butte SS Butte Coalition . 81 S Nevada KSdl. A Ariaona.. 13 Anaona Com. ... Am. Pneu. Tube Amer. Sugar do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Woolen do pfd Ertlion Rlec. Illu MaMa. Klectrlc ... do pfd Mae. Oaa . t nlted Fruit I'll I ted 8. M do pfd V. a. Bteel do pfd Adventure Allonci Amalgamated Atlantlo Bid. Asked. ... 1S4 ...145 ... US ... 82S ... 16 ... 17 ... II ... es ... 14S ... I4S ... is ... 65 S ...188 ... tS ...110 ... 17 ...110 ... US ... 41 ... 64 S ...10 ... 42 ... 8 ... IS ...1S7 ... 814 ... 17S ... 14 ...let ... ii London floslnar Storks. LONDON. April 22.-1oslng quotations on the Stock exchange were: Clone, money 86 18-14 M.. K. AT.. do account 86?a N. Y. Central. Anaconda 12" Norfolk A W. Atchlaon 7S do pfd do pfd M Ontario A W. Baltimore A Ohio. . ..101S Pennaylvanla . Canadian Paclfio Chra. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W C. M. A Bt. P PeBeera Denver A R. O do pfd Erie do lat pfd do Id pfd Illlnola Central .. Loulavlllo A N S1I-VER Bar, M4JNBY 2u3 1K1 Rand- Mlnea . 424 Heading . 13 ,t Southern Railway .135s do pfd . 2S Southern Pac ific . . 30 Union Paclfio .... . 77S do pfd . 34SU. 8. Steel . 34 do pfd . 38 Wahaah .15(1 do pfd .121 Rpanlah 4a 20Hd Per ounce. per cent. .... J7S ,...liS .... 77S .... M .... .... 44 .... 4S .... 55 ... 24 .... 47 .... 54 ....142 .... II .... 31 ....103 .... 15 4S .... xs The rale 01 diHcount in the open market for short hills Is 3'q3 1-16 per cent; for three months' bills, ii per cent. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, April 22. Today s state ment of treasury balances In the general fund, exclusive of the $1d0,0,,uW gold re serve, shows; Available cah balance, 2iK),gn,txi; gold coin and bullion, $107,o28,80l; gold certificates, $jM.X. Cotton Market. N13W YORK. April 22. COTTON-Spot steady; middling uplands. 11.20o; middling ulf, 11.4uc; sules, 1.200 bales. LIVERPOOL, April 22. COTTON Spot, good business done; prices 1 point lower; American middling fair, 7.44d; good mid dling, ti.VOd; middling, t!.3td; low middling, 6.0IM, good ordinary, 5.3td; ordinary, 4.98d. The sules of the day were 12, out) bales, of which l.ouO were for speculation and ex port, and included 11.5u0 bales American; receipts, 12,000 bales. Including 1,000 Ameri can. NEW ORLEANS. April 22.-COTTON-Spuis closed quiet; sales, S0 bales; low or dinary, 6Hc, nominal; ordinary, 7'c, nomi nal; good ordinary, 8 7-16c; low middling, HV; middling, 10 15-lrtc; good middling, 11 13-Ic; middling fair, 12 13-16C, nominal; fair, 13 7-ltic, nominal; receipts, 4,310 bales; stock. 187.31 bales. ST. 1XJL1S, April 22. COTTON Quiet; middling, he'e; sales, none; receipts, 240 bales; shipments, 5u2 bales; stock, 38,678 bales. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Wk Btrt with Tgir f npplj of CU'$ of Good Quality. HOC MARKET ACTIVE, PRICES STEADY beep Receipts Lighter Than l.ast Monday and Packers Take rare ot OITerlaaa at Steady Prices. POVTH OMAHA, April 22. Receipts were: Cattte, ilofre. Official Monday .1 Same day last week K.fV 2 Same day 2 Weeks aaro.. 5.1"1 Same day $ weeks aaro.. 4.8L3 4.700 6.821 S.241 $.tv4 4.tW9 6. '307 1W7. Bl'erU. 10."1 K242 .77ii 24 27 H.2'0 ,U4 47 t 80 3H 74 0 t4 34 J' ... 4 lv 78 14 . . 4 I 71 ! ... 4 81, 73 . ... 4 37W 67 tn ... a I I ... 4 ITS 74 t"4 ... 4 51 Tl ' i . t 77 II 80 8 I". II I1 Tl fM . 4 SI !l ... 3 4" ta 4i 104 4 13 0 It ... I' 84. 341 ... 4 35 73 :oS ... 4" 47 7f. 10 4 83 73 II" 40 I 40 83 141 80 t 88 48 I?4 ... 4 40 71 141 ... 4 S3 70 I'T ... 4 40 71 144 4 83 77 1'O 80 4 4,1 41 HI 80 It bt 148 ... 4 40 42 tt ... 4 85 : 44" 41 tr 4 ... I . 78 J"0 10 I 40 84 341 ... 4 35 M Ill ... I 40 73 JJ ... 4 33 87 ... 4!4j It 348 80 I 88 17 1K3 . I 43 SHEEP Receipts of sheep today were silver skin, ler'rrnte. shoot 48 hs , f? "3; yellow Teats, per crate, nhout 48 li s., $- ; initlifti Hermiidii, $1 (TIM MIM'.HS-I'pr ,1o . $1 SO. PARSI.KT-Hot hou-e. per ,il bunches, 40r. Pin PLANT 11,. hOTrs. f:?fitT2 78. ASfAHA'U'S $1 78 per do bunches. 4Sc; ettra bu.. 70c; AND Same dHy 4 weeks ago.. 4.;45 Same day last year 2.876 The following table shows the receipts rt rsttle. hogs snd sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1KU7. 19,1 lnc Dec. Cattle JM.810 fc'5.700 68,050 Hogs 749 isti KltUtl 66., oo Sheep 6.19,04 6iJ.068 48,968 CAT TI.K yL OTAT'lONb. Good to choice corn-fed steers....$o.4'i8.00 Fair to good corn-fed steers 4 1 Common to fair steers kU'5 Good to choice fed cows 4 6odo 00 Pair to good cows and heifers 8 c-'tM 25 Common to fair cows 2 0iti3 Fair to choice stockers feeders.. 4 Kslr to good stockers and feeders.. 4.0o4 40 Common to fair stockers '""M4 ?? Bulls, stsgs, etc 2.7534 50 Veal calves 4.X3o50 The following tame shows ihe averagj price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1907. li)06. 11906.' 1904. 1"8. 11902. il901- April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April 8., 10 11.. 12.. IS.. 14.. 15.. 16.. 17.. 19.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. WW 6 33 i 6 25 a1-.! 6 30 6 41 6 33i 8 4 'i.4 6 34 ' ( 4441 381 16 38 6 39 16 4,". 6 43V4 6 4 6 3V 51 3?HI 6 61 6 8f 6 44 6 M 6 42 5 80 6 33 t 26 5 28 6 1 B 2S 6 28 5 20 a 5 23 t 28! 5 27 6 231 4 80 4 SI I 4 91 4 tl a 4 90! 4 88 4 81 4 81 4 fi 4 89 4 80j 4 75 4 821 7 ll! 7 07 7 25 7 26. 7 22 7 19 7 19 7 22 7 07 7 is: V 7 101 6 89 i 64 6 01 67 6 91 6 80 S 87 6 90 8 92 6 84 6 99 604 6 04 6 81 6 M. 6 91 6 M 6 n 6 9l 5 5 6 871 5 90 5 85 6 42 6 81 'Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $3.06,m.50 $6 2!, i 6 45 Chicago 1.7frn.70 .10ij'6.7H Kansas City 3.0eq'i .35 6.26ui.56 St. Lools l.li30 6.16y 87", Sioux City 8.00116.85 6.30(i.3754j The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses C. M. & St. P about 10.100, as last Mond.ty and 6,000 the corresponding date a year ! ago. There was no very great change In I the general condition in the maikel over thHt of the close of last week. The in- . qulry from lackers was sufficient to tnke care of th offerings n good shape and the receipts were picked up on arrival at quot- ably unchanged prices. liuyers and sellers' views differed slightly, as In some cases ! values were quoted considerably higher i than last week while others held that there was no Improvement In any direction. That the market Is In very satisfactory shape, however. Is conceded by nil, with Ihe sup ply In no wlae In excess pf the demand. Colorado Mexican ewes fetched $ . lust week's outside price. Mexican ewes fetched $136. clipped Iambs $7.15 and clipped weth ers $6.Ji, prices well up to current quota tions. Quotations on wooled killers: Oood to choice lambs. $8.oriVf)0: fair to good lambs. 97.5iKh8.oO: good to choice yearlings, lamb welehts $7 .orfi7.78: fair to good ycarllnss. lamb weights, $11 5tv?f7 ofi; good tn choice yearlings, heavy weights. fi otKiP.'.OO; fair to good yearlings, heavv weigh s. $" 15 50; guod to choice old wether. 9 .W7 : good to choice ewes, $',.Sf.ii! .50. fair to good ewes. $K . 8 . 85 : clipped sheen and bimba sell about $1 off from above quotations. Representative sales: ("'I Montana ewes, shorn KMJ Mexican ewes 278 Mexican wethers ioo Mexican wethers 401 Mexican wethers 64t western shorn lambs 4 native ewes 1 native wether 4"2 western shorn lambs.... 79 western shorn lambs.... 209 western sliorn lambs.... 590 western shorn lambs.... 138 western lambs 261 Colorado lambs 273 Colorado lambs 26 Colorado lambs 104 6 80 S6 6 36 139 6 .-5 138 8 26 111 6 : 75 7 15 130 7 iio 7 76 70 7 26 t j 7 26 77 7 15 77 7 26 66 7 90 05 7 90 79 8 0 $4 8 60 Cnlon Pacific 71 C. & N. W., east $ C. & N. W.. west 83 C St. P., M. At O.... 1$ C, B. & Q.. east C, B. & Vl west 104 C, R. 1. A P.. west... 2 Illinois Central 1 Great Western 16 1 1 11 87 48 Total receipts 287 The disposition of the day s receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle Omaha Packing Co 1.248 Swift and Company Sol CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle and Hogs Stead - Sheep steady to l.onrer. CHICAGO. April 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, shout 2!'JO bead: msirkel steady; connnon to prime steers, $t.t"'U6 e5; cows. $3 V,i6.iU; heifers. $3.(Mi6 25; bulls. $3.40jj 4 tin; calves, $2.76.1,4.50; stockers and feeders, $ 'Mii( 20. HOGS Receipts, about 40,000 head; mtr ket steady: choice to prime htavy, $rt.6JH'tf 6on; medium to good heavy, $i.5Mii.ti2'. butcher weights, $6 6J VOKI.67H ; good to prime mixed. $6.9ifai.ti; pHcking. rt 2S.6); pigs. $5 4&.i)0; bulk of sales, $rt.,tf.H&. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, about 2S.0O0 head; lamb market steady; steady to 10c lower; sheep, $4.2yti 7.75 lings, $5.25-'5. 75; lambs. $o.7tv.7&. sheep yeur Cudahy Packing Co 1,616 Armour & Co 1,584 Cudahy, from country Vanxant & Co $ Carey & Benson 42 Ixjbman eV Co 109 McCreary & Carey . 70 W. I. Stephen 1$ Hill & Son 104 F. P. Lewis 41 Huston & Co 2ti L. Wolf 2o7 3. H. Bulla 1 Sam Werthelmer 9$ Mike llaggerty S Sol Legan 117 J. B. Root 4 Co 38 T. B. Inghram 11 Sullivan Bros 6 Lehmer Bros 13 B & S 46 Other buyers 620 Hogs. 722 1,072 1,620 749 Sheep. 2.418 1.7M 1.430 1.732 New York Lire Stock Market. NEW YORK, April 22. BEEVE73 Re ceipts, 4,004 head. Bteers slow to 10c lower, bulls (Ann, bologna and comm-n cows steady, others bin 10 lower; stee. io.-'a tf.iTiV, bulls, $3.504i 4.75: cows, 12 3O-u-4.ri0. Uv erptKil and london cables quoted live cat tle lower at llVtSi'llS'c, dressed weight; sheep, firm at 15', dre.--sed weight; refr.g crator leef, dull at SVi'i'c. Exxrts today, none; tomorrow, 900 rattle and 2,6tj quart ers of beef. CALVES Receipts, 6.8:S head. Veals, steady at t5.00'ui.77x one bunch 17. SO: btit- 984 I termllks, $1.40. liressed cjilven, steady; city di eased veals, S12c; extra, 13c; country dressed, 6'luc. HOGS Recelpto. 14,144 head. Market waa lower at $7.16ti7 25. SHEEP AND 1-MB&-Recelpt8, 9.230 head. Sheep almost nominal, feeling easier; lambs 86j5oc lower; few cllpied sheep, $3.50445.26; clipped lambs, $7.2&4i7.nO; unshorn lambs, $,i.utu8.50; state spring lambs, $3.j0u6.00 per head. NEW POTAT'IKS- Per lb.. Sc. RADISHES -l'er dos bunches. large bunche.4, 75c dos. OLD VEGETABLES POTATOES -Table stock, per Seed sf.'ck. Tricul TlHMl'S. CARROTS, BEETS PA ItSM 1'S l'er bu.. 75c. SWEET POTATOES-Illinois, per lsrgs bbl.. IV,."1'. Wisconsin Rurnl and Bui-ban, 70,- per bu.; seed sweet, per bid., 12 no. NAVY BEANS Per btl.. $1.65; No. 2, $1 60. BEEF Cl'T.-t. No. 1 ribs. 13V-; 2 l bs. !Hc; No. S rllm. 9c: No. 1 loin. 174i No. 2 Idti, 13'ajCJ No. 3 loin, 1.1c; No 1 cl uck. '4c, No I chock. 54c; No. 3 churk. IV; No. 1 round. SV; No 2 round. No. 3 round, 7c: No. 1 plate, 4.-; No. 2 plate. 3V; No. $ plate. Sc. MISCELLANEOE8. Sl'ClAR-o.rnnubited cane. In sacks, $6.$1; granuhited beet, in saexs. $5 21. COFFEE Rousted. No. i$, 26c rer Ib.j No. SO, 21c per lb.; No. 25, 19c per lb.; No. SO, 15c per Ih ; No. 21. 13c per lb. CHEESE-Block Swiss, 19e; llmberger. He: Young Americas, 17c. CIDER New York, half bbl., $178; bar rel, $,",.00. NI TS -California walnuts, No. t. soft shell. 12c; No. 1, soft shell, 16c; Jlrai'la, liiWuilRo; pecans. lPiic; filberts, 12Hr; pea nuts. raw. 7tc; rotistod. Xr; California at. monds, 174c; Taragona, 17Mic; cocoanuta, $r ,0 per l'A CANNED GOOIS-Corn, stsndard, west, ern. 45tfSrc: Maine, $1 15. Tomatoes, 8-lb. cans. S 1 . 4 r : standard. 8-lb. cans, $1 Tn pine, tipples, urnt.-d. U-lh., standard. $!.2ffj 80; sliced. $i 7Tfi2 r: fancy Hawaiian. P4-tb., -..; I'a-in. i.itt. inn sppies, rancv. Csllfornla apricots. $2 00. Pears. Peaches, fancv. 81.75,1.40: 1.. f. peaches $. 2 50. Alnokn sslmon, red, 11 lo; fancy Chinook, flat. $2 10; fancy sock ryo. flHt. $1 Pf.. Sardinee. ounrter oil. $3 26; tbree-qnnrters mustard. $2.76. Sweet pota toes, f l b vi 1 25. Sauerkraut, "e. Pump kin. ucfl$1.0rt. Wax beans. 2-lh., Vfl 00. Lima Im hiis. 2-lb . 75c!i$l 85. Soaked peas, 2-lh., 8oc; early June, $1 .On-ffl.15; fancy, $1.25 CALIFORNIA DRIED FRPTTS-Pnineg are somewhat unsettled bv freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous nf moving supplies of Immediate grades; quo tations range from $V lo 9r for California fruit and from 3Hc to 80 for Oregon. Ap ricots are firm arftl It Is reported that offerings for prompt shipments are being; withdrawn: choice sre quoted at 18c. Peaches are unchanged, with fsncy rellowg quoted at 18Hc; fancv Mulr. HHc Raisins are firm: loose Muscatels are quoted at fffPc; seeded raisins. 9V4tyilC. FRAN Per ton, $19 50. FISH Pickerel, dressed, 9c; blka, dressed, 12c: white fish, dressed, winter caught. I3fi15c: trout, 12o715c; halibut. 13c; salmon, 16c; catfish, 16c; herring. d-esed. pan froxen. 6c: perch scaled nnd dressed. 8c: crspples, round, (Vfjfle; erappleg, large, fancy. 16c; black bass. 2V: smelts, sweet and fine. 13c; eel, 18e; blue fish, 15pj red snapper, 12c: roe shad, per pair, 4WJI 50c; frog legs. 3otT4iV: lobsters, green, per lb., 35c; lobster, boiled, per lb.. 40ff4oo; msckerel. Spanish, per lb., 16c; mackerel, native, J5c per lb.; fresh green turtle meat. 25c lb. CI'RED FISH Famllr white fish, per quarter bbl., 100 lbs.. $4 00: Norway mnrk. erel, No. 1, $35.00: No. 2. $28.00; herring, In bbls., 200 lbs. each. Norway, 4k, $11.00. L'tim 00. 1 7T,ii2 50. 230 321 Totals CATTLE The very liberal rt n ..6,673 starts 4,393 8,613 out with a week the estimated supply being prettv close to 7,000 head, and the quality of the offerings was very good as a rule, much the same as last week. Advices from eastern markets were not particularly reassuring, hut there was a good general demand for the desirable light and handy weight beeves and prices bid Kansas City Live gloek Market. KANSA8 CITY, April 22.-CATTLF-Re-celpts, 14,0o0 head, including 1,2"0 southerns; market steady, stockers weak; choice ex- Fort and dressed beef steers, $6.75ir6.; air to good, $4.7fu5.rto; western fed steers, $450ifj6.75; stockers and feeders, $4.266.36; southern steers, $4.1tXiiC.45; soul hern cows, $3.26((i4.60' native cows, $.1 So-ii-i.,; native heifers, Ji.iiCjo.&O; bulls, $3.6o-t(0.bO: calves, H fOii 50. Hi MIS JRecelpts, 8,600 head; market steady; top, tij.60; bulk of sales, $ti47V3 6.57H; heavy, $6.40,16 50; packers, $6.'0.S7H; pigs and llerhts, $o.6u(i4.ti0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 11.S0O head; market steady; top Colorado fed lambs, $H.0u, highest price In the history or the local market; lambs, 87.0(i8.65; ewes and paid were not far from steady on any- 1 and yearlings, $j.; western fed yea Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 22.-M ETAIJ4 There was a sharp advance In the Lundon tin market, with spot 2 16a higher at 188 los, and futures 2 us higher at ail No 15e. Locally the market wits firm, with spot quoted at 7" .13t.40 110' 107 Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111.. April 22. CORN-Hlgher; No. $ ellow and No. t, 4fcc; No. 4. 4ic; no grade, 31 oCoc. OATS-htesdy; No. I white, 434j44'c; No. $ white, 4Sa-43c; No. 4 while, 41 Vo. RbKV Firm; No. 2. 7!S4i8Sc. Philadelphia Prodne Market. PHIl-DE)IJHIA. AprU a.-EOG8 Firm, western, free cases, lac at mark. CHEK3E Firm; New York full creams, fancy, ltifltliic; New York lull cream, choice, lfc. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. April S. SEEDS Clover, cash. 8S 90: October. March, $7 $7225; Decern- Umothy. $!$, $.''; April, ber, $77W; Alslke, $7 W. Ialath Grain Market. DCLI'TH, Minn . AprU 22 -WHEAT No. 1 Hard, 83c; No. 1 northern. 'c; No. I northern, blSaC; May, 8isc; July, 83c. Whisk r Market. PEORIA. April 22. WHISK Y Steady on basis of tl -V for high winaa. ST. IX1.'1S. April 22 WHISKY Steady, on basis of II S3 for hlsh wines. cntlCAUO. April 21 WHISKY Steady at $1 80 CINCINNATI. AprU $2 WUISKY-.taady. at $1. pfd. Bipreae. it. g Kealty. V. 8. Bubtr. U. 8- Bu:, U. 8. Bteel L'. B. 8teel pf4 Va -Carolina Chemtrsl .... Vs. -cars. Chem. p'4 Wabaan W abaan pt4 Walla-rario Eipree a Weatloitiouae glectrlo Waalern t'tnoo Wheeling L,. at WlaoonalD Central Wia I'entraJ fli Mortharn faolfto Central leather Central lether pf4 6loaa-8llirelt gieel Qreat Nortkern pla Inl. Melrupolltss lot kteL P'4 ,' ' ' ' Total aal- tor the say. S.800 tan :a i.8.e as t.8il V 214 !) til 60 " ion 38 , 34 ti It ' V. f.3i 88 tt.100 M' 834 '4400 tl'i l'1 , rrv, MVa 1m1 144 14 340 884 'i'ir 'ii, 'ivi 1S3,1,W 141 138 '', 'ti" "ti" !0 4-." 42'i j'i 10a 103 3,0 14 37H , 1.100 101 H , 2S ino P'4 J. 14 14W 300 84 3t' "'400 ' "V tdi i1 k 4"" 4'" . 15 ) 1VS 13tv , t.tuO 8U tw "fO M" 44 , 1J 3o0 HIS l1 . t 8"0 341 . 1 100 41 Copper was 6s higher In Lon don, with spot and futures both closing at 87 l..s. Leu-ally the market waa quiet and 3u there is still more or less conflict In the i7 , prices nameil by various dealers. Lake may 1104 I be quoted at $24.26iu;'5.i, electrolytic at eJ3.2.ji'-4.-. and casting at $22. Duty 23.5t. Lead was unchanged at $6.ori;4.i0 locally and at A. 20 in London. Slter was un changed at 26 lw in London and at $6 65 46.76 locally. Iron was higher In the Eng lish market, with standard foundry quirtej at 6o, and Cleveland warrants at 6us 3d. Lxally the market waa unchanged. Nix 1 foundry, northern, la quoted t $X.26t6'36.25; No. 2 foundry, nortnern. $-'i.7b.'(i 3h.76; No. 1 foundry, southern, $2". w"d.'b.6o; No. 1 foun dry, southern, i,it "i6. 00. ST. IriS. April !2.-METAL-Lad, dull, $o.:H- Spelter, dull. $6.60. 84 r-" 48 t 3'i 13 H 11 3S4 47 144 29 38 44 V 141 Vat B 103 73Uj 42 1(3 3-S 101 4 38 1"4 14S 14 tto 144 '4 8: 1-H 4.0, 134 0 f H1 13? T ti thing of this kind. As has been the case for some time past an classes or Dtiyers were more or less bearish on the heavy rattle and prices were generally a shade lower on this class of stuff. The market opened rather weak all around, but when it developed that there was an ample demand for all the cattle offered the trade became more lively and prospects were favorable for a good clearance before noon. As usual the proportion of cows and heif ers included In the receipts was compara tively small and with a good general de mand the trade was active from the start and prices were generally In last week's closing notches The supply of veal calves was tolerably liberal and while there was a good demand buyers were able to shade prices about 26c. The market for bulls, stags, etc., was not materially different frem last week. . . Fresh offerings of stockers ana feeders were decidedly limited and as a very fair clearance had been made last week both vard traders and country buyers were In the market early for supplies. Prices for desirable stock of all weight ruled fully Bteady with last week, but there was the usual Indifference and weakness when It come to the common, low grade, light and medium weight stuff. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. gnaar and Molasses.' NEW YORK. April 22 ST.OAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 3.20c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3 76c; inulaases sugar, S.04c. Refined, steady; No. 6, 4.4oc; No. 7, 4.15c; No. 8. 43oc; No. 9, 4.25c; No. 10, 4 15c; No. 11. 4.10c; No. 12, 4.6c; No. 13, 4C.c; No. 14, 8.&fc; confectioners' A, 4 60c; mould A. 6.15c; cut loaf, 6.5c; crushed, 55tc; powdered, 4Suc; granulated, 4.8oc; cutee. &.'l5o. MoLASSll-Steady ; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 37'ii-tsc. NEW ORLEANS. April 22. Sl'OAR Steady; oinn kettle centrifugal, 3V(4'3Tc; centrifugal yellow, 3SiilSc; swonds, 2AJ 8V MOLASSES Quiet; new syrup, to4c. 178.400 sharea. sjew York Mlalnat itaK-ks. MHW YORK. AprU 22. Closing quotations on mining stocks AJama Coo ware: 13 I. title -Met .. HJ' j Ontario 80 OpbJr Potual feavege lerrm Neteda tonail Hn .. gtaadars . 43 . 83 .110 AH .10 .. 6 . 4 .800 .140 . II . 87 . 43 . 13 24 Alio bteeca Brunearlcll ron- " Comatock Tunnel cos. Cat Vs... Hora iler Iros 811er LdLlle Coa. ... PorelaTO Flavaaclal. LONDON. April 22 Money was In liberal supply and the demand was quiet In the market today. Discounts were easy. Tne Bank of England secured the bulk of the $1,260,000 In gold available, prices on tne Stock exchange were ste-dy, but trading wss dull, the nearness of the settlement and the approaching new Issues, Including Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. I NEW YORK. Acrtl 22 EVA POR AT Kn APPLES Funey, 8c; choice. 7c; prime, 6V'6c: poor to fair. 6tv(lc. CALIFORNIA DRIED KRCITE'-Prunes steady; California, JVt'12Hc. Oregon, 6! IIV. Peaches, choice, lldcll'c; extra choice. 12ul2e: fancy, 12;W3c ; extra fancy, 133 15c. Apricots, choice, ncfruc; extra choice, Imu'IKc: fancy. 13tyc. Ralxlnj, muscatel. 6.tjnic; seeded, 7'aijnic; luyeis, I15oill.6o. steady ; L'ndon Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April 22 -OOFTT.E Mar ket for coffee futures opened at unchanged prices tn 5 points higher on European buy-Ins- and local covering. Tha market closed steady, m t unchanged to ( points higher. Sal,o for the day were estimated at Wk) l,Hgs. Including May at $66c; July at $5 oe; Se temlrfr at 6 e'to 46c; December at 6 46c; March at 6 4i-n5.&oc. Spot coffee steady; No 7 Rio, 6,c: Sant a No. 4. 7e. Mild coffee dull: Cordovs. 8y12,c. Elals Batter Market. EI1IN. April 22.-BrTTER-Market firm St 3.1.' H n udvanee. of Xc over iH.f av.b U.s b trail Betlltiuent loau of $i,oj,tA, J Total output fur U, wck, 4aa,6w Iba. Ko. Ar. Pr. No. A. Pr. 4 44 1 4 86 40 1 I 16 (' 821 4 40 IS 1188 I It 10 17 4 48 16 1371 I It 14 10C4 4 80 II 1314 I 80 4' 1028 4 84 1 1217 I 10 10 1048 4 86 10 llol JO 88 Hl 4 SS 10 1300 I 15 ij' 1(84 4 0 10 30 I 104 4 1304 4 35 II 1141 4 0 88 ! 44 4 1070 4 W 34 1118 I 40 11. ' 1188 6 10 14 Ik I 40 COWS. 4 1(V I m 31 1 4 40 1' S'.'O I 50 II 10SJ 4 40 ' 30 I 60 4 181 4 40 1 1040 I 76 1 4 4 40 11 1171 I 80 16 ! 4 40 1 1370 4 0 4 1041 4 50 f7 1010 4 00 tl MS 4 50 ID 8.M) 4 35 18 1133 4 55 5 1031 4 80 18 4 60 8 t4 4 40 1 1400 4 7 1184 4 86 HEIFERS. 788 I 40 5 '4 4 40 116 I 00 4 703 4 60 t 77 6 8 7 6 86 41 4 80 6 I 80 6 1IH 4 70 7 4 IS 44 lOil 4 M 1210 4 40 BULLS. 1 1144 I IS 1 1170 t 80 1 1310 i 45 1 1880 I 80 1 620 8 10 1 1510 4 00 1 1470 I 7S 1 U80 4 00 1 1870 I 80 CALVES. t tn i oo t no i so 124 6 60 1 80 4 00 I lots 6 60 I no 4 00 1 170 I 75 1 170 4 60 6 143 6 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS . . (38 .. 101 .. 633 .. 8.M .. 116 4 30 4 46 4 60 4 66 4 65 (... I')... II .. 16... . 5I . 4 1 . 616 .1036 4 84) 4 8 4 88 4 88 HOGS There was a tolerably liberal run of hogs for the first of the week and con ditions were not materially different from Saturday, so that the general market was reasonably active, with very little change In prices. The demand was best for the good light snd butcher weight grades, and these sold freely at steady to strong prices, around $6.SS'h.40. On the other hand, the heavy and parking grades were slow sale from start to finish and In Soms rases they were possibly a shade eaaier, selling largely at $6.9''j6.3'-'V4. The movement was reason ably free throughout, and while the close, as usual, was rather weak, a clearance was made In good season. Tops brought 16 46 today, the asms as Saturday, and tha bulk of the trading waa at $6 "i6 4o, prac tically the same as the close of last week. Representative sales lings, $i.2tj7.60: western fed sheep, $5.2o& t.26; stockers and feeders, $ 8t. I.oals Lire Stock Market. ST. IXH.-18, April 21 CATTLE Receipts, 3.000 head, Including 300 Texans; market steady; native snipping and export steers, $V4o',jt.&0; dressed beef and butcher s'eers, $4.7kii5.60; steers under 1.CN0 lbs., $4.3v4j-l.86; stockers and feeders, $3.5o!T5.25; cows and heifers, $2.85(16.75: Canne s, $2.001 2.50; bulls, $2.76ii4.iio; calves, $3.0tii7.0O; Texans and Indian steers, $2.6Vu6.60; cows and heifers, $1 Se-ffj-t 40. HO IS Receipts, 6,000 head: market steady; pigs and lights, $6.15416.70; packers, J.;.3o6.i)6; butchers and best heavy, $6.fl6(g 6.67. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.211 head; market steady; native muttons, $3. i5g 6.36; lambs, 13.76ii7.75; culls and bucks, $t.OOt)7.00. Bt. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 22. CATTLE Re celpts, 8.411 head; market steady to a shade lower; natives, 84.6o4i6.26; cows and heifers, $2 2Mf5.; stockers and feeders, $3.76514 80. HOGS Receipts, 4,378 head: market strong to shade higher; top, $6.66; bulk of sales, $6.47'.Vi(6.52H. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,932 head; market strong to loo higher; lambs, $8.oo'(iS.6S; yearlings, $6.76ar7.); wethers, $6.&tJti.75; ewes, $6.00ij.&&. Blons City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, April 22 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 3,600 head; market steady: beeves. $4.60if5 86; cowb, bulls and mixed, $3.0tKli4.75; stockers and feeders, $3.504.70; calves and yearlings, $a.2&r(ji4.o0. HOGS Receipts, 2,200 head; market strong, selling at 6.ri6.37H; built ot sales, $6.!fJSV(.36. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, M bead; market steady. Stock In Wight. western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 6.-'uo 4,7, lo4) Sioux City 3.600 2.JO 2oU Kansas City 14. two h.8 11 ' St. Joxeph 8.411 4.378 8.932 St. Iouis 3.m0 6, OHO 7.2"0 Chicago 29,J0 4O,0o0 28,OoO Total 69,211 84,878 80,732 Na. At. ih. Pr Nv. A 88. Pr 63 348 6u 4 86 85 874 ... 4 86 66 334 ... 4 35 (8 364 ... i 84 81 840 ... 3H to 3'4 ... 4 84 64 814 180 4 80 84 844 80 4 86 44 8!4 140 80 64 340 ... 4 88 38 311 ... 4 80 it 3 4 10 4 34 40 33 ... 4 80 43 Ill ... 4 34 41 314 10 10 U 137 M 34 34 It ... 4 3 0 71 333 ... 4 83 48 84 84 4 II 230 80 4 88 38 343 . . 4 32j 58 17 80 4 35 66 348 10 6 St 64 !4 ... 6 33 41 !! 100 I I.' , 44 3M 40 I 15 48 84 ... 8!, 71 344 ... U 1(8 8W ... 4 II, 78 3tl ... 4 814 87 81 ... 4 11. II Ml ... 4 87, 4 804 ... HIS 86 314 M 31 71 8V4 1M 9 8318 tl eil $1 OMAHA WHOLE SALIC MARKET. Condition of Trade aad Quotations oa Staple aad Fancy Prodaee. EGGS Per dos., 16c. BUTTER Packing stock, WU'Mc; choice to fancy dairy, 23iJJ0c; creamery, 263oc. LlVki POULTRY Hens. Hti-llVsc; old roosters, 6c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, lie; young roosters, 7c; geese, 6o. PINEAPPLLS-Florlda,' $t,.6ou.00 per crate. STRAWBERRIES Cbolcs Texas. 24-quart cases, 12.763 uu, Arkansas, 24-quart, $3.uo0 $.26. CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $4.6018.50; lo bushel box, 1 ouy'i.aO. APPLE- Iowa and Mlasourl Ben Davis, $3 60. COCOANVTS-Per sack of 100, $4 .00. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS Llmoniera, J0 six, $6.25; 3C0 slse, $8 76; other brands, 6oc less. ORANGES Mediterranean sweets, 250, 16a sizes. UM, M, 126, sk sixes. $.; Cali fornia navels, extra fancy, Lb, 8x0, 218, JaO sixes, $4.26; fancy, 126, iJ to 150 sizes, ,o.., choice, large sices, per box, $2.5oy2.76. BANANAS Per medium siseu bunch. $2V4ix.-; Jumbos, $2.644 3 50. FIGS California; bulk, 6V4c; i-crown Turkish, 14c; 4 -crown Turkish, 11c; 3-crown Turkish. 9c. GRAPE FRl'IT-Slxes 64 to 80, $8 60. DATES Kada way. S'.c; sayeis, 6c; hal low is, 6c; new stuffed walnut dates, 9-lb. box, $1.00. NEW VEGETABLES. BEANS New wax beans, per hamper, $6 00; new strir.g beans, per hamper, $6.u0. BEETS. TURNIPS AND CARROTS Per dos bunches. 46.60c. CABBAGE New Texss. per lb.. Sc. TOMATOES Florida, 80-lb. crate, $3.60. LEAF LETTUCE Hot house, per dog. heads. 4uC. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, par dog.. $1 ril 26. ONIONB Homa grown, per bu.. T6r; red or yellow Colorado, isr bu., vc; Texas Oils and Rpsln, NEW YORK, April 22. OII--Cottonsvl, dull; prime crude, f. o. b. mills. Vg37c; prime vellow. 474c. Petroleum, steady; re fined. New York, $8.20; Philadelphia sn4 Baltimore. $8.16; In bulk, $4.70. Turpentine, steady. tilOc. Hi $! N Firm; strained, common to good. $4.7iv,4 76. SAVANNAH. April 22.0IL Turpentine, firm, 6"c. ROSIN Firm. Pales, 1.0C12 kegs; receipts, 230 kegs: shipments. 2.178 kegs; stock, 21,748 kegs. Quote: A, B. C, $4.!: D $4.4"; H $4 50; F. It So; O, 14 65; H. $4.76: I. $6 00; K, M, $5 45; N, $5.65; W. O., $6.70; W. W., OIL CITY, April 2j.-niI-CYed1t bal ances. $1.78. Runs. 290.8J.2 bbls., average 142. 827 bbls ; shipments. 864,9! bbls., average lM.M bbls. Wool Market. BT. LOUIS. April 22. WOOT--fittuuly; medium grades, combing and clothing, 22-oJ) 26c; light line. Liv,c21c; heavy One, 1617cj tub-washed, 2Ki37c. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI 14689 Hosier against McShane. Arr!. Douglas. Affirmed. Epperson, C, Divi sion No. 1. . 1. Under the provisions of Sec. 1021. Con bey's annolatated statutes (Sec. 22 of the code), anv payment upon a written contract for the payment of money made through the arrangement rfif the maker, or such payment as Is the natural and reasonable sequence of his agreement, will stay tha running of the statute of limitations. 2. The payment of dividends upon tha stock of a corporation assigned to the payee by the maker of a note as collateral se curity, and the application thereof as pay ments upon the note, will stay the running of the statute of limitations. 14581. Bryant agaiiwtt Beebe A Runyon Furniture Co. Appeal, Douglas. Affirmed. Albert. C, Division No. 2. Duffle, C, not sitting. . , 1. To warrant a finding that a negligent act or omission not amounting to a wanton wrong is the proximate con of an Injury, It must aiar that the Injury was a na tural or probable consequence thereof, and, that It ought to have been foreseen In tha light of attending circumstances. 2 Ordinarily, In forecasting the probable consequence of his own acts or omlselona, an employer may rely on the presumption that each employe will exercise due care, not only to avoid Injury to himself, but to his co-employes. $. Although It may le mown mat a iraca furnished by nn employer was defective, and that the defect therein was one of the factors which combined to produce an ac cident In which an employee was Injured, yet If the employes wert ehsrgeahle with notice that such truck was liable to be or to become defective, and voluntarily placed themselves In a position of peril with re spect to It. and the Injury was one that could not have occurred but for thtjlr hav ing taken such position, the negligence of the Injured party and co-employees, and not that of the employer, la the proxlmatd cause of the Injury. ltf'Mf, Nelson ngalnst Chicago, Burlington ft Qtilncy Railroad company. Appeal. Franklin. Affirmed. Olohain, C Division No. 1. 1. When rattle have been delivered to and accepted by a railroad company In Its load ing wn for Immediate shipment, the com pany Is liable as a common carrier fop damages to the rattle from the tlma of such delivery. Chicago, Burlington Jk Qulncy Railroad company against Powers, Nehrasks. M3 N. W., 67$, examined and distinguished. ... 2. A railroad company Is not an Insurer of the arrival of Its trains on aehedula time In the transportation of live stock, but, where there Is a material delay In the delivery of the stock, the company must, to exonerate ltelf from liability, show that the delay arose from some causa other than Its own negligence. 8. Under the constitution and statutes of this state, the liability of a railroad com, pany for unnecessary and unreasonable delay in the shipment of live stock Is tha same whether the contrsct of shipment la a written or an oral one. 4. Action of the trial court In trlrlng- and refusing Instructions examined and held. Not pretudlclal. 14tl Harr against Highland Nobles.. Appeal, Buffalo. Affirmed. Jackson, C., Division No. 2. Diiffl. C, not sitting. In case of conflict between the -provisions of a life Insurance policy and tha statements contained in' the application for Insursnce, the provisions of the policy will control. 14531. Rearms agslnnt Cloplne. Appeal, Franklin. Reversed and remanded Jack son. C. Division No. 2. In an action against mere trespasser ff.r damages to lnnd occasioned by their relis"e of wster from an artificial ditch,, the fact that the plaintiff was not tha owner of 'he land on which the ditch was maintained and had no easement therein Is no efeos,. Vi. Knfks B(ialnt Union Stock Yard Company. Appeal, Douglas. Reversed and remsnded. Albert. C, Division No. 2. 1. Where the sprcliil nndlngs of a Jury can be reconciled with the general verdict, under any proof that mlgl t have been made under the lsue, a motion for lodg ment on the special findings, and notwith standing the general verdict, should be de nied 2 Hreclal findings exnmlned. snd held; Not Irr4cnnclli,ble with the general verdict. In v'.-w of the proof which might have been made under the Issues, and Insufficient to sustain the Judgment. 8. Whether the evidence In an action at law is suffi'lent to xuntaln the verdict or siK-clal Mndtna-a of the iury munt he brought to the attention of the trial court bv mo. Hon for a new trial .in, I a ruling had thereon, before a review thereof cn be had In 'his court 14r! Steven against Henderson. Poeslo Heveraed end retnsned. slnn. C. Division No. 2. Duffle, sitting 1, Evidence examined snd held. rlent to sustain the Jjagmt-ni. Apnesl, i.i't tnauffl-