Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1907, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Thermometer Gtta War Balow TreeiiDK in
Colorado Fruit Belt.
Peculiar Feature that Practically All Enow
ia in the Lowlaade,
Ballroadi Hare Be D.fflcult? Keeping
Their Traini Horinc.
pimin to Frnlt, While Great, 111
Be Mora Than Counterbalanced
hy the Benefits from
the Snew.
DENVER, April IL A sharp drop In
temperature followed the snowstorm last
bight, 14 above aero being recorded by the
weather bureau in both Denver and Puc'jlo,
ftnd fruit of all kinds In ea
waa effectually nipped 1-
Mid. At
Grand Junction, the cent. 'o ,j, t
Important fruit growing dl. yf.,; x
U of
ins conunvjiiaj uiviuc, iub mii.
thirty degreea and the wcathi
there reported today that the co.
fruit waa grave. While damage
o tell !
fruit In the state may amount to a.
fnllllon dollars, nearly all other crops
pe greatly benefited by the moisture.
A remarkable feature of the snowstem.
was that it waa more severe on the llcw
lands than In the mountains. While the
precipitation covered a large area, Includ
ing all of Colorado, Wyoming and part of
South Dakota, Nebraska, Texas and New
MsxJoo, the snow was almost entirely can
fined to the eastern alope of the Rocky
mountains and extended from Lander,
Wyo., and Rapid City, 8. D., on the north
to Santa Fe, N. M., and Roswell, N. M.
The Colorado state 11ns on the west waa
practically the limit of snow In that direc
tion and only a alight snow occurred west
of the continental divide. The storm orig
inated In the north and worked Us way
lowly to the south, passing out of the
State lata yesterday.
Hot a Record-Breaker.
Frederick II. Brandenburg, district fore
caster, who estimated the snowfall In Den
ver at 17H Inches, said today, that though
the storm was remarkable In this city for
April, it was by no means unprecedented.
On April 11, 23 and 23, 1S86, the records show
V snowfall of 83 Inches, 23 Inches falling on
the last two days of the storm. The only
weather bureau station In the mountains
Of this state Is located at Corona, on the
Moffatt road. There only 4 inches fell dur
ing the lata storm.
At the railroad offloea It wss stated today
that traffic waa not seriously Impeded by
tha snowstorm, as all the mountain roads
axe prepared with giant rotary snow plows
to meat such emergencies, and that no
trains- waraHelayed over an hour or two.
Zt waa feared that heavy snow falling on
tha old snow of last winter might start
adldea to running, but in the section of the
tats where snow slides are most frequent
the snow was light and no slides have been
On tha whole. It la asserted that while
the atorm waa heavier than any of the
ntlra winter, and some damage Is reported,
the resulting good will offset the loss many
R Trouble In Far Went.
SALT LAKE CITY. April 2L-Intervlews
With railroad officials and with Local Fore
cast Official Hyatt of the United States
Weather bureau show that the heavy snows
which at the close of last week prevailed
east of tha Rocky mountains did not visit
tha country to the west of the great con-
tlnental divide. There were scattered
now flurries In Utah and In other tar
western amies, uui inv iu was tigm ana
did not Impede railroad traffic. General
Manager Bancroft of tha Harrlman lines
aays that not tha slightest delay to pas'sn
ger or freight traffic, has been experienced
by those roads. The same report was
made by Superintendent Van Housen of
tha San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake
railroad. Colonel I. A. Benton, general
passenger agent of the Denver & Rio
Grande, says that his road experienced no
trouble in Utah and that practically no
delay waa caused In Colorado, despite the
unusually heavy snows which prevailed
generally over tha state.
No Snow In the North.
ST. PAUL. April 21.-Accordlng to officials
of the Northern Pacific and the Great Nor
thern railroads there have been no snow
srtorma along these lines In the west for
several weeks, particularly west of the j
Hock? mountains. General Superintendent
Home of tha Northern Pacific, when asked
if tha storms of recent date hsd In any
way inconvenienced them In the west, said:
"We have not had a sign of snow along
out Una in the far west since February
With tha possible exception of a mere trace
at Livingston, Mont. We do not anticipate
any mora trouble In that direction."
Trafflo Superintendent Watrous of the
Great Northern, said: "We have not had
report of snow alorg our line In weeks."
Tha heavy snows of tha past winter
throughout North Dakota and Montana are
expected to be of great benefit to crops.
specially in regions where there la only a
alight rainfall during the summer months.
Snew at El Paso.
BU PASO. Tex., April 21.-Snow fell here
this morning at a lively rate for more
1 hour.ThU u ,th!Jatr ,noia''
. atuvwu iiriv aim mo iciiijwiiuiv,
which was W d, trees, did damage to the
small fruit and ituck gardens in the val
ley, variously estimated at from tou.Juu te
$100, OtO.
Frost la predicted by the local weather
bureau for tonight. The Uoi.Un State
Limited on the Rock Island railroad la
six and oue-hlf hums luio on account of
g anow drill near Santa Hot a. N. M.
X. H. Leeaste te Uepresent the llarrl
anaa Lines Brfwre Interstate
TOPEKA. Kan., April 21. It was rumored
hero today that N. H. Loomls. tjoueral so- i
Ucltur for the Union Pacific raiiroad in
KhTii-i. waa to be made general counsellor
for all the Harrlman linos in casea before
?ZZaTT': Z: Cubans are praying for rain
waa under consideration, but declined to i . . . A.,
,.,w further on the matter. iCenntrr Is Parched, Cattle Are Dying
la case tha position Is created and Mr.
Loom is is appointed be probably will move
to Chicago, a here ha will hive a large
corpa of aiwHtanta Tha position la new
1b r III wad circles and la made necassry
by lbs passage of the new railroad rata
law, which inoieaaed the membership and
powers of tha loteoslata Comrntrc em-
IOWA Kiilr anil wanner MonJay and
Tuesday fair.
Tcmperst'ires nt Omaha yesterday
Hour. Dp. Hour.
6 u. m J4 1 p. m
8 a. m 3.1 2 p. m....
7 a. m S4 H p. m
8 a. m 37 4 p. tn
$ a. til 42 S p. m....
10 a. m 44 6 p. ni
11 a. m 4S 7 p. m....
12 m 50 8 p. m
9 p. m....
lirrman Official Snys l'aplls Make
Teachers Servous by Their
Vnruly Actions.
BERLIN, April 21.-(flpeclal.)-For the
past six months the children of Prussian
Poland have been in a state of open In
subordination. From time to time a news
telegram has announced that unother vil
lage has Joined the movement or aban
doned it, or that a teacher's windows have
been broken, but the first comprehensive
and picturesque account of the troubles
which have exlstsd since last October
have been given to the public by tho
PruHsian minister of education. Dr. Von
Studt said, among other things:
"Deputy Stychel In opening his attack
on the school policy of Prussia used harsh
words which I have already repeatedly
refuted but which ever return. As long
ago as March. 1SS0, on the occasion of a
discussion of the school policy of Prussia,
the same arguments which Herr Btychei
have brought forward were used. The
observations In that instance, however,
ad a much more far-reaching aim. Not
V 'y was the German language to be dls
A with In tho religious Instruction,
. as a matter of principle the entire
curriculum waa to b Imparted In the
Polish tongue. A motion to that effect
was rejected by n large majority. Herr
Stychel has sung that old song about Im
perfect comprehension of German by the
children again and again. I have so often
proved its falsity that I hardly need to go
Into the matter once more. Herr Stychel
dlscuMss the whole subject from tha Polish
standpoint and never thinks that thousands
of children of German speaking Catholics
live In this area. The process of Polonlsa-
tion which has begun there we must op
pose with all of our strength. We aro
obliged to do It In the Interests of the
German Catholics of the region. As
against the amiable Judgment of Deputy
Stychel 1 should like to ask. Where are
the barbarous measures which we are said
to have ordered? That the teachers have,
become nervous under the persecution of
th children Is not to be wondered at.
"In an elementary school at Schubln the
Btrlke was begun In August by a powerful
youngster who called -upon the others to
refuse the German answer to the teacher.
As the teacher came in he shrieked out
the PoliRh greeting so loud that his voice
quite drowned those of the others. As the
teacher seized him the lad threw himself
on the ground and bit the teacher so
! flercely In the leg that the blood ran down
into his boot. As he held on with Itfs
teeth the teacher had to free himself by
means of energetic blows. It can of
course' happen that a blow may fnll upon
another part of the body than that fur
which It Is intended, and In this Instance
the teacher, who was alraoet forced to
j a(jopt a policy of self-protection, waa
blamed by many."
London Not Satisfied, bat Majority
Majority Believe Good Will
LONDON, April 12. Nearly all the Lon
don morning newspapers express satisfac
tion at the results thus far obtained by
the colonial conference. Te Imperialists
naturally are disappointed at the failure
the establishment of an actual
( ex(,cutlvei legislative and Imperial council
. ........Hn, the whole empire and realise
that the compromise arranged Is a virtual
victory for the colonial office and the party
desiring to retain the existing relations of
the colonies with the mother country. At
the same time they claim tha concessions
obtained are a great step forward in the
direction of the unification of the empire
and that the new status of the conference
will enable them to work much better In
the future for the attainment of their
The Morning Post In an editorial Is most
outspoken In Its disappointment. The
paper saya great credit Is due Alfred
Deakin. the Australian premier, who, by
his attitude, definitely assumed leadership
In the Imperial movement. The Morning
Post blames Sir "Wilfrid Laurler. premier
of Canada, and General Louis Botha, pre
mier of the Transvaal, for the failure, and
declares the stntuB of Canada Is now more and less national than before.
Several newspapers. Including the Tri
bune and the Chronicle, continue to protest
against the secrecy maintained concerning
the doings of the conference. The Dally
Mall asserts the business of the conference
did not go smoothly; that Lord Elgin, sec
retary of state for the colonies, tried to
exclude the ministers accompanying the
colonial premiers by asking them to re
main "within call." They Indignantly
asked why they were brought to England
If not to participate In the conference, the
j pBHy Mall declares, snd one even threat
ened to leave the country within twenty-
four hours unless he was treated as a
i member of the conference. The paper says
this threat had Its effect snd thst the
ministers now share In the discussions.
Twenty-Five People Are Drowned
Before Ship Comes te
ST. PHTKRRBURa. April H Twenty
five persons are believed to have been
drowned by the foundering of the river
steamer Axchanse'.gk while It was crossing
the Nova lato Saturday night. Owing to
the thickness of the weather the aocident
waa not seen from the shore, hut the shouts
for help of thrse In distress attracted the
crews of two steamers, which hastily went
to the scene only, however, to find that the
Archangelsk had foundered. A number of
Its passengers, mostly worklngmen, were
rescued, but owing to the swlfners of the
current many others were swept under the
ice floes.
ef Thirst and Forest Flrrs
II A VAN A, April 2V Prxyers for rain
ware offered In churches throughout the
island today. No rain has fallen la six
months. The country Is parched, many
cattla are dying and forest Area are devaa
taUng vnrteua eecUosa,
am Fays Over Twioa at liuoh Far
Ton ai Express Companies.
Largs Profits of Railroads Suggest
Desirability of Equipping- Lines
with All-Stcel Electric
Lighted Mall Cars.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. April 21. (Special.) Ac
cording to date taken from the report of
the postmaster general for 1906, the gov
ment that year paid the New York Central
and the Lake Shore railroads $67.40 per
ton for hauling the mail between New
York and Chicago. The express rate on
matter similar to mall matter between these
two points Is 160 per ton. The railroads
haul the business of the express companies
for one-half, or less, of the total charges.
Thus the railroad got $i37.40 per ton for
carrying the mall, and 126 per ton for haul
ing express.
In that year the Chicago A Northwestern
railway handled 13.807,076 pounds of mail
on Its route between Chicago and Omaha,
a distance of 489 miles. For this service
It received 1447.701, of which $99,396 was
rentals for postal cars. This made the
mall rate between these two points 138.60
per ton. The express rate on matter
similar to mall matter between these two
points was 140. Of this the railroad got
one-half or less, i Thus the government
paid the Chicago A Northwestern $38.60 per
ton for service similar to that it rendered
the expreas companies for $M per ton.
During the same year the government
paid the Erie railroad $222,508 for carrying
8,938,860 pounds of mall between New York
and Dunkirk, Including r3,15 paid for ren
tal of postal cars. This made the service
cost the government $49.60 per ton. The
express company charged the public $30
per ton for carrying express of a similar
nature. Of this the railroad got one-half,
or less. Thus the railroad rendered a serv
ice to the government for which It got
$49.60 per ton. while It got only $15 per ton
for rendering a similar service to the ex
press company.
These comparisons are fairly representa
tive of what Is going on all over the United
States. The profits are pretty generally
conceded to be sufficient to require the
railroads to equip their lines with modern
all-steel, electric lighted postal cars, like
the one recently turned out of the Omaha
shops of the Union Pacific.
Forest Planting In the Sand Hills.
On April 6 forest planting was begun
within the Dismal river national forest,
near Halsey, Neb. The planting operations
will be more extensive this season than
any previous one. About 500.000 pine trees
will be planted In the sand hills. A force ;
of forty men is now employed to conduct
this planting work and If more men can be
secured they will be employed. The reason
for having a large force of laborers Is to
finish the planting In the shortest possible
time, since the trees must be set out during
the spring rainy spell' and before they
start new shoots and root growth.
Planting has been conducted annually
within tho Dismal river satlonai forest
since the spring of 1904. When the present
planting sesson Is ended 1,400.000 trees In
all will have been planted, a sufficient num
ber If spaced five feet each1 way to plant
approximately 800 acres.
It requlrea considerable time to produce
results in forest planting, but some of
the earlier planting made near Halsey has
already begun to make a good showing,
and within a comparatively few years the
sand hills near the planting station will as
sume a forested appearance.
Many ranchers In the sand hill region of
Nebraska are asking for advice on planting
trees, and the government tree planting
haa far reaching usefulness as an object
lesson to the people.
A dee nnd His European Tnsr,
Alvey A. Adee, second assistant secre
tary of state, has gone to Europe. That
Is by no means an uncommon occurrence,
for Mr. Adee goes to Europe nearly every
summer. Mr. Adee will tour France on a
bicycle. That is nothing new either, for the
bike is Mr. Adee's common vehicle of
travel on the continent. Nor Is it an un
usual thing for an American official to
visit Europe. They go in droves every
year, but not one man In a million arranges
his Itinerary before hand. Mr. Adee spends
Ix months out of svery twelve In "laying
out his course." When he left Washing
ton on Wednesday he carried In his pocket
a program that for completeness of detail
has never been approached. He knows
within an hour what time the French j
Liner Savole will reach Havre, has ar-
ranged for his first meal on French soil, j
and the French bonlface has already been
advised as to the number of courses and
the component parts of each. Mr. Adee
has figured out to a nicety Just where he
will repose the first night of his stay and
has even arranged for the exact location of
his room. He can reach It without a
candle. The second morning, rain or shine,
he will have ridden at least ten miles before
he takes his cafe au lnlt and rolls. He
hss his "dejeuner" and dinner menus pre
pared and at each Inn and hotel on his
Journey the proprietor has always been ad
vised as to the exact minute when the dis
tinguished guest may be expected and ex
actly what food and drink to prepare and
at what moment of time la must he served.
There must never be the slightest deviation
for the Adee program Is as carefully ad
Justed as the works of the chronometer on
the Savole itself.
Mr. Adee Is methodical. He is always
accurata to a degree; that la why he Is
regarded as the most valuable man In the
State department. Hla position can al
ways be depended upon whether he Is
needed to define a diplomatic note or to
reach a point In Europe at a given second
of time, which he has previously marked
on his "sailing chart" before Waving Wash
ington for hla annual vacation.
Hotel Rates High at Jamestown.
Reports from the Jamestown exposition
seem to Indicate that the proprietors of the
boarding houses and hotels In the vicinity
of the forthcoming fair have formed a
combination for the purpose of bilking the
public to the utmost of their ability. Gov
ernment officials and others who have had
business at the exposition grounds all re
port that the hotels in Fortress Monroe,
Newport News, Hampton, Portsmouth, Nor
folk and Jamestown, aa well aa the sum
mer resorts In tha Immediate neighbor
hood have quadrupled their rates in many
Instances, and even regular guests have
been notified that thsy must pay double or
move out on and after the first of May. All
of the towns and citlea In the vicinity of
Jamestown combined have not sufficient
hotel accommodations to accommodate any
thing like an extraordinary crowd, and If
it should happen that the Naval Review,
which will be a grand s!ght in itself,
should attract a great concourse of people
iCXnUnued on Third Pag.
Extradition r a per a Delayed In Reach
ing tha Authorities la
Saw Yark.
NEW YORK. April n.-Enrleo Alfano.
wanted In Italy for many crimes, may be
released tomorrow unless requisition pa
pers arrive from Italy or strong representa
tions are made at the State department In
The arrest or Alfano unfolds tha story of
his romantic career In Italy. He was head
of the mysterious "Cammarristl dl Napoil,"
or the Camorra, an Italian terrorist organ
isation. Ha waa active as a bandit, but was
forced to flee to American to escape arrest
for assassination.
Death waa the punishment Inflicted on
the Cuocolo, a pretender to the position of
ruler of the Cammarristl, and Alfano Is
declared to be the slayer of his rival. The
pretender was lured te a forest, where he
was stabbed to death. It Is claimed, by Al
fano and his conspirators. Then the wife
of Cuocolo was condemned. Alfano and his
men called at Cuocolo'a home and when
tho wife oiiened the door she was stabbed,
her body pierced by a donen slender shafts
of steel. The assassination spurred the
gend'armes of Naples to extraordinary ac
tivity. Alfano and Ike conspirators seemed
Immune from prosecution. Indeed, he waa
held by the populace as a demigod, free
to roam at will, unharmed because en
veloped with some divine authority. In
vulnerable as to bullets and impossible of
capture. But suddenly Alfano disappeared,
going to New York. The Cammorra
thrived In New York, too, with all Its sin
ister machinations which baffled the police,
even the Italian detectives. By the New
York Cammorra the chief was greeted with
many honors. A feast was prepared In
recognition of the coming of the leader and
Alfano was banqueted at the Pattrochl.
But this feast was his undoing. He waa
apled upon by a follower of the murdered
pretender and the word waa passed to Pe
troslni and Archlopolll, New York Italian
detectives. Their subsequent descent upon
the East Side underground resort ended
the bandit's liberty.
As he appeared before Magistrate Howe
In the police court yesterday Alfano had all
the appearance of an Italian of high rank.
He wore a suit of fine texture, moulded to
his slender form. He admitted through an
Interpreter that he waa Alfano, but denied
that ho had committed any crime. He was,
he cooly declared, visiting the United States
because of the frequency of political ar
reefs In Italy.
The utmost endeavor of the polloe to dis
cover Alfa no's headquarters have been fu
tile They realize, however, that powerful
Influences are with htm In his present pre
dicament and are not at all certain that
they can hold him for extradition.
Sara People In His rnatrr Follow
Closely Events la the I'nltcd
NEW YORK. April 21 M. De Lagercrantx.
the first Swedish minister to Washington
since the separation of Norway and
Sweden, arrived tody He will remain
here a few days i,jnd UJien go to Washing
ton. "This is my first diplomatic post," said
the minister, "and I think I shall enjoy
my duties. President Roosevelt, whom I
expect to meet on Thursday, Is remark
ably popular with the people of Sweden
and la especially well thought of by the
royal family. They follow closely tho
progress that .la being made in America
and are anxloua to profit by American ex
perience. "My people are particularly Interested In
the labor of this country. The working
classes are just now In an unsettled condi-
j tIon an(1 are anxious to get on as firm a
I basl" theiT fellows In America. Sweden
Is desirous of establishing better commer
cial relations with the United 8tates.
Shot Down in the Street nnd His
Assassin la Placed Under
BOSTOV-ON-DON, Russia, April 21. The
vice governor of the prison was shot dead
In the streets here today, llts assassin was
LODZ, Russian Poland, April 21. In order
to end confllcta between soe!aT!ts and na
tionalists, which during the last three daya
lone have resulted In twelve men heln.
shot dead and sixteen wounded, the local
labor organizations have Issued proclama
tions condemning murder and appealing
for a cessation of the fighting.
Only Disturbance Reported at the
Election Occurs at Bar
celona. MADRID, April 21. The electlone for
members of the Chamber of Deputies
opened quietly today. The only trouble
waa at Barcelona, where voters came to
blows at the polls and one man was killed
snd two were injured. At Madrid the vote
shows the republicans to have made a ma
terial gain.
Returns from the provinces show that
11 ministerial candidates and thirty-four
liberals were elected without opposition.
LI her 1 Lender la Cabs Allege Prices
Are la Excess of Value ef
HAVANA, April 21.-Jose Miguel Oomes.
the liberal leader, In a statement published
today protests against the purchase of
church properties by the government for
tiOOO.Of'O. He gives as his reason that
prices are far in excess of the value of
the property. The are in bad
condition, he declares, and it would be
better to replace them with modern build
ings at the same price. He urgently
recommends that the government of Inter
vention defer the purchase and leave the
matter In the hands of Cuba's future gov
One of Participants Dead and m
Bystander Is Fatally
MACON, Mo.. April 2J In a aaloon fight
at Ardmore. Mo., ntar here, today, W. H.
Yeakey, a blacksmith of Caseyvllle, Mo.,
shot and killed Flnia Peterson after Peter
son had emptied hla revolver at Yeakey.
ihootlDg the Inner In the hand and fatally
wounding a man named Noble, a bystander.
Peteison had opened the shooting w hen
Yeakey Interfered In a fight in which new minister withdrew, leaving Mr. Chase's
Yeakey a bfiLnr. aitf titejeoa weraa ijci- I supporters Ja charge aud vrdc waa re
panU. atored.
Gentls k aid to of Peaioni Gladly Created
by On Ma'e Straw Hat.
Thousands of People Flea from
Furnace-Flrrd Houses to God'a
Glorious Out-of-Doora.
It haa come. Spring la here. If anyone
has doubts about it let him ask the man
who wore a straw hat on a Hanscom park
car Sunday. The man did not seem to feel
that It was presumptuous on his part thus
to proclaim without showing a license giv
ing him the right, for he paid not the slight
est attention to the stares and glances ac
corded him by every person along the
street. He stood on the back platform
while his wife sat irudde, as nonchalant as If
he were not there at all.
"Straw hat!" yelled a shrill voice from the
sidewalk, but not a hair did he turn.
"Te, he," involuntarily remarked a little
boy, but even this most embarrassing of
taunts failed to affect him.
What was the harm of "rushing the sea
son?" He might aa well wear a straw hat
Sunday aa a month from now, and people
need not scoff, for they will have to come
to It pretty soon themselves, so ha seemed
to argue. But his progress down town
from Charles street, where he boarded the
car, waa like the parade of a colored min
strel band.
And the man had good cause to blossom
out in the sign of warm weather, for the
day waa a welcome change over the cold
or otherwise disagreeable Sundays which
have prevailed since the wonderful period
of balmy weather before Easter. The
prophets had announced fair skies and their
foraslght was proven correct. It was not
only fair, but the wind which has made
April a time of dust and dirt rested on its
past laurels and forebore to stir the dirt
In the streets and muss the young women's
hair until late in the afternoon, when it
did not make so much difference.
Exodus to Ont-of-Doors,
This most welcome signal that the cold,
bleak winter la over and mild days are
here was the cause for the exodus of
thousands of Omahans to the out-of-doors,
and all day long, from early In the morn
ing, streams of people in their Sunday best
strolled about. Church waa attended more
generally than for weeks and In the after
noon the theaters were crowded while
thousands merely walked around to get
the air or visited the parks, where the
greenness of the new spring blanket Is al
ready pronounced. It waa a splendid day,
not a cloud marring Its perfection from
morning to night, and vindicated Nebraska
weather after the weeks of recent rain,
snow, cold and wind.
Another sign that is never failing, which
proves another season to have come, Is
the small boy with his bat and ball, and
from alt over the city there suddenly
sprung up a cry from dozens of throats to
the police begging protection against Wil
lie and Johnnie, who were tossing a sphere
tin the street and might strike some pas.
aerfcy. - Thla Wall will continue until tha
base ball season closes again and Is the
so rent indication that something Is doing
in the weather Una.
Party Makes the Start from Chicago
n Twenty-Sixth of
WASHINGTON, April 2t The congres
sional party to visit Hawaii on the Invita
tion of the territorial legislature will as-
umhla at rhlmirn nn Anvil 9ft Th tv.
bers will go to San Francisco In a special , dent.e of ynUrse!f. Mr. Maker and other
sleeper attached to the Overland Limited j gentlemen that she is capable of so much
and will sail on the transport Buford i lub,or. an1 endurance as you have described.
April 80. The Buford Is going to Shanghai J: housa'ndn ea'dT.e
with famine relief supplies for tha Chinese 1 cure Interviews with hor for the witnesses
and the War department haa permitted ! whom her condition of body and mind
. . . . Is to be established In the coming legal
the members of congress to be taken out i proceedings.
on It as far as Honolulu. Tho party con- ' We therefore purpose that you select
slsts of Senator Samuel H. Piles of Wash- rea eompetent gentlemen and we eleot
. ... three others and that, at various cnnvenlent
lngton and Representatives W. P. Hep- hrs, the six be allowed to visit Mrs.
burn and wife of Iowa, A. B. Capron and I Eddy and by conversation snd observance
wife of Rhode Island, E. L. Hamilton and ! Slnt fr""1" wltnw,"" fr. '
.. . ... . . . . , , ... 1 against our contention no one but these
wife of Michigan, A. L. Brick and wife of ; six persons to be allowed to talk to her snd
Indiana. J. V. Graff and wife of Illinois, i not more than six additional nersons
Charles E. Llttlefield and wife of Maine,
.,. . .
E. F. Acheson and wife of Pennsylvania,
J. Warren Keifer of Ohio, R. D. Co'a of
i Ohio, Charles McOavIn of Illinois. W. W
i Wilson of Illinois, James H. Davidson of
Wisconsin, Oeorgs L. Lllley and wife of
Connecticut, Arthur L. Bates of Pennsyl
vania, D. S. Alexander and wife of New
York, Benjamin F. Howell and wife of
New Jersey, John J. Fitzgerald of New
York, James P. Conner and wife of Iowa,
E. Ellis and wife of Missouri. Oeorge W.
Norrls of Nebraska, P. P. Campbell of
Kansas, Fred C. Stevens and wife of Min
nesota, Edwtn Y. Webb of North Carolina,
James McLachlan of California, Wesley
L. Jones and wife of Washington and
James C. Needham of California.
The party will return to Ban Francisco
early in June.
Rights ef Men In fnlfor
te Be
Decided by the Supreme
NEWPORT. R. I., April fl.-An appeal
to the supreme court is to be taken in be
half of Chief Yeoman Fred J. Byentle of
the United States navy, whose suit for
damages because of his expulsion from a
Newport dance hall while In uniform was
decided adversely last week by William
H. sweetiand. presiding Justice or the nua urch eary la.t a Inter and left a deep
Rhode Island superior court. Impression upon the members. Subsequently
In prosecuting his suit, Buenzle has been a calI went out him to serve aa pastor
assisted from a fund to which President of tMt nnuentlal New York church-a call
Roosevelt and naval officers contributed. It whlch reoeived the earnest endorsement of
being desired to obtain a ruling as to the ; Joh) D. Rockefeller, who Is one of the pil
rlghta of a man wearing th naval unl- I Ur, tne congregation,
form. Captain Albert C. Dillingham, su- I Hundreds were unable to gain admission
perlntendent of the naval training service. ! ((J tne cnurch today. Prominent among
who has charge of the fund, asld tonight . those present waa Jcnn D. Rockefeller, Jr ,
the case will be carried to the supreme j director of the church's Bible class. Mr!
court on appeal. ( Rockefeller, sr., participated In the evening
Rival Claimants fer Pulpits and
Their Followers Come te
PORTSMOUTH. O.. April .i-Rlvalry be
tween factions of the FTes Will Baptist
church broke oat here in open battle during
this morning's service. A faction oppos
ing the pastor. Rev. Freeman Chase, at-
tempted to hold service with another mln-
later In charge. This was resented by the
Chsse faction and soon blows were being
freely exchanged. During the melee many
women fainted and others ran screaming
into the strw-t. The police were appealed
I to, but refused to interfere. Finally the
Sees the Man Mho Buncoed Him
Convicted of the
NEW YORK, April 21 -Induced by EllhU
Root, Jr., his classmate In tho Law school
of Harvard university, to prosecute the
nwn who had robbed him of $1,500 In what
is known as the "lemon" pool game. Ed
win F. Myers, who has a ranch In Ne
braska, had the pleasure of seeing one of
the men convicted before Judge lloealsky
Myers left his ranch last September to
betln his third year es a htudent Besides
his loose change he had a draft for $1.5f
In his pocket. When he reached the Grand
Central station, carrying his satchel, he
waa met by a pleasant fellow who, In the
course of a conversation, said he was John
McOormack. He did not add, however,
that his photograph- waa In the regies"
He accompanied Myers to the Fifth Ave
nue hotel, where he registered, and then,
to make matters pleasant for the stranger
In a strange city, he Invited him to dinner.
The meal waa a good one and then Mc
Cormack suggested that they play a game
of pool. They wandered Into the Tender
loin, and while they were playing two
friends of McCrrmack entered and were
Introduced to Myers.
The talk turned upon betting on the dif
ferent shots, and when Myers made a dif
ficult one he was told that he had won
$1,509. He- did not recall that at the dinner
table he had mentioned to MeCormack that i
he had a draft for that amount In his
pocket. But as he had not put up the cash
MeCormack said he would not pay, but
promised to meet the student the following
day, when. If he had the money In cash,
he would bet him that he could not make
the same shot again.
Delighted at the proopect, Myers had his
draft cashed promptly and went to the pool
room. There he met MeCormack and his
two friends. He said he had the cash with
him and was ready to stake it on his skill,
He was asked to show It and did so, pro
ducing three $600 bills. Immediately one of
the others grabbed the money from his
hand and as Myers rushed at him MeCor
mack and the other fellow Interfered and
the thief got away. Then MeCormack found
a way to disappear.
This experience the student related to
young Mr. Root, who took him to Assistant
District Attorney Krotel. MeCormack waa
arrested and convicted.
Plaintiffs Propose a Commission to
Visit Her and Decide on Her
CONCORD, N. H., April 21.-Counsel for
the plaintiffs In the suit brought by rela
tives as "next friends" of Mrs. Mary Baker
O. Eddy against Calvin H. Frye and others,
including officers of the Christian Science
church, to secure an accounting of Mrs.
Eddy's estate, made public tonight a letter
which haa been aent by them to Mra.
Eddy's counsel, General Frank 8. Streeter,
on March 12. According to attorneys for the
plaintiffs, no answer to this letter haa been
The first part of the letter refers to the
claim made by the "next friends" that
Mrs. Eddy is of Infirm mind and unable to
understand and protect her property rights
and contains some quoted denials from
General Streeter and others, of this allega
tion. The letter continues:
In view of these denials, we have the
honor to ask you to accede to certain steps
designed to ascertain the truth concerning
Mrs. Eddy's present and paat condition and
to expedite litigation.
Unfortunately, we have not free access
to Mrs. Eddy's presence, as you have, and
we should reluctantly undertake to force
our witnesses into her house under circum
stances which might prove disturbing or
j Jl"'? "!" B"i??hW,J0ub" Irmlu"'' to
I be present. Shorthand writers may attend
10 imp auwn an inai is said or may be
excluded and nothing taken down, aa you
We are confident that you and counsel
for the defendant will welcome the offer of
ours as purposing a wise and considerate
method of expediting litigation.
The letter Is signed by William E. Chand
ler, Martin & Howe and John W. Kelly as
counsel for the "next friends."
General Streeter, when asked tonight
about the letter, said he did not care to
make any comment on it.
Noted Liverpool Preacher Drawa
Immenae Aadtence at New
York Church.
NEW YORK, April a. Rev. Charlea F.
Aked, for sixteen years pastor of the sec
ond largest Protestant church In England,
where he gained a wide reputation by suc
cessful campaigns against rice, today form
ally assumed the pastorate of the Fifth
Avenue Baptist church of thla city. Dr.
A feed's labors at Liverpool, where he waa
pastor of Pembroke chapel, drew the at
tention not only of all England, but even
of continental Europe, because of his ex
traordinary ability aa a preacher and hla
aggressive leadership.
j Dr. Aked first preached at the Fifth Avs-
I Service,
Several Others Injured, All of the
Victims of Accident Being
BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. April 21.-As the re
sult of a wreck on tne Southern railway a
hnrt diititni' .af nf Wnndlawn a snhiirh
of Birrnmghara, early today, two men are
', j,... . . ,,k ini.,
The dead:
CAL B HARRIS, fireman on wrecker.
TOM HEVKKLY. brakeman on wrecker.
James Wages, Atlanta, engineer, skull
B H. Hill, engineer. Internal Inluriea.
Thomas Potrcll, engineer, bruises on
.) kite. fLrcuMui. auvoldea dlshinated. t-
Late LtciilaUrt Did hi are for Thtm Than
Any of Itt Predeoastori.
Etc Boost for Rural Sohooli in tha WtJttn
fortioi of tha Cut.
Called on to Prove Two Different Valna
tiona on Froperty.
Both Boards Will Be In Session at tha
Same Time and There Mill Be No
Chance for a Revision of
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., April 21. tSpeclal.)-Tha
recent legislature enacted more legislation
relating to the public schools of the state
than all the past legislatures of the state
combined. In all seventeen measures were
psssed and approved affecting the common
schools and of these seven are of the most
vital Importance. Superintendent McUrlcn
has Just Issued a circular dealing with tha
new school laws, and he sets out the seven
Important acts In the following paragraph:
(1) A law providing for a library In every
public school district: (2) A free high school
law; (3) A Inw enlarging the scope and In
creasing the number of Junlur normal
schools; 14) A law providing for normal
training In high schools; (6) A Inw provid
ing state aid to weak districts by sppro
prlatlng tfiO.OuO therefor; (6) A law making
the minimum entrance requirements to
state normal schools a two-yenr high school
education or Its equivalent; (7) A law rais
ing the standard of certification of teach
ers by private and denominational schools
by providing for a more rigid Inspection
each year by the state superintendent or
by the state board of examiners for life
The law which appeals most to the west
ern portions of the stste, where the poor
districts are located and where In the past
It haa been Impossible to hold a seven
months' school, even though tha maximum
levy Is made, Is the measure appropriating
$60,000 for aid. This will permit every
school district In the state to hold a seven
months' school. The McBrlen circular con
tains the following statistics on this sub
ject: During the last year there were $08 school
districts maintaining time months nf school
or less; 640 districts maintaining from three
to six months of school. There will be
about 1,000 districts In the northern and
western counties entitled to state aid under
this measure. The average number of
pupils In these 1.000 districts is about fifteen,
which would mean that 15,000 boys and glrla
will receive at least seven months of free
school privileges under this law. Thla
makes ft possible for all boys and girls In
the state to receive at least an eighth grade
education, which means at least two years
more than they are now receiving.
Hard Time tor Railroad Men.
The State Board of Assessment will meet
the first Monday In May to bngln the valu
ation of railroad property for taxation pur
poses. The work of the board will be par- .
tlcularly interesting because, while the as
sessing board la in session the State Rail
way com mission will be busy fixing up a
schedule of freight rates to put Into effect.'
While the freight men are telling the com
mission how much money la Invested In
the roads snd how valuable the property Is,
In-order to keep freight rates up, the tax
agents of the railroads will be serosa the
building telling the state board the railroad
property Is practically worthless In order to
keep the assessment down. The commission
has set May 7 for the time It is to take up
freight rate making, and at that time the)
assessing board will be In the midst of ita
work. The Burlington and Union Paclflo
have not yet reported to the state board,
but it is understood these reports will be in
during the coming week. Both have their
agents out looking up land sales to try to
prove to the board that real estate la un-
dervalued In order to keep their own prop
erty from being Increased to any great ex
tent. Eyes on the Plum 'SVee.
Between now and May 1 It is probable
Oovcrnor Sheldon will find tlrr to Jar loom
a few pi u ius and If he does there likely will
be aome new faces around the atatehousa.
Just who will get appointments out of tha
extra large number who are applying no
one knows unless it be Governor Sheldon,
and he won't tell. The governor delayed
making appointments until ha had an op
port un ft y to look over tha field and become
familiar with the work that has been done
and which must be done to bring the vari
ous state departments and the state Insti
tutions up to the .highest standard possible.
He is now more familiar wlh the state in
stttutkxis and the departments probably
than any other executive ever haa been.
That some changes will occur In aome of
the state institutions there seems to be no
doubt, and It la also very probable that the
governor has In mind certain persona for
placee In the statehouse. Numerous persona
till haunt the rapltol In tha hope that light
ning will strike, but there Is no indication
that these visits will do any good and there
la every reason to believe muoh time is
being wasted by some of these partlen. So
far only a few minor appointments have
been made, but aa the legislative work is
now out of the way and the governor la
only about a month behind In his own pri
vate correspondence and private affairs, it
Is likely there Is going to be something do
ing In the appointing line very shortly.
Fight Over Saloons.
If the plans of the Anti-saloon league
re carried out the people of Lincoln
shortly will be In the throes of a saloon
or no-saloon fight. The officers of th
j league proposed to have the question voted
' on at the coming election and already the
republican candidates for the excise board
have agreed to refuse to Issue a license
i should the majority of the voters declare
I against the saloon. If the proposition lsv
' submitted to the voters the fight In tha
present cappalgn promises to be the hot
! test this old town has seen In many moons.
The demoratlc city committee haa nomi
nated Judge Ttbbetts for city attorney.
' Judge Tlbbetts refused to accept the nomi
nation at the hands of the convention, but
it Is understood he is willing cow to be
State Oftces Close Today.
Inasmuch as tomorrow is Arbor day and
therefore a holiday In Nebraska, tha em
ployes of state will do no work and the
atate house will be deserted except by a
few heads of departments who will put up
a bluff at working. As the state bouse
yard Is full of trees no formal planting
will he done there and the day will be
! observed only by the usual lack of Work
around the building.
gchnrler Business Men Organise.
SCHUYLER, Neb., April 21.-8peclai.)
The first meeting of the Schuyler Commer
cial club was held In the city council
chjkfiiVas !( Ui4) Ruxjrva of orsaohUaf