I i THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEK: APlllL 21, 1907. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Offico. 10 Pearl MIHl MKTIOV Davis, drugs. ! Storkert sells Carpets Fine ensrsvlnars Bt Leffert's. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Bee Schmidt's elegant new photos. Cnatmakers wanted at K. 8. Hick's. , Plumbing and healing, Blxby & Son. Iewls Culler, funeral director, 'phone ?7. . Wondrlng I'ndertuking company. Tel. KW PETERSEN & HCHOEN'NU SELL RUGS Watch repairing, O. Mauthe, 2i Wert II roadway. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT, TALK TO LEFFKRT ABOUT IT. Ktigene C'rellln. SIS IJnroln avenue, wan quarantined yeFterday (or smallpox. High grade watches, wedding and en trapment rings. 2it West Broadway, O. Mauthe. Free A nice water Jug with each II frame order. C. K. Alexander. 3S3 Broad way, telephone 2. J. R. Rurkhardt of Btanberry. Mo., has succeeded J. M. Murphy as local agent for tlie Walwsh, the Utter having resigned. Calloo ball 'given bv "Ladies of the Maccabees," Thursday. April 2fi. Maecabee ,1U. Whaley'a orchestra. Tick its, 2;c. HCDWF.1BER HOTTI.KD 1'KKR If fKHVKD ONLY AT F1U8T-CLASB BARS AND CAFFS. U HOSKNKEI.U CO., Agls. The Woman's guild f St. Paul's Episco pal churvh wilt meet Monday afternoon, at the rewldiuice of Mrs. D. J. Oatee, 2 South B.xlh street. The body of Mlsa Jfine Strahan, who died Thursday lit Bt, Bernard's hospital, was taken yesterday by relatives to Pero ral, la., for burial. F. H Fnus has relKned as local freight Agent of the Hoik Island railroad to accept a, Nisltlon wilh Allen Bros. In Omaha. Hl urrruur has not yet betn named. The memtier of Council fluffs aerie of limit will nici-t this afternoon at 1 :S o'clock at their hnll to attend the funeral or tho Ute lr. Mds C. Clirlstnuwn. David Steinberg of Hazel Dell township mode $15 ycaterday by slatighterlmt a lull grown wolf ar.d live cubs. Steinberg brought In the scalpa to Ounty Auditor Chcyne. . Dr. W. W. Mag.-irrcll, who has had charge for three yents of the optical department lit K. I(Tert s, will open an exclusive optical and grinding plant at 10 Pearl street on May V ,' Otis- Dickinson, the young man charged with obtaining li.ft) worth of cut flowers from tho WlleoX greenhouse by falae pre tences, wan discharged yealerday by Judge Hnyder fh pollco court. . :' I can furnish A No, 1 diamonds, the clear est watat . color, tut to sharp edges, no flat itnd nt flawl. A tllumond cut to aharp edges gives more reflection than one witti ' flat edisna. O. Ma utile, iz W. Broadway. , Arthurf I..' Purdy. adru(glst tf Naola, . in,, has filed In the federal court here u Voluntary- petition In bankruptcy. He schedules Ms llabllit.es' at .9u9.04, with arweta constating of 81W worth of house hold hvk1 claimed as. exempt. ' The women of the Associated Churttles Will hold their annual" tir Wednesday. Thursday and Friday of this week In tho basotnent tf Hunter's store.- They will nls Se.rve lunchmm and dinner. The proceeds will lie devoted to the . building fund for pie new ereoho oh Bnat llerce street. Mrs. Tt H. Deems, aged (91 years, died yeaterday afterpoon at her home, 36 North Seventh afreet,- from heart trouble, after an Illness pf three years. Two daughters, Mrs. Flora. Bergon' and Miss Ada Deems, of thin city, and two aorta, Frank Deems of Chicago and A. E. Deems of Omaha, Survive her: The funernl will be held Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock from the resi dence. ., "Ro-Ktir" Moantlnii gave Money. ' Do your glasses fall off, keeping you constantly buying new lenses? If ao you want our new "So-Easy" eyeglass mount- - Ing. It has. all tho advantage and the Safety of pa.tr of spectacles, maintaining rh -rigid, position' of' the lenaea that gives eomf ort ,v9 th wearer. .-.The lenaea . being i : connected by a alender hand of. gold rnakes the glassed procttcHlly' Invisible, thu mdd tng to. the looka of the wearer; 'pall "and talk, to our optician1 about them;" . We make a ' generous allowance for old mountings exchanged. Deffert. Popular Jeweler and Optician, 409 Broadway. , - Lac curtains. Btockert Carpet Co. Real Rstate Transfers. These transfer were' reported to The Be April 20 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: John E. Cook ct al. to Joshua Alston. wV of aw1, fractional, and neVj of . . of awa of bW4- fractional, 31-75-40. - w. d 9.300 A, W. Kolptn and wife to C. H. Unn, lot i, block S3 Mullln'a subdivision ' to Council Bluffa. la., w. d 800 Horace E. GVuld to Anna M. Holmes, ' lots 1. 2 and 3, blwk , MornlngBide addition to Council Bluffs, la., w. d.. 600 I. A. Boren, trustee, et al. to Cornelius j H. Boren, part of nw of swV, 1- ' :-, deed.i 0 Frank Mohat and wife to Dorena EX Oakley. t of nw4 of ao of w4 ' bWi-41 wT d S3 Bmeet FX Hart and wife to Robert I. Mainn. lot -13. block 2R, Central subdivision to Council Bluffs, la., w. d no P. C. De Vol and wife to Ernest Et Hart, incorporated all my interest in and to lot 11, Aud'a subdivision of : lot 6, block 6, Mynater-a addition, and Work 1. Bayllsa' addition to OuunuU Bluffs, la., . C d 1 Clarence E. Comstock and wife to Oeorge t Co.. sltW feet of lot t, block . 6. Steele, and W. Woods- eubdlvlsloo of lot t, Kttat Omaha, w. d 1 ' H. O. McUee and wife and J. Fl F. McUee to Anna M. Holmes, lota 1, 2 and S, block S, Mnrnlngslde addi tion to Council Bluffs, la., q. p. d 1 Alexander Gilbert to George R. Phelpa and E. 1 Bhugart, lot 8. block la. ' Central Bubdlvlslrm, and lot I, block - 7. and lot 6. block 4. Mullln'a sub division to Council Bluffs, la., 4. e. d 1 Jjertnard Welgand to Frank Wergand et a., lot 6, block 13. Kverett'a addl i tton. and lota 1 and t Williams' sub division of Mill lots. Council Bluffs, la-.'W. d 1 Eleven tranafera, total $11,280 A Comparison. Consider the email yard In your home town, then think of two yards containing on an average about 0 times aa much " atoek. then you will aea why w can make such a difference In price to you by buying a straight car of lumber, instead of a ; mixed car as your local dealer must d0. Of course, you are not In the lumber , business and do not reallae the advan- tage we have over him, but If vou will 'mall ua an Itemlied bill of what you wish, we will eurprlae you. C Hafer 'Lumber Co. . Wash Maehlao Specials. All klnde, from 88 60 to $17.60. Ask to Bee , the One Minute Washer, price 810. The easiest runnlrg washer made. J. Zoller Mer. Co.. 100-loe-106 Broadway. Phone 830. 'Scavenger Work - I haul dead animals, 81.00 per head. Garbage, aches, manure and all rub bish; lou vaults and cesspool. All work done is guaranteed Calls promptly attended to. Ind Phone 1!-' V Hell Rod 1878 1. II. KHEKIXK K rm"-- . ' ... I A. A. CLARK Ct CO. LOAN MONEY Oil t And any Chattel Security at one-half the usual rates. Twenty years f succesf ul business. Comer Main and Broadway. Over American Express. No conneetlcn with Clark Mortgare Co. nth Miimi M. - "O. . Tm.IT, KgT. BLUFFS St. Tel. 48. JUNES APPEALS TO COURT ecurei' Temporary BeitraJninc Order Against fire and Police Communion, HiARING ON THE CAStl NEXT SATURDAY Alleges He la the l.eaal Chief of Fire Drpartmeat and Farther that Mrholaon, Iloard'n Arpolatee, la Ineligible. Aa had been anticipated, the controversy over the appdntment by the newly cte- bted Fire and Police commission of Charles M. Niiholson as chief of the fire depait nicnt over the head. of R. W. Jones, tho pirent houd of the cJepartnient, ha reached the courts. Judge Wheeler yes terday in district court Issued on the ap plication of Chief Jonea a temporary in junction restraining the members of the Fire and Police commission and Charle M. Nicholson "from In any way Interfer Ing with the said plaintiff In the discharge cf his duties aa chief of the fire depart ment of Council Bluffs and from In any way attempting to take from the plaintiff the possession of the property of the said fire department and the said Charles Nich olson from attempting to act os chief of sold fire department until the further order of the court in tua premises." - The hearing on the application for a temporary Injunction won set for Satur day, April :7. by Judge Wheeler. This order. It Is taken, win act as an eatoppel to the city council approving, even If it de sired to do ao, the bond of Nlchrdson. which has already been filed with the city clerk. In the petition filed yesterday by counsel for Chief Jones. aCter .reciting the facts of his election by the city council to the position of chief of the fire department at the regular mnntlng In April, 190ft. "from date or until his successor Is elected and qualMled," it Is alloged that the Fire and Pi lice commission acted without authority or warrant of law In appointing Charles M. Nicholson chief of the fire department while the plnintlff was the duly qualified and acting chief of tho department. The petition further recites that at the time of' the making of the appointment Charles Nicholson wns not a member of the fire department, nor had ho been sub mitted to any examination na required by law, nor had the examination of the said Nicholson been held, by the said Board of Fire and Police commissioner, and that at the tlmo of the making of such ap pointment. Charles Nicholson was not eligible to appointment as chief of the fire department. The petition also recltea that Nicholson has filed a bond in the sum of S2.O0O and that the same will be submitted to the city council at Its meeting next Monday night, for approval, and that In the event said 'bond is approved, It Is the intention of the Fire and Police commission to in sist and demand that the plaintiff sur render to Charles Nicholson all of the property and control of the fire depart ment. State Senator C. O. Saunders, who has been retained fea counsel ' bit' Fire Chief Jonen and who helped to pass the law tindor which the Fire and Police commis sion of thin city la supposed to be acting, contends- that Jonea la not only chief of the fire department, but that the members of. the commission have laid . themselves liable to prosecution foy violation of the law. He said "Every member of the com mission Is liable to prosecution for viola tion, and if convicted, T, a fine of J100 or thirty days In Jail. The law requires that they name the chief of the Are department from the department Itself, but they havt seen fit to appoint a man from the outside. They have also violated their own ruli fixing the age limit for admission to the fire depnrtnient at 40 years." Mr. Saunders Also has serious doubts If the commission was legally appointed as the law providea that two of its members ahall be named, "aa far as practicable," from the dominant party at the preceding municipal election. The republican party dominated the last city election, but Mayor Macrae deemed It fit to appoint two demo crats on the commission, while there were several hundred republicans ready and will ing' to serve. F. A. SPKNCER. Plumbing, steam and gas fitting, furnace and sheet metal work, galvanized Iron cor nice, skylight, tin roofing, gutter, spouting and repairing. Green and Norfolk furnacea. First-class mechanics In all branches. Both telephones No. 0. 1SS West Broad way, Council Bluffa la. LOST A atrlng of dull gold beads, be tweent Second street and Merrlam block. Return to Bee office and receive reward. Maeel, the le Cream Mm, Has remodeled his Ice cream plant and has Installed new machinery, which haa doubled the capacity for the manufacture of Ice cream. The new process Improvea the quality of goods 60 per cent. 6c bricks on sale every day. Quart bricks, all flavors. Latest flavor In Ice cream, Icea, sherbert and punch, apply ing to the pure food law. Just received a new line of the latest Individual moulds. Special prices made to dealera. Write for our 1907 prices. Council Bluffs, la. Both 'phones 364. Llrensea to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. El win Shonqulst. Host Omaha 21 Minnie Vlllard, East Omaha Is A. M. Williams. Council Bluffs R Keren Pupa, Council Bluffs 2s Give us your order for that aprlng car pet. We do the rest aew, lay and Ct It right to your room. D. W. Keller, 103 S. Main. ' Oreatest Ice savei on the market the Alaska refrigerator. Petersen Schoe nlng. National Hoard Rsriatnnl. Captain Greene of the Dodge Light guards has been advised by Adjutant Oeneral Thrift that the annual encampment of the Iowa National guard will be held August 5 to 13. Inclusive on the state grounds near Des Molnea.' The four reglmenta of the Iowa National guard will en; amp tl,r at the same time. This will be the first time HCR3ES, CATTLE and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE that the four reglmenta have been ss aenibled alnce the breaking out of the Spanish-American war. when they were In camp together at Des Molnea. West Ena Lasr Yes, we have 8no nice, high, level lota very desirably located, for all classes of people doing business or employed In either Omaha or Council Bluffa Contemplated Improvements In the vicin ity will double the valuea within fifteen months. Buy now and the profit Is youra We can give you a single lot or a block of lots together If desired. Get your friends to Join you and form a new neighborhood of your own choice, A few houses also for sale on the easy payment plan. Prices are light and the terms of pay ment will be made to suit your purposes. Call and let ua show you. C. C Clifton Company, KK Broadway, Co. Bluffa Bc4a 'phones TBI. The latest patterns In carpets. Stockert Carpet Co. Susdsr Services. First Congregational Church. Dr. Otter beln O. Smith, Pastor Morning service at 10:3", vespers at 6 o'clock, no 7:80 service, Sunday achool noon, midweek service Wednesday evening at i, Young Men's Fortnightly club Monday evening. Hon. Walter I. Smith will address the club. Morning subject, "The Unity of the Bplrlt;" vesper message. "The Pure In Heart." Special music morning and even ing. First Presbyterian Church, Rev. Marcus P. McClure, Minister 10:30 a m. preaching service, theme, "Personal Standing in the Courts of Jehovah." 12 m., Bible school; 4 p. m., intermediate Christian Endeavor society; 6:30 p. m.. Toung People's service, "Wise Ways to Read Wise Books," Mr. Millard Hoagland, leader; 7:30 p. m., even ing worship, theme. "Ocean Currents and Life Currents;1; midweek service Wednes day. 7:30 p. m. At the morning service Mr. Barton will sing "Thou Faithless Man," by Helxey, and In the evening "The Way of Peace," by Lloyd. First Christian Church, , Rev. J. A. Mc Kenzle, Pastor Bible school, 8:45 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m., subject, "The High Calling of God;" Endeavor society at 7 p. m.; preaching, 8 p. m., subject. "Ark a Type of the Church," chart. Revival ser vices will begin at the West. Side Christian church Tuesday evening, conducted by the pastor of the First church, music under the direction of Dr. L. L. Poston. We hope to organize a church in that part of the city. . Rev. Mr. Burkhart of Illinois will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:31 p..m. at the People's Vnlon church at Thirty-fifth and Avenue B. Tho church Is considering extending a call tO( Rev. Mr. Burkhart as pastor and therofo-e a good attendance is desired. Second Presbyterian church. Rev. Grant B. Wilder, minister. Morning worship at 10:ro. subject, "Christ. Our Lord; Incarna tion." Sabbath achool at Vi:05 p. m. Trmng Feople's society at 7 p. m. The evening service will be at S p. m., with a special sermon to young men. Rev. Luther M. Kuhns of Omaha, na tional secretary of the Luther League of America, will occupy the pulpit at the morning service at 11 o'clock at 8t. John'a English Lutheran church, when his sermon subject will be "Tho True and the False." In the evening at I the pastor, Rev. G. W. Snyder, will preach, taking as his subject "Sorrows and Rejoicing.". Sunday school will be at 9:46 a. m. and young people's meeting at 7:18 p. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist, will hold services at 11 a nt. In the auditorium of the public library building, when the aub Ject will be "Probation After Death." Sun day school will be at 12:15 p. m. and the regular midweek testimonial meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. At the Broadway Methodist church there will he preaching services at 10:30 a. in. and 7:45 p. in. The pastor. Rev. James O'May. will taV:e aa the aubject of hU morning sermon "Prayer," and of his even ing address, "Temperance." Class meeting will be at 10 a. m.; Bible school at noon and Epworth league meeting at 6:45 p. m. There will be special music by the choir and orcheatra at both morning and even ing services. St. Paul's Episcopal church. Rev. H. W. Starr. Rector Holy communion at 8 a. m., morning prayer and aermon at 10:30 a m-. Sunday achool at noon, and evening prayer and aermon at 8 o'clock. Rev. Carl, Dauel, formerly of Cincinnati, O., will preach at the I'nion Mission, Broadway and Twelfth street, this after noon at S o'clock. Always Something; New. Tou have no Idea what we carry In the ' wall paper line until you call and aee. Tour time will be well paid for. We are always i glad to show you the latest patterns. whether you buy or not. Onr latest pat terns are the peacock. Very beautiful for the dining room. The Wellington & Son nely, for the parlor. For the sitting room, i the Balinar pattern Is just the thing. If j yan want a hall pattern, get the beautiful alpine rose, sonnely or Badlvlne patterns. The patterns are all the latest. H. Bor wlck, 211 8. Main St. Matting and window shades at Stockerta. Sew Mabta Satisfactory. Mayor Macrae and several of the council men Inspected the newly Installed Incan- I descent lights In the Second ward which it j is proposed will take the place of . the four ; arc llghta In the tower at the corner of Broadway and Eighth atreet. Four lncant I descent llghta take the place of each arc lamp, making sixteen lights which have been distributed on North Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Mynster and Mill streets and Wash ington avenue. At the. Intersection of Broadway and Eighth street an are light has been installed. The new arrangement was approved by the city officials and la aald to be satisfactory to the residents of that section of Councilman Maloney'e ! bailiwick. It la understood Councilman Maloney Is planning for the installation of incandescent lights to take the place of arc lamps on the Oakland avenue tower. Councilman Smith I also making similar plans for the Fifth ward. Here to Stay. We are dally receiving new lots of shoes and are eelllng them at our usual low prices. Duncan Shoe Co. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night L-4S For Sale Rope portieres. Stockert Carpet Co. Matters In District Coart. Arguments In the long drawn out suit of Ernst Slegeman agolnat tha Council Bluffs Savings and the Crawford County State bank were concluded before Judge Wheeler In district court yesterday. The result of the case la being watched with more than ordinary Interest by bonkers. The quaatlon Involved Is the liability for a check which the plaintiff drew on a bank In Buck Grove, la, which failed before the check reached It. Judge Wheeler rendered his decree in the Casson will case. A large estate was In volved and the court held that tKa widow Is entitled to a third of all the property Involved In the- controversy and that the nine heirs were entitled each to two twenty sevenths of the estate. As the property cannot be divided into the various portions, the court ordered It sold. M. B. Sturgeon, William Lewis and Frank Ouren were ap pointed to appraise and T. J. Turner, Wal lace Benjamin and J. ML Kelly named ns referees to sell the property. The reoelpts of the sales as made are to be held subject to the order of the court. Phoebe Moomaw was granted a divorce from Phillip Moomaw, to whom she was married November 9, 1S92, on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment. On account of the heavy work of the terir! of court here. Judge Thornell will adjourn court at Glenwood Wednesday and come here to assist Judge Wheeler for the remainder of the week. Before getting your upholstering, mat tresa making, repairing and refinlshlng done, get the prices of the Morgan Vp holsterlng Co., 181 .Broadway, next to Alexander's art store. Tel. for quick or ders. Bell, 398; Ind. 870 red. Buy the Jewell gas or gasoline stove. They are the safest. Petersen It Schoenlng. Petersen 4V Bchoenlng sell matting. LAT WEEK I BI.VFFS SOCIETY Club F.ntertalnmenta a Featare of the Week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cass left Monday aft ernoon for an extended trip to Colvllle, Wash. Mr. John Young of Enrlvllle, la., Is a guest at the home of his son. Mr. J. S. Young, 817 Avenue A. Mrs. B. L. Duquette, 307 Glen avenue, will entertain the members of the Glen Avenue "6o" club Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Brldensteln, 211 Tenth ave nue, have as their guest their daughter, Mrs. Charles E. Tyson of Sedalla, Mo. Mr. Fred Rice of Bancroft, Neb., a stu dent at Bellevue, was the guest of his uncle. Dr. N. J. Rice, of this city, during the last week. Miss Laura Robinson and Miss Laura Matthews entertained at an informal ken slngton Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss Robinson. 70 Mill street. Dr. T. B. Lacey and Mr. Henry Atkins left Friday to be present at the formal opening of the Jamestown exposition, after which they will make an extended trip through the south. Mrs. James Gordon of Valley Junction, la., who haa been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beebe, 81l Seventeenth avenue, left Friday for a trip to Colorado Springs and other Colorado points. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gleason have returned from a three months' trip In the south. During their trip they visited In Texaa and Old Mexico, and on their return tr1 they visited for a week with relatives in Kansas. Miss Bessie Qulnn entertained about thirty of her little friends Thursday after noon at a six-course dinner at her home, 3M Oakland avenue. Games proved an en joyable feature of the remainder of "the evening. Mra. B. M. Sargent, 817 Second avenue, entertained the Euchre club at her home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Casady won the club prize and Mrs. Shermon the guests prlie. A dainty luncheon was served at the close of the game. Mr. Millard C Dunngan and Miss Zello' Van Horn, both of this city, were united In marriage Wednesday evening at the home of the bride. 31ti Sherman avenue. Rev. James O'May officiating, In the pres ence of only Immediate frienda and rela tives. . Mrs. Katherlne Hnnn of Minneapolis, Minn., formerly of this city, spent Thurs day with friends here and In Omaha, while on her way to Salt Lake City, where ah will visit her daughter. Mrs. Dr. Tyndall. Her grandadughter. Miss Marguarate Holll day, accompanied her. Mr. Ralph Guy Edwnrds of this city and Miss Elsie Marie Ebersole of Des Moines, la., ' were united In marriage Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mra. T. C. Leffert, Oil Fourth street. Rev. O. W. Snyder officiating. Only Immediate rela tives and friends were present. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Rlgdon and Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Etnyre entertained the mem bers of the "6o0" card club Thursday even ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Etnyre, 30i( North Second street. The evening was spent at cards, dainty refreshments being served at the close of the game. The Proto Card club was entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mra Adoph Beno, 2s Frank street. The afternoon waa spent at high five, Mrs. Harry Bchnililt being awarded the first prize and Mrs. McCready the second prize. Light refreshments were served at the close of the game. Mrs. Pea cock of Perrln avenue win be the hostess of the club Tuesday afternoon. The C. M. L. club waa entertained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Frank Knetat, "33 Mill stree. The afternoon was spent at six-handed high five, Mrs. Jack Hughes, receiving the prize for. the highest score and Mrs. Hummel the "cut for all" prize. After the awarding of prlzea dainty refreshments were served. Mra Hubert Tlftley will be the hostess of the club May L The Economical Card club was enter tained Friday afternoon at the home of aire. C. H. Gilbert. 1104 Fifth avenue. The afternoon was spent at high five, Mrs. Bliss receiving the first prl2e and Mrs. Roberts the second prize. Light refresh ments were served at the close of the game. Mrs. Hitchcock. :M Washington avenue, will entertain the club Friday aft ernoon. , The high school cadets gave a moat en joyable hop Friday levening at the Dodge Light Guard armory. There were 100 couples present. The hall was prettily decorated In the high achool colors, red and blue. Whaley's orchestra furnished a long program of dances, and refreshments were served during the evening. The grand march was led by Miss Nellie Stevens and Captain Richards of the cadets. The Klatter Klub was- entertained Fri day afternoon by Miss Cherrle Wells, 134 Park avenue. The afternoon was spent at six-handed euchre, three tablea being used. Mrs. Robert Thelnhardt received the prlae for the highest score, Mrs. Robert Wallace the "twenty" prize and Miss Ethel Good man the guests' prise. After the game re freshments were served. The club will be entertained Friday afternoon by Mlaa Mir rlon Tyler, 641 Sixth avenue. The Fiorodora Card club, together with their husbands, were entertained Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. K Dawson, S07 Third avenue. The evilng was spent at high five, prizes being won by Mr. McCune, who received the first prize, and Mra. John C. Small the apcrmH r.ri , After the game dainty refreshments were , served. The club will I entertained, to- fiether with their husbands. Thursday even ng at the home of Mr. and Mra. Ed MullL ' gun, 630 Washington avenue. The members of the ways and meana : committee of the Edmundaun hospital man i agement entertained at a card party Tuesday evening In the armory. There were H) guests present, twenty-five tables being used at cards. Mrs. McAfee won the ; first women's prize. Mrs. Henshaw the second and Mrs. Mills the consolation prize. Mr. Tlella won the men's first prize, Mr. Renard the second and Mr. True the con solation prize. Refreshments were served i at the close of the game. The Tueaday History club met Monday afternoon at the home of Mra John Akers, ' 41 North Seventeenth street. Mrs. J J Cooper acted aa leader. The topic of the ! afternoon waa "Naplee," of which Mrs. I Walter Joseph gave an interesting sketch. , Mrs. E. C. Smith OCCUOied the r.m.lnH., of the afternoon with a description of Italy and Naples, having returned but a short time ago from Italy. The club will meet April 30 at the home of Mra. Flem mlng on Oakland avenue. The members of tha Book Lovers' club met Wednesday afternoon at the borne of Mra. F F. True, J6 Second avenue, the topic of discussion being "Elizabeth Bar rett Browning." "Her Home" and Womanhood'' waa discussed by Mrs Til ton. Mrs. A. P. Hanchett gave a akaUh on Marriages" and Mrs. Otln gave a read ng. Mrs. Clem Kimball gave an interest ing sketch from "Aurora Leigh." Mra Dally had charge of the current eventa. The club will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mra. True, the topic of discussion being "William Morris." wMr..1,"r,"'(, CI"", eon of Mr. and Mrs. William C1sn. Sii guth Twri;ty-ufl sireet, and Miss Evallne P. Cooper Edger ton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K C Edgerton. 2 Franklin avenue, were united In niurrlage Wednesday afternoon at 8 o clock by Rev. James Wise of the Episco pal church of South Omaha. The ceremony was performed at the home of Ruv Mr Wise. Immediately after the wedding the young couple repaired to the t'nlnn station In South Omaha, where thev were met by a party of friends from thia cltv. In the party were Mr. and Mrs. L H Orer fm merly of this city; Mrs. R C. Edgerton. the bride s mother; Miss Abble Eitgrrtun sister of the bride; Mrs. Fred (issna. Miu' Mabel t leans, Miss Velma Peck and Mr Perry Honnock Mr. and Mrs. ClsMna went to Orand Island. Neb., where fur the present they will make their borne Mr. Clsana U In the employ of the Cnlon Pacific Railroad c.mpau. niaklng his headquarters at Grand Island. Both the UUi and arooui ar well kuuwu young feoi. of tM cu. SETMOLR BAM IS ClMl) Oufcitrit Short Tbrtj TLetsaud anl Girts H:mielf Uo to Sheriff. BOOKS FAIL TO SHOW LOANS TO IANK Railway Commission Aannnnees that After Hearings It Will Pat la m Scheaale of Jolat Ratea. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES. April 20.-(Speclal.) State Bank Examiner Leland Windsor Is In charge of the Farmers' and Drovers' State bank of Seymour, la., and the cashier, Le Roy Ware, is short something like 840,000. Ware offered to give himself up to the sheriff at Corydon before the shortage waa known. Bank Examiner Windsor was In the city before the bank cloned Its doors because of an apprehension that the con dition of the bank waa not good. There haa been a report at Seymour that Ware attempted to commit suicide, but ho veri fication of the stnry could be had. Aaron Evans in president of the bank and he authorised the statement today that the depositors of the bank would lose nothing and that the bank would reopen Its doors ss soon aa the examination could be com pleted. On the examination of neighboring hanks which showed that the Seymour bank had been borrowing heavily and because of there being no record In the Seymour bank of such loans the suspicion of Bank Examiner Windsor was aroused last Thurs day and he left at onee for Seymour to make another examination there. He reached the hank Friday morning and Cashier Wore left for Corydon, where he gave himself up to the sheriff. The sheriff at first refused to take him Into custody, claiming that he had no authority. He was later taken Into custody. The bank has a capitalisation of 880.000. It was examined by the state examiner January 2A and at that time showed de posits of 8100.037.74. The books showed a clean record with the exception of heavy overdrafts, which aroused no suspicion be cause such are common at thla time of the year. It was the subsequent examina tion of other hanks that led to the sus picion of the Seymour bank. Clarloa Attorney Selected. Attorney Rogers of Clarion, In Wright county, has been selected ns the assistant United States district attorney for north ern Iowa, to succeed Mr. Cain of Dubuque, who has held the position for many years. Mr. Rogers is a young man and the espe cial friend of Congressman BlrdeaTl. Mlsa Xoasrhlln Remains, Miss Anna Loughlin, the Indianapolis High school girl who ran away from home because of some notoriety raised by an "affair" there, is at the Klrkwood hotel here with her mother. In order to escape the notoriety ehe will probably not return to Indianapolis, but will go to some acad emy for glrla Mast I'ae Telearaph. The state railroad, commission today de cided that notice of accidents under tho new law must be by telegraph to the secre tary of the commission. The law provides that when a wreck occurs on a road the officials must notify the commission and the governor at once. The commission de cided today that this must be by telegraph In order that an investigation may be mado at once. Officers Elected. Before adjourning the state convention of the Sons of the American Revolution passed resolutions condemning the state legislature for Its refusal to paa appropriation for erecting monuments over the gravea of revolutionary soldiers buried In the state. Officera were elected as follows: President Wlllard Secor. Forest City. First Vice President S. R. Hutchlns, Des Moines. Second Vice President George C. Ken neoy. Waterloo. Treasurer F. B. Clark. Ottumwa. Secretary E. D. Hadley, Dea Moines. Registrar-Historian E. H. Hazen. Des Moines. Chaplain Rev. D. R. Dungan, Dea Molnee. Additional Managers J. B. Collins, Des Moines; George D. Rowe, Boone; Elijah H. Lewis, Chariton; E. D. Hamlin, Dea Moines. Delegates to National Congress st Denver General J. Rush Lincoln. Ames; E. H. Hazen, Des Moines; H. B. Hswley, Des Moines; J. W. Richards, Waterloo; W. S. Dungan, Charlton: B. H. Hlbbard, Amea Alternates G. C. Kennedy, Waterloo; J. B. Collins, Des Moines: M. W. Blair, Medlapolls; H. H. Rood. Mount Vernon; George Currier, Btorm I.ake; C. 8. Hunter, Des Molnee; J. G. Gardner, Dea Molnea; H. W. Grout, Waterloo. Commission Will Fla Rates. The railroad commission today let It be understood that It would put In a schedule of Joint rates as soon as proper hearings had been given. The statement from the commission Is brought out bv the report that certain trunk line railroads have de cided to put In a joint rate achedule of 80 per cent of the two locals. The commission let It be known today that ths railroads would not be allowed to fix tha maximum reasonable ratea. Grand ltery. 3. W. and Elmer E. Mlnnlck, proprietors. 824 South Main. Both 'phones 172. The grandest opportunity ever known for saving money on high claaa planoa has brought many buyers to A. Hospe Co., 28 South Main St., Council Bluffa Steamboat on Band Bar. ONAWA, la., April 20. (Special. ) The Decatur, Neb., and Onawa, la, steam ferry boat runnlrg acroea the Missouri river met with an accident Monday that put It out of business for tha present and it now lies on a sandbar. Whils crossing the river control of the boat was lost, owing to a break In the machinery, and the boat drifted down the river about tour miles, lodging on a bar, where all effors to re move It were unsuccessful until Wednes day, when the Albaton, la., ferryboat waa brought down the river, about twenty-five miles, and managed to transfer the Onawa atage and two teams that were on the boat. The boat could not be budged, how ever, and as the river la falling prospects for getting the boat off the sandbar are not favorable. The weather thla week can be easily remembered, and Adam Beet, tha mall carrier, says If there la any colder spot than the windswept sandbars of the J Miraourt liver he will have to be shewn. I It was a terror. About two years ago the ferryboat had a similar experience, but the weather was warm than. The United States mail carrier alwaya haa a lively experience at this crossing; and takes aa many chances aa a man In battle. Iowa Workman Killed. SIOUX CITY, la., April ll.-(Speclal Tele gram. The falling of a heavy stone at the site of the new First Presbyterian rhurch precipitated O. Johnson, a work man, twenty feet, broke hla neck and killed him this morning. Missouri river ice, pure, solid, the very best. Servlca prompt; obliging drlvera Co. Bluffs Coal and Ice Co. 'Phone T2. Former lowan Killed. ONAWA. la, April 20. -(Special.) George Bordner, a former Onawa resident' and well-known farmer, who moved to Co manche, Okl., about six years ago, was shot and killed by a neighboring farmer last week while at work fixing a fence be tween the two farms by J. T. Morris. De tails or the affair are meager at present. II ll Bordner, father, and Warrna Kord- TUI? 1 11 aLS The Store Thai's TER.MS STORE Ths great ralnea and saay terms that ws offer bars aaads this store almost lesp into popularity. Ws bars already opsaed over oas thousand Bo counts. The great snooesa that we have enjoyed alnoe onr opening shows ns that .ths people appre ciate ear low prleea, good enemies and vary sasy terms. We make the furnishing of a boms aa easy matter. REX TJS & BUTLkO n Squire V a is 111 Over All Ooods Marked la riala 'Uraree BB84BB Constructed of solid oak, large,- roomy drawers, French bevel plate mirror, brass trim mlnga These dressers are well w-orto $15 our price 7.50 1.00 per Month otrm EAST TEBMS Ob a bUl of 80, BOo per week er 99 per month. On a bill of (100, l er week or too per month. oo-oabts Fold com pactly, reg ular 84 val., our price ,$2.25 If -" sv UN QUT.nTTING.CO. 1315 -IT-19 FARNAM ST. KIIO'SB, ITBWABT ft BEATOK'S OX.D X.OCATIOB ner, a brother, are well-known farmers of Monona county, living near Blue lake. Both attended the funeral. ICE CREAM SEASON NOW OPF.N. SEND' IN TOUR ORDERB; WE ARE READY TO FILL. THEM. I. MUCCI. 218 BROADWAT. COUNCIL, BLUFFS, IA. Parmer, While Insane. Takea His Life. ONAWA, la., April 20. (Special Tele gramsChrist Robinson, a farmer living four miles south of Turin, committed sui cide today while Insane by hanging him self In his barn. A telephone message had been sent the sheriff asking that he be taken Into custody, but the set was committed before the arrival of an of ficer. Robinson owned a 200-acre farm, having moved from Harrison county about a year ago. - Mlasoavl Oak Wood. Chunks and split wood, large ricks, at ,81.60. Brldensteln A Bmlth, 14th Ave. and th Bt. Both phones 181. Mnrder and Salelae at Bedford. OTTUMWA, la., April 20. Because he thought his brother had gained the affec tions of Mrs. Sallls Morgan, to whom both had been paying attention, Ovltt Thompson Of Bedford, Ia today shot and killed the woman, mortally wounded Roscoe Thomp son and committed suicide. The woman bad been separated from her husband' for some time. When pvltt found his brother and Mrs. Thompson together he began shooting. Need any lace curtains T Before you buy better come In and see us. We want to surprise yon In price and quality. D. W. Keller, nt & Main. Iowa Hews Notes. ONAWA Swift and Company's butter and egg packing house at Onswa took In 30 000 eggs Tuesday, and on Wednesday paid out over 83.000 for butter and eggs. About twelve men are employed and trade la drawn from fifty and sevenly-nve miles on the three railroad llnea. At present they are doing a land office business. ATLANTIC Bay Cornell, a young man who resides in Atlantic but who Is tesch Ing achool In Grove township, has been arrested by a psrent of one of his pupils for assault. It la alleged that the teacher struck the girl In the mouth while she was climbing out of a window; that he had prohibited the scholars from going from the room. The sffalr haa divided the district Into factions and Is causing much excitement. KN OX VILDE Battling heroically to eave his 8-year-old sister from the flames, Roy Moon, 8 years of age. stood by aa the little girl died In terrible aony of her burns. The child's clothing was ignited by the flsmes swept by the wind over her while burning grass In the meadow and the boy manlfully went io the rescue. With his bare hands h beat out the fire. The boy s hands, face and arms are burned, and while he will live, his wounds are painful. SIDNET-A singular accident la reported at the home of William Mathes, a few raeles east of Sidney. Jamea Mathes. an 8-year-old eon. In his play waa riding a hog. which ran close to a mule. The frightened animal kicked at the hog and struck the boy. fracturing his skull. Dr Donald McCarl of Council Bluffs was called In and reports that the boy's chances of recovery ate very remote. The little boy had lust returned from his mother's funeral. AFTON Judging from a petition or pledge that Is being freely signed by the girls of this town they will forever go fellowleaa The article sets forth that they will not keep company with any of the male sex who use tobarcoMn any form, gamble or even play cards for fun, drink any lntoxioatlng liquor, iwmr. dance or indulge In any form of questionable amuse ment. In faot It la getting many algners, auu the boys are luukuig to the movement with anxious eye. ATLANTIC Dr H. B. Crawford haa been arrested la Ites Mulues and put under If") bond on aft indictment by the Cass county fury charging him with maintaining a liquor nuisance here. He and a man by the name of C. K. Gill came here early In January and atarted a drug store, run ning It for three months and then clos ing up the store and leaving Just before the grand Jury met. Mra. Llhliie Holland of the Pullman hotel, who was Indicted for the same offense, has entered a pica of not guilty. SIDNKT Sldney'a newly elected mayor, Hon. T. 9. Eetes, and the new council, which waa labeled "progressive' by the! aupporters, are endeavoring to "'ke good. A sidewalk grade la to be est ihed Im mediately, aud permanent walka ordered. John A. Masters, manager of toe Shen andoah eleiArtc light plant, was present I? ACV LsaflvJ 1 The Store That's Square All Over BXTBhTBiOaT TABLES If you are in need of a table, see the golden oak finish 8-ft. extension table that we are offering at $4.80. They have 41-ln aquare lops. rmOIf BEDS Finished In white and green enamel, thoroughly baked, brase top rods on head and foot board a regular $7. BO value, all alzes, " 75 our price oua rEi dipt orrtB A handsome present given .free with every sale. These presents are given you absolutely free of charge as an extra Inducement for you to buy here. It la a part of the liberal plan that we Inaugurated when we opened our doors to the people of Omaha and vi cinity. Ob a bill of 110 a framed ploture. Ob a bill of fas, a rng. Ob a bill of f 80, a center table. Ob a bill of 978, a Morris Chair. On a bill of 9100, a couch. Many other valuable presents given with larger bills. AFT TKBEB BOOMS TU KIT IB RED OOKFI.BTB rOB 969.60. Special offers to those furnishing their homes com plete. at the last council meeting to figure on furnishing the city with electric lights. It is the Intention either to put in a plant here or to get the power by wire from Shenandoah. The latter town now supplies Essex, seven miles north, with light, and a plan Is on foot to supply Farragut and Rlverton on the south, the last named town being only nine miles from 8idney. This Is only a part of the program mapped out by the new administration. PRINTER STRIKES RICH GOLD Important Discovery of Immense Vela of Free Mllllna Ore Nenr Rorhford, 8. D. RAPID CITT, S. D.. April 20.-(Speclal.) One of the most Important discoveries of gold-bearing ore In tha southern Black Hills haa recently been made on what Is . known aa the Crown Lode In Hornblende Mining district, seven miles west of Roch ford. In Pennington county, A large vein of red stained rock forty feet In width exposed on the surface for a distance of four hundred feet in length, and cut by Castle creek at a depth of one hundred and fifty feet, has been found to be noth ing less than an Immense vein of free milling gold ore. The above results have been obtained from actual measurements and thorough sampling made upsn the vein by competent and experienced mining men. A cross-cut recently run for eighteen feet across from the foot-wall, at a point about 140 feet from the top of the bill, disclosed to view ore of great richness, much of it panning free gold, and esti mated by experienced and disinterested miners to carry from 810 to 820 per ton, be sides the concentrates, while the balance of the vein, twenty-two feet In width, to the east, pans from 85 to 810. The vein has every appearance of a true fissure, with a gouge on the foot-wall from six to eighteen Inches In v thickness. The material Is largely quarts, heavily mineralised with arsenical pyrlte In con nection with the gold. Large dykes of dlorlte and trachyte cut the formation In the vicinity, while porphyry la known to exist a short distance to the north. No other veins of this character have ever been discovered In the district, and thla may lead to the examination of ledges of a similar appearance, which have hereto fore been considered barren and ronae. quently overlooked, and to the discovery of large and valuable We bodies. The ore body on the Crown Lode Is so situated that at least G0,0"0 tons ran be readily mined by an open cut like a atone quarry, before any shaft or tunnel would be needed. Castle creek, flowing at least 1,000 miners' Inches of water the year round, cuts the ledge 100 feet deep on the lode. The fortunate locater of this valuable deposit la James D. McNIckle of Rochford, 8. D, an old time printer, who is oer talnly to be congratulated upon the dis covery made, which haa every indication of proving of Inestimable value, not only to the Hornblende dlatrict, but to the en tire Southern Hills. PEACE DELEGATES CONFER All bat Oae Amerleaa Representative to Tha Haaae Meet Secre tary Root. WASHINGTON, April tO.-In response to a call from Secretary Root, all of tha American delegates to the second Hague peace congresa with the exception of V. B. Rose of Arkansas assembled in the diplo matic rooms at the State department today and spent several hours In consultation with the secretary and Assistant Secretary Baron relative to their share In the work of the approaching congresa. Oeneral Porter and Mr. Choate, who were appointed last June, already had received the department's Instructions for the pre sentation of their rase to the peace con gress, but the Increase, of the de legs tton by the addition of Mr. Buchanan, General Davis and Admiral Sperry and the enlarge ment of the prospective program male nereesary a repetition of the old it) 'na tions and cot mid arable addition tbereUk