Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Creeds 0 Talruns i lies'! woTons ieBiivai
at the Eieh ?oaoaL
Corridors of
J amrneri
Bin Italldlna; Are
Ham-Dram n(
Kipl(fa1 Mihn It a. ' - -
HrnaVtblt Event. . '
1007. 5
"Come on, be a port and feed the lady.
Buy a box or "One,, a year' candy and en
Jnv yourself." "Frees out FreeM in.
Thla Is the big show. Fifty Degrees Below
Xcro and going lower."
"Try ynnr luck and runcturp the human
tarrets. Three whirls for a nickel"" ' v
Thrsa and otlver resonant crtew of a
myriad of amntatir "barkere" .greeted tha
crowds of visitors laat evening a-ho wended
tnrir way to the hlah school to view tha
rtoatie rrnwi of tha annual senior fair
and few escaped the w1 and snares laid
to catch 'the elusive nickel.
The scene we one of animation, both
floor of the high arhool being thronged
with Rally attired arhool glrla. vaunting the
poIom of their respective etiascs. youthful
swains with pockets brimming with- apart
change to buy the favor of their feminine
friends and mnmmaa. mpas, bio brother
end sisters galore to add th-lr mlt to tha
success of tha fair by "coughing up" at
each and every turn, for tha amusement
All no Rashiaa. Daalnru.
Every ahow did a rushing business with
J. R. O. sign dlaplayed early jn tha tven
Ing and many rtra performance were
found necessary -nt the different ahowi to
accommodate the crowd eager to be
amused. The mechanical doy . show was
one of the chief centers of attraction and
leveral performances wera given during
the evening to capacity houaea.
Fifty Degrees Below Zero, with Ita doubt
ful attraction at thla aeaann of the year,
urprlaed Ita promoter and young women
cohorts by doing a most prolific business,
with the ticket seller amothered beneath
B miniature mountain of admission fees.
Toothaome candy of rolf-ovtdent home
manufacture was on salt-for a short tlms
at two booths, which were surrounded by
buyers with apparently Insatiable appe
tites as tfce mounds of chocolates and bon
bona disappeared early In the evening aa
if by the magic of the spielers, who were
garbed a elfs and gnomes.
A groug. of stately colonial dames and
gentlemert, whuse ancient costumes belled
tholr cherubic countenances, assisted ma
terially In. selling the candy at both booths
and grotesque clowns added their mite to
the enjoyment and prosperity of the even
ing. In the upper corridor, a free ' vaudevMle
performance held forth In an effort to In
duce the consumption- of circus lemonade
and gaping crowds admired the feats of
the youth who balanced a chair on the tip
of his chin with dangef to life and limb
of the spectators nnd also showed his
ambidextrous education by juggling three
elusive and inoffensive rubber balls. i- :
Fortune) Teller Is Present.'' ' '
A gypsy fortune teller, arrayed In typical ;
costume, .guaranteed to give one a favor
able Ufa reading; of the palm for- a tidic
uloualy low fee, and even offered to haiard
a guess as to the age of Ann.
Art booths tastefully decorated ' and
groaning with fancy articles of needlework
wore numerous and sales wera frequent.
Fancy culhlons, aprohs to be seen and not
V.Pj-.Pl'l -.puahrons and. other articles to
delight and tempt the women visitors were
exhibited and the merits thereof expatiated
upon by a bevy of senior girls.-.''
The office of the superintendent irae gtvsn
over to an exhibition of drawings and
cushion covers In water colors, pen and
Ink' sketches and pencil drawings, , some of
which were of unusual merit and met with
ready ' sale. . i f '.
The 'whole presented a moet fairylike ap
pearance, with the m&jiy electric light
enhancing the beauty of the decorations.
"Oee, this doesn't look like school," was
a remark oft to be heard by students who
had come to join In the fun.
The attendance laat night taxed the ca
pacity of the halls 'arid ahow rooms, aa by
I o'clock breathing space was at a premium,
so closely war the visitors and participants
crowded, buf still not close enough i to ;
hinder frequent raid, on every purse. i
ioe an.or la r. cava o-oome a nature ; Mi , connection with thd pub
In Jiigb ichool llfe and the one closed last , 0 p,,ytTound ,, la place of having
nigui waa mgniy suocessiui in every pax- ,
ttcular and it .Is aafe to presume that the
memento left by ' the senior ''lass of . '07
from the fund derived from the fair will
be pretentious,, s, . v.
' 'Howie's ItoatH Causes Satrlde.
NEW YORK, April .-Grlevlng, It Is
theught. because of the' death of "Prophet
Elijah . III" Dowle, Mrs. Lydla Ftaley
threw twraelf Jrora the front window of
herhome 6n the fifth floor of an apartment
house In Cast Seventeenth street today
and' died ater In a hospital from fracture
of the skull. The 8taleya were leading
members of the Dowla cult li- thla city. ;
Even after the "prophet" had been de
posed, the Btaleya were faithful to him,
and' Mrs. Btaley had fasted and grieved
over his i demise much of the time since
Dole died. t
' g - 11 i 1
; A Woaian's Back
flM ni&ny aches and paint canted by
weakness and falling, or other dUplaco- '
nietjt, of tha pelvlo organs. Other aymp-
touu of female weakness are frequent
headache, dluiovas, Imaginary speck or
dark spots flouting before the eye, gnaw- -In
sensation In stomach, dragging or
bearing down In lower alxloralnal or pelvic
rrlon, disagreeable drains from pel via
organ,falntpeU8 wl'.h general woaknesa.
II any con.lJerlle nuubw Of the aboTd ,
symptoms are prtiscat tbere Is no remedy
that wllglvs oulckr relief or a more per
maient tSja than Dr. Pierce's Favorite)
teJHfiJ t has a record of over forty
rs of curtCk It Is the. snoM. T?n
Of Ihe glyceric exUacCT of nll medici
nal root found In our forest and con
tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful, or
bs'blt-frnjlng drugs. Its Ingredient r
all prints on the bottle-wrapyr and t
tesuxi under oath as correct,
. Every Ingredient entering Into "Fa
Torlto Prescription" has the writwn en
dorsement of the moet eminent medical
arrttars of all the several schools of prac
tice mora valuable than any amount of
Don-protcational testimonials though tho
latter are not lacking, having been con
tributed voluntarily by grateful patients
In numbers to eicoeU the endorse menu
given to any other medicine eitant for
the cura of woman's Ills.
Vou cannot afford to accept any medicine
of unknown composition as a substitute
for this well proven remedy or mows
txmronmoN, even though the dealer may
make a little more proiit thereby. Your
lulcrtt in regaining health is paramount
to any 'selfish Interest of hU and It Is an
Insult to your lnuHlen forhltn to try
to palm off upvn you substitute. Yon
know hat jou aant and It Is his busl
oea to supply the article called for.
Dr Pierce's Pleaiant Pflleu ara tha
rrigtnal "Little Liver Pills" first put op
by old lr. Plerca over forty year sgo,
niiuh Imitated but never eqnld. Ml
sugar-coated granules oasj U Uka a
X 1 ' Q Tired, Worn-Out Motliers (h " f"" ' Miss Emma Kellogg. 6HI B. V .J ,
O , a-a-aw Q Mrs. Lydla H. Joaaelyn. ' I A ' ' I" I ' I wr,nce St- Sm,th Tacotna. UiW- ' A jW
! Vjl nllSS I UCT INGRAM )ZJ Idence. 11. I., I, Treasurer of J V 1 A' 1 " , Macoaheea. writes: V 'T J 3 VI A " ' C V U V ' n "
aaaaaw I ' the Editors League of Rhode ' "fjff v if "Three months ago I Imd an
. Island, chartered In Provl-1 v? $ v ft attack of blUlousness , which .
Tr-ru na a Spring Tonic
Miss Lucy Ingram, 621 Ellis St.,
Augusta, Qa., writes:
"I have used Peruna aa a tonlo
and found It counteracted the debili
tating effects of warm weather.
"I oherfully recommend thoae who
have that laagntd ftellng which Is
customary to most of us In spring, to
try Peruna. It will prove aa invig
orate. It la also good to break up
colds and t ic grippe."
" ri iinmi ii 1H11.W.P1.
Catarrh and Stomach Trouble
Mrs, T. rrech, R. R. No. . 1, Hickory
Point, Tenn., writes:
"1 am happy to tell you that I am cured
of catarrh. I have followed your good and
kind advice faithfully. I bless the day
when I wrote you of my condition, and I
wlU always praise Peruna. I think it Is
one of the grandest medicines on earth.
- "Having been affllctiil with catarrh
aad stomach tronbla for seven years and
after havjng tried. four different doctors
they only relieved me for a little while.
I gave up all hope of being cured. I only
weighed 130 poundns, and was so weak I
could hardly get around the room.
"I was Induced to try Peruna, and to
my great surprise I am now entirely well.
My weight is now 1SS pounds, my health
never was better in my life.
"I shall always praise Dr. Hartman and
his remedies." J
Digestion Poor, Skin Sallow.
"Peruna cured tne of stomach trouble
that I had for seven years. When I wrote
you for advice, I would hock up stringy
mucus, my stomach bloated often, my di
gestion was poor, my skin sallow, bowels
Irregular. Mrs. Mary Bhanka, Marshall,
'i.- " ',
Commission tot JiTtoila City Euoh a?
Eotutaa ail GalTW.ou Hare..
DeUeves Sts Will Do Better Than
Mayor and Cooncll for tho
Vouna- Folks' Play
'" Groats da.
i C, E. Williamson, Chairman of th Play-
' m.i.J ...Ai..Mfn' Af rhnahft. Intends to
ln4U,urt, a new ,de. w the organisation
of thu yeJLr.g juvenile City, which, has
. and u ta DroMllK, by Mr
Williamson to have tha governing body of
Juvenile City a commission, such as con
trols municipal affairs. in Houston and Gal
veston and other cities.
While on a recent visit In Houston Mr.
Williamson was Impressed with the Idea
and thought that through the medium of
the Omaha Juvanlle City tho commission
system of city government might be ln-
i troduoed In Omaha aa a shadow of coming
events of a serious nature. .
Mr. Williamson has given some thought
to the eommlsston governments of Oalves
ton and Houston and la fairly convinced
that such a system of government in
Omaha would be hailed with acclaim once
It was established hsre. Hecontends that
recent municipal history of these Texan
towns show there is . much unnecessary
machinery in many city governments and
that such maohlnery may be simplified
without endangering Its efficiency. The
commission system cuts down the - "pie
counter." but, according to Mf. William
son's observations, cities having such sys
tems are better Improved on a tax rats the
same or even lower than obtains In cities
having a mayor and large council.
It is believed that the new Juvenile City
soon to be organlstd In Omaha will bring
out many of the salient features of the
commission systam of city government.
lfwdy of Grand Master Workman Is
, Laid to Rest at Grand
. ORAND ISLAND,: April JO.-fBoeclal.)-The
grand lodge of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen today paid Its last tribute
to ths body of Its grand master, whose
death took place at Omaha Tuesday after
a very brief illness of acuta gastritis- Many
of the grand lodge officers and ex-offloers
and other prominent members were here
from all parts of tha state to attend the
obsequies of O. J. Van Dyke. The funeral
services took plaoe In the Ancient Order
of United Workmen hall, the headquarters
of ths grand lodge.. They were opened by
prayer by Rev. Gregory of ths First Meth
odist Episcopal church. Orand Recorder
EartOB n"'"ed Psst Orand Master Mur
dock of Nebraska City. A ' male
quartet rendered two bymna during
the services at the hall. Rev. Mr.
Hornaday delivered the memorial address
and paid an eloquent tribute to the con
stancy and vigor of the grand master, as
well ss to the organisation of which he had
become the head. ,
' Mrs. Vsn Dyke has been an invalid for
some time and especially stirred the sym
pathy of all. sluoe she was compelled to
be carried Into the hall on an Invalid's
Ths state draped "McKlnley" casket. In
which rested the body, wss literally banksd
by the beautiful floral tributes ofered. The
drill team of No. U of Ofraha and of N v
I of Grand Island attended, the Omaha
aij i(mnrac aim ferll- f ski irs a
na has been most gratifying. jAst wfn,Pr I ; i fil?l v 'I
I contracted a severe cold and for several 'J I A I ' -- v I
Guys I coughed nntU y Toio, fau.d me. , ' It tfWK-$
When other remedies did me no god I jTV UiHAt ' TV
decided to try Peruna. and within four W- V: vSt - PWK
days the cold was broken up nd the t M ! LV ftWrS " w " K f-l l
cough abated. f'L - - I
Within another week an Increase In
my usual strength and vitality told me
that Verona was doing all that it
lsed, and more, l aiB0 consider it very
superior for tired, worn-out mothers, and
.. aavisea several to try It. and have
seen most gratifying reaults from its use.
i give it high praise."
ltowcl Trouble
Mrs. Maggie Durbin, 1332 North St.,
Little Rock, Ark., writes:
"I was troubled for five years with a
chronlo disease. I tried everything 1
heard of, but nothing did me any good.
Some doctors said my trouble was catarrh
of the bowels, and some said consumption
of the bowels.
"One doctor said ho could cure me. i
tbok hlr medicine two months. But l(
did me no good. .
"A friend of mine advised me to try
Peruna and I did so. After I had takers
two bottles I found ft was helping me, so
I continued Its use, and It has cured me
somnd and wall.
"I can recommend Peruna to anyone,
and If anyone wants to know what Peru
na did for me l they will write to me I
will answer promptly."
Peruna Is y household remedy of great
merit, and is useful In a great many cli
matic ailments, such as coughs, rolds,
sore throat, bronchitis and catarrhal dis
eases generally.
Thousands of famlllas have learned
tha use of Peruna and Its value In the
treatment of these ailments. They have
learned to trust and believe In Dr. Ilart
man's Judgement, and rely on his remedy,
Peruna . . ,
team acting as guard. After the close of
the services thejortege made Its way to
tha Orand Island cemetery, where the body
wae laid beside those of two children who
hsd Tone before. The ritual here was car
ried out and the male quartet sang "Nearer.
My Ood, to Thee." ,
Among the promlriertt Ancient Order of
United Workmen members present from
other parts of the state were: Orand Mas
ter J. B. Brsyton of Basaett, Past Orand
Master Murdock of Nebraska City, Grand
Guide Frank Stump of Lincoln, Orand Re
ceiver W. A. Qreenwald of Falla City,
Orand Trustees Q. H. Bennett of Omaha,
I. W. Alt?r of Wayne. A. Galusha of Mc
Cook, Past Orand Master Jaskalek of
8outh Omaha, C. W. Miller of the law
commltee. South Omnha; Past Orand Trus
tee Jacob Wooster of Hastings, Grand Med
ical Examiner Dr. F. E. Way of Lincoln
and many others.
Womaa Hangs Herself fa Barn and
la Found by Her -Daaanter.
ORAND ISLAND, Neb.. April .-(8pe-clal-Mrs.
Mary Dell Bailey, a woman of
SO years of age committed suicide late
yesterday by hanging herself to the rafter
In tho barn, at the home of her daughter
with whom she is living. Mrs.- Bailey has
for threa years been sn Invalid. Her
husband left her some years ago. Her
daughter, who was keeping house for a
Mr. Kellogg, went to the city yesterday
morning, with Mr. Kellogg, to attend to
some shopping. They reside in West Grand
Island. . When the daughter and Mr
Kellogg returned home Miss Bailey wept
Into the house, but not finding her mother
there went out to the barn, near which Mr.
Kellogg was unhitching the horse. Going
Into the barn she was startled to see her
mother hanging to a clothes line, fastened
to the rafter. Tha body was at once cut
down and, It yet being warm, a doctor wae
summoned, bot life had become extinct
Owing to her ill health and helplesHness
the woman had several times threatened
to end It all, but the daughter did not
think the declared Intention would ever be
carried out and especially did not look for
It at present, her iru-ther having given no
recent Indication of contemplating such an
Coroner Sutherland was summoned and
Investigated the matter, but found no In
quest to be necessary. Besides the daughter
the woman bad two sons, residents of thli
Qaalat aad Cartons Keatares of Life
s la a Rapidly Growing i
Seed com Is said te be scarce In many
parts of ths state, but nature has given
farmers time to get seed from a distance.
Verdon 'congratuftes Itself on solving
the tramp nuisance. A sign at the watsr
tank tells all men where to find woik
and ths travelers sadly read and walk on.
Ths law that la creating mora comment
than any other In the stats la the one
placing sheriffs on salary, but It seems to
have had no effect on aspirants for ortlce.
When the corn planting time does come
the Nebraska farmer probably will re
Julce to think no child labor law prevents
the boys from working as long as the a an
Wedding Crop Ui Prospevt Two mar
riages are 's hduled to take plane In this
neighborhood In the near future. The boys
aad girls have been hitching up pretty
tjH this spring, but the crop Is not n
ar-i nrinsj'iinnjT ssBMWarfMaakaBr f MMMVWWWVVVVWWVtMsAMMAMAf
!. Krstorcd Health and Strength j j
Mrs. Frances E. banunis, 210 j I
. Restored Health and Strength
Mrs. Frances E. banimis, 210
Charles Block, Denver, Col., writes:
"Peruna restored me to health and
"strength three different times when I
was near nervous prostration and
suffered from gaasral catarhal con
ditions. "When I decided to try it 1 wrote
directly to Pr. Hartman and took It
according to his directions. I con
sider It a fine remedy and have re
commended it to others, who have
been greatly benefited."
Constipation, Stomach Disorders
Miss May V. Adams, Vice President of
Loulslanna Literary , Union, writes from
1119 Turpschore Bt., New Orleans, La:
"Any person with sedentary habits Is
apt to become habitually constipated. T he-
sewerage of the body becomes stopped up,
and' various diseases find easy entrance.
1 have found thla to be the caae by sad
experience, and am thankful to say that
Peruna cleansed my system, purliled the
blood, and drove out stomach disorders
and all aches of my body, I take a few
doses "every few weeks and find that It
keep mo in perfect health. I beltove it
to be an ideal wpman's medicine."
hausted by .any means, and a new one
coming on. Germany Correspondent Beemer
In the cleaning up process Hastings found
a Ktradtvarlus violin stored away In a
bank. It was claimed by a Chicago man
who left It while temporarily stopping In
the town.
Burena's Luck It's a good thing Surena,
guldeless wonder, raced against himself at
Battle Creek last summer before the track
was cloned, eUe he might have had to trot
through life recordleas as well as guide
less. Norfolk News,
Lively Times at Thurston Last Ssturday
was certainly a record breaker for Thurs
ton, our horse races being run In ths aft
ernoon and a foot race booked for Its
evening sport, but owing to the late hour
It waa put off. Thurston Gasetts.
Encourage the Antelope We saw an ante
lope here on ths prairie the other day.
There is quits a number In the breaks
south of us. Let's not scars them away,
but encourage- them to stay wlh us.
Angora Correspondent Alliance Times.
All Busy at Nemahaf Little- chickens are
arriving and tho devoted husband la busy
telling of the success he Is having In hatch
ing the little peepers. Vet his wife does all
the work and the old hen has done her
rurt. Nemaha City Correspondent Auburn
Conversation at Jackson Ths general con
versation and occupations these days are
"how many little chickens have you'"
housecleanlng. garden and spring sewing.
The average housewife has hardly time to
eat. , Will a woman ever get a rest In this
busy world? Jackaon Correspondent Wood
River Sunbeam.
Those insect Pi'Sts A farmer west of
town says a louse cost him Just 1140 the
other duy. He took four carloads of fat
cattle to market and was offered $5.85 a
hundred. The Inspector came along with
his microscope, found a louse on one of the
steers and reported It, whereupon, the price
of that bunch of cattle fell to t5 7S. As the
eighty hiud averaged l.-t'iO pounds apiece,
you can figure OJt Just how muih one louse
cost a Jefferson county farmer. Falrbury
Hog Killing Wolf-For some time, F. C.
Crocker has been miming his young pigs,
which had been disappearing quite mys
teriously. He finally discovered that a wolf
was helping h'.maelf to high-priced Jersey
Red pork. Frank took steps to serve sn
Injunction on the proceeding. He armed
himself with a Winchester, and Sunday
morning, as the wolf was coming after his
breakfast, Frank got In a shot that put a
stop to his pig stealing for all time. We
understand that Frank l at some ten or
eleven pigs before he got he wolf The
hide has been sent to Beatrice to be flxod
up for a rellc-flUey Correspondent Bea
trice Times.
Koot Look Oat for llhaaaiattasn.
The grip has bcsi. unusJSUy prevalent
during the past winter, and in many cases
is UKeiy to bs followed by su attack of
mukcu'.ar rheumatism. This is the most
common variety of that disease and least
dangerous. There is no swelling of the
Joiul and the lain Is not so excruciating
ss in acute or Inflammatory rheumatism.
It is sufficiently severe to disable a man.
however, and every movement Increases
the psln. Keep as quiet as possible and ap
ply Chambei lain s lain Balm freely with
a thorough nissaage. and you ars certain
to get quick rellel.
itatldtaai Permits.
The following building permits have beeq
InAued: Hnerntan A Mct'oneli i-ompanv
t:.i" alterations, 8'xteenrb ani Harncv .
T. F. i iu, nn. Tnouty-fuarLn and Oak
Broken Down Health
Miss Bessie B. Farrell, 1011 3rd
Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y., President of the
Young People's Christian Associa
tion, writes: '
"Peruna is certainly a .valuable
nerve and blood remedy, calculated to
build up the broken down health of
worn-out women. I have found by
experience that It Is a wonderful re
storer of lost strength', assisting tho
stomach In assimilating and digest
ing the food and building up tho
Worn-out tlsfuea. I can endorse It as
a boon for those afflicted as I have
Naw As Well As Ever
Mrs. E. T. Oaddls, Marlon, N. C writes:
"Before I commenced to take Peruna
I could not do any hard work without suf
ferlnf great pain. I took Peruna and
Manalln. and can say with pleasuje that
it has done more for me than any other
'medicine I have ever taken. Now I am
as well as ever. I do all my own work
and It never hurts me at all. Peruna la
a great medicine for womea-kinA,"
(Continued from Third Page.)
for to clear the streets of debris. Already
the response Is good, and It Is believed the
highways of tha city will receive a complete
renovation on the day specified.
WF.ST POINT August Pfelffer, one of
the venerable pioneers of Cuming county,
died at the home of his granddaughter at
Sheridan, Ore., last Monday. Deceased
was si years of age and hoinesteadad hare
In the year 1867. in the year 114 he emi
grated with his family to Oregon, where
he died. He leaves a large family of grown
MILFORD E. W. Hutchinson died at hts
homo of stomach trouble and general de
bllltv. aged 7ii years. He was the steward
of the Soldiers' home and well thought of
by the old veterans. He oame to Ne
braska in an early day from Kentucky and
was a freighter across the plains to Den
ver. He was sergeant in Company K,
Second Nebraska cavalry.
WI08T POINT Ths county board ha
fixed the aalary of the sheriff of Cuming
county at tl.uuo per annum, and alluweu
him in uddition his feea for mileage upon
all processes served by him In his official
capacity. This Is believed to be but Justice,
as heretofore the office of sheriff has not
paid enough in fees to warrant the serv
ices of a high class officer.
ClIAPPKI.l The residence of Oust Mat
son, a farmer living about thirteen miles
north of Chappell, was burned to the
eround whllo the family was away from
home. The entire household effects were
alao burned, ine fire is supposed to have
originated fioro an Incubator which was
In the house. There was no Insurance
whatever and the loss was fully fl.&uo.
WAHOO Two tramps caused considera
ble exiitement In W ahoo last event .g. They
entered the harness shop of J. i-lnder-camp
on l.lnden avenue and took several
luprobes, out wers aeieriea ana one was
captured, while the other led a crowd of
men and boys a chase of several miles
and escaped. The tramps had Just been
released from the county Jail that day.
PLATTS MOUTH The debate In this city
laat evening between the Wahoo High
school and the Plattumouth High school on
"Resolved, That Full Franchise Should be
Kxtended to Women," was decided by the
judges, J. A. Whltmore, Bellevue college;
N. H. Oraham, principal of the high school
In South Omaha; L. C Bryan, superinten
dent of the schiHils In Glenwood, la., In
favor of the visitors.
WEST POINT The Woman's club met
at the home of Mrs. Kuhle. This waa the
second of a series of three meetings to be
devoted to the study of Lowell. The fol
lowing program was given: "Ths Legend
of the Holy Grail." by Mrs. Kuhle; story
of the first und second parts of "The
Vision of Sir Launfal." by Mrs. S. SV
Krake; lending. "His Poetic Kulogy on
Lincoln," by Mrs. P. M. Moodie.
BENEDICT insurance adjusters have
been here for the past week sdjunting the
losties of the firs which burned the put
oflue. hotel, barber shop, drug tore, res
taurant and a large general store. The
estimated loss on slocks and building
was over 160.000, on which there was a
amall amount of Insurance. Bsnf-dict Is
a mutual Insurance town and most of tha
loKnes fell on state mutual Inaursnco com
panies. BEATRICE Flstcher Horn, Cecil
Quatkeiihush and Clinton Burton, three
boys rant-tug In sge from 11 to 14 veai
ran away from home Thursday, saytMl
that they were going California. Tr1"
were apprehended at Belliville. Kan., and
two of the boys, young QuacWenbush and
Burton, were brought home bv the au
thorities. The Horn bov escaped from the
i nVers and as yet has not been appre
hended. OAKLAND At the regular meeting of
Oakland chapter No. Its. Order of the
Knntrrn Star. Friday night, the following
officers were elrcird for the ensuing year
Mrs. Mary Minier, worthy mairou, i'r
Arthur U. Pvdcn, worthy ps'r"n. Mti
(irace Simon, associate matron; Ulns
Kthel Hopkins, secretary; Mr. Victor L.
Fried, treasurer; Mrs Emma Cull, con
ductress: Mrs. Ora Hohnqulst, associate
rci di"'t re s.
SIDNKY Tha board of education has re.
elecLd the entire corps oi teich'-ra a fol
ium W. H Pate, prlnciial; Minn e E
Chase, asxlatant principal; Churl s V.
C hambers. Anna Htnes. Myrtle Hlett, Anni
MiPuddan and Valesk Nubautr. OKln,
(o other ariangeinenld. Miss CMaa nil
not accept the appotnimef.t and there will
be a vacaDry fur taat pts'llon, The board
will prohehly fill the HKinant princlpalahtp
with a male teacher.
TFCl'MCKH Four yniiig men
Charles and KennMh IMrwurt. finer R-.g-
m und Harold Chcnuwrth, are huilriltnc a
M-foot launch to opernt on the Nemnhu
rlv r A tso-hurse r"ee murine engine
lias been purchased, and it Is expected to
nillous Headnche
Miss Emma Kellogg. &M9 8.
Lawrence St., South Tacoma,
Wash., member of the Ladles
of the Macoaheea, writes:
'Three months ago I bad an
attack of bllllousness , which
threatened to undermine my
health and strength. Luckily
for me, I tried Peruna at tho suggestion
of my friends before it was too late.
"I found In a few days' time that I did
not have the usual sick hsadache, neither
did food nauseate me any longer. In two
weeks' time Peruna had completely rid
my system of the poison and bile, nnd 1
was In much batter condition. My skin
sunicd Its normal color, I hud a splen
did appetite, and I waa In every may im
proved In health. I UBed Peruna for a
month longer, and It wrought a wondVr
ous' change In my entire system. I con
sider It a most wonderfal medicine."
Nervous Dy.-iM-pola
Mrs. J. C. Jamison, 61 Marchauts t.,
Watsonvllle, Cul., writes:
"I was troubled with cramps in the
stomach for six years. I tried nmny
kinds of medicine, also was treated by
three doctors. Thsy said that I had nerv
ous dyspepsia. I wal put on a liquid diet
for three months. I Improved under the
treatment, but soon as I stopped taking
the medicine, I got bad again. I took the
medicine for two years, then I got nick
again and gave up all hdpes of getting
"I saw a testimonial of a man whose
rase was similar to mine, being cured by
Peruna, so I thought I would give It a
trial. I procured a bottle at onco and
commenced taking It. I have taken nine
teen bottles and am entirely cured. Have
gained In strength and flesh and feel like
a .different person.
."I believe Peruna is all that Is claimed
for it."
Stomach and Nerves
Two years ago a depressed fueling took
hold of me. My back and sides ached
continually. My stomach got out of order.
I have been using Peruna and now I feel
as well as Ir ever did. My stomach Is as
strong as ever, and my nervous troubles
have dlsappered." Mrs. M. McOdugh,
lift West 58rd St., New York.
have the boat ready to use within two
weeks. They have secured the right from
the Tecumaeh Chautauqua asociHtlon to
operate from the assembly grounds during
the Chautauqua in July. -
WEST POTNT The funeral of Mrs: John
T. Uruner of Omaha took place In West
Point yesterday afternoon, the remains
being laid to rest 111 the family vault In
the public cemetery. The deceased died of
paralysis. She whs one of the flret woman
settlers of the city of West Point, coining
here with her husband, a brother of the
late Hon. I'rlah Uruner, at an early day.
She had renlded In Omaha with her hus
band and family for many yeara
COLUMBUS-Tha cpmmlttee that circu
lated the petitions for subscription for
the Young Men's Christian association
lin.CfiO building, announce that not only tha
full amount has bee i subscribed, but about
6i0 more, to malo up for any shrlnkaxy
there may be In the payment of the sub
scription. A meeting hns been called of
the committee and subscribers to take
Into consideration the advertising for lots.
BKATRICK At a meeting of the city
council at Wymore Friday night Mayor
Given appointed Oliver Mentgen. council
man from the First ward to succeed Mr.
Holmes, resigned. After hearing the re
monstrance case agalnBt George HhofT the
council voted to grant Mr. f hoff a liquor
license. J. R. Spealman, the remonatra
tor. Immediately filed potlce of appeal to
the district court, after which an adjourn
ment waa taken to Monday night at V
VALLEY The principal and teachers of
Valley public schools were at home to the
patrons and Jrlemln of the school In the
school building Friday night. Addresses
were given by Frank Whltmore In behalf
ft tha school board. Mis. C. H Coy for
he women, and V., Btwav ua one of the
village trustees. At the close of tho pro
pram the visitors examined exhibits of the
regular work done In the different grades.
Ice cream and cake was served to nearly
'JO guests.
OAKLAND Ths following teaehors In
the Oakland public schools have Keen rs
elected tor the vi, suing year: Miss Jnni.
Jacobs, first prlmtry; Mini Lela Iluxton
second primary; Miss Ida Hallunder. firm
Intermediate; Miss K inula Larson, second
Intermediate; Miss Jsanette NeUon, gram
mar department; Miss Alma hrlckxon -
this city, now toert-olng In Pawnee v.ity,
has been elected principal. The super
tnndvnt and avatatant principal have not
yet been elected.
WAHOO Judge Hollenbeck of Fremont
handed down an opinion today In tha case
of Saunders county against ' ex-Count
Jurigs Hlama. Judge lluilenbeck tried thU
case ten days ago and took the same under
advinenient. it is a ram wherein the
county of Saunders brings suit agulnst ex
County JudKa Slatua for fees cullected by
him for performing marrlase ti tniiu:iiB
The court finds fur the plaintiffs on agrewd
facts In the sum of 1144. The case will be
appealed to the supreme court.
YOKK Ths Chautauqua chorus was
greeted with a Weil fined h,,u und every
one aas Plcuea with thYtr. rendition of
Lahee's "Bulloing of the Mhtp." Prof. J.
A. Parks, conductor, received tnanv con
gratulations. Miss Kllzulielli Gilbert
played the accoiiipanlinyiits unJ tl,o:e
were solos by Mrs Price. Mrs. Qrsy, Mrs.
Remls and Miss Jest'.e Cnnawuy, Mm
Grace Reynold d Mlns Cora Corviway.
'1 he cantata v,a tlvtn tor tha beir (it of
the mublc fund of tlvi Chautauqui chorus.
BEATRICE The cltv council met' last
nip-ht to hear the saloon rcinntranc
against David Glesbrecht, and to the sur
prise of the council and those present, a
communication was real by tin city clerk
snd 's?ncd by the rem'jpMrators nktn
that their names be atrlckea frcm th
document. Ih-jy pa o as their reiuon for
signing ino remonstrance thit they unde:
tooa that Oie'brerht ra1 applied for a
license In the Interest of a bruwery. Ths
city council adjourned without taking any
YORK Soma farmers and clliscna of
York in the "i nele ham Oil 0'm
party of Kansas," having plucni im ll' it la H. H I ucker. in, pre! lent,
who Is charged riot only with the mie
a( proprlat. in of tlia funds "f the com
pany, but ali-o with paying dividends out
of money received from sal of slock.
One of the stockholders said ho ha 1 ex
pressed his apprei lath n of the d'v Id-.-nd
received, but was surj ried when he re-d
In the papers t hat t h Mends were pol 1
out nf ths eale of ft"k.
WAHOO In the Injunction proceeding i
of the j!jen hod Ir.i-nhune v.i.iipany
against Orris M. Tharp. wline the com
pany sought to restrain Thirp from cjn
neoting with the lrtl Tel,-; none chiiiimv
fur toil service. Judge Holleiiherk of Fre
mont haniled down a dei!t-iui today, in
favor of the defendant. The casa was
transferred fium Wahoo to rreimuii Ihsi
ae,-a. Th yp oned lino In Murae l.iun"
Malmo ana Prague und viclnitv which wt-ru
originally a part of the (liOdan itnt rye-
i teni, ai.d to coniiocl Willi tiio 11
All Ituu Down
Miss Marie Calvin, 27 Main St.,
Cincinnati, Ohio, writes:
"After riy pleasant experience with
Peruna 1 do not wonder that It Is so
popular amnog tho young peopli
here In Cincinnati. 1 caught a severe
cold coming home from an evening
rarty, and aa I did not pay particular
attention to It. I quickly became
worse and found myself In a serious
condition. I felt lume and sore, and
the tntlre mucous membrane waa in
flamed. "I took Peruna and It brought me
Immendlate relief. Within a week I
was cured and now whenever I feel
at all badly or run down a few doses
of Peruna will set things right."
Pe-ru-na the Family Doctor
Mrs. M. E, Seymour, R. F. I). 2. Bow
man, Ga., writes:
"I am ready to spenk a few words In
favor of Fvruna and Manalln. I have
tried them for nearly every 111 of life for
myself and family, and And them to be
all the doctor olalms them to be. Peruna
cured mo of Internal trouble when my
doctor could not. t
"My advice to all suffering women is,
consult Pr. Hartman. What he has doue
for me he will do for you."
Could Not Kat Nor Sleep
"Last spring I became run down front
the serious effects of a lingering cold. I,
could neither eat nor sleep well, and lost
flesh and spirit. I finally tried Peruna
and It did wonders for ma. In two Weeks
I was like another person, and In a month
I felt better than I have ever done be
fore." Mrs. Judge J. F. Boyer, Hit
Sherman Ave., Kvanston, 111.
lines at these points, giving bis sun
serlbers double service. The Golden Rod
company wished to prevent this connec
tion. COLVMBT'S Mrs. J. O. Reeder has lest
received notice of Jhc df atk of her father,
Samuel Church Smith at Sari Diego. Cal.
Mr. Smith was -one of the early settlers In
Columbus, having been In the real estate
buHlness here for a good muny years.- lit
was boru In Jlitddem, Conn... July 10. 18.4.
The remains will be brought here for In
terment In the CHlumbus cemetery, next
week. Mrs. Judge Herder is the only sur
viving member of a family of six children.
Mr. Smith moved from Columbus to Cali
fornia lq December, Wis.
GRAND ISLAND A burglar last ' night
nnlerad the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, K.
lllrney. Mrs. lilrnuy avvoke about mid
night to find a man in the room. She
...... t l. k, I wl.A out,- nl...n
l.tunr-U lie, iiu..inuui win, -. v 1 1
AImiui f in oash had bnen kept In a
stocking In the room and thla ths fellow
had In his possession when given chsse.
However, in his haste to get away he
failed to hold the open snd of It shut and
the munty wns Inter found strewn along
, I. . , u ,r -a f.rit In I V i..l I h. hiirvln,
though he made his escape, had only the
amntv Htrkr-klncr fur hia riHlna
BCHl'YLFR The golden wedding of Mr."
and Mrs. alien Cameron whs held last
evening at their home In thla city. A re
ception given by the couple was attended
by Schuyler people numbering fully l'J.
They wore married near Wllllamstown. Ot,
April IK, 17, and made their home there
till the war of the rebellion when Mr.
Cameron volunteered In ths army and con
tinued till ths close, when he moved to
Nebraska and took up a homestead. Big
children were born to then, ull of whom
are married nnd live In Nebraska, Includ
ing Melvln Cameron of Omaha. . i
Bee Want Ads produce results.' i
I'nder the Food and Drags Act,
.ui,.. noj, iini titH-tii x. grig. .
The Day Ton Beela Taklnr Oaomalslolsjl
a hat Da tour Cure Begins.
7 Cod Uvrr Oil kmultum "for &oUnf." ,
The Properties of its Ingredients artf
COD LIVER OIL Blood-making,
Tissue-building, Nourishing, Sustain
ing. GUAIACOL Antiseptic, Cerm-ds-'strovTnir,
GLYCERINE Soothing, Healing,
L1ML AND SODA Bone-building,
Tceth-growinff. ' ' '
It is a Chemical! Purified FOOD
Tleasint and Pi!ati)!.
It is sn APPETIZER Stimulating
Des re (or I'norl.
It it t TONIC-Promoting th
Functions of the iJigestive Organs,
Physicians use iiv tiictr Own KamU
lies and Prescribe in their Private an.4
Hospital Practice, the
Qzomulsion Guro
I AND OLD, ani for those GENER-
Always Lnfurm in Quality, it la
Speedily Digested and Assimilated.
For Convalescents it is sn Invalua
ble Recuperator in Connection with
cny Medicine they may be taking.
it brings bck Hwli anJ Strength
to th'ne teccvering frum any D:scaies
and Fevers.
Tho'c who take Ozcmulsion enjoy
Buoyant Health.
lirnchcia) Results are Obtained after
the First Dose. ,
There arc two let S-oI. snd IS-oi. Bottle
the urnu!a s intrd in 7 lr.sua(t on txh.
OZCmulsicm Laboratories
eto seaii aireei. New ToiV