"V. t i 1 n THE OMAIIA SUNT) AY BEE: APRIL 21, 1907. I 0 J f t 1 I 1 CHAIN AND PRODUCE 1URIET JJarket Optgsd ftrone tnd Laiee Advasces ia Ail Graiui. I ULLISH NEWS CAUSES SHARP ADVANCES Oontlaaea Droith I Sonthwest, Fair Wrnther Preallctloaa and Mora )u Stories ncaalt la Firmer Price. OMAHA. April . 1907. . la of further green bug damage. i...-, In, freezing weather, lac ot croy feiunni and winter killing were contribute .n f. ict.ua in a strong uuu marnei, wnicn coined prices on all grains upward large tractions. May wheat and corn advanced , May oh ii wtre up Vso and July oala c. ic were sustained und the close waa at ton nigh level ot an active market. Wheal waa very atrong and opened o )ilgner on slgnlilcant buying. Kecelpta fair and receipt of much bullleh newa caused a anarp ralae In prices. There was much covering by ahorts, while some profit taking waa In evidence. The cash demand waa considerably Improved and gains were neia. aitnougn some liquidation was ap parent. Reports were received that the mate board of Oliluhoma estimated the bug d.itnuge at from 7& to 90 per cent, but denials ot serious damage In Oklahoma and Kaiisiia were also received. It waa reported that the ravages of bugs had ceased In Kansas and although the ground was very dry, good rains would save a greater part of the crop, linlne were reported in Okla homa and snow In aouthwest Kanaaa, but fair weather predictions sustained prices. Sales of wheat for export at seaboard were estimated at 400. r bushels, mostly Mani toba wheat. It was reported that the pros pects for the Russian spring wheat crop were poor. Profit were freely taken near the clone to avoid Holding over Sunday crop development, but prices held firm. May wheat closed at 72c bid. an advance of c over yesterday's close, and July options closed c higher at 74Se bid. Corn advanced In sympathy with wheat, although receipts were heavy. Export sales at seaboard were 120,000 buahela and cables were v ry strong. The speculative demand was good and shorts covered freely, being the principal buyers. May corn waa etrongest, with a rise of "He to 440 bid at the close, but July and Septem ber options renprmded only tic each Oats acted firm under strong liquidation by profit taking. I.lttle strength was shown at the opening, but good buying by com munion nouses and shorts caused an ad vance of He In May oats to 41 Ho bid. July oats rose sharply He to 41i asked, and the close was steady. Trading was of large volume, although offering were small. Primary wheat receipts were 725,000 bush el and shipments l.OOa.ono buahela, again. t receipts last year of 2S3.(KX bushels and shipments of 474,000 bushels. Corn re "r"" Tcr" .wo bushels and shipments iiG.nuo bushels, against receipt of :99,0'0 bushels and shipment, of 606,000 bushels last year. ,oC1ranos were 318.000 bushels of corn, lS.ooO bushels of oats, and whoat and flour equal to 160,000 bushel. Liverpool closed WuA higher on wheat and Vd'Hd higher on corn. Shipments of wheat from India for the J' . W'r 600.000 hushels. against 48S.000 bunhels last week and 19Z000 bushels last "Y'.l Australian wheat shipments were M.000 buahela, against 612,000 bushels last week and 824,000 bushels last year. Local range ot options: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. 'hat- I I I May. . . July... Sept... Corn May... July... Hept... Osis May... July... Sept... 71 4 D 73vtB V6V.B 4THB1 72 B 74 B 767B 44 B 434B 71 HB 43B 48 B 72 B 74fcB 71HB Town 43 B 76'B 44 B 43 H 43 B 42HB 41b' 40B 42B 41 A HV.B 42HB 41B 40HB 41KB1 41 A 84B 41 W 40-HH 344jB 34HB A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Prlees. WHEAT No. t hard, 70871c; No. t hard, tW4j6tHc; No. 4 hard, E9Cia7o. COR.N-No. t, 4(Vo4Hc; No. 4, 87(iT34ic; No. S yellow, 4('S4Hic; No. S white, 41&4.'c. OATS No. S mixed. StHi38c; No. I white, 40',ic: No. S white, 40c: No. 4 white. J84.3HC. No. I. Mo. Carlwt .f'hlcaro , V ns.i City , liol nneapolls , Cinaha liuiuth bl. Louis Hecelpts. Wheat Corn. Oats. 80 . 63 .122 . 24 .211 . al 17 a SI g PROVISIONS CHICAGO GRAIN AKU Feature of the Trading; and Cloilag Prices on Hoard of Trade, CHICAGO, April iO. Killing frosts In various sections of the southwest caused strength toudy In the local wfieat market. Al the close the July delivery was up Hu. turn waa up -niuSiC. Ouis were o higher, i'tuvlslona vveie i shade higher to (Nslo lower. 'i no wheat market was strong from be ginning to enu. Ueports of frosts In the v. inter wneat bolt caused a somewhat ex n.uu openuia,. with prices up about He. it. ere weie no rains of consequence re icd in Kansas, where the need of mols tu.u tor the crop Is becoming more urgent l.u.n day lo day, and this helped to stimu late demand for wheat. One report today a j ,iien tne uaiuug to the Kansns crop by fVs, A - wenther and green bugs at 24 to W per ie.it. Commission houses and shorts were i i prlncip.il buyers, while the selling was .i ie.iy t,y longs. The umrket closed strong, ju.y wliat opuned VaHWo higher at !)lc, udvanced to 81Hc and closed at Sic. ...4-y Hiieut ranged between 7la and lio una closed at toVtc. Clearances of wheat und flour were equal to liU.UM) bu. Primary receipts were 726,ujt bu., against 283,000 bu. tor tlie Baine time one year ago. Minns hpolls. Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of ttl cars, against 4.4 cars last week and 168 cars a year ago. . '1 he corn market was strorig all day. The stienutn of whuut and outs was til main iiu.llHti ructor although an Improved shipping- demand, due to a reduction In lake rA' i 'l'', '' " Important Influence. Coi inilHsion houses and pit traders were .. ... . V'uurr". moujiiioul the entire sea- .ou. ine market cljsed strong. July corn opened e to i,-6'.4c higher a to toVsc. advanced to 4H. na clo'd at 4iSo! Local recelpta er :-o cars, with 1J c2n at contract grade. " Freeslng temperatures In the west and southwest brought out . urg-nt demand market. The principal demand war for the July option and that delivery showed i greatest gain. Green bug reports again exerted considerable Influence on the nW. Lt Till . . . . . a , . . . wms " i'i'iiuu iBic nigher 4ti',i,4lc, advanced to 41Sc and closed 41 Vc Ixcal receipts were 20 cars. at at Trading In provisions was almost at a standstill, no transactions being recorded during the first half hour. A to advance In the price of live hogs cauaed moderate firmness for a time, but later prices eased off on profit-taking In pork. At the close July pork was off MfTHo at $1B Sri. Tj,rJ was a shade higher at t8.7il!.77U. Ribs were also a shade higher at IS t3. Kstlmaie.i re. el). ts fur Monday: Wheat cra: com. ij cars; oats, SIS cars; hogs' 41 t) head. ' ' h0 leading futures ranged as follow: A.H?!',.'L5pc"-1 "!h.i Low. Close. ITes'y. Wheal I May. July. 7i.! SI '.I X3 j I WH 74 71 sl 11 Itux cV82ri'. SSSil H ni M' I4'4 "- 'n ;i Ft pt... Dec... V"i ii4'k: Mfty...l474iV Ju!y...'4KM'.il 41 47H 4'4j 4S 5-4H1, 4; 47Vi? .if Slot. UIWl 1 0'f- t ) Mity.. 4tx; 437. 410, 44V,'4SS, Jiily...l4tfi4l 8e)t...!tt,S (- 1 15 Msy...l IS Hil II KW 15 Tiu! is tkia J. 15 rrvi II 00 I MOO ! IS .714: 15 87il 15 96 f uiy . . . e1-. May... July... I 6?HI I 7"",. I W I I IU 1 I 77'4i I t2W I 3W 8 7a I I I 75 I W I Vl I 7ft I K7S 47H I I 73 Si lit... 1!" - I M;y. Jli!v. Sept. I 47H 1 f 6 I 71 1 77! I 77' I 76 . r Crh quotations were as follows: FI.ol'H Quiet snd steady; winter pat ents. JllOtOtf 4i; Straights, lirjaio; spr,n t stents. 13 4t 3.46; straights, IJtVsU Ju; akers, !2 Vtd2.su. WI4KAT No. I spring. HfiS4c; No. I. U QMc; No. I red. 77V:,ic CORN No. 2. 47iU4;4c; No. I yellow, 4SC OATS Na. I. 43o; No, I white. 44V No. t white. 41U3'V- HVK-No. t 6m;. ItAKLKT Fair to choice malting, aft - j 11V I UtEOS-No. 1 n U rn, $1 IS; prime t Ira-t gredes. !4.l flax, 1 11; No. 1 northwest tituoihy, $4.26; clover, con reties. l't0 l'ltOVLSIONi Khcirt ril sides lloonol ti--4.t. Mtd pork, per bui , $:5 .7Stf lx. sides lrtl. per 100 lbs , ft Short clear IDtlXfOt, S b-H'iiVM, V. The receipts grain r; ilour, bbls Wheat, bu Corp.. bu Oau, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu and shipments or runr inn Receipts. Shipments M '. 17.7') 43. f "J A.V1.MU 3M.7"0 . I'D 6.00O 2 '.'"') 62.100 13. lo) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market wss steady; creamery. iVKSic; dairy, z&oXc. Kggs, ateady; at mark, cas,-s Included, liHe; tlrMs. Ilk;; prime tliats, 17c. Cheese, strung, 144)00. SEW YORK liKJIERAL MAHKET 9aotatloas of tbe Day ea Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. April 20.-FLOUR-Re-celpte, 10.642 bbls.; export, 14,526 bbls., market steady, but dull; Minnesota patent, U .lu4 4o; winter straights, Ja.lu3 l.; Minnesota bakers, $3 IVoS.iO; winter extras, tJ.&rii&Of; w inter patents. fcv.oftti3.fco. Rye flour stedy; fair to good, W.SiU J.SO; choice lo fancy. .! XV(i4 16. COKNMKALr-yuiet; fine white and yel low tl.2o; coarse, 11.04 1 10; kiln dried. U A tilii. WHEAT Receipts, S9.0nn bu.; experts, 41,7j4 bu. Spot market firm; No. 2 rail, Mc, elevator; No. 2 red, Roc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 9Uc, opening navi gation, f. o. b., afloat; No. t hard winter, fcic opening navigation, f. o. b., afloat. On dry, cold weather all through the win ter wheat belt complaints of widespread bug damage In Kansas and heavy covering of shorts, wheat was stronger again to day, closlt.h VuAc net higher. May, W-V I tyMtjO, closed at 7c; July. K7 -ltus'-4C. closed at SeVsC; September, HSfcWiC, closed at Siic. CO UN Receipts, 1W.R3 bu.: exports, 56, 21 bu. Spot market flnn; No. 2, 6Sc, ele vator, and MVc, f. o. b., alloat; No. 1 white, S7c, and No. 2 yellow, Mc, f. o. b., afloat. Option market was without trans actions, closing c net higher. May clueed at 66;c; July closed at foc OATS ltecolpts, K.0u0 bu.; exports, 17.6S5 bu. Spot market firmer; mixed oats, to 82 pounds. 47Hc; natural white, 80 to 33 pounds, 4Vy6uic; clipped white, 2t to 40 pounds, kl'jiMc. HAY (julet; shipping, 703fe0c; gxxd to choice, U lol.20. HOI'S Steady ; state, common to choice, Usjo crop, lo-anc; lJa crop, 4'fic; Pacific coast lau6 crop, fr&llc; lu6 crop, 6to. HIDES Steady; Central Ameiioa, 24,c; Bogota, 244c. LEA'niLK-Steady; add, 2THffC9c. PROVISIONS li-ef quiet; family, $14.00 14.Su; mediums. W.MVh 10.00; beef hams, M.a2.l)0; packet, llu.w"ill 60. Cut me:it, dull; pickled bellies, 10.5u-(il2 00; pickled hams, J11.7.V(jl2.2d. Lard, flnn; western prime, S8.XsU.W; refined, steady; continent. ; ooutn America, iiu.oo; cotnpoimu, W.S'i'fcXjK.Mj,. Pork, steady; family, I8 60 rul9(K; short clear, fll.OMu 1S.50; mess, 117.26 18.00. TALLOW-Easy; city ($2 per pkg.), 6 the; country (pkgs. free). fttiOHc RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 2t)H(': Japa-nese, nominal. Bl'TTER Strong: street price, extra creamery, 34c; official prices creamery com mon to extra, 244ji3c; held, common to ex tra. 22ff32o; state dairy, common to finest, 231332c; renovated, common to extra, 17 irM: western factory, common to firsts, lB'!J22Vic; western imitation creamery ex tras. 276 2Sc; first. 244i2So. CHF-Etlfc; Firm; statu lull cream, colored and white, small, September, fancy, 15c: same. October best, Hi14c; same, good to prime, 13iil3'4c; state, winter made, aver age best, 12!c; state, good to prime, 12fc U.r; ntate. Inferior. liyol'-Hc. EOQS Weak; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 30c; choice, lS'UlSMic; brown snd mixed extra, 18Vul9c; first to extra firsts, l'lSc; western firsts, ltU'ul7e (official price same); seconds, 1'ic. POULTRY Alive, quiet; western chick ens, l(i'il; fowls, lie; turkeys, 11c. Dresed, steady; western chickens, 1012c; turkeys, 10(&14c; fowls, 10il4tc. t. I.oals General Market. ST. LOUI8, "April 20. WHEAT Higher; trsck. No. 2 red. cash, 79c; No. it hard, 7ft7Kc; May, 76Sc; July, 74o. CORN Higher; track, No. J cash, 4Sy3 49c; May, 46 14c; July, 47Vkc; No. 2 white, 4M?49Vk. OATS-Hlgher; track, No. I cash, 42c. FLOL'R l'lrm; red winter patents. $3.fi5 (23.86; extra fancy and straight, S3.20Q3.s6; clear, t:.86J2.85. PKED Timothy, steady. t3.003.78, CORNMKAL Firm! $2.40. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 93094c. HAY Stesdy; timothy, tl6.00tQUJ0; prai rie, iio.oog 13.00. liAliiilNli loHe. IRON COTTON TIE8--4J1.10. PROVISIONS fork, lowen Jobbing, tie.. 06. Lard, lower; prime steam, 18.40. lry salt meats, stendy; boxed, extra shorts, $9,624; clear ribs, It.&tt; short clear, $9.75. llcon. steady ; loxcd, extra shorts, $10.60; clear rlhs. I10.37H; short clears. $10.62U. POULTRY Firm; chickens. lisc: springs, 2tty'c; turkeys, 12Vu'lc; ducks, lie; geose, 7c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 2a33Uc; dairy, tVofic. f:QQ9 Firm at IBe. case count. The recelpta and shipments of flour and grain were: receipts, tsnipments. h lour, oois y.ono Wheat, bu 87.OH0 9dO 27,0(iO 7,00O 6,0u0 ICorn, bu 87.0i'O Oats, bu tW.OOO Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KAN8A8 CITY. Mo April 30. WHEAT May, 71c; July, 73c; September, 76'4o. Cnsh; No. 2 hard, 71V4U''3c; No. S, Witt 72s4c; No. 2 red, 77c; No. I, 76c. CORN May, 41"ac; July. 43Hc; Septem ber, 44o. Cash: No. I mixed, 4.!c; No. 3, 43c; No. 1 white, 4Hic; No. I. 44c. OATS No. 2 white, 41(&421c, No. 2 mixed, 40c. RYE Steady, 624?64c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $14.25 15.00; choice prairie, $l0.2tVji11.00. EGOS Steady at 16c. BUTTER Creamery, 29c; packing, lc. I Kecelpta. Shipments. ; Wheat, bu 67,tiO 85.000 1 Corn, bu 19, 000 60.000 Oats, bu 6,000 36,000 Kansas City cash prices: Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. aose. Wheat I May 70H T1H July 73 73 Cot n May 414j 41S July 43 43V 70. 71 72 73V(lH4 41,l42H'iT4 43 I 43 Liverpool Grain Market. LIVER OU April 10. WHEAT Spot: 1 No. t red western winter, steady, 6s 24d; No. 1 California, tsa 3d. iruiures: Market firm; May. es, 6Sd; July W1- CORN Spot: Market firm; American mixed, new, 4s 6'd; old. (s. Futures: Market firm; May. 4s 6Sd; July, 4s 64.(1, September 4a AHd. Mllwnnl.ee Grain Market. MILWAUKFR, April 20. WTf RAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern, 83gt4c; No. I northern, hoc; ju:y, tie It YE Firm: No. 1, BARLEY Firm; No. oOitlle. CORN-IIIgher: No. July, 4asd asked. i, 71VtrST2o; , t cash. sample, 44o; Peoria Market. PEORIA. April JO-CORN Higher; No. I yellow and No. t, 44c; No. 4, 41V; no grade. 33Ti3oc. OATS Higher; No. S white, 43ic; No. t White. 4.'V ; No. 4 white. 41 ",0. RB-l lrin; No. t, ;4t4c. rhlladcliihla Prodara Market. PHILADELFHIA. April M.-EUGS-FIrm t lsc. C'HKKSR Quiet, but firm at lSfttlVc ior isew lork full creams. Ilnluth Grain Market. DfLVTH. April 10. WHEAT -No. northern. f3Sc; No. 3 northern. !2Vc; May, WVc; July. s4V,c; September, 64i,c. OATS On track and April. Mo. Toledo Kerd Market. TOLEDO, April ao.-6EEX)S Clover, cash. $9 00; April, Id si; October, r.22'4,; Decern ber, 7-27Vs- Alsike.j7.50. Timothy. $il5. Oils aoa Rttslo NEW TORK. April 20 OIL Cottonseed, steady; rfl'"e cruue. f. 0. b. mills, loo; prime yellow, 46c. Petroleum, steady; re fined New York. 8.&; Philadelphia and Bal timore, la-la; In bulk, 44.7u. Turpeiutne. firm, I9'c. Kt'iSlN Firm; strained, common to good. 14 7tj4.76. I! SAVANNAH. Oa centlne. firm. 65c. April 10. OIL Tur- ROSIN-Flrm. Sales, tl7 casks; ABC WHo; l. 14. 4o; E. M 56; F, K (V $4 6)': H. 14 75; 1, 14 96; M. 15.45; N, 15.60; W tj 5.70; W W, &-7i4eV. OIL CITY, Pa., April -OIL Credit balances. $1 7. runs. 172.M5 bbls.; average ltl.sto bbls.; shipments, JJi.tU bbts. ; avavrl age, 1 OS. 133 bbls. Metal Market NEW TORK. April 20. METALS The metal markets were quiet In the absence of cables, with the quotations nuns or less nominal. Stmt tin was quoted at leU.v, J 40 75. Copper continues more or lees un settled, with lake quoted st 21.3L,A.25; electrolytic, i:i.7;7-?4.76; eastlns. 1; imj JJ h). I end was dull at In ta-arUO; spelter. f S . 76. In n ws quiet snd uncf.anged 6T. LOlia. April W.-V.KTAI.-Leia tulet at 6 ,JlV. Coelter, quiet at 14.60. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Utrktt U Blarriih and Tries VoTmnt is Priotically Im perceptible. V9LUME OF DEALING IS INSIGNIFICANT Few leaders Advance llhtly Near Clase I afavarable Baak State meat Is Anticipated and Ignored. NEW YORK, April 20-There was no perceptible current in the price movement of stocks today until the last fifteen min ute of trading, when price stiffened slightly, with a few of the speculative lead ers In the advance. The volume of dealing was insignificant. The unfavorable bank statement waa anticipated ami was Ignored, in fact, the weukenlng bank position In New York Is accepted ss an Index of actual relaxation of money renditions, since the expansion of Nw York bank loans Is duo to the taking over of loan from Interior bank which find no attraction In the pre v" S" low level of Interest rates in New York. Trust companies also are out of tho locnl loan market and the clearing house bark are left to meet the demand for credit and to accept tho diminished Inter est returns. The prevailing ease of th local money market Is having the effect also of prompting the paying off of matur ltiB foreign obligations, as wns shown by the firmness of the foreign exchange mar i.V y.- h5 declining money rate which continued In London today do not seem to affect the nrotrrai nr ih... 1 f.ob tnrein loan- The gain In cash by the I.. nearly equal to previous r-stl- 1 mates. Prices of bonds showed some slight : Improvement, but business in that depart- boniv Ti" w.u;srr11 Totttl ,alM of onN.Utocksr werl?1" and clc"n 0uta'" Bales. High. Low. Close. Adtmt Ezprg Amai(imatei Copper '." Am. c. K Am. C. & F. prd...."."' Am. Cotton on Am. Cotton Oil pfa. '.!!!. American Express Am. H. & u prd American Ice Am. Linseed Oil Am. Linseed Oil pfd.... Am. Locomottre Am, Locomotive prd Am. 8. ft R Am. B ft R. pfd Am. Sugar Kelinlnir .... Am. Tobacco pfd ctfs.... Anaconda Mining Co.... Atchison Alchl.nn pfd Atlantic toast Line Baltimore ft Ohio Pal. ft Ohio pM Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacinc Central of New Jney.. Chesapeake ft Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chicago ft N. W C. at. ft St. P Chicago T. ft T Chicago T. ft T. pfd C, C, C. ft St. L 2 J"0 3ti ? SO "4 1 ro 71V, 12 :i u K4 im4 104 12214 tit 1T4 4 5 lot M ri4 17614 1X5 41 IS 1 i.44 14 t 13 7111 44 2S- !"S 4S' 131 14 7t 1H4 474 2Vi 74 4 MS 54 M 72 S, .nf) 4H0 too ' i!soo 1.700 loo 7 00 800 '"4A0 B.700 400 13ftl4j W i::4 'iiji jotvi - 'h" 175 '41 "4 J34 152 133 Vs 44 1764 '41 ir.44, 200 aim 7o 704 sr. 17 7m, 35 j Colorado P ft I ' Colorado A Ro ! Colo, ft Bo. 1st pfd j Colo So. Id pfd Consolidated Caa Corn Products Corn Products pfd Pelaware ft Hudson : liel.. L. ft W Denver ft R. (1 D. ft R. O. pM 1 Planners' Securities .. I Erls I Erie let pfd I Erie Jl pfd 800 1UU 115 474 114 4 474 400 234 2SV, ino too S4 S6H General Electrlo 147 147 14 Illinois Centrsl I1 International Paper 200 14 134 Int. Pap-r pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd...... Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd... Kansas City 80 K. C. 80. pfd Louisville ft N Mexican Central ... 74 it 7t 1104 i4 21S 69 St 117 II V. 41 104 1J0 74H t4 t o 4 112 11714 r4 444 7S 71 24 1244 24 70 15 14 t lilt 104 T4 Kt K H 14 V, si4 . 14 tl 63 4 2S US 144 I" 64H 1S7V 100 74 414s 101 17H 100 V4 17 11 14 130 144 2 12 II It 1844 I" 94 M4 131 14 '4 CSV 00 100 2O0 100 2 7 its MV4 7 It '4 tOO 117 117 100 '4914 '49 Minn, ft St. L. .. 14.. Bt. P AS S M. , M . Bt. P. ft 8. 8. M. pfd. Missouri PaflBo M., K. ft T M . K. ft T. Pfd National Lead , N. R. R. of M. pfd , New Tork Central N. T.. O. ft W Norfolk ft W N. ft W. pfd North American pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa P., C, C. ft St. L Preeaed Steel Car Pressed 8 C. pfd Pullman False Car Reading Reartlns 1st pfd, offered Readlns td pfd, offered. Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Roek Island Co Hock Island Co. pfd St. U ft 8. P. 24 Pfd-- 10 7414 144 f4 414 118S '7514 74V, 5Vi 40 fiO 100 1.1U0 '"164 '"ioi too l.00 too tsvt ins 92 "4 it 124 24 .tot) 134 nitoo 107" ioi too too 2t 'tivi St. Louis S. W Bt. Loula 8. W. pfd.... Southern Pacific. 80. Pacific pfd 80. Railway Bo. Railway pfd Tennessee C. ft 1 Texas ft Psclflo T. St. L W.. ....... T . St. L. ft W. ptd.... Vnlon PaclBc 11. S. Express p. 8. Realty I'. 8. Ruliber It. 8. Rubber pfd V. 8. Steel V. 8. Steel pfd Va.-Caro. Chemical .... Va.-Caro. Chem. pfd.... Wabasn Walweh pfd Wella-Fsrso Eipress ... Wcetlnshouse Electrlo . ino .j0 t:s 100 I1V4 HH 400 f4 13 137 4 1 000 1.000 86 '4 100 10044 400 14 Westers Vnlon 100 II Wheellnf L. a Wisconsin Central Wie. Central ptd Northern Paclfio Central Leather Central Leather pfd t.SiiO (0 too "i.i 1!44 S8V4 7 itM 15 lf"4 t7 It ist" 26 6I'4 Blosa-ghefnelO steel .... Great Northern pta Int. Metropolitan too 100 U.'4 TMm 'tar' the day. H.W '"" sr. VerU Mosey Market. TCirw TORK. April .-MONET-On e.i nominal' time loans slightly firmer; A "dat. Per. cent; ninety day., 1 Jl " Vl ER C AN TILE KpEBW aVS-'Hl'TVa EXCHANQE-Flrm. with ae tuBTEbus1n?sa. bankers' b.lt 14 tni . BON DS Government, quotations on steady; railroad. bonds today wtr as foiiews: U. 8 ref. ts. go coupon . TJ. g. Is. ref rag. ...14 Japan fs. td series... 17 ...104 00 as cits ...P4 do 4Hs eifs ...1014 do 2d series..... ...ltltt L. ft 14. vol. 4s... U 0 II lo 14 so coupon V. 8. old 4s. rag. so coupon 0. 8. new 4a. reg. 4o coupon am. Tobacco 4a... do 4s Atrhlson sen. 4a... do adj. 4s Atlantic 0. L. 4a.. Eel. ft Oiilo 4a ... do 14s Brs. K. T. c. 4s... Central cf Ca. 4s.. lout '. c. a. to Isw ,..1!1'X Central 4a. 17 ...10 d let Ine 21 ... M M.. K. ft T. 4s I7T4 ...V4 o 1 M14 ... )4N a. R- of M e to si ... tl K T. C. g. Iv,. .. i4N. J. C. (. 5 121 4 ...IWl No. Pacini 4a li"' ... 34 do la 71 X ... IS N. ft W. c. 4s f ...1180 g. L. rids 4s J ...15 Penn. cone. s 4 ...78 Eesdlns t-n. 4s 1 at . L. ft 1 M, c s..!i4 ...101 Bt. L. ft 8 r. It 4a. lu do 1st ine uo 2d tnc do Id tne Chea. ft Ohio 4Ws... "Chli-aso ft A. Ws C. B. ft Q 4a... C. R. I. P. 4s... So col. ss CCC. ft 8. U ( 4a Colo. Ind. la. ser. A. Colo. Mid. 4s Colo, ft 60. 4s. Cube la P. ft R. O. 4a Mat I Hera' See. la.... Erie p. L 4s do fen. 4s Hock. Val. 4 We. Japan ts ........ Bid. Offered, 70 Bt. L. S W. c. W ... is , ff. Statoard A. L. 4s 74 tJ So Pacific 4s M lit do let 4s cits UVi .100 Bo Railway 6a 111 . M Texaa ft P Is 1U . II T.. Bt. L. ft W. to.. l W aVnloB Pacl3c 4a 101 HI V. 8 Steel 2d Is . 94 Wtbaah la HI . II do deb B to , K Weatern M4 4, 71 . II ew ft U R. 4e tl 14' Wla. Ceutral 4a. 17 . 17 ; New York Mlalasi Stocks. NEW YORK, April 20. Closing quotations on mining Adaaaa Cos. stocks were: 10 little .lef .. ... 41 , . I .. fee ... 11 ... , . . .' 41 ... -4 .. 4 Alice l,0 20 Ontarit opMr Potoal , Ssvaae Blerra Nevada ftialt Hopes .. Standard Breeco BruuewtcB Con. . Tomatoes. Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Va. I'oro Silver Iron Silver loviiie Con. .. Offered. 10 14 1U6 150 l"4) I Foreign Flasaelsl. LONDON, April .-Suriplles of money were easily obtainable In the market toduv Discounts were wesk. Trading on Ih Stock exchange continued dull and uninter esting owing to the absence ot public sjp port. Home home rslla received moderate attention, but otherwise the prices of Brit ish securiilt-s or fuieigneis scarcely moved. Americans opened at about parity, hardened fractionally during the session and closed steady after a small a'r.'iutit of buslnena. Copper shares were In good demand. Japanese Imperials Of lf04 closed at 1'1S- PARIS. April Jo. Trice on the Bourse today opened unsteady and active. The tore. Improved at the close Kulan Im perial 4 were not minted. Russian bonds of I'M closed at 4'.iA BERLIN, April fl'. rsusim-ss on the Bourse today was stagnant. Pr'c move ments were somewhat lower. Americans were almost unchanged. Roatoa Stocks and Raaaa. PO.?TON, April 20 Call loan, 3H?iS rp' cent; time loans, 6fi6 per cent. Official closing quotations were: Atrhlenn adj. 4s II Bingham V do 4s ' cai ft Herla 4n Met. Central 4 M Centennial art Atchison J'Ccpper Range 10 do pfd n fly West 14V Boston ft Albany Mo Frsnklln Boston ft Maine IU Oranhr 150 Boston Elevated 142 Isle Borate 17 tt rilrhburg pld 131 Miss Mining Meslcen Central JC ' M'rhlnn 14 4, N Y., N. H ft H ... 177- Mohawk 7- fnlon Psclflo Mont f. ft C JS Amer. F;ieu. Tube.... 7,(ild Dominion 5jVs Atner. Sugsr 1 Jl Osceola 14 do prd Psrrot 214 Am. T A T KJ qulnrr 117 Am. Wof,en 29' Shannon lTtj do prd THtti.rack 10" E-l son IClec Ilia 27 Triirltv Mass Electric H V. 8. Mining SJS "do pfd S IV 8. Oil 1" Mass. t.aa 1 t 'h 4tl tinted Fruit nils Victoria "H Vnlted 8. M (4 Winona do ptd 27'4 Wolverine 150 U 8. Steel North Butte M do prd i n Potte Coalition 6 Adventure S1 Neveda IS Allouei 5 Cal ft Arlisna 10 Amalgamates- A.t'a Arlxona Com li4H Atlantic II Bid. "Aeked. London Closing: Stocks. LONDON. April 20. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Consols, raoner 16 11-11 M., K. at T .. do sect lil. :tN Y. ( antral. Anaconda U Norfolk & W.. Atrhlson i do pfd do pld Ontario W.. Baltimore A Ohio. . . .U'i Pennsylvania .... 37-4 ....123 .... 7J'4 .... kt .... II .... 44 .... 4-1 .... M ... :i .... 67 .... SS'4 141' .... 1 .... n ....1014 .... 16 .... 41 Canadian Pacific . ..ldi Rand Mtnea Che. & Ohio. 4;w, Readme Chit ago Ot. W . C, M. ft 8t. P. DtBeer D. at K. O do prd Erie do 1st ptd.... do 2d prd Illinois Central Loulavllle & N. . 13 Southern Railway .1374 do ptd . 2H Southern Pacltlc . . 29 tnlon Pacific .... . 77 do pfd . :, C. 8. Steel ,.64 do pfd . 3 Wabash . lfcl do pfd .110 Urand Trunk .... SILVER Bar, quiet, 30 3-16d per ounce, IONEY-mii2 tier cent. The rate ot discount in the open market for short hills is 3l4 per cent; for three months' bills, iii per cent. Clearing- Hons Statement. NEW YORK, April 20.-The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the hanks hold U.704,s2j more than the legal reserve requirements. This la a decrease of J4.14N.ini us compared with last week. The statement follows: Increase. $zi.H47.SiW JW.Bi.il.su) 131, m 31I.2HO 2,ll3.1i.aj 2,477,300 6.6.,.'i,4') Loans Deposits Circulation 1-cg.U tenders specie Reserves Reserve required .. Surplus tx-l'. S. deposits.. Decrease. .$1. 125,014. 900 . 1.10S, m.i bu.lo60 71,616.3'aJ . 216.131,4") . S. 7 IS, 700 . 277,r-40,l75 11.704.S25 lS),bV7,9u0 4.1 4,-i, l.N 4,0S1,175 Bank Clearings. OMAHA, April 20 Bank clearings for toduy were Jl,i94,773.97 and for the corre sponding dale last year $1,4d1,3S1.08. 1907. 19-.6. Monday ... 'ltesday Wednesday Thursday .. Friday Saturday .. Totals.. Increuse c .$ l,S0'i.S.61 . l.S5J,!M.al . l,45.u6S.21 . l,85t.747.13 . 1,853.733.30 . 1.6i4.773.97 $1,854,124 14 1.4l.;l.99 1.479.510.36 1,4.K;. 20 1,576,076.63 1,451, 3ol.CS .I10.8f.o5163 IS.973.347.43 the corresponding week last year. $l.lo4.7o4.20. OMAIIA WHOLKSAIK MAItKET.V Condition at Trade anal dnotatlona on Staple aait Fancy Produce. EQGS Per doi., 16c. BUTTER Packing stock, 19120c; choice to fancy dairy, 23jgj5c; creumeiy, ztUJoc. LiVh. I'UULTKi-henti, lluilsc; old roosters, 5c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, lie; young roosters, VtyKc; geese, 6c. Fit ci 1 a. PINEAPPLES Florida, $5.506.00 per crate. STRAWBERRIES Choice Texas, 24-quart cases, $2.753.00; Arkansas, 24-quart, i.uoy CRANBERRIES Per bbl., $1.501738.50; In buahel box, tl.bvg'l.M. APPLES iowa and Missouri Ben Da via, $3.60. COCOANUTS-Per sack of 100, $4.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS-Llmonlera, 3H0 size, $6.23; 360 size. $6.75; other brands, 60c less. ORANGEii Mediterranean sweets, 250, 150 slzea, $3.50; 96. 126, 28s sizes, 3.2o; Cali fornia navels, extra fancy, 1V6, 2oo, 216, 60 sizes, $4.25; fancy, 126, 325 to 150 clr.es, 43.&; choice, large sizes, per box, $2.5ug2.75. BANANAS Per medium sized bunch, $2.otKii2.ii; Jumbos, $2,504(3.50. FIGS California, bulk. 6Vc; l-crown Turkish, 14c; 4-crovvn Turkish, lie; 3-cruwn Turkish. Ic. GRAPE FRUIT Sizes 64 to 80. $5.50. DATES Kadaway, 5c; sayers. 5c; hal low,, 5c; new stuffed walnut dates, 9-lb. box, $1.C0. NEW VEGETABLES. BEANS New wax beans, per hamper, $5.00; new string beans, per hamper, $5.00. BEETS, TURNIPS AND CAKKOTS Per dog. bunches, 45660c. CABBAGE New Texas, per lb., SHo. TOMATOES Florida, $0-lb. crate, $3.50. LEAF LETTUCE Hot house, per doi. heads, 45c. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per dox., $1.00,1.26. CUCUMBERS Per dog., 11.50. PARSLEY Hot house, per Jos. bunches, 40c. PIE PLANT-4VMb. boxes, I2.2r-TT2.75. ASPARAGUS $1.76 per dos. bunches. NEW POTATOES Per lb.. 8c. RADISHES Per dog. bunches, 45c; extra large bunchea, 75c dox. ONIONS Home grown, per bu., 78c; red or yellow Colorado, per bu., 90c; Texas silver skin, per crate, about 45 lbs, $2.50; yellow Texas, per crate, about 45 lbs., 2.0o; southern Bermuda, 11.85. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Table stock, per bu., 70c; seed stock, 75c&1.00. TURNIPS, CARROTS, BEETS AND PARSNIPS Per bu., 75c. 8WF.ET POTATO ES-Illlnois, per large bbl., $5.00; Wisconsin Rurals and liurbans, iOc per cu.; seed sweet potatoes, per bbl. H'oO. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1.65; No. 2. $1.60. BEEF CUT PRICES. Ribs: No. 1, 8"c; No. 2. 8c: No. I, 7c. Loins: No. 1, 17se; No. 2. IH4C: No. 3, 10c. Chucks: No. 1, 60; No. 2. 6c; No. 3, 4c Round: No. 1, 7rc; No. 2, 7c; No. I. 6Uc! Plate: No. 1. 4Vc; No. 2. 2'c; No. J, 4c Ribs; No. 1, 14e: No. I. Iic: No. I. Ic. MISCELLANEOUS. SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, $5 31; granulated beet. In s&cks, $5.21. COFFEE Roasted. No. 55. 20c per lb No. 30, 21o per lb.; No. So. 19c per lb.; Na 20. 15c per lb.; No. 21. 13c per lb. CHEESE Block Swiss, Wc; llmberger 14c; Young Americas, 17c. ' CIDER New York, half bbl.. $2.75; bar rel, $0.00. N UTS-California walnuts. No. 2. soft shell, lie; No. 1. soft snell, itc; Braz-ls 16'.. false: pecans, 19Ti:.'e: Alberts. 1?'o; pen nut. raw, 7"c; roamed. SV.c; a'if irni ul. uiunus, 11-c, iuragona, l.'fO; cocoanuts. $6 (t per leO. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern. 4.'fjc: Mitlne. 1 15. Totnitnes, 5-lb. cans. $145; standurd. J-lb. cans, $1 ptne rpples, grated. 2-lv).. Etntidird. I2.2.fii ); sliced. $1 Tfj-y '.' 35 fancy Haw.iM.in. 2,i-b 12.75: l',-lb.. $1 75. Gallon upoles. ftnev. I2.t"81.f0. Cnlifo:nla apricots, $2.00. Pears $1 Ti'rxi.'J). l'eiuhea, fancy. 1.75 1 2.40; L 1 ' penches. I? .1 Kf-,2. 5o. Alaee-a sulnon red $1.15; fancy Chinook, flit. S2 10; fancv pock eye, flat, tl ''. Sardines, ou tit-r oil, '$3 "fj-three-quarters mtistard. $2.75. Sweet pota toes. Il.li '.'1.2s. Suuerkraut. 9"c I'ti'up klns. SOcfillon. Wax bentis. 2-lb.. SOcji on Lima beans. 2-lh.. 75c1t?' 38. Soaked peas "lK5 6C' arly June' 1-0U115; fancy, $1.25 CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes are soniewhnt ursett'.ed hv f ro r offerings from second hands, who a, em desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades- rpio. tatlons range from 3!-;- to 9c for California fruit and from S"c to 6c for Oreirnn Ap ricots are Arm snd It Is reported that offerings for prompt shipments are being withdrawn; choice ere quoted m Peaches are unchnnped. with fancy vellowi quoted at lSVc; fa'.cv Molr. !4Uc Raisins are firm: loose Muscatels are" quoted at rftCr; seeded raisins S'.llc. PHAN-Fer ton. ti 'J FISH Pickerel. dressed. tr; rike dressed. 12- white fish dressed w'nt caught. U-il5c. trout. 1:0 15c: halibut. 13c salmon. 15c; catfish, IV; herring dreesM-tl, rm fro-- n, to; rrr eciled -,j dressed. ; crsp'-lcs. round, tefrSc; crappls larp-e, fancv, 15c: black ham 27c- at,. its' swf.-t und fine lie; e-l, He; blue fsh. 15c red sr.npper. l.c: roe shad, per pn:r 4tnf FV; frot, 1. is. ?': lohate s. green, t er lb.. o lister, hollcd. per lb, 4'Kil5e; mackerel Fpirlsh, per lb., 10c: mackerel! ratlvt, 35c per lb.; frtsh green turtle meat 26c Ih. CURED FIPH-Famiiv white fish, per quarter bhl.. l'i lbs. $4 00: Norway mtrk erel. No. 1, $35 00; No t. $2 0; herring in this.. 2o0 llB. each, Norway, iit, $:i.ijO. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET fatt WsrVstt ?? Ku'cslly TTacbscsrsd with No Efceipts. HOG MARKET ACTIVE AT HIGHER PRICES Prlees foe Week In All l.lnes llaT Beea fairly Satisfactory and Herelpts Aboa Last 1 ear. SOL'TH OMAHA. April . 1W. cattte. Hog. 8 net-n. Rerelpts were oin.-itii Monday .... i'Ufiitlny .. Wednenilay Thursday .. Fr.day Silurday ., 6.3-1 10.242 Olflcial Otflrlal 11. ou) il.213 7.ft47 6..9J 4ij.1 aB.)S 31.H) 59.1i'5 19.5i'4 omclal (lliclnl Othclal ll.wr.0 . S.033 2.117 , B4.W0 I 84 -l I M.tSI . b3.:2 53,878 1 67,644 This week ImsI week Two weeks ago Three) weeks tigo Four weeks ao Same week last vear. oo.b-9 The following table sl.iws the receipts of cattlo. hegs and sheep at Ecuth Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 11117. IP-""' Inc. Dec. Cattle 347.4,4 295.71J K.7S1 Hogs 744, 'W 6iT7.!l!i W.490 Sheep KiS.ilt! f9.24!l i,974 CATTLK uLOTATlONb. Good to choice corn-fed steers. ...13 So1? Fair to gjod corn-fed ateeis , Common to fair stters Good to choice ft.il cows Fair to good cows and heifers Common to fair cows Fair to choice stockers & feeders. Fair to good stocke.a and feeders. Common to fair stockers Bulls, stags, etc Veal calves 'I I.M l',-tllli,ltcr tor., a MhnWtl , ItR 4 is ii. W 4 I W 4 5"n 0.00 3 u'mM .') 2. tii3.a 4.6"Hi"'" 4,Oo-'u4.40 3. t',ij4 UO 2.;5ti4.50 4. d4l-W uvel Ji price of hogs at Soutn Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons'. Date. I 1907. ltM6.ilQj.ilW4.lU3.lla--'L April 8... April .. April 10.. April U.. April 12.. April 13.. April 14.. April 15.. April 16.. April 17.. April 18.. April la.. April 20.. Sunday. I Kttl 5 X 5 26 4 91 4 91 e 4 9G 4 V 4 81 7 27! 64 7 25! I V 6 01 i 92 5 87 I 33 1 6 25 6 3S 6 30 7 "5 6 80 7 22 6 90 3 91 6 4W 6 4:-4 S 44 6 33 & 28! tj M 0 ill 8l 6 28! 38 6 28 j 6 45 a M Hi d v 7 19 e ot 04 e 4 81! 4 81I 4 89 e 4 80 4 75 4 Si'1 7 19 6 39 6 43 7 2 7 t I 6 8o I 6 Sl i 6 94 5 1'2 i tt 6 9V 6 85 6 4B 0 3.s't U 51 6 61 5 23 6 28 0 27 6 23 7 13! 7 10! 6 95 6 i'9: 6 971 3JHI 6 30-S 6 44. I 6 42 RANGE OF PRICES, Cattle. $3.0t"if.4i) 1.75i66f Hogs. Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .. Bioux City . $6. 32 V" . 45 6 10 lni.75 5.25 d!i 6rt 6.10 4i i 67 hi 6.30 y6.J5 3.tsVfMi.40 l.kas.3i 3.0OU. 7a The omclal number ol cars of stock brought In today by each road wns: Cattle. Hogs.iih p.H r . C, M. & St. P Missouri Facillc 2 Union Pacific System.. X C. 6c N. W., east C. & N. W.. west C. St. P., AI. & O 1 3 25 2 40 4 20 4 1 1 l B. & Q., weat C, R. I. & P., east C R. I. & P., west Illinois Central Total receipts.... 101 10 The tiisixiail.on of the dny i receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Company. .42 9e9 Swift and Company 1.706 ..... Cudahy Packing Company. 42 2.3H1 1,072 Kingman Packing company.. IW Other buyers 11 Totals .56 7.143 1,072 CATTLE As usual on a Saturday there were practically no fresh receipts 01 cattle and as everything waa cleaned up yester day there was nothing of any consequence on sale and the market was nominally un changed. Receipts for the week have been the heaviest since the latter part of January, being some 7.000 heavier thaiTlast week and about 11,000 heavier than for the third week of April last year. In point of quality The offerings have been very good, In fact about the beat of the season to date. Notwithstanding the heavy supplies every day, the market has been In very satla fuctory shape for sellers and shows an advance of fully 10c for tho week In de sirable grades. The demand h-.is been good and while buyers have started out with the intention of buying the cattle lower, most of the time thev usually wound up paying ateady to strong prices and there has been a good, strong, healthy undertone to the trade from sturt to fin ish. As Is usually the case at this time of the year, all classes of buyers have shown a marked preference for the fat, light and handy weight beeves, and these have sold to the best advantage and show the most advance. On the other hand there has been a tendency to neglect the heavier rattle and as a rule the market has been more or lees draggy on this class of stuff, although prices at the close-are substanti ally the same as they were at the opening of the week. The proportion of cows and heifers In cluded In this week's liberal recelots has been very small, while the demand bote from local packers nnd outside butchers has been as good as any time this season The result has been a strong, active mar ket every day. with an advancing ten dency to prices, nnd closing quitutlons are anywhere frlm luc to 25c higher than a week ago. The improvement being most pronounced on the fat light and heifery grades such as all classes of buyers have been after. The market for veal calves has been strong all week and there has been no quotable change In prices for bulls, stags, etdt - Business In feeders hns been dull this week, supplies having been comparatively ngnt anu me oeniuna ratner limited l'rices have held up all right on the good ftcnhv ateern n WAll nn the her vaur. Mines. On the other hand the nrdlnnrv Huht and medium weight grades have been slow rale from start to finish and are 102j15s lower tor tne wet. HOGS There was a very fair run of hogs for a Saturday and the market was tolerably active at prices that were SVilfon blgner tnan yesterday. All clusses of buy ers showed the usual preference for the llerht and butcher grades and there has 1 been a noticeable widening of the range of I prices for the week, the lighter grade ' rommanflinar a tiffi 100 nremlom aa a rnlt while rough, heavy and packing hoss sre Blow sellers at bottom figures. After urgent orders were filled today the market closed weak. In fact that has been true of the market almost every duy. Comoared with a week ago the market Is now just about le lower, the decline being he-ivlest on the heavy and packing grades. Tops today brought $6 45, as against $6.50 yes'erdav, snd the bulk of the trading was at $61249 6.35. as against $6.27V06.32H yesterday. Representative salus: Nv. AT. Bh. Pr. No. At. 3k. Pr. if l!f .. ti It 141 ., IU (1 Si7 144 I n 11 fit ..IK tS !S4 .. t SO 41 117 .. u IT 11 1CI I 10 71 l.'O .. I SS 14 2! .. I 34 71 171 .. 4 36 IK XbO .. I 10 70 5 Jo .. 35 tl .VJ3 to 1 30 7 .121 40 139 71 t".l 0 4 in 44 :i4 e I 33 7f 114 .. 39 71 131 to I ?,5 f Ill . . 4 10 ft I I . . 6 3 M ? tO I li TJ S 120 I 1$ F4 If 3 10 C 3?4 71 til .. I 15 II 'SO .. t 2'4 1 :40 .. I IS , f s-i 10 I .f, W It .. I SI 171 .. I M't 7: Mi .. I 15 17 247 .. I 114 It 7 1 .. 31 (4 .14 I St '4 k" '.4 140 I IC ft 221 110 I J!, 12 Ill .. I 31 71 271 .. I 11 71 :ji .. I M m .. I M4 233 I 35 74 J14 1M 4 t"'-i 6 170 100 I 31 10 !5I 10 I !4 41 Ill .. I 91 F ri 40 I ll 2 1 .. I 17i, 70 :4 .. h '5 ki .. I rvj H 2-4 .. I ?!'4 w tsi to I i;n :s tti .. t hi. o j;i .. ir 3 tt .. I Hi, 71 I I .. I 37 Vs 14 m M I S?i, 4S ill M I 1,14 4 Jl .. 4 St'4 .'SS 10 I 17 Vj 71 TCI 40 I l.'i 71 2.1 40 I 17 4; ri .. I SIS 73 H 10 I 40 17 fH I :, 71 r t:t .. I 4.) 17 t-4 I f!', SI 210 40 I ) 47 171 .. I IJi, 71 1!4 40 I 40 7.1 141 I SJH It 2-1 .. f 4 7(1 fit M I IU 77 T.4 .. I 40 71 144 .. I 17 HO 123 .. I 14 11 ) . . I K 7J til .. I 40 fit 114 H III M ! 10 I 40 17 27 .. 4 IS 44 2 1 ,1 f . 211 I " . . Iff tl I 41 74 ?r . . 1 ts 41 . . 45 74 241 10 I t 44 110 40 I 4S 70 t' .. 4 811 KKI'-Rec .-Itits of sheep Increised ovei lust week some : .u head, but were liglitly smuller than for thu coriesr.iiiait.g wetlc a year ago. A fe-'t'.'te of the bu-int is ha bec:i the strong d-.i.aiid from puckt-ra fr 'l c'.a'S -s of n.iitton sleep e 11 1 the r toll! nilvame In pilt- s ail n:oai.U. flvcoiil ptikta were H-curt-tl on pi ut (trail ail gralt-s and the mark, t as a whole waa inure satis-fa'-fory Uian It la now. W.ib only a moderate number In sight. Monday prices on Ifmbs ailvanc-d alio.it 5c over the week before uml held nrtn at that busts until today, w lien an addi tional 1'ic was atliletl. with choice t'olorud -Mexican lunilu letchlnft i W, the highest figure ever reached on a river market. '1'he penerul advance for the week on lambs la ' r,C. IXtr fat ewes, wethers and jrearllr.gs similar advance Is notel. but It came m"re gradually. V noted ewes sold up to $i M) and nhorn ones up t' $ 8.V Wethers a:i t yearlings also sold at rxceptlonalv snt: factory figures and the general trade waa verv btiwvI tjuiitatlons on wooled killers: Good to chtlce Inmhs; Is nrs.tsi; fslr to good Inmhs. 7.fni6j S 00; good to choice yearlings, lamb weights. $7.iti7.7;.; fair to good yearlings. Ian t weights. $S.5" i7 00; gm.d to choice yearling, heavy w eights, lti.ivt". .10; fair to good yearlings. Iieavy weluh s. !! f"(t i 5t; good to choice old wether.. H Vif7 '; pond to choice ewes. Ht.ftMiti.po; fair to good ewes. !. If, '15.se: clipped sheen and lambs sell shout M off from above quotations. Kerresentatlve sales: No. Av. UtS Colorado ewra, shorn 1-1 26 western lambs, culls, broken fleece "0 2 western Iambi M' Sol western lambs W Pr. 6 V 7 25 jt (VI I tiO Chicago live Stock Market. CHICAOO. April .CATTl.K Receipts. l.&O) head; niaikrt stmdv; beeves. $'. 5'fi' .; cows. 1I.7..IU4 : heifers. I2.' ; calves, $15' "ilti .no; g, od to tlmo sieers, ..3.iii.flfi; poor to uvdlum, $4.i4'di.3i); Block ers and feeders. I- "nf 10. HOtjS Receipts. U.t"0 head: market gen er:lly oc higher; light. J6.46'it 7o; m;xed. $ii 4..'tit!.70; hey, !6.3ii6 07: rough, jo" 6.4b; pigs. W.ln'ud.&i; gmid to choice heavy. Hit .v'O'l.h'.lj; bulk of sale. J6.tWiil.H3. StlKKP AND LA MRS Rrceli ts. 3.00) head; market steady; native, $4.3"a-s"; western, 14 oKii'v"". yearlltifis. 7.0ou7.75; lambs, K.yxtjH 60, western, lu.jt4i8.W. Kansas City Live Slock Market. KANSAS C1T. April 20.-CATTLI'-Re. celpts, lw hend: market unchanged: chjl.e export and dressed beef steers, $:.75titi.25; I fair to gootl, 14 .TVii'3 t: western fed steers. H-i-'lie.io; stocRers and iceueis. n.mta'J -. southern steers. $4.ifu6.5o; southern tows, tS -'IH .5o; native cow s, I3.0 ii4.7.i; native heifers. $4.t"it6.fi0; bulls. S3 5"(( 7.W). Receipts for a 25fy-4.50; calvts. the week, 43,000 head. HlKIS Receipts, 3.000 head; market 5c higher; top, fo lic; bulk of sales, tel. 5 tftl 6 '; heavy, $6 utjg'i.jo: packers, l664ti66J; plg and lights, 5.2;yti.6o. Receipts for tue wtrk, o7.tivO head. SHEER AND LAMBS Receipts. 700 head; market steady; lambs. $7.0o3.6; ewt s and yearlings, n 3',Ji6.60; western led yearlings, tS.2(Vy 7.5o; western fed sheep, 15 .00 4l4o; stockets and feeders, I4.oonj4i.00. Re ceipts for the week, 30,200. St. Loots Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, April 20. CATTLE Receipts. 400 hT-d, Including 1U0 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $5.:ii,'(i6 50; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.9-..fu.v60; steers under l.OoO lbs., $4.tHKjj 4.5o; stockers and feeders. H.u'ttjO 25; cows and heifers, t2.8M(h.76; canners, 1.9i2.50; bulls. $2.tJ&'u4.50; calves, $3 .25j6.t0; Texas and In dian steers. $2.tjotfiij.jU; cows ar.d heifers. $1.9oJi 4 40. HOGS Receipts, H.POO head: market 5c higher; pigs and lights, $ti.lt-ijiti.6; puckers, $6.26iTj.62!fi; butchers and best heavy, $6.56 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 210 hend; innrket steady; native muttons, $3.2 j63f: liunbs, 3.75'a7.75; culls and bucks, $4.006.00. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEFH, April 20.-CATTLE-Re- celpts, 1H9 head; market nominal; natives, I4.diju.2o; cows and neiters, ij.2oruo.3a; stockers and feeders. $3.75it4.HO. 1HX?S Receipts, 3.649 head: market 2WO 60 higher; top, $t).52; bulk of sales, $6.45U 6.52H. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 290 head; market nominal; lambs. $X.O fd?.6i); yeurllngH, Jtl 75'u 7.25; wethers, $6.50446. 79; ewes, $6,004(6.50. Sionx City Mtr Stock Market. SIOUX CITY". Am-ll 30.-fSoecinl Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts 250 head; mar ket steady. Beevea, $4.0tK'al5.75; cows and hrlfcrs. $3.0VtJ4.S5: stockers and feeders. $4.('o4 70; calves and yearlings, $3.255i4.30. HOGS Receipts. 3. MM) bead: market shade higher; selling at $6.3oi(jj.35; bulk of sales, $o.3024i.324 Stork In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha ,90 6.796 2,117 Sioux City 250 8,800 Kansas City 100 S.000 T0 St. Joseph 1S9 8.649 29 St. Louis 4"0 8.000 200 Chicago 1,600 12.000 S.0J0 Totals .1,637 82,245 6,207 Cotton Market. NEW TORK. April 20.-COTTON-8pot closed steady; middling uplands, 12.2oo; middling gulf, 11.45c. Sales, 6-0 bales. LIVERPOOL, April 20. COTTON-Oood business done In snot, prices 9 points higher; American middling fair, 7.4Cd; good middling. 6.9ld: middling, 6.37d: low mid dling, 6. 1 .1il; good ordinary, 5.87d; ordinary, 4.9d. The sales of the du were 10.0)0 bales, of which 1.000 were for speculation and export and Included 9.300 bales of Amer ican; receipts, 2,000 bales, no American. ST. LOUIS, Arril 20. COTTON Steady ; middling, 10X4C Sales, 62 bales; receipts. 464 bales; Bhlpmcnts, 153 bales; stock, 39,940 bates. NEW ORLEANS, April 20.-COTTON Spot closed firm. Stiles, 2.300 bales; low or dinary, 6M1C, nominal; ordinary, 7)C nom inal; good ordinary, 8 7-16c; low mMldllng, 9Sc; middling. 1016-16c; good middling, 1113-lBc; middling fair. 12 13-16C, nominal: fair. 13 7-lflc, nominal. Receipts, 8,042 bales; etoca, ii,4;n Dales. Sngar and Molasses. NEW YORK, April 20,-SUOAR-Raw, firm: fair refining, 8.26c; centrifugal 96 test, 8 76c; molasses sugar, 3.04c. Refined, steady; No. 6, 4.40c; No. 7, 4.35c; No. 8, 4,ic; No. 9. 4.25c; No. 10. 4 15c; No. 11, 4 10c; No. 12, 4.05c; No. 13, 4c: No. 14. 3 95c; confectioners' A, 4.60c; mould A, 6.16c; cut loaf, 6.5(c; crushed, 6.50c; powdered, 4.90c; granulated, 4.8oc; cubes, 8.0rc. MOLASSES Stesdy; New Orleans open kettle, good to clioice, 7fB48c. NEW ORLEANS, April 20. -SUGAR Steady; open kettle centrifugal, 314!S'3i,c: centrifugal yellow, SVtHSc; seconds, 2 -)c- Whlskr Market. PEORIA, April 20 WHISKY-Steady on has s of 1 '' for nign winea BT. LOUIS, April 20. WHISKY Steady on re""H or II 33 tor niatn wines. CHICAGO, April 20 WHISKY Steady at II.'- CINCINNATI, April 20. WHISKY - Bteady at $l.i9. Coffee Market NEW YORK, April 2 COFFEE -Market for futures was steady at unchanged nrices. which was about in line with tne Krencn cables. Trading was quiet at first, but became a little more active later, and the REAL ESTATE TIl.iSSFERS. peter J. Farrell and wife to Qeorge Ashby, lot 1, block 104, bouth Omaha J 100 Frank L. brown to Charles Dundy, lot 1, Luna Park 1,400 Mary H. Lundy to Frank D. Brown, lot 4, block M. West Omaha 1,600 Horace A- Crane to F. V. (Jarmlchael, lot 6, block 7, Lincoln Place 300 Mabel Pratt Ogden to John N. Has kell, S 6'KI feet e Be1 nw4, HS-13.. T8 John N. liaakt-ll el al. to I nomas C. Kennedy, n.UI feet aeU seVa uwa. 3-li-ia 25 N. I'. Lodge, Jr., to Anna Ostranstty, lot , Douse 6l Bcoti's sub DM) Groe- uui ioii Coiwtruclioii company to Milti.n iJovm. lota l.i. 14 una lo, block 24, Halcyon Helgnis 1.100 Frederick. C. Munltr und wife to Au gust I liilein, ii il led lot 1, block i'4, Omaha 1 Hlli.ibetli M. Bl.ahan to Hastings dfe iityaen, tots 4 und in, b ock, and lot i, biook , Cielgliion Heigiits.... 1 Will iMnd Uraudy to wmiain graven, lots li and 14, block 7, linker Place. 20) Suutli rlana lwoturs conipdiiy to M. l'aunne Kluat-mun.i. lot S. block L Uraninitrcy parn JCO Frank L. brown to Kutherine powers, iot J. l.unu i'arg 9.0 James t athroe to itasmus K- Jensen, lot I. Fori View Annex 7S Bankers burc-tg company to H. J. Calliroe. lots lo U, Fort View Annex, and other lots 1 IC b. Howell and wife to Lami, srue 1 Flora M. Mulsh et al., trjriUc. to bophus F. .Stole, lot 1. rtitianl Place S Wilson T. Oraliain to J.uvlna M.ckey, w in feet, e e.l Z-ii Iei-1. li iJ) fuel let 1.'. l;.irt!ctl s add It 4 6'iimer & Chase cornpuny to I.lszle C. i'.rown, s 4) feet io'. 7. b.otk 7, boulevard Psra 1 Hotilt vard 1'arg improvement c mi pan to Knliiier o: t'liaa i nop any, lot i. block 7, boulevard Park iJi S i.i,.itn F. liulhuin und wile to Olive (larner Ellison, lot a, Koth'i ub S.ltAl Roif-t li. rink, county treasurer, to Fdwln Hill. Kt block 4. Missouri Atrni.e Pam. tju'.h Omaha i William F. Bhear und wlf to Wlldam F. Btithorn. lot t Kot h i sub t.fV 0 f'jrss I', brandl and wife lo Joseph Mh-xlva und wife. neV. ne:. sw. 6-lo-U 1,&J0 Jt-Maie P. t'o'wt 1! und huvbiiid to ' 4'liarka O. H uff-i utter, lots a und 6, block 3, Anns Place 1,000 Reid VV. TuliiiHSe and wife to Meyer Coren, es4j lot , Olocg li, oiuulia Z.aon Total 1.3,7 market worked a little higher nn corvrln of nea-hv si oris The clo, was s'eidy, net nt.cl'aimed i P1 plnis higher. Snles were repntt'Sl of SvS.Ti h i, Im inding Mny at f 7i it 7.--C ; June. ff,iria,-; s.-pte-nt" r. Ka.!. Dcrrmbrr. 5.l'"a-1 4V; March., $3 4i'v0 (sV. .'pot niarkt't stenly; Rio No. 7. ti-So: Santas No. 4, 7c. Mild, dull; Cor dova, (Vafl-C Rrapnratett 4pples and llrled Frnlte. NEW YORK. April 20 .-KVAPORATKD AFFLKS-Market is steadier ami some ex port Inquiry Is reported, 11 It l-.'Oigh nt price somewhat under wllers' views. Fancy ata quoted at V, choice, 7c; prime, ;Sc; poor to fair. S'ifTc. CALIFORNIA l'HIF.D FRUITS-mine are nuiet. with Cnllforrl.t fruit r.tnamg from 3Wc to U',c and Oregins from f,vc t V'c, Apricots are notolnnllv uncharged, with choice quoted nt 17'titSc; rxlrn choice, isi..'ul!"c: fancy, l'i-,t '.'V IVsche are dull and unchit tiKcd. with choice quoted at II 11V: extra choice. )lip.''c: fancy, l.'i t IV; extra fancy, 13 tl5c. Raisins are stcit.lv. with lotist Muscatel tp,iitcd at f'al0e; soetletl raisins, 7dllc; London Layeia, IU.iMl.60. Kipnrts nnd Imports. NKW YORK, April V Total Imports of specie at the pert of New York for the week ending today were $7,!'7 sliver and 1147. OK2 gold. Tot-ii experts of specie from the port of New York for the week ending toduy were 904t.tik sliver and $l!,W0 gold. Trensnry Statement. WASHINGTON. Arrll yn-Today's state ment of the treasury balances, exclusive cf the $ir.fW.i'00 In the genernl fond gold reser'e. shows: Available cash balances, Il.'O.tI.iST: gold coin and bullion, 10u.T73,141; gold certilicates, 38.:!..S.;i.. Wool Market. ST. IDUIS. April 20.-WOOI Steady; medium grades combing and clothing, 2-"ij iilc; light fine. It'tiJlc; heavy lino, 15i,17c; tub washed, i!i37c. Kartbqnake at Portnaal. LISBON. April 20. Several earth shocks were roomd-d today In various sections of Portugal, but the damage done was slight. How $50 MADE $4,000,000 IN THE APRIL ISSUE , or THE Financial and Mining Record j PAKTIAI. OOHTXHTSl A 75.0O llfTEBTMEMT THAT MASS 827,000. oa A 5900.00 X2TVE BTUXXTT THAT MASS 5150,000. WRGRC TAX.VES MTJ1TIPLT AH D WHY. 16 INVESTMENT TS THAT HATE DOU BLED nr is mouths. AH 1NVEBTM1KT THAT W1X FAT ao PES CEJTT IH THREE WEEKS. A most valuable puhllcntlon for IHTESTOH8, SPECULATORS and those wishing to Invest sufe ly and profitably. Qlves many valuable pointers. How to Make Money P April Issue How Beady. April Sample Copy Bent TBEE oa Kequest tbb rnrAwciAi, t iturxiro beoobs, 38 Bfaat 83d Bt, New Tork. Peter Whitney's COBALT Letter No. 3 Now ready for distribution, contains my forecaata and latest detailed information on the following Cobalt stocks: NIPISSINO, roil ALT BrLLfON, BILV'KH Ql EEN, TRETHKWKY, COBALT CENTRAL, COBALT AMERICA, MrKINLEY-IiARRAOH, CODALT COALITION, COBALT PEVKLOPMltNT, KINO EDWARD, FOSTER (-OHALT, LITTLE NIPISDINU, COLONIAL, CON1AOA8, KKRK LAKE. OREEN-MEEHAN. It also keeps yon posted es the Cobalt altuatlon In advance of other sources of Information. THIS LETTER, WITH I P-TO-llATE MAP OP THE PAMOl'B NA TIVE silver msTRitrr. mailed rRua VPON APPLICATION. SEND gOK IT. Orders In Cobalt stocks eiecuted on the N. V. Curb. Toronto and Cotialt Ei ehansea. Uuotatlone ftirnlahed. Inquiries regarding any Cobalt isauea promptly aa swercd. Peter Whitney 100 Broidwiy, New York. N I WILL BUY 1000 Ann. Meilraa. , 1000 Peaa. Wjro. Rcpta, 1000 Ofld. Com I pg 100 Hubbi rd Elliott. Nation. 1000 King Solomon, SoflO Amn. Corper (Wjro.) (Dlnemore Pres.) 10U0 Basle's Nest 1000 welllugtoa Mlnss. 100 .nWAn.n Coffee. 000 Calif. Monarch OIL luou Black oak (Wlaaer) 1000 AJax Bullfrog. I WILL SELL 1000 Penn. Wyoming. 1X Cobalt Portage. ItioO Uullfrog K stone. 60 Cobalt titm. VAiO Cobalt Merger. 1000 Lucania Tuuuel. tlJOO Parry Bound Copper. tOO Hurat Switch, loco Silver Leaf. 100 I'. B. CraphiU. louO Cobalt N. (Onurlol. 1000 Tacuoia Steel. itilO Oolt19eld Hub. too Cobalt Monarch. AND MANT OTHERS. SEND FOR LIST. C. F. SESINGER, DEALER IS L'NUBTED SECIRITIE8, l3l-:t40-ltll-lS41 Real Estate Trust Bldg, Philadelphia, Pa. Established last. ELY -NEVADA Map and Views We have Just printed a beautiful blrd'av eye view ii.nu of Kly, shovilng the mountain lunges niiiiis. luuroida. uugun roads, bniciiera, lov-asitt-s, etc. Nothing so com p.cle and conipiclo nn.ve us thia map hug ever been puliiiuhi-d by any mining roin par.y. W will send It free for two t-c-ent utamlis to pay ptstuiic, with folio of j) jihoios of fciy ai'J Burrcunaiiiga. Write or call. A. J. CARR, 671 B. 2fth Bt. Omaha, Neb, wz crrxs fsoo Ofd. Hub. I?. Iff rWVESTOHS II iletll Kuc, IOc. 1 vi) King ol. T. A D, 4 0 Iliierocean, Cut., 41. .aj'i Penn-Wyo., 1;. loo 'ellmton Abeoc. m0 ban f.iro li 1im. Luiptre Onld. X5c. lj L ul Oik (YV s I 1,i0 t ohalt lev . Z4t. (.'O Rasbo.k, Wis.. 12c lt".0 Will Htntll.. lec. t,,,i Ht Csli.sa, 21c. i,io,-i Kt-,a 2,h.. biraala. aui i. Liana Con., Ic. titroicat Pfd., eoc. 2 (H) Cuitin Amer., Ie ti j tl) -.-. . II. ii. S' (,t. West . bend. iwu i ai. n. y on, :m. I Hillaute, U. li . lcc. H 0 Mo i., L. . Z , ll le. li.ui ci'.ia Paul. lie. Ii-jO Mu.-'-hle, 7c lit i saa umllo, !'':. Si P.u:iu. It. II '. 17C10. 'llioakiinds Merc. Send l r l- l.e bulletin. WIS XTZlai, "110 f'omlna Nt'ii. n; I0.o I-.. Hi:oW4torm; CO'I ".llllt! tioteuce; 20 0r. Am, 4'ofltt; loo Hull. Klliotl: 1 000 Amazon: 20 Mon Uich M. f; H. I-is- your stocks. Wrhlt-rii Ii;i -In4-s Kxi huiiKf 135 X.aSr.110 Z-. Ctlcago, 111. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Donds, Investment Securities. We effor, intact to sala, 50 shares Union btock Tarda at 101. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Cguglas 1046