Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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tea'-h the lesson. The normal lesson will
be chaptes 12 In the New Testament World.
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In i
and I
by sj
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all P
Low Avenue rrsbjterao. Ibnrch iilE
Di(i;cat;d . uudsy AiltiLtoo.
Edlflre Errrlfd I ne'er rnstorate ef
Iter. A. M. C. (Inrkf, Who lias
Maluplled Sleutoerauip
of tha CUurtk.
A musicals wn flven Tueeday, evening
under the auspices of tha Luther lesgue
of tha Zlon Lutheran church, Thirty-sixth
street, cr.l Lafsytts avenue, when 11. I
program was rendered:
An Evening on the Dreamjr Sea Frnns
Miss Agnea Nelson.
My Lover ill Cum Ti-ly Da Kovan
Mr. Bernard Johnston.
Tha Village Oismu
MIhs Nellie Carpenter.
Rhapsodie iiotigiolfe No. I Lisat
Mib Amy Austin.
Awake, My Love Nerdllnger
Mlaa Agnea Nelson.
'Gavotte ..... . Bohm
Miss Carolina Con kiln.
""" """ , Voice Selected
Tha main event In Protestant church , fcamcnmor ffowUp wNo.
circles In Omana tomorrow will be ilia Rubcnsteln
dedication exercises ot the new Lowe Ave-i ', ' Mine Amy Austin
nue Prebyterian church. Fortieth and TbeTe, Lltt - Girl, lMnt -Cry .....Campion
Nicholas aireets. In the afternoon, which, It txgan" Builder
la expected, will attract a capacity-test. ng
congregation from among people attached
Mils 'Amelia Swan.
Mrs. 'Verne Miller.
Miss Corf nne Paulson.
to tha church and others who wlah to in
spect the new structure.
This Is one of the neatest church build
ings In Omaha. It has cost approximately
. tor'.. Rev. A. 8. U. Clarke. D. D., came to lTtfZ'yl0na . ,' Uy. .
,thia church four and a half years ago, from i Morning Ser vice,""" Page' U.'.'.'.
Chicago. .Luring that time 1 members , Epistle Lesson, 1 Peter i:ll-3...
have h, -reived into membership, mak-Uo,! Le.on John 14j:1-g3.
- n uubLiB v i rj .... ..............i...
' Music at the Kountze Memorial Lutheran
church Sunday, April 21: - '
... Dykes
Ing the net number now 271. Shortly after
coming Dr. Clarke suggested the Idea of
. new building and In the dedication sees
the fruition of his hopea.
Messrs. Fisher 4 Lawrle are the archi
tects. Dr. II. M. McClnnnban Is chairman
of the building committee.
The Rev. Willis O. Craig, D. D. L. L. D
'who preachea the dedication aermon, la
profeasor in McCormlck Theological aeml
nary, Chicago, and has probably assisted
"t the dedication of more Pruebyterlan
-churciina than any other minister.
' Program of dedication services at Lowe
' d Avenue ' Presbyterian church Sunday at
p. m:
' Music Violin' eolo
Ulna Carolina Conklin.
' ,i Hymn No. Kit
Rev. W. M. Reynolds. D. D.
Anthem We Praise Thee, O God
t . Responsive, i. nailing Psalm xxlv
Rev. D. E. Jenkins, D. D.
' 'Iniet :
Mrs. A. A. Covalt and Mrs. U. W. Klein.
Scripture Lesson
Rev, Newman Hall Burdick.
Dr. R. W. Bailey.
. Prayer
Rev. T. K. Hunter, D. D.
' Dedication Sermon
!. , Rev. Willis O. Craig, D. D., L. L. D.
, i Anthem luxcept the Lord Build the
House Gilchrist
Statement of the Building Committee..
Dr. H. M. McClanahan.
s Transfer of Key of, New Church to
Trust res
Act of. Dedication (All Standing)
Solo -
Mrs. A. A. Covalt.
Prayer Of Dedication.. '
The Pastor,
,Hymn of Dedication No. 61 (Veraea 1-4)
' Rev. Joshua Rlale.
. At the First Methodist church the paa-'
tor, Dr. Loveland, will preach the third
,' aermon In the series on "Twentieth Century
Problems" v on j the subject, "Human
r Brotherhood; Am I My Brother' Keeper?"
"Has a Man a Right to Do What He
- Wants to With Hla Own?" This aerlea of
' aermons If -proving to be very popular, and
. ell people Interested . In these problems are
1 Invited to attend.. If the church relations
J: 'do not demand their attention elsewhere.
Tea minutes will be devoted at the opening
' of the service' lit answering ' any questions
i ithat may te asked by the congregation."
' ' ...:. . . j
j?ha annUflJ . election 'of oftlceit ' will be
iield by tke -linmanuej .Baptist church
.-Monday evening at 8 O'clock, April 22.
' 'Murlo at the First Baptist church, under
j direction of Mlsa Margaret Boulter, or.
Valti '
- MORNING, 10:30.
Prelude ...Dubois
Anthem The Sun Shall No More Shine
' Woodward
"Organ offertory Flagler
.'Anthem Hark! What Mean Those Holy
VolceeT Neldllnger
' Postlude Boiowskl
Solo The Plains of Peace Bernard
S. C. Hamilton. .
Hymn No. Ut Arise, My Soul, Arise.. Edson
Announcements i
fcolo The Homeland Hanscom
. Mrs. F. 8. Welty.
Sermon The ProgTensiveness of Slrt
Offertory The Sacrifices of God arr.
' Layrtz .:
Prayer Lord's Prsyer.... ,.
Keoesxlonal Jerunalem the Golden. .Ewlng
Procalonal, Hymn 6ns How Firm a
Foundation . Portogal
Vervlcle Make Haste, O God, to De
liver Me
Make Haste to Help Me, O Lord
Psalm tu ,
Response Olory He to the Father
Hymn 644 He Leadeth Me Bradbury
Scripture Reading and Prayer
Bole The Choir Boy Armstrong
Master Russell Tetard.
Sermon God s Goodness, Man's In
gratitude Antiplonal. Hymn No. 856 Watchman.!'"
Miss Hamllng, Mr. Hamilton and Congre
gation. Nunc Dlmlttls
Recessional, Hymn 68 Lord Dismiss
Us Rousseau
The choir of Trinity Methodist church
will begin rehearsals on Mendelssohn's ora
torio, "St Paul," Friday evening, April 27.
Those desiring to participate In the study
and presentation of this great work will be
received to a limited number. Applications
should be made to W. B. Graham, choir
master, 1 North Thirty-third atreet
Ladies! "Jumper Suits'
are the craze. We have
. the otsofnezv ones. lOth . AJMD HOWARD
Tremendous Cash Purchase of an Overstocked Manufacturer 1
His entire lines of Laces Embroideries, Trimmings, and Lace Curtains secured at a marvelous discount, a dis
count that's way below the actual cost to manufacture, and Monday one of the greatest selling events in the
history of the Daylight Store will be presented to you. Come and see the wonderful bargains. : : : :
Beautiful ostrich bow s. gloves
and charming neckwear,
grand opera suggestions .
3.000 yards of fine Oriental Net Top Lacea,
3 to 13 Inches vide, creams, white "and
black, .Cream Paraguay,
Allover LaeeB, Venice and
'Batiste Bands, cream and
white regularly sold from 25c to 60c per
yard For this great sale
Great 4Sc Sale
A magnificent variety of cream, white and black Silk G Im
pure, Venice, Baby Irish and Batiste, Medallions, Festoons
. . and Appliques, Black Silk Chantilly Edges, Cream and
White Oriental Net Tops, fine Normandy Vals, Princess
and Point Applique Edges, 3 to 12 inches
wide. This lot is worth to 18.50 a
all to eo Monday at euecial Drlce
See great window display. ii
$7.50 Values Down to 15c
Lace Curtain Sale Monday
V US U I1U J I UtBt ill
fa o
of. yard fcf f
f 7.50 values down to
This, great sacrifice Bale of fine Embroid
eries embraces Val Medallion Allovers,
Hand Loomed Allovers, Deep Flounclngs,
Wide and Narrow Edelngs. Insertions.
Bands, Medallions, Festoons and Galoona,
in complete matched sets this line Bells
from $7.60 a yard down to 15c a yard.
$1.00 EMimOIDEIUEs 48c.
Allover Embroideries, 20 to 24 inches wide, and deep
Flounclngs, 18 to 22 inches wide, all S1.00 values, go
Monday for, yard , . . , .4g
Monday' we place on sale In our Lace Curtain Department:
200 pairs Fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, Fine 8wls Cur
tains with ruffles, Curtains, 3 and 3Vfc
yards each, and worth from f 1.60 to $3.25
a pair. On sale Monday for, per
pair. . .'
A Great Opportunity for Ladies and Girls "Two
Ladies' Suits New wool suits in checks, plaids, stripes and solid colors,
Eton styles, Pony styles and fitted suits. p mm
New Silk Suits Shirt waist suits, juiriper suits and jacket suits f H
values $16.50, $18.50, $22.50 and $25.00 all Monday at 4 A
Monday Morning Sales that will be Record Breakers"
Girls' Spring Coats This season's styles and ages, from 6 years'to 14 years.
Every coat now marked from $3.95 to $5.9(V-in two lots Monday only
Lot 1, all for $2.95 'Lot 2 all for $3.95
Another great lot of 160 pairs Fine Ruffled
Swiss Curtains and a big lot of IS'et Curtains
for bed rooms, that are extraordinary values
at 75c, On sale Monday
100 pieces 36-inch White Curtain Swiss, 'with
large dots and figures, worth 20c per yard,
Church of the Good Shepherd will render
tha third musical service Sunday evening
at 7:30 o'clock. The choir will sing
"Hosanna In the Highest," by Btalner;
Mrs. Carl Thornberg-, a recent acquisition
to Omaha's musical circles, will sing
"Fear Not Ye, Oh Israel," bjr Buck. Mr.
Walter Wilkina will sing "If With All Tour
Hearts," from Klljah; "My Hope Is In the
Everlasting," from "Raising of the Daugh
ter of Jalrus."
The following musical program will be
given at Trinity Methodist church. Twenty
second and Binney, Sunday evening at 7:30:
Anthem Chriatlan the Morn..H. R. Shelley
With aolos and duet by Miss Georgia
Oldeon, Mr. E. N. Bovell and Mrs.
- , . W. J. Hammill.
Duet 1 Waited for the Lord (hymn of
praise) Mendelssohn
Mesdames W. J. Hammill and
: . J. R. Smith.
Contralto Solo-O. Rest in the Lord
(Elijah) Mendelssohn
b. Miss Mabel Leachey.
uet Crucliix Faure
Messrs. A.. T. Callaway and W. B.
Soprano Sole I Will Sing of Thy Great
Mercies (St. taul) Mendelssohn
a' : ' ' r. ' Lel PaUaway.
Muslo at the First Congregational church,
Nineteenth and Davenport streets:
d. . " MORNING. ,
Prelude Plumber Sons- Nevln
Anthem-To Thee I Lift My Boul.Klng Hall
. ' Wlu Solo by Miss Allen.
olo-The Lord Is My Shepherd Llddell
. Mrs. Henry Rustln.
Offertory-Ballad in B Flat Minor
vi. VV Wolstenholme
March In F Guilmant
ttelude Salome
Anthem Now the Ly is Over Marks I rvifwivn
... Quartet. J Prelude-At Ienlntf ' Buck
Organ offertory....: .West Anthem O, Lord Most Merciful (Kvrla
Anthem-Jesus Savior. Pilot Me..Schm-cker , from Mass in F) M,rclIUI lKc0t.con,
Quartet. i Quartet-God is a spirit:::::::::::::. .
Prelude .Mendelssohn , v. Sterndale Bennett
'Alice Fawi
.Mendelssohn v Sterndaie'Bennett
fc T. Sunderland, soprano; Ml.s Offertory-Andnnte Con Moto.. Mendelssohn
wcett, contralto; John McCrsary, Postlude .....West
s tenor) U. W.. Uanchestsr, bass.
The Primary Sunday School Tpachers"
anion will meet at the Young Women's
.'Christian association rooms Tuesday aft
ernoon at I 'clock. Mrs. Hoffman will
Martin W. Bush nnanl.l . Tr- T T.nnl
man, director. '
Music at the First Methodist:
Prelude Melody Whiting
Anthem (with solos for soprsno and
altoV-Hark, Hark. My Soul. . . .Bhelley
Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Jennlson and Choir.
Offertory Nevln
Solo-Ksar Te Not, O Israel'.'.'.'.'..!. ..Buck
n., ,.Mrs J- Jennlson.
Postlude March Rogers
EVENING, 8:00.
PrClud lnt.rm...A n
Anthem-My Soul Truly Wsj'te'th on the
nm r " "V Mnea
Offertory-Prayer Pache
Quartet (with aolos for baritone and ,
duo for soprano and tenor Savior,
Breathe an Evening Kleslng....Krats
.'. Fi,t Methodist Quartet.
p0'Iu1 Guilmant
..Mr".,n,nl,on oprano; Mrs. Anderson,
alto; Mr. Conkling, tenor; Mr. Krata, bari
tone; Mrs. Anna B. Andrews, organist;
Mr. Ie a, Krats. choirmaster.
Y. W. c. A. Notes .
Sunday afternoon gospel meeting at 4:S0.
Mlsa Bertha Bchweltscr will speak, taking
(or her subject "ThlnKS that Accompany
Sulvation." It Is hoped to have a large
number to hear Miss Schweltier. All
wonion are urgently requested to attend
the Sunday metings and to enjoy the aoclal
hour at ;), when a light lunch Is served.
The monthly meeting o fthe In-His-Name
circle has been chanxod to Thursday night,
April ft, Instead of Monday night. All
niembets will remember this cbangsuid be
present. '
The dinner given for Miss Bertha
Bchwettier at the association last Monday
evening proved a very enjoyable oocasion.
Bliort after dinner talks were given by
former chairmen of the extension com
mittee and by the chairman for the coming
year, as w-U as Xhe secretaries, with Mrs.
George Tllden presiding.
The Young Women's Fellowship club of
the ksauciatioji was given a real treat
ThuntUay evening by Miss Mary R. Wal
lace, at which tints she gave a very Inter
esting talk of European travel, lllustiated
with steieopticou views, In the lecture room
of the public library. Through the kind
ness of Miss Tobltt the Ilbiary museum
was thrown open for entertainment of the
club the . early part ot the evening. The
evening wns highly enjoyed by sJl members
of the club.
For Presenilis:, Purifyins:
snd Beautifying the Skin,
Scalp, Hair, and Ilands.
Ctaxw Sues amMMalits sMdlrMwl. enak
tmul. MullK. MC'Ol.. i'Ua Utd IKMS
, KM Uidon. IT Ct.rVroj So ; rrtS,
i ' Z"""rsi K Fui.(-.uu: Su Alrlr. lo-
I hi . I a
1 . t- . i ir (.rut A (t.
ft Cil . frv;.
u fmtm. Pux.l. ass)
Y. M. C. A. Motes,
The men's meeting Sunday wilt be held
' in the new assembly room at 4 o'clock
' and will be addressed by Rev. B. F. Fell-
man, pastor of the Grace Baptist church.
' Rev. FellmaD has spoken to the men sev-
eral times and has always given a helpful
and inspiring message. K. F. Williams,
the new manager of the Postal Telegraph
company, who will be remembered by
Omaha musicians as the baritone soloist
v. mi nvuiiiM jidiiiui tai uiiun u ciiuir sev
eral years ago. will sing. Mr. Williams
has bten In tit. Louis fur the past several
years and was tha paid soloist at a prom
inent 8t Lou's church.
The Thursday noon meeting at tha Alfred
Bloom factory is getting along nicely.
juun una vuiiaciuati 10 itiie CftSXge
of the music and will net wlta tha men
each Thursday hereafter.
The new bos. ball gamea In the aasocls,
tlon looms have become exceedingly popu
lar. Almost any time during the day and
evening a number of enthusiastic "box
bailers" may be found gathered around the
Early snd special attention is called to
th men a meeting Sunday, April 21.
Charlea Edwin Bradt. the central district
svoretary of the Presbyterian board of for
eign missions. Is coming frura L'nlcago es
pecially, to speak st this meeting. Mr.
Bradt Is a Sintaker t great, power and
force and Is known all over the country
because of bis efficient work la proutwtuig
Silk Bargain Monday
Dunbar Silks, the rough pongee effects
that give ouch style and elegance and char
acter to the suit, the most popular rough
suit shown, full 36 Inches wide and in all
desirable shades. Monday we offer this
superb fabric in two great bargains that
should interest you:
Our $1.60 quality, 36 Inches wide,
Monday for, yard,
Our $1.25 quality, 27 inches wide,
Monday for, yard
A 59c Silk Sale Monday
For one day only we will sell Fancy Silks,
Black Taffetas, Black Peau de Sole,
Cream Japanese Foulards, Black Brocades
and Crepe de Chines, our regular 75c,
86c and $1.00 qualities. In one
great lot for, yard
China Department
. Glass Drinking Tumblers,
cut, per dozen, y f r
' only.. UC
Wash Bowls and , C
Pitchers, per set ODC
Slop Jars, iTC
. each OjC
100-pece srml-porcelain Dinner
sets, white with gold decora- T OC
tlons, worth $12.50 set, for 1,1 J
lOO-plece Haviland China, neat floral and
gold decorations, $35.00 COO
value PaC "
Big Dress Gods Values
for Monday
5,000 yards Black Dress Goods all the
season's newest and popular weaves for
.summer dresses and skirts and mostly
in these lengths. These are qualities that
sold from 75c to $1.25 yaid.
Monday, per yard
BOO Remnants of most desirable Dress
Goods in 6. yard lengths, and worth from
$3.00 to $5.00. As we are anxious to
close them out at once, your
choice, each
$1.50 White Wool Dress Goods, 08c A
large assortment ot Mountain Serges,
Outing Serges, Panamas, ' Mohairs, Ba
tiste, Henriettas, etc., values that QO
sell everywhere at $1.60 yard, for. .2OQ
Startling Reductions Values that should
crowd our Wash Goods Section the whole
day long:
50 pieces very wide White Lawn, the 10c
quality. A leader Monday, C
per yard. aC
10c India Dimity, very sheer, fine quality,
'marked for Monday's selling Y"C
Newport and German Linen Suitings, in
solid colors, sun and water- 4 C r
proof, special, yard .. J ......... . J C
A great offer of 85c Novelties in Madras,
Swisses and Lawns. Here we give you in
this superb collection Monday 1 Q
85c values for, yard 1
Imported French Zephyrs, warranted fat
colors, everything new and desirable, ex
ceptional 39c values, Monday
yard ,
Bath Kooin Fixtures
Two factory shipments:
one the heavy brass
goods nickel plated; 'the
other the popular price
kind. Nickel plated
Soap Dishes, like cut, to
hantr on tub: alan nickel
plated Soap Dishes to hang on wall; nickel
plated Tumbler Holders, Toilet Paper
Holders, nickel plated 18-in. Towel Bars,
nickel plated Cuspidors and t
Bath Room Mirrors, each at 1UC
25c Wooden Roller Towel Racks. . . .10
Wooden Coat and C'liMik Hangers 34
Japanese Straw Table Mats, wet of 0, worth
35c, for 15
Special Sale Pillow Case A big table full
of fine Pillow Cases, all sizes, deep hand
kerchief hem, all ready for use, f 1
special Monday for lt"2C
Fancy Bed Ticking, double width
worth 25c yard, Monday for. . . .
Emerick's Fine Bed Pillows We carry a
very large assortment of the very finest
Sanitary Bed Pillows finest feathers,
pair, from $2.50 to 37.50
Wall Paper Dept.
: Our New Wall Paper Department is show
ing exclusive patterns for parlors, halls
and dining rooms, prices from "fDx
60c down to, roll lUC
Neat, inexpensive Papers for bod rooms,
' etc., at, roll, 10c, 8c, 7c and (
We furnish estimates for painting and
paper hanging all work guaranteed.
Princeton Clothes
for the man who knows
All the new ideas in Clothing, the double .
breasted coat with long lapels and trous-
ers with full peg tops, also the natty 3-.
button sack, the snappy kind for the
young man, and the more conservative
styles for the older "heads." v-
Maybe you want to freshen op the old coat
with a new pair of trousers we have a
great variety of patterns, the regular and
medium Btyles for all and the full and
half peg top for those wishing a little
more "ginger" "The Princeton Kind."
All prices from $6.60 down Prt
Our Sanitary Grocery
45c Navel Oranges for.., 80o
10 bars Diamond C Soap, 1 bar large Ivory
for S5o
H. & H. Soap for cleaning carpets lOo
22 lbs. best Granulated Sugar, when or
dered with other groceries 11.00
48 lbs. Daylight Peerless Flour and 1 lb.
Uneolored Japanese Tea .11.30
Ralston'a Whole Wheat Flour, sack 60o
K & R. Dlabets Flour, sack 11.60
F. & R. Uiuton Flour $1.00
Franklin Entire Wheat Flour 30a
Rose's Lime Juice, bottles tOo and ....... 2&e
Vnntlnes Celebrated Teaa, Stuffed Dates,
Raisins, Cherries, Figs,, eto. Ripe Olives,
queen, pitted and stuffed Olives.
Bar Le Due, white or red, glass. . : .ilSc
French Maroons in syrup or brandy SSo and f Ro '
Japanese Rice Wafers, box 80a
Vantlne's Crystallxed Ginger Pineapples, 85o
and 6So
. Webster's Preserved ' Raspberries, In pint
and quart Jars, 35c and.... 65e
Pistachio Nuts, lb. 460 .
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables every morning;.
Full lines of Imported and Domestic Cheese.
Tetley's Teas and Wedgwood Coffee and
Grape Juice demonstrated In our new Grocery
tha foreign mission enterprise. He is es
pecially known In Omaha because of hla
connection with the recent missionary con
vention for men held here and because of
what he accomplished along missionary
lines while pastor of the Presbyterian
church at Wichita, Kan.
Church Annoancements.
First Congregational Preaching morning
nd evening by Rev. Asbury Caldwell of
Grand View Baptist Bunday School,
Fourth and Cedar. G. D. Madison. Bunsr-
lntendent Meets at 3:30 p. m.
Calvary Branch. Thirty-fourth and
Seward Bible school Sunday at 8:30 p. m.
Gospel service Friday at 3 p. m.
Parkvale Congregational. Thlrtv-flrst end
Oold Sunday school at 80: preaching by
ine psior, nev. n. l.. oiius at 4:uu; Chris
tian EJndeavor at 6:00.
Unity. Seventeenth and Cans.' Rev. fw.
ton Mann, Minister Service at 10:30; ser
mon: "Finding One's Place In the World."
Sunday school at noon.
Church of the Living God. Colleare Hall.
Nineteenth and Farnam "Millennia
Dawn; Bible study at I p. m.: discourse
at 7:30 p. m.; topic, "Eden." ,
Rethany Branch First Baptist. 8863 Leav
enworth Sunday school at I p. m. Gospel
meeting Thursday evening. Industrial
school at 10 a. m. Saturday.
Swedish Methodist, Nineteenth and Hurt-
Peter Munson, Pastor preaching at 11 a.
m., 4:80 and 7:30 p. in.; Bunday school at
10 a. m. and young peoples meeting: at
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Twenty
fifth and Fiiriiam, Chambors' Buildinv
Sunday school at 8:46 a. in.; bumlny ser
vices at 11 a. m. ana s p. m.; subject of
lesaon sermon, "Probation After Death."
" People's, Chs-rles W. Bavldjte, Pastor
Morning: "The Three Classes of Believers.''
Evening: "Are the NewaiMuers of Omaha
Jus tilled in Giving Great Publicity to Hint"
Prof. Werles has charge of the music,
Plymouth Cirurrgitional. Twentieth and
Spencer, F. W, Leavitt, Mliiieter Service
at 10:30 a. m. Topic: , "Cultivating Our
Field;" 7.30 p.. m., "What Blutll I Do To
day?" German Evangelical Lutheran. 8U Paul s;
mh and Parker; Kev. H. 11 ill. Pastor
Morning service at 10 o'clock; text, 1 peter
Humphreys Seyenty
ScTen Cures Grip and
"Seventy-seven' la no better than
any of the other thirty-five Specifics,
prepared by Dr. Humphreys; for Wo
men's and Children's Diseases, for
Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Weak
Stomach, for Headache, Sick Headache
and Vertigo, for Rheumatism and
Lumbago, . for Bladder and Kidney
Trouble, for Malaria, Chills and Fever.
Yo have tried "Seventy-seven,"
now try tome ot th others-- : 3ook
free. ..
At Druggists. JS cents or mailed.
Humphreys' Momeo. MedUine CO".. Cor.
WliiiaJii aud Juba si tree vs. New York.
1:11-20; theme, "Christians as Strangers and
Pilgrims." German service In the evening
at 7:45.
Hillside Congregational. Thirtieth and
Ohio, Herbert L. Mills, Pastor Regular
services at 10:30 and 8:00, with sermons by
the pastor, and special muslo by the choir.
Sunday school at noon; Christian Endeavor
at 7:00.
First United Evangelical, Franklin near
Twenty-fourth, Rev. Q. A. Deck. Pastor
Sunday school at 10sX a. m. Worship at
11:00 a. m. Theme: "The Spirit of Prayer."
Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p. m. Worship
at 8:00 p. m. 1
Grace Baptist, Tenth and Arbor, B. F.
Fellman, Pastor 10:46 a. m. "Man's Higher
Needs"; 13 m., Sunday school; 7 p. m.,
young peoples' prayer meeting, let by Dr.
N. C. Chrietensen; 7:46 p. m.. "There Will
I Meet Thee."
First United Presbyterian. Twenty-first
and Emmst streets. Rev. Dsvld R. Turn
bull, Pastor 10.30 a. in and 8 p. m. Ser
mons by Rev. S. R. Jamleaon of Pawnee
City. ' Neb. Bible school at noon. Moeting
of young people, 7 p. m.
Immanuel Baptist, Twenty-fourth and
Binney 8:46 a. in., special meeting of the
"Praying Band;" 10:30 a. m., morning wor
ship, "The One Word Forbidden in Christ's
Presence:" 8 p. m.. evening gospel service;
Bible school at noon, the Baptist Young
People's union, at 7, Wednesday evening
prayer meeting at 8.
Ixwe Avenue Presbyterian, Fortieth and
Nicholas, A. S. C. Clark, D. D., Pastor
Morning service, 10:30. Rev. Willis G.
Craig. D. D., L. L. D. of Chicago will
preach. Dedication services in afternoon at
3:00. No evening service.
Seward Street Methodist. Corner Twenty
second and Seward, John F. Poucher, Pas
torMorning worship at 10:3o; sermon by
the pastor, "The Daybreak." Bunday achool
at 12, F.pworth league at 7 and preaching
by the pastor at 8 o'clock.
St. Mark's Engltsb Lutheran, Twentieth
and Bunlette, Rev. U Urol), Pastor
Services Bunday at 10:45 a. ru.; subject,
"Possibilities of Faith;" 8 p. m , "Who
fcnau prevail as Hero?" Bunday school at
12 m.j young people at T:16 p. m.
First Christian, Nineteenth and Farna
Rev. B. D. Dutchur, Pantir-BIble echo
at 8:30 a- m. Sermon subjects: Morning
"The Coming of the Perfect;" evening.
soond sermon on "The Lord's Prayer;"
Chilstian Endeavor at 8:45 p. m.
North Slue Christian. H. J. Klrschsteln,
Minister Morning womhip at 10:3o; theme,
'"iiie Church a Mtesiuuiiry Organization.
''What bliall I Do With Jesus?" will bs trs
sermon at 8 p. rn. Bible school at U m.
nd Christian Endeavor at 6:46 p. m.
Trinity Cathedral, Capitol Avenue and
Eighteenth. Very Kev. Cieorge A. Botcher,
Den Holy coinniunioL t a. iu.; Sun
uny school' and Bible class at 9:46 a. m.;
morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. in.;
evening prayer aud sermon at 8 p. m.
Grace Lutheran, South Tweuty-atxth,
Between Pupplelon and Woolworth Avenue,
Rev. M. 8. Meiick, Pastor Church services
at 10:46 a .m., and at 8:00 p. m. bunday
school at 12.15 and Luther league at 7:UU
P. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
First Retormed, Twenty-third and Cen
tral Boulevard, Rev. F. b. Zaugg, pastor
Sunday ai'huol st 9:80 a. m., preaching
service at 11 and k. On account of the pas
tor s temporary absence from the city
Rev. J. A. U!lletple will preach both morn
ing and evening. - -
Dundee Presbyterian. Fiftieth and Un
derwood Avenue, Rev. Thomas K. Hunter,
Pastor Morning worship at 10. So: evening
service st 7:30; Sabbath school at noon;
Junior Endeavor at 3:46 p. ni ; Senior hn
ueavor at 4 JO p. m.i prayer meeting
H t dnefduy at 8 p. m.
- Knox Preabyterlan. Nineteenth and Ohio.
Rev. M. V. lilgbee. Pastor Morning wor-
Imp at 10:30; tbeii.e, "ChrUt and Every
day Lite;" Sunday school at It m.i even
ing worship st 7 ). theme, "Visions far
tile Christian l.lfo," prayer meeting every
Wvdneeday at 7.00 p. in.
MvCabe, Muthodikt Episcopal, Fortieth
and Far nam. Francis P. Cook, Pastor
Sunday si hoU, 10.110 a. m. , preaching srrvloe,
11 v a. iu. and 7 u u. in. Junior league,
8 J0 p. in. lpworth leasue, 4 so p. in.
Prayer nieetliiH a no Sunday school lesai.n
study. T.4a p m. v edueilay.
s'Usl UspUat, Twenty -uluUi Avenue and
Harney Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Morning sermon, "The Universal
DeBlre of the Human Heart." Evening,
"Differences Between Christian Science
and New Testament Healing." tjunrtay
school at noon. Young People's meeting
at 8:30 p. m.
Third Presbyterian, Twentieth and Leav
enworth Preaching by the pastor. Rev.
Joseph B. Cherry, Ph. D., at 10:30 a. m.
W. J. Shallcroes will speak on "Christian
Education'' at 8 p. m.; men's prayer meet
ing at, 10:10 a. m.: men's bible class at 13
o'clock; Sunday school at 3 p. m.i Christian
Endeavor at 7 p. m.
Piret Presbyterian, Dodge and Seven
teenth, Edwifl Hart Jenks, D. D., Pastor
Morning service at 10:30. Evening service
at 7:30, being the first of a series of six
evening discourses on poetry and art. This
evening It wilt be "Raphael's Transfigura
tion." Sunday school at noon. Christian
Endeavxor at 6:16 p. m.
Second Presbyterian, Twenty-fourth and
Nicholas; Rev. Newman HaJI Burdick,
Pasior Preaching at 10. do and 8. Morning
subject, "The Evangelization of the World
In 'this Generation Opportunity." Sunday
school, ilaiaca, plillinatlieu and bible
classes at noon; Christian Endeavor at
:1b; men's prayer meeting at 10 a. m.
Central United Presbyterian, Twenty
fwurtu and DvOge, R. U. A. McBrlde, D. D.
pastor Morning worship at iv.ito; sermon
subject: "When Love Grows Cold." Even
ing worship at 8:uu; sermon subject: "The
Return ui a Runaway blave." ti.ibl.aUi
school at noon. Young peoples' prayer
meeting and teachers' meeting at 7 :M.
biianguis are Invited.
' First Methodist Episcopal, Twentieth and
Davenport 'i he pastor, will pleach in tne
morning on the suoject. "Tne bpi.H VVllhlii
the V heels.'' Evening sermon -ill be tne
third In the series on "Twentieth Century
Problems." on th "Problem of Brother
hood Am I My Brothers Keeper?'' Even
ing service at 8 o'clock Instead of 7 Jo, as
formerly. Epwortn league at 7 o'clock.
Westminster, Rev. A. A. PfaiiHtiehe of
Highland Park, Chicago, will preach, butli
morning and evening. He will also lead
the Eudeavora at 8 p. m. A sermon te-
.dally applicable to young people will be
.ven at the evening service, other regu-
,r Sunday services. A letter from Dr.
rulton in regard to the call extended to
him will be read at the morning service.
Calvary Baptist, Twenty-fifth and Hamil
ton; Rev. E- R. Curry, Pasior Services
at 10:30 a. m, and -8 p. m. Themes:
Morning, "Strength Renewed;" evening,
"How to Lrve the Simple Life." Bible
school at U m.; mens llaraoa class at
11 m.; young people's meeiing at 7 p. m.;
Wednesday t.7.46 mid-week devo
tional service. StraDgers made welcome.
AU seats free.
Clifton HIU Presbyterian. Forty-fifth and
Grant, R.- L. Purdy, Pastor Morning Wor
alup at 10:3u; theme, "The bchool," the
second sermon In a series on Institutions
essential to our public welfare. Evening
worship at 8 o'clock: theme. "A Noble Vic
tory." Sunday school at noon. Christian En
deavor at 7 p. in At the morning service
the newly elected elders and deacons will
be ordained and Installed.
St. Mary's Aver.ue Congregational,
Corner St. Mary's Avenue and Twenty
seventh Morning worship at lu:30 o'clock.
Sermon by the pastor, Rev. L. O. UaJrd.
Subject: "Sunday In Relation to Man as a
Moral Ai en i" Sunday school at noon.
Choral vespers at 4:3u o'clock. . Subject:
"The Soariow Courage for the Over
looked."" Young People's Society of Chrls
tlau Endeuvor at 8 o'clock-p. m.
Kountse Memorial Lutheran, Rev. John
E. Hummon, Pastor Morning service at
10:30; subject of Sermon, "The Progreaslve
nrss of bin:" evening subject, "Hods
Goodness, Man's Ingratitude;" Bunday
school at noon, S. K Eison. superlntend
tnt; Luther league and Christian Endeavor
devotional meetings at 7 p. in.; Chnetian
Endeavor leader, Miss Sophia Elsasser;
Subject, "Wise Reading;" Luther . league
subject, "What la the Church of God?''
The King's Daughters will give an enter
tainment In the parlors of the church on
Tuesday -evening, April 2i. The public
Announcements, wedding stationery and
(siting esrds. blank book and magastne
binding. Phone Doug. lul A. I. Root, Ine.
Ceremonial Session of the Shrlners
Is Followed by st Ban
quet. The ceremonial session of the Shrlners
was held at the Auditorium Friday and
the degree was confirmed on a class of
fifty-two. Many Shrlners from over the
state were present After the business ses
sion an elaborate banquet was served at
which covers were laid for about 6S0. After
the guests had put from them the desire
for feasting, a program was carried out
C. E. Herring acted as toastmaster. "The
Spirit of Fraternallsm" was the subject
of an interesting talk given by Claude S.
Wilson, paBt potentate, Besostrls temple.
Prof. J, M. Hussey of Shenandoah, la., re
sponded to a toast, his subject being
"Stress, Distress and Relaxation. Frank
L. Loveland Bpoke In a happy vein on
"The Pleasures and the Perils 'of the Pil
grimage." An excellent musical program
was rendered by Dimmlck's orchestra.
Those upon whom degrees ware conferred
Leslie I. Abbott. Horace B. noyles,
Archie D. Lane, Nils Peter Frannen, Arthur
O. Boyer,. I R. Copelund, William H.
Dorrance, Richard R. Evans, Ernest C.
Hodder, James H. Merchant, Kdwln P.'
Meyers. C. E. Miller, Henry F. Petre,
Frank B. Randolph. Walter Roberta. John
Steel. Henry Stoddard, James S. White,
Theodore Wolf, John F. Bloom, James A.
Freeland, Frederick J. Wearne, William C.
Francis. Adolph B. Merriott, Charles Cala
han, William H. Zimmerman, Frank;- L.
Ixveland. IaiuIs E Adams, George, C,
Pleronnet, William Lawsun, Henry Coplev,
Omaha; O. M. Gunnerl,. Paxton; J. T. Cal
baugh. North Platte; William D. Funk,
Bloomfleld; Charles R. Gundry, South
Omaha; J. Arnold Habbeger, Fort Robin
son; A. G. Lueschen, Columbus; Ray W.
Moore. South Omaha; 0 B. Nicholson.
Madison; James C. Vatigan, Alliance: John
O. Odiien, Fremont; William R. Brooks,
Fremont; F. A. Van Sant. South Omaha:
V. A. Brink, Ord; John F. Olllette, South
Orrmha; Andrew D. Majors, South fmaha;
William Barge, Bloomfleld: Morris Orsvrs,
Uriel ton; John D. Whltmore, Grand IelaTid;
J. W. Wtllngton, Grand Island.
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