HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers anil lloinrallcs t ont'n'd WA NT ED A t onrf, experb need second I Kin; havn refer-m es. ! Mm. J. I E. Haum, 2.4.) Harney 8t. (7) iU 2-1x Itlscellaneoaa. MEMORANDUM. W are In constant communication with th emplover of the largest concerns In Omaha. ;ounll Iilu(T and South Omaha and continually receive culls for compe tent stenographers, bookkeeper, oftic clerks arid rnlrsiadles. We have positions now open for on stenographer, two traveling salesladies and one tiookkccper. Apply at once, KEYSTONE SURETY A REFERENCE AGT. ( Omaha, Neb., Suite 404 Bee Rid. (7) M4.3 20 FEMALE HELP. Stenographer, law, $76. t monographers (Ins.), $"A $00. Cashier. $.6; o. Several bookkeepers, office clerks and others r'nll or write, WESTERN RKF. BOND ASSN. (Inc.), 721-72J N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (7)-M475 20 WANTED 25 experienced glrla to work on coats and skirts in alteration room; good wages. B Frederick Berger ft Co.. 1MI Farnam HI. 7i-M240 WANTED 25 lad'es: very light work; good pav. Homo Credit Clothing Co., 1520 Dodge. Bt. (7)-M422 20 McDOWELL Dressmaking School. 16-3 Far. (") 224 ml4 WANTED Qlrl bundle wrappers for Sat urday only. Nebraska Clothing Co. (7)-M299 MAT8 trimmed or remodeled, "5o to 75o. 'phon evenings. Red 6tnf. (71-M479 MlOx Office assistant, V. Cashier, $10. Stenographer, $.10. Stenographer, $tiO. Experienced demonstrator, $10. Solicitor, $40. The above and about 40 high grade mis cellaneous positions tire for Immediate con sideration. See us at once or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN KEF. ft BOND ASSN. (Inc.), 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg . (7)-722 21 WANTED Hairdresser, one who under stands hair work. Inquire halrdresslng parlor, 2d floor, J. L. Brandels & Sons. (7) M473 21 WANTED Ladle to do plain sewing; wash materials; good money; express paid both ways; stamped addressed envelope for particulars. American Apron Co., 4&I6 Cottage Grove Ave., Chlcugo. (7ft S23 !1 LADY sewers to make up shields st home; $10 per 100; can make two an hour; work sent prepaid to reliable women; send re ply envelope for full Information to Uni versal Remedy Co., Desk B, Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. (7) 535 21 x We have the following high grade positions which must be filled nt once: City credit man, $luC; retail hardware salesman, $7G; expert stenographer and bookkeeper, $75; and one traveling salesman, salary and expenses. KEYSTONE SURETY A REF, AOT.. . Incorporated. Tel. Douglas S36. Suite 404 Bee Bids. Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Open Mon day and Saturday evenings. Omaha, Neb. (71-671 21 LADIES to make sanitary hells. Material all cut ready to sew. $15 per hundred. Particulars, stamped envelope. Sanitary Co., Dept. SS9, Chicago. (7)-637 21x LADIES, work for us; a business for your self. Nr competition: big money. Pat ented article for women only. Acme Mfg. Co., B218, Scranton, Pa. (7)-664 21 X ACTIVE lady, also assistant, to represent manujacrurer, leaving samples; J.f per day; easy. State nationality, religion. Engwall, 141 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. (71-670 21x WANTED By gent, lady partner with plenty of amblt'on and a little money. In n established business; will tench you a business at which you can always make a good living. The business will stand a thorough Investigation. Address H 107, cars Bee. (7)-4121 21 x WANTED Two dining room girls; $7.00 a week; oiw laundry girl; $fl.oo a week. Schlank'l Restaurant, 314 S. 10th. (7)-M717 23 FIFTY more ladles and girls to decorate sofa pillows at borne; experience unnec essary. Call forenoons, 2311 S. 13th. (7J M708 27x WANTED Quick, nctor and actress: road show. Cull room 16, Brunswick hotel, 1210 Dou gin s P t. (7) -704 21 x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors sail Salesmen. AGENTS wanted to drive through the country; best selling proposition evar of fered; big value for your customer, big print for you. Write today for purtlcu ' tars and territory, a. R. McClellan, 6t bee Uldg., Omaha, Neb. oj S3 I MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay W4ealy.. C. K Auaos Co., 1619 Howard. (9) M9t Ml (SOLICITOUS wanted; prefer those who hav had experience selling views, por traits or books; pleasant work snd big inonty. Call at Room Uo3, Be Bldg. IW-J38 WANTED Young men to solicit real estate fur sal or exchange throughout Ne braska. Salary. Call 316 Neville Rlk., loth and Hurnsy. (9 Mu9 M10 WANTED Traveling salesman capable of earning from to vuO.oo a week esy lln to handle, but mast devote your whul time to It. Addreiss B 118, Bee. t9)-2o3 20x WANTED Py Omaha firm, three wide- wak young men a traveling salesmen, position permanent, with good prospects lor sdvanisment. Give past cxperlenc and reference. Addres M 111, Bee oftic. m 2ox WANTED Man to hlra and manage a crew of solicitors, prefer one who has had cx perlenc In gelling to farmers, permanent position, good income. Address F lui. Be office. (91304 tOx AOENTS through Nebrsska to show and sell ROYAL BUCKLES to farmer and bora users; ready sellers; big protlts. 1116 Farnam. Omaha. (9) Jiio My WANTED Experienced shoe salesman. Apply sho department, Nebraska Cloth ing company. (9i M472 Zi FOUR experienced salesmen, $10 weekly, quick promotion. Trades Mercantile Agency, Topeka. Kan. (9) 7 08 21 x WANTED By Omaha firm, wideawake young men as traveling salesmen, posi tion permanent, with good prospect for advancement. Give pnst experience and references. Address M 111. Bee oftic. (91-770 27x WANTED Traveling salesmen for Iowa. Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri terri tory, to handle an easy selling line. Must L sober and Industrious and fuinlsh good references. Ad J: ess J Bee. (9) 709 !7x $10 dally lettering windows and numbering houses. Acme gold letters, experience un necessary; sanities mailed loc; get busy. Bartel ft Co., 647 Sixth Ave., New York. (i) 1-47 - 1 ' -" i . SALESMEN to sell typewriter supplies to consumers on a literal commission busts, .both original uud reorder.", low tat prices. Established 13 years. Imperial Mfg. Co., iJ Sashlngton St.. Newark. N. J. (91-650 21 X AGENTS wanted to atll 1 box of Native Herb for ate; Mg profit; express paid. Address C. P. Melroa. Columbus. O. ISi 56J 21x VeE Anderson's Pat. Oiler for your ga euin cylinder and save trouble, repair and oil. Price 75c. Ajetits wanted. Th. Aaderaon Co.. Warren, I'm. (9 oJ Tlx AOENT8 and treetmen get in line; some thing new; Teddy and his hens; very hot seller; sample li-c. Green ft Co. 1 fetate St.. Chtiasco. Ii-u7 21 x VALESM EN Side line, new, quick seller, Ixtnkcr. merchants, small samples, big CommisBlona iiux 911, St. Joseph, Mo. 191 21x TALESMAN wanted to call on phvslclans. Exceptional opportunity for Intelligent man. rHitte e, cxpui lenoe. 1kI( hox L3. FutUdeljdiU. 0)-oi 21x HELP WANTED MALE IF YOU are esrnlng from $60 to $1 jr month unci confined Indoors I think I run employ ou so that you can make more and enjoy better health. I have a good legitimate business proposition, jet no carnal is required. I want men or women w nose d'sire It is to oeiier liieir Income. If you would enre to go over the matter with me personally, addre me as below and I will arrange an Inter view. Address C-162, care Bf. () 726 2LT WANTED A first class salesman for Ne braska, excepting Omaha end South Omaha, to sell exclusively during 1Ij7, commencing at once, our first class line of calenders, advertising specialties and druggist labels and boxes. Our line Is so complete that every merchant and manufacturer In each and every town can be solicited; our goods are first class and strictly up-to-date; our house has been established 2b years and Is well and favor ably known. Commission Jo and 25 per cent. An energetic salesman can easily make from $) to $loo per week. First class man only wanted. Enclose this ad vertisement with your application. Ad dress H 83. Room l,3u0, 67 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. (9 680 21X AOENTS Something extraordinary, self genemtlng gas burners, fitting kerosene lamph; brilliant white gas light; liberal Inducements, exclusive territory, positive monopoly; description free; established, reliable. Eastern Oas Light Co., 280 Broadway, New York. () 664 21x LARGE wholesale house, paying Its sales men $1.60)1 per year and expenses to sell staple line to general trade, desires two more men to commence work at once If possible. Address Sawyer, Leslie ft Co., Detrg Mich. (9) 663 Six WANTED A traveling salesman for Ne braska, Ios-a and 8 Dakota. Enclose stamped and addressed envelop for re ply. Address Y-89, car Be. (91-566 21s WANTED Traveling man, one calling on druggists, confectioners, cigar dealers and grocers preferred, covering Nebraska ex clusively, to carry our celebrated line chocolates, bonbons and milk chocolates; good commission basis. Glacomo Alle grettl Conf. Co., 35 River St., Chicago. (9)-466 21 X SIDE LINE, big money, quick returna We manufacture the largest exclusive line of advertising fans, selling to all classes. v Best months. March to June. Liberal commissions. Samples free to regular traveling men. Send credentials with ap plication. The Kemper-Thomss Co., Fan Dept., Cincinnati. O. (9) 669 tlx WANTED Salesmen calling on saloon trade to carry Pretoria Rye and Royal Pepsin Bitters on commission. Excellent proposition. Address 201 So. 4th St., St. Do ouls. Mo. (9)-680 21x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions, with $10) monthly advance; . permanent posi tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. (9) 667 21 x AGENTS WANTED For article 97 out of 100 saloon keepers buy on sight; lBo sale, 10o profit. One agent sold 98 In S hours. Biggest "cinch" In America. General agents, here's a gold mine. August Rem, Box 1461, Paterson, N. J. (9)-668 21x START a mirror factory; Immense profits; no capital required ; particulars free. W. Andersen, 159 E. 103d St., New York. (9)-669 21x WANTED agents. Legitimate substitute for slot machines, patented; sella on sight for $1. Particulars, Olslm Co., Anderson, Ind. (9) 624 21 X MONEY in soap. Crew and branch office managers wanted. Agents making $10 to $60 weekly. Catalogue free. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. () 626 Z1X WANTED Experienced proprietary medi cine salesman to sell old established line In Nebraska. 159 Ogden Ave., Chicago. (9-67 21 DETECTIVEi Shrewd men wanted In every community to act under Instruc tions; experience not necesasry: send for iree dook or particulars. Urannan s De tectlve Bureau, 72, Cincinnati, O. (91 WANTED Local representatives In every city of the United States and Canada where there are water works, to sell Lewis Power Washers. Write the Monarch Manufacturing Co., 131 Vine St., Colum bus, O. (D)-673 21 X TRAVELING salesmen everywhere; expe rience unnecessary; salary and expenses. "Royal." 86 6th Ave., Chicago, 111. (9) 687 21x AGENTS WANTECSTo handle the best veiling line of specialties on tho market, exclusively or a a "side line." The Crescent Oil Co., Dept. 8, Minneapolis, Minn. (9) 646 21 SALESMAN $100 per week commission to good man selling assortments of staple notions to the trade' our advertising sells tho goods. Standard Notion Co., Detroit, Mich. (9) 600 21x SALESMEN wanted for automobile spe cialty; quick selling, legitimate, meritor ious article; only costs $3.50; your prullt good. 618 Caxton Bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. . 19-0J 211 SUBSCRIPTION solicitors wanted; an ex- cenoni opportunity to make money se curing subscriptions for an old estab lished hardware Journal; liberal commis sion. Address, stating experience and references. The American Artisan, Chi cago, 111. (91-677 21 SELL our Reservoir Dustless floor and carpet brushes in stores, schools, resi dences, public building hotel, halls; field unlimited: reduce dust 97 per cent a-tual test; gold medal at St. Louis Worlds fair; strictly guaranteed; big margin and great seller; opportunity to build great trade; exclusive territory; no competition. Milwaukee Dustless Brush Co., Milwaukee, Wl. (9) 2S 21x SALESMAN WANTED A competent sa'es man to act as state agent for northern Iowa and Dakota, selling our complete line of live stock preparation to the trade; a permanent position and excellent Inducements to competent man; must be experienced. Address at once, The Capi tol Food Co.. Tiffin, Ohio. (9)-M6 23 AGENTS $6 to $10 dally selling Ore-Solvent In factories and th household. Remove machine grease, grime, paint, etc.. from the hands without Injury to th skin. ',iry ,mha"lc wl" ""r- without J.m. Vlt".'",.lx'c,", offr nd sampl. Utility Co., S3S Broadway, New York (9)-427 2ix WANTED Experienced road salesmen. No schemea Give reference and xrx.rlnc with .ppllcation. W. J. Lorack. low Ia- (9)-622U AGENTS "Doctor Dollar," booklet of im-"mak n" t0 verybody; big profits; two dimes for sample. Crom welfMaish Co.. 90 La Salle sf!. Chicago. , ti iw ax WANTED-Experlenced traveling sales men; specialty men preferred; under 40 years of age; exclusive territory in Iowa, handling well advertised line for drug and general store trade; state If employed age experience and line handled; must be In position to suit at once. Box 665. . - -i0: (9)-&31 2U SOAP agents making $ weekly selling our wonderful $160 soap and toilet artlcl combination with valuable premiums for Sec; c.ew manager wanted; buv direct of manufacturer. Davta Soap Work, S3 Inloif Park Ct.. Chicago. (9 634 tlx 8ALE8MEN to handle our adverting peckethnuka. fortv different .hi.. .'! advertising fan; salesmen make good mong-y as side line. Ohio Novelty Com pany. Springfield, O. (91-636 2lx WANTED District agent for largest sick and accident insurance company In mid dle west; big commission, or commission and salary, to producers. Amo lean Be nevolent Association Si. Lculs. Mo (S)-63i nx INSURANCE men who contemplate mak ing change in their business write us w have an Al proposition. McAlllster Coman Co.. 356 Dearborn, Chicago. t9-J& 21 x SALESMEN for large Kentucky distillery selling bonded whisky direct tcj h.ori, and drug trade; writ for terrlto-v and samples. Ixjck box 4U. Louisville, Kv (9t-43 D.T WANTED Salesmen to sell our htgh-grad cutlery line, salary and commission to good men: end on dollar for sample raior outfit; excel'ent opportunity. Acme Cutlsry. Co., Duveriport, Iowa. ()-643 21X SALESMEN wanted to sell Pur Aluminum Cooking Utensils to th house furnishing trsdtt a a sida line; good commits. o:i paid; goods are rapid sellers ; only first class nmn with ability wanted. Apply at once, Illinois Pur Aluminum Co., inanu lavturera, Lemuut. lit iiiiu 21 HELP WANTEDMALE Ageate gnlesmen Contlaaed. $20 A WEEK Expenses advanced. Man or woman to travel for manufacturer, and appoint agents, for household necessity. Good pay for home work or part time. Ztegler Co.. 221 Locust St., I'hilsdolpbla, p (?) SALESMEN, NOTICE Large manufac turer of staple, well advertised specialty wants two high-class traveling salesmen to see dealers; liberal contract with right men; state sge and experience fully. Manager. Room 401 Equitable Bldg, St. Louis, Mo. (V REPRESENTATIVES to solicit, exclusively or side line, the saloon, drug and whole sale liquor trade for Woodland, a straight Kentucky whisky, guaranteed under the pure food law and adopted by govern ment for hospital purposes. Ail easy seller. Write for territory, prices, samples, etc. Woodland Distilling Co., Department 4S, Covington. Ky . () SALESMEN High class, for new account ing systems for mnrohants, banks and professionals; sells cn thirty days' trial; proposition Irresistible: good commis sion; th opportunity of a lifetime. Ad dress Systems Manager M, B. Company, L3 Plymouth Place, Chicago. (9) A POTATO PEELER that automatically peels 12 potatoes In one minute; over luo other fast sellers; samples and catalogue free to hustlers; exclusive territory. P. Edgren Co., Milwaukee, Wis (9) SALESMAN WANTED To sell butchers' supplies to Nebraska trade; state previous experience and territory. C. L. Perclval Co., Des Moines, la. (9) AGENTS Two high art, richly colored p'c- tures In sunny Italv, In fair Japsn 10c. Box 617, Maywood, III. (9) J 21x Day BOY wanted. Peterson Bros., 115 So 16th St, (9)-279 12 BOYS for work after chool distributing novelty whereby you can earn from $3 to $4.60 every day; write today. Hal Snyder, Mayer Bldg., Peoria, 111. (9-633 21x BOY, not afraid of work, to wrap chairs. Apply 10th and Farnam, Bebe & Runyon Furniture company. (9) M718 23 WANTED Office Clothing Co. boy. Apply Nebraska (9)-7i4 13 Clerical and Office. WANTED Bright young men, 28 to SI year of age, to become life Insurance so licitors for the best life Insurance com pany In the country. Apply to John Steel, 238 Be Bldg. (9J-M261 WAITED Young man stenographer and bookkeeper; Inexperienced preferred; give reference, state wages expected. Address In own handwriting, Box 43, Ottumwa, la. (9) M:i34 20x IN COAL office, bright, capable young man of fair education, good writer. Per manent position for the right person. Addres A 134. care Bee. (9C-M450 21 STENOGRAPHER, rarld, accurate, splen did chance one wishing to go west: op portunity to learn advertising business; i.'6 per week. AddreB 101 floe. (9J-M176 20X WANTED Several railroad telegrapher for work out of city. Standard pay, no trouble. State age and experience In ap plication. Address C 136, cure Bee. (S0-M460 21X WANTED A couple of bright, capable young men for bookkeepers and office as sistants. Address P 14i, care Bee. (9) M502 23x WANTED For Immediate service, by wholesale house, reliable and experienced shipping clerk. Must be husky and will ing to work. Apply at once, giving refer ences and salary expected. Address W 149, car Bee. (9) XJ 21 Factory and Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. U. Omaha. (91-494 WANTED At once, good, sober barber, married man p-efcrred; $12 guarantee; ateudy Job to light man. R. C. Davis, Holdrege, Neb. (9)-M408 26x WANTED Experienced forewoman In over alls factory; also 15 girl operator on overalls; steady employment; union wages. New State Shirt and Overall Mfg. Co., 118Vi N. Broadway, Oklahoma City, Okl. (9) M399 26x WANTED Paperhangers and painters; only experienced help need apply. H. Borwlck, 211 S. Main St., Co. Bluffs. (9 AI331 WANTED A good horseshoer and gen eral blacksmith; steady work the year round. Address Fred Nltsen, Beresford, S. D. (91281 20x WANTED A first-class barber, to take charge or shop in live yomlng town Address Edmund Burke, Shoshoni, Wyo, (9l M758 27x WANTEr-Good gasoline engine molder; i uod price to right man. Nelson jus ngtna and Automobile Co., Harlnn, la. (91-M933 20X WANTED Good all-round baker, eober and industrious; none other need apply. C. B. Ford, Laurel, Neb. () M228 22X WANTED Cement finisher on ;dewalks; no amateurs nor Incompetents need ap- Sly. Call at 1 or 1 p. m. P. McArdle 904 . 83d St. (9J-M361 x BUTCHER Wanted a good handy all around young man. Fred Blake, Hast ings, Neb. (9)-M549 2x WANTED At once, an all around tailor, $16 per week or piece work. Union wages. C. K. Danneborg, Urlnnell, la. (9i M4C7 26x MEN wanted to learn barber trade. De mand for barbers greater than any other trade. See dally aunt column. Few weeks completes. Splendid facilities, careful Instructions, constant pi act Ice. Call or write, Moler Barber College. 1116 Farnam St., Omaha. (9) M456 25x TAILORS WANTED Two coat makers at one. $7.00 and up. Wettsteln. Ames, la. (9)-M461 Mx MEN, learn plumbing. Western Plumbing Trad School, Vj09 Tremont, Denver, Colo. Day-night classes. W. T. Crean. (9 BUILDINO mechanics wanted: bricklayers. $6 per day; nlao want stonecutters, $5.60' Slasterers. $6, and plumbers. $8.6) per ay; union men preferred; work here the year round. Master Builders' Association, 400 Boston Block, Seattle. Wash. (91-674 21 WANTED First-class structural Iron mold ers; open shop; no strike; will pay $3.50 to $4 pe.- day for first-class results. The A. E. Shorthlll Co.. Marshalltown, la. (0) 6s2 21 WANTED Experienced picture framer. Apply Furnltur Dept.. Huyden Bros. (9 M59S 23 WANTED Boy to learn pattern meker' trade; state age Address L 143, care Pee. (9)-M5 23 WANTED S strong boys, slso 2 box nail ers; day work or piecework; can make good wages. Omaha Box Co.. East Omaha. (9l M622 26 EXPERIENCED furnltur packer. Apply loth and Farnam, Hebee ft Runyon Furnl tur company. (9) M719 23 WANTED Two or three good carpenter, t 16th and Woolworth Bt. (91-M661 22x WANTED Good coat maker at once; must b good, sober man. Prices from $7.50 up. 11 6. Hicks. Council Liu IT, la. (9) 761 21 X Miacellaacon.. , MALE HELP. Two more bookkeepers, $76, $100. Stenographers, $t0, $76. Offlc clerk, $70; hotel clerk, $36 to $40 and expenses. W have places for fifty high grade men. Call or write. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASSN. (Inc.), 721-72? N. Y. Lift P.ldg. (9I-M476 20 WANTED Coachman for country plac near Ciuncll Bluffs. K. P. Dodge ft Co., 1714 Farnam St. (9) 274 WANTED Young man a assistant In mechanics' tools department In large re tail general hardware store. In South Dakota. Address Y 90. car Ornshs Be. t-M.9 ox WANTED Thre mn with families to take charge of telephone exchanges In northern Nebraska and South Dakota; experienced men preferred. Th Inter slat Tttleonou Co., Stuart, Neb. t -him t THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL HELP WANTED MALE M Isr el la neoss Cnatl !. WANTED Hotel clerk at th Koehler Ho tel, Grand Island, Neb. (9 M4.V 20 WANTED Musicians for battleship Ne braska: cornets, trombones, baritone. Baudmaster Albeiiffh, Hremerfnn. Wswh, i9)-MD5J 2x ENERGETIC young man. over 2S years old, capable of earning high salary; bond required. Address In own handwriting, with stamp and references, 11 29", car Bee. (S) 689 WANTED 11 yards of good sodding done. Inquire at 1 N. Y. Lift Bidg. 9j WANTED SOl'ND YOUNG MEN. ages 1 to 46, for firemen and brakemen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary. Firemen earn $10i'. per month, become pnglneera, earn $200. 00; brakemen earn $76.00, become conductors, earn $150 00. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Assn. fctt X. Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. (9)-M24$ M4 City salesman, clothing, $75. Two bookkeepers, $75. Traveling salesman, $75 and expenses. The above and many others are for Im mediate consideration. If qualified to hold a high grade position, see us at once or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN REK. A BOND ASSN. (Inc.), 721-r.,2 N. Y. Life Bldg.. () 72J 21 WANTED At once, smart youth, about 17, to learn drug business and be useful around department. See Mr. Schneider, Drug Dep t. THE BENNETT COMPANY. (91-M442 22 WANTED At once, several good men as Janitors. See Mr. Tom Harvey, bead janitor. THE BENNETT COMPANY. (9) M44S 22 HUSTLERS wanted everywhere, $25 to $30 made weekly distributing circulars, over seeing out-door adveitlslng. New plan. No canvassing. Merchants Out-door Ad vertising Co.. Chicago. (!i-M468 21x VALUABLE BOOK FREE Tell how to easily start a profitable business at horn In spare time; write today. American Mall Order Co., Department "M," P. O. Box fcfl, Buffalo, N. Y. (9)-RS6 21x WANTED Person to travel and collect In home territory; weekly salary of $1,072 per year and expenses. Addrss Joseph Al exander, lil Plymouth Place, Chlcngo, 111. (9l 6M 21x WANTED A young man with some dry goods experience. P. Martin ft Bros. Dry Goods Co., Grand Island, Neb. (9) M592 22x WANTED Experienced porter. Apply to manager of Nebraska Clothing Co. (9J-6f 21 WANTED -Men, everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address National Distributing Bureau. 100 Oak land Bank Bldg., Chicago, III. (9) 648 21 X $20 WEEKLY paid men to travel, adver tise, leave samples; expenses advanced. For territory write Sllverton Co., JN16, Chicago. (9)-671 21x BRIGHT. Intelligent man, traveling ! tlon; $20 per week straight salary to start, expenses advanced. Reference and bond required. Old established house. McUray & Co.. Chicago. (9)-fi72 21x SALESMAN WANTED-To carry our larga catalogue of wood window display fix tures, store stools, shoe cases, etc. Our window display fixtures are something new and great sellers. Liberal commls- slon to reliable, parties. Columbus Furni ture and Fixture Co., Columbus. Ga. t (9 579 21 EXPERIENCED drivers for furniture wagon; permanent position. Apply loth and Farnam. Bebee A Runyon Furniture company. (9) M720 CALL as early a possible Monday. Wa have the following high grade positions NOW OPEN: Stenographer, $05; steno grapher, $00; bookkeeper, $75, and cashier, $40. Keystone 'Surety and Reference Agt., Incorporated. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Open Mon day and Saturday evenings. Tel. Dougla 836. Omaha, Neb. Suite 404, Ben Bldg. (9) 672 21 60 LABORERS wanted at 20th and Center streets, Monday morning. Omaha Gas Co. (9) 710 21 WANTED Crew managers snd solicitor to drive through country. Pest proposi tion ever offered. Will pay salary or com mission. Address K 159, Bee. (9)-768 !T7x . LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicle. One brown team, t.300 lbs., $226. One bay team, 2,900 lbs., $276. One big work horse, cheap. $75. One work horse weighing 1,375 lbs., $126. V ' 1 1 1 ... 11.1. ... ...1'. I..IH I V. One sore-footed farm mare, 1.3o0 lbs., $76. One team 4-year-old colts (brown), $136. One small driver, 4o. One good family pony and many other to elect from. A wrltcn guarantee with every horsa. Cash or time. Buy of reliable peopln. OMAHA HORSE & SUPPLY CO., Barn, Hear 414 No. 16th. Tel. Douglas-6081. UD-M477 2 HORSES, weight 1,2j0 lbs. each, wagon and liarntss, $125; one team, weight 2,5u0 lbs.; one team, weight 3,000 lbs.; 2 farm mates. 113 Grant. Tel. Dougla 8110. JD 495 HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and work hoists, bought, sold and exchange.) on commission. Myers, 1716 Jackson. Tel Red SoiJ. (11) lol My LARGE and smajl horses for sal. Amo wagons. Rosenblatt, lJ Nicholas. (ID M662 RUNABOUTS, carriage and ha met at greatly reduced prices. Johnson Dan forlh Co., a v. cor. 10th uud Jones st. (11) MM.' PAIR black marcs, half Shetland; drlv single or double and ride. 43d and Center. 11D-M268 HAY $9 per ton. Wagner, sol N. 16th St. (ID M029 A3ox AGENTS through Neb. to show A sell ROYAL BUCKLES to f;irmis ft horsu users. Ready -.elltrs. Big profits. 1116 Farnam, Omolia. (ID M3til MJ TEAM matched black work inares, $10o; sorrel hors weighing l.iw pound, $06; pair drivers, $7 each. 2816 N. loth Ave. (ID MI09 WE ar not selling out at cost, but w are selling driving wagons, buggies, lurries and stanhopes cheaper tl.un any other firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adklna Co., 714 S. 10th Si., Omaha (1D-S16 Mil A GOOD rubber tired runabout, $37.60 cash. Apply at one. 1322 eJ. 32d St. CD-MI91 20x C275 WILL BUY an ext-a fli 7-yeur-old diivln:; bay mare, sound; an. lady can uiive; also a new undercut run-Lot t and good harness. Room 31, Barker 1 Ik. Ill) U.'n 20x run mli-ji nanoaom surrey norse ana Wl7lMlfSDiwf"uV iVMXiCa (1D-M262 FOR BALE Rubber tired buggy and cart cheap. 14"J Elm St. UD-277 ilx RUBBER-TIRED runabout. In good order; cheap. Myers, 1T16 Jackson Bt. Tel. Red $092. (1D-M462 I2x CARRIAGE and wsgon painting. Harry Frost. 714 So. Hth St. OD-MJ09 11)6 FOR BALE Good, gentle family driving mar, weight l.OOi) pound. Inquire 26iJ Y St.. South. Omaha. (11) M4u8 22x ONE buggy mad for Shetland pony. 8. T. Campbell. City. OD 491 a TWO good toppy driving horses; also sin- fie snd doublo harnrss runabouts, top ugirles and surrles. for one or two horsos, good as new. Harney Street Stables (11) M637 GOOD hors for sale, cheap. 14 N J4th St. (Ill-Ms 27x $275 WILL, BUY an extra line 7-year-old driving bay mare, sound: any lady can drlv, also a n'w undercut runabout and good harness. Room 11. Barker Hlk. (ID M5i$ S7x MY standard bred 6-year-old mare, rubber tired runabout, harness, robes, etc., for sale for Uit; coot me $7j0. At Collins' stabla, 22d and Cuming. (11) M6s8 j ONE family buggy, one top buggy; easy term. 43d and Cam tar Kia. 1 1 1 1 tint tM 21, 1007. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles C oatlaaed GAITED saddle horse for sale. Inquire. A. 8. Rogers. Telephone bldg. (11) M.30 X Poallry and Eggs. RHODE ISLAND HUD csgs. Martin. l-Ct Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney lui. (1D-601 CHAMBERLAINS Perfect Chick Feed Is the only origins! dry chlak feed, t'se this only and save all young chicken. Once used always ustvl. Stewart s Seed Store. 119 N. 16th St., ole agents for the city. til) M942 Myl3 TEN THOUSAND Birred Plymouth Hock eggs for sale; Bradley Bros, and Jndi;e Norval stock; $1 per 15. $1 per 1M. Aye Bros., Blair, Neb. (1D-M753 Mllx OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book Is free to all who will write and ask for It, telling where they saw this ad. A valuable Dook for every poult rymnn; Jl.OOO printed. Address Harris Poultry Co. clay Center, Neb. (ID t53 Mayx HOMER pigeons; earn Nebia Co. em fpare time (in-MSU A30 WHITE P. Rock cockerels and Pens eggs, it Vc each. W. a. Flagg. Atlantic, la. (ID M120 M2x PRIZE-WINNING White Leghorns: egxs for hntch'ng; pullets and hens for sale. W. E. Richards. 509 W. O. W. Tel. Dougla 6374. (1D-172 21x ROSE COVB BROWN LEGHORN EGGS, 30, $1: 100, $3. A. W. Ruth, Whiting, la. (1D-M921 A30x DUSTON'S White Wynndottes. pure bred eggs. $1.60 for 15; $5 for loo. Forest Lawn I Wyandotte Yard, lorence, .Neu. tele phone Florence 1CS2. (ID M466 M6 ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; best eastern stock, a good color; eggs, $1.76 per 15. Mrs. James H. Halplne, 4002 Center 8t. Tel. Harney 36:8. (Ill M73! MylOx WHY do largest egg farms keep White Lerhorns? They fill the egg baskets. Eggs from fine thoroughbreds, $l.o per 16. Lundstrom, 1302 N. 20th. (11) M3l 20x SAVE EVERY CHICK Th extra chick saved by feeding B. St H. IDEAL CHICK FOOD more than pays th cost of feed. Mfg only by Bunnell & Had loca. 24th and Belt Line. Omaha. UD-toirj A2t BUY Barred Plymouth egg of W. T. Clay. Council Bluffr la., a breeder. $25 cock erels. . (11) M258 M16 BQUAB book free. Model S'junb Co. Doug. 6664. (1D-M812 A30 FOR SALE Plymouth strain Homer pig eons, good squab raisers, at 50c per pair; guaranteed; only a few pair left at this price. C. P. Buswell, Merlden, la. (ID M295 23x WHITE Wyandotte scored cockerels, $2.50. White bull terrier female pups, $5. C. W. Pyers, 19U6 Jones St., St. Joseph, Mo. (111328 Myl6 POULTRY AND EGGS for sale. 4735 N. 39th St. 'Phone Red 3319. (11) 3'JO 24x ATTENTION." Buy the secret for preserving eggs now $1.00. Schmidt Speclulty Co., 324 8. 13th St. (111433 25x ON ACCOUNT of business the owner wants us to sell for him his pen of 40 full-blooded Plymouth strain Homer pig eons; a bargain. Marsh ft Marsh, 417 South 11th. (11) M49 22x F0 ? ALE A few thoroughbred P It Game chickens; quality guaranteed. Telephone Harney 206. (11) MI114 22 FOR SALE Domesticated Mallard duck eggs, $1 50 per setting. W. B. Houstan, Glenwood. Ia. (ID M5! 2sx SINGLE Comb White Leghorns; good as the best; eggs, $1.50 pr 15. Lundstroin, 1302 N. 2th. (11) M635 27x WHITE Pekln ducks, also eggs. 3210 Cass St. (1D-726 21x DUCK eggs for setting. E. T. Greeley, 1713 S. 7th, near Hickory. (11) M744 27 X Covrs, Birds, Dona and Pets. FANCY PHEASANTS All varieties; orna mental water fowl, flamingoes, cranes, storks, swans, geese, ducks, live game, game birds, etc. Write for price list. Wens ft Mackensen, Yardley, Pa., agents for Jul. Mohr, Jr., Germany. (ID 626 21x FINE canary birds; good singers. 2014 N. 4th St. (ID MS57 27x FOR SALE cheap. Four thorough bred cocker apanlal puppies, 2 month eld and mother. Address 3112 Miami St. 'Phone Douglas 7590. (1D-6U Ux FOR SALE Jersey calf, 2 years. 1518 N. 26th. (11) 716 21 FOR SALE Extra fine and lively litter of EngllBh setter puppies; best of setter blood. For prices and extended pedigree, write R. M. Terrill. HaBting. Neb. (11) 6!S6 21 x LOST AND FOUND FOUND Lady's watch; write d"scrlptlons to I'M Franklin St. (12)481 2-x LOST A black suitcase containing gray suit of clothes, with the owner's liulhiln, D. K. E. Return to 1214 Farnam. Ite warJ. D. K. Elllngwood. (12 M774 23 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton .Medical College, Hth and Dav enport Sis.: special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment super ."isel by college professor. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls unswered day or night, (13) 129 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," il box, postpaid. Kherman & MuCcnnell Drug Co., Omuha. (13) 503 MRS. OARDEI.S, prlvute confinement home; hnbies cuicd for. 3724 N. 2th St. Tel. Red 2210. U3j 220 MCx PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 72S First Ave., Council Bluff, la. Tel. 774. ('i3)-322 DR. PRIES. SDecinltst. diseases of women 80 years' practice In confinement. Office, j 614 N. ICth; residence, 2121 Charles, Omaha. 113) iiH I ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or writ to trie matron of the S ilvatlon Army Horn for Women at 3f24 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. (13) MicO S3-DAT blood remedy, the great blood purifier: sold only at Olnllsh Pharmacy, 12th snd Dodge St.. Omaha (13) DR. H17TCHINSON, specialist of women snd children. Office, 2205 Cuming. 'Phune 1 ifi'if im M'H7. MONEY TO LOAN Itl.tHV AU CllAiltil.S. I Cash in Any Amount I $10 to $0 LOANED O.N FURNITURE, t 1'IArsi'B, r-ic. uii li.-n iui ft HAl.ARY IF , rtk A tit l.v KMMivicii u-l.h.mi r..iV publicity, at tli vtry lowest rut.a with ffie.V"lcV?y8c!,,nKt,CarVenlenCe: Reliable Credit Co. Roam gOT-au Paxton Ulock. (14) M E. Z. MONET To BORROW TO PAY BACK in payments to suit your convenience, i rates that honest people can afford to pay. Salary, chattel or any good secu.lty. EASY LOAN CO. TEL. DOUG. i960. Room 26, Fn-nzsr Blk., loth and Dnde St'. (14)-: M7 Bo wen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advanc private money on chattel or sal ary; easy to get; no led tup. Y')U gsl money iam day asked tor at small cost Open evenings (ill 7. (14) ttui CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loan. Foley Loan Co., l's4 t arns m Hi. (14j-j MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, and others, without aeci.rlty; easy pay? mailt. Offices In 63 principal clues, 'lui. man, room 714, New York IJfe Bldg. (H)-ilO DR. PRIBBENOWS MON'EY loaned on furnltur. salary, pianos, horses, sic, in any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy, immtd.ut at tention; any tortus wanted; payment sus pended when sick or out of work. 214 karbacb ill-, 2 Soulb. 14th St. ai-607 MONEY TO LOAN Mlars- and Cliel Contl1. BUSINESS MEN. MECHAN ICS, VVORKINGMEN YOU need accommodations from time to You'want It CONFIDENTIAL nd FRI- IOwnt It at LOW REASONABLE cc.t. YOU want to deal with a RELIABLE con. COMH to the "Omaha." We can give you Viist the kind of a deal you wsnt-handl. it on short notice, too. WERE over 16 years established now- that speaks for Itself, doesn t It7-. WE loan on store and ofnee nxtures, horses and wagons, furnltur and rlanos. live stock and machinery. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAM CO.. 119 Board of Trade l4l,1 (14OJ UNION LOAN COMPANY, PHI V ATE BAXKEKSS nI4 Will make a special rate on collateral loans. inortkBues on personal prupt-iy ... noies. without security, ierms to suit. 'Phono Douglas 2904. UV Mi80 Mf FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 623 Paxton block. Mv nt Dougla 740. (14) 60S FURNITURE, live stock. Duff Green Loan Co . room 8, Barker Blk. 114) 6(9 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable, accom. modatlng; all business conlldentlal. IjOI Douglas. (141611 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows, horses, etc. C. F. Reed, 310 S. lsth (14)lJ FURNITURE, PIANO AND SALARY LOANS Positively lowest rotes, enslest payments. STANTON LOAN CO.. 501 Be Bldg. Phone Doug. 6669. (14) 613 WHEN you write to advertiser remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you uw th ad In The BeeJ . OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (151614 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. Oo) 615 AT HANSCOM PARK, pleasant front room and alcove, with board, for one or two gentlemen; prlc reasonable. Call Har ney 1171. 15)-M202 FOR TWO gentlemen, in private family; bath, hot water, phone and good table, at 1903 Capitol Ave. (15)-7 23x BOARD and room, good location and home cooking. 2580 Harney St. (15) M444 2flx FURNISHED moms, board. 9:2 N. 19th. with or without (15) M591 My4x NEWLY furnished rooms with board; horn cocking: several convenient for young men. Harney 1029 S. S"th Ave. (16)-M5 27X BOARD and room In private family for two gentlemen; bath, sleeping and sitting room" 24 Seward St (161 M501 27x WITH board, two large, handsome rooms, either singly or on suite. 246 St. Mary' Ave. (16)-M653 23X V. WILKINSON Is now open to receive guests; table board. 3016 Pacific St. PPhone Harney 1139. (15)-M6S3 22 Fnrnlsbed Ilooms. FURNISHED rooms. 922 No. 19th. (15)-M827 19X NICE, clean, well-furnished, well-heated outside room; hou?e strictly moderm. 24t9 Harney street. (16) 616 ONE newly furnished front room, In pri vate family. 'Phon Dougla 6154. 6SS S. 24th Ave. (15)-MS2 PLEASANT furnished rorm hi private family; house la modern. 24C9 Harney St, (16)-M311 M6x FURNISHED rooms; gentlemen preferred. 2301 Douglas. Tel. Douglas 6377. (161-M43I MSX FINE rooms, reasonable. 60s 8. 24th Ave. (16) M485 M6x EXCELLENT modern furnished single room. 'Phon in house. 2674 Harney St. (161-812 FURNISHED front room; modern; suitable for one or two gentlemen; walking dis tance; board if desired. 814 S. 19th St. (15) M232 22 X PLEASANT room, modern, with phone; private family. 901 8. 20th St., upstairs. (15) M22a 2x NICE front room, with bath. St. 2033 Harney (161-M260 NICELY furnished rooms for rent. 2643 Dodge. (15) M443 26x TO RENT One comfortably furnished room, for one or two graduate nurses. Call at 119 N. 32d Ave., or telephone Harney 366. (151-M162 22x FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 1 408 N. 23d. (15)-385 24 2313 DOUGLAS ST., nicely furnished rooms; plenty of hot water; table board If de sired. (16)-M323 23x EXCELLENT furnished room for gentle men; also a few for light housekeeping; all modern; close In. The Bostrn, 107 8. 17th St. (15) M360 20x NICE roomn, modern; reference required. 1706 Chicago St. (15) M3S2 24x NICELY furnished room for light house- 1. ceiling; inouern; no children. K15 S. 18th St. (15) 397 24x PLEASANT rooms, modern; walking dls tance;'phone. 017 S. 24th Ave. U5)-43S 21 FOR RENT S tram-heated furnished room, 711 B. 16th St., seond floor. (1ji 492 21x LARGE front room and alcove, furnished or unfurnished, reasonable, private fam ily, reference. 1033 Locust St. (15) MuSS 23 FOR RENT 4 or 5 large unfurnished rooms for lltfht housekeeping. Apply 221 Lak St. i U5) M.i07 23 GENTLEMEN desiring flrst-class furnished rooms, . everything new, plenty of hot water, call at 46 S. 14th Ave.. (24th Ave. and Harney); breakfast If desired. (16)-634 a PLEABANT and airy front room, furnished, for lady 'or gentleman. 2613 E St . Houth Omuha. Tel. 691. (16)-Mu62 27 VERY desirable front room. 'Phone Har ney 438. (15)-M4 23x NEWLY furnished rooms; modern; board if dtsired. Apply 26-'l Cupltol Ave. "phone Harney 462. (15) M732 27x TV.'O furnished rooms, not modern; 910 N. 24th St. ilo) le7 21 NICELY furnished front room, sunnv snd modem. Tel. Harney 1552. (15) 7u7 tlx LARGE, nicely furnished, room. 1S12 Dodge. soulh-f ront (15) 75J 21x TWO or three housekeeping rooms, 2010 Davenport. (15) 759 24x l nf nrnlsliert, Roomi, CENTRAL, modern, t ne!rabl moms, bath und hall, to good tenant. 5C0 N 23d. (15) Mill THREE desirable south front. 1st floor rooms one block from Harney cir line; suitable for housekeeping; partly fur nished. 3210 Cass St. (15)-tM 21 x FOR RENT Three unfurnished rnrni In niodon nut, to man ar.d wife. 5.2 S 16ili Ave. (lr.i 7 3 2Jx Ilonsekeepintf Itoouis. TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, modern. 2tl Divenport. (U) MJ.'l 2lx TWO nlc unfurnished rooms, third flo ir. modern; light housekeeping privilege; cheap. Phon' Doutflas Z'JM. 814 B). 2Jd. (15) M2J .x HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable. 1713 Jackson. U6)-M122 20g HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 621 S. 19. h (15)-M298 MylOx Anartmeul and Flats. SEVEN-ROOM, furnished, steam hested Hat, beat furnished; five blocks from lth and Howard; mat, ia Address P 131, car Ilea. U5;-M415 U 0 FFR EDJFO RJRENT Apartment and Fists 4 ontlnaed I-ROOM. strictly modern apartment; p"l vate porcelain bath, open nlckl plumb ing, on second floor of owner s residence, on north side, t. family of two. Price, $2T.. Address L-93, Bee. (15)-.06 29x FOR RENT Three-room modern (1st ".'19 Domains, ground floor; rent letsonsble. Globe Lund t Investment Co.. Patters n Block. Uoi-MJiJ FOR RENT 4 room fat In dowry building, ........ n. ,1.,l.ll"t Hill) I IllCftgO ft. iu.-v.; 9-room strlctlv modern brend new flat, only , . I . " . . ... . . .E a iiliH'Bd noni ii'imii i -t". O'Kfffe Real Estate Co.. 10V1 N. Y. Life mug. -l FOR RENT-"-room flat, modern, $17 O. Tel. Red 4it. (151-M711 2J. Furnished llonses and Flats. 10-ROOM furnished flat, over saloon, for r'nt or sale, in Hue location. Council Bluffs, la. Address 8 Hi, can- He.-. ( 1 5) -M 21 x 6-ROOM modern house for rent, furnished . e i i.. - O n-. u ....... (IT UlllUI IU9I1CU. IW V. CV. IM .lll- day. Oil-Mis. jo MODERN house, furnished, for summer. RooinlosT llonses for Sale IF YOU want to soil quick see Hlldreth ft William. 610 Bee. UC)Mi!8 JO House and Collages. WE DO expert piano moving a lowest prices. Tel. Douglas ltU6. Schr.iolier ft Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1313 7 rooms. 6310 N. 26th $17. 4 rooms. 1.S41 N. 2ltn-i4. TURRELL ft CO., 17 1H AiNLi tAliWM, (15)-M4.: FOR RENT. 2007 St. Mary's Ave., close In. 10-room, ail modern, l. Ick house. Vacant May 1. $55.00. 1307 So. 29th St., 8 rooms, all modern, $30.00. J. II. SHERWOOD, 937 N. Y. LIf. 15) 618 21 FOR RENT An apartment of 6 larjre rooms, strictly modern. In good repair, on 2d floor of Davldge Bldg.. 18th and Farnam-$."j0. 8-room, modern house and large corner lot, Georgia Ave. and Poppleton $Si. 10-rooin house, modern except furnace, lurge lawn and shade. 974 N. 27th Ave. $20. 4 largo rooms. U 8. 14th $2o. JOHN W. ROBB1N8. 1802 FARNAM HT. U5- GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 110 S. 36th Ave., 6 rooms, Btrlctly modern, $35. 321.1 Poppleton Avo., 6 rooms, all modern, $27.50. 643 S. 30th St., 7 rooms, trlctljr modern, $32.60. 821 Park Ave., only one out of four left of those beautiful, new brick houses on Park Ave., south of Leavenworth, 8 rooms, strictly modern, oak finish, shndes fur nished, everything complete, $47.60. 504 and 606 N. 23st St., Two swell 9-room strictly modern brick houses, within walk ing distance. Oak finish, tiled vestibule, tile bath floor, everything modem and complete. We furnish each tenant with shndes. gas range, laundry heater. Thesa are the best of their class In Omaha. Call and get a key. PAYNE. BOSTWICK ft CO., 601-8 N. Y. Life Bldg. Open Monday evenings. (15) FOR RENT My residence, 4620 Florence boulavard; Btrlctly modern, hard scud finish, cemented cellar under whole house, large lawn and shade trees, cement walks; one block to Sherman Ave. car; very choice location. To parties without chil dren I will give lease at $40 per month; possession given about May 1. Telephone Red 6799. William I. Klertead. (151-M6C0 WE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Office. 171$ Webster St. (I5)-61S nnr ICCC In all part of the city. Th IIUUOCJ o. F. Davl Co., Bee Bldg. (16)-621 OMAHA Van ft Storage CK., pack, move, store, H. II. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, lill Farnam. Tel. Dcug. 15i9. 15 02J UnilCCC in all parts of the city. R. I1UU3CO c, Peter ft Co.. Bee Bldg. (161-624 SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west; we can save you monev. EXPRESSMEN DELIVERY CO., 214 N. 16lh St. TaL Doug. 1195. (16) 52i FOR RENT. 9-room modern Ivouse, new furnace, north part of city, $25. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Block. (15)-672 HOUSES, Insurance. RIngwalt, Barker Blk. 05) 93 202 NORTH 23d, new brick, $16. (1)-M0C4 8-ROOM modern house, ex. furnace. 2412 Spalding St. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cum ing Sts. (15)-M338 LIST your houses for rent with Hlldreth ft Williams, 610 Bee. (151 M126 20 8-ROOM all modern house; references re quired. 2212 Spencer St. (15) M234 ilx 6-ROOM brick, modern. 16X Maple St. (16)-219 21x 2222 N. 19th St., 8 rooms, modern, $25, Charles L. Saunders. 211 S. 18th St. (161-278 TO RENT A modern s-room house, practi cally new. corner 40th and Lafayette Ave.; $40 per month. Apply to Dr. II. M. McClanahan, 1312 N. 40th St. (16) 436 FOR RENT f6 Worthlngton Place, 10 rooms, modern, very desirable neighbor hood; house being repaired throughout; hot water heat, large yard: $50 per month. Apply to Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge St. (15) M5i4 S ROOMS, 2633 Bo. 7th. (15) 481 26X I ...a i-. wl ii o i . i rooms , S4 Underwood Ave., ( rooms $27.60. 1 JOHN N. FRENZER, OI'P. OLD P. a (15)-611 U 2620 WOOLWORTH Ave. t rooms, modern. $.7.60. Hastings ft Heyden, 1704 Faro am St. (16) 6o4 21 7-ROOM modern brick, 205 S. St. In quire 2417 Jones St. (151619 21 fJO.pft 16th and locust Sts., 6 rooms. $'!2.ot 24o S. 2lth St., i rooms. nw. $22 f-2xS3 Davenport, 6 rooms. N. P. DODGE ft CO., 1714 Farnam Bt. (15J-M656 23 ONE acre end small cottnge, th ft Fort fits.. $7. Frank Crawford. N. Y. Life Iiidg. 'Phone Doug. r.U7. (15) 6U 21x FOR R ENT Fine 6-room cottnge, on eir line, 4110 Dodge; strlctlv i-HaWi); splen. dldly locted. G't key of Mr. V-ince's of fice. Il'iydeii Bris.. or at 3s69 California. Itent (lj)-64$C 7-P.OOM modern house. S554 Farnam, $22fxji. -r"nni i"o.1 rn horsf. lfiis fi 3", '10 (s'1. 5-story snd basement building, In wholesada district; will make long lease. F. D. WE AD, ll'.i Dougiiii. (15)-M713 23 1412 N. 29th St., 9-room hous- nn1 bam; t-T- (iij-ai,' DUNDEE. " 4s) Capitol avenue, 8 rooms. mo3ern ex cept heat. L. L. JOHNSON CO. Barker block. Tel. Re.1 I III. (15)-7il 21 FOft RENT Mod. rn brick 9 room lioue; 1124 6. tlst t;t ; Mi'. Thoi i is lirninan, Room 1 New York Life 1.' 'Ij (1..)-Mli9 27 10-ROOM. mi. il, -in brick lefidence, gas, Pjrcelaln bath, furnace, laundry, rard Wood lloors nd finish; pjved streets, tdoidi'. south and east ir ots (not b1 nier.l plan). Keys on premi.-c .'Sd Cio llol Ave., near high scho)l. (13) 756 2'x C-HOOM moflem cottage; good furtin -e. 2.'3 No. 2ijth. (151-717 2x I--24 Msson St., ( rooms, large yard. $17 60 Per mouth. L515 Noun 17th Ave. 7 rooms, partly mod ern. $1750 per month. 4ith. near Capitol Ave., brick hou. $25 par month. ( HAS E. WiLUAMSON CO., TeL Red 2107. J A-1 Farnam tt- Ui)-7S9 U