Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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I foot en Railroads,
Inside History KfitHT Norwiul
choel VH-UMlit OB Karma!
Board Directly Respen.
slble for It.
LINCOLN. April SO. (Special.) The Btate
Railway, 'commission will makt a schedule
of rates for all railroads In Nebraska on
May T. A circular was sent out bj the
commission today to all the railroads noti
fying them of this fact and calling their
attention to the' law which requires the
roads to file their schedules of rates with
the commission. This has not been done,
but the circular calls attention to the pen
alty provided for a failure to do this. Tho
circular Is as follows:
Whereas, Section five of the railway
cnmmlnaton act makes It the duty of this
commission to fix a schedule and classifi
cation of rates and charges for the trans
portation of freight, etc., between the dif
ferent polqtn wltnln this state; and
Whereas, The said law requires the 'com
mon carrier doing business In this stnte
to rile with this commission on or before
April J7, 1907, all freight and passenger
approve an appropriation for liO.noo. Oould
of Greeley, who was a member of the
senate finance committee, suggested cutting
the appropriation to fS.onfi, and he suc
ceeded In grttlr.g the committee to rec
ommend this amount. Again the governor
sent -word-to the Kearney lobbyists that
they could not get more than IVi.ooO. Luther
P. Luddcn, a member of the State Normal
board. Insisted that the Kearney member
accept liAflno. A meeting of the Normal
board was held and the appropriation was
discussed. At this meeting Ludden rec
ommended ths $.v,oo, but' Oregg and
Thomas would not stand for It. but ar
gued thnt If they could get the bill through
not for what we have used, but lor what
we )Hve wasted.
For the nation as for ths man or womsn
snd the boy or girl, the road to success is
the right ue of what we have and the
Improvement of present opportunities. If
you neglect to prepare youisell now tor
the dunes and renponslbllitles which will
tall upon you later; II you do not learn
the tnmgs which you will need to know
when your school days are over, you will
sulier the consequences. So any nation
which In Its youth lives only for the day,
reaps without sowing, and consumes with
out, husbanding, must expect the penalty
of the prodigal, whose labor could with
difficulty find him the hare means of life.
A people without children would face a
hopeless future; a country without trees
Is almost as helpless; forests which are
so used that they cannot renew themselves
will soon vanish, and with them all their
benefits. A true forest la not merely a
, the legislature Governor Sheldon would
' . . i .... i a
ivn it r iha nnnnnft eoiiciiaiion rrii
. VT . t. n .n,l Thomas ! storehouse full of wood, but, as It were, a
.o. ........ ,..,... - factory of wood, and at the same time a
reservoir of water. When you help to
preserve our forests or to plant new ones
were then asked to put the appropriation
In two Items, but they refused to do this,
because, they said, the governor would
likely veto one of them. The bill was then
log rolled through the senate and went' to
the s-oTernor. It was necessary for him
to cut out ISrt.OOO. and he did. the normal
appropriation being In the list."
How Board Members Feel.
As to whether the Normal school needed
the 1100.000 or not. the members of the State
Normal School boarr" are the best
j Judges. Member McBrlen, state su
j perlniendent. was for ' a bill carrying
J PA 000. Rev. Mr. Iudden, another mem-
ber of the board,, was In favor of
the appropriation for and urged
Oregg and Thomns to accept thnt amount.
schedules, classification, rates, ' tariffs and i other member of the board, so far as
the records show, waji here looking after
the larger appropriation. Gregg was ths
only one who made a flght for It Hon.
Peter Mortensen. for four years n member
of the board, was opposed to the $100,000
and publicly said $15,000 would be sufficient
for the needs of the school. Members of
thethouse understood the governor would
veto the appropriation if It were over 160,030.
and It Is the general belief that It could
never have passed the house, and senate
except for the public Information that the
governor would not approve the measure.
It was eeml-publlc property that the Kear
ney member of the board expected Norris
Brown to Influence the'govemor to change
His mmd.
That the Kearney people may know how
charges used by said common carrier and
In effect January l, 1907; and
Whereas, Tills commission Is not.yet ad
vised as. to the intrastate rates Tiow In
force In this state; and
Whereas, It is Impossible to make a re
adjustment or revision of the rates, etc.. In
this atate, txeept after ascareful examina
tion and study of the question; and
' For the purpose of, complying with the
law and 'n order to establish a basis for
future action by this commission;
Notice Is hereby given to all common
carriers and shippers doing business within
ths state of Nebraska that the Railway
Commission of Nebraska will, on the 7th
dny of May, OT. at Its office In Lincoln,
Nebraska, ' consider the question of fixing
rates, schedules, classifications, tariffs and
charges for the transportation of merchan
dise, property, messages, etc., by the Com
mon carriers between points within the
state of Nebraska and will then adopt the
schedules, ilaaslflcattons. rates, tariffs and
charges used hy the common carriers In
Nebraska betVeen points In Nebrsska and
In effect January 1, 1S07, with such modi
fications as may be deemed necessary, un
less good and sufficient reason for other
aetlon Is established. '
, Attention .Is also tailed to sub-section
C) of section li of the said act, which
provides that It shall be unlawful for any
railway company or common carrier to
charge any rate, schedule, or classification
' until application has been made to the
railway commission and permission' had
for that purpose. Any railway company
or common carrier violating this provision
shall be deemed gallty of a misdemeanor,
and on , conviction thereof shall be fined
In any sum not exceeding ten thousand
(110,010) dollar.
Limits Passes to Attorneys.
In an opinion given to the county attor
ney of Cass county Attorney General
Thompson today held that It Is unlawful
Under the nntl-pasa law for an attorney
employed less than half of his time by a
railroad to receive free transportation, even
though he Is subject to call at any time
by the corporation and It has first call on
Ms services. He holds that the Intent of
the legislature was to prevent anyone not
exempted Yrom the provisions of the law
from receiving transportation at less than
tho rates charged the general public.
Kearney Mea to Blame.
' Inasmuch bs some people at Kearney be
came 1 so Incensed at the action of Gov
ernor Sheldon In vetoing the normal school
appropriation of $85,000 that they hanged
the editor of the Kearney Democrat In
effigy because he upheld the chief execu
tive of the state In his action, It Is be
lleved here that the people of Kearney are
not acquainted with the facts In the case
and , they are venting their anger on the
wrong person, and therefore the (acts
should be published and ths blame placed
on C. H. Oregg and A. O. Thomas, who
were In reality the men who kept Kearney
from getting an appropriation. One who
was here during the entire legislature and
kept close tab on this particular measure
gave the following history of the Kearney
"The bill as Introduced carried an appro
priation of $100,000 and t passed the house.
All of this time Gregg and Thomas were
in Lincoln working for the bill. When It
reached the senate Governor Sheldon pub
licly stated he would not permit any ap
propriation to go through In excess of the
estimated revenue of the state and that he
would not sign a bill carrying $100,000 for
the Kearney normal. He did say publicly,
however, and be said It to Gregg and
Thorn aa, or cne of them, that he would
5u are acting the part of good citlsens.
The value of forestry deserves, therefore,
to Vie taught In the schools, which aim to
make good cltlxens of you. If your Arbor
day exercises help you to realise what
benefits each one of you receives from the
forests and how, by your assistance, these
benefits may continue, they will serve a
good end.
Telephone Company Incorporates.
The Independent Telephone company of
Omaha filed Its articles of Incorporation
with the secretary of state this afternoon.
Its capital stock la $5,000,000 and the filing
feo was $2,502, one of the largest. If not
the largest, fees ever paid for filing cor
poration articles In Nebtaska. The Incor
porators are F. 11. Stow, W. It. Ely and
Benjamin F. Baker. Of the stock $3,500,000
Is to be preferred and $1,500,000 common.
Fifteen thousand shares of each at $100 a
share are to be sold and paid for at the
time the corporation comes Into existence.
Bonds may be Issued by the board of di
rectors, three of whom shall be bona fide
residents of Omaha.
Tremble of the Tiara Tree.
Governor Sheldon today rabbed hold of
the plum tree and shook and shook and
shook, and a big crowd was close around
watching, as a downpour was expected. It
was -a nice little plum that fell, and It
dropped to Mrs. J. C. F. McKesson. It
was to be a member of the visiting board
to the Industrial school at Mil ford, a posi
tion she now holds.
Friend in Need Al
ways with You.
'HEN you haye Heartburn,
Collo, Coated Tongue, Sus
pected Breath, Acld-rislng-ln
throat. Gas-belching, or an
Incipient Cold, lake a Csscaret.
Remember, ail these are not merely
Discomforts, but Indications ol a serious
- Came. ,
, Nip them In the bud eat a Candy Cas-'
caret. Cascarets don't purge, nor punish
Ihestomach like "Blle-drlvlng" "Physics."
The act like Exercise on the Bowel
Muscles that propel Food, and that gqueere
the natural Digestive Juices of the body
Into Food.
Cascarets ward off, or oure, the following
Torpid Liver
Piles ' .
Bad Breath
In such cases a little Cascaret In time la
worth fiftjf dollars worth of Treatment later
on, to say nothing of tho suffering, discom
fort, loss of Business Energy, and loss of
Social Sunshine II saves.
.'.: ' -
Headaches, Heartburn, ' Cas-belchlng,
Aold-r lslnjs In the throat, and Colicky feel
ing are aure signs of bowel trouble from
food poisons, and should be dealt with
, One Caaoaret will stop the 'ooming
trouble, and move ou the Bowel load. If
taken at the first signs.
Don" I fad to carry the Vest Pocket Boa
of Cascarela with you constantly.
, ess
Ail druggists sell them over ten million
boxes a year. x
Be very careful to get the genuine.
made only by the Sterling Remedy Corn
pany.and never sold la bulk. Every
Isblet stamped ."CCC." t
a member or tne tstaie nmmm ou.
board ffels about the veto, the following
statement from Superintendent McBrlen is
"It mle-M not be out of place here to call
attention to what the state has done for
the State Normal school at Kearney as
compared with what It has done for the
Btate Normal at Peru. The legislature of
1003 appropriated $60,000 for a normal achool
building at Kearney; In 1906 $15,000 for a
heating plant there, making a total .of
$fio,0OO. The propoaal of the citlsens of
Kearney to the Board of Education of the
State Normal schools to locate the new
State Normal school there contained the
following subsidy: (a) Twenty-acre site,
$10,000; (b) Green Terrace building, $50,000;
(c) Repairing Green Terrace buUding.
$1,000; (d)Water right from Lake Kearney,
$10,000; (e) Saving to state for sewer system
and water mains, $20,000, total $91,000. Tho
members of the -executive committee, speak
lng fof the citlsens of Kearney, IrV. their
proposal said: , 'This amount i$!l,00Cl being
a conservative estimate of the coit to the
state for providing these necessary essen
tials.' This $01,000, plus $66,000. makes $15,
000, amount of the state's property in the
State Normal school at Kearney."
"In the beginning of Peru, Mount Vernon
hall, built In 1866 by subscriptions amount
ing to $8,000, and a site valued at about
$1,000,- were given to the stat when tne
normal" school waa established there a year
later. The appropriations by the state have
been as follows: (a) In 18C, for completion
of dormitory already started by subscrip
tion. $10,CO0; (b) In 1872, north wing main
hiiii.iinr 128.000: ic . In. 1873. power house.
$3,000; (d) In 1877, library building, frame,
$1&,000; (e) In 1885, south wing main build
ing, $20,000; (f) in 1897, dormitory to replaoe
old one destroyed by fire, $20,000; (g) in 1903,
new chapel, $42,500; (h) in lu6. new library.
$32,000; (I) In 1905, remodeling old library
for science hall, $2,800; (J) In 1907. heating
plant. $26,000; total. Including site and Origi
nal Mount Vernon hall. $207,300.
Comparison of Two Schools.
"In four years the state has made a per
manent Investment of $150,000 at Kearney.
In forty, years It has made a permanent
Investment of $207,300 at Peru. Peru has
had to turn away mf.i students than Kear
ney during the laaC year. Under the in
creased entrance requirements at the State
Normal schools, Kearney will be no more
crowded than Peru during the current bien
nlum. In the light of the facts set forth
herein, it Is safe to say that the real
danger to the success of the Btate Normal
school at Kearney lies not In the veto of
Governor Sheldon, but In the attitude of ths
Kearney Hub and the Fremont Herald.
We want the State Normal schools, both
at Kearney and at Peru, to prosper and
to grow greater In, their Influence and
power for good from year to year. In my
opinion the -next leglalature should make
an appropriation of $50,000 for new build
ings at each of these schools. But no eau-
cattonal Institution, public or private, must
be promoted at the expense of the common
schools. The common schools have waited
long and patiently for their hearing, and
the people of the state, regardless' of po
litical affiliations, will approve the action
of the last legislature and Governor Shel
don In their attitude toward the common
schools, which are of, by and for the peo
ple. The logic of time win vinaicaie gov
ernor Sheldon's every act In the matter of
As a matter of fact It is oeuevea aruui.u
here that Mr. Gregg and Mr. Thomas are
more put out because the legislature
passed the junior normal school" bill and
tt was approved by the governor than over
the veto of the appropriation bill. This
bill creates three more Junior normals.
making eight In nil. and snouia tney do
located In tho western section or mo
state, and they will be. of course, the at
tendance at Kearney this summer will be
reduced materially. It Is understock tne
Kearney boosters dia no want this bill
to become a law. but It did and it helped
the sore spots get worse.
Baling: on state Bills.
Indebtedness incurred after April 1.
IftAT lh. various state Institutions will
not be paid out of the apprortations maoe
by the legislature, of 1905. This was the
recent ruling of Deputy Auditor Look ana
today Attorney General Thompson en
dorsed the ruling.
Children "t reed to Plant Trees.
President Roosevelt ha written abet
ter-to all the school children or no
United States to plant trees end through
Secretary Loeb he has asked Superinten
dent . McBrlen to see to It that every
achool child In Nebraska gets one and Mr.
McBrlen chose -'the publication plan to
carry out the wishes of the president.
The letter Is ta follows:
Aror day (which means slmnly "Tree
tjay" Is now observed In every state In
our union, and mainly In the schools. At
various times, from January to lecem ber,
but chiefly in this month of April, you
give a day or a pan or a day to special
exercises and perhaps to actual tree plant-
Ins), la reougullloa of the Importance of
trees to us as a nation, ana or wnat tney
yield In adorament, comfort, and useful
products to the communities In which you
it Is well that you should celebrate your
Arbor day thoughtfully, for within your
lifetime the nation's need of trees will be
come serious. We of an older generation
can get along with what we have, though
with growing hardship; but In your full
manhood and womanhood you will want
what nature onoe so bountifully supplied
nd limn so thoughtlessly destroyed; and
hip Subsidies Form Subject of Dis
cussion 'with Doane College.
t'NIVERSITT PLACE, Neb., April 20.
(Special.) The Intercollegiate debate be
tween Doane and Wesleyan In the Audi
torium Friday night resulted In a decisive
victory for Wesleyan. The Doane debaters
were George La Reu, C. R. Smith and
Sloniger. Those representing Wesleyan
were Miss Ethel Brlggle, Rose Gortner and
A. C. Hlsey. It had been requested by
the. chairman. Prof. Patterson, that there
be no yelling during the debate, so the
occasion lacked enthusiasm until the time
for the Judges' decision. Then, too, ship
subsidy, which was the subject discussed,
does not appeal to Kebraskans as do some
questions more local In their Import. The
home team had -by far the best training
in public delivery. The Judges were Lin
coln men, mostly professors of the State
It has been necessary for the old board
of managers of the college paper, the Wes
leyan, to draft a new constitution before
the election of new officers can take place.
The Oratorical association will elect of
ficers on Monday for next year. Mr. Worth-
ley, who won the state contest at Crete,
will leave the first of-next month for Kan
sas City to take part in the Interstate con
test. . " '
Miss Gertrude Mutton will give her
graduating recital In music next Thursday
The senior elocution class will give a
graduating recital Wednesday evening of
next week.
"hose Interested In prohibition have ar
ranged for a series of lectures, the first to
be given next Tuesday evening by the chan
cellor, i
The college students will have another
college sing on Tuesday evening.
Salts to Be Instituted Aaralaat Road
" as Outcome of Car Shortage.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., April 20.-(Sp-clal
Telegram.) Another meeting of the
grain dealers In this business along the
line of the Missouri Pacific was held la
this city this afternoon and a permanent
organisation was perfected by the election
of President W. B. Banning of Union,
Vice President E. A. Duff of Nebraska
City, Secretary and Treasurer A. B. Wil
son of Nebraska City, directors, the above
named officers and D. Smith of Elmwood
and A. J. Denton of Nebraska CJity.
The association Is to be known as the
Grain Dealers' Protective association with
headquarters In this ctty, and tt Is for
the mutual benefit, and protection of its
members and to put a stop to unjust
weights at terminals and other discrim
inations to which the grain men of this
territory have been subjected In the past.
The committee to which waa referred the
legal phase of the association made a par
tial veport and wilt make, a fuller one at
another meeting to be called shortly.
The association retained attorneys Pltxer
and Hay ward, to look after the matter of
what rights they have to bring suits for
losses sustained In the past by reason o.f
the shortage of cars and unjust discrim
ination at terminal points. A number of
suits will be Instituted aa soon as the
papers can be prepared and the data se
cured on which to base them. The grain
men have kept away from the old associa
tion as far as possible for they fear anti
trust laws and will not .have anything Jo
do with regulating of prices and the things
of that kind.
Children Found Late at Nlsht aad
Esplala School Waa Irksome.
UPLAND, Neb., April 20. (Special.) Two
Upland girla, about 14 years old, caused
considerable excitement last night by at
tempting to run away, when tney were
missed, at I o'clock, a general alarm was
given, as It waa discovered they had taken
along most of their surplus clothing. The
neighboring towns were called up by tele
phone and four livery rigs were sent out
in as many dlrecUqns.' It was supposed
they had run away with some young men.
About 11 o'clock one of the parties who
drove out discovered them In the hills
about six mile south of town and brought
them back. On being Interrogated no in
formation whatever could be gleaned as
to their Intentions In running away, ex
cept that they had not been getting along
well at school.
414.16-18 South I6th St. Telephone Douglas 313
A u
lies in getting the best value for the money be your own judge if you will and make a comparison of QUALITY as well
as PRICE. The merchandise that this store offers is the satisfactory value-giving-sort, such as we can back up with our
guarantee to be the best obtainable, prices considered. You can buy here in perfect confidence, both as to the price and quality.
exaaaaaaaaSBBnsaausnnnunnnwpennsiauannnn aj
Dining Table (like cut)
This Is an extraor
dinary value; table
Is made of select
quarter-sawed oak
highly polished, has
very prtstty round
pedestal with carved
feet, veneered bead
ed rim under table
top. Top la 4 5 In.
In diameter, extends
to ( ft., golden fin
ish, spe- Iti "7 C
clal, each.. J
'redestal Extension
Tahles In solid oak,
polished round tops,
sterling quality. 1 J. 75
and up. Just received
a new line of Dining
Tables, all on sale at
popular prices.
Parlor Suite (like cut)
This beautiful three-piece suite, consisting of divan, rocker and arm chair, is a
very artistic pattern, higlilv hand polished mahogany finish, upholstered In beau
tiful plain green silk vlour, loose cushions fastened with silk cord and tass.-ls,
high quality In every respect and an exceptionally good value, for &4o
the three pieces
Kitchen Cabinet
This cabinet Is made of
select white maple, nat
ural finish; complete
with flour bins, mould
ing and cutting board,
'top conveniently fitted
with shelves and com-
partnients. This cabinet
is of superior construc-
. tlon, strictly high grade
throughout. Size of
base 25x48 Inches, ex
treme height, 58 inches.
A car load Just received
and placed on sale, com
mencing tomorrow, at
the very low J C
price of, each . . I 7
Price of base only,
each $0.50
Come In and see the prac
tical demonstration of the
celebrated Herrlck Refriger
ator. We had one of these
refrigerators Iced -upon our
main floor, filled with pro
visions and other articles, to
demonstrate the dry cold air
circulation of this most per
fect refrigerator. The new
ones this season come la
pretty white enamel, spruce
and opalite lined. Prices
range up from
China Cabinet (like cut)
Lace Curtains
An unusual showing of lace curtains for spring. We placed our orders
early in the Fall, before the advance which permits us to offer you exceptional
values in new spring Duchess and Irish Point Lace Curtains. They are styl
ish, serviceable and washable. A comparison is convincing proof of our
statement that these are the best possible of
fering of new desirable goods.
12.75. Irish Point Curtains, full size, 50 inches wide,
3 and 34 yards long, in new dainty borders, allorer
scrolls, 14 patterns in all. An exceptionally good
value at, per pair $2.T5
$4.75. Irish Point Curtains, not the old fashioned
kind, but new, pretty designs, very heavy French net.
A large assortment from -which to make selection,
price per pair ..$4.75
$6.75. Duchess Lace Curtains In new Ivory colors,
beautiful creations In the graceful lily patterns, ft
'.. good value at $8.75; we show nine styles at, per
pair i , .... $6.75
$9.50 Duchess Curtalrj, dainty Cluny Curtains for
the dining room, Arabian Curtains for the library,
Brussels Curtains for the parlor,, Madras Curtains
for the hall . $9. 60
$13.75 Saxony Brussels Curtains, hand-made Arabian
Curtains, Cluny Curtains, heavy Insertion; Duchess
. Lace Curtains, Venetian Lace Curtains ..$13.75
$17.50 High class Duchess Curtains, Arabian Lace
Curtains, Cluny Curtains, Pillow Lace Arabian Cur
tains : r, $17.50
Our stock of Tapestry Portieres is better than ever.
A magnificent assortment for choice. You should see
our line.
$6.75 High class Bordered Curtains, mercerized and
new summer weight Portieres, all colors $6.75
$12.50 Buys a Sea-Island Cotton Mercerized Curtain
that looks as well as and wears better than silk. All
the good colors $12.50
$17.50--Double faced Portiere, made In our own work
room from odd lengths of tapestry. Some worth as
much as $42.50. Special, while they last. . . . $17.50
3C-in. new, and serviceable Swiss, per yard 15c
42-ln. dot, stripe and figured Swiss, per yard 25c
4 8-in. Imported Swiss, per yard 45c
5 4 -in. French Bobblnet, triple thread, white Ivory and
Arabian colors, per yard , 50c
105 dozen odd Window Shades, made from left-over
lengths of opaque. Some are worth $1.00. While
they last, your choice, each, for 19c
: Em
at """" 1 '
Gas Ranges
There are more real points of com
fort In the make-up of a Detroit
Jewel Oas Range than In any other
They are made In all styles and
sizes, snd each range Is made with
the same care end perfect construc
tion that has made the Detroit Jewel
the bent Oas Range today.
There are other Jewel (las Ranges,
but ths Detroit Jewel Oas Ranges
are sold only by us In Omaha. If
you are looking for the best and most
economical gas range made, we have
The Detroit Jewel
We have pne of these In operation
In our stove and kitchen ware de
partment. Call and see how slmplo
and perfect the Detroit Jewels are.
Prices front $15.00 to f 15.00.
Made of quarter-sawed
oak, hand polished, top
36 inches wide and 15
inches deep, stands 60
Inched high; has glass
ends and door, solid oak
grooved shelves, ape
each. .
Now displaying a large
new line of China Cab
inets, very pretty pat
terns, b-int glass ends,
up from $15
Rugs Rugs
"We are selling agents ' for the cele
brated French and Bundhar Wilton 'rugs,
made from the finest quality of worsted
yarns. In these goods you can find most
delicate soft blue and, pinks to the rich
dark reds. Suitable for parlor and draw
ing rooms. Made in special sizes so as to
fit almost any room.
1- 6x3 Bundhar Wilton Rug $2.35
2- 3x4-6 Bundhar Wilton Rug ..$4.26
3x3 Bundhar Wilton Rug..... $4.75
3jc5-3 Bundbar Wilton Rug $6.75
4-6x7-6 Bundhar Wilton Rug.:.
4-6x12 Bundhar WUton Rug. . . .
6x9 Bundhar Wilton Rug.
6x12 Bundhar Wilton Rug
8-3x10-6 Bundhar Wilton Rug. ......... . .$40.00
9x12 Bundhar Wilton Rug v. $44. 60
9x14 Bundhar Wilton Rug.....
10-6x12 Bundbar Wilton Rug. . .
10- 6x14 Bundhar Wilton Rug. . .
11- 3x15 Bundhar Wilton Rug. . .
12- 9x14-6 Bundhar Wilton Rug.
2-3x9 Bundhar Wilton Rug.
2-3x12 Bundhar Wilton Rug $12.60
2-3x15 Bundhar Wilton Rug ....$16.00
3x9 Bundhar' Wilton Rug $12.00
3x12 Bundhar Wilton Rug... $16.00
3x15 Bundhar Wilton Rug $19.00
2-3x4-6 French Wilton Rug $6.25
3x5-3 French Wilton Rug ..$9.00
3x3 French Wilton Rug $6.25
2-3x9 French Wilton Rug $12.75
2-3x12 French Wilton Rug $16.75
2-3x16 French Wilton Rug ....$21.00
3x9 French Wilton Rug $16.60
3x12 French Wilton Rug $22.00
3x15 French Wilton Rug ;$27.60
4-6x7-6 French Wilton Rug; $21.00
4-6x9 French Wilton Rug. $26.75 ,
6x9 French WUton Rug $37.50
7-3x10-6 French Wilton Rug $52.60
.9x12 French Wilton Rug ..$57.60
10-6x12 French WUton Rug ...$80.00
10-6x14 French Wilton Rug.. $92.00
sjSJTJ-nrsla-i'"T" sa.aaaaaaaaaiaaa
lftfWSWVvSTtf-irvSVVWVXrtf---mi-l'' neisisisllasisies.aiaai
Tws Days Occupied in findine Ilea to
Serve at Grand Island.
Questions to Talesmen Indicate that
Inaanltr and Contributory
Causes Will Be Plended on
Defendant's Behalf.
their four children, Alexander, aged 14
years; Ethel, 11; Amanda, 8, and Anna, 6
years of ag-o, were not being provided with
a sufficient amount of clothing and food
and that they were irrowlng up In vice and
ignorance. After hearing the evidence of
the witnesses. County Judge H. D. Travis
instructed Sheriff C. D. Qulnton to take
Alexander to the Btate Institute for the
Feeble Minded and to give the other three
children to the N4raaka Children's Home
society. They were taken to Omaha Fri
day evening by Superintendent Qulvy.
Hor.e l atere. Are Sentenced.
CHAPPELL, Neb., April JO District court
closed Friday for this term. Roy Vincent
pleaded guilty to a charge ot having stqlen
horse ana saaaie from Jacob Herman
over a year ago. Judge Orlmes sentenced
him to six years in the penitentiary. Vin
cent served one sentence a' few years ago
for a stmllsr offense,
Freddie Brewer, a boy of l, charged with
horsestealing, was found guilty and the
Judge sentenced him to one year In the
penitentiary. Charley O'Dtdl, who waa Im
plicated with Brewef In the horsestealing
case, .had pleaded guilty about six months
ago and la now serving his sesTtence. He
was brought back, however.' as a witness
against Brewer. O'Dell was sentenced to
slghteen months la the penitentiary, as he
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., April 30. (Spe
cial.) Late yesterday afternoon a Jury
was secured In the case of the state vs.
John Hamlin, accused of the murder of
Uiss Rachel Kngle, the charge being mur
der In the Orst degree. A suitable twelve
were secured after two days of lubor and
the examination of about WO talesmen.
The jury consists of A. E. Edwards, Harry
iJcLeuKhlln. Chris Otto, F. L. Culberuori,
John Sanborn, II. C. Schum. Will Bcheel,
William Waters. Wad Knapp, C. winner,
Charles Campbell and W. B. Connor. It
being late in the day when the Jury was
secured, the court took an adjournment
until this morning before beg.nning the
work of takiag the testimony. Ths greater
number of the state's six and the de
fense's sixteen peremptory challenges were
The defense was made quite apparent In
the line of examination of Jurors adoptefl
uoon the closer examination. They were
closely interrogated as to their possible
prejudices against pleas of Insanity and
the direct or Indirect cause of death. Miss
Engle having passed away In January.
though shot In August, apd two operations
having been undergone In the meuntlmi,
the line ot examination would appear to
Indicate that the defense will try to prove
that these oipratlons. and not the bullet
were the primary cause of death. Most
of the Jurors are men from the farming
gwmraunlty and the more remote pre
cincts of the county.
Mall Box Looted.
PLATTSMOOTH. Neb., April .-CSfe-clal.)
A bold robbery occurred at Paclflc
Junction Thursday night, when some one
stole a mall pouch from one of the trucks.
It was found the next morning under a
railroad bridge north of -the station by
Mr. Fisher. It had been cut open from one
end to the other and the letters were
blowing over the farm. On Investigation 't
was found to be a through pouch and con
tained only letters from Nebraska and
Colorado. Many bundles of the letters had
not been opened, which led to the belief
that the thief had been frightened away
before accomplishing his desired aim. A
red Kansas Cliy lantern was found near
the sack. Postmaster Bt-nnett wired the
postoRlce Inspectors In 8t. Louis and in
Omaha and the theft is being investigated.
waa aa older man and it seems ha w,,
and man so mouKriiieaaiy uesiroyea; and I , . . , . .
because of that .t you wlU riroch us. B"iar Into the trouble, -
Children's Home Cs Child.
PLATTSMOl'TH. Neb.. April . (Spe
cial.) C. Louis, J ay nee of Omaha filed a
complaint against Mr. and Mrs. William
Hamilton of Weeping Water alleglnf that
News ( Nebraska.
YORK Mr. Charles 8chulxe, formerly
engaged In a bakery at Omaha, has opened
a new bakery in norm torn. ,
BEATRICE The new bank building ut
Ellis has been completed, and the bank
li low doing business In Its new quarters.
OAKLAND The Burlington has put on
a stock train which will leave here a.1 10
p. m. on HunJay and Tuesday evenings
snd go direct to Smith Omaha.
YORK The city clerk Is advertlslt g
for sealed bids for ths sale of $l6,0uu
worth of Intersection paving bonds to run
i0 years at ft per oent Interest.
WAHOO Five Inches of snow fell here
Thursday and the warm spell of today has
made It dlHappear entirely. The snow was
in excellent thing for the small grain.
I'PLAND A heavy frost on Friday niorn-
'ng killed whatever garden stuff had come
if. and destroyed the first crop nl alfalfa.
rult is absolutely ruined In this vicinity.
I'PLAND At the opening meeting of the
lew town board the saloon petition was
onaldered. There being no remonst ranees,
here will be one license granted this year.
YORK Al the meeting of tho Green
wood cemetry association. Supreme Judge
l II. Bedgwick was elected president; N.
aL Fsrguaou, secretary; Chris KoUicg,
treasurer, and George M. Bpurlock, trus
tee. BEATRICE James Sanders, a civil wai
veteran, and for.thlrty years a resident of
this city, died suddenly fcUuuiday of heart
trouble, aged 78 years. He leaves a large
family, all grown.
BEATRICE Mrs. II. A- I Selle yes
terday received word from Valley Junc
tion, la., announcing the death of her
mother, Mrs. A. G. Bpellmanjan old resi
dent of that place.
NEBRASKA C1TY-A burglar attempted
to bore his way into B. Brusginan's saloon
Friday morning, but was unsuccessful. He
dug out one of the panels of the back door,
but did not gain admission.
PLEASANTDALE The big grading out
fit of Contractor Ryan ai rived here last
week and attracted -as much attention as
a circus train. It took two days to un
load and establish the railroad- camp.
BEATRICE Mrs. F. A, Riddle died yes
terday morning at her home in this city
after a lingering illness of tubercylosts.
hlie was thirty-eight years of age and is
survived by her husband and tnree cnii
dren. M1LFOKD The district meeting of the I
Re be kali degree of Odd Fellowship was held i
at MlltordTuesday. Thlrly-llve were pres-'
ent lrom the different lodges In the district.
With the Riverdale lodge there were sixty
, in attendance.
I AINSWOKTH-John Ooms of Omaha was
working on the plledrlver at tne oejiot Sat
urday alternoon when some machinery
broke and hit him on the bead, causing a
serious scalp wound. He U in the Dr.
Remy hoepital.- '
CHAPPELL A light snow has fallen
each of the last three days, but the weather
has not been cold enough to Injure crops
of any kind, which are looking excellent.
Grass Is very tine and fully four weeks
ahead of former years.
YORK George W. Bemls, Jr., a well
known York boy, lias launched the
"Searchlight" at Lincoln. - Mr. Bemls Is
one of the best newspaper writers In the
state and his many friends are hoping the
"Searchlight" will be a success.
YORK April 22 will be observed lnj
York by the banks and postofbee. anl
many citlsens will take a day off and
plant lieee. Business mea are donat'.r.s
trees to be set out In the nsw East Hill
park and also the West bide park.
YORK York college Is fast pushing to
the front as one of the leading educational
Institutions of the west, and the enroll
ment this term of over 600 Is the largest
In Ita history. York takea a great deal
of pride In Its educational Institutions.
SEWARD The women of the Methodist
church gave a farewell reception to Mrs.
C. K. Humphrey, who with her family will
locate at GoldendaU), Wash., where they
have purchased several plerea of valuable
vroperty. They are old residents of Seward.
TECL'MSEH The city council has been
uniuccesxful In selling the $12 760 eloctric
light bonds recently votid. Offers received
are not satisfactory. The bonds will be re
advertised, and It la though a market will
, be Iwuud Xor tbeia. lUelr Ulslory la good.
and Tecumeeh bonds are supposed to be
VALLEY The principal, Prof. E. U
HiitcliitiHon, and all of the teachers have
been re-elected, including Miss Waldorf,
hltrh school; Miss Tracy, grammar; Mls
Claybaugh, second . Intermediate; Miss
Rergstrom, first Intermediate, and Mlse
Will, primary.
YORK At a mass meeting held by the
citlsens of York in the city hall to con
sldr making provision for hitching posts
and a market square for the convenience
of the public. It was unanimously decided
to place back the hitching posts around
the court house souare. -
BEAVER CROSSING A saloon man from
Friend visited Beaver Crositlng last week
and before attempting to gain subscribers '
for a saloon petition was informed by the
vliluge board that it would be a waste of
time for him to get the petition as the
bourd would not grant the license.
SEWARD The cornerstone , of the new
$3l,iX) building of the German Lutheran
college will be laid at I p. m. on Sunday,
Rev. George Weller. president of the col
lege, and Rev. J. Becker, minister of the
Lutheran church, will officiate. The student
band will furnish appropriate music.
HERMAN A. L. Mundorff came to town
today and after loading up with whiskey
Started out looking for trouble. He over
took one of the Leach boys on the street
and struck him In the mouth. MundorT
is sober now, and Is under the care Ox
Dr. Clark. Leach did not get a scratch.
WEbT POINT News has been received
ef the 1eath of Peter Goebel, one of the
first lion esteadera to take up land In Cum
in; counlv In the early '00s. The deceased,
was a native of Bavaria and was upward
of 10 years of age at the time of his death.
He died at the home of hie son. Christian,
at bloomfte.d. Neb.
TECt" MS EH Acting Mayor W. Fobb has
Issued a prix:lamation calling upoi, the peo
ple of Tecuuaeh to make Tuesday. Anril
SO, "cleaning up day." Volunteers are called
(Continued on Fifth Page.)
.Our 1907 catalogue will bo the moat Com
plete edition ever Issued. In fact.. It I'
practically a "hand book" for lovers of
outdoor life. Bend request for copy to,
Manufacturers of Complete Outfits for Dx
florers, Campers and ProiiM-rlurs, Out
ng Garments, Fishing Tackle, Canoe s
Guns and Ammunition.