Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1907, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 3, Image 19

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What Sort
I HAT a thought that wu whpn Qod
thought of a tre." exclaimed
John Ruekln in wonder . ai he
looked upon those beautiful and
useful ornament of nature; And
the .heathen philosopher voiced the same
thought -when he said "A tree Is the gift
of heaven to man.",
Borne places in the world are said to be
more favorable to the growth of trees than
Nebraska, but man has demonstrated that
even the "treeless plains" can be "peopled'!.
wlth trees. In fact, a cltlsen of Nebraska
first conceived the Idea of Arbor day, which
spread with remarkable rapidity through-
out the United States and over a consider-
able portion of the civilized globe, until
now one day In the year is set apart for
the planting of fees in every state of the
United States, in many European states.
In Australia. Japan and other countries.
J. Stirling Morton that-great and prao-
tlcal lnded man, broached the Idea of
Arbor day at the annual moettng of the
Nebraska Board of Agriculture 'In Lincoln
en' Jar uury 4, 1872. Ha introduced a resolu
tion providing that April 10 of that year
be observed as "Arbor day," that a prise
-.--; 4 'A.' ir . -I - , ' - v -
Of "OO be-riven the county planting prop- its habit of raining down "cotton" during
r the greatest number of trees and $3 sevesal weeks of each year Is a most a-
worth of books to the person planting the ' ncVlng one. It is a good tree for the coun-
greatest number.. Tha resolution was unani- try, as ' It grows rapidly and furnishes
. I mously adopted. ' ' ' ' plenty of firewood, but in the city It is very
Jr The newspapers gave the matter wlds undesirable. .
publicity and tha people of the stats where The reputation of the box elder was el
trees were few quickly adopted the idea., ways good until some years ago an Insect
The first Arbor day the world bad seen was pest attacked it and the city council took
a great success in Nebraska and more action forbidding the planting of this tree,
tban a million trees were set to .growing Aside from this objection it is a good tree
upon the treeless plains of the great Amer- .for city purposes.
loan desert. The following year the day The American linden, or bass wood, does
was observed with still greater enthusiasm, very well In Omaha. ' It Is of very rapid
The trees set out the previous year, were growth, attains great sire and makes one
growing and the people were not slow to of the very best shade trees. It requires
ee the great practicability of the plan, a moist soil for best development. '
Tw million trees were sot out tha second
year. '
In 1874 the matter received the governor's
attention and the first Arbor day proclama
tion was issued by Governor Pumas In that
f In 1XW tha leiflsfature set SDart
April 2 to be observed each year as Arbor
day and It has been observed on that dais.
ever since.
What Do Yon Know A boat Trees t
How many of the people of Omaha can
tall an elm from a poplar tree? Or ax
poplar from a sycamore?
How many people of Omaha know that
there are forty . different kinds of . trees
growing in the park system of this city? .
The number who know these things Is
small for tha simple reason that the cltl
sens are not a . tree-studying people.. The ,
city la too new to have come to the stage
where "civic beauty becomes a . study, a
science. The city government recognised
the Importance of arboriculture In the
city's plan of Improvement when the park
commission was created nearly twenty
years ago. The result of this is that In
the parks today may be found a beautiful
variety of trues and shrubs and flowers Plms ana ponea io ...
.flourishing In Nebraska wind and rain and Jikd-
sunshine and forming a picture of greenery Call wanted soma palms and he cast about
and color not surpassed in any city the wa to et on the rlgnt lde ot Smlt?
size of. Omaha. Somebody told him Smith was a great ad
Bo far so well, but tha yard, surrounding mlrer of Burn" and had ? colleotlon of
Omaha residences and the streets running
in front of the same offer a wide field for
the cultivation of trees. They offer a big
home waiting to be filled by trees, thirty
five or forty varieties of them only waiting
to be invited.
. j;
Vralgr Knows Tbent All. .
When It comes to trees. James T. Craig.
president ot the Omaha park commission
,and superintendent of Forest Lawn ceme
Urv, knows as much as any man in tha
"weet. Jl was a landscape gardener in tha
employ of the Baltimore A Ohio .railroad
'for years and came to Omaha in lRfci. He
laid out Forest Lawn cemetery and there
has planted a great variety ot trees ud
carried on experiment, regarding the hardi- lngton, Charlu Napoteon! Samtnte Jeffer
,hood of foreign in this climate. ,on, Qet Qut of my alght y4 .oramusl''
Nearly fifty kinds of trees arerowtng and And CaU never ald ,lU paimB.-Sat-
flourlshlng there today. . ay Evening Post
; The elm and the maple are each ad- ,
mlrably suited for street trees. This is the
statement of both Mr. Craig and William
, It. Adiuna, superintendent of the park sys
W tern. The elm Is of three varieties. s the
f red. the white, and the slippery elm. Tha
k hit elm is particularly recommended. . It
ii i tree tt noble proportions and grows
"somewhat umbrella shaped. It flourishes
' -y in a deep clayey loam and In sheltered
plains. .
IThe maple la . admirably suited to Ne-
brash, of which stats it is a native. la
fact, according to the geologist, maple trees
were growing here long before Adam aad
Kva were in tha Oarden of Eden. Their
romains are found fossilised among rooks
la . immeasurable antiquity. Thsy do not
attain a 'great
but are of rapid
Tt: atuidy oak family waa among tha
early sottlsrs In Nebraska and still, flour
ish in this cllmata. Hills to tha aouth' of
Omaha are literally covered with thla tree.
They are mostly the burr and tha red oak.
Thara are also specimens of tha pinn oak,
which la very highly thought of in aoiua
parts af tha aast, particularly la Phlladsi-
of Trees
phla. It Is a very hardy tree, but of very
low growth, ...
Favorites and Outcasts.
The syoamora has been a favorite of the
park commission and ias been planted to
a large, extent in ,thJ parks. It Is a beau
tiful tree for large yards or avenues, has
a dense foliage and a symmetrical outline
which no perversenesM of wind and weather
can mar. It prefers a dry, well drained
round. It grows rapidly when young, at-
talnlng a height of from twenty to twenty,
flva feet at an 8 of tel years. It Is a
Jong-lived tree, (attaining an age of 1( to
200 yr- -.
The cottonwood and the box elder are
pariahs and outcasts among the trees of
Omaha. The other trees Just won't look at
them and as for ape akin? well, they
wouldn't think of it. The cottonwood is a
which befriended the early settlers of
Nebraska, for from It the boards for many
settler's cabin were sawed when other
woods were unattainable. It was a native
of this part of the -country, where it ap
parently grew far cent6rios before the white
man came and built towns. . But In a city
Some of the Rarer Sorts.
These-are the commonest trees found on
the streets and In the yards of Omaha. But
there are many others that can be grown
to advantage, Mr. Craig has experimented
with trees for twenty years and In Forest
Lawn cemetery -a fine collection may be
The pet of them all la the larch, which
has established Itself a reputation for
Did Not Get His Palms.
ida,, who immortalized himself by
taking off a tight shoe In the sen
ate chamber one day and holst
inar his t use -foot, clad In a blue
yatn sock, onto his desk, heard from other
senators early In his term that Superin
tendent Smith of the botanic gardens gave
Burns' manuscripts and editions.
That was Call's cue. He walked over to
the garden, found Smith and talked about
many things. At the proper time, delicately
and unobtrusively, he Introduced tha sub
ject of Burns.
"There was tha poet," he ssld. "For fine
sentiment he has them all beaten. I .read
my Burns every day."
"Ken ye Burner' asked Smith, much in
terested. ,
"I should think I did," proclaimed tha
nthuslfistio Call. "Why, I know most of
his pcams by heart. They can have their
other poets, but aa for me, give ma Jlmmie
Burns" .
"Jlmmie Burns!" snorted the enraged
Smith. Jlmmie Burns! Augh! Blllle Wash-
Mark Twain nnd His Chestnut.
Tha Boston people are telling a new story
about Mark Twain, and It Is this, and a
good one it la for some people to recall on
occasion: Mark was telling stories,
strangely enough, and soioe young gentle
roan Perkins, let us call him after tha
manner of tha very young, was trying to
cap them, but ha alwaya began with that
mock modest preface: "You must hava
heard this before, Mr. Clemens." repeating
the- phrase at intervals tnrough his ao-
.... Finally Mark is said to hava
-jfurkn,i that's no way to tell a story,
qd night I was at supper with Henry
irvin'. and ha had tha same old trick that
you hava, Perkins 'You must have heard
this before' ar, 'You certainly hava heard
this.' Ha began V story this wsy, and I
said politely, 'No, Irvin', I haven't,' though
I didn't know, of course, what his story was
about. After ha had used thla miserable
phrase three times, I safd to him, 'Irvin',
I was bora and raised In Missouri, where
truth la at a discount . and courtaay la
above par. Whea a Iilsnd -begins a slory
U ft
Should Be Planted
beauty and hardihood. It is essentially
mountain tree and Mr. Craig Imported his.
specimens from Bootlaml, where they at
tain a macnlfU-ent height and are exten
sively used In ship building. He planted
them in the bleakest and most unprornisln
soils he could find. The trees took root and
every one of them grew and is now In fln.
condition. They are conical In shape, with
a light green foliage. They are very hardy
and make pretty ornaments for yard They
look like evergreen tree, but drop their
leaves in the fall.
The Austrian pine and dwarf mountain
plrve are evergreen trees which flourish in
this climate and are considered by Mr.
Craig Ideal fr yards In Omaha. Neither
attains a height of more than ten feet and!
the mountain pine rarely reaches that
The Bcolch pine Is a beautiful tree of
larger else, but well adapted to yards. Tha
white pine is a native of this part of Ne-bratl-a
and is also a pretty tree.
The blue, white and Douglas spruces,
natives of the Rooky mountains, have
been planted here and are flourishing. Thai
concolor. a handsome spruce from Alaska,
also finds the alimate of Nebraska very
congenial and healthful.
Few specimens of the golden arbor vita
are found here, but they grow with great
success and make a pretty ornamental tree.
WHlows In Plenty. '
Willows grow successfully here, though
they are better suited to the country where
they flourish by the banks of streams or
In lowlands where they "dtp their pendant
boughs, stooping as If to drink." The weep
ing willow with Its limbs like the "dis
heveled hair of a sculptored mourner over
a supulchral urn," are also plentiful. The
branch of a willow cut off and stuck In
the ground where It can get plenty of
water will sprout roots and grow Into
Catalpa trees are plentiful here. Their
larpe leaves make excellent shade, but they
lack the symmetry of some of the other
trees snd the beauty of leaf and flower.
Some of the other foreign trees, of which
specimens are growing In the parks, are
the Kentucky coffee tree, the eucalyptus,
the Russian olive. The first of these Is so
named because It Is a native of the south
and has a pod containing a berry resem
bling ooffoe. The eucalyptus is a native
of China and Japan and, It Is snld, used to
. . . . . . ' . ' , .
be worshiped by some of the people of
whirl, I. ImHn i vr,,..,
tr wo. - r.i
now lives In the western part of the state.
Mrnnsier from rTilna.
On the Nineteenth street boulevard north
of Orace street stands a Chinese sefeanureA.
It Is a rore specimen In this state. Tt Is must have an eye to the coming genera
commonly known as the "maidenhair tree" tlon, fqr he will probably not, live to eat
Gleanings from the
as you do with "Tou must have heard this
story," courtesy prevails, and ws say 'io,'
no matter what the truth may be; and a
second time we say "no," but when it
comes, like now, to the third time, then
truth asserts herself. Tes, Irvln", I've
heard your old chestnut many, many times;
I Invented it' "Harper's Weekly.
When tha Maine Blew Up.
Incidents of tha war with Spain were be
ing related the other evening at a Session
of the Soldiers' union of the First Con-
gregatlonal church, when Isaac N. Dolph.
who saw service on the high seas In 1898
unoar me commana or B1gsoee
u mo ..miliary crutr m. raui, iciaicu
a storrr as told by a son of Erin who was
on the ill-fated battleship Maine when It
was blown up. The Irishman, who. was . Well.' said the minister, not suspect
rated as one of the best sailormen of the ing any trap. 'I am not a bad sportsman.
crew oi me oiaine, was suggested lo relate
lils thrilling experience at the time of the
explosion In Havana harbor. He was be
fore an audience, and advancing to the
front of the stage he bowed low and in a
faltering voice said:
"Fri'nda. It were thus way; I were
asleep below In me bunk little dreamln
what were goin' ter happen. There were
a hill ov a nl'se, an' whin I waked up the
nurse said, 'Sit up, Pat. an' take this,'
holdln' a spoon forninst we face."-Wash-
Inctnn Rfur
- -
ffli i
Tha Natnra Stadeafs Cnt. Sunday, has furnished the clerk with docu- Discarded fish from the lake, scraps of memorized the third and second readers JT0" tath Jo"rnye1 to tha weBt Pln
John Burroughs, the famous naturs atu- mutuary evidence regarding the inestimable nicat and orn mtal ro U8ed toT fading, used in the Illinois schools. He now reads through the Omaha gateway In their march
dent. Is never tired of ridiculing the new value of appendices. In Buffalo, where he "'J Blnce caU are "K1'1 eaters the cost of the newspapers, and with the aid of a dlo- ws"t thflni ,utur hom 'or tba
school of nature writers, the school that ministers to a lare and infl uentlal church, maintaining them is not heavy. tlonary is able to understand all tha words Mornlon church. They landed at tha Mis
attributes a quiet human Intelligence to he haslately been Involved In a little un- Three crops of kittens are raised each he seea. ourl rlvr m the fan ot 1447 "a atajra4
animals and Insects.
"Mr. Burroughs dined with
me one
night," said a magazine editor of New
York. "Among my guests a nature
writer of the New York school. This young
man told of a wonderful story about the
Intelligence of oysters. He said he was
going W put the story In his new book.
w. ,,. . ,.. .... ...r
'Let me tell vou about a Thi
rrT. ... .'.,
T it t uld In for vour hk i Ii a
e m i hi t Vh V a
Bprlngneld couple naa a cat that age had
rendered helpless, and they put it out of
Its misery by means ot chloroform. They
burled it in the garden and planted a rose-
bush over Its remains. The next morning
a familiar scratching took them to tha
rroni aoor. ana mere was ins est. waiting
to be let In, with tha rose bush under Its
Anions; the Cobwebs.
A lawyer waa talking about tha lata
auDud C X. Dudd, tha Standard Oil
i ik'''
7 v t
J- e 1
effect and lend an air of permanence to tha dored along its busy boulevards on a sum
bacause lta, foliage resembles that of the much of the fruit. On the grounds of home. Care must be taken not to plant mer day has ever forgotten the graceful,
maidenhair fern. It Is
hardwood tree
of rapid growth and long life
... .
Chestnut, 'hickory and walnut trees, which
combine beauty and longevity as trees,
flnl th ame time yield nuts which are
good to the palate, will grow In Nebraska
as well as In the mountains of the east and
Europe. There are few of them here for
the simple reason that no one has cared
t0 Plant them. He who plants these trees
lawyer, whose salary from the great cor-
poratlon was $200,000 a year. lives In Phillips street The meet learned the roof of his house. When Mr. Muckie Workmen coma along, dig up the Invalid
'"Mr. Dodd," said the lawyer, "had an ex- of Boston's hospital surgeens have been went to take them down he found that nd rently cart it away out of tha city
oellent legal talent. He tt was, you know unable to fathom the mysterious case. each hen had contributed an egg every an1 replant it where the sun and rain and
who organized the Standard Oil trust. The moment the youn womai boards day of her residence on tha roof. wind can get at It. There it la nursed
What further endeared him to Mr. Rock- trolley car and the current Is turned on J back to health and brought again to take
efeller was his strict views on the observ- 8ne ,s overcome with an uncontrollable de- Twins to Spare. , its place along the beautiful avenues,
ance of the Babbath. lre to Jaugh and cry. Before she has E. R. Brown of Ravenna, O., father of Trees In a city are great sanitary agents.
"They tell a story about Dodd when he trav-oled half a dcaen blocks sha la in tears fight sets of twins, ha Just heard from The foliage Inhales carbonlo acid and ex
was a straggling practitioner In Franklin. . nl then suddenly becomes exhilarated and his eldest son In St. Louis that the latter's hales, oxygen. It also Inhales poisonous
There was a Franklin minister who went
gunning a good deal and altogether was
rather a sporting character
.-At a llttIe church supper' one night tVie
minister was boasting abekt his knowledau
of horse, and hunting.' his marksmanship.
and so on. when Dodd interruuted him.
-You're a good soprtsman, are your he
if i ao say It myself.'
'Yet,' said Dodd, 'if I were a bird I
could hide where there'd be no danger of
your potting me.'
" 'Where would you hide?' asked the min
ister. ,
1 d hide, Dodd answered, 'in
study.' "New York Times.
Kxplatutnit the Cnse.
Cling to your appendix with both hands.
says the Clerk of the Day In the Boston
'l'ruu-rlnt Tt h- it ,
- v. ..,. uuin ui 4 ail V rUUKtn
iiolmea. wru. it--j ..ui.l u t ...... r ) i ,
pleasantness with - the Torreyltes. It
. . . w . ...
lii tnai ms courts or tidinesses on
tne modern view of scripture synchronized
wlth tha Torrey meetings .and drew down
"f0" nlm the rebuke of that mighty evan-
a-ellst; whereupon his mails grew heavy
wRh letters of protest. One of those
eBilea ran omething like this: "Sir: I
understand now why you have been led
"'ray by the higher critics It Is less
than a year. I am told, since you under-
went lhe operation for appendicitis, and
anjr PhyBi'-'a "I" Inform you that when
verrrtfonn appendix comes out the
patlent ufltr, the total loss of his moral"
nature Tm, explains y.ur case pretty
a Hainan Klectrle Batter.
That Fannie Shaptro of Boston la a
natural electric battery and surcharged Is
tba only explanation that tha arlentlsu can
offer of the remarkable experience shfe
undergoes every time sha attempts to ride
In an electric car. Mlas Shapiro is 16
years old aud one of tb pretUeet gtrbj
Hi, 1907.
o Beautify Streets
11 I
-S v
i-4 W
' - :'JL'.r-
C. C. Crowell In Blair a number of sweet
chestnut trees are growing and flourishing,
In the east chestnuts are gathered in great
quantities In the fall and sent to Nebraska
and other parts of the west, where they
bring fabulous prices. Nebraska can grow
chestnuts, hickory nuts and walnuts and
have the ornament of these lordly trees
on its prairies lf the people will only plant
Horse chestnut trees do not grow as well
hero as In the east, though there are some
Story Teller's Pack
In the Old Church district. In which she
ml PeBIS ol 'augnier wnicn ene is
unablB to restrain. She Is fully aware of
her t'0"dltlon nnJ knows that she is at-
tractlnB a,,entIon- DU cannot control her-
Belf' f,e hRa """" evf,7 '" t0-.u
" "l " J, . '
avail, and twice It has beorme necessary
Finds Profit lu Cat Farm.
Brutus McConolog s cat form, near Cleve-
land, O.. started as a Jest, has opened up
a new field for money making. The owner
sa,y that his profits for the last season
amounted to U.32G. Hi is now planning
to extend the farm and double the output.
Owning lome barren lnd sl'y.g the
shores of tho lak", Mr. McConolog erected
a few buildings and stocked the place with
white rata, hta nhlpct hftino to r Im off
th. kin of tha utter a. ermine Thla
was not much of a surceas, but he found
a readr market for the fur of the old tats.
hattcra rtxelarlnir (t waa th verv thins-
they were looking for.
year, and when they are half grown the
i.. tin.. j .v. . . i
ihhib mo- Mim uj h aim ui muu
tent- to the hat racturlea.
By a- careful system of t reeding Mr.
McConolog hopes to rear a cat that will
Veld half a pound of fur, and thus double
Ma profits.
.... ... ? V .
nnht Fish lu the Parlor.
, 8everM amusing stories developed from
the recent record-breaking flood which did
much dama to Mtuburg.
When the water began to come up. WU-
Uam E,11"' Gruveton. not wishing to
loM hlB valuable cow, moved her into tha
There the cow was fed and every
day gave forth larg quantities ot excel-
lent milk.
Charles E. FIte lives at Gientleld. Tba
food reached the second story of his resl-
dence, and when the waters were receding
he aaw a three-pound (ish swimming about
tha parlor. Fits got out his tackle aud
caught the tiU. The family ate it for
Whan the water came aver Walter
,; -n ir' - IIMII llll - : fl )l t-i'l
peclmens here.
For, city hedges the barberry Is particu
larly recommended.
Tlitnnlnsr Out In Parks.
The Park commission will not plant many Ing some stated period. A movement of
trees this year, for the reason that the this kind combines the pleasant excitement
parks are well filled already. Some "thin- of strife for precedence with lasting good
ning" will be done. But the time Is ripe, to the city and education to those win
the members of the commission say, for take part In It.
the people of Omaha to plant good perma- Memorial tree associations have been,
ticnt trees in their yards and In front of formed in some cities. A tree Is planted:
their houses alonfT the streets nnd avenues, in memory of some great man. His nam
A little study will show what species of and an epitaph may be Inscribed on a platsj
trees are best suited to the particular and attached to the tree which Is a living
location In which a tree may be planted. monument that may last longer than naonu
Mr. Craig considers tho Scotland pine, nients of dead stone. The proper kind of
Austrian pine, dwarf mountain pine, the tree being selected, It may last for cen
spruee, the hard maple, Norway maple, the turles.
elm, the hackherry, all excellent troes for S
permanent decoration In city yards of Its Claim on Reality.
Omaha. In this category the larch must From the standpoint of clvlo beauty tha
not be forgotten. It Is a beautiful cone tree has a strong c'lalm. The background
bearing tree, very hardy and on ornament of foliage to well placed sculpture, tha
to any yard. Young trees must be secured softening influences of leaves and trees
from nurseries In the east. to stern stone facades, the play of light
. Patience is a requisite quality in growing and shadow on the pavements on hot sum
all these trees. If the householder desires mer days, tha screening of the sun's glare,
a tree of more rapid growth he must take the chronicle of the season's progress wrlt
the soft elm and sycamore. A two-Inch ten in the trees, the home they form for
sapling will grow into a tree fifteen or feathered songsters all speak volumes for
twenty feet high In Ave or six years. The the trees.
soft maple is also a tree of rapid develop- In Washington city there are 80,000 treea
ment. All these decay quickly in proportion on the streets and porks, all under tba
as they grow.
Hardier Trees Needed.
Mr. Adams and Mr. Craig each make a
plea for planting the mora hardy and long
lived trees in yards. The? are In every
case more sightly, give a more flecorative
io trees too Close togeuier. iney musi
have breathing space of they will not
thrive. The dictum of these two experts Is
that sort maples, for instance, snouia
never be planted closer than thirty feet
In the city.
Omaha, as a city, la well advanced In
arboriculture, but Omaha streets and
yards have not as many trees nor as beau-
Uful trees as some other cities. There is
on opening here for a society or associa-
tlon of women, especially for the culture
Muckle's property his chickens roosted on
wn several asys ago presenieu nun wnn
the sixth set of twins. In each case they
are a boy and a girl.
Brown says bis family was numerically
,trnS bfJ lrMUleI1' Roosevelt
D' trom ""-nrmaa or from book
died eleven years ago, was a full-blooded
At the World's fair, In 1M. the twin.
tons, the biggest being 8J0 pounds.
Three-Year-Old Newspaper Header.
Charles Buchanan of St. Francisvllle, 111.,
J years of age, is a prodigy. He is
of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Buchanan. Ills
mother was a school teacher In Vlncennes
before her marriage.
When only 10 months old "he listened In
tently to conversations between adults. A
month later when he heard persona
n v.. i. .t.
interrogations aa "Why?" "Whor1
"What?" and "When?" Soon afterward
h. v, dIv.qI.,
nw iv. i ii,v VI,
At the age of 18 months he had read and
He weighs 82 pounds, reads everything
... . ... .......
witn aviuity, ana ine aany newspapers to
his mother regularly at breakfast.
Chip of the Old Block.
One of the army officers stationed at
Governors island is noted for the brimstone
eplthets with which he interpolates his con-
verjatlon; even in his domestic table talk
there are ooeasional flashes. He also has
the English habit of clipping the top off
Uls breakfast egg with a sharp clip of his
knife and eating It out of the shell.
The other morning his six-year-old son
thought that he would "do as pa does."
Unnoticed by bis parents or the servant",
he picked up an egg and gave It an un-
practiced but sturdy little swat In the
midriff. Result: One eM-beaoattrd
youngster; ditto one tablecloth.
iBon!" exclaimed pa, sternly. '
"My son!" chorused ma, In what waa in
tended to be as stern a voice.
"I couldn't help it. ma" piped the young
hopeful. "That dasan oook filled tha agg
too full. 'New York Tlmaa.
of a City
of trees and for Intelligent direction I
tree planting. Such movements have been
started In other cities with the best re
sults. Prizes could be offered for the best
trees of any particular species grown dur-
care of a commission. In Savannah a
special commission was appointed after a
devastating storm ' to restore the trees.
They were considered as Important as tha
houses destroyed. '
Paris, the artistia city of the world, la
noted for Its trees. Who that has wan-
wen fcept trees that lend their cool shade
to even the busiest streets and soread their
branches In front of the most crowded
business emporiums? Every street of that
city more than sixty-five feet in width has
a line of trees on each side. Some of tha
wider streets have a strip of ground In tba
middle planted with trees. There are mora
than 100,000 trees In the city and there la
Bn annual appropriation of 800,000 franca
for caring for them.
Tree Hospital la Paris.
Paris has a "tree hospital." Tha French
regard the trees almost as humans and i
it must be admitted they know how to
cara for them. The "Inspecteur" la really
a doctor. Ha goes about and examines
each tree along the streets. He feels lta
pulse, aa It were. When ha finds one la
'ailing health he marks it for the hospital.
gas, generated by tha decomposition of
animal and vegetable matter. In winter
the trees actually radiate warmth,
Infermatlon as to what trees to plant
be obtlUne(, from th par comn)ls.
Tnere is no investment that win yield
niatkent tree aroun(1 th hoUM. Tyre
a permanent monument to tha planter and
a source of pleasure to tha eya and of
health to tlie body and mind.
Mecca of tha Mormons,
In the middle of the City park of Florx
ence stands a gigantic cottonwood tree,
which Is always a reminder of tha daya
whea the Mormons predominated In thin
neck of tha woods. This giant Is called by
thev Inhabitants of Florence tha. "Mormon
Tree." not because It has too many wives.
"cause u waa pianisa witn grew oere-
, . .k m , r0Te101 D!
.People Of the Mormon faith.
Just fifty years ago people of tha Mor-
1 urc,,t winter. mis ires
ttlantad at that time and attll itiml. m
u,uu"wu l juorraona spang
at Florence.
To this tree every year a delegation
trom Salt Lake Is sent and prayers and
religious service is said under Its apraad-
I" branches. Ths tree is a beauty, as It
atands In tha middle of the publlo park, it
broad, spreading branches covering nearly;
the space of a city lot of Florence.
Another memento of the days when tha
Mormons were at Florenoe Is tha Mormon
cemetery, situated on top of the bill Jus,
above tha park. Thla Is an old landmark.
which Is not kept In very good repair, and
last fall a devastating fire swept across tt
and burned down all the wooden tomb.
stones, which had been there for Years o
which had been replaced from time to time.
The sunflower Is said to hava baao
planted in this country by tha Mormon
on their Journey west. It is said that tha
first to cross tha plains scattered sun
flowar aaads that those following Is tha
fall figM th tsaia,
' ii