Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1907, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 2, Image 18

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Fiat X Gii Shown thit Et Eu a Mind
tf Bit Own.
Uvea Very Simply sad gpeads Hick
f HI Tim In Prayer
Reforms He Has In-stltnted.
HOME, March SI. When Cardinal Parti
w elected to tha chair of Bt Petor no
body waa aa much surprised aa the car
dinal hlmaalf. In fact, that the thought
of hli being chosen , pope waa far from
hla mind ta Ihoan by the reply ho nave
to a friend on the eve of hla departure
from Venice to attend the conclave. II
waa asked Is he thought the election would
be a laborious one.
No." he answered, "I think the election
will be a short one. We will put Peter In
chains perhaps on the very first dny, crown
him pontiff as soon aa possible and hasten
back to our dioceses."
All this took place almost as ha had
prophesied, with tha exception that the
patriarch of. Venice never returned to his
diocese, but remained and will remain until
death releases htm, a voluntary prisoner In
tha Vatican, a sovereign, styled. "Father
of princes and kings, ruler of the orb of
arth and vicar of our Savior Jesus Christ,"
but whose kingdom haa dwindled to a
palaca and a garden.
Preferred Bis tsjlet 1,1 fe.
Plus X has been a much misunderstood
man. His chagrin at bnlng elected pope
waa apparent, especially on tha day of his
coronation, when born aloft In the sedia
gestatorla. To a man who has lived for
fifty years a quiet Ufa, performing his
duties toward his flock with patience and
simplicity, the" sudden rush Into puhllc no
tice was nothing short of paralysing. And
eren now, after three years of pontificate,
ha continues the simple trend of his earlier
days. Under Leo XIII the papal court
felt that all hopes of restoration of tem
poral power were not lost. Leo himself
waa the personification of these hopea, and
at all publlo functions one felt that he
looked on a king In exile.
Tope Plus, on the contrary, the single
minded peasant's son, waa known to have
Worked more for spiritual Influence rather
than temporal power while patriarch of
Venice, and hence at first ho waa regarded
as favoring and wishing for a peaceable
understanding between the Vatican and the
Italian government. Such a surmise was
aupposed to be so well founded that a
compromise of the vexed Roman question
Is still expected. The pope Is apparently
pliant, but the Vatican entourago know
better. Many have regarded tha pope, and
soma still regard his as entirely relying
for his opinions on the secretary of state.
Cardinal Merry del Val. This may have
been quite true In the beginning of his
pontificate, but 4s no longer so at present.
Independent and Firm.
Plus X . has a will of his own, he Is
practical and an enemy to political cow
webbery. Behind his kindliness of de
meanor he has a firmness of purpose which
ones roused cannot be changed. The first
Instance when the pope asserted his Inde
pendence of action occurred, shortly after
hla election. In regard to the dispensing of
tickets for the functions In St. Peter's.
Formerly . It waa tha custom to erect
tribunes or boxes on both sides of the high
altar during Holy week and other solemn
functions. Tickets were much sought after,
and often it was possible to obtain them
for a consideration from hotel porters. The
sale of tickets proved highly profitable to
many a needy prelate, and the bartering
for them amounted to nothing less than a
soandal. Plus X abolished the tribunes and
made It a rule that when any function was
to take place In the basilica all' alike
should have the same privileges.
The choice of the secretary of state was
entirely the pope's. Cardinal Merry del
Val represented to the pope what hs waa
In need of, vis: a young clever prelalo
versed In the ways of the world, and
hence also In diplomacy, and a good lin
guist, yet having the aplritual good of the
church at heart. The choice Is said to havs
been unfortunate, especially as Cardinal
Merry del Val Is unjustly blamed for not
having averted the church crisis In France,
But Plus X Is evidently of a different
opinion, as he reposes Implicit confidence
In his secretary of stats.
. Ills Politics and Policy.
The predominant Influence acquired by
Cardinal Rampolla during the laat pontifi
cate had created for him many enemies In
the BttcreJ college. Ills unfortunate
Francophile policy, which led to disastrous
rosults even before the death of Leo XIII,
made him lose prestige among his col
leagues, the French cardinals Included, and
his determined opposition to the political
union of Italy was notorious.
Plus X, as parish priest, bishop and car
dinal, succeeded In abstaining from that
Intranslgcntlsm which Is characteristic of
Italian clericalism and only nerves to
widen the breach between church and
state, to the prejudice of the true Interests
of religion and morality, and as pope ha
'meant to Initiate a new policy, hardly dif
fering from that folowed by his predecessor
at first, but gradually becoming character
ised ar.d distinguished by the simple faith,
the quiet virtues and the abundant charity
Of heart of the son of tha Rlesl farmer
who was thrust weeping on the papal
The pope's first step In this direction was
the appointment of the new secretary of
tats. Plus X remains a peasant at heart.
Ha has succeeded as pop just as he had
succeeded as patriarch of Venice. Hla only
object In Ufa Is to be good and live like
hla humble forefathers, quietly and simply,
without ostentation. Ha spends a great
part of his time In praysr. Soma time ago !
tt Amsrlcan prelate forgot In the pope's I
library some obtecta nf dnvnilnn hl. v, .v,.. I
pope had blessed during his private audi
ence Tha audleno was Just over, so the
prelate thought ha would , return to the
library and get what he had forgotten.
Tha door was ajar and through the oper.lng
ha saw tha pope on his knees .wrapped In
prayer. The pope's prayers were Inter
rupted by a chamberlain, who ushered in
mora neoule for the next suitlenrA an.4
subsequently told tha prelate that It was !
tha custom of tha holy father to spend
tha Intervals between audiences In prayer.
Reattae ( the Day.
Tha pope Is a very busy man. Hs rises
at 9. After a summary toilet he goes to
hla prlvats chapel, whera his chamberlains
dress him for the masa, which he cele
brates alowly and with .great devotion.
Attar a frugal breakfast he la ready for
bis day's work. Tha whole forenoon is
spent ta audiences, that of the cardinal
aeoretary of stats being generally the Brat
Private and publlo audiences of prlncrs,
pilgrims and people of note or of means
follow until 1, sometimes S o'clock, when
the pops has luncheon. His cook Is -a
Venetian, but tha cooking Is limited to
the plainest fare, on account of the pope's
old malady, gout. The pops la generally
In good health, and as a rule the reports
about bis ailments are exaggerated, but lest
hla doctors' task proves a sinecure hs
ahaerfuUy submits to being dieted. Quite
recently, after a elisht attack of gout,
whoa asked, about kte health the pop re
plied: "Thank God. I cm well, but I am
quite used to the report that I am dying."
After luncheon tha pope walks In the
garden until sunset, when he grants more
audiences, sometimes as late as T or J
o'clock In the evening. After dinner he
chats with the members rt his household,
and of lata some entertainment had been
provided during these "conversation! fa
mallart," aa they are called at the Vatican,
owing to a talking machine presented to
the pope by an American Cathollo of Balti
more. The pope enjoyed listening to the
music, sacred snd profane, but some of ths
noble guards who patronize music halls
made the, startling discovery that several
Neapolitan songs, which were quite un
intelligible to the pope, were not fit to be
heard In the papal apartments and Mgr.
Magglordnmo hastened to expurgate ths
gramophone's repertoire.
Ills Joke with tha Hasi,
Plus X has a keen sense of humor snd
enjoys a Joke hugely. Close to the Vatican
there is a small community of nuns, mostly
very old. the youngest member over to.
A socialist newspaper In an anti-clerical
article attacked all religious female com
munities and by way of a Joke said that
the nuns of this particular convent were
In the habit of riding bicycles. Borne kind
hearted friend of the nuns showed them
the article and they hurried In great trepi
dation to Cardinal Merry del Val, begging
him to assure the holy father that they
had been calumniated and that they had
never In all their lives ridden a bicycle.
The cardinal was highly amused at the
Incident, but he tranqulllzed the good sla
ters and promised that the holy father
would not give credit to ths story. Ths
same day tha cardinal recounted tha story
to the pope. A month or two later tha
nuns were received In audience by tha pope
As soon ss they entered In hla presence
the pope tried to look very angry and
said: "Ah! you are bicycling sisters. A
fine recreation for nuns. Indeed. I am
ashamed, my sisters, and grieved beyond
measure. How oan one reconcile a saintly
life of retirement with riding a, bicycle?
And I heard that you ride In the publlo
streets, too. If ride you must, I would
advice you at least to txerclse In the pri
vacy of your garden."
Beeing the effect his words had produced
on the sisters, who with bowed heads, still
on their knees, were expecting nothing
short of excommunication, ha hastily
added: "I am only Joking, my sisters. I
knew It was all a calumny, but I wanted
to tease you a little."
An Enthusiastic Tribute to the Fluid
of Life, Fresh, Skimmed
or Clabbered.
Did pou ever reflect that but for milk
there could be no human raoe at all?
Everything starts with milk. All men and
women must first be babies, and milk la
ths only food that a baby can take, for a
long time after birth. No substitute Is
possible. Its little anatomy Is not equal
to the task of absorbing any kind of solid
food. It must have milk, warm milk, fresh
from the mother's breast, or there will be
no germ, no embryo, no baby out of which
to make a man or woman. Not only Is
milk Indispensable for the baby, but It Is
the best of all foods for adults. Nothing
else equals It In wholesomeness, digesti
bility, sustaining qualtles. No wonder,
therefore, that the dairy la suc.i an Im
portant Industry. No wonder that count
less billions of dollars are invested In it
and countless thousands of people engaged
In Its various branches. The world could
not move an Inch without milk. In fact,
there could be no world, so far as animal
life Is concerned, without this elemental,
this primordial, thla all-pervading; element
of nutrition.
Josh Billings used to start one' of hla
lectures by saying that, ha had heard a
great deal on the subject of milk, but the
best thing hs had ever seen on . It '.vs
creim. This Is good, of course, as our
quaint philosopher observed, but It Is by
no means all. Even skim milk Is valu
able, much more so than once supposed.
Formerly It was thrown away as worth
less, now every farmer knows that It
possesses fattening power. Nothing Is
better for poultry food. They dry It now
and use tt as desiccated albumen. Though
much has been taken away by the skim
ming or separating process, much re
mains of value. It Is used In ths mechanic
arts as a factor of numerous processes.
Combs, buttons snd sifing for paper,
straw and felt hats, glaslng and finishing
leather and textile commodities are tha
results of eklm milk in various forms. It
would take a long catalogue, Indeed, to
state what may be made or purtly made
from skim milk In ,the solidified or pow
dered form. Modern science haa opened up
a new world on this subject, and no sen
sible dairyrran will now be found turning
his skim milk Into the sewer. Blessed will
bo the day when men cease to drink In
toxicants, always harmful, and confine
themselves to milk. Even now the bars all
keep It on hand for those sensible enough
to order It, and buttermilk In summer Is a
potential rival of beer. Babies), nature's
best product, are all raised on milk ex
clusively, and we are cf opinion that
there would be a finer race than any now
on earth if one could be found that knew
of no stronger drink, but contented them
selves with drinking gallons of milk every
day. uch a raoe would be wholesome,
healthy and moral. No moral monster
would grew up on suoh a diet. , It Is peace
ful, soothing, softening.
Tho late Myron Heed was fond of re
marking that ths bast things were those
that were cheapest and most plentiful. lie
meant water, grabs, air, and milk. It Is
not the things that much money la neces
sary to buy, the so-called luxuries, that
are tha best and most palatable. We could
do without the Imported luxury entirely,
but we cannot do without mdlk any more
than we cart do without the atmosphere
about us. Aslds, therefore, from Its com
mercial value, the money that Is In It, It
needs no argument to prove that dairying
la destined to grow more sjid more In Im
portance. - Mare's milk Is popular In soma
countries, fluid of the goat still more so In
others: but this country prefers tha cow,
and she seems to fully answer all pur
poses. We can do without other things,
might dispense with meat entirely and
thus ruin tha packers: might even let most
of tho grains go as food, but milk we must
have. There Is no way of figuring or cal
culating a civilisation, no possibility of
progress or even existence, without tha
wonderful agent that exudes from ths ud
ders of cows. American Farmer,
Capers of n Busy Camel.
Paris has been laughing at ths antics of
a drunken camel which slept In a police
station. A Turk was leading the camel
along the boulevards, when, without any
warning. It began to walk sideways. This
frightened some omnibus horses, and thsy
Jumped aslds. Ths omnibus ran Into a
coal cart: ths coal cart bumped Into a hand
cart; the hand cart crashed Into a small
wins shop, breaking many bottles; tha wtne
dealer called ths police. Ths polios took
the Turk and the camel to the police sta
tion. It was found necessary to rsmovs
one of the doors to allow ths camel to
enter. While this was being done a kind
wins shop keeper gave the camel a bowl
of wine, which It drank cheerfully. Finally
the camel, In a gay mood, was led Inside
the police station, when It promptly lay
down on the floor and went to sleep. All
attempts to waken It failed. In the morn
ing the camel, quite sober, waa loaded on
a cart and conveyed to the asyluaa for
stray animals at Genntvlllers,
HarlmaiTs Splendid Credit Service Will Always
. a
Meet Your Requirements
OP Piece Set Roflers) EDIT
THERE'S more to Hartman's Credit Plan than mere terms mak
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It is the only credit service yet devised that
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There '8 not another credit plan like it in
all Omaha not one. It is positively the
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ful credit service that was ever adopted by
any homefurnishing institution in. America.
vrivi.ii free with a 9100 part,-..
or sold for 98.96. Terms, 91 cash,
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If set Is bongo and at any Time,
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of same to thelt ao-
worth of goo
credit cos
Book of Blrdville Jingles Free
Every child that cuts out ths illustrated Jin
gles which appear in our Sunday announce
mania between now and July 1st. saves them
and malls them to us at that time, will receive a beautiful bound yalume of Bird
llle verses ritB, printed from fine plates and beautifully Illustrated In eolors. We
would like to have every child In Omaha get ons of these books.
In ttirdvlllc
mm s i i i ii n n .
mmfmm Mr
Anla good oldsoiiliic
With caseotdtg5
And.hisjjag of buggg
Hellas con
Le HartmanforthprVnjTrAT
:j j- . ;iVM,yrw
Xiowsst Fries Always.
There Is absolutely no
question about It we
nndersslL That our
prices are lowest Is an
absolute certainty.
Misstxo rom
$9 eaah, 98 month!
this of far we Include
everything needed for
Verio, Bed Boom, Dining
Boom and Xltohea.
Barlman's Special 75
Steel Ranges iCO
warm I riff
shown above, of
Complete with
closets, as
large size, l'ul) size 8-Inch
nolea, large square oven, miule
of superior materials, ele
gantly nickel' trimmed and
guaranteed In every particu
lar. Bee .this range tomorrow.
mm II
A comparison of Filoea
Invariably brings the shop
per to Haitiimn's There's
not a hoinefurnlahlng Insti
tution In Omaha or vicinity
that oan equal our valuea.
Hartmftns New Special
Solid Brass tied at
This bed exactly like Illustration, worth easily 135, and
sold for that elsewhere In Omaha, heavy 2-lnch posts,
extra heavy fillings, full size, new popular mission type.
ov oiuer siyies on cuspiay. ursai
ii Jmm
Solid Oak
China Clo
Made of selected solid oak
and beautifully polished.
Has oval bent ends, French
shaped legs, carved top, and
carved claw feet. Has fancy
carved panel on top aa
lime of
In the
Over 100
rBXB Set of
Toy Hickory
Furniture, four
pleoes, with all
Oo-Carts of
94.0O 01 over.
This Solid Oak
It has five larfre spacious drawers'
of expert workmanship; Is made
throughout In polished solid golden
ouk; a very fine chiffonier ut an
extraordinary speclul price.
This Go-Cart Is one of the strong
est and most durable made. It Is
constructed of
heavy bloyole
tubing, has pat
ent reclining
back, reen en
ameled a-eara.
large steel
man with
the price
C JdL Worth
srfTtidui, Toti
solid oak 1
Sprclsl ComblnsHaa
Book tssr and Desk
Kxactly like Illustration,
Large oval French beveled
mirror, nloely carved top,
large size bookcase with ad
Justlble shelves and conven
ient desk. Made throughout
of solid oak, nicely finished.
five drawers.
case, comnlete with full
set of attachments and acces
sories, new drop head style, easy
running. This machine Is equal
to any machine sold In Omaha at
130 or over, no matter what make
it may be. Bold on easy terms.
WeWhered Oak
rssion Rock
A fPKClAU It haa extra heavy
frame, wide aeat, broad arms, and
paneled back. It la made of solid oak
with weathered finish. A most elo
gant and substantial rocker. Seat and
back elegantly upholstered In Span
ish leatherette as shown.
Go-Cart Specials
The Fulton, AUwin or Knox Collapalbls
Cto-Cart, strongest and best carts of the
kind mado, has luatherette seat aud back,
rubber tire wheels, easy to adjust 7 e
and fold, collapsible
Beollng folding- Oo-Oarts, reed back, wood
seat, rubber tire wheels, dash in front,
lion pusher and handles, regu- X "ie
lar $8.00, at 'J
Voiding Kea lining Oo-Oart, back and seat
of curie, dash In front, rubber 2 9
tire wheels, royal green finish .... '""''
folding Go-Cart, made very strong and
light, veneer seat and back, rubber tire
steel wheels, gearing finished f 1C
In green ,,u
AH deeds SellTav
ed In Unlettered
fWtpl I
cut, mado of solid oak, has heavy pedes
tal base, aa shown, and claw feet;
extends to 6 feet, size of top Is
42x42 Inches, nicely fin
ished, extra well made, has
Hurt man new easy running
Slides, spsclal at
lop is
Genuine Leather
Exactly like cut Large comfortable
size, upholstered In gunulne leathnr,
tufted back and arms, side head rests
as shown, exclusive Hartman design.
Bpecll price on a limited supply,
actual value Is $35. Bee this elegant
New Special f fl 7 C
Oak Buffet VJ t O
Exclusive design, made of rich quar
ter sawed oak, rubbed and polished,
large French beveled mirror, fancy
brackets as shown, china closet front
with wood grilled work
This Elegant C
Just like Illustration.
ntvnted design: extra massive and
with three coats of heavy baked-on enamel.
Any size or color. See thla elegant Bed.
e. ,n-- f
line illustration, maae or elegant auar-
or mahogany
Exceedingly orna-
id finished
- 'ifc aa. If il. - 9 I
See cut. Made of beautiful
?uarter sawed oak, rubbed
inixh or In polished ma
hogany finish, large French
beveled mirror.
urancarg xia w tultet it 75
atros, at hJ,ij
Pimlck's Wilton Velvet Rugs, txll feet. We
have Just received 100 of this popular maks In
this most popular size. The purchase was
made some time ago at quite a price concession
and In turn enables us to quote a price that
ennnot be duplicated this season.
Thsss rugs are all of newest design and eoms
la the most desirable shades of green, tan, red.
Ban turd Brussels Bags Three of the most
desirable sizes; lurge medallion centers, small
al lover effects or perfect copies of French
Rxli feet. (21.00 value 914.TS
xlO feet, 17. f)0 value 911.75
xt feet. 114.00 value 89.65
tered oak
colonial legs, with
beneath, largs size tOD.
exclusive Hartman design,
made to special order, ouly
finish, masslvs
Elegant O H C
Dresser Now Oe 9 J
The cabinet work on this
dressor is very hlKh grade,
made strong, beautifully fin
ished, is handnomely carved,
has large French bevel mirror.
Hartman Special f) C
Kirchan Oabint
Kxactly like cut shown. Made of hard
wood, nicely finished, top haa convenient
spice drawers as shown, tmse Is extra well
made, size 2Cx46. 2 bins. 2 drawers and I
boards. This same cabinet without top, at
only $4.45. We carry more styles of cab
inets than any other store In Omaha. Com
plete line of Mcliougal Cablinns, special
display. See theae cabinets.
sffl infaa sifTfeifa
: fflaaai
ill - K 7
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