Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 8, Image 16

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Pining Room Furniture
Our New Spring Stock of DINING ROOM FURNI
TURE surpasses all previous efforts in this direction, con
sisting of all the different woods and their various finishes,
such as Mahogany, Early English Oak and Weathered Oak
and Fumed Oak, and the latest finish, the STRATFORD.
' To sell for less is necessary to buy for less and quantity
always governs price.
The price concessions we obtain by this immense pur
chase is reflected on every article and we intend to give each
purchaser the benefit of our good fortune. We herewith
quote a few of the good values:
Solid Oak, G-ft. Tedestal Table
for $17.50
Quartersawed, golden oak Ped
estal Table $20.00
Early English round oak Table,
54-in. in diameter .,. .$30.00
Solid mahogany round Table,
48-in. in diameter . . .$42.00
Quartered sawed, golden oak, Buffet, polished $24.00.
Polished oak, quarter sawed, Buffet $30.00
Polished oak Sideboard, very fine $28.50
Early English Oak Buffet $27.00
Early English oak China Cabinet, leaded glass. . .$30.00
Solid mahogany China Cabinet, very massive $40.00
Quarter sawed oak China Cabinet, bent glass ends $17.50
Full swell polished oak China Cabinet $20.50
Solid oak, leather box seat Dining Chair $2.75
Polished oak, leather box seat Dining Chair $3.75
Weathered oak, leather box seat Dining Chair $4.00
Solid mahogany, leather box seat Dining Chair $6.75
Miller,tewart & Beaton
413-1547 South 16th Street
1 dh ivnr
III i I . 1 VjaV.'' s I T II 1 It
-F V X V l.-v X 'III
klnirii and quwni. lto for the trumps, total
17". In another 2 and ISO, total 390.
Now, all these methods cannot re right,
and anion them It would seem that the
election of the true one would be to find
that which In In accord with the spirit of
the same. In ord.r to be tonslstent la all
the melds and to follow out the same prin
ciple In one that Is Insisted on In another
we shall find that the correct values for the
melds which are commonly disputed In
modern pinochle when played three or four
hand should be as follows:
Kor four kings and queens 23)
Kor the trump sequence 130
For both these together J70
No other values will conform to the rules
which have been shown to be Inherent to
the game. A fresh card for each meld, for
aa mnny melds as can be made by adding
to the cards already on the table.
Mwimn itM, wr JtaaajiT,
wftif not get a niee eu&ta eaS'met
pi that jPiebent? one wM ornament.
the (tome and ntake Ufa, one to whom
you we it haftjjy thee timeb a day.
fyiom t& you eon Say a
eby&ta eaSind. fd u4 td unUtt
yoa home. Ufa, hornet we junih ae
awayb happy horned,
everything pi Ufa, home at oaX &toe.
you PiuCy
mM&i &tewat & Seaton.
Points of the Game an Which Playtri
Often lisagm.
Frlnclples on Which It "Was Orl
v Inally Baaed Correct Value of
X Disputed Melda and the
Heasons Therefor.
Probably tew games have undergone such
radical changes In a ahort time aa pinochlo,
and thero Is certainly no game of cards
about which there la so much diversity of
opinion us to the correct rules and so little
technical knowledge aa to right principles.
In the absence of any stunuard authority
(or the game, any recognized code of rules,
it has been loft to muny separate and dis
tinct groupa of players to make their own.
This haa been done without consultation
with players other than those In their own
set, and Is. of course, aa fair for one aa
(or another; but It Is not pinochle.
No matter where or how ha has been
taught, the good pinochle player will be on
par with any other good player as soon
aa the cards are up and the melds are on
the elate. It Is never the play that makes
the difference In the. game, because perfec
tion In that la arrived at by practice and
experience. It Is the value of the declara
tions or melda that leads to so many dis
putes. Every card game is based on certain
fundamental principles which distinguish
It from other games. It Is on these princi
ples alone that the rules should be based,
and most disputes concerning pinochle
arise from lack of familiarity with these
Compared to Bealqae.
Until about ten years ago pinochle was
very much like bezique. The principal dlf.
(erencaovas that In bezique the four kings
or queena might be of any suits; they hod
to be of different suits In pinochle. The
minor difference was In the value of the
two principal melda. In bezique the trump
sequence waa worth. 250; In pinochle, 1U)
only. The double bezique was worth 600;
double pinochle, SuO only.
In pinochle eight aces used to be worth
1.000; eight kings 800, and so on. These
melds were Impossible In beaique, because
after winning a trick the bezique player
had only seven cards in his hand. Even In
rublcan bezique, In which nine cards are
dealt, and the four spade queens and four
diamond jacks are worth 4.500. It does not
eem to have ever occurred to players to
make eight aces worth 1.000, and there Is
no score for eight of a kind.
Catting; Away the Melds.
One of the first, and probably one of the
most Important, changes In pinochle was
'cutting out these big scores, the first to go
being the melds for eight of a kind. It
was found that the habit of holding on
desperately to six or seven cards of a kind
In the hope of going game In one meld
completely spoiled the play of the ha tula
and made pinochle nothing but a specula
tion on the draw, to win or lose everything
on a single card. As now played, eight aces
are worth only 200; eight kings are worth
100, and so on.
The next change was to cut down the
meld for double pinochle In the same way,
and In the American game double pinochle
la now worth only 80. But there Is one Im
portant tiling to be remembered in connec
tion with these melda, which is that they
are still considered aa single melds, just
as they were In the old game.
This Is a point frequently overlooked In
playing two hand. The rule is that there
shall be only one meld made for each trick
taken, and under this rule some persons
Imagine that only one pinochle can be
melded at a time, even If the player holda
them both; but such Is not the case.
The player Is at llbtrty to lay down eight
kings or double pinochle at once. Just as
he did in the old game, and call either of
them a single meld. The change is not
that the old meld haa been cut Into two
melds, but that the value of the meld Itself
has been cut down.
When the Argsmest Starts.
The majority of the misunderstandings
and disputes at pinochle are with regard to
the melding of double combinations. Theso
are the cases In which several melda are
grouped together as one, and are set down
as a lump sum.
They occur only In three or four hand,
but In order to understand thoroughly the
principles underlying the rules by such
melds it Is necessary to go back to the
original game, because no matter what
changes we may make In the value we at
tach to a meld, whether we call It worth
2T,0 polnta or 150 or 15, the fundamental
principles of the game must be adhered
to in making the meld itself or we are not
playing pinochle.
Pinochle, like bezique, was originally a
game for two players only, and the law for
melding, the principle upon which all melds
were based, was extremely simple.
After winning a trick the player who won
It could make any single meld he had In hla
hand before he drew a card from the stock.
This meld had to be one of five things, a
marriage, a sequence In trumps, a pinochle,
a dlx, or four of a kind.
Under no circumstances was it allowed to
meld two marriages at the same time, or
marriage and sequence together. It the
player held a combination meld. It was
necessary for him to win a separate trick
for each separate part of that combination,
or he could not score It at alL It was also
necefsary for all the cards that went to
make up the combination to be still on the
table when the meld was scored.
The best example of the way this rule
worked In the original game la that of the
four kings and four queens. Upon winning
a trick, the player holding this combination
could lay It all down at once, but he could
actually score only one part of It,, so he
usually began with eighty kings. On win
ning another trick, he would score his sixty
queens, and then as he won other tricks he
would gradually score hla marriages, until
he had made 240 points out of the combina
tion. Birth of a Rule.
This system of holding over scores to be
made good by winning subsequent tricks led
to a great d-al of confusion, and although
it is still allowed In bezique. it haa been
abolished for many years in pinochle. It
often happened that a player who had one
or two scores In abeyance on the table
Is an ordeal which ail
women approach witbj
indescribable, fear, for
nothing compare with
pain and horror of
-birth. The thought
of the suffering and danger in store for her, rob the expectant mother
-1 1 1 1 -' r . , . . 1
ui an picasani anucipauons 01 uie coining event, ana casts oyer her a
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off.. Thousands of women
have found that the use of Mother' Friend during pregnancy robs
confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the
time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend
carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but it use
gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning
sickness," and other dis-
comforts of tb.ii period. "I ""I 'SfflSTFF fj H FTD
Sold by "druggist, at UUJtUJ U tKl LLLRi L
fl.oo per bottle. Book Vl
containing valuable information free. fF '"J f fTm 7 1 H ' FTf)
TU Brad (Id Re0ldUr C.. Atlanta, G. U LilULZmL U 111)
would get something more valuable to score
In the meantime, and then there would be
disputes as to how much of the meld on
the table had been scored, and whether or
not some of it had been scored twice over
or not at all.
This led to the formulation of one of the
most Important and useful rules In pinochle,
the rule which marks out most clearly the
distinction between pinochle and bezique.
It is this: For every fresh meld at least
one fresh card must be laid out from the
hand of the player. ' ' '
Under this rule It was no longer possible
to lay upon the table a number of melds
at the same time, hoping to score them aa
tricks were taken later. If the player held
four kings and four queens he had to meld
his four kings first.
Upon winning another trick, he would
add the queen of trumps and score tho
royal marriage. On winning another trick
he could meld a plain suit marriage, and
with a fourth trick another marriage.
When it came to the fifth trick there re
mained In his hand only one coxd belong
ing to the combination, and he hod to
choose whether to meld it as four queens
or a fourth marriage. It could not be
used for both melds, and aa one must be
lost the sixty queens was chosen. There
being no fresh card to be played from the
hand for the last marriage, that score waa
let go, leaving a total of 220 for the whnlo
five melds In combination.
Precisely in the same way the player
holding the trump sequence would meld
the marriage first, afterward adding to It
the A J 10, scoring 40 for the marriage, and
then 150 for the sequence, a total of 190 for
the combination. If the trump sequence
was laid down first the marriage waa lout,
because there waa no fresh card to play
I from the hand.
Rale Often Violated.
There is also a minor rule which pre-
vents a player from taking cards away
from a meld to form other melds of lees
ralue In the same class. Marriages and
sequence are In the same class, and this Is
the only class affected by this rule.
Should a player have melded trump
; sequence without melding the marriage
first and have another king of trumps he
I catinot meld the marriage with the new
I king, because he would have tq take tho
queen away from the other meld, which is
In the same class and of greater value.
In melding pinochle in the old days If
the player held double pinochle in his hand
he melded the single pinochle first and
scored 40 for It When he won another
trick, he added the two fresh cards from
his hand to the two on the table and melded
double pinochle, scoring S00 more, so that
he made it worth 840 altogether, for the
combination, Just as he Increased the trump
marriage to the trump sequence. But there
Is no longer any such score as 300 for Jfouble
pinochle, so that the player holding It may
as well lay it down at once for eighty.
We come now to the connecting link
between the original or two-hand game
and the modern three or four-hand game.
In two-hand, as long as there remained
cards in the stock to draw from the players
could meld, because the rule was that a
player must meld after winning a trlofc
and before drawing from the stock. When
there was no longer any stock to draw
from the melds ceased.
While the players were making their
melds and drawing from the stock It waa
not necessary to follow suit to anything,
not even to trumps, and the second player
was not obliged to win a trick unless he
wanted to. But as soon as the melds were
all made and the stock was exhausted It
became Imperative for the second player
on each trick not only to follow suit but
to win the trick if he could, no matter
what was led.
Fnndnmentala of the Game.
This would seem to show that the fun
damental principles of the game of pinochle
are these: For every meld there must
be at least one fresh card from the hand,
as many melds being allowed as can be
made by adding fresh cards to previous
melds which are stll1. on the table. No
melds good until after winning a trick.
Obligatory to follow auit when there is no
stock to draw from.
These were the principles of the two
band game. When people began to play
three-hand, each for himself, or four-hsnd
as partners, there were not cards enough
In the park to make the game Interesting
with a stock, so they dealt out all the cards
Xa the players at once and turned up the
last of the dealer's cards for the trump.
This left no stock to draw from, and
therefore no chance to get any melds but
those originally held by the players. As
each trick played reduced the number
of cards held, without any other cards to
take their places, it was evident that all
the melds In the hand should be made be
fore a card was played, and that these
melda should be considered good If the
player took a trick: . '' ':'
In melding the correct principles of the
original game were strictly carried out,
fresh card from the hand being demanded
for each meld laid on the table, and ail
melds to be lost If the player did not win
a trick.' ' '
What May Be Achieved.
It was therefore ' still possible for the
player who held four kings and four'quee i
to score 220 for them by laying them down
In proper order. He could also secure 190
for the trump Sequence by laying down
the marriage first and adding the three
fresh cards to make the sequence after-
It was also possible to secure everything
contained In larger combinations of melds.
urn as mis: Kriadca beine iramn th.
: player melds 80 kings; then spade mar-
rlage. 40; then 40 pinochle with the Jack of
diamonds; then 20 clubs and 20 diamond
then 60 queens; then 150 trumps with the
ace, Jack and ten added to the spade mar
rlage already on the table, and finally the
aix, worth 10 more.
All these melds have been made In strict
accordance with the rules, and all ot them
win oe goad If the player wins a trick. The
i combination of twelve cards la worth 420
Simple as this'princlple may appear, you
will find many who play three and four-
hand pinochle who do not understand It
and who insist that four kings and four
queens are worth 240. You may ask them
to show you how they meld It and mav
demonstrate that it Is Impossible with eight
caras. wnicn the game Is two-hand,
mree-nand or four-hand. What Is still
more strange Is that the same players who
insist on scoring 240 for this comblantlon
will tell you that the trump sequence Is
not worfb more than 150. because you have
to lay an the cards down at once.
Others, again, who score the four king:
uu iour queens correctly as worth 220
only, m three or four hand, will not allow
you to add more than 110 for the remainder
of the trump sequence, If It is In the same
hand, because, they say, you would be
using the same cards twice over; yet they
have used all the kings and three of the
queens twice over 'already.
Others, again, probably the most un
reasonable of all. Insist that if you meld
the trump sequence, you cannot score forty
for the royal marriage, because you will
De using the same cards twice over, and
for the same reason, they will tell you
you cannot score eighty kings and sixty
queens in the same hand with the trump
What the Wise Ones Mean.
What they mean Is that you cannot score
the marriage because It Is trumps, neither
can you score the king and queen belong
ing to the marriage, because you have not
been allowed to score them as trumps; yet
you can score both these cards twice over
If yeu have no trump sequence once to
make the four of a kind and once more to
make the marriage.
The common reason assigned for not per
mitting certain melds is that you must not
use the same card twice over, yet the very
players who object to this will use some
cards, such as the queen of spade, three
or four times over, without serin? any In
consistency iA their application of the rule.
Nothing la so astonishing as the diversity
of the values attached to the four kings
and four queens, especially In connection
with the trump sequence. In one plaice
you will find the four kings and queens
worth 220, in another 40. In another 140
only, no marriages being allowed. The
trump sequence is worth 150 in some places,
190 in others.
In combination with the four kings and
queers it is worth only 210, which is ar
rived at by calling the sequence 150 and the
three marriages 0, no four of a kind being
allowed. In another they call it worth 250,
made up of 19U for the trumps and 60 tor
the marriages In plain suits.
Then again you find 240 for the kings and
queens and 110 only for the trumps, a total
ot iM. In anvtuer place It Is tit for the
Lives Brightened by Mrs. T.legler's
Maaaslne aad Patriotism
One result of the publication of the Ma
tilda Ziegler magazine for the blind has
been the sending of many letters to tho
publishers from the blind subscribers.
Laettere have come from nearly every state
of the union, written by persons of all
conditions of life.
A blind clergyman writes, stating his
conviction that the broader his range of
reading the wider his possibilities of work.
On the otter hand, a young wunan In re
ligious fervor declares It her duty as a
recent convert to forego the magazine as
one of the vanities of life to be renounced.
A rich western man nsks to be allowed
to pay for his subscription, while a south
ern woman says that In thirty years she
has had but two books to read, part of the
lilble and a history of the L'nlted States.
From the weet came three letters from
convicts confined in penitentiaries, signed
with their prison numbers. A letter from
New England farm was accompanied by
two cakes of home-made maple sugar as a
sweet testimonial from a younj woman.
The desire of the blind to be treited as
normal beings manifests Itself repeatedly.
"We have always longed for a perlodlcul
like those our seeing friends enjoy,"
writes one. Another says, we ao noi
want matter relative to our afflictions, but
material of that kind and quality which
will take our thoughts away from our
selfish tendencies and make us nee life
Just as It Is viewed by the seeing people."
"I am deprived of both sight and hear
ing," writes a woman from New Hamp
shire. "No one can read aloud to me. I
am delighted to read something like the
magazines that seeing folks have. That Is
what we want"
"It cannot but be a source of gratifica
tion to the sightless to realize that they
are not excluded from the rapid march of
progress which marks this century," writes
Santiago A. Butler. "The libraries
which we now enjoy, the growing
Interest which has developed in the ad
vancement of the blind and now the pub
lication of this magazine, which will fill
a long felt need, are not the least Indica
tions of the spirit of progress which ani
mates and distinguishes the present era.
To those who, like the blind, are In so
many ways dependent upon the kindness of
others an opportunity to become the con
tributor of pleasure Is doubly welcome
The Joy of ono who has for years heard
news from the outside world only as read
or repeated by patient friends, but now
finds himself able to entertain and In
struct others, cannot be overestimated by
those to whom reading aloud is a dally
affair of no special interest.
"It Is Indeed a great privilege," says a
Vermont man. "to have stories and poems
to read to your sighted friends." And a
woman from Pennsylvania voices the same
sentiment, saying: "The reading of the
publication to others of my family has
proved an interesting pleasure to them
The poem, "Your Flag and My Flag and
How it Files Today," with a cut of the
Stars and Stripes In raised lines, appeals
to many readers who had no previous de
finite conception of the flag.
"It looks quite natural to my mind's
eye," says one, "for there I see Its beautl
ful colors shining out fair and bright as I
pass my fingers over the embossed stars
ad stripes. The verses below the flag are
pretty, too, and I think they help to In
crease the enthusiasm of every patriotic
breast at the sight of our national banner
that has beefi carried through so many
wars ever victorious. My earnest prayer
Is that it may long wave in triumph over
a free land and a prosperous people."
Home Rna Wins Bride.
When John J. Fltzhenry made his famous
home run In the ninth Innlr.g last season
It won the game. But he won much more,
The charming Miss Orace Butler, a base
ball fanette, and Fltzhenry were married
at Jersey City last week. The bride Is cer
tain Fltzhenry will make only home runs
The Rochesters and the Jersey Cttys
of the Eastern League were playing In Jer
sey City; the score was t to 3. Two
Rochester men were out in the last half
of the ninth inning when the sturdy Fltz
henry, the left fielder, strode to the plate.
Mack, the Jersey City pitcher, put on his
most puzzling curve.
"Strike," yelled the umpire.
The palpitating Miss Butler found the
ecstatic chorus.
"Strike two!" again Miss Butler shrieked
with Joy.
"Swat!" Fltzhenry hit the next ball
Before Its meteor-like flight was finished
Fits had crossed the home plate.
"The man who won that game can win
me," thought Miss Butler enthusiastically
in the same admiring spirit that Venus
flirted with Mars.
She and Fltzhenry met at a social affair
soon after; he caught her true affections
on the fly. Fltzhenry, a graduate of Man
hattan college in civil engineering. Is em
ployed on one of the Hudson river tunnels.
Rev. Thomas Spurgeon has resignd the
pastorate of Metropolitan temple, Irtd n,
on account of ill he:ilth. He succeeded his
father, the Rev. Charles H. Spurgeon, In
At Spokane, Wash., plana are being made
by the Methodist Kplscopal Ministers' n
eurlatlon to erect a mammoth temporary
tabernacle for revival purpoties within the
next two nvntlis.
The archblrthop of Montreal, Mgr. Bru
chast, haa addressed a letter of protest to
the city authorities of Mumtreal aulniit
the admiBtion In the public library of works
that mock at religion and are a menace to
Christian morals. 1
Tired of the pleasures of life. Joseph
Dwlght, son of I'rof. Thomas Dwight of
the Harvard Medical school, has become
a monk and has entered the Trapplst nion-
HKiM-y oi uur Liiiuy ui me V alley at Latma
dale, R. I.
Tho Temple Baptist church of Iaos An
geles, of which Rev. Robert J. Burdette,
poet and humorlM. Is naator. unite a
church, office building und playhouse under
one roof, and the rental Income pays all
expenses. It is built of reinforced con .rete
Added to the Interest attaching to every
one cf Burdctte's sermons Is the mutr
rendered from that great organ one of
the largest In the world, that is built Into
the auditorium. The organ Is one of the
three largest and finest In the world and
has sixty slops and iiuO pipes.
Every Known
; cum
Without the Use of Medicine
There Is no such thing as an Incurable disease.
I make this statement just as broad, sweeping and all-lncluslve a: I
know how.
Man's ability to cure disease is limited only to the extent ot his
knowledge of nature's laws.
When I say there are no Incurable diseases, I moan every word I
say. Every word of It Is true. I know It to bo true, because In the past
quarter of a century I have proved It to my own satisfaction, and to the
Joyful satisfaction of thousands of others.
I am constantly on the lookout for other diseases to prove It on. I
can prove it to anybody In fact, I want to prove It to everybody. I do
not care what the disease Is, nor how severe It Is, nor how many other
diseases are complicated wfth It. I can show you parallel cases that
have been cured by my famous Magnetic Shields, and they are sound
and well today, as living monuments to the grand, revitalizing power of
These Magnetic Shields keep the body bathed In a constant stream
of magnetism, which floods the whole system with life and energy.
Patients are often told that they have Incurable diseases. I want to
tell you right here that nearly all these cases can be cured, and I will
prove it to you. More than seventy-five per cent of all my patients that
have been cured were first given up as beyond all hope by the physicians
treating the cases, and they have been made sound and well by applying
magnetism according to my Instructions.
All I ask you Is to send me a full statement of your case, so that t
may give It a careful study, and I will advise you fully by letter Just
what can be done for you, and how It can be done.
I'll agree to tell you all about It and prove to you, In any way you
want, that all I say la true.
I'll point you to cases of paralysis, consumption, diabetes, Brlght's
disease, locomotor ataxia, Insanity, dyspepsia, rheumatism, nervous pros
tration, tumors, obesity nnd a hundred and one other diseases doctors
call Incurable. I can show you the most Incontestable proofs that I
have cured them.
I have cured these cases after the patients have been given up to die.
When you write, don't be afraid that I am going to sell you some
thing. I know that If I can prove to your satisfaction all I say, you will
want Thacher's Magnetic Shields without any urging from me, because
I prove that they will do Just what I say they will do. There la nothing
elue on earth to take their place, and do as much aB they can do. Read
the evidence in these letters from grateful patrons who have been cured.
Serious Complications, Resulting From Smallpox,
Quickly Cured
J09 R. Thomas Ave, Shenandoah, la., April 6, 1907.
Thacher Magnetic Shield Co., Chicago, 111.:
Gentleman While In India two years Hgo, I had a severe attack of small
pox, which was followed by Ijysentery. I wan treated by four Kuropean physi
cians, all of whom considered my can hopeless and ordered me to America at
once. On arriving In America my caso waa taken by two good physicians. I
took 60 grans of Hlmnuth (30 grs. sub-gallnte and i!0 grs. mib-nltratc i dallv,
besides other drugs. Confined to my bed most of the time, I continued to
grow worse. The physicians said 1 would not live until spring. Learning of
your shields, I ordered and put on a milt Sept. 25th, '0, at the name time
leaving off all drugs. January 1st, '07, I was ablo to take up regular work
and have continued to Improve In health ever since.
It Is six months today since I put the shields on. You remarked that they
would make another man of me In this time. I can freely say they Vave done
so. I recommend your shields to all the suffering ones I can.
Yours very sincerely,
k 309 E. Thomas St., Shenandoah, la.
Was Pronounced Incurable-Diabetes and Nervous
Dr. Thacher: .
tear Sir In 188 one of your agents sold me a Mngnetle Belt, Leggings
and Lung Shields when I had been given up to die with diabetes of the kid
neys. 1 had suffered with kidney and stomach trouble and nervous prostra
tion until I had become so weak and helplevs that 1 could not walk erect
without a cane. '1 he doctors, my family ami I had given up the struggle, and
I expected to be In my grave within sixty days.
1 was no discouraged 1 did not wish to try the Shields, but my son finally
Induced me to do so, and the first night I had a peaceful sleep for the first
time In years. I am now able to give vigorous attention to the bUBlnens con
nected with our company.
I have not worn the Magnetic Belt for some years until last fall, when I
had become run down and my stomach wus troubling me. I put flie Belt, Leg
gings and Lung Shield back on und within a week or two wus as vigorous as
Since flst putting them on I have felt a deep sense of gratitude toward
you for saving my life, and there is not a week passes thut I do not recom
mend them to some sick person I meet.
Yours very truly,
President Bid well Electrics Co., 1505 Humboldt Blvd., Chicago, 111.
I have thousands more Just such letters. People write me from
Maine to California that I have cured them of almost every known dis
ease after they had been given up as Incurable.
Write to me and let me prove that I can cure you, no matter If you
have been told that you have an Incurable disease. I wan to say right
here that the majority of so-called Incurable diseases can be cured, as
more than seventy-five per cent of all the cases I have cured were given
up as Incurable before they adopted my method of treatment.
Do not give up hope. There is no guesswork or child's play about
magnetism. Simply write me fully regarding your case, and I will take
tho same careful pains to consider your trouble, and will advise you by
letter what shields will be required to cure you, Just the same as If you
could call at my office and have a talk with me. I will ulso send you
free my new book, "A Plain Koad to Health," by C. I. Thacher, M. D.,
containing much valuable Information on the subject of Magnetism that
can be obtained from no other source.
Thacher Magnetic Shield Co.
Suite 54, 169 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III.
PAV WHAT YOU CAN and begin your
treatment now. Men, I have a treatment
especially adapted to all your ailments; 31
years' experience makes It possible for ms
to cure where all others fail 25 yean la
Omaha. Treatment by mail.
Office hours all day to 8:30 p. in. Bus
day, 8 to 1. Call or write. Dcz 766. Office,
t!5 South Fourteenth Bl, Omaha, Neb.
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