Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 13

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Growth of City aid Irospsrity of Stats
Attract Wids Attention.
Wall Street Jonraal Sara Jtot Mace
State u Organised Haa
Inch Progress Brea
Never alnce Nebraska became a state
nave business conalittone here been ao good
as they are at present. llulldlng operations
In Omaha and In every town In the state
are nly one of the Indications of the (treat
prosperity with which Nebraska Is rilled.
That continued ptosperlty Is expected by
the business men of the state la shown by
the large bull. ling hlocka now under con-
motion. In Omahu, within the past two
fy-ars. 90 per cent of the wholesalers and
J' Jobbers have been compiled to Increase
the.:- facilities and dally are announcements
of row buildings made by this class of
Every bank In the state Is filled with
money and thousands if mortgages have
been paid altogether or In part. Much
Nebraska money is Invested In 'eaMern
municipal and state securities, and but
very little In corporation Mocks.
There are no reduction In new enter
prises due to either financial stringency or
fear of a future stringency.
Nebraska farmers are In better financial
shape than probably anv other farmers In
the oountry. With no ct-b4ck In produc
tion for live years, and with good prices
all the time, the Nebraska farmers find
themselves with more money than they
ever dreamed of having. In turn the
Mipply of money among this class of the
Mute's population, makes business good
with every other class.
Opinion of Wall Street.
That Is what the Wall Street Journal has
to say of Omaha and Nebraska. It Is
merely an Indication of what the entire
east la say In of Omaha and Nebraska.
The Gate City and the Antelope state, by
their unprecedented growth and prosperity,
are filling the eyes of the magnate? with
wonder. The Journal also comments on
the conditions In other western and north
weetorn cltlos and states, but gives first
place to Omaha and Nebraska. It finds
after making a thorough Investigation of
fuels that greater progress, greater growth,
greater development and greater general
prosperity are to be found here than In any
other portion of the country.
Oa fact, which has acted like a powerful
magnet In attracting attention to this city
la, that of the $1,273,060 expended In build
ing operations during lWHi, 84 per cent, or
all but $(187,000, was local capital. Eustern
financial men pronounce this fact the best
Indication cf positive stability and faith of
Nebraskans In Nebraska and its metropolis
The same overwhelming ratio, will it Is
believed, be maintained this year when
the ajgregate expenditures will far exceed
thosu of one year ago.
Faith that Moves Mountains.
"If the people of Omaha have that much
(money to put into buildings and that much
faith to back them, then people from other
cities with money to invest need not be
afraid to come here and in fact they will
not be afraid, but will come, are coining
wherever It Is possible, and placing their
money In local institutions." said a busi
ness mail.
"I ant astonished to know thla la a fact,"
aid a prominent Kansas City man who
was told of this situation. "Why, exactly
the reverse Is true of Kansas City, which
Is making such remarkable growth; there
foreign capital dominates," ,
And to Illustrate his point be told a little
"A Kansas City and a 6u Joseph man
metjhe other day. The Kansas City man
aaidr 'St. Joe, St. Joe, let's see, I believe I
have heard of that place before; Oh yes.
It's the town up the river' "
"Yes the town up the river that fur
nishes Kansas City with its capital for
Improvements," interposed the St Joe man.
V Schools and Federal Offices Will Close
v' '" Observe the Morton
' ' Festival.
Arbor Day will be observed according
to usual custom in the public schools
Monday. At the Board of Education meet
ing last. Monday evening action was taken
te authorize the closing of the schools at
noon on Arbor Day in honor of the day
instituted through the efforts of a dis
tinguished Nebraukan, J. Sterling Morton.
During the morning one or more trees
will be planted In the yards of the various
schools, according to conditions. The trees
are furnished by the school board. Jhe
tree planting will be accompanied by ap
propriate exercises, such as will Inculcate
In the minds of the young the spirit of the
Financial Strength and Prompt Payment
The Real Value of Life Insurance
Proof Furnished Six Companies Same Day
and Boor First Payment Received From
The Equitable Life Assurance Society
PAVL MORTON. President.
x DRESHER. Tailor
TeJ. Doug. IS S7.
Omaha, April 16, 1&07.
' Mgr. Equitable Life Assurance Sooiety ,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
We are in receipt of draft
for $i;000.on policy of my .father, the
late Samuel Dresher, this being the .
first money received out of the six
Yours truly,
II. D. NEELY, Rhnafler for Nebraska
402-1-4-5 Me.'ehiaU National Bank Bnllding, ....
George RL Cooper,
n. Fay Neely,
General Agents, Omaha
Joe Klein.
Central AgU Lincoln, Neb.
occasion. Programs havs been arranged
by some of the teachers.
Tuesday evening In Flint Congregational
church Enoa Mills of Estes Park. Colo ,
will talk on treea and tree planting.
Every day Juat now la Arbor Pay with
Superintendent Adams of the Tark board.
Mr. A.Uiiin and his staff are busy planting
and transplanting trees In the various
The Dost office will close at noon to ena
ble the postofflce force to plant trees. The
usual carrier deliveries will be made In
the forenoon and the postofflce will clora
at noon for the remainder of the day.
Matter Considered by General Greely,
bnt Pat I p to Depart
ment. Major General A. Qreely, commanding
the Northern Military Division, and De
partment of the Missouri, returned Satur
day morning from Fort Mackenzie with
his aide-de-camp. Captain Shield, and was
at army headquarters fo a while during
Saturday. They left for Chtcagi Baturday
Captain Carter P. Johnson, Tenth cavalry,
who Is In supervisory charge of the Ute
Indiana at Fort Meade, was In Omaha
Saturday conferring with General Greely
relative to the Indians. Nothing haa yet
been done toward transferring the Vtes to
the Cheyenne agency, aa that matter Is
still under the consideration of the Indian
I'pon the recommendation of the acting
chief aurgean of the Department of the
Missouri the following promotions and as
signments to stations of enlisted men of
the hospital corps Is announced: Sergeant
Archie Coffle, from Fort Omaha to Fort
Dea Molnea; Sergeant Thomas G. Hester,
from Fort Crook to Fort Meade; Sergeant
OUver P. Dennis, from Fort Crook to Fort
First Lieutenant F. W. Fonda. U. S. A.,
has been appointed to the position of chief
ordnance officer. Department of the Mli
sourl, and has already reported for that
duty. He will also act as assistant to
Military Secretary Major Charles R. Noyes.
leaves of absence have been granted the
following officers of the Department of the
Missouri: First Lieutenant Dexter Sturgea,
Thirteenth cavalry, for ten days, and Cap
tain T. L. Rhoada, assistant surgeon, for
one month.
By direction of the War department
Private Arthur J. Crowns, Twenty-ninth
battery, field artillery, has been ordered
honorably discharged from the army.
The following general court-martial sen
tences have been approved and promulgated
from headquarters, Department of the Mis
souri: Privates W. G. Miller, Troop Q,
Ninth cavalry, for absence without leave,
dishonorably discharge and three months'
Imprisonment; George H. Schmidt, Troop
D, Fourteenth cavalry, for desertion, dis
honorable discharge, (Imprisonment sen
tence of one year remitted on account of
youth of the accused); James II. King,
Company F. Thirtieth Infantry, for deser
tion, dishonorable discharge and six
months' Imprisonment; Noah B. Thomp
son, Company A, signal corps, for deser
tion, dishonorable discharge and one year's
Imprisonment. All the sentences of Impris
onment will be executed at Fort Leaven
worth military prison.
Guest Looked for la Vain by New
Clerk of Local
"Haa winter gone yet?"- asked an elderly
gentleman, coming up to the desk In a
local hotel. A young and new man was
acting as clerk. He was very anxious to
please and be accommodating.
"I'll see,", he 'said, 'and began running a
finger up and down the columns of names
In the register.
"How do you spell It?" he asked, after a
"W-l-n-t-e-r," spelled the gentleman,
calmly stroking his gray mustache,
."Winter, winter," repeated the young
clerk, getting red In the face.
"I don't find the name on the book," he
said finally. "How long has he been here?"
"About five months," said the gentleman.
"But I think It must have gone now for
A bell boy had difficulty to control his
laughter as the gentleman walked away.
He sat down by a window, where the
young clerk glanced at him furtively from
time to time:
DIAMONDS Frenser, 15th and Dodge.
Aithorof "Tfct Van Without a Country"
at Tonr fcnr sad Firs.
Bora a Newspaper Man, He Gravitates
to the Pulpit and Achieves Dis
tinction as Kdltor, Aatbor
aad Preacher..
"Noblesse oblige." which he translated
"Our privilege compels, us," In an address
before enthusiastic college students, a third
of a century ago, may well be regarded as
the motto cf the lie v. Edward Everett
Hale. All his Ions life, which rounded out
eighty-five years on April 3, has been de
voted to the performance of Its duties,
which he regards' as the highest privilege.
These have Included service as a minister
of the gospel for more than half a century
his only living rivals in length, of service
In this country being Dr. Theodore 1
CuyUr tf lirooklyn, who has attained the
fcame length of years, and Rev. Robert
Collyer, who Is ever four-score; work as an
author for even a longer period, In which
his compeers are Donald G. Mitchell, "Ik
Marvel." now of the same ege. and Colonel j
Thomas Wefitwoi.h Higglnson, only a year
younger, who began his literary careef
about the same time; lecturing and speak
ing in all parts of the country (or the bene
fit of all good causes, and as his latest
place in the public eye officiating as chap
Iain of the United States senate since the
death of the "blind chaplain," Dr. W. II.
Dr. Hale Is most widely known aa the
author of what Is considered by many per
sons the most effective short story In -the
English language, "The Man Without
a Country." which appeared In, the At
lantic Monthly In the days of the civil
war and aroused much excitement by Its
Uteiralneen, which led many readers to re
gard It aa a transcription of facts. Of the
circumstances under which It was com
posed Dr. Hale himself tells that he wrote
It In the summer of 1K6J, when there wa
much excitement over the election In Ohio.
The copperheads (who were named after a
venomous snake because of their chief
characteristic), had named Clement I
Vallandigham aa candidate for governor.
He had said that he did not wish to live
under such a government as that of the
United States, and had been arrested by
General Burnside and sent to a rebel gen
eral on the other side of the Ohio river.
Those who believed as he did and disliked
Lincoln's war methods made him their
candidate. But Dr. - Hale's story did not
appear until December, and Mr. Vallandig
ham had been defeated by 100,000 majority
In October. Still the story achieved Instant
popularity. Its authorship had been In
tended to be concealed, but the yearly In
dex disclosed It. By one of the strange
incidents of fiction writing the author
selected the name Philip Nolan for his hero.
which was that of a real man who was
killed by the Spaniards In . Texas In 1801,
six years before the story began. Dr. Hale
afterward wrote a longer story, a novel In
form, of the real character, calling- It
"Philip Nolan's Friends." There was a
colored Philip Nolan, one of the slaves
from the old Nolan plantation, who fought
In the civil war and died before Richmond
for the country his Imaginary namesake
Born Newspaper Man.
While Dr. Hale was the son of a news
paper editor, and was, as he declares,
"cradjed In the sheets of a newspaper,"
and wrote for the editorial and other
columns of ' many papers for a score of
years or more. It was yot until he pub
lished "My Double and How He Undid Me."
in the Atlantic Monthly, In 1S59. that
he may be said to have won his literary
He had been a pastor In Worcester, Mass.,
for ten years, and had been In his Boston
pulpit three years at the time.
The vivid description In this story of trts
burden of fulfilling the many routine publlo
duties Imposed on a minister was drawn
from the life. The temptation In conse
quence to secure the services of a substitute
who could Impersonate him and say the few
formal words required at board meetings,
such as "there has been so much said, and,
on the whole, so well said, that I will not
occupy the time," and "I agree, In general,
with my friend on the other side of the
room," together with the final undoing, are
painted to the life. In reprinting the story.
Dr. Hale sld that a Boston journal called
It Improbable, and he thought It was.
The volume In which this, "The Man
Without a Country," and others of the
author's stories gained the dignity of
covers appeared In 18fi9. and was entitled,
"If. Yes and. Perhaps." with the sub-title,
"Pour Possibilities and Six Exaggerations,
with Some Bits of Pacts."
The preface says: "The title of this
. . . , . , .
book has met general approbrtum. except i
In a few quarters, where It was fortunately
regarded as beneath contempt. At
least one of them was the living truth, so
far as It could be squeezed out of blue
books and the most proper of documents.
Others might have ben true If the desti
nies had so willed. Others would have been
true had they not been untrue. Others
should have been true had poetical Justice
been the working rule of a vulgar world."
Of the other stories, besides the two men
tioned. In the volume, the beet known Is
"The Skeleton In the Closet." which first
appeared In "The Galaxy" In 1S6. It told
how the fate of the Confederacy was
tangled up with a honrsklrt.
From this Initial volume the library of
the books nn whose title pages appear the
name of Edward Everett Hale now exceed
fifty, the latest on datei July. 19. en
titled "Tal'ry at Home Travels," all filled
with the same general spirit, the time
keen observation, the same whimsical
fancy and the same underlying moral and
spiritual uplift that found voice tn the
motto of "Ten Times One Is Ten"
To look tin and not down.
To look forward and not back.
To look out and r"t In,
And to lend a hand.
The Harry Wadsworlh of that booV. the
Inspiration of all the Lend-a-Hand and
Look-Up clubs which have snrung from It
and of The Lend-n-Hand Magazine, was
Frederic William Greenleaf. who died In
IREi. Pr. Hale In his latest book speaks of
him as "My dear and near friend, my other
self, may I say?"
Nephew of F.dward Everett.
Dr. Hale was named for his mother's
brother. Edward Everett, the orator, states-
I man and public man whose reputation
ranked with. If It did not rival, that of
Daniel Webster In the first half of the
last century. His father was Nathan Hale,
a nephew of Captain Nathan Hale, whose
bound figure In bronie standr In front of
the city hall, near where he was hanged
by the British as a spy, and whose dying
words "I only regret that I have but one
life to lose for my country" are Immortal.
Dr. Hale tells this story of his son Philip,
who Is an artist: "He was In a New Tork
gallery one day when It was what the ar
tists rail "varnishing day.' and a woman,
referring to his picture, said: 'So you
have come to New Tork to be hanged,
Mr. Hale?" 'Tes.' said he, "that is the way
the Hales usually come.' "
The author's father owned and edited the
Boston Advertiser, the first dally newspa
per In New England. Of htm the son
writes: "My father was a born geogra
pher and before he died he found, tather
to hie own surprise. I think, tlint he was
a grrat engineer. I am apt to think that
I and my children Inherit from him cer
tain tastes and habits which our nearest
friends sometimes venture to call bohe
mlan What 1 know In that I was born In
the month of April, 1SJ2, end that hefore I
was 4 months old he had taken ns all to
Iover, N. H. There he left his wife and
four children while he went on a horse
back ride, with friends, through the north
of the White mountains. This expedition
wns the first bit of travel which t ever
took outside of Massachusetts. This Initial
experience wns followed by the trips In the
succeeding year to nearly all parts of this
country. In which Dr. Hale has such a deep
and abiding Interest.
His birthplace was no-tton, In whose
Irfitin school he prepared for college, enter
ing Harvard when only 13. In care of an
elder brother. After graduation In 1M9 he
was for two years a tutor In the Iatln
school, and did work of various sorts en
the newspaper of his father, and then was
the lattf-r's private secretary for half a
year while he was engaged In promoting
the building of railroads In Pennsylvania.
Meanwhile he had been preparing for his
chosen profession, the ministry, and when
30 years old received his license. After
four years of hnid service he became a
paster In Worcester, and ten years later
went to the South Congregational t Uni
tarian) church of ISoston, from which he
resigned after more than half a century
n t8 pulplti but remaJned pfl"tr emeritus.
Hie theory of the ministry Is: "The men
who preach to men of affairs must live
among them: read what they read and to
a certain extent know what they know."
Active In Pnbllc Affaire.
Dr. Hale was active In the anti-slavery
agitation, the Kansas trouble and the civil
war. Aa an editor he has been connected
with the Christian Examiner, of which
his father was one of the founders; the
Sunday School Gazette, the New Eng
land Magazine, the Commonwealth,
Lend-a-Hand and The Women's Home
Campanion, with the last two of which
he Is still connected. The most ambitious
enterprise with which he was ennected
In the publishing field was the monthly
magazine Old and New, founded in 1869,
and which was merged In Scribner'e
Monthly In 1S75. In it appeared Dr. Hale's
"The Brick Moon." which rivalled the
stories of Jules Verne In scientific Im
agination. This was reprinted In "His
Level Best and Other Stories." Another
notable story, which gives Its title to the
volume In which it appears, 1 "Crusoe In
New York," ja. tale of lonely life In the
heart 01 8 Krt,At clt'- of hl" longer works
of fiction, "Ups and Downs" Is the principal
one. Dr. Hale's few poems few In com
parison with the great amount of his prose
have been gathered in a small volume
under the title, "For Fifty Years." Most
of them were written for special occasions.
Dr. Hale has always been In great de
mand as a lecturer and orator on special
public occasions. He has spoken several
times at the annual conventions of the
Greek' letter affiliated literary society,
Alpha Delta Phi, of which he Is a member.
His volume of addresses, "What Career?"
"Ten Papers on the Choice of a Vocation
and the Use of Time," is dedicated "To
my brethren of Alpha Delta Phi."
In "The Memoirs of a Hundred Years,"
Issued four years ao, he told the story
of a century from his own recollections
and those related to him by a former gen
eration. There are not wanting those who
term Tr. Hale the foremost American of
Of this veteran philanthropist, editor,
man ef letters, educator, orator, historian
and Christian minister, whoee patriotism
has been the dominating motive of his long
life, President Roosevelt. wrote: "To have
written 'The Man Without a Country' by
Itself would be quite enough to make all
the nation his debtor." There was a great
revival of interest In this story at the time
of the Spanish-American war, and only
last year a handsome birthday edition,
with portrait of the author, was Issued.
New York Tribune.
Woman Gives Oscnlntory Payment
Suffgested by Creditor Who
Sues Even Then. ,
The case of Nlchalaus Pries and Eliza
beth Bols to recover a loan of 136 was
tried In Judge Altstadt's court Friday
evening and Judgment was finally rendered
for the plaintiff.
Mrs. Bolz, .who Is about 80 years old, and
the plaintiff about 56, did not deny the debt
as originally, but contended that the sum
of 1110 had been paid by a kiss.
When the loan was made, a year or two
ago, the defendant asked when she should
; be expected to repay It. and. according to
her statement, the plaintiff said: "Oh
never mind about that; Just give me a kiss
and that will settle It." The kiss was
given and Mrs. Bolz insists that her un-
rlAratanHlnsT mtn a this t h a A aK va 4t
.h.rlru, ah iL" , " A, . V
' charged. She borrowed another f 25 later
and was willing to pay that amount, but
not the first. '
Judge Altstadt decided In favor of the
plaintiff for the whole amount and sug
gested that about the only compromise he
knew of was that the plaintiff would have
to return the kiss. Mrs. Bolz, however,
objects to this sort of a compromise, and
so the matter stands. The Judge did not
say whether the osculatory part of the
contract had been performed and can
celled. Tom Lot Sales.
The new towns of Underwood and Wail a,
8. D., on the Pierre, Rapid City & North
western railway, now being constructed
from Rapid City to Pierre, will be open for
, sale of lots on Wednesday and Thursday,
'April 24 and 25.
Maps and prices can be obtained on ap
plication to station agent at Wasta and
Underwood or at Rapid City, or to P.
Whitney, General Town Bite Agent, Omaha.
Mr. Whitney will be glad to meet all who
are Interested In these new town site prop
ositions at .the following places on the
dates named:
At Rapid City, April 23, 24 and 25.
At Underwood, April 24.
At Wasta, April X.
Prices and maps will also be furnished on
application to J. F. Cleveland, Land Com.
inlssloner C. & N. W. Ry., Chicago.
There's little or no benefit to be
derived from having your dental
wotk done cheaply. Thrifty peo
ple aaturail take advantage of
low prises, bat to hunt a chtap
dentist Is the same as banting
trouble. Ton can always find both
aad yoa are always sorry for It
X charge what my wotk Is
worth, are more. Ho less.
'Phone Doug. 517. tit Bee Bldg.
i mm, m mm
If you love music anil
entertainment. If you
want to cheer your
home, be sure ti read
every word of this groat
We prepay express charges on all retail orders. Write for catalogue.
20,000 records to select from. Do you want Victor or Edison records! See us, wo have them.
The Victor Auxefophone
Destined to be the greatest Musical Instrument the world have ever known
Call and hear a few selections by the famous orchestras and bands, or some of the grand
arias by Caruso, Melba, Lamango, Sembrich or Eames on this wonderful instrument.
Wholesale Department
We have a large and complete stock of both Edison and Victor, and a full line of ac
cessories. Write for particulars.
By buying a machine this week. We need the room, so will sell all used machines at one
half the price they are usually sold.
Singers, 7 drawers, drop head. . . .$20.00 New Home $17.50
Wheeler & Wilson, 7 drs., dp. hd. $19.90 White, drop head $22.50
Other drop head machines $11.00
These machines are slightly used, but are in first-class condition, guaranteed and com
plete, with attachments. Box top machines from $3.00 to $12.00.
We Rent Machines at 75c per week. Repair and sell parts for Every Machine manufactured.
334 Broadway, Council Bluffs
reocratio Mayor f Lincoln Thinks He
Will Eoore Anothsr Viotory.
Boasts Over Municipal Ownership In
Capital City as Compared with
Omaha's Situation Sa
loons All Open.
Mayor Brown of Lincoln, who was re
nominated Thursday on the democratic
ticket, was a visitor in the city hall Sat
urday morning, when he called on Mayor
Dahlinan and other city officials. Mayor
Brown said he was hopeful of re-election.
The Lincoln mayor was looking up some
statistics on Omaha electric light and water
rates. He pointed with prldo to tha fact
that under municipal ownership In Lincoln
arc lamps cost $63.29 each, while the Omaha
contract rate under private ownership is
S75 per lamp. He also cited figures show
Ing that in Lincoln municipal ownership of
the water plant had brought about a rate
of 15 cents per thousand gallons and pays
5V4 per cent on $1,000,(100.
"Great Is municipal ownership," ex
claimed Mayor Brown.
Mayor Brown does not think there will be
any radical change In the saloon situation
In Lincoln when the new excise board
takes hold May 13. Speaking on this mat
ter he said:
"On the belief that the saloon licenses
expired at the end of the 'calendar year,
a week ago last Tuesday, we ordered all
saloons closed and for awhile it seemed
that Lincoln would be dry for a month.
j All but two of the saloons closed. The
proprietors ot tne two saioons aepi open
were arrested and the cases finally taken to
the supreme c.ourt. with th result that a
decision was rendered, holding the licenses
continued until tho end of the municipal
year, thus giving the saloon men thirteen
months time for a year's license. The
forty-one saloons then reopened and all
was peace again.
"The applications thus far filed for re
newal of licenses are about the same aa
usual, but It Is possible that the number
may be reduced by the new board cutting
out some of the more undesirable class of
saloons. Our saloons close at 11:30 each
night and the Sunday closlrvg feature la
strictly enforced. We are all In favor of
the Sunday closing of saloons.
Big Space Leased In Brandels Betid
ing by the Rockefeller
Fifteen rooms on the fifth floor of the
new building of J. L. Brandels & Bons, at
Sixteenth and Douglas streets, have been
leased for a term of three years' by the
Standard Oil company for use as the local
offices snd testing rooms of the corpora
tion. The Standard OH company now occupies a
suite of rooms on the fifth floor of tho
Merchants' National bank building at Thir
teenth and Farnam stivets and the change
to the new Brandt-Is building is being niado
on account of the pirsetit cramped quar
ters in addition to the desirability of the
new location.
The entire force of officials of the Ne
braska division of the oil corporation will
move Into the new offices Immediately upon
their completion.
berlnla's lontli tteaaeay Aids
Kaf ere.
Medicines that sld nature are always most
effectual. ffl amberlaln's Cough Bemedy
acts on this plan. It allays the cough, re
lieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens
the secretions and aids nature in restoring
the system to a healthy condition. Thou
sands have Usulcd to lis superior excel-k-uvo.
both 'phones, 559. Cor.
Watch Is Kept by Police for Toons;
Woman Who Runs
In a letter from the Indianapolis police,
the Omaha department Is asked to look out
for a young woman named Anna V. Lough
lln, a high school girl of that city, who
disappeared from her home a week ago
Monday. The girl Is only 16 years old. of
'tnlii"" nm "ii" ill"---J
Is very careful about her churn. She scalds it thoroughly after usinjY
and gh js it a sun bath to sweeten it. She knows that if her churn is
tour it will taint the butter that is made in it. The stomach is a churn.!
In the stomach and digestive and nutritive tracts are performed pro-j
cesses which are almost exactl)' like the churning of butter. Is it not
apparent then, that if this stomach-churn is foul it makes foul all which1
is put into it?
The evil of a foul stomach is not alone the bad taste in the mouth!
and the foul breath caused by it, but the corruption of the pure current
of blood and the dissemination of disease throughout the body. Dr.!
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes the sour and foul stomach
sweet. It does for the stomach what the washing and sun bath do for
the churn absolutely removes every tainting or corrupting element.'
In this way it cures blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings,'
soies, or open eating ulcers and all humors or diseases arising from
bad blood.
To aid in healing old sores, or ulcers,
apply Dr. Pierce s All-Healing Salve
to them while taking the "Gulden Med
ical Discovery " to purify and enrich
the blood.
Dr. Pierce's All Healing Salve is
cleansing and pain relieving. It de
stroys the bad odors arising from sup
purating, or running, sores and puts
them in the beet possible condition for
The "All-Healing Salve" is a superior
dressing for all open, running, or sup
purating, Sores or Ulcers. For healing
open wounds, cuts and scratches it is
If your medicine dealer does not have
the "All-Healing Salve" in stock mail
60 cents in postage stamps to Dr. R. V.
Puree, Buffalo, N. Y., and you will
receive it by return post.
In treating all open sores, or ulcers,
boils carbuncles and other swellings, it
Is important that Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery be taken persistently
to purify the blood and thereby remove
the eau$$ of the trouble. It is in the
blood that the Ieat battle of health has
to be fought. The ulcer and the sore
aro simply the scarlet flowers of disease,
with roots running down into the blood.
These roots must be eradicated or the
disease will break out afresh. "Golden
Medical Discovery" cleanses the blood
of all foul and poisonous accumulations,
pushes out the dead and waste matter,
and thus purifies the rntire life current.
Disease in the S'th must die out when
it is no longer fed by foul blood.
"Golden Medical Discovery" effectively
cures disease in the litsh by curing its
cause in tho blood.
If yvphave bitter, nasty, foul taste
in yoti mouth, coated tongue, foul
breatbf are weak and easily tired, feel
depnrised and despondent, have fre
qu'iTt headaches, dizzy attacks, gnaw
inAjr dutres in stomach, constipated
ft bowels, sour or bitter
er eating and poor appetite,
fiptoms, or any considerable
A them, indicate that you are
affeafi; from biliousness, torpid, or
'with the usual accompanying
stion, or dyspepsia and its attend-
The he.t seertfa Irnnwn trt wiefcsl
Science fur t li- f ure ol the above tynii)-
t,'i7. pVTTonJiLoiryRLL.. ti J l.v Ifr
writing orirajriiit Vai:er anil nrarti-
It-.iliinf tea.iirrs ami nrar.n-
tioners .
tuuuiouaiy combined in Dr. Pwroo's
M w IM
i Ann
Lilian uiiui
I Mil In J
Wo offor to soil vou nn ED
ISON or VICTOR Talking
Machine at the LOWEST
CASH PRICE at which Ma
chines can be bought, on the
conditions that you pay for
the records only, and begin
to pay for the instrument 30
days later.
15th and Harney Sts., Omaha.
fair complexion, and may bo going under
the name of Anna Holton or Anna Holder.
She was traced to Dubuque, la., where
she was seen last Monday, and it Is thought
possible she will come to Omaha. Aa she
has been connected with young women's
organization. It Is suggested In the letter
that she may stop at Young Women's
Christian association or similar homes. A
trifling trouble In high school caused the
young girl such shame that she ran away
from home and friends.
Golden Medical Discovery. That this
is absolutely true will be readily proven
to your satisfaction if you will but mail
a postal card request to Dr. R.V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y for a free copy of hit
booklet of extracts from the standard
medical authorities, giving the names)
of all the ingredients entering into hit
world-famed medicines and showing
what the most eminent medical men ol
the age say of them. 4
Cures Woman's Weaknesses.
We refer to that boon to weak, nert,
ous, suffering women known at Dl'
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. '
Dr. John Fyfe one of the Editoral
staff of The Eclectic Medical Re.
view says of Unicorn root (lleloniaa
Dtoica) which is one of the chief ingre
dienta of the "Favorite Prescription"!
"A remedy which Invsrlshly acts a a uter
Ine lnrltfortor makes for normal ac
tivity ot the entire reproductive system.
Ileconllnues'Mii Helonliswe have a medics
ment which niore fully aniwers the above)
purposes than any olhtr drn uilh uhich j is
eryudiiittd. In the treitmrnt of dtkeaes pe-
culler to women It Is seldom that s n Is
en which does nul preiii some Indication
for this remedial agent." Dr. Kyfe furtlior,
si-s: "The following are among the lending
lndicstious for llelonlaitUnicorn root). Pain,
or selling In the back, with leucorrhesr
a ion io tweak) conditions of the reproductive'
oiusiis of wotnru, merit 1 1 deprelon and lr-1
mabillty. autociatrd with chronic dlkeae of!
tho reproductive oiifantof women ; constant;
wimatlon of heat la the region of the kll-l
neys DienerrhaKls ifloodliitfl. due to a wrik-i
ened condition of the reproductive sxstemr
amenorrhea (surprised or etment DiontliJl
period), arising from or accompanying an
abnormal condition of the digestive organs
iiruiit; i iniu uiooo i naiiii ; oraytflu
kencalloiis in the extreme lower part of th
or Iffg of the above tymn.
"' Mir I '' '") illl 1 Ml'1""" rrj
oT.Kter than take Pr
t rrescriPtion. oiip i
reijiem ol vunrti n
liivvni ri'ni, nr.
ag. Blirj the tliciln..! r,riJ.rh,..T7
TiTiri lit t.:Mbt faithfully represents,
Of Golden Seal root another cruini-l
neiit, wgreaieni ol "ravonte Prescript
tion," Prof. Flnley F.llingwood, M. D., of;
uenneit medical uollt-ge, Chicago, says I
"It is an Important remedy In dikordersof
the womb. In all catarrhal conditions e
and general rufneblenienW It Is useful."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
faithfully represents the above named
ingredients and cures the diseases for
which they are rw;oramended.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are thm
anginal Little Liver Pills, first put op
hu .l,t T. !n. Al L
Much imitated, but never aui:iU
I Easy to take as candj,