THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE : APRIL 21, 1007. ! 1 Tim Omaiu Sunday Bee FOUNDED lit EDWAKD ROSEWATER. VICTOR IlOSEWATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postofllce aa second tUi matter. of st'iiBCRirnoN. pail iiee (without Sunday), one year. .. I 'ally He, ,4nd KUn,,,y one year 6 0" Sunday He, nB ear l.jO haturday Uee, one year 1 w rUVKKf,D UY CARRIER. Polly Ilea (Including Sunday), per week.. 15c pally It.e (wilh'iit Sunday), per week . .lur Evening Uee (without Hunrtnyi. per week, lie Evening Ilea (with Sunday). r week....lOo Address complaints of irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. ' - Omaha The. He Ilu.ldlng. South Omahi tlty I fait Building. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Htreet. r'hlctgo-lfli Inlly Building. , , New Yoik--15"R Home Ufa Iturimie" Bldg. Waahlnftton :Vd Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and ed itorial matter sliould be addressed: Or&aha Bee, Editorial Iej,nrtment. RKMITTANCE8. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Hee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of mall accounta. personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern ex' linnre, not accepted. THE REE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION., Btate of Nebraska. Douglas County, as: Charles C. Rnaewater, (tenertil manager of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly worn, eava that the actual number of full and complete coplea cf The Dally. Morning, Evening and Sundnv Ree printed during the month of March. 1907, waa aa follows: 1 33,050 18 33-90 I aa.aio I 30,600 4 33,190 B 33,130 31.970 7 31,860 31,900 31.E40 10 30,400 11 33,370 12 31,870 IS.... 33.590 14 33,540 19 33,3")0 20 33.930 2lj 33,340 22 33,390 23 33,690 24 30,450 25.. ........ 34,040 2( 33,990 27 33,860 2i 33,790 I 2 34,120 30 33,880 I jl 30,660 16 33.680 14 33,830 Total 17 30,410 Less unsold and returned coplea 1,008,560 9,184 Net Total 399,376 Daily average 33,337 CHARLES C. ROSEWATER, General Manager. Subscribed In tr.y presence and sworu to before ma this 1st dav of April. 190". (Seal) M. B. Hl'NGATE, Notary Public. MHKN OUT OF TO WH. Subscribers leaving; the 6ltj tem porarily should liar Tha Ilea mailed to them. Address will be changed na often aa requested. Chicago piano makers are on a strike. The piano players, however, neverstrlke. The Daughters of the Annual Revo lution have completed their work In Washington without the assistance of the police. ' Dissatisfied heirs are preparing to iffake a big nola over the distribution of the $75,000,000 estate of the late "Silent" Smith of New York. Harry Thaw wants to .be his own lawyer hereafter. The man who Is his own lawyer generally has the Harry Thaw kind of a client. That suggestion of Governor Hughes of New York as a running mate for Bryan is subject to a peremptory veto from William Randolph Hearst. The Agricultural department's re port that there Is no indication of chinch bug activity in the wheat belt blasts another democratic hope. Chancellor Day of tho Syracuse uni versity announces that he has cured himself of the habit of smoking. His habit of talking, however, is Incurable. That kindling wood famine reported from Kansas Is all the more severe, as It comes at a season when the Con gressional Record is taking a vacation. Walter Wellruan now has an idea that the North Pole is surrounded by a body of water. Why not look for It in Wall street, then. Instead of In the Arctic circle? Mr. Carnegie gives President Roose velt credit for saving The Hague peace parliament from the boycott of Eu ropean powers. It is now up to The Hague to show that it was worth sav ing. The prohibition law is being en forced so rigidly In Kansas Just now that In some towns of the state drinks are not sold in more than three build ings out of five on the principal streets. The horde of offloeseekers who have applications on file for appointments from Governor Sheldon must be specu lating as to what extent the April snowstorm nipped the buds on the po litical plum tree. William Randolph Hearst says that be and his followers represent the real democratic party of the country. That breaks evn the record of republican spellbinders In saying - mean things about the democratic party. The Pennsylvania legislature has defeated a bill providing for the elec tion of United States senators by pop ular vote. United States senators from Pennsylvania will accordingly continue to remain unpopular. Former Chief Engineer Stevefns fig ures that it will take between six and seven years to complete the Panama canal. He modestly falls to state whether he has lengthened or short ened his estimate because of his own retirement from the construction work. Mr. Roosevelt's failure to enthuse over the proffered support of John Ttmple Graves of Georgia may be due to his recollection of the fact that Mr. Giaves was until recently a most ar dent supporter of Hearst. Mr. Graves has cot yet learned to stand hitched until the polls clone. PIP.LICITY FOB RAILRUAD'AtClUKNTS The Railway Age, a publication friendly to railway managers and often used to present Insplrrd articles on railway topics, has taken an editorial position on the subject of publicity in connection with railway accidents that Is radically opposed to the policy Ion persistently pursued by nearly all the railroads of the country. The gen eral practice has been for railway offi cials to say as little as possible about accidents on their lines, and the press has always experienced great difficulty In securing accurate and reliable In formation of accidents, even when In volving loss of life. The efforts of rail way officials have been almost Invaria bly to minimize the damage caused in wrecks and to place the blame, if any where, upon some obscure subordinate. This policy of suppression has been often carried to tho extent of swearing surgeons to secrecy concerning the character of injuries and of discharg ing employes found guilty of giving out any information relating to rail way accidents. The Railway Age, dis cussing this subject, now says: A policy, consistently and regularly fol lowed, of publishing- complete accounta of all accidents and their causes, should re sult In giving the general public a prcper ldra of tho difficulties with which the rail way managers hav to contend In matters of discipline, and directing public censure to the human agents to whore fallibility the accidents ore nearly all due. In addi tion such a no'lcy should assist In building up for the railway and lta officers a repu tatlon for frankness, which Is a most val uable asset. How much of this changed attitude may be due to the fact that there Is now a demand for a federal commis sion to Investigate and report upon railway accidents can not be deter mined, but the fact that railway offl cials are considering the advisability of full and prompt publicity concerning railway accidents is another reassuring evidence that the demand for correc tion of abuses In railway administra tion Is being heeded. , UNIVERSITY STUDENT STATISTICS. The statistical table showing enroll ment of students at the leading Amer ican universities, printed on another page, will afford suggestive material for people Interested in higher educa tion to ponder over. While the fig ures by no means indicate uniform at tendance growth, and the exceptions are hardly to be explained without more Intimate details, the general im pression derived from them must be that the big universities have about emerged from the boom period and are settling down to more steady condi tions. Spanning the five-year period, which this table covers. Harvard university, which still ranks first in numbers, is 700 below its maximum attendance scored in 1903, and the same is true in smaller degree of a number of other educational leaders. Even those that show continued Increases in enroll ment vare for the .most part making but small gains, and without the sum mer school attachment, which is the creation of recent years, their gains also would disappear by comparison. These statistic seem to emphasize what The Bee not long ago said in an other connection, that the true policy for our universities to pursue is to lay stress henceforth upon thoroughness rather than upon mere bigness. The competitive quest for students and their acquisition by all sorts of special Inducements is, coming to be regarded more and more as "unprofessional," according to educational standards. The big universities have their advan tages, but many of them are offset by the peculiar benefits afforded by the smaller colleges. The number of young men and women seeking univer sity education throughout the country is suffering no setback, except as an artificial stimulus previously applied is being withdrawn. Taking it alto gether, the change cannot fall to make for more healthful edncational condi tions and for sounder instructional training. DlSKiSE AND DIRTY STREETS. Discomfort is the basis of the bulk Of the complaints against dirty streets, but, according to the opinion of eminent physicians who have made special study of the subject, that is a minor matter compared with the dis eases originating la the foul condition of crowded city thoroughfares. The New York Academy of Medicine has been giving special attention to rela tion of dirty streets to disease and the result of its inquiries is alarming in the sources of danger to general health found in improperly cleaned streets. The physicians making the specla'l investigations have reported that tu berculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, ton silltls, quinsy, nasal catarrh and dis eases of the middle ear, nearly all have their origin or owe their spread to the accumulated dirt allowed to dry on the pavements and then be whirled by the winds into the nostrils, throats and lungs of the people. The report assorts that the annual epidemic of so called "grip," that cripples working forces in offices and factories, is a pen alty every city pays for failure to keep its streets cleaned. The New York physicians make a striking contrast by showing what has been done by the federal government at Panama and at Havana, compared with the lack of systematic street cleaning work in New York and other typical American cities. Yellow fever, which formerly claimed victims by the thousands annually in Cuba and la Panama, has been 1 entirely stamped out by sanitation and street cleaning. So complete has been this work that a case of yellow fever at either of the places named is a rare occurrence. where the disease used to be as com mon as mensles among American school children. The results from a sanitary stand point of American work In street cleaning at -Panama and Havana may well be investigated and emulated by ""inlclpal authorities In charge of the streets In our American cities. RUSSIA'S APPALLlyO 81TUATWH. Two statements from unquestioned sources throw a light upon conditions in Russia which show that the czar and his Imperial advisers are facing problems more serious than those pro duced during the war with Japan when Russia was meeting dally defeats in the field and on the sea and was torn by mutiny,' treason and Insurrections at home. Dr. Kennard, commissioner of the Society of Friends, who was sent to Investigate the Russian famine, writing from Samara, in the heart of the famine district, appeals to the United States and Great Britain to send help. He says: "No less than 20,000.ono people cannot live without aid to see another harvest, and I may ay that thla figure has been not only approved by the semstvo, but also by the government Itself. The date of the har vest will be from July $ to 23 (new style). Funds will be needed to the end of July to feed all these millions, and then the harvest will hjig relief, but there are many hundreds of thousands to whom the harvest will not bring relief, for they have neither land or cattle. "The few cows In existence are In such a pitiful condition that they are useless for milking purposes. The result la that babies and young children are being forced to eat the coarse black brend and Indlgestl ble young cucumbers. "The people have sold their all. and in most rases have likewise sold In advance all that the harvest might bring them. They have sold themselves and their work, and from nil over the southeastern prov inces reports are coming In rf young women and girls forced to prostitute them selves to procure food." The other sidelight on the Russian situation is furnished by a Russian writer, A. Below, who furnishes figures to show that the number of political prisoners In Russia in 1906 exceeded 1,500,000. Owing to the political con ditions in that unhappy country it is more than probable that the number of these political prisoners Is much greater now than in 1906. It would be difficult to determine whether Dr. Kennard or Mr. Below furnishes the motet striking picture of Russia's woes. In the meantime the czar Is planning the construction of battleships greater than the Dreadnaughts of England and Japan, without a thought, apparently, of using any of the millions available for military and naval purposes to mit igate the famine horror among his sub jects. America is responding gener ously to appeals for help for the relief of the famine stricken in China and doubtless will respond to the appeal of Dr. Kennard for the relief for the sufferers In Russia. The response wo.uld be more cheerful and liberal if Russia showed any disposition to help herself and her own. A CALAMITY EXTRAORDINARY. Virginia, that state from which no news but bad news comes, has fur nished a vindication for the pessimists who have been insisting for months that our national prosperity was too good to last. Norfolk, the center of the great American peanut Industry, makes the lamentable announcement of a marked shortage In the crop of these indispensable esculents. Partial details convey the alarming Intelligence that there will not be enough peanuts to go around, even if the size of the package is reduced and the price raised. Shorn of all the verbal qualifications, designed to soften the blow of sorrow contained in the message, the cold fact is that the country is menaced with a peanut famine. The most regrettable feature of the situation Is that the sad news should have so long been withheld. If the nation had received a hint last fall, or even In midwinter, that the goober vines were barren, the people might have used the intervening time to master their grief and get into second mourning along about Easter, but it is now too late to do anything to re lieve the gloom of the coming spring and summer months. The people who take their pleasures seriously can 111 afford to be deprived of one of the elemental constituents of enjoyment at the circus, the summer resort, the boating excursion, the picnic, the loll on the park benches, the stroll through the woods and the annual picnics and excursions of the different trades and secret society organizations. Americans might get along without peace conferences, international trade conventions, railway rate legislation. tax reform, pure food laws and many of the things offered to them as bene ficial measures designed to make life more worth the living, but they are certain to be profoundly unhappy if compelled to endure a peanutless sum mer. FOR THE sake of a'ppearancks In the . face of aroused sentiment against overcapitalization of corpora tions. It is officially announced that the Standard Oil company proposes to increase its capital stock from $100, 000,000 to $500,000,000. Ordinarily the corporation that proposes to In crease its capital stock has a plausible excuse to offer for the action The enlargement of existing facilities, the opening of new markets or the pur chase of other concerns is generally given a reason, but the Standard Oil company is making no such excuse. It has no need of money for extending markets, buying transportation facili ties or suppressing competition. That work has already been done effec tively. The only explanation offered for the increased capital stock is that the company wants to reduce its divi dend rate from about 40 per cent to about 8 per cent, because of the public hostility provoked over such great re turns to the stockholders In the oil monopoly. The proposed recapitalization of the Standard Oil company furnishes the best illustration yet afforded of the operation of Btock-waterlng pure and simple. It Is admitted that not a dol lar of additional capital will be paid into the company, the net Income of the stockholder will not be changed In any particular and the dividend charge upon the company will not be In creased. It will simply be a reap praisal by the owners of the stock, which Is alleged to have Increased In value, without any new outlay on their part. The $400,000,000 Increase will represent new evidence of value equal to such supposed unearned Increment. Standard Oil magnates must be banking on the Yact that the public memory Is short-lived. They expect the stock-watering episode, while it may create temporary adverse com ment, to be soon forgotten, so that In future years the oil trust may an nounce Its 8 per cent dividends, show ing on the face of the returns that Its earnings are not exorbitant, thus allay ing the public hostility now manifest against 40 per cent dividends. Of course, the holders of the stock will get their 40 per cent just the same, but the books will stand Inspection better. The oil magnates evidently believe, with the late Phlneas T. Bar num, that the American people love to be humbugged. A DKAWBACK OF EXCESSIVE WEALTH ' The chief Incentive to the accumula tion of large fortunes has often been found to be the desire to provide com fort and luxury for children and make sure that no want of theirs need go unsatisfied. That this very advantage of over-abundant wealth may In Itself be a drawback and a handicap Is sel dom suggested. At a recent dinner In which personal reminiscences were in dulged. Andrew Carnegie, the great Ironmaster, declared: I was born In poverty and I would not exchange places with the richest million aire's son that ever breathed the breath of life. What does he know about father or mother? They are merely names. But my mother waa nurse, seamstress, cook, washer, teacher, angel, saint, and no ser vants between. Men any that poverty Is a dreadful life and other men say that riches corrupt a man's life. But they have a one-sided view, mtst of them. Now, I have lived both sides and I know that there is little In wealth that can add to happiness. I think that wealth decreases rather than Increases happiness at least, wealth beyond a moderute competence. This is doubtles3 the experience and feeling of nearly every man who has risen from poverty to affluence. It is doubtful if one of them would ex change his childhood days with their healthy family life In the modest home for the gorgeous surroundings and retinue of personal attendants which his wealth has provided for his own children. This thought should afford some consolation to the vast majority of men and women who must continue to live within the limits of a moderate competence, but who have the rare privilege of intimate association with their own children. "This effort to rehabilitate a debili tated onoraastlcon is quite in the nor mal order of things," says the New York Evening Post. Sure. The art of rehabilitating debilitated onomasti cons is taught in the kindergartens out this way. Colonel Harvey, who has been de nouncing the president, is now charged with being the paid agent of the men promoting that conspiracy against the administration. If that is true, the colonel must be given credit for doing his best to earn the money. George Fred Williams of Massachu setts declares that government owner ship of railroads Is neither right, pos sible nor expedient. The George Fred Williams party vote is always solid, as George refuses to split Into factions or pair with himself on any question. The Cuban treasury has a surplus of $11,000,000 and the Havana bank ers have more money than they can profitably invest. This may explain the anxiety of the Cuban politicians for another session of their congress. Apparently President Roosevelt Is going to adhere to his expressed de termination to not be a candidate for re-election. Newspaper correspond ents havo been ordered to keep away from the White House after nightfall. Reports of damage done by earth quake the Philippines prove to have been grossly exaggerated. Transmis sion over so many thousand miles of telegraph wire and cable Is calculated to operate as a magnifying glass. If the change in the internal revenue collectorshlp from Nebraska Is not to take place until January next, the woods will be full of willing patriots ready to sacrifice themselves for a fat federal salary by that time. Former Secretary of the Treasury Shaw has been conferring with the president Just to show Governor Cum miua that his pass key to the White House dxr was not taken up when he retired from the cabinet. The new police regime In Chicago has Issued an edict against "slot 'atchines that are used for gambling purposes." The new police regime In Omaha, doubtless has slut machine gambling also on its blacklist. krmoi noii.i:n now. Triumph Is a matter of simply trying again. The heights never lofty. ire scaled by the top- The overtime sermon makes the slothful Bill lit. You lose sense as soon as you Ignore all fteiililnt-til. Polishing the head alone often paralyses the heart. You cannot fire . tha hearts of men by frozen sermons. The church that lifts tha fallen never need fear failure. The ear ready for slander makes tho lips ready to slay. The greatest shame of all Is to feel none at things unworthy. The pulpit often mistakes the thunder for the shower of blessing. A man Is not sound In life because he has much sound on his Hps. You may climb fool's. hill In an auto, but you will not reach the top any earlier. The church will not make a new world until It is willing to mix with the old one. The greater the self-consciousness of the fool the less his consciousness of his true self. There Is little danger In the discontent with condition that Is equaled by discon tent with character. The creed that busea righteousness on a legal fiction will produce only fictitious righteousness. Chicago Tribune. SEtTLAH SHOTS AT THE PILPIT. Baltimore American: One minister' In New York says that war Is necessary and another that the millennium Is coming. And, concerning the truth of the matter, the general public is about as far as ever from either extreme. Portland Oregonlan: The pastor of John D. Rockefeller's church declared from the pulpit that "there are many men in this country who are willing to prostrate them selves and lick the blacking from a rich man's shoes Just because he la rich." We have been wondering whether the pastor Is Jealous or Is only testing the proverb that open confession Is good for the soul. Kansas City Star: While the great mass of humanity is struggling with the problem whether the soul survives the death of the body a West Side clergyman makes bold declaration of his belief that the body may live and continue active after the soul Is dead. This Is Interesting and may even be regarded as Important, hut it Is not as new or original as lots of other things that have been sprung In Kansas. Baltimore News: A New York preacher who married a divorced woman, In whose trial he had been named as co-respondent. and brought her to the parsonage, declare! himself surprised when the trustees and elders told him to clear out, because he himself bad regarded his action as "a crowning proof of true Christian man hood." But the time la not yet when such crowning proof Is thought to grace a pulpit. Philadelphia Record: Dr. Munhull told the Methodist ministers that a man who gave $50,000 to a church object got no end of publicity In the religious and secular papers, while a man who contributed 50,000 souls was neglected. Evidently the doctor does not pay much attention to the church papers or the dailies. If a man wants to buy publicity he has got to pay a great deal more than $50,000; that Is only a starter. He has got to go Into the millions to make much impression. PERSONAL AM) OTHERWISE. By a great effort the peace conference managed to keep the peace to the end. Three Irishmen and a Turk together ap plied for naturalization In' a New York City court and presented an aggregate of twenty-five feet In stature. Cleveland's official chemist Insists that beer dealers overload their schooners with froth. He neglected to, add that foam does not Impede navigation. The discovery of Antonio Whatawad In Philadelphia lightens the local gloom occa sioned by legal, restrictions on campaign contributions. Antonio has only to name the office he wants. Former Governor Chamberlain of South Carolina, a relict of carpetbag days, who died a few days ago, Is said to have been the governor who made the historic re mark to th-J thirsty governor of North Carolina. ' Philadelphia points the finger of amaze ment at a .'native who has been married fifty times and has an assortment of eigh teen wives alive and kicking In the Quaker city. The common charge that Phlla delphlans are slow needs Immediate revi sion. When a real Indian goes against the ways of the white man trouble butts In. I'tawaun, a former chief, wandered off the reservation and Into New Jersey, fell down the stairs of a Salvation Army build ing, and his spirit fled to the happy hunt ing grounds. Edward L. Preetorlus and John Schroers. Who have been publishers of the Westliche Post for many 'years, have launched the St. Louis Times, a morning English dally. The Initial number of the Times is a clean cut, conservative newspaper, free from Illustrations or any of the sensational fea tures that are characteristic of the most of the other St. Louis dallies. The pub lishers promise that the paper will be In dependent in politics, snd If the promise Is kept the Times will be a novel departure from St. Louis newspaper methods. The Propensity for Kicking;. k St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Colonel Harvey, In his address at the Jefferson club dinner In New York, com pared the restlessness of today to the rest lessness of Chicago's cow which kicked over Mrs. O'Leary's lamp In De Koven street on the night of the great wind. What nn .unfortunate Illustration to any body who saw Chicago before the kick and who sees It now. Mrs. O'Leary's, cow has emphasized the American propensity for kicking, through vindicating herself In grand results. "Chicago's cow" Is more admirable than Chicago and Alton's cow. although history records that, owing to her more vigorous kicking, she was not milked nearly so dry. Trlrltraph Secrecy In China. New York Tribune. Secrecy In the transmission of telegraph dispatches In China Is to be Insured in the future by a provision for the decapitation of all offenders revealing the contents of Important messages In transit. In the case of ordinary messages of commerce thus revealed the penalty Is to be ten years In prison. Five years' Imprisonment is pro vided for persons who know of the revela tion of such secrets and neglect to report the mutter to the proper authorities. Just Like Old Times. Philadelphia Record. England is experiencing a good deal of a sensation In seeing Dr. Jameson, whose raid precipitated the Boer war, and Gen eral Hot ha, of the Transvaal, assx l ited lu the conference of colonial premiers. But we have grown used to seeing confederate brigadiers and federal generals sitting side by side In congress. Peace nnd Htahlrunaaras. Pittsburg IHsputch. peace and righteousness may not work together always. For Instance, the advo cates of peace will not cease to uphold the rightfulness of the peace campaign for the mere ke of keeping the peace with those who dlffor from theut Opportunity J now knock inn; nt your door. Answer tl" call. Do not neglect this wonderful opportunity to buy a WATCH, DIAMOND or anything in my shop on the EASY PAYMENT PLAN Don't forget Your Credit Is Good Cut Glass Dept. BPECIAX I have now placed on sale 100 handioms and genuine Cat Glass Water Pitchers. This water pitcher la large and mas sive, cut fanclly In fin glass. Formerly selling for $10.00 Now $5.00 Optical Department Headaches, Nervousness or that sleepy feeling Is all a result of EYK STRAIN. EYES TESTED FREE DOMESTIC PI.KAS AXTHIKS. Mrs. Talkatlv. fill gossip. -Mrs. Chatter Is a dread- Mrs. hunger Is she? Mrs. Talkative-Ves, Indeed. Why, you can't tell her anything scandalous about anybody that she doesn't know already. lialtimore American. "Jack Hansom stole a kiss from me last niifht," said Teas. "The Idea!" exclaimed Jess. "What did you do about It?" "Nothing. I didn't have lime; he made restitution immediately." Philadelphia Press. "Of course, Jack, you know you'll have to ask papa?" "I've already asked him, dear." "You mean, conceited thing! Did you think you were so sure of me?'-Chicago Tribune. "Is you husband up yet?" Inquired the early morning caller. "I guess he Is," replied the stern looking woman at the door. "Well, I'd like to say a few words to him" "So would I. He hasn't come home yet." Washington Herald. Jess I wouldn't stand for It, If I were Jack. Why, you treat him shamefully! Bess Oh, that's all right. 1 - We're en gaged. Cleveland Leader. '. . . . "My beau." said little Elsie, "is going to be tin admiral." "Indeed?" replied the visitor. "A cadet at the Naval acadnn.y now, I suppose?" "O! he hasn't got that far yet, but he's had an anchor tattooed oh his arm." Catholic Standard and Times. Her Suitor I wish to marry your daugh ter, sir. Her Father (sternly) Mv dauahter. sir. will continue under the parental roof. Her Suitor Well. sir. the ra rental roof looks good to me. Brooklyn Bugle. Wiseman I don't wonder your wlfo wouldn't listen to your excuses for getting home so late. tialley Why ? I explained that I had Shirt Sale - ! uesday morning we will pface on sale BO dozen shirts (bro ken lines left from our early I Plaited and soft bosoms, and mostly coat style. These shirts were made especially for us and bear our label, which is guar antee that they are regular goods land not trash bought for sold them as high as morning, for one day sell them at jBl'owning, Ming & Co R. E. Wilcox, Mgr. y The Man Behind Ought to be Interested In where the Piano comes from. In most cases he Is a busy man and hasn't the time to give up to the buying of a Piano. Itls a satisfaction to hltn to know that there Is one place, the Kospe store, where bis wife or little daughter may come with a feeling of perfect security and muke selection of a Piano, and know to a cer tainty that the price paid was the actual worth of the Instrument. Ia thla store the prices, marked In plain figures on the pianos, are the net cash prices, at lower prices than the same pianos are offered for any where in the United Klates. If time is wished for s. ttllng the account we make no charge except small Interest upon deferred payments. If we paid commissions to people for bringing or sending customers to our store, or for recommending our pianos, we could not make the low prices we do. If anyone recommends you to come to our store you may rest assured they do It from the purest motives. In no other store In the 1'nlted States Is. there such an opportunity for a selection, because of the luimensu variety of high-class makes we handle and the great variety carried In stock. We are factory distribu tors for the. KP.ANK'H & BACH at 1375; the KKAKAl'KR at $3H0; tho KIM HAI.I. at I20; the Bl'SM & I.ANB at 37J; the HAI.l.KT Ai 1AV1S at $300; the CAHLK-NKl-fioN at K75; the W KM Kit at I.'jU. the KKX. SINUTON at fiii. the ( KAMKIt at llu KNAMK and 1 Ml UrtuS . ASllKLL'S PLAYKK PIANoei, etc. etc A. HOSPE ONE PRICE-Wrlte for Free Diamonds This handsome ring, clear whit and perfectly cat; fully guaranteed 575.00 $2.50 a Week Drop me a card or phone Douglas 1937 and one of my opticians will rail and test your eyes in YOl'Il OWN IIOMK. X0 bien detained nt the office, but she de clared it was a bare-faced lie and Wiseman Silly of her to say that Why, that lie had whiskers years oho. Philadel phia Press. TIIK 1SOW. Eugene F. Ware. Tho charm o? a love la its telling, the telling that goea with tho giving; The charm of a deed Is its Uwng; the charm of a Hie Is its living;; Tho soul of tho thing Is the thought; tha cnarm or tne act la the actor; The suul of the fact Is lta truth, and tha now is ita principal factor. The world loves the Now and tho Nowlst, and tests all assumptions with vigor, It looks not behind It to falllti. but for ward to ardur and vigor; It carea not for heroes who faltered, for martyrs who hustled and recanted. For pictures that never were pointed, for harvests that never were planted. The world does no! care for a fragrance that never Is loat in perfuming, The world ds not care for the blossoms) that wither away before blooming; The world does not care for the chimes re maining unrung by the ringer, Tho world doen not care for the song un sung in the soul of the singer. What use to mankind la a purpose that never shone forth In a doer? What use has the world for a loving that never had winner nor woocrT The motives, the hopes and the schemes that have ended In Idle conclusions. Are burled along with the failure, that come in a lle of Illations. Away with the flimsy Idea that life with a past is attended; -. t There's Now only Now, and no Past there' s never a past; It has ended. Away with Ita obsolete story, and all of Its yesterday Borrow; There's only today, almost gone, and Id front of today stands tomorrow. And hopes that are quenchless are sent us like loans from a generous lender. Enriching us all in our effects, yet making no poorer the sender; Lightening all of our labors, and thrilling us ever and ever With the ecstasy of success and the rap tures of present endeavor. spring selling) some have de tached cuffs and others have them attached. They come in plain blue and white, polka dots, stripes and figures. sale purposes. We $2 Tuesday only, we wil in - the Pocketbook CO. DouS: 1513 las St. Ulalorjue - NO COMMISSION K .4 i '