B TIIE OMAILY SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 21, 1907. NATIVE LIFE HELD CHEAPLY German in Couth Africa Oett Three Yean fir tilling Man and Waman. Case of woman an atrocious one Vrlit as a Bample of Native Trulmml In Port Ion ef Africa Which via t nder the Hale af the (jerman. llEIiUN", April 20-(gpeclal.)-The lateat Issues to hand of the German paper pub lished at Swakopmund contain reports Df a trial In that town, which sheds a certain amount of light on th conditions pervalling In the southwest African protectorate. The defendant, Wlehager by name, cornea pf an old and affluent Rhenish family, has srved in the cuirasncrs of the guard nnd Is res'-rve offices of an cavalry regiment. He vent to the colony two years ago at the age of 22 and purchased a farm, which he appears to have conducted In a manner that was profitable, but not quite con aonant with current Ideas on humanity. It waa generally allcKcd attalnst hlrn that he worked hi employes with such severity and treated them with such monstrous cruelty and brutality that It was only by fear that he could compel them to stay with him. The siwrlflc charges against Mm were thaht he shot dead a Herero woman, who had run away from his eervlce and been captured, that he had another woman and her daughter, who were In the act of escaping from his tyranny, bound to a tree and left there without attention till the mother died, and as the girl still shnwod signs of life while the cords were being untied he had her hanged. lie was further accused of having bribed officers of the protectorate troops with a view of Inducing them to keep alienee as to the atrocities on his farm. Which had come to their knowledge. Prosecuting counsel said that the accused had driven all of the natives away from his farm by 111 treatment, and hud helped him self out of the difficulty he waa) In through lark of labor In a manner, which recalled the palmiest clays of the Arab slave raids On three separate counts he demanded that the prisoner should be sentenced to a total of nine yenrs and six months penal servi tude. In the first case WIehnger was found guilty with the mitigation that he had not acted deliberately, but In passion. He waa also convicted of having caused the death of the mother and the daughter, but not Of having the latter hanged. Both crimes were ranked as bodily Injury with fatal results. The bribery , waa also considered proved.- Taking Into consideration Wleha ger's youth, the fact that this was his first conviction and the condition of unrest frevnlllng In the protectorate, the court Sentenced him to three years Imprisonment. freh outbreaks of discontent In the provinces, the news of which has not yet tieenme public. It Is, however, more chari table to ascribe it to the concern of the authorities at the sufferings caused by the severe and prolonged winter. In Constanti nople ami me neighboring villages llio Sufferings have been intensified by the ex. traordinnrlly high prices of meat and fuel, both of which are now beyond the reach of the poorer classes. The scarcity of meat Is said to be the result of a corner established by a high palace official. European mur muring has been produced by this report, the truth of which, however, it is Impos sible to vouch for. In order to alleviate the situation the government. In addition to abolishing the above mentioned taxes, baa decided on a step which is almost unprece dented at this season of the year that of paying all officials their salaries for the current month and is now endeavoring to find the money required for this purpose. SPANISH KING IS NOT ILL Enemies of Present Regime Hope Death by Accident, Not by Disease. VIENNA, April 20. (Special.)-With re gard to the heolth of King Alfonso very unfavorable reports have lately been clrcu lated. From a personage connected with the Vienna court the Pester Lloyd learns the following: King Alfonso recently suffered from in- flurnza, from which he has recovered. The report of the Illness of the kins of Bpain is originally ascribed to a Bourse manoeuver In Paris. These reports have frequently been spread, based upon the as sumption that aa King Alfonso's father died from pulmonary affection, the present monarch must have Inherited a tendency to the same disease. This, however, is a voluntary auppposition which is altogether groundless. King Alfonso gives himself up, now as before, to all kinds of sports and amusements, often with great hardihood. Hu,w little In republican and Curlist circles It Is believed is shown by the following circumstance. In these circles the word "la soluclon" (the solution) Is proverbial. King Alfonso rides fast for hours together, and also takes dangerous automobile rides in steep places. In the Carllst and the republl can comic papers the king Is expected to end his days by a sudden accident, so In the cartoons he Is represented In an automo bile, below which is printed the word "la soluclon." This word has spread to court circles, where the king Is often Implored to moderate his pace while out of doors. IN THE JAWS OF A SHAM Thrilling Experience of a Water Walker in EaTana HerW. FIERCE GRAB OF THE OCEAN HYENA William Oldrlrve's Dfinmlii sine. le with the llanary Fish aad Ilia Xarrow Escape at the End. AERONAUTS DESIRE CHARTS Experts Say Ordinary Maps Are of Little ITse to Men In Balloons. TURKEY ABOLISHF.S TAXES .. 1 omclals Mill Be mid la Effort to Alleilate Present Distress. , CONSTANTINOPLE, April 20. (Special.) -The announcement by the Turkish news papers that the sultan has decided to abol ish, the tax on domestic animals and the personal tax, which were only recently Im posed, will be received with the greatest satisfaction throughout the country. From the beginning both taxes were thoroughly unpopular, and the attempts to levy them were met with such resistance as to show the amateur financlera at the palace who had suggested these ways of ralBfrnr money that they had over-estimated the patience of .the Turkish peasant. In peveral dis trict, "notably 1nv Albanln,- Eraerum,' and Kastamunl, the Mussulman population not only refused -to' pay the new taxes, but clamored for their abolition, and Insisted en the dismissal of the unpopular vails and other officials. According to some accounts the expense caused by these disorders ex eeedod the revenue which til government received from the two sources. For some time past It has been known that the government intended to reduce tho tax on domestic animals, but the decision to abolish both taxes comes us a surprise, and has given rise to rumors that It Is due to LONDON, April 20. Special. )-So dif ferent from Its appearance to people walk ing on the earth does its surface appear to the balloonist that it Is extremely difficult for him to locate his exact position by ordinary maps. Frank H. Butler, the famous aero naut, has suggested that special charts be mode In some way aa nautical charts, and he demonstrated the use of such charts during the course of a short voyage In his balloon "Dolce far Nlente," when out standing landmarks were noted for the purpose of acting as guides to those who might afterwards travel In the same di rection. It was found that streets and Indeed towns were no guide at all, for when looked at from a bird's-eye point of view they appeared only as longer or shorter blotches of alate roofs, spha atreet and roads also looked like white lines merely, each one resembling the other, much aa two plna resemble each other. . The expedition made It abundantly clear that ordinary landmarks were of no use whatever and on a map only those features distinguishable at a helghth of from l.OnO to S.ono feet are really worth taking Into consideration. Pnnston for Pan Frsnettro. WASHINGTON. April 20. -Brigadier Gen eral Frederick Funston has been relieved from the command of the Southwestern division, to take effect upon the expiration of bis present leave of absence, and will then proceed to San Francisco and assume command of the Department of California. i LAST WEEK OF MADAME YALE'S SKIN FOOD FREE! OUR SPECIAL SOUVENIR SALE of Madame Yale's eauty Preparations WILL CONTINUE ALL THIS WEEK SKIN FOOD FREE Will continue this week in our Toilet Goods Depart ment. It is unnecessary to state that Madame Yale's toilet requisites are the standard, having stood the test of time and experiment. They are now in universal use by all lovers of high grade toilet specialties throughout the world. It is safe to say that millions of pretty girls and beautiful women in this country owe the beauty of their complexions and the luxuriance of their hair to Mine. Yale's preparations. Free Beauty Consultation Ladles who are desirous of trying these preparations and who would Ilka to ask questions concerning them (the proper on, s to select, etc.) can ob tain all the information tli.y desire from the young lad its m our Toilet Department. Special for This Week v 4 With every purcha.e of uny of Madam Yale's preparations to the amount of 13c or over we are authorized to I'UEK OF CHAKUli a largo souvenir jar of Madam Vale's celebrated akin food. MAIL ORDERS FILLED ladles unable to call may order by mail. The akin food souvenirs and 4eauty bovks will be Included with each order. And thm Schacler's Cut Price Drug Stores Cor. 16th and Douglaa Sts.; 16th and Chicago Sta. Boots Omi '. Cor. 14th and N bta. Council Bluffs tth Ave. and Main S Boston Store Drug Department. When David Livingstone, one of the greatest missionaries the world has ever aeen, was spreading the gospel In the up per Congo he was one day attacked by a Hon, knocked from his horse and carried, bleeding and half-senseless, by the savage beast to a belt of timber, there to ba de voured. But Providence had need of Liv ingstone; his work u not yet done, and a bullet from the big elephant-bore rifle of one of the Scotchman's attendants pierced the brain of Fella Leo, and so averted the tragedy. Similar cases are on record; men have come unscathed from the claws of lions and tigers In African forests and Indian Jungles. It Is even related thai Thierry, the French explorer, waa saved from the crushing folds of a python In the wilds of Ceylon after the huge reptile had fastened Its prong-Ilka fangs In the throat of Its Intended victim; and many other stories of hair-breadth escapes from beasta and serpents have been proven true, but of all the clasa of strange and horrible Incidents, no experience Is more thrilling than the one encountered by William Oldrleve, the water walker, In Havana bay, almost within the ahadow of frowning Morro castle. Oldrleve waa literally in the Jaws of a shark; the great ocean hyena's razorlike teeth had ripped through his flesh, and yet, by almost a miracle, he came through the race with death, and lives today to tell of those trying momenta of terror. '1 went to Havana a few years before the Spanish war." Prof. Oldrieve began, relating his story, "and at the time the Cubans were struggling to throw oft the galling yoke of the mother country. "My walking on the water feut proved quite a hit. and after giving several ex hibitions In the bay, close to the dock, I was engaged by the Havana. Yacht ntntt for a aort of private Bhow further removed rrom the populous center, where only I aristocratic eyes could watch mv efforts from the decka of trim little aloops. It was a bright, fall afternoon, with only a gentle land breeie, heavily laden with the perfume of sweet flowers, blowing off shore, and hardly a ripple in the gulf, when I was escorted aboard a. vm hi an taken below the limits of the city, to a point nearly opposite Morro castle. There were lots of trim sailing craft all about the sloop I was a passenger on, and the cream of society In the island capital were aboard, anxious to see me perform. On Water Walking- Shoes. "I had a pair of big water walking shoos, something like those I used in walking down the river from Cincinnati, but not of' auch an Improved pattern, and entering a skiff I put the things on over my rubber boots, and stepped out Into the great, vaat gulf. "The trick was easy for me, the water was calm aa some sylvan brook, no wind to apeak of waa blowing, and I felt In ex cellent spirits, so my performance even If I do aay it myself waa first-class, and caused tho'se dona and donnaa to chorus repeated bravaa from their snug reatlng places on the decka of the yachts. "I walked back and forth, performed a sort of gliding stunt, bent the crab and did other foolish thlnga, and, becoming ex hilarated with my exercise, took a turn a good piece out to sea. An Englishman I became acquainted with in Havana and with whom I would spend my evenings In a cafe near the water front, had wrr.d me to be careful of sharks In the bay, but me warning never occurred to me until, on tVlA tin l..i,f . . ... '.uuti uuernoon or wnich I am speaking, a cry of alarm Bounded from the aeen or tne yacht nearest me. "Fear haa a language of Its own, and its various phases are expressed by Intonation or reflection, rather than by words, so it wasn't necessary for me to know Spanish io appreciate that the party who had nt tered the cry had aeen something alarming, omeining tnat waa menacing ine. waa neaaing in toward the harbor and the water all In front of me presented no disturbing sight, but when the alarm came again, this time given volume to by several volcea, I turned half around, feel ing an unseen danger, aa it were, and real ising that perhaps my life waa in peril. uiancing over my shoulder, I saw. Just about five yards behind me, a thin, black atrip showing above the water, and aa it moved rapidly in my direction I quickly aivinea wnat it waa. the fin of a shark. waa practically helplesa, with no weapon in my hand, not even so much aa a paddle. and In the sudden terror that claimed me my lega grew weak, with the result that I nearly lost my balance, one foot Inclining io ine ngnt and the other to the left, and I came within an ace of pitching head first into the aea. Seeking- Haven on a Yacht. "The yacht of the mayor was only a few yards from me, and, pushing forward my rimu root, i sped toward the haven of ref uge. But as I covered an inch my pursu lng fee cleared many feet, and a scream from one of the white-robed ladies on the deck apprised me that the oVutruyer was upon me. Instinctively, I described a turn, and, rat-inn about, saw six feet of bluish. iiatuMiy-iuoiiiiisT nean, a double row of pointed teeth, set well In a cavernous mouth, and round, pointed beak, to the side ot me, aa the shark Bprang from the water t r i . no imssea me ov a narrow mnri and his while great length there must have been twenty feet of hlm-ln a half circle splashed Into the water, and the passage of the massive body through the flood whirled me around like a top. "Aa soon as I had recovered myself I started again for the yacht,and had almost reached the boat's side when the cry of alarm once more came from the deck. I could hear the Bwlrl of the water behind me, and. looking over my Bhoulder again, saw that same murderous fin parting the green wavelets. The shark, profiting by his first miss, did not spring from the sea until he had clearly overtaken me. His hard beak grated the rear end of my right shoe, and caused my leg to shoot forward from under me, and aa I fell backward Into the sea the monster fish turned over on his side, and enap went his dreadful Jaws. The bite tore away all of one portion of my left water shoe, and the calf of my leg waa mangled and torn by the center teeth. As I fell Into the water I felt the stinging pain In my leg and knew that the shark had me In his Jaws, but, with a resourcefulness born of despair, I Jerked my foot violently forward. My lacerated, bleeolng leg was freed, aa the teeth had only eunk Into the loose flesh, and besides the long stripe of skin. I left all of my left water shoe In the shark's mouth. "I rtruggled about under the water for a few moments, expecting every minute to feel the shark's teeth closing about my body, and for a time my overturned right shoe prevented me from rising to the sur face. I waa a good swimmer, though, and when the brine had nearly choked me, by bending my right knee to Its utmost, and so relieving the depressing weight of the shoe. I thrust my head above water. "My Orst Impression waa an awful aplash- The Peoplei Store Sanitary Cotton Mittresff, $9.50 Equal to any I1B.00 Klnstlc Felt Mattresa 6n the market. THIRTY-DAT TRIAL FREE and money refunded If not satisfactory. It la the purest, cleanest and most restful Cotton Mattress you can buy. It la sanitary, vermin-proof and non-absorbent will never mat or get lumpy, and never needs making over. It is not stuffed, but HTJILT UP from loose, flaky sheets of finest cotton fiber and com pressed to the required thick ness. Our price 9.50 1.00 Cash; 100 Monthly. () O O O o o C) Special Inducements to Ytunj Folks q Just Starting Housekeeping O O o C) o o o o o o C) 0ffi3COGC3QOCOO 5 Roomi Furnished S1 f ! 4 & ' 'wli --r, '.'J-'i irl::J' "i ( ' - ( '!$ pfU ,.J'; i IJjML; wl; J4W w 711.50 a F Mm If '..ftrnr. .!f tftf s a wsBijeaw9w aswa Terms: S7.00 Cash. $5.00 Monthly Our three-room outfits do not merely consist of furniture and rugs, but Include everything necessary to furnish a home complete. iHir outfits include window shades, draperies, bedding of all kinds, all the necessary cooking utensils and kitchen furnishings, crockery. gUss ware, silverware and. In fact, everything you will need with which to Btart housekeeping. Puvers of our outfits are not obliged to go elsewhere to complete the furnishings of their homes, as everything Is included down to the smallest detail. Also the furniture, rugs, draperies and furnishings are all of a high class, and should not be confused with some outfits of Inferior grades that are offered elsewhere. We have always made a specialty of complete home outfits, and have now lowered the price to 1 7 1.50 for three rooms and reduced the cash payment to f 7. W' Guarantee) That These. Outfits Will Coat You S100.00 Elsewhere. Four and five-room outfita at proportionate prices and terms. A Teddy Hoar Free with every Oo-Cart of $3.00 and over. TRUST lyl!lVtA THI I'VkiUi' PICPLE I SVTrJ'J I -I rj The'peop Special Kit a-. !. -i O O O Store Kitchen Cabinet I I All goods I I marked I J In plain l. ij.V not find IK' US, fill Mi;.--- ill n O O o o o C) o o o C) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C) CD o o o (Exactly like cut.) Base haa two large bins, each holding 50 pounds of flour or other meal, two good-sized drawers for kitchen cutlery, a large bread board and a meat board. The top haa two large glass door compartments, one on each side of a row of four apice drawers. The cabinet Is 61 Inches hlch and 47 inches wide. It occuplea the space of a kitchen table and has tne room of a cupboard. The People's Store special price, complete The Peoples Store Special Folding and Reclining Go-Carts (Exactly like cut). The handle rods and gearing are of steel, enameled green, rubber tired, steel wheels, the back and drish ran be adjusted to any poslton. folds compactly, ol- fered at the vpeclal price of Peoples Store Oak Dressers 2.CJ0 (Exactlv like cut.) Made of solid oak, highly 'polished, large roomy drawers. French beveled mirror or ouiong snape. trimmings are solid brass, guaranteed workman ship, special sale price $1.00 cash; $3.00 monthly. 8.50 u o o o C) o o o o o o o o o o () o o o o o so o fit-. - 4' 4-r,C lit iviii yiut li-La.SI 7 V SIDEBOARDS (Exactly like cut.) Mado In tlw gi'iiulne quarter-sawed ak effect, heavy ornamental carvings: the bases are lar and contain two small drai ers, one large linen drawer and a larpe lower compart in-nt. Iarge platrt French mirror. Our special orlce. $1.60 cash; $2.00 monthly. ..i.i.r.. . .i,nnMnnirrnMrtr z Tertu., $1.00 ca.U and 60c par w.el. ffo hwJ l) 1 -f 1 L ferwha't M J ill, rwjuiMusi Carpets, Rugs and Draperies The recipe's Store , Tiger nrussels Huif. Extension Tables (Exactly like cut.) Made of thoroughly seasoned stock, well finished and extra well made; size of tops 42x42, and extend to 6 feet. These tables we secured at a very special price, and intend to give our many customers tne Dene fit of our exceptional opportunity. Spe cial price Terms I $1.00 Cash; $1.00 Monthly, 5.50 FREE Gold Coin Initial Dinner Set FREE 7 .11 sm mm t 1 . " . A. Oa-piuo Set, with your ini tial In gold, given away absolutely free with every cash or credit pur chase of 1100 or sold to you out right for 16.75, on the extremely easy terms of 11.00 cash and fl per month. If you buy 100 worth during 1907 we will give you a set free and credit your account with all amounts that you have paid. $2 Per Month Buys a Direct Action Gas Range Special demonstration all this week on main floor. Call and let us explain the many special features ot the) Direct Action Gas Range. It Ls much easier to buy a. Direct Action Gas Range and keep your gas bills down than it is to buy any other kind and try to economize afterwards. You pay your gas bill 18 times In one year you buy a Gas Ranxe once in twelve years see that you get a Direct Ac- 5 Pi These large rugs are nine feet by eleven feet, and are noted for their richness of colore anil the beauty of their patterns. They were se lected especially for our special sale and will be sold at the extremely low 'fr.'?! 14.50 Termst $1.30 cash and $3 monthly. Art Reversible liugs large as sortment, 9x12 size, 7.50 values; X 08 special JJO Ingrain CarpetB, wool filled, of a very good quality, 65c values; special sale price, A"n per yard it mat t Chiffoniers i SI f. (Exactly like cut.) Made of solid oak, have five roomy drawers and bevel plate mlrrora, are neatly enrvea, and the cabinet work Is of the finest quality. Kale rtrlce Terms i $1.00 cash. B0o per week. any carveii, 8.75 We are solo agents for Hey wood Hros. and Wakefield Go-Carts. Ourney Hefrlgerators, t.lwell Kitchen Cabinets, Direct Action Ciaa Ranges, In surance Gasoline Stoves, also "gents for the Fulton and the Rapid Folding Go-Carts. see iuai juu e M tloa Gas Range, 1. . i ' 1 ' Jt Ii IRON BEDS Exactl like cut). A very desirable ' seamless tubing, ornamental is four coats of baked enamel, & cream and 4-6 size, special Refrigerators We are eolo agents for the famous Our ney line. The ltefrlx eratora that are built on aclentlfio and'hy glenlo Unci. Every part can uo removed, no place for the dirt to gather. They Hro guaranteed lec navera. This we;k we offer a special refrigerator at $6.50 BOo per week. wovrxsr 5 r tv only. -.i- S S y price -Tj1 ?H T Wc aell goods outot t i I Sf J ! I tl j for our meiial rata- r WNVX-V1'- 17.50 c) o o o o C) C) C) o o o o C) () () C) o o () () o () C) o C) o o o o liwues of HefrlKera- (;o-'arts. Kit- f J O ehon Cabinets Gas lUnp'd. IG12 & FADNAM STRFETS OMAHA. THE PEOPLES FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., Established 1887. GOOGCCOOCOOOOOCCCOCCCCCCOOUUUUuuuuu lng all about me, end for a moment I fan cied that the shark and some of his family had come back to finish lunch. Spray waa das'ied in a deluge Into my face and for a moment the water, descending in a cloud, blinded me. Hut then I law it all. Several boats were floating near me, ordinary elt'lTs, I mean, and the men in them werj beating the water with the flats of oars. That's a good ruse to frighten sharks, you know, and It must have worked with my hungry friend, or maybe he Was contended with the water shoe, thinking it a piece of my leg, for ho uppeured no more. "The beating of the water was all right and no doubt saved my life, but the ex cltiible Spaniards kept up the practice with such persistency, shouting loudly the while, that for a time I waa in danger of having my braina knocked out. At last one of them saw me and, calling to his compan ions, bade them desist from their strenuous effort. A boat waa quickly pulled to where I fought to keep my head above water and. more dead than alive, I waa drawn over the gunwale, water ahoe and ail, and carried to the yacht. "The bite on my leg wasn't much, but the nervous strain waa so great that I lay on that deck for a few minutes, surrounded by excited, gesticulating Spaniards and hysterical, wildly weeping women, hardly able to speak. I came around all right In a little while and a aurgeon in the party examined my wound. I had lost much blood and a large strip of flesh waa missing from my limb, and to add to my pain and misery the doctor insisted on burning the wound out with a solution of nitric acid, declaring that the nhark'e teeth might have been Infected from eating some dead car cass thrown Into the aea. That burning was the worst part of the whole business, and for the rest of my atay In Havana I went around on a crutch. The shark didn't make a meal off me; no, but be gave me a acar that I will carry to my grava," New Orlcftu ricayuue. AMEER TALKS AT LAHORE Baler' of Afghanistan Tells Moslem to Seek Wisdom, hat Remem ber nellglon. CALCUTTA. April S0.-(Bpecial.)-On the occasion of his laying the foundation Bton of the Islam college at Lahore the j ameer made the most notable speech since his memorable visit to tho Moham medan college of Allgarh. An address having been presented to bis majesty the ameer, rising from his throne to reply to the address, brought the whole mul titude respectfully to their feet. Ho waved the mass of men back to their seats and then standing alone took hold of the vellum In the manner of a singer handling a song and broke Into extem porary oration. Indian audiences are not accustomed to perfect orderliness, but in thla instance perfect alienee reigned, and not a word of the royal apeech waa lost. Not a word of It could the Moham medane of India afford to lose. It was an extraordinary flight of Improptu eloquence. Instinct with the forceful In dividuality of lta enHhtened author.1 At the beginning the ameer, who when calm and cold could not avoid an occasional Blight stammer, halted now and then In hla speech. But presently aa he warmed to the aplrlt of the occasion he broke Into almost torrential rhetoric and his whole body swayed In energetic emphasia My brothers. I speak to you, the Moham medans of the Fanjab in India who are present here today. lou have read me your address. I understand your thoughts; this ls my reply; mark It, It pnniKrni your welfare closely. But be fore all else I want at the outset to say how deeply I appreciate the tolerance and the beneficence of the government of India In allowing my Mohammedan brethren In thla great country perfect Ub erly to perform their religious dullee where nA m hen and how they list. That acknowl edgment beiui paid, aad it W (unatuost on my conscience, I come to the pith and marrow of my message to you and to the millions of Mussulmans for whom you stand. In a single sentence I give you my whole exhortation. "Acquire knowledge you hear me? Acquire knowledge. I aay ft a third time, acquire knowledge. Oh, my brothers, remain not Ignorant, or what is worse, remain not ignorant of your ignor ance. There are those who utter solemn u.ninc in vnur run. who urge that Mo hammedans have naught to do wilh mod ern philosophy, who declaim againBt the western silences as evn. i am ni them. I am not among those who ask you to shut your ears and shut your eyes. On the contrary, I say. pursue knowledge wherever It Is to be founn. But this also I declare to you with an me ei.ip.iaa.s my command, science is me supr. nut lure; don't mistake it for the foundation. The foundation ls and always must be religion. LONDON MAN'S RAPID RISE Teacher Destltste la Australia Twenty -Two Years Age) Visits Place of Birth. LOVDON, April H).-(8peclal.)-W. M. Hughes, ex-minister of external af fairs in the Australian commonwealth, la one of the delegates to the colonial confer ence. He la an Englishman, born In Lon don, who went to New South Wales twenty-two years ago to seek his fortune. Hla career from that day to thla reads like a romance. In England he waa a school teacher and arriving at Queensland he applied for em ployment in the education department Ha was engaged at a remuneration which lie subsqueutly discovered would not keep him much less allow of saving. A determined man, ba decided to stiike-out "on hla luck. Here la what happened; "I waa going from Maryborough, Queens land, to Gytnpe and got off the road." he explained. "Fur three daya I had no food whatsoever, and was without water for twenty-four hours. Then I struck some etcll4U ajid le bins Wa Uiat waa my only food. This was roughing It with a vengeance. To make matters worse, I was crossing a creek one day with my shirt, socks, some clothes and boots wrapped In my sleeping blanket and fixed to my shoul ders, wlu'n I found myself In a deep hole, Down I went, and my bundle went oa by itself. I lost everything and rn that sorry plight I had to wander about until I found refuge In a tlmber-getter'a hut. I don t want that experience again, for In Queens land you bake by day and freeze by night with no clothing." Nothing daunted, Mr. Hughes obtained employment on a sheep station boundary. Then he went sheep droving and in thla capacity took a herd a Journey of 1,600 fillips. I Hi uuivii uv iiuu ui m iwiwaj iicai. claimed him and afterwards he worked on coast vessels for six montha. Mr. Hughes came In In 1890 with tho' great Industrial upheaval which saw tho formation of the labor party. He took an active part In the agitation and was one of the founders of the "solidarity" labor party. Ilr 1 unra'c PERFECT ' Too.li Povdsr Cleanses and beautifies tho toeitx and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement or over a quarter of a century Convenient for tourists. PREPARED BV