Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Few Bnildinc i Eleitct Ons it Flniah
and Fixtnr.
Mrs. I. T. Low of Cleveland, OMa,
Will Flav Chars of b
DoraHrls Bad
The new bulldln of the Young Mon's
Christian association will be formally
opened ana dedicated the last wwk In May.
A larga fore of men la now at work fin
ishing up, putting In tha furnltura and
It la going to be a big surprise to the
people of Omaha. The beauty of the build
ing approaches magnificence and Ita utility
and arrangement la almoat Ideal.
As the vlaltor goes Into the main entrance
under the atately sculptured doorway ha
paasee through a vestibule finished In per
fect imitation of PavanoMt marble and
ihen finds hlmaeir In a lobby of magnificent
proportion, tha raftered celling of which
la aupported by columns of Imitation Scag
llola marble. Tha offices are In front and
to tha left. At tha left end will b the
reading room and to tha right tha lobby
will be devoted to social purpoaes. Tha
Boor of tha lobby la terraxio, consisting of
fragments of marble bedded in cement
with pollahed surface. On this floor also
la the spa, a spacloua room finished In
Flemish with blue Delft painting on the
walla. '
The assembly room with the adjoining
lecture hall, separated by rolling partition.
Is on the second floor. This floor also con
tains parlor, committee rooms and the
spacloua boya' rooms, which occupy nearly
the entire east half of the floor. The latter
contain game tables, check room, club
rooms and other quarters for the boys,
with lockers and toilet rooms.
Illnlns; Room Department.
The third floor Is the headquarters of the
dining department. There 1b the apaoioua
kitchen, the main dining room, cafe and
several private dining rooms. The tables
and chalra of the main room will be of
early English style. The walla' of the
main room are handsomely decorated In
tapestry foliage style.
The four private dining rooms are sep
arated only by rolling partitions and can
be thrown Into one so as to accommodate
eighty persons. On this floor are also the
educational rooms, many of them provided
and equipped especially for teaching some
special branch. There Is also a library and
reading room for students.
The upper two floors are the dormitory
floors and there are 102 rooms there. Some
of the rooms are equipped with private
baths. Some of thorn are In suites and
double suites with bath between. There
are two large general bath and toilet
rooms on each of these floors and six show
ers for the use of those occupying tho
dormitories. There will be telephones In
each room communicating with a branch
exchange In the building.
The rooms are finished In plain sawed
oak. The furniture Is of oak and real
mahogany. The magnificence of these
apartments cannot be appreciated without
being seen. The windows ax very large,
the finishing la all of the best, the lights
are elcctrlo. These rooms are being fin
ished up and cleaned and aa soon as the
furniture la Installed and the committee
has decided what rent to ask, they will be
thrown open for occupation.
Gymnasium on First Floor.
The gymnasium and running track, with
auxiliary gymnasium, open oft of the first
floor. These have been In operation for
several weeks.
Down in the basement Is the general bath
room, men's lockers and swimming pool.
This. Is equipped In the most up-to-date
manner. There are many Individual show
ers, private baths, general showers and
other appurtenances which make up an
elegant bath. Then there la the swimming
pool, said to be the finest In the country.
It la so arranged that the water will be
constantly skimmed; that la, when a man
enters the pool the water displaced will
overflow into a gutter running around the
outer edge. This water from the top will
contain most of the dirt and will be car
ried off down drains, thus providing a con
stant skimming. The artesian well water
which will supply the tank la a- clear as
crystal. Secretary Wade has devised tho
system for heating the water and believes
it Is Ideal.
Marvel of Spaciousness.
The new building on the whole Is a mar
vel for spaciousness, convenience and prac
tical arrangement. Everywhere there Is an
air of substantiality and comfort. For ex
ample there are eight drinking fountains
In the halls of the building. In the base
ment Is an Ice box, containing ISO feet of
colled pipe. The ice box holds a ton of toe
and the drinking water circulates through
the coll of pipe on its way to the fountains.
The decorations of the walls and ceilings
throughout the building are daszllng In
their beauty. Most of this Is hand work.
The cafe and dormitories will be In
Charge of Mrs. 8. T. Lowe, who has just
arrived from Cleveland, O., where she has
had charge of one of the largest and best
private hotels. She and Secretary Wade
are making every effort to get the cafe and
the dormitories Into operation at the earli
est possible moment. Meals will be served
at all hours.
Visitors are not being admitted to the
building now, as It Is desired to have every
thing completed, cleaned and in operation
before the building Is thrown open to gen
eral Inspection.
Proposal far Banswas Ooatraete
Art Call fa y Arasy
Qaarler master.
Scaled prwyoeA! are adrsrUsd far by
Major Thomns Cruse, ohlef quartermaster
Department of the Mlseosri. for feed and
forage for the wrreral poet of the depart
ment for the fiscal year ending June 80,
1908. The bids will be opened at the office
of the chief uartermaswr in Omaha May
15. The following supplies are called for
at th different forte)
Omaha quartermaster's dnnot, l"0.0fl0
pounds of oats. t.Vv pounds of bran, LfS.uOO
pounds of baled hay; Fort Crook, JVfrfiO
pounds cf oats, Mftooo pourtils of baled hay,
l.'4.'i00 pound of Straw or hay for belm
Fort D. A. Russell. a,u6,01 rounds f oats.
M.OO pounds of bran, t.SOO.OD peunils of ,
baled hsv, 770,000 pounds of straw or hny
for bedding) Fwrt Dee Moines, B,".
pounds f oats. 14O.0W pounds of bran, 4.S00, )
wo pouno or eaiea nay, i.'w pounds or
straw or bay for bedrltngi Fort Jeaven
worth, 1 WMOO psunds of oats, foO.lXO pounds
of bran, ,T.IX pounds of baled liny, 1.30),
Ouo pounds of straw or hay for bedding;
Fort Maokensle. 100,000 pounds of oats, 160,
00 pounds Of baled hny, 50.000 pounds of
straw or hay for bedding! Fort Monde.
S.Oon.000 pounds of oats, 130,000 pounds of
bran. 1,20X000 pounds of baled hay, J, 400,000
pounds of loose hay. 1.000.000 pounds of
straw or hay for bedding: Fort Omaha,
80.OO pounds of oats. 4.000 pounds of bran,
170.000 pounds hay, 40,000 pounds of straw or
hsy for bedding; Fort Rllev, 1.000.000 pounds
of oats, 1,8)0,000 pounds of bran. lLooo.OOO
pounda of baled hay, 2,R00L00b pounds of
straw or nay for bedding: Fort Robinson.
2.600,000 pounds of oats. 200,000 pounds of
bran, 4.000.000 pounds of haled hay, 1,100,000
pound of straw or hay for bedding.
Proposal will be received at the office
of Major Cruse May 14 for disinterring,
boxing and preparing for shipment eighty
nine human bodies of soldiers buried at .
Fort Washakie (Wyo.) cemetery and a like i
number of headstones over these graves. j
Major Cruse has advertised for' pro- 1
posals to furnish a large number of hoi sea
and mules for the use of the United States
army. The bids will be opened May It.
The call Is for 735 cavalry horses, 239 ar- J
tlllery horses, eight draft horses, six riding
horses, 281 wheeler mules, 2,228 lead mules,
ten pack mules, two cart mules and four
pack mules for the quartermaster depart
ment. The animals must conform to aped- .
ficatlons for stock of this character for
army uses.
Bee Want Ads produce result
Present Incumbent Claims Qno War
ranto Preceding; 1 the
Proper Method.
The legal controversy over the possession
of the city engineer's office may take an
entirely new turn and the present man
damus suit to compel City Engineer Rose
water to turn over the office to Thomas
Shaw, who claims the office by reason of
the action of the city council, may have
to be dismissed, and a quo warranto action
begun. That this will have to be done Is
the contention of the city engineer's at
torneys, and the question of the proper
procedure was argued before Judge Ken
nedy Friday afternoon..
It is also claimed by Mr. Roeewater'a
lawyers that even If a mandamus suit Is
the proper way to proceed. It will be neces
sary for Shaw to secure an alternative
writ, In order to get the question at Issue
properly before the court. Mo alternative
writ has been Issued In th! case, but. In
stead, an order requiring the city engineer
to show cause why ha should not be re
quired to give up his office. The question
first to be settled Is whether the man
damus cose Is the proper way to proceed
or not, and after that Is decided whether
It is necessary to hav an alternative
writ Issued In any case, the hearing of
the suit on Its merit will be delayed sev
eral days until the preliminary questions
can be settled.
Redaction Lower Than Any Other
City In On or Two Months,
. Bay Nash.
"Electrto llght'rates will be reduced with
in the next thirty or sixty days as low or
lower than In any other city in the coun
try," aald F. A. Nash Friday morning,
when Inquiry was made as to the proposed
reduction In rates.
New schedules are being arranged by em
ployes of the Omaha Electric Light and
Power company, but the work requires
considerable time on account of the com
plexity of the new system and the rami
fications of the lighting contracts,
Sow Look Oat tar Rheamatlsm.
The grip has beer, unusually prevalent
during the past winter, and In many cases
Is likely to be 'ollowed by an attack of
muscular rheumatlam. This 1 the most
eommon variety of that disease and least
dangerous. There Is no swelling of the
Joint and the pain Is not so excruciating
as In acute or Inflammatory rheumatism.
It Is sufficiently severe to disable a man,
however, and every movement increases
the pain. Keep as quiet as possible and ap
ply Chamberlain' Pain Balm freely with
a thorough massage, and you ar certain
to get quick relief.
Sacrifices His Sleep for Seleneo.
A remarkable case of heroic devotion to
scientific study Is that of William Walker
Strong, a rraduate student st Johns Hop
kins university. He is engaged in a study
of the Ionization of the air. and Is work
ing with a large and Intricate apparatus
set up In the basement of the physical
laboratory, from which he Is obliged to
take readings eve-y thirty minutes.
Fcr two months Strong has been sitting
by his apparatus, leaving It only long
enough to eat and return in fearful haste.
Kvea at night the apparatus must be read
and watched. Hence Strong has been tak
ing cat napa beside his apparatus, accom
panied by an alarm clock that wakes hlra
every half hour. Baltimore Sun.
bms Caste Once fcsrt Laacli la Hr
Acctistoaed Flace la Jail.
Akraptly th Jadae Break lata
Her Story with Those OsnU
Bti Worts "itlaety
Emma Contee, a weman of color and
aristecratlo mien, knows the way from
Ninth street and Capitol avenue to the city
jail and from there to the county Institu
tion, more familiarly known In her sat a
"the hlU," bettor than the grlztled mariner
knows tha paths of the sea and tbe stars
In the heaven by whloh he guides his craft
8ha knows every bump and every hole In
the street and Just when to brace herself
In the patrol wagon to meet the Jar of the
clumsy vehicle and Friday morning she
was given another lesson.
Among the fixed appointment of the
room of the people' bar, of th bull pen
adjoining and of the cell room "down be
low," ha grown to be the face and figure
of Bmmi Contee, but when th familiar
form passed through th portals and into
th august presence It occasioned sur
prise, for not muoh more than a week had
passed since his honor dispatched her to
the hatch on the hill for a sojourn of ninety
day In company with two ether equally
blessed with color, for having been mixed
up In th fleecing of a granger of bl roll.
Km ma Contee and one of the other had
made application to appeal their cases, but
Judge Crawford would not O. K. her bond,
but he did offer to take her straw bond If
he would promise by all she holds dear
In the burnt district or elsewhere to wipe
herself from the face of the earth immedi
ately, bo far as the people's bar and Omaha
Is concerned, and she gave her word that
her disappearance should be speedy, com
plete and everlasting.
But here she was. She was the same old
figure, wore the same old dress and the
same old smile, and It was plain she hadn't
even gone so far aa South Omaha. But she
was "there with the goods." Not the least
was she disturbed that she was back In
court because she had broken her word of
honor, that most brittle of things In the
world. She could easily relate to the Judtje
how someone had knocked It out of her
hand and It fell to the floor and broko
with a loud crash; how an explosion had
taken place next door and knocked It Into
a thousand pieces before she had had time
to save It, or how the train had struck it
as she was about to carry out Its pur
pose. It would be an easy mntter to give
an excuse. She was good at that and had
saved herself from many a tight place by
being quick with excuses. She'd tell him
any old thing and If one wouldn't work she
rnlght change her plea and try another.
Nothing to It; nothing to
"Ninety days."
From out the stillness behind the bar
where he sat In apparently calm con
templation of the persistent one, whose
presence had become so frequent and op
pressive, the words floated sternly, and she
knew that the Incident had come to an
abrupt end. Drawing her skirts about her
to save the floor as much as she could, she
retraced her steps and. In going, she no
ticed that the threshold had been worn
down one-sixteenth of an Inch since her
last visit She was going back to familiar
scenes and surroundings, where every ob
ject was a well known as her dress.
He admitted hi name was Peter when
Desk Sergeant Patsy Havey- asked him
Thursday night, and also admitted he was
very flip In his remarks, so he waa booked
as Peter Flip, charged with being drunk
and lying on the walk. Patrol Conductor
Fahey had had a hard time waking Mr.
Flip from his sound slumber in the soft
slushy snow he was using for a mattress
and the fllpness of Mr. Flip flew up at
the officer's Interference. However, this
was not made a part of the report and
his honor saw no reason for not granting
the prisoner's plea to be given his freedom,
promising never, never, to do It again.
1m I
Costumes for the Grand
Our New Models Are
Very Attractive.
Come and See Them.
rraoara sovauta mi.
Wraps for the Grand
Opera. If not supplied,
come to the Daylight
Store and see the very
Every Good Housewife
Long lUarA nil: move uooDie linger 1
tips, 1 (-button length only a limited J
lot of these 11.60 Oloves to be had, but
while they last, your choloe for,
pair 91.25
THE FTDELLO" Best French Kid Gloves 1Z and 16-
button lengths black only These Gloves sell regularly
at $3.75 and $4.00
Saturday the 12-button Saturday the 16-button
lengths will be ..$3.25 lengths will be . .$3.50
White and Black Long Silk Glove 18-16-
20-buttoo lenghts, double finger tips, ape
Xlal for Saturday only
$1.48. $1.75. $1.08
$3.50 "Sitka" 16-button White Kid Glove.
only $2.48
Bargain square specials
Ladies' Short Silk and Lisle Gloves
Tans, modes, white, green,
grey and plum colored, with two
wrist clasps, regularise and $1
values, special for Jft
Saturday ,...fJC
Fancy Embroidered Turnover Col
larsOver SO doxen sample
fancy embroidered Turnover
collars of fine linen, lawn and
an endless variety of patterns to
1 select from that are worth from
lOo to 2 So. Sample price for
Ladles' Nockwear and Lingerie
Choice here of over 600 pattern
Stock collars, embroidered linen
collars, turnovers and turnover
sets, In tbe finest lawns, batiste
and fancy silks that are worth
85c and some 6O0. Your "J C
choice Saturday for jC
83c slightly mussed sample stock
collars, Satur- f r
day IjC
Lingerie and Velvet jumper sus
penders, fancy embroidered
chemisette, sllk-lace half sleeves,
pretty Bolero Jackets and fancy
lace and embroidered Glmpes for
Jumper suits, special aa
from $3.60 down to l.UU
Ladles' Cototn Union Suits.
Low neck, no sleeves, with um
brella knee, these are regular
46c values, Saturday, 1 aa
35c; 8 for I.UU
Three Hosiery Bargains.
A new lot Ladles' Black Hose In
fancy allover. lace, lace boot,
plain lisle and mercerized lisle,
all sizes, 76c, 6O0 and 86c values,
for 25)
Ladles' Best Cotton 26c Maco Hose,
fast black, double spliced feet, on
sale Saturday for 10
Special lot Ladles' Fast Black
Hose, double spliced feet, elastlo
top, cannot be duplicated at 15o
pair, for only jq?
New Lace Net Veils and
A New Invoice Just received a
big lot new ready-made veils and
hat drapes, fancy lace net drapes
In brown, navy, black and white,
1 V yard lengths. 75 QQA
special at OZ-JOC
Auto Veils Made of fine hem
stitched chiffon, 3 yd. lengths,
light blue, champagne, grey,
white, navy, brown and black,
worth 76c and $1.26 each, our
Xr! 98c49c
25c Fancy Net Veilings, all colors,
Saturday only, yard 7r
Saturday's Great Clothing Values
Martin Callahan walked about the street
Thursday night wallowing- In the water and
slush. His feet were cold and there was a
pain In his stomach and nothing else. He
was very hungry. He saw the people
seated at the long counter In a restaurant
on Farnam street getting filled up, and he
longed to be one of them. But he was dead
broke. It was then all the grievances
against the rich passed In review before
hts mind and he determined he was going
to eat whether anyone paid for his meal
or not and three-quarters of an hour later
his appetite was more than appeased with
an inch-thick beefsteak, with all the good
things on the side his mind could conjure
up. Ia the words of the comedian, who
cared for expense when someone else paid
for It?
He glanced with contempt at the slip of
paper giving the price of the repast and
started for tbe door. But Chris, who holds
sway, at th money drawer, reminded him
gently that something had been forgotten.
Callahan lost no time In explaining that
he had no money wltn which to pay, and
Chris In turn lost no time In calling Ser
geant Big-wart, who sent the man to Jail.
The restaurant people declined to appear
against Callahan In police court In the
morning and Judge Crawford sentenced him
to ninety days' imprisonment. 'But he bad
bad on square meal Just the same.
The Mart
Who Knews
Miller made Clothing that is as
nearly perfect as skilled hands
and good materials can make it,
Is what we offer all ready to
wear. Tou see what you are
getting when you try on a suit
and without an hour's delay
and It is doubtful Is you can find
anywhere such complete lines as
we now offer you in correct
styles in this New Clothing De
partment of ours. A Top Coat
or Cravenetto Is always a neces
sity, good all year round, new
etyles and patterns in the Prince
ton, at from S10 to $18
Men's Salts $11.78 and $18.00
The newest, nobbiest patterns,
the popular club checks, over
plalds and plain colors. These
suits are the finest to be had and
are made to fit, and we positively
guarantee every garment to re
tain its shape. Here Saturday
you will find extra worthy suits
at 615.00 and.., $11.75
Better ones if you like.
Men's Odd Pants, values up to 64,
Saturday, $2.60 and.... $1.05
Saturday Sale of Ladles' and Misses' Spring Coats
Box Coats In plaids, checks and
stripes, plain and trimmed with
cloth and pan velvet Prices
were 85.00, $5.95, 86.60 and
87.95. All A Q C
Saturday. ........... . "TtJO
Tan Corset Coats, unllned and
satin and serge lined, box and
fitted styles, marked 86.60, $6.95
and 87.95. Saturday I QC
only rttJD
Fitted Coats in checks and mix
tures, full satin lined, marked
$7.95 and 88.95, Sat- A f
urday all day T.VJ
75c Handsome Follard Silk In tho
tew blues, with different dots,
also a great assortment of blacks
and whites, greys and tun, every
one absolutely worth 75c yard,
Saturday rn
only OJC
Underwear Specials
Ladles' French Merode Union
Suits, low neck and no sleeves,
light knee, regular 89o values
. that we will sell Sat
urday for..........
Saturday Crockery Sale
20 Discount Saturday on all
Dinner Ware, either In 100-plece
sets of open stock, except Havi
land, on which we are making
special prices '
-k An immense purchase
JC ot Glas8ware gives us
the opportunity to sell
you, Saturday, magnificent fancy
Table Glassware in beautiful pat
terns, with heavy gold bands, also
plain patterns, in' sugar bowls,
pitchers, butter dishes, celery
trays, tumblers, etc., everything
needed for the table. See tha
great showing of this superb
Glassware In Howard f
street windows, all at If I"
10c each. JLJ'
Window Shades Opaque Window
Shades, 36-in. wide and full six
feet long, each.. 25
Saturday is Tan Shoe Day.
Saturday will about end the
great Tan Shoe sale, as the sizes
are getting broken; but we have
most of the wanted sizes and are
The 84.00 ones for. .... .$2.08
The 83.00 ones for. . . . . .$198
The 82.50 ones for $148
The 81-60 ones for OS
Be sure and see our beautiful line
of grey cloth top Oxfords, side
lace, button and all patent kid
Oxfords at 83.60 and 83-00.
Welts and Turns, also our Pat
ent Colt Special Oxford which we
are still selling at.... . .$1.08
f ' ' 11 "" 1 v.
A SOW shiDment of Trunin unit
Suit Cases has just been marked
for Saturday's sale.
Steamer Trunks range from 812.50
down to $4.05
Full sized Trunks range from
$22.60 down to $3.05
Leather Suit Cases range from
819.60 down to $4 Q5
Imitation Leather Suit Casea.'full
size, well made $1.48
Saturday ii the Daylight Grocery
22 lb. Best Granulated Sugar $1
48 lbs. Daylight Challenge
Flour $1
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, 8
packages .....25o
Wheat Heart Breakfast Food, 2
packages .2 So
Toatfted Corn Flakes, 8 pkgs..25o
Corn links, new breakfast food,
pkg- , 60 and 10c
Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg. lOe
Grape Nuts, pkg 10c
Fresh Country Butter, per pound,
from"-. . . .'; .. v. ...... . ,ieo
Extra Fancy Creamery Butter, per
pound ( 80a
Cooking Butter, lb. from 22c
Country, Butter direct from farm
'.ers, pound. ,....26o
Fragrant Teas, any kind, per lb.
m 40o
letley'a Ceylon Teas, lb. from 66c
Wedgewood, Chase & Sanborn.
Advo and Paxton & Gallagher
Gas Roasted Coffe in sealed
cans 2 Be
Rumford Baking Powder 25c
Fresh and crisp Potato Chips, per
pound 20c
20c Mixed Nuts for, lb .10c
Salted Peanuts, lb .....10c
All 26c Candles for. lb.t. ...16c
Hot Tea and Coffee will be
demonstrated all day Saturday.
We invite the ladles to come to
our new Grocery and have a trial
cup and wafers free no d arenas
J necessary.
Bee Want Ad produce results.
Float Away oa Harrow ' Pereh a
Gracefally and Motloales
a a Statu.
First and foremost your true river man
can ride a los This does not mean merely
that lie Is able to stand uprlaht or to Jump
from one to another without splashing In
though even that is no mean feat, a a
trial will convince you.
That la only the kindergarten of It Th
saw lo in the water ia th mean of trans
portation of your true river man who.
when on drive, almost never tep on land
except to eat and sleep.
A Journey down stream Is to him an af
fair of great simplicity. H pushes Into th
current a stick of Umber, Jump llahtly
atop of it, leans against his peavy, and
floats away' as graceful and motionless a
a Grecian statue.
When hi unstable craft overtakes other
loss, he desert it, runs forward aa far aa
he can th loss bobbins and awash behind
his spring and so continues on another
Jack Boyd once, for a bet, rod for twlv
mile down Grand river on a log h could
carry to the stream' bank across his
shoulders. Fully half th time hi fast
were submerged to the ankles.
Nor does quick water always cause your
expert river man to disembark. Using his
peavy as a balancing pole, and treading
with squirrel-like quickness aa his footing
rolls, he will run rapids of considerable
force and volume.
When the tall of a drive passes through
the chute of a dam there are always half a
docen or so of the "rear" men who out of
sheer bravado will run through standing
upright Ilk circus rider and yelling like
Few river drives finish without losing a
man. Ther are magnificent rescues and
narrow escapes. However, these men ap
pear to accept whatever comes aa a matter
of course, or, perhaps more truly, it Is their
pride never to show emotion of any sort.
On man was dragged out by the collar
from a very dangerous predicament be
tween two parts of a breaking Jam. To
gain safety hi rescuer, burdened by the
victim of th accident, had to fairly scale
the breast of the ailing logs.
For ten seconds It looked like sure death
to both, but by a. combination of audacity
and aheer luck they reached the bank.
Most people would have paused for con
gratulations and to talR It over. Not they
The rescuer, still retaining his grip on th
man's collar, twisted hlra areund and de
livered one good kick.
"There, damn you!" said he, and the two
fell to work without further comment.
Just as a cowboy likes to show off horse
manship which can have no practical appli
cation to his trade, so does the rlverman do
hi tricks. A man In Marinette, whase
nam I have forgotten, could turn a som
ersault on a log; Innumerable others Ilk
to. He down at length while floating with
th current; Jack Boyd could "upend" a
railroad tie without falling Into the water,
and it 1 very cold water Indeed that can
scare . off ad occasional blrllng match.
Outing Magasln.
Roller Conch Added to th Already
Long List of Current
We are developing all manner of new
afflictions along with our progress In the
arts of civilization. The bicycle stoop, th
chauffeur' eye, the strap-hanger's wrist
are disorders well known to the medical
profession which were unknown to th
lower and happier men of a former gen
eration. Another ha been added to th
list of these ailment which He In wait
for th unwary, and this one more ter
rible and devastating than all the rest.
Comparatively few people own automobiles
as yet, and the bicycle ha lost ta olden
fascination since It ha become so cheap.
The telephone ear la so universal as to
rouse no comment whatever, and tunnelltla
and spasmodlo rheum caused by whining
through under Mount Washington. Is now
as obsolete as the superstition about th
whit horse and th auburn-haired damsel.
But a new and more terrible menace ha
arisen to haunt us the roller cough I
Everybody knows how the roller skating
craze Is rasing again. This edifying and
Intellectual pastime, so soul-satisfying and
elevating, has spread like an epidemic.
Prayer meetings and saloons hav suffered
depletion alike that the rinks might be
rilled. The proud and serene look of im
perious Intelligence which animate th
countenance of bipeds on roller skates Is
frequently met with upon our streets and
behind counters. The roller skate was fast
transforming our peopl into a superior
race, scorning such Inan and ldlotlo
pastimes aa golf and lotto, when doctors
rise up and denounce it as th cause of
the roller cough.
The roller cough Is upon us. Tou will,
hear It In the theaters, when the smitten
here apostrophize the heroine with duloet
nothings, rasping coughs punctuate the sen.
tlment. In the church, when the preacher
ha got to twenty-thlrdly, an avalanche of
tuaslcular detonation rolls over the audi
ence. Th doctor say that tha oloud of,
dust raised by the skaters, which leave a
powdery mass upon hair and clothes, being ,
swallowed, are the direct aggravating cause
of this cough, and that the fine particles of
wood fiber Inflame the tender membranes of
the thraot In a way to make It specially
vulnerable to disease germs.
Pertussis rotatoria, as the new affliction
will no doubt be known In medical treatises.
Is likely to put an end to th roller skating
craze. Meanwhile It Is rumored that th
Pittsburg Society for the Treatment and
Prevention of Tuberculosis, which will hav
an exhibit at old city hall In May, pro
poses to display a full Una of roller skate.
Pittsburg Gazette.
Omission of History.
Pocahonta had saved th life of Captain
John Smith.
"Heap many John Smith," she said.
"Kill one of 'em. no miss hlra. Let him sro.
everybody fnake big talk."
Later, however, when she learned that
there was no prise coming to her from the
l arnegie nero runa, inasmucn as nne wo
only a heroine, she awore dreadfully. Chl
c&t'c Tr'bune.
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