TIIE OMAHA DAILY BKK? SATURDAY, AriUT, 20. 10,07. I Here Are a Few of the Exceptional Bargains that Await You Saturday CORRECT STYLE, IHGU QUALITY, GOOD SERVICE AND REAL ECONOMY ARE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MERCHANDISE AT DRANDEIS v IT IC Tiir rnVTlTiT. nrcrmvr nr cirrii rnrT iftitiro nc Triirci? tiiit iio ntinr nrTnri iTAiirT nrrnvuriirnr no nrnr n nr a i.t rrrr n rrnn .vri-nm 11 1J IUL lUilllllUlLi UIl--lU vr JLtU UUE-U V1LUEO 1X3 1I1LOL 11111 .U1UL U1U111UL13 1111UII11 CWCIil 1IULIVL .13 1IIE DUiU.-lil LLlULl. Uf lllE 1 1 LSI fl MM - . t mrw, !-.,.-. . W WV VKv W t flb uUrA W omen s Suits CHARMING SPRING HATS tmSmi 4 Extra Specials for Saturday It In so easy and satisfactory to select your Spring Suit from our great Itew department on the Second Floor, New Store. Our stocks are lmmensa and are strictly correct and ultra fashionable. There's a big saving, too. f5K Charming Spring Novelties in Brandeis' Lingerie Waists--the favorites for 1907, daintiest of trimmings and selected sheer fubrica, new sleeves, new fronts, new Q R r 50 features, at OC-l New Walking Skirts Made with wide folds new tailor' pleats. The stripes, m tjg h nromlnent " CANDY SPECIALS in "SWEETLAND" . Drandels East Arcade Lotus Chocolate Creams, our regular 40c hand-made, bitter sweet line, all hand rolled, cream center, In 10 flavors, Baturday special, J P. per pound J C Our popular after dinner Cream Pat tiesfollowing flavors: : peppermint, lemon, winter green, orange, pistachio, violet, maple, chocolate and vanilla Saturday special, '"Id per pound , . UC Swedish Kisses, pound 10 Wrapped Caramels, many flavors, per ponnd 10 Yankee Peanut Brittle, pound. . . . 12 BRANDEIS DISASTERS IN PHILIPPINES Towi of Hollo, Capital of Pans j, Totally Dtitrotd bj Fir. EARTHQUAKE SHAKES LUZON ISLAND Tw Provinces Report Demit to Belldl-ce, While Ma-lla Feela Llcbter Shake Comma-lra-tloa Mar Be Delayed. MANILA, April I9.-The town of Hollo waa totally destroyed by fire this morning and 20.000 people rendered homeless. The fiames are still raging, fanned by a heavy wind. The fire has passed beyond control of the civil and military authorities. The damage has not been estimated. Only meager reports have so far been received here, as telegraphic communication Is af fected. Hollo Is the capital of the Island of Panay, located on the east coast. The port, which Is the second In Importance In the Philippines, next to Manila, Is the center f the sugar Import trade. Reports have been received from South Luson of a severe esrtliquake In the town f Nueva Careres, capital of the province f Arlboa Camarines, and also at Nayabaa, In the province of Tayabas, in northern Luson. The destruction of buildings Is re ported, but so far there Is no mention of any toss of life. It Is feared that communication by wire ttaa been affected. A trembler was ex perienced at Manila, with Intermittent sj!Ocks for three hours this morning. Three of the shocks were severe, but the majority f the others were scarcely perceptible. Tidal Wave aa Carolina lalaaria. BERLIN. April 19. Colonial Director Xemburg informed the budget committee f the Reichstag today that a cable mes hed been received from the governor Saturday Evening Special Saturday Evunlnp, between 6 and 9:30 p. m , we will place on nale a large tock of curtain rods. 35c extension Curtain Hods. SOc 25c Extension Curtain Rods. 8c 20c Extension Curtain Rods. 5c : Now on display in onr how windows. Miller, Stewart Besxton 413-15-17 So. 16th Street p. Smart Spring Suit at S10 New Eton Suits of plaid worsted and plain panama, braided girdle and braid trimmed Jacket, with fancy Per- slan vest. Jacket is satin lined with new side pleated skirt, Saturday Stunning Spring Suit at $19 Lots of smart style here all new fea tures, very latest cloths and colors It's a genuine bargain, special at. New Red Golf Jackets Prince Chap and box back, black collar, a genuine 8.60 value, at VISIT OUR NEW AND FINELY EQUIPPED OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Mala Floor, New $lor uoraers ior m at u0 r 1 j ' 100 Calling Cards, any style tq ol type... JJ' East Arcade worm from 4c to 2c per yard. A snap, Saturday only, yard , - BOSTON of the Island of Yap announcing that a disastrous typhoon swept over the Caroline Islands on Oood Friday, March 29, and 230 of the natives the Ululthl group were drowned; that the cocoanut trees were de stroyed and famine threatened the sur viving natives. The steamer Planet of the German navy, which has been engaged in geodetic work, and the steamer Germanla of the Jaluit company proceeded to the n'ullht Islands, taking food and help. It is proposed to bring as many of the suffering natives as possible to the Pelew and La drone Islands. Earthquake ta Sooth Carolina. CHARLESTON, 8. C, April 19.,A slight earthquake shock was felt In Charleston and Bummerville at S:25 o'clock this morn ing. In the latter place It was said that dishes rattled. From various points In l lie pity people reported having been awakened by a rumble, followed by three alight wave movements. It lasted about eight second, according to some reports, and was apparently from southeost to northwest. RUMOR' OF BIG WILL CONTEST Nearest Relatives of "Silent" Smith r His Desire Will Be Respeeted. NEW YORK. April 19 The Immense fortune, estimated at 176,000.000, left by James Henry Smith when he suddenly died In Japan while on a wedding tour around the world may, according to a story printed here today, be the subject of a contest, as the story asserts that more than a score of Smith's relatives havs reached a 'determination to in.lst upon a division of the estate. CHICAGO, April 19. Relatives of the late James Henry Smith denied today that they Intended ' to content his will. Mr. Smith's two sisters. Mrs.' Victor Ross Iiarh and Mrs. J. N. Mills, and his nepTiew. William S. Mason, all declared today that no effort whatever would be made to break the will. n tioj Sale o! Shopping Bags, Beaded Bags, Etc. All solid leather Carriage Bags, Avenue Bags, Vanity Bags, strap handle Bags, etc. ff r in a variety of colors, made to retail at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 all new and M "M) very stylish v Q ana French Kid Lrathcr Bolt" Studded with fine steel points, variety of colors, tome with leather covered buckles, worth up to 11.25 at 25c largo buttons, , .4.98 Waist Section Women's Silk, Net and Lace Waists Many styles in dress or summery " effects, beautiful ' examples of French and American waist de signs all new Z QO this spring JZJ Muslin Underwear An extra Saturday special Women's Drawers, lace and tuck , g trimmed, actually " I worth 36e at. a WALL PAPER. Yes, a trifle cold, but what 'does that matter? Wall Parer keeps. - Besides, we make It an object to you to buy now. Tapestries for halls, dens and dining , rooms, that elsewhere command 30e, 20c and 16c, our -i k tcl in price only. roll. .lOC-liC-lOC Nobb, attractive sceneries, 3 handsome . designs, Worth 60c and 60c oa roll, our price, roll OUC sc. oc. 6c and 3c, papers payers lc Our popular prices still prevail, now. i Buy STORE DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADL prins: Bniinssi Detslopi Slowly Baoause of Umeuo-tbla W.ather. BUILDING OPERATIONS STILL ACTIVE Factories Are Boar n i .k. Disturbances Are Few Freight Blockades Lifted la Large Degree. NEW YORK. April 19.-R. O. Dun Co.'s weekly-- Re view of Trade tomorrow will aayi Spring trade develops slowly because of unreasonable weather, but the lrmt .rnnn.i will be recovered In large measures when normal temperature prevails. Cold wcatUur has prevailed over unusually large areas retarding ag! (cultural progress, aa well ks imuo, as in iigni-w-igtu wearing apparl ami other spring gxxlg, but similar bad siaria in oilier years have sometimes oruugni most ravoratile results.- The oniy actual damage of any account is reported In some winter wheat Held, of the south west, where Insects and drouth combined to Injure grain and in moat of this area some other crop has been planted. Wholesale business for later seasons Is on a liberal scale, building operations are active and leaulng manufacturing plants are busy. Few labor struggles retard work In the industries and an unusually small number of striKes are scheduled for My. Little complaint Is heard regarding frt-Uht blockades and with the resumption of lake navigation on the northern , border traffic conditions will soon be entirely satisfac- lui jr. yulet conditions in the pig Iron market were to be expected after the large sales of last week and production has boen sold so lar ahead that quotations are fully maintained. In the steel department there is an Increasing scarcity of billets that handicaps consumers. The wire trade is especially disturbed, because demand has been so urgent that stocks could not be accumulated for spring business, and the season opeus with smaller supplies than ever before. Itogress In building opera tions brought out requirements for struc tural shapes that cannot be satisfactorily met. ' No change has appeared In the primary markets tor textile fabrics, prices ruling firm, and mills are well occupied. Resales of cottons are recorded, but without ad verse effect, buyers being ready to take all offerings at second hands. While the coarse yarns section is the least active, there la no accumulation of goods, and there la less Indication of speculation. Few actual alterations have occurred in prices of cot ton goods, but the tendency Is still up ward, premiums being frequently paid In order to secure satisfactory deliveries. A supporting: feature la tha curtailment f jroductiuu. which Is unavoidable because or tne scarcity of labor. Although there Is a better demand for hides on the whole, several grades havs cheapened still more because of heavy ac cumulations. Foreign dry hides are all lower for the week, sales being made one fourth to three-fourths of a cent lower. While leather markets are fairly well sus tained, recent large purchases have not had as much effect aa was anticipated and current business is Quiet. BHADSTBEKri REVIEW OF TRADE Cold Weather Delays raraalasT Overs .Hans aad Dells Business. NEW YORK. April 1.-Bradstraeta to morrow will aay: Continued cold weather throughout the country delay crow yrccaraUuua and da- Misses' Genuine Alligator Bags with horn back special in this sale 3JC Beaded Bags The reigning fad of the sea son. Bought from a Broadway, New York, house at a big sacrifice. Finest beaded ef fects in steel, black, red, white Fj. d turquoise, worth up to D $2.50 at, each . af Beautiful Hand Knanieled Bolt Ilns Also fancy pearl and turquoise lace pins, worth up to .uo at. only 25c INFANTS WEAR DEPARTMENT The most complete section In the west devoted to Infants' Wear and Nursery Necessities. On Our Second Floor, New Store. Everything for the baby, moderately priced. Capable, Intelligent sales women. Our Great Line of Baby's Furnishings .ncludcs: Toilet Sets and Baskets, Clothes Hangers, Carriage Straps, Trinket Boxes, Feeding Bottle3, Powder Boxes and Puffs, Pacifiers, Hose and Vest Stretchers, Bibs, Net Veils, Rattles, Silk Armlets, Safety Pin Holders, Slips. Children's Ideal Waists Ages 2, 3, 4, 6 and 6 ; Satur- l day iC Infants' Outing Flannel Barques and Kimonos Dainty colors, ribbon trim med and embroidery edges, Ift - worth 35c; one day special... IC Padded Marseilles Bib A 15c value, at TWO SPECIALS' CHILDREN'S CLOAK DEPT. Children's Box Coats Ages 4 to nobby mixtures; spe- clal 1.98 Children's Wash Jumper Dresses . Pleated skirts, braid trimmed sus penders, made of fine cham bray, all colors velopments. Injures fruits, vegetables and cotton and dull retail trade. Colncldentally orders from and collections by Jobbers and wholesalers are affected, but these latter branches of trade feel this relatively legs than In other years, because they are still very generally pushed to complete deliv eries on earlier orders. In cottons, features are the tendency to mark up quotations of prints, ginghams and sheetings, though drills are accumulating and concessions can be obtained. A noteworthy feature at the country's largest market has been the Announcement of the annulment of the usual during sales In wash fabrics by a leading concern, because there are no sur plus stocks to offer. Water navigation has been prevented from opening up as early as In some other years, but It Is noted that the railway traffic situation is easier, cars are becoming more plentiful and the con gestion ruling during the last half year is less acute, though still affecting deliveries of lumber, coal, cotton and other products. Excluding New York, building Is still active,. In excess of a year ago, in fact, and building materials and hardware are In demand. Labor is well employed, strikes are few and wage advances are numerous, but new construction work is reported slowing down and a more plentiful supply of unskilled labor at lower prices la indi cated. r"lg Iron markets show a firmer under tone, following the heavy purchases of steel making Irons last week. More Interest In foundry Iron for last half delivery has developed, but the volume of business Is only fair. Many consumers cling to the Impression that prices will have to recede before much business for future delivery Is placed. Spot iron, when It Is available, commands high prices and the import move ment of foreign iron is expected to con tinue for some time to come. remand and specifications for most finished lines are remarkably active. Steel billets are very scarce In the central west. Orders for structural steel are fair and heavy eon tracts are pending. Coke la lower, demand being less active. The copper market dis plays a nnmoer or currents, witn aome quo tations showing an easier situation, but the larser domestic Interests still hold prices firm. Husiness failures In the United Stales for the week ending April 18 number u. against 1M last week, 167 In the like week of lwti. im In 190. 199 In W4 and 12 In l!ti3. Canadian failures for the week number 18, as against z last week and Ci in this week a year ago. Wheat. Including flour, exports from the T'nited States and Canada for the week ending April 18 aggregated .10!.4i7 bu., against l,K31,10t bu. last week, 1. 844.7! bu. this week last year and 4,118,10s bu. In li .. For the last forty-two weeks of the fiscal year the exports are 1K.SMS.4X9 bu.. against l',61.717 bu. In Hi 6-06, tl.rf.2.064 bu. in 14 05 and 21 -.289 bu. in l!n-f2. Corn ex- rarts for the week are l.ttt9.6?2 bu., against 47S.71II bu Is st week, 1 7S,i72 bu. a year ago and .232.4 bu. In 1905. For the fiscal year to date the exports are 67,999 .01 bu., against I'll 373 107 bu. In 19-Oti and 6ft. 777.644 bu. In 1904-06. ROSS HAMMOND AFTER PLUM (Continued from Third Page.) note and settle all the expense Incurred, but the plaintiffs refused. HfclATKlCK An organization comprising snout taenty-nve or tne business men or Iilue Springs and to be known as ths Rase Lall Park association has been Der- fected st Blue Springs by the election of these omceis: C W. McCullougn, president; Kf .',. . ... ...... . xr 1J ....... t.. . treasurer: A. It I'atton, O. E. Bishop and E. K. Morrow, board of managers. A base ball team has been organized and It is the intention or the association to do some thing fur the town ths coming year. TEK AMAH John A. Goodwill, aged 77 died this morning, after an Illness of short duration. Mr. uV.odwllI came to Nebraska In 1857. stonilng st Bur-, taeu a suburb uf Omaha- in 1 m a LI w leaded llelt Fine beaded Jet with front and back pieces white, tur quoise and black, worth up to 13.50- 25c-50c-69c at, only. 1! Brandeis Famous Hats, $5 Never have we shown such an elaborate as sortment of up-to-date Hats, trimmed artis tically with flowers, ribbons tf jm and ornaments new brown vp colorings are prominent o 9 SHEET MUSIC 8C Copy 4 Copies for 25o Add lo each for Postage Sweet Sally Mailer. Can You Keep A BecretT Only Let Me Dream Again. Pretty Pansles (new Bong). Sons My Sweetheart Sang. Meet Mb When the Sun Goes Down. Who's Little Qlrlle in Tou? She", the Mother of My Darling. Cinderella (song). Only a Little Hand of Gold. Molly Green (new). When the Troupe Comes Back to Town. She's Me Gal (big . hit). Love, Love, Love. Paddy (big hit). . , Brownie Kag. Uncaii (new). Impatient Jane. Monte Nimk vnev,) Falling Watere. La Sorella (Spanish). Queen bf Beauty Walt. Vasear Girl Waltzes. Arabian Night's Walt Vanity Fair (easy). King Bee (new march). Jane Cable. Lauterbach- (German). Tell Her I Send My Love. I'll Tell My Ma on You. Pandora (new ong). My Sunahlne Sue. Same Old Starry Flag. Alphonao and Gaston (big hit). 0 8 f4 I 5c 14, 98c v BRANDEIS -:- BOSTON STORE up the river and settled on the bank of the Missouri at a place then called lekamnn Landing," where he lived for several years before moving to Tekamah. .He leaves a wife, two sons and two daughters. The funeral services will be in charge of the Independent Order of Odd. Fallows lodge of this place. WEST POINT Fred Putzeer, the North western section hand who was held to the district court by the county Judge on a charge of entering the dwelling house of Frank Heller, has settled his case. Owing to the youth of the prisoner and the fact of his parents being aged, respectable peo ple, tne county attorney aeciaea to accept a plea or petty larceny. I ne case was therefore reopened and the defendant sen tenced to a term of thirty days In the county iall and to pay the costs of the prosecution. WEST POINT The snow, which had been falling continuously for the last thirty-six hours has abated. About fifteen Inches of solid snow has fallen, laying perfectly level, there being absolutely no wind. The Immense amount or moisture which has fallen will be of great benefit to growing crops, as from Its even dis tribution It Is soaking Into the ground without any danger of flood. The soil was very dry and the general opinion seems to be that the precipitation was Just what was needed and came In the best form. No damage of any kind Is reported, either to fruit buds or to growing grain from the recent freezing weather. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Quaint and Carious Features of Life la a Rapidly (i row lull State. Emll a Noisy Cards Emll KauffYnan's cards Just whisper at you.--Norfolk News. Fortunately the Tekamah newspupern have found two points on which they can agree the higher subscription pries and the actions of Governor Sheldon. If the snow of this week is not to be an unmixed evil It will mak4 the grain crops so big that farmers can pay higher prices for fruit without reducing net profit. Army of Benedicts WTiat a. gallant army shall It be when the great army of bene dicts la expended by a few of our trust worthy young men who will Join the ranks In tha next fortnight. Salem Correspond ence Dakota City Eagle. Facing a shortage of fruit Nebraska housewives will do well to recall the fact that pioneer women could make acceptable preserves of watermelon rinds and "pump kin butter" was once a delicacy. Rest for St. Paur-Now that Clark Per kins has quit 8t Paul and the Republican's editorial columns are dumb as an oyster, what will the people of 8t. Paul do for their perennial newspaper rowZThe answer is easy take a long needed rest Ord Quiz. Baneful Effect of Marriage The Justice of ths peace of this place was called upon to marry a couple a few days since, and is now suffering from nervous trouble. Better let tha preachers tie these knots. Nemaha City Correspondent Auburn Gran ger. Publicity at Beemer This editor has al ways tried to say a good word fur this Br&ndeiY Beautiful Millinery Department i Filled With tKi Prettiest of Models for Spring and Early Summer Wear It Is a charming and richly appointed place to select your hat, The ne models we have Just received are marvels of beauty and up-to-date atyle. flli z 3 - Special A Re.dy--Wer Hat et In a great variety of styles, trimmed with ornaments, choice Bi SaJe of $2, $3 and $4 Subscription Books 5Dmi A Mere Fraxtion of Their Former Selling Fric nandsome Cloth, and Fell Leather Binding With Gold Edges-large, Profusely Illustrated Volumes This lol'comprises the surplus stock of a large Philadelphia publisher who wished to close out certain items and some books that, were in storage. Both partiessacrificed the goods in order to get them quickly out of the way hence this extraordinary offering. little city In which we five, and for that reason has, from time to time, said noth ing regarding incidents reflecting on the character or business of any of our citi zens. Incidents have been happening lately that make It almost Impossible for us to keep quiet and have any self respect loft. Beemer Times. "Pay Dirt" In Chickens It may be news to some of our readers to learn that a specialist has visited our vicinity pros pecting for gold. Soma chickens shipped to New York City were found to have particles of gold In their craws. After much Investigation It was found that tha fowls had been shipped from Pawnee City. What this find will result In remains for us to find out- Clay Correspondence Pawnee Re publican. When Warner Was Tempted W are not fighting the battles for the people for some petty financial gain. Had we bowed to the will of the republican schemers, we could have been thousands of dollar better off today, but "we defied them. Even the great John M. Thurston offered us the Lyons postofnee and we have his letter on Hie In our office in which he so stated, but we declined the offer; we would not uphold the republican doctrines of Mormonlsm, gold-bugUm, high-way tariff robbery and general corruption for a million poet-, offices. Lyons Mirror. County "Jug" Located Lt Saturday morning there came to the pos toffies a let ter addressed to "Tlve County Jug," In care of the postmaster. Postmauter Mesial t In quired from several whom the county Jug might be and one and ail declared they were not a part of It The poatmaater bTistoe a.mi!ll I.N mm i-.T-i.-r. -i ''?. I . Ostrich Feather Trimmed Hats These exquisite hats are all hand made and come In a variety of new shapes two long ostrich foathera used In trimming also flowers, ribbons, mallnes, , ornament, etc., exact copies of high class imported hats. Hare You Seen tK Daisy Hat? It Is the latest model, In a variety of shapes, trimmed with large daisies, velvet ribbon and orna menton aale $10 at. 25c wings, quills and 25c A Practical Hat for $2.50 These come in Turbans and Street Hats, also some dress hats, this season's styles, trimmed in the most stylish tiTCA effects. On sale L 50c ; finally decided the nearest approach to a county jug In Tekamah was County Judg Basler, and there tha letter found lta propel destination. It waa another caae of th Rooeeveltian-Carnegie spelling reform. Tin writer thought there waa no usa putting so many silent letters In such a word aa f Judge, so cut It down to the proper sound, Heieafter hla honor may bo better know as the county Jug, If you want to spell it that way. Tekamah Journal. COMMERCE OF THE WORLD Department of Conmtref and Labor Gives Figures ' Snowing Stat of Trade. WASHINGTON, April It. Tha Interna tional commerce of the world now exceed! $2,000,000,000, according to a statement Is sued by the bureau of statistics of tha Department of Commerce and Labor to day. Of the Imports of countries other than the United States. 14 1-11 per cent are drawn from this country, and of their exports, (Vi per cent are sent here. These figures of exports Include only the domestic product exported, but do not Include the foreign colonial merchandise ex ported into the country and re-exported. The total Imports of the countries other than the United States are given aa tl 5.611 141,000 and the share of these Import drawn from the United States as H.7M,SS8.O0O, or 14.37 per cent of the total. The total ex port of the countries other than the United States are given at 110,778,466,000 and the hare ent to tha United State at 11,031, HJ.OOO, of 5.87 per cent of the total. A. B. Hubermann, 40 year at 8. E, Cor. 13th and Douglas; 30 years direct diamond Importer; sold at import price. TZl The Pftckarcl, wrote a leader in style, is design.- prrrnaruy to conform to the natural lines of the foot. It thus insures a greater degree of comfort and satisfac tion to tho purchaser than the average slioe. It fits well, wears long, and is ia every way a finished article of dress. SU at $3 50 $4.00 5.00 UaBstylse Jf your dealer doe not carry the Pack ard Shoe, write us (or Catalogue and heme of nearest dealer who does. BC. A. FACX-ABD CO, Brockton, Mesa. -irnsnssnTni