TITR OMAIJA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, APRIL 20, ' 1007. n n H N M N OMAHA v Rote in bloom , .i One-year-old rosea. In bloom, perfect roots formed and Its own soil with each root. All growing and full foli ated. This lot Includes the well known Baby Rambler, the only hardy red rose ever produce that will bloom all the time. Also the American Beauty, Clothllde Boupert, Crimson Rambler, Oen'l Jacqueminot, Mignonette, Pink Rambler, Baron de Rothschilds and Francis Levet. Divided into 3 As sortments four in eich p.ck.gi. . . . 25c s if" i dpi P A Ell M ,tor 1 m i -- - a I EXTRA SPECIAL SALE 3 Or THE HIGHEST CLASS IMPORTED $ I Elbow LenathKidGloves 1 12 snd 16-Dutton Lengths NEW BROWNS TANS CHAMPAGNE BLACK WHITE RED These are all strictly first quality made of the finest Imported lamb all the very newest styles and colors for spring are in this lot they are regular $3.50 gloves, spe cial at $1.98 and . . , We are showing a complete assortment of Kayser's short and long Silk Gloves, In black and all colors. Newest 1907 Ideas. H n Women's Elbow Length Silk Gloves These are heavy, all silk, Jersey and Milanese Gloves in 12 and 16-button elbow lengths, black, ftO fCH 5 fl white and colors, 3 special prices. . jJQQ.-k' m K'K' 0 H M 50c-Two Clasp Liale In black and all color good quality pair SPECIAL SALE or HOSIERY 35c a pair main floor, Women's Fine Plain vnd Lace Lisle Threat! Hosiery In black and fancy colors regularly worth up to 60c i f pair, on bargain square at, pair I5CndaJC 7 Misses', Boys' tvnd Children's Hose These are fine fast black ribbed hose, all sizes, g twj worth to 25c a pair, on bargain square, at, vJC- I 2P. Women's-Children's Lightweight Underwear Women's Vests, light weleht and sleeve- Women's Lace Trimmed Pants, 1M0c-1Sc;-25c at, pair , $aBBaBBBBTBBBBBBBBfBBBBBBBBBBB WHEAT bAFE AND SOME BRUIT Bun Eeported to Ears Dons Ceiion Damage to Grain. URIY' FRUIT HURT BY THE SNOW Posslbls, Thoagh Nat Cartala, that '. Oae-Thlird of Crop la Mvyed hr TharadAjr MBbt Creesa. , ' Oraiu bugs hava run (or cover, but early fruit Miiu to b&ve atarted a little lata. ' D'ruit men are slow to venture tlie aa aarlien Uuit the fruit crop baa bean killed la Nebraska. Suuie believe one-talrd of tba total crop waa deatroyed Tburaday Iilabt; e there believe an tnoooalderable propoitloa of dumace waa done, but all earn to believe that prior to Tburaday night little eerioua Injury bad been wrought. ' County Commiaaloner Solomon, one of the Wadlns orcha,rdlala of thla aectlan, aaldi - "I would not want to be quoted a my Ins the fruit crop waa ruined, partially or In toto. but I am of opinion the freece Thursday nlebt following the heavy anow hurt the fruit, that la the early fruit I would ear, If condition! prove to be aa tbey now appear, that about one-third of I the total fruit crop has been thus damaged. This will Include aprlcota, peaches, plums all fruit that was In open blossom. Of course, now, there la a possibility that this Injury waa not wrought It la too early to make a final statement. I am satisfied of 'one thing and that Is that prior to Thurs day night no serloua damage had been done. The oold weather was not accompanied by moisture; as It waa Thursday night. Friday morning I observed frost on top of the tlosaoBt, w hi all looks very bad." Mr. Bolomon's view waa shared by other and expressed almost In the aaraa words by at least earn fruit expert In Omaha. Frank P. Brown of Florence said: "Things looks bad. but I do not want to say anything definite for publication until Saturday, by which time I believe we can make a safe statement. I believe, however, that some damage had been done before Thursday night to peaohea, cherries, plums and blackberries, but I am not ready to any that damage la fatal" Wbut Kot Hart By Bags. According to UT replies received from Nebraska bankers In response to Inquiries Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup H bete Ml for mf SIXTT-rrVB TC1SS Miij.ions f MiiTnKRi tar ik.ir rmu'lUN etMiiji TsaTWiNa. iu frHFsxT sitcicm. ii KOtK th CHILD S.-lTtJ'.S ths Ol'MS. ALLOTS all PAIS; CIR WHO CCUC. us U Ox hM ruwiy far MaaHO. aa hr trutts v.rr pan et tfc won Me ui sua fur "Vn Wlm).'i Sotsis Srrp." aaS tak. s etbr kiss T ' .ir A ' sis a bottle titrte nr (be fo a urm J" . f rl.l N, La. AM tU AU VaU. TaUJttS SitMJtBl, 5 5 NAr-T Ft 3 tv J 5 5 0'h TUtt Cu Bspt. Old tor H H Gloves, German i 5 5 Gloves 15c lisle thread, at. Men's 35c Hosier at 15c Thousands of pairs of men's mercerized lisle thread and fancy lace Half Hose in black, fancy colors, stripes and novelty m effects actually worth up to on bargain square, ( O 2 at, a pair M a Umbrella Children's Underwear, all sizes, at 15c 19c-25c aunt by the TJpdlke Grain company the ren buirs have taken to the hllla. If they really, ever had any aerloua Intentions of aettllna: In thla section. Judging- from re- ' ports received a few days ago It waa be- Ueved by aome that the green bugs were I not only attacking wheat, but were tearing ' down farm buildings and wrecking trains throughout Nebraaka. Only Ave persons out of 1S7 queried on the subject replied that there were any indications of these hydra-headed monsters in the wheat, the others saying there were nu Indications In their localltlos. This query also Included "other Insects.". This Is the way 187 answers relative to the condition of wheat were received: Ex- j cellent, 43; good, 123; damage- or needing rain, 3t The same bankers were ques tioned regarding acreage 'compared with 1KX, 25; leaa, 20; aamaV 142. The Inquiries were mailed April IS and returned April 1906 and here are the replies: Greater than 17, before the snewatorm. COMPLETION 0F AUDITORIUM CamplB for Fortea Ttaoasaatd Dollars la Beads Will loss Be Resaaueau Bolirltlng for floating the remainder of the bonds necessary to the completion of the Auditorium will be begun In a week or ten daya by a committee selected by F. A. Nash and success Is said to be as sured, as only 14,000 of the bonds remains to be placed. J. M. Qlllan, manager of the Auditorium, has had several conferences with Mr. Nash on the subject, but the project has been delayed on account of cress of other Im portant business and the Inability of sev- eral members of the committee to give their time to the work during the present ruah season. Mr. Glllan has been called out of the city on account of the sickness of his father, but active work probably will be be gun on his return. Aa' soon as sufficient funds 'are pledged work on the new roof of the Auditorium will be prosecuted. Specifications are be ing drawn by Architect John Ltenser for the new roof and will be complete la a few weeka Aeeaaea Merrhaat IXeanaeara. NEW TORK, April 1 Benedict Oimbel, the wealthy Philadelphia, merchant who waa arrested here yesterday on the com plaint of the mother of a 16-vear-old Hv In whose company he had been, haa die- ! epprerea. nis iwo Dretnera came bore froa rouaaipnia today to eee.ro n ror him and It then developed that he had not bon night, aaing that he waa going to his home I in r nnkaeii nia. i ins was sftortiv arir h had been released from the Tombs, where hs had gone In default ef l.0M kail im mediately after his arraignment In the po nce cuuri yesieiuay aziernaee. Tnt.net Peaches Killed. CHATTANOOOa. Tens., AprlJ It Ad vices from thla district report damage to the fruit and Btaalk l.l.rall t.rrM.Hna SO,0"O by the late frosts and cold weather. y eackes are sayoried a tela! lues. vJ U SPECIAL IN Men's Dress Gloves yapaimliee Bolilhiflini 1519 Fry's $2 Boys'Shoes Our $2.00 Bpys' Shoe is a prize. So parents think who have been buying thenrfor their boys. We selected good cased call for these shoes, had them double soled and strongly made; looked after all the little details la mak ing;, and sell them for the reason able price of $2.00- Somebody, somewhere, may1 be selling as good a Boy's Shoe for the same money, but we've yet to see it. FRY SHOE CO. III IKOIBI i61h and Douglas Streets WE HAVE A E3ASE1 BHUSEI oa which we wish cvnybody to PASS JUDGEMENT. WE BOUOKT TKXB BBTJSH BIG JIT 1 WV banded me tr an old, experienced drusglst. and asked htm to put a ietUl price on I', hi- skid: "Well yen shoal be akle e get a dollar for that brash easy" Our sale prloe on this biusl Is 47el It Is solid baxk. with the new aluminum face, antiseptic, full bristle, an1 a beautifully finished brush. Popular stza and jnupi. hft thlH hruxh tor the greatest bargain ever offered In this community. We don't lofien make such a ststemnt, sot w ae make good when we advertise. Kail erdera tilled tot lOe eatra pert. We fill more mall orders than any retail drug atorr in .bijhs. All orders Oiled same day received. Free delivery use your phone. SCilAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORES Omaha Corner llth and Douglas Sta.: lfith and Chicago 8ta. South Omaha N. W. Cor. 2tth and N Sts. OouaeU Bli-.tts 6th Ave and Main Ets. The druggists who don't hava to substitute. HAND SAPOLIO It ensure aa enjoyable, Invigor ating; bath ; make ever pore respond, removes Jea4 skin, ENEROIZES THE WMOLB BODY surta the circulation, and leaves a flow eqaal to a Turkish balk. ILL GROCERS AND DKUOOISTS Ths Twentieth Century Farmer Iteetcaea the Un ltk Hts. SCHOOLS AD COLLEGES. . flfTl I Flllp COLLEGE CJUaOB ClutleaU acMatlSa. UllMfklMl aCADCMT as uentlut but KWI sisne lal iiatue er .r ihtt mUs ar tainmir. f,iMU sxaouiy IkMiun as4 eerasate hum OnlSosMe (isaMa. COKsaaVAloKT TkMrr el a It. slsae. rtlia aIiib. M,c!H mm4 an. OMAHA tOKH at.TloN S Bleetrte Use eaa Hrlbf 1 lea tallaar t at... rr. r. n r Hudn UrtvM4 fit. ill H'tattna au.Ma aa s v- lpv-V: i lutes, :M ' mm0m FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Undressed Kid, Mocha, Castor, Suede, the cn kind exclusive furnishers get $1.50 for n Sale price and 1521 DOUGLAS STREET j -k 1 Boys' I I Steel Shod Shoes The kind that outwear two pairs of the ordinary boys' shoes. It's poor economy to buy cheap shoes for the boy. Our "Bteel shod" boys' ehoes have stood the test for years. No better shoe can be made for boys' wear than this one. Every pair guaranteed to outwear two pairs of the ordinary kind. Boys' sizes, 2 to 5 M. ..$2.50 Youth's sizes, 1 to 2.... .$2.25 I Little Gent's sizes, 10 to. 13tt- ai sii.uu One good pair of boys' shoes is better than three pairs of poor ones. Saturday store. Is boys' day at our Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. s ii'iiBls '" .'wimiitL'ip ail ...I nAAn fFT iirStll'EB DENTISTRY Is the kind you get If you havis your teeth fixed at Taft's. We use only the best materials, and every dentist Is a graduate and ex perienced In all kinds of work. Fil ings 76c up. Crowns fSjOO Tii7Tc nnvTii nnnMc HIT Douglas street. BAILEY L MACII DENTISTS Third Flo.r. Paxtort BUrk. llihcal Grade Dentistry. I r-PATCNT5 that PROTECT I I timr ) kMti rw lhwt saeV'W r ejiatf tct vasir I in Special No. 1 Men's Suits iKcLi retail every, where for $15.00 and $18.00 Special No. 2 Single or double breasted, latest exclusive pattern, other stores et $20.00 and $25.00 for some no bet ter. Special No. 3 In plsxce of pay in a tailor $50.00 or more try one of our Alfred Benjamin suits. okUJU'i pxrmr roo cruama OUR BAKERY 3 ! 1 n Our Bakery Goods are not like the tj oral nary, incy mum oe irieu 10 do j H appreciated. Absolute Purity with M together with Skilled Workmanship pi moke our bakery goods above par. M Saturday we are Offer-g ing Something Hew 0 ... ... f n.i... v. r.. t X .BUU. MM..., ttmgWK CaV i Lt Vi T A mn T .. Hal., . ' each 30c fl Karslpan Dainties, made from Al- t ) mond Paste. A moat delicious and rln In 1 v inrttn,nt n f nali.. In l.lh boxes. Try one tor Sunday ... .60o M Special in Meat Depart ment Saturday We Will Sell: H ROn n.tr. Af T.nmH T.Aca At lh IAUh J 1,000 lbs. California Hams, lb...44e A fresh ehlpment of the celebrated Beach Nut Hams, lust arrived, per lb aa Saturday from 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. we will sell 1.000 lbs. of Lamb Stew, breasts and shoulders, per lb., SHe B Liquor Department 8 Cog-nac Brandy, $1.25 value 91.10 Sii Federal Club (a genuine Lowland f i'.i'ii 'i J ..u T wm ......... a y.w Monogram Rye, 11.00 value SSo 1 - . . a lonnney q gQe S Seventeenth and Douglas (V Tel. Douglas 647 li U Private Ezcnange connects all Depts. K "I Ilave a Receipt lor That Bill But I Can't Find It" Often happens to the busy housewife. How much more convenient to pay bills, by checks that come back once a month. The "check stub' always at hand to show it paid for. The check re turned is the best receipt. Any Woman May Open an Account for Any Amount. Women's Dankino Room First National Bank OMAHA. NEB. A Check is Always a Ceceipt 52Q g Your Spring Suit It's Best in Style and Qvslity at the Price nn li AM THI RKLIwBLB TH Dress Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffner Marx n uil L3 To .Sip Two ways to-hunt for ferMsM fooius One intelligent way Is to look through, the Furnished Room col umn on the want-ad page and mark those which Interest you; then go look. Niost of The Bee want-ads are "three lines" and say enough so that you can tell what is offered. The other way is to "bring the room to you" with a want-ad of your own telling- what you want This is a particularly good way if you want a room in a private family. Under the heading Wanted to Kent, the cost is Three lines one time 10c three times 25c seven times 45c The Dec Office 17th and Faiaaa The Wanl-ad Corner" ILLIHOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD pickets are now on sale via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL to the Jamestown Ter-Centennial exposition. i Rates, train schedules aad detailed infor rnation at City 1 icket Office 1402 Farnam fjt. or write SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent. Omaha, Kcb. r2S "aWgWIia.iWfl-I,, I I' ALLEil'S FOOT-EASE rj,. , I CarUla Curs for Tlrsd, Hot, Aching Fast VVXAJeV uAlA Au.ir, . . B.t.ll PO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. or Top Coat's Here Perfect Fit, Unsurpassed Workmanship Ail Wool Fabrics Property UW I Is considered by many nn art. This is not so. The man of very moderate means can dress in aa good style as the man who patron izes the exclusive tailor at about " half the exclusive tailor's price if he comes here and asks for Hart, Schaffner & Marx hand-tailored Clothing. A CRAVENETTE COAT is es sential to comfort, especially at this season of the year. A stylish overcoat, a perfect raincoat keeps you dry and warm. Prices 10.00 $12.50 15.00 a, up to $25.00 Handsome Suits In almost un limited assortment of style, col or and material, shown at $12.50 $15.00, $16.50, $18, $20, $22.50 up to 932.50 Youths' Long Pants Suits Of style and quality to please the most particular, at 95.00 up to 912.50 Boys' Knee Pants Suits Every possible tyle, material and col oring; best values shown, at 91.50 up to 96.00 J 1 faeaafflEi 1 B(Ptj I : 1 R00"s ' mm JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION VIA- mftfpmrjmm m sr; m m.. mfJ a. Alias CO Star bog, UiW.sui, i r m