18 THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1007. Want - ads A4rltwmali for the wmi-a4 rnlumna will be ukea aattl 19 sa. lor the rnlnc cdltloa and aatU a. (r Ins Dioriltf and Saasay aaUtloaa. f'aeh nail ircomitir aJ ra'ers for ittaiMdi aad urn aaerUaaae-at will J ar-veatedi tor tbaa 10 caia fw the fleet Inaertloav. nntee apply ta either Tha Daily 8a a day Bee. Alwaye eoaat eix ward ta Haa. Comalaatloaa of laltlala or aaaibara roan I oao ward. CASH RATES FOR WAHT-APS. REGILAR CLASSIFICATIOH-O" In sertion, per llae, IO eeata. Twa ar mora conaeeatlvs laaertlona, pr Una. eenta. Each Inaertloa mala aa odd dart, JO eeata per llae. l.oO per month. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS H ' advertisement la laaerted aader any one ef the elaaalleatlaaa a-lran below. It will be charged at tba following rateai One Insertion, 4 eeata P llne( three to six eoaaeeotlra lone, 3 eeata per Una aaeh Inaertloa j aeea or more eoaaeeotlra laaertlona. ''a centa per line each laaertlon. on crjita per line per month. . DARTER AKD EIC11AROE. 1UMSEM CHANCES. , HELP WAHTKD-FEMAtE. HEIP WANTED-MALE. Except Ageate, solicitors nn.l Raleamea. OFFl REn FOR SALEl Cows. Dlrda, Doaa aad Trta lloraea aad Vehicles. Ponltry aad En ft-a. Furniture. Plaaoa, Onani aad Maalcal la. atromeata. Typewrltera aad Sewta ehlaea. ' M laeel la neoaa. OFFERED FOR REHTl Fnralahed Roona. I nfnrnlahed Roonn, Iloaaekeeplna; Itooma. Hoarding; and Roonaa. CASH HATES FOR NOTICK9. Ileath and Faaeral Matters, Card ol Tkanka and Lode Hotloea, T eeata per line for aaa edition, tnornlns or evening 8 eenta a llae for eaeh addi tional edition. Bandar, 1" eeata a line. Mo ad taken for leaa thaa 30 ceate. ' RRAXCH OFFICES. Waal-adi for Tbo Bea may ba left at aay of tha following dri atorea one la yoar aarati drnBaTlaf they are all branch afltoea of Tbo Bea aad roar ad will ba laaerted Jaat aa promptly and oa the aame ratea aa at the mala office la Tha Bea balldlnc, Seventeenth aad Farnam arreetst Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Reranck, 8. A., 140J 8. 16th St. Becht's Pharmacy, 730 B. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. - Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce St. - Clifton HU1 Pharmacy, 2213 Military At Conte. J. B., Hat Ave. and Farnam. Crimpy Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak. Emll, 1:64-8 8. 13th St. F.nstman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehlor, F. H., i2 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldi, 218 N. 26th Bt Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neo. Goldman's Pharmacy, 20th and lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Par Ave. and Pacific. . . Greenough. O. A., 1025 S. 10th St. Greenough, O. A., 10th rind Hickory, Hayden. Win. C, 220 Farnam St. (lanecom Park Pnar.. 1501 8. 29th Are, iolat, John. 6?4 North 16th St. luff, A. L,, 2924 Leavenworth St. Kins, II. B., Farnam St. Kountxa Place Pharmacy, 2504 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1002 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chas. 10.. '.224 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, lGth and Chicago. Bchaefer, August. 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sta. corm rharmecy. lfith and Martha Sta Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace St. Wlrth.'o. 11., 40th and Hamilton eta. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. The following births and deaths were re ported to the Board of Health during the weniy-iour hours ending Friday noon: Births tAeorga Maxwell, 1844 North Six teenth, boy: Lee Kewber. 400 Bancroft, elrl -W. 1. 'Hoopes. 1341 South Thirty-tlrst, boy. Deaths Henry O'Shes, St. Joseph a hos pital, 26; Jens Ulstrom. Eighteenth and Chicago, lit; Baby Blank, 2il Arbor, 28 days; Ora A. Hout.i, Douglas County hos- rltal. 36; Kate Deltarbierl, 6J2 South Thlr eenth, 82; Mrs. K. . Broodky, 610 South twenty-fifth avenue, 67. MAJLRIAGE LICENSES. ' 1 Taa following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Kufus W. Wheeler, -Weeping Water. Lna 1 Becknur, Weeping Water... Urlanda O. Alexander, Omaha Mauge Ia Stauwuod, Omaha Age. ... 21 ... 23 ... 21 ... 1 ....1 ....18 ....25 ....81 ....26 ....A) ....20 ....2 Anker J. 11. Hansen, South Omaha., llattie Pearl Fisher, South Omaha.. LawIs M. Newton, Omaha Juiiu ruynwond. Koland, la, Albert Ij. McClelland, Omaha, .. Budie M. Keller, Omaha. .s. Acliille Opwoiner, South Omaha tcrmanli; Ltemetsv bouth Omaha DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. TAYLOR Maud H nee Miller, March t, U)7, In Philippine Islands, aged 84 years, wife of Colonel Wallace Taylor. Funeral Sunday, April a, at 3 p. m.. from the resldsnce of Cadet "Iiylor, 3113 Burt BLreet. Interment Foreat Lawn cemetery. J'riuiids welcome. YILK INS Dorothy L.. aged 5 years 6 nioniue, aauKiuer or Mr. and Mra. H. 8. Wllklns, 154 South Twenty-sixth street. Funeral private, . Sunday afternoon. In terment Forest Lawn cemetery- tTiWriOM' uh. g wrawsaj ANNOUNCEMENTS fclQN PAINTINO-43. U. Cola, 1301 Douglas Ol ,'4 ivALL PAPER cleaned. Douglas 6286. 1) M181 tIMAHA ftAfe and Iron Wnrli mtW. m mn. cialty of lira earapea, shutters, doors and aalta. u. A oar eon. prop., 1U3 S, luih Su SEEDS THAT GROW. NEED AN Y t See that they coma from SfilS HOAVAltn 1208-10-1$ Jones St. tl MwxJ A30 ffHH CITY GARBAGE: CO., oflloa 4th and unvwiwurm bis, ISA. uougias tail. d 473 WIION hangs paper, quick, clean; paper cleaning a specialty. Tel. Webster 2713. (U 11$ Ml AUTOMOBILES FOR SAIJS My 23-horse-power Rambler touring car; cape top, curtalna and equip ment coat $1,650. lb.rf model, only uaed 3 . tnutitha. Will aell for $SUU, J. C. Huteeon. 13 B. 16th St. UW."i SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. IbQi Thomas Flyer, H -P., full equiiunenti coat $3.7W, now $l.WXk, 2jo Pope Toledo, Type T. ton and full equipment: coat U. 7M nst 1,M0. 1M Hro, uavd Ml miles; ccat J1.25. now $1,S 14 Reo, top and full aqulpmeot; coat $i,k now tJ- 1H White Steamer; coat $1,800, now $700. IsmI Ford. ls-H.-P.; cost ti.lM. now $7w, poiw-Waverly Electric runabouts. $400 up. 1-KR1GHT Al'TOMOBII.B COMPANY IMS Farnam 6L (D-MWS VVRITE for list of barcalna In second-hand automobile. Fredrlckson, 150-J Cap. Ave, tu-iim tin FOR SAI-B-Light touring car, $0H P rheao, catv by AprU Box 30. Ixixter. la, , . C4J-4M44) Da t ' BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR KXCHANOK Fine ony and querter awd oak eoda fountain, coat about U.O), aa good aa new; wlU exchange for Omaha property or Nebraska land. Addreea M 24, care Bee. (3 M91$ BOME good Omaha property to trade for landV or merchandise. 310 8. 17th PC (3) M321 mS FOR EXCHAVOE--I have 17 Franklin automobile and l'"0 White steamer, one Of which I will trad for a good plecs of Omaha property or Nebraska land; give full description of what you haveand don't put a fancy prtoe on It Address M 27. care Bee. OU-4nl WRITE) Townaend Realty Co.. Modale, la., who bava farms, wild lands, eta., for clear town property ana merchandise. (3) M A38 EXCHANGE. , M Ixt In South Omaha for cheap land; $l1i'O0 clear. , . Good house In St. Joseph, Mo., for land, 14,(00; Incumbrance, $1,200; rent, $440 per year. . Good water power mill for good mnd or stock of merchandise; this Is the best mill proposition In the state; $12,000 clear. Automobile for chap land: $1,300. Small stock groceries and meat in Omaha, doing good bualneis, for cheap land: $1.2,; Ptock of groceries and meat In Counc l Bluffs, doing good business; $2,300. Will take Council Bluffs residence aa part pay. Blacksmith shop and toola for good cot tare; $1,200 clear. . , A No. 1 newspaper plant for land or other good Income property; $fi.000. Good vacant property In Omaha, dosa In. for good land In esstern Nebraska or western Iowa; $18,000 clear. . 1.4-acre ranch In Pierce county, Ne braska, good Improvemente, for good In come property, $25 per aore; Incumbrance, $10,0(10, 6 per cent per year. 6-room house and lot In Omaha, $700, for good lots. 120 acres good land, unimproved, for cot tage In Omaha or South Omaha or Coun cil Bluffs; $10 per acre. Good Income property for stock of goods that Is doing a good business, must be In Omaha, South Omaha or Council Bluffs; $8,000 clear. . . 160 acres good eastern Nebraska land for good Income property anywhere. Cottage In Omaha for vacant lota. If you have property anywhere that you would like to exchange for something else, list It with us and we will get what you want. PETKRSON BROS., 623 Bee Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE H0 acres near Orchard, Antelope county, Neb.: price iu.bu per acre. 3:"0 acres six miles from O Nell, Holt county, Neb., Improved; price $?0 per acre. Will exchanne either or both of above farma for merchandise or hardware. We also have several Income properties In Omaha to exchange for met -:handlBe. or hardware. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3)-77 IMPROVED farm In eastern Nebraska, all level, to trade for drug stock In some small eastern Nebraska town. Address F 71, care Beo, South Omaha. Neb. (3) M720 28x TRADES! TRADES! If you have anything that you don't want and win trade it tor something else, write us. We can match anything. Kelly Investment Co., 220 Neville Blk., Omaha Neb. (3)-M141 20 40 TOWN LOTS In a good coast town In Texas: located In business part. u. u. government dredging channel for ocean steamers will make a land-locked harbor and a fine city; fine winter resort for northern people and summer for southern fieople, and thousands take the benefit of t. Will exchange for Nebraska land or merchandise. Address Box C, Wood River, Neb. (3)-M966 20 FOR EXCHANGE A. good, double brick store building in a good county seat town; rents for $40 per month. Want land. What have your Box 317, Luverne, la. (3) M931 20x EXCHANGES If you have city property. biocks or gooas, iarm innn or property or any kind to exchange, write for our com- filete list. We have properties and lands n all parts of the country to exchange. Our list is free. Send for It at once. Glob Land nnd Investment Co., Patter son Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (3) 476 120 ACRES, 6 miles from Schell City, Ver non county. Mo no acres under cultiva tion; good building; price, $t'0 per aore; Incumbrance, $2,000; will exohange for gen eral merchandise. Globe Land and Invest ment Co., Rooma 1 and 2, Patterson blk., Omaha. (3) M260 C. J. CANAN. 701 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, .to,uuo Highly improved residence prop erty In the most desirable residence part of city, all clear, for a Nebraska ranch. (3) M366 M17 WILL EXCHANGE one years' musto les sons on any instrument tor od printing or advertising In any locality. Address A 100. Bee. S M163 FURNITURE of 8-room flat. In best loca tion in city, to trade for pair or young horses. Inquire Joe Levlne Furniture store, 304 No. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 771. (3) M381 FOR BALK OR EXCHANGE For West Farnam residence lot, electric automo bile, good aa new. Address F 139. care Bee. (3) IM44S 22x ONE OLDS four-passenger, one Glide four- passenger cars, 12-norsa power gasoline engine, for sale or trade. J. C. Cleave land. Storm Lake. la. f3) M353 24 x BUSINESS CHANCES FOR 8ALB First-class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; 14 to M received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set ting Urea Address Y lit. Bee. 4-47$ FOR SALE At a bargain, meat market In a good eastern Nebraska town of 8.000; everything new and up-to-date. Address "Owner," Box 413, Schuyler, Neb. (4) 206 20x FOR SALE A general merchandise store In mining camp; good trade, good loca tion; $5,000 cash. For further particulars apply to William M. Brlce, Mariposa, Cal. . 14) M23S 22x .HARDWARE business for sale: stock. nxiurea, ouuaing ana rooa win; oest opportunity; tine profits. Investigate. Family sickness. No trades. Owner, Box 142, Starkweather, N. D. (4 M23 Xix WANTED By gent, lady partner with plenty of ambition and n little money, In an established business. Will teach you a business at which you can always make a good living. Tha business will stand a thorough Investigation. Address H 107, care Bea. (4S-M301 23 x FOR SALE Rooming and boarding houae; best of locations and full of good paying boarders: must aell on account of sick ness. 106 4th St, Council Bluffs. (4 M379 24 FOR BALE $3,000 cash, drug store, good payer, In the heart of the Gunnison tun nel Irrigation project. The Olathe Phar macy, Olathe, Colo. (4) (MH57 24x FOR BALE OR LEASE One of the best hotels In southwest Iowa, new brl.k building, furnished, In town of 1,000: only hotel In town. For particulars address uenton !. ueit, Essex, la. (4 M356 24x MR. TRAVELING MAN. Your attention, please. Are you looking for something aood? We have the hai aide line you ever handled; no selling or samples; all you do la recommend. It's a money maker for you. Address Lock 1. . -TO I ..... V. a. rn. t a (4)-M92J till A GOOD chance to buy ceneral merchan dlae atore. outskirts of Omaha; does $uO.000 a year business; will take $6,0u0.to $7,uui to buy It, or will sell half Interest to responsible party; latter preferred. Reason, eniiaged In other business. Ad dress M. Horn, care Allen Bros. Tel. Douglas ioz. () sua 20x FOR SALE Second-hand store; only one In town of ,0u; doing good business; will sell cheap If Bold soon; would consider part traae. Enierprne, Maryvllle, Mo. (41-M233 23x FOR SALE barber shop, three chairs, fine fixtures, good business, good location. Auaresa ziu tn urana June Hon. Colo. (4 M414 25x -r B A LE 41 "on ct.!?g stock; will take 160 acres l.akota prairie land as part pay nient. Box 124, Wells, Minn. (4) M413 2Bx FOR BALE OR RENT a -room hotel, good southern Minnesota town. For terms write John Woolatancroft, Heron Lake, Minn (. MM x FOR BALIS My stock of general mer rbandlne. In good condition, located la good live town; will either sell or lease building; terms reasonable; wish to re tire from biiPtnees on account of fall ing health. For particulars call or writ J. it, Xudk, Uitlt Pole. Neb. Bee Want WILL IN A BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR SALE First class blacksmith shop In COUniy seal, uia iimuv buu hi pi tiusn v,.- portunlty for the right ms,n. Address Box 16, Breckenrldg Colo. (4)-M41i 2Gx FOR BALE'-Clty bath rooms, fully equip ped. Blectrlo- Turkish-shower shampoo; tub bath. Nebraska City, Neb. (4 M407 25x G FIRM AN printer wanted to establish a German I per and Job office In a live German town. Little or no capital will be required by right man. bm plenty of assistance will be furnished on the ground. Office and dwelling supplied free. Addreea B 136, care Bee. (,4-M447 21X FOR SALE Meat market In a town of $.000 population. Call on or address J. J. Johnson, Wahoo, Neb. (4J-M451 21x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A first claan stock of drugs, i oca tea in gooa iowa town of lo.ou) people; will Invoice about ii5,uu); will consider good land In South akota. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (4) M418 26 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A first class paying abstract business; win consiaer goud land as part payment. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. . (4) M417 25 MUSIC teachers' local locations bought, sold. Perneld Piano Co., 1611 t arnam, Omaha. (4)-M163 FOR SALE A first class stock of dry goods and ladles furnishing; stock new, and doing a first class business; invoice about $12,000. Address Room 1, Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4) M416 25 DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha. 14) au HALF INTEREST In hardware and Im plement business for sole; good business; will require $4,000 to handle same. Writ ox $8. Nelson, Neb. (4) M323 FIRST-CLASS barber shop,' three chairs; only shop in town of 7tw; win near in spection. Address Y-70. Bea. (Q-M881 FOR RENT 16-room hotel, built new. newly fum.ahed; li J tJAna mMnA Ulrtilan 1 a (4 M300 23x FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures la small town in lowa; doing gooa ousinesn; only drug store; have permit; other busi ness reasons. Address Lock Box 675, Eagle Grove, la, (41-M332 20x WANTED A good, honest man to handle stock; liberal commission pain, aiso lara-e bonus to successful man. Address Mount Consolidated Mining Co., F. L. Macfar lane. Sec, Sheridan, Wyo. (4) M283 23 FIRST-CLASS livery business; lively town; one railroad; good business; reason lor selling, other business. Address Y 69, Bea, v (4) M&S0 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine resi dence In up-to-date country town, eastern Nebraska, No. 1 location; would consider good land In Iowa or Nebreskn, no sand; not particular about Improvements. Ad dress Y-68. Bee. 14) M87 IF TAKEN at once, will sell at 20 per cent dlsoount my stock of dry goods ana gro ceries; finest busness In town; invoice about $7,000; a bargain for cash; owner has other business. Address Y 75, csra Omaha Bee. (4J-670 Do You Wish to Make a Change! If ycu have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex- cnange, write us. -GLOBE! LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. (4)-664 M7 ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW A CO., STOCK BROKERS, $09 New York Llfo Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. TO GET In or out of any business writs 'Hlldreth & Williams, wo, a. (4)-M630 M FOR BALE First-class stock of drugs and fixtures. Will consider land u pncea right. Address Y 87, care of Bee. FOR SALE A first-class equipped black smith snop ana toois; snop iur rem. Good reasons for selling. Address Box 245, Holstein, la, (4) M967 20x FOR TRADE Stock general dry goods. In voiced at about $7,700; big lines staples and domestics; goods clean and In good order; owner wants reasonable amount cash, balance good land; what have you? C. W Somers, 600 Manhattan Bldg.. St. Paul, Minn. (41-M968 20x BUSINESS CHANCE Invest $1 per week for 26 weeks or $25 cash and clear $260; absolute safety guaranteed by all banks. Storeheat Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 14) M642 J10X WANTED Young man with $300 cash to manage branch omce or incorporaiea real estate company; exceptional opportunity. Address E 87, cars Omaha Bea. (4)-M717 WILL sell half Interest In good paying real estate and loan business to tne rigni party who Is capable of assuming the management of same; must be a man of good character, Integrity and business ability. Reason for selling Is that I wish to retire from active business cares. Ad dress Q 106, cars Bee. (4 283 For Sals Fine meat market In western Iowa county seat town. Doing $12,000 to $16,000 yearly. Slaughter house and $ acres of land goes with this. Price, $1,800. Might trade for Iowa or Nebraska land. 'Phone Red 1186. NOLAND A GRAHAM. 1614 Harney St, 24 Floor. (4) 340 23 TO BUY or aell any business or real es tate, can on or writs Hi. u. uangestad, 4u3 Bee Bldg. (4) 80$ BUSINESS DIRECTORY - Advertising Sappliea. RF.AfEMBEB w nv ,he 1rt line MESTIC and IMPORTED, ever aubmltted to the advertising trade. Before placing your order, we invite your inspection at our exhibition room, 1218 Harney St., where ulso can be found Advertising Suppllea and Noveltlea of every dlsorlp Uou that will bring reaulta. FONDA BROS, as CO. M324 mS Attorneys. T. B. BRADY, Probate Atfy, 609 Bee Bldg. (5) 2Z6 Myl4 Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. 2, 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. (6 464 Bar Iron and Stfcel. PENNSYLVANIA Iron and Steel Co., Omaha, Retail bar Iron and ateel at wholesale prices. Prompt delivery. Write for quotations. (6) XJ A24 Carpet Clcaalaa;. SEND your carpets to N. A, Chrlstenson & Bon, 2X11 N. 20th St. 'Phou Web. Hul). (5110$ IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (5)-4;$ CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Worka. Mak. lng over and releylng carpeta. Also rug weaving, lot h and Leav. .Tel. Doug. 665. (6-jdlA Clsara aaa Toaaeea. O. C. SIMMONS, 416 Bo. 15th. (5)-27 MylS Cantraatsra. AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor, (29 South kvtb. Telephone Duuglaa l& Ufit AM Creamer tea. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO J successor to BefctfW Creantary Cu., Omaha. U-M179 Ads MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU TO BEGIN SMALL WAY AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY (.Continued.) Civil Engineers. L. O. Hicks, sunreylng, 439 B. Trade, Omaha w . M EATI1RON & JAMiESON. 306 N. Y. L. (5) J40 Dentists. BAILEY St MACH, 3d fl. Paxton. D. 1085. 6) eia Es KOTERA CO, 1506 Jackson. Phone Doug. 2007. (6) M134 Fare. FURS cleaned, stored and repaired. G. E. Ehukert. 313-315 8. 16th., practical furrier. (ft) M44V M6 Florists. BESS 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (5)-48 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Faro, Tel. D. 1253. (6) 46 J. 11. BATH. 1628 Harney. Tel. Doug. K)0. (6) 433 Jfarnaees. W. 8. HEATON, basement, ISOi Farnam St.; American Hero and Wise furnaces; also tlnwork; pleased to figure ynur work. I (6)-92i A23 German Consulate. OTTO SIEMSSEN, correspondent notary public, 921 N. Y. L. BIOS. Tel. D 653. (5 814 MU Hotels. THE Schlltz, European, 16th and Harney. (6)-M370 Incorporators. MER, Incorporating Co., 42 N. Y. L. (6) M979 Jewelers and Watchmakers. N P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry repairing, 3 & 9 Paxton Blk. Tel. O. 47. (5)-U0 Lavr and Collections. Com'l Adjusting Ass n.. 922 N. Y. L. Bldg. Blaaaagre. A. GOODSON, masseur, treats stiff Joints, rheumatism, nervousness 606 Ware Blk. Tel. Doug. 64. (5)-M168 M5 Narserles. SHADE trees, shrubs and fruit trees. F. R, Martin. 18lh and Douglas. Tel. D. 7362. (R-624 A28 LARGEST and finest assortment of trees and shrubs In the city. Crescent Nur sery. Sales ground, 21st and Farnam. 'Phone Webster 8367. (5 M500 M7 FAIRBURY NURSERY CO. has shipped to their sales ground at Benson two car- . loads of shade and ornamental, trees. We carry a large assortment of ornamental shrubs and rose bushes; also a large as sortment of fruit trees and small fruit. We have located at Benson to stay Call for E. J. Dolph or P. J. Flynn. Tel. Benson 3961. (5) 887 Mix Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. . KO) 181 Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6) M4flU Ml DR8. RINGLER, 306 Neville. Tel. Red 6467. loraw juo Photographers. C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 So. 16th St. (5)-87 Printing. JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas EJM. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order. uun i lan to see our eiegant imporiea tine. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 A Cap. ave. (5) 488 THIS ACORN PRESSPrlnters of Qaullty. We make those Imitation typewritten let ters that look like the original. Price right Tel. Doug. 991. 1218 Harney. (() 68oMay 9 8WANSON PRINTING CO.. high grade printing at lowest prices. 110 S. 17th BU Tel. Doug. 3959. (6) M839 Myl2 500 BUSINESS cards $1; 10,000 printed en velopes, good stock, for $10; other work at same rates. Get our estimates and see our samples of work. Call at room 82, U. S. Nat l. Bank Bldg., or 'phone Doug las 4503. (5) 394 Myl7 Plumblngr and Heating. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. 118 N. 15th St. Tel. Douglas 1477 (61-M458 A27 T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electrlo fixtures. 1607 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743. (6) MTU. JullO School Furniture. Omaha School Supply Co., 1621 Howard. (o) lOb ml4 liver Plating. Omaha Platlna Co.. 1220 Ha roe v Dour. xss. I 5 MZ42 M4 Stova Storage. - STOVES STORED Hughes. Stove Ksp, OAWjO Worka. Tel. Doug. 7156. ' (6) M767 AM STOVES atored. A, J. Hayne, hardware, paints and oils, $4th and Lake. Doug. 8611 (6) M9ul A30 Scrap Iron and Metal. WE pay highest prices for metals, scrap Iron and bones. Returns promptly made. A, B. Alelrn. Omaha. (INMam CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist at Omaha. Revelation of past and f'Jture described. Parlors 11$ 8. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store. (16) 490 MMES. Bean and Mayo. Spiritual mediums. Seancea Tuesday and Friday evenings. Readings dally. 92$ N. 16th St. Tel. Red 50K6. ) M57B A$7x EDUCATIONAL Spring Term Now Open STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY. BOYLES COLLEGE BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING, TELKUKAPHY, ENGLISH. ELOCUTION. DAY AND NIGHT. Catalogue Free. Address H. B. BOYLES. Pres.. Omaha, Neb. -M179 HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and alealadlee. WANTED Experienced ealeeladtea for cloak and suit department. 0. Frederick Bergcr sc Co.. lf.17 Farnam St. ayma LADY agents; high grade flavoring ax tracts ad toilet articles; city and country; exclusive territory. Address Diamond Extract Co., 530. N. 24th, South Omaha. (7) M189 3bx v BALESLADY In ladles' cloak and auit de partment; one that can do altering pre ferred. Address O lli, cars Bea. 47)-M BUILD UP t s i HELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued.) Factory and Tradea, I girlb WANTED Burgess Shirt Company, 2024 Farnam St. (7 MiUS WANTED Good glH for general house work; good wages. 8.(3 Park Ave. (7 M403 25 GIRLS WANTED. For factory work; good wages; steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag Co., 11th EL viaduct (7) M4l A27 WANTED Machine girls. City Steam Laundry, 211 S. 11th St. O 420 WANTED At once, 10 or 1J girls for light, desirable factory work; good ray and permanent employment. Call mornings at American Hand Sewed Shoe Co.. 12th and Harney. (7) 830 27 Housekeeping and Domeatlcs. WANTED A cook at 1915 South 32d Ava Telephone Harney 3221. (7) M125 GIRL for general housework. Tel. Red 6113. 2417 Pierce St, (7) M401 20X GIRL for general housework; no washing. 3316 Burt St. (7) M403 21x WANTED Bright girl to learn second cooking and advance to first. Must like cooking. Ticket furnished. Perkins Ho tel. David City, Neb. (7) 963 20x WANTEI-airl for general housework. Apply A. S. Peck, care Nebraska Clothing Co., clothing department, (7) 264 22 x WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages. Tel. Douglas 6042, 2Gu Dewey Ave. (7) 273 WANTED White lady cook, dining room girl and chambermaid. Wallace House, Vail. la. (7)-M467 22x WANTED Young girl . for light house work; no washing; can go home evenings; wages $4 week. 2433 Caldwell St. (7)-M474 21 COMPETENT girl or woman for general housework; three In family: good wages to right party. Mrs. J. 11. Snyder, 116 8. 35th St. (7)-M2J5 23 GOOD girl for general housework; good wiges. 1512 Grace St. (7) 613 WANTED Cook. 3510 Farnam St. (7)-218 WANTED Girl for general housework; $S; no washing, no houseclcaning. Mrs. H. HiUer, 3521 Farnam St. (7) 269 22 WANTED Chambermaid, good wages. The Wickwlre Hotel, Hooper, Neb. (7)-M355 24x WAITRESS, first-class; good wages. Ap ply to Manager Del lone Hotel. (7)-M378 20 WANTED Housekeeper on farm In family of two; $3 per week. Write Harry Wins low, Ida Grove, la. (7) M353 24x WANTED Experienced girl for private family. Call 700 N. 24th, South Omaha. (7)-6 20 GIRL for general housework In family of four. Including baby. Mra. F. H. Myers, 701 8. 37th Bt, 'Phone Harney 274S. C7)-390 19 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1533 Park Ave. (7) 435 Miscellaneous. . MEMORANDUM. We are In constant communication with the employers of the largest concerns in Omaha, Council Bluffs and South Omaha and continually receive calls for compe tent stenographers, bookkeepers, office clerks and salesladies. We have positions now open for one stenographer, two traveling salesladies and one bookkeeper. Apply at once. KEYSTONE SURETY & REFERENCE AuT. (incorporated). Omaha, Neb., Suite 404 Bee Bldg. (7) M463 20 FEMALE HELP. Stenographer, law, $75. 2 stenographers (Ins.), $50, $60. Cashier, fc; $40. Several bookkeepers, office clerks and others. Call or write, WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN. (Inc.), 721-722 N. Y. Life Blilg. (7)-M475 20 WANTED 23 experienced girle to Work on coats and skirts in alteration room; good wurci. 8. Frederick Berger & Co., 1517 Farnam tit. (7) M240 WANTED 25 ladles; very light work; good pay. Home Credit Clothing Co., 15a Dodge St, (7) M422 20 McDOWELL Dressmaking School. 162$ Far. (7) 224 ml4 WANTED Girl bundle wrappers for Sat urday only. Nebraska Clothing Co. (7)-M299 HATS trimmed or remodeled, 25c to 75c 'Phone evenings, (Red 6055. (7) M479 MISx WANTED Hairdresser, one who under stands hair work. Inquire hairdrrsslng parlor, 2d floor, J. L. Brandeis A Sons. (7) M473 21 WANTED An experienced demonstrator. Apply house furnishings department, J. L. Brandeis & Sons. (7) 332 19 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, tollcltora aad Salesmen, AGENTS wanted to drive through the country; best selling proposition ever of fered; big value for your customer, big profit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. R. . McClella.ii, 60$ Bes Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9 834 $ MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay weekly. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard. (9) M9S Ml SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who have bad experience selling views, por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call at Room 603, Bee Bldg. (S)-3 WANTED Young men to solicit real estate for sale or exchange throughout Ne braska. Salary. Call 815 Neville Blk., lGth and Harney. (9) M709 M10 WANTED Traveling salesman capable of earning from $30.00 to $60.00 a week easy line to handle, but must devote your whole time to It, Address B 118, Bee. (9) 303 20x WANTED By Omaha firm, three wide awake young men as tiavellng salesmen, position permanent, mth good prospects for advancement. Give past experience and references. Address M 111, Bee omce. (9 202 20x WA NT ED Man to hire and manage a crew of solicitors, prefer one who has had ex perience in selling to farmers, permanent position, good income. Address F loo, Bes office. (9 204 $0x AGENTS through Nebraska to show and sell ROYAL, HLxKLLb to farmers and boras users; ready sellers; big profits. 1115 Farnam, Omaha. (9 365 My( WANTET Experienced shoe salesman. Apply shoe department, Nebraska Cloth ing company. (9) M472 22 Doys BOY wanted. Peterson Bros.. 115 Bo. 16th Bt, (9)-79 2$ Clsrlaal and OIBee. WANTED Bright young men, 26 to St years of age, to become Ufa insurance so licitors for the best life Insurance com- J pany la the country. Apply to John Steel, tiS lie via. (8 MJol WANTED Young man atenogiapher and bookkeeper; Inexperienced preferred; give reference, atate wagta expected. Address In own handwriting, Bex 43, Ottumwa. la, (9 Mt4 20x IN COAL offioe, brirht, capable youfig man of fair education, good writer. Per manent position for the rl"ht person. Aaaraas A, U4 cars Baa. Us-UM U HELP WANTED MALE Clerleal and Oflloa Oetatlaaed. FTFNOORAPHF.R. rarld. accurate, splen did chance one wlahlng to go west; op portunity to learn advertising business; P'r W""- ASar'M 101(91'M175 20X WATTED S.-vtnvl rallrt.r.d ts!sr.rhers for work out of city. Standard pay, no trouble. State are and experience In ap plication. Addresa C 136. c.re Bjj Faetory and Trads. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L, Omaha. W-494 WANTED At once, good, sober barber, married man preferred; $12 guarantee; steady Job to right man. R. C. Ivl. HoUlrege, Neb. (9)-M408 J6xi WANTED Experienced forewoman In over alls factory; also 15 girl operators on overalls; steady employment; union wares. New State Shirt and Overalls MfK. Co,, 118H N. Broadway, Oklahoma City, OkL (9)-M:ti9 26x WANTED Paperhangera and painter: only experienced help need apply- H. Borwlck. 211 S. Main St.. Co. Bluffs. - - (9) M331 WANTED A good horseehoer and a gen eral blacksmith; steady work the year round. Addresa Fred Nlssen, Beresford, S. D. (9)-281 20x WANTED A first-class barber, to take charge of shop In live Wyoming town. Address Edmond Burke. Shoshonl, Wyo. (9) M758 27x WANTED-God gasoline engine molder; good price to right man. Nelson Gas Engine and Automobile Co.. Harlan, la. (9) MW3 20x WANTED Good all-round baker, sober snd Industrious; none other need apply. C. S. Ford. Laurel. Neb. (9)M22g WANTED Cement finisher on sidewalks; no amateurs nor Incompetents need ap ply. Call at 1 or 7 p. m. P. McArdle, 904 S. 83d St. (91-M361 20x BUTCHER Wanted a good handy all around young man. Fred Blake. Hast ings, Neb. (9) M549 26x WANTED At once, an all around tailor, $15 per week or piece work. 1'nlon wages. C. R. Danneberg, Grinnell, la. (9) M467 26x MEN wanted to learn barber trade. De mnnd for barbers greater than any other trade. See dallv want column. Few weeks completes. Splendid facilities, careful Instructions, constant practice. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St., Omaha. (9) M456 26x TAILORS WANTED Two coat makers at once, $7.00 and up. Wettsteln, Ames, la. (9) M461 26X Mia MALE HBT.P. Two more bookkeepers, $75, $100. Stenographers, $60, $75. Offlee clerk, $70; hotel clerk, $35 to $40 and expenses. We lutve places for fifty high grade men. Call or write, WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN. (Inc.), 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-M476 20 WANTED Coachman for country place near Council Bluffs. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1714 Farnam St, (9) 274 WANTED Hotel clerk at the Koehler Ho tel, Grand Inland, Neb. (9) M430 20 WANTED Three men with families to take charge of telephone exchanges In northern Nebraska and South Dakota; experienced men preferred. The Inter state Telephone Co., Stuart, Neb. (9) M898 24 WANTED Young man as assistant In mechanics' tools department In large re tall general hardware store, In South Dakota, Addresa Y 90, care Omaha Bee. (9) M409 30X . WANTED Musicians for battleship Ne braska; cornets, trombones, baritone. Bandmaster Albaugh, Bremerton, Wash. (9)-M593 22x ENERGETIC young man, over 26 years old, capable of earning high salary; bond required. Address In own handwriting, with stamp and references, H 290, cars Bee. (9)-689 WANTED 130 yards of good sodding done, inquire at 903 N. Y. Life Bldg. tSj-M.'OJ WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN, ages 18 to 35, for firemen and brakemen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary. Firemen earn $100.00 per month, become engineers, earn $200.00; brafeemen earn $75.00, become conductors, earn $160.00. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Aas'n, 620 X, Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. (9) MJ48 Mi WANTED At once, smart youth, about 17, to le.u-n drug business and be useful around department. See Mr. Schneider, Drug Dep t. THE BENNETT COMPANY. (9) M443 22 WANTED At once, several good men as Janitors. See M.r. Tom Harvey, head Janitor. THE BENNETT COMPANY. N -. s (9) M443 22 HUSTLERS wanted everywhere. $26 to $30 made weekly distributing circulars, over seeing out-door advertising. New plan. No canvassing. Merchants Out-door Ad vertising Co., Chicago. (H-M468 21x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. One brown team, $.300 lbs., $225. One bay team, 2,900 lbs., $275. One big work horse, cheap, $75. One work horse weighing 1,376 Ins., $125. One sore-footed farm mare, 1,300 lbs., $75. One team 4-year-old colts (brown), $135. One small driver, $45. One good family pony and many others to select from. A writen guarantee with every horse. Cash or time. Buy of reliable people. OMAHA HORSE & SUPPLY CO., Barn, Rear 414 No. 16th. Tel. Douglas-6081. OD-M477 I HORSES, weight 1,200 lba each, wagon nnd harness, $125; one team, weight 2,600 lbs. ; one team, weight $,ou lba. : $ farm mares. 2113 Grant, Tel. Douglas 3410. ill)-495 HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and work horses, bought, sold and exchanged on commission. Myers, 1715 Jackson. Tel, Red 8692. (ll) 161 My$ LARGE and small horses for sale. Also wagons. Rosenblatt, 1223 Nicholas. (11)-M63$ RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at ?;reatly reduced prices. Johnson & Dan orth Co., a w. cor. 10th and Jones sib. Ol) UXi PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drive single or doubls and ride. 43d and Center. (11) M268 HAY-89 per ton. Wagner, 1 N. 16th St, (1D-M029 A30x AGENTS through Neb. to ahow or aell ROYAL BUCKLES to farmera & horse users. Ready -.ellers. Big profits. 1116 Farnam, Omuba. (11) M344 M6 TEAM matched black work mares, $160; sorrel horse weighmg 1,400 pounds, $06; pair drivers, $75 each. 1815 N. 15th Ave. Ol) M209 WE are not selling out at cost, but ws are selling driving wagons, buggies, surrles and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adkins Co.. 714 & 10th Bt., Omaha. OD-l( Mil A OOOD rubber tired runabout. $37.50 cash. Apply at ones. 1322 B. fcid St. (11) M191 20x $275 WILL BUY an extra fins 7-year-old -"'" '" '" ' , t.unu, mliy inuf i u drive; also a new undercut runabout and good harness. Room $1, Barker hlk. (11 Mid 2Cx FOR BALE A handsome surrey horse and surrey, perfectly gentle for lady to drive. Will sell separately If desired. F. E. Vin Brunt, 12 4th St., Council Bluffs. Ia. (U M282 V FOR SALE Rubber tired, buggy and cart cheap, lea Elm St. (11) Jr,7 Si RUBBER-TIRED runabout, In good order: cheap. Myers, 1716 Jackson St. Tel. Red fcUO. (1D-M462 22x CARRIAGE and wagon painting. Harry Froet. 714 Bo. 14th St. (U M309 Mil FOR 8AL10 Good, gentle family driving mare, weight 1.0ns pounds. Inquire itsj Y iK, bjuU Omaha, fU olav 22 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles C entlnsted GAITED saddle horse for sale. Inrjulre A, 8. Rogers, Telephone bldg. (11 M.A) 22 X RHODR ISLAND RKD eegs, Martin, t0J Indiana Ave. Tel. liamev it (11)-6ol CHAMllKRIiAIM'H Perfect Chick Feed IS the only original dry clilk feed. ie thle only und save all young- chickens. Ones used always used. Stewart's Peed Btore, 119 N. 16th St., aole agents for the pity. (ID M942 Myl$ TEN THOUSAND Birred Plymouth Rocg ears for sale; Bradley Bros, and Judire Norval stock; $1 per 15, $4 per Ays Bros., Blair. Neb. (ID M759 Mllx OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book Is free to all who will write and ask for It. telling where they saw this ad. A valuable book for every poultrvman; 8l,nno priniea. auuivi iiarns 1 ouitrv i o., Clay Center. Neb. (ID MS Mayfex HOMER pigeons; earn 'em spare time. Nebla Co. GD-MSU A WHITE P. Rock cockerels and PenVegg." ll0 each. W. B. Flagg. Atlantic, la, (1D-M120 M2x PRIZE-WINNINO White Leghorns: eggs for hatching; pullets and hens for sale. W. K. Richards, 509 W. O. W. Tel. Douglas 6874. OD-172 tlx ROSE COVB BROWN LEGHORN KQaK $0, $1; 100, $3. A. W. Ruth, Whiting, la. (1D-M921 ASOx DUSTON'B White Wyandottes, pure bred egKS, $1.50 for 15; $5 for 10. Forest Laws) Wyandotte Yard-. Florence. Neb. Tele phone Florence 1082. OU-M466 M6 ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; best eastern stock, a good color; egg. $1.75 pPf 16. Mrs. James H. Halplne, 4'U2 Center St. Tel. Harney 3528. (ID M736 MylOx WHY do largest egg farms keep Whits Iechorna? They fill the egg baaketa. FKgs from fine thoroughbreds, $1.60 per 16. Lundstrom. 1302 N. 26th. (11) M9R1 20 SAVE EVERY CHICK The extra chick ssved by feeding B. A 1L IDEAL CHICK FOOD more than pays the cost of feed. Mfg only by Bunnell A. Had lock, 24th and Belt Line. Omaha. (1D-M128 A28 BUY Barred Plymouth eggs of W. T. Clur, Council Bluff' la., a breeder. $25 cock erels. (11) M268 M16 SQUAB book free. Model Squab Co. Dour 6664. (11) M812 AS0 FOR SALE Plymouth strain Homer pig eons, good squab raisers, at 60c per pair; guaranteed; only a few pair left at this price. C. P. Buswell, Meriden, la. (11) M295 23x WHITE Wyandotte scored cockerels, $3.50, White bull terrier female pups, $u. C. W. Pyers, 1906 Jones 8t,, St. Joseph. Mo. (1D-32S Myl POULTRY AND EGGS for sale. 4735 NT. 39th St- 'Phono Red 3319. (ll)-96 24x 1 ATTENTION. Buy the secret for preserving eggs now $1.00. Schmidt Specialty Co.. 324 8. 13th St (1D-433 25x ON ACCOUNT of business the owner wants us to sell for him hln pen of 40 (ull-blooded Plymouth strain Homer pig eons; a bargain. Marsh Marsh, 417 South 11th. (11) M4i9 22x MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical College, 14th and Day en port Sts. : special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment .supervise! by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night, (1$ 129 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerva Food Pills," $1 box. postpaid. Sherman 4k McConnall Drug Co., Omaha. (13)-503 MRS. OARDELS, private confinement home; babies cared for. 3724 N. 28th St. Tel. Red 2210. (13) 220 M3x PRIVATE home during confinement; ba. bles adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 728 First Ave., Council Blviffs, la. Tel. 774. (13) 423 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women, 1 90 years' practice In confinements. Otftoe, 614 N. 16th; residence. 2421 Charles. Omaha. U3)-504 ANY poor girl "In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation ArmySlome for Women at 3824 N. 24th St.. Omaha, Neb. (13) M100 63-DAT blood remedy, the great hlood purifier; sold only at Gladlsh Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge St.. Omaha, (18) MONEY TO LOAN ' 8 4.LAHY AND CHATTKJLS. Cash in Any Amount $10 to $.100 LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, ETC.. OR ON YOUR SALARY IF STEADILY EMPLOYED, without security or publicity, at the very lowest ratea with payments to suit your convenience; every iiiius ei-ricuy cunuuemiai. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms 307-306 Paxton Block. (14)-Mt En MONEY . TO BORROW TO PAY BACK in payments to suit your convenience, at rates that honest people can afford to pay. Salary, chattel or any good security. EASY LOAN CO. TEL. DOUG. 1960. Room 20, Frenxer Blk., 15th and Dodge Sta. (14)-472 M7 BUSINESS MEN. MECHAN ICS, WORKINGMEN TOU need accommodations from time to time. YOU want It CONFIDENTIAL and PRI VATE. YOU want It at LOW REASONABLE cost, YOU want to deal with a RELIABLE con. cern. COME to the "Omaha." We can give you Just the kind of a deal you want handle it on short notice, too. WE'RE over 16 years established now that, peaks for Itself, doesn't It? WE loan on store and office flxturea, horses and wagons, furniture and pianos, live stock and machinery. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trads Bldg. (H)-8oa Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advance private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small com. Open svenlngs till 7. (14) 6us CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans.- Folgy Loan Co., 15u4 Farnam St. (14)-u MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLIS and others, without security; eatry pay. dents. Office In 63 principal cities, 'iol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. U4-el0 DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONKY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc, In any amount; less than half ratea; perfect privacy, immediate at. tentlon; any terms wanted; payment sus pended whun sick or out of work. 214 Kaibach Blk., 209 South 16th Bt. CW-60H UNION LOAN COMPANY, PRIVATE BANKERS, nl4 Will maU. . I a. i i .... $ 'aav s wsi.suj lain gQ 1 14a ivr I eta loarva, mortgages on psronul properly arte. Phone Douglas --Out. lUjUM MS iuibsi, w iiiiuui nrcuiiir. i snrii im iu buil. FOR A SQUAB K DEAL OO TO THE PHOENIX CKKD1T CO. for chattel or salary Iwana. (C3 Paxton block. Phons Douglaa 746. (14)- FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co.. room S, Barker Bile (14-&v EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. Ukd Duuglua. (14) 5U MONKY loaned on plunom, furniture, cowa. save asusa, civ. Y (VCCU, 4M.V O. 4M U. u4-eii FURNITURE, PIANO AND SALARY f Aa Vfi t J 1 i I . raynienu. STANTON IX) AN CO.. 6ul Bea Bldg. Phone Doug. 6o9. (14-6jj WHEN you write to advertisers remember U takes but an extra stroke or two of tha pan to mention lbs fact M rt ji saw ti.l a4 Ia Tua Bes, i 1 "l 0 i