Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Eztnm Wtknsw in Whst Mer Dn
to Gentral Irro p tstion.
MAYANDJUlY v-h:at decline one cent
Cora U f Irmrr la Nfrtom Market,
Alt boas h Marh U.lllah News
ta Received aad
la Firmer.
OMAHA. April- IS. 1907.
rbe lluuldutlnn in yerieruay a marast was
oontlnued touay, except in corn, which si
stpimger than ut any inn (or two weeks,
uuenm urices wore tttHkar. alUiougn
, V.,ilnes wore slightly higher, and extreme
M neikiim was ewuent in wheat, whlcti
Jr siumped oft It In the May and July option.
Wheat waa affected locally bv the nat
pro, imitation In tha atate, although recelpta
vununue very nam. belling by prolesslonais
waa the pilnclpal cauae of the deellne, al
though nioiit news received waa cf a "Uull.ali
nature, Green bug ravages of slight exteut
were reported from western Nebraska,
Where tlie bugs are aald to have Infested
fleius from Kearney to Minden. Dug atorlea
were uIro received from Illinois and ainillar
atorlea from Oklahoma were reiterated.
The unfavorable weather la retarding all
cereals and planting la eeveral week be
hind. Weather predictions were bearish, aa
shower were predicted for Kanaka, Ne
braska. Missouri and Iowa, but no change
in temperatures reported In other wheat
suites. The primary receipt continue
nd '"oats are loading In anticipation
h . opening of the Hou river. September
wheat was firmer and the better prices on
all crops prevailed at the close. which
waa strong. May wheat cloaed with a net
wt" of V- aml Jllv options cloaed firm at
c, a lose of Ho.
'!?er wn" BfM,,l demand for corn and
cables were considerably higher. Roth ex
rort end domestic demand were strong for
the first time In Severn I weeks and prices
advanced on early trading. Hecelpte were
"' a strong corn market la looked
lor. May porn closed steady at an advance
of He and the July and September options
were higher.
Trading in outs was extremely light and
they were barely weady. There was some
scattered liquidation, with no particular
support outside of local trading The de
mand Is somewhat Improved, but the close
Waa weak at the opening figures.
Primary wheat receipts were, tvStl.OOO hush
els and sh!irnents 1. Ill, On,) bushels, against
receipt last -year of 2rtl,fr bushela and
shipments of 444.000 bushels. Corn receipts
were i,12,OK bushels and shipments g!t2.u0
bushels, against receipts of 2o,0no bushels
and shipments of 614. 00" bushels last vear.
mAiJZirSnc.''. "re ,-' bushels of wheat.
4.000 bushels of corn, none of oats, and
wheat and flour eoiml in fijii non k..-ki-
iK'Tl'"! '!""'1 1 higher on wheat and
Hiliid higher on corn.
Argentina, wheat shipments were 6,220,000
bushels, sghlnat 4. 448.000 bushels last week
and S,243,fK) bushels last year.
Local range of options:
Artlole. Open. Hlgh. Low. Clos. Ytw'y.
Wneat I
May... July...
May... July...
71 A
42 A
71 A
41 A
40 A
4274, H
41 A
4i n
41 A
40 HI
A asked. B bid.
Omaha Cssli Pri.-ea.
WHEAT No. 1 hard. WriTT.c; No. S hard,
6Mib9c; No. 4 hard. 5S$06c; No. S spring,
CORN-No. 8, 38Hti3ic; No. 4. SMi3f4c; no
rrane. 2om34c;.No, 3 yellow, 3!)c; No. 3 white,
OATS No. 3 mixed, aXfi.Wio; No. 3 white,
89e; No. 4 white, W"A'tW.H
RYE No. 2, (S0c No. , 6KHc.
Larlot Hroelta.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Kansas City
St. Louis
..: 12
... 20
In tares of tlte- Trading and Cloalngr
71 A 70 A
3iA 724 A
75HA 7&HAI
4F 42SA
4;4H 42. A
42HU 42A
I 41 HT1 41 A
nU 40 A
34A 34HA
Prices on tlnaril of Trade.
: ' CHICAGO, April .- Reports of rain and
sixw In the west and aouthweat caused a
anarp decline today In the wheat market.
Home recovery was made on buying by
aborts, and the market closed steady with
the July o it ion lower. July corn was
up He July oat s were a shade hicner.
1'i'ON Imona were down SH'lWHo.
The reports of wet weather throughout
the so u til we t caused .active selling early
lit the day, especially In the July delivery.
Sellers were also miccurHged by large pri
mary receipta and by an estimate rbat the
slikjimrnls fiom Argentina for th week will
be ubout 6.2IO.UUO bu.. which breaks ail rec
ords for that country. Trading became
quiet during the last half of the peselon.
chiefly because of the scarcity of offerings.
Many traders who believed that the market
had been oyereold early In' the day bought
moderately and a part of the early los
was recovered. A report- that seventy
boatloads of wheat had hern taken for ex-
port also lrengthend the late market. The
close waa fairly steady. July opened HU
To lower at iifv,tj. soio at :!? rpe,
ana then tlecllned to 7lk rlnal tiUotatlons
were iVVo. May ranged between 7hc and
77Hc,' and closed at 7i'i(77l-c, which was a
loan of He Clearancea of wheat and Hour
wera' equal to 840.0" bu. Primary recelpta
were, bu., agnlnst an.ttiO bu. lor the
same day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth
and Chicago reported receipts of 648 cars,
against imj cars last week and 191 cars a
year ago.
Trading- In the corn pit Was extremely
light end. prices fluctuated within a half
cent range. The break In wheat cau,W an
easy fueling at the opening, but this was
soon overcome by a fair' buying demand,
which was baaed upon firm cables and
small recelpta The market closed firm.
July corn opened a shade lower at 47fcJ
47Hc, aold at 47 u and then advanced to
4. He The close was at 47 Vc May ranged
between 4tHo and 47o, and clnimd at 47c,
Lwal reoHpta were 177 cars, Including I of
contract grade.
Oat were weak early In the day because
of improved weather conditions for the
growing Crop and alao In sympathy with
wheat. Later the market became firm on
covering by shorn. July opened Hl'Ho to
HifHo lower at SaH'&.c, ald off to SeVrf
Jfc'Hc, and then advanced to 4o,o. The close
f i "hj. aim.? mini oeiween 42Hc and
43HC. and cloaed at Civile. IsTfc
were M cara.
Provisions were weak because of fnri.j
hoT receipts,, hlch caused a 6fulno decline.
At tpe olose July pork was off Ttje at
$16 9oi Juiy lard was down SHc at sWtw
8.7a IJuly ribs were 64THc lower at $8 tiw
Intimated reoelpta for tomorrow: Wheat,
24 cars; corn, - cars; oats, cars: hoaa!
2A0WJ head.
Tha leading futures ranged aa follows:
Articles. Open. Ht-h. Low. Close . Yes' y .
S. pt.
Oa tie
May Julv
May Julr
7VH JiJ77'fiA4
irr u
TH"v V'
l'-Hi H
WHuVV is
0 r
47 '
47V4 6-H 'tt"
4Wi37tfHsl 43H
V - 40H 40 (b H
72HI 1 2'
15 '.H
16 7H
8 (0
8 72H
8 86
8 47H
8 66
8 75
15 fc-'Hj 16 90
62HJ I 65
66 1 t 70
8 77H' 8 60
8 32-Hl 8 4?H
8 66
61 111)
No. t
Cash quotations wens as follows:
FLOl'R Easy; winter patents,
J 4i; winter siralghia. . 2 Se-rt 3 :
is, IJ.OUJ
rtttenta. 8J.40t!i: aprlng atiaighl
3 l: bakere. $2.uou'2.
WIISAI- No. i epnng. ftmiVti;; No. I
Hiring. Hv3c; No- 8 red, 7bH'(J "Sc.
CoftN-No. 2, etlHlHc; No. 2 yellow,
6 "47c.
UATS-No. 1 4?;c: No. t whiU. 4SHH3e;
No. $ white, SM442Hc.
HTK No. 2. ebc
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, t
SEEDS No. 1 flax. 81.11: No. 1 north
western. 81 14. Pi line timothy, 84.21 Clover,
contract grade (14 60.
PROVIAli iN8- Short rlba sides (loosed,
$- a.(iJ6. Mess pork, per bhl., Ilomftxl
Lard, per 1 lbs., $- 6H 3hort t lxar sides
tboaed). $8.CiHuag7H-
FVKowIng were the reoflis and ship
ments tit (ttiur Mnd sralnt
trUo'3i fcHi
15 80 IS KH
ISW la ich
( SS 66
7H $ 70
I 60 HUH
42H t 42H
1 6.H ';'
t 70 I I 70
Becelpts. Shipments
F'our. bbls 41 S M 5)
Wheat, bu . 91 S-o
Curn, Lu r. tV,2uv
Hutu, bu W. or 821 .
Kra, bu .0"O 10.J
Barley, bu 84, HO 18. 7m
im the Produce exchange today the but
ter market tu Prm; creameries. A"0!
dairies aw, F-a ensv: at mark, cases
Included, lac: first a.' 144c; prima ft rat a, 17 Wo.
Chwue, ateady, ISttfUc.
(taetatlens ef lk Dif am Varleas
NBW YORK. April l.-FLOt;R-R-Cftlpta,
ll.a7, Milai expt.rta, bbla Mar
ket ateady but dull; Mlnnearrta patents, 4 to
ti 46; Minnesota bakere. IS SfuS 60; winter
ratenta, WiiS.SS; winter straights. 13
46; winter extraa. 2 IS.OO; winter low
grades, M.TOlKn. ye flour, firm; fall
to good, H('u3.80; choice to fancy, W.a
CORNMlSAt-8teady: fine white and yel
low, 1.20; coarse, H.aSffl.lD; kiln dried, 2.
t(2.75. -
WliKAT Receipts, H.OOO bu.; export", 47,
717 bu. Spot market easy; No. i red, 82So,
elevator, K3HC, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north
ern, lJululh. WHO, opening navigation, f. o.
b. afloat. No. 1 hard winter, 81HC opening
i , n i. ,aa.i a Ks.rrv fore-
noon bieak In wheat following raki news
from the aouthweat and big spring wheat
recelpta waa eucceeded by a rally on ex
port nunora. The lata market waa quit
firm on covering, and closed only V'y'Ho
net lower. May, 85tii5 ll-lo, closed foSo;
Jnly. M S-ltVuxaHc, cloaed 8Mc; September,
0.HJ.MHC, closed (WHO.
CORN Receipts, 71.175 bu. ; exports, 8,000
bu. spot market nrm; mo. bio, e.-vmujr,
and St'ir. f. n. h. afloat: No. X whits. 67c,
and No. 2 yellow, B4Hc, f. o. b. afloat. The
option market was quiet and ateady, with
the west, closing unchanged In New Tork.
May, 6u(t46Hc. closed 66c; July, b&HSfX&Ho,
closed at LflLn
OATS Receipts, lffl.&'O bu. Spot market
steady, mixed, i to 32 lbs.. 47Hc; natural
white, 30 to S3 lbs., 484jO0c; clipped white, 3
to 40 lbs., 4(Hi3Ho.
HAY-Hteady; shipping, 7080cj good to
Choice, I1.161.20.
itni'R Hisri v state, common to choice,
It crop, 19"f crop, 4H4ic; Pact no
coast, 1 crop, &&llc; 19u6 crop, ttfto.
HIDES Quiet; Central America, 24c;
Ucgota, 2."c.
I.KATM KR Steady; acid, 27Hff2c
PROVISIONS Reef, steady; ramiiy,
114 0 1(14 f): mess. t o"ulO 00; beef hams,
tJ4.00ii 26.00; packet, 10.5teil.0O; city, extra
India mess. lao.OWj 21.00. Cut meats, steady
nick led bellies. 110.6Vdl2.00; pickled hams,
J.l.TyaL2.2Ti. Lard, easy; western prime, IX. 70
tiU.&o. refined, easy; continent. 19 16; com
pound, l8.37Va8.ti2H; South America, tlO.00.
Pork, quiet; family, $19.00; short clear, 17.60
il.00; mesa, 17.5W18 .26.
TALLOW-Steady; city (12 per pkg.), 6Hc;
country (pkga. free), 8H4Hc.
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra,
lH'u'c; Japanese, nominal, Sc.
Hl'TTEH Strong; atreet price, extra
creamery, SJHWc Official prices: Cream
ery, common to extra, ;s4uS3o: held, common
to extra, 224i32Hc; state dairy, common to
finest, 2i'(i3ic; renovated, common to extra,
17H(27c; western factory, common to firsts,
IS ii 22c; western Imitation creamery, extras,
27l28c: firsts, 24u2(3c.
CHKKrili; r'lrm; state full cream, colored
and white, small, September, fancy, 16c;
same, October best, Hul4Vo; same, good to
prime, 13i13Hc; state, winter made, aver
age best, 12Hc; state, good to prime, 12VjJ
Llc; state, Inferior, llHWiHc.
EOG8 Barely ateady; atate, Pennsylvania
and nearby selected white, 20c; atate, choice,
lHulMHc. same, brown and mixed extra,
lite; flrsta to extra firsts, 17HfiltHc; western
firsts, 17t17Hc. Official prtoea: Firsts, 17
17,c; seconds, 1G4j16Hc.
POULTRY Alive, unsettled: western
chickens, K&12c; fowls, 16c; turkeys, llo;
dressed, firm; western chickens, luigliic.
turkeys, 10 U 14c; fowls, 10&14HO.
St. Louts General Market.
ST. IXiUIB. April 18 WHEAT-Iower;
track, No. 2 red, cash, 78j'78Ho; NO. 2 hard,
74H"&77c; May, 76Hc; July, 7c.
CORN Higher; track. No. 2 cash, 47HU
4c; May. 44H1J1HC; July, 4H46Hc; No. 2
white. 44H. .
OATS Lower; track. No. 3 cash, 41 Ho;
May, 4"c; July, 87Hc; No. white, 43c. li Hteariv: red winter patents, 13.60; extra fancy and straight, 3.XKb.60;
clear, 2.6'2.86.
SEEJJ Timothy, steady, I3.0O3V.75.
CORNMEAL Steady, t2.40.
BRAN Dull; sacked east track, 82H8
HAY Steady; timothy. $15.001.00;
prairie, 110 O013.00.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing,
116.25. Lard, lower; prime steam, 18.30.
Iry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts,
I9.&H; clear ribs. $9.76; short clears, $9.76.
Hacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, $10.50;
elar ribs, $ia37H: hort clears. I10.62H. ,
POULTRY Steady; chickens, HHjcj
springs, 2&g'30c; turkeys, 12H413Hc; ducks,
l'e' BMRM 7C
lie; geese, 7c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 2381Hc;
dairy, 212o.
tGGS r'lrm, Uc, case count.
Recelpta. Shipments
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu ........
Corn, bu
Outs, bu
6,000 8,000
20,000 18.000
64.OO0 67.0UO
$6,000 72,000
Kansas City Oraln sod Provisions.
KANSAS C1TT, April li WH EAT May,
61c; July, 72Hc; September, 73o. Cash:
Nf). 2 haid, 71ii75Hc; No. S, 68a'.tc; No. 2
red. 76'7tc; No. S, H6c.
CORN May, 40c; July, 4-: September,
43 He Cuah: No. 2 mixed, 4a42Sc; No. J,
41tc: No. 2 white, 43 He; No. I, 43Hc
OATS No. 2 white. 41c; No. 2 mixed,
RITE Steady, S.S362o.
HAY Firm; choice timothy, tl4.2616.00;
Choice prairie, $14.60)16.60.
MUTTER Creamery, Ro; packing, Wc.
KX3G3 Weak) flrsta, UH0-
The - receipts and shipments of grain
were: Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 48.0 110,000
Corn, bu 26,im0 41,0c
Oats, bu 21,000 27,000
Kansas City cash prices:
I Open. High.') Low. I Close.
May.... July....,
May.... July....
9H 9i
71H 72HB
40H' 40B
: 73HI72H&H!
Minneapolis Grata Market.
May, 7Hc; July, 81HCSlHc; No. 1 northern.
8Hc4K2c; No. i northern, 7H'60u; No. I
northern, 7Hc.
FLOUR First patents. $4.0r3'4.40; second
patents,. $4.16U4.26; first dears, 3.2Ua60;
scnd clears. $2,402.60.
BRAN In bulk. 16.5Bn.78.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
. , , w,,.mi- 1 rt t northern. K 1
snum"t ' - - -
! x, , -1Ujf,C'(e
B A RLE V NO. 2, TlVMFiIc; sample, W
CORS-No. t cash. 4446Hc; July. 47Hc
asked. . - -
Liverpool Grain Market.
LIVERPOOU April 18.-WHUT-Spot.
No. 2 red western winter, steady, 6s 2Hd.
No. 1 California, quiet. 6s 6d; futures, quiet;
Mav a 6d; July, 6a SHd.
CORN Spot, flrni; American mixed new,
4a 6Vd; American mixed old, ta; futurea,
firm; May, is 6d; July, 4a Hd; September.
4s 6Hd.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. 11L, April 18.-t-trtIN-.teaay ;
No. 2 yellow snd No. 8, 43Hft-4c;
4tmc; no graae, swuo.u.
OAT8-Ey; No. white, 43c; No. I
white, 41V; No. 4 white. 4o0.
RYE Firm; No. 2. 67iSo.
WHISKY-On basis of 812 tor finished
Dnlatk Grain Market.
northern. s'Hc; May, 81Hc; July, 62o; Sep
tember 63Ho.
OATS A4-il, 40H0.
Toledo Seed Market.
Tnt.f.nn. O.. Anrll !. BEEr8 Clover,
cash, $i.00; April, $S 70; October, $7.rHl
cembsr, $7 J7H: March, fl.W. Tliuouiy,
$2.16. Alalka, V.tS.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. April 18. COTTON Spot
cloaed quiet: imauuni upunas, u.iw( uiiu
rii. mlf 11.36c: sales. 30 bales.
Spot closed firm; sales, I, a bales; low or
dinary, 8 U-Ibc, nominal; ordinary, li-loo,
nominal; good ordinary, 8Hc; low middling,
I 1-1c; middling, loc; good middling, 11S;
middling fair, 12Hc, nominal; talr, lS-io,
nominal; receipts. 2,63s bales; stock, 107.7&8
T' LOUI3. April la X)TTON Steady:
middling, Ho; sales, none; receipts, ksl
ialea; shipments, 700 bales; stock, 40.U
spot a good builne-i was dons; prices 2
points lower to s points nigner, American
middling fair. Tlld; good uilddllng, .r,d:
mlddlrng. -'id; low middling, llsj; good
ordinary, 8.21 J; ordinary. 4.MJ. 1 tie Kales
of the day wore lo.oti bales, of which l.oiO
bales were for apeculation and export and
Included .4) bales American; receipts, 17,
Ouo bales, Including 16,600 bales Aiuarluao.
Throughout tht Estiion.
Oaly Profit Possible Is that Wkleh
Brokers Might Make Off Kaeh
Otker Close Ullghtly
NEW TORK. AdiII 18 Faoettoua brokera
oautiOTWSl each other to step softly today
let they wake up the stock market from
Its somnolent condition. A glance at the
aggregate of the day's sales explaina the
pleasantry. An analysis of the price move
ments will show that only a handful of
stocks moved at any time as much as a
full point away from laat night's close. The
movement, slug-Klsh aa It waa, was con
spicuous also for its Irregularity. The nar
row vibrations varied constantly above and
below last night's closing level. The con
sequence was a market such a a Is rarely
witnessed except In the days of midsum
mer's oppreARlve heat, and then only In
periods of Inactive trade conditions.
It has been evident for some dnys pat
that the diminishing transactions at the
Stock exchange wore largely in the hands
of professional traders, so that the tniy
profit to be secured must be at the cost of
each other. This condition has a natural
effect of discouraging efforts In a field so
circumscribed. Rut the almost total col
lapse of even the traders' activity which
occurred next came as a surprise. Yester
day s check to the advance which had set
In the day before was particularly Illum
inating as to the proportions of the move
ment, which was clearly limited to a turn
against the shorts. The market today sank
Into a state bordering on stagnation. The
feeble speculation even In such a favorite
as Amalgamated Copper on the eve of div
idend action waa an example of the spirit
of the market. The unchanged dividend
was, in fact, clearly foreseen. Soma Influ
ence Is attributed to the hardening of the
money market, slight as It la as a deter
rent from soeculatlon. The. tiresunce of the
secretary of the treasury In the city gave
rise to some surmises of a possible diacon
ti nuance of the deposit of current customs
receipts with the Ixinks. This forms the
principal source of the accretion of bank
cash now In progress. The withdrawal of
ktanei made by Interior banks here now In
progress, owing to the unattractive level to
which Interest rates have fallen, will affect
the loan Item of the local banks which are
called upon to take over these 1'tuis. The
change resulting Is nominal and other than
real, as the loans of Interior banks which
are beln recalled were made out of de
posits with the New York banks. Those
credits, therefore, were based on the New
lork cash reserve as much as thev will he
when taken over by the New York banks
Abroad the recall by the Rank nf HVancn
of Its credits placed In the Ix-ndnn market
accounts for the retention of the Rank of
England rate at 4H tier cent. The slow re
cuperation of the Rank of France In com
parison with the other great foreign banks
explains the movement to reimburse Itself
for advances made to Ixindon dnrlna- the
period of strain In that market. Discounts
eased in Her n In snite nf the Iumiia of
$100,000,000 Imperial Germany and Prussian
treasury Hills. The British hudiret nm.
posals presented to Parliament today gave
promise of advantage for the money mar
ket In the resumption of sinking fund pur
chases of consols. A renewed decline In
Standard Oil In the curb market was a
feature of the day. The market closed
with an upswing of prices in profrress,
whioh left prices generally above last
mgni s closing level.
Ronds were .Irregular. Total sales, par
value, $l,OM,ono. United States bonds were
unonangea on call.
Number of sales and closing quotations
vii DiuLHi were;
Bales. High. Low. Close.
n u. ii, aiprm ......
Amalsmnuted Coppr
Aa c. r
Am. C. r. pfd
Ask. Cotton oil
Am. Cotton Oil pfd
American Expreta
Am. H. A U pM
American Ice necurltlsa....
Am. Unseed Oil
Am. United Oil pfd
Am. Locomotlva
Am. Locomotlra pfd
Am. n. R
Am. 8. A R. prd
Am. BuCar Rsflnlng
Am. Tobacco pfd etf. ...,..
Anaconda Mining Co
Atchison pfd
Atlantic Coast Una
nltlmor A Ohio
Pal. Ohio pfd
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pacific
Central of N. J , el-dlr
Cheaapeaka Ohio
( hlra.o Ot. W
16,700 :, ui, t3
aoo lev, t
100 t 9
loo sou, l"14 lost
tOO 74 71 71
0 41 CH i
M.KI lim llfV, isn't
100 llMUj nil 1U7V4J
COO 123 122 12214
' 14
1.(00 tl (OUj 41
1.800 4 i 44
$.100 m rr Vi
4.300 M 58H t9Vt
1.400 .174 174K 176 "A
$.KK 4114 41 41'4
t.oiio IM 141 1M
1.1.00 131 li 132
Chicago A N. ' W
C, U. A St. P
Chicago T. A T
Chicago T. A T. pfd
C, C, C. A St. L
Colorado F. A 1
Colorado A Bo
Colo. A Bo. 1st pfd
Colo. A Bo. id pld
Coaaolldataa Gas
Cora Products
Corn Products pfd
rxiawars A Hudson
Dal.. L. A W
Danrar A R. O
D. A R. O. pfd
D stlllara' Bacurltlaa
Brio lat pfd
Krta Id pfd
Oencral Kief trio
llllnola Central
lnlsrnallonal Paper
too no no
too 1 ll
100 7t
100 470
too US
4W 144 lta 14i
100 14
'itio 'ii"
Int. Papar ptd
lot. Pump
Int. Pump pfd
Iowa Central
4 .
Iowa Cantral PIS
100 M "
Kanaaa CKy Bo
K. C. Bo. pfd
100 tl
tuO 117
Loulavllla a w
Mailcan Cantral
' 104
0 114 11344 U4
) 74 74
.1"0 S lH
400 !V 46 44
700 41 SO 41
'i'jc'10 ut in u
too it u u
'. 'S4
.: ti
11,600 114 111 121
Mini). St. L,.
11 . Bt. P. A B. S. M.....
M.. Bt. P. A 8. B. at. Pfd
Missouri Pmoiao
Mlaaourl. K. T
M , K. T. pld
National Laad
N. R. R. ot H. pm
Nw Tork Cantral
N. Y., O. A W
Norfolk A W
Norfolk A W. pfd
North American
Paclflo Mall
Paopla'a Oaa
r .. C. C. A Bt. U.
' 1
.... 7'.
Prasad Steal Car
400 M
100 t
If. V
nt ' i4j
Presaad a. m. v
Pullman Palaos Car...
Raadlug :; "i; '1V
Raadlng lat pM. of -"
Heading 14 pfd, onsrso....
Raputillc BWal
Rapublle Btaa4 pld
Hik laland CO--,;
Kock laland Ct, ptd
Rubbar Good a pfd....
Bt U B. F id P'
Bt. Louis 8. W.
Bt. L. B W Pfd
Southern Paclno
Bo. Pacific ptd
Bo. Kallwar
Bo. Railway pfd..
Tannaaaa C. A I
Toxaa A Pacific
T.. Bt. U A W.....
T , t. U. A W. I4
t'nlon Pacino
Vmou Pacific pld
V. B. Eiuraas
(J. B- Raallr
V B. Rubbar
f' B. Ruboar ptd
U. B. "' :
U. B. Btaal pfa
Va--Carolina Chsml-al
Va--tra. t ham. pld
Wabash pfd
Weatlnghouaa Klaclrto
Waatarn linloa
W haallng U
Wlaconain Cantral
Wia Cantral pld
Northara Pac'a
Cantral U'b :
Ca.lral Uth" P'f
OraM Northarn pfd
Int. Motropoi ttaa
1W 14
l,4oi) 1044 iiH
1.4O0 21
pio at
too $144
11.700 li 11
804, ,
100 r
lno t tS
. . Y .j,
K.tott im in- M
' loo
""'. ,,14
t"0 im
in, 47
16 t'
, s.100 10
100 104 104 10J
1414 14 14
too st
100 u
14 ill IM !'
too u n
100 tl M
1 1, u.' Ill
0 It "i1
f tt M M
,ui :JSZ Ui tk .T. 8U.8
rorrlga Flaaa
RERLIN. April 18.-Tradlog on the Bourse
"ShxTTZZ and"c.l "share, l.n-
IDKDON, April 18-Th. supplies of money
wer. ItWrVasedln th. market 4Y- lf
rousts werT steady. The fact that the
Si ot T England a rat. of discount was
re.luoid UUy waa attributed to tnai
SroblbTmy that the French banker, will
Sradua ly wltndraw the 81& of gold
feft to London banker, during th. latw
lirt of last year. Trading on tha Stock
Kchang. was dull and the ton. was heai
titrni T pending th. prestation of tn.
budaet. In the meantime the disappoint
ment manifested at tn. iwnredurtlon of the
bank aT. caused a slight .aalnaj In th.
pric of ftrat claaa securities but th effe t
was partly offset by the good bank ret u ma.
Americans failed to attract public attention
owing to the uncertainty reuai dlna- the sit
uation In New York and the trading waj
confined to profeaatonala, who put prices
up 14 .var 8au-lty la Ui. foi.iun. TTia
New Tork advices received later depreesed
the market, but prices recovered and the
market closed dull with price steady. Home
rails and foreigners were lifeless. Japanese
lmi-eml 6s of l!4 closed at 1I V
1'ARlf. April 1 -Trading on the Bourse,
today generally whs dull. Russian lnup-rtal
4a were not quoted. Russian bonds of 1904
closed at 496.00.
?(ew York Money Market.
NEW TORK,' April 18 MONEY On call
steady, 22 per cent: ruling rate. it per
cent: closing bid. 2 per cent; ofTered at H4
per cent. Time loans dull snd firmer; sixty
days, 8HH4 per cert: ninety days, 4H per
cent: six months, t per rent.
8TKRLINO EXCHANOrc Fasler, with
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 S640
Hi4. KAi for demand snd at $4 s'iTt M4& for
sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4,834 and
cnmmerrlal bills, 14 K3.
PILVER Far, WHc; Mexican dollars, sue.
BUNT'S Government, steady; railroad.
Closing Quotations on bonds today wera
ss follows:
V. S. raf. Is, rag.. ,.104 Japan ta
do coupon 104 Japan as, 3d aariaa. . ri
. B. la. rag 1054, do 4 ctfs MH
do coupon losu. do 4V4s ctfs
V. S. old 4a rag.... 101 14 dn M aeries 14
do coupon 181 A N. anl. 4a 1W4
1). 8. new 4a. ra....l2l4 Man. e. g. 4a t4
do coupon "... .lloa "Mei. Cantral 4a tl .
Am. Tobacco 4s II do lat lna lit
do la tni v.. K. T. 4a I ' A
Atrhlaon ran. 4s H do 2a M
do adj. 4a It N. R. R. of M. 0. 4a M
Atlantic V. U 4s.... M N. T. 0. g. $s 1
Bal. A Ohio 4s. lCOt'N. J. - C. g la IV
no la r.tNo. Paclflo Is li
Br. R. T. B. 4a... 84 de la 'IH
Central of Os. t lrHN. W. c 4s
oo 1st inc JfiHO. B. 1 rrag. n
do Id Inc 74 Pann. oonr. I Ha. r5a
do Id Inc fl Raadlng gea. 4a ' A Ohio 4Ha ...101 S. U A I. M e Ja lo-
.hlrago A A Ha.. 70 Bt. L. A B F. tg. 4a ti
., H. y. n. 4a 144 apt. b. 8. w. c. aa. . i
., R. I. A P. 4a.... 714 Seaboard A. U 4s.. 74
do col. ta MBo. Pacific 4a W
OPC. A B. L. g. 4s .10 do lat 4a ctfa U
Colo. Ind. (a, aar. A. Bo. Rallwar ta in
Colo. Mid. 4s at "Tains A P. Is lim
Colo. A Bo. 4a K T.. Bt. t A W. 4s... 0
Cuba (a 101 I'nlon PaciBo 4a 10141,
D. A R O. 4a S4 V. B. Rtaal Id it
Dlatlllara' Sao. Ka I.t4 Wabaali la luw
Erie p. I. 4a t Weatern Ml. 4a 74
do gan. 4a KIH'W. A L K. 4a so
Hork. Val. 4Wa 104 Wla Cantral 4a 17
"Hid. Offered.
Ronton Ktnrka and Bonds.
ROSTON. April 1.-Call loans, ZKV per
cent; time loans. 6f per cent, umciti
Closing quotations wera:
Atchlaon adj. 4a frl Atlantic 12
do 4a Illnaham 11
Mel. Central 4s 11 Cal. A Herla 140
4 Copper Hangs tu
f Pair Waat 14
236 Franklin 1
do pfd
Boaton A Albany..
Roalon A Malna 141 Uranbr 110
Moatnn ElCTated 141 Il Royals IT
Fltrhburg pfd 131 Maaa. Mining .., 4
Mexlran Cantral 2 Mi-hitin la
N. Y., N. H. A H..177 Mohftk 77
I n Ion Pacific 114 Mont. C. A C I
Amer. Pneu. Tuba.,.. 7Old Dominion tS
Amer. Sugar llSOaceola HI
do pfd 124 Parrot ....1 40
Am. T. A T lU4,Uulncr lit
Am. Woolao 2 Shannon 17
do pfd aa Tamarack 107
Krilaon lee. Illu....lA6 Trinity 10
Nana. Elactrlo
. H United Copper 40
. MC. 8. Mining tl
. 41 l B. Oil 10
.111 Utah 41
. 44 V'li torla, 1
. 2 Winona I
. 27 Wolverine lit
.100 North Butta II
. I Bulla Coalition tt
. tl "Narada 14
. M'AOai. A Artaona Itt
do pfd
Maaa. Gaa
Cntted Fruit
L tilted 8 M
do pfd
t'. 8. Steal
do pfd
Hid. "Asked.
I.ondoa Cloalns; Stocks.
LONTXiN. April 18. Closing quotations on
the Stock exchange were:
Consols, money ... 14 1-11 M., K. A T
... 17
... 78
... 14
... 14
... 44
... 4
... 44
... 11
... 4
... H
... II
... II
... It
... 24
... K
do account MI-I4N. T. Central.....
.. 12 Norfolk A W
.. tw do pfd
.. W Ontario A W
..101 Frnnaylvanla
..110 Rand Mines
.. 41 Heading
. . 11 Bouthen Railway
..127 do pfd
.. 14 Boutharn Paclflo .
.. 10 Union Paclflo ....
.. 77 do pfd
.. 2411. B. Steal
.. II do pfd
.. M Wabaah
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio.
Canadian Pacific .,
Ches. A Ohio
Chicago Ot. W
('.. M. m Bt. P....
DrBeers .........
D. A R. O
do pfd ,..
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
Illinois Cantral 110 do pfd
boulirllla A N UO Bpanlsb 4a
SILVER Bar, stesdy. S0s-16d per ounce.
MONEY IVU'2 per cenu
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 3-VhH per cent; for three
months' bills, Wti3 per cent.
Xevr York Mlnlna Stocks.
NEW YORK. April 18. Closing quotations
on mining stocks ware
Adamn Con.
19 l.iitis Chlaf ...
.. 4
.. t
.. M
.. M
.. li
Bsunawlck Con. ..
Comaiock Tunnal
Con. Cal. A Va...
Horn Silver
Iron Bilvar
Leadallle Cob. ...
..tl2 Ontario
.. It Ophlr
.. 40 Potoal
.. 14 Bavaga
..100 m.rra Nevada
. .1 email Hopas .. Biaadard
.. 4
Statement Bank of England.
LONDON, April 18.-The weekly state
ment of the Bank of England shows the
following changes: Total rererye Increased
boU00u. circulation decreased &3.0U0. bul
lion Increased 438.250, other securities in
creased i&ty.uuo, other deposits increased
AUVl.iiuO, public deposits decreased 57.000,
notes reserve Increased 722.000 and govern
meat securities were unchanged. The pro
portion of the bank's reserve to liability
this week Is 44 W per cent, as compared
witn per cent last week.
Baak of Franca Statement.
PARIS, April 18. The weekly statement
of the Bank of France shows the following
changes: Notes In circulation, decreased
4,r,D,ijor; treasury deposits, Increased Zl,
3.'H).j0f: general detsoslta decreased 7.850.
UJOf; gold In hand, decreased oOO.OuOf; silver
In hand. Increased S.SOO.OOOf : bills discounted.
increased i.oou.ouur; advances increased 600,
! ooof .
Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, April 18. Today's state
ment of the treasury balnnces In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $150. WO. iXO gold
reserve, shows: Available cash balance,
$U48,88.2in; golr) coin and bullion, $108.11)0,221;
goia certincates, tjs.oju.isu.
Baak Clvarlnsxs.
OMAHA. April 18 Bank clearings for
today are tl.8fjs.747.13, and for the corre
sponding date last year 11,428,463.20.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. April 18 WOOL The Commer
rial Bulletin of boston, basing Its report
upon statistics gathered for the govern
ment will say tomorrow of the wool mar
ket: The sYiarket Is dull and featureless.
V n ... V. , . -1 .. I. n .mail . ... 1 ..... a
; Transactions are confined to small lots, the
at smaller consumers ouying ior inetr im
t ' 28 mediate wants. Large mills continue out
It 44 1 of the market. Good territory wools, which
tl l'S are scarce, command previous prices, but
snort oiotning wools, or wnicn there is
a large supply, meet with little demand
and favor buyers. One-quarter blood
fleece Is also In fairly good supply and
easy. Low pulled wools are accumulating
and are weak. Generally speaking, how
ever, the tone of the market Is steady and
I holders look forward to a maintenance of
' I"8"11' Values when the arrival of new
1 wools sfford buvers a better selection to
! draw from. .Developments In western pro-
J duclng sections are slow. The shipment of
woo, from BoBton to April ,7 mculvet
I according to the same suthorlty, sra 96,-
24o,510 pounds, sgalnst "6,76 881 pounds at
the same time last year. The receipts to
April 17. inclusive; sre 7B 532,908 pounds.
against 8.1.518.131 pounds for the same period
last year.
BT. LOUIS, Mo., April 18.-WOOL
Steady; medium grades combing and cloth
ing. 2-Xi?y-; light fine. So-ijClc; heavy fine,
liiiT7c; tub waahed, 2&337c.
Otl. aad Koaln.
NEW YORK. April 18.-OILS Cottonaeed.
aleady; prime crude f. n. b. mille. S7c; prime
yellow. 4ii4i;vc. Petroleum, ateady; re
fined New York, 8v2o; Philadelphia and
Baltimore. 88.15: Philadelphia and Baltl
rp re In bulk, $4.70. Turpentine, steady, 70
ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good,
$4. 70-04. "0.
OIL CITY, April 18. OILS Credit bal
a rices, $1.78. Runs. S46,bW4 bbls. : average,
U7.111 bbls.. Shipments, 194.2U bbls.; aver
age, 164.1:3 bbls.
Dull. 6tiSc.
ROSI.N-FIrm: Sales 1.641; A. B. C, $180;
D. $t.-fi4.46; E, $4 60; F. $4 62V? 55; O.
$4 6f(4 57i. II. $4 70: I. f.-. K. 15.36. M.
$i.40; N, $660; V. O., $&.; W. W., $t.76J
Busar aad Molasses.
NEW YORK, April 18 BUOAR Raw,
fair refining,; centrifugal, M teat
1 7tc. Molasaea augar, $.04c; refined, firm;
No. 8, 4 40c; No. 7. 4.76c; No. 8, 4. sue; No. ,
4 26c; No. 10. 416c; No. 11. 4 10c; No. IX 4uic;
No. 11, 4.00c; No. 14. 8(160; confectioner. A,
4ve; mold A, 6 16c; cut loaf. 6.6ue; cruahad,
iftx. powdered. 4 sue; granuialad, 4. sue;
cubea, 1 06c.
MuLAbSKS 6teady; New Orleans, open
ke"'e good to cho'ce, 8?fn48o.
Steady; open kettle centrifugal, 8Ia3c;
centrifugal yellow, JSj-taC JKKxinda.
iioLASdES-Qulat; n.w ayiup, 80S4o.
He.Tj Sou f Ctttl of Uinioilly Gootl
Bheesi aaoatloas Arc Well Malav
talaed aad Arrivals Tharaday
Msralag Are Light Market
rieasea All Parties.
SOUTH OMAHA, April la. 107.
Recelota wera: Cattle. Hogs. Bhe.
rT,.i PM..' i n a ai i o
r t?,?J. a'5S BA M
cm weTnesSay":::::: ?:? l':? :m
clal Thuraday'. 10 U0U) I.N0
Four days this week..24.S7 28.S49 49 bO)
Sams daya last week....l.4 3.1W 2b,iM
feame days 2 weeks ago.. IS. 435 lfitibJ 40.M2
Rams days t weeks ago..l4.5M 28,869 40.71U
Hams days 4 weeks eo. .Zi.lM 44.3o3 6o..V,l
Bams days laat year.... 14. 8 J 24.228 4R.41I
The following tabis shows tha receipts of
cattlo, hog a and saeep at South Omaha for
tha year to data, compared with last year:
107. loa.. Inc. Use.
Cattle 845.20 291.70 53. W0
Hoga 73,iMO 7W.7S8 6,o43
tslieep a.i23 6a, 64,ol$
Good to choice corn-fed steers.... $5 .4Otf.00
Fair to good corn-fed steers -8",iT,'!2
Common to fair steers 4.00g4.l
Good to choice fed cows 4 bvu.
Fair to good cows and belfers .4.25
Common to fair cows 2.tu.2i
I-air to choice stockers & feeders.. 4 bt4to.00
Fair to good stockers and feeders.. A0uw4 40
Common to fair stockers I O0ci4.0
Hulls, staga, etc 2.76 u 4.50
Veal calves 4.0Oivn.K
The following table shows ihe avetagj
pries of hogs at Boutn Omaha for tha laat
aeveral daa, with comparisons:
Date. 1X).1Wb.104.11IsJ.1:IWoL
April 8...I $.',14 a I a 4 (i
April ... H3 a 25 4 1
April 10.. I I 8k 80 I 26
A pnl 11..) 411 ( 33 6 iJi, 4 961
April U.. g 4JI 341 6 31' 4 M
April 13.. ti 8 8S 6 INI 4 81
April 14.. 28 6 2ol 4 81
April 16.. 6 39 6 4.1 t 2b I 4 8V
April 16.. 6 43ii 49 4 89
April 17.. 8 ol I 23
April 18.. 4S-'H4 61 t 28 4 80
7 271 8 Ml t 01
7 26
7 22
II HI S bl
80 J $
7 19
6 Itt
t M
8 Hi
T 1
7 22
7 Oi
4 Hi
7 13
7 14 av t 86
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha 13.u4n! 76 ten"!.;
Chicago 1.7tuo66 05 (u-TUrk
Kansas Clry 3.0W4J1.40 8.U0 siM.bD
Bt. Louts l.lst,.oO 20 tfiH-TO
til 011 x City 2.aOa6.6 6.A t.40
The otticlal number ol' cars of stuck
brought In today by eaoh read was:
Cattle, nogs, oneeu. nra
C, M. ft St P S
18 . $
4 2 1
46 4 8
m a
'4 'i
167 16 i
Wabash 8
U. P. By stem 83
C. & N. W., east 4
C. & N. W., west 62
C, Bt. P., M. at O.... 0
C B. ft Q., east 1
C B. & g., west 88
C, R. I. & P.. east... 7
C, R. I. ft P., wast.. ..
Illinois Central 8
Chicago Gt. Western. 6
Total receipts ....236
The dlsuosil.on of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber or bead indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
Omaha Packing Co t3
Bwlft and Company..
3.103 .
Cudahy Packing Co 1,191
Armour ft Co 1.1 m
Cudahy, country
8wlft ft Co., country 64
w. 1. eiepnen 48
Hill ft Bon 8
F. P. Lewis 18
Huston ft Co...: 13
Hamilton ft Rothschild.. 61
Klngan ft Co
Bam Werthelmer 26
Mike Haggerty 38
J. B. Root ft Co 104
8. ft S 226
T. B. Inghram 8
Buuivan Bros 23
Lehmer Bros 8
Independent Pkg, Co 21
United Dressed Beef Co.. 18
Other buyers 817
Totals 5,8S6 11.633 4,614
CATTLE There was- another heavy run
of stock today, the estimate at noon being
for about 6,600 head, making fully 26,00u
cattle for the four daya. A feature of
the offerings was the unusually good qual
ity. In fact, the quality has been excep
tionally good so far this week. Owing to
the storm many of the trains were de
layed and when the market openel less
than half the total supply had been yardud
As has been the case all week, however,
there was an excellent general demand
and on desirable beeves opening prices
were fully steady with yesterday. There
was a disposition on the part of all classes
of buyers to neglect the plain heavv cat
tle, ss well as the commoner lightweight
stuff, snd the market was very slow 011
anything of this kind. Bo far this week,
the market has been In very satisfactory
shape Buyers started out each morning
to get the cattle lower, but It developed
that the demand waa exceptionally good
and the trade closed up strong every dsv,
so that very good clearance has been
made and there Is a strong, healthy under
tone to the trade.
The supply of cows and heifers was
sgaln small and, with the usual vigorous
general demand, the trade ruled active and
prices were fully steady for all useful
offerings. Veal calves, bulls, stags, etc...
Generally sold about In yesterdsv's notches
he late arrival of trains delayed tradlnc'
considerably, but prospects were favorable
for a very good clearance.
Business In Blockers and feeders was
naturally very slow on account of the
storm. Desirable grades of all weights
were picked up at not far from steady
prices, but the market was dull and lower
on the general run of light and medium
weight stuff.
Representative sales:
No. . r- ko. tT. r,
to 140 4 Tl 80 im 8 to
II 140 4 7 17 v -
U 1142 4 10 1 4 11M 8 88
80 7 4 40 14 lutl I 15
T l"t 4 40 tl nil 1 M
11 1110 4 M 40 U4I ( JS
17 1140 4 40 11 nut 1 to
11 lt'4 4 40 14 lt 1 10
14., in 4 40 IT im 8 to
10 It 8 00 ... 1141 M
II U61 I Ot IT 1177 I If
It ;1'4 I 00 11 1121 $ sj
IT 1111 I OB 80 llat I 40
II USI I Ot IT 1471 8 40
IT 1011 6 44 10 1314 6 44
11 i II 1171 8 44
10 V40 I 1" 10 131,1 8 M
I l'l I 10 11 14(11 I tt
II 1041 I 10 0 ..!,4 1 M
44 .lll7 I 10 to 1MI I u
II 1007 i 10 11 M.q t ao
11 ml 1 II II Ult 6 TO
10 1184 8 If N ISM I TO
tl 1140 I I 14 1401 T
COW 8.
It 441 I 40 1 1111 4
17 ion! 4 00 II Ml 4 14
T 181 4 10 7 M7 4 it
14 Ill 4 10 T 1145 4 40
tl I"4 4 10 I U71 4 tO
lu 10l 4 16 10 f44 4 10
11 U 4 40 I ., ,
1 11. 4 40 1 1100 4 Tl
ll 4 41 1 1640 4 N
4 lusT 4 44
4 lit t 10 1 140 4 40
II Ml 4 M II lat 4 Tt
t I0 4 IS 1 HO 1 fl
I to 4 40 1 140 I If
8 UO 4 11 1 140 4 Tl
14 461 4 44 14 1000 4 Tl
HOGS The run of hogs was liberal anl
there was no material change In the char
acter of the offerings. Various reports
from eastern markets and the liberal sun.
ply gsvs buyers the best of the situation
and they had little difficulty In filling their
orders at a discount of 62jlOc from yes
terday's figures. Light and butcher gradi g
were preferred and commanded a good
premium, while all classes of buyers wera
discriminating against the heavy and pack
ing gradea. Tope brought $6 50 today, as
against $6 58 yeaterday, and the bulk rf
the trading waa at 86.27Hti4.36, aa against
$4 37Vi3 4o yeaisrday. The cloae was weuk
at the decline.
Repreaentutlve sales:
Xk At. la. Ft. Ka. at. 3a.
41 IH . . 4 M 44 UT ...
46 ti aO 4 17 41 147 10
41 4 ... 4 to It 1(1 ...
44 40 t 10 75 II ...
tt. lat M t to tl 21 110
71 It 10 4 10 44 147 40
40 lug ... I 40 t r ...
10 lit ... 4 tO tt Ml ...
17 Il 140 4 tu 44 14 140
tl Ml tt t M 44 if.4 to
41 117 ... 4 10 41 a-4 ...
10 U ... 4 U to tit ...
41 tU ... t M 44 Ill 10
10 la 1 140 I 14 tl 144 ...
tl. 14 40 I 10 tt .141 ...
40 li.l 10 4 10 tt II M
40 7 40 4 M 14 in . .
44 M ... 4 14 41 ll IM
44 114 140 I -A To ...It,!
44 Ia4 ... 4 Tl 127
ti a ... I M tt. tt4 4
4 t:4
4 11
1 11s
4 1:
4 us
t 11
4 it
I 12
4 II
I li
4 I
4 It
I an
... to
... t an
... 4 K
at 4 to
... I to
... 4 to
... to
... 4 M
. . IU
... I!
to II
... 4
40 If
... 4 It
It .
44 .
It .
II .
71. .
i4 . . 4 r
f I 40 4 11
. K4
, . If I
. Ill
sea ... a
t1 144 4 K
.. 4 ss
.. I it
.. I It
44 4 M
... I
... 4 4
.. 4 40
40 4 40
... 4 n
.. 4 40
.. 4 40
... 4 40
.. 4 40
. t
8HKEP Onlv nineteen loads arrived this
morning and practically all of these were
shorn. The Inquiry from packers contin
ues good and prices were well sustained
on all grades. Shorn ewes fetched $d56,
shorn lamha $7.35. shorn yearlings and
wethers Brl ao and shorn wethers $ 10. One
deck of wooled ewes went also st $ 10. The
general market was entirely satisfactory I
prices are thoroughly well In line and
demand the entire wee haa been auf-
.'h!.m TlVh o"th
factory shape aa compared with other
Quotations on wooled killers: uoon to
Choice lambe. 88.0MS8.8O; fair to good lambs,
$7.Rofi8.00; good to choice yearlings, lamb
weighta. gi.(ij7.76: tair to goon yearlings,
lamb weights, 8a.8Ou7 00: good to choice
vearllne-a. heavv wela-hla. M .VlfW.OO: fair
to good yesrllriga. heavy weights. $ 8t3
8 50; good to choice old wethers. $n.5fSf7.0t:
good to choice ewes, l.Yxr.Ji'n a; iair to gooa
ewes, $r..36fi6.: clipped sheen and lambs
sell about $1 off from abovs quotations.
Representative sales:
191 western wethers snd ewes... 119 10
8!e) western shorn lambs 77 7 3R
194 western shorn lambs 77 7 80
Cattle Steady, hat Slow Hoga Five to
Ten Ceals Lower.
CHICAGO, April 18. CATTLB Receipts,
8.5(41 head; steady, but slow; common to
prime steers, $4.00rgS6; cow, $3.i'6-00;
heifers. $; bulls, $3 .404i4.HO; calves.
$.7fX(i76; stockers soil feeders, $J.0OUt tux
HOGS Receipts, 27.000 head; fi 10c lower;
Choice to prime heavy, $ii.tkVui hTV; medium
to good heavy, $.iuJ SB; butcher weights,
$6 6;iiJ 70; packing.- fl.2oj bo; good to
Crime mixed, $d.6ii6 lUVi; pigs, $5.f04i.8i;
ulk of sales. Ifi tismi rifi.
SHEEP AN1J LAMBr-Recelpts. 13.000
head; lambs steady; sheep steady to pic
lower; sheep, $4.2(j i.OO; yearlings, 5.25-IJ7.75;
lambs, dityue V.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 8,0ort head, Including 400 southerns:
market steady to strong; choice export and
dressed beef steers, Jo. i04i 40; fair to good,
W.T(tl6.R6; western fed steers, $4.40ii6.0;
stockers and feeders, $3 BOriio.36; southern
steers, $4.1i4i6.36: southern cows, 2.8&ti4.00;
native cows. 82. i6'(; native heifers, $4.00
.60; bulls, $3 .W4.&0, calvea, $3.507. 00.
HOOS Recelpta, 11.000 head; market 60
lower; top, $67H; bulk of Bales, t 451J6 50;
heavy, $.4tKi47H: packera, $o.4tHjj.U,; pigs
and lights, $ft.2j t).6?V.
BHliKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.000
head; market steady; lambs, l7.cOfiX.50;
swes and yearlings, $6.2(ivi.W; western fed
yearlings, $6.25ii'7.oO: western fed sheep,
$&.uoaln.40; stooksra and feeders, $4.0u(jj4.u0.
New York Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 1,669: nothing doing In live cattle,
nominally steady; dressed Deef, firm st 7j
4140 pcT lb. for common to extra native
CALVES Receipts, 222 head; very little
doing for lack of stock, market feeling full
steady: common to good veals, 8ft.0tnyi8.75.
Dressed, steady to firm; city dressed venls,
fcWlo per lb.; country dressed, srjioc;
choice, 10Vk&llc.
SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts. 1,243
head; market nominal, feeling dull but
steady on Buffalo advices.
HOOS Receipts, l,89i head; market
steady; good medium New York state bogs
sold at $7.40.
St. Loots Live Stock Market.
BT. LOUI8, Mo. April 18. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 2,1(0 head; no Texans; market
steady; native shipping and export steers.
to.401utt.DO; dressed beer and butcher steers,
14 ...
M ..
ft ...
41 ..
$6.00n6.66; steers under 1,000 pounds, $4.00'3 three-quarters mustard. $3 00. Sweet pota
4.80; stockers and feeders, $3.504i6.26; cows , toes, $l.lffjl.25. Sauerkraut, oc. Piimn
and heifers, $2.86a6.75; canners. $l.0(i'2.60; kins. 80c$$1.00. Wax beans. 2-lb., SOcifjUl OO.
bulls, $2.6iy&4.60; calves, $3.754.50. I Lima beans, 2-lb , 75rfi$1.36. Soaked peas,
HOGS Receipts, 8,600 head; market 6e 2-lb., 80c; ear' June, 8l.0OQl.16; fancy, $1.23
lower: pigs and lights, $6.20)j6.65; packers, (51 86
$6.aK3$.T0; butchers and best heavy, W.60ia 1 F SH Pickerel, dressed, 9c; pike,
8.70. I dressed,- 12c: white Ash. dressed, winter
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.000 I caupht, 1315o: trout 12fi14o; halibut, llo:
neaa; market steady; native muttons, 23.25
fiitVA; lambs, $4.0iku8.OO; culls and bucks.
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
ceipts, 2,686 heed; market active; natives,
$4.50fd.26; cows and helfsra, $2.2&30.26;
stockers and feeders. $3.76(34.80.
HOGS-Recelpts. 8,262 head; market Vfp
7Hc lower; top, $6,624; bulk of sales. $6.45;
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,675
head; market strong; lambs, $S.00(g8.50;
clipped, $7.20; yearlings. $ti.7W7.25.
Slonx City Live Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY, la., April 18-(8pectal Tel
egram.) CATTLE Receipts, 700 head; mar
ket strong; stockers, steady; beeves, $4.d03i
565; cows and heifers, $i.fytj4.7C: stockers
and feeders, $1.0TS4.b6; calves and year
lings. $3.254., 1.S0.
HOGS Receipts, 5,4(X) head; market 60
lower, selling at $6.2&Al.4o; bulk of sales,
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at th. six principal
svt stern markets yeKterday:
Cattle, Hoifs. Bheep.
Pmith Omaha
f'loux City
'Causes City
St. Joseph
8t. Louis
Total receipts.
.. 6,400
.; 700
.. 8.000
.. 2 66
.. 8.1O0
.. 8.500
.25 73,162 25,275
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, April 18.-METAL8 The
Ixindon tin market was somewhat lrree-u.
lar, but net changes were small, with spot
closing at 186 and futures nt 183 5s. Lo-
cally the market was quiet and about 6
points higher on the average, with spot
quoted at $40.3740.624. Copper was about
6a lower In the London market, following
the sharp advance of yeat.rday. with spot
and futures both quoted at 98 6s. Lo-
cally the market continues unsettled and
more or leea nominal, and prices mav b.
quoted a shade higher; lake, $24.Xfi'35 26
aIoo. .-,.). no rt.-. A. -r . .. . .
23 60. Lead was unchanged at $" ya4i 1(1 "i
th. local market, but declined 3a 6d, to 119
. 1n.ln,London' ?P,'tar was unchanged.
lnuBlor,nMX: r.,",""! !
unchanged to d higher In London, the ad
vance being on standard foundry, which
closed at Ms ltd. with Cleveland warranta
i iu ivju. i.K'auy tne market was un
. SSrSlJX0- 1 roundry, northern, Is quoted
VJW: No- 2 Sundry, northern.
14 7No26.i6; No. 1 foundry, southern t .1 14)
',W;.,11'..J,foun5rv' Bouthern. $.0OH26.00.
SJ. Anrll 18. MKTALS Lead
d'lll. 86.92H- Spelter, lower, $S.o.
Evaporated Apples And Dried Frnlla.
APPLES Market continues quiet and un
changed; fancy are quoted at 8c: choice,
7o: prime, Se; poor to fair, IWitc
rt ttc-k-t, -HIED FRCITS-Puines
sre said fo be firmer on the coast, w'th
holders confident, but th. local snot mar
Vet shows no Improvement. California
'rult ranges from 34c to l?Hc: Oregon
prunes, from 6H.C to 10c. Apricots are
-ery quiet, sunplles arc light and hoMers
show little disposition to make ronees
s'ons. Choice are ouoted st 1744'fi18c- extra
choice, 18Uifile: fancy, Wc. Peaches are
rnohanged. with clce quoted at lignite
etra choice, WfniVtc: fancy, 12iAfil'c:
extra fancy, 18nlfc. Ralslne sre sfeadv!
with loose muscatels ouoted at 8vr"v
eded raisins, 7'4'&l)c; Ixindon layers, $1 60
CofTee M-rlie4
NFW YORK. April 18-COFFFF-Mir-let
for f'ltures opened at unchanged nrlce
to a decline of 10 polnta. which wss C"iM.
eied be'ter than di. on the further b-eak
In the French market. Trading was mo'e
active than recently and there wa con
siderable support from the large bull. ri-t-reats.
on which the market grarluaPy im
proved particularly after the closing eb'
f'om Havre reported ra'ly cf 4 fran" In
P'st market. The local market c'"ed
s'eady. net unchanged t" 6 pi'nis 'o-"e-files
were reported of 22 26 bigs In-lori-I-
g Mt at l.frWfi.SV 6 40- Jul-, k n
40c; 8erpb-r, r't4!. r.c ; tc 1 "5
f' tec : Janusrv. 5 : Marr-h 8 8'"". '0
Pnot market nief to No 7 '. -ntos
No. 4. 74.C. Mild, dull; Cordova, trl24e.
Whisky- Market.
PEORIA. Anrll 1 -WHISKY Steady on
rals of $1 for hlirh wl--
8T. I.OIIS April 1 .-WHISKY fil.Hdv
rn basis of $1 33 for hlrh vl"r..
CHICAGO. April 18. WHISK YPtesdv at
$1 ?S
Ready at $1 29.
Dry fiends Market.
NEW YORK. April 18. The dry goods
riirket was more active for the dsv. In
Jibltera' rlrclaa The shortage of mrr han
U Is Auul. In dumnstlo daparturea. In
knit goods, tan and brown hosiery and In
alia goods and rllil'.ms. Frlcva are holding
very atead). Haw Italian silks hav shown
A material advance. Haw wool is quiet.
Coaditioa ! Trade aad Qactatlsss en
Btaple aad Faaey Prorlaca,
EGGS-Ker dos., 16o.
Ul'TTKR-Tacking stock, lS'iilSc; cholca
to fancy dairy. LTu-V; creamery. :V.'oJo.
LIVhi roL'LTHY-Metis, HllVi old
roiwters, be: tuikeys, Uc; ducks, lw; youug
roosters, tfcuSc; geese, oc.
riNAPrLEa Florida, $5.5Oti.00 per
8 TRAWPKK1UES Choice Texas, 14-quart
cases, K 5i t3 u.
CKAN HhitKl Ml Per bbl., t4.60lS.W; In
'' ,.' ' 'Klr,VS? .,, x,,..,.lri r,en Davis.
COCOANt TH Fer sack or im. 4.uu.
LEMONS I. Imonlera. Su slse, $&.7t; M
gise, tti'ii; other brands, 60c less.
OKANtilCS California navels, extra fancy,
176, 00, Uu, 11 sues, $4.J&; fancy. 1J6, 3.0
to luo eiieu. W.7&; choice, large klaes, pair
box, $3 00. , .
MANNANAS Per meillum slied bunch,
$J.0om2.aT; Jumbos, $2fn'l3 60.
F1U8 California, bulk, Hc: 8-crown
Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish, 11c; 8-crowa
Turkieh 9c.
URAP'r FRl'IT-Slies 64 to 80. $8 80.
DATK8 Kadaway, 6'c; sayers, 5c; h al
io wm, 6c; new stuffed walnut dates, 8-lb.
box, $1.00. Kf;w VF.OBTABLFA
dos. bunches, to'ofnc.
TOM TO KS Florida, 80-lb. crate. $4.00.
LEAF LETTUCE Hot house, per dos.
hHKAlVCLETTt'CE Southern, per dox.,
$1 OKtl 26.
CI CI MPER8 Per dog.. $1.60.
PARSLEY Hot house, per dos. bunches,
FIR riANT Pn-h. boxes, $2.2fvrT27i
A SPA RAO PS $1.75 per dog. bunches.
NEW POTATOES Per lb.. 7c.
RADISHKfl Per dos. bunches, 25c; extra
larre bunchex, 76e dos.
ONIONS Home grown, per bu.. 76c: red
or yellow, Colorado, per lb., 2c; Texas
silver skin, per crate, shout 48 lbs , $260;
yellow Texas, per crate, abrtit 45 lbs., $2.00.
POTATOES Table stock, per bu., 80c;
seed stock. 76c'i $1 .00.
OARPACK New Texas, per IK, 3Ho.
FAHHNIPS Per hu., $1.00.
SWEET POTATi ES Illinois, per large ..
bbl.. $4 60: Wisconsin Rurals and Burbanka,
66c per bu.; Bced, sweet potatoes, per bbl.,
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1.66; No. 8.
Ribs: No. 1, 8c; No. 2, 8c: No. 8, 7a.
Loins: No. 1, 17fc,c; No. 2, 12V,c; No. 8, lOo.
Chucks: No. 1, tic; No. 2, 6c; No. 8, 4o.
Round: No. 1, 7c; No. 2, 7c; No. 8, to.
Plate: No. 1. 4c; No. 2. 2c; I.'o. 8, 4a,
Ribs: No. 1, 1ic: No. 2. 8vc: No. 8, 8c.
HONEY Per 24 Irames. $3 60.
SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, 5.Slt
graniilated beet. In sacks, $5.21.
COFFEE Roasted. No. 56. Sio per lb.;
No. 80. 21c per lb.; No. 26, 19c per lb.; No,
20, 16c per lb.; No. 21, 13c per lb.
CHEESE New full cream Wisconsin
twlna. 17c; new full cream brick, lite;
block Swiss, 19c; llmberger, l&c; Young
Americas. 17c. ,
CIDER New York, half bbl. $2.76; bar
rel, $6.00.
NUTS California walnuts. No. 2. soft -shell,
12c; No. 1, soft shell. 16c: Hraslls,
lrj'uSfltc; pecans, l!Hi22e; Alberts, 12Uo; pea
nuts, raw, 7"iac; rousted, SMic; California al
j (I0 Jer iilO
r a Avsri '
monds, lTHc; laragona, liV4c; coooanuts.
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, west
ern, 45?ifife; Maine. $1.15. Tomatoes. S-lb.
cans, $1.45; standard, 8-lb. cans, $120 Pine
apples, grated, 2-lb., standard, $2.20rfi'2 10;
sliced, $1 75Q2 36- fancy Hawaiian. 2'4-lb.,
$2.75: lS-lb., $1.76. Gallon apples, fHncy.
$2.0i"ff3.0O. California apricots, $2.10 Pears.
tl.76fi'2.50. Peaches, fancy, $1.7Tiii2.40; L. C.
peaches. $2.(Vrr2.60. Alaska salmon, red.
$1.16; fancy Chinook, flat, $2.10; fancy sock
eye, flat, $1 96. Sardines, quarter oil, 83 "S;
1 saimo.i. c'(iic, ranmi, nemos.
dressed, pan frosen, 6c; perch, scaled snd
dressed, 7c; crnppies, round, 631o; crapples,
large, fancy, 15c; black bass. 2Sc: smelts,
sweet and fine, 13c; eel, lc; blue fish, 14c;
red snapper. 12c: roe shad, per pair, 8r78
40c; frog legs, Si7J40c; lobsterB, green, per
lb., 37o: lobster, boiled, per lb., 40tT45c;
mackerel. Spanish, per lb., 16c; mackerel,
native, S5c per lb.; fresh green turtle meat.
S ik'
CURED FISH Family whit. fish, ner
quarter bbl., 100 lbs.. $4 00: Norway mack
erel. No. 1, $35.00; No. 2. $2'.00: herring, In
bbls., 200 lbs. each. Norway. 4k, $11.00.
are somewhat unsettled bv freer offerings
from second hands, who seem desirous of
moving supplies of Immediate grades: quo
tations range from 340 to o for California
fruit snd from 3V,c to 6c for Oregon. Ap
ricots are firm and It Is reported that
offerings for prompt shipments are being;
withdrawn: choice are quoted st 18c.
Peaches are unchanged, with fancy yellows
quoted at I3Hc; fancy M'llr. 14'4jO Raisins
sre firm: loose Muscatels ar. quoted at
8fc; seeded raisins. ft"4!811e.
BRAN Per ton, $19 50.
Bishop Ooodt Declares Former Slaves
Mast Take Maa's Place
la World.
WASHINGTON, April 18. Th. African
board of the Episcopal church is holding
Its session here, with delegates present
from many of the large cities.'
The annual report of Financial Bee-
' retary Lampton, which has been submitted
, ,he board. shows receipts for the last
1 10 1 . , t71 iqr had been'
V"" or Wl 293- of whloh '4-196 naa beeI
retained for salaries of bishops, general
officers and gentral church purposes, $12,903
.... -Hncatlon- 116 129 for church'
. ulburBe1 for education. $l.l.3 ior cnurcn
i extentlon and $58,005 for widows, orphans
and Indigent preachers.
Bishop Ooodt, In an address, declared
1 that "after forty-four year, of freedom
the American negro la no longer an object
of charity nor the ward of th. nation." and
: that "he Is now a full grown man. and
aa such must take a man's place."
Ellery R. Hume snd wife to Ousels
Frank. .74 feet lot 18 and B74 feet of
wlO feet lot 17, block 2, Armstrong's
1st add., South Omaha $ s.OOO
Grace W. Eames el al to New Hump- .
shire Fire Insurance company, lot 1,
block 1Z3, Omaha 1
Mary E. Hale et ul to 8arnh Vengro-
vllch, 60 feet lot 3, and n,4 lot 9, '
Preston & Williams' add 7,080
Edward D. Burne.II and wife to Caro
line Burneli, W4 lot 8, bloclt 158.
Grandvlew ' a
Pcttr J. Farrell and wife t.i Wllllnm
MartynowlecB, sbo feet lot 5, block
to. S.iuth Omaha 43
John J. McDonald to Parkway Real
Estate company, eSO fet lot 7. block
7s. South omalia, and other l"te 1,600
Harvey J. Grove to Delia M. Mc
Andrewa, Willi feet 3)0 feut e435 feet
block bi, Benson L300
William 11 Herdman to William T.
NelHon. lots 17 amd 18. block 15,
Orchard Hill LOO
Archibald Iendrum to Mary I- Nel
son, lot 11. block 3, KlrkwoiHl add L200
Juliet I. Emery to Maitln E. Carleon,
lot 5. block 9. Omha V'li w 1.060
George Munich arid wife to lYancla
can SlMcrhcod. n sublot 3, taxlot
7. In nt' a.-4 27-15-13 4,000
HHdur Appelaren to Carl W. Ander lots 18 and 19, block 12. Itose Hill 100 .
Mary J. Hempsted to Ixabtlla Mc
Donald. w4 ht 4 and lot 6. block 1,
Mavnes 1st udd.. Valley , L200
Frances A. Tucker to B.-lwvn Iv.herty,
lot 4. block 23. Omaha View Extent-ion
, o
Kh.. and Anna H. Bnydcr to E. R.
Hume. s74 fiet lot 18 and sT4 feet of
wlo feet lot 17. Armstrong's 1st add.,
8uth Omaha XTEO
J Im H. Merchant snd wife to Byron
!''-d company. s4 lot 7, block X,
Horhach's 2d add t
Fred C. RHtcllft et al to O.-nge W.
M"re. tiVi lot 1, Hprlng Valley 800
Gcrre W Moore et al to Thomas H.
Mitcr nV, lot 1, Spring Valley 800
Ob' H And. ruin and wife to Marie
K. To'stiup. lot 7. Fa'tmount l'lace I.10J
Oeo'ge Eeesenden to (l."ira W. Iing,
eTu feet lot Vt. EIHsloiie Park Plaoe
ad1 4"1
Csrrle L. pehm end husband to Forest
K H. hm, lot 17, block 8. 1st aid. to
West al l-
J ihn F. Hehm to Carrie I pehm. lots
n and in, block . 1st sua. in
WtsUlde :
Total amount of transfers