Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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X shall he glad to mt my friends at
th-i People's Store. Brantley Esat.
Tldtlng BrfMxh Visiting Kurwi'
ncwn-latlon will meet Thursday mnmlni at
3. mi the i-axton hotel.
Krw Store New goods. . nothing
men and women, hats, shoes, furniture,
carpets, draperies, stoves. Cah or credit.
Union Outfitting Co.. II1I-JMI rmra.
Hayor In Demand Mayor tftlman and
! la cowboy quartet went dowd to Platta
mnuth Tuesday evening to help out 1H a
tmxar being gtven by the Flattsmouth bass
5a 1 1 team. The mayor apoke and the quar-
tet stng.
AaM rarroU Gets Dlroree Anna Far
pall haa secured a decree of divorce In.dls
trlct court from Joseph Parrell on grounds
of cruelty. Minnie Sherman haa pled a pe
fVitlon asking for a decree from Joseph
i Sherman, alleging extreme cruelty and non
f: aupport.
John McCann la Court John McCann
came before Judge Troup Wednesday on an
nrpeal from a South Omaha court finding
him guilty of aaxault and battery agalnat
Anthony McGlnty. McCann and McQInty
ure neighbors' and the trouble aroae over
the grading of a lot belonging (a one of
The Sick Ust The conditlona of Major
Bradner D. Slaughter, paymaster United
Btntea army, and of Assistant Cuatodlan
Charles Baxter of the federal building are
reported aa materially Improved. Both pa-
tlenta are now considered to have passsd
the critical stage of their Illness and their
convalescence Is expected.
Bsrqulat Salt Dismissed Judge Ken
nedy late Tuesday afternoon dismissed the
Injunction suit brought by Axel Berqulst
against Jay Laverty and other members
of the present school board of South
Omaha to prevent their electing teachers
and Janitors for the coming year. The
Injunction was asked on the ground that
the old school board had no light to elect
a force, but should leave It to the newly
elected members.
X.arg-e Tract of land Bold The large
vacant tract of land on Iake street ex
tending from Sherman avenue to Eight
eenth street haa been bought from John
C. Cowln for about tlO.ono by Hastings &
llejden and Garvan Bros. The tract con
tnlna seventeen lota, many of them cov
ered by a dense growth of apple trees,
which will be platted and placed on the
market this month. The lot Is directly
vest of the Sherman apartments and north
ol the Majestic apartments.
rather fudge Indisposed Too close at
tention to duty while recovering from a
severe attack of grip haa compelled Father
Judic of the Sncred Heart parish to plaoe
himself under the care of hla physician,
who has advised him to Ycmaln In bed for
a few daya. His weakened physical con
dition was noticed by the congregation last
Sunday and friends then advised him to
be careful. A little rest and proper nour- J
uiimeni, me aucior says, is an mat Is
needed and that hla alcknesa is not at all
Stranded la an Anto County Commls
rioners Solomon, Brunlng and Trainor a.nd
County Surveyor Beal spent the greater
Tart of Tuesday night in a three-legged
automobile trying to set from Kile Cllv to
I tii a h a The renchiMi Omaha iKnuf Arnmr '
fter a harrowing experience. They htd
taken the auto to go to Valley to Inspect
the Platte river bridge there. While In
Fremont a tire gave out. It was repaired
and they got along well until near Elk
Cltn when It exploded. They made the
rest of the trip on the rim and It was early
morning before they got heme.
Careless Hunter Pined Phlllppo Graco
pleaded guilty In Justice Foater'a court
Wednesday morning to shooting at and
pursuing birds at Cut-Off lake and waa
fined $6 and costs. He was apprehended by
Deputy Game Wardens Smith and Fierson.
These deputise say they will stop all shoot-
Ir.g at Cut-Off, ao It Is not only a viola
tion of the law, but is also dangerous be
cause of the large number of people who
visit Iho lake. This was the first prosecu
tion In Douglas county under the new game
hvw. '
County Supplies Coat leas The coat of
supplies at the county storehouse has de
creased more than two-thirds In the last
two years, according to a tabulation made
by Deputy County Auditor Fanferllk. His
tlgures cover the cost of groceries arid coal
during the first quarter of the last four
years. The totuls are aa follows: 1904,
tt.639.13; 1306, tll.2J8.76; 19U6. $5,S3S.77; 1XJ7.
l3.CSt.9S. The reduction In cost la attrib
uted to the policy of the preaent county
board and atorehouae keeper of making a
thorough investigation in every case In
which aid is asked of the county.
General Thayer Honnment Committee
A committee, consisting of Captain C M.
Balrd. O. C. Bell. C. M. Parker anl F. A.
Truell, of Lincoln, visited Omaha Tuesday
to Inspect the Douglas - County Sol's I era'
monument at Forest Lawn cemetery, with
a view to recommending a design for a
monument to the late- General John M.
Thayer, for which purpose the state has
appropriated the sum of 11,200. The com
mittee was appointed by Governor Sheldon
for this purpose. While In the city tha
committee was the guest of Captain
Thomas A. Crelgh.
Constant mtader "Constant Reader"
again writes to The Bee that be la unable
Dr. Price, the famous food
:xpert, has produced a product
which is considered to represent
the highest food production.
Its healthful qualities arc unsur
passed. . 10 ctnts a packaz. '
For maim by all Gr)r
TCOTH Tlllt N9. 114
' )
"Palaleoa Dentistry," ao (a aa
J am ooneorned, means 0rslil
DutUU;." Taws a notion -terioma
aboat It eacnuii easo
and ommom sense, oonpled wtt
lbs helps given na y aoieneo. I
Xf yen dread dental work coma,
to me and talk rt eves. At loan
give mo eredlt fo tax alnooro
when S tell yen that I am mor
ally certain that I
than an dan tut anywhere.
Phone Doug. tlT.
ttl Boo Bldg.
to find the decedent bill, the exemption
bin nr the city engineers bill In the dtseat
of lawa publlahed In The Bee. If he will
end hla full addreaa to The Re. a marked
J copy of the raper will be eent to him. or
' vt'l ran at the offlre the lawa will be
' ' . The exemption law
am.rtm-t !e p-jV.l!.! In the f.ret eoi
uf the digest, the decedent bill In the
tUrd and the engineer's bill In the alxth
column. To quote from hla lateat letter:
"You will pardon my persistence, but you
knew human nature la such that when we
know we are right we like to atlck to It."
Bendalow at Sappy BoUow Tom Bend
alow, who Is connected with Spalding A
Co. of Chicago, arrived In Omaha Wednes
day morning or the purpose of laying out
the golf course at the new Happy Hollow
Country club. Mr. Bendalow la an expert
In outlining golf grounda. having laid out
over 40 In Canada and the United Btatea.
He wli engaged by the executive com
mittee of the new country club. Mr. Bend
alow waa taken out to the club grounds
west of Dundee by Frank H. Gaines, chair
man of the greens committee, and will be
gin work Immediately on the golf courae.
The membera of the club are congratulating
themselves upon securing the aervlcea of
Mr. Bendalow.
Karnes Shoshons rails H. L,. Holllster
of Chicago, with party of twelve capital
ist, went west on the Overland Limited
Wednesday morning to make filings In
Idaho with the Idea of developing electric
power at Shoshone falls and the new land
In which the power will be marketed. The
project of harnessing the great Bhoehone
falls bids fair to be realized within the
next few weeks, according to Mr. Holllster.
It Is expected a great canal aeventy miles
long and big enough to float a ahlp will be
completed by the aprlng of 1908 and the
power for constructing thla will be fur
nished by the Shoshone falls power. By
that time the 0,0X acres lying north of
Snake river will be cut up Into 2,000 farms
and the farmers will be ready for the
waters of the 8nake river.
Banquet la Postponed Plans for the
proposed banquet to be given by the Real
Estate exchange to F. D. Wead, W. G.
Ure and Charles F. Harrison us a testi
monial of their work In aiding to secure
the psssage of the terminal tax bill, have
been indefinitely poatponed. Mr. Harrison
appeared before the exchange Wednesday
noon at Its regular weekly meeting and
suggested that the banquet be dispensed
with as being untimely during the busy
season of the year. President Rostwlck
exhibited a map drawn by the officials of
the building Inspector's office showing the
fire limits of the city, of which only a
few membera of the exchange were cogni
sant. It waa also reported that ' building
operations during the present year were
far In advance of last year, when only 21$
permits were Issued, as agalnat 411 to date
from January 1. I. Crossmnn was formally
elected to membership In the exchange.
D. Gepson of Danlaa), Iowa, Be
comes Truant Officer, Sneccrd-
lug Parker.
At a special meeting of the Board of
Education held Wednesday noon, E. D.
Gepson, was appointed truant officer to
succeed William Parker, resigned. Mr.
Gepson's appointment takes effect at once.
The new truant officer come highly recom
mended and Superintendent Davidson feels
confident Mr. Gepson will be a credit to
the position. There were several applicants
(or the ofllce, which pays 11,200 a year.
Mr. Gepson lived In Dunlap, la., and
waa graduated from the University of
Iowa and the Iowa State Nqrmal school.
He is now taking a post graduate course
in the educational department of the uni
versity. He taught in the Dcuglaa County
Detention home last summer , .
Suuerlntendent DavMeon - haa received i
from Dunlap, Glldden. Iowa City, Cedar j
Falla end Missouri Valley splendid recom
mendationa of Mr. Gepaon'a capabilities.
J. H. Beverldge, superintendent of - the
Missouri Valley schools, assured Mr.
Davidson that no mistake would be mado
In selecting. Mr. Gepson. H. H. Seerley,
president of the Iowa State normal, also
spoke In high terms of Mr. Gepson. In
view of the new child labor and compulsory
education laws being now operative, Mr.
Davidson and the membera of the school
board were anxious to aecure a strong
man for the vacancy. In this connection
It haa been auggested that the Incumbent of
this office be hereafter referred to as
"attendance officer," Instead of "truant
officer," the former name being more ex
pressive. It was thought
Member McCague at the special meeting
said he believed It should be the policy of
the board to "make hast, -lowly." in the
matter of enforcing the child labor and
compulsory education laws, as the Inter
ests of both patrons and employers were
FsJla I'rem Packet ( Man mm He Es
capes Thro nan Window of
Betrayed by a Union Pacific trainman's
l.tructlon book, which fell from bis pocket
When he msde his escape from a house
Into which he had broken, James R. Sum
ner waa arrested Tuesday night by Detec
tives Pattullo and Davis at the yards of
the read as he called there In search of a
position, after laying In wait for him all
afternoon. Sumner was taken to jail and
Wednesday morning was bound over to the
district 'court In bonds of H.OOu ty Judge
Crawford on a charge of breaking and en.
Sumner Is considered a most Important
capture by the police, as he la believed to
be the man who has committed at least
six of the recent small burglaries -reported.
When arrested the watch stolen at the
home of Otto R. Rasmunsen, JOT Wool
worth avenue, Monday night waa found
oh hla person, and he waa therefore
charged with having broken Into that
Bumntr'i undoing reaulted from the at
tempted robbery of the Brown home, tig
Pierce street. Monday night. Mrs. Brown
eaw the robber in her oearoom and
acreamed. He made his eacape by way of
the window where be had entered, aecurlng
no loot. In the morning an lnatructlon
book tor Union Pacific trainmen waa
found at the window and turned over to
the police. The theory waa evolved that
the robber had applied for a Job with the
roa4. nnd Inquiry at the yardinaater'a of
fice disclosed the fact a man answering
the description given by Mra. Brown had
applied for a job. The detectives stationed
themselves at the office and were rewarded
by Sumner's appearance In the evening,
and they arreated him. Mrs. Brown was
positive in her Identification of Sumner at
the police atatlon Wednesday morning.
Now eok Oat tor Ithenaaattssn.
The grip haa been unusually prevalent
during the past wlntsr, and In many caseo
la likely to bo followed by aa attack of
muscular rheumatism. This la the moat
aorarnon variety of that disease and least
dangerous. There Is ao swelling of the
joints and the pain la not ao excruciating
aa In acute or inflammatory rheumatism.
It is sufficiently severe to disable a man.
however, and every movement Increases
the pain. Keep aa quiet aa possible and ap
ply Chamberlain a Pain Balm freely with
a thorough massage, and you are eertala
to get quick relief.
Faster ef Evoiee fmbrtfriai Chorea
Goes to Bellavne llsrt
Rev. R. M. L. Bradea Is He
Elected Paatar-t-LnraT lor
the' Preafcftery ef
The final session yesterday morning of
the annual meeting of the Omaha
presbytery waa opened Wednesday with
a devotional service led by Rev. &
Aston. Rev. R. M. L. Brandon waa
re-elected pastor-at-large for the Omaha
presbytery. Reports received from the
aeveral departments of church work
ahow a most encouraging outlook and a
very flourishing financial condition. Mrs.
James Patton gave the report of the
Woman'a Foreign Missionary society, which
showed an increase in contributions and a
broadening of the scope of the wrok.
Rev. Dr. T. K. Hunter presented his resig
nation as pastor of the Dundee church and
was appointed financial secretary of Belle
vue college. Rr. Mr. Ramea was called, to
the pastorate of the church at Blair and
accepted the ralL Arrangements were
made for hla Installation and also for that
of Rev. B. J Brethouwer aa pastor of the
Marietta and Colon churches.
A committee was appointed to draw up
reaolutlona upon the death of Rev. William
Nlchol. whose funeral waa held Tuesday
at Bellevue.
During the morning Evangelist William
son, the blind minister who has done work
In the Omaha presbytery for some yeara.
addressed the ministers upon hla work,
showing its nature nnd the encouraging
results which It yields.
Yoqbk Men Licenced to Preach.
At the afternoon session two graduates
of the Presbyterian seminary were or
dained and two licensed to preach. The
former were C. C. Sawtell, who expects to
go to the foreign mission field, and Vaclav
Mlnlberger, who will accept a call to the
pastorate of the Bohemian church In South
Omaha. George A. Velth an l George Winn
were licensed to preach.
Mlsehlef In West and Southwest Will
Not Affect Prices Greatly
eve Expected.
Contrary to the general Impression, the
harm of recent heavy frosts throughout
the west and southwest will be at a mini
mum as far as the Omaha produce mar
kets are concerned, although the consumer
will notice a slight advance In price on
early fruits.
The strawberry crop In Arkansas, Texas
and the south has not been Injured and the
same condition prevails In regard to the
berry crop In western Iowa and Nebraska,
where the crop was not far enough ad
vanced to be materially Injured.
The froat has set back the southern crop,
which will redound to the benefit of local
merchants by delaying the pick and pre
vent congestion In large shipments. One
car of southern berries arrived Tuesday
and another Wednesday, whereas If the
growing crop had not been retarded slightly
by frosts shipments would have been ao
heavy as to caupe trouble In their rapid
Slight damage to the berry crop la re
ported In northern Missouri, but the only
small fruit damaged In thla section of the
country Is apricots, which probably will
be a total loss. Raspberries, blackberries,
cherries, apples and plums have not been
seriously hurt by frost and the effect of
"ht froet on Plum treM wlu hav" ben-
eflclal effect by reducing the heavy growth
and Increasing the sixe of the fruit. Some
early peaches have been killed by frosts,
but a good crop of later varieties la ex
pected. Indications point to a bumper crop of
Concord grapes, .which have not suffered
in the least by adverse weather condi
American Society of Eqolty President
Visits Omaha on Important
J. E. Everltt of Indianapolis, president of
the American Society of Equity, is In
Omaha for the purpose of arranging for a
nnnu.ntlnn nf .ruin irrnw.r. n f fh !
i wheat proauclng ,tate, to take pac.
In Omaha June (. and 7. An Invitation
was extended by the convention committee
of the Commercial club to hold the conven
tion In this city and Mr. Everltt was as
sured of the hearty co-operation and moral
support of the club.
The object of the American Society of
Equity la the protection of producera of
grain, tobacco, cotton and other commodi
ties by the formation of a national mutual
Interest organization. Mr. Everltt reports
that he organised the tobacco growers of
the country so as to obtain much higher
prices for their products and It is the aim
of tha association to organise wheat
growera In the aame manner.
Delegatea representing the local uniona
of the aociety will meet In the convention
next June to devlae a plan of action for
the holding of the 1907 wheat crop until
a price of tl per buahel can be obtained.
Every atate In the grain belt Is now being
exploited with thla end In view and the
Omaha convention promises to be largely
Mr. Everltt left for Hastings Wednesday
evening to meet with the membera of the
local. county union In that city.
Decided Pros la Merenry Is Regis
tered, with UI-Effeet to Early
Snow fell In Omaha on April IT.
Just 2 above sero was the time set by
the thermometers Wednesday morning In
Omaha. The day started In all right and
many nervy cltlsena had tha temerity to
come downtown without overcoats or urn
brelias. Even the robins began to whistle
two-step time Instead of "From Green
land's Icy Mountains." It was noticed.
however, that when Weather Forecaster
Welsh got onto the Famam street car dur.
lng the morning to come downtown he had
a determined look about him, and snow
began falling before 1 o'clock, steadily
gaining until It settled Into an old-fashioned
Bnow Is also reported out at North
Platte, Just a trace, however. Rapid City
Is also contemplating a snowball carnival.
Up at Valentine the weather la reported
good, with no snow, and so It la at Chay
enne. Lender Is entertaining a small anow
fall, but elsewhere In the orange belt Just
gray, chilly looking clouds are on duty,
The weather bureau Intimates showera mar
bo expected tonight, with warmer tonight
and Thursday.
NORFOLK. Neb., April 17. The tempera
ture over northern sod southsrn South Da
kota dropped to 14 degrees above sero dur.
lng the ulght. It waa not thought much
damage to fruit had been done, though It
was Impossible to know until the sun
tnio ojL
Be Want Ads produce results.
At the..
Offered in
No Disfcpporatments
MASTER-PLUMBERS RE-ELEC1 Cemplatt Changs in Cf&o'als to Eel
idify Their Onran ution.
Session at Which These Men Are
Selected Is Said to Have Been
Animated nnd Irregn
lnr. ' An upheaval waa created In the ranks of
the Master Plumbers' association Tuesday
night, when an entire new staff of official:
was chosen to supersede the former regime
under the lead of the former" president.,
J. J. Hanlghen. A complete reorganisa
tion of the association was effected. Joseph
Johnson of the Western Heating and
Plumbing company waa elected president,
vice J. J. Hanlghen: T. F. Balfe, vice
president; W. M. Bellamy of Bellamy
Hornung succeeds Henry Kruger aa treas-
New' Smith Premier
ipMT f " . . Billing Machine
SK docs the foUowlng things:
Unusual Bargains
.)iXJi..i. iim mmm awuinii mnumiaiLUUiiiiii.i .unnnm ! mi i..m i. in u . maKsai'msum
urer, and D. W. Dudgeon Is the new secre
tary, taking the place of Fred Kuehn.
The meeting was held in ths rooms of the
association in the Bee building and is re
ported to have been an animated session,
the new officers being In the nature of a
compromise between two factions for the
purpose of solidifying the organisation.
The new president. Joseph Johnson, haa
risen from the ranks to an employer and
Is reported to be a union sympathiser. In
contrast to the policy of the former presi
dent. The other new officers elected Tues
day night are, however. In favor of the
open shop.
It was stated the new election was Irreg
ular, aa the terms of the old officers had
not expired, and that the special election
was sprung as a surprise.
It is believed the recent action will have
the effect of causing closer relations be
tween two factlona In the association,
which differed on pollclea during the recent
lockout of the Journeymen.
HUioarlaa AeqaKted.
WICHITA, Kan., Aprint Roy Blng Ste
vens was acquitted of the charge of having
murdered Dora Bright in a rooming house
In this city In September last. Stevens Is
s traveling saleamun. They both came here
from Rose Hill, Mo.
"rjllll lit V Vl 1,1 1 tLX
Smith Premier Typewriter Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Plant to Grind Steel Mill Rolls Will
Bo Established by Sander
lands. Machinery haa been ordered by the Sun
derland Roofing and Supply company for
the establishment of a plant in Omaha for
grinding snd corrugating steel rolls used In
large rolling mills. The plant will be In
operation within sixty daya In the building
bought by the company last fsll at Tenth
and Douglas streeta and will give employ
ment to about ten skilled mechanics.
It Is the purpose of the Sunderland com
pany to establish the best plant west of
Chicago and cater to the trade of Utah,
Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, the Dakotas
and Nebraska. The millers of the several
states In the territory have been obliged
to send their rolls for grinding to Dubuque
or Chicago, and much of the work will now
be diverted to Omaha.
The machinery which haa been ordered
will coat about 17.100 and la of delicate con
struction. The rolls used for crushing
grains have to be ground perfectly true
and even from one end to the other to the
Makes out a bill in duplicate or trip
licate, anry enters same on a
loose leaf sales
one operation.
Condenses the charges
sheet without loss of space.
Does not smudge the sales sheet with
the carbon.
Changes at a touch on the lever from
either purple copying or non
i fading black ink to red
for inserting credits,
for emphasizing words
or phrases.
Does all of these things at one opera
tion and without changing the
sheets. Is the quickest billing
machine for unit and compound
systems. The
1 i l U' kl
! Wholesale
Railroad Way Bills
(Statistical Work
Should be Investigated
by all wb make out
'Intricate Tabular Work
I Statement Work
Library Indexing
i Legal Documents
Offered in
No Disappointments
fineness of one-ffve-thousandth part of aa
Orders have been received from millers of
Nebraska and the west which Insure the
success of the new plant and give promise
for the permanency of another Infant In
dustry In Omaha.
Chamberlain's Caaga Remedy
Medicines that aid nature are always most
effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
acts on thla plan. Jt allaya the cough, ra
ils ves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens
the secretions and aids fiature In restoring
the system to a healthy condition. Thou
sands have testified to its superior excel
lence. Three Daily Trains to rhleaco
From Union atatlon, Omaha, T:CS a. m
S:4t p. m. and 8:85 p. m. dally. Arrive
Union station, Chicago (In the business and
notel district), at 9M p. m, 86 a. m. and
1:3 a. m., respectively. Comfortable berths,
excellent dining car service, courteous
treatment of passengers. F. A. Nash, Gen
eral Western Agent. 1624 Farnatn 8U,
on the
and Retail Dills