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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
12 THE OMAIJA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, ArRITj 18, 1907. M M n n s n i M M 4 5 Q5 Thursday is Chocolate Day "SWEETLANB" at BR.ANDEIS EAST AUCADE Chocolate Day meets with a wonderful response every Thnrsday and it is making "Sweetland" the most popular confectionery corner in all Omaha. "We want Omaha peo ple to become better acquainted with this dainty section in Brandeis East Arcade so we make this exceptional offer every Thursday. The most delicious Cream Choco- c lb lates the actual 40c lb. kind 20 dif ferent flavors for Chocolate Day in Sweetland. 20 We hare numerous other specials every day at popular prices. Tou will receive the best of attention la "Sweetland." , " TILE - LIKE That Newest and Best COLORED VARNISH Proven by Actaal Service to be the Very Best Thing Ever Produced for Putting a Perfect New Finish on Old Woodwork. 5 VERY SIMPLE TO APPLY A CHILD CAN USE IT. DRIES QUICKLY and DRIES HARD. LEAVING A SUR- 5 FACE AS SMOOTH AND SOFT as the Finish on a Piano Ok ft r; I iw'l 1 JY Hi VW VVIfTIWfV OFFICIAL WEATHER FOKKOAST For Thursdays Fair. '3 w aia it it ii i ti i mi ft 1 1 M ri ostaJLa.'s nma roos mmi We'rs after your Grocery trode, and If selling "Better Things to Bat m for Leas Money" has anything to do il with setting it, we are bond to suc ceed. We submit the following Genuine Grocery Bargains for this week. too Cases Tomatoes, per can lOo per dosen ....91.18 500 Cases Corn, per can. ........ .Be per dosen . . .85c 200 Cases Soups, per can ISC regular values 2Sc and 85c. 100 Canes Lima Beans, per can.. Bo 200 Cases Genuine Maine Corn, per ran lOe per doxen. .. .91.13 4 5c Slse Schilling's Baking Powder, this sale . OBo 15c Macaroni, this sale lOo 48 lb. Sack Good Flour 91-00 4 8 lb. Excellent Flour 91-18 Bulk Spices, (not strictly pure) lb. at 7e and So Pretzels per pound So Soda Crackers, per pound So Fig Newtnns, per pound ......... lOo Pancake Flour, per pkg ....So Gibson's Anti-Lye Prunes, according to slse, at, per lb So, To, 8o Seventeenth and Douglas fi Private Exchange connects all Depts. It For Floors. For Woodwork. For Furniture. For Oil Cloth. Will Not Crack Nor Show White Even When Dented With a Hammer. 5 2 r J A Good I Shoe for $3.50 im H ii klUiiGi A Free i ample Can of Tile Like will ue presented to every caller in our housefurnishing department on Thursday. BASEMENT OLD STORE 5 All Colors in Tile-Like Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, Cher ry, Natural, Dead Black, Green, Etc, and the colors are rich and beautiful. Can be applied to anything, wood or metal, and everything is improved by it. TILE-LIKE It gives a beautiful glossy finish to hard or soft wood floors. It restores doors to their original newness. It changes or restores the finish of any furniture. It adds to the wear of the linoleum or oil cloth or gives a splendid polish that won't come off. ' Makes wicker chairs or porch chairs look like new. You simply can't afford to do without it in your home. H The price of a pair of shoes Isn't much, yet it is a great deal when you pay It out for a pair of men's shoes that are worth only half the money you pay for them. Our 93.50 specials for men In the . new . styles of low shoos . are worth every oent of the price every pair has more than $3. SO values to them and our positive guarantee is your money back if you are not satisfied. Patent colt, velour, box calf and vlci kid. All the new and latest lasts. Drexel Shoe Co. 2p lot eiL Pints lor Pints $-j35 lor One-Dall $950 JL Gallons. 1 for Qts. for Gallons 1419 Faraam St j! J - n -,-JII Pi j Special Demonstration Thursday Drandeis' Housefurnishing Department Basement Old Store. 5 West Arcade S?l3 Wesi Arcade SALE of CUT GLASS &p$: Rich Cut Glass Tumblers m'W' Very Uandfomt colonial cutting fluted l pattnrns, one ot our new 1907 designs. II fllii. mm strictly high grade ia every respect- r -. j 1 . . . . . . . 11 ran 01 one aozen t a customer, eaen Special Discount of 20 Per Cent on Balance of Entire Line Thursday. drTdrad DURY7Dontict7::mr:n.,,.. 18 04 FARNAM STM OMAHA. Ph Douglas 178C BzxmoCfesg a -w.--wr--"v We make a specialty PereelaiB Fills. .91 Bp " stf metal sod roaHeae Crown t2.S0 p fVvv S pUtM. PaimlsM work la Bridg Wsrk . 2.60 ay Sj YVVVV-J OV"- Work rUtas).. 3.00 ap 1 I I I r rojranto4 10 HOUSE CLEANING TIME Is hr throw sway your old clock and buy a nw ens. V lisvs s Very tilos slock new, Uilr ones tor ths room, ttitcnen or siscplnc room. It 1 amount or money to get s good rood stylo mutUl dock. It. 14 and from II to l&. ook for ths name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 161 Douglas Street ' mantel, dining- roo X doesn't take a larf f A clock these days a Hmall clocks 1 5? THEY'RE ALWAYS EIGHT Mads of ths BtlsT UAVA-NA luuAUXfc Sunshine Sells Shoes and Oxfords Ths sprint season causes you to buy comfortable styles in ths NEW ONES mi izu rom S3ya S4 Walk-Over Shoe Store 1IZI FAKMM STREET ED. B. THOMPSON, Ths walk-Over Man !!M Jl mis i mm ILU1L'JMUSI 1 "COULDN'T KEEP HOUSE WITHOUT IT is a frequent expression of the opinion of hundreds or nousewives in umana, Bouth Omaha and Council Bluffs, retarding; the efficiency of oxs Death to Buss A Is a rsd liquid (don't accept a green substitute) and when it evaporates It leaves a crystallns powder and bugs won't stay anywhere near that. Every bug touched by it la a goner ears snd every ess killed Instantly. We furnish, free, with M gallons or fallons, a pint oil can with a long spout, o use it with. Pints 16c. quarts 15a, H gallons lOo, gallons 0c- Listen If you ars going to use any paint py kind of paint or Jap-a-lac see us and save a fcunca ot mousy that's all ws usaa Itl Schaefer's Drug Stores llth and Pourlss Bta Soots. Omaha N. W. ieth Omaka Cor. end C'hlcaso Sts. Cor. 14th and N Sts. OouaoU luJts 6th Ave. and Main Sts. The druggists who don't have to sub stitute. BAILEY a MACII DENTISTS Third FUar. Paxton C!rk. Highest Cratle Dentistry. T?N'f 8 PROTECT Ills! I Cf Strtii 0. (ii m-s. a M REMNANT THURSDAYi Lining Remnants Moire FMrtlnrn, ele gant qualities, Mer cerlxed Pateen, Spun Glass, etc., worth 20c and SOo. on sale Thursday In various lengths, yard 7c tSo French Batiste, heavy goods, very best styles, small checks or all colors with dainty rose pat terns, beautiful com bination of fast col oring;; French greys. French blues one of the best wash fabrics brought to this coun try fine dresn or waist lengths, Thurs day, yard ISO First Great Sale Men's lints Saturday Domestics Main Aisle. Rear. Great lot Percale Rem nants, worth up to 15c, Sheeting, Pillow Casing, Outing Flan nels, Shaker and Clin ton Flannels, fancy Cretonnes, etc., most of these goods sell for lfto to 2 do, Thurs day, 4c Dress Goods Rem nants for Thurs day Dress Goods, all lengths, from 2 H to 7 yard dress lengths, of new fab rics In plain or fancy styles, all wool Challles, etc., most of these fins goods are worth up to 60c, some 75c, on Bale Thursday, one large lot, yard, at 29c Remnants of High-Grade Wah Goods 8-yard, 10-yard and 12-yard dress lengths, newest wash fabrics, most up-to-date styles. 32-inch Plaid Gauze, beautiful sheer fabric, in. white grounds with plaid effect, very stylish, all size polka dots or magnifi cent floral designs, same goods shown In Omaha at 40c, sale price Thursday, yard 15 25c Cotton Suiting, similar to silk Rajah. These lengths for dresses or waists: 12 yards, 10 yards, 3 yards and 3 yards, in the new delf blues, resedas, light blues, pinks, greens, blacks, etc., all you wish Thursday in these lengths fancy styles and strictly fast colors, yard HHt Silk Remnants, 3V4 to! 16 yards. Including blacks one-half orr Brown Taffeta Silks shown In 16th street window elegant silks for street or dressy gowns, newest shades, worth 75c and 85c, Thursday, yard 39 Gloves We will place on sale Thursday morning a lot ot Ireland Bros.' Men's Cape Gloves, Spear Point, in Mods, Tan and Oxblood, sizes 7 to 10. This is one of the biggest bargains offered In value for l,Dj Ladles' 16-button Lisle Gloves with 2-clasp fastening, black, wuuo, xan ana grey, t o pair.. yOC Remnants of Whits Goods In almost every known weave India Linons, Nainsooks, Per sian Lawns, Long Cloths all In useful lengths for underwear. Figured Madras and Pique, check and striped Dlmtty . and .Lawn. Everything marked very low. All old Remnants so low that the prices will sell them quickly. All Remnants of Table Damask, Toweling, Odd Half Dozen Nap kins, and anything small enough to be considered 1 a remnant.. Special Prices for quick selling. Handkerchiefs alue,udC ,n ne4t oth8: ffiss???. rr?. '". Chic Tailor-Made Suits lor $19.50 Made of fine Chiffon ' Pan ama in plain colors and checks and stripes, also of English Suit ings, every ' suit a style winner of the season of 1907. The Popular Eton, the Stunning Pony Coat and the New Prince Chap, several models, espec ially adapted for the misses and small wo men, every suit a 125 value, Thurs day, at $7.50 SllkPetti- coat for $4.95 7.50 Petticoats for $4.05. Made of heavy Tsf etta Silk,, extra fine body, deep ac cordlan pleated flounce, black, tan. russet, champagne, navy blue, cardinal and msny two-tone shades, Thursday special ...$4.05 Sporting Goods Sidewalk Roller Skates, pair $1.75, $1.25. 66c. 43k 80 Green Trading Stamps with each pair. In-rielder'a Base Ball Gloves, $3.00 down to.... 20t Basemen's Mitts. $4 down to . . . .50 Catcher's Mitts. $8 down to . . . .35 League Ball, sold the world over for $1.25. at..S1.00 Basement. Dig Dinnerware Sale ALL WEEK Special Prices on Every Set in Stock None Re served See Window Display. Prices from $100 down to $5.08 A discount on open stock sales during this sale. Big lot White Nappies. 7, 8 and worth up to 25c, Thursday, each. Tomato . Novelties, , very unique -Peppers and Salts, each 16c and 10( Mustards at. . . 25 Mayonnaise dishes, 60c, 32c, 29c, n 25 Sugars and Creams. Pair 50 9-lnch sizes, tot "It It's from Bennett's, It's good." Btnrvett's Big Grocery Bennett's Capitol Baking Pow der, lb. can 240 And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Diamond B Preserves, large jar 2to And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps. Wiggle Stick Bluing, sticks lor o And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Patna Rice, lb .....loo And Tan Green Trading Stamps. Burnhani Clara Chowder, large oan too And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Castile Toilet ' Soap. dosen oakea .....ISo ' And Tan . Green Trading Stamp. . Bennett's Capitol Oats or Wheat, I pkgs .I0o " And Twenty Green Trading Red Snapper Relish, bottle 5c jf And Twenty Green Tradlngf Stampa. Pick Irs, assorted. I bottles ZSc Ana ten vjreen nwun btunips. peanut Butter, medium Jar 10c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. - fYutt Puddlne, I psgs. . .. -pe Ant twenty xjrnxu niun mm n&rdw&rs and n&ustfurnishins Big Stle Galvanized Ware. gated Palls, extra strong, ilar to. SOo and laa while supply Corro regu values. choloe ... Regular tie Tub for . Regular 7 to Tub for . Regular Ho Tuft tor Galvanized Galvanized Galvanised lasts, ,..lo Wash .. .440 Wash ...He Wash 4o i j I lsi a Many Delightful Bargains Thursday sss Bali Bat and Mask Free With Every Boys' Suit :!jIv7ini?n;v s?"r- J Clothlnn S Eitra good Steel Rake for l&o Extra good Steel Hot, spe cial ISO Carpet Beaters, Mo and.... lis And Twenty Green Trading Slainpa. Nicely J spanned Mall Boies 4 So And Thirty Green Trading 8 lam pa. Vroornan's Sink Strainer... 1 to And Twenty Oreen Trading Slanrpa. Poultry Wire, best quality, full rolls, ins so. ft too Poultry Wire In less than full so, rt o Paints Full line of all kinds of Pslnts and Varnishes, and Uie fam ous Jkd-A-Lac. Double Green Trading Stamps Thursday, the Fifth Day of Our Great Annual Manufacturers' Stock Sale To say that the first four days of this sals hav been a success only faintly expresses tha facta. The selling has been truly phenomenal, even beyond O'tr expectation, and the fifth day's showing will be ths most complete in variety, the most attractive la point of value of any yet offered. Several new shipments Just received will be shown for ths first time. Over 200 Elegant Tnilor Suits, made to sell np trj $30, will go In Thursday's sale at, choice $19.00 S40.OO and $,10.00 Tailor Suits, all samples, the very latest style ideas and materials, perfect beau ties, Thursdsy 525 $00.00 to $73.00 Coitumes, no two alike, secured from the Fashion Mfg. Co. st a price far below actual worth, 70 distinct styles to select from, choice $35 $12.50 Covert Coats, an exceptionally fin lot of. sample garments, over 200 to select from at, cnolce S7.50 Manufacturers' Stock of Women's 8kirts, worth, If bought in a regular way, .up to $20.00; all new styles, colors and materials, in 3 lots at $5.00, $7.50 and $10 Children's $2 Wash Dresses in Thursday's sale OS1 $2.00 Heatherbloom Underskirts, for Thursday only a i...: 98 Children's Spring Coats, regular $3.00 values, at , $1.50 Women's Percale Wrappers, regular $1.60 values, at 98 Surprising Millinery Bargains Thursday We are making Thursday bargain day In our Millinery, department Several special purchases will be offered at prices far below actual worth. New Straw Shapes, good, auraoie braid In newest styles and all colors, worth to $1.25; on sale at....G9f Leghorn Hata in continental shapes, worth regularly 46cchoioe. . . .10 Flowers in almost endless variety, the best values in Omaha, at 10c, 19c and 39 Onr "Distinguished" Trimmed Hats at $5 have certainly won the approval of more customers than any hat ever shown at the price. No wonder you can't duplicate them for less than $7.00 to $8.00. Here.... $5 Trimmed Hats at $1.08 and $3.50, tho most splendid lot of values ever of fered. If you want the best for the least, see these values Thursday. Pattern Hats in Variety, at prices rang ing from $10.00 up to $25 Extra Special Thun day 0:80 a. m. One case of Apron Checks, regular 7c values, as long as. they last at 10:80 a. m. One case of extra heavy Unbleached Muslin, regular 8 Ho values, as long as they last at, per yard 5 2:80 p. m Two cases of 36-inch Per cales, regular 12 He values, as long as they last at, per yard 5 3:80 p. m. One case of Turkish Bath Towels, regular price 10c and 12 He as long as they last at, each. . . .5 4:80 p. m. One case ot Mercerized fine White Goods, regular price 26c, 1 as long aa they last at, per yard 9M4 Wool Dress Goods 10 till 11 a. m. 50 pieces of Spring Novelties In plaids, checks, etc., all wool, regular price 69c to 75c, not over one pattern to a customer, at, ' per yard 29 2 till 8 p. in. We will sell 60 pieces of the finest Imported Dress Goods, running in price from 7 60 to $2.60 a yard, only one pattern to a cus tomer, at, per yard , . . . 65 Four Furnishing Hour Specials From 0 till 10 a. m. Ladles Vests, worth regularly 15c, low necked and sleeveless, taped, at, choice. .... .3 From 10 till 11 a. m. Men's Shirts, regular 60c values. In medium or dark colors, sale price 19 From 11 am. till 12 m. Men's and Ladles' Hose, worth up to 15c, in plain or fancy colors, sale price, per pair 5 From 2 till 3 p. m. Men's Summer Weight Underwear in plain or fancy colors, worth up to 50c garment, at,, per garment 19 Grocery Department Omaha's Greatest Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Market. Prices: 2 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 5c 6 bunches Fresh Onions Be 2 bunches Fresh Radishes 6c 2 bunches Fresh Parsley 5c Fresh Peas, per quart 6c 2 bunches Fresh Pie Plant. ....... 5c Fresh Cucumbers, each .' 5c 8 bunches Fresh, Beets 10c 3 bunches Fresh' Carrots. ..10c 8 bunches Fresh Turnips. 10c Fancy Fard Dates, per lb 714 0 Fancy Imported Figs, per lb 7 Ho Fancy 6-oz. pkg. California Figs 2 Ho Fancy 12-oz. pkg. California Figs 60 Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per qt Ee Fresh New Cabbage, per lb . i .... 8 H 0 Large Juicy Lemons, per dot lOo Fancy Cooking Figs, per lb. , So Extra Fancy Large Sweet Highland Navel Oranges, that retail for 6O0 per dozen, our price, per dos....80o Watch the papers for th Big An nual Rose Bush Sale. lull Y rin o)o)(n) JV. P. FRMDSEN JEWELRY STOCK Together with the entire stock of a well-known State St, Chicago, jewelry firm, secured for cash, at a great bargain Villi Be Placed on Sale Friday, April 19, at Less Than Half Regular Retail Prices Your opportunity to purchase Jewelry, Clocks, Silver and Plated Ware, Fine China, Leather Goods, Umbrellas, etc., etc., at Far Below Regular Retail Prices WATCH THURSDAY EVE. PAPERS for PARTICULARS iWDEAf BROS. If. R. RlflS) MwubUU Unr Ccw