Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1907, Page 11, Image 11
11 i J uin I vtrj w &W OMA11A DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AVlUh IS. 1907. ( 1)7 I OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.). AfMlniMta aat Flat. 4-ROGM. strictly modern aimrtmenf ; p-1-vat porcrlaln ha I hu open nlckle plumb- Iral, on (frond fl'.cr ol owner's reeldenc. on north .i fainiiy oi two. i-rire, V Address IrSti, l.e. lb S0 28. FOR RENT-Three-room modern fist, Mil Itouslas, ground floor; rent reasonble. . Olob Land 4c Investment Co.. Patterson block (lil Mi3 Faralahad Iloa aad Flat lO-ROOM fiim letted (Int. over saloon, for rent or sale- In fine location. Council Bluffs, Ia,' Address 8 Hi, rare Bee. (15 M.Kil 21 It ev an Ins Hhm far Rule .If" YOU want to Mil quick se Hllrlmth William. 610 Be. (15) M128 30 , . . Hoaee and Cattase. WIS DO expert piano moving nt lowest trice. Tel. Douglaa K2S. Fchmoller & luallar Piano Co., 1311-J31I Farnam. - - U6 613 WB MOVE PIANO& Magg.rd ViTn and' Rtorae Co.. Tal. Doug. umi. Offlc, 1713 , w abater . (1) 618 Hnf?P In all parte of th city. The .www u. Jf. Davis Co., Be Bid ; (i6-6a CM Ail A Van & Storage Co., pack, movs, tor, It. II. roods; storehouse 110-24 N. ' llh. Office, lall Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (16 623 C- !.tei., 4 Co., Bee Bid. tie) ai BEE ua when shipping household goods to large cine warn; we can eava yuu money. JiXpREdBMEN DELIVERY CO., 214 N. iCa feu let. Doug. 1195. (16) 522 .... jj r iu. i a . r-room modrn house, new furnace, north C. M. BACHMANN, . . 436 Paxton Block. . . (15)-672 FOR RENT 816 Worthlngton Plac. nlca Jo-room house, very deal ra rile neighbor hood, thoroughly moderns $60.00 a month . Will (lv lease. Apply to Conrad Young, 1618 Dooae. iu mix HOUSES. lwrurnoe..Rlnt;walt. Barker Blk. W-(9D 102 NORTH 3d, new brick, $45. (1)-MS64 l-ROOM modern house, ex. furnace. 2412 Spalding Bt. Chrla Boyer, 22d and Cum In fit. (15) M828 LIST your houaea for rent with Hlldreth William. 610 See. (16) MIX 20 FOR RHiV 7-room houae, 211 N. 25th Ave.; modern e-xeept furnace; In new complete repair rent mooeraio. Apply at VJI IN i 'Uih Bt or 908 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. ,i . (15) M150 kROOM all modern house; references re- ajuirea. iuu ttpencer Bt. (tt M234 Zix ROOMS S115 Burt St. (1E)-2U 17 . t-ROOM brick, modern. 1820 Maple St. 06) 218 Dx (222 N. 19tb ft., 8 rooms, modern, S2S. cnarics Dauncara, gu o. inn t. (16 27 T rooms, 6110 N. 2Rth. $17. 4 rooms. 1M1 N. 24th, t)4. I rooms on Burt St., $12. ' 7 rooms. In Benaon. rarden, US. rURRELii A CO, 17TH AND FARNAM. , . Ul milt IS rXJR TUTNT After Mir 1. modern colonial , residence opposite i Lac acorn park, ?0. rnona uougiaa oa. k.usi . Bolldlnars. ( FOR 'RENT Oermanla Hall or Bijou ?. , TheAter building. 1111 to 1S1 Harney; . store v offices and theater; on long lease. , N. r. DDUga Co.. in Farnam. . . ' (1E MI34 O (flees. ,. DNE large offlca room, ground floor, .. ward Crelahton Institute Bid.. 210 S Ed- lXUl Et.. oDDoalte city hall. Inaulre budding. . . 7 , ' (15)-i5 ' ROOM- 4; Continental' block, and large- re . ceptlon room; very suitable for dentist's k . r, doctor's office;, tower windows-,-Robt. fl . If Bennett, Agent,. Rood), It Continental ' ' ink? ' - os-aaso v FOR RKMT Desk room in Bee office, city halt building, 417 N. 2th . St., South . Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 134 Starve. ' , I ' T-- BTORES FOR RENT. .718 p. 13th St. 22x 44. 2 floors and inent, $30 00. ; 130 a 13?b St., 11x44, 1st floor and ment, fTO.Oft. 724 B. 13th St., 22x44. 1st floor and base base. base- went. 82000. TliB BYRON REED CO., Phona Doug. 27. 212 8. 14th St. , (16) M847 22 fOR-RENT The best located corner store ' In Omaha; Farnam and 14th Bts., Board of Trade Bldg. See P. H. Phllbln, Pchlltt Hotel. (15) M268 HfREE splendid modern rooms on ground floor; rent, reasonable. 1822 Farnam St. (1&I-M4C9 " m S. 27th Bt., J9.00 per month. t Farnam St., $12.00 per month. ' tM Farnam St., $20.00 per month.. N, P. DODGE CO., 1714 FARNAM ST. (15) 16 , i , J JTN EQUALLED chance for drugglat In block with grocery and meat market; cen tral, with flxturea; rent moderate: best ol chance for good man in best neighbor hood. Laundry rooms, with 75-horse power boiler to run same. Apply 220 N. 23d St. .... , . . ...... .tf (15)-M780 STORE ROOM. . , Pax ton Blk. 1103 N. 18th, r. Bemls, (15) 938 FOR RENT In Brush. Colo., new brick store building 60xK feet, full sired base , ment. plat glaaa front, electric light, all modern, will be completed about May J. . For parllculare call on or write to E. L, ' Morrii , Bruah, Colo., or Lincoln Iind .. Co, Lincoln, Neb. (15) M917 21 OFFERED FOR SALE Feaelna;. 'ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wtr fencing .6c per foot. 3U6 N. 17th St. Tel. Red H. (14) M527 ' ; ;' Farnltar. O-IIAND furniture bought and sold; busi ness on the siiuar. Rosenberg Co. .formerly , WUU Chicago Fnrn. Co. U3 S. 14(h. It. &S5. (1) M84J Myl2 Ptaaoa, Ornia, Maalcal laatramem. THE smallest piano In the west at tha ('hicao Furniture We also hav the kurhest grade otnd-hand furniture at S'.ihII prlcaa. 1413 iAxlge St. Tel. DoJlaa x7 (16) M781 AM GItEAT BARGAINS ta slightly used uprltht plnnos and used organ. The greatest values ever of ; t fered. Maoy of thcae Instruments would . pass for nsw, and they are without ex ception moat superior to the ord'nary nad piano. Terms. 83. $4 or $5 monthly. Kimball, rotewoad casa $ 76 Arton, eotlag upright tv i'filckering. rosewood case l;5 Singer, mahogany cuae M iipera piano, oaa citxe 175 Vom Bon, cabinet grand w Steger at Baa. uaea t'J 1400 samtue piano q A00 Emerwon, usea months rr& Souar plono and organs, all makes $15, t-i and up. )00 pew lna for rent 81 and up. Expert tuning and repairing on short notice. Wi '! move and store piano. Tel. Doug. " la. Sciimoller & Mueller Piano Co.. ' -' 1811 and 1313 ramam 8L (K)-M71 FOR BEST values poaalbl In high grad. pianos, h'gh grude tuning and rt-palrnis liush i Gerts Piano Co., 6u9 W. O W UlUg. Tl. Doug. MI4. tl6)-Mrn A K)tt SAI.t-Good E.naraon uj.rlsht plain, at a aacrinca. Apply tij Hamilton. llbi ta II AND Ho.isre, 10; 50 cents weekly. pr Ould Plaut Co., loll Dainaia at. 1 OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) ON'H Remrnrton typewriter. No. . In good romiiuon, for sale eheap. call at nee offlce. (1 CJJ : Mia Butchers' refrigerators on hand. 11" Poug. (1S M1W Mil . A FEW Ice boxes for sale at your own price. 107 No. Ulh St. (It;) MKJ M12 FtAV baraains Ir, id-liand soda fountains; monthly payments. Derlght. lils Farnam. MY RECITE for cleaning wall paper costs tc per room to cleun puper. Pend one dollar for reclre. Addreas V. W. Price, Plattsinouth, Neb. 1J M6 MSx BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 110 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (1616.13 A W NtNGS; they're not expensive. Call Doug V. nnd our representative will call. Omaha Tent and awning Co. (16l MS04 HALL'S aates, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16; 633 Aquarium Made of Iron, about 2 feet high and S feet long, having a width of 6 to 12 Inches; has a plate elaaa front with reflector In rear; would make a handsome ornament for window display or In the home. Call at business office of The Bee and ask to e It. (16) 335 FOR SALE All the leading periodicals - published. Foreign publication a spe cialty. Birthday, wedding and souvenir post cards. Subscriptions received (or .all periodicals published. Mall orders will receive prompt attention. 8CHULTZK A BLATTERT, Newsdealers and Stationers, 111 8. 16th St. (16) MJ m6 FOR SALE Two National cash registers. one total adder; also nice Una of store fixture. Olobe Iand and Investment Co., Patters jn Block. (18) 634 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (1G)-M6 GAS AND ELECTRIC . FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We furnish estimates. If you are going to build, write for catalogue. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., $18 S. 16th. 'Phone Doug. 61. U)-W13i FOR SALE Collection of fine old violins, Including i sixes Viola and 'cello. Violin Btudlo, 10 Wlthnell Building. (16) M782 A20 GARDEN and field seeds, fruit packages, bej keepers' supplies. Younkerman Seed Co., Council Bluffs, la. (lti) 288 A CLEAN $6,000 stock of general merchan diss at KS cents on the dollar; fine loca tion; will bear closest Inspection. Owner moving away. Address, Y 76, Bee. (1) 671 COAL Good burning; 2 baskets 35c; for $1, delivered. Rosenblatt, 'l'rione Doug. 412. (16) 14 i A SLOT machine, all kinds; also silver plat tng and picture machines. Jarl, 712 S. 16th. (IB) M2 AM SNAP Rldpatha History of the WorlO, Encyclopaedia Brltannlca, International Encyclopaedia: small monthly payments. Webster's Unabridged $10 Dictionary, full lesther, only $3.25. B. B. Roberts, 641 Paxton Bldg., Omaha. (16) M814 A30 TREES, shrubs, ' roses. Hazel Dell Nur ery, 24th and Plnkney. Tel. Web. 2360. (18) 111 Jl MILLET SEED. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. (10-M863 CHOICE CURRANT PLANTS for sale. B. C. Smith. 3108 Corby St. (16) 100 Mix FOR 8ALE Cyphees Incubators, Lee brooders, Humphrey bone cutters. Stand ard Poultry Co.. 3218 N. 26th St. 'Phone Red 6028. - (16) M153 20x NATIONAL cash register, total adder, with - ticket attachment, cheap.. $08 N. 1th. - . . 06V-223 21x TO BUY or sell any business or property oall on Ganstad. 403 Bee Bldg. (18) M161 WE HAVE on hand a large . amount of Store fixture, consisting o( cases, shelv ing, coffee mills, cash registers, etc., that will go at a sacrifice. Globe Land & In vestment Co., l and 3 Patterson uiock. (16) M254 GLAPS store' window casings. 1401 Doug las St. (16) L'63 r-'x SIX-HOLE, steel kitchen rangy; 3-ot.. Ice cream frerser; nn violin. 2416 Daven port. (16)-270 22x Besley Letter Cabinet Made of walnut and having two Indexed filing caaes; an ornamental and useful of fice fixture; at a bargain. Sue Wright, at The Bee business olflce. (16) 333 BUTCHER'S meat block; good condition. Cheap. 308 N. 16th St. (16) 339 23x HOME-MADE GRAPE WINE, 10 YEAR8 OLD. $1 PER GALLON. CACKLEY BROS., OPPOSITE P. O. (16)-341 July 16 FOR SALE Beautiful new set of quartered oak flxtufes, complete, for confectionery More; reasonable terms. For full partic ulars write National Wood Works, Sioux City, la. (16)-M377 18 GOOD White sewing machine, and small heating stove, cheap. 142 No. 31st Ave., In rear. (16) M380 30 Letter Press What will you give for a second-hand letter press. In good condition? Call at business office of Bee. (16) 334 PATENTS D. O. BAR NELL, patent attorney and ma china designer. 1'axum Blk. Tel. Red 7U7. Ui) TM My 10 LARSON A CO. Book free. Be Bldg. (17)-637 I OWN three patents and can't work one slate pioperly, will exchange one or more lairs for good property or stock. Chance for big safe business to g"od man with aniall capital. L. B. 335, Elmwood, 111. (17) M5 x PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not Ironed. 11 6. Ulh St. Tel. Doutf. Zbi. - US)-&ia OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ram Bldg. I 08)-i THE SALVATION ARMY Solicits castoft ciothir.g; In fact, anything you do not nerd; w collect, repair and ll, at 114 N. lilli St., for cost of collecting, to ths worthy poor. Call 'Phpn Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. (1S 511 f-':VlNU machine lented, any make. 75c per week or $.00 per month. (Second hand machinta for sale, $5.uu and up. Nebraska Cycle Co., Ulh and Huiney. (!) ii) YOUNG MAN, learning to dance, desires services of lady (good duncert on or two evening a week; elate terms. AdJrvw A 117, care Bee. (Is) MU lSx PLEATING ALL KINDS. Button, Running Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink .rig. inly pt.r id. t.-ud for prlc iuid sample. UuU'MAN PLEATING CO. .0 Douglas Block. Tt Douxlas l3a U6) 642 M ASS AG E wrod way lW1-, S' tfroauway, Km. .'.3, Co. Blui.t M USk-MlLU US MAG NETI C sIuTuYiJ Nndr (la) ina PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMkV-Mrsl Ir. King. i fi. 21t bL Tel. Doug. .. U)-4 -'ItIN',K8, rut.ber goods, by mall; cut prices; send for fre catalogue. Mye: !'il.on Drug Co. Omaha. (U 641 JOHN CANE 18 IN TOwTTI i-w Is trie trtne to trim trees, trellises an I rape vina; alo WnUKisne gaidenin 1nL Red Rca, UU1 b t'-ih Ave Don't ForJet Thai You Can Telephone your want ads direct to The Dee. Douglas 238, and pay for the advertisement when you call for the answers. PERSONAL (Continued.) FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. E. Fledman A Co., IT. 14 Capitol Ave. ' (18 MM0 My 13 PAINFUL burns, any a ore or skin hurt quickly healed by Satin skin cream. 25c. PENNELL Millinery Co., $3 N. 16th St (1H 678 Jun 28 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR I ALE. Another Opportunity TO BUY LOTS IN KOUNTZE PLACE AT THE SAME LOW PRICES On account of the cold weather the past 10 days we have decided not to advance the price of lots In Kountxe Place until MAY 1. This will give you another opportunity to select your lot In this beautiful addition before the advance. a For ati Investment or a Home You cannot buy a lot anywhere In the city at anywhere near as low price, con sidering the distance out, car service and class of surroundings, than you can buy In Kountse Place. PRICE LIST: On Locust St., between 16th and Ut south fronts .$ 950 On Blnney St, between 16th and 24th, only two left, at LOGO On Wirt St, between 16th and 24th, only two left, at 1,050 On Spencer St., between 16th and 24th, north fronts 960 On Lothrop St., between 18th and 24th, north fronts, $750; south fronts 850 On Emmet St., between 16th and 24th, 8800 to 900 On Plnkney St., between 16th and 24th, $660 to 750 Corner lota a trifle higher. Don t put of! making your selection. If you haven't the cash we will make terms of one-fourth oash and the balance In one, two and three years. Call for a plat and our new book of Kountse Place borne. Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam St., Be Bldg. (19)-34 17 HURRY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE TO GET ONE OF THOSE BEAUITIFUL HAL lO ON HEIGHTS LOTS. ' ' Tha flneat location for both' . cottage and large homes, only. two block from Military Ave. : and car line. Just south of lienson business center. You - , can't . find such choice lota , . v elsewhere; at these prices 860 to tooo. Small cash payment, balance monthly. 'Phon D-867 and we will meet you on tha ground. Russell & McKitrick Co., SOLE AGENTS, 432-34 Ramage Bldg. 16th and Harney 8b. (19) 343 18 LIVE IN ONE RENT , THE OTHER . 2519 Parker St., has two houses, one 6 and the other 4 rooma. The price waa $2,200. The owner now says we may sell for $1,900, and that too with small payment down. Now rented for 3J3.50. Come and see us about these. TURRELL & CO., 17TH ANDV FARNAM. (19)-M315 18 3524 Seward St. One of the best built (-room bouse In the city, modern except furnace; south front la within 3 blocks of Bemls park. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st floor N. T. L. Bldg. , Tel Doug. 1781. (19)-345 18 SNAPS $1.600 6-room cottage, 3 Iota, on main afreet and car line, In Benson. Owner has left city and -ery snxlous to unload; will make very easy terms. $1,600 New (-room cottage, north of Ames Ave.; nonresident owner, determined to sell. Bee me about this, on terms. 31,9002608 Sartoga, new 6-room house, elec trie light, cemented cellar, double floor; was built for home. Here's a snap and will make easy terms to good party If sold this month. F. C. BEST, 821 N. Y. L (19)-28 17 WANT offer for 3124 Douglas St.. 7-room house,' 34-foot lot 3. H. Parrotte (U)-M363 21 West Farnam Home We have a new 9-room house on Farnam St., facing south, finished In oak down stairs, reception hall, living room, dining room, den with fir place, and kitchen; four good bed room and bath, attic; full cemented cellar; barn: cement walks. Owner leaves for Europe this month and Is authorised us to sell for $6,750. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 South 14th St (19)-M303 1 CLOSE IN 7-room, strictly modern, good as new. This Is a fine large hous and must be seen to b appreciated, permanent walka, cloae o boulevard and paved St., a barn on saiiit ot at fell Davenport St., prlc $3,3i0. N. FENG EH 53$ N. Y. Uf Bldg. Phon Rd 3217. (19) 281 $1600.00 Cottage 3113 Gold St., havln 6 large rooms; located at Gold and Boulevard; lot h&s 66 feet frontxg. CUORAiE A CO., 1001 Farnam Bt USJ-MM0 1$ REAL ESTATE CITY PROPF.RTY FOR SALE. (Continued. 2448 Manderson St. $4,000 Very ' attractive 8 room all modern house; first class condition throughout; fine barn, alone worth $400; good corner lot, 60xl'J8 feet; front south on paved street; cement walks; beautiful shade trees; one of th best loca tions on the north side. Price reduced on account of owner leaving city. It will pay you to look this up. GEORGE A CO.. Exclusive agents, ' 1601 Farnam St 09) M369 18 SEE THIS And you will want It, a R-room cottage, well and cistern, larre lawn, a variety of fruit, two large lots. 50x10" each, 4:ri4 Maple Bt. $1,300 will buv It, one-half cash. TURRELL & CO., 17TH AND FARNAM. 19)-M313 18 MODERN COTTAGE 6-room cottage, thoroughly well built, dou ble floors, surface floor being maple; large bath room, nice attic, piped for gn and wired for electric light; all modern plumbing; south front, lot 67x100, lying high and sightly; two blocks south of Ames Ave. car line, 311th Ave. and Boyd. Price $t900; $250 cash, balance to suit C. G. CARLBERG, HI N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 7497. (19) M3S7 18 CHOICE NEW COTTAGE 2709 Manderson St., 6 rooms, modern except furnace, lot 60x125, cement walk. Ask to ee Inside. Must be seen to be appreciated. Terms if desired. $2,400. R. II. LANDERYOU, Tel. Douglas 215t Board of Trade. (lS)-280 17 MUST BE SOLD 8234 Hamilton St., l-story house of rooms, large lot, 60 foet frontage on Hamilton and 60 feet frontage on Charles St., few step from Harney car line and almost adjoining Bemls Park, only $2,30". INVESTIGATE THIS AT ONCE MUST BE SOLD. BEMIS, 'Phone Douglas 6S5. Paxton Block. (13) 789 CLOSE IN AND CHEAP A 4-room cottage, on a 60x127 ft lot, gas and city water, for $1,350. TURRELL & CO., 17TH AND FARNAM. (19) M114 18 BAST FRONT. Two new oottages, almost completed, size -msn reel, o large rooms and bath room. Three fine roams -can bo-finished off up stair; city water and km: permanent walka, cementod cellar, double floors; ex ceptionally, well Dullt; located on 28th, between Spalding and Ruesles Sts. Prices $1,450 and $3,400. Cna. Battelle, 104 N. loth Ol. (19) M324 23 FOR SALE Two modern houses and lare barn, one block nortn of Hannrom park; paved street, east front, lot 75x150. East ern owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS B REN NAN. Room 1 N. V. L. Bldg. (19-648 DESIRABLE building lot Applv 218 N. 34th. (lj M285 23x NICE COTTAGE VERY CHEAP. 6-room cottage wllh reception hall and large pantry, city water and khs, plenty of raspberries, strawberries and black berries, currsnt. grapes, etc., lot 50x132 on grade, a sightly place and good neighbors, four blocks to car line, only tl.tiuo, also other nice homes In good locations at reasonable prices. L CONNOR, 232 Neville Blk. (19)-348 17 HOMES IN BENSON Cheaper than you can build; house 2 years old; two lots;, electric light Owner going to leave city. Let us show you this. TURRELL & CO., 17TH AND FARNAM. (19)-M316 18 WEST FARNAM HOME FOR SALE. All modern 10-room houae and large stub!, which cost $7,000 to build; lot wirth $2.M. Will Mil for tti.Oou; $3.uu0 cash and $3,u00 on long time at 6 per cent. Parked and paved street; cement side walks; fine trees and lawn; house has hardwood floors and finish; reception hall of quarter sawed oak; $ grate and man tels; laundry with stationary tubs; closet In every room. 614 S. 2Mb St, Inquire of J. M. Macfarland, 309 N. Y. Life Bldg (13J-MS24 19x IF YOU want to buy or sell city property see HUdreth A William. 610 Bee. (191-M127 30 DEPOSITB In the Neb. L. A B. Ass'n Is better than mtgs. 8 N. Y. Life. (19) M594 M8 Big Snap for Quick Salt Lot on 26tn and Blondo, east front, 77x 120, $750. Also lots fronting north and south on Blondo, between 2tith and 27th, $11 per front foot 'Phone Douglas 6&5. BEMIS. Paxton Block. (18)-116 HOUSES FOR SALE Also fine lots In No. part of city, prices right; easy terms. Call Doug. 5639 or Doug. 37i9 Orllce, 8320 N. 24th. O. M. UNDERHILL A CO. (19) 797 My 11 THE KFRR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB STRACTS OF TITLES ar the safest You ar protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by error. You don t buy luw suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1611 Harney. Tel. Douglas 5487. (19) CHa- "Williamson Co. u- (lt)--MXO IF YOU wsnt to buy or sell a farm writ or see Hlldreth A Williams, 510 Roe. (19I-M126 20 FOR BALE Six vacant lots near 44th and Leavenworth fits, st $150 each. The O. F. Davis Co.. 508 Be Bldg. (19) M367 19 TWO CHEAP LOTS Two choice lots on 88th avenue. Just south of Dodge St. Perfect grade, location In city to build houses to sell or rent. Only $2,875 each. Ulcka Real Estate Co., 439 Board of Trade Bldg. (19) 343 18 FOR SALE House, i rooma, modern ex cept furnace. 2S07 Cuming St Price. $2,300. Easy terms. JOHN F. FLACK. City Savings Bank. 14th and Douglaa. (1S 218 THE SUREST INVESTMENT IN OMAHA Corner lot adjoining th heart of the city, partly improved with a fin aubatanclHl urn-a ouiiaing, paying vzia a month net. snd same can be Increased, a bargain for qjick feU. i. Connor, 234 Nvi!l Blk. U8J-347 IT REAL ESTATE FARM AKD HASril LANDS FOR A1.R Arkannas. , FOR SALE 100 acrs In Madison county. Ark., Improved. W. M. Alexander, lib ation, III. I -Ml M3M lox Canada. CANADIAN wheat land. 4S0 acres gently undulating prairie one mile from naviga ble lake, 10 miles from Strussburg, In fa mous Laef Mountain vailey, $16.00 per acre; eas; terms. This land Is In a w.'U settled portion of the country and can J .radically all be broken up. Boll dark clay on clay subsoil; the very best of water can be obtained from 10 to 20 feet. Wm. Pearson Co.. Ltd., Northern Bank Bldg., Winnipeg. Man. (3u) Nebraska. IMPROVED farms In eastern Nebraska; Sarpy and DouRlaa counties. B. J. Over ton, Gretna, Neb. (20) MS73 1,280 ACRES Two sections of fine land. 7 mllee from North Platte. Lincoln county. Nebraaka, $6 PER ACRE Rltfht In the heart of a thrifty growing nelKbborhood; soil a sandy loam, running water from springs, land all fenced with good wire fence. There is plenty of farm bind on each section, a large portion being EXCELLENT Foil ALFALFA. Tills Is the bet bargain we have yet been able to offer and will go to the first man who sees It. For full particulars, address PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. (30)-M249 18 WRITE Townsend Realty Co., Modale, Ia. Farms and lands for sale or trade for clear town property or merchandise (20)M350 A26x FOR SALE Western Nebraska land. Send for list Kimball .Land o., Kimball, Neb. (20) Mti38 21x Kimball County, Nebraska. Four quarter sections In Kimball county; good, fertile soil; $5.00; half cash. In vestigate these farms. Stewart-Leavenworth Co., 619 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omnha, Neb. (20) M241 19 Texas. TEXAS AND NEW MEXICO LAND. Have some rare bargains In Texas end New Mexico land, $5 to $7.50 an acra. Go and see for yourself; low railroad rites. For particulars sddress, ROBERT C DRUESEDOW, 803 New York Llf Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 20)-M:i6! REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm aad Ranch La ad. FOR RENT 4-acr tract of land In Ben son (wtfhout house), suitable for garden ing or raising nntatoea. Will rent till January 1. linoi, for $3o If taken Immedi ately. Addresa, E 338, car lite. (2D 468 X FARM FOR RENT. 170-acre farm, near Omaha, for rent, $5 per acre. Very rich, high class corn land; good house; some alfalfa. W. L. Selby, 440 Board Vf Trade. Phone Douglas 1610. . . (2D-M252 , REAL ESTATE LOANS $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Biennun, Room 1. N. Y. Life. (ffl)-649 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22) -660 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22)-661 UNION LOAN A INVEST. CO. I 310 Bee Loans on Real Estate, f Bldg. at 4Vk and 6 per cent 'Phone Doug. (22) 84 A JO PRIVATE MONEY-F. D. Tfead, 1530 Doug. (22)-5o3 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam St. (22)-&4 MONEY TO LOAN GET OUR RATES AND TERMS BE FORE ARRANGING FOR A LOAN ON OMAHA REAL. ESTATE. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. j(22) M320 20 $J00 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. (22) M170 BUILDING loans on residence property; por cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. (22)-657 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22) 967 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 505 First Natlunal Bank Bids. LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'KEEFE R. E. CO.. 1001 N. Y. Llf Bldg. (22)-M735 WANTED City loan. R. C. Peters A Co. (22) Rr REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED A farm. We hav a customer , for 80 to 100 acres within ten miles of Omaha. What have you? Address PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. . (23) MSI I 19 WANTED TO BORROW LADY wlahes a loan of $250; . will pay In payments or board and nxm; good se curity and interest. Addrens N 112, Bee. (24) M327 19x WANTED. TO BORROW. Aug. 1 or be fore, $4. '"JO at 6 per cent for five years; first mortgage Improved city property, choice location. Address W 116. IW. (24) M304 27 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating ove. carpet, llnols urns, office furniture, old rlotli nj shoes, pianos, feather, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy th fur niiuro of your bouse romplet. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The high est prices paid. Cail th right man. TeL Doug. 8471. (25-au A17 CASH paid for old books Crane-Foy Co., 813 S. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1321. (25)-658 EOSTON TERRIER or English brindle bull pjp; mutt be well marked, ugly snd cheap. Address N 96. Bee (25) 817 18x MODERN house, 8 or 9 rooms; give loca tion, price and number of rooms Ad dress M 72S, Bee. (-5 M39 20x HAVE $15.f0: Invest all or part. Addreas N 129, care Bee. (25) M3T4 18 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Three unfurnished rooms, close In. Give particulars. Address C H2. Hee. (21) 173 17s WANTED Office rooms or office hours with oinr physlcUn. Addreas P 114. care Bt:. (26) 1S8 21x I WANTED I' of niano for stir1n- , i children; reference. Address O i (tee. (26)-MJM 3o WANTED TO RENT (Continued) WANTED Room and Kmrd In prtvst family for couple; must b (Irst-clasa. In good neighborhood; bet of references. Address pornm 22 Frdrl.U BHg. (J) J49 18x WANTED SITUATIONS DAY WOMEN furnished fre of char. Telephone Douglas 1111 (27) Hi YOUNG MAN. advertising student-Inter, nstlonal Correspondence schools, wants a situation as clerk and advertisement writer: small salary. Lock Box 4.11, Sao City. ia. (r7)-M774 18x YOUNG MAN with Several years' experi ence desires position with reliable firm In need of a conietent bookkeeper or cfllc manager. Address K lv9, Bee. (27)-M33 2Sx WANTED A position as bookkeeper or stenographer; will open for employ ment April 22; have completed full bul no and stenographic course at the Ne braska Normal college at Wayne. Neb., and had six weeks' experience In office work; best if references given; age 24. A. R. llerrell, care N. N. C Wayne, Neb. (27) MM 24X ENERGETIC young man desires position and Is capable of taking charge f office ana accounts for large mercantile nrm; lus had several yenrs' experience as ofllco manager, In which capacity Is now employed; can give very best of refer ences ns to character and ability from both present and past employers. Ad dres J lu. Be. (27) M321 23x GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR LIVE STOCK-DE-partment of the Interior, Office of Indian Aliairs. Washout ton II I' March 27. mi;. . Sealed proposals, plainly marked on th ouisioe oi me sealed envelope, iToposais for Live Block." and addreased to th Commissioner of Indiana Affairs, Washing ton, D. C, will be received at the Indian Orllce until 2 o'clock p. m. of April 25, 1907, for furnishing and delivering aoout Zb.&W heifers, 831 bulls, 972 mares and 973 milch cows, and 4 stallions, fur Issue to Indians of different reservations, as per schedules, detailed specifications, conditions to be ob served by bidders, etc., which will be fur nished on application to the Indian Office. Washington. D. C; th U. S. Indian ware houses at New York City, Chicago, 111.; Omaha, Neb.; Bt. IOtils, Mo., snd San Francisco, Cal.; the IT. S. Indian agents at Standing Rock agency, Fort Yates, N. D.; Pine Ridge agency, Lower Brule, agency, Ixiwer Brule. 8. D. : C"" Creek agency. Crow Creek, 8. D. ; Rosetiud agency. Rose bud. S. D. ; Cheyenne River agencv. Chey enne agency, 8. D., and the superintendents of the Santee agency, Bantee, Neb., and Fort Peck agency, Poolar. Mont. Bids upon the blanks furnished are not abso lutely essential; they may be made In any other form, provided the conditions sre ob served. For further Information apply to F. E. LEUPP. Commissioner. A 2-4-6-9-11-13-16-18-20 PROPOSAL8 FOR CAVALRY, ARTIL LERY. DRAFT AND RIDING HORSES AND DRAFT AND PACK MULES. Chief Quartermaster's Office, Omaha, Nebiaska, April 15, 1907. Sealed proposals, In tripli cate, will be received at this office, until 11 o'clock a. m central standard tlm(. May 14, 1907, and then opened, in tho pres ence of attending bidders, for seven hun dred and twenty-five (725) cavalry horses; two hundred and thirty-nine (289) artil lery horses; elght(8) draft horses; six (6) rid ing horses; two hundred and eiphty-one (281) draft mules, wheel; two hundred and twenty-eight (228) draft mulrs, lead, ten (10) pack mules for machine gun platoons; two (2) cart mules; and four (4) f'ack mules for Q. M. department, for de Ivery at Omaha, Neb., or other promi nent railroad points. All of th draft mules are required for 4-mule teams. Tha animals to conform to specifications for cavalry, artillery and riding horses and mules. United States reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Particulars and blanks for proposals will be furnished on appll 1 cation. Envelopes containing proposals to be Indorsed "Proposals for Horses or Mules," and addressed to Major Thomas Cruse, Chief Quartermaster. A16-17-18-19 Mll-13 PROPOSALS FOR BEEF, CORN, ORO cerles, etc. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C. March 6. 1907. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the envelope, "Proposals for Beef. Corn," etc., as the case may be, and address to the "Commis sioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C," will be received at the Indian office . until 3 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, April 13, 1J7, and then cpened. for furnishing the Indian service with rolled barley, bef, mutton, corn, salt, coffee, sugar, ta, soap, baking powder and other groceries. Bids must be mad out on government blanka. Schedules giving all ne' 'sary Information for bidders will be f urn. . ied on application to the Indian offlce, Washington, D. C: ths U. S. Indian warehouses at New York City, Chicago, 111.; jilt Louis, Mo.; Omaha, reo., nnn Man Francisco, Cal.; tha Commis sary of Subsistence, U. S. A., at Cheyenn, Wyo.; the Quartermaster, U. S. A., Seattle, Wash.,, and th postmasters at Tucson, Portland. Bpokan and Tacoma. Th De partment reserves the njght tq reject any and all bids or any part of any bid. F. E. Laupp, Commissioner. Al-dl8t CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Nebraska, April IS, 1907. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here and by Quartermasters at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., central stand ard time May 16, 1907, for furnishing oats, bran, hay and straw during the fiscal year ending June 30, 19r, st Omaha Q. M. Depot, Forts Crook, Omaha and Robinson, Ne braaka;' Forts Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas; Forts D. A. Russell and Mackensle, Wyoming; Fot Dcs iioines, Iowa, and Fort Meade, South Dakota. Proposals for delivery at ether places will be entertained. United States reserves right to reject or nccept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on appli cation here, or to Quartermasters at the i stations named. Envelopes containing pro posals should ne marked "Prop' sals tor Foraire." and addressed to Msjor THOMA8 CRUSE, C. Q. M. A15-16-17-I8-M13-14 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN BY THE undersigned, who represent, at least 26 pur cent of th outstanding bonds Issued under a certain deed or trust, dated August 1, 1), from American Biscuit and Manufac turing company to The Jennings Trust com pany, now th Equitable Trust company of Chicago, Illinois, mat the said fequiiubie Trust company, trustee under the .deed aforesaid, has tendered Its resignation as trustee to take effect as soon as Its suc cessor baa been regularly chosen and lias qualified. Therefore, the undersigned, by virtue of the right, power and authority conferred by Article VII of the suld deed of trust, hereby give public notice that a meeting will be held at No. 2J6 LA Salle aireet. Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday, May 23. 17, at 10 o'clock a. m , for the purpose of filling the vacancy In the office of said trustee, and to transact such other busines as may be proper under the exigencies created by such resignation and in pur suance of Article Vli of the trust deed aforesaid. Dated April 8, 1907. F. W WALLER. L. D. DOZ.IER. E. F. HERR MANN, Counsel 469 W. 15th 8t., New York A18 26M2-9 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JAPAN, CHINA, PHILIPPINES, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA bf lb Moral Mall Steam r tn CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA1 I'L fast llfn o th Orlmt. Recent hsu If U. OHie o Ctil,"I0 ., Shuunv l.te7. V.Kvuei.r .ne lkoh.n.. The ' lrl.r. ' "aiLei .o aud Montr, e" srofld scepiinll) rk .ns. errlus ou ciaat of oeaia pMeeuanbaiiaitEt iiierinllt me. ' v.llins from Vtnmnnr to Yokohama. Kob. sv I. Sn " ' Tarter Mr lEmsreee & Mim j0B, u fc:upr at CMn Mf llMu&l! Jess 11 Athemtn Jut. I Kmrrft:i of Japan July lxo Yaaoonvr to Koaolala sad Sydaey, Australia. Moat Apul MAortual Jen 11 H.uw.r May 24Moa Jylf 1, tor rtra, tnfirmalK.n and ittcrerure apple to A. O. IfliW, 0m Agl.ta3a Chark su Chicago. ALLA i LINE OCEAN STEAMSHIPS UVKRPOOU OLAKOOW. UMDON. HAVRB. hmw tMtiitira VICTORIAN t$4 VIRGINIAN, IrtpitjVswraw turbia Dginctt, mn4 TUNlsiAN, (.Ok q4 IONIAN, twln-arrvvi RrumLr, tur mHidm r Wrklr from MONT h CAL. 4om ir p.ciurqu it. UtrtuM ttlr by aUligiu. Accommudtiluiti uiiiurpvc4. Hal ; tUlotMi bt m q4 upwards. oi.tI cabin $49 00 mi up aril, Oa cliai bin lnnn'ri $4)0 00 aud upward. ALLAN A COMPANY. 174 JackMa hvul. ChUaa iHOjr1 EUROPE All nacaMaarr ipoMt Jae.ud; araonal meon xtwlifDl arlc. Otto tour. prW4 ;m to Frequent 4fartrM 4uiiD Majr, Juas aa4 JtiJ Nurtb ps-Kui4 Tour, Jya SO. FRANK C. CLARK. Broadway. N.Y DOG MUZZLE EDICT INVALID Judr rUdioa FransuooN tfijtr'i Fml mitim of Mo EfieU COURT GRANTS TEMPORARY INJUNCTION Maid Ordlaaae Drfeetlv Repass It Caater Legislative Power Oa . Mayor aa4 He Overrate Deaiarrer ( City, Tlge won a complete and lasting vlctorj In Judge Redlck'a court Wednesday morn ing when the court decided Mayor Dahl man's famous dog mutxling proclamation was Invalid and of no effect Th tem porary Injunction asked for by M. J. Oreevy to prevent th carrying out of tha mayor's proclamation was granted and tha mayor and pollc officials will be restrained from Interfering with dogs because they do not wear th millinery prescribed by his honor's communication. Judge Redlck overruled th demurrer filed by the city attorney and In doing m held that not only waa the ordinance under which the proclamation wag Issued bad. but the mayor's proclamation did not evn conform to the provisions of the ordinano. Tha flaw In the ordinance, according ta th decision of the court arises from tha fact it attempts to give th mayor legis lative power. Th court declared tha power of determining wh?n the publlo safety de mands tha muixllng of dogs waa legisla tive and not executive In nature and could b exercised onbj by tha legislature or council. The' court also pointed out that that part of the proclamation authorising tha police to kill all unmuixled dogs did not conform to the ordinance, which provide) tKcy shall ba condemned after a hearing la police court The proclamation as Issued by Mayor Dahlman required all dogs to ba musslnd between April 6 and July 6, under penalty of being shot If found at large without muz ales. Dr. Miller and Mayar Speak. "I regard this decision as a sweeping victory for law, order and decency In tha city of Omaha and Its government," waa Dr. George L. Miller's expression when advised by The Bee of the court' action. "That ia a good thing," ha added. "Tha ruling of Judge Redlck seems to me to ba eminently sound and In strict keeping with logic, common sense and law. We main tained at th outset that .ths ordinano was bad, sine It allowed th mayor to da what a legislative body should do, if M was to be done. That is th vital point and the court has hit It squarely. "Gratified T Yes, Indeed, I am more lhaa gratified; I am delighted." Speaking of Judge Redlck's decision Mayor Dahlman said: "I Intend to go befara th city council next Monday afternoon, when the council will meet In committee of the whole, and urge that th council pass an ordinano requiring that all dogs be kept off th streets at all times, unless under leash. I think the council will do this" No Farther Action. Assistant City Attorney Rlna thinks na further action will ba taken by tha city legal department In this dog case. I. J. Dunn, who has' this matter In hand, la out of the city. Mr. Rlne said If any further action would be token on behalf of Mayor Jim's' proclamation It would ba an appeal from tha order of Wednesday morning overruling tha demurrer. It waa Mr, Rlna's belief, however, that tha bast thing for th city to do would, b for th council to 'pass an ordinance covering th desired regulation of dogs, as Judge Radlok held the council could do this, but coukt not delegate authority to tha mayor. TRAIN INJURY PROVES FATAL Jaaae Dvany Ola a Desalt Ilavlnsr Both HI Leg Cat ST. ' James Devaney, died in tha South Oman hospital at 6:45 Wednesday moraine, from the effects of his Injury in the Union Pacific yards Tuesday night. The accident happened on the Union stock yards track, and It was a switch engine of tha yards which ran over him, cutting off both lags at tha knees. Ha waa taken to the hospi tal, where little waa to ba dona, except U stop th flow of blood and glv a hypodaf. mlo to relieve tha pain. Tha relatives of' tha man war notified and attended him during tha night. Death resulted from shock and tha loss of blood. The body was taken In charge by Heafay Jb I lea fey and a coroner's Inquest was ar ranged at 3 p. rn. Wednesday afternoon. Devaney had a mother, brother and slstel in South Omaha. Th mother Is Mrs. Catherine Devaney. Peter Devaney la ths brother. Hla sister Is Margaret Devaney. The family lived at Twenty-third and O. Peter Devaney, the brother, lives at 171 Booth Twenty-second street. Jamas Da. vaney was 31 years of age. There ar tw other brothers living. Ona Is a cooper la Battle Creek. Mich., or other nearby tows. The second Is a sailor on tha lakes. - The funeral arrangements have not baas, mad, but It is thought that Friday will ba tha day. ALL FIREPROOF SAYS COHN Raw Bnlldiaar Mast B Tha Ca. 1 stracteel aad Heac Hvld Bids Ar Asked. "The. contract for th erection of my naff building st Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue will not b let for about on week, as revised estimates are being taken fot the purpoae of erecting a building; which will be absolutely fireproof." said Herman Cohn of the Nebraska Clothing company Wednesday morning when Inquiry was made regarding the new building. "When bids were asked the plans were for a building only two-thirds fireproof," continued Mr. Cohn. "The bids submitted were low enough to allow the erection oi a modern snd completely fireproof building of th latest Improved typ and negotia tions ar pending to that end, but It will ba a week before th matter Is definitely decided upon and tn contract awarded." Bids were received from seventeen con tractors of Omaha snd. It Is reported, ths figures were based on th lowest posslbla cost, as contractors sra anxious to secur the big Job. Mr. Cohn has elaborate plana for an ex pensive and thoroughly modern hotel aad store building, snd Its complete ".re proofing will lncreas th Investment con siderably. GRACE BIRNBAUM GOES FREE Wo ma a Strack ay Colored PUaaa Nat Coavlcteel af ttaeplaaj Dis orderly Uaa. Mrs. Qraos Btrnbaum, 1709 Leavenworth street, was discharged In txillce court Wednesday morning after a hearing on th charg of keeping a disorderly house. Neighbors snd business men In th vlclnlt testified to tha unsavory and susplcloui conduot alleged to take place at her home, but the statements were refuted by Fred Anderson, formerly of th county treas urer's office, a roomer at lh Birnbaum horn; by Mr. Birnbaum and other. Th woman Is th on whom Patrolman E. R. Smith Is charged with having struck tw wk sg )