Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1907, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
At End of Fetes Conference Andrew Car
negie Civet Oat a Statement.
Addwi hy Ambtnudor Irjw, Arch
bithop Ireland Rod W. J, Bryan.
7tw Version of Fatrfc Henrr'i F anions
Saying Ft. posed.
Permanent lateruatlonal
t The llaaue ml a
nernl Treaty of Arbi
tration. .M'.W TORK. April 17. The first conven
tion of the National Arbitration and Peace
corforenre ended tonight, after A three
days' session, with two large bnnquets. cne
at the Hotel Astof and the other at the
.Waldorf Astoria. Tho event of greatest
Interest was the decoration of Andrew
Carnegie with the cross of th Legion of
Honor by the French government, repre
sented by Baron D. Estourne'lcs de Con
stant, in appreciation of his wo.V for peace
and his gift of the palace at The Hague.
Mr. Carnegie, who is president of the
congress, tonight gave out a statement as
to the results of the congress. Although
not so designated by Mr. Carnegie, the
statement constitutes a reply to some of
the suggestions contained In the' letter
which President Roosevelt addressed to the
congress on the opening day.
Reply to Roosevelt.
Mr. Carnegie quotes these statements as
objections," and answers them as follows:
Our peace conference hoe brought tnree
objections clearly before us.
1. Nations cannot submit all questions to
arbitration. j
Answer Six of them have recently done
so, Denmark and The Netherlands, Chile
and Argentina, Norway and Sweden.
ft. Justice Is higher than peace.
Answer The urst principle of natural
Justice forbids men to be Judges when they
are parties to the lasue. All law rests
upon this throughout the civilised world.
Were a Judge known to sit upon a case n
which he was secretly Interested he would
be dlahiinored and expelled from his high
otflce If any Individual refused to submit
his dispute witn a neighbor to dlslnteiested
parlies and insisted upon being his owu
judge he would violate the first principles
of justice. If he resorted to force in de
fense of his right to Judge he would bjdts
honored as a breaker of the law. Thus,
peace with Justice Is secured through arbi
tration, never by one of the parties sitting
as Judge In his own cause.
Nations being only aggregates of Indi
viduals, they will nut reach Justice In their
judgments until the same rule holds good,
vlt., that they, like Individuals, shall not
ait as Judges In their own cause. W hat
Is unjust far Individuals 1 unjust for na
tions. ' . ' ....
a. It la neither peace nor Justice, but
righteousness, that shall exalt the nation.
Answer Righteousness Is simply doing
want Is right. What la. Just la always
right, what Is unjust fs always wrong; It
. bing .4eArst principle of Justice that
m.r ahull not be ludaes In their own cause
or refuse to submit to Judge or arbitrator
In 'unjust, hence not right, for the essence
of rlghleousmwe Is Justice. Therefore, -men.
who place Justice or Jtrtntettu,.nV,? b0m
peace practically proclaim that they will
commit Injustice and discard righteousness
by constituting themselves sole Judges of
their own cause in violation of law. Justice
"cnvllfied man has reached the conclusion
that he meets the claims of Justice and of
right only by upholding the present reign
of law. What is right for each individual
must be right for the nation. The demand
that Interested parties shall ait In Judg
ment Is the wickedness that degrades a
Banquet at Waldorf-Astoria.
Baron D'Bstoumelles Je Constant an
nounced In his addresa at the Waldorf
Astoria banouet that the cross of com
mander of the legion of honor had been
conferred by the French government on
Andrew Carnegie and then proceeded to
the banquet at the Hotel Aetor, where the
decoration was formally presented to Mr.
About 600 guests were present at tha Waldorf-Astoria
dinner. Both Low presided
nd announced messages from tha kings
of Norway and Italy, tha president of
Bwluerland and the Nobel Peace committee
of the Norwegian Parliament. All com
plimented the peace, conference and ex
pressed wishes for success of the work.
Baron jyEstournellee de Constant spoke
of the lmpoi tance of world-wide peace.
Prof, Hugo Francke of Harvard spoke for
the university and In a measure for (Jer
inany. Bryan for Liberty aa Life.
William Jennings Bryan In his address
offered as a substitute for' the historio
word "Liberty or Death," the cry of
"Liberty and life." This sentiment waa
the keynote of his address. The coat of
human life he wanted counted and esti
mated. "Let us measure the value of thoee that
war has not taken and tbsn we can obtain
some estimate of the value of those Uvea
that have gone."
Life, ha held waa sacred and precious, to
be guarded sacredly because created by
Qod as somethiug worthy and lasting.
The attainment of peace aa aeen from the
viewpoint of the clergy waa presented by
Archbishop Ireland. Greater than all other
names to consider In the conception of
peace, he held, was the divine name of
Christ. f '
what we nud to brevent wars." the
prolate declared, "is the expansion of the 1
gospel of Christ; what we need la that
Inner culture of the soul that will bring
out Its spiritual nature, that will bring out
the divine that Is In It bring about the .
peace In the family, in the society Indeed,
among all the nations and peoples of the
artb." I
Rev. Lyman Abbott In his address ex- !
lorted tor concerted action of the world
attain the ideal of eternal peace. j
Dlsaer at Hotel Aitor.
Vudrew Carnegls presided over the Hotel '
eUr dinner. Karl Qrey. governor gen
ial of Canada. Hras the first speaker. He
ad a telegram from the president of the
anadtsn senate extending greetings to the
'on Enrique C. Creel, the Mexican am
bassador, expressed the regrets of Presi
dent DIas at not being present but as
ured hi hearer thet the Mexican preal
1ent favored tha peace movement. Am
Wsador Creel propoaed a toast to Preal
ent Roosevelt, which waa drunk standln j
:nd amid cheers-
Ambassador Bryce of England followed.
Baron De Constant waa Introduced aa
ringing a message from France. He an
nounced the bestowal of the Legion of
Honor cross on Mr. Carnegie and tied
about the Iron master's neck the ribbon
from which hung the cross. The diners
Sheered for several minutes, and then Mr.
ffeeUaue e Saoond Page.)
surety ojpy dee
1007 ftIL 1007
I 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 0 10 II 12 13
I I 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 5? 1 $
Thuisday and cnMe- in southwest portion.
Friday, unsettled weather.
Thuisday and possibly in east portion Fri
day. Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
1 p. m....
2 p. m....
3 p. m....
4 p. m....
6 p. m....
C p. m....
7 p. m....
8 r. in....
.... 15
.... S3
.... 31
.... 31
.... 31
.... 31
.... 31
5 a. m....
6 a. m....
7 a. m....
8 a. m....
9 a. m....
19 a. m....
11 a. in....
U m
t p. m
.. 32
Latter Pay Balms postpone action on
the marriage and divorce question until
next year's conference. Page 1
National Peace Congress end three
days' session with two banquets. Among
the speakers were Ambassador Bryce, W.
J. Bryan and Archbishop Ireland. An
drew Carnegie gave out a reply to the
letcr written to the conference hy Presi
dent Roosevelt. Tags 1
Kan Francisco grand Jury takes vacation
until Saturday. Pago 1
The state of Illinois is compelled to
start new suit to recover money alleged
to be due from the Illinois Central Rail
road cempany. Page 1
Defendants in the Eddy case file answer
denying allegations of complaint and
pleading bad faith , on part of "next
friends." Page 1
John Ounderson Is under arrest at St.
Paul, charged with robbing the Northwest
ern Express office of $25,000. Page 1
"Night Riders" are destroying the to
bacco crop In Kentucky and Tennessee.
Page 1
Fifty persons killed and 100 Injured In
Mexico by earthquake. Communication
with much of the devastated region Is
still cut off. Page 1
German newspapers aroused at learning
of meeting of kings of England and Ger
many and pretend to See in It a plan to
divorce Italy from the triple alliance.
Page 1
Judge of supreme court of Moscow who
sentences radical reactionaries is removed.
Page 1
Nicaragua and Salvador are holding a
peace conference at Amapala. Page 1
Farmer near Rulo, who resents neigh
bor's giving shelter to wife who had left
him, shoots and fatally wounds one of
the men who la object of his resentment
and attempts to shoot another. Page
" Snowstorm Is - general . Over the state,
amounting to five or six Inches In soma
sections of the northwest portion.
' Pafa 3
. . In answer to a query from the North
western road, the State .Railway commis
sion outlines what It wants from .the
roads in the way of traffic report.
par a
Master plumbers hold animated meeting
at which an election of officers Is held, ,
completely overturning the official regime,
Installing a president of union sympathies j
and evoking criticism on the regularity i
nf h- rMAlnri affa I
Rev. T. K. Hunter, D. D., at the. final
session of the Omaha presbytery, an
nounces his resignation as pastor of Dun
dee church and his intention of becoming
financial secretary of Bellevue college.
Pace T
Judge Redlck, In the district court,
grants temporary Injunction against
Mayor Dahlman'a dog mussle proclama
tion, holding It and the ordinance under
which the mayor acted to be invalid and
of no effect. 'age 11
Testimony In land trial Is completed
and attorneys begin flnaj arguments.
Page B '
Defense In Dennlson libel case pre- .
sente deposition from former convict j
charging Dennlson with planning a num
ber of robberies. Pae 8
pro jits.
Western Base Ball league eeason opens
under Inauspicious weather conditions.
Omaha loses to Bloux ICty, Pueblo to Lin
coln and Des Moines o Denver. ,ft
Chicago Nationals win opening ganiA
I Pittsburg by errorless playing. 'age 4
Juggler wins the Rockaway stakes at
Aqueduct park. Page 4
Live stock markets. Page t
Grain markets. afs
Stocks and bonds. Page
Principle that Rales Ckleaco Polleo
Department Despite Civil
Bervlae Law.
CHICAGO. April 17. Fear of the man
"higher up" has always ruled the police
department of Chicago, the Civil Service
commission wae told today In the Investi
gation of charges that former Chief of Po
lice Collins had made a levy on the police
for democratic campaign purpose during
the recent mayoralty election.
Captain O'Brien of the detective bureau
testified today.
"A short time before the primaries," said
O'Brien, "Chief Collins called ma Into hla
office and said he was trying to raise
money to assist Mayor Dunne. He wanted
me to help him. He said those opposing
Mayor Dunne had plenty of money, while
the mayor himself had but little. I didn't
aay anything, but when I reached my office
I spoke to n,y lieutenants about It. I told
them I was not In favor of It, but that
I would leave the matter to them and they
could do as they pleased. A few daya
later U6 In envelopes was handed to me
and I gave It to the chief. There waa a
certain fear that exists among members of
tha department that makes a man hesitate
In matters of that kind, and they think
the beet way la to do aa the other officers
do contribute."
"Do you think that fear reaches down
to the lowest officers V
"Do you think, then." asked Commis
sioner Wenter, "that fear stamps the
whole department aa a machine which
works according to the wlshea of the man
who has charge of it without regard to
the civil service law?"
Tea. I do." .
The hearing will be resumed tomorrow.
Representatives of Nioarasua and Salvador
Open Becotiatimi at Amapala,
Zelaya Said to be III aad Flgrwera
Busy, Bo Delegates Are
Beat to Disease Affairs.
WASHINGTON, April 17.-Representa-tives
of the governments of Nicaragua and
Salvador are now believed to be In con
ference at Amapala, Tlgre Island, Honduras,
or on board an American gunboat In
Fonsna bay, Honduras. The Navy depart
ment's report of the movements of vessels
gives the gunboat as having sailed yester
day from Corlnto, Nicaragua, and the
cruiser Chicago from AcaJutla, Salvador,
i from Amapala. The mission of the Amer
! lean vessels to Nlcaraguan and Salvadorean
1 ports was to convey representatives of the
; two governments to Amapala for a confer
! ence looking to a settlement of the diffi
1 culty between Nicaragua and Honduras and
Salvador. The vessels were due to arrive
early today. It was expected that the
conference would be between Presidents
Zelnya of Nicaragua and Fifruera of Sal
vador, personally, but at the last moment
it was stated that Zelaya expressed douht
as to ability to go to Amnpala. President
Flguera had not communicated any such
doubt to the T'nlted States, but It Is as
sumed that If Zelaya sends an amhassador
instead of attending personally, Flguera
would proceed In like manner.
Bonllln In Mexico
The giinboat Princeton Is reported to have
sailed from Saline Crux. Mexico, where It
landed President Bonllla of the defeated
Honduran government, for Acapuleo. Mex
ico. Senor Corea. the minister from Nic
aragua, conferred with Assistant Secretary
Bacon today concerning the conference at
Amapala. The representative of rresldnt
Zelaya. he said, la J. D. Gomex. the mln- !
later of foreign affairs, and he understands
that Minister of Foreign Affairs Garcia of '
Snlvsdor will represent that government.
The failure of the presidents of the two
countries to personally get together at
.' - rr..Ua was because of the Illness of '
, nt Zelaya, according to a dispatch
; d today by Senor Corea. It Is not j
I ' , . i ted by Senor Corea that the confer-i
ence will result In more than a temporary I
agreement, because the five states In Cen- I
tral America have decided that It Is neces
sary to hold another conference at which
all will be represented for the purpose of
agreeing upon a peace proposition on an
enduring basis. The ministers from the
various Central American states are ex
changing views with their government on
the subject or selecting Washington as the
place for holding the conference, and al
ready have assured them that such a se- '
lection would be warmly welcomed by
O- 1..., 1 . , CT . t". . . I
Panel la Now Subject - to Tea , Chal
lenges by Defease aad Five
. v j- . ' japs Stat. ' '"' , i '
SAN FRANCISCO, April 17. After pre
liminaries, examinations, adjournments and
other delays occupying In all twenty-two'
days, a trial Jury panel subject to the
exerets of fifteen peremptory challenges I
ten by the defense and five by the prosecu- j
tlon waa today completed In the Ruef
When the trial was resumed this morn
ing thirty-five talesmen out of a drawn '
venire of fifty Issued to complete the panel, .
answered their names In court. Twenty- ;
six of the thirty-five escaped serving by ,
satisfying Judge Dunne that their excuses
were valid. . Out of the nine remaining, ;
four tentative Jurors were chosen In the '
course of the day, thus filling the box.
The time has now arrived for the per
emptory challenges of the jurors and much
speculation 1s Indulged as to whether the '
entire panel will be eet aside In the ex- I
erclse of this privilege or whether as many t
aa half of the twelve will survive the I
final scrutiny of Ruef's prosecutors and
defenders. It is thought likely that at ;
least another week will be required for the
permanent filling of the panel after the i
peremptory challenges have been exer
cised tomorrow. -
The grand Jury haa adjourned to meet next
Saturday. The line of Investigation now
taken-up bears on the slot machine graft of
two years ago. This Is nearlng an end and, It
la believed.' It may result In a number of
Indictments against several city officials.
Among the witnesses are a number of for
mer police commissioners, members of the
police board of 190S.
The daya of the so-called city commissary
department appear to be numbered. The
city attorney haa handed down an opinion
that the department Is Illegal and. in addi
tion, the evidence already secured by the
grand jury Is, It la said, sufficient to war
rant It In recommending Its abolition. This
means that the purchase of supplies for
hospital and other branches of the mu
nicipal service will revert to the old chan
nels and be removed from the control of
any political combination.
State Mast Start Now Actios to Re
cover Money Claimed From
SPRINGFIELD. 111.. Anrll 17-Th. ...
! preme court today dismissed the suit of
' the state of Illinois against the Illinois
Central railroad for an accounting and
recovery of the share claimed by the state
i of the grosa receipts of the railroad,
i In dismissing the suit the court gave
i leave to the attorney to withdraw the
suit and begin the proceedings, either here
or in Chlcsgo.
Chief Justice Scott, in his brief oral de
cision, announced that the court was di
vided as to whether the suit Involved In
ternal revenue. In the meaning of the con
stitution, and therefore In Its discretion
decided not to assume jurisdiction.
Assistant Attorney Dempsey said today
that uie sail wouia Dm promptly re riled,
either In the circuit court here or in the
superior court In Chicago. The case ulti
mately will go to the supreme court for
final action In any event.
Iowa Maa Talks of Railroad Snper
Ttalea aad Overeaaltallsatloa
Kaaa at White Hoosa.
WASHINGTON. April 17.-Former Gov
ernor Larrabee of Iowa bad a talk with the
president today about strengthening the
Interstate commerce law, having In view
mora etriot federal supervision of railroads
and the prevention of overcapitalisation.
Chairman Knepp of tha Interstate Com
merce oommiaaloa also "lli"t with tha
Marriage aad Divorce Qaestloa So
Over to Next Year'a Cob- -fereaee.
LAM ONI,' la., April 17. (Special Tele
gram.) Following the usual morning
ptayer meeting at the letter Day Saints'
crnference here today Eldnr J. M. Terry
of Oakland. Cal., delivered a fine dis
course to an attentive congregation, which,
however, was perceptibly smaller than
has been noticed for the last two weeks
of the conference and convention session.
Many are departing on each train, as the
end of the conference Is apparently in
The selection of the committee from
the Daughters of Zlon organisation, . to
whom in connection with the committee
from the conference shall be entrusted the
work of erecting and equipping n home
for children, was approved, vis: Mrs. B.
C. Smith and Mrs. Ruth L. Smith of In
dependence. Mo.; Mrs. C. B. Stcbbins of
Lamonl, Mrs. T. A. Hougns of Henderson,
la., and Mrs. Evelyn Burgeas of St. Louis.
The last named Is the woman who won
the United States championship us woman
chess player In New York City two months
An action was taken after two hours'
debate disapproving of Latter Day Saint
ministers engaging In or influencing the
sale' of mining or other stocks or shares
Elder William Newton of California was
chosen to be ordained a high priest.
It was announced that Elder Paul M.
Hanson will give an Illustrated lecture
tomorrow evening on his recent extended
visit to Palestine and the orient. This
young man has lately returned from Tils
three years' missionary tour In New Zea
land and Australia.
To the presidency, the historian and
the board of publication was referred the
matter of providing a publication for the
purpose of gathering and preserving his
torical data, and they were given full
power to act In the matter.
President Joseph Smith was authorised
to provide himself with further clerical
assistance ' In order that he may soon
compile and get In order his 'nemoire,
which will be of Inestimable value to the
The fourth day of next year's session
of the conference was set apart for the
taking up and discussion of the marriage
and divorce question, which has laid on
the table for most of this session.
High Priest Frederick a. Pitt of Chi
cago spoke this evening.
Consults With Attorney Peabody
Wife Will Not Talk of Moth,
er's Statement.
NEW YORK, April 17.-Harry K. Thaw
Informed the keeper In the Tombs prison
that he was ill when A. RusBell Peabody
of his counsel called at the prison today.
Thaw was still In bed, but on being In
formed that he could not confer with Mr.
Peabody In his cell, he went to the confer
ence room and consulted with Mr. Pea
body tor two hours. .. At the end of It Mr.
Peabody would make no statement.
Mr. Evelyn Thaw, who wae waiting to
see her husband, was aeked If she had any
reply, V make to rr mother's statement
"Not a word to say in any subject," was
her reply.
Although District Attorney Jerome re
turned to his office today from a visit to
his home In Lakevlile, Conn., no move
yet has been made toward art application
for Thaw's release. Daniel O'Reilly of
Thaw's counsel, called on Mr. Jerome this
afternoon, but said the matter of ball for
the prisoner was not mentioned. Mr.
Jerome, In speaking of the case, said his
position war unchanged from what It was
Immediately after the Jury reported a disa
greementnamely, that he would oppose
In every possible way the release of Thaw
on ball. When questioned about the
signed statement Issued by Mrs. Nesblt
Holman, mother of Mrs. Harry K. Thaw,
yesterday, Mr. Jerome said he had read It.
"I can't vouch for some of the things
said by Mrs. Holman, because I do not
know about them," said the district at
torney, "but I can assure you that when
she said she furnished the district attor
ney no Information for use In connection
with the trial of Thaw, she epoke the
truth. Mrs. Holman never gave us any
Conimanleattoa Still Cat Off from
Mack of Devastated Regloa
la Mexico.
CITT OF MEXICO, April 17.-Owlng to
the great difficulty in establishing com
munlcatlon with the districts situated In
the regions of the greatest devastation
wrought by the recent earthquake, details
are coming to this city very slowly. From
the latest reports It Is learned that shocks
occurred as late as noon today. In the
Hat of known dead, which now totals fifty,
and of the Injured, which approximate 300,
are many names of Mexicans prominent In
the official and social life of the region.
Bo far the names of no American haa ap
peared In the meag-re list of dead and In
jured as sent to "this city.
One of the most remarkable stories of
miraculous escapes from death In this
earthquake, or perhaps In any other one,
came from Santa Julia today, where Sale
rlano college for children Is located. When
the big shock, came Sunday over 100 chil
dren were asleep in the dormitories. Thirty
five, together with the teachers, succeeded
In leaving the building before the second
story and the roof fell in. By a seeming
miracle none of those left In the ruins
was seriously hurt and all were rescued.
In Tlxtla seven people were taken from
the ruins dead today and many injured
were removed.
At Tuxtla eight dead and forty injured
are reported.
In Ayutla nine are dead and about fifty in
jured. In Huamixtlan the cathedral fell and the
government offices and the official school
are In ruins.
At Techan and Tlapa nearly all the
houses fell In, but nobody was hurt.
In the City of Mexico the damage was
heavier than at first supposed. Numerous
buildings were badly shaken.
River for a Year at
PIERRE. 8. D., April 17.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The renegrade L'tes, who have re
fused to go back to their Utah reservation
without the use of force, have, by the In
dian council of the Cheyenne river reserva
tion, been leaeed th four townships In the
northwestern corner of their reservation
for one year, which will settle the dispute
of this roving band until eUter arrange
ments caa be iuade
DefeidasU in En t at Oonoord Til a Gen
eral Denial,
Evll-Mladed Persons Bald to Have
Caased "ext Friends" to Urine
Bait for Belflsa Inter-eats.
CONCORD, N. H., April 17.-A general de
nial of all the allegations of the complaints
in the suit for an accounting of the prop
erty of Mrs. Mary Baker Glover Eddy
filed March 1 was the legal answer made
today by the defendants named In tha
oilKinal action
The specifications In the original bill are
that -Mrs. Eddy is and has for a long time
been incompetent to do business or to un
derstand transactions conducted In her
name; that the defendant, whose answer
was filed today, with other leaders of the
Christian Science church who were named
in the original bill, have possessed tnem
eelves of the person and property of Mrs.
Eddy and have carried en her business;
that on account of Mrs. Eddy's infirm. ty
these persons are bound to give account of
ail transactions undertaken In hr name
and that the defendants have wrongfully
converted property to their own use.
To these representations the defendants
filed specific and detailed denial, declaring
also that the suit was not brought by the
plaintiffs In good faith, but that "the ex
celled 'next friends' have been Induced to
lonn their names at the Instigation of cer
tain evil-minded pet sons who are furnl h
lng money for the prosecution of the mat
ter for their own evil purposes and to
further their own selfish Interests."
Other Defendants Answer.
.Besides the Boston defendants, Calvin A.
Fry Irving C. Tomllnson, Herman 8. 8.
Herlng and Lewis C. Strang of Concord,
the New Hampshire residents among the
defendants named In the original bill In
equity, also filed their answer today. Mr.
Frye eys he has been In the employ of
Mrs. Eddy for about twenty-five years, for
a considerable part of the time as private
secretary. During all that time her house
at Concord and all other houses In which
she has resided, together with all persons
employed or connected therewith, have al
ways been under the absolute control and
direction of Mrs. Eddy. Mrs. Eddy de
termines for herself whom she will see
and the length of time that will he given
for that purpose, according to Mr. Frye's
answer, and the defendant denies that he
ever, personally, or in conjunction with
Strang or others of the defendants, re
fused to allow any person or persons to
see Mrs. Eddy, or that he has prescribed
or limited the time to be allowed to per
sons desiring to confer with her, except In
accordance with the rules prescribed by
said Mary B. O. Eddy, for the conduct of
her household and buslnesa.
The defendant . denies also . that Mrs.
Eddy is and has .been for many late years
not legally responsible for acts done by
her and unfit to manage and control her
business and property, but. on the contrary,
he avers that she always haa directed and
managed er business affairs.
Ths. answer of Strang is practically the
same as that of Frye, while the answers
of Tomllnson and Herrn yary .pnly Insofar
as their relations ' with Mrs. Eddy ' differ
from those of Frye and Strang. '
Lively Campaiara Amosg Revolatloa
ary Society, With the Prcsldeaey
as the Object.
WASHINGTON. April 17. The chief in
terest today In ' the conference of the
Daughters of the American Revolution Is
centered In the dedication of the memorial
portico at the Memorial Continental hall.
The regents of the thirteen original states
stood on the portico, which Is south
of tha building, looking toward the
Potomac. C. W. Necdham, president of the
George Washington university, delivered a
short .address and the chaplain-general,
Mrs. Teunts 8. Hamlin, offered prayer.
The congress will elect officers tomorrow
and Mrs. McLean's friends are making the
claim that sufficient votes have been
pledged to re-olect the president-general,
despite the fact that her candidacy has not
been Indorsed by the New York state dele
gation. There is also much activity In the
camp of the "Insurgents" who will present
candidates for all the officers In opposition
to the administration, or McLean slate.
Practically the entire afternoon session
was devoted to the announcement of con
tributions to the building fund by tha
various state chapters. Already the or
ganization has accumulated a fund of
$350,000 for this purpose, and It la be
lieved that with today's contributions there
will be nearly enough to pay for the build
ing. The Society of Children of the American
(Revolution, which Is also holding Its ses
sions here, will make Its annual pilgrimage
to the tomb of George Washington at
Mount Vernon tomorrow.
Mrs. Fied T. Dubois of Idaho, national
president, haa requested many of the
Daughters of the American Revolution to
accompany the children on this trip.
Forelsra and War Correspondent of
Associated Press Dies of Tnnior ,
of tha Drala. v
PHILADEI.PHIA, April 17,-John P. Dun
ning, well known In newspannr circles
throughout the country, died today in a
hospital here of tumor on the brain. He
was 44 years of nge.
John P. Dunning nrrt came into notice
a a newspaper writer of exceptional ability
In He had been sent to Samoa by the
Aaaoclated Pross to eaten for develop
ments In the Samoa difficulties, the naval
squadrons of the 1'nlted States, Great
Britain and Germany having gathered at
that place. On March li. a great
hurricane swept over ths Islands and fifteen
merchant vessels and six men-of-war were
piled upon the shores of Apia bay and 112
officers and men of the American and Ger
man warships lost their lives. Dunning
was upon the scene througnout the hurri
cane, which lasted thirty-six hours, and
assisted the natives In saving many lives.
Afterward he wrote a 80.000-word story of
the storm, the wrecking of the warships
and the rescue of the sailors, which has
ever been considered a model of descriptive
Dunning acted as war correspondent for
ths Associated Press In Cuba. Porto Rico
and the Philippines. He landed with
Colonel Roosevelt's Rough Rldere In Cuba
and his was the first story snt out of the
ambuscade la which liauilltou Fish was
Mrs. C. ft. Letina Chosea for Nebraska
and Mra. Rovreaa E. Stevens
for Iowa.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April 17.-(Speo1nl Tele
gram. At a meeting today of the Ne
braaka women In attendance on the nnnual
convention of the Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution Mrs. C. B. Lettnn of Lincoln
waa chosen state regent end Mrs. Conrad
Ilnllenbeck of Fremont vice regent. Thoee
present at the convention :t an official
capacity are: Mrs. R. C. Hoyt. regent
Omaha chapter; Mrs. Archibald Smith of
Omaha and Mrs. M. J. Waush of Lincoln.
At the meeting of the Iowa delegation
thla morning Mrs. Rowena R 8tvens of
Boone was re-elected state regent and Mrs.
J. C. Loher of Pes Moines was chosen vice
state recent. Mrs. Conley of Dubuque,!
former state regent for aomj years, wns
elected honorary stnte regent.
There are elKht chapters of the Daughters
of the American Revolution In Nebraska
and they have contributed 1017 to the
building fund to complete the marble struc
ture which was started some time agn,
and Is now practically complete, except ns
to Interior finish and decoration.
Iowa women have pledged themselves for
ll.rro for an Iowa room In the structure.
They paid tflOO In cash and obligated them
selves to pay the balnnce within one year.
Iowa also, through Its various chapters,
contributed tfm to the building fund.
Poatmnsiters appointed: Nebraska Brown
vllle, Nemaha county, Thomas C. Dilts,
vice E. E. Lowman, resigned South Da
kotaCrawford, Roberta county, Emll
Hosabjor, vice Olo Ptovern, resigned.
Rural free delivery carriers appointed:
Nebraska Diller, route 1, Clyde Hutchin
son carrier, L. A. Forest Raymond sub
stitute; Endlcott. route 1, Rollnnd B. Knapp
carrier, Reuben Thontas substitute. Iowa
Glenwnod, route 3, John Schmidt carrier,
Lulu N. Schmidt substitute; Rock Valley,
route S, Howard N. Kessler carrier, Andy
Keanler substitute; Swea City, route t,
Nels Pterson carrier, Robert Haglund sub
stitute; Wlnterset, route i. Frank A. Gar
retson carrier, John Maplethorp substitute.
South Dakota Goodwin, route 1, Abe L,
Matteson carrier, John Davis substitute;
Hascl, route 2, John O. Davison carrier,
Maud Davison substitute; Irene, route 2,
Michael J. Fltxgerald carrier, Neil C. Flti
gerald substitute; Marlon, route 1, William
W. Brady carrier. Jacob M. Reich substi
tute; Meckltng, route 1. Fred O Havlland
carrier, Carl J. Kdnerton substitute;
Revlllo, routes 1 and 2, Gustav A Garberg
carrier, Albert Qarberg substitute: Vienna,
routo 1, Otto Froke carrier, Melvln Froke
substitute; Watertown, routes I and 4,
James L. Humphrey carrier, Emma D.
Humphrey substitute; routes 6 and 6,
Arthur M. DeLand carrier, Lottie E. De
Land substitute.
t'pon the recommendation of Congress
man Parker, Dr. F. 8. Howe has been ap
pointed pension examining surgeon at
Dead wood. 8. D.. vice Dr. F. B. Schreere,
Obsequies for O. J. Vaa Dyke ' to
Be Held by Workmea
Tha funeral e"f O. J. Van Dyke of Bhel
ton, grand .master workman of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen, whose death
occurred In Omaha Tuesday night, will take
p' '9 at his home In Bhelton Thursday.
'I. body will be accompanied by an es
cort of Workmen and the services will be
held under auspices of the order.
The body of Mr. Van Dyke will be taken
on the 8:30 a. m. train over the Union Pa
clfld Thursday to Shelton, where the funeral
aervlces will be held In the afternoon, and
will be then taken to Grand Island for
burial there on Friday afternoon, under
direction of lodge No. 1. An escort of six
men froni the Workmen degree team of
lodge No. 169, with Captain Henry Hempen
In command, will accompany the body. A
brother of the dead Workman arrived
Wednesday, but because of . the wife's 111
health she was unable to come also. Her
Illness is the cauae for so much haste in
the obsequies.-
Mr. Van Dyke joined the order In 1S4
and served the order for over twenty years,
being the oldest organiser In point of serv
ice In the United States. He was deputy
supreme lodge representative. He was
born In Butler county,. Pennsylvania, April
7, 1S54. In 1379 he took up a homestead near
Bhelton. At that time he was a resident
of Omaha, but haa made Bhelton hla home
The ball to have been held last night waa
Indefinitely postponed because of the death
of Mr. Van Dyke.
Drary College Faculty Takes Kxeep
tloas to Resolutions Passed
by tha Class.
SPRINGFIELD, Mo., April 17.-The entire
Junior class of Drury college (Congrega
tional), numbering thirty-four members,
was suspended by the faculty today be
cause they refused to apologise for a set
of resolutions drawn up last Monday and
directed against the faculty. The fresh- '
man class of eighty-seven students has
voted to stand by the Juniors. The trouble
all came through the theft from President
Klrble's home of a quantity of Ice cream
Intended for a seniors' reception. A Junior,
Wyatt Erandon of Rocrv!lle, Ark.,
charged with being the lender of the raid
ers, refused to divulge the name of the
others and was ordered home. Then the
class Intervened.
Tobacco Reds Destroyed nud Tralu
t in e a Warned Mot to Hani Cer
tain Prodnrt.
CLARK8VILLF. Tenn., April 17.-The !
destruction of tobacco beds in this district
by "night riders' has reuehed an alirtn
Ing stige and It . Is feared that unless t;ie
depredations are speedily slopped thero will
be an unv)Kually lUht crop. During the
last week a number of piant beds have I
been salted end the plants killed. !
In Trigg county, Kentucuy, the situation :
is serious In the extreme. Fully a score of
plant beds have been destroyed, tobacco
rolled Into the Tlver and potJ
In places of Indi pendent planters. Train
men have been threatened with violence if
they haul the tobacco of growers not con
nected with tl.e Growere' association.
Hedrlek law Continued.
CHICAGO, April 17. Perry U Hedrlek,
Chlf of the cl:y ssnltury Infection, now
under suspension pending the lnvst!ff&T n
of trlbery charges. hm arralcn'd t.1ay
and was granted a continuance until May I
Illinois l.oeal Option HIU.
BrniiMirir.i.u, tn., April it. in senate I
today, by a vote of K to t. passi-d a bill I
.11 i . .. -1 ......... i . . .
j luviunii i", ' 'lyiiuu iii luwiienips !
cities and villages, tha question to be voted j
uiauo ax a general election, I
Interview 0f Edward and Victor Immannel
Attract Sot ire f Germtui
Cologne Gpftte Sa?i He U Trfin? to
Break Triple Alliance.
Foreicn ' file ' r.b ot'.ion Dopj Not Repre
sent Opinion of Ministry,
Belief at Parts that Comlnsr Confer
ence Will Have Good F.ffrct oa
International Itelntlona
la Europe.
BERLIN. April 17-Klng Edward's ap
proaching meeting with King Victor Em
manuel at Gneta la attracting much at
tention In theXJerman press, whleh com
ments on the event as being an effort to
Isolate Germany and win Italy away from
the triple alliance. An article In the Co
logne Oaiette In this sense Is being widely
dlscused. because It Is believed to have
been Inspired from Berlin. The writer say
public opinion In Germany sees In King
Edward's course tin attempt to disturb the
European equilibrium, which Is calculated
to awaken misgivings regarding bis din
armament proposal, and finally warns
Great Britain that "war with Germany
would be dangerous for any opponnt or
any coalition of opponents" This sharp
language is Interpreted by the Tagllehe
Rundschau as meaning that the German
government has grown weary of the "Eng
lish game of hide and eeek and the comedy
of peace and disarmament."
At the Foreign office, when attention wns
called to the Cologne Gaxette'a article, II
waa stated that it expressed only the ed
itorial opinion of the paper; that the Ger
man government was In no way responsible
for such views and that the governtuent
officials would have taken steps to prevent
their publication if they had been known
in advance. The Foreign office does not
see any reason for disquiet In connection
with the meeting of the kings of England
and Italy, since Italy knows that its in
dependence is better guarded by being a
member of the triple alliance than If it
la thrown wholly upon Anglo-French sup
port. Great Britain s predominant position
In the western part of the Mediterranean
Is fully recognised by Germany, which haa
no interests there.
Effect of Kings' Media.
PARIS, April 17. The forthcoming meet
ing of King fc-dward and King KUward Em
manuel at Gaeta la viewed with the utmost
satisfaction In governmental circles here,
where the royal conference is considered
as not only likely to strengthen the cordial
relations existing between Italy and Gieat
Britain, but as binding ciosur the tiej be
tween those two countries and France, and
as exerting a lood effect on tha European
Politicians Gather,
ROME, April 17.-The marquis Of Ban
Glullano, the Italian ambassador to Great
Britain, - haa arrived at Naples ready to
proceed to Gaeta it summoned to taks part
in the coming conference between King
Edward and King Victor Emmanuel. This
fact, added to the presence of Foreign
Minister Tlttonl at Naples, strenUiens the
view that the meeting of Uie two kings
will have-considerable political Importance
and that they will confer on Important
International questions, mainly the pro
posed discussion of the t,uestlon of the
limitation of nrmaments at the approaching
peace conference at The Hague.
Natives Think Eoropeaa Repobllo
Desires to Aaaas Ter
ritory. TANGIER, April 17. A menacing French
naval demonstration la taking plaoe oft
Mogador and the general situation Is
grave, owing to the resentment of the
Moore over the French occupation of
Native opinion le unantmoua that France
is seeking to pick a quarrel with Morocco
In order to make further annexatlona of
territory. In the meanwhile the country
Is swarming with "provocative agenta."
Information received here from Caaa
Blanca Is that the situation has much Im
proved owing to the presence In the harbor
of the French cruiser La Iande. The gov.
ernor has paid out a considerable sum of
money to neighboring tribesmen to In
duce them to keep quiet.
The success of the French naval visit to
this port Induced the commander of the La
Lande to send ths cruiser G loirs to Mogador
In an endeavor to bring about a similar ra
sult there.
Maa Who Sentenced Reactionaries
Asked to Resign by Minister
of Jnstloe.
ST. PETERSBURG. April 17. Judc
Arnold, president of the Moscow supremo
tourt, who ser.tuiiced for excess, seveial
i t the reactionist 4 of the Ktstroma ' dis
trict, has reslfiied at the request of
M. Chichi .gluvl.uff, the minister of Justice.
The lllcrui prt-sa contracts the milliliters
acton In thU cane with his speech la ths
locur house of I'jilta.nent. April 12, ad
vocating an independent Russian J.tJlclary,
Judtie Arnold, who Is a m nut or, is an out
spoken opponent of drumhead court-mux -tlal.
WAIJ3AW, Rustlan Polana. April 17. It
was ttiinoiir. ' that In the course of police
Investigations !n" the recrt murder of a
physician he.e by a hired terrorist it was
tLlllier tli..l 15 each Is the price paid
by the terrorism cf Warsaw for murders.
I'avora Pollcv as Vuiter of Principle,
Tkleki Disrcisloa Xat
Flfec live.
PARIS. April 17. The announcement of
the withdrawn! of Italy s compromise prop
osition In the matter of a ulicussluti of tha
limitation of armaments it The Hague
peace confidence owlr.g to Austria's and
Germany's decided attitude In M.sXon to
it was made public here tljy. It dues not
greatly afreet Francs s position relative to
the MtTiltat.on of armaments.
Authoritative circles declare that France,
as a matter of principle, regards all efforts
to advance the idea, but It is of tbs opinion
that its dlwusalon at the peace conference
la not likely to aoeurue concrale shape.