12 THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, 'APRIL 17, 1907.' W edivesdeLv's Special mmmmmmmmmmmmm i if 95 J7 .Here's a Real Bargain in the Very Latest Fad The High School Swastika Fob Very popular with young men and young ladies, too. The Swastika lucky emblem, in blue and gl gold or in blue and silver on leather fob jl Hft regular price is 35c "Wednesday at J $1.50 Dotted and Figured Nets, 69c Yd. 45-inch Fine Dotted and Figured Nets and 18-inch Oriental and Irish Crochet Allover Laces, for waists, ff ' yokes, etc., white and cream worth up to $1.50 a yard on bargain square,at, yard.... w er v Bargain Squares oi Wide Embroideries 18-inch Nainsook and Cambric Corset Cover Embroideries; also medium and wide edgings, insertions and headings all new designs many to match worth up to 30c a yard, baTga.in.Tarc.8:. ......... on at WALL PAPER Th kind that sticks Rrid the kind that pleases. Here are bargains for the most par ticular and tor those in ??arch of fresh new wall apers. Velvet two-toned papers, in green, reds and browns, worth up to 75c a toll, at, per roll 3G Leather effects, for reception halls, libraries and dining rooms, worth up to $2.00 a roll, Wednesday 50"75t Wall papers worth 25c, 15c, 10c, 8c and 5c, Wednesday, We have a few bundles left of that famous lc wall pa per. This Is a great special bargain that will save money for you. Housefurnish ings, Basement Old Store. FORhlGN MISSIONS AT BEST Christian ETinccsliution Ksrer Had as Bright Outioo-, daji Dt. J niton. ORIENT COMING TO f AiTH OF THE CROSS Itw York DUaltatry of Church Cites Evidences of Steady Progreee ,f Belagr Mad by the Gospel. "Never before In the world's history has the outlook for Christian missions In for ign countries been so encouraging as to day," sold Rev. Ir. Howard A new Johns tun of New Yurk in an interview Tueexlay. "Take China as an example. We hear much about the antl-forelgn feeling there and some peopU Imagine that'ttus feeling to antl-mlBxlonary.tlt Is nuthlris; of the sorl The mlaslonanes are in no stense reaponai hls for that feeling. There are several good reasons for' It. One of theue Is the dis honest dealing , of certain commercial In terests which have come into contact with the) Celestials. A certain man sold R.OOO.OuO worth of ordnance and ammunition to Li Hung Chang. The ammunition didn't lit the ordnance and much of the good was damaged so it oould not be used at all. Naturally such a transaction didn't make the Chinaman feel well disposed toward the foreigner. The treatment of the Chinese In this country is another cause for the antl-forelgn feeling, as Is also the treat ment of Chinese awnravnta In the Aslatlo ports by poor specimens of Americans. There has been a great change in senti ment In favor of Chrtetlsn missions in China since the Bexar uprising. The com-. mem people as well as the government have iaevrned that the missions are working for their good. The empress dowager herself gave 10.000 taels to the Union Medical col leg which was dedicated in Peking last year by the Presbyterians. Congregational tats and Methodist a The personally ap pelated representative of the empress, took th chair on that occasion of the dedica tion with ths diplomatic representative of a number of foreign governments present oa the platform. And the Imperial govern snent has decreed that the graduates of this oollego shall be recognised equally with tbs graduates of tbs Imperial university, roollah aad Pale Reports. . "Reports of ths luxury in which mlsi slonartes live are utterly -untrue aad are usually circulated by people whose lives would not bear close scrutiny. The Board of Forelxn Missions builds the homes of the inliU.iai I. and they receive about uoS a year ulary. What object would there bo for a well educated man to exile him self ta a foreign land aU bis life for a freoUoa of fey ho eould earn in ths OMAHA Sales New York Manufacturer's Entire Sample Line of While Underskirts Beautiful made of the finest cambric, nainsook and muslin. These fine white petticoats are dain tily trimmed with lace and eyelet em broideries all the newest and most elaborate patterns cut full and am ple. These skirts are worth in a regu lar way from $2 up to $5 on 6ale Wednesday in muslin underwear de III r. partment at 7V2c-12y2c-19c Sale of NOTIONS Children's Skeleton Waists, all ties, per pair 36c Ladles' Hose Supporter, with large pad and extra heavy elaatlc, pair B5o Horn Hair P1n. Bret quality, special at, box 7Ho 16c Bide Combs, special, pr., lOo 10c Dressing- Combs with metal back, special ..So Sc Pin Cubes, all colors . . . .So 19o Dress Bhlelds, perfect qual ity, pair ...lOo Fancy Needlework DepL 75o Linen Scarfs and Squares, stamped and tinted, special, each lso 25c Oriental Pillow Slips, suit able for. the poroh, special, at iavo Washable Pillow Slips in many floral designs, special at..8So $2.00 Round Tennerlffe Dollies, 24-ln., special at 880 Hardware, Basement Old Store. United States T Ths only thing he has to compensate him is the consciousness that he s doing a good work. If ho wants to live a luxurious life he can do so far bet ter at home. There is no law compelllng hlra to be a missionary. "A number of our missionaries havs pri vate means aad these may live In pretty good style, but if they do they do so on their own private Income. We hv. av. oral missionaries who are 'almost million aires." SPARROWS FIGHT FOR HOMES Flocks of Little Birds Pot Cp Fltlfal Resistance, to Work of Proa r ess. An unusual incident attended the dis mantling of the Central meat market at the northwest corner of Sixteenth and Harney streets when workmen removed the signs on the outside of the building to be gin the work of remodeling the building for use by Sherman ds McConnell for a new drug store. Hundreds of sparrows, screeching shrilly, encircled the workmen and entered strenu ous objection to the demolition of their homes behind the large signs. The crevices were filled with birds' neata and tha .tr. and debris removed would hsve filled a large packing box. but the work was not viewed with approval by the homeless spar, rows, whose snger was plainly evident. The birds flew In circles around their late abode and appeared to be contemplating an attack upon the marauding workmen, but, a their efforts did not deter the de struction, ths birds gradually gavs up the unequal struggle and departed in search of new homes. EVEN COLD WATER LOOKS BAD Wltaoee Tarsi froaa Glass Offered man hy I'alted States At- - toreioy la Cwart. James L. Armeil. on of the witnesses who teat! fled Monday in the land trial In federaj court was tbs cause of some 111 repressed amusement. The witness while on the stand showed evidence of extreme weaiineaa During the recess for a fsw moments he preferred to remain In the witness box. as his examination was- not finished. When recess had ended and court resumed Mr. Rueh kindly offered the venerable witness a glass of water. Armeil looked at tha water susploioualy for a moment and then shook his head gravely. "Nop I dea't want any o' that." said Armeil. "I know when I've got enough." "But this Is only water." "Water? Well I gueas .1 don't want any. I tale you I know wbenI got enough." And the veteran emphatically waved Mr. Rush and the glass of water away, where upon ths dignity of the court and Jury relaxed. OaUJKA'S TJM TOOD CZJTTXJe wssiintn ffrr.cn at. xm xzat U DZPABTMIaT. R S00 lbs. Lamb Shoulder, per lb. .BHe4 California Hams, per lb SHe J, TAMIZ.T X.XQTJOM. ) Vf Vff,t-1 mirm-. a .Kaa fa . . House in Omaha that ran rive vou R and Better or Purer Whitney than we can. We do not confllne ourselves to any one Brand. W tTanrft. .11 W. T T A. M Til.. II ,.A I - . . -TZ ." 17 we tiuy our w nisktes in Bond, a Tk.t Tr,. .k.. I. I. T.... .-J F Free from any Adulteration. We do not Employ a Mtxor. We have No Rectifier's T,t-"nso, conse quently you can see mat we grlve It K to you as we ret It from the Govern- K ment Warehouses. K Atherton Rye, (10 Tears Old) per O .'.v'"' ! rrr r un vjuan 91.85 M I Cedar Brook, (Formerly McBrler's). R per gallon 94.00 fa Per Full Quart $1.05 & I I. W. Harper's, per gallon 93.80 R i Per Full Q'lart 61.00 & Duffy's Malt, (11.00 Slxe) 880 B rtordnn Oln ti 1 Oft 811 BRn V ImDorted Comae rtranilr. tLBn Federal Club, (A Genuine Lowland 0 I Bcotcnj 91.88 I Red and White Wines from Call for ' nla, per bottle, up from SOo (potmncy a Go, fj I Seventeenth and Douglas I Tel. Bong-las 647 I Private Exchange connects all Depts. Don't Bake It 1 a waste of time and patience. We carry everything that you need In the way. of -bakery goods. Our bread Is the kind that will nourish you. Our cakes are light and wholesome, and our pies ars rich and delicious. Sample our Ba Ba Coffee Cakes for breakfast and they will be your ateady companion for breakfast ever afterwards. TRY SOMK OP THESE WEDNESDAY: Three-Layer Cakes Pie, U kinds Cream Puffs Coffee Cakes Cinnamon Bans Maccaroons Lady Fingers - Kisses, Glaces Fipsy Cake, Ranches. BALDUFF 1518-20 Fnrnam Street Youns: Mens Shoes We've made special provision for our young men patrons. The young men always want shoes that are Jest the Correct Thing We've tilarh and low cut shoes on extreme lasts. Some very narrow toes with every style kink that can be put into a shoo $3.60, $4.00 to $5.00 No newspaper can do these shoes justice. Come see them. FRY SHOE CO. Ill IIOIII 16fi and Douglas Streets Mai! Riulrine Less Than Wholesale Ws place on sale this morning 135 cases Malt Nutrlne at 11.75 per case of 1 dosen bottles. The regular price of this article is 25o per bottle, but we are going to give our customers ths benefit of a price as long as this stock lasts. tealere are welcome to avail themselves of this price in quantities of nol over 10 cases. - ' lorn Malt Moos. t5o Malt Nutrlne, bot., lSe, dosen. .. .11.75 tic Malt Nutrlne. If delivered, dos... 1.85 16c Vlmalt. bot. lie, dosen 1.40 ' Stors Malt Extract, dos , 1.10 letter's Malt Extract, dos 1.10 ' Bohemian Malt Extract, dos l.to We sell SO or 40 kinds of Malt Extract I Malt Extract. , Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. ! Co, lath aad Dodge. Omaha 1 now are taking precedence over all oihet voring extracts, Tli Twentieth Century Farmer Bewt Fares rapay laawrlt. Bow. IMS OMAHA WKATIIEH rXJUKCAST Aft.r. A He flirt atllVIIU VMS S Sf) Dinncrwarc Sale AH This Week Mid-Week Picture Section SECOND FLOOR. IlonsevClleaalng Necessities Picture Wire, pk ..5J Picture Hooks, dozen 6? Gold Bronze, for repairing old frames, pkg 182 Brass Picture Chains, pair. 14 Old Pictures and Frames Cleaned and Refitted. Have our wagon call phone Douglas 137. VISIT NEW PICTURE GAL-LERIES. -j "r -y -r--ir-J- Dress Goods ifoSy Dress Goods, worth up to $1.50, about 750 pieces the new fancy or plain weaves hundreds of lengths, exquis ite styles and black goods included, yard i JZJC A Certified Guarantee With Every Yard Black Silk Taffete. Cleola Black Silk Taffeta, best silks in America none better. To introduce our famous Cleola Taffetas we offer 10 pieces, at, yd . . 27-in. Cleola Silk.l 36-in. Cleola Silk, yard 89p yard 95? WASH COOPS Wonderful values Are X-ald Before Ton When Tou're Looking for Wash Goods. TXTEBBAT BAJtOAIXI HOLD GOOD rOK WEDNESDAY. 20c Beautiful Soring .Suiting, yard 7HO 2te Beautiful Silk Mohair Lustre, per yard 14o 8Ec Silk Org-andles. yard lSe 25c Swell Rajah effects, dftr yard, for .'...laHo 22-ln. Fine linen finished Cham bray Gingham, worth 18o a yard, for, yard Bo EO-ln. Embroidered Linen Voiles, pretty fabrics for summer suits, embroidered effects, dots In all colors, a yard 19o Tremendous lot of Tins lawns. Batistes, etc., plain or printed styles, pretty patterns for house dresses, klmonas or wrappers, worth up to lto a yard, Wednes day, a yard 3e at $25 Kimoaas Made of Figured Lawn, bordered in plain lawn; regular 85c quality, for Ik Over two hun dred for your special atten tion. Tou can not afford to miss this op portunity of securing a high-grade man-tailored Suit Styles are Thme-Button Cutaway The Nobby Waists Made of fine sheer lawn, embroidery and lace trimmed, all sizes, $1.60 val ues waist section: second floor Prince Chap The Popular Pony Coat The Jaunty Eton, etc Cloths are fine Chiffon Pana mas, English Suitings and Serge- Clothing for t BOTS BUTTS, 3 to 16 Tear Made of wors teds, casslmeres and chevlota. We show them In a variety of patterns plaids and mixed effecta. In light and dark shinies. Styles are Sailor, Collar Blouse and Russian, with emblem and sou tache to match. Lou-ble-breafted Coat has Knee Trousers and belted Coat has Knick erbocker Trousers. These suits are the veiy latest Ideas in boya" wear for these sea. No finer valuea were ever offered be fore in Omaha. ovB men KtuMaiaCUnaa "If lt i'rutn iiennUt'a It I Hood." BENNETT'S DIG GROCERY J pounds And cme Hundred GherardelU'a Cocoa. H-lb. can And Twenty Green Patna Rloe, per pound And Ten Green ncu I vmm - rwtm, i mil And Ten km Marenan s Kippereo Herring, can. 10c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Three Star Salmon, can lOo And Teuty Oreen Trading Stamps. Red Snapper Rauce, bottle 25c And Twenty Green Trading Stampa. Ited Snapper Kellah, bottle 16o And Twenty Uren Trading Stamps. Wednesday. Fair." Wnft for Our First Special Sale of Men's Hats In Our New Men's list Department Snaps Sale of Engraved Stationery Twenty-four Sheet finest Linen and Bond Paper, and twenty-four Envelopes to match, all the late shapes and colors VOUR MON OGRAM OR INITIAL STAMPED FREE OF CHARGE IN ANY COLOR 18c value, for 19c If Stamped in Gold or Silver, 6c Extra. STATIONERY MAIN FLOOR. Notions Feather stlched Braids 600 assorted patterns, yds. to piece; val ues up to lOo piece, at o j Nine assorted sizes Pearl Buttons, 1 do, to card, worth up to 10c. Wednes day, I dos. for.. Bo Llrht Weight Prin cess Dress Shields, assorted sixes; val ues up to 16o pair; Wednesday, t pairs for ana 4-yard pieces White Tape, ail widths ; worth 3o piece; Wednesday, 4 pes. for Bo Climax Blsclc Spool Bilk, dozen spools at 1 48c Domestics MAIN AISLE REAR Everything you ask for any size sheet or pillow case; every width in- sheeting. Elegant se lections of print goods, percales, silkollnes, cretonnes, etc.: Bleached sheets, large size, 49 45x36 'Pillow Cases, at..... 7 Table Pads all prices and widths. Bed Fads, from 3.50 down to $1.50 15c Silkollnes, yard 5 Apron Gingham, good grade, yard At 8-4 Bleached Sheeting, elegant quality, at 21 85c Embrd. Flannels, yd... 51) Wednesday Suit Special i flXb Men and Boys Men's Suits at $15 6ults. beyond a doubt, packed full of style and snap; single and double-breasted mod els shown In blue ser ges, black .thlbeta and unlflahed worsteds; over and above these fabrics we show the most stylish patterns and shades In worsteds, and casslmeres; auch men's suit values were never nd could not be offered at the price $15.00 Splendid Talaes la Kala Ooats at SIS, 11S.60 aad $10. Superb showlnr of light weight Overcoats In blacks, rreys, tans, etc., with Venetian Serge and Bilk Unlnce 30.00 "to 613.50. ft no Green Trading Stamps, ..260 ..10c ,ioo Trading Stampa. Trading Stamps. Oreen Trading Stamps. Vanilla Wafers. pkg.lOo And Ten Green Trading Stampa. Oil Sardlnea, can So, Potted Meat, can ....40 Salmon, small, cans. lie 0 Special Sale of Boys' Suits Wednesday .. Bait, Bat tii mask FREE With Every Suit dm THE RELIABLE STRB Special Furnishing Goods Bargains Men's Necktie Sample line of regu lar 50c qualities, in all the newest fancies, plaids, checks and plain col ors; latest styles; . remarkable bar gain at &5c Men's Half Hose, in black,' tan or fan cies, worth regularly to 25c; sale price 12 He and 10c EXTRA SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY Hour Sales in Greal South Room :30 a. m. 50 do Towels, regular 15c goods; as long as they last, each." He :30 a. m; -Two bales' of unbleached Muslin, regular 8c goods, as long as they last, per yard ; 64c 0:30 a. m.Two cases of Pacific Chai ns, regular 7 hie goods; fine styleB and fast colors; as long as they last, at, per yard 2?c p. m. One case of extra long rem Pearl Button All kinds of Pearl Buttons on sale In 5 great lots at less than half regular prices: First Lot Pearl Buttons on sale Wednesday at, dozen . . . lc Second Lot Regular 6c Pearl Buttons at, doz ... ltic Sale of Jap-a-Lac In Housefurnlshlng department Wednesday. Now Is the time to lay In your supply. 16c cans, all colors 0e 25c cans, all colors 18c 40c cans, all colors '. 24c 76c cans, all colors 49c Best quality Mixed House Paints, guar anteed, at, gallon 1.23 A splendid Ready Mixed House Paint here, per gallon 98c Low sections ara Shortest For full W. G. DAVIDSON, crrr ticket aqent, tut rAKNAN sr. OMAHA, BKALTIFV VOtH LAWN WITH The Best Chicago Train Number 66 The Iowa Limited train de luxe: Leaves Onahs, S.SS pm Arrives Chicago, 8.IS ta Electric -lighted sleeper and coach cafe car for supper, diner for breakfast. Three other fast daily trains to Chicago. New motive power and new equipment on practi cally all of our trains. CET TICKETS AT Omaha Union Depot, or 1523 Famam St. mm OaT BBAUkial Today Look fjr our slan. OVm lOTTLID Bock Is delirious. It s suing fast. Better have u snd a few easel home. Phone Weh 12"!0 Bail, Oaf j and Mask r f p FREE With Every Suit Men's Shirts, worth to tl-00, in mad ras, chambrays and percales, cuffs attached or detached, sale price. .43a Boys' Shirts. Shirt Waists and moused Splendid values at. . . . 49c-75c OScf Ladles' 25c Black Hose, with double sole, at, pair 12 He nants of 12 He Ginghams; as long as they last, at, yard 5c 3 p. m. One case of 86-lnch Sllkollne; fast colors, fine goods; regular 12 Ho quality, as long as they last, at, yard 8H 4 p. m. Two case of remnants of White Goods, ranging in price from 12 He to 25c; as long as they last, at, .per yard ?4o Several other specials during the day. Sale Wednesday Third Lot Regular 7 4c quality Pearl Buttons, at, dozen 2c Fnurth Lot Regular lOo and 15c Pearl Buttons, at, dozen 4 Ho Fifth Lot A splendid lot ot regular 25c Pearl Buttons at 10c China Dept. Specials Krystal Water Set, large tankard shape pitcher and 6 tumblers; you can hardly distinguish this wear from real cut glass; special, ier set. . .95c Large 3-qt Bowls, special. 10c 12-in. Vases, with tinted Tops, green, red, blue or crystal, choice lOo Krystal Pint Jugs, great snap at..lOo Rates to the W est vtn KMT Round trip and oai.wty tickets at about on balf the) usual rat to points la Dakota, Moatana, Idaho. Washington and Canadian Northwest ara on sala during March and April. Tha best cos mad in Ualon Depot, St. Paul. rente and time. Information apply to r. l. dohertt. COUNCIL BLUm. OUR IKON AM) WIRE PUNCH. jremses ana ArDors for vines, flower guards, chairs, setees, vases, tree guards, hitching posts, window guards, barn fixtures and chicken fence. CHAMPION FENCE COM PAN Y. 611 South leta Street. Tel. Bougies 1394 Bend for Oatalorne. New York Via "Lake Shore" Via Chicago Michigan Central" Via Chicago "Bifj Four" . Via St. Louis " or Peoria Magnificent Trains landing passengers in Grand Central Station In ths Heart of New York City Wnen you travel, you might , as well bavo the best. All railroad agents aro delighted to ticket their patrons via. tha New York Central Lines Ask them. WAAREN J. LYNCH Passenger TraKio Manager. Chicago Food for rn eaa, anO awrvoue taej ho And their wetr M Nerves work and youthful Tlgtag aone as a reault or ever work or mental exertion should take GHAT'S NEUVt; FOOD I'H.La They wij Bake you eat and sleep and be a nan agelat X Boni bosw UO ky MalL Sherman c& McConnell Drug Co Utn ana Liodge tits. oauu. Mes E -PATENTS that PROTECT OiaJ J bowk for I - Uaf a sbsu'4 es r-wai,t )f C . 14. ilsaH I H 1 1 B HCf w.h.eft,D C- f stab. I SCHOOLS AID COLLEGES. y. DELLEVUC COLLEGE CoLUtok CUicl. cmsiiSc. vbils,aiuU oeunwa, iULilV-ii .crmMl klKB Kbual lus Ue Ueuetua or any otber voliK of aaivtfBti. KuKMAL, i udoU Jtini.".i.rr . mat s4saee4 couw. Crttft.ls araaud. CGNsfcaVATuHY iatuijr ml Bsate, staae, ulii vtuno, lu-utla sdS at. Omaha comk.TiuHB Cieoiru Uae ess svilia. wa nllvaj. roar Mutam tatraailenaa. AA4iws (-iMlaaBt Vaaseuna. iMuetve. sm. .1 1