Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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. Of fir, to PmH
I"v1s, drugs.
Rtockert spIIs rarrwts.
Fine engravings at LenVrt'.
Ed Rnrr' Tony Faust beer.
Pee Schmidt's elegant new photos.
ITumblng and heat In, Illxby A Bon.
Iwin Cutler, funrral director, "phone P7.
Woc-drlng Undertaking company, Tel. 39
fotersbn schoening seh-l ri gs
Watrh repairing, O. Mauthe. 22 West
riAMONrs as An investment.
Council fluffs Court rf Honor will meet
In regular sesxlon Wednesday evening la
IMnlah. hall.
Jardinieres and ferneries In new art
poilery Ht very low prices. C. E. Alexan
der, KO H' way. Tel. 36.
Tha Ladles Aid society of the Peoples
Union church will meet Wednesday alter
noon at tha home of Mrs. Glen Deyo, HZ
Avenue C.
Open air lecture by Mrs. Brown, the
evangelist, corner of 14th atreet and Avenue
. Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Every
body Invited.
Rev, Henry DeLong performed the mar
riage ceremony yestorday for Edward C.
Korcek of IJnooln, Neb., and Oral M. Reee
Of Swan, la.
Oak Leaf camp, Royal Neighbors of
America, aewlng circle will meiTT ednes
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. ln
osnt, 2(liV Avenue U.
A building permit was Issued yesterday
to the Council Bluffs Grape Growers' as
sociation for Its two-story brick ware
house on Ninth avenue, to cost 116,000.
Thieves entered the grocery store of Olot
Hakensnn, a) West Broadway, Sunday
night and stole one dollar In popnles. Kn
trance was effected through a cellar win
dow. Ilev. O. P. Caweltl has been returned as
pastor of the German Evangelical church
of this city hy the Iowa ttvaiiKt-llcal con
ference, which met yesterday at La Porte
L. B. Rosenthal, traveling salesman for
a New ork Importing firm, reported to
the police the theft of a valuable over
coat yesterday afternoon from the wait
ing room at the Northwestern Broadway
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Coppock and baby
left yesterday evening for New York,
from where they will sail for Manchester,
England, and other points on tne conti
nent. They expect to be gono about three
The funeral of Herman, the Infant on
Of Mr. and Mrs. John Norgard, will bo
held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from th-i
family residence, 1901 South Twelfth
street, and burial will be in Walnut Hill
Before getting your upholstering, mat
tress making, repairing and reflnlshjng
done, got the prices of the Morgan Up
holstering Co., 531 Br.-mdway, next to Alex
ander's art store. Tel. for quick orders.
Bell, 393; Ind.. 370 red.
J. P. Sheahan. engineer of maintenance
of right-of-way of the Wabash railroad,
with headquarters In Moberly, wus In the
city yesterday and accompanied the rail
road commissioners on their Inspection of
tha company's bridge over Mosquito creek.
The Woman's Relief Corps of Abe Lin
coln post. Grand Army of the Republic,
will tender General Grenvllle M. Dodge a
reception Saturday evening at the post hall.
The program will consist of addresses and
musical numbers and refreshments will be
Mayor Macrae and the members of the
newly created fire and police commission
will make an Inspection of the police de
partment this evening at 6 o'clock. The
members of the force will be drawn up
In dress parade In front of the patrol
house for the Inspection.
W. Klersted, the expert hydraulic en
gineer, arrived from Kansas City yester
day morning and commenced work at once
on preparing for the special water works
committee a schedule of water rates which
it It proposed to Incorporate In the ne
franchise for the water works company.
Two women arrested Saturday night by
the police In a raid of the apartments
ever the saloon of J D. Wilson at 1021
West Broadway, failed to appear when
their case was called In police court yes
terday morning.' Their cash bonds of 110
each, furnished by Wilson, were ordered
The funeral of the late Judson T. Mar
tin, 1300 Sixth avenue, an engineer on
the Illinois Central, will he held thlj aft
ernoon at 1:30 o'clock from Woodrlng's
undertaking rooms, where the services
will be conducted by Rev. F. A. Case,
rastor of the First Baptist church, Iri
ennent will be In Forest Lawn cemetery
and the Omaha Masonic lodge, of which
deceased was a member, will have charge
at the cemetery.
The hearing of W. Scott Barnett, 34H
Benton street, charged with disturbing
the peace, resisting an officer and carry
ing concealed weapons, was continued In
police court yesterday until this morning
In default of ball placed at 3300 Harnett
remained behind the bars at the city jail.
Miss Ollie Barnett, the daughter whom
barnett Is alleged to have beaten Sunday
night, filed an Information yesterday
charging him with assault and battery.
To Masons and Plasterers.
We carry the following In your line:
Lime, cement, plaster, crushed rock,
chipped rock, block rock, cement blocks,
mortar colors, pressed brick, Kansts
brick, domestic brick, cement brick, sewer
pipe, flue lining, etc. Our prices are all
light and we know a trial will convince.
C. Hafer Lumber Co., Council Bluffs.
The latest patterns in carpets. StocKert
Carpet Co.
Pianos that are often sold at from
360.00 to 3275.00 can be bought for
11 30.00, on easy payments, at A. Hoape
Co- 21 8. Main St.. Co. Bluffs.
Greatest Ice saver on th market tha
Alaska refrigerator. Petersen & Schoe-
Marrlagre Licensee.
licenses to wed were issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
James Hoblns, N.'ula, la 33
Katharine Burns. Neoln. Ia 24
Thomas J. Hatch. McClelland Ia 3T,
Anna Schlferly, Council Bluffs 32
Kdwsrd C. Korcek, Lincoln, Neb 22
Orel M. Rees, Bwan. Ia 24
Robert E. Nightingale, Omaha 19
tivellne Williams. Omaha 13
There's a
to be derired from the judicious dally use
of a bcTcrace possessed of the nourishing
And tonic properties of
Try .nr of tbese brands whether on
draught or In bottles wherever you caa-
Oxuaha Branch RO3-10 Dovglas BC, Cor. 8th
PtMMM DoacU 1681.
fit. Tol. dlt.
StaU Offic'a'i Vifca gn Inipeotlon of tie
Woodbury Avenue Crouine.
Commissioners After Inspection aad
Hearing; of Interested Parties
Call for tha Maps and Does
snente la the Case.
The question of whether the Chicago
Great Western railroad shall be required
to construct a croanlrg under Its tracks at
Woodbury avenue now rests with the State
Railroad eommswioners, who visited the
place yesterday and made a thorough in
vestigation of the controversy.
The three commissioners, D. J. Palmer
of Washington. W. L. Baton of Osage and
N. S. Ketchum of MarshaUtown, were con
voyed to the Woodbury avenue crossing by
special train, placed at their disposal by
the railroad company. Accompanying the
commissioners were Chief Engineer C.
Chadburn, Assistant Genera Attorney J.
L. Krdall, Division Superintendent Shipley,
Trainmaster K S. Bourne and Hon. C. G.
Saunders, local attorney of the Great West
ern; City Ensrlneer Klmbnll. City Solicitor
Kimball and Councllmen Wallace, Maloney,
Younkerman and Smith.
At the crossing the party were met by a
number of interested citizens and residents
of that vlclnty, who seek the construction
of the creasing under the tracks. After
the commissioners had made an Inspection
of the place the party adjourned to the
Woodbury Avenue achoolhouse, where the
commissioners listened to arguments pro
and con.
One of the principal witnesses was Rich
ard James, who has the contract from the
Board of Education for driving the school
children from the nelghbohood dally to and
from the Third Street school. Mr. James
said he regarded the crossing as dangerous
because It was Impossible to see trains un
til they were close, and difficult to hear
the bells or whistles. The bells and whistles
of engines In the neighboring yards of the
Rock Island and Milwaukee, he eaid, caused
eonfuslon at times. N. P. Dodge and Rev.
O, G. Rice told of the depreciation of prop
erty In that vicinity, due, as they declared,
to the dangerous crossing. Woodbury ave
nue had formerly, they said, been a popular
driveway, but nobody drove there now ex
cept those compelled to because of the
dangerous character of the railroad cross
ing. On their return to the city the commis
sioners were given a practical demonstra
tion of the character of the crossing by the
train being run at different speeds across it.
The commissioners were entertained at
lunch at the Grand hotel by the officers of
the Commercial club, and in the afternoon
were taken on a special train to view the
Wabash bridge over Mosquito creek. They
left for their respective homes in the even
ing. As the commissioners called for estimates,
plans, profiles, etc., their decision in the
matter of the Woodbury avenue crossing
Is not looked for at a very early date.
Plumbing, steam and gas fitting, furnace
and sheet metal work, galvanised iron cor
nice, skylight, tin roofing, gutter, spouting
and repairing. Green and Norfolk furnaces.
First-class mechanics In all branches.
Both telephones No. 30. 1S8 West Broad
way, Council Bluffs, la.
For Sale Rope portieres
Carpet Co.
Coaarrea-atlonal Association Meetlna-.
The fifty-third annual meeting of the
Council Bluffs Association of Congrega
tional Churches will be held at Oakland,
beginning this afternoon and lasting over
Wednesday. Rev. O. O. Smith, D. D., C. 8.
Lawson and Ev R. Jackson will attend aa
delegates from the First church of this
city. This Is the program for the meet
2:30 Praise sorvlce.
8 :t Business.
3.30 Address, "Bible Study: How Secure
It," Rev H. F. Bonn, Anita.
4 00 Woman's hmir, Mrs. J. W. Femer.
Address, Mrs. Mary Mills, Cleveland, O.
7:30 Praise service.
8:U0 Aseoclatlonal sermon, Rev. Frank G.
Feardsley, Harlan. Communion service.
Rev. Frank H. Richardson. Extra, Rev.
Burton K. Marsh, Faraaut.
9 :00 Business. Reports from churches.
9:30 Addiens, "How May the Church In
crease the Efficiency of the Christian Er
rioavor Society?" Rev. W. A. Schwimley,
lu:iO Devotional hour, Rev. J. H. Bklles,
11.00 "The Making of an Evtanlsellstlo
Church," Rev. E. E. Flint, Creston.
11:30 Dlscuselonv Rev. O. O. Smith, Coun
cil Bluffs.
3 SO Address, "A Twentieth Century Call
to Men," Rev. J. U Fisher, Lewis.
3.0O "Advantages of Lower Pastorates,"
Rev. J. W. Femer, Tabor.
3:30 "Plate Sunday School Work." Rev.
H. W. Tuttle. Grtnnell.
4:0u l'aper, "Better Methods In Sunday
School Work," Prof. W. O. Allen. Tabor.
4 av-Discussion, Rev. A. S. Henderson,
7:30 Praise service.
7 :4o Address, Prof. W. O. Allen. Tabor.
8 : Address, Rev. W. G. Puddefoot. New
At this meeting the People's church at
Thirty-fifth street and Avenue B. for which
Dr. Smith has been acting aa pastor, will
Good Boer is a rVoaissstsd font
I km aVeaa,
World of Good
a 3
be admitted Into the association. It Is the
Intention of the congregation to extend a
call to a minister In the near futu-e.
Dr. Smith end the delegates from the
First church will mske the trip to Oakland
overland by carriage. In the party, besides
Dr. Smith and Messrs. Lawson and Jark
son. will be Mrs. Smith, Rev. O. G. Rice,
E. C. Stallard and Mrs A. II. Walker.
Give us your order for that spring car
pet. We do the rest sew, lay and fit it
rlsht to your room. D. W. Keller, 103 8.
Removal and closing out sale of wall
paper, burlap and wall decorations, pic
tures, mirrors and art goods. W. 8. Hewet
son, Masonic temple. Council Bluffs.
The best Ice In the city Is being delivered
by the Co. Bluff Coal ft Ice Co. Tel. 72.
Petersen A Bchoenlng sell matting.
Does Hot Relish a Three-Year Term
fa the Penitentiary.
"You've got a lot of sympathy for a
fellow, you have," said Roy Green to
Judge Wheeler as the latter In district
court yesterday morning sentenced him to
three years In the penitentiary for the
theft of an overcoat last February from
the store of the John Bcno company.
"That will do," commanded the court,
but Green kept muttering some unlntelll
glble remarks until Deputy Sheriff Gron
eweg stepped over to him and told him
to keep still. Green, who up to this point
had been defiant, then resumed his seat
and commenced to weep.
When brought before Judge Wheeler for
sentence Green pleaded hard for a light
sentence and made all sorts of promises
that If the court would be lenient with
him he would try to do better in the fu
ture. He admitted he had never attempted
to earn an honest living and that he had
been convicted of larceny four times in
this state and had served a term In the
Nebraska state penitentiary at Lincoln,
having been committed from Washington
Under the "common thief law the court
could have sentenced Green to seven years
and so informed him.
Green Is regarded as a dangerous crim
inal by the authorities and he had been
kept In a separate cell at the county Jail.
When Deputy Sheriffs McCaiTery and
Woolman went to the county Jail to bring
Green Into court they were unable to un
lock the door to his cell. The lock had
been tampered with, but by whom was
not learned. Green denied having any
hand in it and claimed he did not know
that anyone had. It was found necessary
to saw the bars on the door in order to
get Green out so that he could be taken
Into court.
William Rolph, who was convicted of
breaking and entering Hoage's drug store
on Lower Broadway on the night of Feb
ruary 2, was also sentenced by Judge
Wheeler to three years In the Fort Madi
son penitentiary.
Prior to the passing of sentence on
Green and Rolph, Judge Wheeler over
ruled their motions for new trials.
Are you looking for something new In
wall paper new patterns, new styles? If
you really want something up-to-date Just
call at Borwlck'a, 211 S. Main. You will
have no trouble In finding what you want
Clerks who understand their trade will
wait on you and help you make your se
lection. Need any lace curtains? Before you
buy better come In and see us. ' We want
to surprise you In price and quality. D.
W. Keller, 10J 8. Main.
Manufacturers Come In Jane.
The fifth annual convention of the Iowa
State Manufacturers' association will bo
held In Council Bluffs, Friday and Satur
day, June 7 and 8. This date was fixed
yesterday by the entertainment committee
of the Commercial club, with which the
matter had been left by A. C. Hutchine of
Des Moines, secretary of the association.
The sessions will be held in tho ballroom
of the Grand Hotel.
The program for the sessions will be ar
ranged by the executive committee of the
association, but the Commercial club will
provide some entertainment for the vis
itors during their stay in the city. A local
speaker will be secured to deliver the ad
dress of welcome, and It Is likely that a
trip to Lake Manawa and banquet will be
arranged for the entertainment of the vis
itors. These features, however, will be de-
termlned at a meeting some time next
month by the entertainment committee of
the Commercial club.
The officers of the Iowa State Manufactur
ers' association are: R. O. Green, Fort
Dodge, president; 9. W. Mercer, Iowa City,
vice president; V. Ev Morrison, Fort Mad-
leon, treasurer; A. C, Hutchlns, Des Moines,
I secretary. Kxecutlve committee: The offi
cers and R. L. Wood, Des Moines; George
G. Hlgbee, Burlington; O. T. Dennlson,
Mason City; F. H. Keyes, Council Bluffs;
W. W. Marsh, Waterloo; Thomas B. Car
son, Davenport.
Just to Remind Yon.
If you need a wedding or engagement
ring you better see me before you buy. In
case of this kind I always make the right
price. O. Mauthe, 228 W. Broadway.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
April 15 by the Pottawattamie County Ab
tract company of Council Bluffs:
Albert W. Huber and wife to Chnrles
H. Huber, undlv. one half Interest
ini. i unit 8. Haas's subdlv. of lot H.
original plat, w tS.000
Margarctha Wlsch and Emma Wlsch
to John Johnson, s5 acres lot 32,
avtl Inrl unit Ian company's
subdlv. of part of 9-77-aa, w. d 1,000
Jnhn N Perks to Frank Perks, lots 5
and 6, block 1, Macedonia, w. d 1.000
Sylvester Dye to Frink Perks, e w
set moHi, anown as 101 i, auhhui b
suhdlv. of seS 1D.-74-), w. d
H. H. Huffaker and wife to Amanda
L. Lack, lots I and a. block 10, Ever
ett's add., w. d
Treasurer of Pottawattamie county to
A. C. Keller, lots 4. and IS, block 22,
Ferry add., t. d
Hannah Hremholm et al to Hans Han
sen, jr., lot Id, block 20. Burns' add.,
q. c d 1
Seven transfers, total tH.Kil
Mlaaonrl Oak Wood.
Chunks' and spilt wood, large licks, at
U 60. Brldenstelu A Smith, 14th Ave. and
Ith St- Both 'phones.
Brldsreasan Dies of Injnrlea.
William A. Brldgeman, Injured Saturday
afternoon In a runaway accident on Broad
way, died yesterday morning at the Jennie
Wmundmn Memorial hospital, where he
was taken Immediately after the accident
Mr. Brtdgeman wa. 51 years old and a
native of Germany. He lived with his wife
and Invalid father on a farm near the old
Green packing house, east of the city. As
a boy he followed the Ufa of a sailor, going
to sea when but IS year. old. He came to
this city In lb. The funeral will be held
Wednesday afternoon from the residence of
Dr. James Mc Roberts, & Benton street, and
burial will be in Walnut Hill cemetery.
Rev. J. Corbely of the Seventh Day
A4voo.Ua ohurgb wlU ooadiwt the services.
The Pons of Herman, of which order de
ceased was a member, will attend the
funeral In a body.
West Knd Vnimt
Yes, we have 200 nice, high, level lots,
very desirably located, for all classes of
people doing business or employed In either
Omaha or Council Bluffs.
Contemplated Improvements In the vicin
ity will double the values within fifteen
months. Buy now and the proflt Is yours.
We can give you a single lot or a block
of lots together If desired.
Get your friends to Join you and form
new neighborhood of your own choice.
A few house, also for sale on the easy
payment plan.
Prices are right and the terms of pay
ment will be made to suit your purposes.
Call and lot us show you. C. C. Clifton
Company. 808 Broadway, Co. Bluffs. Both
'phones 751.
Eirmril from AerTlnar on Case Against
Standard OH.
The empaneling of a Jury In the district
court yesterday to try the personal In
Jury damage suit of Axel Ehlers against
H. A. Larsen, proprietor of the Manhattan
saloon and restaurant, and the Standard
OH company developed th. fact that sev
eral of the members of the petit Jury
panel had scruple, about serving In the
case on account of the fact that the Stand
ard Oil company was one of the defend
ants. D. F. Dryden, a former member of
the Board of County Supervisors, declared
he was prejudiced from the fact that hi.
brother had been employed by the company
for forty years and for the further reason
that he firmly believed that the founda
tion of the country rested on corporations.
John Wallace was another Juror who was
prejudiced, but unlike Juror Dryden,
against the Standard Oil company. He said
with apparent sincerity that he once
bought a gallon of coal oil and the stove
blew up. A third member of the panel said
he thought he ought to be excused because
of the fact that forty years ago he knew
John D. Rockefeller In Pennsylvania when
the present millionaire wa. but a poor boy.
The three were excused.
Ehlers was burned by the explosion of
gasoline In the basement of the Manhattan
building last June. It was alleged that the
driver of the Standard OH company',
wagon had filled the big tank In the base
ment to overflowing and this was pri
marily the cause of the explosion.
The case wa. completed last evening and
the Jury brought In a sealed verdict about
f O'clock.
The trial of Mrs. Emily Wadsworth
Bresee, Indicted on the charge of practic
ing medicine without a license, will be
The Cltlsens Gas & Electric company
against which J. Marlon Steven, of the fire
department secured a verdict for $1,128 last
week, yesterday filed a motion for a new
Grand I.Tvery.
J. W. and Elmer E. Mlnnlck, proprietors,
124 South Main. Both 'phones 272.
Buy the Jewell gas or gasoline stove.
They are the safest Petersen Bchoenlng.
N, T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 2S0. Night V-ttk
Charles A. Beno Injured.
Charles A. Beno, president of the John
Beno company. Is confined to his home on
Fletcher avenue as the result of Injuries
received Sunday evening In a runaway
accident. Mr. Beno had driven to the resi
dence of J. E. Hollenbeck on North Eighth
street and before alighting from hi. buggy
attempted to throw a blanket over the
horse. The horse became frightened and
made a leap that threw Mr. Beno over the
dashboard to the ground, the buggy pass
ing over him. .While no bone, were broken,
Mr. Beno wa. bruised and badly shaken
and yesterday was suffering considerable
pain In his side. The buggy and harness
were wrecked before the horse was brought
to a stop.
Editor Fonnd Dead.
SIOUX CITY, Ia., April 15. (Special
Telegram.) John Sundvall, aged 4S, edi
tor of the Swedish Monitor, was found
dead In his room this morning,
If you have anything to trade advertise
It In the For Exchange columns of Tha
Bee Want Ad page.
Iowa News Notes.
MARSHALLTOWN-George McLane. well
known farmer of Bangor, shot himself
through the heart Sunday morning, death
coming almost Instantly. He had been
out wolf hunting with a couple of his
wolf doss and shot himself a. soon as he
arrived home. No other cause can be laid
to the deed except that he may have been
demented. I
ATLANTIC The management of the
Young Men's Christian association of this
place ha. decided that a. soon as the pres
ent term of subscriptions of all the leading
magazines expires, they will discontinue
their use if they still carry advertisements
of liquor or liquor houses. The step Is
taken In protection of the younger genera
tion, a. nothing was done In regard to
newspapers that are read by the older boys.
ATLANTIC Roas A. Judd. with a corps
of surveyors, have commenced work on
the two proposed routes of the Atlantic
Northern Southern railroad. They will
run two lines, one called the ridge route
and tho other the bottom route, establish
a permanent survey and give detailed esti
mates of the cost of construction. The
work will consume about a week and then
the company will be ready to advertise for
bids on the construction work that will
comrm-nce about May 1.
CRESCENT Messrs. Sturnburg Son.
the contractors digging Pigeon creek drain
age ditch, will pass through the Chlrsgo
& Northwestern double tracks on Sunday,
April 21, at which time the Northwestern
people will open their bridge, which Is Jut
north of Crescent station. The railroad
company Is extending to the ditch company
every courtesy that could be asked. If the
weather la fine Crescent people propose to
mnJ-e it a gala day. They are talking of
having a brass band on the ground.
MISSOURI VAIJ.EY Missouri Valley
Council of the Knight of Columbus initi
ated a class of over forty candidates ut
Walker hall In this city yesterday, after
which a banquet waa served to 2&t) knlghtx.
VlBitlng knights from Omaha, Council
Bluffs, Neoia, Carroll. Sioux City and
otlier councils were present and a most
enjoyable time was had. Toasts were re
sponded to by Rev. M. J. O'Connor, 8. J.,
of Creighlnn university. Omaha; John M.
Galvin of Council Bluffs; Maurice O'Connor
of Fort Dodtie, with several Impromptu
talks. Rev. H. V. Malone of Woodbine
acted as toaatmaster.
Tkcrc art IS 5, 000 attic
vpoa tkt Lkbfr Companr'!
Mocks ia Soutk Amtricai
ttia acalthJotanabatiioar
bhed cattle ia the world.
Their beef b concentrated
and prepared nnitx condition af perfect
clean! Inni for your ttt u
ILzctnttiL of Iieef
If yoa want ftWuU purity, cxqubfU fU
tot aod th most (or voof mocrr alvari
look lot ta iiu UEEI& stfaaturc 00 every
ar of bed extract 70a buy.
,LiaIMJi. J, iu....ii.i... urn '-immmm
V ... 1 V 'in fWrrT 1 inVnrn1
The General
of to injurious character, which indulge in extravagant and unfounded pretensions
to cure all manner of ills, and the
National Legislation Enacted to Restrict Their Sale
hare established more clearly than could have been accomplished in anr other wai
The Value and Importance ol Ethical Remedies.
Remedies which physicians sanction for family use, as they act most beneficially and
are gentle yet prcmpt in effect, and called ethical, because they are of
Known Excellence and Quality and ol Known Component Parts.
To gain the full confidence of the Well-informed of the world and the approval of
the most eminent physicians, it is essential that the component parts be known to and
approved by them, and, therefore, the California Fig Syrup Company has published for many
years past in its advertisements and upon every package a full statement thereof. The per
fect purity and uniformity of product which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical
character are assured by the California Fig Syrup Company's riginal method of manufacture,
known to the Company only.
TJiere. are oer ethical remedies approved by physicians, but the product of
the California F'ig Syrup Company possesses the advantage over all other family laxatives
that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts, without
disturbing the natural functions or any debilitating after effects and without having to
increase the quantity from time to time.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs, and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well
known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the rriore elaborate name of Syrnp of Figs and Elixir of
tini' " more fulIy descriPtive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs; and to get its beneficial effects,
always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Svrup
a If- r by the ul1 name' Syrup of Fi8s and Elixir of Senn Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fir
Syrup Company, and the same heretofore known by the name, Syrup of Figs, which
has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists
throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price .
of which is fifty cents per bottle.
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, the remedy is not adulterated or mis
branded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
Louisville, Ky.
Object to Bill whioh Limits the Dividend!
t It Paid by Companies.
Several Roads Announce They Will
Put the Two-Cent Passenger
Rate Into ESeet Jane 9
Without a Contest.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DEB MOINES, April 15. (Special.)
Insurance men today urged Governor
Cummins to veto the bill limiting the
profits of Insurance stock companies. The
bill forbids the payment of dividends in
excess of 8 per cent In any one year. One
of the strongest grounds urged against
tbe bill Is the claim that It Is unconstitu
tional. I. M. Earle, an attorney repre
senting various Insurance Interests, ap
peared before the governor this morning
at the time set for a hearing and arguod
against the bill and urged the governor
to veto It. F. M. Hubbell of the Equitable
of Iowa and Nat Coffin, an attorney for
Insurance companies, also urged against
the bill. It Is asserted by the Insurance
men that the bill is unfair to the Iowa
companies because It cannot be enforced
against the companies organized outside
of the state. It is contended, furthermore,
that the bill will Impair contracts by
limiting the capacity of a company to
cav Drofits on Investments made. The
bill has a sliding scale of restrictions, the
larger companies being limited more than
the smaller ones.
Resolution Has a Flaw.
Because of a flaw In the resolution
passed by the legislature, Jasper Mason
may not get his pardon from life Im
prisonment in the penitentiary. He was
convicted of murder In Dallas county. The
legislature passed a resolution recom
mending his "parole." The statutes do
not say anything about "paroles" for life
sentence murders. It says that the ap
plications for "pardons" must be sub
mitted by the governor to the legisla
ture. The legislature has not recom
mended a pardon, but a parole. The tech
nicality Is more than a trivial one, and
there U some question whether the gov
ernor will Issue the "pardon," which Is
what the legislature meant to give him
It Is believed that the governor will Issue
tha pardon unless he considers the error
of such grave Importance as to make a
pardon illegal.
Iowa Wants 1 00,000 Workmen.
State Labor Commissioner E. D. Brig
ham eaid today that Iowa needed and
could use 100,000 workmen. They arc
needed mostly on tha farms of Iowa. Gov
ernor Cummins received from a Webster
City farmer a letter urging him to tako
some steps looking toward bringing re
lief to Iowa in the way of bringing In
workmen. Governor Cummins turned it
over to Commissioner Brlgham. BI1U
hava been Introduced In the Iowa legisla
ture to allow the commissioner to con
duct a state labor bureau, but were de
feated. In answer to this letter and In
answer to letters received from the im
migration officials in New York, Commis
sioner Brlgham has said that Iowa needs
now 100,000 workmen, mostly farm hands.
Tempi for Governor.
The latest political gossip about Des
Moines Is the rumor that Colonel M. L.
Temple, recently named as district attor
ney for southern Iowa over the combined
objections of many, may be the atandpat
candidate for governor.
Ardent Lover Still Ardent.
James B. Payton, whose love for Mlsa
Kalhertne Honian of this city led to her
filing charges and having htm placed under
peace bonds and enjoined from molesting
ber, has broken over the court's orders
and has again been arrested. This time he
knocked down the gentleman escort of Miss
Homao. Payton has put up a oash bond
of 13u0 for his appearance to stand trial
for contempt of court.
Woman's Hat Bnrns.
A spring boonst worn by Mrs. Gertrude
Simons of Grimes, Ia., caught Or from
tha cigar lighter in tha Chicago Grill Room
cafe last evening. Incidentally, Mrs. Si
mons' hair was quite badly burned also.
Vnabl to remove the hatpins that held it
because of tha Bra aba tore It from her
a sad.
Weleam Bwrr Dead.
Welcome Mo wry, member of tha Iowa
Ballnnd mhtip'-t'"" troia January 1. UW,
Condemnation of So-Called Patent
or Secret Medicines
San Francisco, CaL
U. S. A.
London, England.
to January 1, 1903, died this morning at
Excelsior Springs, Mo., where he had been
for some little time in the hope of better
ing his health. His home was In Tama,
I a. He was a member of the famous Jay
hawker regiment from Kansas during the
civil war and later, when that regiment
was mustered out, enlisted in an Illinois
regiment. He came to Iowa In 1867 and
was elected to the legislature and later to
the railroad commission. He has an ex
cellent record as a soldier, official and
Two-Cent Rata Jane O.
In railroad circles It is understood that
the Rock Island, Burlington and North
western have agreed to put into affect the
2-cent fare on all their western roads June
9, In accordance with the laws enacted by
the states of Iowa and Minnesota. The
claim Is being made that slower time and
more stops by the fast trains will be made
after the rate goes Into effect.
Growth la bacaward aad Dane
It Is Reported, with Some
WASHINGTON, April 18.-The European
crop report of the Department of Agricul
ture covering conditions abroad up to April
1. says the heavy snow which fell last
winter over the greater part of Europe has,
excepting In parts of Russia and of the
Balkan states, almost everywhere disap
peared. That the protection afforded to
winter cerceals has been pretty generally
efficacious Is being demonstrated by the
vigor which the plants In most cases seem
to be responding to the quickening In
fluences of spring. The report continues:
"In western Europe the exceptionally cold
winter has probably had no deleterious ef
fect upon vegitatlon sufficient to effect gen
eral results of the harvest In central
Europe the growth generally is in a less
advanced state and knowledge of actual
conditions less positive; the winter wheat
crop of Germany ia known to have suffered
to a quite appreciable extent and recent
news vaguely Indicates damage to the
autumn sown crop of Austria and Hungary.
The local reports from Russia scarcely war
rant generalization, but In the spectflo dis
tricts to which the report relate the crops,
with few exceptions, seem to hava wintered
"A characteristic feature of vegitatlon
common this season to most of the
European states, Is backwardness of
growth, due to the severe winter and tardi
ness of spring, but up to the present this
has not been considered, so for as winter
cereal are concerned, a cause for com
plaint. "Activity In the preparation for and the
accompaniment of spring seeding Is fairly
universal. In western parts of southern
Europe the work has advanced well toward
completion. But In central Europe. Russls
and parts of the Balkan states a belated
spring has caused bad starts generslly to
be made In agricultural work and the need
for milder, more settled weather Is beoom
Ing acute." on Telephone Commission.
ntirDiiir a n Anrll 15. (Special Tele-
grsm.) Governor Crawford today appointed
W. E. Etg of Centervllle aa a member of
the State Telephone commission.
As every part of the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment
and strength, it ia necessary that this vital fluid be kept free from germs,
impurities and poisons. As long as it remains vncontaminated we are for
tified against disease and health is assured; but any humor or impurity acta
injuriously on the system and affects the general health, or culminates in
some special blood disease. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashea and tbe
different skin affections show that the blood is in a feverish and diseased
condition as a result of too much acid, or the presence of some irritating
humor. Sores and Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the
blood, and Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc.,
are all deep-seated blood diseases that continue to grow worse as long as the
impurity or poison remains in tbe circulation. Some persons are born with
an hereditary taint in the blood and we see the effect manifested in various
ways The skin has a pallid, waxy appearance, the eyea are weak, glands
in the neck often enlarged and usually the body is cot fully developed or
strong, because it baa always been fed on weak, impure blood. In all blood
troubles S. S. 8. has proved itself a perfect remedy. It goes down into th
circulation and removes all poisons, humors, waste or foreign matter, an4
makes this stream of life pure and health-sustaining. Nothing reaches)
inherited blood troubles like 8. 8. 8.; it removes every particle of taint,
purifies and strengthens the weak, deteriorated blood, supplies it with the
healthful properties it needs and establishes the foundation for good health.
Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious)
Blood Poison and all blood diseases and disorders are cured permanently
by S. S. S. It is made entirely of roots, herbs aad barks, and ia the King
of all blood purifiers. Book on the blood and any medical advice desired
New York, N. Y.
Postal Employes Id tut Perform Government
Verk Despite Membership in Militia,
Department Does Not Want Employes
to Join Rational Guard and
They Mast Choose Be
tween Services.
WASHINGTON. April 16.-That the duty
to the government of postofflce clerk and
carrier who are member of militia com
panies la paramount to that of their mill,
tary service, except at critical times Is the
decision of First Aslstant Postmsster Gen
era! Hitchcock regarding th employe of
the postofflce at Lorain. O.. on strike duty
with a company of Ohio National Guard.
The postmaster accordingly has been notl-
fled to have Captain A. F. Gove and Ber- '
geant Phlnney either return to work Im
mediately or resign their positions.
Investigation ha led the department to
the conclusion that no suoh conditions there
exist to warrant the absence of these
men from the postofflce doing military
duty. Mr. Hitchcock said today that It re
peatedly had been decided by the law offi
cers of the government that the prompt dis
tribution of mall cannot be Interfered with
for any reason whatsoever. The Postofflce
department maintains that none of Its em
ployes should belong to the National Guard
for this reason. In this case, tho post
master reported that four of his employes
are out with th militia company and that'
the business of his office Is being seri
ously hampered. Two of the men returned
to work in response to the demand of the
postmaster, but Captain Gove and Sergeant
Phlnney declined to do so.
Cabas Army for Cubn.
WASHINGTON, April IB. The general
staff ha transmitted to Governor Magoon
a complete project for the creation and
maintenance of a standing army for Cuba,
composed entirely of native troops and
numbering about 12,000 men. The adoption
of this project Involves the abandonment
of the original plan for the Increase of the
Cuban rural guard.
Taasr Gets Ten Months la Jail.
ORES TON, Ia.. April 15.-(Special.)-Ten
months at hard labor In the county Jail
was the sentence given Ed Owens In the
district court today by Judge Evans. Owena
was Indicted on the charge of assault with
Intent to commit great bodily Injury. Th
crime for which Owens waa Indicted was
the slugging last fall of W. S. Bmock,
a resident of Cromwell, Ia., who was in
the city on business. 8mock was an old
man and It waa thought he carried a largt
amount of money on his person. This li
supposed to have been the Incentive foi
the crime. He was standing In the dooi
of a restaurant when he was approached
by Owens and a number of others. wh
knocked him down and brat him Into In
sensibility, but were frightened away by
the approach of officers before they had
succeeded in robbing him.