Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Dee.
Entered si Omaha poatofno second'
Usa muifr.
pnil p. (without Bunday). on. year...4 00
Daily lira and Bunday. on rear
omnia v itee. one year "
Saturday Bee, ona year
Fally He. (Including Bunday), per wek..lSc
I'ally it. (wlthmt Sunday), par week..,J0c
Evening !) (without Sunday), par week. SO
Evening be. (with Sunday). per week. ...Wo
Address complaints of irreculsrltles In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha Tha Bee Building.
Bouth Omaha City Hall Hulldlng.
Council Fluff 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago-lsi X'nity Hull Jinn.
New York It Horn I,!fa Inwirat'- Bid.
Washington IfH Fourteenth Street.
?ommunlcstlons relating to newa nd ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
bee. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to Tha He Pu"bllehln.f t'iiir
Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of
rna.ll accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted.
State of Nebraska. Douglas County, as:
manes c. Kosewater, general manager j
mi eee runnxmng I ompnny, iwma ""''
.worn, says that th actual number of full
nd complete coplea of The Dally. Morning,
Evening and Sunder Tlea printed during tha
nonth of March, 117, was as follows:
1. 33,089
t 33 810
t 30.600
4 33.190
t 33.130
T 31,880
8 31,960
1 31,340
I 30,400
11 33.370
12 31,87d
18 33,690
14 33,640
It 33,600
14 33,830
. . 33,330
. , 33.930
.. 3,340
. . 3,30
.. S3,60
. . 30.4BO
.. 94,040
. . 33,990
.. 33,860
21 33.790
J 9 34,130
10 33,880
1 30,660
Total 1,008,560
IT 30,410
Lass unaoid and returned ooplaa.
Net Total 999,376
Dally averag -33,337
Oeneral Manager.
Subscribed In rr.y presence and sworn to
before ma this 1st day of April, 1907.
(Seal) M. B. Hl.'NOATK,
Notary Publlo.
Subscribers leaving the elty tem
porarily should ksv Th Be
mailed to tatia. Address will b
changed as oftea aa reajaeatad.
Pa Rourke might urge hla player
to emulate President Roosevelt In big
stick work.
It might be mora fitting to change
the name from the Isle of Pine to the
Isle of Whines. ,
A Nebraska legislature that did not
Joggle with the sportsman's calendar
would be Unique.
The launching of the Adlal Steven
son vice presidential boom cannot be
postponed much longer.
That advance in the telegraph rates
threaten to Increase the number of
message marked "Collect."
It is certainly the irony of fate
that all the saloons in Lincoln should
be closed just at the bock beer season.
A Kansas minister declares that the
wicked are unhappy. He i basing
his conclusion on hearsay evidence, of
The fact that this anti-Roosevelt
movement 1 labeled "a rich man's
conspiracy" furnlsheB most of us with
sn alibi.
Attorney Delmas will learn that
"dementia Americana" is more preva
lent ou base ball fields than on roof
Mr. HearBt refused to attend a
Bryan dinner in New York, although
It la generally believed that he had
the price.
A correspondent want to know if
the "s" in Attorney Delmas' name is
silent There Is nothing silent about
Mr. Delmas.
Colonel Bryan and ex-8enator
Thurston have spoken again from the
same platform, but not on the same
side of the political fence.
George B. Cox, the political boss of
Ohio, was robbed of $6,000 in New
Tork. The robbery was evidently the
work of high 'grade experts.
The claim that the enforcement of
the pure food law will drive "cheap"
whisky from the market Is not well
founded. There is no cheap whisky.
Senator LaFollette say President
Roosevelt needs s vindication. The
men who havo been opposing the pres
ident have more need of a vindication.
President Roosevelt ha addressed
bis Arbor day proclamation "To the
school children of the United States."
The school children should feel duly
King Edward told King Alfonso that
their countries were bound together
by "a community of Interests." That
sound like a talk ' between railroad
A contributor to the local demo
cratic organ suggests that "our city
council is spending Its time quar
relling over a lot of what seems to me
personal matters." For a democratic
paper to print this about a democratic
council is little short of political
The public has a UtU interest In
the speedy conclusion of the Crelghton
will contest Th Inheritance tax to
be paid on that estat Is expected to
give Douglas county ten to fifteen
miles of paved county roads, and this
generstlon would like to have soins
njoyment of thasc Improvements,
Announcement Is made by the pro
bation officers here In Omaha and by
the truant officers In Lincoln that they
propose to Institute prosecutions st
once under the new child labor law
It Is true that this law Is on the stat
ute books and operative, but to begin
prosecutions under it at once before
people have had a chance even to ac
quaint themselves with its provisions
is entirely uncalled for. In truth, the
law ought never to have been enacted
with an emergency clause, catching
people unawares, because no such
emergency existed to require abroga
tion of the three months' time usually
given before legislation becomes effec
As a matter of fact an Immediate
and drastic enforcement of this law
may create much hardship, but can
produce little good. The machinery
of the schools, through which employ
ment certificates are supposed to be
issued to those under 16 years of age
entitled to work, has not yet been or
ganised and It would be impossible for
young people who have a right to ac-
cept-employment to qualify themselves
with the necessary documents, even If
they knew what to do. On the other
side, less than two months of the
school year remains and to take chil
dren out of wholesome employment
forthwith in order to Inject them Into
a school room where they do not fit
would only discommode the schools,
with no corresponding benefit to the
new pupils.
The new Nebraska child labor law
is so far-reaching that there is no
question but that many violations of
it are of daily occurrence, and any pol
icy of wholesale prosecutions under
the law would make lots of trouble for
many well-intentioned people. There
Is no call, however, for such prosecu
tions at the present time. It would
be far better to let the readjustment
corns on quietly without attempt at
drastic enforcement until the opening
of the new school year next fall.
While proconsuls and vice regents
are not authorized by the American
constitution, which waB framed by men
who did not foresee the possibility of
the United States acquiring colonial
possessions, the story of Lord Cromer's
work in Egypt may contain a sugges
tion of value in the future manage
ment of Porto Rico, Hawaii, the Phil
ippines and possibly Cuba. The In
habitants of these countries do not
easily adapt themselves to the Amer
ican system of ' periodically changing
officials. Centuries of experience have
taught Ahem to expect the appointment
of rulers, governors, vice regents or
other officials for life terms, with poli
cies never changed. The rotating sys
tem has a disquieting and unsettling
effect upon tho colonial natives. Much
profound opinion and good argument
will be found in favor of selecting gov
ernors of the American colonies and
leaving them In office without regard
to changing administrations at home.
If such men are removed from office
with every change of administration
at home their services will be of little
value, either to the United States or to
the dependent colonies.
Lord Cromer, who has just resigned
the British agency in Egypt, has prac
tically given his life work to the de
velopment of that country and his ef
forts have been remarkably successful.
He established a stable internal gov
ernment, rescued Egypt from bank
rupty, advanced the value of Egyptian
bonds from 43 to above par and se
cured an improvement of the entire
social and Industrial system of the
country. His system of irrigation,
comprised In great reservoirs for im
pounding and conserving the waters of
the Nile, formed a model for the work
the United States is now doing through
its reclamation service and his entire
record Is one of credit to himself and
to the wisdom of the government that
placed him In authority and gave him
a quarter of a century to work out his
policies. His record forms a strong
argument in favor of adopting a sim
ilar system of colonial management In
this country, at least to the extent of
removing the government of American
dependencies as far as possible from
the domain of party politics.
Measured by the expenditure of en
ergy . and successful effort in varied
lines, James H. Eckels lived much
longer than most men, although but
twenty-seven years elapsed between
the time of his graduation from a
law school in 1880 to his death. In
that time he had advanced from the
position of a lawyer fledgling to the
head of several great financial and In
dustrial enterprises, had been comp
troller of the currency, an active par
ticipant in the politics of the nation, a
contributor to literature on political,
financial and economic topics and one
of the very busiest in a world of busy
men. In many respects Mr. Eckel
wa typical of the times. He came
Into prominence a an office bolder
under Mr. Cleveland in 1893, when
the money question was paramount
and the industries of the nation
stricken by panic. Although a demo
crat, he led in the fight against the
free silver hysteria and, with the
triumph of the sound money advocates
in 1881, saw th opportunities offered
tor the consolidation, rehabilitation
and enlargement of the Industrial in
terests of th country. With restless
energy, he threw himself Into this
work and, while he was never ranked
as a captain of Industry or high finance
magnate, h participated actively In
Chicago and the west In ventures along
th merger and consolidation Itnes,
winning a fortune and recognition as
one of he lesdlng financiers of the
west. Direct, forceful and fearless, in
speech, with his pen and In business
methods, he won the admiration of his
friends snd associates and commanded
the respect of even his bitterest politi
cal and business opponents. His fixed
Tnottri' "J want to hat a. useful Citl-
sen," will serve him for a fitting epitaph.
Ambassador Charlemagne Tower,
who Is home on a leave of absence, has
apparently taken pains to give pub
licity to his opinions concerning the
changed attitude of the German people
toward America and American affairs.
Mr. Tower explains that for several
years after the battle of Manila the
Oerman people showed- a marked dis
position to criticise America and
Americans and to oppose the efforts of
American manufacturers and mer
chants to increase their trade in the
German empire. This spirit of hos
tility was manifested also in official
circles. In a diplomatic way, and Amer
ican trade suffered in consequence.
Of late, however, Mr. Tower explains,
a marked change of sentiment has
taken place among all classes of Ger
mans and particular effort is being
made to encourage more friendly rela
tions between the nations.
As evidence of this changed attitude
Ambassador Tower cites a trade con
cession Just made which will mean
much to the meat and live stock indus
try of the United States. .The German
government has long had a practical
embargo against American pork and
for more than six years has enforced
a tariff law which in effect applied a
prohibition to the admission of Amer
ican meats to the German market
Recently, however, the German gov
ernment has been negotiating with the
State department at Washington and
the result has just been announced in
an agreement by which American live
stock and meat product will be ad
mitted into the German empire under
the minimum tariff rates. In return
the United States will admit German
wines and spirits, paintings, pastels,
drawlpg and statuary at the reduced
duties provided for by the Dlngley law.
Prior to 1000, when Germany placed
its restrictions -on American meats, the
United States had a large and growing
commerce with Germany In these arti
cles. American exports of tinned
meats, for use in the German army,
amounted to $361,000 in 1900, while
last year the total exports in that line
were valued at less than $90,000. Ger
many last year bought only $33,000
worth of American hams, as compared
with $1,000,000 In 1900. Sales of
American bacon to Germany have
dropped from $1,880,000 In 1900 to
$750,000 last year, and corresponding
decreases have resulted In our exports
In all lines of meat and meat products.
The new agreement, which will be
signed In Washington In a few days,
will reopen the profitable German
markets to American packer.
The new agreement i but a tempor
ary makeshift and It operation lim
ited to one year, and was made only
because congress failed to act on the
reciprocal trade treaty pending be
tween Germany and this country. The
increase in business certain to result
will form a strong argumeut for ac
tion by congress on the trade treaty
next session. No permanency can at
tach to a trade that depends upon new
agreements each year. The commerce
between Germany and the United
States now amounts to about $870,-
000,000 annually and is Increasing
each year, the United States selling
more goods to Germany than does any
other country except Great Britain.
One of the judge of the juvenile
court says he had nearly 1,200 boys
and girls up before him last year. As
these cases are practically all from
this city, where the number of chil
dren under 16 subject to the jurisdic
tion of the juvenile court may be
roughly estimated at not to exceed
18,000, this would mean that on
child In fifteen had been hauled Into
court Either juvenile delinquency
has reached excessive proportions in
Omaha or the juvenile court officers
are taking boys and girls in charge for
trivial offenses for which they should
be punished, if at all, by their parent
or school teachers.
The deputy county attorney la of
the official opinion that the rotated
ballot has been rotated out of exist
ence by the new primary election law.
If such is th case there will bo no
tear shed, except possibly In the con
fines of a certain political club which
imagines its members have a monop
oly of "intelligence" among voter.
The promoter of that $5,000,000
conspiracy for the defeat of President
Roosevelt might do well to endorse the
plan of John Temple Graves' Many
folk doubt If even Mr. Roosevelt
could be elected on a democratic
The chief fault which the demo
cratic World-Herald finds with Chief
of Police Donahue is that he takes his
order from his superior officers and
not from the editor of the World
Herald. The Miller' National Federation has
declared for a revision of the tariff.
Th next number on th program will
be Unci Jo Cannon giving the mill
ers' federation an anaesthetic.
According to statistics compiled by
the Insurance commissioner, the vol
ume of business written by Nebraska
insurance companies during the past
year Is largely In excess of that for the
preceding year. It Is gratifying to
know that the Nebraska, companies
have not suffered any ss a result of
Insurance exposures and agitation.
Flnaaelr.l Atmosphere Cleat-ln. .
Boston Transcript
The dropping of the rtnntt of Knrlanrt
discount rate la a certain sign that the
world's financial atmosphere has consid
erably less caloric In It than It had a month
Ree-ogaitloa of Heal Heroism.
New Tork Tribune.
Rare Indeed are the reformers who are
willing to devote a lifetime to th Improve
ment of human conversation. All honor,
then, to the Wyoming woman who refused
for twenty-seven consecutive years to
speak to men I
Rarosratlsg Home ladaatry.
St. ' Louis Republic.
A cltlien of Nebraska off era 1100 In gold
to every couple who marry In his county.
There, are Deihans neaalmiata hn
Insist that the only difference between this
man and the ordinary bunko steerer Is
that the Nebraskan offers his gold In the
shape of Coins Instead of bricks.
Where will It Bad.
Springfield Republican.
This la the way It keeps on: England
builds thfi Dreadnaught of 18.000 tons;
Japan builds the Satsuma of 18,000 tons;
the United States plans for a 30,000-ton
ship; Japan comes back with plans for a
ship of 21,000 tons, and now Russia goes
till higher with plans for ships of Zl.W
tons. Who's is the next bet, and where
will it end? What is the UmltT
A Speculation Checked.
Philadelphia Record.
The supreme court has put a quietus
upon the speculative attempt to sepa
rate the Isle of Pines from Cuba and an
nex it to the United States. The court has
simply to state tha Incontestable fact that
up to the time of the negotiation of the
treflty of Paris It had been considered as
an Integral part of Cuba. As tha treaty
does not refer to the Isle of Pines speci
fically. It must be Interpreted In the na
tional sense as including the part with the
whole. Any other Interpretation, of Course,
would have been an outrage uptn Cuba and
a disgrace to the United States, but It
Is well to have the matter definitely settled
by authority.
Backoumber Bnalneaa Methods.
New Tork Tlrbune.
One defect of our government, whether
It Is federal, state or municipal, is Its too
Infrequent overhauling by a superior with a
genius for that sort of work. Some clerk
who knows how things have been dons for
th last half century keeps alive In his
memory th traditional system of each
department, while the world outside has
forgotten meanwhile a dosen better suc
cessive systems. A "house cleaning" that
sweeps out tha bureaucratic cobwebs of
long ago la a great publlo benefit, but few
men possess that rajje combination of pa
tience, energy and organising talent re
quired for undertaking and accomplishing
it on a large scale.
Reoord of Avoidable Aeeldeata am
Asaerleaa Railroads.
New York Times.
In Everybody's Magaslns Carl Snyder
adds to the American railway accident
record one thing which take it out of
the category of permissible osiamitloS.
It Is only what cannot be cured must be
endured, and Mr. Snyder shows that
American railway accidents not only can
b prevented, but that they actually ara
all but entirely prevented upon the ma
jority of our railways. In the last fiscal
year not on single passenger was killed
in train accidents upon 179 roads, cover
ing mors than half the total track mile
age, and carrying more than one-half th
passenger mileage. On the other roads,
with, less trackage and loss passenger
mileage, 182 passengers were killed. Mr.
Snyder does not name hla roads, but he
does specify ona company whose record
surpasses even that of tha Delaware tk
Hudson, which In ten years did have os
accident, in 180J. The Chicago, St. Paul,
Minneapolis A Omaha has an absolutely
clean death record for ten years. It Is
1,700 miles long and does an annual busi
ness of 145,000,000 passenger miles, yet
In ten years It ha not killed a stngls
passenger. In the face of the facts It is
Impossible to contend that all roads may
not do as well aa the majority, even If
they cannot approach the perfection of the
two exemplars named. They ara com
parable with the best Englh.h records,
which Include one year in which not a
passenger was killed.
The demand that our railway shall stop
killing their passengers, therefore, is not
a demand for miracles. It la only one-
half of our railroads which make the
accident records of. American roads from
ten to thirty times larger than those of
Montana has joined ths list of states with
railroad commissions.
Genuine specimens of "dementia Amer
icana" may be observed on tha bleachers
later on.
Railroads In Kansas ara preparing to
give effect to ths 2-cent law by providing
mileage books to be sold at that rate.
Tho question, "What Is whisky?" heading
solemn editorials nowadays exhales an
aroma of blissful Innocence and stimulates
the gaiety of discriminating reallers.
Having gradually circulated down among
th plain people, occupants of high social
boxes say appendicitis Is a vulgar disease
and Is no longer "good form." Cut It out.
Notwithstanding the ventilation given th
new state house of Pennsylvania by ths
newspapers, another system of ventilation
estimated to cost 00,000 is needed to pro
cur clean atmosphere for the rooms.
Borne Inquisitive people In th neighbor
hood want to know why Wisconsin rail
roads charge more for carrying bottled
water than for bottled bear. Truly these
are troublesome times for railroad rate
makers. Badger statesmen propose by law to
lengthen sthe abbreviated skirts of act
resses, bringing them four Inches below
th knee, A fitting supplement would be
a law providing wigs for occupants of tha
baldheaded row.
Judicial and medical circles of Davenport.
Ia.. are trying before s Jury to solve the
problem of who left a chunk of sponge la
the appendix cavity of th body of Johan
nes Arp. Johannes is not saying a word.
He slreps on a hillside.
Bouker T. Washington, the founder of th
Tuskegee school, is opposed to colored peo
ple having their own newspapers. He says:
"I fear that our newspaper are at fault
because they hold up our difficulties. Peo
ple reading them see too many accounts
of nugro oppression and we do not want
our race soured by such accounts."
James B. Duke, the tobacco king, la said
to smoke oogars that cost SB apiece
which is $136 more than the British king's
favorite weeds each represent to the giver.
Baron Rothschild. Tobacco experts aay
that In addition to th expense of the raw
material th cost of highly skilled labor
must be taken Into account before pro
nouncing .t a high figure.
t'tlca Sun: Ths Nebraska legislature can
fel proud of their record at this session
because they passed a number of sensible
lews . They followed out th platform
adopted by the republican and made their
pledges good. It is now up to th tat
officer to e that these laws are enforced,
North Iup Loyalist: The legislature d
Jour nod Haturday after having enacted int
laws more really good bills than have
been Introduced In any previous session
of the legislature. Representative Balrd
can faoe his Valley county constituent
with a consciousness Of having don hi
duty, but Senator Olover would best hi
himself to the backwoods, from which
he came, and never again seek for office,
He proved himself to be a subservient tool
of the railroads, and followed their every
Albion Argus: Senator C. A. Randall of
Newman Grove was In th city, fresh
from th seen of hla winter' labors. He
comes Ilka the warrior of old. rejoicing
over the many victories he won for th
people, with a cheerful countenance and a
steady eye to look into the faces of his
constituents. He carries In his pocket a
complete list of the bills that came to
vote and the way he voted on them. While
we ara not posted ss to the merits of all
these bills, w are posted on many of
them, and on all th Important bills he
voted for the people. He has made a roc
ord to be proud of. Sorry we cannot ay
a much for our own senator.
Primrose Record: This paper supported
E. D. Oould for stat senator in the cam
palgn last fall. In all honesty and sin
cerlty, thinking he would be faithful to
the pledges of th republican party and for
that reason w have deferred comment
upon the record he wa making In the
legislature, until the time of adjournment.
In hop that he would do something which
would establish the fact that ha wa not
Irretrievably tied to corporate Interests,
Mr. Gould's constituents ssked for. bread
and he gave them a stone, In that his vote
upon every measure beneficial to their in
terests was recorded against them.
Loup City Northwestern: Whatever mis.
takes Brother Brown may have mad dur
ing his stay In Lincoln aa a legislator, the
Northwestern wants right her to go on
record a believing they were errors of
liidarncnt rather than of heart. While
Brother Brown Is of opposite political
faith, his work In the legislature has been
clean snd honest and right as h saw It
While ths Northwestern ha seen fit to
differ with him on the terminal taxation
bill, yet we believe his vote was recorded
honestly as against tha measure. It It
proves he was right, the Northwestern wll
frankly so acknowledge; If he was wrong
we feel assured he will freely say so as
the merits of th law are proven.
Nebraska City Tribune: When the record
of the last legislature Is examined it will
be found that the republican party kept
absolute faith with the people of ths state
snd not only enacted Into law all th plat'
form pledges and promises made prior to
election, but also passed an additional Bum
ber of laws of Importance to the people
and of Intrinsic merit. In thl work no
member of the legislature hsd a larger or
more responsible part than Marshall T.
Harrison of Otoe county, chairman of th
house committee on railroads. For doing
his duty well, promptly, fearlessly and in
telllgently. Mr.' Harrison Is entitled to th
commendation of his friends and neighbors
of Otoe county and the thanks and con
fidence of the people of Nebraska.
Bloomfield Monitor: Opposed to all these
elements has been the strongest organised
lobbies at Lincoln about the capltol that
have ever. Infested a body polltio In tho
history of th state. These lobbies have
covered every foot of ground and fought
very on of the reform enactments Inch
by Inch and step by step until every re
source was exhausted without avail. To
cap th climax an anti-lobby bill was
passed toward th very last of th session
that will henceforth remove thl obstacle
from th path of succeeding legislature
It wa a work well performed and nobly
executed. Among th leader of th state
enate the greatest body for forceful
champions of the people ever assembled
In Nebraska was our own George W.
Wlftse of th Eighth district. Mark It well.
There are bigger thing In store for George
In th near future: yet It Is possible that
there is nothing that will ever redound
mora to his credit than his enviable po
sition In th greatest session of th, legis
lature just closed.
Wahoo Wasp: No on ever had a more
favorable opportunity to make good and
fully represent the wishes and needs of the
people of Saunders county, and the stats
of Nebraska, than Representative Tren
mor Cone. Hi nomination wa not deatred
by th democrats of Saunders county, but
by a coup of Dr. Hall. Tom Allen and
Edgar Howard he was placed on ths ticket
snd elected. When th legislature as
sembled he was sgaln honored by the dem
ocrats snd mad leader of th minority,
and from th fact that in many Instances
only thre or four followed bl leadership,
ons would judgsrthat hi position was
properly named. Prior, and subsequent to
his election Mr. Con often said that from
his votes In th legislature, on could not
tell whether h wa a democrat, populist
or republican, and a glance at hi record
In the legislature, we think hi statement
wa literally true. He not only failed to
vote for almost all Important measure by
which all political parties of tb stat were
committed by their stst platforms, but by
hi Injudicious snd unconsidered conduct
took up more valuable time of ths legls
laturs than any other member, and brought
many words of disapproval upon himself
and accomplished practically nothing as a
legislator. He failed to support th pri
mary law, th terminal tax bill, the antl
pasa law and In fact nearly all th laws
to which hi party was committed, be
sides a number of Important minor laws
In which the public was much concerned.
Newman Grov Reporter: For th first
time In many years th dominant party
has no long list of broken pledges to apolo
gise for. It was legislature for, of and by
th people of th state. Of course there
ware exceptions. In the senate th O lead
the list of desirable candldatea for ob
scurity, Gould and Gibson. Th former be
cause he never lost a chance to show his
subserviency to th corporations, th lat
ter because be was false to th on side
or the other. But It I pleasanter to talk
of merit. Th Aldrichea, the Wiltsle and
th Patricks. But' It' really a sham to
Ingle out any or. when there were so
many who fought th good fight. It I a
pleasure to turn to th record of th two
member whom w sent to represent ua
In these day every man ha got to face
hla record. Mr. Randall mset th situation
fairly. He brings home with him s tate
rnent, signed and sworn to by R. E. Phil
lips, stenographer, showing how b voted
upon every bill. If he was absent from roll
call, on th final passage of a bill. It I
shown on th record. He was absent from
but eleven such roll calls during th ses
sion, in most nf which case he wss out
f th city. H voted ay on the t-cent
far bill, th direct primary, pur food bill,
child labor law, anti-pass bill, railway
mllaag books, terminal taxation and all
th law for regulating th liquor trafflo
but two, and no en the county option bill.
Alderson made a splendid record in th
house. He make no pretension to any
speech-making ability, but, among th re
publicans, his nam wa first on th roll
CaU and It wa almost Invariably on tha j
ht aide.
Made from
pure grape cream of tartar, and
absolutely free from lime,
alum and ammonia
MVAi sVutiNa rowoeg oo new vomk.
Ripples th Correal of Life th
If th announced purpose of District At
torney Jerome to put the second trial of
Harry K. Thaw In th regular order on the
trial docket Is made effective and ball de
nted, thit Plttsburger Is fairly certain of
another summer and fall behind th bar
for meditation. Th Tomb prison Is packed
with lawbreakers of various degree. Not
in thirteen year ha It been so crowded.
Into It cell are packed 808 prisoner. Of
thl number thirty-four ar charged with
murder, all of whom the district attorney
Intends bringing to trial before Axing a
date for th Plttsburger' next appearance.
Th projected home-making In southern
Franc must be deferred beyond th "good
old summer time."
Bishop Greer of th Episcopal dloces of
New York City doe not look with friendly
yes on ministerial excursions into th
tenderloin district for msterial for hot ser
mons, and haa deposed from the ministry
for that offense Rev. W. Howard Mears,
assistant curate of St. Matthew's Episcopal
church on Eighty-fourth street. Mr. Mears
Is th young clergyman who wa arrested
In a house on Seventh avenue on March
12, In company with a negro woman. The
charge against him was resisting an officer
In th performance of hi duty. Mears
had a fight with two detective who fol
lowed him to the nous with th woman,
and they locked him up. He wa dis
charged th next day, after explaining
that he simply had been gathering socio
logical evidence for a sermon and thought
that tha detective were confederate of
th woman who, be said, wa trying to
rob him.
Th Nw Tork correspondent of th Phl!-
.Inkl. T that th. WatStAffl
Union Telegraph official of th metropolis
ar much worried over th prospect opnoa
up by a possible walkout of th operator. I
which, aa it now appear to them, cannot
b averted except by a complete urrender
on th part of tha company to th Commer
cial Telegraphers' Union of Amenca.
W nether the troubl will b delayed until
June, when ther begin a heavy Increase
in th volum of business, or takes place
within a few dsys, th company, It Is de
clared, will fight th men to th end. on
th ground that the hav no grivane
that will gain for thm any publlo ym
pathy. Tha Western Union ha never acicnowi-
da-ed th American Telegrapher" Union,
but now the men r wearing union but
ton and asking what' going to be don
about it. This Is sxssperatlng to ths of
ficials, who, however, do not Interfere,
fearing to precipitate a crisis.
Anything approaching a general sinae
of the operators would paralyse tele
graphic communication tnrougnoui me
country, and th official ar seeking to
gain as much tlm a poslbl in oraer io
be able to mak an effort to meet th mr
gency. Not content with h.vlng th material
for a meal on new in an ico on m
of th long grill on wnicn mey ar.
cooked. th management of a new
rathskeller uptown has Introduced me
system of a "moveable bar." by mean
of which. on can have hi cocktail or other
mixed drink made in hla sight at ths side
of his table. Thl bar consists of a wagon
on wheel, such I ometlmes used In
country houses for th afternoon tea ser
vice. It I fitted up with n 1c chest.
surrounded with bottles used In th mak
ing of mixed drinks, and haa a separate
place for a supply of glasses. It Is pro
filed around th rathskeller by a white-
jacketed and aproned bartender, who looks
extremely self-conscious and moves from
table to table at the behest of the guests
of the establishment This moveabls bar
Is a development of a similar wagon used
for the particular dish of the day, this
being fitted up with a large alcohol lamp
to keep the soup or roast.- ss the case may
be, hot. and from which th dish la served
directly to th table.
New Tork City houses 176.000 craftsmen
In th clothing business, . who produce an
annual output valued at (300.000,000.
Th city pay In salaries to it mor
than 60,000 servants tin ach mlnut In tb
Ther I on saloon In th city for eaoh i
tlT men, women and children residing
within its border.
Telegraph instrument of th city tick
off seventeen message each minute of the
Publlo receipts nd expenditure or tne
u have Increased In the last four year i
n n amount equal to $102,000 each day. j
It 1 estimated that 11S.000 persons In the
city make their living by their wits, which j
means the lack of wit in others.
Records of th. United State. Treasury ,
department show that of all the lmml-
grants who land in the elty only four out I
of esch 100 go to ths southern state..
Subway, elevated and urfac railway. I
The 20th
I .-w w
Browning, Ming & Co .
E. S. WILCOX Manager.
of th metropolis carry 500,000 more person
each day than Its entire population, o
4.W0.00O In all.
Inspection of the scales of eoal dealer
In th city shows an average shortage
10 pounds to each ton of coal weighed.
The scale Inspected showed an averag
weight out of balance of twenty-nln
Finishing touches have been put on th)
private museum of J. Plerpont Morgan at
Thirty-sixth street snd Madison avenue.
When Mr. Morgan's piens are perfected
the private museum will house the most
costly and artistically valuable private sol
lection of rare books, paintings of the old
masters and artists of modern schools
snd tapestries In the world.
All Of the wealth In art treasures pos
sessed by Mr Morgan Is not, however, In
this country. Ills London horn contain
at least 110.000,000 worth of valuable works.
Her hangs the famous "stolen Gains
borough," th duchess of Devonshire, for
which Mr. Morgan paid $150,000.
When tha tariff laws are shaped mora
to hi views. It Is said that Mr. Morgan
Intends to bring his London treasures to
New York. The value of Mr. Morgan'
entire collection Is estimated at mor than
Foraker looked over his broken fence in
"What' the use?" he growled. "How" a
man to keep up a fence if Bill Taft 1
going to alt on it? I wish that fellow would
train down," Philadelphia Ledger.
The Doctor Admitting that a generation
is thirty-three and one-third years, or any
length of time you please, when doe on
generation leave off and th next on
begin T
The Professor It ends, so far aa you ar
concerned, and another one begins.
. -""C' li. L'"' ..ViT ?"
i "the old man." Chicago Tribune.
wary: renea ine poet,' wny oon t you
keep that kid quletT What th matter
with him, anyway?"
"I'm sure I don't knew," replied hi pa
tient wife; "I'm singing one of your lulla
bies to th little darling." Philadelphia
"What Is that fallow's occurmtlont H
ays he works about the publlo offices. "
"Bo he does; works about everybody la
them." Baltimore American.
Raynor I know, of course, that old Prag
matt is offensively positive and controvar
aial, but he'a generally right, isn't hT"
Shyne Blame him, yes! That's what
make him so offensive.'' Chicago Tribunal,
"Grandpa," asked Tommy, "how big ft
fish did you ever catch V
Grandfather Tucker' eye lighted up.
"I never wa much at fishing, my boy,"
h answered. "If you should ask m how
far I could hop, step and jump, though,
when I wa a young man, you'd find that
I Can make HIT flahlnv liar- Innlr lir
Chicago Tribune. . '
But." asked the sirl's mother v,.,Mf.'
you tell he wa going to kiss your'
'Vtti. mnth.r ' ' ..nlll ... i ... m.
there wasn't any one to tell. He wnii th
only one present and h knew already."
Philadelphia Press.
Mother That young man who wants t
marry our daughter Orace la a penniless
young fellow.
Father Then Is he also a Graceless
youth . -.Indianapolis Star.
"That was a queer statement you mad
a minute ago. You said you never, hsd
any trouble keeping your wife fashionably
"Well, that' the truth. My trotihl
come when I don't keep her dressed that
way." Buffalo Express.
"Tour honor," said the tired Juror, Inter
rupting a trial for murder, "I would lik
to ak one favor."
"Pleaso permit me to change places with
the prisoner at the bar."
But the court was not to be moved.
Philadelphia Ledger.
8. E. Klser In the Record-Herald.
I am longing for th hillside and th pa.
tures wide and grern,
Where the blossom of wild berries are b.
alnnina to be seen:
I am longing to be straying whese th so
i newly turned.
Where the lambs are bllthly getting mal
that they have never earned:
I am longing for the orchards with th1l
blossoms aweet and pink
I ara longing to be out there, Just to stroll
arouna ana minx.
I am longing for the open, wher ther ar
no whirring wheels.
Where the speckled hen Is clucking as ah
searcnes ior ner meats.
Where the long-leg'd colts ar playing
while their mother pull the plow.
Where the farmer wean th offspring ot
the faithful brlndle cow,
Where the tollers work till sunset, having
started at the dawn .
I am longing to be out ther, merely ss
I am longing for the freedom that th
r.r Aom ,,. lh- in. tinw.r mw..
the hopes which It destroys.
r m an tn angry ranoies, rar rrors
Wh.rY ' V-.t. JLiT ...ihin.
people's wrongs
Oh, 1 long to be there, caring llttl. how
CalmlvtehlV ot'oeonl. da' th. work
thftt muit ht done