Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone Douglas 01 S He
This Is Decidedly a
'S 4e.dvvn
Howard, Cor. 16th St.
Bee 4 -
world wta better yesterday than the day
before, better today than It u yester
day, and. with the Lord a blessing, will be
better tomorrow than It la today. Fighting
animal thourh man la, he realties the ad
vantages of peace and as the world grows
belter ha becomes mora willing to hesitate
before sacrificing peace for war.
There I no government that Is not In
fluenced by public opinion. If government
era to be made to appreciate thoroughly
the advantages of peace then the peoples
of the earth must be taught to appreciate
Its blessings. If the nations sincerely de
sire peace, there la scarcely a difference
that cun arise among them that cannot be
adjumed by peaceful arbitration.
Doty of Congress.
Tour duty, as that of everyone who
knows the difference between national honor
and national land lust, between true cour
age and smash-buckling. Is to convince
the world that man has a higher, nobler
nilsnlnn than to be forever at his brother's
throat: that war should he resorted to only
as a last desperate remedy for Injustice
and oppression. The task which you have
art yourselves and which can be accom
plished, la to cultivate a spirit of sober
common venae among men, a sense which
will cause them to think twice before going
to extremes and to hesitate before glorify
ing the war spirit. To such a public opinion
fovernments must bow. Putting Into prao
loe their high sounding professions or mu
tual good will they must with regard for
each other's Interests, live In harmony, one
with another.
Letter of President.
President Roosevelt's letter, read before
the congress, was as follows:
My Pear Mr. Carnegie: I much regret
my Inability to ba present with you. Mr.
Root will apeak to you at length and no
man In the country la belter fitted than
he to address you on the subject you have
so much at heart.
In this letter I can do little more than
wish you and your association Godspeed
In yur efforts. My sympathy with the
purpoeea you have at heart la both strong
and real, and by right of It I shall make
to you Mont suggest ions as to the practical
method of accomplishing the ends we all
of ua hava In view. First and foremost, I
beseech yu to remember that, though It
Is our bounden duty to work for peace, yet
it la even moie our duty to work for
righteousness and justice. It Is "rlghteous
ners that exalttth a nation," and, though
normally peace is the handmaid of right
eousness, yet If they are ever at odds, It
is righteousness whose cause we mint
espouse. In the second place, I again
earnestly ask that all good and earnest
men who believe strongly In the Cause, but
who hsvs not themselves to bear the re
sponsibility of upholding the nation's
honor shall not, by Instating on the Im
possible, put off the day when the possible
can ba accomplished.
Caution About Disarmament.
The peoples of tha world hava advanood
unequally along the road that leuils to
justice and fair dealing, but the road
stretches far ahead even of the moat ad
vanced. Harm and not good would result
if the most advanced nations should, by
agreement, disarm and place tlrennelves
at the mercy of other peoples Irss ad
vanced. Finally, It behooves alt of us to
renumber, and especially those of us who
either make or listen to speeches, that
there are tew more mischievous thines
than the custom of uttering or applauding
sentiments which represent mere oratory,
and which are not, and cannot ba and have
not been, translated fro.n words Into deeds.
An impassioned oration about pence,
which mcluJes an Impassioned demand for
something which the man who makes the
demand either knows or ought to know
' cannot, a a matter of fact, be done, rep
resent not gain, but loas for the cause
of peace: for even the noblest cause la
marred by advocacy which Is either in
sincero' or foolish.
Call fur Sane Action.
Thcaa warnings thut I hava uttered do
not u.ean thai 1 believe that we can do
nothing to advance the cause of Interna
tional peace. On tha contrary, I believe
that can do much to advance It, only we
must act with sanity, with self-restraint,
with power, which must lie the prime quali
ties in the achievement of any reform The
nineteenth century saw, on the whole, a
real u-nu groat advance In the Mandurd of
tnterutuloml conduct among civilized na
tions and strong nations toward more
backward peoples.
The twentieth century will. I believe, wit
ness a greater advance In the same direc
tion. 'J he I nlted Ktatta has a right to
peak on behalf ot such a cause and to
aak that Its course during the hulf dosen
open years of the century be accepted aa
uaranty of tha truth of Its professions,
"tiring these sin years we can conscien
tiously say that without sacrificing our own
rights we have yet scrupulously respected
the rights of all other peoples, With the
gi-eiit military nations of the world, alike
la lCurope and in that newest Asia, which
In the oKlest. wa have preserved a mutually
self-respecting and kindly friendship. In the
Philippine Islands we are training a people In
the difficult art of self-government with
more success than those best acquainted
with the facts had dared to hope. Wa are
doing Uils because we have acted In a
1 Said Wit to Wisdom L,
"A full stomach makes SA V)
I a light heart" fVpT
I Said Wisdom to Wit J j '
; Oneeda
hdustm. Eft
.. moUtur,, roof packages. qJ) MSA
' " """!":"'. 1 '"."; i' . 'T ' . 111 "' I," '''"f" '
m, J, en All Department.
Redlern Season
nfm shapes, cf last season
were so eminently fitted to the de
relopment of the Empire fashions
that this season, with these nodes
In the height of their relnth, we
find the Redfern Model the fore
most shape for these fascinating
Itedfern Corsets are boned with
reliable Arctic whalebone. The
clasps are the reliable rustproof
teel, and the hose supporters are
the "Security."
93.50 to f 15.00 per pair.
We have special fitters who will
thoughtfully corset you, accentuat
ing the good points and concealing
the defects of your form as only
the eye of an expert can.
All corsets fitted in cosy fitting
Second floor.
Open Saturday Evenings
15 - 07.
spirit of genuine disinterestedness, of genu
ine and single-minded purpose to benefit the
In Panama we are successfully performing
what Is to be the greatest engineering feat
of the ages, and while we are assuming
tha whole burden of the work, we have
explicitly pledged ouraelvea that the use
Is to be free for all mankind. In the Islands
of the C'arrlbeun we have Interfered not as
conquerors, but solely to avert the need of
conquest. The I'nited States army Is at
this moment In Cuba, not as an act of war,
but the restore to the position of a self
governing republic. With Santo Domingo
we hava Just negotiated a treaty especially
designed to prevent the need of any Inter
ference either by uor by any foreign nation
with the Internal affairs of the Island, while
at the aame time securing to honest credi
tors their debts and to tha government of the
Island a secured Income and giving to the
Islanders themselves tha chance, If only
they will take advantage of It, to achlevo
tha Internal peace they sorely need.
Relation With South America.
Mr. Root's trip through South America
of self-respecting friendship of all the I
republics of this continent: It marked a I
step toward the creation among them of a j
community of public feeling which will .
tell for Justice and peace throughout tha i
western Hemisphere. Hy the Joint good of- i
tlces of Mexico and ourselves wa averted I
one war In Central America and did what I
we could to avert another, although wa :
failed. We have more than once, while 1
avoiding officious International meddling, j
shown our readiness to help other nations ;
secure peace among themeselvea. A dlf- ;
llculty which we had with our friendly
neighbor to tha south of us we solved by i
reii rring it to arbitration at The Hague. A .
difficulty which we had with our friendly i
neighbor to the north of us we solved by '
tin, air, nf a 1tlnt rnmintMltirt ftnmk !
posed of representatives of the two people, i
In Interest. We try to avoid meddling In i
HUalis that ure not our concern and to
kji-a vl.w. hatrrf 'l.,r. thev m'lll nvsll !
on behalf of fair dealing and against cruelty
and oppression. We have concluded certain
arbitration treaties. I only regret that we
hava not concluded a larger number.
Proarreaa la Kxpeeted.
Our representatives will go to tha sec
ond peace conference at Tha Hague In
structed to help In every practicable way
to bring some steps nearer completion the
great work which the first conference
began. It la Idle to expect that a task so
tremendous can be settled by one or two
conferences. It Is not possible that the
conference should go further than a cer
ts in distance In tha tight direction. Tet I
believe It will make progress toward peace,
progress and fslr dealings. One ot tha
questions, though not to my mind the,
greatest, which will be brought to Con
sideration Is the question of armaments
The I'nited States, owing to Its peculiar
position, has a regulur army ao aa to be
Infinitesimal when compared with other
powers. We are no longer enlarging our
navy; wa are simply keeping up Its
Strength, very moderate, Indeed, when
compared with our wealth, population and
coaat line; for the addition of one battleship
a year barely enables us to make good the
units which become obsolete. The moat
practicable step In diminishing the burden
of expense caused by the Increasing slza
of naval armaments would. I believe, be
an agreement limiting the slse of all shins
hereafter to be built, but hitherto It has
not proved possible to get other nations to
agree with ua on this point.
Arbitration the Ileal Remedy,
Mora Important than reducing tha ex
pense of the implements of war Is the
question of reducing the possible cause of
war, which can most effectually be done
by substituting other methods than war for
the settlement of disputes. Uf those other
methods the most Important which Is now
attainable Is arbitration. I do not believe
that In the world as It actually Is, It la
possible for any nation to agree to arbi
trate all difficulties which may arise be
tween Itself and other nations, but I do
believe that there can be at this time a
large Increase in tha classes of cases which
It Is agreed ahall be arbitrated and that
provision can be made for greater facility
and certainty of arbitration. I hope to nee
adopted a general arbitration treaty among
the nut!ons, and I hope to see The Hague
court gTeatly Increased In power and
permanency, and the Judges In particular
made permanent and given adequate sal
aries, ao as to make It probnble that In
each case that m,y come before them
they will decide between the nations, great
or small, exactly aa a Judge within our
own limits decides between the Individuals
Doubtless many other matters will ba
taken up at The Hague, but It aem to me
that this question of a general arbitration
treaty Is perhaps the most Important. Sin
cerely yours, .
Address of Governor.
Governor Hughes, after voicing a formal
welcome to the congress, alluded to Presi
dent Roosevelt as "the foremost cttlten of
tha nation, the lustre of whose fams aa
president has Wa heightened by his erv
Ica aa pacificator."
Secretary Root was characterised aa "lbs
keeper of our foreign Interests, In whose
wise diplomacy every cltlxen Is assured of
tha aatute and Jealous defense of our peace
ful polities."
f peaking of tha expected era of pence,
the governor said:
The necessity of war aa a last defense ot
liberty and honor la admitted only to be
deprecated, and In the ri.'Sir to prevent
armed strife there Is almoat complete
Unanimity. We recognise that the time is
sure to come when war will be unthink
able. We can no longer look to war for
the development of either national or Indi
vidual character. If war was ever any
thing else. It Is now unmitigated horror,
exhibiting chiefly fiendish aspects of Inge
nuity and scientific skill In destruction.
Vnder our modern condlticns nf civilisation
tha supposed beneficent results of war In
the development of courage and stamina
must In any conceivable event be ahared
by so few of our teeming populations that
even the most sanguinary must realise that
the time has gone by when by any stretch
of Imagination It can be regarded aa a
general disciplinarian agent.
Wa note with satisfaction the fact that
war can now be waged only under onerous
conditions and the Increasing pressure of
economic considerations for the recognition
of the fundamental directness of the Chris
tian faith.
Andrew Carnegie Talks.
Andrew Carnegie, president of the confer
ence, said In his opening address:
We believe the psychological moment ap
proaches when a decided step forward can
be made. 1'ei PonaJly. 1 am a convert to
the League of Peace Idea the formation of
an International police, never for aggres
nlon, always for protection, to the peace
of the civilized world. It requires only the
agreement of a sufficient number of na
tions to establish this. Since the civilized
world Is now united by electric bonds Into
one body In constant and Instant commu
nication. It Is largely Interdependent and
rapidly becoming more su. War now In
volves the Interests of all, and therefore
one nation has no longer a right to break
the peace without reference to others. Na
tions hereafter eliould he asked to remem
ber this and not to resort to war, but to
settle their disputes peacefully.
beloie resulting to torce It would ba well
to begin by proclaiming non-Intercourse
with tne offending nation. No exchange of
products, no loans, no military or naval
supplies, no malls these restrictions would
serve as a solemn warning and probably
prove effective. Force should always be tha
last resort, but it should be the last.
Such nations aa supply funds and ma
terials of war to others might complain
that their Interests were unduly affected.
The maintenance of peace Is, however, al
ways the preatest Interest of Industrial na
tions because for the thousands gained from
foreign wars, millions are lost. Peace Is
the hund-muld of prosperity.
I vet us hope this plan will be submitted
to The Hhruo conference by the delegates
of our republic. Then the world will know
that America stands for peace through a
league of powers pledged to maintain It.
Would that the great peacemaker of the
future might be Theodore Roosevelt! Man
of many triumphs, this last would lift him
to the highest place In history. H" la a
bold man who ventures to forecast or limit
the horoscope of Theodore Roosevelt.
At this moment, however, It Is not In his
hands, but In those of the emperor of Ger
many, alone of all men, that the power
to abolish war seems to rest. Hie Invita
tion to form a union of nations for thli
specific purpose would result In more than
six nations gladly responding to his call.
And, as In the temporary league of nations
In China, ao In this grander league, a Ger
man general would again rightfully com
mand the allied forces. Much has been
written and said of the emperor as a men
ace to the peace of Kurope, but I think,
unjustly. Let me remind you, he has been
nearly twenty yesrs on the throne and, so
far. Is guiltless of tha shedding of blood.
No International war can be charged to
hhn. His sin hereafter may be one of
omission, since having been entrusted with
power to abolish war, he failed to rise to
this transcendent duty. Let us watch this
rosslble man of destiny, howrver, and hone
hut a vision of his true mission may be
revealed to him. A higher no man ever
had. If ever one even apnroached It In
beneficence. Were that destiny revealed, I,
for one. believe he would fulfil It. I can
not see how a mortal man could resist the
Ine rnll to ner'n-m a service so glorious.
There are no victories like those of neace.
The dav has gone by for the heroshtp of
such as kill and destroy. Millions of
Frenchmen recently vntd to determine
their greatest man. Nanoleon, the tvnleal
beeo nf barbarism, fell to seventh on tha
list: Pasteur, true hero of civilisation, was
first, and scientists end authors fallowed.
The world advances fast toward peace.
Secretarr Root Talks,
Secretary Root then delivered an address
on the American sentiment of humanity.
(Continued from First Page.)
morning. The area movement of the
earthquake at Washington occurred In an
east and west direction and lasted from
1:26 to 1:41, while the principal portion Of
the north and south movement lasted only
until 1:33 a. m. The total duration of tho
earthquake was over two hours. Thess
records seem to Indicate an unusually
violent earthquake at a distance com
parable, in Intensity, with those which oc
curred at Valparaiso and Kingston.
Both cities are so isolated that it Is im
possible to obtain accurate and rapid In
telligence . of the disaster.
Shook Recorded In California.
BERKELEY, Cal., April U.-Perhaps the
most remarkable shock of earthquake ever
recorded at the students' observatory at
the University of California was registered
on the Omey siesmograph at an early hour
this morning. The shock tasted for more
than half an hour and on that account it
Hrcords Made In Germnnr.
BERLIN, April 15. The seismographs at
Hamburg. Potsdam, Ooettlngen and Jena
registered a severe earthquake shock this
morning at a distance of 4.210 miles. Ths
heaviest shock occurred it I . m.
Wealthy Kansas Man Dies While Salt
to Determine Mental Condition
Is PendlnsT.
OTTAWA, Kan., April 15 Colonel B. 8.
P.ohrbaugh. one of the wealthiest citizens
of this county, died today at Excelsior
Springs, Mo. The death raises the ques
tion of what disposition will be made of
his lurge estate, as proceedings are now
pending In tha probate court to decide
whether or not Colonel Rohrbaugh has
been of sound mind for the last few years.
Hu left a will In which large bequests are
given to Baker university, Baldwin, Kan.,
and to Bethany hospital and the First
Methodist church of Ottawa, but since the
execution ot the will he deeded practically
all of his property to members of tha
family of his sister-in-law, Mra. E. P.
Hubbard, with whom he has lived for sev
eral years.
Colonel Rohrbaugh built the Rohrbaugh
opera house In Ottawa and a short time
ago he gave fJO.UOO to the new Methodist
church here.
A number of eltisena. all Methodists, a
few weeks ago began proceedings to have
a guardian appointed for Colonel Rohr.
baugh. A hung Jury resulted from tha
first hearing and the matter Is now pend
Discovery That Twenty Dollar Gold
Pieces Made In Denver Are
Five Cents Shy.
DENVER. Colo., April ' 15. Department
heids of the I'nited States mint Is this
city and three government agents connected
with the mint headquarter began today
checking up th coinage of th mint and
making th annual settlements, ssrersl
week In advance of th usual time for
the settlements. This action, following th
government report that th gold coins
from the Denver mint hav been found to
be under valu in fineness of gold, though
up to grade In weight, mean that the gov
ernment has begun action to discover who
la responsible for the discrepancy In fine
ness. The government report state that
th rains are found to be under fin to the
m' i - al4 4c.
Patrolmen aid OEoials Requested by Chief
Celling to CootribaU to rand.
One Iner Testified That He Col
lected 4)3,TOO d Another
fivWOO Money la Paid te
C. H. Roneh.
CHICAGO, April lS.-Chlrae-0's police de
partment contributed thousands nf dollars
to the democratic, campaign fund In the
recent mayoralty campaign and has con
tributed In a like manner to whichever
party was In power aa long as the older
officers on th force can remember, accord
ing; to revelations made today before the
civil service commission by police officials.
Among the officers who offered this tetl
mony to the commission were Inspectors
Revere and Kelly, Captain McWeeny and
Lieutenant Jenkins. Captain McWeeney,
who several days ago refused to talk on th
subject, confeaaed freely today that he had
aided In the collection ot large amounts
ot money to be used in the recent cam
paign. Penalty Provided hy law.
According to the civil service commit
slon every man who engaged In the collec
tion of the fund, even each patrolman who
contributed, Is liable to indictment by the
grand Jury under the provisions of the
civil service act. One ot the sections In
the act provides that any person disregard
ing any part of the provisions of the law
shall be fined not less than tl.OUO and may
be Imprisoned In the county Jail for a term
not to exceed atx months. The commission
has announced Its Intention to sift the
matter to the bottom, but It Is said will
not prosecute the under officers, who, It Is
said, merely carried out the commands
of Chief of Police Collins. Captain Mc
Weeney told the commission that when he
waa ordered to subscribe to the fund he
was provided with as many blank envelopes
as there were men at his station, Into which
the money was to be put.
"I was instructed to deliver all the en
volopea to the Inspector," said he, "and I
did ao. They all contained money. A few
had (10 bills and a great many $5 bills."
I-aree Amonnt Collected.
After Captain McWeeney's testimony, In
spectors Revere, Kelly and Wheeler were
sent for. Revere and Kelly responded at
onoa,, but Wheeler ceuld not be found and
will be subpoenaed to appear before the
oommlSBlon tomorrow.
On hearing from the commission that
Jen kins and McWeeney had told complete
eUrles ot the election assessments, Revere
said that In ail he collected about $3,700
from the officers and men under him. Kelly
admitted having obtained 12,600 from his
Roth inspectors said no lists had been
kept of those who had not subscribed and
that no special favors were given those
who contributed to the fund. The two In
spectors testified that It had been the cus
tom, no matter what party was In power.
! to levy aaaceaments on the police stations.
Inspector Kelly waa asked If he considered
Chief Collins' request for contrlbutiona aa
a command.
"Tea. I took It aa an order," replied
Kelly, "but I could have disobeyed. If I
wanted to."
Roth the Inspectors toetlfled that the
money had been fciven to II. It. Roach,
formerly commissioner ot public works.
Chnrle Mndermnn.
CLARINDA. Ia April 15.-Speclal Tele
gram.) Charles Llnderman. aged 70 years,
president of the Page County Stole bank
of this city, died here this morning of
erysipelas. H was a soldier in the union
army, formerly clerk of the Iowa state
supreme court, at one time a member of
the house of representatives and the oldest
member of Nodaway lodge No. 140, Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons, In which he
was raised August SI, 189). He became
a member of the Mystic 8hrln lsst month
In Des Molnrs. His funeral will be held
her Thursday, Rr. J. N. MacLean. pastor
of the Presbyterian church, officiating at
th house and th Maaonlc fraternity con
ducting the services at the grave.
Terrenee Brady.
Terrence Brady, formerly a resident of
Omaha, died at Oklahoma City, Okl., Sat
I urday, aged 71 yeare. Mr. Brady was fore
man In the car department when the Lnlon
Pacific shop were first opened her and he
removed to Columbus, Neb., from Omaha,
He waa born at Unsay, Canada. Mr. Brady
Is survived by six daughters, Mrs. John
Olynn, 28 Bouth Twentieth street; Mrs.
Benjamin Nelson, O North Eighteenth
street; Miss May Brady, 2402 South Tenth
street; Mrs. J. M. Bplece, Kingfisher, Okl.;
Mrs. U J. Craln. Altoona, Pa., and Mrs. D,
H. Smith, Cheyenne, Wyo.. snd two sons,
J. J. Brady of Oklahoma City and Charles
! Brady. El Reno, Okl. The body will be
brought here for burial, the service to be
held from the home of Mr. Olynn Tuesday,
neorare cbllsraohn.
George Sellgsohn, who haa been a resi
dent of Omaha since his boyhood, died
Monday at 12:45. Fur a number of years
he has held th position of secretary and
treasurer of the M. WolUteln Co. whole
sale liquor house. The funeral will b held
Wednesday at t p. m. from th family resi
dence, 610 South Twenty-eond stret In
terment In Pleasant Hill cemetery.
Rev. WUIIsk Mchot.
PAPILLtON. Neb.. April 15.-(Bpoclal.)
Rev. William Nlchol of Ballevue, a Preeby
terlan minister, died very suddenly yester
day at Ceresco. Saunders county, wher h
had gone to help hi son with his Bunday
aernion there. He was found dead In bed
1 Sunday morning. He was 70 years old.
Miller Olmsted.
Wllber, the Infant son of Mr. and Mr.
R. H. Olnnted of Florence, died yestarduy
afternoon. Funeral Wednesday afternoon
at S. from family residence, corner of Bluff
and Wlllatt treeta, Flornc. Neb. Inter
ment, Forest Lawn.
George W. Roosevelt.
WASHINGTON, April 15-aeorge W.
Roosevelt, a cousin of President Roosevelt,
died last midnight at Brussella, where h
was consul general. Deceased served as
consul In various countries sincp 1878.
Police Officer Ends Life
NEWARK. N. T., April 15. -Chief of Po-
! lice John Adams of this city shot and
.ii s i l M - . n W aw-islr trsa r U IaiIsV
tinea uimiraii iu -i nvu jiw
"fire record.
Whale Block at Benedict.
BENEDICT. Neh.. April 15. (Special.)
Fire broke out this morning at I o'clock In
th Wlrth building, next to th postomre,
from a defectlv flue, and burned very
business building In tb block on the north
aide of the main bualnevs street. Benedict
was ulMtbt tu uvpe ililtt tltd fiailie Mud
sent the Etrotnsberg train hack to York
for assistance. The Turk firemen quickly
responded, and witb their assintance th fir
was quickly under control. A high wind
was raging.
Sal or Abalatho Prohibited
GENEVA. April 14 -A referendum in th
Canton of Oeneva haa ratltled th law pro
hibiting th sale of absinth by a vote of
7, Ml to 7,01. Th vote will act a a great
encouragement to the anil absinthe move
ment and th extension of th law through
out th whol federation now appeare to
b certain.
1 I
Yi$it our Hook
and Station
ery Depart
ment in base
mtnt altt
room. 9V
Three Gresit Sales
Dress Laces
New Embroideries Lace Curtains
These three groat sales, from our extraonJInary
pot purrhane (made m week ago) will be
continued Tuesday.
Lace Curtains
In Nottingham Lace, Brussels. Swiss and Madras
Curtains prices from 2.05 down to 10t.
Every pair worth nearly three times the price.
Trimming Laces
The most wonderful collection ever shown in this
city. Baby Irish Lace. Venice Lace Point, French
Val. Laces, Silk Guipure Laces, Linen and Batiste
Laces, Chiffon and Jet Badu, Laces, Appliques,
Festoons and Medallions all the very newest ef
fects, values $1.00 to $5.00 per yard m r
all on continued sale Tuesday, lltA f
at, per yard TUv
Continued Embroidery Sale
As a companion sale with the laces, our magnifi
cent stock of Embroideries, in edgings. Insertions
and sets, will be continued Tuesday at 20 per cent
off the present low prices.
Our Basement Halesroom will offer many at
tractions In Household articles Tuesday.
To buy tlve very best
Orient! Limited on Qreat Vortbsrn ii
Vrked Near Fartlett, N. D.
Explosion of (ins Tank Sets Fire to
Debris and Seven Coaches Are
Burned In List ot the
ST. PAUL, April 16. Running at a
speed of forty miles an hour on a straight
truck, the Great Northern westbound
Oriental Limited, which left here for
Pacific coast points Sunday mnrring, was
derailed at 1:15 this morning at Birtlelt,
N. D. Five persons were killed and a
score or more Injured, some of them seri
ously. After tha wreck a gas tank ex
I pluded and the train took fire, seven pas
senger coaches being destroyed, the
sleeper and observation car escaping thu
flames. There is said to be some evidence
' that the rails had been tampered with.
Officials of the road say that the track In
this vicinity had been In apparently first
class condition, and they are unable to ac
count for the wreck on any other theory
than It was the deliberate attempt of mis
creants to wreck the train.
The dead:
W. B. JONES, mall clerk, Grand Forks.
! believed to be Greeks. ' ,
' Among the Injured are:
Alfred qialley, Osgood, N. D., Internal
Archie Banders, Clarence,. Mo., thigh
Fireman Roy Curtis, Larlmore, N. D.,
shoulder hurt.
Mall Clerk C. H. Ferdness, shoulder and
both arms twisted. .
Matt Nellson, Boston, Minn., bask
. sprained.
J. A. Weeks, traveling man, knee
Thomas Ellis, Larlmore, N. D., leg and
head slightly Injured.
Iko Mc(owan, traveling man. Grand
Forks. Bllghtly Injuied.
News Agent Green of Et. Paul, legs
, akinncd and, btuised.
I Engineer Peter Ferguson of Larlmore,
face cut.
The wreck occurred en the line dividing
Nelson and Ramsey counties,, the mall car
completely Jumping over the engine and
landing In Ramsey county, while the re
mainder of the wreked train burned in Nel
son county.
There were many thrilling (scapes re
ported and nets of heroism on the part of
tho Varengers and train crew who es
caped Injury are numerous.
KUsor Blararr I Appointed to Take
Charaio of Jury la the
Rnet Case.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 16 -For the seo
ond time since the trial of Abraham Ruef
for extortion was begun, Superior Judge
Dunne formally disqualified the sheriff and
coroner of Ban Francisco aa unfitted by
bias, prejudice and personal Interest to
perform any of the function of the for
mer' office In connection with this trial,
and for the second time appointed and
administered the oath to William J. ttlggy
as elisor. Blggy is now chsrged not only
with the custody of Ruef, whom he keeps
under heavy guard In a Fillmore street
boarding house, but also with the sum
moning of the Jury when it shall have
been selected and sworn.
In th course of today's proceeding both
the defense and the prosecution scored Im
portant points under the rulings ot Judge
Dunne. The prosecution submitted three
motions: For the disqualification of Sher
iff O'Nell and oCroner Walsh aa official
! prejudiced In favor of Ruef, for th issuing
of a special venire and for tha appoint
ment of an elisor to summon It.
Against these motions the defense ob
jected with much spirit and was sustained
by th court on one point. Judge Dunn
refused at this time to order a special
ventre holding that there appeared no good
reason why an ordinary venire should not
b summoned from the jury list, on which
1,475 names remained. Fifty slips wero
3 1
Phone Douglas 9SI
for the lesist meney is the motto
accordingly drawn from the trial Jury
wheel and Elisor Blggy was directed to
have the new venire in court Wednesday
Thcro are nr nine probationary Jurors
In the box. that number of talesmen hav
ing passed the qualification testa. When
three more have taken their seats, from
among the fifty to be summoned by Blggy,
the peremptory challenges will be exer
cised. Of these the defense is entitled to
ten and the prosecution to five.
No meeting of the grand Jury was held
today. At tomorrow's session it is hoped
to conclude the InveptlKatlnn of the Home
and Pacific states telephone matters. Five
more Indictments are under consideration
as a result of alleged bribery by Home
Telephone company officials and three more
on a like score against officials of the Pa
cific States corporation. Blot machine
petty grafting cha ge,l by the prosecution
acrninet Myor Schmits and some of his
administrative agents Is also scheduled for
further Invesilgutlon tomorrow.
Arapahoe Still a Vlllnae.
ARAPAHOE, Neb., April 15. (Special
Telegram.) The election tu-moll owing to
a tie vote on mayor and election of two
anti-license and two license councilman
was settled tonight at an adjourned meet
ing of the village trustees. Upon investi
gation the board found that the change
from a village to a city was Illegal owing
to an Insufficient number of inhabitant
and the old vlllnge organisation and board
of trustees hold over. If the same be proper
! or not .will no doubt be determined In court.
As 'the situation now stands, by a vote
of 4 to 1 the old board holds over and
I Arapahoe is still a village. In the case of
I Colonel Sitnford in the Justice court for
? perjury In' swearing In his vote, 'alleged to
, be fraudulent, he wa bound over to the
; district court under JSC0 bonds, which be
Royal Bishop Arrives.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 15.-The Right
Rev. Don Henrique Silva, bishop of Lis
bon, uncle of the king of Portugal and
special envoy of Plus X to this countrv.
Is In this city and the Call says that, ac
cording to Information given out at St
Mary's cathedral, he 1 to temporarily tuke
the nlace of coadjutor In the archdiocese
of San Francisco mad vacant by the
death of Archblbliop George Montgomery.
Bee Want Ads produce results.
Stock Reducing Sale
We have Just finished Invoicing and
find we are overstocked on many articles
which we propose to reduce QUICK.
Are these prices Interesting to you
25o Pond's Extract Cream 18o
SOo Pond's Extract Cream 8o
50c Cudahy's Extract Beef U9o
60c Swift' Extract Beef 87o
25a Bansal Tooth Powder.. 140
25c Dentifoam ISO
25c Pond'e Extract Tooth Paste ISo
25c Packer's Tar Soap 16o
rear1 Boap So
1 25c 4711 Glycerin Soap Ho
i 25c Pond' Extract -Talcum Powder... 18 j
j $1.60 Fever Themometer. 75 j
I 10c Colgate's Bhavlng Soap Eo j
A lot of Tooth, Hand and Hair Brushes i
and Combs at Half Price.
It counts for a good bit
tliese days
We pride ourselves In having a most
complete organization of competent
tailors and cutters to look after your
There's not a man In our employ who
is not an expert at some branch of the
tailor craft. This means much to you.
Trousers 55 to J1 2 Suits $20 to S50
-"ll Kd. IVIl Kt.
Write for wholesale price oo
Balduff's Pure fee Cream!
Made for aelect trade. A business
getter. We want a dealer In every
lown. rv. b. Miaun, ibju i arnam et.,
Omaha, Nab.
Ot r Infant'
M'rar Itrpart
trtrtit on tml
floor is the.
rVitf asfnrtrd
in Otnani.
Ladies Waists
Beautiful Lace and Embroidered Net
Waists, all silk lined.
New Ecru Waists with cluny Ineo trim
tnintrs, tucked yokes, embroidered nets with
dniuty insertions. Tuesday will make
special displays at marked down prices
$7.95, $5.05, $4.95 and $3.95
Ladies' Long Kimonos Fine quality
lawn, neat white and black patterns, bor
ders to match, yoke front and back, extra
full backs, Tuesday $1.25
Attractions In
Our Grocery Department
VTe cannot odvertise all our bargains. Ilelow
are a few of the many for Tuesday.
48 lbs. Daylight Challenge Flour, made from hard
winter wheat and every sack guaranteed ..$ 1.00
12 bars good laupdry soap 2.'c
4 Be Navel Oranges for 30c
10c head rice, for, lb Cc
15c package Seeded Raisins for ..10c
of The Daylight Store.
Delicate enough for the. softest
skin, and yet efficacious in removing
any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect
condition. In the bath gives all tht
desirable afier-effects of a Turkish
bath. It should be on every wash
Exchange Typewriter Co.
Phone Doug. 3874. Omaliu, Xeb.
1 fl tsCE.Wil,hlHgt,n,DC. ksteb.186
BOYD'S ?:.Mera.
Annie Russell qs Puck
Friday Night Only
The Lion and the Mouse
gktrTdS'coghlan BYR0N nd
Price 2So to tl.50. Seats on sale.
Burwood 2X
When Knighthood
Was in Flower
Thursday and Saturday Matinee.
Grand Opera Auditorium
By tbe.Zlntir Oomttanr from tha
TTnder direction of '
Monday Afternoon, UirilCri sun
April 22, Humper- nALNtktL AND
i'ral Kalry GRETEL
CAST: Mmes. Mattfeld, Altn, Ho
mer, Weed, Vail. Moran and M. Ubrlta.
Conductor, Herts.
clTatrolop.Vr- PAGLIACCI
CAST: Mil. Farrar, MM. Rara,
Soottl, Relas and Simard. Conductor,
CAST: Mmes. Ciaparelll, Alton, MM.
Caruso, Stracclarl, Journet, Klmard.
Uufrlclie, Ramondl, Dragonl and Na
varlnl. Conductor, Vlgna.
Prices, 1 to It. Boxes, $20, 130 and HO.
Weber Piano Used. Libretto at
dox omre.
Every Night Matinees Thurs., Sat., Bun.
altrle Brgr It Co. i Royal atualcsl
rive i Pautsar Trios Kuaks Bros.; War
ra ft Blanohardi Aarl Dag well) Max
well ft So4J7 and tlis Xtnodxeia.
Price 10c-2Kc-S0c.
tajsum I, ma ,i?:,' 'rxazM1 fjauuiwauiiii
Tonight 8;15 Matinee Wednesday
Kldooped for Revenge
ssa Month
The most spacious and elaborate In
the city, is now serving suitable dishes
I "rices lleaaonabla