TIIE ' OMAHA! DAILY BEE: MONDAY, 'AritlL 15, 1007. Want - ads Advertisements for tho ml- eolaunaa will to take watll 13 a, tot tow tho Borelag aad Saaday odlttoae. rmb bui iceafitr ordsrs to want-ads and )dTertiesseat will ! fermented (or less thm 1 eeata to the flrt Insertion.. ' Rates apply to either Tho Daily or laadlj Be. Always Mint six word to lino. Combination of Initial or aoora roont aa oao word. CASIT RATES FOR WAST-ADI. nr.OCLAH CLASSIFICATIOHS Oao .... in faiita. Two or mar MiaiftMa flvo Insertions, r llao. matt. Each Insertion made 01 odd days, JO eente per llao. l.oO per lla er month. PICCIAL CLABSIFICATIOItlt I yoa .advertisement la Inserted oader aoy one of the classification. arivoa bolow. It will he charged at the following rnteai One laaertion, 4 coats per llne three to six eoaeeeatlve laser 'tloaa, 9 rente per lino each inaertloa ,ven or more conseontlve Insertions, IS rent per line each laaertion rrnti per line per month. BARTER AD EXCHANGE. nnnitM chances. HELP WANTED rEMALK. . HELP "WAJITED MALE. Except Agents, ioUcltor BO and Saleamea. - OFFERED FOR lALEl' Cowa, Bird. Doc and Feta lloraea and Vehicle. Poultry aad Eg(i. Fnrnltore. Piano, Organ aad Moleal lo. trnment. Typewtlter ill fewla ehlne. . Miner llnneon. OFFERED FOR IVKHTl Farnlahed Room Infnrnlahed Rooiaa. Housekeeping; Room. Boarding; aad Rooma. WANTED TO BIT. WANTED TO REXT. BITIATIONS WANTED. CASH -RATE FOR NOTICES. Death aad Faaeral Notleea, Card of Thanka and Lodao Notleea, T ooata per line for ono edition, morulas or venln- 8 eemta a llao for oaeh addi tional odltloa. Boaday, 10 et a llao. Mo ad takoa for laaa than BO Went. S BRANCH OFFICES. Want-ad for The Beo may ho left ait any of tho following dm store- oao la "yonr oorner drngglsfN-tney are all branch office of The Beo Bad loir ad will bo laaerted Jaat a the mala oOlee la Tho Boo baUdlac. Seventeenth and Farnam atreetai , Albach. W. C, 4th and Farnara. I Hranck, 8. A., 1402 8. 16th St. ' lleoht's Pharmacy, 750 8. 18th St Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmaoy. 83d and Cuming. rnnirhltn. C. It.. 6th and Pierce Bt. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military At. Contn, J. B, sist Ave. ana jcarnam. CrlHuey Pharrracy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Emtl, 12C4-6 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy. 4048 Hamilton. I Killer, F. H., 2M Leavenworth. 1 Foster As Arnold!, 21 N. 25th St. Kreytag, John J . 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, NeO. Phurmniw 20th and L,ak. Green' Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and I'acinc. Greenough. O. A., 1026 8. 10th Bt. Greenough. G. A., loth and Hickory. Hayden Wm. C, 2B20 Farnam Bt. Hanscom Park Phar., 1501 8. 29th A VS. Hoist, John. 624 North 16th Bt. Huff, A. L, 2924 Iesvenworth Bt. King. H. 8., 2288 Farnam Bt. , Kountie Place Pharmacy, S304 N. 14th. Patrick Drug Co., 1(W2 N. 24th St lAthrop, Chas. 10. , 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E, 24th and I.ieavenworth. fiAratoa Drus Co.. ?4th and Amea Ave. Bchaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago. Bchsefer. August. 2631 N. 16th Bt. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Eta. Storm rharmacy. 16th and Martha Bt. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. waiton mrmcY, join ana urace sis, Mirth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton 8ta ANNOUNCEMENTS BIQN PA1NTING-8. H. Cole, 1301 Douglas. WII.SON hang paper, quick, clean; paper cleaning a specialty. Tel. Webster 2718. (D-112 Ml PMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a ape clalty of Are escapes, shutters, ueor and autea. U. Anareen, frop., 102 a. 19th Bt. GJ 4JB o i- r1 r-N r THAT GROW. Shh iS NEED ANY? t u ' w gee that they come from THE NEBRASKA SEED CO.. TTOWATiH 1208-io-n " w ' Junes Bt. gy M680 A 30 THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and iveavenworm eta. lei. juougiaa 13S1. C 473 "WALL PAPER cleaned. Douglaa 6286. (1) Ml 82 AUTOMOBILES' SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. 1908 Thomas Flyer, 40-H.-P.. full equipment; cost $3,750. now $1,800. 1906 Pope Toledo, Type T, ton and full equipment; cost $3,750, now $1,900. J! Iteo, used 50 miles; cost $1,286. now 81,00, 14 Reo, top and full equipment; coat $i,4 now )mju. l4,Whlt Steamer; cost $2.600, now $700. 196 Ford. 16-H.-P.: cost $1,150. now $700. Pope-Waverly Electric runabout. $400 up. X DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. !V 181S Farnam St. T) M94S RAMBLER, 1908 model, for sale: nearly I new; a bargain. Huteaon Optical Co., 11$ D. lSW ow 12) MT , "WRITE for our list of bargains In second- ' hnnd automobile. Fredrir.ksnn. 1K0 Capitol Ave. (2)-M9li Mil VOR SALE Ught touring car. 20-H P.. cneap, caan, oy April jt. not so, iextr. la. U-M940 23 X BARTER AND EXCHANGE WELL Improved farm of 160 acres located near Feaseiule. N. D. Price $3,000. Will trad for income property. Glob Land Investment CO., room I Patterson Bldg., stock of goods, farm land or property of any kind to exchange, writ for our corn- plot list. We have properties and lands in an part or to country to exchange. Our list 1 free. Send for it at once. Glob Land and Investment Co., Patter son tfii., omana. Melt. U 4.1 fiOMB good Omaha property to trade for lana or merchandise. 110 aV I7tn Ht. (3)-M!l mt FOR EXCHANGE I have 1907 Franklin I automobile and L'lus Whits steamer, one of which I will trad for a good piece of ' Omaha property or Nebraska land; give full description of what you bare and don't put a fancy prle on It. Address M Zl. cars Bee. U 818 120 ACRES, t miles from Bchell City, Ver non county. Mo.: so acres uoder cultiva tion; good building; price, $0 per acre; Incumbrance, l-'.iMi: will exohang for sen- oral merchandise. Glob land and Invest ment Co., Rooms 1 and I, Patterson blk.. uuiana. .) 13C0 A NICE, new stock of farm machinery and harness, located in small Illinois town r.U, -J . 0wn.'r. h", nUM, ot at $1.5u9 to out in on trade for land. Globe Land and Investment Co., Rooma l ana I ratierson but., omana. (D-M358 FOR SALE OR TIUCB-t &-w ttook of farm machinery dolim a good busineas In a very fine farming community, ivery- thing first class. Giob Land st InvrM- man. Co t roa 1 and 3. -s,ur Blk, Omaha, Neb. IS)-MM1 W1I-L EXCHANGE oas years' music le- i on ou any Instrument for lob printing or advertising ia any louail'y. Ad6reas A suu Bee () Ui BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) EXCHANGES t2f-a.rre Improved farm tn southeast Kan sas, rnce, $37.66 per acre. t acres VmVV rrainlt. Nebraska. PHr $M per acre: went good Incomo property or merchandise. 160 acre. tawfa county, (food land; 112.60 per acre; 'want Omaha cottage. , ft-aere farm In Cam county, Nebraska, at $75 per acre, for Omaha residence prop erty. to sores, Barry county, Nebraska, $85 per acre, for Omana rental property. Hotel tn eastern Nebraska, rent 75 per Prlco 110.000, for land. month. If you have anything to exchange at Its actual value, list with me. I handle nothing but good stuff. "W. S. FRANK, 821 Neville Block, Omiiha. (3)-M137 17 FOR EXCHANGE 110 acre near Orchard, Antelope county, Neb.: price W7.w per acre. XM acres six mile from u meii. Holt county. Neb., Improved; price $M per anre. Will nrhinm either or both of above farmo for merchandise or hardware. We aiso hare several Income properties in Omaha to exchange for merinanoise, or hardware. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED TO EXCHANGE My light Pope-Tribune runabout for Holsman or Orient buckboard. My machine not adapted to mud and heavy grade in tmi section. Dr. F. W. Johnson, Fullerton, Neb. (3) M384 A2x (32 ACRES of fine prairie land, mile from town In Hamilton county. Kansas; price, $10 per acre; will exchange for gen eral merchandise. Globe Land and In vestment Co., Rooms 1 and 2 Patterson dir., omana. t hjou SEVERAL good stocks merchandise to x. change tor land; also city incomo prop erty for land. Automobile to exchange. National investment (Jo. (3) auu Al WRITB Townsend Realty Co.. Modal, .. who have farma wild landa. etc for clear town property ins merchandise. TRADES! TRADES! If you have any thing that you don't want and will trade it for something else, write' us. We can match anything. Kelly Investment Co., 220 Neville Block. Omaha, Neb. IS) M515 11 FOR EXCHANGE1 Fine onyx and quarter- awed oak oda fountain, cost about ja.ow, a good as new; will exchange for Omaha property or Nebraska land. Address M IS, car tie. ta WE HAVE a 26.000 bu. grain elevator In man Missouri town, win sen ior mi.nm. Half cash, balance mortgage. Globe Land & Investment Co.. room 1 and 2, Pat terson Blk., Omaha, Neb. fS MMI IMPROVED farm In e its tern Nebraska, all level, to trade for drug stock In some email cajstern Nebraska town. Address F 71, care Bee, South Omaha, Neb. tar miv zsx STOCK of merchandise for Omaha prop erty at 1520 N. 24th St. (B) AT 18X TRADES! TRADES! If you have anything that you don't want and win trade it tor somethlnar else, write us. We can match anything. Kelly Investment Co., 220 Neville Blk., Omaha Neb. (3) U141 20 40 TOWN LOTS In a good coast town In Texas: located In business part. U. B, government dredaina , channel for ocean steamers will make a land-locked harbor and a fine city; fine winter resort for northern people and summer for southern fieopln, and thousands take the benefit of t. Will exchange for Nebraska land or merchandise. Addree Box C, Wood River, Neb. (3) M965 20 FOR EXCHANGE A good, double brick store building in a good county seat town; rents for $40 per month. Want land. What have you 7 .Box 817, Luverne, la. V (21 M931 20x BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Flrst-olaa blacksmith and wagon work buslnese, with tools; $4 to U received lor shoeing ana $4 to $8 for Bet ting tire. Address T 12$, Be. 4)-f7I- FOR BALE New shoe shop outfit i gotnfr to quit; nrm-cias onanc ior good, shoe maker. For particular address - B., UUA iji, Auuurn, ntu. IV mow 10X FOR SALE On of the most prosperous general stores in western lows at 90 cents on the dollar, cash; stock new and up-to-date; annual sales $45,000; stock will In voice $9,000 to $10,000; no land deals con sidered; building for sale or rent. Ad dress Y 20, care Omaha Bee. (4)-M19 17 A GOOD business location on main street. one ana one-n&n oiocks rrom depot; two rooms on first floor and three up stairs. Fine location for laundry, which is needed, in one of the best towns in state. Rent reasonable. Address J. W. White. Wiener, Neb. (4) M771 18x AGENTS engage in the mall order busi ness selling our nousenom rubber goods by mail; catalogue furnished with your Imprint. India Rubber Specialty Co., Erie, Pa. (4 M771 18x TWO boarding houses; must be sold at once. Canadian Urace, 16th and Dodge. (4)-MlS0 15 MUSIC teachers' local locations bought, sold. - Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam, Omaha. (4) M183 WE OFFER a 126-harrel modern flour mill; location ana commercial condition excel lent; $5,000 cash will handle It. Peaxey, 86 So. Main, Council Bluffs, la. (4)-M19S IS FOR BALE At a bargain, meat market In a good eastern Nebraska town of 3.000; everything new and up-to-date. Address "Owner," Box 413, Schuyler, Neb. (4)-306 20z MR. TRAVELING MAN. Your, attention, please. Are you looking for something goodT We have the best side line you ever handled; no selling or samples; all you do Is recommend. It's a money maker for you. Address Lock Box 739, Omaha. Do It now. (4) M923 MIS FOR BALE Drug stock and fixtures In small town In Iowa; doing good business; only drug store; hav permit; other busi ness reasons. Address Lock Box 676, Eagls Grove. Ia. (4) M932 30x A GOOD chance to buy general merchan dise store, outskirts of Omaha; does $M),0u0 a year business; will take $6,000 to $7,1X0 to buy It, or will sell half Interest to responsible party; latter preferred. Reason, engaged In other business. Ad dress M. Horn, car Allan Bros Tel. Douglas 462. (4 2u 2tx HALF INTEREST In hardware and Im plement business for sale; good business: will require $4,000 to haudl earn. Writ ex M, nelson, JNeD. (4 M328 FIRST-CLASS livery business; lively town one raiiroaa ; gooa Dusinees; reason for selling, otnsr business. Address Y 69, Bee. DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. amesi, ivi is. i. l, omana. (4) 480 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A Bne rest dene In up-to-date country town, eastern Nebraska, No. 1 location; would consider good land in lows or Nebraska, no sand: not particular about Improvements. Ad ore I-, Bee vO M879 FIRST-CLASS barber shop, thre chairs; oniy snop in town or W, will besr In. spection. Address Y-70, Be. (4 M881 IF TAKEN at one, will Mil at $0 per cent oisconni my stock of dry goods and sro eerie ; finest business In town; invoice sbout $7.uu0; a bargain for cash; owner nas oiner business. Addres X 73, car uman He. (4 70 I CAN place your money on first mortgage loans en Unproved central mcome prop erty and modern homes In Oakland. Cel., at per cent net. Write me for par ticular. Georg W. Austin. 1018 Broad way, Oakland. Cal. References: First Nat. Bank and Chamber of Commerce, t4 M1C5 VtlTx I r X- TTr: ,u J -T " r 1 tn I u lUtte a LUflBgei If you have a farm, borne, business or property that you want to sell or ex chanxs. writ us. OLsJBB LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., vmaba, Ken. (4 464 MT flilAT OLD BOOKCASE 1 BUSINESS CHANCES ((.Continued.) FOR SALE T'p-to-date new drug stock. eastern Nebraska, nothing dad; cash sale 19R, $9,000. Would consider good land. Full particulars on application if you mean business. Address Y llt. Bee. (4) M834 IS FOR SALE First-class restaurant; doing best business in town; will sell cheap for cash. Be Wilcox, N St., South Omnha. (4s-vM471 13 ROBERT C. DRfESEPOW CO., STOCK BROKERS, $09 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb, (4)-4a FOR SALE Or trade, livery business In Bristow. Neb. Only business In town. Good trade. Will sell for cash on easy terms or will trade for small tract of clear land. Don't make any "blue sky" ropositlons. Writ to P. C. Anderson, rlstow, Neb. (4)-M447 $26,000 WILL BUT planing mill doing good business; both water ana ran tor snip ments; good site to add sawmill. James McDowell, 119 West Fourth street, Olym pla. Wash. (4) M638 16X TO GET In or out of any business write HUdreth Williams, biu. Bee. (4) MU30 M9 WANTED Banjos, municipal, county, state, school, railway, or other first -class. Send full description and beat price. Joseph Hudson, box 1020, Chlpewa Falls, Wis. (4) M902 16X ONLY confectionery ice cream burtnesev BvSOO town. Established eight years. Terms to suit. A Jaseph, Le Mars, la, (4 M905 lSx FOR SALE First-class stock of drugs and fixtures. Will consider land If priced right.' Address Y 87, care of Bee. (4) M318 FOR BALE Stock of merchandise at a big discount. Call 1S20 N. 24th St. (4) M359 16s. FOR SALE A Arst-ciass equipped black smith shop and tools; shop for rent. Good reasons for selling. Address Box 245, Holsteln. Ia. (4)-M967 20x FOR TRADE Stock general dry goods, In voiced at about $7,700; big lines staples and domestics; goods clean and In good order; owner wants reasonable amount cash, balance good land; what have youT C. W. Homers, 500 Manhattan Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. (4) M968 20x BUSINESS CHANCE Invest $1 per week for 26 weeks or $25 cash and clear $250; absolute safety guaranteed by all banks. Storeheat Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. (4; M642 J10X ESTABLISHED foundry and plating plnnt requires capital to care for the rapidly ' growing business. Good opportunity for competent man with capital. Give par ticulars. W. Jackson, No. 2 East Second avenue, Spokane. Wash. (4i M640 16x IDLE MONEY. Have you some? Would you like it to earn 20 per csnt? Our factory is doing this. Write for particulars. P. O. Box 1838, Bpokane, Wash. (4) M641 16x WANTED Acreage for tomatoes for the Florence Canning factory; 80c per bushel paid for good tomatoes. Florence Can ning factory, Florence, Neb. 'Phones Florence 1141 and 303. (4) MG58 lOx $3,000 Racket stock for sale, owing to til health. Would trade for western Ne braska land valued at $1,500 und $1,500 cash. New Stock, good trade and a money maker. Must get outdoor occupa tion. Address owner, Q. B. Whltaker, Hastings, Neb. (4) 684 16x FOR SALE Best bakery In S. W. low. Address Box 102, Creston, Ia. (4) M778 18x FOR BALE Hotel and restaurant, com bined. J. C. Swank, Graham, Mo. (4) M703 1SX PER CENT INVESTMENT. We are offering a 6 per cent Investment, Interest payable semi-annually, In one of the largest corporations In this city and "State. The closest Investigation Invited. For particulars call or addres Robt. C. Druesedow A Co., Stock Brokers, fr N. Y. Life Bldg. 4) M7W WANTED- Youn man with $300 cash to manage branch office of Incorporated real estate company; exceptional opportunity. Address E 87, care Omaha Bee. (4)-M717 ENDLESS BELT STREET CAR advertis ing rack displays your advertisement in any part of the car every five minutes; by the present system the merchant who has his advertising card back of where you sit In the car pays to reach you but doesn't; twice as much advertising space to sell, thus doubling the earning capacity of each car and gives twice the benefits to the advertiser; Invention fully pro tected; want managers of the right sort In every city having street cars; right man can earn $5,000 or more a year. If you want to know more about It or want to see a working model, address K 92. Bee. t4)-M795 17 NEED MONEY QUICK. Will sacrifice limited number of Long Island lots. Zbxioo ft., K each. Title guar, snteed by Title Guarantee and Trust Co. of New York. Realty Co., Mechanics Bank Biog., BrooKtyn. is. T, t4 m.k lix TO BUY or sell any business or real es tate, call .on or writ E. O. oangestad, 403 Bee Bldg. (4)-808 ONLY commercial hotel In town of 1.000. Doing good business. Small capital re quired. Adress X 86, care Bee. (4) M970 15x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertising; Supplies. T? Wt Tr,rmrrr? we have the largest line ME8T1C and IMPORTED, ever submitted to the advertising trade. Before Dlacinic your order, we invite your inspection at our exhibition room, 1218 Harney St., where ulao can -be found Advertising Buppues ana rooveuies or every uiscrip- lion mat win oring results. FONDA BROS. & CO. (5) M324 ml Bar Iron and Steel. PENNSYLVANIA Iron and Steel Co, Omaha. Retail bar Iron and steel at wholesale prices. Prompt delivery. Writ or quotations. (&) sax Alt Carpet Cleaning;. CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. Mak ing over and reifying carpets. Also rug t6-M961 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1911 Farnam. t&-47 SEND your carpets to N. A. Chrlstenson St Bon. zm m. Hri bu 'rnon web. &. (U-109 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R- 2, 150S Farnam Bt. Doug. 497. 464 Civil Kaajlneer. X G. Hloks, surveying, 439 B. Trade. Omaha (01-1U6 Ml M' EAT H RON ft JAMIESON. 806 N. Y. L. &)-40 Coatraetor. AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor, (20 BuUlb aCrUu Telepuou Duugla . tt M770 A30 Crcaaaorle. DAVIT) COLB CREAMERY CO., successor to Boatrto Ooamery Co, Omaha. t M27f Dentist. BAILEY s MACH. 8d fl. Paxton. D. loffi. (5)-i8 Eagravlaa-. KOTERA ar CO, Doug. 1097. Jackson, phon (i)-MlM OR THAT OLD PIANO CAN READILY OE CONVERTED INTO CASH BY THE USE OF A SMALL WANT AD IN THE DEE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Continued.) Florist. HESS 8W0B0DA. 141 S Farnara. (5)-4SI U HENDERSON, 1519 Farn. Tel. D. 1253. 5)-4f H. BATH, 16C3 Harney. TU Doug. sooo. t6 433 Far. FURS cleaned, stored and repaired. O. E. Shukert, 113-31 t. istn., practical furrier. (5) M449 M6 Farnacea. W. S. HEATON, basement. 130t Farnam St.; American Hero and Wise furnaces; aiso xinwora; pieasea to ngure your worn, (5-l -925 A23 German Consulate. OTTO 8IEMSSEN, correspondent notary public, 921 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. D 553. (5) 814 Mil Silver Platlns;. Omaha Plating Co., 1220 Harney. Doug. SP35. (B) !AM2 M4 lAeorporators. Incorporating Co., 428 MER N. Y. U (5) M979 Jeweler and Weitcb makers. N P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2 A 3 Faxton Blk. Tel. D. 433?. (6)-110 Law and Collections. Corn'l Adjusting Ass n., 922 N. Y. L. Bldg. t5) 620 Ma Ma A. GOODSON, masseur, treats stiff joints. rneumatura. nervousness. 606 ware hik. Tel. Doug. 54. (5) M188 M5 Photographers. C. B. TRUSSELL, US So. 16th St. (6)-87- JTbrseries. SHADE trees, shrubs and fruit tree. F. R. Martin, isth and Douglas, Tel. v. 7363. 6-62t A28 LARGEST and finest assortment of trees and shrubs in the city. Crescent Nur sery. Sales ground, 21st and Farnam. 'Phone Webster 3357. (6 MS60 M7 SHRUBBERY, fruit and shade trees. 21st C5)-M791 18 Osteopathy, L. Tel. D. 1664. (5) 487 JOHNSON INS , 418 N. Y. Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. 8379. ) UKI Al DRS. RINGLER, 806 Neville. Tel. Red 5467. id j mum nasx Printing. JENNINGS Printing Co. TeL Douglas 6830, BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order. oon t ian to see our elegant imported line. Lyngstad sc , Jorve, Printers. 16th and Capitol av.. - . ,. (6) 48$. THE ACORN PRESS Printers of Qaullty. we make those Imitation typewritten let ters that look Ilk; the original. Price right Tel. Doug. 991. 1218 Harney. . (6) 685May 9 SWANSON PRINTING CO.. ' high grade printing at lowest prices. 110 8. 17th St. TeL Doug. 8969. ' (5 M8S9 Myll Planablna; suad HeatlnsT. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. jj in. uia bt, 'lei. Douglas 1477. . 1 (6 M458 At7 T. F. BALFE. plumbing, gas and electric fixtures. 1607 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743. (5)-M705 JullO Stove Storage. RTHVPS STORED Hughes, Store Rep, Doug. 7155. (5) M767 A10 STOVES stored. A. J. Hayne. hardware, paints and oils, 24th and Lake. Doug. 3518. (6) Mu2 A30 Scrap Iron and Metal. WE pay highest prices for metals, scrap iron ano nones hteturns promptly maae. A. B. Alslrn. Omaha. (IMttaM CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, The Leading Palmist of Omnha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlor 118 8. 16th St, Opp. Boston Stor. (1) 480 MMES. Bean and Mayo. Spiritual mediums. Reancea Tueadar and Friday evenings. Reading dally. 2I N. 16th St. Tel. Red 1066. 6)-M579 A27x EDUCATIONAL Spring Term Now Open STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY. BOYLES COLLEGE BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPHY. ENGLISH. ELOCUTION. DAY AND NIGHT. Catalogue Free. Address H. B. BOYLES. Pres., ' Omaha, Neb. M17 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Experienced salesladies for cloak and eult department. 3. Frederick Berger & Co, 1517 Farnam Bt. 7-M241 LADY agents; high grade - flavoring ex tracts and toilet articles; city and country; exclusive territory. Address Diamond, 530 N. 24th, Mouth Omsha. (7)-Mlh9 SOx Clerical and Oflee. WANTED Young lady for office work; muat be quick and accurate at figuring; no bookkeeping experience nereseary. Apply in own handwriting and state sal ery expected; referencea required. Ad drer 94, care Bee. t) U Factory and Trade. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Company, 2024 Farnam St. (7 M339 WANTED Machine girl. Laundry, 211 8. 11th Be City Steam C 420 GIRLS WANTED. For factory work; good wage.; steady work. Bemts Omaha Bag Co., tlth Bt. viaduct, (7-MWl A27 WANTED At once or 8 girls for light, desirable factory work, at 1114 Jackson St. 7 Mt 17 WOMAN cook for lunch room. Must bs experienced and steady. Furnish room. 818 A. 10th. "it iAv It WANTED First class tailoreses and skirt makers, good wages; steady position to right party. Apply at once, TM Karnam. 7 Hit 16 Hoaaekoepiac aad EKsaesties. WANTED A cook st 1916 South 81d Av. Telephone Harney 3J21. C7) MIJi GOOD girl for general housework; goo wiges. 151) Grace Bt. (7 13 od WANTED Girl for general housework; good people to work for; good home for aood girt, mi Pierce. TeL D (in. i M J HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeeper aad Domestic Cout'a'd GIRL for gsneral housework; family of four. Mrs. A. G. Elllck, 8411 Dewey Ave. (7) 913 15 WANTED Girl for general Ihousework. 464S Dodge, Mrs. C. G. Trimble. to noi ia WANTElJ Bright girl to learn second rooking and advance to nrst. musi use cooking. Ticket furnished, Perkins Ho tel. David City, Neb. (7) 868 20x WANTEI-Olrl for general housework; no washing. Mrs. R, W. Breckennnge, isiu a 80th Ave. (7 M158 16 WANTED Nurse girl for two children. (7 149 16x Call 2519 Chlcagro St. WANTED A good girl for general house work, two in family, inquire 11m 0. i-'a. Or-M148 16 WANTED At once, experienced girl for second work; most nave references. Mrs. J. E. Baura, 8646 Uarnsy St CD-MI 67 16 Misoollanooas. WANTED 25 experienced girls to work on coats and skirts in alteration room; good wages. 8. Frederick Berger AV Co.. 1517 Farnam Bt. Hi M240 WANTED Three girls to strip tobacco st Blnderup s Cigar Factory, 1822 Bt. Mary s Ave. tlf-MiM MIX WANTED-Trlmmer and makers In our millinery department. Inquire before 10 a. m. of A. D. Brandela, at Brandels stor. fl)-M748 15 WAITRESS for lunch room work. Fur nish room. 818 8. loth. (7) 740 16 WANTED A first -olass hair dresser, man! curtst and massage; good salary, can Tuesday, second floor. J. L. Brandels & Sons, Hnlr Goods Dept. (7) M148 18 WANTED 20 caah girls In our new base ment, j. u. Branaeis at Bona (7-M146 16 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salesman.. AGENTS wanted to drive through th country; best selling proposition ever of fered; big value for your customer, big nnflt for vou. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. R. McCleflan, 603 Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (W-S34 1 MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay weekly. C. F. Adams CO, 1619 Howard. (9) M985 Ml SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who hav bad experience selling views, por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call at Room 603, Bee Bldg. (8J-338 AGENTS through Neb. ROYAL BUCKLES to users. Ready sailers. Farnam, Omaha. to show A sell farmers & horse Big profits. 1116 (9) M366 M6 WANTED Young men to solicit real estate for sale or exchange throughout Ne braska. Salary. Call 815 Neville Blk, 16th and Harney. (9 M709 Mio WANTED Two high class specialty sales men to call on general trade in country towns. Commission line. One salesman earned over $2,000 In March. . Call for Mr. Spencer at Her Grand hotel on April 14 and 15. (9) M833 16 x WANTED Traveling salesman capable of earning from $30.00 to b0.oo a week easy 11ns to handle, but must devote your whole time to It. Address B lis, Bee. C9) 208 SOx WANTED By Omaha firm, three wlde- . awake young men as t ravelins; salesmen position permanent, with good prospects for advancement. Give past experience ana references. Address M 11 1, Bee cmce (9)-202 20x WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew or solicitors, prefer one who has had ex perinnce tn selling to farmers, permanent position, good income. Address F 105, 15 ee omce. t) am zox Boys WANTED Binding boy, one with som experience. Morehouse & Co, 18 No, Main St, Council Bluffs, Ia. (9) M199 16 Clerieal aad Office. aad omce. j WANTED Bright young men. 25 to 38 years of age, to become life Insurance so licitors for the best life Insurance com pany In the country. Apply to John Steel, 238 Bee Bldg. (9;-M261 WANTED Young man stenographer and bookkeeper; Inexperienced preferred; give reference, state wagrs expected. Address In own handwriting. Box 43, Ottumwa, Ia. (9) MW34 20x GOOD retail hardware clerk, steady po sition, good salary to right man. Addreas D 103, Be. (9)-M186 16 STENOGRAPHER, rapid, accurate, splen did chance one wishing to go west; op poitunity to learn advertising business: per week. Address 101 Bee. (9) M176 SOx Factory and Trad. POSITIONS for drt'g men everywhere. F. V. Kniest, 707 N. Y. I. Omaha. (91494 WANTED-Men to learn barber trade, Splendid pay after few weeks with us. Positions or locations to start business always on file. Special Inducements this season. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. (9) M831 18x WANTED Paperhangers and palntsrs; , only experienced help need apply. H. Berwick, 211 S. Main St, Co. Bluffs. (9) M33I PANTS maker at once. 1507 Farnam, Omaha. Barrett-Johnson, (9) 744 17 TAILORS Coatmakers and bushelman; steady work and good prices, $18 for bushelman. J. H. B potts, Hastings, Neb. 9 M769 18x BARBER wanted at once; steady Job; must be good workman and sober: good wages to the right man. J. F. Be hols, Box 16, Pierce, Neb. (9) M779 18s, WANTED Two good tailors, at one; plenty of work, good pay, nice place to work. Wlr or writ W. T. Harvey, Gregory, S. D. (8 M2&2 16x ONE ooatmaker. Struts. Atlantic, la. C. F. (9 M170 16x WANTED A good horseshoer and a gen eral blacksmith; steady work the year round. Address Fred Nlssen, Beresford, 8. D. (9 281 20x WANTED A first-class barber, to take charge of shop in live Wyoming town. Addreas Edmond Burke, Bhoshoni, Wyo. 18 M758 27x WANTED Cylinder pressman and feeders. The Bmlth-Brooks Ptg. Co, Denver, Colo. 9-09 IS HARNESS MAKER, one who can run Landls machine preferred; steady Job. Omaha Harness Co, 818 S. 18th St. (8)-M139 16 WANTEI Good gaaollne engine molder; good price to right man. Nelson Gas Engine and Automobile Co., Hnrlan, In. (9J M9S3 2ox at iseella areas, WANTED Musicians for hettleshln Ne braska; cornets. trombones, baritone. Bandmaster Albajigh, Bremerton. Wash. (9)-M593 22x WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN, ages 13 to AS, for firemen snd biakemen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary. Firemen earn $100. . per mouth, become engineers, earn lJto.00, brakemen earn 1 7C.U0. benome conductors, earn $1600. Call or writs at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Ass n. 620 X. Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. (9)-M$4l Ml ENERGETIC young man. over 28 years old, capable of earning high salary; bond required. Address In own handwriting, with stamp and references, 11 tsu, cur lie, - HELP WANTED MALE Mlseellaaeoa atlaoed. WANTED flgn writers, pictorial painters, wall and bulletin men. pieeny worn, i.su per dsy. Address the Curran Co., Den ver. CoK I9)-M849 15 WANTED 1W yards of grwwl sodding done. inquire si !- 1. 1 - - WANTED Young man for Boston Lunch. 1612 Farnam. t"-" FOUR teamsters snd ten men for yard work. eiiinaerianu riui. v, Hickory Sta. ()-M 15 WANTED Two energetic men to travel for wholesale vnouse; . per w-r ., expenses to start; permanent position and rapid advancement guarsnteed energetic workers: experience unnecessary. Ad drees with stamped envelope. F. W. Potts, 254 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, vlln. WANTED- married men and $ strong bovs; steady work, omana wxij', east Omaha. (9)-M998 1$ p HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Man and wlf for general ranch work; good wages; mint ne re liable. Address Box 654, Douglas, Wyo. (1)-M7M 16x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicle. 8 HORSES, weight 1,200 lbs. each, wagon and name, iiza; one lemii, isin ,ouv lbs.; one team, weight 3,000 lbs ; 2 farm mares. 2118 Grant. Tel. Douglas 3410. OU HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and worn nurses, uuuKiii, "oiu . . ...... . , on commission. Myers, 1715 Jackson. Tel, Red 8693. (1D-161 My$ LARGE and small horses for sale. Aiso wagons. KoaenDiatt, im ricnuiaa. Ul)-M85l RUNABOUTS, carriages and "harness at greatly reduced prices, jonnson a forth Co, a. w. cor. 10th and Jones sts. OJ.) M268 PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drive single or double and ride. 43d ano tfmor, GD-M268 HAY $9 pr ton. Wagner. 801 N. 16th St. iur-". LIGHT UD-to-data surrey, perfect condl tlon: must sell, need th room. Address A 66, Be. (1D-M542 AGENTS through Neb. to show & sell ROYAL BUCKLES to farmers As horse users. Ready sellers. Big profits. 1115 Farnam, Omaha. (11) M364 M6 SADDLE horse for sale; good wind, guar, snteed sound, kind and gentle, about 1 years old. A bargain If sold at -once. Address P. O. Box 283. City. (11)-671 FOR SALE Driving horse, runabout and harness, 4318 Jackson St. (11) M633 lCx TEAM matched black work mares. $160; sorrel horse weighing 1,400 pounds, $06; pair drivers, $76 each. 2815 N. 15th Ave. 11-M209 TWO good work teams and several odd horses, cheap for cash or payments. Rear 414 N. lBth. (1D-M208 SPAN of black ponies. 86 Inches high, weight 800 lbs., 6 and 7 years old; thor oughly broken single, double or ssddle; reliable for women or children. Address Y 80, cars Bee. (U)-tfT2 16x THREE heavy work horses. 922 No. 19th. (1D-M826 19x RUBBER TIRED, single-seated open buggy. 674 ScAith 27th St. Tel. Douglas 2902. (1D-M538 15x WE are not selling out at cost, but we are selling driving wagons, buggies, surrles snd stanhopes cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Hqlmes-Adklns Co, 714 8. 10th BU, Omaha. OD-816 Mil FOR SALE Fine 1,000-lb, 7-year-old sorrel driving mare; pacer; perfectly sound; with or without runabout. 4216 Douglaa St. (11) M140 15x CHILDREN'S pony cart and harness cheap. 'Phone Harney 077. (11) M 124 16x k. GOOD rubber tired runabout, $37.60 cash. Apply at once. 1322 S. 32d St. (11) M191 20x $275 WILL BUY an extra fine 7-year-old driving bay mare, sound; any lady can drive; also a new undercut runabout and good harness. Room 81, Barker Blk. (11) M166 20x Poaltry aad EstsTS. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs. Martin, SS03 Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney 1808. (11)-01 CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed Is the only original dry chick feed. Use this only and save all young chickens. Once used always used. Stewart's Seed Store, 119 N. 16th St, sole agents for the city. (11) M942 Myl3 OUR handsome illustrated poultry book Is free to sll who will write snd ask for it, telling where they saw this ad. A valuable Dook for every poultryman; 80,000 printed. Address Harris Poultry Co., Clay Center, Neb. (ID 863 May28x HOMER pigeons: earn, 'em spare time. Nebla Co. I (ll)-MSll A30 EGGS from pure Flahel strain White and Bradley Bros. Barred Plymouth Rocks. As fine birds as any in the west. Mrs. A. G. Connor, 4340 Ersklne, Omaha. Tel. Harney 2354. (1D-M790 18x TEN THOUSAND Barred Plymouth Rock egga for sale; Bradley Bros, and Judge Norval stock; $1 per 16, $4 per 100. Aye Bros, Blair, Neb. (1D-M759 Mllx WHITE P. Rock cockerels and Pens eggs, 11 He each. W. B. Flagg. Atlantic, la. (ID M120 M2k PRIZE-WINNING White Leghorns; eggs for hatching; pullets and hens for sale. W. E. Richards, 609 W. O. W. Tel. Douglas 6374. ' (1D-173 fix SQUAB book free- Model Squab Co. Doug. 5664. (1D-M818 A30 ROSE COMB BROWN LEGHORN EGGS, 80. $1; 100. $3. A W. HuthWhU. DUSTON'S White Wyandotte", pure bred; eggs, $1.50 for 15: $5 for 100. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards. Florence, Neb. Tele phon Florence 1082. (1U-M468 M6 WHITE Plymouth Rocks, Flshel strain; eggs from high scoring birds, $2 per 15. J. H. Mehoney. 1611 Oak Bt. ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; best astern stock, a good color; eggs, $1.76 per Mrs. Jamsi H. Halpine, 42 Center Bt. Tl. Harney 853. (1D-M736 MylOx WHY do largest egg farms keep White lBhotnsT They Jill the egg baskets. Fekb from fine thoroughbreds, $1.60 per 15 "Uindstrom. ,M N' . V-Ml 20x SAVE EVERY CHICK The extra chick aaved by feeding B. at H. IDEAL CHICK FOOD mors than pays the cost of feed. Mfg only by Bunnell & Had lock 24th and Belt Lin. Omaha. 1 (ll)-8 A28 Cowa, Bird, Dog aad Pets. JERSEY cow for sale. 8418 Pierce St. (11-M187 15 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerv Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Bhrman A McConneU Drug Co, Omaha. (13) 503 MR8. GARDEL8, private confinement home; babies cared for. 8724 N. 2Mh Bt. Tel. Red 2210. (13)-220 M3x PRIVATE home during confinement; ba ties adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 7.3 First Av, Council Bluffs. Ia. Tel. 774. (13)-822 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical Collage, 14th and Dav enport Bis.; special attention paid to oon flnement cases; sll treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. (li 129 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseaae of women, 80 year' practice In confinement, brnoe, 614 N. 14th; residence. 2421 Charles. Omaha. UJj-toi MEDICAL (Continued.) ANT poor girl In need of a friend call or w r 1 1 iu iH"un 01 tne rnivation Armv Home for Women mi tt'u M 9jw Pt., Omaha, Neb. ji j 00 MONEY TO LOAN SALAHV Ailll tllATTKI,. Cash in Any Amount $10 to $.vo LOANED ON FURNITT'RK PIANOS. ETC.. OR ON TOUR SALARY IP STEADILY EMPLOYED, without securltv or publicity, st the very lowest rate, with payments to suit your convenience; every thing strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms $07-308 Paxton Block. 4.14J MM Ery MONET TO BORROW TO PAY BACK In payments to stilt your convenience, st ratea that honest people can afford to pay. Salary, chattel or any good security. EASY LOAN CO. TEL. DOUG. 1K!0. Room 20, Frenxcr Ulk, 15th and Dodse Pts, (141-672 M7 BUSINESS MEN. MECHAN ICS, WORKINGMEN YOU need accommodations from time U time. TOU want it CONFIDENTIAL and PRI VATE. YOU want It at LOW REASONABLE cost. YOU want to deal with a RELIABLE con. cern. COME to the "Omaha." We can give you Just the kind of a deal you wunl handle It on short notice, too. WE'RE over 15 years established now that speaks for Itself, doesn t It? WE loan on store and nfftep fixtures, horses and wagons, furniture snd pianos, live stock snd machinery. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 119 Board of Trade Bldg (14)-SftJ Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advance private money on chattels or sl . ary; easy to get; no red tape. You ict money same day asked for at smnll cou Open evenings till 7. (14) 6K CHATTEI salary and storage receiiA loans. Foley Loan Co, 1504 Farnam St. (14)-606 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLH and others, without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14)-610 FURNITURE, PIANO AND SALARY LOANS Positively lowest rates, easiest payments. STANTON LOAN CO, 501 Be Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 6669. (14) 13 DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc. In any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy. Immediate at tention; any terms wanted; payment sus pended when sick or iout of work. 214 Ka roach Blk, 209 South 15th St. I (14)-607 UNION LOAN COMPANY, PRIVATE BANKERS miL Will make a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on personal property and notes, without security. Terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904. (14) M6S0 M8 FOR A SQUARE DEAL OO TO THE) PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 623 Paxton block. 'Phon Douglas 745. 041-608 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green, Loan Co, room 8, Barker Blk. (14)-6o9 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Reliable. accom modatlng; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (14) 511 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows, horses, etc. C. F. Reed, 310 S. 18th. (14-613 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (151514 DEWEY European Hotel, 18th and Farnam. (16)-615 AT Hanscom park, two neat south front rooms, with or without breakfast. For particulars 'phone Harney 1171. (15)-M2fi2 A LARGE alcove room, east front, two closets, modern; breakfast privilege. 1-1 N. 25th Bt. (15)- M265 BOARD and room, good location and horn cooking. 2680 Harney St. (15) M818 15x Farnlahed Rooma. NICE, clean, well-furnished, well-heated outside room; houe strictly modern 24o9 l.arney. (15.) 616 ONE newly furnished front room, In pri vate family. 'Phone Douglas 6354. 63ft 8. Avo. (16)-M3J8 PLEASANT furnished room In prlvats family; house Is modern. 'Phone Harney 2469. (15) Mail M6x FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, prU vate family, gentleman preferred; refer ences required. 622H 8. 19th St. (16)-M587 15x NEWLY FURNI8HED room, new modern house. Hanscom park district, on car line, strictly priVate family. Phone Har ney 715. 05) M636 16x NICE housekeeping flat of 8 rooms, also single rooms. Reference, 1616 Chicago St (15) M606 15x FRONT room with alcove, modern house private family, walking distance. 264 Davenport St. (15) M581 15 FURNISHED rooms; gentlemen preferred. 2301 Douglas, Tel. Douglas 6377. (16)-M426 Mx 4 FINE rooms, reasonable. 808 8. 24th Av. (16) M4S6 M6X HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable. 1711 Jackson. (15) M12J SOx TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern, com plete for light housekeeping. 2018 Daven port. (15)-M715 16X FURNISHED rooms. 922 No 19th. (15) MS27 19x EXCELLENT modern furnished single, room. 'Phone In house. 2674 Hurney Bt. (16)-61J Famished Rooms Contlnaed. NEWLY furnished double room: light housekeeping; with gas light and stove. 607 S. 13th. (16)-10 19 FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping; modem. 4244 Hemes' St (16)-M177 lt EXCELLENT furnished rooms for gentle men; all modern; center of the eitA, "The Boston," 107 South 17th Bt. 06)-M191 16 Unfurnished Rooms. CENTRAL, modern. 8 deslrabbt rooms. bath and hall, to good tenant. 270 N. 23d. (15) M4tA TWO rooms, with alcove, for housekeeping, man and wife preferred, south front, strictly modern; telephone and bath on same floor. 2678 Harney. 05)-l 15 Hoasekeeplast Rooms. THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 216 N. 22d. (15) 9W lix Apartments aad Flats. FLATS. $30 Room 8, t rooms N. W. Cor. 15th and Harney. Withnell block. $7 Room. ST. MARY'S BLK, 8 E. Cor. 27th and St. Mary s. Call at No. I fur Janltresa $14 Three rooms, 3d floor, room 9. PU8EY BLOCK. 70H S. 16th Bt. Bee Janltress. $10 '.a So. :9th St, 6 rooms. N. P. DODGE & CO, 1714 FARNAM.' 06) M9o8 It 4-ROOM, strictly modern airtment; pri vate porcelain bath, open nickle plumb ing, cn econd floor of owner's residence, on north side, to family of two. Price, 3. Address 193. Bee. (16) -806 29 x 4-ROOM apartments, all modem, lust built, private bath. Call XUt N. Zotb Bt, (16)-9u7 19x Rooasiaar Honses for gal IF YOU want to sell quick see HUdreth 4 William, 610 Bee. (16) Mia 20 TO BUT or sell any business or property CU en G til 14. tut Be Ails, Qt-Miil i )