THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: APRTTj 14, M07. 4 CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET UnMttled and Kertooi k.rk.t Canted by Crtfl.slist trip EspcrtJ. WHEAT CLOSES STRONG AFTER REACTION Croatia In oathrrrst, vrlth Reports of throat mnd further IJmnaue by Bin gtresclbeit fcatlrs LUt, OMAHA, April 13, 1907. Conflicting" news u mrvoas and rmuu unmet, but wnn ati.-iiMU pxeui.n Inating. Kepurts of luuner rututi uy un green bug in .li:-uun una iv..i..ia mjjrj eariy stientjih in tile iuhikki. u.,1 i idler teaitiori caused a ri-cx.-ssiun in U oxr low ine opining- l.guivs. Iho luss waa re covered near lue ciusu wincn u iiuivou but firm. Wheat opened strong and prices advanced fcc to decline ot Vic and lcovieu c un the May options, wiucu uiuicutts the gen eral toures o( the inaihtt. Laverpuoi cm Vkd hlguer on wneal, wucd sUcugiu aa btmpcied from liar of a reaction in Una Country. Australian shipim-iiu were liglux-r and the general autism:! situation apparently favoia the uuu aide. It waa re ported that dry weather stiil prevailed In the wint-.-r Wat at bait and hXMVy tiosn wtre reported in aonie auctions. ravuiiio weather repirts war received, hut the weather is becoming unsettled anil th fu ture course of tne maiaet is a matter of gioat conjecture. Trailers look for a wild market next Monday and limn commit menu were few. in cash dt.-n.and has Improved, but receipts are oniy normal. May wheat closed strong and Juiy options cored a net auvance ol Sc. Thuie were a lew traiimctioii- m S-pteinbcr options, which opened hrm at "Go bid and advanced fcc. Considers ble strength was shown In Oorn, In contract to recent weakness. Re ceipts continue light and the gone-rat tone la much steadier. May corn soor;d a net advbnca of y,o and other options were higher In sympathy. t-uogesUon in oats continues to soma ex tent and the market declined '4C niter ad vancing a like amount. July oats were Weaker, but the ISt-pttniber options were trong and rose c on light trading. 1'rliiiary wheat receipts were oi4,iv0 btmh ls and shipments 4.uuo bushcla. BRUinst receipts of tVW,t) bushels lust year mid shipments of SHli.GoO bushels. Corn receipts were 4o2,0w bushels and snlpments uusiiuia. agmnsi receipts or uin.uuu dusiiuib and shipment of l.lil.ooO bushels Inst year. Clearances wero a.44) bushels of corn. 1.30O bualicls of oata, and wheat and flour mial to 'Ja.00t) bunhels. Liverpool closed unchanged to Hd higher n wntat and H'j'Vd hmht-r on corn. Australian wheut shipments were 611,000 DUHhels, against 6o4,OtK' bushels Inst week and lfc,00o bushels last year. Shipments of wneai irom inula were 4!,oiiu buiim-i. against 97ti.uOO bushels last week and 8,CKX bushels Oiiii year ago. Brooinhall sava Ai-uentlna officials adhnra to former estimate of an export enrn sur plus of auO.OOu tons plus 2uO,nou tons left over from last crop. This equals about r.uU0,0 bushels, as exportable surplus from this and of 8,tx . (MR) bushels from last crop, a total of Su.ouo.oCO bushels for the year. L.ucal range of options: A.rtlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat- Amy... July... Sept... Corn- 72Fi 72B W.a 72HA 7?HB 74-I$: 74-H 74-(U 74 ,1'. 74B 7 lij 76waj 76 ii 7'4B 4? HI 4V,A 43 111 4S'4A 43 B 4:.'H 44 H UH 42-B 42HB i'-hli 43 Bl 4'B B 41!i,B I 40 Til 4THl 40HA1 4A 40HB I4ViU UB SiiB U'ili May... July... Sept... Oats July.,.1 6pt... asked. B bid. Oranba Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 3 hard, 7(V3"7:c; No. t hard, fT'yCoc; No. 4 hard, tMic; No. i spring, Bl'il7IC COHN-No. 8. V4c; No. 4, Ti,'A'iiZ6c; no grade, 2('ci:i.c; No. yellow, XSiVij-tuc; No. White, 40Vic OATS-No. t mixed, 39'i533Vc; 'No. I White, 40c; No. 4 white, 3Vic. UX12-NO. 2. 60Vc; No. t, 69c. Carlot Receipts. ' Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 4 Kansas City 81 illmic-apolls 2S7 Omaha 21 Luiuth .....163 fet, Louis Hi ai 44 47 CHICAGO GHAIX A5D PROVISIONS restores ot tha Tradln CIosIbk Prices oa Iloard ot Trad. CHICAGO, April 11 Reports of damage In the soulhwent caused a) strong wheat market here today. At the close fiiay Wheat was 'to higher. Corn was urn hanged to Vho hicher. The reports of damage by freezing ttm- Jeratures In the southwest came thick and ast as aoon aa the market opened. Hriues quickly rcaa and only on the fearing of carrying lines of wheat over Sunday pre vented the market from closing lughiir than It actually did. Many traders were adverse to holding their wheat because ot tne un certain weather conditions and after wheat bad materially advanced, seized the op portunity to take profits. In addition to llie damajre reports was the fear that snow In tha norlhweat will prevent seeding opera tions, and this also added strength to the market. The statistics were inclined to favor tha bulls, but traders In general paid llttla attention to these and gu;ded tl.em aelves entirely by tha crop reports. The Close was strong. May open-d ViO to Vo higher at 7940 to Ifrfsc sold between 78"c and 7c. and closud at Ib-c. Clear jn.-es of wheat and flour were equal to 3K1.700 bu. Primary receipts were 74,ouO bu., against HS.OuO bu. for the snme time one year atjo. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chloago reported receipts of 474 cars, against iA cars last week and S!W cars one year ago. The corn market was steady throughout the day. Cables were reported as Vkc to VkC higher and the strength of wheat and oats Was a factor for higher prices. The open ing was strong because of these Influences, but later realising stiles and the disposi tion of tradeis tJ carry lines over Sunday brought about a decline, which w.ped out alt Of the early advanre. It was reported tht primary receipts are commencing li fall off and they were today below the ship ments. Corn opened ' higher at 4'C told between 4'.c and 4:Vc and clodod firm and unchanged to He higher at ",o. Local reedpu tt 191 cars, with 2 of coit tract grade. The oats market opened strong because Cf damage reports and statemenis that In Various places Melds are being plowed up to replace th sved Hist sown with corn. The market bulged Sc on these leports and then, as was the case with wheat and eorn, heavy realizing set In and the market declined to a level lower than that of yes terday. Th trad was chiefly in tho July and September options. May oats opened 40 to 4o higher at 440 to 44Hc, sold be tween 43-1ic and 444c and closed at 44c Local receipts were 184 cars. Prices In the provisions market ruled Steady all day and the fluctuations were not wide or frequent. Tha hog market Was strong- At the close May polk was up 34c at Ird was 24c higher at 88 70. Ribs we.e unchained to 24c at 8j' 10. Estimated rece!;ls for Monday are: Wheat. 20 cars; jrn, 212 cars; iits. lil cars; hogs, 43.COJ head. Tue teudlng futures ranged as follows- Articles.! Open.l High. I Low. Close. Yes'y . Wheat May July Bept Imc. Corn May July Sept. Oat May July Sept. July iy Jul Sept Hlbs M vy July tiept. Tf-S- TS'J WW W M4! f,Hli(Hi! 81V 88- , S24irii U1, S?-ti" 6141 tlVslS'tl'Vi 8l-' 7'ifiS 81 4 ft-, I 34 ,-S( I 48 Cj-V 4'4' 4S i 47H 47SHF-4 ! 1 47llTs;''J 474 47'-ii 4H4to'-4-W 47-4 44U-! 4441W 41 fi-4 481. I 44S' 414; 3t!4: 4.-.V 4.1 I 1(t 17vl 16 174i 8 C4' 8 lO. 4441 4.111 35 4 1 444 A 3Z 16 174; 1 2 11 1741 1 16 16 174 16 174 16 35 16 2J 8 7 8 8 96 8 7- 8 . I 7 I 8 8 -4 i i: 8 ! 8 8 ?74 8 S" I 9.4 8 50 k 7 I 774 a i a rJ 7i I 8 80 I 8 Hi I 8 fV 8 T6 I 8 7741 8 M 1 8 674 8 77 No. 2. Cash onottlons were as follows: FLOrU-Iasy; winter patents. MIOTJ 140' winter straights. $2 9 4x1 15: sr'ny i-menta. 83.4Vo 6u. spiinj straights. I t":, 12 0t. tCi'. WHEAT No. 2 spring. f.'J-4c: No. 3 prlnK. 7Ci4c: No 2 ret, tiiii .i-v.c. Ot .UN No. 2, 4-l No. 2 ye.iow. OA'I o N" 8. 4je, N' x I white, 45c; I white. 42nl444e RYE No. I. BARLES- Fulr to cholc malting. 47o. Nil. POv HEEDS No. 1 flax, 31 12; No. 2 nortfcweat. rn. 81.19; prime liinotby, 841o; clover, contra- t iiriide. lilH PROVISIONS Short rib side tloose). 8-dt. A-k-aa i'oxra. pr boi , 8-4.2r- 1" 37'i. Lard. r-r li Ibe., $8 B. Short eloar sides (boxed), a.7.i.i. Kullowlr.g wet the receipts and ship ments t l Hour and ..ruin: Heoe'pts. Shipment. flour, tl!a i.4" 8.4"0 VN txnt, Im 2d 2") . Coin, liu ti,i C, 1.'-' Oats, bu 17.i.:i" 3i.!i0 Kh', bu t..0 .!) Har.ey, bu fc!,7(A Sti.ilOW Oa tli Produce six-hangs tudtxy' the hut ter market ua linn; cn ume rli s, aaliies. 'y J7i". Kgs, firm; at mark. css.s iluluued. Xov; nrsis, ltj'ju; piime lirsts, li" v-utt.t, iieauy, i.-juioc. OMAHA HUULSALK MARKET. Coalition ot Trade and Quotations Staple and Fancy Product). F.UCS l er dos., Ific. BLT i fcJ Packing stock. lPfHSc; choloa to fancy daily. Li-nvJc; creamery, X-ij.Sc. LIVL l'Ol l.TH V Hera, llvilSc; old roosiers, be; turk y4, ir ducks, loc; young roosters, tuKc; , t. 1-KLT18. PINAFPLEa r.onua. J5.6000 per crate. b'l'RA WBERkIES Choice Texas. Z4-quart oases, Kti hJ.uO. C'ltAN liLllIllES Per bbl., .miM In buhd box, 1. Go. AI-PLLS low a and Missouri Ben Davis, S.i.i). COCOANVTS-Pr sack or vv. M-W. TKlvPICAL FRUITS. LE.MAKS Ulinonlera, Ki sise. R.75; 860 lie. 16.25; other brands, too less. ORANUKS California navels, extra,fancy, 170, rw, il, Vh sires. I4.S; fajicy. IM, &1 to loo rlten, 13.73; choice, large- slzea, per box, 13.00. BANNA NAB Per medium slsed bunch, I2.rt,,2.w; Jumbos. $:'3S0. F1G8 California, bulk. 6V4c: -crowt Turkish. 14c; 4-crown Turkish. 11c; 8-crown T u r k I l, 9o GRAPE FRUIT Sizes 64 to ?0, 13 50. DAT1--S Kadaway. 6.ic; sayers, 5c; hal lowj, tc; new stuffed walnut da-tas, -lb. box, 11.00. NEW VKOETABLFS. PEKTB, TI RN1P3 AND CARROTS Par (lor. bnnche. ihHSOn. TOM A TO F S Florida, 10-lb. crate. 14.00. LEAF I-ETTUCB-Hot house, per do. henrts. 4TiC. . . II"Ar LETTUCE Southern, per dox., tllZi". Ct ri-tRFRS Per dox.. 11. R. ONIONS Ilnme frown, per ml., 7oc; red or yellow, Colorado, per lb., t; Ter-xs s'lver sltln. rf crnte. aliout 46 lbg , $? eO; yellow TeTS s. per crate, about 45 lbs., t-.00. ItAIMSI IKS Per dna. bunches, 3ic; extra lnrue bimc'-es, 7Sc d'i. PARSLEY Hot hou?e, per dox. bunches, 40r Kin PT.AN'T-50-lri. boxes. t2.StfT2.75. P RAOrP 1.75 per doi. bunches. - NEW POTATOF9 Per lb.. 7e. OT.I1 VRQBTARLKS. POTATOES Tc hie stock, per bu., 60c; gff stock. TScCTfl 00. CAPl'r;r0 New Texas, per lb, IViC. TPRNIPS. CARROTS, BEETS AND ta pisNTIl'S Per bu.. 1.00. RWKF.T POTATOES Illinois, per Urge bbl., $4.60; Wlscons'.n Rurals and Burbanks, Kio per bu.; seed, sweet potatoes, per bbl., I?.o0. NAVY BEANS Per bu.,; No. 2, tl.60. LIMA BRANS Per lb., S-e. BEEF CUT PRICES. Ribs: No. 1. c: No. 2. Re; No. 8. Te. Loins: No. 1, 17V-C; No. t, IZHc: No. 8. 10c. r-hucys: No. 1. 6c; No. 2. Rc; No. 8. 40. Round: No. L 7c; No. t. 7V,c; No. 3. e. Plnte: No. 1. 4Vbc; No. 2V,c; No. 3, 4a Ribs: No. 1. 14-e: No. !, v,c: No. 8, 8c. MISCELLANEOUS. 7TONFT Per 1A frnmes, $3 6ft. PUOAR Granulated csne. In sacks. 85.31; rranu'ated beet, In sacks, 8R.21. COFFEE Roasted, No. SB. 2lc per lb.; No. 30, 21c per lb.; No. 2S, lc per lb.; No. ZO, ir,o per lb.; No. 21, 13o per lb. CHEESE New full cream Wisconsin twins. 17c: new full cream brick. 19c; block Bwlss, 19c; llmberger, 15c; Young Americas, 17c. CinFU New York, half bbl., 82.75; bar re!. 15 00. NVTS'-Cnllfomla walnuts. No. 2. soft shell. 12c; No. 1. soft shell, 16c; Braxlls, IfitwfilRc: neenna. Alberts. Dea nutp. raw, 7Hc; ro'sted. 8V4'1: California al monds, ITHc; Taragona, ITHc; cocoanuts, 86.00 per 100. fANNRO OOODS-Corn, standard, west ern. 45itVc: Maine. 21.15. Tomatoes, 8-Ibi cans. 11.45: standard. S-lb. cans. 81.20. Plrv apples, grated, 2-lb., standard, 82.2Vy 3"); sliced. I1.75(02..; fancy Hawaiian. 2M,-lb., I'i.75: Ht-lb., 81.75. On lion apples, fancy, 12 m.m. California apricots, Pears, 81.7Mr-2.50. Penrhrs, fancy, 81.7fvrf2.40; L. O. ranches. 12.00(72.60. Alnrka salmon, red, 1.15: fancv Chinook, flat. 82.10: fancy sock- eve. flat. 81.93. Sardines, nuarter oil, 83.25; three-quarters mustard, 83.00. Sweet pota toes, $1 1CWJ1.26. Sauerkraut, 05. Pump kins, 8Ocfi1.00. Wax beans. 2-lb.. S0cf1.0. Lima boini. 2-lb.. 75cfitl 8f. Soaked pens, 2-lb.. $0c; early June, l.uua1.16; fancy, 1.25 F19H Pickerel. dressed. c: plk dressed, 12c: white fish, dressed, winter caught, lSrit'lSc; trout, 12514c; halibut, 13c; salmon. pvfrne: catfish. 15c: herring. drewsid, pan frozen, 8c; perch, scaled and dressed, 7c; crapples. round, bqc; crappies, laree, fancy, 15c; black bass. 25c: smelts sweet and fine. 12c; eel, lHc; blue fish, 14c; red Bnnpper. 12c; roe shad, per pair, 4lc; frog lens. SmglOc: lobsters, green, psr in., 37c; lobster, boiled, per IB., 4'ifrli'C; mackerel, Bpanln, per lb.. Inc.; maekerol, native, 25o per lb.; fresh green turtle meat. 250 in. CURED FISH Familv white flh, per quarter bbl., V' lbs., 84.00; Norway mack erel. No. 1, JT5.00; No. 2, If. 00; herring, In brls.. 200 lbs each, Norway, 4k, $11.00. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirou-4 of moving supplies of Immediate (trades ; quo tations ranee from 3Vto to !c for California fruit and from SVic to 6c for Oregon. Ap ricots are firm and It Is reported that offerings for prompt shipments are being withdrawn; choice are quoted at lie. Pe-Jot "s are unch.nrd. with fancy vellows quoted at 134c; fancv Mulr. 144c Raisins ar firm: looe Muscatels ar quoted at 8r": reeded raisins. 9",lgTlC BRAN Per ton. 219 50. St. I.onls General Market. fT. LOUIS. April 1.1. WHEAT Firm; track. No. red. cash, T8n$M- No. 2 hard, 74-. ' : Mav, 767.c; July, 750. CORN F'rrn ; trac. No. 2 cash, 4t5c; No, 2 white, 464tj47c; May, 444Q-Uo; July. li'-V,e. OATS Firm; track. No. 2 cash, 43c: No. 2 - h'te inieuc; Vsy. 42c; Julv, 8Vtf4o. FLOUR Dull; red winter patonts, 13.6-v $.80: extra fancy and straight, 3.20(jS60; elf'. J2.6ff?25. SEED Timothy step. CoRNMKAf-Steady at 82 40. BRAN RAN-Dull; sacked, east track. AY Sfady; timothy, 115.0019.110; Ir'e 110 fv-i; 00 u:- t'--J"-wj .... HA tire I IRON COTTON TIES-8U0. PAOGINO loVc. HEMP TWINE 10c. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing, 1 I16 S0. Lard, higher: prime steam. 88.45. Drv salt meats, steady; boxed extra Bhorts. 8.x 374; clesr ribs. 19.50; short clears, I9 6?4. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 310.124; clear ribs, 111.374; short clears. 11.06. POULTRY Weak; chickens. 114c; spring. See; turkeys, 12tiWi:; oucks, uc; geese, 70, BUTTER Steady; dalrv. 214iltlc. EGGS-Higher, Uo. creamery, 314c; Receipts. Shipments. .:"9 :: S;SS i&H ..115.0IW 91.0O) Flour, bbls. Wheut. bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu.... Ksnina Cltv Grain and PrnTlaloaa. KANSAS CITY. Anrtl IS WH AT Mav. TISc- Julv. 734e; Be)t-mber. 7.,4c; c-iah: No. 2 hard. 71Vt75'c: No. S. 8Vu74c; No. 8 red :''-'(--; .in. 8. 6-1'f744c. CMRN-Mav, 414c; Julv, 42 c: September. 4',c: e.f : Ke. J r lxid. 4'c: No. J, 4J4c; No. 5 white, 42c; Nu. 3, 41VC OATS-.Nu. 2 white. 42c; No. 2 mixed. VI:C. P.VE Fteady, rio. IIAV-VVc-ik; choice timothy. 114 6C.315.00; chute prairie, 810.u'" Kl' ITK Cresr.tery, 23 j2c: packing, ISO. Ll.CS Finn. l."c pir Jji. Foloi.ii8 were the lecelpts and shlp mer.ta of grain: Re-.-elpts. Shipments. V'heaL bu. Cr n, bu O.ita, bu.'. .. f.t 31,(i 116,000 3.',oi D 22.000 Articks. I Open. I High. 1 Low. Close. .it- m :... Ju.y. ... My.... July.... 71V 71, iv;: 42T 1 3 , 1 1 tt I 424! '4u74 I 414B 42 42, A abl.ed. B bid. Peoria Market. I'KORIA. April 13 -4. 0HN-F1. m : No. I fi'.li-w and No. 3,; No. 4. 4tVc; no ira.:. St.-iMVe. 4)A ITi-'.'nx-rantrx: ---'o white, Cvtc; No I t.lie. ic; No. 4 41Vtc HYh:-Flrm: No I. ., u-'-.c. WHldU On the Lai of tl 3 for fln llilivd goods. I.lverpaal Grain Market. LIVEKPiJOL. April IS WHEAT Spot, quitl. Ni t rrd 4utorn winter. Oj M. No. 1 t'a'.ifornla. Ah Gd; (uturea, nulet, Mjy, S iVi. July. s IVd. VKN Spot, llrm: Americsn mixied new. Is !'.J; Ani'.ricaD mixed Old, is Ud, faluxca firm; Mr, M,d; July, to d; September, to 6 VI. HOPS In (Pacific coast) steady, 1 &-a3 16. SEW YORK iKERAL MARKET Mantatlona of the Tlar oa artoas Commodities. NEW YORK. April 13. FI.VUR Re ceipt, bbls ; exports, 1S4I0 bb.s ; market til mly held and qidet; Minnesota patents. H.4"f3-4,4n; Minnesota bakers. 83. to fcii.; winter patents. ;.0oSAtC; winter siralghts. J3 S.Vu .1 46 ; w inter extra. I ; winter low grades. iX'rryl). Ityn flour, steady; fnlr to good, 83.S-'a3.M; choico to fancv, U.&u- 15- CuKN MiAL Firm : fine white and yel low, J1.2o; com-se, ILufeLlU; kiln dried. 1.95 4(2 7&. W HEAT Receipts, 68.000 bu.; exports, 9.9lu bu. Snot market Ann; No. 2, W-e; No. 2 red, Sii'c, f. o. b. afloat; No. I north- I ern lnilnth, SuV, opening navlrratlon, f. o. I navigation, f. o. b., afloat. After an early show ot ftreng'h. due to bullish crop con- 1 I dltlons In the southwest, wheat Inst the advance unu.-r active realising, poorer ca. I Dies ana preuictums lor r.iln. closing net unotianged, as follows: May, Sc; July, 8.S;c; .September, IDSie. CORN Receipts, lW.fi25 bu. ; exports, 171, 838 bu. Spot market llrm; No. 8. 67'c, ele vator, and 6e, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yeilow. 6tc, f. o. b., afloat. Options were ste nller at first on small receipts, but evidently shared the wheat reaction and closed un changed, as follows: May, 56c; July, 66c. OATS Receipts, H3.000 bu. ; exports. 1.3-3 bu. Spot market firm; mixed oats, 20 to 3i pounds. 4"c; natural white. SO to S3 pounds, 4S(&Vm: clluuid white. Bu tu 40 pounds, 4ixo3'-Ic. HAY Steady : ahloD no-. I7.0ff..50: s-ond to choli-e. 21. 1&. HOl'8-Ou at: State, common tn rhnlce eio 11, i.v(ii5c isio cror. 4 i-: Paclfl6 const, crop, 8iillc: lkuu croo. ftdta. HILE; Eliav: ( enlral A nmrlr-u Bogota, 25c. ' ' i-ka I HER Steady j acid, i7W329e. PROVISION'S tieef .feu.fv l.mli. 814 fXnfi 14 50; mess. -iff 10.00; beef hums' 824.0W63S.00; packet. 110 .VtflLOO: cltv. extra India mesa, Jai.oi-T.KX Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 110.5012.00; pickled ham's, f11 i-,'''12 26. Lard, stnady; western prime, I.Ky 9i-,; refined, steady; continent, 19 40; compound. H.amiao.fH. Pork, quiet; fum- -,,i1?;fi'- 8horl clear' W7.6V&18.UU; mess. 11 "a lS.Jo. TALLOW Dull: cltv ft' 00 nr nk 1 su. co''"j;y (pkgs. free), "6''ttiic. " J"V. -v,'ulel: aome3tic, fair to extra, ,t".'c;, Japanese, nominal, 5c. BUTTER Firm: sireef n,ii- ..-.. Creamery, Se'iu31c: cfi'.elal nri,' ... Common to exlm fii-Ti'v-- VAr.., t,H common to finest, ICftHo; ve-ern Imitation w. . eira, aai.c; tlrsts. i3-u24o. CHfcKSFy Firm: n.. e.m i pred and white, small September fancy, lJC; state. October lie.t usiu- to prime, lSijlSHc; state winter' mad, averae beat. 12Vi,c. Firm; state, Pennsylvania at fancy elfted white, 19'ic: cholc 18Vj'19c; brown and mixed, extra, 184 ia irm; state. Pennsvlvanln and ce, .'.,? , n-sts, ifegisi: western firsts, 174fj'18c; fficial prlco, 17(S17Hc; sec onilH, Kj-ii 17o. POULTRY Live, steady; chickens, 10$ 12c, fowls. l,c; turkey,, 13c. Dressed, firm; rowi'sTr'' mw'-turkey8-i&ai4o; Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS April 13. WHEAT " hile the market maintained Its bullish propensities, a reaction followed the sirong opening. As this was caused by profit tak- inp. an things considered, the undertone acted as If the nrlca noslti.m wu. .2und-, Jhtr w" no diminution of th feeling that a rlslmr tren.l !. ahead. Prices recovered most of the early loss before the close. May closed at 81CH4c: July, 83Hc. There was an excellent demand for cash wheat, cut nu. i uitru., 4li'(l Ptoc ; ISO. 1 nortfi- em, 83-V,(lM4c; to arrive, No. 1 northern. 83V:; No. 2 northern, Sl'SkgHc; to arrive, No. 2 northern. 810; No. 3, i9'Vc; No. 1 durum, C3'ic; to arrive. No. 1 durum, 680: e uuiuiu, uo-fec; 10 arrive, no. 2 aurum. 64c. FLOUR First patents, 14.304.35; second patents, 84.05i4 'J; first clears, $3.2wu3.5o; second clears, 82. 4052.50. FLAX Goo.1 di ma nd; closing prices were 31.161, for spot and to arrive. BRAN in bulk, 816. 6016. 75. MUwanke Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, April 13-WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, MfiSo: No. 2 north am, 82418340; July, S14c. abked. RYE Firm; No. 1, 71 ig 71 He. BARLEY Higher; sample, 60710. CORN Steady: No. 8, cash, 44if44Ho: July, 47Hc, asked. Phlladelnhla Prodnc Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 13. BUTTER Firm- extra .wostern creamery, 814'i3.!c. EQGB Firm; western llrsts. cases free, 17Vii at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full creama, 13W14c. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. April 13. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 84'y.e; No. 2 northern, 8ic; May, hic; July, 84Sc; September, 84'4c. OATS On track, 42c: April. 42c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, April 13. SEED3 Clover. cash, 88.00: April. 88.60; October. 7.Li4. I Timothy, 82.15. Alslke, 17.45. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 13. COTTON Spot closed steady, 10 points higher; middling uplands, ll.lJc; middling gulf,; no sales. LIVERPOOL, April 1S.-COTTON Spot, good business dons; prices firmer; Ameri can middling fair. 7.24d: good middling. .7Gd; middling, 8.244; low middling. 6.92J; good ordinary, 6.30d; ordinary, 4 9d. Th sales of th day were 10,000 bales, of which 1,000 wer for speculation and exoort, and niljded 9. coo American. Receipts, 10,000 bales. Including 7.600 American. ! ST. LOUIS. Aorll 11 COTTON Quiet: ' middling 10c; sales. 140 bales; receipts. 4" bales; shipments, L000 bales; stock, 40,993 bales. NEW ORLEANS. April 1S.-COTTON Spots closed very steady; low ordinary, 6 15-loe, nominal; ordinary, S 15-18, nominal; good ordinary, 64c; middling, 10-ic; good middling, HSc; middling fair, 12tc. nomi nal; fair, 13ic nominal; sales, 4.200 bales; receipts, 2,203 bales; stock, 211,807 bale. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. April 13. OILS Cottonseed. , asy; prime crude f. o. b. mills. SRo. Petro I leum. steady; refined, New York, 18 50 Philadelphia and Baltimore, 88.15; Phlla f delphla and Raltlmn- In bulk, 14.70. Tur- ''?;. 'T,,ldr- I b lS r f fy 1 good. 14 .in-4.i5. uiviKviu 7?4c. strained, common to SAVANNAH. ADril 11 OILS Turnenttne 8745. ROSIN Firm; sales, T.191; receipts, Quote: A. B. C. 4 30; D. 4 40: E 84 45: F, 11.60; O. 84 60; H. 14 70: I. 84 85 K. 15.36: M. 85.40; WO. 16.65; WW, 15.70. OIL CITY April 13. -Oil -Credit balances, 81.78; nms. 161,654; avers ce. 144.711; ship ments, 164,366; average, 147,133. Evaporated Annies and TiHi wf. NEW YORK. April 13 EVAPORATED , j r 1 aihi pi somewnai nrmer. I tie I more urgent offerings appear to hav been absorbed at the recent decline and holders ll,tl firmer In their views. Fany 5c0,C9' 7c; 1rlme' 'cs " to CALIFORNIA DRIED FRI'ITS Pronas unchanged. California fruit. 3"A13c Oregon, .M-,i7'Cc. Anrlcots aie In slow de msid: choice lT'.iP-: extra ch-nce. 1S4 tjlfK-: fancy. !9Tric. Peaches, qui"'; choice tirriU'c: exlr:i choice. 1'2'M2Vc; fancv. I84 '; r fincv. 13-aiSc. Raisins.' firm- loose muHcstel, H(-tI0c: seeded. TXl-lle' London layers. 31 6Sl so I - - Snanr and Molasses. NEW YORK. April 13 RUOAR Raw, fair reflnlnxr. 3 23c: centrlfo"l iw I.TSc. Mu'awii sugar. 8.W0. Rertned quiet' 1 No. . 4 4XV: N'o 7, 4 7Cc; No. 8, 4.80c: No f' fi.e: r.o. in. 4 ihc; no n. 4.Mc; No. 12. 4ftc; No. 13. 4efc-. No 14, 3 5o; eonfe.-tlone-s A 4 nc: mold A. 5 b",c: cut loaf. 6.60c: crnnhot' IMr: powdered, 4 90c; granulated. 4 S0e: '. cubes, 5 05c. MOTKSKB Steady: T-.V Orleans open kettle, givod to choirs, STfrlfe. N K ORLEANS. April 11 -PUG R Market steady: open ket'le oentrlfupn!. S' 84c: centrifugal yellow, OVlHV; seconds, i4--3iC. MOLASSKS-Qulet; new syrup, 8f:4c. rtTe Market. 1 KKW YORK. April W.-TOFFKrV-Market for futures oientd sl.-ady at um-han-red prices to an ad.ame of tive points a 1 Ich 1 was aooui as mia on ma caDies. Ail 1 street was a seller during the ss.i.on. hut some of the Ira-le Inti-r-atj supported the ! market part culirly toward the 1 1 .se, whl -h .was steady, net unelmnijed. to five points ; higner. tal.-s were 1 -p.irted of ii.joO l ag, Inclurlina; May at B.'5 5 To; July at 5fo; . BepletnbiT at to; IiKCtmbor at ti M; January at Jt so; Mari n at 10 y,. Hpot cof fea steady: ltlo No. 7. 6iC; Santos No. 4, 7ko; mild cotlaa uulet; cordova, Ixi12VsC. Trraurr Slatemeat. WAKHINTON, April IS Today's state ment of th treasury balujicea In the gen eral fund, exclusive of tin tl4J.ivu,m4) guld rmerve. shows: AvaiiaUe ctcnh Uilujjce, t Jil.iL3,lS; gold Coin and tliO.sU.- isj: auld ceiUficatca. t4u.&Iu.o!a OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Catt a Eeceipts for ia Eiosi of Thoia af Lart Ttai. PACKERS HOLD DOWN PRICE OF HOGS Sheep Market Has Iteen Good On for Sellers, With Decline In Re ceipts Compared with Week Ag o. SOUTH OMAHA, April 12, 1807. Receipts were: Ofticlal Monday , Cattle. Hoijs. 8ho. 6.1S1 1.241 6.77 Olr.i ml i uetuay .. 6.171 .. I Vi .. .c.j5 .. l.oti .. 12 ,.?o,62 ..20,168 . .15,6 ..24.4J3 ..26.w 11. W7 V.4tS 5J 4,Sea :'6.l8 31 ,IjW ty.ioo 5A401 20.378 11.434 4.6l7 S.2.S7 1.100 31.462 64.4.14 63.242 47,813 37, il 24,324 Official Wednesday Official Tliuisd.iy . OH.cial Fri-r.o uuiciui Buturuay This week Lust week Two weeks ago Three weeks ago Four weeks a no Sam week last year. .lu.9.0 The loliowiiig tablo shows th receipts 01 cattle, hits und sheep at South Omaha for tha year to date, compaicd with last yean lis.. 13-os. Ino; Dea Cattle Hoes bheep 3:o.f,69 278.689 40.880 tWi.lUS 7C!.4 H 67,2o0 674,062 kl2,4i 41.6M CATTLK uLOrAlTO, Oood to choice corn-fed steer.... Fair to goo-.1, co u-fed sietrs 8.308.K 4 8"yii.2i 4.0-'(4.M) 4.vu4.85 3 2-V 2.Ka4-' 4.54ii.0 4.(KK(4.40 2.00 ci 4.00 .76-4.0 4.00tf6.60 W'. ; .V.'-' 1'u r (o litiod owa and helfeis Common to fair cows fair to choice stockers Sl feeders., Fair to good stockers and loaders.. Common to fair stockers Bulls, starts, etc Veal calves 'lh frillnwin tnnle SHOWS the averag s price of hogs at South Omuha. for the laal several dujs. with comparisons: Date. I 1 1)07 fliKiC . j 1906 . 1 1304 . 1D02 . 1 103 1 1&01 . April 1 6 47i! I t HI t 4 7 l 6 8 07 April 2... 8 4.V41 S 201 6 091 7 S0 6 00 April 3... April 4... April 6... 6 4oVl 6 28: t 161 7 24, 6 & t J 6 V 6 9 6 21 8 01 6 93 4V,; 6 22 fi 21 C 4J"--i 6 21 6 191 5 14 6 0. 7 26 64 e 621 'April ... Apiii 7... April 8... April 9... , April 10.. 6 45V, 8 21 t SO, 6 00 7 25! 21 6 2 1 5 U 6 25 21 6 2d 4 921 7 24 ! 6 3H 6 33 I 25 4 91 1 21 6 4 91 7 251 6 3VV 6 M 5 2d 7 2.1 7 22 a 80 i 87 lApnl 11.. 41 V 6 33 5 28 4 DC 6 4 J'.,l 31 6 31' 4 X8 6 90, 6 93 April 12.. i April 13.. 6 61 6 99 8 04 6 41 6 38 6 28 4 81 7 19 'Sunday. RANGE OF PP.ICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha 33.wuv.60 86.3. W660 Chicago 1.8lu.70 6,i5 iini.VVVi Kansas City 2.!i"cu6.40 6.75 (M'i.60 St'. lX)Uls 1.9O.U6.50 6.25 uW Sioux Citv 8.0041-5.75 6.35 (u-6.45 The cliiclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: bailie, nogs. Euiucp.ii 1 a C. M. & St. P... 2 Missouri Paclllc Union Pacific system C. & N. V., west.... C. St. P., M. & O 16 22 8 4 13 I 1 84 h- C., B. & (J., west C, B. Q., east.... I V ff, iv,' 1 Chicago Gt, Wenlern Total receipts t The disposition of the day's receipts was 88 follows, each buyer purchasing the num- 1 on 01 nt-nu muiutkieu. Hogs. Sheep ' Omaha Packing Co 9U .... I Swift and Company 1,467 .... I Cudahy I 'at king Co.. 1,479 1 axuioui- v. vo a,id Caldron Packing Co. Totals 5,6X3 1,223 CATTLE A usual on Saturday there was nothiiic of anv conseuuenc on sals, The week's receipts have been tolerably liberal, footing ud about 20.700 head, or some 600 more than lust week, and 6,0w) mora than for the second week 01 April a year ago. Th cattl are getting better a tha season advances but there has been a very notable scarcity Ml week of strictly good to choice finished beeves. On th whole the market fur fat cattl has been a very satisfactory one for sellers. Prices were a little lower on Monday and Tuesday, but sine then the trend of values has been steadily upward and the closing quotations are anywhere from strong to loo higher than a week ago. The advance has been mostly confined to the fat, light and handy weight beeves, for which th de mand has been best from both packers and shipping buyers. While on th other hand th heavy cattl have been mors or less draggy throughout and are selling very little if any better than they were toward the close of last week. Th demand for cows and heifers has been strong all week and In addition to th usual Inquiry from local packers there has been vigorous buying by both eastern ship pers and feeder buyers. Prices ar gener ally fully 10c higher for the week and in in? ca or tne tat 1 pnt ana neirery graaes have been In good request and firm from start to finish, while the market has suf fered a decline of 155 25c on rough and heavy bulls. Light weight and feeding bulls are selling fully as wall as a week ago. Business in stockers and feeder was fairly lively the fore part of the week but lor the past two or thre days th demand for the lighter grades has fallen off very materially and closing prices for stock ot this kind are 15-j2.".c lower than Monday. Farmers are busy In their fields at present and as grass Is somewhat backward they are not anxious to take on th light cattle until pastures ar In condition to receive them. HOGS Th week closes with a moderate run of hogs and a good, strong, active market all around. The week's receipts foot up about 46.60O head, or nearly 2o,000 more than last week and 10.000 more than for the corresponding week a year ago. The market has been fairly brisk through out, with comparatively little change In prices from day to day, th weakness of the middle of the week being fully re gained and closing quotations being sub stantially the same as a week ago. The general situation has developed no new features. Packers want the hogs, but feet that country supplies are liberal, and they ar strongly averse to allowing price to get materially higher until thev are patislied that tho winter's run of hogs is over. The top today was MO, as s gainst ii.46 yesterdiy, and the bulk of the trade was at 6.424.474. as against li 40.46 yesterday. representative sales; No. At. ..tit ..I'17 ...m .141 ..21.4 ...tut ..167 ..ISI ...10 ...IbO ,..S4 8h. 14 1M t 10 its tii 240 '44 129 Pr 174 I 40 I it I 42 424, 42 Vk I 42Vk 424 42 4 42 42 t 4Si 4 42 4 43 4 42 42 C I 4s 4 45 46 4t 4 45 I 44 4 41 1 ii 4t 4 44 4 4S 4 4t I 4.1 6 45 4 49 41 41 46 41 No. tl... II... 7... 41... 4... 15. . 41-... 40... ... 71... 4... I... It... 74 .. 74... 10... 71... M .. 141.. 71... 145.. H ... 41... T9... 71... 13... 15... 4... e... 17... 14 .. 74.. tl... '.... 11.. At. ... 2MJ ....331 ...1U ....164 ....174 ....114 ...tit ... tht ....!. ....2.4 .... ....1K0 ...1.2 ...JJ ....214 ...141 ...27 ....2-1 i;o ...241 Mj ...21 ....2a4 ....-.! 241 171 !! 27 :ti , . . . ino li 120 115 2-.1 Bh. 'ii' "ti f r 4 41 4 41 4 41 4 44 41 4 41 4 W 4 41 4 41 4 41 41 4 41 4 41 4 41 4 41 4 46 41 4 41 4 41 4 41 4 41 4 4.1 4 44 4: 4 44 4 41 4 41 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 47 10 4 14 Ci.. ti.. 47.. 7.. 16.. K.. M.. U.. M. . ! u u.. .. Tl.. hO.. 6T.. 4.1. . i . (t.. V. n.. 7t.. uo ...2 ...11 ...S41 ...142 ...tas ...2lT . . 2..1 ...201 .. ;i4 ...221 ...!XJ 1 7 i I 73 I) ( 74 .-. 3 T8 70 W 4 ..tut .24H .2.11 111 .141 .!M JCJ .no ITt 4 40 .177 4 60 SHEEP With six loads of fed ewes and otis load of lambs, selling' to arrive today, tha week closes In a very satif factoi manner. Olpi-.-d ewes sold at 15 25. as high as has been paid of lute. and. In fact, the market on everything could scarcely be better. ' Receipts of sheep for the week have been somewhat short of last week's lila- run. but compare favorably with the s.ime pe riod a year ago. The market has bein In a good, strong, healthy condition the en tire wtek and record prlcea have been secured on nearly all the different rrades I oiorado wouled Pirribs and local and west- J ern fed lainl.s solj un to IS Ml. a recnrrl price for this market. Western fed vesr liiie's reached 7.oo, also a record, and wet nu fed ewis IS.ou. tha extreine paid n this market for that tluss of stock Vllcea were pushed up sTtioJaily from day to d iy, so that today quotations are liQ 2.x! luirhcr than last Sutunlav. It ill be noted that considerable shorn stuff is now arriving and piin-s on ewes and wethers are about tl TO a hundred tin ner quotations for wooled stuff and for limbs Pgures ars from tl.&lW below current quotatlona on wooled stock. Quotations on wooled killers: Good to cl on e lun.t.s. 17 M as 15; fair to good lambs, t7 6l ir7.M: good to choice yearhruis, lamb eights. S6.TtVir7.S6; fair to goo yearllrraa. lan.l.s. weights. C iOui 76: goKl to rholca VcaillriRs. heavy weignta, t a-04i.7f: fair to good jcarLu-sa, boavwsignia, o. 10-6 40; OfficAi Statement of the Rnancial Condition of the MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY AT ST. LOUIS State of Missouri, at the close of business on the 22d day of March, 1907 Loans undoubtedly S.fetv deposit vaults f. r.-e. n il I I. r r i m , . , BUU Vll.v i V- " ' ' DuefmmotherTrustCo'sand banks, pood on sight draft Cash on hand (currency, gold, silver and other coin) All ether resources , Total Capital stock paid in. hurnlus Undivided profits, 7i,;t stihiert tn Kills payable Municipal bond loan All other liabilities Total , Total liabilities on STA TE OF MISSOURI, City of St. Louis J We, Breckinridge Jones, president, and James E. Brock, secretary, of the Mississippi Valley Trust Co., do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of our knowledge and belief BRECKINRIDGE JONES, President JAMES E. BROCK, Secretary We, Eugene II. Benoist, Eli Kloti and David P. Ranken, stockholders of the Mississippi Valley Trust Co., do solemnly swear that we have made thorough persona! examination of the books, papers, property and affairs of the said corporation, ana that tne above siatemeni is true to uie uesi ui our iuiuwicukc auu ucuci ., EUGENE H. BENOIST"! - y ELI KLOTZ Stockholders f which DAVID P. RANKEN J r chooi Subscribed and sworn to before me this First day of April, Ninteen Hundred and Seven. Witness my hand and, ,n ,u youth ial seal, the date last aforesaid. (Commissioned and qualified for a term expiring May 1st, 1910) without sow- Seal President United Railways Co.. o( St. Lotili, Union Electric Light sod rower v. aoa Lsclede Gas Light Co. WILBUR F. BOYXE Boris 4 Priest JAMES E. BROCK becretsry MURRAY" CARLETOM President Carlcton Dry Good, Cxi. CHARLES CLARK HORATIO N.DAVIS President Smith & Davis Mfg. Co. JOHN D.DAVIS Vice President AUCUSTE B. EWINQ food to choice old wethers. S6.2ry343.SO; fair 0 R-ood old wethers, t1.0036.3E; Rood to cholc ewes, ti.tX'-Si.OO: fair to (rood ewes, I6.SCx36.G0. Clipped sheep sell about tl. P0 off and clipped fanibs from 1.2a to tl.W oft from above quotations. Representative sales: No. Av. US western ewea, shorn 117 t7) western ewoa, shorn 112 162 western lambs, shorn 63 Pr. 6 2S s a 6 90 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, Sbeep Bad Lambs Steady llnga Strons. CTHCAOO. April IS CATTLB Receipt, tOO head; market steady; beeves, tl.3"''Ui.70; cows,; heifers, t2.7Mi6.3S; calves, t5.0CKjj7.O0; good to prime steers, 16.4atx6.70; poor to medium, I4.3ir55.40; stockers and feeders. 12,i6.1. HOGS Receipts, 11.000 head: market strong; light, 6.S06.75; mixed, 6.5i7?iv.77H; heavy, W 3566.76; rough heavy, t. 3517 6 5": pigs, t6.0tV.66; good to choice heavy, t6.5 tj6 76: bulk of sales, 16 Wf;6.724. SHEEP AND LAM B Receipts, 3.000 hesd; market steady; native, tlWa; wostern, t4sW(ii.; ysaxllngs. W.7&a7.ft; lambs, t9.6O4j.40; western, SS.UK&6.50. Kansas City Utf Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. April IS. ?ATTLEv Re ceipts, tVX) head, Including 60 southerns; market steady; choice export and dressed beet steers, 10. 403 40; fair to good, tl.Mrj? SSOj western fed steers,'i. .6; stockers and feeders, t4.0O(t6.26; southern steers,. 14.006.40; southern cows, t.OOfM.26; native cows, t-'60r.j460; native heifers, J3.8&U6.S5; bulls, t2.7T.i&4.3; calves, (4.007.25. Receipts for the week, 40,800 head. HOOS Receipts. 4,000 head; market Sc higher: top, l.d0: bulk of sales, 16 62H3 167H: heavy. t6.5'6,.R5; packers, 16 SfaiUl.bV; pigs and light, t6.7tiJ.0. Receipts for tha week. 5O.6O0 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS ReceJpts. S.OOO head; market steady; lambs, td.OojS.Oii; ewes and yearlings, l.26i(.76; western fed yesrllngs, to.OoiixLOO; western fed sheep, tS.0Ox6.0O; stockers and feeders, HOO-yt.aO. St. Lowls I. Ire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. April 1J. CATTLE Receipts, 100 had. no Texans. Market strong; na tive shipping and ex port steers, 15 4or.iw.60; dressed bef and butcher steers, 16 OUxxt.66; steers under 1,000 lbs., t4.MH.; irtoc kers and feeders. I4.MXfi.Zb: cows and Heifers. t3.65fl6.26; canners, t20Ofr725O; bulls. 16&Sr 4.60: calvea. 13.6o(2-7.50: Texaa and Indian eteors. t26t(5.60; cows and heUara, tl.SOtf 4 40. HOOS Receipts, 1,600 head. Market waa Ka hhrher: n n and llirnts. paca ers. to.20S ; butchers and best heavy, H.79 tail an BHFEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 100 head. xtarUet startv: native muurns, lambs. HOvgl.OO; oulla and bucks. t4.0tKii6.ou. St. JoeiM live Stock Market FT. JASEPH. April 1S.-CATTLF Re- .r.ta i? head: market steady: natives. l4.2.VaO 26; cows and heifers, 1Z.Z.V:H.&; inrbpri anil feeders. t3.7Va-4.60. jiOGS Receipts. 6.W7 head: market rnestlv Se higher; top, t660; bulk of salea, SHCKP AND LAMBS Receipts 70 head; market nr mlnal; lambs, 7 6-.-(t.; year lings. M604J7.00; wsthers, tS-OOjiflfcO; ewes, ta.60(xi.W. Stock la Sl1it. Receipts of live stock at tha six principal western market yesterday wera as follows: cattle, floss. on-l. South Omaha fcloux City Kiii city ft. Joseph Pt. Louis Chicago - Totals 12 I. Ml t.tu) 1,100 100 6..1 212 1TO J0 4 A 6 547 U.OUO J.0.10 70 100 a. 000 1.K4 81.M7 7,270 Stoaa CUT I.lvo MMk Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. April 13 X Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 10U head. Mar to, aleultv: beeves 14 60u6 7l: cows, bulls and mixed, t l uKH 75; sio. kers and feeders, XL. urf.A 7n- calves nnd vearlinss. li.OfKi! 4.40. HJti Rocelpts. S.M) head. Murket stroi.g. selling at ; 3ixi.4t; bulk of sales, .S7V.-i 41 Hew York LI to Slock Market NEW YORK. April U-BEFVE8-RS- rcinta. tSS bead: market nominally steiKly Dressed beef viuiel but steady, at 7c and tc for native sides t.i ports, l.U.S cattle and 7.600 quarters of beef. HOGS Usueipts, 244. head; market nom inally steady for all weights. C'ALVEiJ Receipts. 67 head; market nom inally weak; dressed calves slow; city tUcaSsd. Veal, itil-7c; cwuntr ditbseJ, f M ' ill r it 1 4 t-r; : ' t RESOURCES eood on collateral security Loans undoubtebly good on real estate security. Other negotiable and non-nepotiable paper and investment securities at present cash market value .,., Overdrafts by solvent customers - ,., Bonds and stocks at present cash market value Real estate (company's office buildinp) at present cash market value Other real estate at its present cash market value Furniture and fix-turps it . TT1 3" 130, .3,721,536.42 1,338,004.64 LIABIUTIES less" current expenses and taxes paid draft at siL'ht bv individuals and others. including demand certificates of deposit $8,082,845.90 Deposits subject to draft at sight by Trust Co's, banks and bankers .. 1 3.908,015.51 Time certificates of deposit 2,414,225.03 Saving, deposits 4,642,743.28 ,9,048,729.72 Debentures and real estate morgage bonds - account, . - surety bonds . DIRECTORS DAVID R. FRANCIS Francis. Bro. & Co. AUGUST GEHNER President German-America Bank S E. HOFFMAN Vic President CHAS. H. HUTTIO President Third National Bank BRECKINRIDGE JONES President W. J. McBRIDE First Vic President and General Manager American Car and Foundry Co. NELSON W. McLEOD Vic Prudent Grarson-McLeod Lumber Co. SAUNDEKS NOKVELL President Norvell-bhapleigh Hardware Co. WE HELD THE FORT Astlnat thxi comblpatloo of brokers forming ths Chicago MlBlng Stock Etching to foros Investors to 4eal through th (xrhars or Its momber If thr wsst4 to know tb murket vaitws oa uwir stocka W itootl alona FOR INVESTORS' RIGHTS To know th markat valua of this ttock and te buy and ll whar thay plaai4. Now watch tha papers and watrh th other fellows begin to climb Into tha wtg..a. Be th CHICAGO CHRONICLE and th Chicago Trtbuna today for our Big ad- TertlaamanU and for m omer leuowa wuo nv given up and will publleh prlrea uit ilk lha WK8TEHN BUSINESS tXCHANQB. Sand TOUT aauM lor our DIG FREE BULLETIN WI OrrSB, SUBJECT FBIOB. SALE I liwo Penn.-W'ro., 3Vc. KK-0 Amaaon, llv,o. two Hiumaoii. (Sc. HKK) Rlua Jar. 1c. ;r.Hj Yelluw Tiger, 11c. 1000 ot. West. Oil, lis. 21M0 Ofd. Billiard, Sc. 10O0 Kev. Maionlc. 1IK, 100 Rmnlre O. . 15c. 1000 Uurohl rid., Ibc. 1IVUI lu.hll Kaale. IHc. 100 GM. Hub. 10c. I'jO Mohawk rlor., ice. nmo Hooaao run., no looo Copper ' rn , so. lm0 Indiana Mln., Or. A MoBtreel Cobalt, 140. ' Manhat. NaT., 14a. tioxj raaiber R , IVio. 1000 Golden Rod. iUc. lftf'O Flv Bear, ao. KkiO ufl. Srodii-au, bis. touO Saltaa Top., 11c. 10 Blk. Prince Cop. 1500 Cllppar. 8. T., ino. 160 Heart ot Old.. Is. 2..0 Fox U at X.. bid. lbl Dlxon-Oettlker, 11. (0 IieKoreat Ptd., 40c. 1100 Tacoma. 140. Thoaaands Mora, mil Idsts Tree. HI WILL. BIT And pay eaah for good atocka at th right prtoaa WESTERN BUSINESS EXCHAHUB 1SS X.a Sails St-, Chicago, ZU. W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. We offsr, inbjset to sals, BO hare Union Stock Tarda at 101. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 1046 How $50 MADE 54,000,000 IN THE APRIL ISSUE Financial and Mining Record PAHTIAI, COHTZeTTSl A m.00 IHVtSXkLEBT THAT MA9B $37,000.00. a tooo.oo nrrsETMzirr that kadb - $150,0OO. WHESX TAXVXS 4rVI.TXPZ.T AID WHY. 1 UfVEBTKEiTTS THAT KAYS BOTJ- BZ.XS ia MOUTHS. AH IMVI1STMZVT THAT WIT. VAT SO ?IB CEKT IW THK.EE WEEKS. A most valuable pnbllratlon for rjfWEUTOHS, SPXt7UIATOaS and those wishing to Invest sato ly and profitably. Oives many valuable pointers. How to Make Money April Issue Vow Beady. April Sample Copy Bant 7BBS aa Bsqasst TXB TOTAirCIAZ. k KIHZBO BECOBD, 36 -East 83A St, Saw Tork. lower, at Sc and 10c; choioa selling In small way at loUc. BlIEKF ANU LAM Bfl Receipts entirely nun. 11. m; lamus l ow but nrnuy i.ei.i. rriiuu to choice iiuolubie at and Metal Markat. NEW YORK. April IS METTALH No ma terial change ton phice In the various mxtal markets In the almenoe of cables Tin quiet at 1x0 3fje,i 46. Copper continued mors or less unsettled nl nominal, with lake ouoted at 1J4 i-('A.Ui; ali-ctrolvtlc. Z 505Jt4 60; cus-lng, Lsviisvn. Iad was dull and unchanged at 1. i."iU0, spelter was unchanged at Wijjxj.ivj. iron was un- chHnarej. ST. IV1S, April lJ-METAIJ-I.ul quiet, $6 I. j 'Jit. bveilof, xrulct, tg.tKi. .$12,865, P13.59 726,092.09 1,214,661.60 2.W2.76 7,697,223.54 "22i','5T4.'94 '-2,000.00 754. .VI 5,l'r0,25.42 27,947.41 f28,018,531.35 $ 3,000,000.00 . 3,500,000.00 . 2,311, :42.V4 ., 106,000.00 52.553.60 ..$28,018,531.33 ..$ 4,960,401.60 - T. II. KEEBAUGH, Nutarytiaity of the 1th difficulty ROBERT J. O'REILLY, M. D. tould face V,M. D. ORTHVVEIN ut trees President Wm. D. Orlliwcin Grain O. forest Is HENRY W. PETEFS Vod. but President Peters Sho Co. t the H.CLAY PIERCE h.n Chalitnan Board Waters Pierce Oil Co. JOSEPH RAMSEY JR. - JAMES E, SMITH T Vic President bimmoo. Hardware C. R. H. STOCKTON president Majestic Mlg Co. . JULIUS S. WALSH r i : . .... n VU.ll UI.U II. MIU f U 1 ROLI.A WELI.S. Mayor City ol bu Louis, 1500 This miraculous offer Is baaed on a world necessity greater than tho steam engine, telegraph of telephone, which will be used by governments, changing the map of the world and the condition ol mankind. The smallest sum asked for is $100, and we havo no time for curiosity seekers, or Impecunious people. If you havo the money, write for particulars. Highest Bank References. No Risk. MANHATTAN FINANCE C0M?AKY. 1 Madlasn Avo., HtiVJ YORK Peler Whitney's COBALT Letter for April NOW READY Contains the latest newt all from the Native Silver District, and my forecasts' on the Cobalt Stocks. It kc-ei you posted. 8end for It, Also up-to-date Cobalt Map. PETER WHITNEY 100 Broadway, New York I WILL OUY loot Pens WjoomlDg Copper M HuHrd Rlllott 1000 8as Juiq S. xk B. lono North Verde Covper ms an DeForaat, Com. 4 Tellow Tiger, twrt Waldorf. 1000 Columbua Cona. 4U0 N'ortk Am. Copper, looxi a; fi.illftog. lOWUUi. Coinlog Kg. tioo. lono Hull Copper. Vi0 Calll. N. T. Oil. ltaiO Colonial Copper. I WILL SELL toot Bauiuas Copper. lino M. H. Banket. 0MeO,. BuW. 'i, IWIO. A. Tr.aaw.ll. 40 ga. Lull. joavr4 Copper , K.v.da (.'ommus- lArla.l waallh. on ri ISTor. 1000 I tilled Tooopah A lung Manhaitaa Nevaita. orid. 11M) WellUiguin M.iu. 100 U. S. Orapblt. AND WANT OTHEHS. gEND FOU LIST. C. P. GEGIfJGER, PEALES IN VNUBTID SBr-pItlTIK. 401. eui. 40T Nona AsMrlrsn Bldg , Pblla gelphla. fa. llalllili4 114. IT'S FQEE Our fine Investors' map of Nsvada anil Infurmailnn runri-rnliia! the commit grreal aulas of BTTI.X.FBOQ. W'f a au. as of Hullf r.)g-Keystoiie. 40f -ar cent mads by Investors, and the r '"1 g.j blghtrr. Write us Now. Joas J. But Co way, V. X, lasi- irf"- '"' t