The Omaha Sunday Bee PART VI. No Tllthy Sanaatlona THE OMAHA DEC Best tiT. West WANT AD SECTION PAGES 1 TO 8 VOL. XXXVI-NO. 40. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1007. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Want - ads Adffrllirmota for the want-ad Foiimn will be take aatil la na. for the trralx edition aad aatll 9 p. m. for the moralac aad Ranriay editions. Cash meat accompaar all orders for want-ad. aad ao advertisement will be accepted for leas thaa lO cents for fhe flrat iaaertloa. Ratea apply to either The Daily or Sunday Bee. Always coant alx worda to a llae. (.'osablnatloas of Initials or nafl eoaat ii oae word. CASH RATES FOR WAST-ADS. RRGILAR CLASSIFICATION Oae Ia aertloa., per llae, lO reata. Two or aore eoaseeatlTe Insertions, per line, cents. Each Iaaertloa aiade em odd days, 10 cents per llae. tJW per llae per uoath. SFECIAk CLASSIFICATIONS If ' advertisement la laaerted ander aay oae Of the elasstScatleas kItOb below. It will be charted at the followlaa ratesi Oae Iaaertloa, ceeta par llaei three to alz coasecntlve Inser tions, 3 eeata per llae eaeh laeertloai seven or more eonsecntlve Insertions. S eeata per line eneb. Iaaertloa. SO eeata per llae per month. DARTER AKD EICHAICE. nt'SISESS CHANCES. HELP WAHTEU-PEMAtl. HELP WAHTEO MALE. Exeept Agents, Solicitors aa aleamea. OFFFREO FOR SALEl Cowa, Bird, Dove aad Fete. . , Horace aad Vehicles Foeltry aad E((. Fnrnltwre. Pianos, Organi aad Maaleal la. atraaieate. Typewriter aad Itwlaf Ma chines. Hlaeellaaeoaa. OFFERED FOR REWTt Furnished Rooms. liafaralahed Reoma. tloasekeeplaa Room, Board las aad Rooms). WANTED TO BUT. WANTED TO REXT. SITUATIONS WANTED. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Death aad Faaeral Notices. Cards of rhaaka aad Lode Notices, T eeata vealaari 8 eeata a llae for each addi tional edltloa. ftfiadar, lO eeata a llae. No ad takes for leaa thaa Bo eeata. BRANCH OFFICES. Want-ads for The Bee may be left at aay of the following; dro( stores oae la Myoar earner earn ! 1st" they are all breach meaa of The Bee and yoor ad will be i laaerted J oat aa promptly aad aa the aaaie ratea as at the mala office la The Bee balldlac, Seventeenth aad i'ariam streets! Albach, W. C, 0th and Farnam. Beranck, 8. A., 1402 S. 16th St. Becht'e Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th 8t Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Caughlln. C. R., 6th and Pierce St Clifton Hill Fharmucy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., Hat Ave. and Farnam. Crliiaey Pharmacy, 14th and Lake. Carmak, Emil, 1204-6 8. 13th 8t Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., 2803 Leavenworth. Koater dt Arnold!. 218 N. 26th St. Freytag. John J., 1314 N. 24th Be Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neo. Goldman's Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Par Ave. and Pacific Gteenough. O. A., 1026 8. 10th Bt. Oreenough, Q. A., V'th and Hickory. Hayden Wnn. C. 220 Farnam St. Hanacom Park Pnar.. 1641 8. 2lh At. Hoi (it, John. 6!4 North 16th St Huff, A. tKA Iieavenworth St. King, H. 8., 2238 Farnam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, SKA N. 34th. Patrick Drug Co., Wi N. 24th SU Lathrop, Chas. E., :S24 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. D.r.rn,u n.iiff rn ?4Hi ind Ames Ave. Sohaefar's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago. Bchaefer, Auarust. IG31 N. 16th Bt. Schmidt, J. II.. 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm rhnrmacy, lsth and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 4olh and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, !0th and Grace Sta. Wirth, O. H.. 40tb and Hamilton Sta. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been granted: Name and Residence. Age. Patrick T. Hughes, Omaha, 23 Margaret Curtis, Omaha 24 August Zulrny, South Omaha 21 Tnnv Dnnruk. South Omaha 13 - 1 BIHTHS AKD DEATHS. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health during the tweaty-four hour ending Sat urday noen: Births H. D. Schlnker, 1915 Seuth Nine teenth, girl; 8. Fellman, 314 North Seven teenth, boy; Frank Pierce, 1141 North Seventeenth, girl; Leo Kolverateck, 1&63 Mahler, boy; George H. McArdle, boy; Frank Stanealc, 1214 Pierce, boy; Albert Quandt. 4645 Lafayette, boy. Deaths Nancy NelHon, 620 South Six teenth, 07; Mrs. Dellama Adams, 1633 North Twenty-first, 68; Amelia M. Gross, Omaha General hospital. 18; Agnes Finn, Twenty fourth and Seward, 2, CARD Or THANKS We wish to return our sincere thanks to II our li lends and neigubors and to the Knights of Columbus, employes of Brown ing, King Co., and of the M. P. It. R Co., and to Hoffman ft Gentleman for thuir Oiany kindnesses during the sickness and eeath of our beloved father. MR. AND MRS. J. J. NICHOION. MR. AND A1K3. J. E. COFFEY. MR. AND MRS. DAVID M AVOT. ANNOUNCEMENTS ADVERTISE A. Ten Dollar. Nota For a' Flyer WILL CARRY A 26-WORD CLASSI FIED ADVERTISEMENT INTO A MILLION HOMES ONE TIME. This ia the list. Where elae can you get a belter combination for the money! Boston Herald. Omaha Bee. phi la. No. American. BuOalo Courier, tlyracuse Herald. Koch. D. ft Chron. Pittsburg Dispatch. Providence Telegram. Kw Haven Leader. Clave. Plain Dejr. Pt. Louis Ulobo-Dem. Dea M. K. ft Leader. Washington Post. Dnver Republican. Milwaukee Free PressSan Frau. Chronicle. Cincinnati Enquirer. Atlanta Constitution. Minneapolis Tribune. Dallas Newu. Detroit Free Pree, Chlcag Inter Ocean. Iudlaaapcll Sentinel. Kansas city Journal. GIVS THIS LIST A TRIAL. RUDOLPH GUENTUER 103 Fulton St.,' New York. Write for Combination Oftaia. Magaslne LI La. U- SIGN FAINTING S. H- Cole. lu Douglae. Q-4. WILSON bangs paper, quick, claan; paper cleaning a specialty. Tel. Wel'ater ?7iv (D-113 Mi OMAHA Ssfe and Iren WeVks make a spe cialty ef fire escapes, shutters, cioore snd clalty sales. U. Andreen. rrop-t ius a. ima eu (U-4:i CLOCKS repaired In any part of the city. Omaha Clock Repairing Co., 10$ North ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) Special! For Ladies Every day this week, (April 14th to April 20th), we will clean and press any kind of Bklrt for 75d. Our. wagons will call for and deliver same to any part of the city. THE WARDROBE Expert Cleaners and Dyers Tel. Doug. 1729. 2016 Farnam St. (1) SEEDS THAT GROW. NEED ANY? a? Am that e K a ato inrj vtrtllO 1 1 VIII 1613 HOWARD imm Jouea St, 1 M660 A30 THE CITT GARBAGE CO., ofllce 4th and Leavenworth tits. Tel. Douglas 127. ID 473 WALL PAPER cleaned. Douglas 62SS. (1)-M1SI AUTOMOBILES SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. 1906 Thomas Flyer, 40-H.-P., full equipment: cost 33,750. now $1,800. 1906 Pope Toledo. Type T. top and full equipment; coat 33.710, now $1,000. !! lleo, used fio miles; coat $1.2X6, now tl.Onfc 19(4 Reo. top and full equipment; cost $1,160, now 300. 1904 White Steatm-r; cost $1,500. now $700. lfOtf Ford, 16-H.-P.; cost $1,150, now $7X Fope-Waverly Electric runabouts, $400 up. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE COMPANT. 118 Farnam St. 2)-M$4t RAMBLER. 1906 model, for sale; nearly new; a bargain. Huteson Optical Co . 213 d. uw di. ii) M739 WHITE for our lint of baranlns In aeennd- hand nutomobllee. Freflrlckon. 1B02 vapuoi AVt. 2) 14911 MU FOR SALE Light touring car, 20-H. P.. cheap, caah, by Aprils Box S. Dextar, Ia- C3r-M940 23x BARTER AND EXCHANGE, WELL Improved farm of 160 acres located near Feaaends. N. D. Price 1.1 om. will trade for Income property. Globe Land ocinvesunent CO., room 1 Patterson Blclg., tu AtWW EXCHANGES If vou llln rltv nrnnartv. stocks of good, farm land or property of any kind to exchanee. writs for our com- plete Hat. We have properties and lands iii a.11 pans 01 me country to exchange. rree. Bend tor It at once, Globe Land and Investment Co., Patter son Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. (3 476 SOME good Omaha property to trade for uiua or mercnanuise. U0 B. 17th Ht. (3) M321 m5 FOR EXCHANGE I have J907 Franklin automobile and 1M08 White steamer, one of which I will trade for a good piece of Omaha property or Nebraska land; give full description of what you have and don't put a fancy prlos on It. Address M 7. care Bee- (3i S13 EXCHANGES 330-acre improved farm in southeast Kan sas. Price, $37.60 per acre. 320 acres, Merrick county, Nebraska. Price 350 per acre; want good Income property or merchandise. 160 acres, Dawes county, good land; $12.30 per acre; want Omaha cottage. 80-acre farm tn Cass county, Nebraska, at $75 per acre, for Omaha, residence prop erty. SO acres. Sarpy county, Nebraska, $38 per acre, for Omaha rental property. Hotel In eastern Nebraska, rent 1 $75 per month. Price $10,000, for land. If you have anything to exchange at Ha actual value, liat with rue. I handle nothing but good stuff. W. S. FRANK, ia Neville Block, Omaha. (3J-M137 IT 120 ACRES, S miles from Schell City, Ver non county. Mo.: SO aorea under cultiva tion; good building; price, WO per acre; Incumbrance, $2,000; will exchange for gen eral merchandise. Globe Land and Invest ment Co., Rooms 1 and 2. Patterson blk., Omaha. (3 M2b0 NICB. new stock of farm machinery and harness, located In small Illinois town; price. $1,760. Owner also has house and lot at tl.feO te put In on trade for land. Globe Land and -Investment Co., Rooms I and I Patterson blk., Omaha, (I) Mii FOR 6 ALE OK Til !? i5.ffl tock of farm machinery doing a good business in a very fine farming community, ivry thing first class. Globe Land ft Invest men, Co.t roorus 1 and t, ftterv Blk.. Omaha, Neb. (3 M01 FOR EXCHANGE 150 acres near Orchard. Antelope county. Neb.; price $17.60 per scrs. t acres six miles from O Neil. Holt county, Nb.. Improved; price $20 per acre. Will exchange either or both of above far me for merchandise or hsrdware. We aiso have several Income properties In Omaha to exchange for menhandlse. or hardware. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Nab. (3 n WANTED TO EXCHANGE My light Pooe-Tiihune runabout for llolaman or Orient buck board My maclUne not adapted to mud and heavy rradea In this section. Dr. F. W. .Johnson, Fullerton. Neb. (1) MJS4 A21X 633 ACRES of fine prairie land, I mtlea from town In Hamilton county. Kansas; price, $10 per sera; will exchange far gen eral merchandlss. Globe Land and In vestment Co., Rooms I aad 3 Patterson blau. Omaha. (3 MJas SEVERAL good stocks raercbsndlse to ex. change for land; also city Income prop erty for land. Automobiles to excha-nxe. National Investment Co. ($) Mi&l Alt WRITE Townaend Realty Co., Modale. Ia., who have farms, wild landa. etc, for cluar town property ana mercnandise. TRADES' TRADE! If you have any thing that you don't want and will trade It (or something else, write us. We can match anythtn. Kelly Investment Co., U Neville fclwuk. Omaha, N'b. Ol-AUU 13 EARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) FOR EXCHANGE Fine onyx snd quarter- sawed oak soda fountain, coat anout vi.wu, aa good as new; will exchange for Omaha properly or Nebraska land. Address M care Bee. (3 M913 WE HAVE a S.OOO bu. grain elevator In small Missouri town, will sell for $7,300. Half cash, balance mortgage. Globe Land A Investment Co., ro nil V tnil 2. Pat tereon Blk.. Omaha, Neb. fl MBf IMPROVED farm In eastern Nebraska, all level, to trade for drug stock In some small osstern Nebraska town. Address F 71, care Bee. South Omaha. Neb. S M720 ISx FINE HOME 34.500; oubject to encum brance of 31.500. would take part trnrte for equity; 8 rooms and basement, all mod ern; large barn; all slate roof; In good repair; 3 fine lots, front driveway; the 'finest home In Central Park and a snap at the price asked. PETERSON BROS., 'Phone Douglas 31i7. 623 Bee Bldg. (31-M133 14 STOCK of merchandise for Omaha prop erty at 1530 N. S4th St. (3) Ma60 16x TRADES! TRADES! If you have anything that you don't want and will trade It for something else, write us. We can match anythlne. Kelly Investment Co.. 220 Neville Blk., Omaha Neb. (31-M141 20 40 TOWN LOTS In a good coast town In Texas; located In business part. V. 8. government dredi:lmr channel for ocean steamers will make a land-locked harbor and a fine city; flno winter resort for northern people ami summer for southern people, and thousands take the benefit of It. Will exchange for Nebraska land or merchandise. Address Box C, Wood River. Neb. $) MSM 20 FOR EXCHANGE A rood, double brick store building In a good county seat town; rents for $40 per month. Want land. What have youT Box 317, Luverne, la. . (3) M931 20x WILL EXCHANGE one years' music les sons on any Instrument for Job printing or sdverllslng In any locality. Address A l'. Bee. (3) M162 BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS LOCATIONS AND FARM LANDS. Wanted General store, hardware store, furniture store, drug store. Implement bunlness, harness shop, restaurant, barber and other lines to locate In the new town of Chelsea. Faulk County, South Dakota. We have 170 square miles of tributary ter ritory of very best farm lands in South Dakota, well settled. Will market l.uOO.uiO bushels of small grain each year; also large quantities of corn and live stock. Farmers are -well-to-do. Trade In all lines will be first class and of large volume. Chelsea Is on the main line of the new extension of the Minneapolis & St. Louis railway, in' the northeast portion of South Dakota. We can also deal with you direct on farm lands. If you want a farm. Address Z. 8. Barrett. Townslte and Im migration Agent, Chelsea, S. D. (4)-M335 14x FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and wagon werk business, with tools; $4 to 14 received for shoeing and $4 to $3 for set ting tires. Address Y 128. Bee. (4)-473 FOR SALE New shoe shop outfit; going te quit; first-class chance for good shoe maker. For particulars address H., Box 134, Auburn, Neb. (4) M590 16x FOR SALE One of the most prosperous general stores In western Iowa at 90 cents on the dollar, cash; stock new and up-to-date; annual sales $43,000; stock will In voice $9,000 to $10,000; no land deals con sidered: building for sale or rent. Ad dress Y 20, care Omaha Bee. (4)-M199 17 A GOOD business location on main street, one and one-half blocks from depot; two rooms on first floor and three up stairs. Fine location for laundry, whloh Is needed, In one of the best towns In state. Bent reasonable. Address J. W. White. Wiener, Neb. (4) M773 18x AGENTS engage In the mall order busi ness selling our household rubber goods by mall; catalogue furnished with your Imprint. India Rubber Specialty Co., Erie. Pa. (4) M771 13x TWO boarding houses; must be sold at once. Canadian Oitlce. 15th and Dodge. (4) M1S0 15 MUSIC teachers' local locations bought. sold. perneld piano Co., 1611 Farnam, Omaha. (4) M163 GROCERY AND MEAT Business. One of the best and most pro- niame in umaiia. fine location. An nual sales $118,000. Large profits. Stock and fixtures about $10,0u0. OWNER en tering WHOLESALE business and will reduce stock $4, CM) If necessary tn closing di-al. A GRAND OPPORTUNITY seldom found. It's paying a NET PROFIT of $4,0u0 annually. J. H. JOHNSON. New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 6723. (4)-161 14x A WATER-POWER Flour Mill near Omaha In good condition, fine exchange trade established, on switch. 7H acres land; a fine place for stock feeding; $4,200. Oil more Real Lest ate Co.. 1419 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 2444. (4)-lM 14 FOR EXCHANGE 137 acres, Fremont county, Iowa; 130 acres In cultivation, balance blue grass pasture, timber and brush; all good land exoapt email slough; Price, $00 per acre; Incumbrance, $3.tiu0. Want to exchange equity for merchandise. J. R. Adklns, Room 4. First Nat Bank Bldg.. Council Bluffs, Ia. (4 200 14 WE OFFER a 126-barrel modern flour mill; location and commercial condition excel lent; $5.0u0 cash will handle It. Peaxey, $6 So. Main, Council Bluffs, In. (4) MISS 16 FOR SALE At a bargain, meat market In a good eastern Nebraska town of 3 000; everything new and up-to-date. Address "Owner," Box 413, Schuyler, Neb. (41-206 tOx PATENT SECURED OR FEE RE TURNED Illustrated guide book and list of Inventions wanted, free te any ad dress. Pstents secured by us advertlaed free In World's Progress; sample copy free. Evans, Wllkens ft Co., Hi F Bt, Washington, D, C. (4 YOU csn never profit oy business chances unless yeu hsve soms mono; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a ssvlngs account with J. L. Bran dels ft Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douias Sta Assets over $400,000. (4 im. TRAVELING MAN, Your attention, please. Are you looking for something good? We have the best side line you ever handled: no selling or samples; all you do Is recommend. It's a money maker for you. Address Lock Box 73 Omaha. Do It now. (41-M923 M13 FOR 8ALR On account of my health must have outdoor work; am therefore com pelled to sell my stock of general mer chandise, located in a nice town of 4n0, surrounded with the best farming country In central Nebraska; stock In A-l condi tion; will Invoice about $10,000; can be reduced to suit purchaser; low rent; or will sell building. Address Y 85. care Omaha Bee. (4) 960 14 COMMENCED 19ns with $1,600. Jan.. 1907. had $ns.ti.D3 in buslnese and 4.000 persons working. You can do likewise. Auto matic, 341N'otrlnd Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y. (4)-929 14x FOR BALB Drug stock and fixtures In small town In Iowa; doing rood buslnesa; only drug store: have permit; other bust rasa reasens. Address Lock But 76, Eagle Orove, I a. (4 M932 20x AGENCIES wanted for England: expert business man. with excellent connections among principal stores and mholeeulers throughout Great Britain, can Introduce ?our specialties to best advantage. Write terbert Levy, Midland Hotel. Manches ter. Eng. 4e-944 14 x NOTICE limited number of shares of ths American Oyster Industry. Inc., will soon be offerd the putilie; write for particu lars, sal Bullitt Bldg-., Philadelphia. Pa. 4-6 H BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) HALF INTERKST In hardware and Im plement business for ssle; good business; will require $4,000 to handle same. Writs Sox 38. Nelson. Neb. 4 MS3 FIRST-CLAP9 livery business: lively town; one railroad; good business; reason for Belling, other business. Address Y 69, Pse. (4) M&sO DRVO stores for Bile everywhere. F. V. Kniest, "07 N. T. L., Omaha. (4) 40 FOR SALE! OR EXCHANGE A fine resi dence In up-to-date country town, eastern Nebraska, No. 1 location; would consider good land In Iowa or Nebraska, no sand; ttot particular about Improvements. Ad dress Y-68. Bee (4J-MI79 FIRST-CLASS barber fhnp, three chairs; only shop In town of 7-"; will bear In spection. Address Y-79. Bee. (4) MI81 v IF TAKEN at once, will sell at 50 per cent discount my stock of dry goods and gro ceries; finest bus'ness In town; Invoice about $7,W0; a bargsln for cash; owner has other business. Address Y i5, cars Omaha Bee. (4) C79 I CAN place your money on first mortgage loans on Improved central Income prop erty and modern homes In Oakland, Cal., at 6 per cent net. Write me for par ticulars. Oeorga W. Austin, 1018 Broad way, Oakland. Cal. References: First Nat. Bank and Chamber of Commerce. (41-M825 M17x OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime offered to smnll Investors to co-operate and re ceive an Income for life. For particulars address J. 8. Keeping, Confederation Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont. (4) M830 '13x FOR SALE Up-to-date new drug stock, eastern Nebrsska, nothing dead; cash sales II n, $9,000. Would consider good land. Full particulars on application If you mean business. Addiess V 111. Bee. (4) M834 15 FOR SALE Flrst-clnss restaurant; doing best business In town: will sell cheap for cash. Bee Wilcox, N St.. South Omiha. (4s-vH71 13 ROBERT C. DIU'EBFDOW & CO., STOCK BROKERS. $09 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4)-413 FOR SALE Two-chair bartier shop. Bar gain If taken this month. 1210 Farnam St. (4) M4oo 13x FOR SALE Or trade, livery business In Bilstow. Neb. Only business In town. Good trade. Will sell for ensh on ensy terms or will trade for small tract of clear land. Don't make any "blue sky" propositions. Write te P. C. Anderson, Brlstow, Neb. (4) M447 $25,000 WILL BUY planing mill doing good business; both water and rail for ship ments; good site to add sawmill. James McDowell, 119 West Fourth street. Olym pla, Wash. (4) M536 liix NICELY furnished flatvfor sale cheap if taken at once. 1112 Farnam, 3d floor. (4)-t21 14x Do You Wish to Make a Change! If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us.- GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. C4) 364 M7 TO GET In or out of any business write HUdroth & Williams, 610, Bee. (4) MG30 M9 CORPORATION whose products are handied by leading wholesale and, retail dealers wants competent snles 'munager; $2,600 yearly and additional commission; unquestionable references and Investment required. Address, box 626, Madison, Wis. (4-587 14x $100 INVESTED will start yeur fortune In something you can see ana Know is boou. Absolutely safe. A. Carter, Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles, Cal. (4) 894 14x WANTED Experienced business man to manage branch ofllce. Salary, $1,800 yearly and commission. Unquestionable refer ence and ltrventment of $1,000 require! Castoria Co., 1231 Wabash Ave., Chicago. (4)-S97 14x WANTED Bonds, municipal, county, state, school, railway, or other first-class. Send full description and best price. Josepb Hudson, box 1030, Cblpewa Falls, Wis. (4) M903 l&x ONLY confectionery Ice cream budnoea, 6,300 town. Established, eight years. Terms to suit. A. Jaeeph. Le Mars, Ia. (4) M906 15x UNION PARK, where all trades unions and fraternal organizations will have their outings this year, will be managed by Omaha Steamboat Excursion Co. Ap ply to Louis Guy tor concessions. v 4)-62 14x W rj WAnl 1 r 1 1 1 h ui an hiiiub uu iu ovo., also seats, tables, chairs and all kinds park equipment. Counters, good ice boxes, cash registers, slot machines. Ap- uly to Louis uuy. w sta 14X 1iHT ISLAND PARK will be the mecca for everybody this summer. Some valu able amusement concessions can ne naa. Get posted. Chas. Jordan, General Man ager. (4)-964 Hx WE ARE looking for a man whose past record as a salesman reaching the retail and wholesale trade shows he can further develop an already large prosnsltlon. The man we want must have executive ability and control sufficient capital to carry a stock of goods sufficient to fill or ders from the losslng ana retail trade. To Such a man we offer the exclusive state rights of Iowa and Nebraska for the sale of the most practical and economical light on earth a horizontal Incandescent gas burned (fully patented). Doubles the light of any Incandescent burner without Increasing the gas con sumption. Indorsed by prominent gae companies. Address for particulars The Block ugnt Co., l East LHK Ht., Chicago, 111. (4-909 14 WANTED Capital or factory to manufac- a staple kitchen article In an entirely Im proved form and a big seller. E. J. Han sen, jcxira, x. vo it FOR SALE First-class stock ef druxs and fixtures. Will cenoider land If priced right. Aadrees 1 ki, care or ee. (4 MXL$ START In business; 600 per cent profit: everybody uses metal polish; send $1 for formula, directions and sample; agents wanted. Cleapol Co., 2bS Sprlnirfleld Ave., Newark, N. J. 4 aJ5 lit BULLFROG MAP FREE latest msp of entire Buiirrog Mining- district sent rree; shows every claim. Write C. A. Stevens, Anacostia, Washington, B. c. (4-S39 14x JAME8TOWN FAIR want good, honest successful business man with $3 Ofln 4n a proposition; win net $26 000 to $fo,000. Automatic, 426 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, rv. 1. (4) JG I4x FOR 8A LEV Stock of merchandise at a big discount. i an iuu m. ma nt. (4 M969 lSx WANTED Old, curious. Inactive, defaulted and unquotabla bends snd stocks. R. M Smytlie, Room 46? Produce Exchange, New York. Established twenty vears. (0-946 14X SMALL lot I per cent preferred stock Mer chants Real Estate Co., New Albany. Ind . at fcaruain price; secured by divi dend eamlne: realty. Investment; Room 12ul, 103 Pulton St., New York (4-9f? 14x DID YOU ever think of dot a world wide bualneas tnsiesd of nttv looil buslnesa? Then go Into tie mall order buslneas. I am manager of a successful mall order business In the east and wish to establish a branch in Oraehu: only few hundred dollars required; nrnfits from tlo' up the first year. Address F 83, care Bee. (4) 116 14x FOR SALE A first-class equipped black smith shop and tools: shop for rent. Good reasons for selling. Address Box 216, Holsteln, la. (4j MiW7 30x FOR TRADE Stock general dry goods, In voiced at about $"."'0; big lines staples and domestic; roods clean and In good order; owner wants reasonable amount cash, balance gorwl land; what have you? f. W. Somen, &u0 Manhattan Bids'.. Ht. Paul, Minn. Uj-MxS 20x BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. J BUSINESS CHANCE Invest $1 Per week for 2b weeks or $26 cash and clear $2b; absolute safety guaranteed by all banks. Sloreheat Alfg. Co., Lea Angeles, Cal. (4) Alb42 J10X ESTABLISHED foundry and plating plant requires capital to care for the rapidly growing business. Good opportunity for competent man with capital. Give par ticulars. W. Jackson, No. 3 East Second avenue, Spokane, Wash. (4 M640 16x IDLE MONEY. , . Have you some'? Would you like It to esrn 20 per cent? Our factory Is doing this. Write for particulars. P. O. Box 1S38, 6pokane, Wash. (4) M1 16x WANTED Acreage for tomatoes for the Florence Canning factory; 30c per bushel paid for good tomatoes. Florence Can ning factory, Florenoe, Neb. 'Phones Florence 1141 and . t4)-M66s ltix $3,000 Racket stock for sale, owing to 111 healthN Would trade for westsrn Ne braska land valued at $1,600 and $1,600 cash. New Stock, good trade and money nmker. Must get outdoor occupa tion. Address owner, G. B. Whltaker, Hastings, Neb. (4 6S4 16x FOR SALE Best bakery 1n B. W. Iowa, Address Box 102, Creston, Ia. (4) M773 lSx FOR SALE Hotel and restaurant com bined. J. C. Swank, Graham, Mo. (4) M703 lx S PER CENT INVESTMENT. We are offering a 6 per cent Investment, Interest payable semi-annually, In one of the lurgnet corporations In this- city and state. The closest investigation Invited. For pnrtlculars call or address Robt. C. Druesedow & Co., Stock Brokers, 89 N. Y. Life Bldg. 4)-M71 WANTED Young man with $200 cash to manage branch office of Incorporated real estate company; exceptional opportunity. Address U 87, care Omaha Bee. (4)-M717 ENDLESS BELT STREET CAR advertis ing rack displays your advertisement In any part of the car every five minutes; by the present system the merchant who has his advertising card back of where you sit In the car pays to reach you but doesn't; twice as much advertising space to sell, thus doubling the earning capacity of each car and gives twice the benefits to the advertiser; Invention fully pro tected; want managers of the right sort In every city having street cars; right man can earn $5,000 or more a year. If you want to know more about It or want to see a working model, address k -. nee. (4) M795 17 NEED MONEY QUICK. Will sncrlfloe limited number of Tying Island lots, 26x100 ft.. $5 each. Title guar anteed by Title Guarantee and Trust Co. of New York.. Realty Co., Mechanics Rank Bldg., Brooklyn. N. x . (D-MjHS 16x TO BUY or sell any business or real es tate, call on or write E, G. Ganeestaa, 403 Bee Bldg. (4)-808 FOR RENT Nicely furnished restaurant in good location. 2603 N St., So. Omaha. (4 801 13 WANTED Expert machinist operator to take half Interest In good paying linotype plant In Omaha. Address Linotype, care of Bee, or 'Phone Douglas 733. (4)-9e IS ONLY commercial hotel in town of 1,000. Doing good business, small capital re quired. Adress Y 86, care Bee. (4)-Mt70 1EX IF YOU have a rooming bouse, restaurant or anv kind or a nuslness to sell, list it with Gnngestad, 403 Bee Bldg. He will find a buyer. (4) 110 14 IF YOU want to make money buy this 10- room rooming house, 60 regular boarders; p-ice. $roo: It's a bargain. See Gaugstad, 403 Bee Bldg. (4)-lll 14 30-ROOM rooming house for $1,260 if sold at once. See Gangestad, 403 Bee Bldg. (4J 113 14 Financial. ABBOTT & BEVARD Stock Brokers & Investments 204 Neville Block, We offer, subject to prior sale- Alma, Idaho t .10 Fast Snowstorm 14 Sheba (Asets. paid) 34 Kansas Co-Op. Refln Wellington (Parker) 14 Mansfield M. ft S 12V, Greet Western O. R. ft P. L... .11V Tacoma 14 Manhattan-Nevada 12V4 Nevada Hills. Annex S) Altoona. Portland Cement $1.00 Union Portland Cement 1.00 We will buy, subject to prior purchase Penn-Wyoming. Goldfleld Coming Nation, little Florence. Hubbard-Elliott. Want bid on Clipper (8. F.). Chicago & New York Air line. Tecos Valley Standard OIL Uncle Sam Standard OIL G. F. Swift Packing Co. Juniper Coal Co. NOTK Next Sunday we offer an excep- .1 I . . t . .. l'.nV nm .1 UVliai ll vinjaii,uit, . ivi wu, aw. ABBOTT & BEVARD BUbIbs Stocks. 200 SHARES Old Union mining stock, only 20 cents a share. S. Hawver, 1614 Emmet St. (4) 1 14 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertlslas; gappllee. TJiVM'F.'RrRFK: we have th lrgt line IkHi.M n.l Him. ,f calendars, both DO. ME8TIC snd IMPORTED, ever submitted te the advertising trade. Before placing your ordr, we Invite your Inspection at our exhibition room, 1218 Harney St., where also can be found Advertising Supplies and Novelties of every dlaciip- ttuu that will bring results. FONDA BROS. 4k CO. (5J-M324 ml Bar Iroa aad Steel. PENNSYLVANIA Iron and Steel Co., Omaha. Retail bar Iron and steel at wholesale price. Prompt delivery. Writ for quotations. (6) 321 A24 Carpet Cleaalag;. CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. Mak. ing over and relevlng carpets. Also rug weaving. 16th and Leav. Tel. Doug. 860. (61-M961 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 131$ Farnam. (6) 4,3 SEND your carpets to N. A. Chrtstenaon Jk Son, 2221 N. 2ulh St. - 'Phone Web. IO. (&J-109 Cklrepedlat. DR. ROY, R. t 1608 Farnam St Doug. 497. (6 44 Civil Eaarlaeers. L. Q. Hicks, surveying. 439 B. Trade, Omaha (6-10 Ml M EATHRON JAMIESON, 306 N. Y. U C6) 340 Ceatravters. AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor, 624) South 30th. Telephone Douglas li-4. (6-M77d A30 Creasaerles. DAV to ID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor Boa tries Creamery Co., Omaha. 1 ;-M17 BUSINESS DIRECTORY MJontlnued.l Dratlats. BAILEY MAC1L 3d fl Paxton. D. 1N6. (51-6.9 KOTERA CO, Doug. 2007. Ia05 Jackson. Phone t5 11134 Florists. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5)-4M L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farn. Tel. D. 1TA (5) 4S J. II. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. SOflO. to 4oJ Fan. FURS cleaned, stored and repaired. G. E. Bhukert, 313-316 S. loth., practical furrier. CO Ml-W Mo Farnacee. W. 8. HEATON, basement. IS01; Farnam St.; American nero ana v tse rurnsces; also tinwoik; pleased to figure ytiur wo k. (6) 923 A23 Grrnias Consulate. OTTO SIEMRSEN. correspondent notary PUDIIC, -l iN. I, la 131UB. I'M. u DM. - (5) 814 Mil Silver Plating. Omaha Plating Co., 1220 Harney. Doug. 2536. () M212 M4 Incorporators. MER. Incorporating Co., 428 N. Y. L. (6) M9i Jewelers and Watchmnkera. N P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, x at 3 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. :m. (6) 110 Law aad Collections, Com'I Adjusting Ass'n., 922 N. Y. L. Bldg, (al 20 Mi Massage, A. OOODSON, masseur, treats stiff Joints, rneumatism. nervousness. co. wnre ink. Tel. Doug. 64. (5) M16S M5 Photographers. C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 So. 16th St. (5)-6S7 Karserles, SHADE trees, shrubs and fruit trees. F. R, Martin, 18th and Douglas. Tel. l. 7;;ra. 5.i-i24 A28 LARGEST and finest assortment of trees and shrubs in the city. Crescent Nur sery. Sales ground, 21st and Farnam. 'Phone Webster 8367. (6j Maw M7 SHRT'BBERY, fmlt and shada trees. 21at and Farnam. Phono Webster 3:iii7. (5J M791 18 Oatenpnthy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1B4. lb) 487 Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (i)) MYH AU DRS. RJNGLER, 305 Neville. Tel. Red 6467 lb) Mjsw PrtntlnK. BWAN'SON PRINTING CO.. high grade printing at LOWEST PRICES. 110 S. 17th St. Tel. Doug. 3U59. (G)-242 A12 JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 6350, l 4i BEFORE placing your 19C8 calendar order, don't fall to see our elegant imported line. Lyngstad ft Jorve, Printers, 11th and Capitol ave. (6 4S8. THE ACORN PRESS Printers of Gaulity. We make those imitation typewritten let ters that look like the original. Price right. Tel. Doug. 991. 1218 Harney. (0) CSoMuy 9 BWANSON PRINTING CO., high grade printing at lowest prices. 110 8. 17th St. Tel. Doug. 3063. (6) MS39 Myl2 Plumbing aad 11 eat In a". LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty, lit N. 16th St Tel. Douglas 1477. (6)-M 153 A27 T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electrlo fixtures. IMl Howard. Tel. Doug. 743. (6) Mlui JullO Stove Storage. RTflVTfi BTORED Hughes, Stove Rep. OA W V Workll- Tel Doug. 7155. v (& M.ti; a: STOVES stored. A. J. Hayne, hardware, paints and oils, 24th and Lake. Doug. 3516. l5) M953 A30 crap Iron and Metal. WE pay highest prices for metals, scrap iron and bones. Returns promptly made. A. B. Alpirn, Omaha. (fci OA am EDUCATIONAL Spring Term Now Open STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY. BOYLES COLLEGE BOOKKHEPJNO, SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING, TliiafcXJltAPHV, ENGLISH. EUOOU'ilON. DAY AND NIGHT. Catalogue Free. Address 1L B. BOYLLA Pres., Omaha, Neb. -M179 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAM BUDDILY THE LEADING PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT OF OMAHA Parlors at lit South ICth St. upstairs. Engagements made by 'phone Doug. 4C96. KNOW THY FUTURE Marvelous predictions are given of the Future and how to proceed in business to be successful and prosperous. How to aveld danger and difficulties; also how to cast off evil influences and be your own master of the situation, and how to rule others. You can acquire this knowledge By Consulting in Time MADAM BUDDHA Who reveals all the facts of your past and present In particular to your entire satis faction, and until you are convinced that you are being benefited by her knowledge of the existing circumstances In which you are surrounded, and then accordingly leaila you out of your turmoil so that you may achieve success and fortune. Don't B Worried or Dejected An Early Consultation With MADAM BUDDHA May avert not oniy trouble, but grief. Parlors at 113 South luth Sr., upotairs. CALL TODAY TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATH. (C)-138 14 MMES. Bean snd Msyo. Eplrttusl medium, rimiices Tuday and Friday evening. Readings daily. If-i N. loth St. Tel. Had CLAIRVOYANTS (Continued.) A MAN OF STRANGE POWERS. ARMONDE LEVEAUX Powerful Clairvoyant Permanently Located Cor. ISth and Capitol Ave. (The Elms) SPECIAL THIS WEEK: Complete l.lfe Heading $100 $1.00 $1.00 3L00. Strange Powers. Never before In the history of Omaha have yeu had an opportunity to consult a mun who could equal Prof. Leveauxa knowledge of occult forces. Ills powers are almost beyond belief. You will be aston ished, mystified, dumbfounded and amused, at the remarkable things and secrets he tells concerning yourself and those you axe Interested In. His descriptions of your friends and enemies are as real as though they were rlnht In front of you; he even mentions their names In full, aa well aa your uwa. YOU MAY WANT TO KNOW How can I have good luck? How can I succeed In business! How can I make my home happy? How can I conquer my enemies? How can I marry the one I cuooseT How can I marry well? How soon will I marry? How can I conquer my rlvslt How can I make anyone love meT How soon will tny lover proposeT How can I got a letter? How can I get a good position? How can I remove bad Influences? How can I control anyone? Hew make dixtant ones think of me? How can I spttle my quarrel? How csn I hold my husband's love? How can I keop my wife's love? TELLS WHEN AND WHOM TO MARRY. Positively mentioning your sweetheart's full name or forfeit $.i00. SUCCESS IN IJF& If your life has been full of "ups and downs," If everything seemed to have gone wrontr, do not despair, as you can learn the true road to success and happiness, for both await you If you will only know how when and whore to find them, which will lie revealed to you. Prof. Leveaux alsu tells you how to obtain your object In life or your heart's desire. Ho tells you everything, GOOD or BAD. You hear the truth and nothing but the truth. (Everything confidential.) MAID IN ATTENDANCE. Office hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday included. ARMONDE LEVEAUX PERMANENTLY LOCATED 202 N. 18THTIIE ELMS NOTE No letters answered and post, tlvely no readings by mall. (6)-092 14x HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and galesladle. WANTED Experienced salesladies for clouk and suit department 0. Frederick Beiger & Co., 1617 Farnam St. C7 M241 LADY agents; hlKh grade flavoring ex tracts and toilet articles; city and country; exclusive territory. Address Diamond, 630 N. 24th, South Omnha. (7) MU8 30x Clerical and Office. WANTED Young lady for office workl iiiuai ue quicK ana accurate at figuring; no bookkeeping experience neceasary. Apply in own handwriting and state sal ary expectej; references required. Ad diess U8, care Bee. (7) 811 GOOD girl for general office work. Must be quick and occurate, one familiar with Burroughs' adding marchlne preferred. State experience and salary expected. Address K 12ii, care Bee. (7) 872 14x LADY bookkeeper for grocery store; must novn eioi icuue. Appiy at su jeaverv worth St (7) 176 14 Factory and Trades. GIRLS WANTED-wBurgesa Shirt Company, 2024 Farnam St. C7 M333 WANTED Machine girls. City Steam Laundry, 211 S. 11th St 7 420 GIRLS WANTED. For factory work; good wages; steady work. Bemis Omaha Bag Co., 11th St viaduct. (7) M4iil A27 WANTED-At once 6 or 8 girls for light, desirable factory work, at 1114 Jackson St (7) Mutti 17 WOMAN cook for lunch room. Must be experienced and steady. Furnish room. 18 3. luth. (7) 741 16 WA NTE1 ) 60 GIRLS TO MAKE SHIRTS AND OVERALL; S'lTAu? EMPIjOY MENT AT (HKD PAY. APPLY IMME DIATELY TO BYRNE & HAMMER D. G. CO., FACTORY. ST1I AND HOWARD 8TS. (7)-fr78 14 WANTED First class tailoresea and skirt in.ihers; toou watces; steady poi-ltlon to right party. Apply at once, EW7 Farnam. (7 ALlta 16 Housekeeping and Domestics. WANTED-A cook at 191e South 2d Ave, Telephone Harnsy 3221. (7) MI26 GOOD girl for general housework; goo4 wiges. 1612 Grace St. (7) 13 WANTED A good girl or woman for gen eral housework, tliree In family; wages Jtf. Apply 7u2 N. 40th. (7) 7 14 WANTED Girl for general housework good people to work for; good home for good girl. 2J11 Pierce. Tel. D 61'rt. (7)-M320 lx WANTKD Girl for general housework. Musi be good cook. 3417 Fierce (7)-ff 14 GIRL for general housework; family of four. Mrs. A. G. Klllck. 3411 Dewev Ave. (7)-013 16 WANTED Girl for general housework. 4441 Dodse, Mrs. C. G. Trimble. (7) &01 li WA NTED Bright girl to learn second conking and advance to first. Must like cooking. Ticket furnished. Perkins Ho tel, David City, Nub. (7 fc3 20x WANTEI-Girl for jri neral housework; no waslilng. Mrs. R. W. Breckernldiro, 1310 S. 3otli Ave. (7)-M163 16 WANTED Nurse girl for two children. Call 2uli Chlcugo St. (7) 149 16X, WANTED A good girl for general house work, two In family. Inquire 1125 S. 324, (V-M143 le WANTKD At once, experienced girl fn sncond work; must have references. Mrs. J. E. Diiuin, X45 Harney Ht. (7)-MlC7 16 Miscellaneous. WE HAVE positions now open for on competent stenographer, one bookkeeper and 0110 bill clerk. It takes an average cf thiee clays fr us to look up your r forenct-s and placo them on file. Ttmre for we invite your putromixo at as early a date as piwaiMe. We will be Jad to furnish all applicants with the iuuiihs of t!:e fople llutt we have already placed In high grade, good puylntc positions and they ran Judge for themaulves as to our rv'lHliillty. KEYSTONE PT'RETY AND RFF. AGT. Suite 4 Dee Bldg. Tel. Iug. ai. Oi'i u 3 a. m. to 6 pm. dally aad Monday and Saturday evenings 8 to y 30 (7-4H 14 WANTED 23 experienced girls to work on rnais and skirls in alteration room; good w.iKes. P. FieJiikk licrger aV Co., 1J1I Faioain SU (7 Ms