Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1907, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 6, Image 22

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    f Its the splendid values we offer deliver that makes this store popular
n BY
I'M f - II 13 i5
Grand Embrodery Safe
We luive Jii t received a tog shipment of mill ends of Edges, Insertings,
Flouncing: and Corset Cover Embroideries, In five tn six yard lengths
and worth from Kic to 3fr yard; the entire lot will go on pale Monday
mornlnc the greatest nnup of the season, at 740 up to 170
Allover Kmbrelderles, Monday 0
l'7-lnch Skirt Klnuncings. Monday o
11.10 Corset Cover Kmhroidertes. Montis? 49o
Not a Disappointment in Store for You
If you've spring clothes to buy, are particular about
style and care for price, we've the garments that will suit,
in quality, in style, in price. All we ask is an opportunity
to show you our spring lines. We're confident of the result.
It will mean a purchase and a constant customer.
It's seldom we handle job lots. "When we do, there's no
doubt of them bein splendid bargains. Our rejrular stock
is sold at the lowest ossible prices consistent with honest
merchandising, and it's up to you to say whether you want
an impossible price on pood goods or a guaranteed garment.
on '11 find the essence of perfection, tailoring, style and
general satisfying quality. You're assured of all wool fab
ics, too, and the price is right.
Suits $12.50, $15, $16.50, $18 up to $32.50.
Top Coats $10, $12.50, $15, $16.50 up to $20.00.
Rain Coats $10, $12.50, $15, $16 up to $25.
If you know the difference between one and two, you'll
easily recognize the superiority of Harden clothing at the
Youths' Long Pants Suits
Copyright 1907 by
Hart ScharFner ij Marx
The very essence of good style, in almost unlimited assort
ment of materials and patterns, ranging in price from $15
down to $5.00
Children's Knee Pants Suits All the latest styles, in the
newest shades of gray and all popular colors, at $7.50 down
to $1.95
Sample Hats and Caps In all sizes and styles, worth to $3,
at 93c, 75c, (!5c, 45c and 19
Velvet Ribbons
AVe can positively save you a splen
did per cent on the purchase price of
these goods. The great demand has
forced up prices, but in buying for our
wholesale department we were com
pelled to place our orders early and
saved the advance. All numbers, 1
to 40.
40 Discount Dress
Goods Sale
Our stock is heavier than it has been
for years at this time, and in order to
reduce it quickly we will make the fol
lowing prices:
Itlark Ores (itxxls Prlestly's Broadcloths,
Lupin's Voiles and Fancies. Iwan Slmonis'
Belgian Broadcloths, Frederick Arnold's
Black Goods, Sir Titus Salt's Black Goods,
Sir Edward Ripley's Black Goods, Monday
40 off the regular price.
All Fancies, including English, French,
German and Austrian Novelties, about
5,000 pieces In all, will go at 40 discount.
All Evening Shades except Lansdowne will
go at 40 discount.
Xcw Arrivals All the new Leather Shades In
Broadcloths and Voiles, Just In, all the popu
lar priced Leather Shades on sale now. This
line no reduction.
pTJ". Wool Dress Goods
Spring Novelties, regular 59c goods, on sale
at. yard . . v S9
All Wool Spring Novelties, 36, 38 and 40
inches wide, In this sale at, yard 25
Henrietta, all colors, regular 35c goods, on
sale at, yard 19
A large number of remnants, the ends of vari
ous pieces of our High Grade Goods, will be
on sale for a trifle of their value.
Popular Priced Wash Goods
Our Popular Wash Goods Department is the largest in this western coun
try. Prices are far below those quoted elsewhere.
8c Unbleached Muslin, ex. wide, at..(H
Speca 10c Lace Sate
35o X.aca on Sal Monday, 100 Thousands of yard of Oriental.
Torchon and Nottingham Wash Lncos, worth from 20e to SRc per
yard on sale Monthly at, yard 10
15o Pure Linen Handkerchief. 7l0 The finest duality 1.500 count
pure linen handkerchiefs, regular price lUSe and 15c; special Mon
day at, -ach
Monday, the Second Day of Our
Manufacturer's Stock Sale
Women's Ready-to-Wear Gowns, Suits,
Waists, Wraps, and Skirts
Never before has such unlimited variety in
style and material been shown; never before
have such delightful bargains been offered. Sev
eral new lots received Saturday by express will
be shown for the first time Monday.
70 Klegant Costumes from the Fashion Mfg. Co., Green
St., N. Y. No two alike $00 to $75 values
Choice 835
BO Sample Tailor Suits, $40 and $45 values, perfect
beauties In this sale at, choice $23
2()0 Handsome Tailor Suits worth to $30, very newest
designs in Eton. I'ony and Jacket style, choice $19.90
A Splendid Line of Manufacturers' Stock of Covert Coat..
Over 200 garments in the lot, regular $12.50 values
Sale price $7.50
Manufacturers' Stock of Women's Skirts Tremendous assortment of
styles, materials and colors fine Tanamns, voiles, taffetas, etc., worth
up to $20 on sale in 3 lots at $5 $7.50 $10
Sample Waists Surprising variety of Btyles, colors and fabrics and greatly
underprlced for Monday's sale at 98 t0 $15
Children's $2 Wash Presses 98
$2 Heatherbloom I'nderskirts 98
Children's Spring Coats, $3 values $1.50
Women's $1.30 Tort-ale Wrappers 98
From 8 till 0 a. ni. Women's 50c Kimonos ,-l5
M. I
From 8:;t0 till 0:80 A.
Children's 50c Gingham 1
Dresses 19
From I) till 10 A. M.
Women's $1 Satin Under
skirts . . . 49
From ::t0 till 11
$1.25 Long Kimonos at
A. M.
15c Wash Goods at. yard
12Vfcc Wash Goods at, yard
10c Wash Goods at, yard f
Standard Prints, the best, at, yard 5
Best 12 ',4c Kilkollne at, yard 7?
Best 7 Vic Persian Challles at, yard 5
Remnants of 36 and 32-lnch Percales, both
dark and light colors, at, yard 5
25c and 39c White Goods, remnants of 5 to
15 yards, Mercerized. Dotted Swiss, Nain
sooks, India Linons and other goods, at, a
yard 7W
11 ',4c Bleached Muslin at, yard 8i
lOVfcc. Bleached Muslin at, yard 7ia
Extra heavy Brown Muslin, regular 7V4c
goods, at, yard 5V
Genuine Irish Linen, sells at 76c, 98c and
$1.25, at, yard 59
Mercerized Damask, looks like finest linen,
regular 59c goods, at, per yard 33
35c Turkey Red Damask, 60 Inches wide, at,
yard 19
Towels that sell for 15c each, at, each.
Towels that sell at 10c each, at, each. . . .5
36-inch Bunting in all colors that sold at 6 VzO
a yard, at, yard x
Ladies' Underwear Specials for Monday's sale
Handsome Gowns and Skirts, daintily trimmed and worth up to $2.50, Mon
day in two lots, at 98 and $1.50
Ladies' Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, Chemise, worth up to $1.00, in
this sale 45
Ladies' Knit Vests, worth up to 50e, long or short sleeves, high neck snap at
sale price 25
Draperies and Lace Curtains
Kxaniinc our Mock Monday the best selected, the most popular
priced and greatest variety in Omaha.
Cluny Curtulnn, S yards lonu,
4 Inches wldo. made with 3-ineh
hem .and beautiful liicn edge, real
bargulii.i nt, i.T pair 93.50
Saxony ltriissels Lace Curtains, a
fine array 'if patteriiB, all full
leuKth and width, worked oa v ry
Miperior net, exclusive dentin, at,
per pair, t:T. $17.50, 915 and. 910.00
Novelty Curtains, suitable for li
brary, dining room, parlor or hall,
at 112.00, 9 i 0. $S.'.)S and 97.50
Huffled Net Curtains, with lace
edpte and Insertion, at, pair, 9 S. tih.
$2.8. $1."S anil 91.35
Wo have exclunlvo salo of Zlon City Curtains, white and Arabian,
In cable net. Harnett Net and Not
tlnKham weaves, at 15.88 down
to 880
Irish Point Curtains, in white, red or
trreen applique, St. (Jail net, at, tier
pair, from $v50 down to 93-50
Cherry Hros. Drapery Silk, In n"W
designs, also plain colors, for
shadow rurtalns, at, yard, 8Sc, 8 So.
"lie and 49o
Imported Madras, In all the new ef
fects, at, yard, 12.50 down to $1.1:5.
Sc. 75c, 49c und 390
Bamboo, Rice. Hope ajid Tpetry
t'ortieres at, per pair, $10 down to
$2.50 and 91.90
High Grade Linen Department
mt imii ii iimiii m rirurniTirri i i n wwicwjwiawiH mmmtmmMm tnWftMfiHMiw w
Without doubt the finest Linen Department In Omaha Finest
German and Irish Linens to be found anywhere are now in this stock.
Best Belfuat Linen. 72 inches
wide, satin finished and reversi
ble, ut. ard $1.00
The best Ut-nnuu Satin Uainask
made, 7 2 inches wide, at,
yard $2.50
Linens, both Irish and German, at,
75 $1.00 S1.50 $2.00
id $2.50.
50 Tj cheaner than any place
else in this town.
We carry the fliust Table Cloths
for round or square tables to be
found In this city. Prices from,
a sot $1.50 to $50
Novelty Drawn Work, C 1 u u y
ljuce, hand embroidered, etc., in
both Cloths, Scarfs and Tidies,
prices much below the prevailing
prices asked in any other store.
yi'lLTS The Finest English,
Marseilles, French Satin Mercer
ized, Domestic Marseilles and
fine crochet work prices range
from, each. .$1.00 to $15.00
Sheetings and Muslins way below
the prices asked by other stores.
Greatest Hat Bargains Ever Known
On Sale Monday Main Floor South Room
An immense surplus stoi'le and several
sample lines of Men's and Boys' Hats
and Caps, all sizes, styles and colors,
will bo sold at most wonderful bargain
ltcgular Values up to $3.50, divided Into
4 lots at. . .10-45"65 nl 98
Lot 1 Men's Hats, either soft or stiff
felts, good styles, all colors and sizes.
In Monday '8 sale at, choice. . . ... - OS
Lot 2 Men's Soft Felt Hate in great
variety of shapes and colors, worth up
to $2.50, Monday at 60J
Lot 3 Men's and Hoys' Hats worth to
$1.50, good styles, all sizes, choice
Monday 45
Lot 4 From 9 until 10 a. m. Men's
Hoys' and Children's Hats and Caps,
mostly traveling men's samples, slight
ly coiled or mussed, but worth reg
ularly up to $2 for this hour to close at, choice 10
Our Shirt Sale Saturday was a tremendous success, but so great was the
stock that we were only able to show a portion of It. The balance of the
purchase will be placed on sale Monday. All new, cleaa stock, worth-to
$2 a garment, all styles, all sizes, 14 to 17, choice 45
High Grade Wash Goods
Our High Grade Wash Goods De
partment opened this season with
everything new and up-to-date; the
finest English, French and German
novelties that are made, Domestic or
Printed Fahrics and Silk Tissue.
Prices, 59c, 49c, 39c, 25c, 15c and 12Vc.
Dress Ginghams at, yard, 10c
and 1214c.
All woven fahrics, including Win.
Anderson's Gingham, Manchester
Tissue, French Voiles, St. Call Em
broidered Voiles, etc. Prices, 15c to
$1.98 a yard.
Batiste, Organdies, Dimities and
other printed goods, at, yard, 10c,
12 c and 15c.
Splendid Silk Bargains Monday
Big Grocery Sale Monday
Don't forget the big Flour Sale as advertised for tomorrow, Monday. He
member what we told you that wheat has advanced and Flour is bound to go
from 10 to 15 cents per sack higher. Hut we are going to give our customers
the benefit of our purchase of five carloads before the advance, and as we ad
vertised we will sell It for tills sale only, for a 4S-lb. sack $1.00
This Flour Is made from the finest Hod Turkey Hard Winter Wheat.
Every sack guaranteed.
22 lbs. best Pure Cane Granulated
Sugar 91.00
12 bars beat Iaundry Soap 2ic
10 lbs. bent Hand Picked Navy Beans. 26c
10 lba. beat Breakfast Holled Oatmeal. 25c
10-lb. sacks beat White or Yellow Corn
meal 10c
Watch the papers for the big annual
Hose Hush and Vine Hale.
Kxtra Fancy Dairy Huttnr, lb 23c
Kxtra Taney Creamery Hutter, lb....;. 27c
Strictly No. 1 New Laid Errs, dozen.. 15c
Kancy Full I'ream t'heeae, lb 15c
Fancy Domestic hawing Cheese, lb 19c
Fancy Brick or Llmburgrr Cheese, lb..lHc
Neufehatel Cheese, each 3c
fcSap Sago Cheese, each 7c
Fancy Kuril. ih Coffee., a fine drink, lb.. 15c
Fancy Marlcalbo Blend Coffee, special, per
pound Iltio
Fancy Porto Kico Blend Coffee, nothing
The best Tea SlftlnRS. lb 2Ho
Fancy t'ncolored Japan or Sun Dried
Japan Tea, lb 25o
Fancy Oolong, Gunpowder, Kngllwh
Breakfast or Cevlon Tea, lb 3i l-3o
112-Blze HlRhland Navel Oranges, doz..30c
Quart boxea Fancy Kipo Straw berries . 1 oc
Lurge, Juicy lemons, dozen 10c
12-oz. pkg. New California Flira 5c
6-oz. pkH. New California Figs 2'0
Fresh Peas, quart 5c
Fresh Klpe Tomatoes, lb 12 He
Fresh Onions. 6 bundles for 5c
2 heads Freah Leaf Lettuce Oo
2 bunches Banishes 60
Pie Plant, lb 3,c
. . . fc
. . .5c
bunches Fresh Parsley.
bundles Fresh Carrots
Fresh Spinach, Beeta. Turnips.
Beans. String Beans, Pineapples,
finer for family use, lb 20c etc.. dally. We sell you cheaper than
Ankola Blend, very rich drink, lb 23c any other store or commission house In
U. U. Mocha ujid Java, has no equal, lb.!5c I town
1HI.00 SILKS AT 39c.
Thousands of yards of remnants from our
own high grade Silks, Taffetas, Poplins,
Peau de Cygnes, Messallnes, etc, in all
colors, up to 20-yd. lengths, regular 69c to
1 values, to close at, yd 39
One tireat Lot of Main and Fancy Silk, in
cluding the new checks, 27 In. wide, Louls
Ines and Taffetas, In brown and white, blue
and white nnd black and white, very special
values Monday at, yd 85
iA Big Sale in our
Laundry Department
14.00 Western Washing Machines, No. 3,
special price J3.a
J6.00 Boats-All Washers, rotary motion,
only $4.60
$6.60 O. K. Wash Machine, Monday onlv.
at H.99
V are sole Agents for the famous One
Minute Washer, the best machine on
ea(th. each 9.9u
Large Clothes Baskets, each, only...
Iargu 2-ft. Clothes Hampers, only. .11.
Large Woven Wire Waste Baskets. .36c
Daisy Wringers, on sale for JI.'jo
No. 300 Novelty Wringers, only
3ur to 50c Wash Boards, brass, glass,
zinc and blue enamel, any kind, for
Monday only 26o
Bosom Boards, worth 25c, onlv 16c
Large 4Vfc ft. Ironing Boards with stand,
The best Mop Handle made, 16o quality,
at 5c
Sauce Pans, Frying Pans, Cake Pans,
Large Dust Pan. one day only 13e
Drinking Cups, long handle spoons, etc., 5c
Mrs. BiKjrman's Sink Strains, each... Ui;
Bteel Garden Rakes, while they last 12Sc
Bleel Garden Hoes, while they lust liic
C pieces of our famous blue edRe Taffeta, 3C
In. wide, nothing surpassing this silk shown
In Omaha at $1.50 ou sale at $1
$1.25 Illack Swiss Taffeta, 36 In. wide, soft
glove finish, for waists and jumper suits,
at S9
$1 Black Taffeta, 27 In. wide, heavy, rustling
silk for drop skirts Special salo price
Monday C9
Fancy White Goods Section
The finest line of fancy white goods, Fancy Swisses,
St. Gall and English Embroidered Swisses, etc.
India Linons, Imported and domes
tic, at, a yard 85c, 69c, 50c, 39c,
25c, 19c, 15c and 12Hc
Persian Lawns 4 5 In. wide, at, a
yard, 69c, 45c, 39c, 26c and 10c
French Lawns, 45 In. wide, at, a
yard, 4 5c, 69c, 75c up to. ..$1.50
Wash Chiffon, 45 in. wide, at, a
yard 50c, 75c, 85c and. . . .$1.00
Embroidered Wash Chiffon. In
colors and white, regular 1 1.50
quality, at, a yard OHc
Domestls Swisses, 2 7 In. wide, at
a yard, 25c, 19e. 15c and 12,c
English Nainsook at, a yard, 19c,
15c and 12 He
St. Gall embroidered Swisses, 32
in. wide, in all the new designs,
at, a yard, 50c, 75c, 9Sc, $1.50
Old Glory Long Cloth 3b' in. wide,
at, a yard, 26c, l!r, 15c 12c
and lOc
Countess Nainsook, 3 0 In. wide,
regular 3 5c quality, at, a yd. 25c
Dress Linen, 3G In. wide, at, a
yard, 75c, 59c, 39c and. . . .JJ5
Butcher Linen, 36 In. wide, at, a
yard, 39c, 25c and 19
Art Linen, 36 in. wide, at, a yard,
59c, 50c and 39
Dress Linen, 2 yds. wide, at, a
yard, $1.25 and 98
China Dinner Sets
At About Half
Regular Price
100-piece Haviland China Dinner Sets, $35 to $40 values
elsewhere, Ransom shape, Norma pattern 4 -r rr
on special sale Monday at .DJJ
Chas. Field Haviland Dinner Set, better known as G. D. A., 100-piece,
$35 value elsewhere the best bargain ever offered at, set. .S17 50
Japanese Cups and Saucers all our fine ware that sold at 3."c to 75c
Monday at 19
Huntington China Cuspidors, tinted and decorated, regular $1 values
on sale Monday " lf)
Wine tilaases in a dozen different shapes at, each ............ . .
Curious and Romantic Capers of Cupid
Married I niler Wrong; Name.
f ' .HAK1.ES F. CFIJ.EM, who Is
I 1 jongue-tled. und his bride of 4e.
I V J who Is now on her third matri
monial tour, were inure than
mildly perturbed when they
Untied Into the oHtre of Mcllinry Ac Julie,
relates the lies Moines Capital.
"My wife, Hhuth fund we wathn't prop
erly married,"' llfp.d Cjlh in.
"Yes, I don't know whether we ate mar
ried or not,'' spoke up Mrs. Culleni, ex
citedly. "Wt II. well: what the matter here?'1
inquired Mr. M Henry.
' Well, you thee." began Culleni. but his
wife stopped hint.
" me tell It. Cl.arles." she said, and
he began: "The lattl litre I was divorced
from my former hunb:.tul. John Porter, I
thought I wanted my maiden name, which
was Sarah HolllngHKorth." said the wife.
"Then last 1 "ecembe: , w hen I married
Charlie, t forgot that 1 had had my name
changed, so 1 gut inurvltd under the name
of Porter. Now I tlnd that my name
wasn't Porter when, 1 married him, but
Mr. McIIenry saw at onee the gravity of
the situation. He wrote out a inuthm for
decree of nunc pio I im' and presented
It to Judge MrHnr'. asking that the di
vorce decree be uJ'ered so that it did not
five Mrs. Culleni her maiden name of Hol
pnfsworlh, but kept It l'oiter. Judge Mc
IIenry sustained the motion and the divorce
decree was chunked so that Mrs. Porter
retained that name ufter her separation.
Thus the marriage license now stands as
The I'orters were man and wife Just one
day. Then they decided to separate. There
was no grounds for divorce und Attorney
Mcilvnry advised I'orter to Hlap his wife,
thereby giving her reason for bringing the
action. Porter gave the woman a resound
ing slap on the face, she had the petition
drawn up alleging cruelty and the decree
waa tiigned.
Brides of Tcbnkrhla.
The male brides are the pride and wonder
of a far Asian people called the Tchukchls.
When the new woman receives a "call"
here she become a female suffragist.
When a new man there rejulces In the like
di.itiiR'tion, he becomes a bride. He re
nounces the garments of his sex and as
sumes the raiment proper to his new con
dition. He lets his I. air grow and cul
tivates the gentle arts of housewifery.
Soon he takes a latly for husband. Bhe
assumes the attire for whlih he has no
further use and goes out to hew wood and
draw water, while he stuys at homo and
dors the coi.klng and mending Thus It is
n u common to see a handsome, strapping
bride, fully whiskered and inustached,
fhyly s'.itthiiig reindeer skins, while the
female husband, a sturdy wonuin, severe!
male In attire, does the navvylng out in
the world.
Faster Ilrlde'a Wedding; Medal.
Kaster brides may take notice of a charm
ing fashion from 1'arla which tuts, unlike
Home from that quarter, serute and aent.
mont behind It. A firm of jewelers has
buught the right to Issue a wedding medal
designed by K. J. Rolne of New York and
Paris, which Is struck In Paris at the
Monnaie, and Is In great demand at wed
dings. The daughter of a prominent pub
lisher Is the first on this side of the water
to have examples of this medal at her
The obverse shows a man and woman
seated tide by side in chaste auil graceful
attitudes, the man about to a ring
un the hand of the woman aa he saiatex
her on the bruw. Cndemeaih the only In
scription ut "Semper," alluding to the vow
of faithfulness one to the other. The re
verse has a prwtty dcroratiori of orange
tlowers, but nvofct of the medal Is left free
for the names and dale to be ergraved.
These tned&te can be had In gold, silver or
bronse. MedaJa are so e&slly transported,
take up little space, and when craftily
designed are such exquisite Utile works of
art that it la no wonder the Italians of
the KenaJaaance doted on them, nor that
of late yeaxs the love ot them lias been re
vived. In laris there are baptism and funeral
as well as marriage med tls to be had,
modeled by dlsinguislied masters. Mounted
firmly on uprights rising from a heavy
solid base they make attractive and useful
bibelots for the writing deuk. Kaldenberg,
the expert In Ivory, Is a specialist for this
urtistlc mounting of medals, using Ivory
or deer horn for the stands, or other ma
terials when the medal is to be treuted like
a bus relief and hung on a wall.
Strange Marriage Procedure,
With one foot and half of the body of
each of the contracting parties In New
Y'otk, and the other halves of their per
sons across the line In Vermont, Joseph
Chalmers and Emily Norton managed to
get married, March 2. by responding to
the questions of two ministers from the
corners of their mouths In the state con
taining the pastor having Juriadlctl jn there.
They intended to wed while one was on
each side of the state line, but the min
ister first approached said he had no Juris
diction In Vermont, and the same law ap
plied to that side of the border line.
Cupid oa si fr Ire F.uglne.
It was a tire, a bad fire, that broimht ro
mance Into the lives' of Officer John J.
Murphy of the Jersey City police depart
ment and Miss Annie Mulligan, chief oper
ator of the New York and New Jerney
Telephone company.
The fire murted In the Jersey City tene
ment districts and threatened appalling
things. Murphy, who was acting as tele
phone operator at the police headquarters,
paw the need of prompt action. He began
railing "Central.'' He wanted ambulances.
nurses and doctors rushed to the scene.
The pretty girl at the telephone "board"
seemed to understand without being told.
"I'll get them for you," she kept saying.
Tills doctor and that she summoned; nurses
from widely scattered addresses, ambu
lances from various hospitals.
Well, between Murphy s.nd the telephone
gill a record was made In Jersey City at
that fire. Lives were saved by their quick
work. And after the fire was over Officer
Murphy could not forget that confident,
assuring, sympathetic voice. "I ll get them
for you." He could hear It In his dreams.
Already he loved the girl who was s
tender and yet so capable In a great ciiais.
He found out who she was and managed
to meet her. Or perhaps It is more truth
ful to say that Cupid managed It for hlni.
They met. and their fate was settled, as
Indeed It had been from the day of the lire.
The beautiful Irish girl has given up her
place with the telephone company. Miss
Mulligan now is Mrs. John J. Murphy, and
she looks after the comforts of her big
C'opld Delays the Malls.
A mall carrier on the rural route w.-i' of
Midland, 8. I)., has written to the post
office detriment to know whether a piet'y
young woman who happens to be a iHt
mistress has the right to delay the Cnlted
States malls while she does up her b.tck
hair and exchanges pleasantries with ad
mirers. The carrier tells a harrowing tile.
At olney a pretty young woman, daugh
ter of F. E. Olney, is the rostmlstress, the
office being In her father's general store.
The carrier claims that his schedule gives
him but seven minutes to wait at the Olney
postoftlce, but that recently when he ar
rived at the pbstofflce the postmistress was
standing before a mirror doing thlrgs to
her hair and that he was compelled to wait
half an hour before ahe finished. Even then
she made no move toward receiving and
distributing the mall he brought, but en
gaged In repartee with a couple of udmlr
ers who had entered the store.
Finally, the carrier says, he gathered up
his mall bags and started on to the next
postofflce. He had scarcely gone a tulle,
however, when he was overtaken by the
two cowboy admirers of the young post
mistress, who at the point of revolvers
compelled the carrier to "about face" and
return to Olney and there wait until the
postmistress was ready to do business wiBi
In a Summer Storm.
When George Beach of Iietrolt was
caught in a storm la northern Mb-hlgan
one day last summer he thought it was just
an ordinary summer storm. In reality It
was Cupid's opportunity. The Moods de
scended upon tieach until he was forced
to seek shelter. It not a time for
f orm.ilit lis. He ran to the nearest summer
cottage he could find and bolted Into the
door, streaming wet and the most unro
mantic looking object that a young woman
ever saw.
When Miss Orace Holinan fuw the water
soaked fct i aimer who so unceremoniously
enl' red her father's tnttuge, she knew in
stantly that Cupid was leading him by the
hand. That was her receiving day in the
household of love. They became acquainted
while she was making hot coffee for Beach
and mlmsterlng to his creature comfort
iefore he left he had received permission
to ca.l again and the next day he cam.
without waning for a rain etorm to drive
him for shelter. i
Head, learned that Mis. Hohnan lived ut
I.ochest.r. Ind.. where her father was .
prominent business ,. Wh,n h ,
too brief season was over a, ,he summer
resort he p.,ld frequent visits to the Blrl's
"'"'"j un1 'emly they were mar-
" 'e had to have the aid of the elements.
Pointed Paragraph..
llKht!r ",0r r ,," Kas "'"'"t a legal
of Ve"inp"rf ,mr'eran"'nt ar' '"' women
The slender purse Is alwavs at a slight
An old man Is always ho isting about hi
ai hes and palna.
It takes mi urnhrelli deahr to see tl
silver lining of u i lu.:
Hwallowli.g your Indignation will not
fcilUMv yolll thllM f r l. .e ;c.' .
No homely glii apt i i.u.a the fart that
beauty 1 only skin deep.
In the home the irreat are sometimes
small and mo small nr. -onx tlrn.M Kreat
A wis younif i.i:.n never ti.reaiens to kiss
a pretty gin neiitier does he beg her
pardon a Met ward.
If the average rnarrltd wem-an had It tf
do over again she would dec lln.i an Intro
du Hon to h.-r hUfluml.
So muc-ii eul 'm;.I ism is wasted at the
start of ii, owl c ut. i .i lies tliut there is but
lntle left at th ImUh.
A girl in, irloes ihat some men remain In
the bach. !or class because thev do not
understand women -but a Widow kilo Ma
better. Chicago News.