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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1907)
nrn 0M,nA sunpat bek: ArniL h, 1007. D USES OF VANADIUM STEEL Wi',1 Work Owtt Chinees, Saj the Modern MsUlluririiitt, HOW CHEMISTRY AIDS ME1AL WCRKERS "Jsw Alloy Pahmipi ;rratr Dnr ttllty an Tensile s.trenrh One Rare Metal Fnaad In Ureal t)oniitllra. The twl trarli has taken up vanadium, a rara element, an an alloy, and It has found that Its una In small quantities makes a steel that increases t-riBlle strength aril elongation about So per rent. There Is no question aa to theno remits. Tho one problem la to get trie vanadium cheap enough. The problem uaed to bo to got enough of the metal Itself. It was supposed to ho on 9 of those rare things like rHdluni and other elusive mntnls, hut all thru h.ia l ri overcome arid It can 12 found In great quantities In thin country and Is no harder to mine than copper. The treatment of the metal, ao aa to prepare It for alloy purposes, la the only expensive feiture. The steel train ban practically overcome that now and those who are expert In such matters declare that the period of vandtuni steel tin a come and that It will occupy a more important place In the world than did nickel steel. C nrtoalt) for Year. Vanadium has be n known since isol. For eighty years It wan lxkd upon as a chem ical curiosity. Humboldt mentions It In his "Cosmo " In the early nineties It was uad for dyeing purposes. In making aniline, blnck, ami to form enamels on glass, put-tort-y and poreoluln. (Melty In greeniFli gold colors. Hinee 1N'-K the steel trade has waked up to Its possibilities ns an iillny. Blr Thomas l.lptun made owe of It for the spars of Klutmrork III and It was hNo used for the spars of the German em peror's American made yacht Meteor. Just now the automobile men have taken up the metal and the auto makers say it 1. bound to bring about a revolution In the manufacture of their vehicles. Tougher, stronger steel can be 11.1. d In th" machines than formerly, with even some lessening Of weight. Any process that will make steel nearly 100 per cent more ductile and thus lessen the breaking quality Is bound to receive consideration from the makers of rolling atock, whether It be railway cars or autos or bicycles. The makers of bridges also welcome any alloy that will Increase the train capacity, while the manufacturers of tools of all kinds say that vanadium offers a great superiority over all other teal hardening metals. Its I'mr In nval Warfare. The use of this alloy, the experts de clare, Is bound to have an Important Influ ence on national development In other than commercial ways. It will mean a new kind of nrmor plate and will be used extensively In guns. Increasing- their elastic qualities and preventing that moat dan geroua form of wu- and tear on guna known as erosion. Indeed, It Is already being used by the Vickers-Maxim people. It la declared. Togo had Vickers-Maxim guns on his ships and vanadium had been used In them as an alloy. The Russia n guna were not made of vanadium steel. Those guns on ships taken by the Japanese were largely Incapacitated because of erosion. The Japanese guns were not af fected in this way. It used to lie thought that the only place where vanadium could lw Feeured In mar ketable quantities was high up In the mountains of Peru. The cost of gel ting 11 out and preparing It as an alloy ran to several hundreds of dollars a lnjund. Freight to Kngland or the rjiited States was a, so another tremendous handicap. Wlthrn ten years, however. It has been found that there Is practically no limit to the amount of the metal In the t'nited State. Great deposits have heen found in Colorado, rtah, New M-xioo mid Califor nia, and it also exlpti plentifully in other states. It can now lj produced at about 12.50 a pound, but it Is declared that It soon can be made lit ft r uso as cheap as 2b cents a pound, and whn that day cornea vanudlum steal will rule the metal world. Tho quality of btittletiess will then be re moved from Htoel. ( oki 1. 1, red W ith McUel. Tt has already leen found that 1 percent of vanadium Is cquaj to 111 per cent of nickel, In addltiK ductility and tensile, strength to steel. Already several mines are being operated In this country. There 1 one seam or sund.M- m- In Colorado that has from i to 5 per cent of vanadium, and the miners suy it la ua easy to mine us copper. Although the metal was discovered In 1801 and ita use as an alloy for sti-el has come before the steel world prominently only In the a deeudo, It was kn wn as an alloy In lslM. and then wivs all wed to drop out of sight. This came about In a peculiar way. It was discovered In l-3 that the Iron ore from the Tnbcrg mines In Sweden were produclnj a metal that had greater ductility than any other Iron ore known. The Swedish scientist Reftioni started an Investigation. r.l although It was known that a rare metal kn- wn as vanadium had been discovered In lm It was then redis covered through fWtrom. Large deioslts were found In the bad ores of Zimapun, Mxlco, by Iel Jtio. Once more vanadium secured a new lease of f,.. but the great difficulty of extracting the metal and of making Its use practical served to put it on the shelf ag-aln. Ths revival of the use of vanadium has heen due to thirty year.-, .-f research and at a cost of fully H1V of his private for tune on the part of Ir. J Hnxerns de Al sugaray, a native of Argentina, nnl now a resident of New York City. Ir H-ixer--Vs father experimented with, the o- U years before the son t ok hold of it. Wo Mng oner the metal beenme a matter of fimllv tradition. The elder Paxeres owned the Baikta Martu mines, which had the largest lodo cf lead validate, as the compound was known In Its or glnal sti'te. then ln.un The younger Hnxeres workd for nemiy a quattet of a century snd his effort led to the erecH- n of a plant f..r the manufacture of vanadium p-oducts in I.lanelly, South Wales, In U. where fcTn- amtriiiini and Its alloys are now bein-r made Mast He Pare. In the early days of experimenting with vanadium as a steel alloy ut.ntlsf ctorv results were obtained In m.ii.y en- be cause the vanadium was not pure Jt con tained copper, carbon. alMc i'ea. aluminum and other met t'.a to the prelec tion cf pood st-cl. These experiment, wl.lle shewing Increased tera'.le strength and elastic limit, showed decreasing duc tility and were regarded as f il'or. .. I ir. Flaxeres kept on with his studies. II. tried to fuse the ore with sod.i car' mate an I coal, but that process w:is abandoned be cause of Its grat expense. The acid aul phats process was cheaper and more pia.--tlcal and has since been improved grrutly Electrolysis was found to be the lest method, and work has gone on along t h it line until now lr. Haxeret s.vs it wid . possible to prod ice the alloy as cheap aa tS per cent a pound. Instead of ut Z ; . a good commercial rate at present. The effect of vanadl mi us un alloy is shown lu numerous tables that the experts h'- p-nduced after nrolor.gel Investlgs tl n. Cru ihle steel, f ir example, when mixed with vanadium, has rfwlueod a metul with a breaking strain of 61.57 tons to tho siuare lm h and an elongation of 23 p. r cent. llef,,re vanadium was added tho -t.--l fcroka under a 'ewd of 21.11 t ins to the square inch and the elongation w is only Ifi p.-r cent. Caat Iron, with a break In? strain of aevoo and one-half tons to the S'l'jiire Inch, was treated with S per cent of vanadium and the breaking strain rose to thirteen tons. Ingots of Iron with an ultimate mreas of 55.GM pound hav-j been ralsnd to an ultimate striss of HOI I pounds by Introducing 0.S per rent i f vataullum. The Increased elongation Is alsut le per cent. Steel containing about LIS per cent of carbon, with an elaatij limit of about thirty tons and an ultimate stress of about sixty tone, has b"n raised seven tons In ultimate stress through th Introduction of lii per cent of vanadium. At first the pure vanadium was Intro duced In the molten steel. It was soon found that owing to Its high melting point it was not dissolved. Then it became neomsary to make ferro-vanndlum alloys of a lower melting point, and sion the first ferro-vanadlum alloy of 10 per cent was made. Since then It has been shown that the proportion of vanadium could bo Increased to as high as 30 per cent, but Ir. Haxeres has said that the 10 per cent mixture la the best. Another Kevolntlon Impends. In speaking of vanadium tho other day, It Hxx'-rcs said: "I veritably believe an other revolution In the steel Industry is at hand. The fact that the automobile men have taken up the use of this alloy Is sufficient to establish Its worth. It is only 11 step to bring It Into general use. Tools, vehl -los, bridges, In fact, all kinds of structures and utensils, will be trans formed. It will also meaa a great change In ship construction. It will change armor plate. Indeed, that Is already under way. With vanadium the face of armor plates will to hardened a great deal more than at present. The plate Itself will be more ductile and In a general way softer. The result will be that if a projectile pierces the plate It will be buried In the softer ma terial on the back and will not splinter the plate to the extent that piercing shots do now. It will probably mean a lessening of welj-ht In armor plates, and any one who know. about warship construction will realize what that will mean to the navies of the w irld. Vanadium will also Improve gun manufacture and bring a great change In that Industry. All this means a great change in that Industry. All this means a great change commercially in the world." "Tho best part of It all is that the Cnlted States has extensive deposits of this metal. Why should the country go to Peru or Mexico or to Kurope when It has an un limited supply at home? I have spent a lifetime practically In making researches that will make this possible. I have no direct Interest now In the production of the metal. If, when the revolution that I predict comes about, my name Bhall be re membered as a benefactor in the trans formation In the uses of the greatest metal the world has ever known, I shall be content." OTSjasj'SBJN sss3sssshMaaSl d We Present to the People of Omaha this Week a Splendid Oppportunily to . . , , ( . Save Money Homefiindshbigs I o Weideusall's Letter (Continued from Fage One.) Ing was held. It was well attended. I was asked to ad.lress It, which I did for a short time. I had frequent Interviews with Mr. M. Hideout upon his work and upon the association work in Europe in many par ticulars. He is a choice man and true, and Is doing good service. I reached Bordeaux, France, on Decem her 12, ir, and spent two days there. On my arrival I met the general secretary of the association, Mr. Emll Pouresv. who heartily welcomed me. I had an Interview with him on things pertaining to the work of the secretary and other association matters. In which he had more or less difficulty. At a meeting of representatives of the association called to meet mo I presented greetings I had with me from different parts of the world, then spoke to them of the great importance of the as sociation work and that true association work could not be over estimated. I spoke particularly of their part In the work. Many questions- were asked me. which I answered the best I could. All my sug gestions were very kindly received, i think I made clear some things that wore not aa well understood as thty should be. Na tional Secretary Sautter was present and emphasised what I hnd said and thanked me for It. I appreciated this very much, for he Is very clear In his association knowledge. I met also the national student secretary, Mr. Chr. Grauss, who was In Bordeaux at this time, and hnd different personal Interviews with him. I hud other lnt rvlewsj with the local general recretary, Mr. Kmll I'ourcsy, who Is a good and faith ful man. I arrived at Marneilles, France, In the nlRht of December 1, W, and spent two rull days there. I called at the rooms of the association. The general secretary was not In. He left a note for me that he was to leave Marseilles for Cannes to attend a convention and his president was to leave also, and nothing was appointed for me to do. This made it Impossible for me to do anything for the association. This was about the only real miss I had made In my world trip, where 1 had expected to do something. The general secretary after wards wrote me a letter and gave satisfac tory reasons for what he had done. This afforded me a greater opportunity to see the city of Marseilles. I arrived in Tarls from Marseilles at 10 p. m. December 31. lfcs.. I had calculated to do many things during this visit in Tarts, but the weather was so wretched that I was caught by the grippe or In fluenn. which prevented mo from doing much of anything I had Intended to do. However, I bad frequent interviews with National Secretary Sautter, Special Secre tary Hideout . with the president of the Fn ii eh association and with others. Hut I had to take care of myself. All In all, I had a good time In France. I w is sure I bad afTordel the French association real help, wrlch was appreciated and so ex piissed In wotd and letier I learned more fully their methods of work. The national committee and secretary are doing a noble work upon the true associa tion b.-.sls, winning young men to Jesjs Christ is their personal Saviour. The na tional work Is wo 1 1 organized. Paris Is the heme ua: ters of the national c immittee, which consists of nineteen persons, nine on the executive headquarters committee In Pari, nine others representing different parts of France and one representing the stud' r.t work. The country Is divided into nine distrUts. not political divisions; each district his its own committee of from five to seven members to plan the work for the district and provide for its support. There are now three paid district secretaries and more will be added as fast aa good men and their support can be secured. Every h. H-ipiloii must first become a member of the rational alliance and is then assigned to u district. A formal adherence to the Paris basis is essential to entering the alliance. There are now 1A) associations belonging to the alliance. There are eight college as, eiattons. Five cities with paid general secretaries, some of theni with assistant. The national force consists of Nttlonal Secretary Kmll Sautter and two assistants, Mr. Ch. Schneider and Mr. S. Williamson, also Mr. Chr Grauss, the student secretary. KOHF.HT WEIDKNSALI un Board the Ualuc, Atlantic Ocuau, Feb ruary i, 1W7. X this pajo today wo toll of omiino savins; ojiortunitios. which should provo oxoootliiiRlv intor- ....'- i it i. . 1 11. 1 1 r i 1 1 a 1 .1 1 1. in .ooi onus; iu inoM." iit Know uic rc.u nmo 01 iiione aiui w 110 uosire 10 inaKo ineir dollars accom- yJjkQ) I'lii-h most in tho purchase of rcliahlo lmusi't'iirnishinirs. This is a special value sivinrr. week at Tlartman's a work of extraordinary prioinir. All the re sources of this -Treat organization, with its twenty-two lii-r stores, are exerted in our endeavor to force prices downward. The splendid values here illustrated and described are on sale all week. Every article is of Ilartinan's high standard of quality und every offering is a value of most unusual character. 2C Piece Sot Rogers rnrr 0 SILVERWARE FKLL ft fii1 '-''sm C-lvn frte with a S10D purchase or sold for 86.98. Terms, 1 cash, 75o a raon'.h. If set Is bong-nt and at any time during a year purchaser bays ilOO worth of goods from ns, we will oredlt cost ,of same to their account. Wr Invito yon to talto alvantaro of this (Trent movement and sliaro In tlie rich savings. We invite you to open a t'retlit account ami enjoy the g-c of your gorxlw while you are puyiiii; for them. No payments required when yon are ill or out of work. 4l!!rtB$95 $9 cash, $8 Monthly In this otfsr we In clude everything needed for Parlor, Bedroom, Dining Koom and Kitchen. Book of Birdville Jingles Free Every child which cuts tho fourteen illustrated jinsrlos which ap pear in our Sunday announcements between now and July 1st, saves them and mails them to us at that time will receive a beautiful bound volume of these Birdville Verses FREE, printed from fine plates and beautifully illustrated in colors. Wo would like to have every child in Omaha and vicinity get one of these interesting books of Birdville Jingles. In JBirilvJllc '.is . . .1 TV TrWliQrinUiiflnfRiWlvilU my p I O vVT iiiu 1 ir l . ' . jl a nicy sciy lies very wise, 7 he has a double chin -And a diamond tie pin. And a stomach of wondrous size. Copy rif fit, t907 thy Asrtmmni Let" fJortmm?eatheiffiur(est7 sain ! -'J XJ-f TB.ES Bet of Toy Ilok ory rarnlture, four pleoes, with all Oo-Carts of 4 BPECIAL COLO SI A I. I.TJBBAXT TABUS or over. f.xartiy iiro llluatratlon; has new Bailgor finish, which can't he told from real quar- iei-nnvpu, iiiiiHsivn colonial legs, with slieir eeiiejtin. itirge hiko lop; ex clusive Hartman design, iiiiulo to Kpeciul order only gs, wnii sneii 12.75 Prtncess Uresser 14.75 el cut. Mammoth French hov 1 plate mirror, oval shnne- i-ioj tegs, maue or oeaiitl fuliy polished quarter-sawed onk. full swelled front, as shown. Kxtru aptclal for all week. 1 r iT.S aaaNa 4J W HL Tonx m a Hartman'a Jlonsy, -JfS&f s? ftLjMiy Hartman'a UtY I GO-CARTS FOR I j &fSi ALL THE BABIES sS B0I.ID OAK rXTESSIOlf TABLE T.Ike cut, inaili; of solid oak, has heavy podea- tHl ItHse, hr shown, and claw feet, aa shown; extendi to tt feet, size of top Is 42x42 Inchon, nicely tln- Islied. extra well made, has Hurt man new easy running biiuea, special at 14.75 Hartman Special Fold lng Reclining Go-Cart.. 6.25 Solid Oak IT 7P China (lose! Us J HanriHomo hent end designs, set with heavy douhle Ktri tigth fltins and adJiiNtatile slnlves. Ixtra well made throughout and neatly ornamented with hand carvings. Fancy French bevel mirror on tup. This handsome Oo-Cart Is of the new folding tvpo and occupies small space when folded. It has full Imported reed body and dash,, cane haek and em bossed cane seat; springs heat tempered steel, patent wheel fasteners and brake mid large rubber tires. A handsome and dependable cart. This is the Mart man special a Go-Cart made specially for the great Hartman chain of at ores a very elegant cart and offered at a price that la surprisingly low. We ask you to come and tiKH the cart. (Curanol and cush ions extra. Ths Inlton, Allwln or Knox Collapsible Oo-Cart, strongest and best carts of the Kind made, has leatherette seat and bin-k, rubber tire wheelH, T CA easy to to ailiuat and fold, collapsible Beclinlng- Folding Oo-Oart, reed back, wood seat, rubber tire wbeela. dash In front, Iron X "JC pusher and handles, regular n, at roldlng- Beclinlng Oo-Cart, buck and seat of cane, dusli In front, rubber tire wheels, royal f QC green finish, at t-JJ raiding Oo-Cart, miule very strong and light, veneer neat and back, rubber tire steel wheels. f fie gearing finished In green l.OJ 2M i i i tcw? c--s':. 1 1 Solid Oak Chiffonier 6.95 This Chiffonier In built of solid golden oak and has a beautiful pol ish finish. It is made exclusively for Hartman's and Is of moat rie- iiendable construction; has large ench beveled plate mirror. All Ooods Delivered In Plain. Xln- lettered Wagons Elegant Oak Q 7 J? Dresser, now Os J work on this 11.75 Special Kitchen Cabinet, Only... Exactly as shown. Convenient top, large size base, size 2 fi X 4 1 inrhes, 2 large flour bins, 2 drawers mid 2 boards; extra well mude. .Made throughout of solid oak, nicely finished, heavy legs. mm rT ' Twin 4 ---vC W r-d - rSS ' Eaactly ?f - V. i .? Xlks 5i Vzt Al Hartman's Imperial Monarch 1 075 .ijjfe Runs. 10 at 1- The cabinet dresser Ih very high grade, made strong, best of solid oak. nenuuiuny rinisneil. Is hand somely carved, has large top front drawers and large t rench bevel mirror. Special ComV Book Cast and Desk 122 The i"ss nue no mitre seam, ere of hlgbeKt i-huracter Huus of most duruhlo auallty. They are made of worsted, anlllna ved, strictly high grade. They are not "printed rugs," but are woven runs. Tlioy are not mude of printed carpets, such as niuny rugs that are being advertised In Omaha. Kasy terms given. Reynold's Cylinder kefriyerat r at 16.75 Kxactly like cut. Made entirely f metal, cylinder in shape, two separate food ompartmer.tii. iu.,st economical and eiinltary. all new Improved f. itures l.rt I 'Igrrutor. l-en tins Wonderful Onaranteed for ao Years k.B.i. Ml.iJ'lJM aijsxs L t sSTil ataaastsflMI fSl I i Ml Exnctly like Illustration. Large oval .French beveled mirror, nicely carved top, large sire bookcase with ad- Justable shelves and con v iol ent desk. Made throughout of solid oak. nicely flnleh'd, exclusively Hartman de sign: made In large quanti ties for our ft stores. This, Rlegtnt lr.-n lis I, for Jut like llliistriitlen. V.x -eedimily ornaim-nted di-xign. extra miisivf and finished with three coats of heavy bnl ed-on eiiano l. A must extraordi naiy value. AU Ooods Marked In Plain rigures at Hartman's. Sewing Machine 18!f MasslvB Solid 1 mm- Harlman s Special 26.75 Steel Ranges Complete with high warming closets, ns shown above, of large size, full fl.e 8-inch holes, large Hiimre oven, made of superior materials, ele gantly nickeled trimmed and guaran teed In every particular. Oak Mde hoard These Sideboards are made to order for the Hartman chain of stores and every effort has been given to the detail of workmanship and finish. They have extra large French bev eled mirrors, are elaborately carved, serpentine swelled front, as shown. Special Sale Felt Mattresg, 6.85 ipir-j"7 I Relrlqcralor Spec lal Sale Price 6.75 Best grade Kelt Mattress, usual $12 value and S'dd for tnat elsewhere In Omaha, heaviest ticking, best filling, guaranteed fully, special sale all this week. strongly con- Ps cut. It Is iruciea. or great durability and most economical. It is lined with galvanized Iron. has metal shelves, naterit drip cup and oilier Improved features. Hew Special Fully guaranteed, five drawers, solid ik case. Cullipl, te W itll full Set of at taehineiit s aul .n'-f sorbs. new lrup-li"ad style, easy running. told u easy terms. AGENTS rOB Ostemoor Mattresses Imperial Smyrna lum, Kashmir Regs, Kelly Morris Chairs, X&rptu Oi.arar.usa Fu-.iilture. 22 Great Stores Throughout the U IX3 14S4-14S6-I4I8 MS (enter lable I.Ike Illustration. Mad of finest iiiarter-nued oak, nil. bed and pol ished, or in beautiful ma hogany finish. has huped tip, size IMxlM in , nicely carved and fancy shelf below. agents roa. B 1 1 b 1 Oas Banges, Perfection Oil BtoTes, McDougal Kitchen Cablnsts, Itannsy Bcfrigera tors, Vsnlnsular Kanges, etc. 'J.l- kAiaA&1 sswriftsi iswwi raws -ssstsasasssasMsassa Jt The paper lhaJ oes to ike home brings Ihe returns to advertisers The Omaha Eveaie Bee Within everybody's reach reaches everybody A clean and reliable paper for the home is barred from no self-respecting household 6c. Per Week Delivered