Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 11

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    4 fc.
HappeabM 0f th WeV in th Thritine
Villain and Tcwr-i.
Horrmtiili of Well Known renple
and iKnlnas that Are of In.
teres! In All l inen of
Sunday In
K. Wall.
d:tr1 t created rttnlnj the yenr snd other
sewers tun nr,r n f(.w moi permanent
sidewalks. HI i IT Mrr,t Is mi 1. r a rv w
it id Mini a t ivnr I h sd ng off tli" north
end to Aluln .treef Is i mite mplafd. The
grading of I'.lufT Hfft will be very llg't.
s as rnt to make itv deeper rut on
wen side of tl ftrcet. Hoy N. T"W of
Or nihil has f'irnltir-ii tho r'v with an
"ilm.i'p on tin' Binding an! furnished a
biiir ;;.nt shown k on-. Mr. Tnl
has Ui-n employed the list year as city engineer.
Mrs. O. W. Noh on spent
Omaha visiting n I.itives
Born: to Mr. nnd Mia. W
Thursday morning, a son.
Miss Prudence Tr.u y spent
Iflenioon In Omaha visit, ng relatives
Mr. V. ,. Hhiilli tors of Omaha was lr.
Florence, Wcdm sduy in tho Interest of
Ilellevue college.
Mr. and Mr. Mitchell of Omaha were
the quests of Mr. nnd Mrs. John iiond-scn
Bui;.)- afternoon.
Mrs. J. Weber and son, Ila'pli, were
lsltlng with the family of O. F. JennhiKa
In Oniaha Monday.
Oeorge Buck. Jr.. of Lincoln. NcV. u
the guest or Mr. and Mrs. F. S Tucker
Saturday and Sunday.
irH i. K ro,f"'' general agent of the
jixiuuanio I.lte Assuranco company, was a
business visitor hern Thursday.
Kain Puroell, accompanied l.y hie eouscn,
Ralph Orllhth of Woodbine, la., left Tues
day afternoon for Ia,h AiikcI-m, Cal.
Mrs. Voder and children remained In Fre
mont thin week isitl:i- friend und rela
tive. Mr. VimIit returned ht mo Katurdiiy.
Mra. Arnoldi. who has been verv sick at
the, residence of .r daughter, M:s. 1'ulta
Xor the paBt week, Is Very much better.
Rev. James A. flack and wife enter
tained a number of their Florene.) frb-nds
at their home In Oiuaha 'l'huisday even
ing. Rev. payMirn of Omaha will occupy the
pulpit In tho Presbyterian church Satiny
morning at the service at 11:30 and In the
venlng tit 8.
W. K. Wall and Karl Foollmer attended
the meeting of Ttlmxie Kneampnient, In
dependent nrdei odd Fellows at Pciison
Tuesday night.
Several of the members of Ocntuiv lodiro,
Royal Achtes. attended the party given by
the Omaha lo.lgo at Baright's hull, Omaha,
Tuesday nlght-
Mrs. Dyons and son, who have been
keeping a branch tea. and cofTee house in
Florence for the past six months, have
uioveu 10 cjuiana.
Miss May Callahan of Omaha wan the
guest of Miss Jessie Tucker Tuesday,
making a visit before she li It fur an ex
tended visit with relatives In Montana.
W. A. Voder returned Saturday from n
week at Fremont, Neb., where he had been
In attendance t the meeting f,f tt.o
rn Central Nebraska Teaehers' associa
tion. Mrs. KI!en r Iind. who has been spend
Inif the winter with her Ron, Thomas H.
le Iind. at l'erry, la., has returned home
to F lorence. Mrs. Ik Land Is the oldi st
ottler lu Florenoc, haviiiK come here In
The road, to Pries' Iske has been gone
over with a heavy road grader and put
In good whape. This rond was made about
sixty ftot wide hint fall and makes a line
driveway winding alon up the river to the
lake and points beyond.
The Fraternal Order of Kaglen Initiated
a class of ten at their regular iie-erinK
Wednesday night. Thtlr next meeting
night will be April 17. which will t o a
buslnesR and social meeting. No candi
dates will be Initiated.
Hose company No. 1 held Its ropnlsr
monthly meeting Mondny niht which wus
also Its nnnual meetlnK, at which olflcers
were elected for tho ensuing year. W. Tt.
Parka was ro-electod president, Frank P.
Po-own, secretary; Henry Anderson, treas
urer. The Florence ferry Is In full blast, and
running every day. People a-e takliiR
advantage of tho ferry uml are using It
more this year thnn last. Home lakes just
across the rlvor from Florence are being
fixed up for pleasure; boats are being put
In, and as tho fishing Is good, a day can
b put In there and in an hour's time you
can reach Omaha. Carryalls will be run
from the ferry to these lakes.
The Omaha Water company has finished
the greater part of the work of putting
In tho four largo lollers at Its plant here.
These bullet a each carry 40n horse-power
and are differently constructed from the
old ones taken out. The demand for more
power wss to-owing to such an extent that
more boilers wore needed anil the improve
ments Junt made will bo sutllcient In the
power line for some time to come.
Tant Snturday night the Florence Ath
letlo club was organled. papers of Incor
poration drawn, nnd seven directors elected.
The purpose of tho club Is to procure tuilt
able grounds for btise ball, tennis and
othor out-door sports. The grounds will
lie located two blocks from the street rar
line, the olllcers of tho org inizu tion are:
K. H. Tucker, president; W. H. Parks,
treasurer; Andrew 11. Anderson, secretary;
Ceorgo Slert, manager. The grounds are
being prepared and lu another two weeks
Florence will have a base ball team.
The mayor and council will effect their
new organlratloii Monday night. As all
old ottlcers were elected at the election
April 2, it Is not likely that Mayor John
himpson will change any of the committees.
George florenm n has hud charge of the
street and alley committee, and David An
drews public property. The I'ne of Im
provements will be followed about the same
aa last year. There may be another sewer
Jsmes Qow Is working In Wyoming thia
Mlrs Helen Fletcher visited. In Wahoe
lat week.
PeriHtor Patrick was In the vicinity of
Cellevue tho week.
School oiened Tuesday Bt the college
after a ten-day spring vacation.
Tho little daughter of Mr. and Mra. n.
P. Combs has been very sick Willi the
Knmond Kcarns lias been seriously 111
With the measles. At prttent he Is reoov
eilng nicely.
Miss hiuoks and Mr. Wells of Omaha
were ent-ituined by Miss JJcilha Mllner
la-it Sunday.
April i.', Arbor day. has been set aside
by itm vlil.iga board as a day fur clearing
up the tow n.
Mrs. O Kane of Ithaca accompanied her
daughter, Albert, to ilellevue Monday and
returned Tuesday.
A. Kve-rhart, who graduated from tho
college In 1'J. returned Monday lor a
shun visit with old friends.
lr. U. W. Wadswortn has been spending
the last week in the western part of Uie
state, combining business with pleasure,
Tho yard of tho residence recently built
by Mis. K. Fletcher has been graded up
Bcvctul feet the past week, making- a great
T. C. Mllner, a student at the Creighton
Medieul college, has finished up his exam
inations ai d to ooii near the head of his
class. The town feela proud of him.
Oscar Kayscr. one of the town s leading
business men for twenty years, is planning
to retire in a lew months, having amassed
en.iutii property to bo ablu to stup working
The school bonrd met recently and
elected tlio following teachers for next
oar: Mis. Randy of Omuha, principal
Misses Scott, Flynt and Kusl fur itm
The citizens of Hellevtie aro rejoicing
over the fact i!;.it the governor lnis mmicd
the biil preventing saloons being estab
lished wiihin two and a half miles of a
military pout. This will prevent, as long
as tho la stuniis, a saloon In Ilellevue.
For Fever. il years some have tried to get a
sal K,n Into the cjulet village.
Monday morning the oldest girl of Mr.
and .Mrs. Hartley Monore, died of a com
plication of the measles, whooping cousli
iin.l pneumonia. About a weea auo an
other child dleiL At present two children
and the mother are stricken with the dis
eases. .uLsioriune e, ,era, . ,l ' Neh.. attending Rome missionary meetings
and Mr. and Mrs. Monore are receiving the "yt'r,la" ChUrth- , , . .
services nnd help of the neighborhood. Miss Ella Marshall was appointed teacher
Friday evening a concert was given In the " mo, second grane nna part or tne mini
l'resoytei ih n i nurcu ny several couege
peorle were present, who brought gfta In
hmuir of the occasion
Mary K M.-riuJre ami John W. Plolck,
both of lnson, were married at St Per
nard's church la Wednesdsy morning
After a hort weddirg trip they will re
side at lapplo, west of IVenjson.
Plans are rapidly being caniid out to
plat and prepare for sile the Kovstons
f lock faim west of Ivcn.on. purchssed by
the Pano Investment otupony. which In
tends making a tieautlful suburban place.
A company hss been organlied for tho
ptirposfl of eRtabllshing another bank in
ponsnn. the bulidlr.g to be erected on North
Military avenue. The building o mmlttoe
pre A- Leach, H. J. ttrme and Janwa lie
Gulre. Mr. and Mra. O. Wedge gave a reception
last Mondav eTnlng at their home In hrnor
of their 'fiftieth weddlnsr anniversary.
About thirty guests were Invited, who at
tended between the hours of t and 7.
Tl. .. .1 1 ..... .. ..i wlnlitnla of
J iiw ii' liij iii.'i-nw - iri u i-. "i"- .
many txMintlful remembrance. of the day. I
A dainty lunch was served to the guests
Mr. and Mra. James Me.Gu.lre held a wed
ding reception lHst Wednesday evening at
their home for their daughter Mary, who
was married that morning to John Plelck.
About flftv relatives nd a very- fw Inti
mate friends wre present. The house was
decorated f'T the occasion and an orchestra
stationed In the reception room furnished
music during the evening. Supper was
served st a long table In th d'mng room.
The mnnv beautiful jresent received were
on display in the east room. Purine; the
evening the bride donned her traveling suit
of blue nnd Mr. and Mr. Plelck slipped
away to go on their woddlng trip.
Mr. J. n. Poods la making a business
trip to Arkansas.
Mrs. Fred Phlelds Is at home again from
her trip to Florida.
Ptindoe Woman's dub will meet on
Wednesday with Mrs. S. R. Ellson.
Ruel rampeltnhn left on Paturday for
Cleveland. O., to r Into the lumber busi
ness there.
A. K Covey of St. Tsui has been the
guest during the week of his sister, Mrs.
V. L. Johnston.
The Pundee grocery went under a, new
management on April 9th, with E. Clifford
Bchonborn as proprietor.
Leonard Marshall entertained a mimhr
of friends on Friday evening on the oo
easlon of hla thirteenth birthday.
Ijidlog' Aid society of the Pundee Pres
byterian church will hold a social on Fri
day afternoon at the home of Mra. D. L.
Pr. T. K. Hunter has resigned his pas
torate of tho Pundee Presbyterian church
to act aa financial secretary for Bellevue
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Podds entertained
Thursday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Scott, who leave soon for their new home
in Minneapolis.
Mrs. P J. Parr spent Wednesday nnd
i Thursday of the last week In Schuyler,
j mj p f t Mt yjj iLp ft vy y
Now Cut to S14.50
Size PH fiM, Trrma, $1.00 Canh, $2.00
Ir Month.
An Illustration of tha value-Riving abil
ity of the l'toples Store. Consider w hat it
nieana. A large 9x11 ft. UriiFsola Kug,
correct eizo for any room In your houso,
for $14.50. Theso rups ure mude of pen
uine Tapestry Rnissels carpetlnp of a
strong, durable quality that will give ex
cellent wear and bold its color to the very
last. The new spring patterns are delight
fully pretty; and these rups lu style, quality
and beauty cannot be equaled elsewhere for
less than 118.50. Our price Is $ 1 4.50. On
easy terms of $1.50 cash and 50c a week. ,
Art Reversible Rugs; many patterns in choice designs, regular 7.60 value, special 9X90
tnr:iln Cnroels renilnr Ani. values snecinl HO
Ingrain Carpets, regular 70c values, special
Prus-els Carpets, regular 90c values, special
Velvet Carpets, regular $15 valuesf special
China Matting, extra good grade, ;Sc quality, special
Window Shades, g-ood quality, regular width, 6 ft. length, special
o pMsww
XjJ f tr s t iiiit'Jinj. iiM m JniM- r Mir"i"iA asm t a A i A
We are
a very
line of
of the Pundee school, at the opening of
the new term after the Easter vacation.
Mrs. Oeorge Hoagland Is at home ngstn
after her recent short sojourn In Europe.
Her health, which did not permit her con
tinuing to travel with the reet of the party,
is Improving now.
Mrs. W. L. Selby entertained Informally
at luncheon on Tuesday for Mrs. R. C
Patterson of Kansas City. The other
guests were Mrs. Henry C. Van Gleson,
Mrs. James W. Hamilton and Mrs. Eliza
beth Colfax.
Miss Tillson took the members of her
Punday school class to the Old Indies'
Home Saturday afternoon, where they
gave an entertainment of music nd reci
tations for the old people, and presented
home of her cousin, Miss Hee Hoffman. Z ' J cueI"ons- l"
by several
students for their benefit, the proceeds nut
ting enough to be a substantial aid.
Church services will be held at the usual
horns at all churches today.
Mis. Herman Wulff h is returned home
from n week's visit In Plalr.
Miss Gavin has returned to her school
duties alter a week's illness.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Younger Sunday, April 7.
Mrs. J. It. Neal of Kmn.ird Is visiting
at tiie home of her sister, Mrs. Wulff.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Thomas Kaster day at Keystone ranch.
Miss SuMo Scott of Lincoln Is visiting at
Mrs. Charles TrHcj- has been cubed to
Luybrook, 111., by the illness of her lather.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, former! y.
of lienson, unnounce the birth of a eon In
The ulace made vacant by tbe marriage
of Mary McUulre will tm filled by her
brother, Tom.
Presbyterian Iulies' Aid society will meet
ut tbe homu of Mrs. F. lialstcr next Thurs
day atteriioon.
The soiling of St. Pornard's church has
been aluimloned and it will b moved to
Post's addition,
Hev. Frank Foster of Omaha will con
duct both morning and evening: services at
the Baptist church today.
Mrs. J. A. Keller and daughter, Sadie,
have returned from Denver, the climate
disagreeing with the former.
Charles Tracy returned home from Un
coln last Wednesday, whore he atteiudod
tho convention -f the Eagles.
Mrs. Engler nnd sona have gono to their
home In t'lainview alter a visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wedge.
Presiding Elder Rev. Gorat will conduct
the sacramental services at the Methodist
church this evening at H o'clock.
Pr. if. John SpeeiUo of Penson was elected
secretary ut the election of officers at the
teachers' association held in Fremont.
Mj-. Hiollcross of Pellevuo college will
give an address at the evening service of
the Presbyterian church ut 1:30 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Wedge entertained a num
ber of young people bust Tuesday evening
in honor of tlieir granddaughter, Ml&a
Ethel Wedge.
Miss Stiger went to Omaha F iturday to
attend an nt home in honor of Mrs. Potter,
formerly Miss Fredrickson, who is well
known In UeiiHou.
Methodist Episcopal Ladles' Aid society
lint ut Mrs. Omen's last vVednev-day,
when the date of the opening of thu May
fair was set, on May 9.
Ttnv Young was pleasantly surprised at
his home last week In honor of his birth
day anniversary. About twenty-two young
Plans are under way for paving Fifty
first street from Dodge street north to ln-
i derwood avenue and then west to the
I Happy Hollow Country club. Tho golf
llnkg of the new club are being laid out by
; Mr. Thomas Bendojow of Chicago, who
Is considered one of the leading experts in
that line in the country.
Round Pozon club was entertained on
Wednesday afternoon by Mesdamcs K. E.
Thomas and T. L. Combs at the home of
Mrs. Combs. Dainty refreshments were
served at tables prettily decorated with
rod shaded candelabra ana red carnations,
nnd during the afternoon charades and
other games were played.
New Gentlemen's Chiffonier
(Exactly Like Cat)
Certainly the neatest and most useful piece
of furniture ever devised for a man's room.
It combines a commodious chiffonier and a
well-appointed wardrobe nil of Bolid gold
en oak, quarter-sawed and finely finished
throughout. This is the
$32.r0 quality that we are
offering you this season
On Eaty Terms of (3.50 Cash, $a Monthly.
The Peoples Store Reclining
and Folding Go-Carls
The Peoples Store Ped
estal Extension Table
O 3
i -of-
Madam Yale's
Beauty Preparations
Will continue this week in f
,.- v.5'0
our Toilet Goods Depart
It is unnecessary to state
that Madame Yale's toilet
requisites are the standard,
having stood the test of time
and experiment. They are
now in universal use by all
lovers of high grade toilet
specialties throughout the
world. It is safe to say that
millions of pretty girls and
beautiful women in this
country owe the
their complexions and the i
luxuriance of their hair to
Mine. Yale's preparations.
Beauty Consultation
West Ambler.
Rev. K. O. Hlller was a visitor among his
parishioners here on Wednesday.
Mesdames Spoerri and Emory have been
on the sick list this week with the grip.
Mrs. K. M. Henderson and daughter en
tertained friends from Walnut Hill the
first of the week
Mrs. P. J. Trabor was the guest of her
friend, Mrs. George lilakely of East Amb
ler, on Thursday.
Heals school has Just reason to be proud
of Its fine new flag, which daily float from
the flag staff.
Potato planting and garden making Is
now tho order of the day in thia vicinity
und everyone lb busy.
Albert Faverty attended the poverty
octal given by Hen llur lodge on Friday
night, and reports a line time.
Miss Alma Darling entertained her
friend. Miss Blanche Warleigli ut Floreuue.,
at her home here over Sunday.
Mrs. M. ortnsby and friend, Mrs. Chrls
tlanson of Walnut Hill, were guests of
friends ill Kckerman on Thursday.
John Cuniiia.ham und lanil.y spent Easter
week, wuh leiau.ea and liiciids at Ailiiuj
ton, returning home Sunday eveuing.
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Haitlett, son and
ayed father, Mr. Uorsey, contemplate re
moving to Calilornla In the near future.
Mrs. Warren Kyder and daughter, llael,
of i'airlield, la., were the jjuesis of her
sister, Mrs. J? C. llcusman, the Inst of the
Mr. Johnson of Etkerman has purchased
the Oscar l'ickard residence near Woodmen
hall, on Center street, now occupied by
B. Uuutz, aJid will lake possession after
May i.
Mrs. J. K. Aughe returned home from
Wisner bundtty evening, w here she u tended
tho tuuera.1 of her step-father, A. Ziebell,
Saturday, which was conducted by Itev.
William Warren of Pilfer.
The ladies' Aid society met at the church
i on Thursday last and completed two line
comioiis ior .mis. itanuuipn. I'loceeda t-.oj.
The next ineetiiit; will be held on Tliurrdjy
next, all day, at the chuich, to knot com
forts. The society will meet ut lu o'clock.
slirluera of Omuka, LJocola mud
Council Bluffs to Hold
Rooms Fur
nished Com
plete for
Terms I $7.00 Down, $5.00 Montbly
Our throe-room outfits do not merely
consist of furniture and rugs, but include
everythlne necessary to furnish a home
complete. Our outfits include window
shades, draperies, bedding of all kinds, ail
the necessary cooking utensils and kitchen
furnishings, crockery, glassware, silver
ware and In fact everything you will need
with which to start housekeeping.
Buveis of our outfits are not obliged to
go elsewhere to complete the furnishing of
their homos, as everything is Included down
to the smallest detail.
Also furniture, rugs, draperies and fur
nishings are all of a high class, and should
not be confused with some outfits of Infer
ior grades that are offered elsewhere. We
have alwavs mado a specialty of complete
homo outfits, nnd hove now lowered the
price to J 7 1 . o 0 for three rooms, and reduced
the cash payment to $7.00.
We Guarantee Tliese Outfits Will Cost I
You $100.00 Klsowliere. 61
Four, live ana six-room uuuiu si pro
portionate prices and terms.
This beautiful go-cart Is one of
our specially designed go-oarta.
lias full reed body and dash,
has all the latest Improvements,
guaranteed splines, patent axle,
patent brake and rubher-tlred
wheels. At the price we offer
them you cannot
afford to be with
out one; special
Terms: 75c Caxh, $2.00
lew we uiipr
Exactly as Illustrated. This massive table Is
made of solid oak, thoroughly and substan
tially constructed, has 45-lnch top and largo
octagon shape pedestal, the logs are large and
have massive hand carved cluw feet, tho rim
is besutiruliy quarter-sawea.
The entire table is highly
polished, extends to six
feet. Ppeclal
Terms I 1.B0 Cash, $3.00 Monthly.
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
K d
...890 e V
...830 W
irlrtil 8
If fV'ifm o
ii - !' ill J ( )
China Closets O
sale tills
week on
IJurs and
$1.50 Cnsh, Ijt'J Monthly.
Exactly like cut. A Tenples
b'tore Bpei hil design, made of
finest selected oak, grooved
shelves for plates, bent glnxs
ends or eioutne
Strength, highly
polished; special
oeiu giass
. i t A
Gold Coin Initial
Dinner Set
M a -. t-j- w. mi 1 1 m m i m
i f7y.,ifM,llll)l'Hli.fir,n, VCV U ll
0 "-M- 5?i
-t 'Ml'fl fe
v-'-t n in ... " -n
AA4AA4 ii A A A S
A A A 4 & 6 ft
" 3 0 u 1, 4 A A
A 68-plece Gold Coin initial uinner nei,
with your initial In gold, given away abso
lutely free with every cash or credit pur
chase cf JloO.Oi), or sold to you outright
for 8.75, on the extremely easy terms of
11.00 cash and $1.00 per month.
If you buy $100.00 worth during 1907 we
will give you a sot free and credit your
accouut with all amounts that you have
; i t
I. II l ( i al lu II ' II
ra i l 'lis
The ceremonial session of Tangier temple
Of the Nohlea of the Mystic Shrine, Oasis
of Omaha, will bo properly und decoroualy
observed on the evening of April Is at
7:30 o'clock In the Auditorium. The hanuuet
w ill be Ferved at the s mm evening.
The affair promises to tie one of the most
inieresiiiig, iniprehtive and elaborate
neia in umana
' ..w
C'j We are sole stents
Yi: for the famous Gur-
Oney line of Kefrigera
tois. We have handled
this same line for over
ten years. They Hre
made of the best se
lected and seasoned
ash mineral wool till
ed and are guaranteed
Ice savers. This week
we offer our special
refrigerator al
$2.00 Per Month Buys A
Pays for itself in the saving of
gas. We Guarantee that the Direct
Action Gas Range will reduce your
gas bill one-third or more. Broilers
are above the oven. Direct Action
Gas Ranges are ready for baking
the moment you light the gas. The
;5 most economical gas range you can
z buy. Direct Action Gas Ranges are
r not. nn PTiipriRP. thpv nr nn lnvest-
... 1 , j
r . i r-, . . il 1 i it i
meni. see uiem aemonsiraiea oniy
at The Peoples Store, first floor. Ill The
H H . H it H tl i) tl (1 (I t it ti ll tl
The Peoples Store Special
Bed Davenport
Can be had either In the golden oak or mahogany fin
ish. Works perfectly and can be operated by a child,
guaranteed not to get out of order, makes a splendid
davenport for use during the day and a soft and com
fortable bod during the night. The upholstering Is of
selected velour of a special pattern, over
springs that bear our positive guarantee.
We offer this useful aud sensible daven
port at the special price of
Terms: 93.60 Cash, 93.00 Monthly.
We are aole agenta for 1 ley wood Bros, and Wakefield
Go-Carts. Gurney Kef rlgorators. tdwell Kitchen Cabl
nets, Direct Action Gas Ranges, Insurance Gasoline
Stoves, also agents for the Fulton and the Rapid Fold
lng Go-Carts.
and bllxrims from ni ha.
fu I i i.h ..-Ill l. - . ... .
, ... ........ .r pies-ui inciuuing tiie
nn.. mio luiiii.iii i-airoi or bt. Joseph and
similar caravans tnnn 1 in,.,.i ,
Bluffs and c.sewhera.
A run 111 of committees including tho
ofliilal headsman, snenff. tooih extrm-ior
surgeons, medical examiners. Inquisitors
9 I alchemists and a special committee on
courtesy havo been appointed and armed
I ItK'id-ntiilly the matter of the Iaih An-
I geles pilgrimage will he discussed between
I times. This pilgrimage is hooked for Mav
2. and tiie Nobite of Tangier teninle will
! o cions the sands in special cars over ih
be.'lllt V Of 1 rnuu, Lucille on that date. '
Terms: 75c (,'nsh,
$2.00 Monthly.
$26 O
I o
3.90 o
! o
Peoples Store Special
K:tchen Cabinet
(Like cut) Positively worth $7. SO-$1.00 per
month. Another example of the I'e plea
Store's wonderful valuo giving. It's an
article that every woman appreciates. Haa
two large bins for Hour and other meals,
two good-sized drawers, a bread board and
meat boards; occupies the
space of a kitchen table and
has the room of a cupboard
Bpeciui sale price
We aril goods out
tif town on very easy
liaviucntx. Write for
our special rata
loKuen of Hefriger
atorg, (lo-Carti,
Kitchen Cablneta
and Gait Range.
I.aaiee w no are t. sirens cf trying these preparations and who would like
to ask questions conctrning them ttae pmp-r on. to s,, etc! can ob
tain all the lnf ormaiun tl.ey desire from tne youns ladiis in our Toilet le-paj-timnt.
Special for This Week
With every purchase of ary of Madam Vale's preparations to the amount
of 83c or ovei we are aitimi u:, d .. tlie ITIKI. OF ClIAKGfc. a large souvt-i lr
jar f Madam 1 ale s cel. In x t. . H.U fuod. r
Ladles unable to call may order ly n .'1 The skin food souvenirs and
beauty book will be included with each or. '.or.
Schaeter's Cut Trice Drug Stores
Omaha Cor. 15th and Douglas t.; nth and Chicago Pte. Booth Oman
N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sis. Coaneil Bluffs 6th Ave. and Mam Sta.
Boston Store Drurj Department.
Dnnahtrrs of the Confederacy. '
The Omaha chapter of the I'nlted nauah- '
tera of li e Confedi r. y held Its April in.-, t- '
lng Thursday evening at the home of Mr
and Mrs. . H I.avls. 2;2 Marnev street. I
1 hough several n, embers weie absent be- I
cause of sickness, the parlors were com- 1
foriably tilled, twenty-four pr-se-.t I
.ioiiiia um iiuiuoei weie several appli
cants for membership. The business n'eet
ing, with Mrs. Covell presiding, was fol
lowed by an iiu.-ret.iir g program which
had leen a-ranted by Mrs. G. 1.. TlradVy
and Miss Gruce Lavls. Mihs Minnie imvi.
gave a beu!iul study of Sidney Ijinier
bnd the Misses Kent rendered two pleaslr.g
piano numbers. Typical old-time refresh" '
meats were prettily served by Mrs. lavis
and her daughters, which called back
precious memories, and the excellencies and
dol'-eries of numerous "old black mam
mies' were affectionately dwelt upon. Tr.e
aifuir throughout was a most deligntfui one i
and continued until a late hour.
Ancient Krdrr l illril Workmen. i
North Omaha lodge No. Us met last '
Wednenlsy evening, at which time thlrtv i
uppiKa.ioiis w. Ti read and eight applicants
were obligated. The renuest of the degree
team to Increase Its membership was
granted. The decree team will hold Its reg-
uUr monthly dance at the Ancient Order i
of Cmted Workmen temple Wednesday,
April 17. for the benefit of the Ancient I
Order of U'nlted Workmen central comm.t
tee, to aaaial la entertaining the Grand i All of the Ancient Order of I'nited
Workmen and liegreo of ll.mor lodges ill
the city are invited to attend and assist
the central committee.
The central committee of the Degree of
Honor An. n ut order of I'mied Workmen
of this city ate dmng good work in visiting
and attending to the sick members of tho
Ancient order of I'nlted Workmen and
Degree of Honor of the state that have to
come to t lie hoiplials of the city for treat
mint, nnd rtive thim flowers and a word of
cheer. They intend to give a c ird parly
and soehil entrrtiinmeiit Thursday even
ing April Is. ut the Ancient Order of
Fulled Workmen hall, 11- North Fourteenth
s net. The proceeds will g to l.-lp eury
on the work. All mem!, -is of the order are
Invited to ut'eii.l ai d spend a pleasant and
en ' ivable e e'dng.
1-a'tton lo.lgo No. 173 will celebrate Its
seventeenth nnrilve: s n y at the Inhere rooms
Monday even nn. Members and frlendi are
coidUily Invited.
Itnyal ArlislM.
The degree staff of Omaha lodge No. 1
giive a t' irin-rs' daneo Tucni.t v night,
wilch was vrv lnnly attended. The
pio. i eds. to ov't r t ti, g. s Int-i
the degree team fund to defray tle-lr ex
pends to the next di-nrlcl convention,
which will I..: held In 8ui: Anto-iio. Ti x.
At ths meet'.ng next Tuonhiv night the
initiatory degree will be e.if.riid upm
a large number of new c indi hit. Kvery
nn-ii.h. r Is urged to be re-eiii at h o'l
8u;ren-e I'r-s '.l-nt I. tl. liinglit h-. Just
ri turned fr.'ni Illinois, where ho organlied
1 ..lui at Kloiuiiinton and Clinton, M.
Tin ie a re tie l.ri. l.nliies to be organized
in 1 1 is new in wh: h the
Achates has Just been admitted.
Next Thursday evening will lie social
nlsrhl for I'h.nnix lodge No. 3-3. Cards
will be the featuru for the tlrtt hour and
a half, to be followed by dancing Kill re
freshments. Six nice prizes have been se
lect, d for the beet o,re at the card
g im. s.
I'noenlx lodge be'.d a short business ses
sion Thursday t veiling and then kerved
coffee and doughnuts to its friends and
members. A vocal selection, "The Bird on
Nellie's Hat." was rendered most accept
ably by Miss Alice BUngerland. On the
evening of April 25 will Occur the regular
initiation of candidates by the degree staff,
fohowed by refreshments.
ladles of the Grand Army.
Garfield circle No. 11 held a largely at
tended meeting Friday evening. Two new
members were Initiated and two old vet
erans of the Otand Army bucame members.
A considerable portion of the evening was
spent In drill, preparatory to the depart
ment convention, to meet at Fremont next
month. It waa decided to give an enter
tainment and open meeting the evening of
Ap il X, for which a very attractive pro
gram Is being arranged. There will be
numerous special diversions, a gypsy camp
and other novelties, In addition to some
very appetizing refreshments.
Brotherhood of American Yeomen.
Omaha Homestead will celebrate Its first
anniversary with on open meeting and en
tertainment for the benefit of the drill In l'atterson hall, Seventeenth and streets, next Friday evening The
entertainment will be In charge of Messrs.
Kdward Krwln and Ernest R. Misner, Im
personators and public entertainers, as
sisted by local talent. Refreshments will
be served after tho program.
K ii Ik hla of Pythlaa.
Nebraska lodge No. 1 will prove two
s :uir, a in the rank of knight ut Mvrtli
hall, rifueniii and Douglas streets. Mon
day night. Final action will alao be tuken
at that time upon the recently proposed
Chang, in the bylaws. Visiting knlshts
are alway welcome.
Hoyal Arcanum.
At the meeting of Union Paclflo council
held In Creighton Institute hall Ttiuri-day
evening 8. V Hostwlck waa elected orator
an i K fc' Thompson wa elected to the
position of ctiaplaln made vecunt by the
advance of Mr. Hostwkk. I p. in assum
ing the Dew stallou Mr. lioetwick outlined
his plan of work for the balance of the
year. The council Is In a nourishing con
dition. Ten applications for membership
were reported.
Tuesday evening Overland council will
meet In Itarlght s hall and will be visited
by Supreme Orator liowen of Hhode
Island, who wili pass through Omaha next
Week en route to attend the grand council
session of Colorado, which Is to be held
at lKinver April 19.
The coming meeting of the gTand coun
cil of Nebraska, which Is to be held In
Omaha April Is attracting considerable
attention throughout the state. The rep
resentatives to the session will b accom
panied by numerous members of the or
der who will attend the largu class initia
tion on the evening of April Zi. In Creigh
ton Institute hall. The supreme regent will
Hgalu be represented upon that occasion by
K. A. Harbour of Springfield. Mo., and It
Is possible that Supreme Orator Bow.-n wiil
be present upon Ids return from Denver.
Woodmen of the World.
The ring of the axe was heard within the
circle of Seymour camp No. id last Wednes
day evening while the camp tins Illumi
nated the district circles of the forest by
the addition of new fuel to the smouldering
Colonel Forgan, one of Seymour's giants,
provoked much enthusiasm in relating his
success In the reorganization of the to be
famous Norfolk drill team.
To every lover of music, comedy and
vaudeville, the Wteh. string of Seymour s
door will be hanging on the outside next
Wednesday evening. James Samuel will
appear in his whistling and mimic stunt.
This of Itself Is suttii l.-iit to aura t every
lover of the barn yard The Dahlman t'.w
boy quartet is alsi booked to appear and
rend the air with voice und gun.
Alpha carnp No. 1. Woodmen of the
World. Bt its meeting last Tuesday even
ing initiated a class of candidate and re
ceived twelve new applh ationa The camp
expects to Initiate vA new candidates by
June 1. The committee having in (.hnrge
the production of "Alice In Wonderland"
at the Auditorium, April 'X and 27, reported
that they need about fifty uuyre pcrsvu
from 18 to 25 years of age to assist In ltd
production, rehearsal lor which would
commence) on Monday, April 15, for those
under M years of ate, a t Myrtle hall, la
tha Continental block, Flfteenta and Doug
las streets at 4 p. m. ; for those over lt
the hall on the second floor of the Kuhr
bough building, Nineteenth and Farnau
Hreets, has been secured and the time fo
rehearsal set at 7:So p. m. The cornmlilea
extends a cordial Invitation to the yarns;
people of Omaha, wheihex they belong ta
Alpha camp or not, to assist In the pro
ductlon. The production of the operetta at
llody s theater In l'jou, was pronounced a
wonderful performance by all who had tha
pleasure to witness it; It should be mad
doubly so now at the Auditorium.
Modern Woodmen of America,
neech camp No. 1404 wants the ueighbora
to sit up and take notice that on next
Friday evening tne committee will
an excellent musical, social and dunce
program. Also that ths Royal Neighbors
of Fern camp will be there. Members are
invited to bring their families and fi lends.
The general committee of arrangements
for Ducoiatlon ttay will meet lu the VVatof
board rouii s, city hail, Mondsy evening,
Apr.l 2 The final arrangements for the
pruiier obwsrvaiii of the day will be an
i uncoil at that time.
Omarut lodge No. iiil. Fraternal Union of
Ainiriia, will give a dance at Muller's hall,
Sevinteentii and inlon street, next Bat
urilny eveiiltujs.
The Naii.krow Dancing society has ar
rented lm a series of dance every BnU
urday evening at Washington hall, beg 111
ring with luext Saturday.
Mondamlu lodge Nix 111, Fraternal Union
of America, will hold Its regular meeting
Monday evening at Patterson hall. 1 big
l-jl-'f is eniuavorlng to Increase its memi
U-rshlp to i. and reaiie.sts the oo-opera
tion of all nieinlr toward that eQd.
Clematis camp No. IT; will give a dvnoa
in Vrenxer hnll, Tw nty-four'h n4
l'axkur streets, Tuesday wcnliicT, April U