Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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New York Alanufacturers Entire Sample Lines
Women's Stunning New 1907 Models In
y. j few Roadi lf&kt EtU That Cbeokt Grain
Shipments West
5 bilk, LacedjJet Waists
High-Clan Waists Actually
Worth from $7.50 up io $15
x i
Proportional Plan That Aided Omaha
aa a rrtinarr Market Abolished
In Urlrr to Ircnrr Trnflle for
I Wlnr lltr.
mu is the most elaborate and beautiful l it of Waists ever shown at special sale. AYo
l.oudit tin- entire sample lines of u prominent New York waist maker fur below their cost
oi' manufacture.
Dainty .Jumper Waists new ecru ami white net and lace Waists short, three-quarter
or lom; sleeves the very newest and smartest of trimming.
Fancy .Tap Silks French Taffetas Mescalines I'eau de Soies Taffetas, etc., etc.
Thursday will be the greatest waist bargain day in many years. Have you seeu the win
dow display T,
Railroad men sav the decision of the
Interstate Commerce commission In the
Union Pacific bridge ense cuts little figure
one way or the other because of tho action
of the roads In not giving
rates from Omaha east to grain which
originates In Iowa. The roads all ugreed
to discontinue April 1 the practice of let
ting the Iowa grain have the ume propor
tional rates which axe given to western
grain. It Is said this action on the part
of the roada has stopped the Iowa gram
from coming to Omaha.
Some of the roads mude a hard fight to
get these proportional rates to the east
v lant-ti any iiuni -'iiwtna. xnej we.e 11491
ft I
has) t'" n secured. The contractor said that
the ra.lroad hid Ftop;.ed all new work In
the I'nit 'il StUn an. I that Canada now
offered the best Held for their teams and
The association is composed of all sorts
of contract, is on railroad work, Including
cement workers, grader a and grading Im
plement manufacturers.
Heading- of llrrurd of Klrharda-4'nm-atork
t rials Mill ltir On Before
Jldir Jlnnirr,
All the Waists
worth up
All (lie Waists
worth up
t 15
go at
4 IhUrSttay in DranUClS Ha.lSl CCtlOn Second floor New Store s
Hew Store New goods. Clothing for
men and women, hats, shoos, furniture,
carpets, draperies, stoves. Ca-h or credit,
) t nlon Outnttinir Co., 1 31 5-lT-l 9 Farnam.
Board Will Organise Monday The new
lio'ird of Fire and Tollee Commissioners
will meet for organization next Monday
evening. This has been agreed on.
Baxter's Condition Unchang-ed The con
dition of Assistant Custodian Charles ftax
i t..r of the federal building continues un
. (iliunHed and Krave fears aro entertained
by tils friends thut ho may not survive his
pi i-sent lllneits of heart trouble.
Held for Recovery Delirious and In a
bad state mentally. Mel Webb was taken
to the police station Tuesday night by
friends and turned over to Desk Sergeant
Havey wlCi the request that he be held
a few days so he may recover-. The re
mist was granted and he was locked up.
Hotels Crowded According to the state
ment of hotel keepfr of Omaha In gen
eral, there has never been a greater need
for nore hotel accommodations In Omaha
than at present. All of the hotels are
crowded with tianslents and cots have to
be brought Into requisition for the uccom
lnodulloii of guests almost every night.
Wants Her Address KantI Micentl of
New Vork, a rec-ni arrival from Italy, ban
written the Omaha postofflce, asking the
iililri-ss f Mlm Lenu Mortixi n, ns he has
something of creat Importance to com-
Albert Ecjleman Gets an wful Bump Over
iltad From Flat.roa,
luuniiatM to her. Snntl Micentl gives his
uddn ts at U0-LT4 liighty-stxth street.
New Yolk City, In care of the Mualcul
Clark's Hew Stand The first floor of
the double store nt 1414 Harney street Is
being remodeled for the Walter (J. Clark
company, which will open a new eatabllsh
n nt ntNHit May 1st. for the wholesale
nnd retail sale of sporting goods. The
old show windows hive been demolished
and new ones will be Installed at consid
erable expense.
DK Checks Burg-lar A bull dog Is the
l.wii at the home of Q. Hervey,
North Fortieth street. When n bun;lar
pried open a window Tuesday night with
the purpose of gaining entrance the ani
mal nuulu n Fiulden attack from his station
on the Inside and tho burslar beat a in
tieat too hasty for dignity, but pleasant
fur bin pejee of mind.
rnaeral of Mrs. ZScXsan The funeral of
Mrs. Km ma McLean, the young wife of
IVnnl Ii'rlth lodges Sunday, April 14. A
public meetinc; will be held at the Metro,
politan club Sunday evening, at which Mr.
Mer will deliver the principal address.
A well selected musical program will h"
South Omaha Injunctions Two of tin'
South Omaha injunction suits now pend
ing in district court have bvn set for hear
ing next week. This fa in which Axel
Kiirgqutst Is seeking to prevent the present
school board f r in hiring teachers and
janitors until after the newly elected mem
bers have qualified, will be he, .id April ill
before Judge Kennedy. The Injunction the park commissioners la set
for April IS before Judge Hedlck atvd the
hearing by agreement will be on the merits
of the case.
Sam Adler Arrested Samuel Adler. pro
prietor of the Fair store 11 1 Twelfth and
Farnam streets, was arrested Wednesday
forenoon on a warrant sworn out by Theo
doo Koros, charging him with obtaining
money under false pretenses. Koros de
clared ho was made the victim of a swindle
In Adler's store by the proprietor in per
son. He said he purchased a revolver from
Adler for SI 6. but that when he left the
store found he had been given a cheap gun,
tho one he picked out having been
"switched'- when about to be wrapped up. I
Rloholas' Body Sent Home The body of Iii a" that damage."
I'aul K. Nicholas, the discharged soldier wasn't a woman that hit mm, en-
from the Eighteenth Infantry at Fort lightened Clerk Mahoney.
Leavenworth who died as he boat (led a T'18 tnroe were ubout to mako UP a po0'
Milwaukee train nt the Union depot Tues- OI the question of whether It was Mrs.
day morning, was sent to Spirit Lake. In., that Welded tho flat Iron or some
late Wednesday, upon Instructions from other man'8 wlfe- wnen Ju,,8e1 Cr'fonl
the family which lives nt Omaha Beach. tnp rport of ,,he ftrtl" ifcer-
near Spirit Lake, by Coroner Bralley, Baying Kdleman got hto a scrap with an
XT. . , , , , . . , , other fel ow at the Martin flats, Beven-
Mcholas hud been given an honorible dls- ...... . . , ,,,,
, ,, . ,,, . , ' teenth and Webster street Tuesday night,
charge upon a disability certificate from j . . . . . . ,,
... , . and the fellow, who had probably been up
the surgeon, after eight years of credit- aKa,ngt u,e dome(ltlc BtrUKg,0 In crowded
able service In the army. j quarteri, bpfore and knew how t0 act emu.
Tonng Kennedy An Artist A pastel j lated the example of the wife In such In
drawing of a banket of pansles displayed 1 stances and grabbed a flatlron. He sent It
In a window of The Dennett campany flying through the air until It collided with
was drawn by William Kennedy, Jr., son Kdleman's head, ripping a furrow In the
taken out by a couple of the roads, but
j other roads standing pat, they were forced
' to again reinstate the rates. I'rtssure wa?
' finally brought to btur on the Iowa lines
' and all agreed to abolish the proportional
rates on Ion a grain, beginning Apr.l 1.
This was one of the hardest blows the
Omaha Grain exchange hud ever received.
1 as It cut out practically u 11 Iowa grain fr m
' the Omaha market. It la now cheaper
j 10 snip grain rrom tne sindiiir towns in
S Iowa direct to Chicago than to ship through
! the Omaha market, as was formerly done.
j A very small amount of grain now conies
y j to Omahu from western Iowa, as It can be
ft I shipped to Kansas City on the proportional
ij I rates, but not to points beyond, the same
ruling applying to points In the south as tj
Chh mo. This concession In favor of grain
to Kansas City Is of no practical value, us
there Is no market there for the grain.
Some oT the grain men are hopeful that
some road will again come to the help of
the Omaha grain market and make the
proportional rates apply on Iowa grain.
Just what road will make this move Is not
known, but there Is a rumor that some
road will do It before time for heavy grain
shipments In the falL
Very lit tie of general Interest develoiwd
In the lurd trial now on before Ju.lge T. C.
Manger Wednesday morning. The same
monotonous weurifouic of reading f testl
nioi y from the lUchards & Comstock case
wns gone through with, with Mr. Rush and
Mr. truss altei ruling in the reading, with
occasional objections of a technical nature
beltu interjected by ci unsel for the defense,
as a basis for future action.
It war. txitited that some of the Iowa
witnisMs, who had direct doiiling with
Huntington, lloyt or Todd wiuld testify the forenoon, but the delay In the
arrival of Irving 1. Hull and James Hull,
who arc the aliened go-between In the
cases, relating to the three defendants and
the soldiers ullneeses from Iowa neces
sitated the pn-: po: einent of exported 04 ol
testimony for Wednesday morning. A dozen
or more of the-.e Iowa witnesses are al
ready in Omaha to give- In their evidence
when necessary. These are men who were
brought diieit to the oflices of Hunting
Li n and lloyt at Gordon and who were
located within the Spade rnvch enclosure
by the defendants. Several of wit
nesses did not test fy in the Richards &
Conistock cases. The purpose tt Introduc
ing their evidence is to show the connection
of Todd. HuntihKion and H yt with the
general conspiracy aa alleged In the lndkt
1111 nt
UnglnK I.lon of Tuesday Sight Is Mild
as miner lOrvnlns's Latest
Blah When tolled Before
His Honor.
Albert Kdleman had been struck on the
head with a tlutiron, Wednesday morning
he was before the bar of the "C, P." to be
punished for being so careless as to get
iu the way of such a missile. His head wan
swathed In bandages and the laundry tool
had evidently made a deep Impression on
his cranium. He stepped before his honor
showing plainly the weight that had been
on his mind. Court Sergeant Vanous ob
served the havoc which had ben wrought
on the prisoner and then craned his neck
to look over the crowd.
"Watche lookln' fer?" asked "Paddy"
Hinn, bailiff.
"I was just looking for the woman that
Men Who
I n We
Do Heavy Railroad Work
for Malnal Protection
and Advantage.
Railroad contractors of the middle, west
have formed an association In Omaha which
bids fair to become national in its char
acter. The title of the association is the
National Association of Railroad Contrac
tors, and the offices and club rooms are
In the old United States National bank
building. The officers' are T. F. Stroud,
president; E. B. Winn, vice president; J.
A. Ashley, secretary, and J. A. Cropland,
The members of the association are J.
W. Crowley of Davenport, la.; T. F. Stroud,
P. J. Peterson, Jerry Punlay, El. B. Winn,
Charles Tompkins, Fred Peterson, John
Peterson, D. Trendway of Wall Lake. J.
A. Freeland, Ed Peterson, R. K. Moody
of Lawrence, Kan.; Pave, Tom and J. Fitz
gerald, Tim O'Keefe, J. H. Ooodman, Harry
Nicholson, A. J. Kane and Chris Lnehren.
The object of the association Is for the
mutual benefit of the members, to provide
means of keeping track of new work
which may be ready for bids, to provide
rooms for social intercourse, and rooms
where visiting contractors may tlnd a desk
at which to work while, In the city, and to
A Bargain
H1 For eut-of-Iown
1 .r
SUPERB is the only word that describes
this suit. The fabric is equal to that used
in the most expensive garments. It is cut in
three button half-round style, is splendidly
tailored and very stylish. It would be hard to
duplicate this suit under $20. You may have
it in modest gray over plaids; or dark blue
worsteds with dainty pin-point eftect in white
not too fancy, just right for most men. We
make this price because we want to sell a large
number of these suits. We would rather have
a small profit on five hundred suits than a
large one on one hundred. It's better for us
and saves you shout $5.00 on this suit. Regu
lar sires 34 to 44 inch chest measure. We can
fit extra stout or extra
slim men, you cannot
a better bargain for
Llirsi iiira.ui l , u .mi
Gry lot P. una ... . 1
D.rk blue. Let l'-l4o9 This is only one or out many bargains
Samplrs of soocln urn! en rrqur.t.
Some Routine nnslnesN Attended to
at Tormlny KveninsT's
Resides appointing a city engineer Tues
day evtning the city council passed a few
An ordinance was Introduced making It
a misdemeanor to kill squirrels within the
city limits or to disturb their nests. It
was resolved to take J.'-1) from the miscel
laneous fund to help defray expenses in
cidental to Memorial day exercises.
t' ltcdford introduced a resolu
tion declaring the necessity of requiring
the City Garbage oifnpany to remove all
buildings and obstructions from the east
end of Iaemvorth street, this being In
connection with the proposed establishment
of a general gaibnge dumping gTound at
this point.
The city clerk was authorized to ndver
tlse five dajs for bids for a contract for
the removal of dead animals and for an
other contract for removal of garbage.
The official bonds and oaths of John L.
Kennedy. E. C. Page nnd W. M. Glller.
recently appointed members of the Hoard
of Fire and Police Commissioners, were
reported on file In city clerk's office.
twenty years, who committed suicide by
taking carbolic add Sunduy evening, was
held Wednesday morning. Interin-iit being
at St. Mary's cemetery. The services took
place at the home of a sister of the dead
woman, Mrs. Stangenberg. 141$ South
Sixteenth street, at 10 o'clock.
B Nil B'rlth Head Julius H. Meyer or
Milwaukee, president of the district grand
'edge No. ly Independent Order of B'nal
fl'rlth will puy an official visit to the local
The triumphant result of forty
years of earivest errort, devoted
entirely to the science of pure
"oods, is
letter's scalp. Then he made his getaway.
Someone telephoned for the police during
the fracas, but when the officers arrived
they found no one but the bleeding Edle-
man and took him to Jail, where his wounds
were dressed by Police Surgeon Arnaut.
"I guess I'll let you go," said the Judge,
but next time you want to pick out a
weapon worthy of your metal to butt your
head against, like a bullet, (or Instance."
John Jacob JTober Ewq., greatly mollified
nnd sans the valorous spirit the polloe and
Ijc-ttle Flnnegan, 1012 Capitol avenue, ac
cused him of having possessed the previoua
In district court Wednesday. The -affidavits 1 evening, stepped meekly from without the
by Bridges and Sheldon are Intended to , foul! pen to confront the oourt. It was hard
show the necessity for a viaduct on Thlrtl- to believe the terrible tale the witnesses
eth street und the one by Cfty Attorney repeated to his honor regarding him and
Hurriam consists of a story of the meeting ; hie. prowess of the night before. But this
of the city council at whb h Thirtieth street 1 was the morning after.
was vacated November 23, 1S04, appearing ! Hcher whs charged with having been
In The Bee. The article shows a. W'. Wat- I drunk and disturbing the peace by flghtln,y,
ties who appeared nerore tne council for Lottie suid he raised what In common
of the advertising manager of The Ben
nett company, Kennedy, flls. Is thirteen
years of ako and has manifested soma
1 talent for drawing. The pansles referred
to were urawn arter Having seen tnem in
a florist window. His father gave him
the price of the basket of flowers, but
when he reached the store that particu
lar desls'n was sold. He then drew tho
picture from memory.
Affidavits In Vladnct Case Affidavits by
Councilnien W. S. Sheldon and Lee
Bridges and City Attorney Rurnam were
filed In the grain terminals Injunction case
the Grain Terminals company made the
statement that the council could provide
a safe crossing at Thirtieth street at any
Sherman U McConnell'a Hew Stand The
store at the northwest corner of Sixteenth
and Harney streets, which has been occu
pied for some flnie by the Central Market
company, was vacated Wednesday morn
ing to make way for the new drug store
of Sherman 4c MeConncll. Tho Central
market has been consolidated with the
1 parlance and expressive English Is called
a rough house. She had hud many such In
I the course of her checkered career, but
1 this cno was something of an Improvement
I on nil predecessors, and she called the
police none too soon, ere hruse had been
scattered about the street.
Rut Heber was different, now. Clearly
the courage he had so recently displayed
to his own glory was of the artificial kind
which comes d. ne up in flaske. He could
ho led about by the colored Janitor and
! it nm.nt of the Bennett company ' Tatrolman Ed Morrison could have raised
1 .. the. a r9 IS Im u-HK Amra- T mmmA
on. i:ii,..r.itA mnrovenipnts win ha' -"r. i "'"
n suniiio iu r mi mm, i u i uis nu mr
had to do somAthln, and therefore In a bew
Its superiority over other Cereal
'cods cannot be questioned. It
is the kind of food that strength
ens and assists in establishing
healthy action of the bowels.
IO cantM a package.
For sale by Oreoers 48
trade before the premises are occupied by
1,. i,u. ,i..,,ir Ht.-ire. The corner store and
..." , , , ,.m i tone so as not to break the news too ab
that adjoining were leased some time t ., . ..
ago by Sherman & McConnell. but pos
session cannot be had of the adjoining
storo until the expiration of a lease, which
runs for about one year longer. Both
stores will be consolidated Into a mam
moth retail and wholesale drug establlsh-
ruptly. be murmured softly, "Foliar and
costs," and the gladiator's experience was
Z enpposa the fear of pain keepa
more people from giving their
tssth proper attention than any
other cabse.
By using the helps whioh modern
sctsnce has recsaily contributed,
to the relief of dental pain, I am
able to make almost STery opera
tion free from actual pain, and
absolutely free from tha old time
deatal discomforts.
Thone Doug. 137.
Thomas Prake was born too late In the
1 hist ry of the world. It Is only In books
telling of days long past that men gr about
searching highways and byways, saloons
and alleys, with a revolver In one hand
looking for some certain person to put "off
Hut perhaps Prake didn't know that.
When he became sufficiently Intoxicated
Tuesday he provided hlinsrlf with a gun
and went out after Fred Pusch of the
Itimfh Teaming rnmrmnv Th. vim wa n'l
This gigantic purchase It a most fortunate , '
difference. He didn't find his quarry until
j Detective Dunn found him and presently
: he found himself Ignomlniously ensconsed
! behind prison bars with u lot of hoboes.
And In the morning Judge Crawford taught
YV Look Ont for It lieiimn t Ism.
The grip has been unusually prevalent
during the past winter, and In many cases
Is likely to be followed by an attack of
muscular rheumatism. This Is tho most
common variety of that disease and least
dangerous. There is no swelling of the
Joints and the pain is not so excruciating
as In acute or Inflammatory' rheumatism.
It Is sufficiently severe to disable a man,
however, and every movement Increases
the pain. Keep as quiet as possible and ap-
Army of k 1 ed Mechanics Will be Fust
1 ur.Lir,
lluilillnK Trndes Are All Pushed
1.1 in M, Willi Plenty In Mailt
to Make n Full Summer
Dly Chamberlain's Pain Halm freelv with
help keep one another In touch with new, , thorough massage, and you are certain
One of the largest grading outfits In this
section not now at work 1 about to move
to Canada, where a large railroad contract
to get cjulck relief.
Now Is the time to make your wants
knowr through The Hee Want Ad paga.
A bigger force of skilled workmen
artisans and laborers than ever worked in
Omaha will he busy during the season just
ojening. Tills army of builders will be en
gaged in the erection of structures of per
manence and substantialneaa.
This statement is on the authority of
Secretary Urlgg of the Omaha Hulldeis'
exchango and the opinion of the leading
contractors of the city.
Work already laid out Is of a nature
which shows that Omaha Is becoming a
city of permanence. In former years build
ings were thrown together, often with only
an eye to Immediate use. Now the men
with money are putting it Into structures
which shall endure during the years to
come. First cost i less considered lhan cost
per annum in the lifetime of a well con
structed building.
Prices of material have advanced only
very slightly during the last year, this
being particularly noticeable In lumber.
Shortage exists In the supply of locally
manufactured brick. Six firms In Omaha
manufacture brick. These are aU working
at full blast and still the fact remains that
more than two-thirds of the brick put Into
Omaha buildings last year came from
Neither a scarcity nor an oversupply of
I labor exists and to crown all these pleas
ant conditions in the building world, the
dove of peace with a sprig of laurel In Its
bill hovers over capital and labor. A die
position Is noted on the part of contractors
to be liberal In considering of what hire the
laborer Is worthy.
Wages paid to men In the building trades
In Omaha now are as follows: Masons,
6J'4 cents; carpenters, 30 to 46 cents, ae
cordlng to ability; Iron setters, 4TS cents;
plasterers. K24 cents; lathers, 43 cents;
tile setters, SO cents; plumbers and steam
fltters, Ci cents; stonecutters and setter
SO cents; painters, 46 cents; sheet metal
workers, 40 to 50 cents; electricians, 40 cents;
laborers and hodcarrlers, 3 to 30 cents.
These prices are all for an eight hour day.
Much building of suburban residence
will be done during the summer, particu
larly In the West Farnam and Benson dis
tricts. In the district nearer the center ol
the city many Hats are to be erected.
State Convention of the Order Will
Convene In Omaha, Neat
The state convention of the I,adles of the
Maccabees will legln In Omaha April 21
and will continue until April 14. Distin
guished visitors from outside the state arc
expected to attend, Including Supreme Com.
mander Markey of the Knights of the
Maccabees and other supreme officers. Th
convention will begin with a theater rartjr
the evening of April "2 at the Burwood.
The following day tho convention proper
will assemble, at Harlgiit'a hall. Nineteenth
and Farnam, and In the evening a Joint
meeting with the Knights of the Maccabees
will be held at Washington hall. Judge
Sutton will preside and Supreme Com
mander Markey will be one of the speak
ers. April 24 Omaha tents of the order
will hold a special review from the supreme
Entire Sarplas Stock of Men's Cloth
ing Bought from S. H. Marks A
Co, 14 Waverly PI, Sew Vork.
stroke of enterprise. We secured at an
extraordinary bargain tho entire surplus
stock of men's up-to-date spring clothing
from the famous house of S. H. Marks &
Co. of New Vork.
Next Saturday we will sell these high j nlm ,h(, mcral and the le8g0n to th, tun,
grade suits at far below their value. Bee , cf j10 gnlj coats.
the window display. m re particulars
later. J. L. PRANOKI3 SONS.
Jap Rose bat
kind of water
strongest point.
snip lathers freely In all
For use In bard water Its
Kirk's druggists, gn cers.
I3S Bee Bids'.
A.N 4l.l anil Wr.I.l-T IUF.I) KF.MKDV
von OVER sixty ittm
kas tn t.J for or SIXTY YEARS bj Mil,
LI N at MOTH gn 3 for their CHll l'KCN WHiLS
1M.C1H1M) t'HH riHrsvr gin ir
looilifci in ihiili. .r.i.-TKNS It CLimA, Ao
LAYS ill TAIN. ( IKES WINU COLIC, anil u tt
fe. ,t rUM-lr lilAriH lloKA. Si4 by cnifftau
to ary pan ur ( ttivld IM sura a fur
It cost Ieonard Welton 5 and Incidental
expensed to start a tight with J. J. Wobble,
1SI3 Dorcas street. When' Welton got
through doing all the fighting he was In
clined to. Wobble calmly walked to the
police station, swore out warrant for the
arrest of his assailant on the charge of
assault and battery, and an officer led Wel
ton to Jail, while he was obliged to listen
while the story of his lrrltableness was re
lated to the assemblage In court, and be
sides pay all the cost of the entertainment.
If you have anything to trade advertise
It in the For Exchange tuluinus of The
JlltS. V1-XIAJW; hOOllllMi SVltlP J Uee Want Ad rK.
WHEN a country becomes civilized it
demands typewriters. When it becomes
posted on comparative values it demands
wmmm f
The fact that the Smith Premier Typewriter
is used in every civilized country on the globe is
not so important as the further fact that the
demand increases year after year.
The reputation of the Smith Premier is
world-wide. World-wide use has made it so.
Branches Everywhere